Nick Sladek (Chair of PPG) I’m Nick Sladek, and I’m a marketing man. I’ve lived in the world of advertising and marketing for more years than I care to remember, and now, I’d like to give a little back; and that’s why I have joined the Patients Participation Group here at St.Augustine’s Surgery. I hope I can help steer the practice to provide a better service to the community it serves. So if you’re reading this - why not get in touch and share your views.

Reg Williams (Vice Chair of PPG) I graduated from the University of Southampton in Engineering and worked for manufacturing companies in Production Control also Factory Manager and as Managing Director, then at the age of 50 transferred to the Financial Services, dealing in mortgages, life insurance and pensions for nearly 10 years. Moving to Saltford in 1970, I was on the Residents Association as Secretary and later Saltford Parish Council for 16 years, 9 as Chairman. My current activities are golf, running, cycling, swimming, skiing, playing bridge and travelling the world. I can count as well travelled having been to 82 countries though I am only 76. I joined the Patient Participation Group in 2006 and have an interest the services offered by our medical practice. Though I hope I don't have to call on them too often, I am concerned that the services meet the requirements for all in Saltford.

Lesley Organ I have been registered with the Practice for 67 years when Doctors Gerrish, Field and Herapath were in residence in Station Road. From the outset St Augustine’s has always been an efficient and caring practice. Having lived in for the above years, I have recently moved to Saltford. I have a Social Services and Youth and Community background and in my leisure time I have played many sports and currently continue to play Golf. I am on the Management Committee of Saltford Golf Club, the Keynsham Foodbank, and am Church Warden at St John’s Church in Keynsham. I have been a member of the PPG just after the committee inception and believe that the group have a vital role to play in linking good practice between our health staff and patients.

Janet Bick moved to Keynsham almost 4 years ago, having previously lived in the town some 25 years earlier. With a background in Practice Nursing, writing, and running a rural Post Office her enthusiasm for the NHS and General Practice in particular led her to join the PPG. Her husband, adult offspring and her grandchildren fill a considerable amount of the rest of her retirement.’

Bea Salter, born in Hunstrete, moved to S.Devon aged 3, returned to Hunstrete 39 years later. After qualifying as an Occupational Therapist, I went to U.S.A. for 18 months, worked as nursing assistant, in local General Hospital, for 3 months. Then a placement in a specialist unit for patients with life changing disabilities. Followed by work in a large state mental institution, (horrendous!), and finally, 6 months in a private Psychiatric Hospital, (like a Hotel!). On return to UK., worked in a psychiatric day hospital in north London. Then a long gap, being wife and mother. Appointed J.P. to Keynsham Bench and moved to Bath when it was closed. 24 years of Crime and Family Courts. Non Executive member of Bath Mental Healthcare Trust, which evolved into and Wiltshire Mental Health Care Trust. Trustee of national charity, The League of the Helping Hand. (existed for over 100 years!) Member of Avon and Probation Committee. Committee member of Ashley House Bail Hostel. Board member of Drugs Project Appointed to Authority. (Chair of Estates Committee). Member of the Public on Police Misconduct Hearings, for Avon and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall and Gloucestershire Police Forces.

June Sirman My background is in nursing and teaching. I spent a number of years as a full time carer for my husband at home and through numerous visits to hospitals both locally and in London and Southampton. I have a wide range of hobbies and friends and am interested in helping people to improve their mental and physical health by means other than doctors and prescription. I joined the PPG at its inauguration and have tried to promote that agenda alongside other matters which have come to the fore. Sadly, I have made little success in promoting social prescribing or intelligence. I still hope to make some progress with this.

Colin Winsby I have lived in Keynsham for over 25 years with my wife and have both been registered with the practice for all that time. Having retired from working with the GPO/BT for 46 years as a Union Officer, qualified BT Tutor and running 2 Learning Centres. I am still involved with the retired membership of the Union, education and the PPG.