Fears Revival Red Terrorism Man, Woman S · 1 Ordeal in B.C
.-......... All forlns of 'fint Anniversary '. Insurance Used Car Sale Now On. Water St. a Nova Motors ltd. Elizabeth Ave. ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1963 16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS NO. 71 s ltatemala Declares lJfartial, L'aw. s * Flu Hits * * * ~s Maritimes Fears Revival By THE CANADIAN PRESS Although it has not been posi· tively identified, the illness Red Terrorism sweeping Nova S cot I a and Prince Edward Island gives ev· GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - The Guatema ery appearance of influenza. lan government declared martial law for the Latest to be hit by the virus' which has forced a number of second time in 15 months Monday because it hospitals to close their doors to claimed Communist terrorists were seeking to visitors, were the premiers of the two !I'laritime provinces. overthrow the government by force. Premier Stanfield of Nova President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, who has Scotia was stricken Friday but reported beller Monday, He was said he considers his country a prime target for to forccd to cancel a speaking en· Communists from Cuba, decreed martial law for gagemcnt in Yarmouth Sunday night, but Monday his orfice 30 days to prevent the extension of "Communist said he would' he, back to work terrorist subversive activities reported from dif "shorlly," Premier Waller S h 11 w of ferent parts of the country on Saturday." Pl'ince Edward Islaml, also stricken Friday, mlsscd thnt According to a government day's session of the legislature announcement two days ago, hut was expected to he in, the troops and rebcls clashed in .TOIl:\' PROFUMO house today.
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