Appendix: Special Mathematical Functions
Appendix: Special Mathematical Functions For completeness this appendix briefly lists without further discussion the definiti tions and some important properties of the special functions occurring in the book. More detailed treatments can be found in the relevant literature. The "Handbook of Mathematical Functions" [AS70], the "Tables" by Gradshteyn and Rhyzik [GR65] and the compilation by Magnus, Oberhettinger and Soni [M066] are particularly useful. Apart from these comprehensive works it is worth mention ing Appendix B in "Quantum Mechanics I" by Messiah [Mes70], which describes a selection of especially frequently used functions. A.I Legendre Polynomials, Spherical Harmonics The Ith Legendre Polynom P,(x) is a polynomial of degree 1 in x, 1 d' 2 , P,(x) = 2'11 dx'(x - 1), 1 = 0, 1, ... (A.1) It has 1 zeros in the interval between -1 and +1; for even (odd) I, P,(x) is an even (odd) function of x. The associated Legendre junctions P"m(x) , Ixl ~ 1, are products of (1 - x2)m/2 with polynomials of degree 1 - m (m = 0, ... , I) , (A.2) The spherical harmonics Yi,m(fJ, c/» are products of exp (imc/» with polyno mials of degree m in sin fJ and of degree 1- m in cos fJ, where the fJ-dependence is given by the associated Legendre functions (A.2) as functions of x = cos fJ. For m ;::: 0, 0 ~ fJ ~ 7r we have Yi,m(fJ, c/» = (_1)m [(2~: 1) ~~: :;!! f/2 P',m(cos fJ)eim.p (A.3) = (_I)m [(2/+1) (/_m)!]1/2 . mfJ dm n( fJ) im.p 47r (1 + m)! sm d(cos fJ)m .q cos e The spherical harmonics for negative azimuthal quantum numbers are obtained via (A.4) 302 Appendix A reflection of the displacement vector x = r sin 0 cos </>, y = r sin 0 sin </>, z = r cos 0 at the origin (cf.
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