PROPOSED NEW 40MPH SPEED LIMIT ON PARKLANDS, Short Title of Decision: AND CONSTRUCTION OF PRIORITY WORKING BUILD-OUTS OUTSIDE UPSHIRE PRIMARY SCHOOL, WALTHAM ABBEY *Tick the relevant box below Key Decision by Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation • in consultation with another Cabinet Member * • in consultation with the Service Director Highways and Transportation * Non Key Decision by Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation • in consultation with another Cabinet Member * • agreed with the Service Director Highways and Transportation * Non Key Decision by Service Director Highways and Transportation • in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation * • on own account * Recommendation - Decision(s) Proposed Speed Limit 1. That the change in speed limit to 40mph on Parklands, Waltham Abbey be progressed 2. Law and Administration Team be instructed to formally consult on the proposed change of speed limits on Parklands, Waltham Abbey

Proposed carriageway build-outs, Upshire Primary School, Upshire Road 3. To seek approval for the implementation of 2No kerb build outs on Upshire Road (Priority 2 County Route), outside Upshire Primary School.

1 Background Mouchelparkman undertook a route study in February 2004 on behalf of Essex County Council (ECC). The report contained information on personal injury accidents together with comprehensive traffic volume and speed data.

A number of proposals were recommended in the report; however, these were not necessarily in accordance with current ECC policy or practical. The proposals put forward for in the route study were for the implementation of vertical traffic calming features and the construction of traffic islands however the length of the route is classified as a PR1 under the County Councils Network Hierarchy.

Under the old Agency agreement Council (EFDC) continued work on the proposals and during the last two years the West Area Office has implemented a number of the schemes as recommended, these include improvements to the carriageway surfacing, installation of duct work, improvements to signing and carriageway markings and the implementation of a mini roundabout at the junction Ninefields and Upshire Road.

Two of the remaining areas to be looked at are 1) A new 40mph speed limit to replace the existing de-restricted section currently in operation on Parklands from a point 44m northeast of the Crooked Mile Roundabout in north easterly direction for a distance of 1154m. Proposals as detailed on drawing I.269-D6-0006 (available on request from Originating Officer)

2) The implementation of 2No priority kerb build-outs, o/s Upshire School, Upshire Road. Proposals as detailed on drawing I.269-D6-0003 (available on request from Originating Officer)

1) The proposed 40mph speed limit is semi rural in character and could lead users to believe that higher speeds are appropriate. An assessment has been undertaken using the Essex County Council’s criteria as laid out in the Speed Management Strategy and DfT Circular 1/96, the existing 85th%tile speeds (measured at 45mph eastbound and 44.9mph westbound) ensure that the proposals pass both of the criteria laid down.

In addition to existing Essex County Council policy an assessment has also been undertaken using the new DfT Speed Limit Framework which is being incorporated into the new Speed Management Strategy currently being compiled by Network Management. Using the mean speed of motorists (as opposed to the 85th%tile) shows that average speeds along Parklands are 39.3mph eastbound and 40.0mph westbound, confirming again that the proposals meet current policy.

During the 3 year study period a total number of 7 personal injury accidents occured on Parklands, however because of the lack of treatable accident patterns no specific accident remedial measure where proposed. The study also identified that the measured speeds indicated that a reduced speed limit could be introduced without adverse effect.

2) The proposed priority working build-outs adjacent to Upshire Primary School have been designed to control speed of vehicles as they pass this busy school and improve road safety; these proposals have been discussed with the Safer Journeys to School Team, who have undertaken informal discussions with the School. As part of the proposed build-outs additional waiting restrictions are proposed to discourage dangerous and obstructive parking from in front of the School.

In order to provide advanced warning of the priority buildouts proposals have been identified to relocate the existing 30mph speed limit on Upshire Road, adjacent Woodgreen Road to provide drivers with additional warning of the priority working buildouts and to approach them at a slower speed. These proposals have been informally consulted and the following comments have been received.

The Chief Constable of has confirmed that he is in favour of the proposed build-outs on Upshire Road; however he is not in favour of the proposed relocation of the 30mph speed limit. The Chief Constable felt that the extension of the existing 30mph speed limit would have little effect on vehicle speeds on the approach to the new proposals and the junction with Woodgreen Road. the Chief Constable also felt that there was sufficient view of the speed limit in its current position.

One other comment was received back from an Epping Forest District Council Councillor, he was not in agreement with the proposed priority working outside of the school however the scheme does not fall with in his constituency and as such have been regarded as general comments received back on the proposals.

The roads affected by the above proposals are Secondary Distributor (PR2) County Routes. 2

Views of the Local County Member

County Councillor Webster, Waltham Abbey has been consulted on the following and fully supports the proposals.

Views of other Consultees 1) Essex Police, Casualty Reduction Unit – in favour of 40mph speed limit and kerb buildouts 2) Essex Ambulance Service – No comments received 3) Essex County Fire and Rescue - No comments received 4) Epping Forest District Council District Councillors - 1 comment received in favour 5) Clerk to Waltham Abbey Town Council – No comments received 6) Traffic Engineering Manager, Essex County Council – No comments received 7) Head of Environmental Services, Epping Forest District Council - No comments received

Financial Implications Budget Reference: 9631 HCLD0013 HBO6039 There are no additional financial implications. The scheme costs will be met from the existing agreed Locally Determined Budget (07/08) with a £15,000 contribution from the safer journeys to school budget

No additional financial advice is required.

Policy Fit / Reasoning *Tick the relevant Yes/No box below Policy Reference: Speed Management Strategy and Policy Is a departure from policy needed? Yes No * Is a Cabinet Decision needed? Yes N o Recommended change in policy to be made with this decision:

The ECC Speed Management Strategy and Policy is currently being reviewed and revised guidance is being drawn up to provide guidance in association with new DfT Circular 1/2006

Originating Officer I certify that: • There is an approved budget for the expenditure arising from this decision • Guidance and protocol has been followed as per attached checklist Details Signature Date Name Andy Ruffell Designation Traffic Engineer Extension 836711

3 Consultation Designation Signature Date * Delete when not relevant to the decision * Director for Development, Highways and Transportation (for a decision by the Cabinet Member) * Other (insert details of person consulted) N/A

Decision * Tick approval / non-approval in the relevant box below With regard to the recommended decision: I approve I do not approve * Reasons for the decision (to be completed by the decision taker):

Designation Signature Date * Delete when not the decision maker * Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation

4 Originating Officer’s Checklist

*Tick the relevant box below or enter N/A if not applicable No Action *Completed 1. I have read and complied with the relevant guidance, protocols and decision checklists for preparing this decision document

I have read and complied with the Governance Team document “Nine Steps to Decision Taking” and other documents mentioned in that document, as well as Highways & Transportation protocols 2. I have determined the correct type of decision Key Decision? Non Key Decision by Cabinet Member? Non Key Decision by Service Director? 3. For a Key Decision, I have requested an amendment to the Cabinet Forward Plan. N/A 4. I have included only just enough in the “Background” section for the decision taker to make the recommended decision I have attached supplementary information as necessary 5. I have made clear in the “Background” section the options open to the decision taker and why I have recommended the decision 6. I have obtained legal advice and summarised it in the “Background” section, or explained why I don’t believe that legal advice is needed 7. I have cross-referenced to the Corporate Plan in the “Background” section N/A 8. I have consulted the local member(s) and summarised the results in the “Views of the Local Member” section 9. I have consulted district, borough and parish councils and other relevant people and organisations, and summarised the results in the “Views of other Consultees” section 10. I have made sure that expenditure arising from the decision is covered by an approved budget, or I have proposed action by the Decision Taker to allocate a budget. I have inserted the budget account number and amount in the “Budget Reference”. 11. I have obtained financial advice and summarised the relevant budget, staffing and other resource implications in the “Financial Implications” section, or explained why I don’t believe that financial advice is needed 12. I have ensured that I have not avoided recommending a decision just because it is not covered by existing policy. I have read the relevant policy and entered details, in the “Policy Reference” box, of where the policy is documented. 13. I have determined whether the recommended decision is consistent with policy or would be a departure from policy, and answered yes or no on the form. 14. If I believe that a departure from policy might be needed, I have formulated and recommended the needed change in policy and determined whether Cabinet or Cabinet Member can approve the change1. I have included this recommended N/A change in policy, and reasons for the change, in the “Policy Fit / Reasons” section. 15. I have made the Service Director aware of the existence and nature of any Personal Interest the Cabinet Member may have in the decision as defined in the Council’s N/A Code of Conduct

1 Generally the making or changing of policy has to be by full Cabinet. In very limited circumstances, a Cabinet Member acting alone may have the necessary authority to do this, and where this is the case, the specific delegation to the Cabinet Member should be recorded in the “Policy Fit / Reasoning” section. 5