KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS Volume XXIV, NO 157 US Army Kwajalem Atoll, Marshall Islands TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987

MmeStrlke UNION, OWNERS Kidnapped Escapes Captors TALKS COLLAPSE By LOUIS Fares Charles Glass I need a place to captors were sleepmg However, hIS JOHANNESBURG, South Afnca Associated Press Wnter hIde," a Lebanese polIce spokesman WIfe FIOna saId her husband told her (AP) - Talks collapsed today be­ saId tween umon leaders and mme man­ he locked up hIS guards and fled DAMASCUS, Syna - Amencan Glass was abducted by 14 gunmen The 36-year-old JournalIst was agement on how to reduce VIOlence m JournalIst Charles Glass saId today he In the suburban dIstnct of the 9-day-old black mmer's stnke m spmted out of Moslem west BeIrut outWItted hIS captors and fled to free­ Ouzal on June 17 along WIth All under the protec(Jon of Synan troops, the gold and coalmdustnes dom after two months as a hostage m Osselran, son of 's defense "WIth conSIderable regret, I have who police several areas m Lebanon Lebanon He was turned over to a mmlster Osseuan was released a Before Glass wa., drIven to to tell you we faIled to reach agree­ U S dIplomat m Damascus week later ment," Bobby Godsell, chIef nego­ Damascus, BeHut phYSICIan ForeIgn MInIster Farouk al-Sharaa A group callIng itself the Noureddme Koush pronounced hIm tIator for the Anglo Amencan Corp , handed Glass over to AmerIcan OrganIzatIon of the People's Defense South Afnca's largest mmmg com­ "all nght and fit " Charge d'Affaires DaVId Ransom, the claImed July 7 that It kidnapped Glass By the tIme Glass amved at the pany, told reporters semor U S dIplomat In the Synan and saId he was a CIA spy The The umon had no ImmedIate com­ Synan ForeIgn MmIstry late thIS capItal group IS belIeved made up of Shute mornmg, he had donned a blue ShIrt ment "I feel good," Glass told reporters Moslems loyal to Iran Godsell saId, however, that leaders and beIge trousers and shaved the "The people who really suffered are Glass Said he escaped WhIle hiS beard he grew m captIvity of the NatIOnal UnIOn of my WIfe and chIldren" He appeared Mmeworkers apparently deCided to to be m good shape but looked trred abandon negotIations when they re­ He said he wanted to fly to ceIved a report dunng today's seSSIOn London, hiS home, "as soon as pos­ that mmers were shot at dunng the SIble to meet With my family and day at the PreSIdent Steyn gold mme, folks" owned by Anglo, m the Orange Free Asked whether he was set free or State had escaped, Glass replied "It was an Anglo representatives conferred for escape" more than three hours Monday and Glass, weanng a blue track SUIt 11/2 hours today before gIvmg up and no shoes, walked mto the seaSide efforts to agree on steps to curb Summerland Hotel m west BeIrUt at strIke-related VIolence 2 30 a m today and said "I am

Northwest Crash Pilots Warned Before Crash; Bodies Difficult To Identify By Katherme Rizzo dence of faIlure of eIther of the Assoczated Press Wnter two engmes on the plane, a McDonnell Douglas MD-80 ROMULUS, MIch - A com­ CeCIlIa Clchan, who was m puter warned Northwest FlIght cntlcal condItion today WIth thlrd­ 255's pIlots the Jet was gomg too degree burns over 29 percent of slowly Just before It crashed, a her body, was IdentIfied as a pas­ reported, and a 4-year­ senger on FlIght 255 by her old girl fought for lIfe today as the grandfather, who recogmzed her sole survlvmg passenger among chIpped tooth and purple nail as many as 162 people killed polIsh, offICIals saId One offICIal saId today that "Her mother shIelded her, and some of the bodIes mIght never be that IS what saved her," saId the IdentIfied grandfather, Anthony Clchan of Investigators said they found Maple Glen, Pa no mdicatIOn the pIlots reported The gIrl'S parents and 6-year­ problems to the control tower, old brother were kIlled m the and The New York TImes re­ crash Just after takeoff from Mask FestIVal ported today that the crew had no DetrOIt Metropohtan AIrpOrt on a YAMOUSSOUKRO Ivory Coast - Th,s young girl bent over backwards to mdlcatlon of trouble untll a com­ flIght to Phoemx, Anz, and entertain spectators at a national mask fest,val that drew groups of masked puter VOice declanng, "Stall' suburban dancers from all over the country dunng the weekend Stall'" told them they were flymg Reporters today were allowed (AP LaserPhoto) too slowly Government reports theIr closest VIew of the crash also surfaced of repeated engme SIte, where the flammg aucraft malfunctions on that Jet skIdded under three VIaducts, two UTAH GUARD UNIT MAY Authonues were reluctant to freeway overpasses and a tram dISCUSS a pOSSible cause of trestle Sunday nIght's crash, the natIon's BodIes had been removed, and SEE PERSIAN GULF DUTY second-deadlIest, but saId pre­ polIce crews were collectmg per­ lImmary work showed no eVI- sonal possessIOns m paper bags PEARL HARBOR, Hawan (AP) nent of the Navy's mlne-sv,c,-,pmg - The ' mIlitary m­ force IS made up of Reserve UnIts, volvement m the PerSIan Gulf could and some ReserVe UnIts may be actI­ Palau result m dIspatch of some of Utah's vated to deploy mme-sweepers mto 13,000 NatIonal Guard and Reserve the PefSlan Gulf Court Rules For Referendum troops to the stnfe-torn regIOn, says a He also said that "hIps of the U S Navy PaCIfic Fleet offiCIal PaCIfIC Fleet are bemg transferred to Cmdr hm MItchell, deputy public the PersIan Gulf and IndIan Ocean, On Compact With U.S. affaIrs officer for the commander In whIch stretches the fleet thm and the chIef of the U S PaCIfIC Fleet, told Navy "could have to call on the KOROR, Palau (AP) - The Palau Three Palau men have claImed that Utah polItIcal and busmess leaders Reserves to backfIll that" Supreme Court ruled yesterday that legislatIon callmg fm the two referen­ that It IS "not mconcelvable" and m­ Rear Adm Henry Mauz Jr, the national government can proceed dums was unconstItutIonal They also deed IS a pOSSIbIlIty that IS bemg deputy commander of the PaCIfIC WIth a referendum Fnday on a pro­ asked that the referendums' votes be studIed Fleet, also saId there IS a POSSIbIlIty posed Compact of Free ASSOCIatlOn declared null and VOId The delegatIon of 40 Utah bUSI­ that some ShIpS entIrely manned by between the Western PaCIfIC Island In the meantime, Palau PreSIdent nessmen and government offICIals reserVIsts or ShIPS WIth reserVIsts cham and the UnIted States Lazarus Salll has certIfIed the constI­ However, Supreme Court ChIef were bnefed at the fleet headquarters servmg alongSide actIve duty Sailors tutIOnal amendment vote to the Umted could be sent to the Fdf East Justlce Mamoru Nakamura saId the as part of "Operation Boss-LIft," a Nations and the U S Congress, said weekend onentatIon tour on guard The Utah group also received a ballots are not to be tabulated until a BOnIfaCIO BasIlms, speCial preSiden­ umts' mamtenance and aIr defense bnefmg from AIr Force Bng Gen trIal IS held on legal challenges to the tIal assistant SlIghtly more than 73 referendum as well as an Aug 4 vote mISSIons m the Hawanan Islands Edward V Richardson, commander percent of votmg Palauans approved The tour IS an annual effort by of the 154th Composite Group of the on amendmg an anti-nuclear proVI­ ellmmatmg the nuclear-free prOVISIOn SIOn m Palau's constItutIon Guard and Reserve offICIals to en­ Hawau AIr NatIOnal Guard at HIckam The vote also ellmmated a reqUIre­ courage employer cooperatIOn when AIr Force Base m Pearl Harbor A nauonal government spokesman ment that It would take 75 percent ap­ saId Nakamura has scheduled a pre­ theIr workers request tIme off the Job The UnIt, whIch IS currently bemg proval of the proposed compact If upgraded from agmg F-4 fighters to trIal heanng Thursday at WhICh tIme for trammg and deployment Utah the vote IS upheld by the court and F-1Ss, has the full-tIme responSIbIlIty the tnal date IS to be scheduled umts regularly tram and deploy from survIves the legal challenges, then the for the aIr defense of the HawaIIan Nakamura saId yesterday the trIal the Anny, Navy and AIr Force bases compact would need only a Simple Islands and a large portIon of the rest must be held before Sept 30 m the Islands maJonty vote approval Mltchell saId that a large compo- of the PaCIfIC LOCAL PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987 Police Day Aimed At Return To School BLASTING BEGINS KWAJALEIN - Although the dIsplays ranged from not WEDNESDAY; EXTRA gear to the new search and rescue A VON boats, the focus • , CAUTION URGED of Saturday's fIrst ever PolIce From The Corps of Engineers Day was on school-age chIl­ dren Clements PaCIfIC WIll begm blasting operatIons on "ThIS IS mainly for kids," the east reef August 19, thls Wednesday Access ChIef Ron Horton saId after restnctlOns WIll be In effect for the sectlon of Ocean opemng remarks "We've been Road between the Oceanview Club and quarters 495 working on It for a month from 0800 to 1600 hours on thls date Occupants of now," but because It was for the the oceanSIde reSIdences (Qtrs 490 through 495 and lads, "we couldn't really figure DV TraIlers 2531,2934 and 2902) WIll be escorted out the best tIme to do It We to a safe area by members of our safety team startmg realIze a lot of people are off at approxlffiately 1430 Island now, but thIS stIli seemed Pnor to the blasting operatIOn, It WIll be necessary the best tIme" (School resumes for the publIc to take extra precautIOns The con­ August 26) tractor wIll begin plaCing exploslves In the reef at In hIS opemng remarks, approxImately 0800 hours The detonatlon cord WIll Horton noted the two areas of run from the reef to areas above the beach, In some greatest Impact towards chIldren cases m residentlal backyards Although warning that PolIce Day dealt WIth safe­ SIgns WIll be posted and personnel WIll be guardmg ty and drug/alcohol abuse those areas, the publIc, and espeCIally chIldren, must In the area of safety, E C stay away from these restncted areas ServIces roped off 7th Street outsIde Macy's and held a bIke Officer CurtiS Deffenbaugh directs traffiC along 7th Street, which for rodeo for chIldren between the Police Day was Kwaj's Rodeo Dnve Roi Protestant Chapel News Chaplain Robert Johnson will VlSIt the ROI Chapel ages of 4 and 12 As theIr parents watched from patches of shade, One of the day's opemng speakers, Deputy thIS Wednesday, August 19 CounselIng wIll be held the regIstered nders rode between pylons, observed Commander Lt Col Steve Moody, saId "we often at Apache 16 from 4 30-6 pm, WIth Blble study m mImature traffic SIgns and exhIbIted the fundamentals forget what our polIce force does for us - we really the chapel at 730 For further mformatlon call 3767 of safe bIkIng At the end of the course, each bIker don't apprecIate them, even though they proVIde us a was presented a bike-dnver's lIcense and safety tremendous servIce " booklet Some of the dIsplays at PolIce Day brought home IT'S WORTJi IT. some of the capabIlItIes the KwaJaleIn PolIce Department has, even If they are rarely or never seen SAVE K\VAJAIEIN'S ENERGY For example, Officer JIm HollImon explained to passersby the uses of the not gear In hIS dIsplay Pomtmg to helmets, a flak Jacket, plexiglass shIelds and a mghtstIck, he sald "We've got enough to outfit Small Arms Range about 35 offIcers But If we ever used thls, whlch From EC SerVices would only be broken out for a very strong demonstratIon, we'd stIll stress that mInlmUm force The small-arms range WIll be In operatlOn necessary lS to be used between the hours of 8 a m and noon thIS "The mght stIck, for example, would be used only Thursday, August 20 as a last resort The minImUm force as necessary IS A hazard area WIll eXlst at the northwest end of more than Just our phIlosophy" Kwajalem Island at the small-arms range and Next to Holllffion was Officer Les Kimbrell WIth a extendmg 1,650 meters from the Island, ocean­ dIsplay of the fuearms avaIlable to the polIce SIde All personnel and seacraft are advlsed to Klmbrell, a certIfied armorer, saId he lS capable of stay out of the hazard area Red warning flags breaking down and repamng the weapons avaIlable WIll be posted at the small-arms range dunng the - "Just about anythmg short of manufactunng one," operatIon QuestlOns concernmg thls operatIOn he remarked WIll be answered by callIng the Central PolIce Also on hand was one of the two AVON boats Statlon at 4445 used by the manne dIvlSlon of the polIce JomIng m See hazard area map below the aCtIVltleS were several members of the Ebeye PolIce Department, who attended m plainclothes

Chief Ron Horton puts young OliVia Bennett on the airwaves via the police radiO In the chief's van (Photos by Larry Allen, PRC Kentron Photo Lab)

From among the names of the nders one name was chosen and that chIld, Bnan Sheeney, was awarded a certIficate redeemable for one new bIcycle Presenting the certIfIcate were Knsta DaVIS and Cyndee ReId, representIng the Global Women's Club, the pnze's sponsor No Excuse For A Drug and alcohol awareness was the focus of a booth staffed by investIgator Jack KIIgress Even Jack Kllgress, far nght, Impresses on all comers the before PolIce Day offiCIally started, chIldren were Dirty Carpet dangers of drug abuse via hiS mobile display From USAKA Laundry snapping up the COmIC book/safety booklet offered at shOWing the vanous forms that drugs can take that booth Along With Kllgress' company, EC SerVices, the "The colonng book works very good WIth the Are you aware that your USAKA Laundry activities were sponsored by the Provost Marshall lads," saId KIlgress "We've gIven them out by the wlll clean small area rugs or even rugs 20 feet by Ebeye Police, Global Women's Club and the l l gross In the past" 20 feet? Or even larger That's nght Yes, the Adultrreen CounCil In addItIon, classes are gIven In the schools, talks US AKA Laundry offers thIS expert, profeSSIOnal are gIVen when requested and EC's ambassador of servIce good WIll, Buck the drug dog, the camne WIth "the Just bnng In that dIrty, dmgy rug pnor to any nose that knows," IS a feature attractIon at many SURF AND SUN Saturday and plck It up after 4 pm the followmg chIldren's gathenngs Wednesday AS OF 1201 am Your rug wlll receIve the finest care "The parents have even been made more aware," Tuesday, August 18, 1987 • FIrst, we determine, depending upon the saId Kilgress "Already today, I've been asked at Daily rainfall 056 fabnc, whether your rug WIll be hand washed or what age lads should be Indoctnnated against drugs Monthly ramfall 5 24 My answer IS, 'As soon as you start teaching them Yearly total 4884 machme washed not to reach under the Sink for the ammoma '" TOMORROW ON KW AJALEIN • Second, we carefully pre-spot for any stainS • Then we delIcately wash your rug, brush or As far as drugs go, saId KIlgress, "We don't Sunnse 64J am feather the nap and aIr dry really have a substantIal problem here It'S very Sunset 7 04 P m low compared to a commumty of 2,500 In the Moonnse 2 53 a m • After the drying process we re-Inspect, roll and then wrap your beautlfully flmshed rug States" Moonset 3 57 P m The final result IS an elegant restored rug The mvestlgator was as much a fan of Buck as are HIgh TIde 2 03 am 4 3'- 2 53 p m 3 5' you'll be proud tp dIsplay again the kIds "The dog IS excellent, very useful," Low TIde 901 am 20' - 8 21 pm 22' All thIS and more at your USAKA Laundry Kilgress saId "Buck IS one of the best drug dogs FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 4700 I've seen HIs nose IS 99 9 percent accurate" • COMMENTARY HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987, PAGE 3 It's Easier To Swim In Water At Wit's End By Art Buchwald "Let me ask you thIS," he contm­ Say It 'Betta' 'Wid' Music ued "Had you planned on fIltenng As part of my war on poverty, I the water?" By Erma Bombeck decIded to mstall a sWlmmmg pool m "What are the advantages?" our new house I dIdn't realIze how "Well, If you filter the water, there I knew It comphcated the purchase of a SWlm­ IS less chance of the chIldren catchmg You know how adults get crazed mmg pool can be Next to used-car typhOid or yellow fever We can give because so many of the rock lyncs are dealers, SWlmnung pool salesmen are you an excellent fllter for $1,900 " "fIlthy and deal WIth sex, VIOlence, the most smcere of all busmessmen, "I guess m the long run It would be drugs or satamsm"? and one tends to beheve everythmg cheaper," I said Well, someone Just dId a survey they tell you "Now what about a ladder to get and "almost none" of the Jumors and I mtervlewed a sWlmmmg pool out of the pool?" semors polled had the foggIest notIOn salesman the other day "Couldn't people Just clImb over the what the smgers were saymg After lookmg over the property he Side?" I mqUIred I thmk at one tIme we all heard saId, "I can put m a pool - complete "They could, but that would mean somethmg, but you know what they for $25,000 " we'd have to mstall copmg The steps saId, "The famIly that bops together "Does thIS mclude everythIng?" I cost $700, and the copmg $1,200 " goes deaf together" Anymore, It's asked "You better gIve us the ladder" Just a monotone of sound broken only "Of course That's my pnce - "What had you planned to put by the throbbmg of a wall when the complete" around the pool?" he asked bass bounces off It "Well, It'S a lIttle hIgh," I saId, "I don't know What do you usu­ I'll admIt I was as upset as the next "but perhaps I can make It I'd lIke a ally put around a poo)?" parent the fIrst tIme our kIds put on rectangular pool " "We could gIve you a concrete rock mUSIC In retrospect, I cannot "A rectangular pool? I wIsh you walk for $3,000 " Imagme why The lyncs were hmIted added to rock mUSIC Video Even had told me that before That's "It sounds as If you're lOSIng to four words Yeh (Yeah), Oh, Oh, young people thought thiS Visual aId $8,000 extra It's very dIfficult to dIg money on the Job," I saId Be Be (Baby) and Wha (Why) You would help them to understand what a rectangle m the ground" "That's our problem," he replIed can't get too graphIC WIth an mterJec­ the song was about Forget It Babies "That bnngs It up to $33,000," I "Now what about leaves m the pool?" tIon, a noun and two adverbs You eatIng Jelly beans were the theme for a saId "I don't want any leaves m the need verbs to be suggestIve, and as I love song A fork bemg demohshed "Yes, but that wIll be complete pool," I saId, hopmg to save some lIstened to some of the rock smgers I m a dIsposer was a Video for a song WIth everythmg Now I'd hke to ask money realIzed they couldn't handle verbs about a kId too young to get mamed you a few questIons " "We don't put leaves In the pool," They were too long for them to mem­ And I never figured out what a CUISl­ "Yes, sIr" he saId "We take them out You'll onze nart at a constructIOn site was all "Old you plan on puttIng water m want a skImmer for $1,100 Old you A lot of adults confuse today's about In short, there wasn't a clue the poo)?" he asked plan on a dIvmg board?" lyncs WIth those of therr tImes There Out of 622 songs, the students "I thought It would be fun " "Sure, why not?" used to be sheets of words sold so polled guessed 7 percent were about "That wIll be an extra $7,500 If "That WIll be $10,000 " that when you put on a phonograph sex, VIolence, drugs and satamsm and we add water we have to get a permIt "Ten thousand dollars for a dIVIng record, you could SlOg along WI th 26 percent were about love The re­ and that takes a great deal of tIme " board?" I asked, Incredulously Dons Day or VIC Damone Then rock mamder were umdentlfiable and had "I knew I shouldn't have asked for "Not Just for a dIVIng board," he came along and supplIers asked to be about whatever was left for water," I saId saId "If you're gomg to have a dIV­ themselves, "How much would the people to SIng about "Old you want concrete m the mg board, you'll need deep water publIc pay for a sheet of 25 songs I remember a few years back when pool?" The pnce I gave you was for a shal­ with "Yeh, Oh, Oh, Be Be and Wha" kIds were mto Video games and ar­ "I thmk so Why do you ask?" low pool I thought you understood on It? cades, adults warned It was addItIVe, "Well, the pool gets so muddy that Why don't you get anythmg I In the '70s when the "me" genera­ changed personalItIes, and even put otherWIse The concrete WIll be "ay straIght?" tIon came mto focus, three phrases thelT children mto a trance where you $3,000 extra If you want Gumte, It "I'm, sorry," I apologIzed were added to rock mUSIC, "gImmee" couldn't reach them (I have Just de­ wIll be $4,500 " He wrote down $10,000 m hIS (Give me), "I won you" (I want you) scnbed 90 percent of adult males m "What's the dIfference?" notebook "OK, but no more Jokes and Luuuve meh (Love me) ThIS thIS country on a Sunday afternoon) "If you use regular concrete, the Pool-bUIldmg IS a senous busmess " was a real breakthrough as It was SometImes I thmk we worry too pool WIll leak " represented the first tIme a complete much He wrote everythmg down In hIS Copyrtght 1987 sentence was mtroduced book Los Angeles Times Syndicate In the '80s, a new wnnkle was Los Angeles Times Syndicate Study Charts Frequency Of Precipitation Nationwide

By Randolph E Schnnd half agam as much ram as Portland, ken, assIstant Colorado state clIma­ much of the tIme It rams as part of a ASSOCiated Press Wnter Ore , for example, but It rams tWIce tolOgIst, and Ecknch, of Fort Colhns, study of alr quahty problems aSSOCI­ as often m Portland as m New Or­ Colo ated WIth gravel and dIrt roads, smce WASHINGTON - Whether leans you're planmng to plcmc or Just mow road dust tends to be dIrectly related That could help explam why MIanu to the number of hours when ram IS the lawn, It pays to know what the and New Orleans have reputatIOns as chances are that ram wIll have the fallIng sunny southern CItieS, while Portland Usmg NatIonal Weather ServIce fmal say and Syracuse are thought of as havmg And when malang plans, how of­ records, he and Ecknch have ex­ damper clImates panded the study to many other parts ten It rams where you lIve may be Traditional clImate records have what you want to know of the naUon merely hsted total accumulatIOns of "From Texas to Southern CalIfor­ "We were accustomed to talkmg mOIsture from ram and snow m a about preCIpItatIOn m terms of how ma less than 4 percent (350 hours) of speCIfic place, by week, month, year the year has measurable precipIta­ much falls," report Nolan J Doesken and so forth and Wllham P Ecknch m the latest tIOn," they report m the WashIngton­ But Doesken and EckrIch stress based magazme publIshed by the Issue of Weatherwlse magazme "For that there's another way of lookmg at such purposes as farmmg, sewage Helen DWIght ReId EducatIOnal ram how much of the tIme IS mOIS­ FoundatIOn and the Amencan Mete­ treatment, flood control and hIghway ture actually fallIng out of the sky deSIgn, how much IS what matters orological SocIety "Las Vegas, By that count, Portland has mea­ Nev, and PhoenIX, Anz, are the most" sureable ram dunng more than 1,000 But, they add, "when human com­ dnest SItes found m the study, haVIng hours m a normal year New Orleans only 79 and 109 hours of measurable fort, enjoyment and schedule are receIves less than half that, with ram concerned, what really matters IS how precIpItatIOn fallIng Just over 450 hours, accordIng Areas WIth the most frequent pre­ often It preCIpItates and what tIme of to the study day" CIpItatIOn mcluded the AppalachIan Indeed, Portland's total annual regIOn, the Great Lakes, New Eng­ Mlanu'S nearly 60 mches of ram a water collectIOn IS topped by several year may make It sound pretty wet land and the PaCIfic Northwest, It ClUes, mcludmg Miami, Boston, At­ saId Measured by total ramfall, It IS lanta and MemphiS, Tenn , accordmg But Syracuse, NY, WIth only "There are parts of the country to weather records where the saymg 'When It rams, It about two-thlTds the total ramfall, ac­ But m terms of hours when ram IS tually has preCIpItatIon tWIce as often pours,' IS an honest clImatologIcal falhng, Portland IS No I, followed statement," the report concluded "In as MIamI, theIr calculations show by Syracuse and Buffalo, NY, ac­ LIkeWIse, New Orleans has nearly Flonda and along the Gulf Coast, for cordmg to new calculatIons by Does- Doesken fIrst looked Into how example"

The KwaJalem Hourglass IS an unoffiCIal publIcatIon authonzed under the proVISIOns of AR 360- 81 It IS publIshed by Global ASSOCIates Monday through Fnday (excludIng holIdays) at the dIrec - CommandIng Officer Col RIchard G Chapman Jr tIon of the commandmg officer, US Army KwaJalem Atoll, Marshall Islands, under contract PublIc Affarrs Officer Pat RobbInS DASG60-82-C-0063 ThIS IS an offset publIcatIOn, with a daIly crrculatIon of 1,450 The VIews Editor Brett Marsh and opImons expressed herem are not necessanly those of the Department of the Army Communi­ Copy EdItor Roberta Con"dlvl catIOns should be addressed to the Hourglass, POBox 23, APO San FranCISco 96555 or call Feature Wnter MIchael Todd 3539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Matenals appeanng In the Hourglass may not be repnnted without Sports Wnter Nancy Narleskl the approval of the commandmg offIcer, US Army KwaJalem Atoll All want ads and notICes must be subnutted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 30 P m the workmg day pnor to pubhcd110n • PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987 ------. Parliament Attack Injures 4 Hess Takes Own By Patnck Cruez In a natIOnWide broadcast, Life; Prison To Be Bri~f1y Assoczated Press Wnter Jayewardene blamed "Sinhalese terronsts" COLOMBO, Sn Lanka - Attack­ "Fortunately the pnme mlmster and Torn Down WASHINGTON (AP) - SCIen­ ers hurled several hand grenades mto I were not hurt," the 82-year-old By Terrence Petty tists today announced the first hu­ a governmg party meetmg m the Par­ preSident said "I have blood marks Assoczated Press Wnter man tnal 10 this country of an ex­ harnent today, woundmg four Cabmet on my coat on the left shoulder which penmen tal vaccme to prevent AIDS, members and 10 legislators, shortly I Will keep as a memento" BERLIN - Rudolf Hess, the last a test they say should begm 10 before legislators were to diSCUSS a The peace pact, which proVides top NaZI from the Hitler era, dIed af­ October new Tamil peace plan, witnesses substantial autonomy to Tamils m ter wrappmg an electncal cord around OffiCials of MlcroGeneSys Inc said eastern and northern Sn Lanka, has hiS neck, Bntlsh authontles disclosed of West Haven, Conn, said they One of the grenades exploded 10 sparked Violent protests by mllllant today have recelved approval from the yards away from PreSident Jumus R SInhalese More than 70 people were The 93-year-old Hess, former Food and Drug Adffilmstration to Jayewardene, but he was not mJured, killed 10 clashes with pohce dunng deputy Fuehrer to Adolf HItler, died test therr candidate vacc10e witnesses Sald three days of notIng Monday In a Bntlsh mlhtary hospItal Health offiClals stressed that the One or more attackers threw the The CIVil war has claimed an esti­ m West Berhn, about 11/2 mIles from vaCCIne lS one of several be10g pro­ grenades at Jayewardene through an mated 6,000 hves, mcludmg many Spandau pnson where he was servmg posed to prevent acqurred Immune open door of a conference room Smhalese who died m terronst attacks a hfe sentence for NaZI war cnmes deflclency syndrome and that a where he was chamng a meetmg, the blamed on Tamil rebels The maJonty dunng World War II workmg vaccme that could be used wllnesses sald The attackers shpped Smhalese are mostly Buddhists, U S soldiers were guardIng the generally st111 may be a decade away m the ensUlng confuslOn while the Tamils are mostly Hmdus AllIed pnson at the time away Some wItnesses said Pnme Mmls­ The peace agreement was Signed Hess, who never renounced Hitler *** ter Ranasmghe Premdasa suffered a July 29 by Jayewardene and the or the NaZI atrOCItIes, had grown m­ SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - leg wound m the attack, but Jayewar­ preSident of nelghbonng India, RaJlv creasIngly depressed toward the end The government removed 186 pop­ dene later SaId the pnme mmlster had Gandhi of hiS hfe ular songs from itS blackhst today escaped mJury As part of the agreement, 6,000 He had tned to commIt sUlcide as part of its agreement to mstitute Among the wounded was National Indian peacekeepmg troops have been three times before m the cavernous democratlc reforms, the Culture and Secunty Mmlster Lahth Athulathmu­ sent to Sn Lanka and TamIl rebels pnson, where he was sole Inmate for Information Mmlstry said dab, offiCials SaId have slowly been turmng over therr 21 years In February 1977, he tned The M10lstry said the Korean No one lmmedlately claimed re­ weapons to kIll himself by cutting hIS wnst, EthiCS Committee of Pubbc Perfor­ sponslblhty for the attack, which Tamils form 18 percen t of Sn elbow and leg With a dull table kmfe mance had hfted curbs on publJc came about 40 mmutes before Parha­ Lanka's populatIOn of 16 mllhon Thomas Homan, spokesman for performance and recordmg of 186 ment was to meet under tight secunty people They claim the maJonty Sm­ the U S dIplomatic miSSIon m West of 382 Korean songs to dlscuss a peace accord almed at halese dlscnmmate agamst them 10 Berhn, was asked for a comment *** endmg a 4-year msurgency by TamIl government Jobs, educatIOn and smce It was Amencan soldiers who WASHINGTON (AP) - The rebels language were guardmg Spandau Monday heads of US mlSSlOns m five Homan told The ASSOCiated Press Central Amencan nations are re­ Northwest Engines Same Type that by agreement among the wartIme turmng to their posts today follow- A1hes, the Amencans were not to 109 a Reagan adffilmstratlOn strategy make pubbc comments on the Hess seSSlOn on the peace plan under That Failed On Other Planes case "The Bnush are the offiCial spokesmen," he Said conslderatlOn m the reglOn By H Josef Hebert November 1985, San FranCISco m The envoys met Monday In Assoczated Press Wnter Apnl 1986 and MemphiS, Tenn , m Washmgton to hear the admlmstra­ January 1987, the DetrOIt News Said Search Continues tlOn's position on the peace plan WASHINGTON - The North­ FAA records also show the plane adopted Aug 7 10 Guatemala by the west Alrhnes Jet that crashed near turned back to Mmneapohs shortly After Navy Boat preSidents of five Central Amencan DetrOIt had engme problems on at after takeoff due to engme failure m countnes least four flights over the past two January 1986, The (Cleveland) PlaIn Capsizes * * * years, pubbshed reports say, and Its Dealer and WCCO-TV m MInneapohs HONOLULU (AP) - A lO-day engmes were of a type that drew fed­ reported HONOLULU (AP) - Two navy­ strlke notice has been Issued for the eral warmngs earher thiS year In addItlon, other mamtenance men remaIned mISSIng thiS mornIng 90 reglstered and bcensed practical In each of the four cases of engme problems with the plane forced three after thelT 35-foot utlhty boat capsized nurses at Wtlcox Memonal Hospital dIfficulties, the Jet was forced to tum flIght cancellatIOns last month, about half a mIle outSide the entrance on Kaual back from flights already m progress, WCCO-TV reported to Pearl Harbor, the Navy said The notice went mto effect today, reports Said In addltlon, three flIghts The alrhne canceled flights that Twenty-two other Navy personnel even though the members of the that were to have used that plane last were to have used the plane on July m the boat swam to shore at Hickam Hawan Nurses ASSOCiation were month were canceled because of other 20 from Sagmaw, MICh, with no AIr Force Base on Monday mght, not scheduled to take a stnke vote mamtenance problems reason hsted, July 23 from Mm­ said Pearl Harbor spokesman Lt unul Wednesday Last Apnl, the NatIOnal Trans­ neapohs because of wmg repan, and Cmdr Gary Shrout Wages were a major stumblmg portation Safety Board urged that the July 28 from Phoemx, Anz, because FIVe of the survIvors were taken to block m the negotiations that are set government reqUlre mspectlOns of the of a broken hydrauhc pump, the sta­ Tnpler Army Medical Center, where to resume Aug 27 with federal more than 800 Pratt & Whitney JT8D tion Said three were admItted for overnight ob­ mediator Frank Schoeppel of 200-senes engmes because of several Northwest Airlines spokesman servauon, accordIng to Shrout, who Honolulu engme breakups dunng flight Redmond Tyler told The ASSOCiated said one of the mjured suffered a '" * * The mspectlOns are warranted Press that engmes must be conSidered separated shoulder (AP) - Housmg ConstructIOn "because the potential for an uncon­ separately from the rest of the plane The boat from the rescue salvage edged up 09 percent m July, the tamed engme failure and pOSSIble air­ Followmg the January 1986 mCldent, ship USS Safeguard was on a hberty first monthly mcrease smce Febru­ plane damage eXIsts," the safety the plane received a new engme and run, meamng the 22 men and two ary, as the housmg mdustry fmally board wrote the Federal AVIatiOn the problem engme was repaired for women aboard were beIng taken showed slgns of recovenng from a Admlmstration use elsewhere m the fleet, he noted ashore for recreation, when It cap­ Jump m mortgage rates thls spnng, The FAA and Pratt & Whitney The FAA last month mformed the SIzed around 9 pm, he said the government reported today confrrmed Monday that the Northwest alrhnes It would reqUlre that the en­ U S Coast Guard and CIVIlIan FIre The Commerce Department said Alrhnes MD-80 that crashed was gmes undergo radlOscopiC mspectlOn Department hehcopters were used m new homes and apartments were powered by the JT8D 200-senes because of concerns that grew out of the search unul 3 am, while Navy, bemg bUllt at a seasonally adjusted engmes the NTSB findmgs Pratt & Whitney, Coast Guard and fire boats conunued annual rate of 1 61 mllhon umts last Bobble MardIS, of the FAA's the engme's manufacturer, already their search efforts, Shrout Said month Aeronautical Center m Oklahoma had sent servIce bulletms to the alr­ CIty, saId engme problems forced the hnes m June and July urgmg SImilar Criminal Charges Inspections Financial News plane to return to Mmneapohs m May Face Myers DOLLAR CLOSING In Tokyo was Indictments In Hospital Deaths Case LOS ANGELES (AP) - The 14855 yen By John Nolan agamst Harvey m the March 1987 U S Secret Service may fIle cnmmal and 10 Bonn Assoczated Press Wnter death of a patient at Drake Hospital, charges agaInst an AWOL soldier 1 8603West German marks where Harvey worked who flew a pnvate plane too close to CLOSING TOTALS CINCINNATI - A speCial grand Shortly after the mdlctments were PreSident Reagan's hehcopter Gold Up 4 20 at $457 50 JUry today mdlcted a former nurse's announced, County Prosecutor "We are mvestlgatmg the mCldent SIlver Up 0 23 at $778 aIde, called a sane but compulSive Arthur Ney Jr told the court that and cnmmal charges are bemg con­ Platmurn $626 to $633 kIller by the prosecutor, m the deaths Harvey had agreed to plead gUllty to Sidered" agamst Pvt Ralph WIlham DOW JONES or pOlsomngs of 28 people, mcludmg all 29 counts In exchange for bemg Myers, Secret Service Agent Nell CLOSING AVERAGES 20 patients at a county-owned sentenced to three consecutive hfe Goodman said Monday 30 Industrials hospital terms In pnson Ney said he had Goodman dechned to elaborate on Down 45 91 at 2654 66 Under an agreement between agreed not to seek the death penalty what charges mIght be brought 20 TransportatIons prosecution and defense attorneys, Harvey, 35, of MIddletown, was agamst Myers, 32, who IS be10g held Down 15 15 at 107547 Donald Harvey wlll enter gUIlty pleas, dressed m a brown sult and hstened mdefimtely at the Long Beach Naval 15 Utlhtles and Will be spared the death penalty, to the court proceedings WIth hIS arms Statton Down 2 55 at 209 64 Hamtlton County Common Pleas folded In hIS lap Cnmmal charges would be fIled by 65 Stocks Judge Wtlham S Mathews said Harvey, said Ney, "IS sane, com­ the U S attorney's office, which also Down 1531 at 973 36 Monday petent, but IS a compulSIve kIller" IS consldenng CIVil charges Volume 198,400,000 The mdlctments today, WhICh cov­ "He bUllds up tension In hiS body, Myers was flymg Oregon bUSI­ nessman Harlan Lee Jones to a meet­ See Llstmgs m Grace Sherwood ered from Apnl 1983 to December so he kIlls people," Ney SaId Ing with Donald Nixon Jr, former Library 1986, were m additIOn to an earlter "He even told me that he had a hst charge of aggravated murder pendmg of the VIctims he killed" PreSIdent RIchard NIxon's nephew SPORTS HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987, PAGE 5 Pan Am Games Diving Kwajalein Is Not Dull Atoll Green, Five Others By Nancy Narleskl Banned For Drugs Hourglass Sports Wnter coral, spearflshmg and underwater photography The club has meetmgs, slIde shows, vanous speakers By Bob Baum throughout the year and offers Invaluable mformatIOn AP Sports Writer to the dIver It also supplIes the arr tanks that are re­ THERE are many sports that one can get m­ qurred to dIVe, to Its members Two questIons often INDIANAPOLIS - BIll Green, a U S sIlver put to members of the KSC are "What IS the dIffer­ medalIst In the hammer throw, and five other athletes volved m whIle lIvmg on KwaJalem Many are land­ ence between snorkelmg and SCUBA dlvmg? In have been banned from the Pan Amencan Games based sports such as softball, tenms, basketball and fact, what does SCUBA mean?" after faIlIng drug tests golf Increasmgly though, more people are takIng WhIle closely related, snorkelIng and SCUBA Green tested pOSitIve for hIgh levels of advantage of water sports for eXCItement - wmd­ dIVmg are somewhat dIfferent Snorkelmg lImits you testosterone, an anabohc sterOId, offICIals of the Pan surfIng, sallIng, fIshmg and boatmg But, these to explonng the underwater world from the surface Amencan Sports OrgamzatIon srud Monday sports can basIcally be performed WIth varymg de­ of the water, or very near the surface, as the breath­ Green saId he would chaIIenge the result In the grees of enjoyment anywhere there IS water mg apparatus - a snorkel- IS a tube approxImately meantIme, he and two others WIll lose therr medals There are two sports WhICh are umquely IndIge­ 14 to 16 Inches In length that IS secured to the mask The drug Issue overshadowed the hghtest day of nous to the KwaJalem Atoll m terms of clImate, loca­ and acts as dn aIr condUIt It must be extended above competItIon so far at the 16-day games, whIch wmd tIon, what's avaIlable under the water m terms of the surface for air to pass In through the mouthpiece, up Sunday coral confIguratIOns, trOPICal fISh, wrecks and pho­ mto the lungs and back out SCUBA IS an acronym Cuban boxers swept three matches from tographIc opportumtIes The sports In questIOn? for Self-Contallled-Underwater-Breathmg-Appara­ Amencans, IncludIng a fIrst-round knockout of Snorkelmg and SCUBA dIvmg tus And, as It says, allows you to rely on an artIfI­ world champIon Dann AIIen by Angel Espmosa The KwaJalem Atoll IS the largest such configura­ CIal for aIr whIle under the water, erasmg the In softball, both the men's and women's teams tIon of Islands In the world WIth ROI-Namur the need to come up for rur won MIchele Granger pItched her second one-hitter northernmost Island m the cham and KwaJalem the Most people feel that snorkelIng and SCUBA southernmost, the lagoon wIthIn the cham IS an ex­ dlvmg are IIrruted to a certaIn type of person m terms cellent haven for underwater actIVItIes Once the SIght of phYSIcal and psychologIcal outlook That IS a Anderson Connects As of a major Japanese-Amencan World War II battle, rrusconceptIOn Men and women, young and old can KwaJalem now has only a shnne for war dead and a take part m both actIVItieS In fact, In a recent Gallup Circuit II Shorts Buddy, few monuments as remInders of the bIg battle that poll, It was dIscovered that one m fIve Amencans took place here The realIty of the war becomes expresslllg an lllterest In eIther sport, had tned Edition Still On Top easIer to VIsualIze after dIVIng on the wrecks wIthm SCUBA dIVIng or snorkelmg at least once m theIr By Nancy Narleskl the lagoon and seeIng the shIps wIth war matenals lIfetIme and the damage they sustamed Can anyone dIve or snorkel? Hourglass Sports Writer "ThIS area has some of the best wreck dlvmg 10 "Yes Wuh certaIn lImitatIOns," says Paul the world," IS a sentence echoed by many local In basketball actIOn at the CRC Monday mght, Buchanan, local SCUBA Instructor "You don't need both contmgents of Short CIrCUIt hIt the court In the dIvers to be a marathon SWImmer to be a dIver anymore A There are 11 known and catalogued wrecks m the frrst game, Llrruted EdItIon remamed undefeated atop healthy body and a healthy attItude WIll get you a lot the women's dIVISIOn with a 29-23 wm over Short KwaJaleIn lagoon between the tnangle formed by of enjoyment m SCUBA dIVIng or snorkelIng" KwaJ, BIg Bustard and Carlson Most of these are CIrCUIt I In the second game of the evemng, Short SnorkelIng can be learned 10 an mformal settlI'g Japanese shIps or whalers However, the Pnnz CrrCUlt II pIcked up theIr second wm of the Summer from someone more learned 10 the sport There IS Fun league as they defeated Ooh, Buddy 37-32 Eugen, a German heavy cruIser IS sunk at Carlson comparatIvely less money to put out for snorkehng Island A target ship In the Blla.m atomIc bomb tests, The hot game of the evemng was game 2 It was a eqUIpment on one's quest to learn the art of snorkel­ game that saw some great shootmg, sohd reboundmg the Eugen took on water after she was towed mto the mg than there IS to put out for SCUBA eqUIpment lagoon In 1970, she was declared "radIatIOn free" and good sportsmanshIp CIrCUIt II's Cathy Ander­ BaSIC eqUIpment needs mclude a mask, snorkel, fms son ht up the boards for a game-hIgh 21 pomts and The Eugen appears to offer dIvers a rare opportumty and a buoyancy compensator or BCD - a buoy­ for the sIghtseemg and exploratIOn of a major war­ pulled down 18 rebounds en route to the wm ancy control deVIce (a vest) New eqUIpment costs Dunng the fIrSt quarter, Ooh Buddy took a 5-0 shIp that had a umque and mterestIng role m World run approXImately $100 to $150 Other optIOnal War II lead, as a three-powter by Mika Sphttstoesser con­ Items snorkelers often take WIth them mclude gloves, nected and was qUIckly foIIowed by a two-pomter There are several other small wrecks 10 the K waJ camera, speargun and a catch bag lagoon whIch have not been posItIvely IdentIfIed from Stacey WIlhams For SCUBA dIvmg, you wIll need baSIC snorkel- Many small craft are known to have been lost, but Then, Anderson went wto actIOn, dnvlllg down 109 gear - mask, snorkel, fms and BCD vest­ have been located So, the pOSSIbIlIty of new explo­ the court for her fIrst pOInts on a layup Teammate plus a regulator, secondary aIr source, depth gauge, Carol Anne Scally pIcked up two qUIck baskets to ratIOn eXIsts all the tIme VISlons of Mel FIsher and submerSIble pressure gauge, underwater compass hiS Atocha fmd loom at the forefront of most divers' put CIrcuit II ahead by one The game remamed tIght and tIme mOnItor along WIth other optIonal gear as Juhanne Schwartz sank two shots at the foul lIne thoughts thIS could be the one The club supplIes the aIr tanks An mvestment of Not only are some of the wrecks, ShIPS, but, there TraIhng 9-8, Anderson remedIed WIth a basket wIth about $1,000 WIll be needed to buy the necessary I 05 left to gIVe CrrcUlt II a one-pomt lead gomg mto are also submarmes and aIrplanes at the bottom of the eqUIpment, Jom the club and get the proper tramIng lagoon Just wmtmg to be discovered the second quarter ThIS IS where the KwaJalem Scuba Club can offer CIrCUIt II dommated the second-quarter Scally some great help Formed m the mid-60s, the club has and Judy Clpnam shut down Buddy as they com­ grown from a handful to over 200 members billed to pull down 14 rebounds They, In turn, fed Tom Nulty of the KSC feels that the club offers a ISLAND reSIdents are often seen out snorkelIng the ball to Anderson - who connected for SIX of lot to local dIvers "There are always dIVe boats Jeff Cochran, a natIve of North CarolIna and CIrCUIt II's 10 second-quarter POInts gOIng somewhere And the comradene IS great KwaJ reSIdent, has Just taken up the sport "It was At halftIme, the scoreboard read 20-15, m favor of You're shanng a great expenence these people very easy to get started," Cochran enthused "I spoke CIrCUlt II underwater It'S fascmatmg " to some fnends that knew about snorkelIng They Ooh, Buddy fought back hard In the thIrd-quarter The KSC appears to be one of the most actIve helped me to pIck out my eqUlpment and showed me Schwartz pIcked up a basket 20 seconds mto the pe­ scuba clubs 10 eXIstence Its members are mvolved m the baSICS I happen to enjoy snorkehng between nod Another three-pomter from Sphttstoesser tIed wreck dIvmg, collecnon of shells, tropIcal fISh and Emon Beach and headmg up towards LIttle Bustard up the game at 20-20 WIth 7 22 left Buddy pulled Once you get to the drop-off, there's a lot to see" ahead WIth two more baskets as an offenSIVely-stI­ PopUlar snorkelIng spots are h<;ted 10 the current fled CIrcuit II squad couldn't get theIr shots to fall edItIon of the phone book A lIst of USAKA snorkel- Leadmg 24-21 at the start of the fmal quarter, Local Schedule 109 and dIVIng regulatIOns are also hsted There are Buddy conSIstently added to theIr score, but, It was many SIghts that can be admIred here m the lagoon CIrCUIt II that exploded on the court Clpnam and FastPltch with a mask One of the most mterestmg places to Anderson hIt the boards for eIght key rebounds as I I snorkel IS to sWIm from the beach, In the lagoon, to Tomght CIrCUIt II pIcked up 16 fourth-quarter POInts - 14 the drop-off There IS a sharp drop m depth about commg from Anderson and Megan Stegmann WIth D-5 15 GB&U vs Bud's &Sud's 100 yards off shore There IS an abundance of trOpI­ (Mansfield/Core) 1 00 left, CIrCUIt II held a comfortable fIve-pomt lead Wednesday cal fIsh, colorful coral fonnatlOns and ammals On a to secure the wm clear, slIghtly breezy day, vlslblhty can be 80 feet or D-515 GB&U vs CS Crew (Lundy/Snead) In addltlon to Anderson's sconng, Stegmann and more Thursday Scally connected for SIX POInts apIece BeSIdes some SImple observmg, some snorkelers D-5 15 TropIcal Breeze vs ShIfters Ooh, Buddy's Schwartz recorded 10 pomts, whIle are enchanted by shelhng, spearflshIng and under­ SplIttstoesser and WIlhams each pIcked up eIght r=-___--'-(O_w_e .... nlClpnam) water photography "'** IBasketball I An abundance of snorke1ers look for shells or un­ In the fIrst game of the evemng, LImited Edmon Tonight usual pIeces of coral for theIr collectIons - a popular bUIlt and held a sohd lead throughout the game m 6 00 (game cancelled) hobby on Island therr quest to remam m first place 700 M CO J vs Rockets (Moruomo/Anderson) Snorkelmg offers an array of actIvItIes for enthu­ Ann NIcholson was mstrumental both offenSIvely Wednesday SIasts, but, It does have Its hmItatIOns For those - plckmg up eIght pomts - and defenSIvely - hIt­ 6 00 Danger Zone vs Bombers (Coulon/Knutson) people that feel confined to the top of the water, or tmg the boards for 12 rebounds 700 Men's Musk vs FIrepower (Tucker/Knutson) near the top, SCUBA dlvmg opens up a whole new In addltlon to NIcholson, VIVIan Wade, Dana Lau Thursday world - an underwater world to depths of 130 and CIndy WIlhams each garnered SIX pomts 6 00 Ltd Edmon vs Short CIrcuit II (LonglJames) ft (the legal depth lImIt for dIvmg on KwaJalem) and CIrCUIt I's Megan Stegmann connected for a 7 00 ROI Trackers vs M C 0 J (Carter/Montomo) more game-hIgh 10 pomts, whIle Carla Trautman added (Dlvmg KwaJaIem to be contznued) SIX FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987 Decision: When To Sell Stocks Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers I know By John CunDltT your VIews on cigarette smok1Og but AP Buszness Analyst I hope you WIll show some com­ NEW YORK - Sellmg stocks IS always more difficult than buymg them, pasSIOn and pnnt tillS letter We and thiS year the declslOn IS especially so smokers are a VOiceless group The Frrst, the market has so much momentum, With some blue chips runnmg up anu-smokIng forces are becomIng more cruel and less tolerant every $2 a share m a matter of hours, that a one-day delay m selling can mean big day bucks - more than some people are hkely to earn for workmg an eight-hour I have been a two-to-three-pack­ day a-day smoker for 25 years (I started at Then there IS the reality of capItal gaIns taxes, WhICh thIS year can take a very age 15) I do not enJoy smok1Og, 10 big bIte from profits If you don't sell you don't pay those taxes, and so remaIn fact. I loathe It I hate the way I free to luxurIate m musmg about the great SIZe of your assets smell. the way I cough and I am AddIng to the tensIOn IS the uncertaInty of future tax pohcy What If ashamed of my weakness sometime In the future Congress cuts the capItal gaIns tax from ItS present 28 powerful, nch and determmed to The stausUcs (350,000 deaths a hook half a mIllion new smokers percent of net profit to, say, 15 percent? Many people thInk It WIll do so year) scare me because I belIeve I every year TheIr ad campaIgns are For understandable reasons, some psychological, the sell deCISion gets short wIll be among them one day But aimed at teenagers And, would you shnft from a great many mvestors and Investment adVIsers To sell, for Instance, God knows I have tned to stop Two belIeve. In the face of all the It to retrre from the game and the attendant aCtiVIty and excitement years ago I went to a hypnotist It damnmg eVidence the tobacco com­ To sell also means to give up for the time bemg the notion that your dIdn't work I trIed acupuncture That pames sull mSIst the link between portfolIo and your dreams wIll get bigger and better To buy IS to expect better faIled I spent 10 days 10 a cllmc 10 tobacco and lung cancer IS unproven urnes, very often, to sell means a return to humdrum reality Utah Three weeks later I was smok- I feel sorry for you and the BUYIng IS also VIewed as aggressIve, and to aggressIvely pursue a better hfe 109 agam I have sent away for every others who are hooked Try one more IS so IngraIned In the Amencan psyche that It cannot be separated from such gunmlck advertIsed 10 magaz10es and th10g - a mental health profeSSIOnal lofty notIOns as truth, patrIotIsm, lIberty and love I even bought a paCIfier Perhaps If you learn why you are so The attitude that well-drrected action of almost any sort bears great rewards IS to suck on as a SUbStItUte when the self-destructive you can get a handle cravmg hIt me It dId nothmg but also fed by success stones, by tales of Immigrants who rose from poverty to on your addIctIon and emerge make me feel stupId The SImple vlctonous GIve It a try Good luck wealth, by nsk-takers who bmlt great companies and fortunes truth IS that I am as addIcted as a Most stock market advlsones also seem to concentrate on bUYIng, for very herom Junkie Is pot a drug? Can LSD, PC? ObVIOUS reasons they are sellIng opporturuty and hope, they are In the bUSIness I am sure there are mIllIOns of cocaine and pills open new worlds for of findIng new mvestments, not c10smg out old dreams others lIke me, Ann WIll you please you? Stop guesszng Get the facts In SOCIety also seems to have lIttle admrratIon for the paSSIve accumulator, the pUblISh thIS letter and If there IS a Ann Landers' all-new booklet 'The IndIVIdual who earns lIttle but spends less, who regularly saves a bIt here and solution to the problem that I have Lowdown on Dope" For each there until compoundIng and the years make of It a wondrous golden pile overlooked, for heaven's sake. teU booklet ordered, send $2 ()(), plus a The tendency to buy rather than save IS especially prevalent In the past year, me - Burmng 10 Hell 10ng,selJ-addressedstampedenvelope WIth the saVIngs rate fallIng to all-time lows and the use of credIt ns10g to near Dear Burnmg You say you are (39 cents postage) to Ann Landers all-time highs Getung IS conSidered good, waIung IS passe a member of a "VOiceless group" POBox 11995, ChIcago, IlIznOls WIth such atutudes prevaIl1Og, It IS no wonder that buymg stocks IS eaSIer Not exactly The tobacco lobby IS 60611 than sell10g them And when selling 1Ovolves a big tax bite, thanks to last year's tax "cut," It IS understandable why sellers procrastinate For many of them a 28 percent capItal gams tax on the full profits IS double Paying Tax On Fund Dividends what they would have paId last year, when only a porUon of profItS were taxed For those 10 a 35 percent bracket, last year's tax liability might have been Just Investors' GUide By BID Doyle 14 percent Q My mutual fund has paid me have done QUite well WIth thIS year's rate set at 28 percent of all profits, and WIth many 1Ovestors two dividends totahng $750 so far Q As a new Investor In a enJoYIng once-m-a-generatIon gams, the sell deCISion becomes almost tlus year AssumIng thiS con­ common stock mutuai fund, I was ImpOSSIble for some tinues, my diVIdends WIll amount dISturbed when a frIend told me I to '1,500 for the full year WIll have to pay Income tax on my However, because the pnce of fund diVIdends - even though I the fund's shares has fallen, the have Signed up to have my Your Individual value of my Investment In the fund diVidends automatically reIn­ has plunged $I ,500 year-to-date vested If this contInues, my Investment's My frIend has a great deal more Horoscope value will be down approxunately expenence In and knowledge of ===== FraftCes Drake ====::::::::::::::::== '3,000 by year-end and, mstead of "the market" than I WIll ever had FOR WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1987 baving dividend Income, I WIll But I can't belIeve she IS correct ARIES SCORPIO have a loss on tlus pomt Is she? (Mar 21 to Apr 19) (Oct 23 to Nov 21) To make matters worse, I WIll A Yes, mdeed It makes no differ­ Though full of optimism and confi­ What seems like a moral dilemma have to pay Income tax on the ence whether you take your mutual dence today, you stili need to be wary IS not so Just stand by your conVIC diVIdends, wluch I feel have "eva­ fund diVidends by check or remvest of dubiOUS happenmgs on the Job tlOns You'll Impress those on top porated" Other than redeenung them to buy more shares Either way, Evemng favors creative work and the With your Ideas now Make Important my mutual fund shares, IS there you are requrred to pay mcome tax on completIOn of a home project career deCISions any way to aVOId paYIng tax on the those diVidends TAURUS SAGITTARIUS dividends? Every January, the mutual fund WIll (Apr 20 to May 20) (Nov 22 to Dec 21) A Nope Regardless of the decrease send you a Form 1099 listmg your A partner IS your best confidant Partners make plans for a special or mcrease m the value of the shares, diVidends and other distrIbutIOns, If There are some people out there outmg Don t commit yourself now to you're reqUIred to pay mcome tax on any, for the preVIOUS year A copy today whom you cannot trust Family a fmanclal transactIOn WithOUt domg dlVldends from VIrtUally all mutual goes to the Internal Revenue SerVIce talks are favored Make Important further research Accent hlgher­ funds Q I am WIll retIre soon and domestic deCISions now mInded purSUits tomght The exceptIOns are diVidends from someone recommended a "govern­ GEMINI CAPRICORN mutual funds holding mUniCipal ment securitIes" mutual fund to (May 21 to June 20) (Dec 22 to Jan 19) bonds which pay mterest not subject me Is It backed by the federal You know your owm mInd now and You II contmue With yesterday's to federal mcome tax Those funds government? Is IS guaranteed sec­ will Impress others accordmgly Just progress regardmg career concerns collect that Interest and, after ure? be careful m fmanclal transactIOns Be more candid With a partner An deductmg fund operatmg expenses, A "No" to both questions No Make the most of Important thoughts evemng get-together Will lead to pass the money along to fund share mutual fund IS backed by our federal CANCER slgmficant new frIendships holders as diVidends free from federal government - or any state or local (June 21 to July 22) AQUARIUS mcome tax government, for that matter And Behmd the scenes career develop­ (Jan 20 to Feb 18) The change m value of your mutual there 15 no guarantee that an mvest­ ments are In your favor ThInkIng IS It Will take a second WInd to fund shares doesn't alter the fact that ment you make m any mutual fund good along finanCial lines A hobby complete a work project DetermIna­ you must pay mcome tax on the won't fall m value becomes an obseSSIOn Clarify a tIOn wms out Partners are In agree­ diVidends that fund pays to you Mutual funds obtam money by partnership concern ment about mutual concerns Some Even though you cannot assume a sellmg therr shares to the mvestmg LEO may become engaged continuatIOn of mutual fund public A government seCUrities (July 23 to Aug 22) PISCES )otIID diVidends or a contmued fall m value mutual fund uses that money to mvest Luck comes through fnends A (Feb 19 to Mar 20) ~ of the fund's shares, let's use your m seCUrities Issued by the U S work SituatIOn IS muddled You keep Shoppers find what they re lookmg scenano and say that you receive Treasury and federal agencies Now, your motivations to yourself, but for A fnend may be somewhat $1,500 of diVidends and that the value there's absolutely no doubt that those tomght finds you talkative and at evasive Entertamment gives you of your mvestment drops $3,000 for securities WIll meet therr mterest your best food for thought Work matters come all of 1987 payments and WIll be redeemed when VIRGO under scrutmy tomght You must report the $1,500 as they mature (Aug 23 to Sept 22) IF BORN TODAY you are a person diVidend mcome on your mcome tax However, the values of all mterest­ Not everythIng IS clear regardmg meant to do your own thmg How return If you redeem your mutual paYing seCUrities - including romance Career benefits accrue ever, It s when you develop an fund shares, you II have a capital loss "Treasuries" and "agencies" - f1uc now SOCialize early as later you 11 Interest In the public welfare that you to offset mcome only If the proceeds tuate m the marketplace They nse want tIme for correspondence, read achieve your greatest success You from the redemption are less than the when mterest rates fall and drop Ing, study, or research would make a skilled politiCian, for price you paid for the shares when mterest rates go up So do the LmRA not only do you have the mterest of redeemed share values of mutual funds holdmg (Sept 23 to Oct 22) others at heart, but you also have I have to assume you have an government securities Partners make plans for travel It leadership abilities A profeSSIOnal or "mcome" mutual fund, which holds Summed up, there IS nsk m the type takes tIme today before a career artistiC career often appeals to you bonds and/or other fIxed-income of mutual fund you are consldermg matter IS settled to your satisfactIOn too You do best when you speCialize secuntles The share values of many Investors m that type of fund saw the You d make a good spokesperson for Bmhdate of Bernard Baruch, finan­ funds m that category fell thiS Sprmg values of therr holdmgs drop sharply a cause now Speak out Cier, Coco Chanel, fashIOn deSigner Most other types of mutual funds earlier thiS year DOONESBURY Garry Trudeau NOW, lHAT'S WHAT I MR 5LACKM&Y&R?! HE OIOz YE.5, SIR CAU A al.fTOI P/3R­ at'AY, PAL., HE DID IT, SIR I ON TIME.z TF:N MIN- FORMANc&' I MUST A'35UME THe. CLAYTDN MAfJEHIS I tmSn:: GO CONGRATULATe. POSITION COMICS flR5T MIL.LlON' lH&KIP' '\ ~ \ PI.£A'3E I'M ONl.Y 1 HOURGLASS 30 ----





'1 GUESS oL ~OOG ~'T ~ BE ~HOE1) UP " B rowne ~------t WEiL. AiiAC~ GePATZATE[" y- 50 TIMING 15 eVERYTHINIi! EVERY §Gcotll? /5 IMpOflTAtJr I C,.osswo,.d By Eugene Sheller ACROSS 38 Fmger DOWN 12 Droop 1 Slf s pamt 1 StallIon s 18 Tar counter 40 Fabnc mate 21 Fngld part fuzz 2 Distantly 23 Gun the 6 Havmg a 42 Haggard 3 - at Sea motor purpose novel 4 "Exodus 24 Base 12 Game hunt 44 Der- hero ball s 13 Chasm (Adenauer) 5 Unfalfly Mel 14 DArtag 46 Computer defmed 25 Greek nan's Image 6 RUSSian letter fnend 50 RadIO nver 26 Expert 15 - Fldeles scandal 7 Begm s marksmen BEETLE BAILEY Mort Walker 16 Kmg 52 Geisha s Pnze 28 Cned m DaVid garb sharer 54 Football 8 Eden LOt-lG ENOUGH"t­ star HOW LOI-JG HAVE 17 Soft drmk team reSident 'IOU BEEN AT HOW LONG 15 19 Vert s 55 Wore down 9 "orne CAMP 5WAMP~ THAT"Z.. counter 56 Infamous lenses 5GT LUGG"Z. part marquIs 10 00- 20 Wmdow 57 Hamlet others part and 11 Look 22 Uno e due Ophelia lewdly

announce ment 35 Wind WIZARD OF 10 Brant Parker and Johnn In the ~~~------~-.-.m-'~.-,,-,,-~~'------' I Willows character w~(ve ~Il.-T --.,---- 36 Doggone" A ~OT~vTIV~ L 37 Mineral ~IMOH 1H~ IMUOHY~ ~RIT'( PU~~ ~~~

Be WrlAr IF r &er A ~LJNDREoMILE5 fRO.+\ HEREAIJDMYwl1e;a BRE=AKSDOWI'J? CLASSIFIED PAGE 8, HOURGLASS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1987 YOKWE YUK WOMEN'S CLUB board meetlng II OFFICIAL NOTICES II LOST 730 pm, Aug 20 at Qtrs 442A JAPANESE RUBBER STAMPS In a 35mm film NOTICE FROM USAKA HOSPITAL AppOint­ TICKETS FOR THE YYWC DINNER DANCE, con tamer lost Aug 13 Reward If found Call Paul at "An Evemng at the Mardi Gras" will go on sale at the ments Will not be taken at the KwaJalem HosPJtal for 2334 or H2447 the penod from Tues ,Aug 18 to Fn ,Aug 21 Aug 22 meeting of the YYWC, $17 50 each while the hospital staff receIVes Advanced Cardiac Life Support training Sick call Will run from 7-8 FOUND KWGA AUG MEETING Sat, Aug 22, 1 P m at a m and 1-2 p m dunng thiS four-day IOterval The the Country Club pharmacy will be closed from 8 a m -noon Emer­ TRYING TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE NEW TENNIS RACKET at Dally Courts Call Sharon at gencies Will be taken care of at all times as reqUired SCHOOL CLOTHES? Don't throw out the old ones W2040 H3762 (US AKA Hospllal) - donate them to the BargalO Bazaar Call Tina at MODIFICA TION OF THE LSC RAMP Will beglO 3717 or Barb at 2769 for pickups Hours for Aug the 1st week In Sept All watercraft and maintenance WANTED are 1 30-3 P m on Tuesdays bUildings north and south of the ramp entrance must Learn more about be temporanly relocated by Tues ,Sept 1 Contact Hldeo MIlne, Small Boat Manna supervisor (3643) FISH AQUARIUM preferably w/stand Call W2151 H2282 for temporary relocation area of maintenance bUild­ Ings Contact Robert Gould, Roundhouse supervisor USED GOLF PULL-CART for clubs Call Paul at SOENcE (3320) for temporary relocation area of watercraft W3333 USAKA AIRCRAFT PASSENGERS must be fully and the people clothed and W(ar appropnare footwear, Ie , securely ADULT TRIKE In any conditIOn Call Tom at 2165 who made It happen attached full-coverage "hoes with heels less than one days, 2701 or 3487 eves Inch Open toes, strap", or loosely fitted shoes are not permJtted Heanng protect.on deVices are A LADIES & MAN'S (or ladles) BIKE Call 2534 4; mandatory on UH-l mrc.att Pdssengers must enter after 230 p m and eXit through the deSignated termmal ~ (Global AViation) 19,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER, please call Mr m"J'.P~' __ Nmo at KwaJ Lodge 3477 r A TIENTION GOLFERS When retllevlng golf balls from the out-of-bounds area north of Ocean Road, ALL ITEMS WHICH DIDN'T SELL at your patio do not cross the road If an aIrcraft IS on the Illnway sale The Bargain Bazaar WIll take anything you want ( or approdchmg to land Proceed only after the arrcraft to get nd of Call Tina at 3717 or Barb at 2769 for has cleared the runway pickup (Global A vlatJon) A TfENTION ALL OFFICES OfficJaI notice publi­ SERVICES OFFERED II catIon requests must be submitted to the USAKA II PAO Office pnor to submiSSion to the Hourglass EX LONG TERM KWAJ RESIDENTS Moya & (USAKA PAO) Bob Khngler are planmng a two week VISIt & would ACCESS RESTRICTION Infrequently, the western appreciate an opportUnIty to house-sIt dunng the pe­ portIOn of KwaJaleln will be restricted to on duty nod of Nov 16-30 Call Gerry at H4322 W3960 personnel tra velmg In performance of therr offICial dutIes due to explOSIves laden aircraft bemg parked on FIANCEE COMING TO VISIT KwaJ, would like to the "HOT SPOT" When thIS conditIon eXIsts, all house or trailer sit Dec 1-19 Both non-smokers personnel should aVOId the area unless absolutely Will take fine care of plants & pets Please contact necessary No dependent or recreatIonal access Will Steve Taylor, helicopter QA Inspector at 4301 or be allowed When such SItuatIOns eXIst, publJc 2098 announcements Will be made and appropnate barncades erected RESPONSIBLE PERSON would hke to house or At the Grace Sherwood library. traIler SIt for Sept, Oct or Nov Would take excel­ lent care of yard & plants, also love anImals Call FOOD SERVICES Reggie at 1522 between 6 am -230 pm daily Monday - Saturday 1-9pm Yokwe Yuk Club Chef James Dinner Specials Sunday 1 - 730 p.m Tuesday Veal Normandy COMMUNITY NOTICES .., KWAJALEIN SHRINE CLUB regular monthly r Tomght On TeleVision KwaJalem Il!::l=====F=O=R==S=A=L=E=====::::!II ~~~~ng Thurs ,Aug 20, 7 pm at Shnne Club I I Channel 9 I PATIO SALE - Tr 756, Wed, Aug 19, 1030 SCUBA DIVING CERTIFICATION under PADI am -1 p m Clothes (men's x-Ige -med, ladles 8- InstructIOn available In Sept For more Info on 453 General Hospital 10, girl's 5-6x), tool kit, port phone, carving knIfe classes aVaIlable call Paul at W2334 H2447 538 The New VOices set, ed books, toys for pre-school, stuffed anImals 609 CBS News All m ex cond & pnced to go' No calls please SCHOOL STARTS WEDNESDAY, AUG 26 638 CNN Sports TOnIght RegistratiOn IS currently being accepted at the Ele­ 704 60 Mmutes 2 FOR I COUPON on Hawallan Airlines - Buy I mentary and JUnIor-SenIor High School 759 Fame (2 06) Hcket to Anchorage, LA, SF, Tonga, Guam, 847 The Equalizer (2 54) Seattle, Pago Pago, Apia or Portland get I FREE' IMPORTANT 40/8 RE-ORGANIZATION MEET­ 939 Dynasty (3 46) Vahd Sept 10-Dec 20, 1987, $200 Call H2729 ING at Vets Hall, Aug 18,7 pm Bnng $10 for 1031 "The Deep" (4 38) W6145 dues All members please attend Our future depends 1238 CNN Headlme News on you' Call Ron at 2575 for Info 107 TOnIght Show 2 OV AL BRAIDED RUGS (green, gold & beige), 8'xll', $40, 5'x8' 11", $25 Protect your tenniS COLUMBUS DAY RUN happens again thiS year on racket, also great for travel - a padded bag Oct 12 Joggers, runners, walkers should begIn I Channel 13 I w/shoulder strap (new), $15 Call 2322 gettIng m condition for the 6 5 mIle event Watch Hourglass for more Informatlon 430 CNN Sports TOnIght 10 SPEED SCHWIN BICYCLE (green) In excellent 500 ABC Nlghtllne cond1l10n Call 2464 YYWC WELCOME COFFEE on Wed, Aug 19, 530 CNN HeadlIne News 9 30 a m at Qtrs 428B All new ladles welcome 600 Shoblz Today MEN S 3 SPEED BIKE, $15 Call 3648 For more mformal1on call Maureen at 2364 or EmIlie 630 CNN Sports Late NIght at 2727 700 CNN Conlinues HAWAII CHEROKEE PANTS (SIZe 11/12, blue, 800 CNN Larry King new from Liberty House) Call 2295 before 8 pm REGISTRA nON FOR SWIM TEAM WIll be held 900 Late NIght w!Davld Letterman Sat, Aug 22, lOa m -noon on Macy's porch FIrSt 10 00 CNN Headhne News 25" COLOR TV XL-IOO, $250, sturdy bunk beds practIce sessIOn WIll be Tues ,Aug 25 QuestIOns? 10 30 Busmess MornIng w/bunkie & mattress, $250, 2 cassette players - Call Cns Lmdborg at 2935 or Myra Powell at 3648 11 00 Daybreak SansUl double, $125, PIOneer SIngle, $125 Allllems 1200 Late Night w!David Letterman In good working cond Call Robin W2022 H2435 HOLMBURG FAIRWAYS WILL BE CLOSED to the pubhc Sun, Sept 27 from 1-4 30 p m Reserved DRAPERIES FOR 400 SERIES HOUSE - hVIng for 1st annual "Beef & Bean ClassIc" I ROI-Namur I room, dmIng room, bathroom set (Window curtal~, shower curtam, rugs, towels all match), chIldren s 439 General HospItal bedroom set (matchmg curtaInS, blanket, sheets KWAJALEIN YACHT CLUB MEETING WIll be 524 Sonya Live In L A etc) Call 2295 after noon for appt , must see held Wed, Aug 19, 7 pm at VFW Hall Club 619 CBS News shirts, cruIse plans See you there' Bnng a fnend' 649 Cheers NEW TRIPOD, tennIS rackets, balls, bowling balls, 7 16 SImon & SImon (starts) complete set of left-handed golf clubs, weIght bench, YOKWE YUK WOMEN'S CLUB meeling & lun­ 807 Hotel curtam rods (all Sizes-new), drapes, bIke parts, cheon Sat, Aug 22 at 11 30 a m "Build Your 859 "Flame Over IndIa" skateboard pads & many other Items now at the Bar­ SandWich & Salad" for $6 Call Emily at 2406 or 11 11 TOnIght Show gam Bazaar EmilIe at 2727 for reservations today \.. ~