Dr. Deden Kurniawan, SH, MH, ME NIDN: 0321067504 Mochamad Soelton, S. Psi, MM., CHRMP, Psikolog NIDN: 0331056804 Dr. Yanto Ramli, MM. NIDN: 0315116503


Assc. Prof. Aness Janee Ali School of Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia


1. : Implementation Of Assistance And Treatment In The a. Title of Proposal Community Services Prevention Of Adolescent Drug Abuse Program In South Meruya Village, Kecamatan Kembangan – b. Title of previous program : - 2. Team Leader a. Name : Dr. Deden Kurniawan, SH, MH, ME b. NIDN : 0321067504

c. Functional Position : Lector d. Study Program : Manajement Science e. Phone No : 08170831999 f. e-mail : [email protected] 3. Team Members (Lecturer)

a. Number of Members : 2 members b. First Member : Dr. Yanto Ramli, MM. c. Second member : Mochamad Soelton, S. Psi., MM., CHRMP, Psikolog

4. Team Members (Student) a. Number of Students : 2 Students b. First Student : Lisa Hartika (43119010288) c. Second Student : Rafi Ramadhan Hidayat (43119010289) 5. Location of Activity a. Activity Area : Meruya Selatan Kembangan b. Regency/City : West Jakarta c. Province : DKI Jakarta d. Distance to Location : 2 kilometers

6. : Universiti Sains Malaysia Project Partner 7. Output : - Articles : - Implementation Of Assistance And Treatment to Prevent Teenagers Drug Abuse 8. Implementation Period : 6 (six) months, November 2020 – April 2021 9. Source of Expenditure a. Source from UMB : Rp. 7.500.000 b. Source from Partner (inkind) : Rp. 4.000.000 : Rp. 11.500.000 Total

Jakarta, 1 November 2020 Signed by: Leader of Community Services Group Team Leader

(Nurul Hidayah, SE, AK, M.Si) (Dr. Deden Kurniawan, SH, MH, ME) NIK: 195690168 NIK: 0321067504 Approved by Dean/Director Head of Community Service Center

(Dr. Harnovinsah, SE,M.Si,AK, CA) (Dr. Inge Hutagalung, M.Si) NIK: 112670353 NIK: 113590380


Validity Sheet ...... i Table of Contents ...... ii Resume ...... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION……...... 1.1. Situation Analysis...... 1 1.2. Problems ...... 8 1.3. Objectives ...... 9 1.4. Benefit of Activities ...... 9

CHAPTER II SOLUTIONS AND TARGET OUTCOMES ...... 10 2.1. Solutions …...... ………………………………………………. 11 2.2. Target Outcomes ……………………………………………...... ……. 11

CHAPTER III IMPLEMENTATION OF METHOD ...... 12 3.1...... Location ...... 12 3.2. Target Audience ...... 12 3.3. Type of Activities ...... 12

CHAPTER IV BUDGET AND SHCHEDULE ...... 15 4.1. Budget ...... 15 4.2 Partner’s Expenses………………………………………………...... ………….. 15 4.2. Schedule of Activities...... 15


ATTACHMENTS: Biodata of the Leader and Team Members Activities Location Maps


The topic of this program is about Implementing Treatment and Assistance to Prevent Teenagers Drug Abuse Program. This program will be held in the West of Jakarta as one of the largest populations in Jakarta with the highest potential problems with the environment. The main purpose of this program is to may the sustainable efforts to prevent drug abuse, because there are cases of drug abuse occurred in this area. The drug abuse cases are increasing gradually and it has come to a worried situation. According to the GEPENTA Program (2002), the Indonesian Health Officials stated that there is almost a daily growth rate of 0.065% from the total population of 200 million people, or equivalent to 130,000 people per day.

The World Drugs Reports 2018 published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), said that as many as 275 million people in the world or 5.6% of the world's population (aged 15-64 years) have been using drugs. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as the focal point in the field of Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking (P4GN) has pointed out that the number of drug abuse in 2017 is around 3,376,115 people who aged from 10 to 59 years old. Meanwhile, the number of drug abuse among students in 2018 (from 13 provincial capitals in Indonesia) has reached the number of 2.29 million people. This program of implementing method of learning process to convince the parents of their teenagers of how to face and deal with the environmental problem by implementing Treatment and Assistance Program to prevent the early awareness of the drug abuse.


1.1 Situation Analysis

There have been more and more cases of abuse on illegal drugs or normaly known as drug abuse. The drug abuse cases has been increasing lately. According to the GEPENTA Program (2002), Indonesian Health Officials stated that the daily growth rate was 0.065% of the total population of 200 million people, or the same as 130,000 people per day.

World Drugs Reports 2018 published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), said that from the total amount of 275 million people in the world, the amount of 5.6% of the world's population (aged 15-64 years) have been using drugs. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as the focal point in the field of Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking (P4GN) has the number of drug abuse in 2017 with total amount of 3,376,115 people who are aged from 10- 59 years. Meanwhile, the number of drug abuse among students in 2018 (from 13 provincial capitals in Indonesia) have reached the number of 2.29 million people. One of the groups of people who are prone to being exposed to drug abuse are those people at the age range of 15- 35 years or classified as the millennial generation (Soelton et al., 2018; Soelton and Nugrahati, 2018).

According to Soelton et al., 2018: Individuals who are addicted in the drug abuse until they will end up with the experiences of dependency with the drugs will have bad impact not only on themselves but also on the surrounded environment. For example, damaged kinship in family, reduced the learning ability, the inability to distinguish between good and bad, until mental changes and behavior to be antisocial. Even in the Daily Republika Sunday, February 13, 2005 Prof. Dr. Zubairi Djoeban, a FKUI hematologist, said that around 30% of the narcotics users will be infected with HIV/AIDS. This concern is because of many of the users is teenagers. According to Hawari (2002) in his research, stated that 97% of drug abusers are teenagers. Hawari also stated that the influence and persuasion of friends around them is 81.3% affect someone from starting to use drugs.

Teenagers who have difficult in finding their own peers usually have very high group solidarity. Those teenagers who cannot survive in the middle of differences with their environment tend to encounter difficulties in presenting themselves to the environment, expressing their rights, expressing their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Finally, these

2 teenagers will just allow themselves to be immersed in the same environmental identities of their peers, as is the case with the teenagers who are involved in drug abuse. In order to avoid this to happen, the teenagers must have full support from parents and guardian to supports their process of socializing and do not let them get lost. The ability to remain themselves in the social interactions is also very important so as not to fall into the development of harmful behaviors. The ability to express oneself honestly and accordingly in upholding personal rights and expressing thoughts, feelings, feelings and beliefs without compromising the rights of others or harming others around them. In other words, teenagers must really have the guidance to help them establish the ability to be assertive. Assertive is also a social skill that allows someone to relate effectively to others (Alberti & Emmons, 1995). Assertiveness is not a characteristic that suddenly appears in the teenagers, this ability must be taught and guide to achieve the ability of assertiveness.

The west of Jakarta is an area with 127.11 kilometer, with 8 subdistricts, 56 urban villages, consisting of the population of 2,260341 people. Geographically, the northern part of West Jakarta is bordered by the Administrative City of , the western part is bordered by the Banten Province (Tangerang City and South Tangerang), and the eastern part is bordered by the Administrative City of West Jakarta and (for the Southern region). The following is the data on population and according to the district area.

According to the population data mentioned above, the data can be grouped according to the age, as shown in the table below:

Table. 1.1

Age Gender Amount Age Gender Amount 0 – 4 Male 427049 0 – 4 Female 402775 5 – 9 Male 401341 5 – 9 Female 375207 10 – 14 Male 351527 10 – 14 Female 339847 15 – 19 Male 387215 15 – 19 Female 428599 20 – 24 Male 502470 20 – 24 Female 507929 25 – 29 Male 586344 25 – 29 Female 558568 30 – 34 Male 514311 30 – 34 Female 477849 35 – 39 Male 435345 35 – 39 Female 401274 40 – 44 Male 360728 40 – 44 Female 337012 45 – 49 Male 283987 45 – 49 Female 279466 50 – 54 Male 220852 50 – 54 Female 219887 55 - 59 Male 161124 55 – 59 Female 151791 60 + Male 238645 60 + Female 256645 Data Source: DKI Jakarta Statistics Office 2016

3 The table 1.1 above shows that the population can be classified to the age of children or toddlers⎯ teenager are under the age of 19 years old, the number of male are 82,924 people and women are 85,956 people, so the total number of residents in the West of Jakarta at the beginning of 2017 is 168,880 people. The improvement of public health may be the effect of the increasing of productive age.

The population of DKI Jakarta in 2019 is projected to reach 10.5 million. This figure increased by 0.73% from the projected population in 2018 of 10.4 million people. The total female population in Jakarta is 5.3 million while the male population is 5.2 million. The highest contributor to the total population of DKI Jakarta is the productive age. The total population of DKI Jakarta which aged from 15-64 years is recorded at 7.6 million. The highest number of populations is in the age of range from 25-29 years of 944.3 thousand residents, from 35-39 years of 931.7 thousand residents, and from 30-34 years of 926.2 thousand residents. Meanwhile, the lowest population is in the age range of 75 years and over which is around 120.3 thousand people, 70-74 years around 155.3 thousand people, and 65-59 years around 250.7 thousand people. These projections are contained in the 2015 Supas which results entitled the Projection of Indonesian Population for 2015-2045. The Supas is organized by the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).


West Jakarta is the suppose to be the highest populous of the region in DKI Jakarta Province. Based on the BPS data, West Jakarta has an area of 129.54 square meter with the population of 2.53 million in 2017. This means that the population of the region may reaches 19,516 people/square meter. The second highest populous area in the capital city is the Central of Jakarta, which reaches the populations of 19,143 residents per square meter. With an area of 48.13 square meters inhabited by 921 thousand inhabitants. South Jakarta was ranked the third with the population of 15,763 people per square kilometer. Generally, the population density in DKI Jakarta has reached the number of 15,663 people per square meter. This bring the total area of DKI Jakarta 662.3 square meter with the population of 10.37 million.

The level of density shown in the decryption data above illustrates how dense and full the area of West Jakarta, especially the children with the age below 19 years old. Referring to Bruner's statement that children's recognition of the national character needs to be packaged through games that are integrated with the themes of character-building education. Integrated learning system applications may make the learning process become shorter. Therefore, it is necessary to think of the techniques for packaging the learning materials through various interesting games so that it is easily absorbed by children with fun. In the learning application, supporting media such as the form of game equipment, cassettes/CDs, and images are also required. Aside from being a learning tool, 5 games are also able to build the friendships between children so that the humanization process of children is well developed.

1.2 Problems

Based on the situation analysis described above, the partner group’s problems are stated as follows:

No. Problems Description 1. The lack of parental The lack of the role and participation of understanding of the parents and teachers to teach teenagers importance of affective concerning affective education in South activities for teenagers about Meruya related to drug abuse until eventually the dangers and effects experiencing dependence will have a bad caused by drugs abuse. impact not only on himself but also for the surrounded environment.

2. The lack of parental The lack of the role and participation of understanding of the parents and teachers to teach teenagers importance of cognitive concerning cognitive education in South activities for teenagers about Meruya related to drug abuse until eventually the dangers and effects of experiencing dependence will have a bad drug abuse. impact not only on himself but also for the surrounded environment. 3. The lack of parental The lack of the role and participation of understanding of the parents and teachers to teach teenagers importance of psychomotor concerning psychomotor activities education activities for teenagers about in South Meruya related to drug abuse until the dangers and effects of eventually experiencing dependence will have drug abuse. a bad impact not only on himself but also for the surrounded environment.

1.3 Objectives

The purpose of this activity is as follows: a. To increase the role and participation of parents regarding the dangers and effects of the affective focus of teenagers in drug abuse in South Meruya. b. To increase the role and participation of parents regarding the dangers and effects of the cognitive focus of teenagers in drug abuse in South Meruya. c. To increase the role and participation of parents regarding the dangers and effects of the

6 psychomotor focus of teenagers in drug abuse in South Meruya.

1.4 Benefit of Activities

The benefits and expectation of this activity is as follows: a. To increase the role and participation of parents in educating their children to behave in the environment and their attitude. b. The role and participation of the members of the family and the environment to increase the skills and expertise in the educating the children. c. The role of the family in anticipating drug abuse that will have a bad impact not only on themselves but also on the surrounding environment


2.1 Solutions

The output of the targets to be achieved in the implementation of community service are as follows:

a. To increase the role and participation of parents in educating their children.

b. The transfer knowledge of teaching to the teacher in order to improve their skills and expertise in educating the young children/teenagers. 2.2 Target Outcomes

The outcomes of this activity are described in the table below: Table 1. Outcomes of the Target Plans Performance No Types of Outcome Indicator 1) 1 Scientific publications in ISSN journals/proceedings √ 6) 2 Publication in the print/online/repository mass media of University - 3 Increased competitiveness (increasing quality, quantity, and value - 4) added of goods, services, product diversification, or other resources) 4 Increasing the application of science and technology in the society - 4) (mechanization, IT, and management) 5 Improvement of community values (cultural, social, political, security, √ 2) peace, education, healthcare) 1) 6 Publication in international journals √ 5) 7 Services, social engineering, methods or systems, products/goods - 5) 8 New TTG innovation - 9 Intellectual property rights (Patents, Simple patents, Copyrights, - Trademarks, Trade secrets, Industrial Product Design, Plant Variety 3) Protection, Protection of Integrated Circuit Topography Design) 6) 10 Book with ISBN -


3.1 Method of Activities

Outreach and counseling activities will be held in Meruya Selatan, Kembangan District, West Jakarta. To provide solutions to problems, the activity stages are structured as follows:

No. Activity Outcomes

1. Arranging the training The and availability of the preparation of training and counseling work conseling work programs so that the activities will be performed organizely program. and directedly. This program covers all technical, managerial and time schedule.

2. Preparing training modules.The modules include: Technical assistance, handling and continuous counseling.

3. Preparing training facilitiesThe availability of facilities and infrastructure where the training and infrastructure. and counseling program is held.

4. Field coordination. Ensuring the audience is in accordance with the target to be achieved.

5. Program socialization. To achieve the common perception and understanding of the purpose of the activity.

6. Assistance and Able to analyze, discover and provide solutions to problems that Application. may arise from the application of the program.

7. Reporting and Publication • Activity Report • Print/electronic/online media publications • Activity Video

8. Monitoring the program Maintaining the consistency of applying the character-building implementation. education program.

9 3.2 Target Audience The target audience for this traning and socialization activity are the parents and family of the young children, Team Leader of the Family Welfare Empowerment/Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK) and Posyandu cadre cadres in Meruya Selatan, Kembangan District, West Jakarta.


4.1 Budget (UMB)

Proposed No Components Expenses (Rp) 1 Instructor Honorarium None 2 Snack (50 packs) Rp. 1.500.000,- 3 Teaching materials Rp. 700.000,- 4 Report preparation Rp. 550.000,- 5 Training Banner Rp. 550.000,- 6 2 days of accommodation @1,000,000 Rp. 3.000.000,- 7 2 days of transportation @1,000,000 Rp. 1.200.000,- TOTAL Rp. 7.500.000,-

4.2 Partner’s Expenses (Inkind):

Proposed Expenses No Components (Rp) 1 Instructor Honorarium None 2 Rent Tables, Mats and Chairs Rp. 2,500,000. 3 Hire a speaker Rp. 750,000. 4 Cleaning Fee Rp. 750,000. TOTAL Rp. 4,000,000.

4.3 Schedule of Activities

2020 2021 No Item activities Nov Des Jan Feb Mar Apr

1. Proposal submission and Presentation 2. Survey 3. Implementation Contact administrator 4. Evaluation 5. Report


M Soelton, T Nugrahati, Y Ramli, D Permana, D Kurniawan. 2018. TOWARD THE BEST STRATEGY IN MINIMIZING THE SPREAD OF DRUG USERS. Proceedings International Conference and Community Development 2018. 1 (1), 171-176 Soelton, M., Arief, H., Ramli, Y., Setiawan, M., Rohman, F., & Mugiono, M. (2019, November). THE BEST STRATEGY FOR FORMING CHILDCARE FROM AN EARLY AGE. In ICCD (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 277-280). Soelton, M., Nugrahati, T., & Ritonga, R. (2019, November). WHAT IF OUR BELOVED CHILDREN ARE ADDOCTED TO PHONESEX?. In ICCD (Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 273-276). Mochamad Soelton, Mohammed Hokroh, Eko Tama Putra Saratian, Tati Nugrahati, Aulia Putra, Tine Yuliantini, Febry Nur Fauzy, Miftahuddin M. Sidik. 2020. Exploring Factors That Influence Work Engagement in Social Welfare Institution at Gayo Lues Atjeh – Indonesia. American International Journal of Business Management (AIJBM) ISSN- 2379-106X, Volume 3, Issue 10 (October 2020), PP 46-58 H. Robandi Roni Mohamad Arifin. Mewujudkan Anak Usia Dini yang Cerdas dalam Rangka Memasuki Pendidikan Dasar Sembilan Tahun Soelton, Mochamad, Nugrahati, Tati, 2018. How Complaining Behaviors Effect on Coping Stress and Anxiety?. International Journal of Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies (SJBMS). Vol. 3, No. 6. 623-628. R. Siti Maryam. (2008). Mengenal Usia Lanjut dan Perawatannya Siti Nur Kholifah. (2017). Modul Ajar Cetak Keperawatan. Pusdik SDM Kesehatan Germas. (2016). Profil Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang. Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang unduh 10 Oktober 2020 unduh 17 Oktober 2020 unduh 10 Oktober 2020 %20Bambang%20-%20JADI.pdf fix.pdf

12 Attachment 1. Biodata of Team Leader and Members

Team Leader:

A. Identity

1 Name Dr Deden Kurniawan, SH, MH, ME 2 Gender Male 3 Functional Position Lektor 4 NIP/NIK 117750600 5 NIDN 0321067504 6 Place and Date of Birth Jakarta, 21 Juni 1975 7 E-mail [email protected] 9 Mobile 08170831999 10 Address Univiersitas Mercu Buana, Jalan Meruya Selatan, Jakarta Barat 11 Telephone 021-5840815/ 021-5840813 12 Graduated students S-1 = 1 orang; S-2 = … orang; S-3 = … orang 1. Psikologi SDM

2. Kepemimpinan 13. Teaching Subjects 3. Manajemen Kompensasi dan Hubungan Industrial4. Manajemen Pariwisata 5. Perilaku Organisasi 6. Etika dan Hukum Bisnis 7. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 8. Perencanaan Sumber Daya Manusia 9. Metode Penelitian Keuangan

B. Education

S S-2 S-3 University Universitas- Universitas Universitas Institut Pertanian Indonesia1 Indonesia Indonesia Bogor

Field Hukum Hukum Ekonomi Manajemen

Graduated 1995-1999 2001-2002 2006-2011 2014-2018

13 JudulSkripsi/Tesis Prinsip Penerapan Sistem Pengukuran Strategi Keterbukaan Akuntansi Akrual Upaya Pengambilan Laporan dan Implikasinya Pengumpulan Keputusan Keuangan Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Penentuan Menurut Manajemen Daerah Waktu Undang- Keuangan Pemerintah Panen Usaha Undang Pasar Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota Pembesaran Modal di Lobster di Pulau Dikaitkan Provinsi Jawa Lombok Dengan Barat: Analisis Provinsi Standar Data Panel Nusa Tenggara Akuntansi 2000- Barat Keuangan 2008

Nama Pembimbing / Dr Agus Prof Dr Arifin P. Iman Rozani, Prof Dr Ir Rina Promotor Sardjono, Soeria Atmaja, SH SE, Oktaviani, MS, SH, MH MSc, DEA Prof Dr Ir Bunasor Sanim, MSc, Dr Ir Heny K Daryanto, MEc

C. Research Experience in the last 5 years (Not Paper, Thesis, or Dissertation)

Pendanaan No. Year Research Title *Source Amt (Bil Rp)

1 2016 2016 Lobster Socio Economic 2016 Lobster 2016 Lobster Lobster Socio Socio Economic Socio Economic 2 Economic

3 * Write down the source funding from both DIKTI research scheme and other sources.

D. Experience of the Community Services in the last 5 years

Pendanaan No. Year Title of Community Services Source* Amt (Bil Rp) 1.


14 Dst. * Write down the source funding for both the service scheme to the DIKTI community.

E. Publication of Scientific Articles in the last 5 years

Volume/ No. Title of Scientific Articles Name of Journal Number/Year 1 Pengambilan Keputusan Waktu Panen Pada Pengambilan Keputusan Pengambilan Waktu Panen Pada Keputusan Waktu Panen Pada

2 Working Hour Allocation Strategy In Lobster Working Hour Allocation Working Hour Strategy In Lobster Allocation Strategy In Lobster 3 Toward The Best Strategy In Minimizing The Toward The Best Strategy Toward The Best In Minimizing The Strategy In Minimizing The 4 The Effect of Business Motivation and The Effect of Business The Effect of Motivation and Business Motivation and 5 Analysis of Destination Image, Tourism Object, Analysis of Destination Analysis of Image, Tourism Object, Destination Image, Tourism Object, Dst.

F. Scientific Seminar (Oral Presentation) in the last 5 years 26

No Name of Scientific Title of Scientific Journal Time and Seminar Place 1 The 4th International Employee performance on government Ciputra Hotel Confrence on Management office environment Jakarta, 26-27 Juni Economics and Business 2019 of Universitas Mercu Buana


G. Published Book in the last 5 years

No Book Title Year Pages Publisher



15 3 Dst.

H. Intellectual Property Rights HKI in the last 5 years

No. Title of Intellectual Property Rights Year Type ID Number 1




I. Award Received in the last 5 years (from government, association, and other institution)

No. Types of Award Received from Year 1


3 Dst.

All the data that I have entered and stated in the biodata above are true and can be legally accounted for. If later it turns out to be incompatibility with the reality, I will accept any sanctions that will be imposed. Thus, the biodata above is to fulfill the requirements in submitting the Proposal for Community Services.

Jakarta, 1 November 2020 Team Leader

(Dr Deden Kurniawan, SH, MH, ME)

16 Team Member 1 A. Identity

1 Name Dr. Yanto Ramli, MM. 2 Gender Male 3 Functional Position Lektor 4 NIP/NIK 116650545 5 NIDN 0315116503 6 Place and Date of Birth Medan, 15 November 1965 7 E-mail [email protected] 9 Mobile 0811851591 10 Address Univiersitas Mercu Buana, Jalan Meruya Selatan, Jakarta Barat 11 Telephone 021-5840815/ 021-5840813 12 Graduated students S-1 = 2 orang; S-2 = … orang; S-3 = … orang

1. Introduction to Business 2 . Introduction to Management 13. Teaching Subjects 3. Organziational Behavior 4. Strategic Management 5. Management of Change 6. Marketing Management 7. International Business 8. Management Information System 9. Salesmanship 10. Entreprenuership and Innovation Management

B. Education

S-1 S-2 S-3 University Universitas Methodist Universitas Pelita Universitas Indonesia, Sumatera Harapan, Jakarta Padjadjaran, Field EnglishUtara Literature Master of BandungDoctor of Management Management Science Graduated 1984-1988 2004-2006 2013-2017 Research Title Eight Parts of Speech Customer Satisfaction Business Performance as on Cantonese in Bank Buana an implication of Innovation Management Language Indonesia, Asemka and Competitive Branch, Jakarta Strategy in the determination of Market attractiveness and unique resources of the Organic Fertilizer Industry in Indonesia

17 Name of Promotor Dr. Banggas Prof. Nizam Jim Prof. Dr. Sucherly, Pangabean, SE, MM Wiryawan, B.Sc., SE.,MS, Prof. Dr. Dwi Kartini, SE., Spec. Lict., SH., MM., PhD. Dr. Imas Soemaryani, SE. MS.

C. Research Experience in the last 5 years (Not Paper, Thesis, or Dissertation)

Pendanaan No. Year Research Title *Source Amt (Bil Rp)

1 2019 Pengaruh Manajemen Inovasi terhadap UMB 9.500.000 Kinerja Bisnis Industri Kecil dan Menengah


3 * Write down the source funding from both DIKTI research scheme and other sources.

D. Experience of the Community Services in the last 5 years

Pendanaan No. Year Title of Community Services Source* Amt (Bil Rp) 1. 2017 Pelatihan Kreativitas Daur Ulang dan UMB 3.500.000 Mewarnai untuk TK dan SD di Kelurahan Mekarjaya Kecamantan Sukmajaya Depok II 2. 2018 Penerapan Manajemen Pertanian Organik UMB 3.500.000 untuk para Petani di Desa Dago, Kecamatan Parung Panjang, Kabupaten Bogor, Propinsi Jawa Barat 3. 2018 Penerapan Manajemen Pertanian Organik UMB 3.500.000 untuk para Petani di Desa Gempol Sari, Kecamatan Sepatan Timur, Kabupaten Tangerang , Propinsi Banten 4. 2019 UMB 3.500.000

Dst. * Write down the source funding for both the service scheme to the DIKTI community.

E. Publication of Scientific Articles in the last 5 years

Volume/ No. Title of Scientific Articles Name of Journal Number/Year 1 The Influence of Innovation Management and International Journal of Volume IV, Competitive Strategy towards Business Economics, Commerce Issue 4, 2016 Performance of Organic Fertilizer Industries & Management, United in Indonesia Kingdom 18 2 Implementing Innovation Management on Academy of Strategic Volume 17, Market Attractiveness and Unique Resources Management Journal, Issue 2, 2018 to Enhance Business Performance on Organic United States Fertilizer Industries in Indonesia Scopus: Q3 3 The Influence of Innovation Management International Journal of Volume 16, Towards The Business Performance of Business, Economics Issue 5, August Garment Industries in Indonesia and Law 2018 4 Toward The Best Strategy in Minimizing The International Conference Volume 1, Spread of Drug Users on Community Issue 1, 2018 Development Dst.

F. Scientific Seminar (Oral Presentation) in the last 5 years 26

No Name of Scientific Title of Scientific Journal Time and Seminar Place 1 The 3rd Global Advanced The Influence of Innovation Management 14-15 October 2015 Research Conference on and Competitive Strategy towards Business Grand Inna Bali Management and Business Performance of Organic Fertilizer Industries Beach Hotel, Bali Studies in Indonesia 2 The 2nd International The Role of Market Attractiveness and 16-17 November Conference for Unique Resources in order to implement 2015 Interdisciplinary Studies Innovation Management on Organic Busan, South Korea Fertilizer Industries in Indonesia 3 International Conference on Implementing Innovation Management on 21-22 February 2018 Management Economic and Market Attractiveness and Unique Resources Tentrem Hotel, Business of Universitas Mercu to Enhance Business Performance on Yogyakarta Buana Organic Fertilizer Industries in Indonesia Dst.

G. Published Book in the last 5 years

No Book Title Year Pages Publisher

1 Pengantar Manajemen (Introduction to Raja Grafindo 2019 300 Management) Persada 2 3 Dst.

H. Intellectual Property Rights HKI in the last 5 years

No. Title of Intellectual Property Rights Year Type ID Number 1 Proses Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Padat dengan 2016 Nomor Paten: Menggunakan Bahan Baku Lumpur Terak Limbah Cair IDP000042075 Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

19 2 Dalam proses “Proses Pengolahan Pelet Sawit dengan 2017 Nomor publikasi: menggunakan Bahan Baku Pelepah Kelapa Kelapa 2017/00197 Sawit sebagai salah satu Alternatif Pengganti Batu Bara” 3 Kinerja Bisnis Sebagai Implikasi Dari Manajemen 2018 Nomor Hak Cipta: Inovasi Dan Strategi Bersaing Dengan Di Determinasi EC00201852184 Daya Tarik Pasar Dan Keunikan Sumber Daya Pada Industri Pupuk Organik Di Indonesia Dst.

I. Award Received in the last 5 years (from government, association, and other institution)

No. Types of Award Received from Year

1 Dosen Pengampu E-learning Berkinerja Terbaik UMB 2018 Tahun Ajaran 2017-2018 (Terbaik Ketiga) 2 Dosen Pengampu E-learning Berkinerja Terbaik UMB 2019 Tahun Ajaran 2017-2018 (Terbaik Keenam) 3 Dst.

All the data that I have entered and stated in the biodata above are true and can be legally accounted for. If later it turns out to be incompatibility with the reality, I will accept any sanctions that will be imposed. Thus, the biodata above is to fulfill the requirements in submitting the Proposal for Community Services.

Jakarta, 1 November 2020 Team Member 1

( Dr. Yanto Ramli, MM )

20 Team Member 2: A. Identity

1 Full name (with title) Mochamad Soelton, S.Psi., MM., CHRMP, Psikolog 2 Sex Male 3 Academic Functional Position Lecturer 4 NIP/NIK/Other Identity 115680477 5 NIDN 0331056804 6 Place and Date of Birth Surabaya, May 31, 1968 7 E-mail [email protected] [email protected] 9 Telephone/HP 087871899339 10 Office Address Univ. Mercubuana, Jalan Meruya Selatan No. 1, Jakarta Barat, 11650 11 Telephone/Fax 021-5840816 / 021-5871312 12 Produced Graduates S-1 = … orang; S-2 = … orang; S-3 = … orang 13 Subject Handled 1 Human Resources Management 2 Planning & Development of Human Resources 3 Human Resources Pschology 4. Strategic of Human Resources Management 5. Organization Culture

B. Education History

S-1 S-2 S-3 Name of Institution Untag Surabaya Mercubuana

Department Psikologi MM SDM Starting Year – Passed 1991 2012 Title of Skripsi/Theses/Disertasi Attitude, Rotation Balance Scorecard Supervisor/Promotor Suhandi Mangkunegara

C. Research Experience in the Last 5 Years (No Skripsi, Theses, or Dissertation)

Funding No. Year Title of Research Sources* Amount (Rp)

1 2015 Strategy Bisnis Balanced Scorecard Mandiri -

2 2015 Penempatan & Motivasi Thd Kinerja Caddy UMB 3.500.000

3 2016 Kepemimpinan, Motivasi, Kepuasan Kerja UMB 3.500.000 & Kinerja Caddy


4 2016 Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional UMB 3.500.000 dan Organisasi Pembelajaran Terhadap Komitmen Organisasi Jasa Marga

5 2016 Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Mandiri 5.500.000 Disiplin kerja dan Kreatifitas pegawai terhadap kinerja pegawai Kantor Kelurahan Meruya Selatan, Jakarta Selatan

6 2017 Pengaruh Standar Pelatihan kerja dan Mandiri 8.500.000 Organizational Citizenship Behavior terhadapKinerja pegawai pada Panti Sosial Bina Netra Tan Miyat Bekasi 7 2017 Pengaruh Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja UMB 3.500.000 (K3) dan Pengembangan karyawan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Tripari Tangerang 8 2017 Pengaruh kecerdasan Emosional, Locus Of UMB 3.500.000 Control dan Self Efficacy terhadap intensi Berwrausaha peserta pelatihan wirausaha muda 2015 Bidang SDM Kementerian Koperasi dan UKM RI

2018 Implementasi Manajemen Inovasi terhadap UMB 3.500.000 sumberdaya untuk meningkatkan Kinerja Bisnis Industri Garmen di DKI Jakarta, Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis, Vol. 3, No. 3/2017, 298-454

2018 Effect on Compensation, Work Environment, Mandiri 7.000.000 Education, and Training on Employee Performance or Coffee Bean Outlets in Jakarta. Proceeding International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana, ISBN 978-979-99488-3-0, Jogjakarta, 2018

2018 Effect of Recruitment Process, Selection, Mandiri 7.000.000 and Work Discipline on Employee Performance on Bakmi GM Jakarta, Proceeding International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana, ISBN 978-979- 99488-3-0, Jogjakarta, 2018


2018 Optimization of sub Material Inventory Mandiri 7.000.000 Control and Demand Forecasting in Order to Reduce Provision by Economic Order Quantity ( EOQ), Period Order Quantity (POQ), and Time Series Model in Textile Industry. Proceeding International Buana, ISBN 978-979-99488-3-0, Jogjakarta, 2018 Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana

2018 Effect of Organizational Culture, Mandiri 7.000.000 Organization Commitment, and Work Loyalty on Employee Performance in Manufacture Industry. Proceeding International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana, ISBN 978-979-99488-3-0, Jogjakarta, 2018

2018 Effect of Work Stress and Workload on Mandiri 7.000.000 Labor Employee Performance in Aqua Danone Indonesia, Proceeding International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana, ISBN 978-979-99488-3-0, Jogjakarta, 2018

2018 Effect of Organizational Culture, Job Mandiri 7.000.000 Satisfaction, and Engagement on Employee Performance in Government Company, Proceeding International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana, ISBN 978-979- 99488-3-0, Jogjakarta, 2018 2018 Effect of Recruitment Process, Selection, Mandiri 7.000.000 and Compensation on Frontliner Performance in Bank Industry, Proceeding International Conference on Management Economics and Business of Universitas Mercu Buana, ISBN 978-979-99488-3-0,

2018 Jogjakarta, Pengaruh Keterikatan 2018 Kerja, Jenjang karir Mandiri 7.000.000 dan Standar Pelatihan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT BRI Persero, kanwil Jakarta 1 status pegawai tetap


2018 Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Mandiri 7.000.000 Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Stres kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Kelurahan Kecamatan Jakarta Utara * Write down funding sources both of the DIKTI research scheme and from other sources.

D. Experience in Community Service in the Last 5 Years

Funding No. Year Title of Community Service Sources* Amount (Rp)

1 2014 Desa tertinggal & PSK – Sukabumi Kemensos 9.000.000 2 2013 Desa Pengemis Sukabumi Kemensos 5.000.000 3 2011 Bersama dengan Disnaker & BLK Disnaker 6.000.000 4 2015 Bersama tim Kemensos penyuluhan NAFZA Kemensos 6.000.000 5 2015 Penyuluhan pembuatan RAT PKK di Legok UMB 3.500.000 6 2016 Penyuluhan Penanggulangan Narkotika UMB 3.500.000 7 2016 POSDAYA pembuatan blogspot petani bunga UMB 3.500.000 8 2016 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 5.000.000 September Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Tangerang 9 2016 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 5.000.000 Desember Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Tangerang 10 2017 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 8.500.000 April Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Surabaya 11 2017 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 5.000.000 Agustus Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 12 2017 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 November Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 13 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 January Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 14 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 February Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 15 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 February Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Tangerang 16 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 Maret Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Surabaya

24 17 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 April Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Tangerang 18 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 April Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Tangerang 19 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 Mei Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 20 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 Agustus Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Bandung 21 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 Agustus Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Tangerang 22 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 September Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 23 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 Oktober Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 24 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 Oktober Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day Kota Depok 25 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 November Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta 26 2018 Konsultasi Sosial pada Laboratorium Outdoor Kemensos 7.000.000 November Mobil anti Galau Kementerian Sosial RI di RI acara Car Free Day DKI Jakarta * Write down funding sources both of the DIKTI research scheme and from other sources.

E. Publication of Scientific Articles in the Journal for the Last 5 Years

Volume/ No. Title of Scientific Article Journal Name No/Year 1 Strategy Bisnis Balanced Scorecard JIMB Vol 1,No 1/2015 Jrnl Mnjn & Bisnis 2 Penempatan & Motivasi Thd Kinerja Caddy JIMB Vol 2,No 1/2015 Jrnl Mnjn & Bisnis 3 Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, motivasi dan JIMB Vol 2,No 2/2016 kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja Caddy PT Jrnl Mnjn & Bisnis Sentul Highland Golf, Tbk. Bogor 4 Pengaruh Penerapan Kaizen dan Disiplin Kerja JIMB Vol 2,No 3/2016 terhadap kinerja karyawan di Departemen Jrnl Mnjn & Bisnis Customer Service PT BCA Finance, Jakarta

25 5 Pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional, Prosiding Forum Prosiding Komunikasi dan kreatifitas pegawai terhadap Manajemen Forum Kinerja pegawai kantor kelurahan Meruya Indonesia ke 8 2016 Manajemen Selatan Jakarta Barat Kota Palu Indonesia ke 8 2016 6 Pengaruh Standar Pelatihan kerja dan JIMB Vol 3,No 1/2017 Kota Palu Organizational Citizenship Behavior terhadap Jrnl Mnjn & Bisnis Kinerja pegawai pada Panti Sosial Bina Netra Tan Miyat Bekasi 7 Pengaruh Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja JIMB Vol 3,No 2/2017 (K3) dan Pengembangan karyawan terhadap Jrnl Mnjn & Bisnis Kinerja Karyawan PT Tripari Tangerang

8 Pengaruh kecerdasan Emosional, Locus Of Prosiding Forum Prosiding Control dan Self Efficacy terhadap intensi Manajemen Forum Berwrausaha peserta pelatihan wirausaha muda Indonesia ke 9 2017 Manajemen 2015 Bidang SDM Kementerian Koperasi dan Kota Semarang Indonesia ke 9 UKM RI 2017 Semarang 9 Pengaruh Keterikatan Kerja, Jenjang karir dan JIMB Vol 4,No 1/2018 Standar Pelatihan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Jrnl Mnjn & Bisnis PT BRI Persero, kanwil Jakarta 1 status pegawai tetap 10 Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Jurnal Ekonomi, Vol XXIII, No Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Stres kerja Fakultas Ekonomi 1/2018 terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Kelurahan Universitas Kecamatan Penjaringan Jakarta Utara Tarumanagara 11 Implementing Innovation Management on Scopus Q3 Vol XVII, No. Market Attractiveness and Unique Resources Academy of 2,/2018 to Enhance Business performance on Organic Strategic Fertilizier Industries in Indonesia Management 12 “How to implementation or Organization EuropeanJournal Journal of Vol 10, No 15/ Academycitizenship of behavior Strategic with Management performance Journal on 17 Business and June 2018, 10- (April),accident 1 -insurance12 service” Management 16 13 Toward the best model in recruiting security Research Journal of Vol 9, No 9/ staff at outsourcing industries Finance and June 2018, 26- Accounting 32 14 How Complaining Behaviors Effect on Saudi Journal of Vol 3, No 6/ Performance in Government Industries? Business and June 2018, hal Management 623-628 Studies 15 Toward The Best Model in Recruitment Jurnal Ekonomi Vol 23, No. 2/ Process and Employee Competence in Universitas Juli 2018, hal Outsourcing Industries Tarumanagara 240-250


16 Visionary Leadership Structure: Prosiding, Forum Prosiding, FMI Stress Levels on Performance in Manajemen 10 Palembang Technology and Communications Industry Indonesia, Halaman 508 Palembang 17 Bagaimanakah Beban Kerja dan Stres Kerja Prosiding, Forum Prosiding, FMI Mempengaruhi Organizational Citizenship Manajemen 10 Palembang Behaviour dan Kinerja Indonesia, Halaman 501 Palembang 18 Toward The Best Strategy In Minimizing Proceeding Proceeding, The Spread of Drug Users International ICCD 2018 Conference Universitas Community Binus Jakarta Development Service 2018

F. Speakers of Scientific Seminars (Oral Presentation) in the last 5 years 26 Name of Seminar Time dan No Title of Scientific Articles Place 1 2

G. Book Author in the Last 5 Years

Page No Book Title Year Publisher

1 Perilaku Organisasi 2018 130 lbr Hlmn Moeka 2 Pengantar Manajemen (Proses) 2019 150 lbr Salemba 3 Psikologi SDM (Proses) 2019 200 lbr Rajawali

H. Registered of HKI in the last 5–10 Years

No. Title/Theme HKI Year Type Number of P/ID 1 Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan 2018 Buku 000104294

I. Experience in Formulating Public Policy / Other Social Engineering in 5 Last Year

Title / Theme / Type of Other Social Place Response No. Year Engineering That Has Been Applied 1

J. Awards in the last 10 years (from government, associations or other institutions)

Giving No. Type of appreciation Institution Year Award 1 - 27

All the data that I have entered and stated in the biodata above are true and can be legally accounted for. If later it turns out to be incompatibility with the reality, I will accept any sanctions that will be imposed. Thus, the biodata above is to fulfill the requirements in submitting the Proposal for Community Services.

Jakarta, November 1, 2020 Team member 2

(Mochamad Soelton,S.Psi.MM.CHRMP, Psikolog)

28 Attachment 2: Location Activities Map