Vanishing cycles for algebraic D-modules Sam Lichtenstein March 29, 2009 Email:
[email protected] | Tel: 617-710-0383 Advisor: Dennis Gaitsgory. Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 The lemma on b-functions 3 3 Nearby cycles, maximal extension, and vanishing cycles functors 8 4 The gluing category 30 5 Epilogue 33 A Some category theoretic background 38 B Basics of D-modules 40 C D-modules Quick Reference / List of notation 48 References 50 1 Introduction 1.1 The gluing problem Let X be a smooth variety over an algebraically closed field | of characteristic 0, and let f : X ! | be a regular function. Assume that f is smooth away from the locus Y = f −1(0). We have varieties and embeddings as depicted in the diagram i j Y ,! X -U = X − Y: For any space Z we let Hol(DZ ) denote the category of holonomic DZ -modules. The main focus of this (purely expository) thesis will be answering the following slightly vague question. Question 1.1. Can one \glue together" the categories Hol(DY ) and Hol(DU ) to recover the category Hol(DX )? Our approach to this problem will be to define functors of (unipotent) nearby and van- ishing cycles along Y ,Ψf : Hol(DU ) ! Hol(DY ) and Φf : Hol(DX ) ! Hol(DY ) respectively. Using these functors and some linear algebra, we will build from Hol(DU ) and Hol(DY ) a gluing category equivalent to Hol(DX ). This strategy is due to Beilinson, who gives this construction (and in fact does so in greater generality) in the extraordinarily concise article [B].