Senate (Legislative Day of Friday, September 22, 2000)
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2000 No. 155 Senate (Legislative day of Friday, September 22, 2000) The Senate met at 12 noon, on the ex- land, led the Pledge of Allegiance, as That election of Thomas Jefferson piration of the recess, and was called to follows: was one, fortunately, we avoided this order by the President pro tempore I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the time around; for Congress was in- [Mr. THURMOND]. United States of America, and to the Repub- volved, as our distinguished Chaplain lic for which it stands, one nation under God, and others know, and the vote in Con- PRAYER indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. gress was razor thin. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John f Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: f RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME God of peace, fill our minds and flood SCHEDULE our hearts with Your peace. May we The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. L. hear Your message: ``Peace on earth, CHAFEE). Under the previous order, the Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, as the good will to all people'' above the dis- leadership time is reserved. Chair has advised, the Senate will be in cordant voices of these turbulent f a period of morning business today times. Give us Your peace that calms while awaiting the final appropriations MORNING BUSINESS our nerves, conditions our thinking, bill from the House. The Senate was and clears our vision. Your peace is the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under expected to consider the final package serenity of heaven provided for the the previous order, there will now be a shortly after noon today. However, the loved and forgiven. It is the assurance period for the transaction of morning vote is now expected to occur some- that we will receive all that we need to business not to extend beyond the hour time later this afternoon. Senators will meet the challenges of this day. Your of 1 p.m., with Senators permitted to be updated throughout the day on the peace comes to us when we commit our speak therein for up to 10 minutes voting schedule. responsibilities to You and then work each, and with time to be equally di- Following the vote, the Senate is ex- with Your guidance and grace. vided in the usual form. pected to complete its business to wrap Help the Senators to be peacemakers f up the 106th Congress. On behalf of the as they finish the work of this 106th RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING distinguished majority leader and the Congress. Bear on their hearts and MAJORITY LEADER Democratic leader, we thank our col- minds the words of Thomas Jefferson leagues for their patience and coopera- after the contentious election of 1800: The PRESIDING OFFICER. The able tion. ``The greatest good we can do our coun- acting majority leader is recognized. try is to heal its party divisions and f f make them one people.'' So we all dedi- PRAISE FOR THE CHAPLAIN SENATOR CHARLES S. ROBB cate ourselves to be peacemakers as You continue to heal our land. You are Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I say Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, Vir- our Lord and Saviour. Amen. with gratitude that we have such a ginia has had a long history of distin- f marvelous Chaplain, one who with guished citizens of our great Common- great skill and such strength of feeling wealth who come forward to serve Vir- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE and emotion is able to deliver the mes- ginia. Among them in this long line of The Honorable LINCOLN CHAFEE, a sage of prayer and incorporate those distinguished individuals will be Senator from the State of Rhode Is- historic moments of history. CHARLES S. ROBB. N O T I C E Effective January 1, 2001, the subscription price of the Congressional Record will be $393 per year or $197 for six months. Individual issues may be purchased for $4.00 per copy. The cost for the microfiche edition will remain $141 per year with single copies remaining $1.50 per issue. This price increase is necessary based upon the cost of printing and distribution. Michael F. DiMario, Public Printer ∑ This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S11807 . S11808 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 15, 2000 We started our careers together when Virginia is privileged to have one of Senator ROBB. I associate myself with he served in the Marine Corps. That the greatest shipyardsÐwe like to Senator WARNER on his best wishes to was back during the period of Vietnam. think the greatest shipyardÐin Amer- Senator ROBB, acknowledging his very I was then servingÐfor over 5 yearsÐas ica. We have the naval shipyard as well distinguished service in the Senate for Under Secretary and Secretary of the as private shipyards. In those yards are 12 years. I might add, his distinguished Navy. I was privileged, of course, to built some of the finest ships that sail wife, Lynda Johnson Robb, was a reg- serve with the Presiding Officer's fa- the seven seas today on behalf of our ular at the Old Testament Bible class ther, Senator Chafee. At the time he Navy. Senator ROBB was always there conducted in my office over the past was Secretary of the Navy; I served as to work with not only me but a strong decade, presided over by a very distin- his Under Secretary. bipartisan Virginia congressional dele- guished Biblical scholar, Naomi Senator ROBB had served his tour in gation, Senate and House, on matters Rosenblatt. But CHUCK and Lynda Robb Vietnam in 1961 through 1970 and then of national defense since our State is will still be around and we will have he remained in the Marine Corps Re- privileged to be preeminent in the field the benefit of their company, although serves from 1970 to 1991. I was privi- of national defense, having a number of his Senate career, at least, is over at leged to wear the marine green during the major bases and a number of men the moment. the Korean conflict and served for a and women in uniform who are sta- f very brief period in the Marines. How- tioned there. Of course, the Pentagon LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN ever, I assure Members that the career is the core of this complex throughout of Senator ROBB was far more distin- SERVICES, AND EDUCATION Virginia. But there was Senator ROBB guished than the career of the senior on all occasions, and particularly as it Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I have Senator, myself. I am pleased to ac- related to our naval shipbuilding pro- sought recognition to comment about knowledge that. He then went on to gram. the pending appropriations bill on serve as Lieutenant Governor from 1977 I am joined on the floor today by two Labor, Health and Human Services, to 1981, and Governor from 1982 to 1986. and Education, which comes from the His two terms in the Senate began in very able members of my staff. Ann appropriations subcommittee which I 1988. He has been a Member of the Sen- Loomis is the chief of our legislative chair. There has been an extraor- ate Armed Services Committee, a com- staff; Susan Magill, with whom I con- dinarily rocky road for this bill this mittee which I have been privileged to sulted early this morning in preparing year. I think it is very regrettable that chair since 1993. Throughout this dis- these remarks, is my chief of staff. on December 15 we are still debating tinguished record, it has been my good They would want it known that, fortune to share a very warm friend- through the years, the staff working that bill and the entire package is as ship with the Senator and with his relationship between Senator ROBB's yet unsettled, although hopefully it lovely wife and his children. We all office and my office was always excel- will be resolved before the end of the know when we take the oath of office lent. We looked upon our duties as day. But there have been many days as U.S. Senator, the family plays the serving the Commonwealth of Virginia when we have been hopeful about re- key role. I could not count the number and the people of that State; therefore, solving matters before the end of the of times I have been in matters relat- our staffs did everything they could to day and that has not occurred. ing to the Senate, trips relating to the prepare the two Senators to meet that Without going into the background Senate, our frequent joint appearances challenge and that responsibility. on prior years, it has been a very dif- throughout the Commonwealth of Vir- He is a man of principle. I think that ficult matter to get the bill on Labor, ginia these many years, beginning back is unquestioned by those of us who Health and Human Services, and Edu- when he was Lieutenant Governor, and watched him. Indeed, at times we dif- cation to the President for signature there was Mrs. Robb, a daughter of a fered on very fundamental policy and to resolve the controversies. This most distinguished American public issues, and that is reflected in our vot- year, my ranking member on the sub- servant, former President Lyndon ing records. But he was always a man committee, Senator TOM HARKIN, and I Johnson and a former Member of the of principle and he stood by those prin- have worked as partners on this mat- Senate.