Developing a New Strategy Felicitas Kluger, Norman R. Brown, Jeremy B. Caplan Department of Psychology, University of Alberta

Background Experiment 1: Methods

• Mnemonic strategy = memory aids that use existing memories as a scaffold to • Participants: 50 UofA students completed a 110 min session for course credit encode new information; used by memory athletes who compete in championships world-wide • Screening criteria: learned English before the age of six, older than 17 years • Extraordinary memory skills not associated with extraordinary brain anatomy or • Task: a) typed life-story in ten sentences general cognitive superiority, but acquired through deliberate training in b) memorized 9 (7) lists of ten random words by visualizing them as part of the mnemonic strategies (Dresler and Konrad, 2013) story c) recalled the word lists in the presented order • Mnemonic strategies such as the method of loci (MoL, “memory palace”, encoding d) saw original sentences in random order and typed the words they integrated study items in known environment) effective in younger adults (Caplan et al., 2019, (strategy use validation) Worthen and Hunt, 2011 ) but not in seniors (Karbach & Verhaeghen, 2014) • Groups: (1): saw their original life-story and retyped it with the list words integrated • Visuospatial such as MoL engage hippocampus (Becchetti, 2010), which is (2): only saw list words and mentally integrated them into their life-story active during mental navigation (Bellmund et al., 2016) and in episodic memory encoding (3): saw their whole life-story and integrated the list words mentally and retrieval (Monaco et al., 2014) (4): saw one word and sentence at a time and integrated words mentally (5) control group: typed a story, but received no instruction • Hippocampus: one of first brain regions affected by Alzheimer’s disease (Apostolova et al., 2006;) Goals: validating efficacy of the autobiogra- THE VISION phical mnemonic strategy & finding the • Autobiographical memories relatively best mode of instruction A new mnemonic strategy used by PEOPLE in daily life to remember things independent of hippocampus (Cabeza & St Jacques, 2007) like

[and others …Retrieval structure who struggle Original Story… with their memory] `Because [Paul] is an absolute UNIT, st Original Story (1 half) he invited me to stay at this `[Paul] and I took a ferry to apartment in Vancouver; we boarded a Vancouver for an overnight trip.' ferry there.’

`We ate at the cafeteria on the ferry 'We ate at the cafeteria on the The Challenge: Even if trained, SENIORS fail to use mnemonics (Karbach & Verhaeghen, 2014) ferry and played cards.' and played cares, no DEVICES around, presumably because of their… just people living in the moment.’ … neurodegenerative impairment of hippocampus 'In Vancouver, we boarded a bus …low perceived self-efficacy in memory tasks `In Vancouver we boarded a bus to to Chris’ apartment, the ride was Chis’ apartment, there was a TURKEY very long.' on the bus, which was strange and The Paradox: poor performance and confidence in episodic and visuospatial memory unexpected but that’s just how it is vs. 'Afterward we stopped at his sometimes.’ excellent confidence in autobiographical memory apartment to drop off my 'Afterward we stopped at his belongings before heading out.’ apartment to drop off my belongings Old people have I’m really good at and because he had to COPY some bad memory and 'Our first task was to find Breka remembering stories documents before heading out again.’ tend to get lost! Bakery and buy poppy seed cake.’ about my own life! `Our first task in Vancouver was to List words (1st half) find Breka Bakery because their poppy The Solution : Using the form of memory seniors excel in to study new information seed cake is GENIUS and I wanted UNIT – DEVICE – TURKEY – COPY – some.’ GENIUS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL MNEMONIC STRATEGY

Results & Discussion Preliminary Results of Ongoing data Collection: • Life-story groups show higher probability than control group Strategy Use Validation Serial Recall Curves for all Groups Ø Autobiographical memories serve as effective retrieval structures! • High recall probability in G1 Ø Higher cognitive involvement when writing (Berthold et al., 2004) • High recall probability in G4 Ø Effective encoding with low cognitive load Recall AccuracyRecall Recall AccuracyRecall • Lower recall probability in G3 Ø Higher cognitive load from reading full story as distraction

Strategy use validation: Loftus/Masson-corrected error bars: SDM Loftus/Masson-corrected error bars: SDM G1 & G4 associated words with sentences of their story Word Position Word Position G2 & G3 might have used different or no memorization techniques à The autobiographical mnemonic strategy is an effective memory aid, especially when life-story is retyped and when one word and sentence are shown at a time!

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