Resolution No. ___A Resolution to Grant Texas Eastern Transmission, Lp an Easement to Relocate a Pipe Line Within Certain P
1 RESOLUTION NO. _______ 2 3 A RESOLUTION TO GRANT TEXAS EASTERN TRANSMISSION, LP AN 4 EASEMENT TO RELOCATE A PIPE LINE WITHIN CERTAIN PARK 5 LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, AS 6 REQUIRED; TO RATIFY THE GRANT OF AN EASEMENT BY THE 7 LITTLE ROCK AIRPORT COMMISSION TO TEXAS EASTERN 8 TRANMISSION, LP; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. 9 10 WHEREAS, Texas Eastern Transmission, LP (“Texas Eastern”), has had easements with the City 11 originally sponsored by the Federal Government to permit the transmission of natural gas outside the City 12 of Little Rock, Arkansas (“City”), and there is no commercial activity within the City that would provide 13 the necessary nexus to assess a franchise or any other levy; and, 14 WHEREAS, has determined that it is necessary to change the location where this pipeline crosses the 15 Arkansas River and is required to do so; 16 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY 17 OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: 18 Section 1. The Mayor, City Manager, City Clerk, and any other necessary City Officials are hereby 19 authorized to execute an Easement Agreement in substantially the format as Exhibit A to this resolution, 20 and to agree to have such an easement filed of record, or any other appropriate documents filed of record. 21 Section 2. The City and Texas Eastern agree that this is easement shall be subject to the utility 22 relocation policy of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas. 23 Section 3. The Mayor, City Manager, City Clerk, and any other necessary City Officials are hereby 24 authorized to execute an Easement Agreement in substantially the format as Exhibit B to this resolution, 25 and to agree to have such easement filed of record, or another other appropriate documents filed of record, 26 to complete the approval of the Little Rock Airport Commission on May 16, 2017, in Item No.
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