Constraint-Based Synthesis of Datalog Programs B Aws Albarghouthi1( ), Paraschos Koutris1, Mayur Naik2, and Calvin Smith1 1 University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, USA
[email protected] 2 Unviersity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA Abstract. We study the problem of synthesizing recursive Datalog pro- grams from examples. We propose a constraint-based synthesis approach that uses an smt solver to efficiently navigate the space of Datalog pro- grams and their corresponding derivation trees. We demonstrate our technique’s ability to synthesize a range of graph-manipulating recursive programs from a small number of examples. In addition, we demonstrate our technique’s potential for use in automatic construction of program analyses from example programs and desired analysis output. 1 Introduction The program synthesis problem—as studied in verification and AI—involves con- structing an executable program that satisfies a specification. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in programming by example (pbe), where the specification is a set of input–output examples that the program should satisfy [2,7,11,14,22]. The primary motivations behind pbe have been to (i) allow end users with no programming knowledge to automatically construct desired computations by supplying examples, and (ii) enable automatic construction and repair of pro- grams from tests, e.g., in test-driven development [23]. In this paper, we present a constraint-based approach to synthesizing Data- log programs from examples. A Datalog program is comprised of a set of Horn clauses encoding monotone, recursive constraints between relations. Our pri- mary motivation in targeting Datalog is to expand the range of synthesizable programs to the new domains addressed by Datalog.