The Edinburgh Gazette, March 29, 1898
308 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, MARCH 29, 1898. Joseph Oonway, 79 York Street, Hultne, Manchester, In Parliament—Session 1898. in the county of Lancaster, lately residing at 49 Langahaw Street, Old Trafford, Manchester aforesaid, GLASGOW CORPORATION and formerly residing at the Wellington Inn, Medlock Street, Hulme, Manchester aforesaid, and carrying (SEWAGE, &c.) on business at the Wellington Inn aforesaid, traveller. Law Alfred James Hargreaves (formerly trading under the style of L. A. J. Hargreaves & Co., but sub- ADDITIONAL PROVISION. sequently under the style of Hargreaves & Co.), residing in apartments at 1 Corbar Road, Buxton, Construction of Additional Sewers and Works to Derbyshire, formerly residing in apartments at The Grove, Whitworth Park, Busholme, Manchester, and be included in the Bill for which Application previously at Moorwood, New Mills, Derbyshire, and has been made to Parliament; Application of trading formerly at the Royal Exchange, Manchester, but subsequently at 26 Brown Street, Manchester, Provisions of Glasgow Police (Sewage, &c.) formerly shipping merchant. Act, 1891, and Glasgow Corporation (Sewage) Constantino Logios, 8 Sussex Street, Manchester, com- Act, 1896, and of the Bill to such Additional mission agent. Sewers; Application to Renfrew County James Ryder, Markington, near Ripley, Yorkshire, builder and contractor. Council, &c., of Powers and Liabilities con- ferred on other Authorities by the Billj John Thomas Phillips, Gracious Street, Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, brewer and shopkeeper. Deposit of Plans, &c. Isaiah Wade, 5 St. Paul's Street, Stamford, Lincoln- shire, potter. OTICE is hereby given that the Corporation of the City of Glasgow (hereinafter called Frank Peachell, 26 Duncan Road, Ne w Brompton, N Kent, lately Balmoral Road, New Brompton aforesaid, the Corporation), who are promoting in the furniture dealer.
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