REG. NO.130705120














Signed :

Date : February 5th 2018
















Signed :

Date : February 5th 2018 ii




Firstly, I would like to thank Allah SWT, the almighty God for giving me all the blessings and guides in everyday of my lifespecially all days in achieving to finish this thesis. Praise is the prophet Muhammad SAW. The leader of messanger and guiding of faithful so that I could finish my study to fulfill one of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from English Department Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara.

I address my special gratitude to Dr. Drs. Budi Agustono, M.S. the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, for all the support and facilities provided for the students in following their study. I am also grateful to the Head of English Department Dr. Deliana, M.Hum and the Secretary of English Department Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D for their concern, facilities and support given during my study and my thesis research. I am really thankful to be one of English Department family.

I also would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S.as my Supervisor and Dr. T. Thyrhaya Zein, M.A.as my Co-Supervisor. I am grateful for their helps, encouragement, guidance, understanding, patience, advices and contributions during my thesis research. Their support was essential to my success here.

I cannot ask for more from my beloved father Herman Sawiran and mother Yulia, as they have both been wonderful parents to me. I have no suitable word that can fully describe their everlasting love for me. They have helped me financially, morally and spiritually. They always gave me words of encouragement and understanding all my struggle in finishing my thesis and I have been succeed for achieving one of their dream. I also thank my brothersRama Andikaand Sandy Kurnia for all the love, the guidance, support and trust specially during my struggle



in accomplishing my thesis. I love my family so much and I won’t be able to made it through without them.

I feel grateful as well to my beloved friends Jia, Fei eonni, and Debby eonni,thank you for your continued friendship, support and laughs. To my lovely friend Fani, thank you for cheering me up when I am too lazy to work on my thesis, for believing me that I can finish my thesis, for 5 years good memories and still counting. To my precious cats smoothie, cookie, mirae, morie, and mochi that came out of nowhere and became my everything. To KCCM (Korean Cultural Center Medan) members Jeje Eonni, Kak Afta, Kak Ibel, Kak Novi, Kak Kiki, Kak Liska, Kak Wiwik, Kak Nanda, Bang Anggi, Bang Kaltha, Fiya, Andri, dan Navi for all the support, laugh, cry, and all moments we’ve been through both in my life and the process of my thesis. I feel grateful as well to my beloved English Literature 2013 friends who are having struggle together for 4 years and also the support and all the moments we have been through together. The last I would thank to bang Kirno (Kibot) for all the help.

Finally, I realize that this thesis is still far from perfect but I hope this thesis will be useful for everyone who would like to read or analyze the subject matter that related to this thesis analysis.

Hope that Allah SWT always bless us. Amin.

Medan, 5 Februari 2018

Mayang No. Reg. 130705120




Skripsi ini berjudul Objectification of Women on Advertisements of Several Games: A Semiotic Analysis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan makna denotasi dan makna konotasi pada iklan delapan games serta apa dampak kepada anak-anak dibawah umur jika bermain games yang menggunakan tokoh wanita yang diberlakukan sebagai objek. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori dari Roland Barthes dengan menganalisis tanda yang konsepnya dihubungkan oleh dua aspek yaitu signifier dan signified. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dianalisis dalam skripsi adalah delapan iklan games berbeda yang menampilkan tokoh wanita, yang beberapa tokoh wanita tersebut menunjukkan ciri-ciri dari penggunaan wanita sebagai objek untuk menarik perhatian para pemain games pria. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, setiap gambar dari iklan-iklan games tersebut masing-masing memiliki makna denotasi yang terlihat langsung di gambar dan makna konotasi berupa makna tersembunyi. Terakhir, penelitian initerbukti bahwa delapan iklan games tersebut menggunakan tokoh wanita sebagai objek untuk keuntungan perusahaan dan memiliki dampak buruk pada anak-anak di bawah umur yang memainkannya, pembuktiaan tersebut dilakukan secara objektif menurut penulis dan kuesioner yang diisi oleh responden.

Kata Kunci : wanita sebagai objek, denotasi, konotasi, dampak, iklan, games.




This thesis titled Objectification of Women on Advertisements of Several Games : A Semiotic Analysis. The objective of study isto analyze denotation and connotation meanings of eight games through Roland Barthes’ theoryand to reveal the impacts of objectification of women on several games advertisements to minors.The theory used in this analysis is Roland Barthes’ theory of analyzing sign concept that based on relationship of two aspects, they are signifier and signified. The data analyzed in this paper is eight games that showing women characters, the characters shows objectification of women to attract male game players. From the analysis, the writer concluded that each games has denotative meanings, what is exactly shown on the picture and connotative meanings, the hidden meaning on the picture. Finally, this analysis has proven objectivelythrough some informants that eight games advertisements contained objectification of women to benefits the companies and has negative impacts to minors.

Keywords: objectification of women, denotation, connotation, impact, advertisement, games.




Figure 1. The Saussure’s Concept of Sign ...... 12 Figure 2. Map of Sign Functioning ...... 18 Figure 3. A Model of Objectification Theory by Fredrickson & Roberts ...... 23 Figure 4. Theoretical Framework of the Thesis ...... 29





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 7 1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 7 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 8 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 8

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 10 2.1 Semiotics ...... 10 2.1.1 Roland Barthes’ Semiotic Theory...... 13 Denotation, Connotation, and Myth ...... 14 Barthes’ Reading Photograph ...... 16 2.2 Advertisement ...... 18 2.2.1 Definition of Advertisement ...... 18 2.2.1 Functions of Advertisement ...... 20 2.3 Objectification of Women ...... 22 2.4 Relevant Studies ...... 25 2.5 Theoritical Framework ...... 28



CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 30 3.1 Research Design ...... 30 3.2 Location and Time ...... 30 3.3 Data and Source of Data ...... 30 3.4 Data Collecting Procedure ...... 31 3.5 Data Analyzing Procedure ...... 32

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS...... 33 4.1 Data Decription ...... 33 4.2 Data Analysis ...... 39 4.2.1 Analysis of Denotation and Connotation Meanings Describedin the Advertisements of Several Games ...... 39 4.2.2 Analysis the Impacts of Objectification of Women on Several games Advertisements to Minors ...... 63 4.3 Findings ...... 68

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 69 5.1 Conclusion ...... 69 5.2 Suggestion ...... 70





1.1 Background of the Study

Now a days, advertisements come up everywhere and every time as a part of daily lives. Advertising plays an interesting role in the context and the projects of consumption. It is come up in television screen, newspaper, magazines, billboards and even on internet. As I have tried to suggest elsewhere advertising is one of the ways in which we get into goods (McCracken, 1986). It is the conduit through which meanings are constantly transferred from the culturally constituted world to the consumer good. In brief, people living as an “advertisement human beings" in a world surrounded by advertisements and it is impossible to run away from this siege.

Although some of the advertisements attract personal or social perspectives, others mean nothing for persons.

The new advertisement concepts where life styles and values of individuals are reconstructed are in progress instead of the traditionalized advertisement concept.

The formation of the new values is provided with the images presented in the advertisements. In advertisements, subconscious targets are started to set for the women by saying that woman should be like the exhibited and flawlessly beautiful with the help of Photoshop editor and in parallel with the woman image depicted. As a result, fancy, luxury, bright life, beauty and sex are packed and presented with dominant message forming technique in many customer goods from chocolate, ice cream, cologne, cosmetics, technologies, textile and others.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Since the introduction of advertising, women have been objectified, and in some instances, insulted or degraded. Woman in every society might be thought to pay attention to their sitting, walking in brief how they behave starting from they are young. As a result of this, personality of woman is divided into two as "observer" and observed".

At this point, women provide insight about the gender roles to individuals

(especially to women) and women check themselves according to these images and try to make themselves as attractive and charming. The role of woman in advertisement has been an attractive and controversial topic for years. Woman body in advertisement is under scrutiny with several discourses. As woman body kept identical with the individual identity, well-kept body has been shown a pre-condition of being good wife and mother.

Furthermore, in advertisements of personal care products, it is emphasized that women who want to attract the attention of men (and other women) have to focus on their sexual attractiveness. By this way, man-woman relationships (at the same time with other women) are strengthen. The sexuality of woman in advertisements are used as a drive for consumption both for women and men.

Women endorsers mostly have advertisements that sell beauty and clothes to targeting women and showing their body for men product. Attitude towards an advertisement affects attitude towards a brand (Batra & Ray, 1986; Muehling

&Laczniak, 1988), which affects purchase intentions (Batra & Ray, 1986). Therefore it is important what the market thinks of a particular advertisement.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In spite of very different views on the subject, using nudity in advertising has overall been found to lead to a positive attitude towards the advertisement (Pope et al., 2004; Severn et al., 1990). Findings on the effects of usage of sexual stimuli on advertisement recall have been mixed, but ad recall is important since ad recall has a positive effect on brand recall (Parker and Furnham, 2007). Objectification of women is hence when women are reduced to a mere commodity, judged by their attributes of their bodies rather than who they are, as a person. Here is a picture of woman as an object :

Picture 1.1 : The Advertisement of PSVITA.

The picture above is an example of advertisement from gaming company

PSVITA. The picture shows the portrayals of sexually objectified woman in advertisement, they are using a woman’s body and edited her breast and made it like she has breasts in both sides of her chest and back. They also added the slogan

“touch both sides for added enjoyment” that makes it more ambiguous. This kind of advertisement mainly result in negative effects in the society such as women devaluation and affirmation of objectification.

As for advertising aimed squarely at the male target audience. Various products were competing to persuate men and as the development of technology, the


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA advertising system is also growing along with the sophisticated products. With the rapid advancement of computer technology, the significance of software engineering in daily lives is increasing. It affects every aspect of lives today, including working, living, learning, and education.

A new and popular mode of entertainment and an important application of technology are software games, which have become increasingly accepted by people of all ages. In today’s culture, technology is easily accessible and has become more convenient; more and more people like to play games and are also becoming motivated to design their own games. Game is a software application in which one or more players make decisions by controlling game objects and resources, in the pursuit of its goal (Salen & Zimmerman, 2003). Software games are software applications that are installed on hardware devices such as consoles, computers, handheld devices, and Personal Digital Assistants. Software games have now become a worldwide creative industry, but because of the multidisciplinary activities required, their development is a very complex task.

In this case the author focuses on games that targeting the male audiences.

The popularity of games push the companies to create and advertise their games and captivate male audiences. They use a strategy to promote their mobile game and by using a certain type of woman characters to promote their games product. There are various game advertisements that use woman characters to attract men. Such as;

Bloodrayne 2, Naugthy Neighbor, Under cover, Soul Calibur, and others.

Nowadays even when women emancipation and freedom are already accepted in the society, women are still discriminated in various ways. Regarding


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA this phenomena, the most significant example is the portrayals of women’s object in advertisement.

The development of advertisement and advertising system in the consumer society altered to any problem of social and cultural landscape. People surrounded by number of signs of different nature and different affiliation to sign systems. The same is true for advertising that works with signs and sign systems quite significantly, utilizing them particularly for commercial purposes. However, it is not easy to understand each sign immediately. People may suppose that the recipient and the advertiser have common interests (although their motives are quite different) and one of these interests refers to the need to understand signs in the best and quickest ways possible.

Barthes (1986) said that advertisements cooperate with modern era to perform “something new (new brand)” which is not common in societies. In this term, modern era intends to persuade consumers to follow the dynamic development.

Advertisements have a power capacity to influence the state of consumer mind with the word “new or modern”. Advertisements often change the paradigm values in societies which are good/bad, beautiful/simple, suitable/unsuitable, highclass/low class, and trendy/odd.

Modern era could open state of mind to imitate the new values above, good, beautiful, high class, trendy etc. All are the capacity of capitalism actors by involving advertisements to create a connotation process. A connotation process is the extension of content/signified (sign). It is the place given by producers upon products to consumers, and then the consumers will react an active respond to give a meaning upon products based on their culture and ideology.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA An active respond (connotation process) is something that products whichare produced by the motif of capitalism actors and advertisement media areassumed by all human (consumers) in many interpretations. The interpretation upon products that has symbolic and sign values is recognized as semiotics or sémiologié field.

A connotation model of Barthes may apply to an element of non-language, advertisements. As long as it has sign system (Culler, 1976: 93). Advertisements have a power capacity with including their system via television, radio, newspaper, images onbillboard and so on to create the symbolic and sign values, luxurious, prestige, and sexy, as the following explanation about the motif of capitalism actors above.

Barthes explained that how tointerpret in which assuming the same perception about a sign. He gave in his book, S/Z, some codes to interpret the hidden sign (symbolic sign) on advertisements. Advertisements send a “message” to consumers upon products. And semiotics field which is developed by Roland Barthes attempts to open up,open the hidden sign. These codes are hermeneutic, semantic, symbolic, narrative/proairetic, and cultural code.

Eco (2009:48) states that a code is “…aturan yang menghasilkan tanda-tanda sebagai penampilan konkretnya di dalam hubungan komunikasi”. Seeing the definition above, a code is a rule or collective convention, which are signs thatmay be organized. It pushes a message to be operated between communicators, sender and receiver.In Elements of Semiology, Roland Barthes gave models of denotation andconnotation. He defined a sign as system consisting of Expression (E) on signifier,in relation (R) to content (C) on signified. Such primary system can become anelement of a more comprehensive sign system. The primary sign (E1 - R1 - C1) as


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA denotative level becomes the expression of secondary sign system E2 = E1 - R1 -C1.

Then, in connotative level is the combination of E2 - R2 - C2.

It is an interesting topic to be discussed furthermore because this research shows us about how women become objects and sometimes potrayed as victims in advertisement. On the other hand, analyse the advertisement allows us to understand it thoroughly by finding the denotation and connotation meanings of the images.

The writer hopes this research can reduce the stereotypes to women and help people to know about the negative effects of women in the advertisements through semiotic analysis.

1.2 Problem of the Study

It is important to make the specification of problems which are going to be analyzed. It helps the writer to avoid the ambiguity of the analysis and get clear description about the object of the analysis itself. So in this thesis the writer decide some problems that should be analyzed. They are:

1. How are the denotation and connotation meanings described in games


2. What are the impacts of objectification of women on several games

advertisements to minors?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Related to the questions on the problem of the study, this research tries to find out the answer of those questions. They are:

1. To describe the denotation and connotation meanings in games advertiments.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. To reveal the impacts of objectification of women on several games

advertisements to minors.

1.4 Scope of the Study

Related to the problem and the objective of the study, the writer has to limit the scope of study in order to avoid wider analysis. In this thesis the writer would like to analyze the semiotic analysis with Roland Barthes’s on objectification of women of several games .Women as gender and sexual objects because of men's desires and beliefs. Since the dawn of time women have been depicted as these two objects. And the next scope of the study is to reveal the impacts of objectification of women on the advertisements of several games to minors. Scope of the study is necessary in order to make a research to be specific and well managed.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research is expected to contribute theoretically and practically fruitful evaluative analysis for the readers in terms of the following modes:

Theoritically, this analysis gives the learners of semiotic analysis based on

Roland Barthes’s theory about denotation and conotation meanings viewed in the advertisements. Besides that, the writer hopes this research would help and can be advantageous for further researches who would like to conduct the research with the similar case additional reference especially in semiotics.

Practically, this analysis tells the learners to increase the awareness of women’s objectification on advertisements especially the advertisements of several games often played by male players that using women characters. Examining various media, the findings proved women are portrayed in a sexual manner more often than


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA boys; dressed in revealing clothing, with bodily postures or facial expressions that imply sexual readiness. Women and girls are also more likely to be indicated portrayed in a sexual manner (dressed in revealing clothing, with bodily postures or facial expressions that imply sexual readiness) and are objectified (used as a decorative object, or as body parts rather than a whole person).

Through this research, the writer wants to change people mindset especially men to stop seeing and treating women as objects of male desire. By using Roland

Barthes’s theory of denotation and conotation meaning, this analysis hopefully can be useful to enrich the knowledge about semiotic process on understanding the meaning of the advertisement.




2.1 Semiotics

Everything in this world is sign. There are signs whenever and wherever we are. Everything’s happen because this world is decorated by signs (Akmal, 2008:241).

The sun begins shining until the afternoon when it sets, is the sun’s rotation sign. It means that there is The Manager. It is the God, The Almighty.

In interpreting signs, there is knowledge to study sign. It is semiotics.

Etymologically, word semiotics derived from word seme or semeion as in semiotikos.

It is a root from Greek language that means the sign or the interpretation of sign.

Semiotics as a discipline is simply the analysis of signs or the study of the function of sign systems. The idea that sign systems are of great consequences is easy enough to gasp; yet the recognition of the need to study sign systems is very much a modern phenomenon (Cobley and Janz, 1999a:4).

Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) is one of the European linguist experts who live in the beginning of the 20’s century. He studied academically about the concept and the paradigm of sign. He is a linguist who uses semiology term in studying sign as the Continental Europe’s line of thought rather than semiotics term that is introduced by the American linguist, Charles SandersPierce. However, years after, the semiotics term is more popular than the semiology term so that the semiotics term is often used by Saussure’s followers.

In his book, Course de Linguistique Generale, the task he had not previously undertaken and dealing with a topics upon which he would not publish in his lifetime


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA and his students (Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye) thought the course was so innovative that they reassembled it from their preserved notes and published it in

1916, he said that semiotics has two inseparable sides as the two sides of dichotomies opposition as the signifier, significant, semaion and signified,signifie, semainomenon, speaking (parole) and the common language (langue), the syntagmatic and the paradigmatic, and also the diachronic and the synchronic.

The signifier and the signified are the important Saussure’s concepts about sign. Language signs are concept (signifie or signified) and acoustic image (the material aspect or sound image or signifier) which is attracting when someone is speaking; if one feels one’s cords when speaking, it is clear that sounds are made from vibrations (which are undoubtedly material in nature). Saussure describes the two inseparable sides as a sheet of paper which is cut by a scissor. “Just as it is impossible to take a pair of scissors and cut one side of paper without at the same time cutting the other, so it is impossible in a language to separate sound from thought, or thought from sound. To separate the two for the theoretical purposes takes us into either pure psychology or pure phonetics, not linguistics”. (Cobley and

Janz, 1999:4).

It is clearly said that the signification or the relation between signifier and signified, which the quotation called by the sound and the thought, could not be separate. It supports each other. There is no sound without thought and also there is no thought without sound.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The inseparability of the signified (mental concept) and the signifier (material aspect) leads Saussure to offer the following diagram;



Figure 2.1: The Saussure’s Concept of Sign

It is like the two sides of a coin where the signified on the one side and thesignifier on the other side. The relation between the signified and the signifier (signification) is completing and supporting each other.

It can be seen from the arrow sign which aimed from the signifier up to the signified and from the signified down to the signifier.Clearly, Saussure believes that the process of communication through language involves the transfer of the contents of minds throughthe signified (mental concept) and the signifier (material aspect)

(Cobley and Jansz, 1999:12). The signs which make up the code of the circuit between the two individuals “unlock” the content of thebrain of each. It is the combination of the contents of mind with a special kind of code sign which encourages Saussure to posit a new science.

For example when one says “watch”, /wãtſ/, we know that someone else around us knows about what we aim to the “watch” that is the small clock that you wear on your wrist or keep in your pocket. It is clear that there is relationship between the utterance of “watch” and its thing. What is aimed about the concept is the perceptions in our mind about something, thus the idea of “watch” that appears in our mind when we are sitting in a very concealed room. This conceptor idea can refer to the abstract things. Therefore, this concept in our mind can be affected by the


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA language used. The pronunciation of /wãtſ/ is the acoustic image which is also the signifier.

2.1.1 Roland Barthes’ Semiotic Theory

Roland Barthes was a son of Navy, Louis Barthes, his mom was Henriette

Barthes. He spent his time to bear and develop semiotics and became one of editors in Tel Quel magazine with Julia Kristeva and Phillipe Sollers. He was born

November 12, 1915 and February 25, 1980, he got an accident which caused by truck crashed, laundry truck, at Cherbourg, Normand North, French. It happened after having lunch with Michael Foucault and Francois Mitterrand,the president of French.

And he died March 29, 1980.

One of the more popular books that he had written is Mythologies (1957) where a remorseless analysis of the “myths” generated by French mass media lays bare their covert manipulation of the cods for their own purposes. He described about the stomach’s dancer, the Citroen new edition, the foam of the detergent, Greta

Garbo’s face, steak on chips, and many more. The imagination and the message of the advertisement, the entertainments, the literal and popular culture, and also the daily consumed food have the unique subjective study in the production and the application. He also described about daily phenomenon which is less attract people’s attention (Sobur, 2003:67-68).

Barthes developed significant-signifie theory from Saussure to be a theory of grammar and its connotation meaning. The significant term was changed to be expression (E) and the signifie changed to be content (C) (Akmal, 2008:247).

Moreover, He said there must be a relation (R) between E and C or certain


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA relation.Thus, it can form a sign. Barthes also took over the concepts of denotation, connotation, and metasemiotics from Hjemsleves. Typically, he also changed

Hjemsleves’ term metasemiotics into metalaguage. As for Hjemsleves, every system for Barthes, too, is a language. Interpreting sign can occur in two levels.There are primer (denotation) and then secondary level which is developed into E

(metalanguage) and C (connotation).

Metalanguage can occur if there is the same E and C development in the secondary and connotation in a culture. It is the value which is given by the interpreter of sign to the sign. Barthes describes connotation as the C’s width of some signs so that the sign have a new C. Barthes gives an example of connotation in order to make it understood easily. It is a cover of a magazine (Akmal, 2008:247). At that time, he was in the barbershop and saw a Paris Match magazine. There is a picture on the cover (E1) which is directed to a France uniformed black man giving honored to the France’s flag. On the primer system (denotation), the black army is the C1 and it is develop to thenew C or C2 on the secondary system (connotation). France is a big country which has variety of races. Denotation, Connotation, and Myth

The first step in social cultural life, sign users define a sign just as denotation meaning, meaning of a sign as common sign, and it is being caught by senses of sign users at the first time which is R1 between E1 and C1. Denotation is what is exactly shown (the level of explaining the relation (R1) between signifier/E1 and signified/C1) or it is a sign in which refers to a reality. It would produce the meaning explicit, and direct as social convention.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Based on sign users, the relation (R) between in the context E1 – R1 – C1

(primary sign system) will push to the extension of secondary sign system which is

E2 – R2 – C2. Barthes added that secondary sign system has two orientations. They orient to the extension of expression and the extension of content/concept (contenu).

The first which is the extension of expression, E2 = (E1 – R1 – C1) – R2 – C2 is called metalanguage and the second is connotation, E2 – R2 – C2 = (E1 – R1 – C1).

Based on sign users, Barthes argued that a connotation could dominate a society. For example, it would be handled by major community who wants to give ―some connotation (negative or positive) to minor community, in order to be a myth concept for long time. Myth is produced by major community to minor community or on the contrary via connotation process that given.

In the following extract from his essay 'Rhetoric of the Image', Roland Barthes demonstrates the subtlety and power of connotation in the context of advertising.

Here is a Panzani advertisement: some packets of pasta, a tin, a sachet, some tomatoes, onions, peppers, a mushroom, all emerging from a half-open string bag, in yellows and greens on a red background.

...... The knowledge on which this sign depends is heavily cultural. (Barthes, 1986)

Picture 2.1 : The example of connotation meanings from Panzani Advertisement

Myth which is used by a sign users (community) is a connotation process which is the deepest meaning that produced by a convention of community to naturalize something, even it transforms history to be nature, in attempting to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA strengthen or to give a message, a foundation, in nature to a community. A connotation and myth are operated in secondary sign system which is the place of the interaction sign users with gender, emotional, psychological, religion and cultural.

They are the ways of sign core and live on a community. They follow a period of time and will be changed if it could not be needed again. Barthes’ Reading Photograph

Myth is one of the second levels from semiotic systems. Barthes definedit as

“a type of speech”. Barthes called “speech” because myth is the way of one’s speaking. Myth is used for distorting or reformatting the reality (the meaning orsignification of the first semiotic level). Then, the distorting or reformatting makes the myths produced stereotypes about something or some problem. Myth was made by using the first level of semiotic system (denotation) as the signifier for the second level of semiotic system (connotation).

The new signifier was called by form and the signified was called by concept.

The relation between them is the signification or the myth’s itself (Sunardi, 2002: 86-

87). Barthes uses Myth on his semiotic analysis about culture and any ideological critic. It can be found in many mass cultural products which have created the language as the communication such as the people’s myth today. It is produced through mythological treasure like magazine, television, film, advertisements and many more photographs. “Photograph cannot say what it will let us see.” (Sunardi,


The photograph does not have any ability to say what we see. Photos or advertisements usually never stand by their own self. Beside picture, we will also


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA find the text which describes or gives comment to the photo. One of the highly important areas that Barthes concerned in his study about sign was the reader role.

The reader has the most significant perception to the object they read because the reader can read the sign in various perceptions. It can be happiness, dislike, sadness, and many more. Therefore there is no right or wrong perception.

Barthes gave three directions in analyzing myth as the semiotic analysis.They are: First, “the relation which unites the concept of the myth to its meaningis essentially a relation of deformation.” It must be clear enough and nothing’s hidden.

Second, the deformation concept of the meaning must be ready to be aform of the concept. Third, pay attention on the multiple systems. They are the first level

(denotation) and the second level (connotation).

There is a special relation format which makes this multiple systems being a myth. The myth’s analysis was focused on the second level of the semiotic system. It is uneasy because what we see, listen and read is the first level of the semiotic system.

Therefore, myth analysis must be directed to the second level of the semiotic system by seeing at the connotation components as the components of meaning former. It has to be focused on the signification system on the connotation level (Sunardi,



UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA To make it more understandable, Barthes produced his map of sign functioning:

1. Signifier 1. 2. 2.Signified 3. Denotative Sign

4. Connotative Signifier 5. Connotative Signified

6. Connotative Sign

Figure 2.2 Map of Sign Functioning

From the table above, it can be seen that the denotative sign (3) is made from the signifier (1) and the signified (2). They both produce the denotative sign which is also being the connotative signifier (4) on the second level of semiotic system. The connotative signifier must engender a connotative signified (5) to produce a connotative sign (6). That is where the kind of systematic approach to signs that

Barthes wished to pursue becomes very problematic (Cobley and Jansz 1999:51-52).

The connotation works on the subjective level that makes its present cannot be realized. The reader can read easily the connotative meaning as the denotative fact.

Therefore, one of the semiotic analysis aims is to furnish the analysis method in order to handle the misreading.

2.2 Advertisement

2.2.1 Definition of Advertisement

Advertisements have power to change the perspective of individuals about the events and options by affecting the society and norms. Most research on advertising content alludes to the pervasiveness of the content on audiences. The key concern is that the messages and meanings encoded in advertising texts will have


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA some effect on audiences. Cook (1992:5) states that, “advertising can tell us a great deal about our own society and our own psychology”. Cook acknowledges that advertisements can serve as a gauge of social norms, values, as well as the interests of society. Advertisements are thought to have an effective influence on changing or describing our daily life routines and habits. Even, they affect the sexist behaviors.

Advertisements are naturalization of culture(s).

This naturalization function carried out through several mythic discourses.

For example: woman's being mother and wife is a natural role of woman and a duty attributed to the women by the culture. These mythic discourses/expressions are reproduced by advertisements (reproduction/reconstruction of production) through advertisements and adopted by the women in time. Furthermore, women are presented as a well-kept, beautiful and nice and also as a family member in the advertisements. Erving Goffman concluded as a result of the examinations on gender roles in advertisements that roles attributed to women are wife (care for the kids, cleaning and preparing dinner), childlike women or sex object (Hovland and

McMahanvd, 2005:888).

An advertisement may not attain the goals of selling goods, services or ideas not only because the target audience was not exposed to the advertisement but also because the language used did not suffice to grab the attention of the audience, captivate their interest, create a desire and move them to action. It could as well be that the message was not understood and conveyed a different meaning to the target population.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.2.2 Functions of Advertisement

As a medium of communication in delivering the messages, advertisement has several functions (Krow, 2012 ) that can be seen as follow:

1. Information

Advertisement supplies consumers with information about products and services.

This information is broadcast for the open market, and discusses specials, sales, and new lines of products and services. A consumer also learns about the comparisons between features, benefits and options of different products and services through advertisement.

2. Brand Identity

Brand identity is one of the biggest functions and effects of advertisement. By selling products and services through advertisements, businesses differentiate themselves from one another. The right advertising campaign defines a company’s unique brand, which helps consumers build emotional relationships with that brand.

This increases the likelihood that consumers will buy from that company.

3. Promoting Action

Advertising’s purpose is to attract buyers through a call-to-action statement, which encourages the customer to visit a store or website, or to contact the advertiser for more information. Advertising is essentially an action catalyst that brings customers and products or services together.

4. Improving Customer Base

A business requires a constant customer base in order to remain successful. The business needs to target its products and services toward this customer base and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA consistently create new products that attract current and new customers. Advertising helps reinforce the purchasing behaviors of customers for a particular brand, and it establishes long-term relationships with existing customers, potential customers, vendors and stockholders.

5. Product Creation

Advertising, according to “The Social and Cultural Effects of Advertising” by

Jeremiah O’Sullivan R., stimulates the development of better products, and allows consumers to have a wider variety of products, competitive pricing, and competition entering the marketplace.

6. Purchase Persuasion

Powerful and captivating advertisements persuade consumers to purchase a new product, try out services, and fulfill voids they feel are present in their lives. In fact, persuasion is one of the main functions of advertising, which is why many firms strive to create powerful impacts that reach customers on emotional and physical levels.

7. Education

Advertising serves as a form of consumer education. Not all advertisements sell a product or service; sometimes they sell a concept. Government agencies use advertisement as a way to educate and compel consumers to act a specific way.

“The Social and Cultural Effects of Advertising” notes that advertising is geared toward the ideas of art, religion, sexual attraction and myth. Advertising also educates consumers on what products and services out are there, how much they should pay, and what they can expect with certain purchases.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.3 Objectification of Women

Objectification theory, originally proposed by Barbara Fredrickson and

Tomi-Ann Roberts, is essentially a synthesis and systematic formalization of the many disparate lines of scholarship on the sexual objectification of women.

Objectification theory takes as a starting point that cultural practices of sexually objectifying women are pervasive in Westernized societies and create multiple opportunities for the female body to be on public display. A large body of research has documented that women are targeted for sexually objectifying treatment in their day-to-day lives more often than are men.

Sexual objectification refers to the fragmentation of a woman into a collection of sexual parts and/or sexual functions, essentially stripping her of a unique personality and subjectivity so that she exists as merely a body. It is important to note that these experiences of sexual objectification occur outside of women’s personal control. To objectify is to make into and treat something that is not an object as an object, which can be used, manipulated, controlled, and known through its physical properties.



Cultural practices of sexual objectification

(gazing, comments, harassment, violence)


(internalized view of self as object)

Self-surveillance (vigilant body monitoring)

Negative subjective experiences (body shame, appearance anxiety, disrupted flow interoceptive deficits)

Mental health risks (eating disorders, depression, sexual dysfunction)

Figure 2.3 : A Model of Objectification Theory by Fredrickson and Roberts (1997).

Nussbaum defines objectification as “… the seeing and/or treating of someone as an object. … treating one thing as another: One is treating as an object, what is really not an object, what is, in fact, a human being” (Nussbaum, 1995:251,

256-7). Philosopher Martha Nussbaum specified seven qualities that represent common attitudes and treatment toward objects and things that when applied to a person constitutes objectification.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Nussbaum’s definition of objectification are:

1. Instrumentality Treatment of another as a tool for one’s own purposes

2. Denial of autonomy Treatment of another as lacking self-determination

3. Inertness Treatment of another as lacking agency and activity

4. Fungibility Treatment of another as interchangeable with others

5. Violability Treatment of another as permissible to break/break into

6. Ownership Treatment of another as something that is owned

7. Denial of subjectivity Treatment of another as something whose feelings and

experience do not need to be considered.

The difference between the way women and men are portrayed in media is stark, women are too often reduced to the sum of their body parts, heavily photo shopped to fit into an ever narrowing ideal of female beauty. It grabs people attention and recognizes that something is not right. Now in an ideal world, people would find themselves randomly cast as either subject or object at different times, depending on the situation, with no problems. However, in society’s dominant narrative, subject and object status is heavily gendered, with men granted subject status the vast majority of the time, and women severely objectified. It is not just the media that does this.

In everyday conversation, male pronouns dominate the speech and ideas.

Every dog is a ‘he’, every stick figures a ‘he’, humans thought of as simply

‘mankind’. There are exceptions, though. Boats, cars, bikes and ships always seem to be ‘she’, but this is hardly exciting once people realize that they are all objects, and possessions of (usually) men, at that.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The cumulative effect of all this is that socialising generation after generation to view the world, and the women in it, from the point of view of men.

As a result, only men are seen as full and complete human beings, not women.

Women are objectified, this means denied agency, and are seen from the outside, humans consciousness, thoughts and feelings, utterly overlooked. It is frightening to consider just how deeply entrenched objectification of women really goes.

2.4 Relevant Studies

Advertisement has a levels of meanings, it is a denotative meaning, and a deepen meaning or connotative meaning when advertisement related to the cultural context and the understanding of an ideology. Robin Barthes a well-known as the scientist who practiced linguistic and semiology model of Saussurean and Piercian to analyze the secondary code in cultural product such advertisement. In his book

S/Z an Essay, he made two order of signification of meaning to get a meaning in level of connotation and related to cultural condition. Barthes interrogate every pieces of cultural and material product such advertisements and explained that advertisements contribute to cultural myths as second-order signs.

The research about semiotic analysis on advertisement with Barthes’s theory has been done by some researchers. After looking for the relevant studies as the references of this research, the writer found five previous researches that have the same discussion.

The first research comes from Tazkiyatul Fikriyah A’la (2011) A Semiotic

Analysis on The A-Mild Advertisements Using Roland Barthes’s Theory. The aimed of her research are to understand the message of A-Mild advertisements that wants


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA to be delivered to the reader based on Roland Barthes’s theory and to know the relationship between denotation and connotation on A-Mild advertisements. She analyzed six advertisements on A-Mild advertisements and she concludes that A-

Mild advertisements consist of two signs, verbal and non verbal sign. The verbal sign which can be analyzed on the advertisement is the text or the sentence.

Meanwhile, the non verbal sign is not a word, sentence, or text. In this research, the writer also analyse the verbal and non verbal signs from several advertisements of games. Tazkiyatul analyzed the presence of verbal and non verbal signs to reinforce the advertisement’s message by finding the denotation and connotation meaning.

This research helps the writer to understand wider about how the researcher applicate Roland Barthes’s theory of denotation ad connotation meaning through the advertisements.

The second research comes from Zaenal Muttaqien (2012) The Denotative and Connotative Meaning in the Axe- Advertisement. The aimed of his research is to find out the semiotics elements based on Roland Barthes theory of the study of sign and denotation, connotation, myth meanings. He analyzed five advertisements of

Axe perfume. This research helps the writer to know how the process of analyzing the object image of the advertisement to develop the hidden message of it.

The third relevant study comes from Evangelia Papadaki (2012) in her original scientific article ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Understanding

Objectification: Is There Special Wrongness Involved in Treating Human Beings

Instrumentally?. This article centres around objectification, which define, roughly, as seeing and treating a person as an object. Instrumentalising people, treating people instrumentally for some purposes, has been considered to be one of the most


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA characteristic forms objectification can take. This article helps the writer to understand more about how to recognize the characteritics of woman beings as object for the advertisements of games and try to point that objectifying women is wrong.

The fourth previous study comes from Nerisa Pillay (2008) The Portrayal of

Women in Television Advertisements on SABC3 : a Reflection on Stereotypical. In this thesis, she explores the various ways that female characters are portrayed in a sample of advertisements drawn from SABC3 in order to find out whether portrayals of female characters are fair and accurate representations, it is assumed that female characters are represented stereotypically. To explore it, she is giving an understanding of how male characters are portrayed. Finally, she compares how female characters are portrayed in comparison to how male characters are portrayed in the same advertisements in order to address the aim of her research. This thesis helps the writer to know more about how the concept of women’s object and it helps to writer to add more about how female characters are mostly portrayed in advertisement.

The fifth research comes from Siti Fauziah (2015) A Semiosis Process

Analysis on Starbucks Coffee Advertisement. In this research, she explains the study of the meaning of the signs which use triangle semiotics concepts by Charles

Sanders Peirce (1931) on advertisement. She reveals the meaning of icon and symbol in Starbucks Coffee advertisement and analyze how the message of the advertiser are delivered to the consumers. To complete her research, she collected the data from Gadis magazine, there are three editions of Starbucks Coffee advertisements which consist of icon and symbol. This research helps the writer to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA understand about how to apply semiotic theory on analyzing pictures of advertisements.

In this particular, the writer explains about the contributions of those five relevant studies for this research. To avoid any similarity, the writer confirms that those five relevant studies are using different objects. In this research, the writer analyze the advertisements of several games which is more unique and modern.

2.5 Theoritical Framework

Getting consumers’ attention that will influence and lead to choose the product through advertisement is important for a games company. Consumers are exposed to constant stimuli and noise, so finding a way to get through with a message that a company wants to get to the market has called for creative ways to succeed. Means used to get attention are for example humor, contrast, fear and sex

(Putrevu, 2008). Advertisers have been using sex to advertise their products and brands for decades, even though at all times it has been controverted and criticized by some groups (LaTour & Henthorne, 1993; Putrevu, 2008). It is very common to see provocative material and sexual appeals in advertising.

This theoretical framework will provide how several games advertisements use women characters for getting male players’ attention. The characters were portrayed with a sexualized emphasis on female features. Objectification theory

(Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997) postulates that many women are sexually objectified and treated as an object to be valued for its use by others. The company objectify women by making hyper sexualized body of women characters. The writer will describe the hiden messages in these several games advertisements through Roland


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Barthes’ theory of denotation and connotation meanings. After that, the writer will explain how these several games delivered objectification of women to male players.

The writer summarise the theoretical framework in a figure below:

Objectification of Women

The Advertisements of games

Roland Bathes’ Theory

Denotation and Connotation meanings

How the data delivered

sexual objectification of women

Figure 2.4 : Theoretical Framework of the Thesis.




3.1 Research Design

In carrying out the analysis, the writer use descriptive-qualitative analysis method. The reason to use the qualitative descriptive method is because the result cannot be acquired by statistic procedure or quantitative but through explanation and descriptive technique.

In this research, writer describes and interprets denotation and connotation meanings from objectification of women on the advertisements of several games and how it delivers negative impacts to young boys players.

3.2 Location and Time

This research is done in writer’s home, Binjai, Sumatera Utara started from

May 2017.

3.3 Data and Sources of Data

The data are the concept about sign, based on the relationship of two aspects, they are signifier (signfiant) and signified (signifié) from the advertisements of several games. There are 8 data, they are; Dumb Word Striptease, Evony, Lollipop

Chainsaw, Metal Gear Solid V : the Phantom Pain Tactical Espionage Operations,

Naughty Neighbor, Sega Saturn,Soul Calibur V, Under Cover.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data sources were taken from the internet and downloaded from;

1. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/vAxw0k3lDiU/maxresdefault.jpg.

2. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_EijoV4FTYgg/S9rubOlqavI/AAAAAAAAADE/-


3. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lollipopchainsaw/images/b/b9/Lollipop



4. https://i0.wp.com/itakon.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Geco-MGSV-


5. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UmzBZcKQQbA/hqdefault.jpg.

6. https://thecredhulk.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/sega-ads.jpg?w=640.

7. http://ps3gamerzone.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/SCVPic6-


8. https ://i.ytimg.com/vi/UtKPcCfhqJ4/maxresdefault.jpg.

3.4 Data Collecting Procedure

Data collection is any process of preparing and collecting data. The purpose of data collection is to obtain information to keep on record, to make decisions about important issues, or to pass information on to others. In this research, the data are collected by bibliography technique which is taken from internet. This technique used written sources to collect data (Subroto, 1992:42). The process of collecting all necessary data could be summarized as below:

1. The writer searches the relevant researches to support the research. The

writer finds books, articles, and journals that support the research.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2. The writer picks the data from the source after learning the theory, concept

and some references.

3. The writer took the advertisements of games from the internet. As a whole,

the total number of data are ten.

4. The writer selecting the data from ten advertisements games into eight

advertisements games.

5. The writer identifying the advertisements of games based on objectification

of women.

6. The writer interpreting the denotation and connotation meanings of signs

and how it delivered sexual objectification of women to the customers.

3.5 Data Analyzing Procedure

In analyzing the data, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method.

Descriptive qualitative method is applied by giving explanation and descriptive technique in the analysis of eight advertisements of games.

Here are some steps regarding to complete this analysis:

1. The writer observes the data by identifying and reading it.

2. The writer analyze the picture of games advertisement based on Barthes’s


3. The writer finding the concept of sign based on the relationship of two

aspects, they are signifier (signfiant) and signified (signifié).

4. The writer developing the relation of signifier and signified to produce

denotation and connotation meanings.

5. The writer describing how the data delivered sexual object of women to male





4.1 Data Description

In this chapter, the writer uses the advertisements of several games as the source of data. From several the advertisements of games, the writer takes eight images that matches the title about sexual objectification of women, they are; Dumb

Word Striptease, Evony, Lollipop Chainsaw, Metal Gear Solid V : the Phantom Pain

Tactical Espionage Operations,Naughty Neighbor, Sega Saturn, Soul Calibur V,

Under Cover.

From several each advertisements,the writer analyze them by looking for the signs of the advertisements. Moreover, the details will be analyzed and explored on the data analysis. Finally, the writer look for the relation the denotation and the connotation meanings by using the Barthes’ semiotic analysis and the process of those advertisements delivered women objectification to male players.

Barthes said that de Saussure concept about sign is based on the relationship of two aspects, they are signifier (signfiant) and signified (signifié), is common sign only. Then Barthes developed and described that the relationship between signifier and signified is in understanding of two processing steps. They are signifier as expression (E) and signified as contenu (C), also Barthes told that between expression and contenu should have relation (R). So, it may produce a sign as appearance; it is called as first step (denotative). In addition, Barthes said in talking about relation (R) that it may be continued or developed by sign users as the second


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA step to produce the other meaning, developing contenu (C), and it is called connotative.

Due to the explanation about the relationship of two aspects signifier and signified above, the table below describes how those two aspects has relation to produce denotative and connotative meanings.

Table 4.1 Data Description of Games Advertisements based on Two Aspects of Sign, Signifier and Signified.

Advertisement Signifier (E) Signified (C) Data 1: Dumb Word 1E1: Three women 1C1: To inform Striptease characters with sexy customers that three outfits. women characters with sexy outfits are ready for the game. 1E2: A nurse with auburn 1C2: To show customers hair color. that one of the characters of this game is a sexy auburn hair nurse with seductive expression. 1E3: A police woman with 1C3: To show customers red hair color. that one of the characters of this game is apolice woman that wearing a police uniform and does not fit the actual uniform. It is showing off her skin too much. 1E4: A teacher / secretary 1C4: To show customers with blonde hair. that one of the characters of this game is teacher or secretary. Both occupations requires great intelligence but they are illustrating this character with a very sexy outfit. 1E5: It is written “Dumb 1C5: To inform name of Word Striptease” at the the game. center of image. Data 2: Evony 2E1: A blonde woman is 2C1: To attract the game closing her eyes and players especially men by wearing off shoulder dress making an angelic face of


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA that almost shows all her woman character and breasts . showing off her breasts. 2E2: A sentence “A new 2C2: The sentence itself server has just been is trying to persuade released, and is up for customers. When merely hours! Join NOW customers plays their to get massive pioneer game, the advertisment advantages, and rule the promises a brand new world!”. world for them. 2E3: The tagline “Play 2C3: To point that the Now My Lord”. customers is the lord of the woman character in the game. 2E4: The tagline is “Evony 2C4: After sign up to the free forever!”. games, the advertisement promises a woman character for free. 2E5: A sign up form. 2C5: To influence the customers to sign up soon. 2E6: A country side with 2C6: To inform there is a trees as the background. world only for customers. Data 3: Lollipop 3E1: A blonde and pigtails 3C1: To point that main Chainsaw hairstyle female character character in this game is is wearing miniskirt and a girl with mini and tight bra top. wear. 3E2: The tagline is 3C2: Name of the game. “Lollipop chainsaw”. 3E3: A lollipop. 3C3: A lollipop can symbolize childhood innocence and uninhibited enjoyment of simple pleasures. 3E4: A chainsaw. 3C4: Chainsaw is used to cut, sever, separate and cut down and normally operated by men, but in this game the main character is a girl.

3E5: A man with neck 3C5: To clarify that in brace. this advertisement, woman who is supposed to be graceful becomes a rebelliious one and take control over the man.

3E6: School locker and 3C6: It is showing that zombies as the the scene of this game is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA background. in the haunted school . 3E7: Rainbow. 3C7: The colors of the rainbow all have their own unique beauty. Each has its own different meaning and each invokes feelings and beliefs unique to each of them. 3E8: At top it is written, 3C8: To inform “” and consumers name of home “NTSC”. video game console and analag television system. 3E9: At the bottom it is 3C9: To inform written “Mature 17+ M consumers about rating Content Rated by ESRB”, category and video game “Grasshopper developers. Manufacture”, “Kadokawa Games”, and “WB Games”. Data 4 : Metal Gear Solid 4E1: A woman is wearing 4C1: To inform V : the Phantom Pain bra only, ripped customers especially men Tactical Espionage transparant stocking and that action-adventure Operations boots. She is holding a video game especially sniper and handgun, their product has a sexy grenade, knife hanging on woman characters. her waist. 4E2: At the left top, it is 4C2: Name of written “Gecco”. international virtual project management. 4E3: At the right top, it is 4C3: Name of video written “The Phantom game series. Pain Tactical Espionage Operations”. 4E4: Hills, rocks, and 4C4: To show the place trees as the background. setting in the video game. 4E5: At left bottom, it is 4C5: The copyright to written “© Konami indicate the video game. Digital Entertainment”. Data 5 : Naughty 5E1: A woman is wearing 5C1: To show that they Neighbor. purple sheath dress and are using woman as the holding a grass shears. object and making her like a seducer looks.

5E2: A man is holding a 5C2: To point how man slingshot. reacts to a woman. 5E3: It is a 5C3: It is a name of written“Naughty online game.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Neighbor”word. 5E4: At the top, it is 5C4: To influence tagline“Don’t be a bore, customers to join the get naughty next door!”. game and get naughty next door in the game. 5E5: A house as the 5C5: To inform the background. setting of place in the game. 5E6: Trees and yard over 5C6: To inform the scene the picture. in the game. Data 6 : Sega Saturn. 6E1: A naked woman is 6C1: To point that the lying on bed with the blue advertiser are using bedsheet. naked woman as the object of the advertisement. 6E2: The screenshots of 6C2: To inform there are their games products. various kinds of games product in their home video game concole. 6E3: The tagline, it is 6C3: To point that they written “(In case you are using a beutiful naked didn’t notice) there is a woman on their beautiful, naked woman advertisement. on this page.”. 6E4: The tagline, it is 6C4: To persuade written “When you’ve got customers do not buy Sega Saturn’s triple 32-bit products other than their processing power, nothing products. else matters.”. 6E5: The sentences, 6C5: To emphasize that “She’s got blonde hair, they provide all in one blue eyes and the best product. body her money can buy. So what! There is no time for distractions when you’re deep into Sega Saturn. Besides, check out those screen shots. Ba- dah-boom, ba-dah-bing, know what I mean?. You want curves? Try Sega Rally! Want a thrill? Panzer Dragoon II Zwel. Want a real knockout? Check out Virtua Fighter II. And lots of other incredibly cool games you can play on saturn. But don’t be fooled. Sega


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Saturn games offer more than just great looks. Like three 32-bit processors (that’s two more than Playstation, if you’re scoring at home – or even if you’re alone). Saturn’s triple processing power means better gameplay and better graphies. So if you’re looking for some real action, HEAD FOR SATURN.”. Data 7 : Soul Calibur V. 7E1: A woman is showing 7C1: To persuade male her breasts . players through woman’s upper body. 7E2: The tagline is “Go 7C2: To dare customers big or go home”. to play their games. 7E3: Snake-shaped 7C3: As Snake sheds its necklace. skin, it can shed illusions and limitations. Then able to use vitality and desires to achieve wholeness. Data 8 : Under Cover. 8E1: There are four 8C1: To point out that women as the main focus. this game focus on women characters. 8E2: At the top, it is 8C2: It is name of the written “Under Cover”. online game. 8E3: The tagline, it is 8C3: To persuade written “Love some naughty mind players to naughty clicks? It’s your play their games. time to go under cover”. 8E4: A portrait of a man 8C4: To show how with a cap and holding a mostly men seeing phone. woman with sex-related thoughts. 8E5: Dancing people and 8C5: To inform the disco lamps as the setting in online game background. which is a dark enclosed space where men and women mingle and dance. Most encounters leading to sex during the same night. 8E6: At the right top, it is 8C6: The link address to written play the online games. “GAMES2WIN.COM” and “Y8.COM”.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 8E7: At the center of the 8C7: To persuade people image, it is written to play the game right “Play”. away.

4.2 Data Analysis

4.2.1 Analysis of Denotation and Connotation Meanings Described in Games


1. An Analysis of Data 1: Dumb Word Striptease

The picture of data 1 : Dumb Word Striptease shows Objectification of women, it can be seen below:

Picture 4.1. The Advertisement of Online Game “Dumb Word Striptease”

The first image of Dumb Word Striptease advertisment analized here is what is appeared. And to support the image, there are some elements (signifier) that shown.

To explain what is appeared, it should be elaborated.

The image shows three women characters with sexy outfits (1E1), they are a nurse with auburn hair color (1E2), a police woman with red hair color (1E3), and a secretary with blonde hair (1E4). At the center of image, it is written “Dumb Word


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Striptease” (1E5). Those are the signifier (E) image shown which is the level of denotative.

This image advertisement is advertised the object and supported context that building the connotative process. Based on the context (C), the connotative is the second step to interpret the image by consumers, including their roles of gender, psychology, ideology. And so on.

The picture shows three women characters with sexy outfits (1E1).This advertisement intends to inform customers that those three women characters with sexy outfits are ready to play (1C1).

There is a nurse with auburn hair color (1E2). Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. In the early 1900s, hospital-based training came to the fore with an emphasis on practical experience. The Nightingale-style school began to disappear. Hospitals and physicians saw women in nursing as a source of free or inexpensive labor. From the explanation above, the writer conclude that the exploitation of nurses still happened.

It proven by the selection of the characters of this game. They are using a nurse as one of the characters and illutrating it in seducing way. Meanwhile, auburn hair ranges along a spectrum of light to dark red-brown shades. It is most commonly found in individuals of Northern and Western European descent (1C1).

A police woman with red hair color (1E3). Women in law enforcement agencies have typically been outnumbered by men. The first policewoman in Germany was recruited in 1903, the first in the USA appeared in


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1910 and the first in England just a few years later. Since that time many law enforcement agencies have sought to reduce discrimination and increase the numbers of women working in this sector. Despite women being in law enforcement for over one hundred years, they are still faced with discrimination and sexual harassment. In this advertisement, For the hair color, red hair ranges from light strawberry blond shades to titian, copper and less commonly "true" red. It is most prominently found in the British Isles. Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads; 13 percent of the population has red hair and approximately 40 percent carries the recessive redhead gene (1C3).

A secretary with blonde hair (1E4). A secretary or personal assistant is a person, whose work consists of supporting management, including executives, using a variety of project management, communication, or organizational skills. However, in this game, the These functions may be entirely carried out to assist one other employee or may be for the benefit of more than one. Meanwhile, blond

(or blonde for women) hair ranges from nearly white (platinum blond, tow-haired) to a dark golden blonde. Blond hair is most commonly found in Northern and Western

Europeans and their descendants but can be found spread around most of Europe


Next, it is the tagline “Word Dumb Striptease” (1E5). It is a name of the games itself and has a deep meaning. This game makes girls characters to tease the players by stripping off piece by piece of their clothing. The choosen name of the game is showing how negative their game is, they are targeting men players as their consumers (1C5).


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA This game has negative impact on players especially men. By playing it, they indirectly objectified woman even although it is only a character. From the explanations above,the advertisement of this game created three different women who can be distinguished by the color of hair that signifies their origin.This advertisement wants to deliver how players can be easily to behave inappropriately to women. They consider it as a common attitude to see woman as an object. The role of woman in yhis advertisement has been an attractive and controversial. This kind of dvertisement have been criticized for showing woman as a stereotype for years and as a result creating difficulty in understanding the changing role of women by society. Critics have criticized the advertisers and advertisement profession due the inconvenience they have against the initiative to frequently use woman body in advertisements in order to attract attention and targeted them sexually.

2. An Analysis of Data 2: Evony

Objectification of women on online game to attract male players can be seen in the picture below:

Picture 4.2 The Advertisement of Online Game “Evony”.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The second image is Evony. The advertisment analized here is what is appeared. There are some elements that shown (Signifier) to support the image. The writer will explain and elaborate it below.

First signifier (2E1) that shown in this image is a blond woman is closing her eyes and wearing off shoulder dress that almost shows all breasts.

There is a sentence written as “A new server has just been released, and is up for merely hours! Join NOW to get massive pioneer advantages, and rule the world!”

(2E2). The tagline of their game is “Play Now My Lord” (2E3) and “Evony free forever!” (2E4). Next signifier is sign up form (2E5). The background of this advertisement is a country side and trees (2E6). Those signifiers (E) are the level of denotative meanings.

Based on the context (C), the connotative is the second step to interpret the image. First context, the advertisement tries to illutrate the ideal woman for man and game developers making women look this way for men's pleasures (2C1). This woman character is designed as what the other women should be,having long hair, white skin, and big breasts .This character of blond woman is closing her eyes and wearing off shoulder dress that almost shows all breasts to attract the game players especially men by making an angelic face of woman character and showing off her breasts.

The advertisement tries to persuade customers by adding a sentence, written as “A new server has just been released, and is up for merely hours! Join NOW to get massive pioneer advantages, and rule the world!” (2E2). When customers plays their game, the advertisment promises a brand new world for them. The player will


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA be a lord in his new world and has power to rule the world. Lord is an appellation for a person who has authority, control, or power over others acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler. The appellation also connotes certain persons who hold a title of the peerage in the United Kingdom, or are entitled to courtesy titles. The collective

"Lords" can refer to a group or body of peers (2C2).

Third, the next context is to point that the customers is the lord over woman character in the game (2C3). After sign up to the games, the advertisement promises a woman character for free (2C4). This games treats woman character as slave and created a stereotype that woman is compliant and vulnerable. The players mostly young boys who play this games will view this character and perceive that this is how real women should treated.

To influence the customers to sign up soon (2C5), this game developer inserted a sign up form at the top in the image. It aims to get players who visit their web will do a registration immediately. To achieve a maximum coherence, many effective advertisers develop this stand out strategy to reach the consumers.

To inform there is a new world for customers (2C6), the developer created country side with trees as the background. This background is graphic elements reminiscent of other similar real time games and is set in the European medieval time period. The player takes the role of a lord starts the game with a single small city where the player must build up internal buildings, like cottages, and external buildings, like farms, that produce resources (food, lumber, iron and stone), the basic building blocks for cities and armies in the game. Players must develop various technologies, recruit and train heroes, and enter alliances to make allies for both protection and for the purpose of attacking other players and alliances.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Ultimately in this game, a woman character is depicted as both powerless and voluptuous, furthering the socialization of gender roles. Mike Yao (2009:77), a scholar in the Department of Media and Communication, points out that playing

“video game with the theme of female ‘objectification’ may prime thoughts related to sex, encourage men to view women as sex objects, and lead to self-reported tendencies to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations” . Having female characters wear scantily clad or revealing outfits adds nothing to the plot or game play aspect of the game, yet they are still sexualized in a majority of video games. This stereotype teaches that women are compliant and vulnerable, needing a man to save them in bad situations. The players who play this Evony games will view this character and perceive that this is how real woman should look and act. This games, in particular, is vulnerable to giving players the sense that they own the character they play and this can be quite toxic when it comes to portraying sexualized women, inculcating the idea that female characters are little more than sex dolls made to jiggle for the player's pleasure, or mere trophies

3. An Analysis of Data 3: Lollipop Chainsaw

Over sexualized woman character can be seen in the picture of game advertisement below:



Picture 4.3 : The Advertisement of Video Game “Lollipop Chainsaw”.

To support the image, there are some elements (signifier) that shown. The writer will explain what is appear and elaborate it. First signifier is a blond and pigtails hairstyle woman character is wearing miniskirt and bra top (3E1). The tagline from the image is “Lollipop chainsaw” (3E2). The female character is holding a lollipop (3E3) and a chainsaw (3E4). There is a man with neck brace at the bottom (3E5). From the image, it seen school lockers and zombies as the background, so the writer sure the scene of the video games is in the haunted school (3E6). There is a Rainbow at the top (3E7). At top it is written, “XBOX 360” and “NTSC” (3E8) and at the bottom it is written “Mature 17+ M Content Rated by ESRB”,

”, “Kadokawa Games”, and “WB Games” (3E9). Those are the some elements that shown of the advertisement of video games “Lollipop

Chainsaw” and those are level of denotative meanings.

As the connotative level, the context (C) of this advertisement shows a blond and pigtails hairstyle female character is wearing miniskirt and bra top,to point that main character in this game is a girl with tight and revealing outfits (3C1). This character is depicted a sexual object through her outfits. Although her face and 46

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA bodylooks like an adult, her costume is a typical school girl, reducing her image to a sexy and creepy expression. Then, to informs the name of this video games (3C2), the developer puts the words “Lollipop chainsaw” at the top of female character.

Next context is a lollipop can symbolize childhood innocence and uninhibited enjoyment of simple pleasures (3C3). Furthermore, it also represents indulgence, sensuality and the pleasant aspects of life. Alternatively, the lollipop may be a pun for "sucker" and thus suggests that need to proceed with caution in some relationship or situation. Meanwhile Chainsawis used to cut, sever, separate and cut down and normally operated by men, but in this game the main character is female. This game developer makes female character who should be gentle and polite to be rude and operated items that normally operated by men (3C4).

To clarifies this advertisement, woman who is supposed to be graceful becomes a rebelliious one and take control over the man (3C5). This advertisement potrays a man in pain, it can be seen from the neck brace. The writer sure, this man was tortured by female character . This game developer makes a female character as bad as a criminal. It shows that the scene of this game is in the haunted school (3C6) because it seen school locker and zombies as the background.

The colors of the rainbow all have their own unique beauty. Each has its own different meaning and each invokes feelings and beliefs unique to each of them

(3C7). There are some religions that believe the rainbow represents the elements or the directions of the Earth. In Islam, rainbows only consist of four colors-blue, green, red and yellow-which correspond with the four elements water, earth, fire and air. The Buddhists believed that the seven colors of the rainbow represent the seven continents of the Earth. The ancient Arabians attributed the appearance of a rainbow


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA as a gift from the south wind.While many religions view rainbows positively, there are some instances were rainbows are seen as negative symbols. In many of these cultures rainbows were associated with dark spirits or demons. In both Honduras and

Nicaragua, people believed that rainbows were a sign of the devil, and it if they looked at a rainbow a curse would be placed on them. In Amazonian culture, rainbows are associated with less desirable spirits that cause miscarriages and skin disorders.

To inform consumers about name of home video game console and analag television system (3C8), rating category and video game developers (3C9). They put such as; “XBOX 360” and “NTSC” at the top, at the bottom it is written “Mature

17+ M Content Rated by ESRB”, “Grasshopper Manufacture”, “Kadokawa

Games”, and “WB Games”. It aims to clearly tells the players the backgeound info of this vidceo game.

Objectification is distorting a woman into an object and providing the object as the source of sexual fantasy- an object that can't complain. When saying females are objectified, it goes further than sexualizing them. It is presenting them as sexual tools. Objects rather than humans that cannot choose and therefore can be treated in any way possible. In “Lollipop Chainsaw” the game developer makes the female character behaves like a criminal with a tight outfits. This kind of games illustrates a woman like a criminal and always revealing outfits. There is no need to include these types of characters in the game that appeal to men’s sexual desire, especially since it socializes gender roles in society and the amount of female gamers is steadily increasing every year. Video games should be developed to attract to both men and women through realistic and deep characters, not stereotypical ones.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4. An Analysis of Data 4: Metal Gear Solid V : the Phantom Pain Tactical

Espionage Operations

Through this picture bellow, it can be seen how objectification of women exist in game advertisement.

Picture 4.4 Advertisement of Video Game “Metal Gear Solid V : the Phantom Pain Tactical Espionage Operations”

There are some elements (signifier/E) that shown, such as; at the center of image, a woman is wearing bra only, ripped transparant stocking and boots, she is holding a sniper and handgun, grenade, knife hanging on her waist (4E1). At the left top, it is written “Gecco” (4E2). At the right top, it is written “The Phantom Pain

Tactical Espionage Operations” (4E3). It seen hills, rocks, and trees as the background (4E4). Finally, at left bottom, it is written “© Konami Digital

Entertainment” (4E5). Those are the level of denotation meanings.

This image advertisement is advertised the supported context that building the connotative meanings. Based on the context (C2), the connotative is the second


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA step to interpret the image by consumers,including their roles of gender, psychology, ideology. And so on.

To inform customers especially men that action-adventure video game especially their product has a sexy woman characters (4C1). This character is a woman with bra only, ripped transparant stocking and boots. She is holding a sniper and handgun, grenade, knife hanging on her waist. Having female character wear scantily clad or revealing outfits adds nothing to the plot or game play aspect of the game, yet they are still sexualized in a majority of video games. In Metal Gear Solid

V: the Phantom Pain Tactical Espionage Operations, this female character reflects the man’s image yet wearing tight outfits to highlight her hyper sexualized body.

While being like a masculine man, she is holding weapons to fights the enemies. She is essentially acts as a sexy female fighter with erotic attributes: large breasts, a small waist, and curvy hips.

Next context (4C2) is to inform the name of international virtual project management, the developer adds a word “Gecco” at the right top of the advertisement image. GECCO stands for Game Environment for Command and

Control Operations. GECCO is a platform for simulating strategic games. It consists of two parts; the server and the client. The server is a program running on some computer that simulates the entire game. The client programs are used to control the actions of the game. Every player starts a client on his/her computer, and the program contacts the server program. The game board is then presented to the player.

The board contains a map and several units.The players may see the properties of the units, and control some of them.

To states the name of their video games series (4C3). They adds “the

Phantom Pain Tactical Espionage Operations” at the right top of the image. Metal


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is an action-adventure, stealth game in which players take the role of Punished "Venom" Snake from a third-person perspective in an open world environment. Meaning that players will have to sneak from several points in the game world, avoiding enemy guards, and remaining undetected.The

Phantom Pain encourages players to progress through the game without killing, using non-lethal weapons such as tranquilizer darts to subdue enemies. Players may traverse the game world with vehicles such as jeeps and tanks, in addition to traveling on foot or on horseback, and as certain locations are mountainous, occasionally, players can opt to go rock climbing as a short cut.

To show the place setting in the video game (4C4), the games developer adds hills, rocks, and trees as the background. These places setting is provide a major advantage to an army, giving them an elevated firing position and forcing an opposing army to charge uphill to attack them. They may also conceal forces behind them, allowing a force to lay in wait on the crest of a hill, using that crest for cover, and firing on unsuspecting attackers as they broach the hilltop. As a result, conventional military strategies often demand possession of high ground. It is suitable for this game because this place looks like in the army zone.

Last context (4C5), the advertisement adds the copyright to indicate the video game, at left bottom, it is written “© Konami Digital Entertainment”. Copyrights are a form of legal construct that falls under the realm of intellectual property law. It is a concept that grants a set of exclusive rights to the author of an original work. These exclusive rights mean that the author has the power to, among other things, make and sell copies of their work. In addition, it also restricts who else may do so. Works that can be copyrighted include, but aren't limited to, software, movies, songs, literature, and pictures. Copyrights last for the author's lifetime, plus up to a hundred years


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA beyond his or her death. Copyright holders face threats primarily from those who copy their works without permission, some of whom attempt to sell their copies for profits. When this happens, the copyright holder can pursue legal remedies in civil court, although in some cases they can also pursue criminal prosecution.

Video games are becoming increasingly popular and influential in modern society. No longer just a pastime for children, video games are being played by millions of people, ranging from little kids to full-grown adults. With this knowledge, it is imperative to consider the impact of video games on its players and society as a whole. Presently, most video games target young male audiences through hyper sexualized female characters in subordinate roles and resulting in gender stereotyping. In this video game Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain Tactical

Espionage Operations the developer makes a female character wear scantily clad or revealing outfits while holding weapons that normally used by man. This hyper sexualized character is an sexual objectification of woman. The players especially men will have to sneak from several points in the game world, avoiding enemy guards, and remaining undetected through this female character.

5. An Analysis of Data 5 : Naughty Neighbor

The picture bellow shows how game company use woman character with sexy outfit to attract male players.



Picture 4.5 Advertisement of Online Game “Naughty Neighbor”

In this advertisement of online game Naughty Neighbor, the signifier (5E1) is a woman is wearing purple sheath dress and holding a grass shears, then there is a man holds a slingshot (5E2). It is written“Naughty Neighbor” at the top of the image

(5E3) and the tagline “Don’t be a bore, get naughty next door!” (5E4). As for the background of this image, there is a house (5E5), trees and yard (5E6). Those are the level of denotation meanings. Afterwards, the level of connotative meanings is going to be interpreted below.

To show that they are using woman as the object and making her like a seducer looks (5C1), the developer adds a woman character with sheath dress. Most video games, whether specifically sexually-orientedor not, often feature hyper- sexualized female characters. Most female characters in video games are also stereotyped and objectified. In this Naughty Neighbor game, it shows a fact that the game developer hyper-sexualized the female character through her outfits, expression, and pose.

Next context (5C2) is showing how a young boy character reacts to female character. The young boy character is holding a slingshot and ready to hit the female character. Gender portrayals of video game characters reinforce a sexist, patriarchal


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA view that men are aggressive and powerful). In this game, it shows how the young boy doing a deeply disrespectful attitude toward woman who is older than him.

To inform the name of online game (5C3), the advertiser adds “Naughty

Neighbor”at the top of image and to get the attention from players, they created it with bigger fonts and put color in it. This is a good strategy to catch the attention of players especially man. They also make an ambigous name to tease the players.

To influence customers to join the game and get naughty next door in the game (5C4) The advertiser added the tagline .“Don’t be a bore, get naughty next door!”. This tagline shows how woman becomes an object to free the boredom of the male character. This theme of male fantasies is particularly pronounced in sexually- charge video games. For example, in this game: The neighbor is a really sexy woman and the players can pull pranks and wait for the funny results of your actions. In this game, the player attempts to make a prank to a sexy woman just to get rid of his boredom.

To inform the setting of place and the scene in the game (5C5). The advertiser makes a house as the background. It means that the setting of place in this game is in a neighborhood. It is telling us that neighbors may behave inappropriately especially toward a woman. Finally, the last context is showing the scene in the game

(5C6), it shows trees and yard. The beautiful scenery does not makes woman free from the objectification. Those are the level of connotation meanings.

In Naughty Neighbor game, the players has to make a prank toward a female character. The prank itself is kind of violence and objectified woman. Unlike viewing television, video games often force the player to engage in constant and


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA repetitive violence. In addition, the television experience is passive, but the video game experience is interactive and experiential, which may then lead to greater effects upon the players. Unlike viewers of television programs who simply watch other characters performing sexually-related behaviors, players of video games actually step into the role of the characters by virtually practicing these acts (i.e., strong identification).

6. An Analysis of Data 6: Sega Saturn

The picture bellow shows a naked woman as the cover of home video game console advertisement.

Picture 4.6 Advertisement of Home Video Game Console “Sega Saturn”.

The image of Sega Saturn advertisment analized here is what is appeared.

And to support the image, there are some elements (signifier/E) that shown. The writer will explain the elements which are the level of denotation meanings.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA There is anaked woman is lying on bed with the blue bedsheet at the center of image (6E1). There are screenshots of their games products around naked woman

(6E2). Then, a written tagline, “(In case you didn’t notice) there is a beautiful, naked woman on this page.” (6E3). Another tagline, written as“When you’ve got Sega

Saturn’s triple 32-bit processing power, nothing else matters.” (6E4). The sentences,

“She’s got blonde hair, blue eyes and the best body her money can buy. So what!

There is no time for distractions when you’re deep into Sega Saturn. Besides, check out those screen shots. Ba-dah-boom, ba-dah-bing, know what I mean?.You want curves? Try Sega Rally! Want a thrill? Panzer Dragoon II Zwel. Want a real knockout? Check out Virtua Fighter II. And lots of other incredibly cool games you can play on saturn. But don’t be fooled. Sega Saturn games offer more than just great looks. Like three 32-bit processors(that’s two more than Playstation, if you’re scoring at home – or even if you’re alone). Saturn’s triple processing power means better gameplay and better graphies. So if you’re looking for some real action,


As the connotative level, the setting context of this advertisement shows a naked woman is lying on bed with the blue bedsheet at the center of image. The first context of this image is to point that the advertiser are using naked woman as the object of the advertisement (6C1). In advertisements, double entendre, implicit expressions, sexual images towards sub conscious perception and promises as to sexuality are used. In order to form the requested effect in the use of sexual content visuals in advertisements, close up of body parts such as legs, breasts, lips of enticing, provocative women are used. In Sega Saturn, the advertiser used a provocative woman character to increase their sales. Meanwhile, the blue color of the bedsheet


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA means a masculine color and it is highly accepted among males. Those two elements shows that the advertiser targeting males customers to buy this games product.

Next context is the screenshots of their games products around naked woman.

To inform there are various kinds of games product in their home video game concole (6C2). Another function of these screenshots itself is to cover the sensitive woman’s body part. They cover certain body parts while promoting some of their games. The advertiser shows how woman is playing decorative role in advertisement.

Those are the level of connotative meanings.

To point that they are using a beutiful naked woman on their advertisement

(6C3). The advertiser added “(In case you didn’t notice) there is a beautiful, naked woman on this page” next to naked woman. Once again the advertiser was using naked woman to attracted the male players. The advertiser emphasize a beautiful naked woman not only through a portrait but also thrugh the tagline.

To persuade customers do not buy any products other than their products

(6C4). The advertiser adds “When you’ve got Sega Saturn’s triple 32-bit processing power, nothing else matters” as another tagline. The advertiser guarantees this Sega

Saturn provides many options of games.

To emphasize that they provide all in one product (6C5). Not enough with the fourth elements, the advertisement once again elaborated what is in their games.They objectified woman by adding “She’s got blonde hair, blue eyes, and the best body”, they illustrated type of perfect woman to attract male customers. Then the advertiser explains the advantages of their games and kinds of games they have.

The process of delivering women’s objectification of Sega Saturn to the players happened through the image of naked woman. This representation of woman


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA shows that is not only present in the games themselves but can also be seen in the packaging and advertising of video games.

7. An Analysis of Data 7 : Soul Calibur V

The picture of game advertisement bellow shows how game company makes a strategy to attract male players by using woman with erotic attributes.

Picture 4.7 Advertisement of Video Game “Soul Calibur V”

For denotative meanings, there are some elements/signifier (E) that shown.

There is a woman wearing a fur coat and showing her breasts (7E1). The tagline“Go big or go home” is centered on the image of woman’s breast (7E2). The woman character has Snake-shaped necklace (7E3).

If this image is interpreted as connotative, this image shows a woman showing her breasts. The context of this image is to persuade male players through woman’s upper body (7C1). In the advertisement of Soul Calibur V, the advertiser makes a close up image of a female character that had large breasts.The advertiser hyper-sexualized a female’s breasts to catch people attention. The result of this content is when the male players exposed to sexually-explicit materials where women are treated as objects and are receptive to sexual advances developed negative attitudes towards women and sexually-oriented thoughts.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA To dare players especially men to play their games (7C2), the advertiser adds the tagline “Go big or go home” centered on the image of woman’s breast. This tagline Go Big has two a related meanings. Big illutrates size of female character’s breasts and Big illustrates the level of video game Soul Calibur V. Meanwhile Go

Home is to point if the players not dare enough to go big, they may go home. This tagline motivates the male players to try Soul Calibur V.

Last context (7C3) of connotation level meaning is to show desires to achieve wholeness with image of snake-shaped necklace.As Snake sheds its skin, it can shed illusions and limitations Several cultures including Celtic, Indian and Ancient Greeks felt the Snake embodied sexuality. It’s not surprising then that Snake Spirit may come to help you when you struggle with your passions and pleasures, and experiencing them wisely, without guilt.

Through the advertisement of Soul Calibur V, the advertiser indirectly delivers the objectification of woman through a female character.

Strong characterization leads an overall better experience for the player and allowing them to relate to the characters or the events taking place.This game refers that playing a sexually-oriented video game primes sex-related thoughts and increases accessibility to a negative gender schema of females as sex objects. Then, the image of female character is appealing to the sexual desires of male players. According to the video game researcher, Dill (2007:861), “the story video game characters tell about femininity is that women should be extreme physical specimens, visions of beauty, objects of men’s heterosexual fantasies, and less important than men”. The advertisement of Soul Calibur V itself has proven the thought of Dill. The advertiser


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA makes a close up image of woman’s breasts to drive men’s sexual fantasies toward woman.

8. An Analysis of Data 8: Under Cover

Through the picture of online game below, it shows how women characters potrayed in an online game.

Picture 4.8 Advertisement of Online Game “Under Cover”.

In this advertisement of Under Cover, the signifier (8E1) is four women as the main focus of the image.At the top of the image, it is written “Under Cover”

(8E2). The advertiser adds tagline, it is written “Love some naughty clicks? It’s your time to go under cover” (8E3). There a portrait of a man with a cap and holding a phone (8E4). As the background, there are dancing people and disco lamps (8E5). At the right top, it is written “GAMES2WIN.COM” and “Y8.COM” (8E6). Finally, at the center of the image, it is written “Play” (8E7). Those are the level of denotative meanings.

This image advertisement is advertised the supported context that building the connotative meanings. Those are; first connotation meaning is To point out that this game focus on women characters especially curvy women. (8C1). The advertiser and game developer intentionally made four women characters as the main focus of


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the advertisement. The advertiser illustrated these four women characters with sexually explicit material. These four women characters illustrated with sexually explicit material with wearing scantily-clad clothing to highlight their hyper sexualized body such large breasts, small waist, and curvy.

Next context (8C2) is to inform the name of this online, the advertiser adds

“Under Cover” at the top of image. The position of product’s name is important to catch the attention of players. The advertiser also makes the font bigger than the tagline, this strategy works to remind players about this online game.

To persuade naughty mind players to play their games (8C3), the advertiser adds the tagline “Love some naughty clicks? It’s your time to go under cover” under name of online game. The advertiser teased the players and questioned “Love some naughty clicks?” through the tagline, the advertiser sure targeting players with naughty mind to try their game. The word “Naughty” is typically related to sex. Thus, the advertiser invites players which loving sexual mind to join and do under cover toward women.

To show how mostly men seeing woman with sexually-oriented thougths

(8C4). The advertiser adds a portrait of a man with cap and holding a phone. This potrait of a man looks vague at the corner of image. The man is following and spying on women with a phone in his hands. He looks suspicious while taking photos of those women from a distance. This man believes his action is normal but actually this game is kind of sexual harassment to women. This man character will do under cover with camera phone and then take the candid photos of the women. The main point is these women does not acknowledge his action. This kind of game will lead to an increased number of faster access to sex-related thoughts in male players knowledge structure.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA To inform the setting in Under Cover online game which is a dark enclosed space where men and women mingle and dance (8C5). In this place called nightclub, most encounters leading to sex during the same night.Through this image, the advertiser only puts female characters in this kind of place. It shows how the advertiseris putting an emphasis on characterizationof women, this characterization leads the players to believe that women likes this kind of place and appealing their body.

At the right top, it is written “GAMES2WIN.COM” and “Y8.COM” and those are link address to play the online games. The advertiser adds two link adresses to inform players that they can play the on both link (8C6). Most of online games get error when the guests overload, so they create a backup link for players. The last context (8C7) is to persuade people, the advertiser adds a word “Play” at the center of image. It is easier for players to play their game with one click.

This advertisement of Under Cover online game leads male players to focus on women’s hyper sexualized body at the first sight. It illustrates that women likes spending time in night club wearing tight outfits. This games leads men to think about women in negative way. By constantly repeating this stereotype, they become normalized and perceived as what reality ought to be. Men will assume that objectifying women is not that bad. This online game is objectifying women through its female characters with ridiculous breast sizes and body proportions.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.2.2 Analysis the Impacts of Objectification of Women on Several games

Advertisements to Minors.

1. First Informant

The first informant is Fiqri Syahputra, male, 18 years old and he is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of North Sumatera.

According to what author asked, Fiqri had chosen the answers of seven questions and writen his opinion in the last question. Firstly, Fiqri agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies. Secondly, Fiqri disagreed with overexposed women characters which is used to advertise the games. Thirdly, Fiqri admitted that using overexposed women characters in these games plays a big role to attract male players. Fouthly, Fiqri said many minors around him plays games with adult contents. Fifthly, Fiqri agreed about how dangerous these games for kids. Sixthly, Fiqri agreed that these games may encourage minors to view women as sex objects in social situations. Seventhly,

Fiqri agreed that these games lead minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Finally, Fiqri said these games has negative impacts to minors, it may ruins their physical and mental health.

2. Second Informant

The second informant is Ibnu Prasetyo, male, 21 years old and and he is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of North Sumatera.

According to what author asked, Fiqri had chosen the answers of seven questions and writen his opinion in the last question. Firstly, Ibnu agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies. Secondly, Ibnu agreed with overexposed women characters which is


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA used to advertise the games. Thirdly, Ibnu stated that using overexposed women characters in these games did not contribute to attract male players. Fouthly, Ibnu admitted that many minors around him plays games with adult contents. Fifthly,

Ibnu agreed about how dangerous these games for kids. Sixthly, Ibnu agreed that these games may encourage minors to view women as sex objects in social situations.

Seventhly, Ibnu agreed that these games lead minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Then Ibnu stated the minors are far too precocious!.

3. Third Informant

The third informant is Yusril Ihza Parinduri, male, 18 years old, old and and he is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of North

Sumatera. Firstly, Yusril agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies.

Secondly, Yusril disagreed with overexposed women characters which is used to advertise the games Thirdly, Yusril admitted that using overexposed women characters in these games plays a big role to attract male players. Fouthly, Yusril admitted that many minors around him plays games with adult contents. Fifthly,

Yusril agreed about how dangerous these games for kids. Sixthly, Yusril agreed that these games may encourage minors to view women as sex objects in social situations.

Seventhly, Yusril agreed that these games lead minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Finally in his last statement, Yusril said these games may prime thoughts related to sex for minors.

4. Fouth Informant


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The fourth informant is William, male, 18 years old, old and and he is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of North Sumatera.

Firstly, William agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies. Secondly, William disagreed with overexposed women characters which is used to advertise the games.

Thirdly, William admitted that using overexposed women characters in these games plays a big role to attract male players. Fouthly, William said many minors around him plays games with adult contents. Fifthly, William agreed about how dangerous these games for kids. Sixthly, William agreed that these games may encourage minors to view women as sex objects in social situations. Seventhly, William disagreed with author’s statement about these games leads minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Finally, William said these games makes minors want to know more about adult contents and most likely to lead them to find out pornographic content.

5. Fifth Informant

The fifth informant is Aisya Fahira, female, 20 years old, old and and she is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of North Sumatera.

Firstly, Aisya agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies. Secondly, Aisya disagreed with overexposed women characters which is used to advertise the games. Thirdly, Aisya agreed that using overexposed women characters in these games plays a big role to attract male players. Fouthly, Aisya said many minors around her plays games with adult contents. Fifthly, Aisya agreed about how dangerous these games for kids.

Sixthly, Aisya pointed that these games did not cause minors to view women as sex


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA objects in social situations. Seventhly, Aisya agreed that these games lead minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Finally Aisya stated that these games change the attitudes of minors toward their social situation and they may commit violence in real life by copying these games.

6. Sixth Informant

The sixth informant is Dhea Angely, female, 18 years old, old and and she is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of North Sumatera.

Firstly, Dhea agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies. Secondly, Dhea agreed with overexposed women characters which is used to advertise the games. Thirdly, Dhea agreed that using overexposed women characters in these games plays a big role to attract male players. Fouthly, Dhea said many minors around her plays games with adult contents. Fifthly, Dhea agreed about how dangerous these games for kids.

Sixthly, Dhea agreed that these games may encourage minors to view women as sex objects in social situations. Seventhly, Dhea disagreed with author’s statement about these games leads minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Finally Dhea stated that these games has negative impacts on minors , it makes them behaving as anti-social and did not pay much attention to society.

7. Seventh Informant

The seventh informant is Pricilya Sara A Hutajulu, female, 20 years old, old and and she is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of

North Sumatera. Firstly, Pricilya agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies.

Secondly, Pricilya disagreed with overexposed women characters which is used to


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA advertise the games. Thirdly, Pricilya agreed that using overexposed women characters in these games plays a big role to attract male players. Fouthly, Pricilya said many minors around her plays games with adult contents. Fifthly, Pricilya agreed about how dangerous these games for kids. Sixthly, Pricilya agreed that these games may encourage minors to view women as sex objects in social situations.

Seventhly, Pricilya agreed that these games lead minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Lastly, Pricilya stated these contents on games advertisments makes children want to find out more about eroticism of women through internet.

8. Eighth Informant

The eighth informant is Salsabila, female, 19 years old, old and and she is a college student from Faculty of Cultural Studies of University of North Sumatera.

Firstly, Salsabila agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies. Secondly, Salsabila disagreed with overexposed women characters which is used to advertise the games.

Thirdly, Salsabila stated that using overexposed women characters in these games did not contribute to attract male players. Fouthly, Salsabila said many minors around her plays games with adult contents. Fifthly, Salsabila agreed about how dangerous these games for kids. Sixthly, Salsabila agreed that these games may encourage minors to view women as sex objects in social situations. Seventhly,

Salsabila agreed that these games lead minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations. Finally Salsabila stated that these games has affected minors’ lives step-by-step, objectification of women in these games decays moral character, and when character decays, so does culture.




5.1 Conclusion

The goal of this research is to find denotation and connotation meanings of advertisements of several games and how these objectification of women on games advertisements impacted minors.

The development of technology makes a new and popular mode of entertainment software games, become increasingly accepted by people of all ages.

This phenomenon makes games companies were competing to attract the customers through advertisement. They make some strategies to attract people, such as; comedy, animation, and sexual thing. Now a days, games company use sexual things to attract male customers. They frequently use women as objects of their games to increase customers especially male.

From the previous chapter, the writer found denotation and connotation meanings of eight games, they are; Dumb Word Striptease, Evony, Lollipop

Chainsaw, Metal Gear Solid V : the Phantom Pain Tactical Espionage Operations,

Naughty Neighbor, Sega Saturn,Soul Calibur V, Under Cover through Roland

Barthes’ theory and how each game delivered objectification of women to male players. To gain the meaning (denotation and connotation) of those advertisments, the writer first described two aspects of sign, signifier and signified in a table then in data analysis, the writer described it in paragraphs with Roland Bathes’ theory which signifier as expression (E) and signified as contenu (C), between expression and contenu should have relation (R).


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Finally, the writer described how these games contained objectification of women impacts minors based on responses from the informants. From eight informants, all of them agreed to author’s statement that these games advertisements contains objectification of women to benefits the companies. Out of eight informants, two of them i.e. male and female agreed with overexposed women characters which is used to advertise the game. Two of eight informants stated that using overexposed women characters in these games advertisments did not contribute to attract male players. All of the informants said many minors around them plays games contained adult contents and how dangerous these games for kids. Out of eight informants, only one person pointed that these games did not cause minors to view women as sex objects in social situations while others agreed with these game would causing minors to view women as sex objects. Two of eight informants said these games won’t leads minors to behave inappropriately towards women in social situations.

Finally authors concluded these games advertisements did not give any positive impacts to society especially minors.

5.2 Suggestion

After the writer analyzes the advertisements of several games, she gives some suggestions as follows:

1. The readers should be more careful in understanding about advertisement

purposes, and semiotics will help the readers to have better understanding

about the hidden messages of them.

2. The writer would like to suggest the readers to aware about the negative

impacts of objectification of women on advertisments.

3. Objectification of women is not only in games, it shows in others media. The

next researcher can analyze it through Roland Barthes’ theory.



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1. Data 1: Dumb Word Striptease

2. Data 2: Evony


3. Data 3: Lollipop Chainsaw

4. Data 4: Metal Gear Solid V : the Phantom Pain Tactical Espionage Operations

5. Data 5: Naughty Neighbor


6. Data 6: Sega Saturn

7. Data 7: Soul Calibur V


8. Data 8: Under Cover


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