Burdens of Proof Or Burdens on Truth?

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Burdens of Proof Or Burdens on Truth? the evidence, the defendant wins.” But if you think those rules are driven by truth- finding or fairness, they’re not. Rather, On Reconsideration they seem to exist for the sake of having a common framework on which every BURDENS OF PROOF stakeholder in the dispute can rely as pro- viding the terms of engagement. OR BURDENS ON TRUTH? Let’s look at this more carefully. Burden of Proof Why do we have a burden of proof? Why KENNETH R. BERMAN does it belong to the party on the left side The author is a partner at Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP in Boston and the author of Reinventing of the v? Is this a good thing? Is there a Witness Preparation: Unlocking the Secrets to Testimonial Success (ABA 2018). better way to do it? These questions are easy to answer on the criminal side. On the civil side, not so much. In a criminal case, the burden of proof is on the government, and it’s a heavy one. The government might have a strong case and great evidence to support it, but if the government fails to foreclose a simple doubt, that doubt, if reasonable, will al- low a defendant who committed a crime Two young siblings approach a parent. Only one can be telling the truth, but the to go free. “Tracy took my hairbrush,” says Alex. truth cannot be discerned from a mere This serves an important policy: “I did not. It’s not her hairbrush. It’s accusation and denial. Depriving a person of liberty is so destruc- mine. She took it out of my room, so I took Actually, there isn’t a single accuser. tive to the defendant’s humanity and po- it back.” Each child is an accuser, accusing the tentially so harmful to the community’s The parent must resolve the dispute. other of having taken something of theirs. conscience that we need ample protec- Who has the burden of proof? And each is a denier, denying having done tion against mistaken outcomes. We also Under our justice system, that’s easy anything wrong. need this protection to curb zealots within to answer. Alex does. Alex claims own- Of course, only one child has posses- the government from using the levers of ership. Tracy has possession. Alex has sion, and a convenient maxim says that a prosecution to terrorize those who are accused Tracy of a tort: conversion. In possession is nine-tenths of the law. But innocent but disliked. So we guarantee our system, the accuser has the burden why should that matter? If Tracy had defendants a lawyer, a trial, the right to of proof, and the opposing party’s pos- come to the parent while the brush was confront and interrogate their accusers, session is presumed to be rightful until still in Alex’s room, their roles would be the right to remain silent, the right not proven otherwise. reversed. Tracy would be claiming theft, to be convicted by improperly obtained But who should have the burden of Alex would be in possession, and Tracy evidence, and the right to have their guilt proof? That’s not so easy to answer, at least would have the burden of proof. or innocence determined by a neutral jury. not on the civil side of the justice system. Does Tracy’s entering Alex’s room and And on top of that, we give the govern- Not having heard any evidence, the taking the hairbrush justify shifting the ment the burden of proving the case be- parent has no basis to give even the burden of proof to Alex? yond a reasonable doubt, something ap- slightest benefit of the doubt to either It seems that our civil justice system proaching a moral certainty. sibling. Two children are arguing over has developed procedural rules of con- These safeguards no doubt allow some ownership of a hairbrush. Each makes venience, rules like “the plaintiff has the criminals to walk. But we tolerate some the same claim: “I am the true owner. My burden of proof” and “if the plaintiff fails mistaken acquittals for the sake of avoid- sibling is falsely claiming that I am not.” to persuade you by a preponderance of ing mistaken convictions. A wrongful Published in Litigation, Volume 47, Number 2, Winter 2021. © 2021 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be 1 copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association. conviction is an offense against morality. it revealed the strong maternal bond on made the most sense and to rule for that Not so for a wrongful acquittal. which Solomon could make the right party. They would say to weigh the evi- That explains why the government has decision. dence, weighing whatever evidence fa- the burden of proof in a criminal case and Assigning a burden of proof would vored a proposition against the evidence why the burden is so high. But it doesn’t have had no relationship to discovering that opposed it, without reference to a explain why, in a civil case, the burden of the truth. Not then. And not today. burden of proof. Jurors would decide the proof belongs to the plaintiff. For reasons unrelated to truth-finding, case by crediting whatever evidence they Let’s look at one of the oldest and most the burden of proof advantages one side at found the most believable, pretty much famous legal disputes. When two women the expense of the other. It tilts the play- like the Solomonic model. went to King Solomon, each claiming to ing field against the party who has it. If Today though, as the law has evolved, be the mother of the same baby, it would that party fails to persuade the fact find- the burden of proof belongs to the accus- have been terribly unfair had Solomon er that the party’s contention is true, that er. That favors the accused, the defendant. assigned the burden of proof to either of party loses, even if the contention is true. The accuser may have the truth on her side, them. To whom should he have assigned The party without the burden of proof but if she can’t persuade the adjudicator it? To the first woman who approached gets the benefit of the doubt. to believe her, then the accused, without him, claiming to be the true mother? To This isn’t to say that burdens of having to prove anything, will escape any the woman who happened to be holding proof are necessarily bad. It’s only to consequence and justice won’t be done. the baby when the claim was made? say they’re unnatural. They’re a human Had there been burdens of proof back invention, not driven by truth-finding. then as we now know them, Solomon They serve other purposes. For reasons unrelated might have said to the first woman: You’re As we’ve seen, in criminal cases claiming to be the true mother and that they’re meant to keep innocent people to truth-finding, the other woman is not. So you have the out of jail. But what purpose do they burden of proof. If you fail to persuade serve in civil cases? the burden of proof me that your claim is true, or if I find the Sometimes, a statute or common-law evidence evenly balanced, then you’ll lose, rule will assign issue-specific burdens of advantages one side and I’ll declare the other woman to be the proof for policy reasons. For example, to true mother. benefit accident victims, a statute might at the expense of the But that would have been arbitrary. make the vehicle owner vicariously lia- Were the evidence inconclusive, the wom- ble for the driver’s negligence, unless the other. an would have lost simply for coming for- owner proves that the driver was not op- ward first. And had Solomon given the bur- erating the vehicle for the owner’s benefit. So how did we move from the evenly den of proof to the other woman, it would Or to protect individuals from undeserved balanced instructions of the early 18th cen- have been equally arbitrary, with an equal reputational harm, a party asserting fraud, tury to the tilted instructions we use today? chance of an unjust outcome. After all, whether as a claim or defense, must prove Some procedural rules are codified in what hung in the balance was the awesome it with clear and convincing evidence. the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and responsibility of uniting the child with the But aside from specially created bur- its state analogues. But they don’t mention true mother. Should such an outcome turn dens of proof on specific issues, what the burden of proof. on how the burden of proof is assigned? truth-seeking, justice-promoting ends Other procedural rules are nested in Solomon didn’t think so. Determined to are served by placing a general burden of case law. Those rules evolve. They mu- get his decision right, he neither needed proof on plaintiffs? tate. They creep into a case through skill- nor wanted a burden of proof. Applying a ful advocacy. That case then becomes a burden of proof would have risked pro- precedent, and a precedent often repeated ducing an outcome dependent on process. The Evolution of Burden of becomes a norm.
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