Classification of Vegetation Communities of New Jersey: Second Iteration

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Classification of Vegetation Communities of New Jersey: Second Iteration Classification of Vegetation Communities of New Jersey: Second Iteration By Thomas F. Breden, Yvette Alger, Kathleen Strakosch Walz, Andrew G. Windisch A Subset of the International Classification of Ecological Communities: Terrestrial Vegetation of the United States Contents Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii Introduction 1 Background of the National Vegetation Classification 1 The Vegetation Classification System (The Hierarchy) 2 Application of the Classification’s Alliance Level for Mapping 7 Application of the Classification System for Conservation 8 Format of this Document 9 I. Forest 15 I.A.4.N.a. Lowland temperate seasonal evergreen forest 15 I.A.4.N.a.300. ILEX OPACA FOREST ALLIANCE 15 Ilex opaca/Morella pensylvanica Forest 15 I.A.8.N.g. Saturated temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen forest 16 I.A.8.N.g.2. CHAMAECYPARIS THYOIDES SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 16 Chamaecyparis thyoides/Ilex glabra Forest 17 Chamaecyparis thyoides/Ilex verticillata Forest 18 Chamaecyparis thyoides/Rhododendron maximum Forest 18 I.A.8.N.g.300. PINUS TAEDA SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 19 Pinus taeda/Morella cerifera/Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Forest 19 I.A.8.N.g.7. TSUGA CANADENSIS SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 21 Tsuga canadensis—Betula alleghaniensis/Ilex verticillata/Sphagnum spp. Forest 22 Tsuga canadensis/Rhododendron maximum/Sphagnum spp. Forest 22 I.B.2.N.a. Lowland or submontane cold-deciduous forest 23 I.B.2.N.a.4. ACER SACCHARUM—BETULA ALLEGHANIENSIS—(FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA) FOREST ALLIANCE 23 Acer saccharum—Betula alleghaniensis—Fagus grandifolia/Viburnum lantanoides Forest 24 I.B.2.N.a.5. ACER SACCHARUM—FRAXINUS AMERICANA—TILIA AMERICANA FOREST ALLIANCE 25 Acer saccharum—Fraxinus americana—Juglans cinerea/Staphylea trifolia Forest 26 Acer saccharum—Fraxinus americana—Tilia americana—Magnolia acuminata/ Actaea racemosa Forest 26 Acer saccharum—Fraxinus spp.—Tilia americana/Osmorhiza claytonii—Caulophyllum thalictroides Forest 27 I.B.2.N.a.46. CARYA (GLABRA, OVATA)—FRAXINUS AMERICANA—QUERCUS (ALBA, RUBRA) FOREST ALLIANCE 28 Carya (glabra, ovata)—Fraxinus americana—Quercus spp. Central Appalachian Forest 30 Quercus rubra—Carya (glabra, ovata)/Ostrya virginiana/Carex pensylvanica Forest 30 I.B.2.N.a.17. FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA—QUERCUS RUBRA—QUERCUS ALBA FOREST ALLIANCE 31 Fagus grandifolia—Quercus alba—Liriodendron tulipifera—Carya spp. Forest 32 Fagus grandifolia—Quercus alba—Quercus rubra—Liriodendron tulipifera Forest 33 Quercus velutina—Fagus grandifolia—Sassafras albidum/Ilex opaca Forest 33 New Jersey Vegetation Classification iii Contents I.B.2.N.a.27. QUERCUS ALBA—(QUERCUS RUBRA, CARYA SPP.) FOREST ALLIANCE 34 Quercus (alba, rubra, velutina)/Cornus florida/Viburnum acerifolium Forest 35 I.B.2.N.a.29. QUERCUS ALBA—QUERCUS (FALCATA, STELLATA) FOREST ALLIANCE 36 Quercus (falcata, alba, velutina)/Gaylussacia baccata—Vaccinium pallidum Forest 37 I.B.2.N.a.31. QUERCUS FALCATA FOREST ALLIANCE 38 Quercus falcata—Quercus phellos/Ilex opaca Forest 39 I.B.2.N.a.101. QUERCUS MUEHLENBERGII—(ACER SACCHARUM) FOREST ALLIANCE 39 Acer saccharum—Quercus muehlenbergii/Cercis canadensis Forest 41 Acer saccharum—Quercus muehlenbergii Forest 42 I.B.2.N.a.36. QUERCUS PRINUS—(QUERCUS COCCINEA, QUERCUS VELUTINA) FOREST ALLIANCE 43 Quercus prinus—Quercus (rubra, velutina)/Gaylussacia baccata Forest 44 I.B.2.N.a.37. QUERCUS PRINUS—QUERCUS (ALBA, FALCATA, RUBRA, VELUTINA) FOREST ALLIANCE 45 Quercus prinus—Quercus (alba, falcata, rubra, velutina) Forest [Placeholder] 46 Quercus prinus—Quercus velutina/Gaylussacia frondosa Forest 47 I.B.2.N.a.38. QUERCUS PRINUS—QUERCUS RUBRA FOREST ALLIANCE 47 Quercus prinus—Quercus rubra—Carya (glabra, alba)/Gaylussacia baccata Forest 48 I.B.2.N.a.39. QUERCUS RUBRA—(ACER SACCHARUM) FOREST ALLIANCE 49 Quercus rubra—Acer saccharum—Fagus grandifolia/Viburnum acerifolium Forest 50 Quercus rubra—Acer saccharum—Liriodendron tulipifera Forest 50 I.B.2.N.a.100. QUERCUS VELUTINA—QUERCUS ALBA—(QUERCUS COCCINEA) FOREST ALLIANCE 52 Quercus coccinea—Quercus velutina/Sassafras albidum/Vaccinium pallidum Forest 53 Quercus velutina—Quercus coccinea—Quercus prinus/Kalmia latifolia Forest 53 I.B.2.N.d. Temporarily flooded cold-deciduous forest 54 I.B.2.N.d.27. ACER SACCHARUM—CARYA CORDIFORMIS TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 54 Acer saccharum—Fraxinus spp.—Tilia americana/Matteuccia struthiopteris—Ageratina altissima Forest 55 I.B.2.N.e. Seasonally flooded cold-deciduous forest 55 I.B.2.N.e.1. ACER RUBRUM—FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA SEASONALLY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 55 Acer rubrum—Fraxinus (pennsylvanica, americana)/Lindera benzoin/Symplocarpus foetidus Forest 57 Acer rubrum—Fraxinus pennsylvanica/Saururus cernuus Forest 57 I.B.2.N.e.6. LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA—(ACER RUBRUM) SEASONALLY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 58 Liquidambar styraciflua—Acer rubrum—Quercus phellos/Leucothoe racemosa Forest 59 I.B.2.N.g. Saturated cold-deciduous forest 59 I.B.2.N.g.2. ACER RUBRUM—NYSSA SYLVATICA SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 59 Acer rubrum—Nyssa sylvatica—Liquidambar styraciflua—Populus heterophylla Forest 60 Acer rubrum—Nyssa sylvatica—Magnolia virginiana Forest 61 Acer rubrum—Nyssa sylvatica/Rhododendron viscosum—Clethra alnifolia Forest 61 I.B.2.N.g.1. FRAXINUS NIGRA—ACER RUBRUM SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 62 Fraxinus nigra—Acer rubrum—(Larix laricina)/Rhamnus alnifolia Forest 63 iv New Jersey Vegetation Classification Contents I.C.3.N.a. Mixed needle-leaved evergreen—cold-deciduous forest 64 I.C.3.N.a.35. PINUS (RIGIDA, ECHINATA)—QUERCUS COCCINEA FOREST ALLIANCE 64 Pinus (rigida, echinata)—Quercus coccinea/Ilex opaca Forest 64 Pinus rigida—Quercus coccinea/Vaccinium pallidum—(Morella pensylvanica) Forest 64 I.C.3.N.a.21. PINUS STROBUS—QUERCUS (ALBA, RUBRA, VELUTINA) FOREST ALLIANCE 65 Pinus strobus—Quercus (rubra, velutina)—Fagus grandifolia Forest 66 I.C.3.N.a.27. PINUS VIRGINIANA—QUERCUS (ALBA, STELLATA, FALCATA, VELUTINA) FOREST ALLIANCE 67 Pinus virginiana—Quercus falcata—Carya pallida Forest 68 I.C.3.N.a.32. TSUGA CANADENSIS—BETULA ALLEGHANIENSIS FOREST ALLIANCE 68 Tsuga canadensis—Betula alleghaniensis—Prunus serotina/Rhododendron maximum Forest 70 Tsuga canadensis—Betula alleghaniensis Lower New England/Northern Piedmont Forest 70 I.C.3.N.d. Saturated mixed needle-leaved evergreen—cold-deciduous forest 71 I.C.3.N.d.8. CHAMAECYPARIS THYOIDES—ACER RUBRUM SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 71 Chamaecyparis thyoides—Acer rubrum—Magnolia virginiana Forest 71 Chamaecyparis thyoides—Acer rubrum Lower New England/Northern Piedmont Forest 72 I.C.3.N.d.300. PINUS RIGIDA—ACER RUBRUM SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 72 Pinus rigida—Acer rubrum/Rhododendron viscosum Forest 73 II. Woodland 75 II.A.4.N.a. Rounded-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland 75 II.A.4.N.a.26. PINUS RIGIDA WOODLAND ALLIANCE 75 Pinus rigida—(Pinus echinata)/Quercus (marilandica, ilicifolia)/Vaccinium pallidum Woodland 76 Pinus rigida/Carex pensylvanica Woodland 77 Pinus rigida/Hudsonia tomentosa Woodland 77 Pinus rigida/Quercus (marilandica, ilicifolia)/Pyxidanthera barbulata Woodland 78 Pinus rigida/Quercus ilicifolia—Kalmia angustifolia/Pyxidanthera barbulata Woodland 78 Pinus rigida/Quercus ilicifolia/Morella pensylvanica Woodland 79 Pinus rigida/Quercus ilicifolia/Photinia melanocarpa Woodland 79 II.A.4.N.b. Conical-crowned temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland 80 II.A.4.N.b.2. JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA WOODLAND ALLIANCE 80 Juniperus virginiana—Fraxinus americana/Danthonia spicata—Poa compressa Woodland 81 Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana/Morella pensylvanica Woodland 81 II.A.4.N.e. Seasonally flooded temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland 82 II.A.4.N.e.3. CHAMAECYPARIS THYOIDES SEASONALLY FLOODED WOODLAND ALLIANCE 82 Chamaecyparis thyoides North Atlantic Coast Woodland 82 II.A.4.N.f. Saturated temperate or subpolar needle-leaved evergreen woodland 83 II.A.4.N.f.13. PICEA MARIANA SATURATED WOODLAND ALLIANCE 83 Picea mariana/(Vaccinium corymbosum, Gaylussacia baccata)/Sphagnum sp. Woodland 84 II.A.4.N.f.8. PINUS RIGIDA SATURATED WOODLAND ALLIANCE 85 Pinus rigida/Chamaedaphne calyculata/Sphagnum spp. Woodland 85 Pinus rigida/Gaylussacia baccata—Kalmia angustifolia Woodland 86 New Jersey Vegetation Classification v Contents Pinus rigida/Gaylussacia dumosa/Calamovilfa brevipilis Woodland 86 Pinus rigida/Vaccinium corymbosum—Leucothoe racemosa/Sphagnum spp. Woodland 87 II.B.2.N.a. Cold-deciduous woodland 87 II.B.2.N.a.25. QUERCUS STELLATA—QUERCUS MARILANDICA WOODLAND ALLIANCE 87 Quercus stellata—Sassafras albidum/Smilax glauca Woodland 89 II.B.2.N.f. Tidal cold-deciduous woodland 89 II.B.2.N.f.1. ACER RUBRUM—FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA TIDAL WOODLAND ALLIANCE 89 Acer rubrum—Fraxinus pennsylvanica/Polygonum spp. Woodland 90 II.C.3.N.a. Mixed needle-leaved evergreen—cold-deciduous woodland 91 II.C.3.N.a.19. PINUS RIGIDA—QUERCUS (COCCINEA, VELUTINA) WOODLAND ALLIANCE 91 Pinus rigida—Quercus (coccinea, velutina)/Schizachyrium scoparium Woodland 91 Pinus rigida—Quercus velutina/Hudsonia tomentosa Woodland 91 III. Shrubland 93 III.A.2.N.i. Saturated temperate broad-leaved evergreen shrubland 93 III.A.2.N.i.100. MORELLA CERIFERA SATURATED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 93 Morella cerifera—Baccharis halimifolia/Spartina patens Shrubland 94 III.A.3.N.a. Needle-leaved evergreen shrubland 95 III.A.3.N.a.3. PINUS RIGIDA SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 95 Pinus rigida—Quercus marilandica/Corema conradii Shrubland 95 III.B.2.N.a. Temperate cold-deciduous shrubland 96 III.B.2.N.a.9. MORELLA PENSYLVANICA—(PRUNUS MARITIMA) SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 96 Morella pensylvanica—Rosa rugosa Shrubland 96 III.B.2.N.a.300.
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