SLU3A NEWS Newsletter of the South U3A Website: Registered Charity Number 1122153

Issue No. 252 JULY 2021

Forthcoming Events

Monday 12th July SLU3A AGM followed by: Colin Cohen: Oranges and Lemons, a guided walk around the streets of London

Monday 9th August Phil Aldridge: ‘The Golden Number – in Art, Music, Nature, Architecture and, perhaps, Mathematics’

Monday 13th September Bruce White – A Birder’s Year: Autumn and Winter The rose garden at Welland Park last week. If you appreciate flowers and all the locations round Market Monday 11th October Harborough where you can enjoy them, you will want to read Ken & June Brazier – Travelling the about in Bloom Volunteers in an interview Pilgrim Routes to Santiago with their secretary, Susan Clow, on page 13.

Welcome to the July edition of SLU3A News. You will see from many of the activity group articles in this month’s edition that, now that some covid restrictions have relaxed and the end of the rest is in sight, not only have the walking and other outdoor groups been enjoying the opportunity to meet together enjoying the summer weather, but several groups who normally meet indoors have found ways to spend time together in the open air. It may be a while yet before everyone is happy to attend large meetings, and our next few monthly gatherings will be held on Zoom, but hopefully it will soon be possible for small groups to resume their activities indoors. We are planning, if possible, to hold the September monthly meeting in the Congregational hall. A clue! In the mean time there are still many opportunities online for learning and entertainment. The latest Leicestershire and Rutland u3a network newsletter draws our attention to 7 different learning events available through the National u3a site covering topics ranging from Another M.H. picture puzzle Cricket to Cryptic Crosswords, Japan to Philosophers and from Geoff Woods’ collection. more. For more details go to: Online Events. Find the answer on a later page.

SLU3A Details and Committee Items MEMBERSHIP Joining the slu3a could not be easier. You can join online through our website at or by downloading an Application form. Contact our Membership Secretary, Ian Webb at 11 Austins Close, Market Harborough, LE16 9BJ, email [email protected], Tel. 01858 440851. We will require your full name, postal address, email or phone number. The New Member and Renewal subscriptions until 30 April 2022 are £15.00 or £11.50 if you are a fully paid up member of another U3A. Proof of Membership must be provided including Membership Number and the amount of the Fee paid. If not joining online the subscription can be paid either by cheque with your application form, which should be made payable to the SLU3A or by Debit/Credit card providing your application form has already been received by the Membership Secretary. Your mobile telephone number will be required, which must be a smart phone capable of internet connection. The Renewal Subscription can be paid by Debit/Credit card through the Membership Section of the Website, by Cheque payable to the SLU3A and forwarded to the Membership Secretary, or by Debit/ Credit card via telephone to the Membership Secretary (your mobile telephone number will be required and your mobile must be a smart phone) A link will be forwarded to your mobile to enable you to make the payment Full details of these are available on the website. When things have at last returned to normal, we look forward to welcoming new and prospective members at our monthly General Meetings held on the second Monday morning, 10—12 in the Jubilee Hall, Bowden Lane, Market Harborough. Visitors are encouraged to make a £2 donation. New members can chat with our welcoming team and learn about the slu3a and our Interest Groups.

How do I find the Newsletter? During the current situation the Newsletter will usually only be available online from — go to What’s On/Newsletters. Some months we will print enough to distribute to members without an email address.

YOUR COMMITTEE Liz Brett (Monthly Meetings & New Member Liason) 07907 631529 [email protected] Louise Elsome (Groups) 07740 572956 [email protected] Stuart Irons (Premises) 07969 833342 [email protected] David Martin (Secretary) 01858 440530 [email protected] Helen Salisbury (Chair) 07837 410575 [email protected] Paul Simpson (Treasurer) 07885 808209 [email protected] Ian Webb (Vice Chair & Membership) 01858 440851 [email protected] OTHER ROLES Colin Ford (Refreshments) 01858 463129 Maryan Richardson (Trips) 01858 462573 [email protected] Stephen Joy (Newsletter & Website) [email protected]

SLU3A News 2

Committee Items From the Chair Another quiet month for slu3a from the Committee stance. We are all eagerly awaiting the result of the voting at the AGM on 12th July and the way ahead will become clearer, whichever direction it takes us in. Hopefully you have submitted your proxy vote for the various resolutions, but, if not, I look forward to seeing you on Zoom, ready for a prompt 10.30 am start to the AGM. Let's see if we can hit the 100 screen log on capacity! Wherever feasible, I know that many members are meeting up, especially the outdoor groups and others are meeting in person or on video software. On that issue, too, we are all awaiting the government announcement early in July of what the next stage of exit from lockdown means. As I wrote last month, we are still in a state of limbo with a number of issues. In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying the bouts of summer weather and getting out and about locally or around the UK to catch up with family and friends whilst enjoying the very varied UK countryside. Helen Salisbury [email protected] 07837 410 575 Speaker Coordinator It's now a year since we began holding our Monthly Meetings via Zoom. This has proved to be very successful, and we have all enjoyed a variety of talks from some excellent speakers. We've been awed by wildlife and shown how to take better photos with our mobiles. Once, we were treated to a romp through the scandal and salacious gossip of history. In April, we were whisked away to some of the great squares of the world. We've been taken on fascinating walks through the Welland Valley, and around the city of London; last August we were shown how to look for love and romance in art. Another time, we discovered how to use everyday psychology and more recently, found out about the history of cartoons. In January, even learned how to spot a serial killer! Our Zoom audiences have increased over the year and I'd like to thank you all so much for your support. At our Zoom AGM on Monday 12th July, Colin Cohen will be guiding us around the streets of London again with his 'Oranges and Lemons' talk. This time, introducing us to even more fascinating landmarks along the way. At our August meeting, Phil Aldridge will be speaking about ' The Golden Number - in Art, Music, Nature, Architecture and perhaps, Mathematics'. Sounds very intriguing, Phil! Bruce White will be back in September to share with us, 'A Birder's Year - Autumn and Winter'. It will be good to learn which birds to look out for as the seasons change. Barry Frenchman We are very lucky that these speakers are able to deliver their talks, either Further to our introduction via Zoom or in person. I'm hoping that in the next newsletter, I shall be able to update you on to SLU3A’s new treasurer how or where the last few talks of the year will take place. in the May edition, here Liz Brett Speaker Coordinator [email protected] is a photo of Barry.

SLU3A News 3

Committee Items

Group Enabler The sunnier weather and the prospect of happier times ahead gives us all hope for a return to normal group activities. Many groups are looking at ways of meeting up and making arrangements for booking venues in the future. I'm pleased to say that there is the possibility of two new groups starting up - Birdwatching 2 and Pickleball. There are already several members interested in this second Birdwatching group and additional members are certainly welcome. If you'd like to find out more, please come along to an informal meeting on Wednesday 28th July at 10am in Welland Park (near the Cafe) where Bruce White and myself will help you to get the group off the ground. One of our newest members, Jane Strachan, is keen to set up a Pickleball group so, if you want to try something new or perhaps want to hone your racquet sport skills, then this is for you! The game is played with a plastic ball using lightweight paddles and is great for fitness and good health, as well as being fun. Please contact Jane on 07895 240555 to register your interest. Two further groups require new Group Leaders. The Langton Lunch Groups, formerly led by Luella Freston, were both meeting monthly up until March 2020 and, due to Luella moving away, now need a volunteer to take over the meal bookings when they can meet up again. So far, no-one has come forward from the existing members to take on this role and, unless someone does, the groups will fold. Brenda Lord is standing down as Group Leader of the Mah Jong Group and is happy to support whoever steps forward to take her place. My thanks go to both Luella and Brenda for their support over the years. Please consider these roles if you wish these groups to continue - it's an opportunity to get more involved and should not be an onerous task. Please get in touch with me for anything groups-related - all ideas are welcome! Louise Elsome 07740 572956 [email protected] Membership Secretary The renewal period has ended and for anyone who has not paid their yearly subscription, their membership of the slu3a has now ceased. The current membership now stands at 624 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has renewed their membership this year and previously. I am really delighted to welcome a further 9 new members, who joined us over the last month. Included among these are: April and David Morgan, Sue and Steve Melford, Charles Barton, Kathleen Brooking, Peter Ashby and Rita Kimmett. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome them to the slu3a and trust that they will become fully involved and enjoy the wide range of events and activities that are still available. I look forward to seeing all at our AGM on 12 July 2021. Ian Webb, [email protected]

SLU3A News 4

Interest Groups Architecture Welcome to the twenty second instalment of the Virtual Architecture Group. Guided architecture walks In April we held the first of our guided architecture walks in Great Bowden, and in May the second guided walk around Kibworth Harcourt. In June the third in the series of walks were around Lubenham, and I would like to thank Trish and Geoff Woods for taking on the role of tour guides. Please note that although our zoom meetings are open to all members of theU3A, the walks are primarily intended for members of the Architecture Group. If there are spare places these will be offered to non-members. I hope to continue running these guided walks during the next few months, and I will send out details of the next walk in the near future. June Zoom meeting At the June zoom meeting Barry Frenchman gave a fascinating talk about the emergence and development of the Arts and Crafts, Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles of architecture and interior design through the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century. Illustrating these decorative, ornamental styles by reference not only to national treasures such as William Morris's Red House in Bexleyheath and Edwin Lutyens's Munstead Wood house with Gertrude Jekyll garden in Godalming. Barry also showed us a number of local gems including the Charles Rennie Mackintosh house at 78 Derngate , Ernest Gimson's Stoneywell house near Bradgate Park (both of which are well worth booking a visit) and Arthur Wakerley's Turkey Cafe on Granby Street in Leicester. Even closer to home when next in East Farndon be sure to look out for Orchard House on Main St and Clement Stretton's Kiln House on top of the hill down towards Marston Trussell. Thanks to Barry for a most enjoyable excursion through some much-loved architectural styles. July Zoom meeting The next meeting will be held at 2pm on Tuesday 27 July. The theme of the meeting is My Favourite Building, and there will be three speakers. Michael Milsom will talk about Fallingwater, one of the most famous works by the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Liz Brett will talk about the De La Warr Pavilion, an art deco landmark in Hastings. Geoff Woods will talk about Catherwood House in Market Harborough, one of our local landmarks. It should be a very enjoyable and interesting afternoon, and I hope that you will be able to join us. Leicestershire and Rutland Festival of Archeology Although this isn’t about architecture, you might find this of interest. The festival runs from 3 July to 1 August, and there lots of events all over the county. There are lots of walks, tours and talks on a variety of topics. London Open House As part of London Open House, there are a number of different tours available. Some of them are walking tours, cycling tours, photography tours, and there’s even some tours that take play on a riverboat. Meeting programme for 2021 Thank you to the people who have offered to give a talk at our monthly meetings. We now have a programme for the whole year. For the next few months the meetings will continue to be held on Zoom. Colin Cohen [email protected] 079730 348817

SLU3A News 5

Interest Groups Art History Our Zoom meeting in June focused on the theme of ‘Famous Places’ with art works chosen by members of the group. We discovered that many famous places were also our favourite places. The area around Westminster was popular, with works by Canaletto and Monet and a quirky watercolour ofa wonky Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower) by an unknown artist. Further afield we had The Thames below Mount Saint Victoire by Cezanne; Luxembourg Gardens in Paris by Van Gogh; Westminster. Monet Bridge of Sighs, Venice by Turner and The Taj Mahal by Edwin Lord Weeks. This last artist, an American Orientalist, was new to us and those interested can find a biography and the complete works here: Joan introduced a work by David Roberts; View of Luxor, 1846. She explained that although it has the appearance of a watercolour, it is actually a lithograph. Lithography is a method of printmaking invented in 1798 that involves drawing a design onto a porous stone or metal plate with a greasy crayon. A grease resistant solution is used to fill in the remaining negative space and ink applied with a roller adheres to the greasy areas. The print is made on dry paper and printing with the stone creates multiple impressions, called lithographs. Areas of different colours can be applied to separate stones and overprinted onto the same sheet. A more detailed explanation can be found at https:// In July, our Zoom meeting will look at the topic of ‘Still Life’. Still life includes all kinds of man-made or natural objects, such as cut flowers, fruit, vegetables, fish, game, wine, pots, fabrics and so on. In modern art simple still life arrangements have often been used to experiment with form, for example by Paul Cézanne, the Cubist painters and later by Patrick Caulfield. There has recently been a good selection of art programmes on Sky Arts, including works by Picasso, Raphael and Barbara Hepworth, which are often repeated if missed first time. The Channel 5 series ‘Great Paintings of the World with Andrew Marr’ started on 11th June with ‘Water Lilies’ by Claude Monet which was the first of five episodes. The series is available on Catch Up. With museums and galleries opening up again, I am looking forward to my visit to the David Hockney exhibition at the RA in July. I understand that tickets are difficult to obtain so I am fortunate to have got them early. Angela Deane

Bird Watching Not a lot going on birdwise in June to report on at Fermyn Woods Country Park but Song Thrush and Willow Warbler were in fine voice, the latter giving us some decent views. An occasional Whitethroat and Chiffchaff were also seen/heard. Needless to say, Red Kites were two a penny but “a little bit of bread and no cheese” made us look up to see a solitary Yellowhammer. The highlight though was a few sightings of the Black Hairstreak butterfly which has a really short flight period and is confined to a few counties in the East and South Midlands. Fortunately Richard managed to get a good photo of one, reproduced left. We also saw some Skippers and eventually got good views of an Emperor dragonfly when it finally settled! Sadly, the grey, overcast day was not particularly conducive to flights of dragonflies or butterflies. Bruce White

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Interest Groups

Book Club Book Club today was a discussion on "Shuggie Bain" by Douglas Stuart. It was the Booker Winner this year and we all found it remarkable. The story is set in 1980s Glasgow and Shuggie is the youngest in a family of three whose mother is an alcoholic. She is pathetic and endearing and loves her family while drinking away their food and clothing money. The relationship between the three siblings is touching. A highly recommended book. We also have had the pleasure of welcoming three new members, two of whom joined us on zoom for our discussion and we are looking forward to getting together in person before too long. Ronnie Leech Crafting for Charities Light nights and gardening seem to have taken over the time for crafting but several members caught up for a welcome chat and cuppa at The Cafe in Welland Park. The photos show a colourful jumper for Growbaby plus twiddlemuffs and items for a local neo natal unit. New members are always welcome. Email [email protected] Colourful jumper for or call 07837 410 575. Helen Salisbury Twiddlemuffs and Growbaby neo natal items The Coffee Hub At our June meeting, we had a slight change of plans but still centred around the use of computers. First, we listened to a short podcast extolling the benefits of outdoor activities, particularly for children, such as the Duke of Edinburgh award. We then had an informal discussion about the merits or perils of indoor activities for children, such as computing, use of social media. We finished off learning a bit more about computers ourselves while playing around with the whiteboard drawing tools on Zoom! More importantly, we also discussed where we would meet for a REAL coffee morning in July! It was decided that our next meeting will be on: Tuesday, 20th July at 11am at Sweet Peas Café, Hall, Northants, NN6 9LY (Sat Nav NN6 9LX). (Just off the main A508 road between Market Harborough to Northampton). There is no charge if you are just using the café, but if you wish to stay on to visit the gardens, then please see the Kelmarsh Hall website for details of fees.: https:// (Please note there will be NO MEETING IN AUGUST, but ‘The Coffee Hub’ will resume on ZOOM at the NEW TIME OF THE 4TH TUESDAY OF THE MONTH ON 28TH SEPTEMBER.) If you would like to join us or require further information about ‘The Coffee Hub’, please send an e- mail to: [email protected] Denise Smith Drawing and Painting What a wonderful afternoon we all had yesterday, July 1st, in Cornelia’s lovely garden, the first time we had painted together in a long time. This was the first of our two intended outdoor painting sessions this summer, made even better by the fact that Cornelia provided us with a delicious afternoon tea. Our thanks go to Cornelia for her hospitality, and to Marlis who gave us a masterclass in gel plate painting, something new to all of us. We had a lot of fun experimenting with her equipment and paints, and everyone produced something very creditable to take home! As Lorraine departs for the next stage of her life in Norfolk, she will be sadly missed, but by Richard Burdon we are delighted to welcome new member, Peter, who promises to be a friendly and lively addition to our group. Elaine Scarlett and Sue Garman.

SLU3A News 7

Interest Groups

Local History The last of our Zoom meetings proved to be a most absorbing afternoon. Enid Joyce gave us an absolutely fascinating presentation on the life of William Rhodes-Moorhouse VC RFC 1887-1915. William was born into a wealthy family in London, but moved to in his childhood – initially to Lamport Hall and then to Spratton Grange. He was a pioneer in the early days of aviation, taking up flying around 1910 and was the very first airman to be awarded the VC in World War I. William attended Harrow and Cambridge, but did not get a degree. He just loved anything mechanical – motorbikes, cars (especially his Austro-Daimler), but also managed to acquire many motoring convictions. He built his own plane, flying from Huntington to Spratton in October 1911. Healso linked up with Barratts Shoes in Northampton for a publicity stunt, taking boots and shoes from Northampton to Hendon in the first aerial parcel post. In 1914 he joined the newly formed Royal Flying Corps and was sent to Merville, France in the spring of 1915. At that time planes were BE2 biplanes – 2-seaters with the pilot at the back and observer at the front. These were not fighter planes, but slow steady reconnaissance planes and the pilots were equipped with pistols. During this time Germany was using chlorine gas on the front lines and this was being transported by train. In April a decision was taken and orders given to the RFC for the railway line to be bombed. William had orders to bomb the line at Courtrai – a medieval walled town with towers at each corner, 35 miles from Merville. With a bomb in a wicker basket under the plane and operated with a lever in the cockpit, the weight was such that there was just room for the pilot. William undertook this operation and was advised to stay at cloud level. However, he made the decision to fly much lower at 300ft to ensure he was successful. He destroyed the railway line, but was prime target for the German machine gunners in the towers of Courtrai. The plane was damaged and William wounded. He could have brought the plane down, been captured and probably saved, but William made the decision to try and return to Merville to report his success, because otherwise no- one would be aware of this fact in the absence of communications. He had to fly low on his return to Merville and sustained more plane damage and wounds, but managed to land the plane. Despite being in great pain from his serious wounds, he insisted on reporting the successful mission before being treated for his injuries. Unfortunately, he died the next day. He was immediately awarded the DSO, but this was upgraded to the VC – prestige indeed for the RFC in newspaper reports. In April 2015, the centenary of William’s death, a memorial stone was placed in Spratton and unveiled by the Lord Lieutenant with No2 Squadron RAF in attendance, followed by a service in church. More information can be found on Spratton History Society website. The group will now take a break, but meetings will resume in September, hopefully with a normal indoor meeting. More information will be available, once details are known. Meanwhile take care and enjoy the summer months. Avril Pell & Ian Webb [email protected]

SLU3A News 8

Interest Groups New Age Kurling I am pleased to say that the New Age Kurling Group is planning to start meeting again on Wednesday 1st September in the Jubilee Hall at the Congregational Church between 2.00 - 4.00.p.m. New Age Kurling is a form of the original curling game but adapted so that it can be played indoors on any smooth, flat surface, rather than on ice. Importantly the game is an all-inclusive sport and can be played by both able and less able -bodied people of all ages and abilities. We would very much like to welcome new members to the group. Please contact me if you are interested and would like more information. Jane Wilkins. Tel: 01858 461801 New Experiences Dowsing Workshop We were very pleased to be able go ahead with the dowsing workshop in early June, with Avril Holland who has been dowsing for over 20 years, and is founder and chairperson of the Leics & Rutland Dowsers. Avril gave a thought-provoking introduction into how to use the pendulum and rods to answer various questions, then it was over to us. For some of us it was an instant success, for others, maybe we just need a bit more time to practice. Narrow boating Mediterranean cruises may be on hold, but we are all looking forward to our day boat trip from Braunston marina on Tue and Wed 13th / 14th July. Pictures and report to follow in the next newsletter. Sorry this trip is now full. Sausage Making We are planning a sausage making workshop in August, something along the lines of our pork pie session three years ago, more details to follow. If you’d like to join the New Experiences group, please contact Kevin at [email protected] New to Zoom—For absolute beginners If you are not familiar with using Zoom, why not try out one of our sessions for absolute beginners. It is a useful skill to learn and will enable you to join in with activities that SLU3A runs via Zoom, connect with family and friends and other national events in different parts of the country, even when lockdown has ended. Please do not worry about being new - everyone there will be a beginner. You will learn how to login to Zoom, switch your microphone and video on and off, change to different views of the meeting, use the Chat facility and switch subtitles on and off. You can come to just one or two sessions or as many times as you like until you feel confident. Next Session - Tuesday, 20th July 2021 – 9.30am – 10.15am (Please note there will be NO SESSION IN AUGUST, but ‘New to TH The whole picture from the puzzle Zoom’ will resume in the Autumn at its NEW TIME OF 4 TUESDAY on the front page: Pizza Express. It TH OF THE MONTH – 28 SEPTEMBER. was once the Peacock Inn and has For further information, please send an e-mail to: a peacock sculpture on its chimney [email protected] Denise Smith stack.

SLU3A News 9

Interest Groups

Paper craft and more We continue to meet via zoom twice a month, we have a good old gossip and chat as well as making things. We made some lovely easy cards this month and are looking forward to making a gift box next month as well as a couple of cards. If you like crafting, particularly papercrafting (on zoom difficult to do much else), then feel free to join us by contacting Jan Collins on [email protected]. We work on my private zoom account. I look forward to seeing you! Jan Collins

Photography Click here to see a selection of the photographs we took for June’s subject, Churchyards and gravestones

Railway Exploration We hope to resume face to face meetings in the autumn, subject to any remaining restrictions et cetera. If that option is unavailable then we have a series of talks ready for presentation via Zoom – and for those unable to participate, there will be recordings available. In the meantime there is little else to report so I will offer you another French masterpiece with a railway theme: Gustave Caillebotte's "Le Pont de l'Europe". He painted two versions of the scene and this one gives us a glimpse of the railway. Isn't it wonderful? Dudley Brown Science and Technology Until “normality “resumes all our meetings will be using Zoom. Our next Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday July 28th at 2:00 pm. There will be three separate talks based upon the topic “Inventions that have (or have not) changed our world” John Hammond will be discussing light bulbs, Hilary Hernshaw has not disclosed her subject and I will be concentrating on food packaging. The August meeting will be the same format and we urgently need volunteer speakers. All SLU3A members are invited to join the meeting, Login and password details will be circulated closer to the event. Michael Milsom 01858 419874 [email protected] Transport The next Zoom meeting of the Transport Group will take place Wednesday 4th of August at 2:00pm. The topic for the meeting is not available at this time. All SLU3A members are welcome to join in at our meetings, Louise Elsome will be circulating login details nearer to the event. We urgently need members to volunteer to provide talks as without them the meetings will have to cease. Michael Milsom 01858 419874 [email protected]

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Interest Groups

Ukulele Group / Strictly Ukuleles We like to have a theme for our Playlists, and one of those this month was OLDER SONGS WITH NAMES IN THEIR TITLE. We included some old favourites such as Waltzing Matilda, Daisy Daisy, and Bill Bailey, but we also attempted four songs new to us. The ‘youngest’ of these was SWEET GEORGIA BROWN, written in 1925. The ‘oldest’ was WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME, written in 1863 during the American Civil War. The other two new songs were TOM DOOLEY, written in 1866 about a murder committed by a certain Tom Dula, popularised by the Kingston Trio in 1958 (the song, not the murder), and ALEXANDER’s RAGTIME BAND, which isn’t ragtime at all, which was Irving Berlin’s first hit in 1911. I bet you know all these songs; can I hear you humming one now ? Keep strummin’, keep happy. David Evans 01858 463045 Wildlife Near Aldwincle is Titchmarsh a wonderful peaceful nature reserve . The reserve is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and the wildlife group were not disappointed when they visited in June. As we walked through the meadow we identified Goatsbeard and Cut -leafed Cranesbill and Yellow Meadow Pea. We were greeted by huge numbers of Banded Demoiselles perching on nettle beds, numerous snails and beetles and a red and black Common Froghopper. One of the highlights of this trip was definitely the sight of lots of Damselflies mainly Common Blue ,a female and male Scarce Chaser a Large Red Damselfly and a Hairy Dragonfly which all gave us some excellent photo opportunities. Several butterflies were seen including Orange tip, Brimstone, and Green -veined white. As we walked around the reserve we saw lots of geese with their goslings, a pair of Herons an Oyster Catcher and watched Terns and Gulls flying over the water. We listened to the song of The Common Whitethroat, heard Sedge and Cetti warblers and watched a Reed Bunting singing in the top of a tree. Diana Baxter Wine Tasting In June, the Wine Tasting group met for the first time in 2021, outside in a garden. This time we had four members bring wines that they had enjoyed over the lockdown. Mick started the evening with Les Hauts de Morin-Langaran Picpoul de Pinet 2018, Naked Wines around £9 which was very fresh and much enjoyed. We moved on to Sylvia’s McGuigan Reserve Sauvignon Blanc from South Australia via Sainsbury’s at £6 less the 25% discount they sometimes offer. The bottle describes this as “Fresh and lively with vibrant gooseberry and citrus flavours”, which is probably fair. We enjoyed this wine – slightly more on average than the first one. The third wine was Sainsbury Taste the Difference Alsace Gewurztraminer 2019 around £9 which Naomi brought us. The intense flavours are enhanced by the low rainfall of Alsace. It is sweeter than the two earlier wines, as the Gewurztraminer wines tend to be. The group rated this the second best of the evening. And for the final wine, Pat brought us Cabalié Cuvée Vieilles Vignes 2020 (Pays d'Oc) from the Sunday Times Wine Club at £7.99. This is a classic smooth southern French red made from 60% Grenache and 40% Carignan grapes not far from the Mediterranean coast and the border with Spain. It was the only red wine of the evening and also a convincing winner. We shall be continuing to meet outside until the rules allow us to go back indoors. Jonathan Shaw Writing for Fun Read the latest episode of Biff and Chip’s adventures here. Dave Martin. 01858 440530

SLU3A News 11

Walking and Cycling Groups Cycling We are now back to riding on the 1st and 3rd Fridays, The 1st Friday ride is generally around 12 to 16 miles and gives new riders or those that have not ridden for a while the opportunity to get back into the saddle. The 3rd Friday ride is generally a little more challenging with 16 to 20 miles. As lockdown eases we will resume our sociable post-ride lunches. Many thanks to Robert for leading the ride to Naseby on 2nd July. Here we are at the Tea room and Stuart, Terry & John enjoying the quiet lanes on the way back. If you would like to join the cycling group, please contact Kevin, [email protected] Evening Walks The Lubenham walk was a great success; a relief after I had postponed it from the Tuesday but in the end it was win-win. No photos unfortunately, our star photographers, Bob and Kevin were otherwise engaged. Next walk, Tuesday 13th July, from Foxton 7pm. Details tbc. Dave Martin Walking All Day The all day walking group enjoying the first day of their break in the Peak District. We met at Grindleford cafe and walked along Padley Gorge and then to Hathersage Moor . A Huge thankyou to Helen & Bob for organising this year’s walking break. The walks they arranged and led were all superb, the views were stunning and the variety of trails we covered over the three very different days was brilliant. The superb hotel, perfect weather and great company made it even better. See lots more pictures on the website here. The next walk will be led by Bruce White on 29th July starting from the green in Great Easton, LE16 8SF. Park around the green or wherever you can and meet on the green for the usual 10.00 a.m. start. Roughly 6 miles in the morning and 3 miles in the afternoon with a picnic lunch stop in East Carlton Country Park - café and toilets available there. Walking Thursday Our next walk is on 15 July, leaving at 10.00 am. The meeting point is the small green opposite the Queen's Head, Main Street, Saddington, near the village notice board. It will be a circular route via parts of Fleckney and Smeeton Westerby. It's a distance of about 5 miles and there's half a dozen stiles. The return time is expected to be 12.30 pm. Travelling to Saddington from MH can bevia Gumley or Kibworth Beauchamp. Please let John know if you would like to take part: telephone 01858 410192. Alastair & Christine Willis 01858 419262 Walking Wednesday June's was a very easy walk (3 stiles, no hills) from Wistow. 21 of us took the lane along to Newton Harcourt, then via field paths to Great Glen where we stopped in the Memorial Gardens by the church for a drink. Carrying on through the nature reserve and along lots more field paths we eventually reached the canal where a short stretch of towpath brought us back to Wistow. This month's walk on the 14th, from Marston Trussell, is nearer six then five miles with half a dozen stiles and just one hill but great views from the top and one that I don't think we've done before. Park wherever you can around the village and meet near the church for a 10.00 a.m. start. Bruce White

SLU3A News 12

Walking and Cycling Groups

Strollers In June 16 of us enjoyed a stroll in and around Clipston, the weather was good and many of us ate outside at the pub, we saw two new faces and trust they will continue to join us. Several members commented that it was good to stroll through long field grass again. On Friday 13th August we meet at Ashley at 10.30am, park alongside the church wall and meet at the church gate. This is a circular stroll in and around the village, no stiles just kissing gates (so bring hand sanitizer) some path and some field strolling. The George public house in the village tel. 01858 565900 serves lunches. please make your own arrangements. We have booked, if you do likewise mention Strollers and they will seat us together If you will be joining us ring Julia and Colin by midday Tuesday 10th and we will try not to start without you. Julia and Colin Ford 01858 463129

INTERVIEW WITH Susan Clow, Secretary of MARKET HARBOROUGH IN BLOOM VOLUNTEERS (MHiBV) I am a helper with the MHiBV group and I thought other slu3a members might find it interesting to see the work that the ‘Bloomers’ do and what goes on behind the scenes. (Dave Martin) There will be two interviews, one dealing with what happens around town, and a second one, next month, which will look at what is happening in Welland Park.

Town planting locations and the RHS in Bloom Competition

Q. How long has Market Harborough in Bloom [MHiB] been in existence? The organisation was formed in 1996 and started with just six hanging baskets in town. Q. How many planting locations are there in town and how often are they planted? There are over 100 planting locations, the most obvious of which are the large blue planters in the town centre and also along Saint Mary’s Road and outside the market building. The largest is the circular planter behind the Old Grammar School. Planters are changed twice a year for summer and winter interest. All the hanging baskets in St Mary’s Place are planted up by MHiB volunteers. The Canal Basin is also lovingly maintained by Ann Hartley, one of your own slu3a members! Q. Who actually tends them? There are around 20 MHiB Volunteers. The Bloomers consider themselves very lucky to have the use of a compound, greenhouse and polytunnel in Welland Park.

Q. How well does Market Harborough do in the East Midlands in Bloom competition? →

SLU3A News 13

There are a lot of other entrants in the Large Town category and the competition is fierce. Nevertheless, Market Harborough has been an East Midlands gold award winner over the past ten years. The town has also entered Britain in Bloom three times. Q. What are the latest developments to be seen around town? We are always looking for something new. This year, look out for a different colour scheme for each side of St Mary's Road. A first this year is the planting of grasses in the Market Square, which you might see waving in this naturally windy spot. By the church look for annual climbers on the triple planters. Also new, notice the planted chairs dotted about [do tell the shopkeepers how much you like them as they are watering them and taking them in at night!]. The Baptist Church on Coventry Road has been inspired to install two new planters with some MHiB support. There are MHiB hanging baskets and planting at the Cricket Club and also, working in partnership with NHS staff at St Luke's Hospital [and necessitating volunteering on a weekend] , the creation of two floral beds and a small wildflower area. Q. How can people get involved? Volunteers are always welcome. You do not have to be a “gardener”, just keen. Volunteers attend on Monday and/or Wednesday mornings throughout the year. MHiB are happy to receive donations [one of the Harborough Lotto organisations that can be nominated] but also value donated tools, plants etc. Find out more on the website and follow every week on Facebook - Market Harborough in Bloom. Thank you Susan. Next month ...Welland Park and the Mini Arboretum.

Early planting at Saint Luke’s Judging in 2019 And where’s this? Hospital Photo courtesy of the Harborough Mail More photos here on the SLU3A website

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you of the death of two of our members in June. Lesley Dew suffered a stroke. She has been a long standing and active member of the SLU3A for many years since joining us in 2012. The Groups which she regularly attended were 2 Bridge Groups and a Sunday Lunch Group. She will be greatly missed by all her friends within the SLU3A and we would like to take this opportunity to pass on our condolences to her daughter Sarah, son Mark and their families. Yvonne Belsom had a fall on 22 May, breaking her hip and whilst they operated quickly she never really recovered. We send our condolences to her daughter Laura and the rest of Yvonne’s family.

SLU3A News 14

Iranian Homesick Blues, Episode 5


Back in Erzerum Ian made the wonderful suggestion that instead of getting the train back to Istanbul we took a coach to the Black Sea, where we could get a ferry. How did he know this stuff? It would not only be different, but a good deal more interesting. We got our coach tickets for the port of Trabzon, and settled down for the 160 mile five hour journey. We hadn't gone far when a young Turkish boy, estimated age of about 12, walked to the front of the coach, picked up the very basic microphone that was wired into the very basic speakers, and started singing what I guess was traditional Turkish music. Even now I'm not a great World music fan. Back then to my unenlightened and uninitiated ear it was an incomprehensible racket. Still, only another four and a half hours to go. In Trabzon we made sure about the date of the ferry, and bought tickets. There were a couple of days to wait, and during those days we teamed up, and, I seem to remember, shared a hotel room with two German students. They were both strapping lads, and this proved handy, as one night we were walking through the town with Ian and myself in front when a couple of locals shouted abuse at the two of us. I picked up the core of a discarded corn on the cob and threw at them. The locals jumped out the way, before realising the soft and harmless nature of the missile. They squared up for a fight just as the two Germans came round the corner, saw them, and beat a tactful retreat. There was method in my madness, but obviously a steely edge was forming over the crust of my 'peace and love' philosophy. Even worse, while in Trabzon I was carrying an empty tobacco tin. On another occasion, with no Teutonic bodyguards around, someone saw it, grabbed it off me and opened it up. Some reflex made me grab it back and square up to him. I cannot recall having ever being in any kind of fight before, and the thing was worthless. I guess this was my first insight into a side of my personality that I had not known existed, and have frequently wished didn't, and the start of an ongoing battle between Gandhi and Clint Eastwood for my inner man's role model. Whether it was out of shock or not I don't know, but my assailant let go, turned around a hurried off. One of the German travellers was very much into playing chess, to the extent that he had brought a chess set with him back packing around the Middle East. He told us with no prompting that he was chess champion of somewhere or other, his town, or school, or club, or something, and insisted that we occupied the evening hours with chess matches that had the same inevitable result, much to the obvious annoyance of his mate. On the last evening, miraculously, after a long and tense game, I actually beat him. He threw a king sized sulk, while his companion was besides himself with joy. If we had played another thousand times he would have beaten me a thousand times, but that was the final match. That night I could see chess pieces every time I closed my eyes to try to sleep. Then farewell to Trabzon, and my truculent flirtations with getting beaten up and victorious international chess tournaments. John Deane

SLU3A News 15


IMPORTANCE OF GOOD PRACTICE As we now have several people accessing the SLU3A Zoom account, adopting consistent practice is very important to avoid: • Problems arising during sessions because features have been turned on or off • Potential double-bookings on the Calendar • Meetings crashing while in progress if two users SIGN IN as Host.

BOOKING A MEETING Group Leaders should take care when logging on to schedule a meeting. They should avoid interfering with a zoom meeting actually happening. Suggestion: Try mealtimes and evenings as there most likely will be no meetings running then. Before booking a meeting, please check with Louise Elsome, our Group Enabler. You will then need to SIGN IN to the SLU3A account to book either: - Scheduled (Future) Meeting or - New (Immediate) meeting.

CALENDAR • Check through the Calendar list on the Upcoming Meetings tab to ensure there are no other meetings on the date you require. • Book each date you require as a SINGLE meeting. There have been problems using the Recurring Meetings feature. • BEWARE: ZOOM WILL NOT WARN YOU IF YOU DOUBLE-BOOK AT THIS STAGE!! HOSTING A MEETING • On the date of your meeting, SIGN IN to Zoom using the SLU3A email address and password. • Select your meeting and click START. • You only need to SIGN IN if you are the Host • Everyone else should just JOIN the meeting, either through the e- mail link sent out (preferred) or by clicking Join a Meeting and typing in the Meeting ID and Password. MANAGING THE MEETING • Open the Participants box and, as members arrive, click to Admit them. • If you have suddenly decided to set up a meeting you can click the Invite button from this box and send out e-mails. • You can assign a person/s to help you as a Co-Host through the Participants box. Click their name, then More, to see this option and others.

END THE MEETING GRACEFULLY! • If you are hosting the meeting, remember to click END MEETING FOR ALL in Zoom to ensure everything is closed down properly. • When the meeting screen has been closed, you need to click on the coloured dot, with the initials LE, usually found at top right of screen, then go down to the bottom of the menu and select SIGN OUT.

Active Groups

Over half of SLU3A groups are keeping active at least part of the time despite Covid-19. See below the list of those active groups we are aware of. Please let us know if your group is not listed but is managing to keep going one way or another.

GROUPS USING SLU3A ZOOM ACCOUNT GROUPS MEETING OUTDOORS/INDOORS Architecture (Geoff Woods 01858 468989) Architecture (Colin Cohen 07973 348817) Belleplates (Pam Duffin 01858 414975 ) Bird Watching (Bruce White 01858 467976) Book Club (Ronnie Leech 01858 410072) Crafting for Charities (Helen Salisbury 07837 410575) The Coffee Hub (Denise Smith 07527 801778) Cycling (Kevin Millard 01858 468015) Local History (from Jan) (Avril Pell 01858 414871) French Refreshers (Rosemary Holden 01858 682623) New to Zoom—Absolute Beginners French Conversation Melanie( Nash 07939 872204) (Denise Smith 07527 801778) Golf Ladies (Angela Wade 01858 462293) Poetry (Jill Hart 01858 469663) Golf Men (Roger Powdrill 01858 525376) Transport (Michael Milsom (01858 419874) Music Workshop (Alan Clementson 01858 461088 ) Science & Technology “ “ New Experiences ( Kevin Millard 01858 468015) Petanque (Kevin Millard 01858 468015) GROUPS USING OWN ZOOM ACCOUNTS Tennis (Rita Moth 01858 432275) Art History (Angela Deane 01858 431111) Walking All Day (Thurs) Papercraft & More (Jan Collins 01858 462409) (Eddie/Edith Dixon 01858 468758) Photography (Phil Aldridge 07734 903737) Walking Evenings (David Martin 01858 440530) Spanish Beginners (Don Collins 01858 462409) Walking Tuesday (Diana Baxter 0116 279 2947) Spanish Improvers “ “ Walking Thursday (Alastair/Chris Willis 01858 419262) GROUPS USING SOCIAL MEDIA, INTERNET, Walking - Strollers (Colin & Julia Ford 01858 463129) EMAIL: Walking Wednesday (Bruce White 01858 467976) Listening to Jazz (Mike Goldsmith 01536 770122) Wildlife (Diana Baxter 01162 792947) Ukuleles (David Evans 01858 463045) Wine Explorers (Melanie Nash 07939 872204) Music Appreciation 1 (Peter Ellement 01858 432966) GROUPS MEETING IN SPORTS VENUES Music Appreciation 2 (Geoff Moth 01858 432275) Railway Exploration (Phil Danks 01858 463922) Badminton (Carole Winfield 01858 432540) Drawing & Painting (Elaine Scarlett 01858 432029) Table Tennis 1 (Keith Keeble 07795 434076 Quilty Pleasures (Diane Miles 01858 468357)

GROUP DETAILS OVERLEAF On the next two pages is a complete list of SLU3A groups as we hope they will be when Covid restrictions are a thing of the past.

SLU3A News 17

GROUP DETAILS (see note on previous page) GROUP LEADER TELEPHONE VENUE WHEN TIME MONDAY Art History Angela Deane 01858 431111 Cong Church 1st Monday 10.00 am Crafting for Charities Helen Salisbury 07837 410575 Louisa’s Place 3rd Monday 10.30am Exercise/Keep Fit 1 Anne Goldsmith 01536 770122 Methodist Church Weekly 9.30-10.30 French Refreshers Rosemary Holden 01858 682623 Please call Weekly 11.00am Golf Ladies Angela Wade 01858 462293 Cottingham Golf Weekly 10.00am Golf Men Roger Powdrill 01858 525376 Kilworth Springs Weekly 10.00am Italian Not Absolute Beginners Sharon Webb 01858 440851 Please Call 1st & 3rd Mondays 2.30pm Italian Improvers Judith Cook 01858 433861 Please Call Weekly 2.00pm Table Tennis 1 Keith Keeble 07795 434076 Please Call Weekly Morning Wine Explorers Melanie Nash 07939 872204 Please call 2nd Monday 7.30pm TUESDAY Architecture Colin Cohen & 07973 348817 Cong Church 4th Tuesday Afternoon Geoff Woods 01858 468989 Book Club Ronnie Leech 01858 410072 Please call 2nd Tuesday 2.30pm Bridge—Social Sue Jones 01858 433210 Bowls Club Lt.Bwdn Weekly 1.30-4pm The Coffee Hub Denise Smith 07527 801778 Zoom 3rd Tuesday 10.30am Country Dancing Sharon Webb 01858 440851 Cong Church 4th Tuesday 2-4pm Listening to Jazz Mike Goldsmith 01536 770122 Please call Last Tuesday 2.15-4.15 Local history Avril Pell 01858 414871 Cong Church 3rd Tuesday 2-4pm Music Appreciation 1 Peter Ellement 01858 432966 Please call 3rd Tuesday 10.00am New to Zoom Denise Smith 07527 801778 Zoom 3rd Tuesday 9.30am Play Reading David Ginns 01536 351328 Please call 3rd Tuesday Afternoon Singers—Ladies Choir Joy Swallow 01858 462368 Cong Church 2nd/4th Tues 10.30am Ukuleles David Evans 01858 463045 Methodist Church Alternate Tues 2-4pm Walking Half Day 2 Diana Baxter 0116 279 2947 Outside 1st Tuesday Various WEDNESDAY Badminton Carole Winfield 01858 432540 Meadowdale Weekly 5.45-7pm Stuart Irons 01858 465287 Belleplates Pam Duffin 01858 414975 Community Church Weekly ‡ 2-4pm New Age Kurling Jane Wilkins 01858 461801 Cong Church 1st Wed 2.00pm Quiznight Dave Martin 01858 440530 Zoom Last Wed 7.30pm Shakespeare for Fun Ernie Parsons 01536 760141 Desborough FC 1st Wed Afternoon Railway Exploration Phil Danks 01858 463922 Bowling Club 3rd Wed 10.00am Science/Technology Michael Milsom 01858 419874 Cong Church 4th Wed Afternoon Scrabble for Fun Lesley Milsom 01858 419874 Bowls Club Lt.Bwdn. 4th Wed Morning Transport Group Michael Milsom 01858 419874 Bowling Club 1st Wed 10.00am Walking Half Day 1 Bruce White 01858 467976 Outside 2nd Wed Morning THURSDAY Aspects of History Ernie Parsons 01536 760141 Desborough FC 4th Thursday Afternoon Birdwatching Bruce White 01858 467976 Outside 3rd Thursday Morning *except third Wednesday

SLU3A News 18


GROUP LEADER TELEPHONE VENUE WHEN TIME THURSDAY cont. Drawing & Painting Elaine Scarlett 01858 432029 Oxendon Village Hall 1st/3rd Thurs Afternoon Exercise/Keep Fit 2 Anne Goldsmith 01536 770122 Methodist Church Weekly 4-5pm French Conversation Melanie Nash 07939 872204 Please call Weekly 2.30-4.30pm Family History Shaun Coles 07801 364033 Community Church 3rd Thursday Morning Italian Post Beginners Linda Carruthers 01858 410019 Please call Weekly 2-4pm Quilty Pleasures Diane Miles 01858 468357 Gt Bowden Ch. Hall 2nd/4th Thurs Afternoon Quilters Corner Jan Clarke 01858 464634 Farndon VH 1st/3rd Thurs Afternoon Society Today Jim Callcutt 01858 468218 Please Call 2nd Thursday 2.00pm Spanish Beginners Don Collins 01858 462409 Methodist Church Weekly 2.00pm Spanish Improvers Don Collins 01858 462409 Methodist Church Weekly 10.00am Table Tennis 2 Jenny Ancaster 01858 446862 M H Leisure Centre Weekly Midday Tennis Rita Moth 01858 432275 Tennis Courts, Gt Bowden Weekly 10.00am Walking All Day Eddie/Edith Dixon 01858 468758 Outside Last Thursday Various Walking Half Day 3 Alastair/Chris Willis 01858 419262 Outside 3rd Thursday Various Wildlife Diana Baxter 0116 279 2947 Outside 2nd Thursday Various Wine Tasting Jonathan/Naomi Shaw 01858 682133 Please call 3rd Thursday Various FRIDAY Cycling Kevin Millard 01858 468015 Outside 1st & 3rd Fri 10.30am Robert Davison 07983 948392 Photography Phil Aldridge 07734 903737 Welland Place 3rd Friday Afternoon German Conversation Sylvia Mountford 01858 465561 Please Call Weekly 2.00pm Golf Men Roger Powdrill 01858 525376 Kilworth Springs Weeklt 10.00am Mah Jong (Vacancy) Community Church 1st/3rd Fri 10.00am Music Appreciation 2 Geoff Moth 01858 432275 Please call Last Friday 10.00am Music Workshop Alan Clementson 01858 461088 Please call Weekly Afternoon Papercraft & More Jan Collins 01858 462409 Foxton VH 1st/3rd Fri Morning Poetry Jill Hart 01858 469663 Please Call 1st Friday 10.00am Walking—Strollers Colin &Julia Ford 01858 463129 Outside 2nd Friday 10.15am Singing for Fun Ann Tonkin 01858 432242 Methodist Church 2nd/4th Fri Afternoon SUNDAY Singles Sunday Lunch Jan Tilley 01858 461186 Various 1/2/4 Sundays Various Music - 60s Alec Hodgson 01858 288923 Oathill Pub, M H 3rd Sunday 7.00pm OTHER Chess For Fun TBC Various Various Various Walking—Evening David Martin 01858 440530 Outside Various Various New Experiences Kevin Millard 01858 468015 Various Various Various

NEXT COPY DEADLINE Wednesday 28th July Please send contributions to: Stephen Joy, email: [email protected] Tel. 07982 428397

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