CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH City Hall THURSSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016 2200 A I A South 6:00 P.M. St. Augustine Beach, FL 32080







1) Review of Preparations for Arbor Day 201 7 Celebration with Ms. Hala Laquidara, Events Coordinator

2) Report by Alternate Jeanette Smith Concerning Planting of Palm Trees Along Boulevard

3) Other Tree Board Matters


1) Development of Landscaping Plan on Right-of-Way in Front of Alvin's Island

2) Reports by Members:

A. Parkette Signage: Ms. Krempasky

B. Hiring a Landscape Architect: Ms. Frantzen

C. of Developing for Presentation to the City Commission of the Good, better, and Best Projects for First Year of Five-Year Boulevard Beautification Plan: Ms. Lombari

3) Discussion of Proposing to the Planning Board a Date for Meeting to Discuss Potential Uses of Plazas

4) Other Beautification Advisory Committee Matters


IX. ADJOURNMENT ******** NOTE: The agenda material containing background for this meeting is available in pd/format on the City's website,, at no cost or on a CD upon request at the City Manager's office for a $5 fee. Adobe Acrobat Reader will be needed to open the file.

NOTICES: In accordance with Florida Statute 286.0105: "If any person decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any matter considered at this scheduled meeting or hearing, the person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Manager's Office not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address provided, or telephone 904-471-2122, or email [email protected]. MEMORANDUM

TO: LeaAnn Lombari, Chair Tanya Frantzen, Vice Chair Ann Palmquist Craig Thomson Alex Farr Sandra Krempasky Lonnie Kaczmarsky Mary Beth Hutchinson (Alternate) Jeanette Smith (Alternate) ,- FROM: Max Royle, City Man~;faJL----

DATE: February 13, 2017

SUBJECT: Information for February 23rd Meeting

The information in this memo is provided in the same sequence as the topics on the agenda.


Each February, you elect your Board/Committee leaders for the calendar year. Nominations do not require a second.


A. Review of Preparations for Arbor Day

Because the second Friday in April is Good Friday, Arbor Day will be scheduled for the st rd third Friday, April 21 , starting at 5:30 p.m. Ms. Laquidara will be at your February 23 meeting, to explain the plans developed thus far for Arbor Day.

8. Report re: Planting of Trees Along the Boulevard

At your January 27th meeting, you decided that certain members would head specific projects. Ms. Smith is heading the Avenue of Palms project and can provide an update report on its progress.


A. Landscaping Plan on Right-of-Way in Front of Alvin's Island

At your January meeting, Mr. Thomson undertook responsibility for this project. He can bring you up to date on its progress.

A We've attached, as pages 5-8, information provided by Mr. Ken Cheek, landscape architect for the Florida Department of Transportation. Also, attached as page 9 is Mr. Thomson's proposed landscaping plan for the right-of-way.

Matters to consider concerning a landscaping plan: a. the owner of Alvin's Island will review the plan before it is implemented to make certain he agrees with it and that the proposed landscaping doesn't block his sign or the line-of-sight for vehicles exiting his property; b. the plan must be submitted to FOOT for a permit; c. trees that may grow in height into the overhead power lines must be placed at locations away from the lines.

B. Reports by Members

Also, at your January meeting, you decided that Ms. Krempasky would be in charge of developing signage for the plazas and Ms. Frantzen would be in charge of hiring a landscape architect. We've added Ms. Lombari to the list of members providing reports. You approved a motion at your January meeting to allow her to present a good, better, and best plan for the first year of the Five-Year Beautification Plan to the City Commission. She may have an update for you on how far along she is with developing the three options for the first-year plan. By the date of you February meeting, it will be too late to put the topic on the agenda for the Commission's March 5th meeting. However, it could be on the agenda for the Commission's April 3rd meeting.

C. Date for Meeting with the Planning Board to Discuss Potential Uses of the Plazas

At your January 27th meeting, you approved a motion to arrange a workshop with the Planning Board. Because the members of that Board, like you, are busy, we suggest you meet with the Planning Board at one of its regular meeting. It meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The Board's March meeting will be held on March 21 st .

The City Manager requests that you decide the reasons you are asking to meet with the Board and exactly what you want to discuss with them.


The Commission room is not available on the following dates in March:

Monday, March 5th , City Commission

Tuesday, March 14th, Civic Association

Tuesday, March 21 st , Planning Board


It is:

a. Tree Removal Permits B Page 10 is a list from the Building Department Official of his decisions as of January 13th concerning such permits.

b. Money for Projects

As of the end of January, 2017, there is $8,800 in the landscaping/tree fund.

Also, in the Beautification Projects account in the Road/Streets budget, $23,872 remains of the $25,000 appropriated by the City Commission, for capital projects, while $19,013 remains in the Landscaping Plants and Supplies account out of an appropriation of $20,000.



Chair Lombari called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.


Member Farr led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present: Chair LeaAnn Lombari, Vice Chair Tanya Frantzen, Member Craig Thomson, Member Alex Farr, Member Sandra Krempasky, and Member Jeanette Smith.

Member Ann Palmquist and Member Lonnie Kaczmarsky were absent.

Also Present: City Manager Max Royle, Building & Grounds Foreman Tom Large, and Recording Secretary Dariana Fitzgerald.


Chair Lombari introduced Item IV and then asked for a motion.

Motion: To approve the Board/Committee minutes for November 17, 2016. Moved by Member Krempasky. Seconded by Member Thomson. Motion passed unanimously.


A. Continuation of Discussion with FPL Representatives of Company's Tree Trimming Practices

Florida Power & Light Area Manager Jim Bush & Arborist Davis DeWitt discussed their notification process for customers when tree trimming is to be performed on or near their property. Mr. Bush provided the Board with an example of a notification letter (Exhibit A) and door hanger (Exhibit B). He explained that the letter would be sent out by FPL for large projects involving many customers and the door hanger would be placed by the contractor for smaller, more targeted projects. Mr. DeWitt explained that the door hanger directs customers to contact the contractor scheduled to do that work and concerns are then forwarded to FPL if necessary, where the letter directs customers to the FPL care center.

- 1 - Mr. De Witt explained that there is a refusal process should an owner not Want a tree on their property removed. Mr. Bush confirmed that FPL is responsi'b le for work performed by contractors they hire.

The Committee discussed concerns about the communication process and lack of notification. Additionally, they discussed the palm trees that were removed along Mickler Boulevard before taller poles were placed and whether that was necessary. The Committee expressed concerns that a similar action could occur along AIA Beach Boulevard and that palms planted as part of the Aven.ue of Palms project could be removed without notification.

Mr. Bush and Mr. DeWitt stated that FPL's policy is to attain 3 years' growth worth of clearance around the line instead of removing everything like some power companies do. If a contractor trimmed more extensively than FPL's arborists directed them to without reason, they are then responsible for damages to FPL and FPL has a responsibility to the property owner.

Mr. Bush explained that the poles are joint use between FPL and local telecommunication companies (Comcast, AT&T, etc.). Each company must transfer their own lines from an old to a new pole.

Mr. Bush expressed willingness to work with the Committee and Public Works to determine ideal locations to plant new trees.

There was brief discussion of underground lines. Mr. Bush explained that since they are a regulated utility, there are tariffs that must be paid to the state for underground lines. Some municipalities are willing to pay that tariff for underground lines. He further explained that underground lines tend to experience fewer interruptions, but when repairs are needed it takes much longer to reestablish service since the line must be dug up and examined until the fault is found.

Mr. Bush addressed Member Palmquist's suggestion from the November 17th meeting regarding using mulch generated by trimming within the City. Foreman Large stated that Public Works does not have the storage for mulch at this time, however, should they get that space in the future, they would be open to making use of that mulch.

The Committee invited Mr. Bush and Mr. DeWitt to up a booth at the City's Arbor Day celebration.

B. Discussion with Mr. Steve Edmonds, Owner of Alvin's Island Property, of Plan to Landscape Public Right-of-Way in Front of Business

Mr. Edmonds did not attend the meeting.

Chair Lombari suggested a member be assigned to each of the fiscal year 2017 projects to better facilitate communication.

- 2 - The Committee decided that Member Krempasky would head the parkette signage project, Member Thomson would head the Alvin's Island landscaping project, Member Smith would head the A venue of Palms planting, and Vice Chair Frantzen would look at hiring a landscape architect to assist with the planned projects.

The Committee discussed having a workshop in the conference room in the City Manager's office to discuss these projects.


A. Progress Report by Mr. Tom Large of the Public Works Department Concerning the Planting of Palm Trees at Certain Locations Along Al A Beach Boulevard

The Board reviewed the December I, 2016 memorandum from Public Works Director Joe Howell. Foreman Large confirmed that Public Works currently has 28 palms on hand to plant, one died since the count of 29 in Director Howell's memo. Member Thomson provided handouts showing satellite views of potential planting sites (Exhibits C & D) and the Committee discussed the planting sites referenced in Director Howell's memo.

The Board discussed additionally planting by the cleared lot on the east side of AIA Beach Boulevard between 5th & 6th Streets instead of waiting for the property owner to do so. Foreman Large expressed concern that the trees may end up being planted too low after the property owner adds fill to construct on the lot.

Motion: To accept the recommendations from Public Works Director Joe Howell's memorandum, dated December I, 2016, for the planting of sabal palms, but to also include the east side of AIA Beach Boulevard between 5th & 6th Streets. Moved by Member Thomson. Seconded by Member Smith. Motion passed unanimously.

B. Other Tree Board Matters

The Board discussed plans for planting trees in front of Alvin's Island at the southern intersection of SR AIA and AIA Beach Boulevard.

There was discussion of other types of trees that might be planted such as oak, magnolia, and crepe myrtle. The Committee touched on the topic of wells and irrigation for new plantings as well.

The section of 2nd Avenue from pt to 3rd Street was mentioned as a possible location for planting oak trees since there was already a deep artesian well in the area. Chair Lombari mentioned that there was animosity from the residents in that area when the community garden was active there and when the topic of public parking in the area was brought up. They also mentioned the possibility of extending the service range of that well to nearby streets.

Tree Board Matters were closed at 7:51 p.m.


A. Discussion of the Planning Board's Possible Proposal to Use Plazas for Parking

City Manager Royle explained that the Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Board has been looking at potential solutions to the City's parking shortage and use of the City's plazas was suggested at one of their meetings. The Comrnittee discussed the possibility that the City had to maintain a minimum amount of parking spaces to meet with possible state or federal requirements. They also briefly discussed the issue of buffering between current and potential parking lots and adjacent neighborhoods.

Motion: To discuss arranging a workshop with the CPZB regarding the potential uses of the city plazas. Moved by Member Thomson. Seconded by Member Frantzen. Motion passed unanimously.

The Committee came to a consensus that they are opposed to using any plazas as parking that are not already designated for parking. Some members mentioned that they may consider it as part of a comprehensive parking plan.

B. Discussion of Signage for the Plazas

Member Krempasky stated that we will need to look into who owns the rights to the artwork used for the City welcome signs to see if and how much it would cost to obtain the rights to use the design. Once the cost of the artwork rights, if any, is known she can work with Public Works to refine the design and ask for quotes.

C. Other Beautification Advisory Committee Matters

Chair Lombari stated that elections for Chair & Vice Chair will occur at the ne:>..1 regular meeting.

The Committee discussed Building Official Gary Larson's memorandum dated December 5, 2016 regarding the alleged code violation by Mango Mango's. City Manager Royle explained that the Code Enforcement Board · was designed to render a final judgement on alleged violations brought to the Board by the Code Enforcement Officer. Chair Lombari requested further clarification on the CEB's purpose and judgement process from the City Attorney.

Motion: To bring the Mango Mango's violation report directly to the Code Enforcement Board. Mov:ed by Member Farr. Seconded by Member Krempasky. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion: To allow Chair Lombari to present a good, better, best plan to the Commission on the First Year projects in the Five Year Plan. Moved by Member Farr. Seconded by Member Krempasky. Motion passed unanimously.

Beautification Advisory Committee Matters were closed at 8:15 p.m.

- 4 - From: Cheek, Kenneth [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 10:09 AM To: Max Royle Cc: Walker, Connie; Bright, Benjamin Subject: RE: Landscaping on SR-AlA


Thank you for reminding me about the City's request. This was a tricky situation in that we do not have definitive right of way location without staking the property. However based upon my conversation with our Right of Way Department it looks like this is the line.

- 5 - Having said that I would like COSAB to consider a couple of things.

1. Whenever the Departernnt landscapes on public property that shares some interest with a private development/business the Department takes the private entinity into account. In other words be cautious not to plant anything that may block Alvin's Island sign/storefront. They could cry foul on the proposal and blame loss of business on COSAB and it would be a shame to have a public battle over something that could have been worked out up front. I would certainly recommend COSAB share their goals with private owner to come to terms with an agreeable solution. 2. There are overhad power lines at the back of the right-of-way. All power companies have set back requirements so you may be hard pressed to plant trees in this location but without knowing this utility's set back that is hard to say. Have your folks look into it before proceeding.

(See picture below for graphics)

- 6 - ,. ~ 1inn~Dlxie

Regarding what the Department would allow. The City is free to consider any/all landscaping provided it meets all line of sight, clear zone and any other safety requirements. The Districts does not recommend trees for the 2 reasons outlined above but the final decision is up to the COSAB and if you can work out the differences between the 2 other owners behind the right-of-way. Please contact Mrs. Connie Walker at the following number to pursue a Maintenance Landscape Permit:

Connie B. Walker FOOT Maintenance Permits Manager

(90 ) 825-5023 Work connie:[email protected]

I hope this helps. Thanks for your interest in landscaping. Hope your City didn't suffer too much damage last month. I sure thought of you.

- 7 - Sincerely,

Ken Cheek, RLA District Landscape Architect Florida Department of Transportation Consultant Project Management Office 1109 South Marion A venue, MS 2004 Lake City, FL 32025-5874 office: (386) 961-7453


From: Max Royle (mailto:[email protected] Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 6:37 AM To:Cheek, Kenneth Subject: Landscaping on SR-AlA

Ken, I sent to you an aerial of the right-of-way in front of the business, Alvin's Island on SR-AlA in my city. The Beautification Committee wants to landscape the area. The Committee will meet on November 17th and will ask me for a report. Any guidance from you as to what the FDOT will permit be planted on that right-of-way? Max

- 8 - - 9 - A&K Land Planning & Design Inc.

Phone: (904) 476-9692 2621 Sunrise Ridge Lane, Jacksonville, Fl. 32211 E-mail: [email protected]

February 6, 2017

Tanya Frantzen, AIA AR97327 LEED AP BD+C, GGP

7563 Philips Highway, Building 500 Jacksonville, FL 32256 Phone: 904-296-5701 Fax: 904-296-6102 Cell: 904-625-7117 [email protected]

Re: Right of Way in front of Alvin's Island Beach Shop

Tanya Frantzen:

A & K Land Planning & Design is pleased to submit the following proposal.


The purpose of this project is to provide data assimilation, design services, and city approved documents for the parcel.


Comprehensive Landscape Architectural services to provide the following:

Task 1: Site Survey Data Assimilation

A & K Land Planning & Design requires a base plan to be provided by either a surveyor or an aerial photo per Infinity Design Buolders. This base plan will be used to generate all landscape drawings for the purpose of owner approved drawings and details.

Task 2: Preliminary Design (60% Complete Drawings)

Upon completion of the civil engineering drawings, A & K Land Planning & Design will prepare a preliminary landscape design for the parcel to meet owner requirements. This will constitute the 60% complete set of drawings. Comments generated from the review will be incorporated into the final design. - 10 - February 6, 2017 Page 2

Task 3: Construction Documents (100% complete drawings)

Following receipt of the comments from the 60% submittal, A & K Land Planning & Design will incorporate owner comments into the final plan set. This plan set constitutes the 100% complete documents. These documents will be presented to the owner for a final review and will include the Mitigation Plan (as needed), Landscape Plan, Irrigation Plan, and required drawing details and notes. A revised cost estimate will also be submitted with this set reflecting any changes made from the 60% submittal.

Task 4: Meetings and Construction Observation

A & K Land Planning & Design will charge an hourly rate of $115.00 per hour for meetings and construction observation.


A. 60% plan set B. 100% plan set


Landscape: $1,000 (Landscape Plan, and Landscape Details) Irrigation: $1,000 (Irrigation Plan, and Irrigation Details) (does not include surveyor, if needed)

The total fee for this assignment work is $2,000.00 + meetings at $115 per hour. This lump sum fee will be billed to monthly on a percentage complete basis. Revisions due to owner comments will be done a maximum of one time at no extra cost. Upon a second revision due to owner comments extra fees will be charged at an hourly rate of $115.00 per hour. A & K Land Planning & Design will charge an hourly rate of $115.00 per hour for meetings and construction observation.

Please call me if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss any aspect of this proposal in more detail. Sincerely, A & K LAND PLANNING & DESIGN Kris Reed, RLA Project Manager Acceptance Signature


February 7, 2017

Tanya Frantzen, AIA Infinity Design Builders 7563 Philips Highway, Building 500 Jacksonville, FL 32256

RE: Proposal for Landscape Architectural Design Services for St Augustine Beach from A1A to Versaggi- Jacksonville, Florida

Dear Tanya,

This letter is to serve as the scope of services offered by Janet 0. Whitmill, R. LA for the above referenced project. The landscape architectural design services are as follows:

Construction Documents: • Planting Plan: A planting plan will show existing and proposed plant materials with location, species and quantities. Plans will be designed s to meet city's landscape requirements for prompt approval. • Irrigation Plan: An Automatic irrigation plan shall be prepared to provide 100% coverage to all landscape areas. Owner to determine location and water source. • Contract Administration: The Landscape Architect shall perform one site inspection. A written report for the meeting shall be provided to the owner. (Option: $300.00) __Accept __Decline. Please initial. • Details and Specifications to support submitted plans will be provided.

Terms of Agreement: The professional lump sum fees for the base services, without options, outlined above will be: $11,900.00 (eleven thousand nine hundred dollars)

'l1us fc1: propo.!-.1l ls suhJett to •JCC<..1)1<:lnce. within 120 days. lnYuici-ng for the tasks oullinnl above \\.'1JJ Uc

All work shall be completed within thirty working days of receipt of Auto Cad drawing. Should this proposal l~p~~~- I look forward to working with you on this project.

~ 0. Whltmm, RLA

Signature of Acceptance Date

P.O.BUX 5212 • !AC.KSDNVILLF. Fl.• 32247 5212 PllUNb: ~04 J98 7688

EM,\ If. , __ <. -.'._ I 1... ' .. .,;__;;J ._: .. , 1__:_ __ i.' I:

- 12 - Memorandum

TO: Mr. Max Royle, City Manager

FROM: Gary Larson, Building Official

DATE: January 13, 2017

RE: Monthly Report


210 F Street. 1 Pine. Tree is dying, located as a hazard to power lines, approved for removal.

704 Laughing Gull Lane. 1 oak, to· close to structure, deemed as a hazard. Approved for removal

507 C Street. 2 Oaks. One leaning over structure, the other leaning into power lines and street. Both approved for removal.

37 Ocean Woods. 2 oaks. One dead, the other hanging over house, deemed a hazard. Both approved for removal.

- 13 -