BIOHOPK 162H/262H. Comparative Animal Physiology—(Graduate DIVISION OF MARINE BIOLOGY students register for 262H.) How animals work. Topics: physiology of respiration, circulation, energy metabolism, thermal regulation, osmotic HOPKINS MARINE STATION regulation, muscle physiology, and locomotion. Evolutionary and ecologi- cal physiology. Lectures, lab, and field research. An option to combine Emeriti: (Professor) John H. Phillips, Jr. the course work with a more intensive research focus, with more units, is Director: George N. Somero available. Prerequisite: Biological Sciences core or consent of instructor. Professors: Barbara A. Block, Mark W. Denny, David Epel, William F. GER:DB-NatSci Gilly, Stephen R. Palumbi, George N. Somero, Stuart H. Thompson 5-8 units, not given this year (Block, B) Assistant Professor: Fiorenza Micheli BIOHOPK 163H/263H. Oceanic Biology—(Graduate students register Assistant Professor (Research): Anthony DeTomaso for 263H.) How the physics and chemistry of the oceanic environment Lecturer: James Watanabe affect marine plants and animals. Topics: seawater and ocean circulation, Station Offices: Oceanview Blvd., Pacific Grove, CA 93950 separation of light and nutrients in the two-layered ocean, oceanic food Phone: (831) 655-6200 webs and trophic interactions, oceanic environments, biogeography, Email:
[email protected] and global change. Lectures, discussion, and field trips. Recommended: Web Site: PHYSICS 21 or 51, CHEM 31, Biological Sciences core, or consent of Courses given in Marine Biology at the Hopkins Marine Station have instructor. GER:DB-NatSci the subject code BIOHOPK. For a complete list of subject codes, see 4 units, not given this year (Denny, M; Somero, G) Appendix. BIOHOPK 164H/264H.