J. H. Williams | 160 pages | 01 Oct 2013 | DC Comics | 9781401242466 | English | United States Fierce Divas & Femmes Fatales: Review: Volume 3 - World's Finest

The biggest event of , Forever Evil, takes place. The end of the reading order contains the New Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 series taking place in the far future. Vol. Read Gothtopia here. All-Star Western Vol. Batwoman Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Vol. Read Trinity War here. Read Forever Evil here. Read Krypton Returns here. Vol. Vol. and Robin Vol. Vol. Trinity of Sin: Vol. Vol. Vol. Read Red Daughter of Krypton here. Read Superman: Doomed here. Vol. Vol. Corps Vol. Read Green Lantern: Uprising here. Read New Futures End here. Vol. Read Green Lantern: Godhead here. Batman Eternal 29 Batman Eternal Zombie 8. Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 Vol. Vol. Vol. Read Robin Rises here. Vol. Lobo Vol. Read Batman: Endgame here. Read Multiversity here. Read here. The future titles are placed here instead of at the end of DC You because the end of DC You and Rebirth flows together better without reading a bunch of future titles in between. Prez Vol. Batman Beyond Vol. Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. Read DC You here. New 52 Reading Order Part 3. Ongoing Series. Limited Series. Single Issues TPBs. Batman Vol. Green Lantern Vol. Coming Soon. Review: Batwoman Vol. 3- World's Finest - ComicBookWire

Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 back J. Williams III on art as well as co-writing with W. Haden Blackman. Batwoman is depicted in a layered, painterly collage that is nevertheless still pen and ink, while Williams III takes his inspiration for Wonder Woman from the line illustrations to be found on classical Greek artefacts. The contribution of colourist Dave Stewart is immense here and throughout. It supplements what we already know about her crimefighting origin and training, and also explains her complicated father issues. On hearing Batwoman intends involving Wonder Woman in her search for Medusa, DEO director Bones announces her mask will be fitted with micro cameras to study Wonder Woman for intelligence gathering. Throughout their time together Kate barely looks at Wonder Woman, who wonders why Kate looks at everything but her. This is theme toyed with throughout the run to date, with the modern equivalent being urban legends, who also have a purpose here. Everything builds to a battle scene in Gotham in which Williams III and Blackman lay a series of captions revealing Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 thoughts of the spotlighted participants over spectacular collage spreads. Superhero comics are about the splendour of impossible, and Williams III delivers this in an elevat Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 fashion. Two surprises conclude the book, both of which will be more fully investigated in This Blood is Thickbut savour that art, for covers aside, Williams III only contributes to the writing from this point. Volume No. Release date: UPC: Contains adult content? Does this pass the Bechdel test? Positive minority portrayal? Categories: Superhero. Williams III. Trevor McCarthy. Review by Frank Plowright Welcome back J. Like this? Try these. Wonder Woman: The Circle. Batgirl: The Darkest Reflection. Marvel: No Normal. She-Hulk: Jaded. New 52 Reading Order Part 3

Post a comment. As the gorgon Medusa reaches her endgame, Batwoman seeks out the aid of the one person who has experience in combating ancient Greek monsters — Wonder Woman! Williams III and W. Haden Blackman with additional art by Trevor McCarthy. In a stroke of genius, they pair Batwoman with Wonder Woman in an incredibly memorable team-up that sees the two heroines working together to Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 Medusa and her forces of darkness. Both writers do an Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 job rendering the interior worlds of these two women as they head into battle. They are complex and contradictory, which make them tangible and relatable. The mix of myth and magic with the grit of is an interesting contrast that really gives this book a flavor unlike all others within the genre. As such, it becomes quite clear that Williams and Blackman were building towards this. Notably, Bette recovers from her injuries and debuts as the vigilante Hawkfire. Scenes that focus on Maggie Sawyer are also equally as thrilling. She is a hero in every sense of the word, but is wracked with guilt over her past and feels powerless in her job to bring back the missing children to their parents. I loved everything about Batwoman 0 too. The trials that her father puts her through are intense and really drive home how determined and how much of a badass she is as well. Quite honestly, everything about her family and their dynamic is absolutely riveting. The direction thus far for this title has been on point and has done a marvelous job of differentiating Batwoman from every other character Batwoman: Worlds Finest Volume 3 with Batman. Overall, this collection functions as a satisfying conclusion to the Medusa saga and it even ends on a couple of juicy cliffhangers. No comments:. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.