20102010 AnnualAnnual yachtsman yachts man THE ALFREDS LFRE A D E C Y A N I C R H P T L C A L Y U O B R Official Journal of The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club For the information of members and their guests www.rpayc.com.au LFRE A D E C Y A N I C R H he lfred’s oatyard P T L C A L Y T U MODERNA PROFESSIONAL CBUSTOMER ORIENTED O B R IIssnn’’tt iitt ttiimmee yyoouu eexxppeerriieenncceedd 55 ssttaarr sseerrvviiccee && qquuaalliittyy?? ““FFuullllyy sseerrvviicceedd yyaarrdd ooppeerraatteedd bbyy bbooaattiinngg ppeeooppllee”” Proudly assisted by the following onsite contractors: All Inboards & Outboards Mechanical Engineers Riggtech Yacht Riggers Andersen Marine Electrician Paul Rudge Canopies Boatmate Shipwright Services Stewart Shipwright Services Bosuns Locker Ship Chandlery Vicsail New & Used Boat Brokers Lacey Marine Mechanical Engineers Yachtsmart Boat Detailing P: 02 9998 3751 I F: 02 9979 2864
[email protected] I W: www.rpayc.com.au Excellence in Sailing General From the Commodore. 4 LFRE General Manager’s Report . 7 A D E C Y A History of Club Trophies . 70 N I C R H P T Been Seen . 72 L C A L Y U New Members . 74 O B R Additions & Deletions to Yacht Register. 75 Club Yachting The Alfreds Yachtsman Race Review . 6 Official Journal of Annual Prize Giving Results . 8 The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Pittwater to Coffs. 10 16 Mitala Street, Newport NSW 2106 Evolution Racing wins 2009/2010 Asian Yachting Grand Prix . 16 Telephone: 02 9997 1022 Melges 24 Australian Championships .