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The , pisum: An emerging genomic model system for ecological, developmental, and evolutionary studies

Jennifer A. Brisson University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]

David L. Stern Princeton University

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Brisson, Jennifer A. and Stern, David L., "The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: An emerging genomic model system for ecological, developmental, and evolutionary studies" (2006). Faculty Publications in the Biological Sciences. 70.

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The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: An emerging genomic model system for ecological, developmental, and evolutionary studies

Jennifer A. Brisson and David L. Stern Department of Ecology and , Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA Corresponding author — Jennifer A. Brisson

Abstract counter the greenfly (Macrosiphum rosae) on rosebushes display an abundance of adaptations that are not eas- or the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) on other garden ily studied in existing model systems. Here we review the biology plants. of a new genomic model system, the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon Aphids have been popular with both field and labo- pisum. We then discuss several phenomena that are particularly ratory biologists in the last century in part because they accessible to study in the pea aphid: the developmental ge- netic basis of , aphid–bacterial symbioses, the ge- display multiple intraspecific phenotypic morphs, they netics of adaptation and mechanisms of transmission. The have complex life cycles that alternate between sexual pea aphid can be maintained in the laboratory and natural and , and they rapidly evolve host– populations can be studied in the field. These properties allow plant associations. With the recent development of ge- controlled experiments to be performed on problems of direct nomic resources, aphids are becoming a model system relevance to natural aphid populations. Combined with new for using molecular approaches to study these diverse, genomic approaches, the pea aphid is poised to become an ecologically relevant phenomena. Here we focus on our important model system for understanding the molecular and favorite species of aphid, the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon developmental basis of many ecologically and evolutionarily relevant problems. pisum. We begin by describing the pea aphid’s complex life cycle and its suitability for laboratory life. We then dis- cuss two of the main pea aphid research pursuits in our Introduction laboratory: the molecular genetic basis of extreme de- velopmental plasticity and –bacterial . We Aphids are small (1–10 mm) with soft bodies char- conclude by presenting two additional research subjects acterized by a pair of long antennae, a piercing–suck- for which pea aphids are suited: the of adapta- ing proboscis and a pair of upward-pointing tubes on the tion and plant–virus transmission. This is, by no means, a dorsal fifth abdominal segment called siphunculi, which complete survey of research on aphids and readers can excrete alarm pheromones. Aphids are members of the find more information in a number of resources.(4,6–10) order Hemiptera, along with true bugs, cicadas and leaf- hoppers. Although aphids evolved at least 280 million Our favorite species: the pea aphid years ago, the majority of extant species arose from a ra- diation that began approximately 140 million years ago, Pea aphids belong to the family , subfamily concurrent with the diversification of the angiosperms.(1– Aphidinae. The species was originally palearctic in distri- 3) Approximately 4,400 species of aphids are currently bution, but they have been introduced, probably many known and most live in northern temperate regions.(4) times, to the New World within the last two hundred They are one of the few groups of insects that are more years.(11) Although most pea aphids feed on a range of abundant in temperate regions than in the tropics. Nearly host plants in the pea family (Leguminosae), a number 250 species feed on agricultural crops and cause an es- of different host races exhibit a clear preference for, and timated hundreds of millions of dollars in lost production display increased fitness on, specific plants such as each year.(5) Among these, gardeners frequently en- or .(4,12)

747 748 J. A. Brisson & D. L. Stern in BioEssays 28 (2006)

Figure 1. The life cycle of the pea aphid. In the summer, asexual females can be winged or unwinged. In the fall, asexual females give rise to sexual males that can be winged or unwinged, and sexual wing- less females. Mating results in an overwin- tering that in the spring produces an asexual foundress female. © 2003 Alexan- der Shingleton et al. http://www.biomed-

As hemimetabolous insects, pea aphids undergo in- Embryos complete development within the mother, complete metamorphosis. Like many aphid species, they who gives live birth to first instar nymphs (viviparous par- have a complex life cycle that alternates between asex- thenogenesis). Multiple embryos develop sequentially ual and sexual reproduction (Figure 1). During the sum- within each ovariole (Figure 2). In addition, late-stage mer months, pea aphids reproduce via embryos have embryos developing already within them, with no recombination. They produce genetically iden- a condition referred to as telescoping of generations. tical daughters that develop through four nymphal in- Females begin producing offspring 7–15 days following stars before molting into an adult.(13) Colonies of aphids birth. This short generation time, combined with the tele- descended from a single mother are therefore often, scoping of generations, results in rapid growth of colonies and appropriately, called a clone. The clonal nature of that can quickly exploit a host plant aphid colonies provides important advantages for study- In the fall, shorter days and colder temperatures cue ing traits such as host plant preference and fitness, since the development of two additional morphs: sexual fe- experiments can be replicated with genetically identical males and males. Males are formed by a modified mei- individuals. osis in which one of the X is lost during

Figure 2. Dissected ovary of the pea aphid. The germaria are located at the tips of the ovarioles, as indicated. Aphids develop serially within individual ovari- oles, and the developmental stage of em- bryos is staggered between ovarioles such that a range of developmental stages can be observed in a single ovary. Photo by Jim Truman. Reproduced from Miura T, Braendle C, Shingleton A, Sisk G, Kamb- hampati S et al. 2003 J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 295B:59–81. © John Wiley & Sons. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: An emerging genomic model system 749 oogenesis.(13,14) Loss of one or the other X duce adaptive alternative morphologies. The pea aphid is equally probable in pea aphids.(15,16) Hence, the sole exhibits two polyphenisms, which have been the focus of genetic difference between male offspring and their our research: the wing and the asexual ver- mother is that they carry only one of her X chromosomes. sus sexual polyphenism. All fertilized produce female (XX) offspring, pre- sumably because sperm produced by males survive only The wing polyphenism in the pea aphid if they carry an X chromosome. The egg is laid before or Many aphid species display a wing dimorphism, with the soon after embryogenesis has begun, in contrast to the unwinged versus winged morphs exhibiting a trade-off parthenogenetic forms in which embryogenesis is com- between reproduction and flight.(28) The characteriza- pleted before birth. After 14 days, the egg enters a dia- tion of this polyphenism as a wing dimorphism is simplis- pause period in which the embryo’s development slows tic, however, and is perhaps better considered a more considerably. Although the is presumably an general morphological dimorphism related to dispersal adaptation to cold winters and eggs require this cold pe- because in fact many aspects of the are di- riod to develop normally, the slow development of the morphic.(29) For example, winged morphs have ocelli on embryo is temperature independent and proceeds at a the vertex of their head and greatly expanded thoraces (17) slow rate even at higher temperatures. In the spring, with flight musculature, whereas unwinged morphs do asexual females hatch approximately 100 days after the not. Also, the cuticle of the winged morph is more heavily eggs were laid. sclerotized than that of the unwinged morph and the di- mensions of the legs and siphunculi differ. Moreover, the Pea aphids in the laboratory two morphs exhibit different behavior: winged individuals Pea aphids have been used in the laboratory setting for are active in colonizing new host plants, while unwinged a range of genetic and physiological studies.(18–20) Par- morphs are mostly sedentary. The wingless morph has a thenogenetic lineages can be maintained perpetually shorter generation time and higher fecundity than the in incubators that replicate summer-like conditions. Ex- winged morph (reviewed in Muller et al(30)). perimental manipulations can therefore be performed Parthenogens typically develop without wings. A num- on clonal sibling replicates. Further, recent innovations in ber of different stimuli can cause these females to pro- aphid-rearing techniques have simplified stock mainte- duce winged daughters. First, winged forms can be in- nance: pea aphids can be fed on leaves of Medicago duced under food-stressed conditions, such as when arborea, a perennial and hardy alfalfa, that have been host-plant quality declines or a plant becomes over- inserted into agar containing Miracle-Gro in small plas- crowded.(18) These winged offspring can then fly to new tic plates. Pea aphids are particularly suited to this cul- plants. Second, winged offspring can be induced as a ture system because they utilize only a single host plant defense mechanism: aphid colonies that have been ex- during their life cycle (in contrast to many aphids that re- posed to produce more winged offspring,( 31) quire two species of host plants, reviewed by Moran(9)). as do colonies that have encountered common preda- Sexuals can be induced by transferring aphids to an in- tors such as ladybirds or the larvae of lacewings and hov- cubator with short days and colder temperatures, allow- erflies(6) or that have been exposed to the pea aphid ing genetic crosses.(20–22) alarm pheromone (E)-β-farnesene.(32) These two types of induction may have the same physical basis(33) as the Polyphenisms in the aphid environmental cue seems to be transduced primarily Polyphenisms are defined as discrete alternative mor- by physical contact, probably through the adult anten- (18) phologies produced from the same . Well-stud- nae: in both cases, aphids display more active behav- ied insect polyphenisms include social insect castes,(23) ior (either to find food, or to avoid parasitization/preda- seasonal wing patterns in butterflies(24) and horn size in tion) which leads to more touching of antennae. beetles.(25) Polyphenic forms in different aphid species in- All embryos initiate the development of wing buds, but clude alternative morphs on different host plants, winged these wing buds degenerate after the second nymphal (34) versus unwinged morphs, parthenogenetic versus sex- instar in individuals destined to become unwinged. De- ual reproductive morphs, specialized altruistic soldier spite this developmental evidence that the winged form nymphs(26) and aestivating forms.(27) Parthenogenetic is the default state, aphids produce winged forms only morphs found on the alternative host plants of host-alter- in response to the environmental cues previously men- nating species can vary so dramatically that the differ- tioned. In the pea aphid, these cues are perceived by ent morphs were sometimes originally classified as -sep the mother who then transmits a permissive signal to her (18) arate genera. This environmentally induced intraspecific embryos to develop with wings. Only embryos that are diversity is a unique feature of aphids relative to many approximately 24 to 48 hours from birth can respond to other laboratory species. Aphids are therefore an emerg- this signal; nymphs cannot be induced to produce wings ing model system to examine how developmental path- in the pea aphid although, in other species, wings can (30,35,36) ways encoded by a single can evolve to pro- be induced up to the third nymphal instar. 750 J. A. Brisson & D. L. Stern in BioEssays 28 (2006)

Male pea aphids, and males of several other aphid nile hormone have provided equivocal results (reviewed species, also show a wing dimorphism. But, in contrast to in C. Braendle et al., unpublished data). Genes that reg- the environmentally cued wing polyphenism in parthe- ulate wing development, such as those studied in rela- nogenetic females, an X-linked genetic at tion to the winged or unwinged state of castes,(38) the aphicarus (api) determines wing morphs in pea are of interest but unlikely to control the systemic pheno- aphid males.(16,20) Despite this essential difference in the typic differences associated with the two morphologies. cause of alternative morphs in females and males, the This problem is, therefore, wide open to study with ge- of the winged and unwinged individuals are nomic and genetic approaches. superficially similar, including similarities in the wing mus- culature, cuticular sclerotization and behavior (Figure 3). The polyphenism of asexual versus sexual development There remain some differences, however, between the in the pea aphid female and male dimorphisms. For example, in males, In autumn, decreasing photoperiods and cooler tem- both the winged and unwinged forms have ocelli while, peratures induce the production of yet another specific in females, only the winged morphs have ocelli, and the morph, the sexual-producing asexual female. This asexual antennae of both male forms are similar to the winged female then produces sexual males and females. Sexual (29) female antennae. and asexual females differ in a number of ways, such as Curiously, naturally segregating variation for the fe- the lack of accessory glands and spermathecae in asex- male polyphenism is genetically linked to the male poly- uals. The principal difference between the two, however, morphism; crowded parthenogenetic females with at is the presence of haploid oocytes in sexual females and least one copy of the api unwinged allele produce more developing embryos within the ovarioles of parthenoge- winged daughters than females homozygous for the api netic females. Again, there is little understanding of the (37) winged allele. Therefore, at least one gene that has a molecular mechanisms regulating this polyphenism, al- major effect on the environmentally cued polyphenism is though there is good evidence from studies of a related genetically linked to api. species that juvenile hormone is involved.(39) We currently have essentially no understanding of the Embryonic development has been described for sev- molecular mechanisms regulating the wing dimorphism eral aphid species,(13,40) and the details of sexual, ovipa- in either males or females. Previous studies of the poten- rous versus parthenogenetic, viviparous development in tial roles of insect hormones such as ecdysone and juve- the pea aphid can be found in Miura et al (References

Figure 3. The female polyphenism (left) and male genetic polymorphism (right). In both cases, discrete alternative unwinged (top) or winged (bottom) morphs are produced. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: An emerging genomic model system 751

17 and 41 and references therein). These divergent evolution. Similar to plastids, the genome of B. aphidicola modes of reproduction involve several obvious differ- has undergone extensive gene loss since the symbiont’s ences. At early stages of embryonic development, the ancestor invaded aphids.(53–55) The bacterial genome has parthenogenetic embryo is approximately 60 μm long, lost many genes required for autonomous survival and whereas the embryo in a sexually produced egg resides now appears to be focused on recycling nitrogen and in an egg approximately 1 mm long, a difference in vol- providing essential amino acids for aphids. ume of over two orders of magnitude. Asexual devel- B. aphidicola are evolutionarily derived from free-liv- opment proceeds within a yolk-free environment due to ing (49) and both the aphid and the symbiont direct nutrient input by the mother, whereas the embryo must have evolved mechanisms for integrating the bac- in a sexually produced egg derives all of its nutrition teria into the workings of the cell. B. aphidicola live within from yolk. Finally, the rate of development differs dra- large polyploid cells, called , which are matically, with embryos in sexually produced eggs de- grouped into an organ-like structures called the bacteri- veloping for 80 to 140 days while the parthenogenetic ome located adjacent to the ovarioles. During partheno- embryos develop for only 10 to 15 days. Despite differ- genetic development, maternal bacteria are deposited ences in size, maturation time and location, the two within a syncytium in the center of the blastoderm em- modes of development produce virtually identical first bryo through an opening in the posterior of the follicular instar nymphs. Determining which developmental pro- epithelium (Figure 4).(41,56) The nuclei within this syncytium cesses are conserved and which have diverged to ac- (the presumptive nuclei) express an un- commodate these differences is a promising area of on- usual combination of transcription factors, such as Distal- going research. less and engrailed, although it is not yet known if expres- The parthenogenetic mode of reproduction in aphids sion of these transcription factors is required to determine evolved from exclusively sexually reproducing forms more the bacteriocyte fate.(57) Nonetheless, the unique tran- than 200 MYA.(9,42) In parthenogens, the oocyte under- scriptional state of these cells suggests that this novel cell goes a single meiotic division, producing a single polar type has evolved by co-opting expression of transcription body, rather than two divisions to produce a haploid egg factors normally expressed at other times and places in as in the sexual female. With no evidence for recombi- development. nation,(43) and no loss of heterozygosity,(44) this division re- This syncytium then develops into cellularized bac- sembles meiosis II, rather than meiosis I. Parthenogenesis teriocytes, each containing a single nucleus and many thus appears to have evolved via a modified meiosis. Al- bacterial cells. The bacteriocyte nuclei subsequently un- though the pea aphid alternates facultatively between dergo endoreduplication and become polyploid. Later the two modes of reproduction, a large number of aphid in development, a separate population of nuclei in the species have lost the sexual phase of their life cycle(9,45,46) dorsal posterior region of the embryo begins to express at and many species that alternate reproductive forms do least some of the same transcription factors that charac- so only in the northern parts of their range. Obligately par- terize the early syncytial nuclei. These nuclei, which may thenogenetic aphids avoid the evolutionary cost of mak- have already cellularized, then migrate across the germ ing males but do not benefit from recombination,(47,48) band until they make contact with the original bacterio- and may incur high rates of mortality over the winter due cytes. These new bacteriocyte cells then somehow take to the absence of cold-tolerant eggs. Thus, aphids pro- up bacterial cells from the original bacteriocytes and vide a unique opportunity to examine the role of sex and become polyploid. This bizarre two-stage development recombination over long-term evolution. of bacteriocytes is not unique to pea aphids, but is also found in some of the most distantly related aphids, sug- The aphid– symbiosis gesting that this developmental process was present in Pea aphids require the intracellular bacteria Buchnera the common ancestor of aphids. aphidicola for their survival and reproduction. Such en- Bacteriocyte development is at least superficially dif- dosymbioses are common in insects, with more than 10% ferent in the eggs produced by the sexual females. In the of insect species relying upon intracellular bacteria for sexual stage, the bacteria are deposited in the posterior some aspect of their livelihood.(49) There are several ex- pole of the developing oocyte prior to fertilization. This cellent reviews of the biology and genomics of B. aphidi- package of bacteria is maintained at the posterior pole cola.(49–52) Here we outline basic features of the aphid– through unknown mechanisms until the embryo begins Buchnera association and focus on the developmental development. We currently have little insight into how process by which bacteria are passed from mother to the bacteria are packaged into bacteriocytes within the offspring. sexual egg, and we do not yet know whether this process The aphid–Buchnera symbiosis represents a particularly involves a two-step recruitment of bacteriocyte cells, as intimate form of symbiosis in which B. aphidicola lives per- during parthenogenetic development. manently within host cells. This advanced stage of sym- In addition to the obligate symbiont Buchnera, at biosis is similar to the presumptive early stages of plastid least five facultative bacterial symbionts have also been found in different strains of the pea aphid. These sym- 752 J. A. Brisson & D. L. Stern in BioEssays 28 (2006)

Figure 4. Maternal endosymbotic bacteria transfer during parthenogenetic development. Bacteria are deposited into the blasto- derm syncytium via an opening in the posterior of the follicular epithelium. Reproduced from Miura T, Braendle C, Shingleton A, Sisk G, Kambhampati S et al. 2003 J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol 295B:59–81. © John Wiley & Sons.

bionts have strong effects on aphid fitness that is medi- potato aphid (Myzus persicae) and the Russian wheat ated through a variety of surprising mechanisms such as aphid (Diuraphis noxia). resistance to elevated temperature,(58) resis- A second opportunity for studying the genetics of tance,(59,60) host plant specialization(61) and induction of adaptation in pea aphids is related to their specificity winged forms.(62) While these effects of the facultative to particular host plants. Although pea aphids feed on symbionts are clearly of ecological and evolutionary sig- many host plants, some colonies represent host races nificance, there is, as yet, little molecular understanding specialized to feed on either alfalfa or clover. Popula- of how the bacteria provide these advantages. tions feeding on the two host species can show extensive genetic divergence, even in adjacent fields.(73) In addi- The pea aphid as a model for studying the molecular tion, populations specialized on clover show significantly genetics of adaptation decreased fitness on alfalfa and vice versa.(74) Because Pea aphids present at least two excellent opportunities mating takes place on the host plant, aphid host plant for studying the molecular genetic basis of contempo- usage causes assortative mating, which could result in (21,22,75) rary adaptation. First, like many pest insects, more than . The detection of host plants by aphids twenty aphid species have adapted to the treatment of has been studied extensively using electrophysiological (76) crops with pesticides by evolving resistance. techniques, and many of the host cues are known. In most cases, insecticide resistance has arisen either by However, very little is known about the biochemical or an increase in detoxification enzymes (hydrolases espe- molecular basis of olfaction in aphids. In me- cially esterases, glutathione S-transferases or cytochrome lanogaster and Anopheles gambiae, olfaction involves P450-dependant monooxygenases) or by mutation of the both odorant-binding proteins (OBPs), which bind the (77,78) genes encoding the target-site proteins [acetylcholines- odors in the antennal lymph, and odorant-recep- (79,80) terase (AChE) sodium channels and the GABA receptor] tors (ORs) on the antennal neurons. For aphids, there (81) (for reviews see References 63–66). The best-studied ex- has been one report of chemosensory proteins, but to ample is in Myzus persicae, where amplification of ester- date no OBPs have been found. ase genes,(67) altered AChE and insensitive sodium chan- nels confer resistance, with the three mechanisms often Plant virus transmission occurring together.(68) In the case of altered AChE, the Aphids cause most agricultural damage not directly by situation has been complicated by the fact that some feeding, but rather because they vector plant . aphids, unlike Drosophila and the housefly, have at least Because winged morphs can traverse large areas via ac- two loci encoding AchE.(69) tive flight or passive migration in upper air currents (as far Many of the mutations conferring resistance of the tar- as 1000 km in a single flight(82)), they are efficient vectors. get proteins are shared between species.(70–72) Thus, in- Aphids transmit hundreds of plant viruses, and the pea sights into the molecular nature of insecticide resistance aphid itself transmits more than 30 viruses.(4) Aphids thus in the pea aphid are likely to be transferable to closely re- provide a model for the study of the mechanisms and lated major agricultural pest species, such as the peach– dynamics of infectious disease. The pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: An emerging genomic model system 753

Virus transmission is directly related to aphid feeding Acknowledgments and categorized into two primary forms. Most viruses are This work was supported by a grant from the NIH, funds from transmitted in the non-circulative, or stylet-borne man- Princeton University and a David & Lucile Packard Foundation ner, in which the aphid probes the epidermis of an in- Fellowship to DLS. We thank Linda Field for generously contribut- fected plant with its piercing–sucking mouthparts and ing much of the section on the molecular genetics of adapta- the viral capsules attach to the anterior part of the ali- tions. We also thank R. Bickel, G. Davis, T. Leonardo, and A. Shin- gleton for comments on the manuscript. mentary tract of the aphid.(83) In this type of transmission, the aphid is immediately but transiently infected, and References can subsequently release the virus on uninfected plants by further probing. This type of transmission requires asso- 1. Heie OE. 1987. Paleontology and phylogeny. 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