ORDER of WORSHIP: 15h SUNDAY of the YEAR PSALM RESPONSE The seed that falls on good ground July 12, 2020 will yield a fruitful harvest. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION ENTRANCE ANTIPHON LEADER: Alleluia, Alleluia. / ALL: Alleluia, Alleluia. (Recited after the bell during the procession to the altar.) LEADER: The seed is the word of God, Christ is the PEOPLE: As for me, in justice, I shall behold Your face; sower./ All who come to Him will have life forever. I shall be filled with the vision of Your glory. ALL: Alleluia, Alleluia.

PENITENTIAL ACT APOSTLES’ CREED I confess to almighty God I believe in God, the Father Almighty, and to you, my brothers and sisters, Creator of heaven and earth, that I have greatly sinned and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, in my thoughts and in my words, (ALL BOW...) in what I have done who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and in what I have failed to do, born of the Mary, (we strike our breasts three times during these next two (ALL STAND ERECT...) lines:) through my fault, through my fault, suffered under Pontius Pilate, through my most grievous fault; was crucified, died and was buried; Therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, He descended into hell; all the Angels and , on the third day He rose again from the dead; and you, my brothers and sisters, He ascended into heaven, to pray for me to the Lord our God. and is seated at the right hand of God PRIEST: May Almighty God have mercy on us, the Father Almighty; forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, ALL: Amen. the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, PRIEST: Lord, have mercy. ALL: Lord, have mercy. the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. PRIEST: Christ, have mercy. ALL: Christ, have mercy. PRIEST: Lord, have mercy. ALL: Lord, have mercy. UNIVERSAL PRAYER RESPONSE TO THE PETITIONS: Lord, hear our prayer. GLORIA AFTER CONCLUDING PRAYER OF THE PRESIDER: Amen. Glory to God in the highest, PRAYERS DURING the OFFERTORY and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, PRIEST: Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for thru we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, your goodness we have received the bread we offer you: Lord God, heavenly King, fruit of the earth and work of human hands, it will become O God, almighty Father. for us the bread of life. ALL: Blessed be God forever. Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten Son, PRIEST: Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for thru Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, your goodness we have received the wine we offer you: you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; fruit of the vine and work of human hands, it will become you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; our spiritual drink. ALL: Blessed be God forever. you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. PRIEST: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and For you alone are the Holy One, yours may be acceptable to God, the Almighty Father. you alone are the Lord, ALL: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, for the praise and glory of his name, with the Holy Spirit, for our good, in the glory of God the Father. Amen. and the good of all his holy Church. SANCTUS ALL: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. THE FOURTEEN HOLY HELPERS Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Fourteen Friends who Help Out during Pandemics Hosanna in the highest. (Part Two) Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Hosanna in the highest. Last week, I started writing about a particular group of THE MYSTERY OF FAITH saints that have been invoked by the faithful in times of epidemics. This group of saints have been known PRIEST: The mystery of faith: through the centuries as the Fourteen Holy Helpers. ALL: (The people pray aloud one of the following options) Many of them seemed to have a particular specialty in A We proclaim your death, O Lord, warding off this or that danger of the Black Plague, some and profess your Resurrection of the symptoms of which I described last week. I gave until you come again. or … an overview of this group of saints, and then began to B When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup, write about them one-by-one. So far, I’ve written about we proclaim your death, O Lord, three of them. I’ll pick up with number four, St. Pana- until you come again. or ... taleon. C Save us, Savior of the world, (4) St. Pantaleon, (July 27th*) St. Pantaleon for by your Cross and Resurrection, was a Christian and a doctor to the Emperor Maximian. you have set us free. The bad influence of many idolatrous pagans in the Em- peror’s court had adverse effects on Panateon and he GREAT AMEN came to abandon Chistianity. However, by the grace of God and the efforts of a zealous priest named Herolaus, PRIEST: Thru him, with him, and in him, Panateon retuned to the Faith. He gave his inheritance to O God, almighty Father, the poor, and manifested concern for both the physical in the unity of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual welfare of his patients. He endured many all glory and honor is yours, for ever and ever. tortures and attempts to effect his death. Throughout it PEOPLE: Amen. all, Pantaleon remained steadfast, saying the Christ Him- self came to his rescue, robed in priestly garb. The saint LAMB OF GOD was eventually martyred by being nailed to a tree and ALL: Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, beheaded at Nicomedia under the persecution of Diocle- have mercy on us. tian, c. 303. He is invoked against lung diseases and con- Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, sumption, and is a patron of physicians and midwives. have mercy on us. (5) St. (also known as St. Guy,) martyr (June Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, 15th*) At least St. Erasmus and St. Elmo have the same grant us peace. first letter of their name. I have no idea how St. Vitus and St. Guy are the same—well, the same guy. All jest- COMMUNION ANTIPHON ing aside, this saint was the son of a senator is Sicily. He (Recited when the Priest receives the Body of Christ.) came to the Faith under the influence of his nurse. Ac- cording to legend he worked numerous miracles, which PEOPLE: The sparrow finds a home, enraged the enemies of Christianity. They brought Vitus, and the swallow a nest for her young: along with his nurse and her husband, before the emper- by your altars, O Lord of hosts, or. Like St. Pantaleon, there were many attempts to mar- my King and my God. tyr them, while just as many miraculous deliverances Blessed are they who dwell in your house, ensued. Finally, the three of them gained the martyr’s for ever singing your praise. . crown on the rack. St. Vitus’s list of patronages is quite ACT of SPIRITUAL COMMUNION diverse: he’s a patron of actors and dancers, and is in- My Jesus, voked against epilepsy, chorea (which in some circles has I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. been referred to as “St. Vitus’s Dance”) lethary, and the I love You above all things, bites of poisonous, rabid, or mad animals. and I long for You in my soul. (6) St. Christopher, martyr (July 25th*) There’s a win- Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, dow devoted to St. Christopher in St. Anthony Church, come at least spiritually into my heart. and St. Christopher medals are still widely popular, espe- As though You have already come, cially as the patron saint of travelers (along with the I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; (continued on next page) never permit me to be separated from You. (Continued from previous page) that there were plots on his life from some pagans in the St. , who accompanied Tobiah on his area. So, he fled to Rome, where St. Clement com- journeys in the Book of Tobit.) And, yes, even though he missioned him not to return to Athens, but to go evange- is no longer in the Universal Calendar, the Church still lize Gaul with some companions. He died as bishop of considers him a saint. The story of his conversion is Paris where is was beheaded on Montmartre—a hill astounding. Born with the name of Reprobus, he was a named on his honor, its name meaning “Mount of Mar- pagan, gifted with lofty stature, massive muscles, and re- tyrs.” St. Denis is invoked against diabolical attacks and markable strength. However, he let it go to his head and possession as well as headache became unspeakably prideful. To make matters worse, he I’ll continue this next time. Have a blessed week! came to be employed by a pagan king who was a servant Devotedly in the Lord, of Satan, who often spoke of what he referred to as the Fr. Joe “greatness” of the devil. One day, much to Reprobus’s surprise, the king made the sign of the cross upon heaing the Holy Name of Jesus. The king said that this Jesus’s PARISH TO JOIN WITH MEMBERS OF power far surpassed that of Satan, and that Jesus had con- CLASS OF 2020 TO THANK GOD FOR quered the Devil by His Cross. Confounded, Reprobus HIS BLESSINGS ON THEIR WORK asked a holy monk about Jesus’s power. It was an occa- sion of grace. The monk instructed Reprobus in the Faith St. Anthony Parish has issued an invitation to its and, after baptizing him, told him to go to the banks of a 2020 graduates to attend the 9:30 Mass next certain river, build himself a hut, pray, and use his Sunday, July 19th, to thank God for his many strength to help people cross the river where there was no blessings in their lives and to ask Him to contin- bridge. Perhaps you know (or can guess) what happens ue to sustain them in the years that lie ahead of next: a Child came opon the scene and requested that them. God has provided the faith community of Reprobus carry Him across the river. But, in the middle of St. Anthony Parish with many gifted young peo- the river, the Child became tremendously heavy. Repro- ple—young men and women of goodness and bus became confounded, clueless as to what was happen- integrity—and it is only right to celebrate and ing. Knowing the bearer’s befuddlement, the Child told give thanks for his graciousness to the parish. him, “You are bearing the Creator of heaven and earth. I am Jesus Christ, your Lord and King. Henceforth you shall be called Christopher,” meaning Christ-bearer in Greek. With a vibrant zeal Christopher went back to the GRATEFUL, GRATEFUL, GRATEFUL place where he was born, the town of Lycia in what is modern-day Turkey. There he proclaimed the Faith bold- Many of you remembered my anniversary of ordination ly, converting 48,000 persons, according to Saint Am- on June 6th and/or my birthday on June 29th. (I just brose. The Emperor Decius, another persecutor of the turned 64.) I am touched by those of you who send pray- Church, heard about Christopher’s success and sent four ers and good wishes either in the mail, by phone or in hundred soldiers to arrest him. However, upon hearing his person. May God bless you for being so kind to me. preaching, the soldiers were themselves converted. In ~Fr. Joe time, Christopher was imprisoned and subjected to vi- cious torture. Attempts to kill him by burning and shoot- COLLECTION TOTALS ing arrows at him proved to be of no avail. He gained the martyr’s palm at last by being beheaded in the year 250 June 28 A.D. In addition to being the patron saint of travelers, $2403.00 Christians also ask his assistance to protect them against July 5 plagues and sudden death. $3,284.00 (7) St. Dennis, bishop and martyr (October 9th) St. Dennis was the first bishop of Paris. He’s the earliest of REQUESTS for PRAYER the Fourteen Holy Helpers, and was converted by St. Paul Please pray for: Maria B., Anthony & Sally Battaglia, Alan Cave, after the latter gave his famous sermon at the Areopagus, Gordon Fenton, Henry Grosel Sr., Georgiann & Jim Leone, Caroline recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. St. Paul ordained Ludwig, Bill Norris, Mary Notaro, Marilyn Richmond, Boo & Carter him and made him the first bishop of Athens. Thereafter, Rowland, Norma St. George, Chuck Schibetta, Ray Szymczak, Rich- he traveled to the Holy Land and is said to have met St. ard Wollaston, and all who suffer or are in special need. Luke and even the Blessed Virgin herself. (St. Dennis Names remain on the list for a period of three months. If it is desira- commented on the ineffable beauty of the Mother of ble to renew that request for subsequent three-month periods, please God.) Upon his return to Athens, he had so any converts phone or email the office staff. Requests for sacraments for persons who are sick or homebound may also be referred to the office staff. PARISH INFORMATION

PERSONNEL Rev. Anthony Walter, Pastor Debbie Cosme-Rodriguez, Administrative Associate Lauren Schwerk, Bulletin Editor JoAnn Catalano, Director of Faith Formation Paul Taddio, Trustee Steven Pantano, Trustee

CONTACT INFORMATION & OFFICE HOURS Phone: (716) 679-4096 Fax: 672-8576 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: M-W-Th-F (Closed Tuesdays) St. Anthony: 12:30PM - 3:30PM St. Joseph: 8:30AM - 11:30AM Rectory Phone: 679-4050

MASS SCHEDULE AT-A-GLANCE Weekends: St Anthony: Sat. 4 pm, Sun. 9:30 am St. Joseph: Sun. 8 am, 11:15 am Weekdays: St Anthony: 8:15AM daily

CONFESSIONS By appointment (until further notice)

SISTER PARISH St. Joseph Parish 145 E. Main St., Fredonia Phone: 679-4116 Email: [email protected] Website: stjosephfredonia.org

ACCESSING THE PARISH BULLETIN ONLINE To access the St. Anthony Parish Bulletin online: 1. Search for St. Anthony Fredonia Bulletin in any search engine OR, if you prefer, go to www.parishesonline.com and enter St. Anthony in the box for the parish name and Fredonia NY or 14063 in the box for city, state and zip code. . 2. Click on the link that comes up which reads “St. An- thony & St. Joseph Churches.” 3. Click on the bulletin you want to read. The most recent bulletin will be the leftmost one. MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS

SATURDAY - St. Benedict, Abbot - July 11 4:00PM SA - Dr. Ronald Passafaro - Family

FIFTEENTH SUNDAY of the YEAR - July 12 8:00AM SJ - People of SS. Joseph & Anthony Parishes 9:30AM SA - Living & Deceased Members of Jennie & O. George Mancuso Family - Gina Palermo 11:15AM SJ - Faithful Departed

MONDAY - St. Henry, Husband - July 13 8:15AM SA - Charles St. George - LuAnn Proper & Linda Siragusa

TUESDAY - St. . Virgin - July 14 8:15AM SA - Thank you, St. Joseph - S.F.

WEDNESDAY - St. , Bishop & - July 15

8:15AM SA - Roy & Angeline - by the estate

THURSDAY - Our Lady of Mount Carmel - July 16 8:15AM SA - Martha Dybka (+Anniv.) - Marianne & Family

FRIDAY - Weekday - July 17 8:15AM SA - Rose Diate - by the estate

SATURDAY - St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest - July 18 4:00PM SA - Joseph Greco - The Griffin & Mahoney Families

SIXTEENTH SUNDAY of the YEAR - July 19 8:00AM SJ - People of SS. Anthony & Joseph Parishes 9:30AM SA - Elaine Universal (Anniv.) - The Schrader Boys 11:15AM SJ - Hedwig Koenig - Tom & Gerda Morrisey


St. Joseph & St. Anthony Parishes offer LIVESTREAM MASS Sundays at 8 AM. Once the livestream is completed, this mass is available for viewing in recorded form. It can be viewed on any device with internet access. Here’s how: 1. Go to youtube.com 2. Search for St. Joseph Fredonia & go there 3. Click on the icon for Mass for that Sunday Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning • Real Estate FOLEY,FOLEY 242 E. Main St. • Fredonia, NY GUGINO COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & PASSAFARO • PLUMBING • HEATING Attorneys at Law JoAnn Catalano, Educational Consultant SERVICE CENTER 366-5120 Cell 785-2406 Car Wash & Detailing • AIR CONDITIONING • 93 East Fourth St. • PO Box 50 Dunkirk, NY Email: [email protected] 679-0816 716 366-3677 • fax 716 366-3691 www.discoverytoys.com/JoAnnCatalano Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling 160 Cushing Street Dunkirk men rwmonu ts.com Your local hometown pharmacy 716-366-4070 965-2941 Specializing in serving our 679-0080 www.lakeshoresavings.com 39 Main Street • Forestville community with fast, friendly professional service and the highest quality of medicines and healthcare products. 10220 Rt. 60 • Fredonia, NY 716.672.8400 Greg Giambrone, Licensed Pharmacist St. Columban’s on the McGraw-Kowal Lake Retirement Home Funeral Home Warm, compassionate care 736 Central Ave., Dunkirk for men, women and couples. 366-1320 (716) 934-4515 Silver Creek, NY Family Owned & Operated A.D. Titus Monuments Trusted by Families for Generations “We Service What We Sell” Contact James McGee to place an ad today! 716-672-8456 10378 Bennett Rd. • Fredonia, NY [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6429 41 White St. • Fredonia, NY 14063 716 672 4365 www.titusmonuments.com ADD LUMBER

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