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Krill and Salmon About Krill and Salmon 1271 High Street, Auburn, CA 95603 • Phone (530) 823-7092 • order line (800) 359-6091 Hours: Tues. – Fri. 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. • E-mail: [email protected] web: February 2011 Volume 7: Issue 2 Krill Carotenoid krill...a shrimp-like marine animal is 3R,3’R(Bernhard 1990), and the ma- I am often asked why GNLD does jority of this is esterifi ed (Foss et al., not use krill as a source of omega-3 1987). In wild salmon, the predomi- fatty acids. The argument goes that nant stereoisomer is3S,3’S: in salmon krill is a high source of omega-3 and fl esh the astaxanthin occurs as the free also contains astaxanthin, a valuable xanthophyll (Bernhard 1990).” http:// carotenoid antioxidant. In study- ing the astaxanthin content of krill I learned a good while back that it has My concern about using krill as a a different chemical structure than the source of carotenoids is based upon astaxanthin in salmon. Nutrients can a couple of observations. The fi rst which I have elaborated is that the and zeaxanthin) which are optimal for exist in different forms called stereoi- protecting eyes from direct sunlight. somers in nature. (Synthesis of nutri- form of astaxanthin in krill is different ents in test tubes almost always pro- from that in wild salmon. Different Stephan Christen at U.C. Berkley duces a different form or stereoisomer forms of astaxanthin have an affi n- has demonstrated that intake of high of nutrients than one fi nds in nature.) ity for different tissues. Carotenoids quantities of one form of vitamin E One researcher wrote the following: have a specifi city of action dependent (alpha tocopherol) prevented absorp- upon their chemical structure. The tion of another form of the vitamin “In summary then, astaxanthin oc- natural food chain of man contains (gamma tocopherol). The result was curs in several different forms which the form of astaxanthin in salmon. increased risk of cancer resulting from can be classifi ed according to stereoi- inability to detoxify nitrogen-based somers, geometric isomers, and free Secondly, krill have very high levels of astaxanthin which ap- carcinogens—a function of gamma or esterifi ed forms. All of these forms tocopherol. This type of competitive are found in various natural sources. pears to be ideally suited to sea dwelling creatures. High levels of absorption appears to function with For example, the predominant ste- carotenoids as well as vitamin E. High reoisomer of astaxanthin found in one carotenoid have the potential, however, to decrease absorption of intake of astaxanthin might depress other carotenoids. This has been re- levels of other carotenoids of nutri- ferred to as competitive absorption. tional signifi cance such as lutein, ze- axanthin, lycopene, or alpha-carotene. Humans require lutein and xan- thophylls to prevent macular degen- In my opinion our bodies are eration. This is not an issue with sea adapted to certain forms of nutrients creatures that spend a good deal of and alterations in structure or forms their time underwater where their eyes of ingestion can potentially cre- are not exposed to sunlight. By con- ate problems. At this point in time, trast, land dwelling creature’s eyes are I am not willing to put my trust in exposed to sunlight for a lifetime. The krill as a source of the carotenoids leafy green foods like spinach and I need to maintain optimal health. kale provide the carotenoids (lutein Copyright 2011 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 1 evaluate emerging research.” Whole tion of anti-infl ammatory factors ‘re- Foods is not unique in this decision. solvins and protectins’, support for The primary reason for promoting healthy immune response and promo- krill as a source of omega-3 fatty ac- tion of the natural healing processes. ids is cost. Krill are cheap to harvest No such data is available for krill oil. which allows for a high profi t margin GNLD has examined krill oil on the supplements manufactured and found that the products are from them. There is certainly nothing strongly biased in favor of only natural about the human consumption DHA and EPA. GNLD Salmon of krill or krill oil. There is no hu- Oil Plus is standardized for all 8 man tradition of consumption of krill. members of the omega-3 family. Reference: Jacques Cousteau Cousteau, Jacques, and Schiefelbein, Susan, The Krill are not part of nature’s blue- Human, the Orchid, and the Octopus, New York: Bloomsbury, 2007, 176. print for human nutrition. We are supposed to eat things that eat krill. Omega-3 and Pellagra You might think this is nitpicking, but Whole Foods and Krill Omega-3 fatty acids appear to be consider the following pertinent quote critical for proper functioning of the GNLD considered krill as a source from the autobiography of Jacques B complex vitamins. Donald Rudin of omega-3 many years ago. The idea Cousteau, “While we were diving in wrote about this in the 1980’s. The was rejected for a number of reasons the Antarctic, dazzled by the variety abstract of his article reads, “Pellagra including potency, sustainability, of strange creatures we fi lmed above was once a major cause of three be- and environmental appropriateness. and below the surface of the sea, I haviorally different mental disorders- thought that perhaps the last continent Large scale krill harvesting is -schizophreniform, manic-depressive- explored my man could be the fi rst a disaster in the making. We do not like, and phobic neurotic--plus drying continent we would not plunder. I was eat krill, but we do eat other things dermatoses, autonomic neuropathies, wrong. Already the trawlers have ar- that eat krill.What is going to happen tinnitus, and fatigue. In this prelimi- rived. Krill catches burst from 3,300 to these creatures if we rob them of nary study all three of the correspond- tons taken in 1976 to 530,000 tons in their food supply. Their populations ing present-day mental diseases are 1982--most of which were landed by will collapse and the creatures may found to exhibit statistically, the same Japan and the Soviet Union, the two even die out. Ocean populations of pellagraform physical disorders but to last major whaling nations, which, fi sh and mammals need a source of ameliorate not so much with vitamins having reduced the whales to a non- omega-3 fatty acids as much as we as with supplements of a newly dis- profi table level, could now preclude do. We have other options than krill, covered trace omega-3 essential fatty the creatures’ return by harvesting many of these other species do not. acid (w3-EFA), which provides the their food. Fishery spokesmen wax Whole Foods grocery stores re- substrate upon which niacin and other ecstatic: With krill we can triple our cently discontinued sales of krill oil B vitamin holoenzymes act uniquely catch; with krill we can feed the hun- products and posted the following gry. Good luck to them. In the Antarc- in their stores: “Krill is an important tic we caught fresh krill, fried them, ate source of food for marine animals in- them, and instantly suffered diarrhea.” cluding penguins, seals and whales in the Antarctic. Declines of some pred- Finally, data for the bioavailabil- ator populations in the areas where ity, utilization, and benefi cial effects the krill fi shery operates suggests that of krill oil have very poor scientifi c fi shery management needs to better support. Human bioavailability for understand how to evaluate the prey Salmon Oil Plus is well-established. requirements of other marine species Testing has established uptake into in order to set sustainable catch levels cell membranes, displacement of in- for krill. Consequently, at present we fl ammatory fatty acids, reduction of are choosing to discontinue the sale of the infl ammatory index, improvement krill oil supplements as we continue to of the omega-3 index, improvement of cell membrane fl uidity, produc- Copyright 2011 by Jim McAfee. All rights reserved. 2 Abram Hoffer, M.D., demonstrat- tamin B3 necessary to create a fl ush- ed for years that he could improve ing effect for one patient (case 3) these same types of symptoms with was one thousand milligrams of the B complex vitamins, especially B3 vitamin. When she was supplement- and B6, and vitamin C. He had to ed with optimal levels of omega-3 use massive amounts of these nutri- fatty acids the intensity of the fl ush ents in order to obtain his improve- caused by niacin increased to such a ments. A possible explanation for degree that she reduced her dose of this in at least some of the patients niacin from one thousand milligrams and perhaps most of them were also three times a day to 100 milligrams. defi cient in omega-3 fatty acids. Rudin’s original work was done Abram Hoffer’s success rate with fl ax oil. The high levels of fl ax with schizophrenics, the most dif- oil he used with some patients created to form the prostaglandin 3 series fi cult group to help, was remarkable problems. The use of fi sh oils which tissue hormones regulating neuro- considering the fact that the average are more effective at lower doses circuits en block. Since present day number of patients who improve is might have prevented these problems. refi ning and food selection patterns, about 10 percent. Hoffer saw much Andrew Stoll, M.D., Director of as well as pure corn diets, deplete improvement in 25% of patients the Psychopharmacology Research both the B vitamins and w3-EFA, the who had been in a mental hospital Laboratory at McLean Hospital and existence of therapeutically cross- for over 5 years, 50% improvement Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at reacting homologous catalyst and in those out of a mental hospital, Harvard Medical School documented substrate defi ciency forms of pellagra 75% improvement in those who had his work with fi sh oils for the treat- are postulated, the fi rst contributing been sick 2-5 years, and 90% im- ment of postpartum depression, major to the B vitamin defi ciency epidem- provement in patients sick one year.
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