Grothendieck and Vanishing Cycles Luc Illusie1 to the Memory of Michel Raynaud Abstract. This Is a Survey of Classical Results O
Grothendieck and vanishing cycles Luc Illusie1 To the memory of Michel Raynaud Abstract. This is a survey of classical results of Grothendieck on vanishing cycles, such as the local monodromy theorem and his monodromy pairing for abelian varieties over local fields ([3], IX). We discuss related current devel- opments and questions. At the end, we include the proof of an unpublished result of Gabber giving a refined bound for the exponent of unipotence of the local monodromy for torsion coefficients. R´esum´e. Le pr´esent texte est un expos´ede r´esultatsclassiques de Gro- thendieck sur les cycles ´evanescents, tels que le th´eor`emede monodromie locale et l'accouplement de monodromie pour les vari´et´esab´eliennes sur les corps locaux ([3], IX). Nous pr´esentons quelques d´eveloppements r´ecents et questions qui y sont li´es.La derni`eresection est consacr´ee`ala d´emonstration d'un r´esultat in´editde Gabber donnant une borne raffin´eepour l'exposant d'unipotence de la monodromie locale pour des coefficients de torsion. Key words and phrases. Etale´ cohomology, monodromy, Milnor fiber, nearby and vanishing cycles, alteration, hypercovering, semistable reduc- tion, intersection complex, abelian scheme, Picard functor, Jacobian, N´eron model, Picard-Lefschetz formula, `-adic sheaf. AMS Classification Numbers. 01A65, 11F80, 11G10, 13D09, 1403, 14D05, 14F20, 14G20, 14K30, 14H25, 14L05, 14L15, 32L55. Grothendieck's first mention of vanishing cycles is in a letter to Serre, dated Oct. 30, 1964 ([5], p. 214). He considers a regular, proper, and flat curve X over a strictly local trait S = (S; s; η), whose generic fiber is 1This is a slightly expanded version of notes of a talk given on June 17, 2015, at the conference Grothendieck2015 at the University of Montpellier, and on November 13, 2015, at the conference Moduli Spaces and Arithmetic Geometry at the Lorentz Center in Leiden.
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