Visit our Web site oftenoften———— HHHARLEQUINARLEQUINARLEQUIN H AVENAVENAVEN G REATREATREAT D ANEANEANE R ESCUEESCUEESCUE your next best friend may be waiting there for you! EWSLETTER Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue N Fall 2007 Vol. x, No. 3Vol. 3

CCCLICKLICKLICK TOTOTO D ONATEONATEONATE BYBYBY S EPTEMBEREPTEMBEREPTEMBER 16! once we get into the top six Your could be Inside this issue: matched by making it then the size of the donation through the Rescue’s counts for the . “ ” at Network Please note: duplicate E-mail Click to Donate 1 for Good. and postal addresses will not Donate at least the mini- count toward our goal. Unadoptable 1–2 mum amount of $10 to help The founders of SixDe- us win a matching grant of Bert’s Books 2 operate it in the be- $10,000 from Hanes and lief that everyone is connected Bonding 3! to others through six or fewer The objective is to get as relationships. Volunteer News 4 many donors as possible We are all connected through before September 16. HHGDR and our love of dogs. Rainbow Bridge & 5 Our goal is to get into the top New Adoptions Be sure to use the charity six applicants where we get badge on the Rescue Web site Donor & Sponsor News 6 all matched! The or the link below so that we only way we can do that is to get the highest number of are credited for your donation. How To Help 7 people donating. Please post the charity badge link to everyone in your E-mail Mozart’s Paintings 7 Once we reach that goal, we address books; ask your then have a chance to win eBay Update 8 friends and coworkers to help up to $10,000 through the also. match. Remember—we are all con- The winners are decided by the number of people who nected! do donate, not the size of ark your the donation. Of course, Badge.aspx?BadgeId=106392 calendars MMM for Mo-for Mo- zart’s art gallery show in December! UNADOPTABLE get into a fight they are not doomed to a UU life of exile! I did not kill the other dog; I am unadoptable. Why you ask? Be- was only fighting to protect myself, yet cause a dumb human stuck his hand now I am doomed. How is this fair? in the middle of a fight and I was Why do I not have any rights? Why am I I HHGDR is a nonnon----profitprofit blamed. I got into a fight with another dog not innocent until proven guilty, as in a and when the human tried to break it up human court of law? Why do people only 501(c)(3) allall----volunteervolunteervolunteervolunteer---- he got bit. Of course during all the commo- listen to other people and not listen to run organization. tion he knew it was me and not the other us dogs? Donations are taxtax---- dog. Yeah, right! deductible!deductible!deductible! My owners knew me. They knew I was Why me? Why am I to blame for a human not aggressive, yet they did not love me mistake? Why must I live with a “bite his- enough to stand up for me—it was eas- tory” and not the other dog? Because the ier to dump me than to protect me! other dog was his favorite! They say I am dangerous but am I really? If two humans continued on p. 2

Page 2 Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue

“U“U“UNADOPTABLE””” continued from page 1 The whole R a d e r Yet III would have given my life for them— family gets CCCHECKHECKHECK THETHETHE into the WWWEBEBEB SITESITESITE FORFORFOR how sad is that? act, ac- companied UPCOMINGUPCOMINGUPCOMING I was a lucky one; I had the Rescue to fall by TOBY, AWARENESS back on. I am now at the Rescue where I while work- ing the EVENTS IN YOUR will be safe and loved for the remainder of EVENTSEVENTS ININ YOURYOUR H H D G R AREAAREAAREA! my life. I will never again be eligible to look booth at for a forever home of my own. But there is the Doggie something to be said for living at the Res- Dive-In at W a s hin g - cue. Here we are allowed to tell our side, ton Court here we are innocent until proven guilty, H o u s e , here we are loved as much as we love. Ohio. For more information see “Tips To Bite Proof Your Family” under “Canines & Humans” caninehuman.htm

BBBERTERTERT’’’SSS B OOKSOOKSOOKS Great News! Ruby now has a forever home, so she has passed her “Ruby Reads” column over to me. I hope no one will mind my renaming it. Ruby and I came to the Rescue together from the Pickaway County Cruelty Case. I hope I get adopted too, but while waiting I’ve been doing some reading. Here are two of my latest finds, both showing the similarities between two- and four- legged folk. Visit my page:

Don’t fool yourself: if you yell For the Love of a Dog Temple Grandin’s Ani- at your dog for something he by Patricia B. McCon- mals in Translation: did twenty seconds ago, nell is just what I’ve Using the Mysteries of you’re not training him; been looking for to Autism to Decode Ani- you’re merely expressing help figure people mal Behavior is not a your own anger. out! book about training or —Patricia B. McConnell dogs (although we ca- This book even has nines are mentioned). photo illustrations comparing the faces Rather it’s a book and body postures of about Dr. Grandin’s life dogs and humans. (I found the part as an autistic person, and the way she about “tongue flicks” particularly inter- The Harlequin Haven Great sees the world. Dr. Grandin believes the Dane Rescue Newsletter is esting.) We are much more similar than I way her autistic brain works is more simi- published four times a year by ever dreamed! lar than regular humans to the way us the Rescue. four-legged folk’s brains work. Dr. McConnell has made her career Submit items of interest to helping people and animals communi- Grandin is a prolific author and lecturer on Newsletter Editor Janet Carleton at cate, working in her clinic, on Animal both autism and humane slaughter (she [email protected]. Planet, and as a radio talk show host on loves cows and wants to make their lives— Calling All Pets. and death—better). Current and back issues are available from the Web site She offers thoughtful down-to-earth in- If you’d like to read an unusual book, and and by request. formation and advice, disavowing the do some thinking, then give this one a try! “dominance” theories of the hot trainer of the moment.

Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue Page 3


ogs are pack animals and need to be part of a A good obedience pack. Your new dog needs to be part of your fam- course is a very valu- D ily. He considers your family to be his pack he able bonding tool with and needs to find where he the added bonus of stands in the pack/family. training your dog to be a Consider your rescue dogs as good citizen. adopted children. They need Companionship means extra understanding, love, allowing the dog lie as and patience. To have a lov- near to you as possible while you are sitting some- ing pet, you need to bond where, doing anything. Repeat several times a day. with your pet just as you (An outside dog, or a dog on a chain, can become ag- would with an adopted child. gressive. They are unhappy when they are not part of Remember that you don’t the family.) know all that your pet has been through to your Sleeping close to any family member is important to adopting him. Like most children he won’t tell you every- the dog. Having him sleep close-by maximizes the thing. bonding. It is incorrect that only a young puppy A regular schedule is the easiest on both peo- will bond with a human family. Re- ple and dogs. Get up each morning at the search shows us that dogs under four same time, feed the dog at the same time, go years old will bond easily to a new fam- to bed at the same time. This is normal for ily. Dogs from four to eight years of age will take longer depending on the calm people and calm dogs. personality and experiences of each Patience is the most im- dog. We have found that no matter the portant tool. Remember personality or experiences, the Dane that your dog is in new or Saint will bond if given love, pa- surroundings with new tience, and understanding. people. He needs time to adjust. Don’t push! In most cases the dog has Tools for Bonding been abandoned by his original family. He will Experienced rescue folk need to learn to trust and have shown that the fol- lowing methods influence feel secure again. bonding and ease the All of these tools are positive influences. Do as many transition when the dog is as are reasonable. No one method is guaranteed. introduced into your fam- ily. Each is a positive influ- ence. Maximum time together is All images are of adopters very important. Adopt the dog on the first day of a long with their HHGDR dogs weekend or vacation and spend the maximum time with and can be found on the “Success” page of the her. After that, the more time that you spend with her, the Web site. stronger the bond.

Quality time works just as well with dogs as it does with children, friends, and spouses. Play any fun game with her For more tips, see “Canines & Humans” while paying attention to only her and nothing else. Do this for a few minutes at a time and repeat several times a day.

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VVVOLUNTEERS—our—our most sincere thanks! Randy & Becky Adams Stefvanie & Eamonn Sandra Seidman Kerrigan Dori & Lydia Baker Betty Shonebarger Jennifer Kisker HHGDR is a nonnon---- Andy & Wendi Beauseau Chris & Sherrie Sims & profit 501(c)(3) Karin Bergquist, Over the Kevin Kremer family allallall-all---volunteervolunteervolunteervolunteer----runrun Rhine Jillian Lenczicki Charlie Smith organization. organization. Daniel Blankenship Nancy Marconett Erin Stiffler Donations are taxtaxtax-tax---deductible!deductible!deductible!deductible! Janet Carleton Thomas Mattingly Whitney Townsend Don Corsmeier Sara McDaniel Sonja Venzin Mame & Craig Corson Christe McGarry Melinda Villao Linford Detweiler, Over the Susan Meyer John & Melodie Whitacre Rhine Amy & Steve Miller Jeff & Betty Whittington Beth Dotson Carla & Ben Mingus Jonathan Williams Amanda Fox Trevor Mingus Craig Yacks Dale Francis Marianne & John Moots Judy & Tom Yacks Mary Beth Gettins Brian & Kelly Owens Timothy Goings Danette Patrick Attorney Thelma Goris Pam Paul Greg Ruehlmann See “HowHow to HelpHelp” on Kenny Honaker the HHGDR site to Pandy Pridemore Veterinarians contribute to the care Lisa Huelskamp Polly Pyles Dan Meakin and welfare of the Jonathan Jennings homeless dogs. Jenni Reinhart Lee Schrader Jennifer Jones Harry Schmidt Steve Schrader

VVVOLUNTEERS at work!at work!

Volunteers worked awareness events around Ohio including those in Columbus, Dayton, and Washington Court House.

Check the Web site for events in your area! August Grooming Day at the Rescue brought a number of volunteers out on a fine day. Above ATLAS (left) enjoys the attentions of Polly Pyles, and JAX (right) receives a good brushing from Sherrie & Chris Sims.

Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue Page 5

RRRAINBOWAINBOWAINBOW B RIDGERIDGERIDGE—our—our deepest sympathy Abby—Lisa Wahoff Phoenix—Rebecca & James Klabusich Calley—Tim, Jennifer, Tom & Judy Yacks Santana—Sandy Suarez Dottie Schira—her family Sibia Hopper—Jerry Hopper Opal and Pearl—Dale & Tom Bath Willie—Patty & Dan Evans

ark your calendars MMM for Mo-for Mo- RRRECENTECENTECENT A DOPTIONSDOPTIONSDOPTIONS—congratulations!—congratulations! zart’s art gallery show in December!

Seth—David & Laura Fate

Dana—Stacey & Joe Dean

Tony—Ed Firth & Cindy Orlasky

Sterling—Brenna & Alex Wright

Emmy—James & Judy Downs

Alex—Melinda Villao & Timothy Goings

Justice—Victory & Frank Dorrian (not pictured)

Mimi—Kenneth & Cecilia Williams (not pictured)

Clockwise from top

Page 6 Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue


Randy & Becky Adams Mary Beth Gettins Stephen & Sandra Nichols Anonymous Timothy Goings Dan Nusbaum Julia Archer Thelma Goris Cindy Orlasky Annette Balyeat Sherrie Gowins-Sims Brian & Kelly Owens BarkPark Great Dane Enterprises, Inc. Danette Patrick Merrilee Bauman Randall Gross Pam Paul Marcie Bayman Jeffrey & Barbara Hale Louise Peterson Andy & Wendi Beauseau Alexine & John Hasselbeck David Pucci, in honor of the wedding Karin Bergquist, Over the Rhine Suzanne Heller anniversary of Ken & Kelly Eiker Celesta Black Michele Hengle, in honor of the wedding Polly Pyles Daniel Blankenship anniversary of Ken & Kelly Eiker Ronnie Rathgens Juliana Hoetjes Donald & Patricia Blum Carolyn & Robert Reis Kenny Honaker David Bodi Stephanie Richards Tiffany Brown Joanna Hovan Jess Robel Kellie Cain Elizabeth Howard Larry Roberts Janet Carleton, in memory of Lisa Huelskamp Rylee-Ann Romero, in memory of Jack Natasha Karen & James Hunter Sams Club, Eastgate Ray Chesnick Alba & Rachel Hurlbut Sandra & Gabriel Seidman, in memory Pellegrino Ciccarello Jean & Chuck Inwood of Alex Ashepa Joseph & Kimberly Coffey Jennifer Jones Betty Shonebarger Annette & Robert Condon Pam Kassner Elena Skov Julee Cope James King Charles Smith Don Corsmeier Jennifer Kisker Sharron Springer Jack Corsmeier Theresa & Brent Kraus Erin Stiffler Mame & Craig Corson Kevin Kremer Rena Tipton Summer & Bentley Corson Steve and Betty Lane Jim Tomaszewski Stacey & Joe Dean Sabrina Lefever Whitney & Brian Townsend Linford Detweiler, Over the Rhine Jillian Lenczicki Monica Treta Jane & Ken Dickinson Nancy Marconett Sonja & Gabriel Venzin Karen Dorn Thomas Mattingly Melinda Villao Victory & Frank Dorrian Sara & Kevin McDaniel Christine Vrooman Beth Dotson Christe McGarry Judith Weiss Tom & Judith Douglas Susan Meyer John & Melodie Whitacre Debbie Eades Robert Middlebrooks Ken & Cecilia Williams Ken & Kelly Eiker Amy & Steven Miller Holly Homan Witte Patty & Dan Evans, in memory of Laurice Miller Brenna & Alex Wright Willie Lisa Minklei Judy & Tom Yacks Donna & Wayne Fanta Michelle Minnich Jodi Zimmerman-Luce Ed Firth Marianne & John Moots Amanda Fox Mt. Healthy Animal Hospital & Clients Ruth Friscoe Sara Neumann

Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue Page 7


DDDOGOGOG Clorox Outdoor bleach cleaner**** Bedding: blankets, crocheted/knitted afghans & Deck/siding scrub brushes throws****, sheets (all sizes, fitted & flat) Dish soap (dishwasher and liquid) Beds: dog beds, futon frames & mattresses, mat- Garbage bags (15–20 & 55 gal) tresses (all sizes), rugs/floor mats Gravel or blacktop for grounds**** Dog food bowls (stainless steel) Industrial squeegees Dog toys**** Laundry soap Dog treats**** Grooming products: cotton balls, ear cleaner, flea Mop buckets with wringers control (spray, dip, powder), shampoos (any & all Mop heads (commercial type) types) Paper towels Medical supplies, including heartworm preventative Money for vet bills (payable to All Creatures Animal SSSPECIALPECIALPECIAL Hospital but mailed to HHGDR so you will be given Minivan* proper credit for tax deduction) Gift certificates to pet stores, grocery stores, & Slip leads department stores Stall rakes (apple pickers) & pooper scoopers (scoop Medical supplies (human) & rake or spade ) Money for buying supplies & bills (electric bill, wa-

ter bill, gas, etc.)


Carpet Fresh For the most current Wish List, see “How To Help” on the HHGDR Cleaning liquids (Simple Green****, window cleaner, & Web site. others)

NNNOOO M OREOREORE P UPPYUPPYUPPY M ILLSILLSILLS M AGNETSAGNETSAGNETS MMMOZARTOZARTOZART’’’SSS P AINTINGSAINTINGSAINTINGS A VAILABLEVAILABLEVAILABLE Magnets similar to Mozart, HHGDR spokesdog bumper stickers and resident artist, will be are available having a gallery show in De- through the Res- cember at the Mac Worthing- cue. 8 1/2” x 3 ton Gallery, in Columbus. 1/2”, they are free In the meantime, Mozart’s with $2 S/H. Contact [email protected] to . acrylic on canvas paw paint- ings can be viewed and pur- chased on the Mac Worthing- Your financial support is what keeps us going. ton Web site at

Without you, we would not be able to save them.; also on the Rescue Web site under “How to Help.” Thank you one and all, and if we have omitted And remember all proceeds go to help the dogs! anyone from our lists, we sincerely apologize.

Visit our Web site oftenoften————youryour next best friend may be waiting there for you!

Harlequin Haven Great Dane Rescue 11567 State Route 774 Bethel, Ohio 4510645106----8634863486348634

937937937-937---379379379379----2231223122312231 [email protected] h

LLLOOKINGOOKINGOOKING FORFORFOR F OREVEROREVEROREVER H OMESOMESOMES L IKEIKEIKE Y OURSOURSOURS...... We have 50 Great Danes, 8 Saint Ber- nards, 1 other breed, and 4 mixed breed dogs waiting for new homes. To date we have adopted out 1225 Great Danes and other dogs.

See “HowHow to HelpHelp” on the HHGDR site to contribute to the care and welfare of the homeless dogs.


Keep an eye We have many stract art o n t h e items large and works. Watch HHGDR eBay small that would for Mozart’s fundraising make fabulous gallery show in auctions! gifts! December! New items usually go up every week, however the auction is Along with A sincere thanks to currently on summer vacation but “pawtographing” our supporters who will return soon. clothing and acces- both donated and Visit to see sories, MozartMozartMozart con- tinues to paint ab- purchased items! all our auctions.