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"1 rame from my search," a ns w red summoned forth to share in the dread- all the details of his gesture and man- German bade little Joe his hand into he had devoted himself, lie remember- put j adopts into a scene like this, the stngo he wuvturcr. "for, at last, it is finish- ful task of .-xt .'ii ling man's possible guilt ners. Brandy possessed this man like the box. Viewed the ed how the dew had fallen through magnify-1 upon him; conch was lattling down tho mountain <£jjr !tori}-(ErIirr. ed." h'vond the of Heaven's else in- an evil and made him as and the how the dark forest had scope spirit, surly ing glasses, boy’s round, rosy visage j whispered to road, and the driver sounding his htrr, •-Dinnk nr craey !" m itt red Bertram finil mercy. savagi as a wild beast, and as miserable I assumed the strangest him; how the stars had imaginable aspect; gleamed upon while each caught up the n tes and in- to himself. "1 s tall li trouble with vVnile th ; I!um-!i truer was struggling as a lost soul ; but there was of an ini-nc se Titanic child, the mouth him, a and TH:: 1>PWU>#\IB!,K supposed simple loving man, watching tertwined them into a rich and varied *13, th -fellow. Th sooner 1 drive h in with horrors of these tboights, Ktlit11 to be in him s ich wonderful such and the and his firea in the even away skill, grinning broadly, eyes every years, and musing as elaborate harmony, of which the origin- better." Brin.I rose no n the log and rl n tiro of which other feature with fun at the it burned. He the mg open gifts healing,beyond any ove.flowing remembered with what al could claim to little d ior of tne kiln. The wa performer lay Th little all in a tremble, wills- the action medical science could however, that tend uness, with what love anJ boy, impart.that society joke. Suddenly, merry sympathy share. The great hills played a concert »T XAWTHAXIEI. HATH0HXE. o-rid to Ills father an l b-gg-d him to iu such accord toco with too idea io caught hold of him, and would not let face turned ile, and its turn- for mankind, and what for human p xpression pity among themselves, each contributing a t to of thr k.l so that tner ■ Ter ram s mi I that he almost 'd hitu sink out of id to for and Woe he sh-it door i, expect its reach. So, swaying horror. tins easily impressed guilt had first began to con- strain of sweetness. — airy not be so iii it-a for that to s ie the evil one issue f rtii red hot! to and fro on his horse, and and excitable child had b cme sensible these ideas which afterwards night light grumb ing template Little Joe's face brightened at once. t s --i t t e man s l ire from tne* turn ice. thick accents at the lie that the of Ethan B and was became the Bertram, the lime burner, a rough i.-ie’»a mg raging bedside, visited eyes fixed inspiration of his life; with •iJear cried cheer- i father,’ he, skipping »v is*H lie at- t to loot a*, (old, ooi I ! cn d he, with a trcm-' all the sick chambers for him the what reverence he had Xnd man, ul vjt yet miles about upon through glass. then looked into to and ‘that man is heavy looking begim ho ily fro, strange gone, ra il I (»t io i-. ir -t A l, n I *--d, ulous itie apt te lau pl.for Was li- a toe mountain and some- “You make the little man to e the heart of man, it as a charcoal, sat watching his kilo it nong towns, afraid, viewing temple and the and the mountains all seeni nigv- ovor- sky .-> >-n 'll li b i'- let's -.mi a I ed of tns 'cars, they times raised a it w re a : said the German however desccra fall, while his little son play d «t build- torpi.l a'.luougi dying by captain,’’ Jew, ruing originally Divine, and, of it.' Wr to J ln.n. 1 ir glad ~e -o o to be with an ! mist ••Don't mercy’s sake, or as no the dark and ted. still to be held sacrel a bouses with the scattered nt. -ga-i impressed miracle, quite often, ’oubt.sent up strong outline ox^ l||s by brother ; -Yes,' the lime-burner, with ing frigin out .1 :vt. now !” growled ui-de-tiriiiablo something in t tat thin, I bring your hi4 to a that was from his “But with what awful fear he had of marble, when, on the lull-si 1c b low patient grave dug visage stooping posture. deprecated an ath, 'but he lias let the fire go down th visage, with the i ••Mm!’ replie 1 Kthan Bind, --what a too soon. The doctor had look I sh .11 his and that the the m. they heard a roar of laughter, n t rugged, lughtful many year again, and, by chance, pursuit, prayed Unpar- and no thanks to him, if five hundred h abo-it it. ! need have 1 of the devil ? I Iiaye left an cause to see that donable Sin never be revealed to mi thful, but slow, and even solemn, griafied hair .n„ing wildly everlasting pipe in hit month ; and you something is very, might bush-ds of lime are not If I calc’u track. spoilt. and those deadly which gleamed | him far behind me on my It is as said, in allusion to his habit fine, word !” him. Then issued thai vast intellectual like a wind the boughs of cue eyes, 1 somebody upon my the fellow hereabouts'i, I shall feel shaking such sinn ws as .u th it oke fires within the entnnccofa with half-way y of it was a Ethan into the box for an which in its dis- forest. mys- swearing, always light with Brand^azed development, progress, like tossing hi n into tho furnace 1’ terious cavern. But, as ho clos-d the ! ne buiiss himself. Four not because I keU tire. and looked turber! the between his mind "Father, what it that?" asked the jin^tmt, then, starting back*. counterpoise With his long pole in his hand, he as- the turned toward hi n. open t ie door. I do bot act by olil I These three worthies at the German. What had he and heart. little his and •lour, rtrang-r | presse 1 forward, fixedly cended to the top oi the kiln. After a boy. leaving play, pressing and am to trim v;ur fi e * and in a familiar taut icosto n, going and -tad Ethan Brand each after his seen for a The idea that his life and betwixt his father's knees. spoke t|Ui*t. way, gre Nothing, apparently; possessed moment’s pause, be cailed to his sou: ■ a lime-burn as 1 was one,'.’' ini Io B-'rtra n I'.-el ,s if be over a sail lik ;r, o til fishio i, him to curious who had in almost as a means of education it some I earnestly inviting youth, peepc.t operated ; ‘Come up here, Joel’ said lie. "Oh, reveller, suppose," the vast thrust mm aider all 11; stirred coals, in ..f the at the same a had raised him from the level of an un- the lime-burner "sonic and sen-inie partak. c intents of a cerium moment,beht Id only vac- no nine joe ran me iiinock ana answered ; merry ■ up ■nor ; w and bent forward to gtz "Your tas„ driws to m ml. I s-e. ;od, black la at in as tu w ant of canvas. lettered laborer to stand on a fellow fron ths bar-ro ,m n the village tie, which, averted, space star-light stood by his father’s side. The marble 1 into t to hollo.v of said lie fins til n .1 -i an -a been prison-house fire, lie wool i li .d s-iuiet ing fit better wurrh “I r -member now.” muttered laden eminence, whither the who dared not laugh loud -itough within ly 1 you. philosophers was burnt into perfect, snow-white lime. :r th m th Ethan Brand to the of earth, with the loro of the universe doors, lest he should blow the roof of t "■ burning iys. eking Lrn aid rn’i Si showman. But on its surface, in the midst of the ,1 m Ins face. The lime-burner sit will c.i v r! tilt* st i'u -I up No mind wuich ha< vro i’ Ah the Jew of vainly strive to clamber after him. house otf. So, here he is, sbaki- g In- l^lit captain, whispered might circle—snow-white too, and thoroughly •• ■ vutc and half his tV who ar n; him, suspected int n«*o and so it tr. a ;,Lr o.i. u ,A" h h dirk smile. ‘I find So much (or the intellect ! But where sides at the fo ,t of CJrayloc'i." y. you converted into lime—lay a human skele- jolly of a if ii t to evoke was time b :.-r "A ■grunge guest p trpo*e, state of enthusij^smi. cm pi In rt r in show-box the heart? That, indeed, had with- "But fath r said toe c!u d, m -r hi^’i my ton. in the attitude ot a person who after bn tici l. at least to plung; bodil. into kind of • 1 ered, had had had ■ -it t’ais contact with Sin 1 contracted, hardened, sensitive th t c obtuse ra; I > : I uy By my long toil, lies down to a long repose.— too fiaiues,and thus vanish fr mi in sight 1 It to f mo I js and fen it has waried should* perished had ceased of — was down, "lie .to.-s u t 1 like mao n... o*‘thought -mtain, my partake Within the ribs—strange to say tugb mu. K util Bran I, however. rwv the -And well l be." said t .e strau Kill ail Br 'l l was now t er•* iis to c it over the moun- universal throb. He had lost hold the human heart. that is glad; so he u ,i*e Iri-htens may lay irry ‘shape hi close d ior ■ me era '• m ia k, I 1 the of th kiln ■ of the of "for I followed the S ill 1 ini doubt, and. tn t tain magnetic chain humanity. ‘Was the fell >w’s heart made of mar- me!" gor; ■ -. a ive looko 1 sul u •, ••into in He was no a and hire. too. oil tilts my was ifu! dou o., ;d **Reace !’’ answered Ethan Bn nd i longer a brother man, "Don’t be a child !" cried the long year, pi: open- ble?’ (ried Be,tram, in some fool, seven perplexity a n w romiir in tuu inan ii -art t la was time* hot- the chambers ortho But yon are inde d f.iu id the “or the into the furnace ing of «ur -it .11. it is father, ; will never mane a spot. stcruly, get 1 dungeons ( plie'tumo ‘At any rate, gruffly “you v la than tee u c.iiful furn ■ common nature Did ever li ar of Iv pission your an k lou d ’.‘'.bin ■ ns n *nri**r. by the of man, I do believe ; there is too much of parts. you it. I y key holy sym- burnt what is call ed special good .. ii-.w But I found not there which gave him a to share mother in I have known the Brand?" whole question on which it: h .d ex 1insre.i The Jew’s exhibition had scire *ly con- pathy, right li nt l, taking aU the bones together, your you. .i i sl not th; in all mm that wr ; io -e-rch oi a ight. No, Unpardon- and more clu when a ils sen.ets; he was now a cold of a leaf to startle her. •‘The life, than life, looked like a led, great elderly dog—who my kiiu is beT a b .slid the richer by rustling Hark, .Sin !" Siu ?’ asked B-rtra-n able to be own observer 1 joking n mankind as the. sub- here comes that fellow now.— Unpardonable delusion. seemed his master, ns no per* him.* merry “It is a sin that within own ! of a grew my son in the ject his experiment, and at length s ’*• t You shall see that there is no harm in with laugh. “Leave me," he said, hit' rly, “ye company laid claim to him— So :ug. th im burner li d ore st," Kthan Brand, man a> a"swere.l the replied standing brute have ■» s iw fit to render the of converting d woman to be his ana I it the ► h m ••The same,” strung-r. beasts, that made yourseiv himself object pole t.n^r .dill upon kri- with a that all and lias found wiiat he an 1 er'ct, pride- distinguished notice. the wires rhi' were tie. ra n nJ his little s n. while ••He sought so, shrivelling up your souls with H rv I public Hitherto he hid shown puppets, pulling oton, the relies : Lilian rand they “a sin 1 ! e v uusiasts of his that moved them to such — th'-refo— h- cameba -k aga u. stamp: / I have done with himself as a old degrees of crime as i* to •-•* /<- v re la thus, sat the liquors you. Years very quiet, welldisposed crumbled fr„ [London sing witching an •• -row no where els; ! Th; sin of were demanded for his 1 t V i- ! then you a t-i-hvi Brand round > ne study. > ics. mm; k It rod ’u 1 ve* and years ago I gropid into your hearts dog, going from to another, Iustraied y ■ uect that over the sdisc Thus Ethan elf' er -l bo r r in triumphed and found of B-and became a fiend S;k strueti r ul o it v him nothing there for my purpose and, by way being sociable, offering id man and reverence for to so u n u ... u -r it ijr.u with lie bo from the moment tint 1 ■ rent. ( -, (jet to bo began uilt of ron *t »’ » am-/. ye gone 1" his rough head patted by any kind- U aid sacrificed to its own his moral nature Du. Cn 1.Woman ord ail tu ml it e-bl-cn d, everything that would take so had ceased to (*■ h of e » v* •sy-i-av, y “Why, you uncivil scoundrel,” cried ly hand mu-h trouble. keep claims ! Tne sin that de- the of her Work. — Kev. J)r. t i delivered os sl ice le t 11i-.* loot of Oi.iv mighty only the fierce all a pace improvement with his intel- opin •r U *i. v. you doctor, “is that the way you But now, of sudden, this grave and tu- .■■] v"S a rcco of immortal ! lect. And as I is cn t:\u the third lecture in •* But, l can teit npensa agony to the kindness of best of his own mere now, highest etfoit. Tuesday ning .u look. you. good respond your venerable quadruped, wore it to do 1 incur and inevitable behali of the >hirtm kers* and Seam- folks still talk about 1-1 than B-aud in tae Fr 'Cly, again,would ? me and the develo|rmeut- as the oa l« a t t’* miu *. f* friends Then lot tell you the motion, without slightest sug- the I the and stress ■•s’ I*’ ion. His at the wh ,t a str inge t-rran 1 guilt. Uitshrtkirgly accept truth. have no more t > bright gorgeous flower, and rich, proposition i■> an n »»l vi! age y >nd r.and You found the ; gestion from anybody else, began run opem retribution !” delicious fruit of his life's common .u nt w is, that woman, as the ■ t isk hnn from his lime-kiln.— Sin his labor—he had ill. iuW r, ike if. oh1. but i »rg away Unpardonable than yondor boy Joe round after tail, which, to heighten man's head is muttered neovered the oi lii.n. should be educated to the and so vou have found the “Tito turned," are but a of t! e seen was a Unpardonable Sin. equal enn t.» .l imit a in • in Veil, Unpir- has. Yju crazy fellow. I the absurdity *, gie t 'g.i stooping the 11111;-buriter to himsel. “He he ‘What more nave l to ext nt oi her and is entitled to e Sill ?" mty told so than it seek? What capacity, «ud provided wit 1 a m issive donah you twenty years ago ; neither deal shorter should h ive been.— pustule, ! a sinner like the rest of us, more to achieve ?' said Ethan to do whatever her cnabh s her to -Kven sal-1 the calmly nothing better nor worse than a and was seen such mess Brand capacity ir n door. With the stn »k- and j t* of so," stranger, crazy lellow, Never headlong cag n ire but I'll be sworn he’s a hi ns df. task is do. Si e should come to be the is a fair one," likely, an ‘My done, and well something flame -suing from the chink- amlcrcvic a "If question pro- the fit companion of old Humphrey in pursuit of object that coul 1 not where it be?" ; ina iin hi tun.” done !' more than she has been thus far actually of tv.* toor. which scenvd to g ee a 1- ice ode 1 Bertram, might here.” possibly be att lined ; never was heard felt uncomforta- from the with a certain to be. She has heretofore been Ktuan Brand laid his finger oil his Nevertheless,he very He to an old a Starting log permitted into the hillsid *, it res -mb'e l pointed man, shabbily ■»uch tre mendous outbreak of growling, ble at hi situation, alone with Kthan in his and both above and below her level— i -inil heart. with tliiu an l as one alacrity gait, ascending the; pioper s much as the private eiitra-ic dressed, lot:g hair, visage and snarling, barking snapping, if nothing Brand on the wild mountain an I hillock of earth that was against man s s'avc and his ■ re ied he. side, raised empress, to the infVrn it which th sh p ••il I" rep j unsteady eyes. For some years ■nd of the ridiculous brute’s body were reghms. to heir the mur- past tho stone in the e -minion of I 'a witu -at mbt'- in his coun- vis right gial rough circumference of the limekiln,1 Mariagc, present herds of the De.cnt-tble Mountains were A -n. this aged p-rsm had been wandering at de .«lly and most unforgivcable cu nity m ir >1 an t ot wti.u he thus reached the the the sex, is woman s resorts for tent ic. hut is if in .v -1 by a-i iuv dm- tongue*, otstops about the top of structure. only accu tom rd to show to among hills, inquring of nil with the other. Faster and faster round pilgrims. s a numerous stu-n- It was a of and she is educated to I of tin i ifinite absurdity -e.n d pretty ttia tif unit r..OA» 1 at,*11 spice ten leet across, support, simply arc such li ne kiln** iu that i.i»y r.-c to,-mu party, :nv Hers w loin he met for his perhaps Th'-re many •• daughter. 1 01. uv*r 11 -to sand rasl from to a make a settlement for life. We have a ok in r -nt I • world f.-i ig ng through no it «e n u edge edge, presenting view of tract, of country, for the purpose of -f." ; -tg l girl, in t. gone ort with a fistor fled the unapproachable brevity of, the uu lcr-'iru-h. Soon the the suffice of the immense mass horror of female ; but bow !ia- w is tae o-u-t of all t \ il ;s to app;.ifd ot circ i.« upper gamblers hur iing the white mirble,which is ■» larg company perforin -rs, and oocis- | !iis tail,and louder and fiercer grew his v no it t ut was to of broken maiblc with women are for a an I lo ikri at --ve-v beirt, si t ioI lazy reg; 1 which the kiln many really gamble’s «d tl e aiihst iiice of the hill. S iu. -elf g ioral.y ti lug* of h *r can* to too vill- of r.igc and until part ■ yells animosity, utterly invest 11 vi i: 11vv. i. eo n ir t'i 1 g was All these innumerable match ? In the world's version, an l fin stories wero told as ns heaped. lucky ot th n. built yews ago. and long descr ag*, -of her exhausted,and far from the goal ever la o' t iree or lo ir i.idiv,.I t.,ls who had ir.iuk bh cks and fragments of marble were red it is not but money that covers a otn -r br.- *t lie hr ik if igh *aruncc as she on charity led with weeds in th* vacant guttering u*p rodo , the foolish ceased his as giowing a ir r oii dog performance hot on of truest *'> v heivv ,c-ide t .e .iri tarough s anil fi'e, multitude sins. Women's -* » •.corn It 'is mo sin- d.p hors oa tae vividly sending up great of the interior, w-iirh o;> n t k in ring or performed mar- suddenly as he had begun it. The next ground 1 ■ ■ ■ to" .viiifr-. an 1! their s j of blue which work is of home and its sanctities. Let l.i tut hid ii'ii -t a I til li n pip vel on the ti spouts flame, quivered the an 1 g»ass an 1 wit I flo cr i,-i •,»il on* f-its h*rope. moment he was as quiet, mil l, sensible. : sky, 0 oi -at to t iro all the sum- a'oft and danced as a us not fear these offices will be aban- vnei i' Ii r.lied u wn-fireri 'op ig madly, within tm nisei vesdn to the chinks of th Tue whit ‘-haired father now appronch- and in his deportment as. rooting iu rs, si.iO' II .a Hr in Is d respectable and sank and rose doned ; there will be still the heart of iic i. pirtire.— magic circle, again, stoir'* l 'ok like rol es appr e! E li m Bra id, and gazed when he first uiiutanoe with hfantiquit\, ii ost-ro and all unsteadily scraped aeq : with continual and iho wife and mother. |‘he sI'inrv -rom‘ai'1 sol was nil I, ingoing isly, iiviiglmg into face. multitudinous activ- u-»d b* ov with the Ups I the may yot rspiead m company. As of their voice- uueer -fiionious *• the man bent forward He several forms labor, lit n tl it. I, n b' r. wh u out together •rt'* ity. lonely specih.d lichens of centuries to com* Others, bv r.iey t'edl you have been all over As be 1, the exhibition1 no 11 at into tie in may suppose over this of such as some of of ir t- I • 11 fro ti a Ik. they lonshino lonely body (ire, the blast- parts watchmaking, where the ime burner still fee-1* his [Paco, oiisii■’"il "14 the oirtn,” mUI he, wringing his hinds was greeted with universal laughter, n an l nairi.v streaks of that licit smote of the work of 1 "o I *ta" of I i i4. m i' 04 t tir--light ing up against his person telegraphing, newspaper ami nightio .g fire, afford points ot a will earnestness. “You must have »eui dapping of hands,an l sh juts of Hue.ire,‘ daily ■ tllu oin the oi h t ire with a breitli if and countless all ot which it ii "r tic *i uni' ,ted up space th thn\ it might be sup- offices, others, inter st to the wand r r mv-ng th- m lit teiviV •nv 1 iughf .*r, for she mikes a t) which thecanin r »nd 1 ,et great perfinm worn nature 1 'O w •! It lie-Kit'i. li our till til.; -1»>r would have scorched and shrivel- are to in's and voi o’. Tn In 14 "i «-l ajar in the and posed, adapted cap- hill*, who «e its films df on a 1 g of woo ! firur; world, everybody goo-, bv wagging all that there was to ; of ■ ■ tno w to led him in a must have this work or ■ ntlmn doodi spo- tint up moment. acity. They a e iat ii t 0" a 'O' ; ig-m. eg hgit, to *e her. Did she sen i word to or a of inarbl-, to ho d any bis t.»il, hut appeared totally un. to. fr.-gme.t a tie w I e .oi i.i. .t -t a :oir vie v 10th m lirand stood and raised Think of those noble women | ,,| .,' .v * oi >4 Ii "i ly n.g g l fat or erect, perish. with the man. It is a I mi*- her o' .or, say waeu sk ? is com- repeat his very successful effort to u :. solitary ■ of Kill m ilrou 1, and lie o: the n. his arms on The blue flame who “Let Death have us, i 1, o li t ut w »o n ti n high. play- virtually say, * arvj wncn me cnar.ioier i- in -.iu 1 ing luck ?” tiie in~, am ot ier li I j spectator*. ed face, and the wild so he takes to God our w tron o ti ut. ml w uii.l a! v.iy.. raero, >.ig uCiiuiintances upon imparted manly purity to be an the E h'.n Brand’s eye beneath the Meanwhile, Kthun Brand had resume inouijht.may inieusoly ntoos no n r,v ist. quailed untainted.” Thank God f-.r the w nmn -t. t’o Us hive w is a once ubi[ i, aim and ghastly light which alone couid ful as ii in th- cu- ! vvilliu4Iy ‘org imigiue.l old min’s. Tnatdaughter, from w io,n his s^at the and moved, it occupation, proved I hut whom wo were upon log, have* suited his it was w-h.j die an l of S 1 Is or hob* iblins »• extinct, formerly expression ; that honorably, only perish of Ktuau who lie I muse 1 to so ne foi ut'erince h so earnestly desir ‘d a word of be. a of some re- Iirand, encounter at the greeting, might by perception of a fiend on the What did those men whom as a An*: sure to hotel of cv ry verge of p'unging into physically. in while the tire | fearfully appropriate laugh. Ethiu Brand had made the o! mote b.-t ween his own case and purpose, days gone by. the subject analogy his of i'itensest torment. the world calls heroes, more than these 1 even the oblusj limi-burner felt hi- thriving village throughout country. a ex in and waste gulf in this kiln was * psychological peri nt, l, that of his s ii' ear, he broke very burning It was the agent. The lf-pursu (), M a her cried ho. ‘who art women clinging to their co.;»:ienco, nerves s’l ike as tilts str 01man loose. stage present md in the Earth,' The man who new w itch -d the fire p rhaps annihilated her soul into the awful-laugh which, m >rc than i of the was a wi ted an I no more mother and into whose bo- died at their p -sus < Want of work has 111.v i: l at bis own li >a't, and burst int specimen genus my was of a different order, and trouble I process :nv oth t token, 1 too condition in an express som this frame .-.ti ll never he a deal to do with th it rollel a v 111 the nigh’ ii ille-.lried in, wrinkled i red resolved great driving twenty with no save the ; laughter iy “Yes.” murmured bo, turn ng away inward And at t »it m >- himself thoughts very ■ of his women w.nnan < no- in a s n hro vn being. O. mankind, whose brotherhood 1 thousand to shame. A was r -veruerated 111 14 I. irtly-cut bob-tailed have were to Ins business and indistinctly from th* wand wer, “it is no <1 u>- the *nt of the was at fow that hoary m nt merriin party in the is ns in- requisite i e i,it. with , who for a cast off and great heart be- streets the lulls. length i ni. Th w i- an ln Si trampled thy perishing fully At intervals, he flung hack the I Unpir 1 an end ; thev stoo l about, dreading 1 t frequiint •sjain of tun; unknown, bal his desk neath my feet ! t), stars of that congruous as a woman in thj Senate or said h’ »o hi- littl« -m. kept .i heaven, of the ir m door, and "Joe," \V til* these thing' w r oas-dag the sound should be rever- clashing weight til corner in the an I was -till inauspicious shone n me of o! I, as it to me on- in ttie forum. 11 the t iver 1 11 the Vila;- bar-room, n light lace I r down sc ue Wt* g ig f v ! m th ir >un l an 1 his from the insufferable p -.nervy h rate 1 the horizon, that When woman stands nearest mail as turning to itfi wait seemed to ho the same ivard and upward ! Farewell all, and f How* 'he.') og •« of or oid tell the >llv area ol a ch.• ri il ug if, bc*i 1 «li >ri in r thrust, in huge lugs k'c r. proJonge upm familiar fiicud 1 lie will have •* ; t v r I 1 .“ !!■ g.".it j henceforth my Embrace unfolded—Christianity w seen iie I* t m l Una dry V number of the i' t »u. : f 1 v' Within the furnace to ill you m s;> ‘ri to one — pole. less on ot g as do thee !' reached its ascent !- r' I uv i; i. per iap,, acc Hint anv me 1 highest Evening and riotous fl nes, a'd ’h u 4 yo mg mi -il an l girls, ha 1 urn 1 p ?h :at- ; that the Curling r isee hum .r, than fro n a certain Tli it the sound of a fearful Post. 1 1 1 :ai I 'oo night peal s' t *r> hi l-sidc, curl., s t m i•» v ing mar1'!'’, m dte impdlel by .i ;. 'liit the August rolled 1 I.,.n of tuldv an I tobacco of the 1 oi. I 1 a itie .1. I .rmly liugbtos heavily through i.'i n.-a- while »i' o j. .r Et iau Bran l. the h ro of * n w < hmried of ; ■ growing chili, they intensity ■■ ■ s’ •, 11. uik' vhich i all his id of the lime-burner and his little a of wool, I *kn 4 \ upr-mated -n .r c sleep the reflection of the fir I o. to,' 1 ell iog le 1 lain li to their new Is, 1 the lim -burner and Tun Reason or Violence in Wash- quiver ■ us w as aving of horror and t io kiln '» 11 1 1 I .expressions, dl h’s person. son ; dim shapes anguish : it the irun door o'" uotViug, h » v v dark intricacy of the surrounding forest, Einding tied tod al as they might with and ington.— In tn : r^'Cnt discussion in an I < 1 11 ivell-r vnern'i ue I, haunted their dreams, seemed still child was out of tli though ii h:s ct — n *t'i nnd showed in the a bright sign, able asp ir unwelcome Save for th s '* foreground w i- guest. in the rude hovel when the Senate on tue > 'c.. bill for Wash- oeased to b ii -ar l ireadin '•ly iltercil ftco that of I,uv- present they op- and little of tlie'hut, the 1 light footstep burnt wuvlar *r i n ola’u vi ’i the on th picture 1 beings, open space to ruddy 01 th i os. is still called him in ened their eyes the thus to first on the fallen leaves ind th on y p-uple who Sit l »ok it daylight. ington, Mr. F.-ss in ten alluded beside its door, the athletic and shoes, ug >il «.• le was a solitude, set in a vast spring ri I hot. evi’d the the lime-bur gam IK a, in his up, lime-burner ■ the mountain path, -hi.liny lie fancied \s a no g in* c > is ‘Up. on; of lalucnccs "t i'.._ nat o:tal coal-begrimed, figure of lime-burner rocky pictui gloo-ii of for- st. Beyond that darksome in ‘Thu cap- a il a r. sleevos and toiv-iinen trou- st wing ah >ut ik Heaven, the to regret his depir' th?*' gr .v t 1 tut and the half-frightened child, shrinking j began young people spec lily v the fire-lights glimmered on the at ital, t.f --ice ha l be-u ser- l iic ir fellow hail been rgr\ is gone a-t ; and rather than security shad- ! that the little fellow s pies po attorney of oos As it iiaooe night into the protection of his father's rving him, i,tuere trunks and almost black life : hims*ll in .vhit he called his bettor suatvly foliiga a-'.ther si:-h 1 would watch my a birrier between his guest and days—a was other at hand An pass ow. And when again the iron door was amusement uid lines, intermixed with the to sham ami in .of lighter lime kiln, wi 1 awake, for a twelvemonth. “T .ere is e which ha must now deal.h -art heir practitioner, great vogue >■ g nor.', c —1. thru the tonder and tha* German Jew, with a li u t of aud re-appeared travelling verdure sapling oaks, maples with ol on c mfessi 01 among the ; hut This Ethan lirand, his p does not h cum me to ■ with a min wh 1, his own village litigants flip, ie ri- humbug -riiapsit say, ..f h half-full moon, which vainly on his hick,was passing down t mo w hilo h re and there the and and cock-tails iro- poplars, lay an has done me no but which I will t > had commit to I t le onlv one crime foi arid sling. toddy, Unpardonable Sin, jputar- suggest.— ive to tr c-out the ! tain road toward the villag: just as the of trees, on the shapes ■ n 'V — 1 I a' all no >n and gigantic copses decaying favor in In muc ■ of t.,o d is I which II *av 01 c mid :*tf ir I no -r hoirs—morning, such mighty taking my place.’ my judgment, ffieulty a neig'-b ring mounts n, ; and, -u party tur cd aside from it : and in th euf sirewn soil. And it s* etvm1 to 1 '** ii — u hi n to from in- 1 from the followed to the ba l *' 1 : .. 11 oi d slide He issue hut, by owing very which ■ ml oxa-Tipl nil t -v w i. a fhat rri.tie, in-it* h of out the of the r-y, opes eking profits day, little Joe—a timorous and imaginative ■ *'s n t il various kinds and little who fist hold of his has bee set in rs. s 11 to overs 1a l -w Inn degrees Joe, kept very high q If ilif cl 'U Still the showmia hid them to silent forest was 1-. kept company child—that the holding c wit 11.1 oi uadi l.i'oo-, till at last, to his fither’s hand. The sunshine was it Un i b-en ih c that a. commit- ■ s o wn sins r -so huu.a y adopt early r Hii.i '. I1 ii irner up the lime-kiln. i bre ith until some fearful should ■ its thing with a t.uo u s s irise, h si11 iat a aoa'i vat. In its gold the moun- ted m n of ioi and in ■ mi !e h s ni) n.irv riotous [i already pouring upon by posi .landing ■1 vi'.yth'- >1.1 “Co n *, old Dutchman,” crie 1 one of ki 1 Ir 1 oth t word-, Uilos was now a happen. tain and though t o valleys were this had been noticed rs th.y should * O'-il s:ia ie* th it asser'el th'dr soap- the “let us see tops, city ... »g young men, your pictures ! Kthan Brand thrust more wood into it ooiler in a s nail lie had com; to still in shadow, they smi'od in have hern, nod as should » m the 111 astir sin. whatever migh way. cheerfully disapproved they iu-’ltti. IWV .i .( r with if you can sweir are worth looking closed the door of the OOJ — they the fire,nind kiln; the i:: ‘a set of mail b b it the nenl of a human tbs of bright that was have be/a. of and -fo.e e. which it was within the frag being promise day being approval ’ll : i'h r, as foul ys h.-ar pe at.” then over his shoulder at t!.o cherish a of one foot been 1 off looking hastening onward. The com defended a icere, 1 believe wo a nature to conceive and pirt having e'.iope Jew village they ascent:; tho hiil sil an i human coriuptsd “Oh, yes, captain," answered the and his son, he bade, rather *g weni an 1 an entire hand torn lime-burner shut in hills, which swelled should have had thu stato of I were all of o -.e ; they by away or plet -ly by hardly f, rm thrust aside the ousues that clua- hey family —wheth ;r as a m itter of courtesy than advised them to retire to rest. of a steam about it, Joakod as if it h»d which we arc now to and fro b “tween his breast and Klhat by tho devilish grip engine.— away gently things witnessing in teed beneath tha tree*. craft, he styled everybody captain—“I I cannot sai l ; the hand was ‘For myself, sleep,’ h?; r st« 1 in the hollow of the this I have no belief that the Hi a iid s, and carried dark Iron Vet, though corporeal peacefully city. “Halloo ! who is it ?" criud the lime- greetings shall show you, iudeod, some very superb have matters that it concerns me to a member remained ; for j‘1 hand of Providence. Each dwel- the the and one to the otner. gone, spiritual great poor, ignorant, uneducated, vrx.-d at his sou's !” I will watch the as burner, timidity, yel pictures meditite upon. fire was visible the the have five B;rtnm romembere l the stone; stretching forth the stump, Giles stea 1- ling distinctly ; little vicious, very great hesita- half in “noted it. “'Come for.v ird ami Then So, the box in a proper posi- to do in the old time.’ by averred that ho felt an invisible placeing l used soires of the two churches tion about that are which had wn in referenoi fistiy he men and pointed up- following examples •how y.j irself like a man, or lil lii.ij gr- traditionary tion, invited the young girls •And ca l the devil out of the furnace »h >nib an 1 fi T with as vivid a sensa- wird, and a of set them the educated, and to this man, which had com ig to loolf of tin* caught fore-glimmering by peoplo tins ehunk » marole at your hr id." strange through tae glass orifices to I mut- tion is lief ire th r al one was ko*»p you company, suppose,’ brightness from the sun-gilt skies holding both in the him like th) sha nw of a night amputated. to a upon position, perpetra- ••You ofT r me a rough welcome," upon machine, au l proceeded exhibit tere 1 ii -rtram, who had been in- hi A iniuned and in s. ruble wretch ho was; making their weathercocks. The tavern was tion of acts of acts iv is hi ns If at home in violence,aud defending aaid a voice, as the unsuow and milting sere s of the m scratchings the bot- gloomy outrageous timate with black the of the t f an ah* no; tha hut on; nevertheless whom tho world acquaintance astir, and figure old smote violence.” man drew ; I neither cl tin old place, at er so long and dan nogs, as of t le fine watch nigh “yet ■ specimens tle abovu mentioned. -But if you fo coni'l ii it tram lie- and ha l n > ri ght to dried stage agent, in mouth, was the d a l I**, died «nl ba-ied arts th.*t ever a *, showman cigar He was tior desire a kinder one, evtu at my owi pvi| itinerant had and call as devils as you like! followei^by Mr. Wilson, who it to b -e iru,either in thisor my > is stage like, tnasy seen beneath the stoop. Old would hav had umre rig provi the iiCj m Graylock fireside.” yean, 1 to up his circle o-f I shall be all the better fur touched the same as follows : of misfortunes, since he Ini still imp for my part was with a golden cloud point 1 ia niliar it t un he.— his glorified upon obtui-1 a distircter view, Hurtran at hmu iu y sp *’> ctutur*. Tae Luces w re worn out, To ■ pi a snooze. Come, Joe!’ r e k the cour g an I of ,i m in, his head. Scattered likewise the! “The senator from Maine Fesson- w u sa d, h nl cunv pit up spirit — upon threw the iron do >r ol the kiln Ethan Brand, it moreover taitore 1, fu l of cracks and bov his father into the: (Mr. open an with his As the followed mountains there were a l ie l m 1 b!’it'* o naked not hi at in i surrounding has made this a o with Satan hints'll in charity, heapa'1 ded) suggestion here, wh.-ncc immediately issu'd gush wrinkles, dingy wUu tobacco suioke, and be looked back at the and hat brut i; one nand— in I taut the soft on —fought ■but, wayfarer, of hoary mists, in fanlnstic shapes, some morning, wlreh I thank him for fierce that smote full tin this kilo. The i“goul otnurwis.* in a m>st condition.— making. hght upon very pitiable tears ca ne into bis eyes, for bis tender hut tmke i in st r h itt1 e agamst iva it and hostile of them far down into this valley, other* [ believe we are now in Wash- face and To a car" matter of mirth heretofore, »Som .‘ to be the having arranger's figure. purported cities, public had an intuition into the black and towards the and the I to this tal •, b “for II iurc jni-t .nets. j spirit high up summits, still ington fruits, the legitimate fruits, less there very grimly. A'C .-rding edifices and uined castles in ill which this man bad eye appeared nothing ■ Europe; Itsrrib’o loneliness samo seareu h Among the tiring, too. can another others of the family of mist md of the conduct ot Judgo Crawford of this floralk -hie in his which was tha had iepurted on hi outers battles aspect, .[Ethan vv t certain ol represented Napoleon's ! himself. in the radiance of two to evoke a li ni l p'rsoiiage, wii », points enveloped clouds, hovering gold city years ago. la kit action Of a mm in a coarse, i> had been accustomed an l Nelson’s *ea and in the iniJst were F.tlian Brand brown,eour.trymad. tn had fights; Whin they jonc, the from in to irhat e* of toe li n -'iiln Liwycr Giles, many upper atmosphere. Stepping regard in this su t of tall and wAn th. ; from the hot furn j similarity ol th. se be seen a transpired clothes, thin, | tno might gigantic,brown, I sat to the crackling of the kind- one to of the T w:tl noro of difference. It was vllagc listening another clouds that rested and in to the murder c — after 111 order to cool body, regard of staff an l tho *s of a wayfarer i night night. u.n.l, which might have been mis- and at tho of heavy a m in of s in n. bury led wood, looking spirits on the hills, and thence to the loftier man in this tie mable Sin; th >, doctor, fifty years.ivho city by a member of the As he advance I he fixed his eyes -wh;o> I him about Unpaid taken for tae hand ol in that issued the chinks' at an I if his we should destiny, though the *ire through brotherhood that sailod ia the air, it Mouse of ; fien each laboring t; earlier perio Ufe, Representative*- I do not were very upon th. 1 mm and in i. trui.1 it was tae showman These bright—intently 1 as a only pointing of the door. trities, however, seemed almost as if mortal man believe that so 11 ni id of t have iiifrodue paving professional might officer i« It for the h* of the turnacc, as if ha neh-h 1! frame the i n ige of guil his to various scciies of th had but the plac* brightness to Kthaii the latter’s forefinger once s> f: miliar, slightest thus ascend into the and I not w# •I neitner he ,i“nnpd f»r no r visit Brand during hoavenly regions. occupies ; do believe that or to behold,somo vhieh could wuue its owuer 5 historical while d wil n expected obj.ct Worth; was now a coullict, gav 'hold of his attention, ep Earth was so with that it •hall have a with 110 first c f irsanitv. He pur- mingled sky proper enforcement of the «f note within it. forgiven. An I. gleam supposed illustrations. with much mem* the | rude and brutal, yet half When, his mind he was reviewing grad was a day dream to look at it. laws, that we shall have 1 the mou ita n the fi-uv l pled visagel, order, security ••Good evening, itranger,” said tin light upon top. : incut at its abjimnaole ol marvellous that had bee j figure,with wild, dcticieucy but change To supply that charm of the familiar of pro perty and of while that nan e»nie in at tbo door, there to abide th gentleni inly something life, lime-burner ; ‘‘whence so lat. ;j crept the was th: the to ** you an in men*, eoac'uJeJ, bin: search which and which nature so the 1' ega; l' ruined and in ht* rx!k, I wroughtupoo Sy homely readily occupies place be now fijls in the day intsutest. element of fire, 'in,il d*sj»erate < ouil. « on VVAICATIO**. fOW.1 4.KD COI M \ MATTERS. Judirial CO\ORES«!O^AL. C v In fr t m -•;» oi i;>** r ■ ir- CfTTiv; J. * i American presiding. Mr F.n_- ’- r-ill -i J r th? regular rd-r. with him, he had Cds >v *d him a j nr j’i £!)c vgllsuijrll) Mr (Editor; Sorirfy. Friday, April 30. TO. J* of th* Omni it tee of Tn:n led. *m -n. and alt !r-uj Wamiinctox, April rig the Kansas r-port h-jjenti IM Niso tho in i' d hi*\i nth.’- ELLSWORTH: >n d Slat' r. Samuel Rccdj—This was a give following, space jour 1 C rem-t*. Mr. x hud •aug > IVrs t- rill tbr th Organizati proee- SENATE. MAY 7, i as a one ••• • FRIDAY MO:;NiN'«. Columns, record of of the '. .n S w N *rk h t 'id 1 t he had a d s». -.-t iti •:i r main i ms mis »i* f. The indict- many out- Mr. T ;’vr tr t: t" -■: :?t- jevt. jv-ri’te: ri^bt ,.n Agricultural S.-ei-tv in tho County q reasons a*;V h< r .r suv should v 'te Air. Husk in jtve his rated rumtcllen * against m nt all' that the dffci !v:.t rage* daily i*er pet by and oi r ft ; a \if<’itfs tor tin* 1 tsi**rif«in« U.uj. vk. a m>eting of those originating, ll maliciously -; .• sh-usld vote ujainst the r* rt. t it. *•-.? ii'i *t*s -k bad left him ] r- tlcur The fact was related tbe two 11 i*vis.-a wcr.* unable to cane jly- The *■ an was ,-ut th cahh* "f >ch. Amaranth, the acconiplic.-s. to The demand i >r the Wa and interested in s h organiz.ition prop un.i undertake tiw tusk. previous »}U-stion '. » vwr ..5j mo-rr %u \ sr ; tyn me some weeks since, but 1 little agriiui.*'at. dtoi«—receive tv of Trcai nit. t' 1- at paid at- 1. w sat that XV ‘tided. '* M 3d, of Isaac I.aut, ■ U.-’ >uli th- refur " 1 held at Union Hall, Ellsworth, ijr Mr. Hunter n *ti that he wool merely e an gu nr a v >t —»rd- r— ■ r t nti.m to it was r -g ;r i t!ii- ‘V sol in a- emir. V ,ie ■«—‘*N aw*‘11 hav"* C'VI'i.c as i tl .-•• r maiml it, hoping exaggerated a r -i mtly ; iutrn> S*al cctipi again la that tin* ."•eaut- au »rd*r. day ** g r u.- i.. >..'*••*.»nee. II Would seek the -ilv, r*e n r- tere: to a M*\f..n repeal Q.X.Sm ftp. 11 the to !** too true. hut *lv;ti in at, of Till. w ts ailed to ir \t m \ ■ r t. not prove rejiort a to deliver his I’. ; th*- v \ »1 1 th-.- ak Sur. Er Lib" truing. guilty. r M t •. t il rou fntrure occasion Sj :• r r’-y Proto* t--rate. whirh u a-•• _ lie B W Some time tho month of to r- ’>e n > dem 'listration, w T. d ft. during February, views. er requested that J V N Hill of S mi F Hale, for State. Hobinson, made ••me wr-ial n.tTiti^a?. ux.- :aox*.-. it Prv.V! J. B. J'Jsva *J« fc-'o-v;: *n of la use or diss-itisla -ti m. thr<*o men and one rutnseller would not Mr. ( f T-x the r--as u} p s -i J. L r (I be ret-rr 1. »*) gav >1 !•. rt; L- T. Durr, Backs r;, eh a >*• T !e.r. S\T! RI»AY. M tv 1 he hud utl with a little of I'm result '*n a !“ptii!j: ib K m.-us rep r insult one who makes it I Miw. cl liis. -1 the d r. why squad ;du.!g A .rr.l w A eoin*:ut- humanity by calling Mr. Vi faun of — isi *:i ti it is v-»f.*d that r. s G. /» 4.—In lie: a at for 11-; rtuvs. I d us t .1 w- d ir»v '» Sfaf- M>< > i. rn iii 'u.h r* on f .is su1 rl. wa—-veas, L». P. lA'lCYiJ. ori’ V|“>n t » and and soi l a.- it w r ; rv- lut; n -j business death, a that HI. Av rv 1* t r : t t tb m^-t- a tmisam ■. I 1. spread misery M r: t ( •: A1 -a. 1 hu 1. wit YeiV.—Aid, Anders Atkin-. t of r.iivil |* riiug and maintaining Was a *rf i:>:- It to M -xk-j. -...) }: »c t v. V. 1 not satisfied with link- J.iio. li.v, 11 ■ k. 1> II NILE?, (• man,) exhibiting their S > t 0 s I*, k was with l-uil aimvliaiii Mr. M .son f Vir.uu t 1 it. an rats, < \ rtiring N charge*l hng ; I* :;•*:. U .ri .-. (br ;- -r- Xwpaj 1 4'ves and bloated carcasses in r -i-Jo-i th-* IL.ui- h, Brvan. •!'mk1-s!i't our to iv it :t t ta j,r<-vi question. : ted of J *}• w •'.in the limits of om.* of the not mood 1 « p > want tiave -r d.s a —.an, in it1 •. r. *»t lut a intoono of the to. Mr. e>rt t ••] <*<• c u iv\rU*e ts f- tuis \ streets, carried logging canq« Motion » < n. I-11 M II irrhaait f i -,r !>»;. and agreed mall. ( »>)». J nan -...... rii ; Ha:-. trav *1 in village, ,j* i- r t > arriv at a rr«vt oU.strueti >n <*; rut .•*? rtuuircd l*»»-“ k-pTt The ut t t t nf r.-r.e Comniiue on our river, t n gallons (some say re\• i' X, t ‘r.ilj M < r ; N \ Swan : Franklin. tm- it t t ,i» ’oil. II'* n *w 1 an 1 that t:.e general a: i N. maintaining there, gr atly* Wix: t lAn :•• UJ persistently tli amount does not affect the of in- « r.--.: ri. 1C 1- !» v.*. I> w •• a*-- case,) f»>n<*rueti »n wa* that it did n >t refer the Curry. urn it w *r s*t -*•»! t-» f m ia > »t the Hr •:. t. r.o.i -.1 1. r: r Bill ba* Parted. C ;.r.g duty tb damage l public. .Mr. -. £ugli«h*$ to the u e I ... I.kill: 1 1, 1.;. _ L and there distributed it « I Constitution hack j- > on trav toxic.itiug liquors, matter hod b a a {.ton ♦. 1 f -n. n » ch r a-liui-ut the A*al *ly F, r r. 1 i v, -. i. T: K»•* a» r .■ i\ t!i men. One man was heard n »t it "J an 1 th- r». among young mnk all; .. \v > Sin;:a >u! w ;1 1 -t il ti *' <>r 1, t.r:;, Cm k. lid n 1 ••* H ;v "n died •• I ’d l it di I.h B" r nc. C rami’\ highway. to t ,te ng i: -t t t. *!»: s I- r.. p to he w tit into the woods get clear .. v- f; Z al say. 1 A oh Hu* h. ii li 11 "i:;j a e :; t d'-jTe-- of K. for State. T U -bins m. deft. m *-: > t 9,^ Hale, r^a^'iis, t:r* j- d d .\ —- of rum. and if that had not boon carried < < >:• :■ n-. II C t. Ja k-‘»n. 'a!..-, t;. .J m. s — u a- \r .. fr .’it >rg,a. Mr. j and i-it rt>t in such an Si a and S B t Kan-.w’c-.uld v.’ : I'u'i 3 n ant organizati •• 1 ... t.l was ti t b ; t!i r he w add not !u»tc seen any during th* t.. *■ r It,.:; .J at t led to t I J>tat 1 1 for of a cow, the free durie; I -I : >in-' t a- Indictment larceny pr»»p- t ; from 1 1\mke. A1 Luuir. 1.. ‘.Ill was was as hare -w -a it ted, and reported, wdnt r I’he result been K < might *nt ivlmlni-trat. j 1 iEmit* i their chairman th* 1 Plea i.i- O ;• a •* I. ;.. 1. -r. Ala< -v. Ml M * i*y. thr-ugh Mark II. Perkii ■ Mr. V gd-h. hud, by qui t-1. tw » of the men got into a quarrel, 4\n ir *. :i; ... as xjh-. M i. Mil M.d- M not wing nam 'd g-ntlemen permanent »f In consideration of this ■’ ,v in that at Vnv c au i v.-sai men darv being *-.v »w !. •> rrupt guilty. each N Pat. i' -. I •’ and'-ns word another, toA r f-.r.?. he -rt w -ill n w c>- n, .r« f the Han k Ajricultural i-1\ following T»,. (>h •< and that d*fts have r *r) in n ami br.xi 1 I ii £‘h- m:ng first accusation already th frin!> ,.t the mvasure. an 1 i’ w 1. K .idv. 11 ; i;.. 11 idv. Hi.- day-iig'it. ii- av and it wos with weta »n. '-u wa.» -r it *wi;h -ar. «• difficulty they tier to r -cot r.i i nsi *- for th.*' currcm in fair r .u ; -. •..- -. > { t •r-i t ruf- y lain -'•> -c;. kl •*. t and UTiserapull**.»d jail tnur -cr. t i.iiii than thi- < .nov-rene vote f r tis f'p-vi q'e-stioii. r nt***l from :i«inahl-: ■ j committing Iohs >• > •.;ir N t > > Pr—i-l- :.t—Samuel Wa>< >n, Franklin. c-iV" s nt e of additi -mil im- i. rt r f r •*. ur.d- i>tar. 1 ti Mow !■ it .r twenty days (bun Mrin^, fian ■ eutetitut* Mr. I t n un1 of Pi h! and humanity, Mr. C; .. >: <-f i -tin., f Y » \ I’r >i ! ::t—J Dutton.Klfsw -rth. !v t.. (' VI• iid ids c-d; -ague Mr. >■ : n;. Th >ujji nt. V » dittle of Wi*' -n-io re.-i -a Mr. imj s< f and city pri' Mr. > r- >*. :■! ... ‘‘sapping dit r, are we to sutler this state of ! women ot th *->i in. illw ,n. I d -*> tilings •- C at tie- cumin- Tr- .'ur-r—J Sound-rs, Orland. >f lia .K -arn >: r% Kan*a.- ,x). >t fair and in ph F. for State. A. Wi-wdl, d -ft. U ard. NN NN 1; W1::~ w that c m n takers hy play IIale, Secretary »• -1 s -v- r in *-iv. 1 t exist, and not raise a to it' to t.. \ bun:i r ig-cy Iripp. S r K. t. Ell-w rth finger present «*h in r Mr. P.g j. q-w!ur ■ t ^ f ly v.-.-t-T‘a;, NV .*• *.. NV..rt ,t. hv NVr h a; tv 1 w.»rfar s is of: n in a h* to tary—N. Savvy Leonard J. Thomas and a!, r. ll n'.land an 1 b.ii.; I f ti l *1 but capitu- w fdrev< r to be at the a tl had .An-1 !y Are mercy of blind t4n NVrij t : T -nn.. /. ... At. w On motion the r« *rt --f the n of polfttioa _• '* r\ the tr of those cojnmitte- Fir• and Marine Insurance (’•>.—Aeti ■ \ i- *v ! a >n lut-s p a*' ** eunutt d. t. .w. In th fuii through ry of ten-fold who — a1 O i d 1. aft'-r whl 1 j. 1, b -at a retreat .-in >- 1: u to : it 1: r an 1 ] j i 1 adopted hy meeting. thecas4. Verdict h r Plantiff fi r Sldi'O. Mr. Pugh re; n* guar e .ut nt w ith and soul of our tr. liil!i:»j!e?r-t, lld-j':r.:. Pd. dr, lllisr 1 j* iMjning body *x wish d to at l? thought — Mr. fc> ward t »k the ll ► r. saying t Mr. (' y its («••’ I, r r. ins '.a}-, Mr. Savvy r tin* S-cr*.-tary King absent J. A. Peters. T. Robinson. t B i, tun. brothers and t-«; -• w’ ti. U 1 Bray farthers, husbands, sms, taka debut' ha i rnani 1m in in! th n-.i-n-inr J-1" was -:ly 15 -rr d;.. I/.--. « .:i C ‘.t Ti .r base the w-ak and vashiUting: ..nin-ti -n \. M. Glidden *f ElLswortu Rufus JJ. WalJ.-r v. .Xafhnn Rendition a- 'old II t on a law. h- vitv our » '.. a vtas r -1 n„t 11 Vu:n}'! ba[ the bread from mouths? Ar* aith /.igh tii q -; ; < t 1 V ..iTK .r.-. : N .. t f i in•'• a and als.—\h rdiet I t Plaintiff fi r sl’,'1. •- t next best I-r the cir- graft! protein. n-rt r «»- l »:i du-i *:i. 1 o \ -.W wiling T-.k: Sfcrctary the d of the forest no .- < r ... I i; d pt.'iH security yetun 15. ix.t dn-.' that when wo it he t- r*«*t is an 1 to eumst»nces. g and Voted, adjourn, J. A. Peters. Howe A Bartlett. of int* partly *y t 1- t < ir Is the -w whe- r.uin. Cur:;-. !httur- 1 Mu'. ; M I>a \illainy? young ruari ask-d Mr. fV*x — ol t.. <•’ o Mr. f the in -t in I'nion Hall. on Saturdav W r. John Jr \ r length {nst C'arnj.n « ft Ellsworth, Hand Hardin. grwt 1 t vis of lad Davis 1 : I -r asyatt who lias *tr ii;:!i of mind to ... tb 1 id f tl! 1" enough tear i. g t » i.- -o tie y BOID.-t e D : Nat. •' ngr s-. th 12th of Juns next, at 'J o'clock diet for Plaintiff h r one cent the * mstituti n ii, day damage. ffr m the influence of the matter i**‘t i »r d •’,a‘ •• t at s**v-rnigurv, it lia pt and fl t » the wilderness for print i; ii* C■ ► .h. '.i-.--PC.;. jr. nrvw ’■ up protection, s a: 1 to Mr. C>s's ai^wr- e r rath r v ill V- d. that the election of all other ofli o ;nto C.inf r -n.- -. uiai Mr ling r. iTtitutlon. thy mpt — t b fra- k I n there and the g Hull "f Mu.— .. Ih;rLr Hirri- : M1 II .rr; At a regular in vting of I rein dge. deadly cup »- ... the n. *. a it ? YY- 1 net U li.-ve (-• is roe f*r th t-* *i trick,a ing .* .; ri1--*i p: they s-ciry coinpl organizati gwbt quest*!' < f 1.1., Iii'-kman. li :. H >uri II -aa: If fin- 1 t » his li those who are o w r d t 15• 1— Alt’* ugh th-* mst to- No. 77 of Free an I A d Masons, .ml fin jfc-* by called Both n is -•! t ,o <.* ijo’ • Mr. ( \ r* t■ th" S i ’* -1 f rr*• 1 until the pi K-l! -.'J. K mv. K1 J Kr.a: L .id, will. YV feel *ur. they will spurn f :h ty, adjourn- •- ? u u .. .1 ilipoCtlv. Vf-f in the acre 1 name of father ? ia &* t t ik- j i- i at tlc-ir Hall on IharsdoY for the men temp irig j I ! V K Mir-- lv « evening. Vpril by have bril and detest t’ who think so ed meeting. r th •.f K inw will an meanly and tin rums* Her w ho did this M ir*hah oi 111.. M M rri> ’fl* JJ1. Is *''. tic* f II tvviug pr anih! and r> 1 * r v t >»■ can be roach -a in On J s-v Dutton of Kllsw -»rth, damning litt « tabnt. Mil l ii" to-: -r *unitv t iv wii*-th t!i want it. tl a- sap; ; motion, tmip.--.rr M ri- : fi. M -:■*•■ fM M -r-* ot _\ \ ulutions v\ ere -d — dr 1 are .ill hus*wilds, and three of them -i*n .t ?r a .. s .* :» « ♦i,.-, >' adopt I / hUti »n. II ii lustra: 1 his ]. C ’•••II want*1 an Vmhr -n of Sullivan, Dani 1 M ’.Mr. nn] nn-ji:iv-><-a] M Ni ’.*. Oiin. lbilm r. I‘ r. : Siaiju a Marry. Id; i. Ho are well ki own in this t » »1 m »■ i *n m "• then h'.e 1 a h-tt r. written 1 11 ! : y com* rcferenc* a p.-wr If i •* *- •‘!' .1 1 r. I-' II .» II 1“ perp. I. 1 'iM 1 r. ;■ I' : :!•*. K: ..':u u.. Ki A-..P.?: v'.i.l.: •. : are n *1 rvii to y a «• -si r. won ... ii-: l,v Mr. Pit. dat'd FV *'•. in which th- I .'I i-f• r. t «... Ir *ni t i- .. i.imii'v, but to* ir ruitnwo suppress out of »y 1 ii rt-. il >'• ,.v ;i.. ’• t t> draft and th'Ui y ■ f t v:ti? and It.* r.-i wl.i -a has -t. * *i ■< w r *t -I 1 t. \ had a\ i: n -v.-r lly-Li\v> present *v* |iT t, g '] lit* ‘••lid—MVhd athy I !g** ill1' i ! i; »n ;r r ir l ! th-ir fuinili-**. Had murder man •- O b >h- rm•; N. Y.: i i S U*rr> r th at the lamed ■ «; ri> •»** of ii it ■-' •■x; !; I in the Lee 1 f them. ivty adj mating. w I.i miiJi !1\ m \ i.t I j;t• 1. t• 1 iw would ■ have hM the v*r. II •; •• t. r j h .» s h V ldui «. >1, he n \.-r c .ul ] d » V it idinissi >n fee shu II i i. t. tU.; I ! T sin-. I -:*\v ;. Mb. v\.j W ;nav n »vr 1 *tk fra **f Am tne- m; 1 display .:i r Mr. iy--r. w 'triu k the 1! w, -nnihlf; hut r •r.vX ..** V «, Campbell. V* \\ 1 o-i d n *r b,- 1 — th m lur*— resp nr. al lr :i. H ai: u. earn. lb *h ». .-n-l an exhibit: i; .-fall tl.*;eunninj and dlar, twotity-fiv,- 1 v c ,■■•• would v .Tu f«r no t : igue '/ I it w:* J* iMr 111 thank i M ... W ii- ■ ‘tits; and that th - 'll- I '"in •' or*: .n wl.i h Would tilt V the p-,i. ■- -! ni t ■ n li.tit-i *: I h»i.. I' atm -! man. aid wi.l n .t the f -• 'iiing Applause ..... ft for the «• »nsi I-rati »n of t’ urn* He.ngwh.*- .mti j:i ;‘:1 (' ;'.,M t th v •*.• ,f th- ] e •? 1 *. 1 adj p-.p!TV <; T ukr ;i t:i- r- w. r* : id .i* and 1,1!.. I mg •! a ml.\ r it ii •- •*- >; !t. iii' am! them with to do with i:m'. -m Mr. < h'c s .i 1 h -*‘.!1 •'•:< ! cs 1 that 1 me n.-tiling y*: k‘iN iu th** w mid uk-. - f 1 gibvriwh'. *' r »h. ! -hi im w d t* are the d .vir. "f *11 in ter. V •: d at th1* b .! tins m b giihy j ri. them r- t: eu-: -digs td.g ■- 1 turb •<{ 11 into Hr •: niann- r la whi. b i: i* r ti- / i .i in t'.i *:i t ij .by. in the t' 1 n on* ii -t oil bn* 1-V-- 11 r ■'err 1 to the fact that d-j ! t 4 st t “I vpy Mr. Camp' Mr. me. 1 t j- -h I h r-t, don’t t qu-sti ..dirt’, «* in fir.a. and a< I. •• i w i, i: r English a*- '. I untri 1 t j> p% i*i e -t th- 'ut--. a.'. ;t twenty u-.’i-L -c I> in tvs t-1. X to wHl f* quarto pa. Kv..suj npt-.n w i.ich ti.o w.p t a.. t r.i h r-.” Hii; a little a few a hy rep-rt agr.-vti lit t a 111 i. r f t > i r i v r ■! r- w ’*oy day* It tiivf®'1’" •, a f- igu 'br’V w-tc nn the tint of t in vi \\. an 1 *: ns A -y. i«?, d> pledged high p p-r-onal that m 'ti m on the table. |xt* the »rHnj * liy h a M i- a *! •. r i t t! riii ! *. -»; | •!*.• for that semi t ar i John Siil ■ b-u t > vt and tithe end, hv the M nt- Y -: 1. :h u tli 1 .. ig- t -i- a •; ij Jackson honor, in rs war *n A-e ri.:h». Mr. Wa-bburne ofJH. do-man i si the s administration v.] ••!' t'i » r— I ,'ii ! <1 in in i n in. lie al ■ >u with t ye* A m r i. .! v black letter l .vv; (S ward) n I, pany h 1 i d in t Id.-a ■. : A I: a y and with an idvant **f h i" : J a 'i n m. Ie* ■ nays. of th-* Tv-ople, e i atfi -.i > *’ o a P'» ■-'“p R rnhli-rms. s early in i uv cl ■*• M Ohio asked hi M :!;■ ! ar.ner. .... t t 1 t* **n « I .i- n- like he « h r Iric m "h want Mr. CroTsVek (>>( Ohi >.) replied that he a rnai rltv f f'leral offieo hoi th* Virgin! draw th-* demand, as it wu.** fiw aft w -;.4 '. — ; ! » v » r Y r d. .. i t 12 1 .« ... a ., Jam. .s Ja-"k^"ii. who was alw.i; ich ■> it "v « :*h y challenge pledges. <\ *r. hoard t manage the ion®. it tin* bat’ie was ’’ x hi- n r*. L f-r 0 u A. ;•■•••. distill" an b :t;ng uni r-‘aoding consultation. “* dock. M. :::g Mr. Mb.Siburn n—1 11 n t the ad van hi T»j P ■ wit1 Iraw Wa>hin^t*n puh’i* Ill 1 M 11. le Mr. r i-'i d that he did n*»t I w V' e ..i kr w t! in. sides,t question Cimphdl TI: h.itti* is not and I'll to ti A. M.*!»E\. S m. Y'.r, light it well syv~— prot* frjm the Coni rni,a. viz., run’ th ass'Tti *n with r>f»r nee to the Ji 1 dating only en 1 of time. M *t hi Jn ,js t >wn *‘0 : -r :l ■ ••frot and nst \< fh m* t’-a* S Kansas has iti *n ; man .and ri-V-d Mr. Croesh-rk whether irl:rnt*i'»n Kitstv •’:Ti! I>: \ .is Rind has popul Mr. iu eb. n wa* t ! iJwn—T i* hi 1 E:.g!UhV agr •••d >, that n Id !*• an i half cn »ug lor a I ur. 1 •*! t- hill as the part S the spheme of th Katw.ic p .nf.-r ■?>-••• >vi*l »w an*! ultSr ?t of o :r d *c ■„.« d ,* Willing Stat.-s, just submitting k» 1* -r i an II !»*'». •’ 1 n un-l th -dir in 1 tuiti .n of .Mr r : ! *t again.-t whi rite .. the p>intr. .1 -f fh ■ *i .n t h s t r f If there ir State. M > ward then (’:.•'«■•{ 1* 7 ■«* in Mr. S: in’ bf r d a r 1 it! n a ; uath V •' Id 11 .we. -if If-! hist, da fin r t win: an statoin *:at, t' it i (• » >eek—In efTXe it does h- 1-1 in Kansas, in A-.-- h-m f the IV -r, and with t 4 t .- the K.ile of ? Mr. :) Mr. <• t; y J. Pugh's (ywar i/.ing any tw in' rs of tb- immitt*- \ liqu<-r »n K if- n t' T1 <'ri*t -n-l -n r-nl- in !■• t;!: -oii.ui )i» f.< m in w m > 18Vi, st, >d f -r the aimisd Mr. Ow*n Jones, of Penn., remarks that d *nt*s ar int-es. ha- pr i* my during th t In- that iil aU ost mi i •• in. tb n.«.f I. iwr.-ij.*'■■. >t u iry—ami y t..,. I law-; tiny hold the imuh-v, r n »w. il '-ar* 1 t •'ligaT 7ti a h >ir i rn ni th*» e1 •?! H .i Free State, an 1 at m-l- th lie lain v r g". n a r h* Iga Mr. Campbell Tiv*nt id- arv:" -n, sh-rt tim lie h.H b*-n r i:'n'd with it. t t:« t '...i a. ; r- ,i :. \\., t.n to t Ih.ila 1 ia tot ik t! t ha-. ti w- r. In there uni- who w r* t "• *r h Iv t’-at h would ftand hv tL pr dp* div i 1-1 t•• *1 i-1 tw •: 1 tw *. »),-» f; -n. y j» not for number.-. y anv els *— -ally yyp lestim f im: -riant \\i;:i who ai The F.rg r -f th i;..-mb ,r« w--:-- i. u may r**juir.'. my "• -> th ms m i. r ii in v m< w *-r an*! -er*-’ trv n >.•. 1 1 r’ Hr part w •’.>! -•r.iii:.g t have his son 1*‘Coins a or ten him Ir d S 11.a* a- a t-fiimmia! *d r*- v-leali v a: a' b to e -m to M’asai:. ja.- ■ h i, tl- w •! gi b -ginn- rs. hn\ing no x ri !,*• at a!! i i" n of C 1. i of r.mneil and St -.her .f t* Tl -. rea'-h 'd I'm i"i ..ioa, lire. dent the .* > ! r’ l t ir n >n p aj t«i: g iV 1 w 11'* riant ! -r $• t *, b-r a 1 a- Mr. Cimrb 11 ask 1 wbrtVr he did n -t on the other. The e mf--retire «,•?,< 1 use i:.strum- nts, and some o! t m i. * by y Mr. Clark «f X. V. m-i-1- a Materoont o ; in c k i: in it* hml The that -1 1 r 1 •* as anti-1, stnvM t-’ar wa« eit th- l*>y plav* Slave St it ?. A-t> i i* me -vi*'i w' it w r known e.imp- all fair :A» h-urd.hv hu *u 1 ago *1 th h n- of Bind.- wha! \i-r, h dial! f 11 i-khi a C ... the f r:a* f r ;r’ •- ur saying •- after h h *r initiation. he di 11 .a com- adding a* a fifth Tn -nh fh** I’-iit 1 St *t hour, hut j.repir- mad >, of p pr rats. •• .- growing withdrew ei h-* m have ea> fr when Mr. II \i rg.-’a *-] Rmd a; That a a I r any iasputaii iy ■ ■*' »i f r Vvl it on the fact ofb -mg mitt** w is n t r,pn dutM with p »w r to Att *rn-v f.r Kin*!-. T: i* _1--- all p higgT gam- * in aft* r in th-- p rs »nul int *grity of Mr. C wh years i 2 •:* ! r a a to to nt. t’r «.f th *.-* : b V- Jb n v r imi-A rupi pr gr-t** r rr a -tit an i go -ak f r tin another th* Pr -id f 11 h n .*• rf*< t« J pr a- IM. il i.-kinb- >: mi w !\ a •• j. him* 1 fin 1 chv-erlaiiy pr e.-.pla!iati ami lam tU* tli-it **! th-*m pitch- ft -lav a S' »t •. lb ii 'V^r "".ii ,• -c hvlv. of t! hoard holdtnp ffi t his will a h v. .-hi r». and g a 1 n*. : w *| y A m">n_: \v.e r" i- d from t..- S »ui \ u 1* i i- d t — ft :. the boi -n.i. th- 4 •■.■’ ; r pr* |«ar graduate, when he fra" saw D Mr. .T O'O r r-’i -1. that h m -t with th—n tl P m hi a i: -r : u an. i. in ’ant >• -•;•* ■ ■■'•.r, ahi i in ,ng r with tie- -fib irr •.* ’. im! a!- t’ .it a \ of tl :a *. * »r o: \ ui.r.i ► : \ imni-l.d -i *r.*» ar \ r to rec- i\.» d iugoter of the > :i it on. it' rtuin Dem- t him, p^ame. widep*n Comm harmony )Ut of such ii* -rduni-b r i ; .- to I...-worth Am ri *n r the M K>r. in the first act, ocrats, hut no e *r*irail -f th it w.;« app .in- ter to 1 -••*». nor even «-m*- and •nw.-pti* ilitv juhlir.i'.ion. 1 a run* in huumu lorin stands •n the Kama, id. A .rn* 1 til! M ad u ■* n •• an ► ■ ij ■ t t hand the first ««*\ lbw i t ? t c dg his vot on he a>h:itn-d S Ad* i* A\i*r I n?:, A dis«v.rd would l t 4d. r a :tk -ri I j any rrmu^h to anything. -my to »le.»! ..t tiie Is it for fear J \M \s p>i»un. onl in:*i:i'im in th- .s‘.. B". h> -ct. f K : 1. I. i-t I i; *! iv •:.::igr •it. I'.* 11; n death { Ui u I lev. W. P. Fk*-::m •.. W» f 1 e: d S ‘-ig i; »;*alirt'iit the la ho s of this i > th scaae him whether the pr Th-* raati *••::]! <-'ir*-lv re- •• further, he objected bill, Mr. Campbell asked eh'.i’•<*■*. wh ga\ e rt. a* Whi ing’s II.h. h. 1 ■v:' do n-u n* in a mass it bears >o on i:s f» e. It \<-r C msritufi *n wa« tube suhmltt**d. pj by train hi’ If fr the ii 11 iiAni* M it iki s. and declara t!i**r eqaiv-ocati v ar a v t v w 11 it. -i r d 1 g ntl ;:nan in ti: S a -.f tb «• «tr• j iy, | ’y J nv Hi* ii M.r»- 1 or ter to be a s*:h :a«.-»on wry. Mr. J »n**s replied, that h was willing t Walk-r. 1 he thr w \, '■'! in* i:*!o\ e.iting liquors sold in this |» It 1- a l: ib; an nr was th •• -o < •' : ■ an l >b.i »n. Wh uadi that xt submits th •- i. t ! lu construe f,r t!>vm* manly p ftyf-r-1 v-*t s. U -t iVrttn t >’•-* trust- 1 highly grui.'-la? i* ca; tli l if |l I-:" r wh'tl.erit U* in hotels «.r 1 Mr. Ft ... it is s3 r ird- 1 1^ :fi >-;• ]-r w'A; fh.* enntr-l of el*v*tions. ill 1. an 1 the ... 1 >EW IM 2»I.I4 l I ! g ( >\s, it. I /; ! r ai II Ar dumb bc*caus a -w li ir- r t attention; is nrks tin, fi w •• it they lb .pi t-d fr mi N ) p Mr. T? inham. <. C., in ! feer.r -u T- least fh it *1 f K —an e>\ -r- r th ir isar Mr. H a is d -s- rvi p! ’• ■ ■ I of an i dir et t > the sub* *t jnd r c •: ■ d uts that andea! 1 in t‘ i- ii t a pari pith, w’ efmin »ritv of who* t- •* le are *•*•- I'iiK Hr: .'•! n tiiv ; r a 111*? f ti; I' J• will •; stind side b v effset, Tiiuj w 11 of .nr i-itiz-ais f--r hi- --rd <-s hr. m. .ry fjtiestinn. “id ,u. ■•••:, t:. : *• t th- t r v.-l cs rati Hi* *d o. t a •"* ’• v " 5 1 1 doX as irr-• M'diah! n r l'.i: \ a V H L‘ : ; cah natty '-1' •• t -att nd to such matters— '' t'*m d’ :\. w. »•-• !•• -nt*.- •’ t> Wa.-! in.* ,b ar?.;m i■ .- raal from Mr. < -; Mr II.-kin X. V. -lined concur h ntr -..*ln^ th v in ri*v in K in-i*. r much ereuil f-r their l; A. W .:. ,. enterprise. r f I t Mr. Fcss :i •- u\ whole attention.” w.:» t •: UK ni 1! ! t Mr. t aid < *.v’-! ii1 T t !i oft! p >pb *Av with fair:; h--.t -.Hfv. Tii 1 *rd: .: *• :n *r .tl n ,f a Si, »ke o:i tn deh. i- u >n an am n .'•irty 'a 4 the L ( o:.- t itioii, -r -i" tain time, >p y iii, up ’if ..! 1 n a vci would q- R,J the time nnptui to the* -l iu!*T-.<>!' .*f our ra<* m -i...... nt 1 in \\ : :i i. i • high 8 it b C hut on ^1 >:« hiv pr *]i him, *r th<- *1 *n h h U a- : air t u »u> unt direct 1/ ibmitt-d. y-:ir»g ; tk. L *n in-tru'ion. by tv **-ti .ar*l. will p r ligi int r -1 -a 1> r Id -. At Nh \Y king un i Kit that -- ing 1 •-tat e aui i\ 1 ti. ;;s wbb- h <*!i idi ra Cm I f'nain of ijit. l!, t. -lr ... black and wiiitr b;is in Mas 1 \ in tl is desk g ctiliarlv trailin iasult. and will t •: ly ngth 1 *t at ; ;."i:c by' t, irr-atly -r s -. At > K. II ir -r.w y r.n i.i r r in'iion in the CVe- gr -.* in i‘- ri it: a-. llaih p.iru- nlarly | j. I letter w i h had written to up\ r-■l t e-.tif•1-u-- in r-s:dr>. will, *und t. ami ..r., .*• vn. athi- wi.boat saying impair judgm 1 :: Soil 1 Tn-- r*» !.*•■> *» Mr F-•*• *nd n i:i tlm e .ui understand some 24 m •mb.-rs h.r.-- b-.-n add It y now io iM,*e a in stor** a'Sim. No d -n in ing th i- h in*T* r *«• mnt > way who ie waiting the (>hi Statesman, report T1 .ard will not lv \ d j ns nr lai*h in Lumaiu'v, r* i. > ,.ar s > oils of the ar and tie•< ■" i ‘i-'" t lu i 1 nation, < ■■■ Ohio e >u!-l have -t, at the oulm:, of tho committee of e mf-nm as the most valuable, an 1 1 r tli v *t- >. hut will xtfi11i's1> -i t“ tiie Chared. U--\. Mr. 11. -i. !-!•»: -ing j dities and sLog. g Uip'ist trust, and a-!*!> •t nr h. ■ ti/-n- of M lire- s luuld ot.*em it an Imn -r t right;: li o h mad and d- j 1 > an itution. infant m« hill that mid *. 1 i 7 ;.'/•• i >l t< :*nd *»-,7 th‘ uJr/»x of the- is lab th r -. M a* ir -s are b t.ik 1 A d*. m .eh toward s a\- cxpl _ ring lag ■ fi >n ar th* ir that ar s • r « at.: * is h-Mtli.i.l to c t a dura, t r Iik- t & indirect m and liv n the Chairman for made State, they ably -pr finnx. flvervthin? i* t* h* urvl-r thepon- -iH'-mj'l eq emcing having to a r.imv now at V> a* n- cn build of s *as n.— p that t : .S •- pl.i'-e worship on the bill and da-ihh" ontendr-.- legblati ingtou.—.1 tr *1 "fa hoard. »'• V* under thr con- Kim-aid’-, a- fi Hi' taint of r* !'.*a suehr-p>rt. /'<'«'/" n- Fr-m our of the and t -ngulf ,.r. it t w Id M-r- tv.-r,if inuk- C is r. it tru The ci'.i.. u.** of Maine do cm m their s o knowledge energy s> <• .y hut in- ar-.* an immorality. you Mr. (earn ‘l; )—That /m! of James Uu Jnnrn. pal- n t1.*■ a uni-.n •: *.r King will \ j^r- t r -• t 1 t latitu 1 "■ lb, can ve it hv a w .m-. :. a* slave barn r a*'r1 -is Mr. Masking—1 pr gentl at >r for his and aide s -rvie s. .Mail lie of the citizens of much in the cause of manly spirit locality, mit ; acharaet*T which n.»t of t a to •>.- mm- iusur Mr. Harris. —The H* nnhlir pars. ‘*t’ < although : r‘ intern mj barrier pr »gr man from 111in<»i<. Washington 1 know that will suece**d in e •*- t l in g- e.mnot d a belt r -rvie? to the r uMiea thy tin. m up and at- tho L »-kv .*1 as t letter. j enpl highlit l !, -mhin--?* m on.* h. auii.i.l tting mountable than Mr. C »x—I ean furnish the of tr :.'- n r •> has fii 1 ** 1 o •*a!in th* ir s aM.1 and F.-?- nden. Ilis ♦ than can be found at South 1”. .st Harbor it that horse tlioivoa and Capitol. you experienc'd xj* gl *\v:ng ent!.u-i;;«*;;i ; g. 1 ms |iy >! ‘un i < an >■■ .r untry, an ! v.\ utii with a mhiialr .s -n. usually an 1 he th*- itu of \la.. interp'i* 1 saying tii iv v.Jiim tii. ... 1 ...... 1 pot-nt than ali law, savs to destiny themselves to three r cent l.Il'W >rth, had h hr mi lr •'*■• it :i >. 1 subjecting pay p ok vst rdav bv n a slave b&rri-r, t‘. Atlantic the remarks of Mr. Ha-kins wem irrelevant, The N;:\v Land Bill.—The 'a Co thigh iil have iw It'll itt Trib.m t »rv of his iu« :»tal ship with tTju; ami it i.- hi i n ? i. some of his m discipline and of r, th; 1 m a<- t m for treaa growth ■ the Pacific fr-'*State*. Forth on 1 must be confined t the get the iry p.rti.n wag away sau" proceeding tici'-nt on Friday giving public --ntiment in this town is in with a v..; i iti-n resj* says h -art, rath* r than the details of that de\el- hat Lwump* on, ure. rs. W ask in all Coiisei,•!:<*♦• if this i- while conveying two pis- -ngers to nothing Mr. M Trill’- bill, d matin.: 1 m ) f r A pbist* Surry.— lav t of rum, tlmt a rumHl-r is & and hid Kansas cry—..t.T Th 'r» woe much confusion and excitement m-nt. We can trace the latt-r in j You toss coin, b -tt *r th .n off «! -hts in .1 r ‘a One of the ntleman fell on him the for* rocgniit ri -nhurul C in the *>. tvral >t..t w. ■] g breaking as a s L ▼ »'i h“ die/** any paying man. or If iys igb*. giy during th pr- ---dings. in r, and both are noble in no Liberty. t n •* i.* r. toe rs h. as stated. r. common de- ■ •: carri 1 a ham-lsom'1 »-d iv, l This class of ofB thigh Mr. is •lavcrv ; if the efligv nat r the of onm of i m »st moritori ma >>f this bur and is entitl.d to the taught the still. What think* 11is remarks wa;*-assuming a personal eharue- withstanding neglect (and the any.) cripple sympathies o; K.Iswurth bat" slavery Iri- nds on the first huinM s loruusl tli.-m*’lve» int-.a nt t ln*-‘ reasons fur or t.-sts, and the attempt h of the Valiev— fraiu r p* ng t- r. He could give again*: undertakes to sham of the community. SuHijiiehanna Pennsylvania, make it a -sti m s mm -i t! '[ money government fl"'1 ar to *r 1 :• oiu i*•1 ••! Bland c n>t in party qu by wh th r i was c l’1 -Ik'-l agitate tlio State : the S the hut »uld ■* d tie r*M».*r fr*»s hill, indulge per.-mali- with s of d r, ortta- l.y temper- lr ,m ! w I>em It has an ussur d pretty pi engrav* pap Williams ; th Senator *racy. nuj rlty Thf. H:\uakian Ski:i».—Mr. J. II. h -' * •••‘UKuntil the work of Roger < of th -th-r 1 re- tiny accomplish S. ii the u .t •, if fall. If u the wis. an I m merited with the.lik.ns .,f the member.* Irrawaddy—\v., >r rasa California, wimss Mr. Ha-lcins said he was ."in> Us, or s:... ai t!ij S*mt simply giving I’Yui/.er has introduced our farm -rs treated h ! m t!.• th" m-n into so me show •• — us nm .-uri among of Avo— ell r:s oih r tha 1 with tl l. ful pr m .s-u in Cmgr.-ss, an I ot th** (Zubin with which emu »t u.-urping Tyrant wis saved from slavery hv th far*-, in mo-etion mipton they par- "I ami in Mr. d r\ this valuable grasr s-d. Th s "d mm- ■r -v -pirit, of the tliat *.n Indiana, but th what h ha 1 stat-d. M* rrill the thanks of th com wax car l hv the Jiur.n >* spite obli.puy hi ; aoi tae >rsfr fraud, a:.d c mid prove ch a. a loaf -.f hr -id, or pay th ir travelling King—h- to c !ms I,- u ai *-ttle with t i >' st irt l out try. this i!x Was re. up them tiioseof their have another m to Twntv-thr 1) -:ii »crute against ■ brought ititury by Hungarian p rp .hh and thr th** iieapsi bj qussti »*xp*ns s while g bug aft r th pietur**, with lually d, ,gh answer will t te t dv wer was > >wn own anil the at homo:—what the S hare hill, and loft, ii •>, and first in the W st rn St at -s arc of his * ;*• otiier sox, who cuusidcr the people only 'lve.* to a grand aim, at d around him an* s t. Fi.k'ii 4.— out tliems sailer discoun to this ‘.ail, waioh 1 -av on;y t > th nuinh -r of Apostl s. Th- Philvollhiia .n,—Mm, Tl -,bbe--ting Id is w rlrttninuth them, give pr »p just (Vjual Its average yi about eight t ms ,,f g „] which r ilva-d the of their march lias lawn < s w cl o or four e* nt. m atmosphere •emhlanco and not the c iv d li *rty. mian fr »m Ohio ha ! -o n light, municipal ction to-day piss-d ll‘ uf t!.r per The governin' light gentl tithe a r*. Mr. Frui/.er onward; an will iiaar cease t f ti t! ej.m- There--,ilt will be ebs dry hay has al heaven. they "‘ir ex- friend her- asks, wimt the p qd an l he asked him to it quietly. probably hadb-tt r have taxed the salaries of th* > A giv ■ •• s ertions w .1 a rains -r him vli mun- r as th -nt* f th Administration «,! ,,f th. as w il is .is a Jfew ? IF? could trv. uppon mij r.-ady di'p.s**l -nty packages Limit I r Mr. I\tt*.n's d >:gn an ! r-*"ignix'l Jersey say offie rs, and than pai 1 the balin in num* y 1 s 1 blood of the men who haxardi- Cox that h ha 1 stated vest r- rted the I*e ticket. s i and has a f*w in >r t. 1 man. and il he cum d b-star. h- a- tMcauae the 'Mr. |> »j! 1 Amt'iij mat- ials. e a* 4 d an int -r and -1. .w r-plid, so pr wing means for her ff I his first -.-i *u was again-: 11 I*. r from r. ^ •• their life njid dav that impr M.—Flying pjrts —Wo a • ommuriie.uion \ that : ’nis * t > 1 :i t r •»*' siaiii'd out ..f hi.s I lin-rty thy publish sign'd ] 11’- th ihr- -1r>;«cciv I: is u,h i i, .j « * traffic, f. II' kn *ws the hlu id! s r and u »w that it Wards 1* ni iecttic losses o his veins. Conference rep.-ated indieat.-Ima'.y ih .>• through port, < .> aim > friend of 1 raue -. in th;- i.-sue. \\ lie r. an 1 in-i t v ;1 a:i ! nomti: v .! ‘" trait f : h it**suchu i .>-• it.ui of New and will an-wer that t l? did not meet his view*. la hi- 1 '-t t t > ile- tie* vote of 1 **, when Vaux wits elect- j inJ 1 .r d tvv .dared j Jersey, ot.r v »* h x' of the mat; r th. r in r lat d 1 -li #11 he m a id'1^ t ii !; roiidf r vot^s hero given for L omptou will Ohio Statesman, he gave hi opinion and Mayor by 4Vm». know nothing i- iM-,j gi\ tri il. w.,4 eats. ; 14 »i 1 it v the n *xt t ;r> his 1m* t 11.10 Ih M.—The r.-turns indie it t! •«» e will 11 >1 ii 1* Fiat slave v jto* lur your At that tim-*, impres*- hut giv ti> tin* article, .os lining from >.11111.111 i -ii wit 1 t, given objections. -pla —S .in *:»tl .. *u >.f S l:i\an < i «•!-etin II •• ,i g and d-1*. hiui.- If next to the ions were the report. Became If 1 -ti.mi ol Mr. II IV candid L.s; IL v ,V.\n i. .tiiivu. Our read- 1.1 Addressing against airy,th »pl-': a r- insihlo source. y will tcudi t ir u lr *u t at t:i .x are im mm a 1 >r sp b>r >' hav h. a s of the di-‘l iininat 1 fr *-. and Mav-.r. | »m Idl hi,.,.. > board, he said ghosts Styx it against puivh...-iug r.» will i.n.i an \*r s; k of r-*.» thought \V** take this i >;i t» r -utir’; that ‘y made br-aith if in ;i* 1 ,'i ir t of tl on- > jtoi*. j thick and tha»i are the spirits in lavor of a dav State. But he had 11! oVlock, midnight—The returns of 1 >t k lhr the *• *n lit of in ir own lo rds ami cloudy < Soi n.. t „• and i th of Kansas who att d (I >v. Walk r. from wards out of lloirv an i the IVi- n !> .1 a -nt rune law- dng, Ulld .11 L1.1t \v si r , ; LJovernors mpt j rr i with learning 111, give 3173, striag T**inp th ir b »r$. ncig Mr. I'ii m..s !.. II 1 departed II, 1 A -'i at «• returns. He had no c in: K tnsaa will have a ‘del. nit en s of y J a < Hi i b to correct him that next Fall popu- unde m* qu tni gr -g 1mv Ih.i i ;o il. give shop*, S last is a tn x a c dli\an, d lull 1.1,. i e deuce iu tiio Prwid -nt as an element of l.uien sulBoient under the federal ratio l-*r The 1> m jcrats >nc 1 ar defeat**. spring'pur.’ irn* r -*i id i- -a .n, 11> .- if L they 1 t -s a ni'wt fr p t» do- >.j A Fi.ii.MiOr it.Ulh.ll Mft woiil J r p. ing oj rtanity D Von H as had that sums oft’ ■>.*. and he t -k th >rt Tie- vi t jt!i ar th streets wit bull. inrni* <-d th.. j,,H 1 bj&rd. He expected memlwr mgr p parading ,wing 1 > t., ii* udv rtis me t in unoth-r or d up thes nuisances in our midst, urn! cry ‘*Shuuc !'* tint he disparaged as the best lie could g t. lighted torches and music. .nt of hi-* j, ligr -M in- calve, -Mr. K .iu>r t el Column. famed the President, but ho cons id >red th. X The from N v V rk should not n *w law by pr ir ti;n* 1 *r c >u g-nth-men Feh. 8,1^00. >ire, i'.iul Doin’, (irainl I would >t t «. y. j say iut we, un u Ludien one-* men in cried “Shame a a Judas, fiuit >i i -rut; t te t'iulid In »t of th e ran- W Yiiginia W ii.vw. Two or three w dves w r > „ »u, pa HoLESAl.K ( I..JTHING Hoi >*.— 1!. a*t .j not wai sire, Id ».tinfi- Id. s D v .n IF r 1 I :aiic i Patrick ; then men were man kn w full w 11 that no one th- (148 Daiy iuj ty ar .«*trll As \\ Henry one 1 ist wck in th lmrth k, V»d. Or iktuj h.i‘t d 1. > r- in cry administration, any r-m:. I tl it s.iu: 1". or 1 II 2.) at-graiid*ire, Willing- poMifu j irUj ol Kite our friendtr ting craft. We und- cannot * *o tie- matter was not utt-nd luntknv n'$ (i■- were no friends ot who in Sei l* dared him on the sublet.— why hum. Furutt’imy they liberty approach were killed them.—D *'rv Dam, Blanche, by 111 .omli-ld ; grand- partieu out -I town, aii l the friends of |bu toin- I -h's-p by t .. <■ has s .!f-.vd alas fear to or -.side!its. on the H ha I Tii a...Zty i.»ng invit It; th udv rtism *nt M oppose kings pr (I/iugbtxr Republican si-1--.) dam bred M -ms. S. A laily of by L. Ilurlbut ol |n‘raiii*o can!*•'*, feared our wer*1 of the bill un i t its ‘l an lion--st in! I and i;-.- h- art Small 1*ox. Several cases of this disc c ii a ti in is to !> went on to speak a“p, act d with p enough, and any going Whiting, Bii-s Vv Ci in meetings V» iuelicst' < fr un stock hialloup*. litnm, •*‘ it off red liti and man who insinut -d to !..r.c urr 1 in the outskirts ol' th.- .- r, hnn., t. il d. Hat not s >. \N e h li our of saying very for him*-If, any t; taken in t > them tla-rc was the presented meeting* compromise, regard place Mr to-day's pap r. Luis is one of the oldest freedom and a great deal of slavery. the contrary, was not worthy *f a place on tak-'-n IV mo rags brought hem fr »*n aFr -a i‘alters m of Maryland by the Karl ol v. kly, as usual. Since the i t. .1 » it. No* shou Id hous s frequent relig announced that the bi d w mid he bo il ho had bo f r \V- have heal inmunity !«img in 11 »st sell at wholesal Hero .Mr. Bigler this fh>or,TK»r fayed manufacturing paper. Keei -st r. »n,—they i"us held in is on- in the <• meetings this ic« we hint# the ilousi. and recreant to all he of but thr so eas .—' iardi cr J h at* Siieli a irii*aa<‘‘ tho loll' r unusual inducements to |»1 hai pawed confidence, proved Mr. S rs only,—an pur- Harney Hill and -t!i have r ‘c- nt- corn led at six o urul at ? s -nsation was manifested 11 here tof re said <*r done. Ho the r.llsw*orth IIius'. Tiicba* Iiaualian mi h click, adjourned Conmderabl had appealed five snow f. 11 Imre ,i ,x clias rs. —About inch'-s of a full blOud D- von h and on the li >or. to ih-nven f *r the roetinde of his intention-. ly purehas oler. hall pa-t v -ii. But ut oor lust the galleries la't, wiiich !>•■ eonsi ! r 1 night shouts which gi up fr mi tint dca o: meeting that t. *’ was Wednesday may Air. S*ward r-suiaod. The Constitution though —v —Tli ( -onventi >n t » n m ted to saying practically, as the old is. “the funm-rh manure. t >o disturb l the mid- 1.11 on the -7th in s miinate State ofli- May 3, devote the whole ’■ saying hav- long many plae ii evening au.uuuc.smcnt caused him no uiscourag not in f>rm, submitt-d to the pc ']•! .• <-f infamy, Dover Ubscrv■ this e to errs met at ••!; i. on in future our m as cause ■ slumb 'r> ,f citizens. .unii' the d pin u! t o inch's. Ii I'--\ Kaunas, the llsth uft. i» 'tings, the d> tneut. It was little matter, pr.uticaiij '» Kansas, and they w mid hnv a chance t night paecful fir 1 in Biu h IL J. Adams w. minuted !->r <. ninnds a. Wnether it was the List defeat ol the kid it. II asked Mr. Haskins whether there —lion. Albert Pilsbury, Aumri f'jr 1.1, gejitF-man informs us. th- r wo* ivernor; —In the c-iuts of the o* ling* in t)»* a i pr l’-.»l. Holii had been falsehood or on his sub at Halifax, is spending few days a '. a n »\v tii m ,r o. the lay f«r Li.-ut. fiovcrri-jr, and M. (,ir will commenct at seven victory. any recreancy II’-*:.*«> th-* W.4 • •*• nig meetings Bn t urn his old friends and upon iiing’ou ity j»-»ii After a few words of explanation by i" I among ac.pi.di 1 (hm. ihr h' o’clock as part. Mr. Foster of Maine, giv n r confusion. of the if 2m succ I in and dealers in Firework^, Douglas, Durkue, greatest possible as the country, *.up!i-i. —A small 1'uil owned Mrs. son or not. Seward and said ho figure. ling by Terrier, to tlie advertisement of Motors.Jaino (• Hamlin, Harlan, King, The -aker loudly rapped, so desirable a r as the o llale, Sp ing suit, pa**age situated near to —Did the defendant tie- the Kllswurth II use wa.- Ihe Steam -r •' Stewart, Trumbull, Wadi, Wil would approach j.lair from II *\cv «V ... who Simmons, prohibit any language approaching this bill. Hath and Kx uti> pat: aag fvurnpu, Liverpool Boston, M.tss., will this tiff's seriatim? an attorney in t hurned u The arrived at Halifax •on. personalities. inquired iuesday night. building the 4:h, Liver- t* II tie ir and varied- stock of ftn- the d.r, arc the ol D *m ratio men ires; ami bringing year large PaiRKb or?—Beil witli Pearce, ritcb wit! ii Mr. Adrain *f New am ill eri-*s of cast; of assault and battery, other pro}a was not of much Jersey, consequence, or value. pool dates of Aprill‘44th. of verv u orks at reduced this Mr. 1Luskin would ftir-ee," was the “ho went at 'a 4 the mme than all else, of the 1 ss o. Nothing prices. Having given, Sunnier. “order,” Imped give way “No, reply, cam?’a, — 1 lie ct •** -as j pr .Bp is, that Court will not ad- great -rtauce this arrival. >11, their exclusive attention to the ab>\** who Is sick : Bites, Hen for him to «i v a few vv »rds. with a imp hy Ausi.vr—Clark, poker.” respect for the National Legislature. before the last business, all articles ordered be relied of as journ of next week. may derson, Pearce, Reid, Thompson, Ky. Mr. Burnett (of 1 “Iff writes a Ky..) mdly objected, —C d. Benton, in of dared,’’ correspondent, upon as of superior Hunter moved that the speaking Congress!,»r t W e hu\ e an **I would quality.* Thereafter Air. did other gentlemen. t! mail robin* has be quite extended notice of the hint to some of the ladi-> who en- al matters, he never l oib’ In. t —Tuckerman, the amendments to Mr. Admin raised bis says “pair il‘ — Stuate do recede from Amid t!»econfusion, son to to in the State h which i* oaoe dances, that it he A Church was in Ma- once in his life, and that was with a need years agricultural meeting, crowded out Whirling might Baptist organized without debate and said,——-no im- youn twenty-oue w*41 to mt Duficitfucv Bill Carried voice to tin' highest pit«-h, this w ek. load the bottom of their dr •*•>. at rina*. on -1st. Fourteen ivoinan. the he .t man I lh >u at V.h- ifhctfclidd. tin; lion. Court of County C inumuissioners within and for the county of //uncork. TO THE w 3ST E W 1 dllZEM maim Mr. Wnfrcn H1 dn ild oil n nt that a this 11 In-t., K-».l*.1»nii"y. I'd. «»* I -K. 1. .-I |{K -S i'li ■. j res|» illy pfw town In town, \'G 1 W. Fark bntll of Kl!s*'-rtli. -:i »ml Mis. Aiimh is th I r, A P 1 way be- Milllk l,i M Ii id -i .;!/ w In’rt G. G'. -r, >f in tii»- C «>l llam-ek \'x ram_-s of lot* ia the town of Surry, «wit.v convey-’ '’•••• rt fi-.-in tie > -p n,iy near the house of Samuel c t> | t Lllrim L I ",u n 11_*. by dtr o'. nior;/ a oidaiii 'v H 11 '('ill or ."• to tow road lui nut from .1, It. Mew DIED. tract |>ur<'< I oflaml situ.iinl in a' «i iml l*<- Surry •--.lit!, hi ""I t" Pio'ii.h H and tint sal I rout, has I nm mx a part of ilia same land sold t » Win. Vauch In Solon $ % arren II. Austin if-i '•1 * 1 Something In this 30lIs ult., Capt. W I * c ,r’ I I’.' iii- S lectin -n of and r-- pUco, »’•'M' S of Boston, by Ins d- d of H* G. IS47, orded liuoksport * l1|,t 1 to 1 at their annual tacit in in S 11 i. B March IS.VJ 12 Flam Hamm mil Infant a ad that sa I towi has g April !#:h. > r-fmoil to »,cc of ^In'I Uncock, third !» irt of Lot No. 20. tvme'i iid t’.rkins emv. veil to unras.riabiy .pt FBESITFII, ami Melinda I Mam. 1 and l<>. > tid >.t ns r- com iru siiBV/m'ftt 11 ter of It. H. B. In -‘i;d ill iid I 1> ll»» noddle 11 d of No. port ajt- 1 nemled hy sni t Mr*. Abnahub.i Lib>*>, by Moil, 1 In .April 22 fcp.T! YV th >r.- pray y .or //on. rs to view •• .i f mole Onalibborovigh, 2d aforesaid, ni-aninx to c mv lo said I’arlrid .— tie- miii- § 5 | |2 I 1 t. •.(• .such action as ia y ar nt mi s *] « !*■ « •- < n f jud„ tnav i!uuk es K of Dan- d third, and ‘neb li betvt Sani’i. HoiLr- >k third, Buck March Itlh, II stile ■ damil.t-r I”’ !*• c. IIKNPY MTThi; and 11 us « q &, *t! sport. and Itobert thir of game N 20, < oulainin.: :hcrs. 12 years and nmntli*. GrinUlc, part Ii; k lei and Irene Parlridge. aged > p 1°.5S. thlrt)-six and t'v third RCnn, more or 1 ss—ami oil the >rt, April K-n-r... RARE CIIANCE TO PURCHASE M Charlle B. soni of of Jaunarv. \ I». 1-7. tie ail IS* r- IFoT/l's Celebrated Schiedam Aromatic In Ami, ;r. t- the »ib-mrUier.— ms •• »• STATE OK Schnapps. pir* please copy.) The Condi;i of said Mort.-a.:*- 1,4 in,: bj- .i, .1 MAINE. »re t»s at the THE KuW.rihfrit li iv<- receive! a new No m he joins table, li claim lo ti»«* sani "< -i This ju-t and lor ire ivby ii v\i k. s-. Mirt of medicinal Leverage is manufactured by the,* A Hi* seat is vacant there; Kit KOKH IC r Sll \\V. County Commissioner?, norlmeut or Hie foMow iiijr arlfr!«-s: Ids is April Term, lH.'.d. at for Hi* plate's uuus'd, cup empty, I Bancor, April 24th, ISAS. proprietor, Schiedam, Holland, expressly 1 .mu SOFAS, EXTENSION. And l s kat drop a tear. pan foregoing petition, it is considered medicinal a I.oryCJFS, I I. u use, by process to his own «*K Knit; i;- the .an i*i*■■ i• a. peculiar CEM I'll \ hy that 1 !ie petitioners are AM) CARD TABLES, Mm 1 ■>•,:. Mil'll- It is the Tincture of the Italian N more here our dear-st Charlie, " " ;i,:*- 1 -at to he lira d touea- Factory. pure ST EFEED dr- d and k.m .-ht bv d ,• : .!.■ I•. a. kn.m- the; ought (BAIRS, Loved of all, the d'-an-st, b-.**t; tln> AT BETTER BARGAINS whose more ■ I '»-• '! an ! r c r t f i ti and Juniper lierrv, vinous extract is d|«- JAM Too fir earth a lent treasure, <1 n» i: trj »f Pc«d Bm i, j V CD A MB ER SETTS good * ■'1 ‘''t"* ■* 1 I’ax y\. m I it I *'*• t -:.11 the or tilled rectified with 4) ».ie to dwell among the «,f | ,ml ami th County Commissioners Thun ever b .‘fore offered, enu bo obtained elsewhere. and its spiritou* solvent, which ( AXE I'L :|! *' SEAT, W OOD Meet._ 1 lh I'Io T in on llue':s;„,rt, Tues thus becomes a concentrated tincture of of lot on 1 exquisite SEAT AM} pirt M.l, phi:, ^ 1 retVnme t* ■•aid r-xi.‘- li ,.v ! l,‘ 1 lay of .Jui». next, at Id ..'dock ir. for il 1 ELLSWORTH AMERICAN lry pir'ie ir d< .1 m bnueil-* Th- eo-dUi-ns !l '! flavor and aroma, transcendent in its ROCKJXG (HAIRS. and theme to view the route altogether, fC., ,» proceed i- !. -m hr n I ii A! in- 111i• *111• in said cordial and medicinal to alcoholic a lar u.n a aiaa: ..f Cotton tlv same an | _•••. .* properties any Wool, anil Oil :|tH notice fot that purpos. '-i- to petition; immediately after. -loth lien,),, 1 of ti.- s iL stain'.*' i.i s.ico c.i<” provid- 1. hearing par'i. and witm-.-.-. s stimulant now made in the world. It is now pre- MARINE JOURNAL M't-ES (5. El K. will he had at some convenient in the viein- place scribed by more than 5,000 physicians in the 1'ni- Bucksport, April 21, 1SA3. :jivI0 i'y, and .'in h <.tlier m asures tah. u in the prem- j Have at the store Mr. Love a just opened recently occupied by Joy, ted in oasis of Also, lajtjfc a.■* >rlment of 11 a" the ( ni!.. --'. mas stares, Gravel, Gout, Dropsy, ai.d V OTI i. "I- In;, \l shall judge proper. POUT OF ILISWOBTH. And it is further Bladder and [*AI*KI£ E5.i\4wf744»1S & ( I r»i v .• ; Kiinoy complaints. lM'AIVi Or i>r' I M. S»A t ^ S. S* "f tli# Iat• st i»* and his deed of mortgaged nlv aekimwletliri ! md rcc /. hat t le notie.• of the and Put in and sty Fasliious from Now York. III V ED by led time, place up Quart Pint Bottles, in cases of J\§», All II ■■ -I I' th R i I of the numi'-i .... rs’ A new aud desirable Stock of and of Mado indoir Sha h s, Curtain Till U .PAY. 2J. meeting aforesaid, Dry Goods, Superior Quality Ready , one dozen Tassr/s, Fixtures, //air Cloth •• *nvr\v t in** a ! ratimi>} hy G. Buck, unite *r: an i ,r '' 1 '• sale all the and Merchants* Sash,(Ha s.Fut/i/, ’LK Ml KD. ntt( I of the titiun by Druggists Country Looking (Hush Flutes,Wood- I d f i». Em a id il m, r-t ,. p. V;SIICK MUST EE SOLD! m *• hi,.- ;u Ihna, Children's Cabs and Franklin. •' Ch. r. n, t .e clerk UDOLP1IO ICayons B-diver, Steven*, afo I d’*»*d for III ulai I ■ ,i | |.u,d upon of tho town WOLFE, Juh Floor lied p.u-i. |.?.. Wc therefore call the attention of the la lies an 1 of Mats, Cords, < lathes Hannah A \bi„-ul, Co »k, •’alias. •• ■I Hu rt and Ellsworth, and "dh ill ih n» t!. i. h T!i--• ,n- hy attested a* gentleuyjn neighboring towns; Clothe.H *• app.-r: po>ting up copies Solo Manu actarer and J.inrs, Feath-m II .1 d >. to the that now is the tiin<- t- make thcii na wc Impel ter, Fins, of trig r, di' oi, of -:l tv- i. In I, n 'n' I thr-.-e fact, will offer them better litnrix-l I. Il -k* said 1. .V i*oldie {daces in said t wn th ir* purchases, bargains! Various Qualities, fyr f^c. Panama, fa..-, II istm. b-. -■ and more fertile same in- Dbpot VI York. II-l u pa d. 1 *11 til to f,,r.. ! .. in-! •; at l- i-f g"od< y, than any prc\ious sale ever them. To induce a BtiAVKii-A'T., New WeaUo manufacture and Friday, 30. .—able !y day h-|nre the tim appointed for said gave rapid kc.p constantly c.f Lauda 10 lie sUtulc in «u< h c.i- ui.. ie and -\i 1 d sale we shall oiler from * trjrc assorliiK.-iU of 44 pr view, and the many goods Ti;o Senator, \! •an*, do. hy publishing petition and order Proprietor takes the liberty of t> At. a hi K. th* referring < do. con, three w.-eIts in the Warrant i, Jackson, ISAS. ,;»1A successively Ellsworth; tha in I 41 Buoksp-m, April 22, following Physicians tho Eastern Police do. \m*i :i States, IciUtcads, Newel Couneell >r, Fran:u,, Iiew-p.ajier published in Ellsworth,) Pouts, Ad<■laid .' lark, d .. in the 25 to 50 cent less than the who have used the in their Postsand Stair subscriber ic no- Con-i'y «f Hancock, the first per Schnapps practice: Bannisteir. A tilt \ KD. hereby _-ives puli publication) •All :o be :t least before the The J/cheal in Masnuehueitt*. or the ill.. arlic't. will Ik- Jnjd M the ** tic- to nil c >nc rued. that he Ii.m )> -n thirty day tin.. said I Reference* |0we.* Abigail //aynes, Lml, do. du- riea.. si,.r. i,l 11,,. W.ot w; that all ■ Kml of the Undue d*n kuay, 1. intc.i and j'**i ami interested Cost Ineaiwctlu, May ly app« ha- taken upon him.-clf th>- corporations Original Dr. M. C. Boston. ■ill, u,ol*lr;im „■<,ere ;dl Green, noil, kind. ul o ** att i, I and l> lirard if Cuoiri.L w,rk «. Arbereer, II dl, do. trust I I.\*-cutor i*t fin- la-t \\ ill and I'- .-lament nay they think tit. Dr will he done to order. '1 Bobbin, do urnni^ " hitin ■ do. '; PIUK EIi iv. of or manufacture. And all odd will b« sold at Barcelona. ■f •** mi.i-l 11 .i < PEUn Y, Clerk. Importation, go llo.-k Lit .,f 'ranberry Id. in the A I Dr il .S Leo do CLEARED. true copy of the p tition ao.| order then mi. County of Hancock. !• ce.i-.-d, bond- Dr L D Adams do Made Monday 3. by gi'ving Att^h 1& P AUK Eli It KY, Clerk. \ Heady foiling the laiv -* 44 I’Mrilaud. iiirfcts*; he theieloru r< all Dr J B Cross do < f all .«iz< s Jamsi //.• iry, Orvit, |n*--f persona !' Great Reduction from usual Prices! j always on l.and. ARRIVED. wit are ind* btc I to the aid *!• ma.-ed* to Count; ( Dr Ariel -tatc, ■■f n iiit'..i'k. Kendrick North Springfield. 4. ■ N. B Ti'rspay, mak* iii'i;* i..»t. III nt. a;. I tio-e w!io For pay l.av* any " r-. i;T al.iianN ..f F--r Dr N C Stevens Boston. -Buggy Wagons Eat*. 44 ui. tie T ,wn ef C. .uJ.l-tM.J full cr. amino the aud arc w j tl Bost s y\ particulars p!«a..o call, Confident the trial ill Van l:\lia, urm, dr-n tl* tint e.\ .. Y"1 r" goods prices. n. to 11 tl.- .,iin t u til*. " •' '• Dr Robert do .... dauwik Kooaa r«. 44 r S Perliam do N '■'o dir- .i. jl FUST 44 Branch. t'hc subscriber ; m ar hail— \..m-.'s house, FKOM BOSTON] Olive, lu-rcby gi\cs public 1,1 1111 Dr It L do Hy din lion in the* town mail near |.->t lliukly n>ti'-- t.. all ins that In- I been ii"Pr iii -aid P.w w 'NOW «->uctrnfd, it, )..-•■•• a w i, mad was laid nut and Dr M C Green do J ai. I ha- taken I.i. > If !' *• 1 duly app.-iut-d upon t!,<- an I was Mi-i- .'itiim .1 hy said town Dr B F Randall Uo ! o ^ l' d't i!i '' ir ■ DOMESTIC PORTS. A In.. at ^ t l!-;.i!- <1 | sw. id To £lnn upon fk that *ur get £>>eds than ever bef >-i:; this and will And it Dr Win llawcs do P. 1 cheaper vicinity, you for your interest to tin- Greelv < Hi- ... M.ila-I.i t. -utr I n.-,d llrook-v ill- the < .m.l v . ;U! t i: ;llI,| ,-..nsin:.'t it. 1 .-i-. //.rrinpt 1 1 prove Dr Gpo Heaton do announces to her «.!<] Minus.—Ar Apr », Sets t) Strout, ••• 'I'd ok toll,,, laws ill sudt Sportfully customers and "I Hancock, *;;.i::2 eas-s t lu J .•■*;> >r ibnas-d, by U! ! Ellsworth, 20, 1858. Dr Win II do i ^ Mary Ann, dasvyar. pm I -d. An ,n i. I, wlil •. i April ]3tf Cooper i rally timt the “JiurJ Times" huvo the law ho pray, 1 — -In"!-, the’:"!..- n..n.-t> all Dr Sami Webber ot drivt n M A 'iii4s!*.'Rr. Vr 2J. II D I. > III ''IA.- A Uhl and lb others. Charlestown, Mass. her from the •» !'• wh a ii;d. I Id .! i I d i' o ! > Olir-dlaw.-, Bo*, m. d- 1, • D i»w..r; Hi ;.. P”1 ru.’ March J.jd,, 1 )r J. W Wurrou Boston. Boston. c.-tat* to make j- ni — i .n- piynn ;.t. a tie-- Dr McGowan do Old main <« n who have dem,intl.s then > stand, Uiurii — Ar2t. *rh dill >r B •> R >uld-b any .n* the M Tucker, M. D. do i street, STATK OF v here alio be found w ith a 27, Lucy \n W. > ir, i‘ uibr*k<\ '■line I'd 11! etu- nl. -J ‘ii \ IL i.i., LG AN. MAIXF. I’ \\ 'IV bio do may frvuh stock of « 27 fANCOCK. s- '' 'll"- d I'm n New V HA Vr m. ir.-h. Mae’ri «; C'lHuis-i .i.-is, April >avid Thayer do Wm S >:r *.r. ■ ri» -II. SPKINd AM) 1 1 1 A Tar be 11 do SU.MAiElt 111- si .- ilii-r li-*i«■' '_:i\vs < y public '■ rjjM 5,1 1 nr- and that 'alvin Stevens do to all n that he has >>*■-», •,,-h j ] I, '■> t th .mum- fnrt ir ’bus II do D13 A3 T rt J &C. *;:it h Pinkerton J > si d and i, .- tak n :i!i MSS ih';. Liu.- If ■. 1 a;.,i up-m th- •" (rd-,-; Th i; ilk- CHEAPER Til AX THE GOODS ! f..iit,:vC1.m. 1 CHEAPEST X ■) Palmer ■ 1 '■ do »s h *l■-1 *d Admiiu-l al’T the Kstat. < f INo !•••' • N' (i Brig O’Bri'a, K Mr:, U|mui'll .r..1 •!,. on W do d "t Soorge Otis <•( all n 1 ti ■ V ■. u I N I Mali'. I .'i* -on Lit. .d I ;Lsw. in tn- f Jen- "\t, at U„. ,.,r. | styles, colors, prices and materials. u!t "m; ;>. rth, nn'v ; ilr .f D Mott *• do her .» i. a ll.d.a V |. ,. B Mooru do ■ dauia,-. light di e. t.-; he th- *•••.••.re r ail „■ •« iy-'-fs j. :> KUSH! ! Hateh do an- in debt d t ei a tin said I* t.i to nj ■' i:,i ’• •’ 1 "Hi in .'-'ii' taken in th- pro. 1 j;I f < re on do _ “k *» tt it.. .• iait 1IIV .j. 1-.I r. And it is •* ’. pr-iH i'.. 11 rl UU t. "il.roi.l.ri.-rt „r all \ 1. NO I'HT.S. to » .1 s.hiju 'll — binds. Cambrics, Lunin, spl'.CI 1 1 r’s n l E subscribe* bus return' \ fjnm I'o-1 with the ioorgo Jo J a. r. '. .. a. I. I- -i. i’, Sli| ju largest and Ferby uii ; up. whit It be 1 1 and French 2 l»r Prof IX? Gra.l.V I- ".1. It '■ Atnong may ml, ican, Imglish, ** i**•*«~!i. ami »*y pustimr r.'u V W Codmau do it" I il fr. H'. 11■ up -tyle i>el,a':n- at <-uo shilling. t- .• p: i--• *2A ct Dii.-ills. Yelcntias. Ualz w im-*, Plain. PARASOLS! di»'.ia>«l ;• ir rv... .1 .*.- J, 1 in ihr- | /' I, pul plan in d t W Flake do A assortment than ever J t a!! •.ta M Fluid, and J-im I .M -linni '.n"--. India and larger befera oBktred ia v '■( I, t>! ii. tii Strip- Pi-j-Iii.-. AIj Parage Foulard of tiiue health i./ a » n* >> I’, •'■-hi ba ; Silka, i’laid, olm A t! id market. Plain, an-l Delhi_ nil w 1 Jh Lairn.-. and i~. Andrews do ilu!y jijtj. a11..I u ni i*.: taki ii uj- In i* .'tripod \ Her-, h • 1 A I« F Abbott il do »,,fn t i- tra t \ i- r. t!,.- I.u-w .nli Mi l\ n; .. t.iti ! /) HESS 1' ■'* hi; a Ill til' Ij Parcher do TRI MM/, V GS. .N< in. ii. u-.., :.i? ■ I., .; y ! in i.i i i* t»s u til > ,i •.. t., I..- thirty dav 5 i W do a id /Litof all >•! 11.11. ... «• •• 1 I. Carpenter kiudd ami I,nl, na- •••in m:;,- -.H BUM. a®©BE I prices. Last tmfc «. i.» N«t persons ami r- ^ 1 ; 4:n all j i, ul ami hi: h. aid if tlmy b()0 Plack Silks which will be said at*2b cts less than forme* .1Inlical Rtftr< nets in Connecticut. ■ ■ yds per yard ‘a .i .1 ? u "T St bilii.ns *•>.! n m ... At^ia. uiioh, a. i,. tin- ..til j >r Koderiek ! 300 Coel.i •••. and Man -\:--4t--r of A White Connecticut 1 P.IIIK HU II' Clerk. prices. <'ashiHerca, pa Merrimac, p. int-. the new stele, and will Simsbury, MILLIE KEY D E P A ETM N T ... A -I. a :i tale, ilia .PERRY, E c, t* ...k-»o. 'urti- .1 Perk ills'Ci A >r Oliver JJ do ! iuu .i d ..r I -r L-- sold at 1- u i-. lot) 1 t Printa. at G l-l cts. In Scute;: Crigg Pequonnock ant 11- th« reun. a.-t->ni*hing pri pa, ps It-mh-’.i, ^ well u t!.- J1 t.' \i. t'. -ai... 1 ’r filled with fashionable stock of an < Pain Kill* i*, t all t r*. t r. 1*» I'.Uih r.U ty i'l'.RRY, Clrrk\ and American from 10 t- 2’-. and G-t White i’h.ui.eia. Shay New London do ... < ■: Herman, IIa-gLams tu;» 3-1, l-l, J -i V Vi. >r Kn.-ton do it lin < '■ n ■ < ■ Lloyd waal. it lif.'' ilia ...... , r'tiV*- Bonnets itnti opt..alt* :.;.r liit .au S ioi/tdms, 1 •' I Piko, MD P do l: 1; h .it .rth in -.1..! ST-INX.-VwTILS il<‘ti.-tt.-s, 0, st d -a 3 purelm-t i:i I .•-»<-n t C if) allies A Austen Bristol do -u'ither with a full as- rA il Call* j> e 11 i/l j.i-. and Palm Leaf, and new Stella 1111 all c. u- bo to this V*.. a a.! oilier rcim es that 1 Long Square, C.aihmero, Thibet, Silk, style j 1 b 't K; Wi st Winstcd t Luring dejiai trnont. Abd r»<\ pi;^worth, do \ 11 \\ 1 III. shawls. millinery ork d-me t » ‘a -l U| pi. ’;j j <’:>> and tl iil ..I .. W .1 I, ■! ... >f M- THE NEW' STYLE i I baker Ft«p Liver do | th «■ f //;.-,•• .1 \ It I l‘a 1 ..-uitu- 75t ty V, ,J hivil b Hall Went do >“ attention paid to EON NET 71 Hillers^I'llticrs! '• lviliingly ti t nil l 1-nd fain- SPITI1TG- l.l.ACli 1 NO. :■ WATCH SKIRTS, i( m. > ”• !barle- S Fisa do do Ait 'did .N Uise ! < i.cli. i t t a- -it e ...ii- ■ .• .a in | I ail.-ntnoi of pnrclmsrrs is payn.. t. and ti- w -.w. h .i !- ti. ft >i r.ij X and '1:1* (V-' Irish i K.-Iwell Westbrook do solicited, gord care •» s t t * * ,-ii.y <;,■ Del ads. I/n Damask rs, Linen, Printed | 0i: Mrs. iViurd iin^ .i Spr pY.n-n 11 !y Jill. V.ii at all tines ...... i. F ut the OLD It. iii ta. Ii V.\ \ Mi .- l.i I t;. a a •. a i Fish do <>d ^ !v Linen .Vhirting, Lim a L- n-, an 1 wli'.t- / 'MJ * a .. :i. '-a .r. .Main ritrdtt Nitc Teethiuj. i t Lm it c-j .-tl .n v *; t N U *I.- i.\ t. >. n.l.v. II I-I‘“ 'ii. M dO CT. TO South Coventry do r-'. April, New v I. .. 1- I .M 11., !i do do Fashionable ff lift! Alid health '.»:i It 11 I .' 1 1 —pr It- : ar-t «iv. :-.t .-f A-. .. :im:,« ! i1" •• C3-XjO"V"ES > W ‘*p .. r- t..u« -'il hy «.- HOSIERY, N-ethrop, Sherman do ce+ii, it is w .l» iO -.v i ^ .. .a ^ 11. «»t;i'..K. !•. .. ! \*ljn'r .it :■•. it ill y diver ii Stoddard Seymour do u Cotton Gloves V. in o'- ■ -. til- tl. latt. s.-t forth in Hi. ir Lisle '1*1.road, Kid, Silk, Cashmere and ; White and Colored Mil.i f Mr*. -1 thiiiiT P a o J > a: | | ii'" \ M> !y l’lainville do ClT ... S -I. It i..,- .. A I’utt.m li from G 1 : > 2d eta. 9 la the I i*• a .r V W .Miti-r New Colors, $3, C Crigg Killingly do to L Pr’Ce 1 Ci- .ts a ttlo. $3,00. I, Smith Kent do *'• ■ he di ba! Jewett do r- P- PN'' has rt turned from \ < City just C. 0. Pc'k, ullsw rt:. Wh-.;.--i!e t; K "WOOLTN3- lt Ajj krebibuld Walsh Hartford do ‘"t'_'H with a complete assortment of Perkins, •! ■. .-sold a.I bj.'r '1 jjangor, by German Cloths and I* > shins, (X -l;n : Two.- Ernanctts, Jeans. 1 Kobiusun do do cciu«. 1 Kentucky 1" U 1y- : : .a tl.i- ni V tlart.m, lip,U the I all and inter iMiii 1- Ac .. *. l-l 1 ta-k 'ilk Velvet- :• r all w.-ui, and e-at-m and w- Living do do Goods T^tct. a-tme ■ > Fa-ey cap*--, | *■%. OiVW'ti«in' Ii k- „v ir :.t u and j 1 W t !-H. D » ,1 Fi.-.v rfii do do OSlvisJilEIJ l)f

-- 'iiaui.eev i'i..\vn it 1 to IV :s thirty the I> Farmington do \b» W W \ I •' 1 S 11a:. 130 NAT ii,..'. f. v, Non, Fair llaveu do ETS, 131 li ■ IJOjVS, Tu**Uv \ rv * 1 1C ti P ••• ie- ;■ .n a d t:. r- U.r JUMeher do do j ON iVc%\. mi We- > ". •- CARPETINGS, \v illiyms East ILid-ium do •• 1 he- c « a ... ■■. v ... .f ‘ilv s m f. lm; ih a * ! \‘ •-.• do i Ellsworth, May 0:h. 1*1S r. -i..d may CAPS, Aisn I r:;: t ~' v1 *,e: liah Lank Clteshlro do Tbiliets, ull. 1 iv J>fl.uim-a. ill: ! nt'i.-r lire- ii,.,ds suitable I’.iLhLK ir. t A Vv Cujaan do for ri:iutr,cieri. 1 right (] 6 season. Ladi I'-' FLOUR AND LIE ami’ Ulovca ft -tii --.l 11 f 111- p <•( i.i;rt :!i -ivoii, V ZZruoklvn i a«U JImo. At, Woodbridgc do 0 wiii'nl' I'iuds. Tl < J a f 1 » J’.ihh Ii ( IWUK !.K K. Lit J’l UJi >, it 1 all.a and < tv Hard and Pr--v!-i 'A -*..ek of W. I. Hoods an l k Ware, gcueral JInlical in 1 » A Ml* !: \ \ t t,: Ri'crtn-cs Sew Hampshire. j LADI I-..S lire lie-. n- 1 as coni-1 be f .-r v> .. '■ ■: i. ml T..c a)11-v. cli up bought cash, and i 11 m » !••• -• b* Paine V art f Pr / ■! ■ i- Heap a- an bought in ti,-.- stato 1 Manet.ester, N Hampshire. -?, *s s'II >'•• c 1 •• ST I K l> V*V t!t-« ..I : I!...- 4 \\ .In a.;, A; ,! A h I »r S ti Fevov du L'AJ'S. *.*T would here call the attention oftho-’-e who have an account open at this Simpson | A 1». 1j*.'|.1. \. > t V ii. .11. PI. \ "ir.. \\ .- .a -| pr-,: »r Tiltm Likins West Andover do i ’■ 1 ■ .1; i.. ;.. i.i *- * auu i V !•,■ »■ h the Ub-jl V v. i.~ I.l 1 !.! Ht.! :• V a.. _■ i'-' i, tti.u 1 I i**. -*»piii >r J J WISI.EVKS, J Sundborn Newmarket do ! a id a of 'I\. e.\p*xt and t' a. variety LNK'K KNACKS to prompt papm-:;t )r \ A M- ultero Meredith do nu. i. < i* I U eP us to intntioi. t i •'•e v/ooiij. Ellsworth, iS-V-J. A. UOIilNPOX. »r.J Clin: pei'Nons wishing tc 1 ID ai la i- u 1 1 ’■ April laud Nashua do s y .| il—ii ;t lit. 4 the :-*r P-n; >.• till- ,'i. I.'.tlce tluri ,, w ‘‘.r "'iH do ell to c ull un we are« pr l'.".P:ip- -• I'.: o| >r M'.edy F Manchester do }r‘ detev- .pv thisordfl' U» Page 1 FASHIONS, j t ■" '1' at a »r*l -ril. t*i- I I'.t -. r- -. !:•••: !•> ; •' '•••• 1 "• f mi. 1 M Mason, M \) WiluioitCentre do p price that 1 ■' ■ >. a iii ..m n., -- ,.f •! i. i«r.|. > \.!ni".' miormtothe sir: an With a targe I |-r* I. -i.i, |.rs.ii :m. •; y Ilia) tr at II urrra A\ est Loseawen do .:mcv of the tin es I I.l >.!!>.' .a A ia. .: I tits i'*i Whi Lion Warner f>. UlYLNij & » r: .. ■ 1 •' 1 do .. ,i: .4- ■> •' .. u,. ,r. zmm j hi Is _ b’hu worth, Oet, G. 18.37. MIUNEnV ti-’l I*-I .1*. I -I-,! ••-. the tl I.l IV !.I. -li lt I.l .lu• iF Hopkiui Sunapel d> | Mti _mism ~ If U a* la -I tl.- li k 1-1 f.- .1 a a.-I .» K Keilv Sanlornton do ..... | i %i AND il'- ‘ A a'io;% .» —,f uay t!,.-\ hat.-— ay ■!. .a. ... a rAlIKI lt TI < K. JniL'v. 'a W J’luCtor J’ittoi.eld do j it- >■ .. .1 iti.j ali L Street New pul t do I / a 1. VS. s lot 15- 1' II .‘ ifan 11 New do i Word to VaVN-viN. r UIKKU Tl < K, .fit ly } Ipswich the Wise! ■' ■ 1 & o' IsA15E of Dress a •*. 'I II ad Atr a- .py—u- 't, A A. It Ait ia it, K< ai-!- r. LFOiSD & einsisting Cap*, €©’S, •• Mil to rtl I Siieknoy Uo Dresses, 1 NiX S*^3b V V. a .1.; I’l .• lfl‘1 l.M-it1: i' 11 it :« la t’|. ‘CSlW \im % from a v. and stock I kUi wi.-h Boston, large of \lli"i Tibbeti Alanehe*ter, do ! i person-who topurebaae L. II v. a la .urtli V\ lue-Hlat t r 1-. A r woi.n’f, \ j;<. April d B do do LIA ELK .nrviuru n39RTr?a so tn3?s, A. I* H v Pilgo I 1,111 «<• : ‘i.e n W J■ 11os do do label on tho Utile f»r»l« >f alt 1 ism;, stgnutuieiu m, ! :au:ut.! lluskiu* Lyman do m; ail Veil*. a .r .1 v Fruit, and Ornamental Be handwriting, or'you 1 »I >\ J imposed us are 11* I*. *»»•-.. I'.. 11. I.. .If t’ajiijibell Londonderry do upon, there T R E us u ■•• E 3 il Hubbard cneulutM.g Hitter mode iu •itty, i. ••«. v• 1.1 Lisbon do 1V Ueorgctown, .*.i.l tla:-. X x *..B., beaimg JI. ..S Atae.ds ming* S h i- li b s a if il tl.eir stuck be Fund a assortment of [’ramnn Abe 11 Li.mpster do mime in printed Plants, Among may large j’ Iters to l a id It t h / at th sh st •an 1 Biu.-moro Jackson recommending them the as he. Xian nets Collar- V: 11 people ; 1 .r :r, I’b, in ! b.-rry Tr; \|. iVm T Merrill ! g thesauri brttci as mine, and made ri 1 1 Hampton tj0 from the pttisi 'tl 1 ti 1*4 > .I..,-,;, 4 if i! ;,rti ENGLISH, 1JIK XCII am! (*LRMAN 11 AUdehur Groton !sl nic rcetwpv, u.s I lime Uni informed. 1 a- ly Or l»r» from nrl.'V r- a’.tR.1 t--. lohn At Great WI.imi -ink- tlictiv With a il Berry Falla do '. fctutcmuiits, tiiov promptne** d-Mpa-cit lt ate i: :i! ’Vhidi i* a 1 ! i: 'alvin 1 bu.-v ur at VVt * hall *• N.uM.n u>;ri » : I .«’•••• .r kt] ? opliiT Freedom do ial^fhocd, !ea>t * li I '• /» g' I, 4$ ^ f|T & •• a. liii.-ia kh .-.9 < t• *. li l.’. I r-: vr il vy ,x_ il 'Vil u i*.v gr. the njf th1- »n, i>t 1 i. j> er U j.i A _M_ At C? <> Kas. (jcur^etown Litters m Concord do ■: lb. ‘-.I I 1, .. aiul •. •v m no WHV hkc !<»::nuiiacr May 4;h, lSW 4o,, East J do are « T affray they mad* all color* and ot mo bn--t a l :n -t ft-hi -iu' ! a vie.-. exten- f. -1 u a:,;, lie |J no •luallti-ruri importati Also an l*over do iu way coiweruud iLutnpson 1 1 •! -11 'hew .ni' it i, I ■ ih- sive UhS.-rUnent ut n"1 •■‘•esi hi' a any y v, why ty f» H Mur.-h do number of year* 4- 'x ^ S. C 'i, Vi x V 'i, Si.. p tin r.i si euM i.-.t Ih- grume-1. Cube Curpdcti As value health i.arly IV A M< ek Chinehtster you you. and ««0 that < ■ 1 Grapes ci do uteney PA ILK i.ll Ti K ‘.tv* yni r.n \r vyf ,ri cj v JU ere t„.t '• '''' 1 v l! ii.'i •. t,.ip..M.| ti;...ii A true •• -t— \. \. I-, .mi s It ;!. i.ithv\ have been Balton Brentwood do hy having M'ses s, ■;>>, all* r. f«.-so|»h ..MS rTi-t-aforv ? :.i. W n.ttw:. ;.:el„re.; ■ ef»fe ekF F B CMberim Bath do arai-t >. genninJ a mi •• h •: a- 5 -w §, tu.u. At i*r a.. u *• I '.IV. MV UliU U WHOLESALE ['\\ C.xi'oid do < y. Uvu ],. J-. fur v r.T 11 ... c ..... V., k, 11 il t (* ti ! of I'.c C.i-'.uK'ies 1 V.. f tw- od .< ::;iu.c iu hi, twu baud \ > i*I nl Con-htlng Silks -..aaiu--., nil anj color. with w.itiug, t*r A, H 1' si;!,:! Together ■' y re Jvoii ants, •rtim i.t "1' V !■ R' t'rrcncss in Vtrmont. dcwivil. *‘LVlUi A cumpK-t '*(OilN ■■■' .1-1 Illv -4V!i mi-in.-, s. !.•«•(. i.. V. A TWO >I«. ';. f V I Br< M Hall Ketulair, Mills, j | Whit Swaut.u ^'criuont. ; \ciiU. and Maine, «,!. ti :».• -l.l A lu.. ii Alttuuluciurer oi suid i'.' l>r K<) •-* do gauuiao Lit- a;, 'it U ti !»• a tale 1 >b. '■ SPRING AND SUMmZH \V!ii|*;*1 Hauoy t rrlHSJQlUf, >: .«• K>-!< m H\pri»f- CLOTHING, hr 1. W.dU Hibbard Hollow? Falla d.j •« -in '! II. ar r*’ An. i. h. 11 tf w ». t j'ii: t:.- .us I-m to, |iaefcM ftnil do- tlic most fashionable steles. hr Bewvia T >psham do It. F. AT«O.Ur.s Ai -r u.. k .ftl.,U. tin ...... ,. of hr A C » ith B1TTEB*. !»*:-. .; ; Battloburo do Theu.. t f|- .*nrt l- b I.- I i-n at / v... ;n •<. popart.r remedy for i ii t r*i.. r v si i :ai>. 11, A.t :•;* whi-.h be f. •; 1 Hr II C t'ros.-i Guilford do ! Jaundice may Centre aul till .. V\ I.. y of .1.1'.' V', at !:. H-k III tpsia, es merdviit t .'o.i,,.. F A X c V l) O / : V A' J X S Augmtus Bos? AI D Ludlow do j •. Job l.eonard Winbull '"'b'ri'eit-, or d i.„ tutlo,,,. .. d* •! urthuse A Nil a, none without tho ISVSIXKSS iVm A nignaturo tf Lt'1 1r PXPKKP TI"• ’K J |. COATS, Chapin M'indhain do wool* I A A >t I.evi Burtou West 3*1.» \ truo »py, P. Topsbam do II. H. HAT A «;«*kMt a.. I N I ir- w 1 .r- -Iv CO., S Portland, Ueuttal A•[„.* ■ Pi '• I Flagg M'atervillo do f >r .1/uiuu. «*. -: •■ t- AU'uir: 'ntl>: .t.h, w.ti ai..l f.-r tilth a -.\ a; 1 pr, itti on UUU* tl i ; X * Ha < ft n h \\ I Brig!.am Waithlkld ■V.ld ••tally itirg. a. Is. of u’nty f A ! ROCKS AXI) wholesale and retail C. 0. lliram l)ow I hy Peek, age, | in .a- y< ir of >j ::■ I. >r.l mhtv l, Imndr. d ami l.l- SACKS, nderhill do •r LilswortU. * j I_I *• cf hi K !.. and ricao I .\ .Moore I * ■" I I'-' H\ ! i» In'.1 il-- rlm-itt of tin.- u'-'v.j Made from lari' ui qualities From*!;, lJi\ni leloth*. Salisbury do rSiMftKM 1 J •• I >hNJ A .WIN W. K I IT*. Ill K, ..- I l>- -r ... k I II lb i.'on II Richmond do 1 ■ •: '■ nlaidy-.Jide Globing, na. 1 a It l> All WIN N 510011 .k Co. Ira Smith Monkton do faiam.t..f K i--’.! K 1M l> ,-i „•» ii;v a lap! I t! a ants of th* New i’ Webb do \» Ku^laiul •ttiit.v lire a»> >1, h ula,' pr- nt. I tli- -ain Y ESTS AXi) PANTS ! Lunenburg N it ra*ie out luruurst n>> •- Barker I- nr.f r. I I i.ii tl -.u hveutor v •• there | W rit iuif. Hph >ndouderry do UuyjJsj i, ft im.n-'tM ui-n.'a- .f t!,;. | t„l.,. I Also o.i hand a Putrmm Greensboro »'y. .pc Tin: -'til-crib r may bo mum! at the Offico of, of all stylos au-1 qualities. ham!some assortment do \ /1; i s Fj h llir A H WJaekson Gtrnd Jj.e g- si rli umm goods pubh m U I. ‘Wit: 'tli rs i.i- -i-rv i«-•■- fu all who di eat .L l.l'" » •rib.' ar nt P: .- u .print they may •' JH j\itn>w•>» HiM been ami varied; and th Vrid-* It n-ut in- t;i w.»\: ■: tvi'' i. •;-• Ha- i. .i-i Fairfax do tftave Ur.;* may 1 l’.i't iii£ Ibniks K- "urt to lie lifU at Kb w--.:!. „i sail i, ti.c ;>i 22ASIS3S*I •■O .d tiudMi; with u* a »t t. a i.• ii Mahu-: bid.- sail 15 SEOT ;. IX O. liatiiel Sw’ibi-rn L do Si U .It t- « •< .. ihmls, ot ami all Grange lav «.|' Ju'.. 11\t. at ..t tii- 1 in th b.;*»m?S8 of, 0|Y llav,,fz' received CO.,1 .*r .un in ti. •.: t. W 1) II Rich- just •variety, style e.\u-ul, by «tli* *...! -hear lie .-i l >!•■:* t* il li I'll ami ,i Host,,., their u.i..-i, cause, i; any they hate,why tl.- -*am ; A stock of Our term* ••ilir-t far ea-h appro l.. ... 1 It. it.-liletuiy lai,qc ardson East “-'ir 'liuultl n..t b« pr.-I, appr a i. ami allowed minner, am 1 all persons i :< iiV.l t.. I.ove Jov, bv I .Montpelier do 'ihe mi Ml liberal charadei; a .1 e mi oe ih- .»i ... J ,m th vs ii. umi teatatu' ... ! .- .!. 11 Brewster v aler* t- or ai- niitit are do ^PKING to mu evaaiiaau.a >1 oar wd* u-f ... particularly im1u..ste.l to cal! I Craftsbury g ,.lu.; PAUKMl Tl Hi, .1.1... * Thus .1 Burctt STOCK ! ■etlteir pure ha*..-*. iii'i sottio Chester do A A. iiumcUi.itoly. •< —con&Latin j uf-- | tniac'py— Attest A. 1*4- il 1 -<» B A. -M. (iLlI»I»I;V. CScods, Bagley CheFea do • ! Furnishing Vt a ,, Pi !.*:* I at KIN worth w a I 1 Seth Ita::.- an Benson do ? DRYAM. E 1 — ENGLISH Wailing, Bliss & Co \prt! < •,'.SI.STIMJ Ol— I., & Galloupa, the « ti-.1 ..f n -t'». on the t- ui til \\. In -in. ..( v DOM^STie B Alexander do do ^ 14 Federal and 95 April A. I». lh;.s -1 Sis, floston. Yt Li,.- PLirtlb-. x y (bdjiirs, M rr.i t -, I** C-t II, m1 G-r it-fs, GOODS! Congress 1 l’-i*!Si:irt.••, Prmv- tie P- -f // -II ’-I-. if ii.iu I. : 'S.Mll It* I IN FINE Litvi ami Xu., Ki t O Caption to tub dal) ;i EEvDY-MAUJS i-, lb i \\ Lisle i urca.l, ami I’pbuc—Loudon Cordial f'BoSton, April 7. ISM. lOisB.n \. > aj. U .1 II v, Su.spi-nuc-i liiuck, y lovc.-p IK, various other Gin,! i.f •' Medical Hr, II lia .IV .. 1 .1 » .. V ... S If' ul' tdSebnapp Royal Snhuapp? Woolf .Alonzo II n|[ : it --! Hr.. ..i l.l I c ay .1 l.l, In -ill t'.ll.e Schnapps, Schnapps. Ml a.' 'ft 1-1!' 1 -ai lie- Furchaso no Gin 6R0DEH.3ES liiur-i. ‘ti, j cumiiNCK g hoy i:s. put up i,,' buttles .under Uiu a Fire -»xJ 1/ tvi' T.-.ii l.l .: ! ... said above bull] Premium Works j ; !?, with label? to men- •< claiming po-vc p.r .ksville .mi ... n- // ■.,. t v*it a la a -.-rlmt-nt of T<>ji ical properties, ’I hoy arc all colnm-ll mix..I AT WllOLF^ALK AND law t..e p-.t iivmoals IS.-iuess Gin, , KF.TAU,. I OKDKHfcb, 'jniH'i Coats, up in imitation of call-.!...: a -f put my Genuine f.r I *• « ’- l.utep 'twl l.y .;-v thi p.-tmtm ...> Schuapp-, /10Ll» MhllAL award I v t*» 'I -. .'■! I) s ( the of th i'<>i.rt th'T- in, t-» be .1 '.hr' weeks »u f'r P uul 1 purpose deceiving public. chain. -’ A-> ..ill hi. f- .1 A M > t. Ii ■ t.\ X Saddler’s and Silks. _ u,, ... ■’> I FLOUR, in .Ii .1. -1 in H Embroidery UOl.Wtu MEAL, •lor the beet win, U it, u .v, !• :i ,.t \Vi'!i WOLFE, PyrolJChlii S, y 1 StVii*!.. IIIT.It' L-HniUMltm. s -i'-' lb' r> tie y tuny Pr..!-ata C.'nurt ..' I ... f J.OOI), --, A" 11 5 Silk, hr !’. :,f at: l X •/ Gy to a< trnmodat < 'he Ladies. Sole uumufatturcr and ot' *!,0 FORK, Lilt II.- n I.I-- only importer St, SAIs” KUstv .rtii, .n '.it-1 .. -a i. t’.iml of ;iii4^'. -I i:i. lit b* I.1 1 Gll-Vi :, the 'leuuino SehicUum j jmi_'. -.If "’c arc al.-.u p;\-;a;cd p oulcr, in lieu teat ftud in.v.-t woe ;. ;;u like Schnapps. BBDJCEi) Jutie ii. xt,a( I-.*.* (.'• ■ -k A. .: I ii tvi-1! we.i an at all t b« P-lI-JEi ! 1-uu l at -toro. luanuncr. I they have, t.'i-e ! ml tiK-.:i b an .1 be '»ui t -r ei Diipl ty- fir public celebration* ,f ihe Fourth why pr..,. [-.vilm-v f .-tu -t m, r- tin b* -t run SALE IV BOSTON Mr ,'*,UV Kranted. P\K!\KU ii luid, .'•pit „f U!| j ; "... Huriilllg .fur ii4-i -d Ir.-m *lb t, $.tus>u, *„ t K,.l-a.i. b- i. n ie i... m:b U the LsV.iAl-b Ubi; : T II T’.icha d. .v Si and hi a true 1 Km i-t- •- Sons, State street sui ul.-r amounts copy,—A. A. I'.. rr. promptly mu.-acrid. Add.... I’iUCiD lull A I!. Edward Oodman A Co, !IS State street. Sam'l SUtud, u r © n &t®m lie fine ea t <; At »V '■‘•»rt Of Pr .1 ,.!■• nt .. Cochrun A Co, III) | Imi.ltn pas* Congress street; Weeks A Pot* , mty of llaac on >\ ., .i 121 JAMES G HOVEY & c-a, A; .mm*tbe .- th>- -b *b--u. cvand ler, Washington street; Seth !i 20 CO. A. I'. lvV>. scientific Cutters intiioCoun- pecker, | J. "W. SMITH & CO. Elm street; A L ill Wo. 14U W'ukinjton 1 :,ci ‘.attl *a- it vrwrk dt. Cutler, India street; Wilson Street, Poston. W Ill X» A Jiiiinistia’ -r of tii- s' if f .!> try, ouga .-lightly j ‘"ge'llier w„i |» IvhKV, 1 uirhtuiks A Co; l.ts, LtborahtrU- at'.r.dr .1 lir.g-.t.. M.„, D-ek Squire, coimr cl Elm Street, Carter, Cnlcnrd A Preston, llao- ions kinds h “ uierau l Portia,,d V^va- Kii i, im. led—ham-.' bis final .f a.lun... trati -a Let one ms; Harr, Foster A Co. 1 Corn- luttaJ *“ » 1 presi-nfed j thing be under.-,toed— t lil grueery *U»i® W- sanl -u’s BOSTON. distinctly lull. A Wm A St' T>Al Phil NOTH upon ectate far Pr .lute; lirewer, till A 82 Wash Oj.b I t. o il„ A li..ini-ltiif ’■ ha* i'.1, riie uoticethenofto '. i .Maieh 21*, lb58. 10i*Jm we ’no* treit; A lhJ provision been mil- i>v th- 1 that will sell (loads than other court-rn hi town. Slluusiield, Jlilkstreet; , persons int r*-n'l, by cans n-j a copy of this r- to tht-ajirr anj diuois 11 " I*oor of this town, f..r the support f .1 Ha. be .r-• *> ■ ■ k s .- sw-h in the l.l 1 h>N.—’1 is in J f “» kinds towu -r; auI ail ! pul'U-df'Al 1'A* it .11< a all i» imm.s will l'aup person* tkrf. :v 1 ^ pur- 1 \m> iv..Mj 'i at in Mi'l il h .1 I aud ■’ &,r ..uruish .r |>r. Ilsworth, cuuuty. !• ...... a ood», tho hi, any *upp.rt iu».,4uu iv o *0 *, 1 Out- XE\V stock will be sold at SMALL PROFIT. Our OLD II*.... at rr lhan r; (-• lw ■ « of saal Stay .i held at l.l I', l-.|- ,i i.- t m s- I, Ui t. r® "ask to P®Ki town its u» such wui» «-u 1 ^ -Jo, you give us at '".‘i*’3 ****,'”’ m to third l» tdii.-s ■ .1.;:, at t- »l t.. cl iso., It able on me lir#! noom JOHN j lay \t, t of Jan. A. l». Is ,S. sijjm.-d stock AT COST. Udeavor tou:,s MII.LfKhN, in the 1 papers! you tv.' 11 11 w H. N. M JFAiil.ANii ( Oviivt.M toreooou, 'Jj- caus if any they have, why m *’> 1.‘dil li*. .o-iima Tm..-.son. A.- ..atfc u it i-.-cviv iuL 'o Vi*>t 9 R>'i:va>s. fciukSk Hals AFFLICTED 7G ST A TE ST.. A» ’/■»/«/ Roston, THE CBADEE SO^i. OF TIIE Ljt« .«!», March «3.1 Si> IK fiUSWOKTB! oypo'ttc In r'g ard to procuring a substitute ♦* > POttii. 4 FT Kit an extensive prrt'' ;>- f r tbe as a cattle and feed, JOHN S Conti.•’••• « potato pig ROBIN'ON k UaIX PEARSON. Awards of twenty yea-*, Ha-k I 9a&Q.»t bear to m* thee, ab- w we have long had a favorable opinion of A < M t'-'-l a STOVE A TIN SHOP Patent? in the Tnitad btreSch hands in 1' thy tiny vaia; Coanw'llors ami 4tlorn* at 2*u\t. * * whore ho am and other countries. Taveat-. the common Jerusalem artichoke, as it is bckw ( Inner * Clark More, may C. G. P H foreign h w K, * no bread to gut giro thee, ells*l*rtii. Hancock me. te found at ail time* with ai an assortment •cti< it*, :.f-. P* coustt, good a FREsII L“T \isignnn called. It docs not contain so much Has recently received ** •’ ■ child, to ease ;hy pain. Office, Water Stieet. lor Patents, executed on libcial t- rut- i W ,cu 0*1 seat the first to bias* me, farinaceous matter as a good potato. If DRUGS, iMEDiCINES Si PFTFUVERY. dispatch. Keaeaicnc? rude i..t. Am* a class .e th# ut Patent# k*r.-‘od and ri antfui too, was 1, toast d it w;il not "crack open so mealy LOOKING STOVES aui all c»her article* usually kept in first eijta w**rk*, tu dele run alidity moth miND 4 .>r Invention#—am t.-er adv ce »• M**«.rtU Xu -, my daruiig. I thy r, ~JUSKTH l#.. as were ever offered for «ale in this where leg as a first rate will, but otherwise vicinity 1 potato it. ■* matters t«*uc n * t;*® A llDuSt long to see the Jk he will sell at I- wer price# than tfca same quality its ingredients are much like the MERCHANT c H i.' Patent n* l*o!l»,.— thou art vrry TAILORS, A Store! a.iy Bleep my darling weary; of Stoves can be in the County. splen- Drusr bought :: w t a: u \•fi.niii' iJt» lee- ;t. it ..S' and we think it better -AND < UK has p n Land the larg God .» but life is potato, vastly did a#< rtaicut f Parb-r Moves of various pat* _/ good, dr^-arj. i' »n :n N. w .. ... This nlv pt Fng- es. ems Franklin Steves f wo d or r/*- .* -tel stock f Ki'iCNh' Agency han soggy, half-d scaseJ potat. anp Cylinder f* r art lai.1. i.ut ti.• n_t. it invrjo id* atitnge? 1 hare *atc’«*"i thy beauty fading. Dealers in Cloths, Clo'hing, kc., Cc*»l. b*x and with and with, ut evens. v iirtd in this village, and c the ana’- Air-tight > at* ntat have new. It*' *. e. t-. «**.> ?ta.. tin ; And thy lureugth siua day by day formerly published fire Frames. Mien. Ash and boiler M< ulh#. hit mi .-.t O' fresh mid ’mg I*’, ility Xcit Door Mine Sior>. :1 t liuUita- uu- c or cf Whinny's **?' of Medi- ,,f it.*, nt- u -litpa' Iiv. ju boon, 1 know wiil Wait mod Fever ysis of ti ashes, inorganic portion (!•■*«. iii t.ct every article found in a hr>i class rtmeut Mill j*TBt.FT. Ki.LSW.itTH. 1 t- which can be ot’nnd them 1 A't. icaiid LitcLeii ware-itH-m. Idv supern any Take thy tile away. the artic .oke. We are been le- fuinidiiug ct ties use*, b '•'-•?* get. ei with again :■} elsewhere The t*-tain- nia!« l-clow given prove father Fax:- a* makes U.y reckless, n in led of this re- N MPsONlAN MEDICINE?. • « • 1. AT THE PA-' subject by reading UK. t. R. PATENT \ Fd teat n. ne t* MOTH M I>"1 11 >,*z ha? left b>>th hita a< d me; SttMtl, -nt--itb-r and a? SCC- marks over the signature of “Lowe,” in 5 a?11 If TEAT Of FM E than the W e could suffer all, my H Y SICI AN ANO SUR6F0N. uniting and Horning Fluid, i’i.'M'l "1 A »• V \ NTAtiEi baby, lb lE" I." THE P.EVT JOHN W. the Working Farmer. (a little car than wdi >• stuff*. HILL Pumps, citeaj M P- rs. 1. vl we but a crust for thee. Residence—Zebuion •N'mitb's, cor. !laoc<«n to prove, tpspectfojly Ct-unantiy hand, and :uauc order. Stave 1 kii •!-. Currants. Rubins ^YTOt'LDW two ers. s, ice all «Ttr..r. kind a.e the f« e* r- *• rth r,nd God :: good, but hi is dreary. the results of analysis of the roots. removed to Granite Block, near the er i*f the charges profes-ioinl r>< of KH«w* rhioity that L# ipe. lama: !ri-h Ab*.-.-. Pickles, Confection- to lianc-sck Bank. Nuts, vico? s>' m< derate. The immense uf the usir still be f.-un 1 at the iate strid v.1 Hi 1.1 ;.s follows: entrance Tin ware which will be s. f r B*ukles?r hopeless my <>\yde ■ been in this u.*rktl aad Salt Kiituin Arnold'? Vital Fluid Atw- d'.- All necessity a journey to to pro- equalled (cvtittuy Ptaftvbfic acid 13 16 13 27 Ellsworth Oct. 17th 18it». syruj Washington, dutabilitv. Bleep my darting thou art weary; ALBIoN k. P. U are acid * 27 2 TO NT. Ext. Daudeli' n. Brant’s Purifying Extract, l ull? cure a patent, and the u*ua! gnat delay there, Snipboric .AN ti.e Grnc««ce Midland. (Irani*# God i» good, bat lift is dreary. CliWrioe 3 14 1 97 * blood Dreen* hjo saved inveutoj* Valley. SheritT. £ ! u sarsaparilla (John). Day'- Purifier, Deputy — State New Wyrld. Ob be..Air I'.osinn Viatar Mlwa 1 52 13 96 y Indian Panacea. Hay’? Huui or syruj-. Iiamjt-n'« TESTIUoNIAI.*. Tsgbt. am with I wasted, dear, hunger. LONG 1SLAN D. M E. " •• and Ilft. n with and witLaat ala- ti ± Vi V* table Tmctuje a sure cure. .Medi- the time I the rffea cf O.m- (.Yoking Moves, The writer finds one serious *,2’*-:* P gt Kennedy's l»uring occupied Aud my brain is all opprest, objection, m < £ rated Ovens. 2 P g i -i~£. cal Discovery, Aiorse’* syjup Yellow luck, “id- tniasioner of Patent*. 1.. h. Eddy. K*q., cl 1 ?- to to tbe the arti- I have scarcely strength pros thee. and only one, culture of Humor Peruvian Pad- tea. did business nt the Pat- nt n- S* hotter ALBliN K.P.LI NT. 5 :i«* .r 5*2 ; Ul-U*' ways Discovery. s_\rup, SHIP’S CABOOSES, Wan and feeble to my breast, choke. and that is this—if the tubers ob- Resolvent, llhodc-' Fever and Pure, There were few. it Justlee ol the Peace and Quorum. s £ r way’s Ague procuring patent#. any, uSo o' ersnn* had so ninth and Vessels' Store* f all witb aw ratieoce, baby, God will balp us, tain full ot the soil, it will be sands’' Jfar-aj-arilia, shaker Sar-ayarilla. Town- I acting in that capacity, who site*. together possession LONG ISLAND. ME. * Death will come to you aud me, send? Mid Dr.Jiu*« bs. McMunn’* Elixir urine? be!"re tha Patent *»ftc* and there «»re endlis* variety of Parlor, "tea, hraullin, y.'ia, difficult to eradicate them We ?»r*aj>arill», fully. Airs. Min-! w .- S... Shaker none who c**nducted it with mure skill, and der, ln>x and Air .M«-v«»», all af akitb w Uc will take us t<« Bis Beaten, ^ of Opium. thing **yrup. fdelity Tigl.t K — g — s M at.:i I Mr a* «-»• «•! tha b -tin- shall **•!I for cash ever. admit this to be an and tbe w a im> Extinct Valerian. jl-.-n’? Dr- succe??. than (Ynstai Where no warn or pain can be. (Til, only t. n \T N’euro; p-. regard Eddy cheaper i|y Dr. Abbott A Litters, Peck’s Jaur.dice Litter* and formed and must skillful Patent Solicitor# ir. the on han-l a l;tr;-c rfunnt of Enantltd. I.'ntaa ?le«p my darling thou art waary; one we know of. nnd Counsellor Attorney nl,La«. siFfirtFi^ mn&r Fife'? ludian Bitter-, Atwood- Ph\-i- Tinted States, and have n<> hesitation in a*.-uiing mi. Japanned at.-l Tin Mure. Zina, r-hast I. sad God is but life is some we Vegetable g..*d, dreary. As for this, will M compensation ELLS /ORTH, ME., cal. Br xvn's s.tsaparilla and I mato, Clai k’- sher- inventor? that they canto t employ a jers- n more I. id l*:pe. .ve Pipe, Chain, Cast Ir*a aad ci e the two one and two .it?., Root arid at.d tru-tw. and m**ra k of * 1 ire Frame*. C)v«.n. A*b aad Bach the plaint, that late and ear’y. following properties :—1st, Will girt b.* attenii'jr specially and promptly to the co- ry Mine, Ijmgley? coiujictent rthy, caput, I per Pump* Bailar, leciiiMi Uatiued. Herb Bitter? and almost other kind in use. their in a b*nji t »< curator month*. and all kind* f articles foaad ia Did we listso we might hear It will, from this very characteristic, be- every putting appli'-afi'-n? usually lj'i.itfioe o*. 'lain St. next Door to C. G. I’.-ek's Halm of Thousand Flowers. ('- Id Cream, Flesh them an early and favorable c..n*ideratn at tha a st'-ve i-tablishment. CHh; beside us—bat the th under come a itself, perpetual crop, planting JSW^LEY! balls. Rouge. Ac.. A. Ayer's Cherry Pec- Patent Office. EI».M I .N I» 1.1 IKK, JOHN w. HXLI-, a dulls our ear. Liquid Of city if a O. r. *e aud planted upon piece of waste lard L. 1. l/OKKK, DUMN, toral. Allen’? Cough Loiengers. Brant's Pulmona- I. Comr■:*-i"ner of Patents.*' Ellsworth, Feb. ■», 1Sj$. I Every heart, ‘.ike God’s bright Asge?, • not much needed for other purposes, be- DEPITV Silt It IFF, WATCH MAKES AND JEWELER ry Lai- ill. Clarke'? Cough syrup, Bachelor's Hair [From the pre*« nt mini—ion**r ] Can b.d one su;h sorrow cease; Harrison’s Hair biuiruent? *>f all sT IT. b the time I have me Dye. Dye. i.i—l'um.g c.uklrea et more valuable on this account. Maine. KI I.SWl .RTH MK 'AS ! \\n Tin- God has glory when his Buiksport, kin-1-: barnev Mu?k C- ! -irue. Larnv's sbavine held the office f futmui«si*-ucr "f Patent*. 11 if. ( HIOIIRST PRICKS lii! f If If* aixl W .<1 SW hr Brin; his p-or ooe> jay and j-emat! 2d. The writer above-named says the Cream, Hartley's \ Vrbcr.a Water; .Ayer Sugar Eddy. Eaj.. of If."ton, ha* ben ext--nsivtlv « u- V. ,• i*, A If Hl.s. CI.O, KS and JEWEL. -• VNIEL wL.k I. U, f)lund» CuMrriui? Wings' in the or state; and he a I F 3T, manship. just received ami for sale low. Consisting green dry say Shot Mr Ped Pr t M'-hi s Herman Pa the law, and the rules ul «.f theoflic, — ! Pug>. Ply practice a llixot k COI N MAINE. iu part there .s mill now in the market rw. Salve* and Ointment.* >1 kind; and I him a» n* *>• rh? •»...»/ it an .« u <..-m A 1VATI0**L PETTICOAT. capable Urn ii< 1. ami Silver Cate Matches per" every regard -i/*/- U liicv uver II. II. Youn'9 Hunting of corn-stalks as fine More, Ellsworth. cvtrv other article usually kept in such a Store. praetict :>*tiers with wh<-in I hate !.:»d--rh-i.ii inter- that cutting lengthwise Exposed dial. £n. Tb- latest novelty conaes, •iU •it t course. i'll As M A>*1N. J. Gl .J. ller. as the stems of if desired, A >'■ ami"*. Mi *aie. Pair.ud. Scroll ami Fruit Was born across the channel; timothy, C->:nim<.*u u* r ».f l'utcul*. Sty lc l'u.s. with Ear Drops to watch. f.'.to »•/, / tn tn v k7 rtl I’err/ar./i The little Queen, please the Scot*, which would suit in a similar STAX < F i.iAll* Dos ton. Jan 1. ISj^.— 7. w «muoi *t., Utawor.d Kings. 14 ami is carat Plain and kilted in red flaan-.i — of Tarx-i k i. ><>«•>!. v. 4u«ruata, > Was preparation the stalks of the Jerusa- Chased 't-ue set ami Svai AND PK.W.f'.nS IN llloniry A < oun-rllor al Liw. Kings, i.ii.g*. s lem if are to d it and li Sleeve our shore artichoke, intended Iscaratg Duttons, th< I And. prtnto to happy they EJlsimrth, haine. t*poo following ind, FEFD. IN!. PUWl l . t. flit g Id. to be »**«**• d in aiy !"*:■, ta**« *Mi.rnt« f-»r The wonderous passes; be used as fodder. might, he tiding, They < over lustin A Chute’s ‘.0 •tat -tax wore mail* to an a. f tie l.-.iv iturv appr •* tl o’er ry*Office Store. T have 1-con suffering f--r se veral year* w :tb a Xo. ST Cummrra'al Aui Bn-iudway’s part is checkered thinks, be thus treated in the fi hi before CLOCKS, o.i tin twenty vnn.nd day M .:•••. )*> z Street, V ANVfcK ol the most k;r.'1 in uir fl -uxi lassies. * malignant my With boaaie h\ .*ht Chi.. .r liMirir b vks. <> (Ili ad "f Portland dried, which would tbxi-* mu h fa- In th ut llw. k. w* Pier.) being c \lvTn p joy. County icr tip. Any and all remedies applied re t in- n and hie mu-t have been l.a-1 I Once in a way why can’t we hare cilitate thorough ••saving** be for ora :•=*. No.l North Tliiry ui use, my “acrificed, I‘ O K T L A X D ME. * > N -.7. 1 *-e go 4) notion ? ) F P i V *.» F J ••na wentysixd ilar-.f-R\ cU, i)• t heard olra-lbitl cure* effected a A truly yankee —Maine Farmer. by phy-irian K J W N g. N 1 .. u -1. .1,. go U MIH.JH 10-Ij p DULI*. in " estern New ^ :k. Thinking it my la-t Nor such profound allegiance pay N .t. ii--. v to-j-e HXr.'iViiltTM, ■' finny 1.1.«, I vis.tcd him; -"ibmitted t->!us which oce n ? N 4, do. tw. d- l. '•» perati-n. To fashi »ns cross the to i* Tloriy !ur*, Important Farmers.— V i* is the I a but qua l- r;j» ii r:h V*. -1, J*.«. d 0 *A only applicate simple intensely TV La* ccali he finer now than this cal agriculturist" publish s t* i & np north of No 4, &. ! -r«, t» •.* v •.eetl'j. plaster, and the cancer was drawn c- t-i- Kb N N,ut*. hi .,?u w v : 4 *, i\ y from irume, Th<- und is healed, Ay^r!~ mark no how ,i my (An 1 ye dashing ing: No. Ir. Mi.. •*;•<* —.ZTT, and I .ivc in w. lit the st tw e-r token whit and siightt inge A*r%- T.” It— *»,»* A pi-ricoat, red, blue. No. 10, adj .-; ub ... Sixteen ! 1 a -. If land worn o..t ami C.irc was your appears \ imy t»ouI -!e* 1. that « With silver star* all flushing ? i I,' o 'J :1 A r 1. ..pMo • IjMr-t' « d ■ in* ;JjLE 1 ett.l ..fc-i t ■ New \ and .1 c. ie r. overworked, you may be sure you bavf ■S IJ l. N gl. ?•.«*- ! liar*. ik. ruble -t. ln< fr..n, imr-urlt* f thv ikl >r ... as*.a the i*-et ! tiic a-.ur Fifty A. I*. a- ’■ ban Js. tb'-m out of ■ ucrgiibor sa id. Ktriihaiu With star* and stripes around tn. krfp pi- -,f t-.'»• it.-t m.trkalilt* in* No. 34, do. Thirty ti ..g • ar* found to cmt man* tan their»-» beb-w. 1 e cure- in How fo catch wca2els — Iiun at. *1 f p:; ration ever discovered, f-r N" •>,'>. M.ddk- I’ivi-. ii, Tl irty two dollars, J J U* appea-s by *{)«• ■ f « ,.c a be- i. n- unct U c- <• N o.'. do, hirty xix doUats, | in plet* by ru;« taut • r* *f(* atv~tr«r ?■- -ill * m« rm on,* » 1 ■ tb'-m. (idlJ t ill! i". -i.'i- 1 I’. i.C» 1*1 *.'*!•'N A it V CONSt MPT1"\. N a N t«« i- -- lti'j£3TIOSS To Men —In 4". ., uetjr ! liars, yg y-’-- h.' -ui the per-u* < f nv t -.t may Cia:.a. of ib^r ri*< It iu th' ir ri -f ( A.IIS. of I'nl p.. SlRENr.** No 41, .I ,.tr*. jg y w How to raise *• Twenty »-■* :* h -j, young Lc4»inc corn taut 1 avt t> 'ii promi-ing ,i u-ndenev to that /Mad and 1 «> taken ut, cn 1 th ‘•r -r .*.!•* »•' -I k at home turn out pr-'. Aighty cent*. m also luruisu ui-rienl atft 'vbir.c*- an a •• :in, eu.’h as Fob aud Vest d->.. .. merely by Long Guards, ii«r tiatc;* ,-')v-s va| freely, and <***n- Brad i>ne 1 *a ury's do, d"lur, pnys.cmns --t sia.oli f-.r a.iv w ... n 'Fo raise corn—Wear boots. .,••• g--e*d ,e a n’- tight .> *ck Chain.-, Ac., Gold Seals, Keys, slides, Hook- V / .a :.v •imtly uj«»n the l.-'us*. lVnd and We*-, m d cents c?Otf, g. pleas >,Twenty me- to rat-- .1 i- solitary evening pass I t-o .. a k! Air Pa*-a -sta the opt u;«.n .t it. children out of the orchan a variety of Gold Pencils, dc., Ac., develop- Western d i. f.e**n cents, V 1 ,NT, *?* I.tvv.H C.JNi. L iI VTk. advise who Keep you* n .f M'eiVs iii tin? ami n unicatioi.s a-.d.t*-t (- I w V -arnestly any youth Iung«, Little r-jiruc- // -a A rty c*":«. 4< do, / !• r*' e a/ yew )\~t r\in arid de- while the buds are 'Tit *r s /ffcnitig ■<•»•« causes the matter Pond do. One dollar evut*. 1 <* -oil. .\iai.,t where I *i..t „i t abode of bursting—they migh »,\ly ■■ purity, peace liosotn Pius. h a in I t* al.:u .hiy ad>; t*l ti their to eri*evt-«n»ud without dilbcoHv .and Calf do, Oned >l;ur, lie W'lt-C. i-,., to a hurt. ;t .. an i:. nt. I.rit I Jiii! th it Uorflital s paternal home, acquire get ojeh as Mosaic, Caiaeo, Florentine. Swiss Paint- effectually heats the ulcerated cavil} West Black do, Tw-tity -nte, gi ’-latch J e the t.ucksjx-rt. 1..»• \r%\—,|. Tb** h**a In my of 1 iUicts r-ugh. «uMu»*s the night Last IP*. k d'.. T* c and At way fattening h^gs—Tun Gold Stone, witn box and Scroll Pius in nty uts, >r m r- reading writing. every Cheap igs, • w*-:vts. the h Ttic fever and the i'*‘1 «dT--;u9i f«w tb* rur» of belttmt <***. chill*, 11ac*n.tta d *, c«- >, 41 rtat A select assortment of Gentlemen’* F-*rty •**' ’!.*u nit l» 1 rail them into cornfield even vjrirty. ms-.res the t hi! ;» m-nd>n. I *irmr*iy .ere he reside let him your uid h-alihy functions «ImI ll.*r'«»r d •. t ::hi i« a. may long, neighbor's Mxty us, i-t i' »• at • Pins, such as stone taiJ Pins, Masonic do. • he of the Udv. A <«>• !-nxfh pnrvattr* whkh ta vurtfej Crosses, organs trial i»f Marshall** d*>. ‘u»- d -'iar. 1 *,► as Ui* couie-.-1 ■> Ik n and th* to make his aitract- night. m-'-* r«» tk li IJ rn. iP'ttiin ;«“>*pl*.** will convince ibe % a**y y apartments *pe»-dily <»r«*c So v F...y ill*. l>- — How a -k f s ami 1 as fur he to cure bolts in horse—Shoo ptical aaionishuif efLcacy. Pi(J«i » d. » > dollar "g U I>TNP*Pni\ Inhioritio.h. •tj comfortable ; liar In the year 1- 1 -.i-t.-.t * ... possible a 1 *tl> cine*. Kings. its saje-r'i -i.ty to sp BKNJ. l» Pni'K. Tr-j ur-r /**•■* L* Hmrt J k»iAX. q/ st. l„„m him. kcr * i o.i ;u ,.r a w.,i— a i-ste ■: k V A 11 ay.a jn reference to Uk r,l little extraordinary expense, Knobs and Drop* Mosaic, Cameo, Florentine, CmT! TS* P’1'' * n v»r kn> I i*r ,t h »■ *«*n ; n.« ha** b*v« ■ t- .• .. r% Sl Li I» virtu- of 'his CT d'fnvtV Gold ."tone, Gold Ear llooks, v •U »•»« '»«'*•»•* <1 ha' n>.- tul am stowed at the to he econ- Ac., Wires, I they beginning, Extirpation 'of Moss from Mead *-*l!.i* (‘••ran •-...o ,i a » ..*■ *va» pr ved tt cd silc. -.c.... r, t. u» n ** i.v. I. m» n>Kit* Inn Ho Stud.-, Sleeve Ear Ka« or, »ve.— l>i«rtn . : !.a»; ! pmlbrlt »r« ih«j Duttons, H- ..i •• -n '*• w. t the end let him read the books fr*e lr in l-n re h:.v tea wn nfdui.a ■ i,. ,,^u *..* a I* !*•’ n»-n»«t uf in. Iisuta m •»*!«. that ; ows.—!n the Journal of the Dozen ,,.,j j, th*y***m Agricultu Twenty-Seven ot llie '.Ikai -1« 1 c ta. a-y u err-ii t*. ra ut* n th**;»i a! u* I ha** rtirol a-m* Nit f 0-; ale*! cb e in i.r Wj- d .1. Pmu mg »eu.«ati- i.« until U.t- .tar 4y» of the in which he » »■ whtjjr .a.nguage place rul of salt is recom ri d i>r miactai au I y of v..Jat;ie, pr*>J *:• 1 **i-/rtf -■* *rrh them, •Lifh Sad r**i«;-:rfe* Society Hanover, PllUi’. Oil A' giew Wd« at*c u.u d » DOLL) ..i .» l>, oJ.ATUa i.tpl-.iy, never FINGelR RlN and. above ail, let him retire I- mended for this It is seated u t ur* .* u.c a''v u»e.i *Ug in Ulf lulW ttisj in- it a >1 v'-.n f purpose. comprising as perfect an assortment a* can bi n.|era Ma rt*"taJiA •» ona- .a •• ic ■ !..••'. mi. t. n I I' <“t ahu h u writing p;;ge orig- have efficacious severs tound. Gold Lockets—thirteen dilTerent size;— iuti-ig puni V \. hr I ii 11 (HP! 1N mil., I ,s *, it y mN«!iim*nJ Uaa proved during ar- o-n L :.ed i--' i«i ir ri .* f- lh--y i.a, .ri.., \ I — mments on what he has seen read Gold I III' oil is th*: l* »ii* •. dy in t* w rid f-r i|i ft*'updat'd up bJ 1*1 S,c Ste-r I Ll -\* rIr. llTHENTERT — I>MKBM'Et RbLaX. salt sown •Spectacles, Pens, Thimbles, bracelets, Dead.-, -1 zj inh iiH.. h su u. a i.i :*.- on.’ trial. This is broad compel ■curt •* *< w Do > ut it out I the I years’ footh Picks. | f.ame ut in t c.l ctii-g a /rum 0, J ti I/m. •« k.OI^* ;q This habit will -i. n- ard the Ke-qwctfuliy, (ri. Luriito,- d *• day. and in a few after its *j,.i cou-j-iai- *. li cure, a- it re-c lum-.-ncd a Pill* ha** lui'i a *rta' in c»st. weeks 1*> Hovi-ton t?t. » .<• U. l-o'.. ft-»i As-.iv r.'1 wcilii.., j.-u ,;. ... Tf**ir i«h*2 -rtrttm Mkd f appli T* u d < P.i .. F. ran.;-. *-uj'. 1-*. S-, r.-ta or :i»-r h \ n. r*‘r*m a* *• ct i. h »t -n* .a** I.,..;., nim to observe and discriminate ; -> I *u«- and ? ve p.t time A U<*ni t,n. I «•** I-irvc.Hu.s iu i. OenoHii accompany -• ty I cation the moss and !< Silver 1. A v i«, s heath) begins f «.ltd. 11k.r «it*i*ti»e iV' th h»*r ntak** thata each kHge. Phi- ?•* >. ... wa d W havi h eii cu td a to read with a (n*i :- u » i-- igut .g until. dot for a man ceases desulto- 5- r*-»■*.. c N j', -.!*<• Lr m • •ffrlln-t a in li ;i«r|| |tl is in it! Lever, Anchor and Patent Vertical rs -- r*nvmly t.nall J*»*N f *f t*i "Wt wither, and Lepine, All ord by rna.’. os -*. a-1 •mpamed by ’.lie mote } c -i.cer hax »• cmco shortly destroyed; l-r*. .*». ill- ui .. Cai.k- ii: a: a d r: -*‘»* tham ry which is utter Watches warranted. i»t ?• will be attend- .- *n;a'-oiat|ii| ard mind, Table, Tea, promptly v t ■ ■ wandering sweet grasses aud nutritious -o, _fi|-i. «. a• ,-d I *i. i. ? T al an ->u irn. .» • the u- .rj. ,, • •'t * ■ place plan:, -b i*all»ltati .•>. pe.ul by iil?. arr-ptaLi* and cwu«*ni*nt t tb* uan .t aui F. La. ’•? xi >■!- *• sert, Cream, aud Mustard N/VO.VS, Agent, » a waste of time, when he knows that an ac- Sugar .>ult, Pal*y. i*l Mi:.y k-e, | J a. li-jrt ur.i, T h aa drew me at. c t- i. children make their and the Oltice, N 0 v;;.fc «;r>o t, p.a-tt-i mp: ui m\ breast appearance, herbigi of extra fine silver. Also, butter and Fruit M»r Ache, N.-f«>. ■•s.iveiK-s Uurii*. >-r-- it ,i .* he has Die »id '*Uth leaving an sea. I us* iw r;.r.e iMftttNAl. coont of ail the information which (•Jjljwsili: Church,) *-• ubi--ng OhHTRrCTtON—Wf»KJI#—PPItMHloW. on the salted is relished hi Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, eetl.i II in rr ...^- At.*.- *;.jf N •. 1 spots greatly Napkin King.-, ■1 whi :i. ha* i.rah-i >. P' Jl-a mass e.i ChiU.'ai f-!’• r. >i. ir-st d pt. :api-liv aving n-• -ting, K Stwart. aAo ;ov*»i a* • and trm«t be written at Pencils, Silver a\a- B:Jji'U. Breast*, Feet. F.>r to use t (twelve doten.) Spectacles— -•« *.l a w f^-etun gamed night.—Clay- cattle. It is warned not too mucl a d A-•’-i", lit,.!-, •: se« i.,.,. 'w.nge pxiu ,y ki.r I whatever | cw:i ui to all For sale all abb* ami Ch«p|*-i any ** on ricty suit ages, Extension Pen.-and Pencils, by respect Druggist* ht-fil F f u! t.* c.f tv lary* il<«m m«r Pituh lak*r. at tb* ton t Sketches 1 aid painful, lr. t:» > artici- .» -r br-.u.-h; Id r- :h rec.-mun-i.ti al- .hat be tr ulded Biography. else the itself is th« iu the l iiugiy may ar* salt, grass injured; Fob, Vest and Guard Chains. L"» d* ten ApoJbec.trics mud States and Driti-h w. pr tim*. |*MMitri uf ti.* aiturtl i« *» Keys. 4*’-- |> •>* that wild-, i.s x peri'C.!. in ?r- *••* */ in measure silver warrant d of the best Pi evinces. u»e- partial!* *nppr*-«a.*t, proper is English Thimbles, quality. twenty Uii.mi*-s-—lias t^*-u i.y tl. >u-ai.d' a«d unt to his cure. Ihu quantity i«meoy is but*- P*» I« mi,* t‘ •t -marb an v.jrma. am A Kentucky Anecdote.—A South- u u .cvd t.. »>• .k.- t*-*t r* niedy n !..-c .\* >i imple *ip*l Th*y four bushels per acre.— Working Far llAKNl-. ii f,Vt‘ A. Uali. “ll' !l 'i. i-Nt phy *ic •• bat* I rvc -c;ai«ud aoothar ern onoe owned a slave, a »E>! .LOi.aftoS ] March 1 to at; a.u ii • gentleman very mer. Mlver Plated u 1 pared N-: U e ». (cbu •: ! i.-r f ap)... Urland, 27, — was a i.:»r :l »r nw.irdfx I: it one© *iv ■« x Constipation CoaTirtN*a«. intelligent fallow who Universal- Tea, Table, Salt and Mustard utwanliy |«ru.a Dessert, Sugar, wnt cur-- t-. -*• :©.> t t-»f tv iniiiut.». T» ? F—"* 1+ J f‘ MjmtrtaL -wxla. the To Stop Potatoes Hotting.—Ai SPC)(i \ S Tablw K..rk« lliitt.-r k'nivr* aayA*. iat. On one occasion he illustrated Tiu of «r* The ■ XKsTTnr\KS!! n«tp!\*. >t«* }-- l.av dis* *>v«-rwj if,* 1 with a inecr n {>,i tin- kia Ac. and a The thank up. rny lip t.u. his in :—“An Rings, great variety uf undersigned i*ll rga d fd g> t» a-a amai *y«*-m u .h eJfcc ..f ur Ir*>i Lav* f..u d them intellectual ei».racter of religion agricultural exchang? says cape spectacles, I ii.iv- had it drawn from me tin iity full 1- a ■ b. jin i. * fcj past t:ttors, resj»«-et f flUll 1 : |« Htidu •• I they should Join b»p In ricnced informs us ■ I a cancer pr>latmlng the manner. A certain slave tha A Sniliful It; plaster Ai i. Edward H » it f i> t» following agriculturist Britannia fully inlV-rms bis old Cus appi.- -Ii>j:*ir, .rm., di applied by ig': Ute neht of the multi'udes wbo suffer fr-rn that < Uiis a- u -t: .*r.c till id. a...| l?. • at o,.ce ,« of lip is now nealed ixo'aiitt *L' b. si b ugh tied Is itself. it lb* had obtained a license cf the about six years ago be lime ti || nliitly p»In enough pro Baptists applied Castors tea and Coffee C Id- Pot?. New Fat- Uipt:«‘. d. N -w i. fc-»—a-j v^u-.a. ». purgmf ..»r bL# what ver. and I rec nmund a:.v S* nit*v f olhns that are »vr»r. 1 tw'i*ve ~wVvrenaaa V. Imported *al ; < I Harm **ts, that a: suJeter omu that were am 1 f^F*: !« r*». r.- i.■ inai»- in tii- to He was forth in the potatoes partly rotten, ernsCoinuiunioua Ware. Ac.* this disease to to Mr. \t t. liver, but your PiLU affect that orgaa am- preach. holding l.b « n .Vaib M. ntui apply jg j+' i* \ j? 4 shop 2 7 V nine wUbcttt of Prcf I1 rure the Ji». asv of bin colored brethren that arrested Pota g? itgrvMun C •** AMI'LL of many immediately decay. the Eibw.-itL Gunn. Lvl ... 1 v.i. tAUXllAM. presence \ J* ly opi*»*ite Impi — — ^ ,iv’ March *27, l*j«*. uitih o? thb Bioon Sc*orvn Kbt- toes that were rotten when * ih-i.v' N tO»»ulh *trr©t > Euckrport, to de- th House at tne «>f th< vj^t l.jahth three d — — at one time, when he undertook partly Cutlery. *f( f sign ukei.%% Salt Rhbi y Tetter — Timor* and b* 1 •» *ti ut. <_ u Knives, ■*■ U .\ r.-.iludclphia. r> dealer* und — lime was tontinued to rot ant Razors, Scissors,'Superior f-«.■ *■■ •up|iii-* < T ! X K ii:i aiwuy.* bt certify in ^ve l» Fuinel were lost. Since then he has «©J c< and jl p»r bottle. thill, PkiuuUltJk ka made he made it D breast *■ Said ‘-When God Adam, of Harnesses consist- i.Asgeoas I ied w* ■- he, found i' ••••mfilcte a-*i rtimM I G i\.. :. ight ap- T u right. r. in that PuiJ Ag~ hts ami saying yu*ir jmryft a wtt common to slaked iime ti Shell I v and plaster, found WinJet !»i» d thst I have down, scrape up little dirt, practice apply Comb*, mg ! b< i plate. |Hitte<. Try everyth.arf cl* (f.ce :hi* one simpl.* trial. wing Th-y used them of let* year* In stoop and the reach iu-iiui mv ti,v. a-. agree e.tb statemeota of Iheir as and Rubber li'UUr frntft tire best of Oak ta.mec * nearly beyond ai ; * pra your efficacy a warm it in he and bis potatoes h" takes them up. Hi Elegant Pattern?, Hoop Lop,Side trin.y.iug*. a Ttt'A —lie canful to a» for ai.d g-1 l>* g*at«\ it little, hands, Lave the same canoer in Tbe> stimulate the virnri rws, and carry vff tha 1‘uJ Horn uu. and i-iushes f various LI-ctr-.c *iil. u icorthh.-a* my «•«....n p, imparities a Combs, butialo leather, Biding saddle* iuiita-.i.,.n* abound. that in the thin of lime the floo ■ stagnate M»-d, eti^en d-riug disease it in de and dcu lean puts layer upon Thert are nuim-rou* iimiat.oti* examination the wound in >. r. ,j's They squeeze right shape, kiwis and llaitets of every kis.d aw: *pru:i* up. n the rvj-uta brew .j i. stimulate the or.Mns of price*, •. digests o, and ttifuaa vitality and where the are to he an. i my article ha* acquired. The r..u*t he*art i, ai d l consider it a pkri it the fence to dry—” potatoes luid, Cancv (»o «i>. quality t<-gt:: -r with n.i articles iu that brand public ] rv. ti£i into the system up against •7 They are u vhhgs. li- ^ *cfl commend all who are some of it over oi trade. afflicted wit;i tn .... Stu b remedies as you ara a beoefit, aoi our the Poite prepare ** dere!" said Universalis: sprinkles potatoe Munnaies (a great variety,) f'aid ase.*, disease to deeerve credit “Top .\| Y >1 1\ANNoT are fustus about ten inches are ; (some Ivory hatths, Napi.ii. A NKNV ANT) IMPORTANT eated before it is “You dat de every they pu Rings, t»ol*te. Foil IlBAfACUB — darkey. say Perforator?, CYocmt "•tare la-1.' * of tin. btst kind in use, Saddlers SlCK HrADACHM—FotL STOM- down. He considers this as Needles, Tablets, Netting Nathan ACH— 1*11 EA— man eber made perfectl' Silk kept express1 v r the ladies, t'l.ainnia skin: emeilson, m. d llROfvI— i'LBIlloKA —pARALTAIf Needles, Tea hells, WatC.i Uor«* — Ac., 'lamis, DISCO VtUV IN M h ii I r I March Fiid — them from .» ..t ware, Trunks M M Orl.trd, 2if, lv'.b. jl t{ Ac. “Sartin!” said the protecting rotting, and be ha boxes. Cabas, Cushions, rushes,Vviai Necklace.?, f cUun*!'!^ *• ubics. ii.-li-., lire** Bay an«J you «rvif complaint* top dr. cn.yrRwr.LL> kl.-oktgn *\ k.mtru.n "r I have run and he he.ieves also tha htcr.'wr* and owners of the f.,U. wing I- •*'« wnh y ,Ur Pills better than to aay oil till we dal are come 1" practiced it; lliu.'i Trunk* made t" ..rdes * r- lar whar fence from ’•l.I's, iWiled, $ ** •h:i,« rver •; *ri.* n-e rt.r-l.nfu >l'isicai Iiistru.nctil? Island, lh- t* |>l d- *n- >* ii pur? j place great depend ; *. Nv V.ikljfs*. N 1 thus used ate rendered h-.tte at short m*»i« and .! lfebility. ♦J-r '; !.*•: r.: on e effe.-tual catliartir “Hush !” said the ; two potatoes very Traveling Bay* nod \N .-»u ri. >i»irr», >» aiv. In my daily routes! ana dia- preacner Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fla Lo->s f T-n \. 1 I-land. Fife?,Guitar?, geo* al kind* aud si*-* Coiuba lud :ior*t i.n«Tjryt Lassitude, I -1mxI« know o >!• saae. and Inhering as I do tiiat Pills ua of * the (rr.-rn M in. your afford We beat all the action lime. We advise th lets. Ac ilas? Violin and Solitude, Ground!©** 1 ■ more like dat would by Viol, Guitar Hear, J.,» !k ™ 1 • have. 1 .Jee-rse niue question spile .String?. Hi a«he* v. it toer article i*uali\ haawri thesn highly c. .arge* of Semen, M.-h »p w *r, farmers to this as it cai I Vtoiin bow*, Refined Rosin, Ac. |mpair>--t I.i kf f in de world !" try plan, :'i such •*0:1,. and fi MjT ih« Fills in msrket contain Marrtirv. whivh, de feology easily kept hnipk au t. Lac-, PV-. |..d n pd*., •r-ui.-it»HT ..f said 1.lands «.v be done them all.” Ham'clean-'-, d a .»•.-*! snort- notice •e /lean uai ;**■'**•*> »,,«!, nud-«. thbuujjh a valuat'ia rutuedy la skilful bands, la by Budily htMirukiu •>( ystetu, In hax..r.*. >r /*av:n»r dengeroua iair Oil. •i-u-i.i.->-. >.r *ny other article .*• urticUs d a from the dreadful Case f< Ho.. iii-iioleury and Me ntal nimI p v ,t\ public pill, eoaeaquenree that fte Cologne, ,.aid -l.ateAcr. without r.r-t -4 t»! in* leave from lhi« littl r». et. a ,.:i a t«rmission follow hs use. is re- Celebrat.-d „• Ip in n,. ;; '* •** ju-utly lo<-autk>ue Than MMID do The Captivated Turk.—It often have m t Bugle’s Fluid lor t! If.*’ *11 .f th. ..S M at mi. “*• •* rvt,i,* merru —Farmers or~a*T Hyperion Medical J t** tresspassing on either of ■*’- Lusrral do. *'1.111. give* Till. »*i.'l 1 »u4 ,nj * l‘l ry or mineral substance whatever. his arrival in this conn' "- -- -Bl hedeMi with as the law r.xnirs io .tjch that since mcasnre a I INKUKMATIoN KVhlt ... parted off from lot of ! mil. Pi ItLlMlL. r* en '**1* '• .1 A. K I*. U NT. ! rta g d<>ul*ti of th--ir c ■. di.i on a certain occasion, a was ad- on? pliy«tcal h,. a.t It try, lady of acre, for the o' :n :j** JOHN U NT. purpose I »i.«■’» ua <*l having hatuniMl tl« .- !,. :tRh a..d happ. *>- >n shawl worn U 1* ■ ir.:ii"g elegant Cashmere a series of d > issuevi jrraii.* **.!! r.i .- hum f t!. 1 Pectoral experiments upon I’att* .s. Ayer’s Mam 1 Cherry -gant e *i*i->n f -m and .r ; admiral. He *uppn e".,-. ant t*-. EL.MVuRTlI BOOK Has I ng bc-n manufactured a practical chemist, asd- Turkish modes of •>• o- ***■ B1.VDEB1 ! by gallantly cultivating *j»iity. o anv adtlr* 9*.r I t»'o t>v planting, <--:pt luii.j-, tvary ounce t-f it under hi« own eya. with Invariable a-u hnA.' from his and laid ii ivLJ.Nfcl. 490 lit Avei. ii New V.rk. ■a. v shoulders, To facilitate this, w. 1* Ms* IN* »t*riia> J.i and care It is sealed and protected h* lew fi -n. cv >is- During. give «!i)i^ciitn r is n,.\r arej to du and can tw .croon to witness its effect, 01 prp; •ifrits,»iueotly relied ,,n u * e, measurement of the side of a *r lew I’HKO .d; of all k: da. and hopes that parties Sill, ut a lull-ration. It supplies tire surest r* be van- ■ js, to her 'MO A RE! I RED Pi V.m, l \.v L v i>i# i] has ever k> wn f momentarily gratify the fr tiona. t rss. .g will >n it.. iu as tha cure if aJ! puiru .ait cons containing following part 11 [I b.iu^ along atcli, .i- «1 J/(„ of lost on s« >Uinta. ff C. t shawl was a one, years age. hating hi.« father, t.. |* Salhie i’arttouiar utte: tlou h«. Old*. II saisaris. Atmma. it rr, ike magnificent of an acre. A reference to this t !,i ;. •*. to ri'rr-' uu j .,»*w ;*r ■*. j-a.d rt it on*d Bf' v flrethen*. Daughter, *“.,ii-in-law, am Music, CctuH, atria, lenpitat r«,.vst »i-tio», sod or the r- Ti rfill: Nephew* bindiiig Magatincs, .tc. 85.000. will save bv lit* relief of c. IQ ad valu ig 81,000 Imagine some, t~dwusc eu'e Niici-f, tiiat drcautul Ui.*esisc, ami Also hound USUBiptiv* patents ed stegs* uf perhaps, 1: is till .1 Newspaper* and at the be dt—ase. As she blush wit;, a a'.iong, vary time iiiAkaa these fa. ts wider sod Utter se of ibe admiral when tion : that ea lie fu.t-rius cough himself Jctermiutii '• 1‘ " e>t rices | in. wn. this mail toe has t gradually h-om- th* beat rell ir cl •-* flw- t:.e U.-t Indie*, 1 r* to and moved ■ > i}|- f.gyptaod when- he ''ii at a .c«i k‘* *•’ f courtcsied him, 1-tC r an acre Co* tai 2 '33 i*3 as. f*. -vlw 52 1 f> Japan, lista may >o the afflicted, front the l.*gj cabin of the Aic'nrtr I d. scuvenal a P •ttm,,. rely op •• •• -- and (r'l tin ure lor U.cir 5.115 7; • C .*»d.*, /f'oh- ».•;! a* the e-aaaot to the pu* *a of Kuo pm' k ngs. with the coveted s' a r. • ■ b'-iug bound, v«ry bust Throughout sff .. -2 .« >pecj. .... v...... j ugi.s, Hr-■nchiti?, n, Nerx- us of stuck wil be used. ms entire country. to every state and and indeed *.' U ilC it. *n. 1 tilli ;ta*ers ■ Con*u.Hpi Dcbil! city, 1-3 » ami uost hamlet tut. H.5;0 131 1-J o! maki. ify Asthma. Ilis was cured r-- -very it contains. » hss» Po-roasL Is ka^W'i ii„l.t e and .-citing ■•. #.d .!. <.-• t-v so- Ccug in.medi- 1 137 1-3 he it the lest f all remedies f Jims»4 --1 the tlir at *i .* aii.42i a c>4.tmi«»iou ately; returned, cure 1 hi; R>: j,r.., w.,(J re sled t.' iea\« it ** •• ** | pi at Mr. Liner\s' 1 acre 43,500 D.wis- iwi:;\r u '«•- It* many f* c >«ntricw it i* e*te* 308 bk1-: I A Ir.L herLed the and in v-»^ii *>vrlv uv*d bv .eo inform.1 " u AllKB, disease, connectu w.tii Li* editor in Georgia ea 57,120 385 1-4 a GUO. Vi. PUkij. lieir int-lligent uns. If tbev* ^ |3ae with Tot s m. !• -li :rv street. Sew York. *-n have it in their |div»i. Aiiyd -peud- ivy imp. employed practice, Ellsworth. 23. Ib5§. n e lo-n *o of as »r« a',- e,.taof tie- hi l* t*. p-Cc-v. rescuing many of his suf- : J .. E“” > || we -Ail d'pei'd iron > essci with leiiow t *»* .nee .1 tnf • .i of si.ffii it nt fou taror elsewhere, rece the fering as he u ,■ rent y I tea be has enough u capacity say great iving fii*t beings po**ible, smding t; A U. rs..ii* d r .* money iii.kbt tv. M » •»» just to ail who p t*» know. •!. ll.'tt ji a I*-!- ur or six ent premium wherever exhibited ; and is admitted recipe wish it for iU ceuto; d cdTit to -ny dock roo li.e late William »* h:s character quarts, ugh yellow 1 liingb m, K dec i4* -» roTni tb *t id .. e handsomely.— persons to t.. be to III' :Mi N„ lASlli.V oil m\T (INS to pay t.'i© and the balance «^ure, dk. Ruaa by qualified judge, superior postage, printing. Ad- are » ! to make a «l. callM t„ umti :|. —k_ e-I f..r I* » lid h. i.d strong liquor; when sufliciint invented of the kind. provi.i- : r. at <1 p. **i y a:. Mithcei.t •irefs. Old Dr. Heath, N ui»a i,,.,fc .. ,*,. .urnal. anything yet The loi 1 boxes Spring M,-eet. ..p- All u.c l.f. s "it iu*rva f. al w.d ftercaft.-r a. vote un-old h '.J. koiiiiiiT but it* ;n- ! and while as used iu this hiro are tbe my waits, my 61. Nicto las remaining !y boiled, the is ho besS »*iapted for thf | Hotel, New Vork. lm- it '* 1 s O liquor time I- supply; the rfflictrd «iih the Gbeat -ajd rotate, lying in lhet »unti ni^Likalde N-ttrfit eonf. rted uo from four to ,f in the as cau be borne market, holding six pounds each of Kuudv ilncui( nj uwil • •slbfrrs <t of ,»..i f. r- " honey. bawl Jari eg m ny v irs >.f h» exteiivrt hile ninny I fc rviuedi#* h*v* kettle with Med- are now fiend h r >a. at r. V -t St Louis was asked the flannel cloth to in th P *wi(ENIX n t*.r«is; < p th>- j keep The subscriber wishes to purchase one hundred ical IRA TR'B For In V1C1 -RATIRo TH* LiTIR, LOOKING GLA^o E**i -nimurutr, luo f%il«d. and beet> infonnatii u in reguid t«. li.->cAr l-d t* La* ne*l frt n is ■ tber ‘stood heat and steam, and hold the o swarms f in for Si MkXiiTtfji>Mn. tmk I lokSTioa, Bod B Lot Latino -AND— u by every irml rutilbrred1 the accused hand bee?, exchange bee-tiives and '*:* p ,rty the se 1 lie of t..e»e la t- u tli- iffii t-d ca n. ver to use them. lioWtiLa, lb JT'Cts rpon the inici it' they f.«g-t and produced affected under the cloth and th single rights oe imho u. ensive.’ He innocently finger in cure yspep»ia, Headache. Neuralgia. N rv. PICTURE F *YF I may u>uu. to tnc an-f lemarkabl- to lw forgoVt-n. replied F ij !l « | -rrt «cri|.t".n L iln I»\R\VJN M >R k (\» k. 1. .*■ G uild.r at concluded to let evpluirin! tty kin< t /.ic,urt. _ IrvWr, builvHu, Wiis.i. leugtli, mait AUtficiei.t uf r» i..-. '* *lw”'s «® I**' J ■ hi* P jlu* I v. M Is v I A il N preserved. This has been abun fw it«« u *• C un«r> ..rderu ...licit, i 11sidy »j.* recipe — < > ■ Is. /real curativ* «- I ■ .. MrHu !j.i A <• Mi > I fi. It*. I v ki*d 3 « ei «. borry hi r s" 91000 a lTesir ! 91000 a p»<--r j. .j.fn, ly ,4.c.:cd ami to r; vtrified. i Year! < euU L for ■! I. Sci,.pea »„7^ wnF Jol II 5 h •. 1 1 >k BuFTT If'IN OK ABLE •IfeES, iiR* L J. llol.-Mc*, i*. u B.X il **" M "Qtnucifan'' dicitev th-etig. It wo. 1*1 1>47 >f statement $ 1UUU A YEA R. EE FLOY* M ENT FOR ALL TIM h# S Y. It. V. Hanks.—The following Candied Hosrr. It is rather diffi Br.oklyii __ SiOLER, Agent. $1000 A YEAR.Persons iu town or ceuutry iu search of s the condition of the Maine Banks XTO1 HOB. cnlt to keep strained honey without iti fl"M0 A YE \R.emptoyment a* a source of income. or u» t R* f>r I JOB A Y'EAR.fiM Ik- { 1’ 1! I c the past mouth ; $10U0 up their leisure hours, may hear of Riiliwn XT I \t candied, and for those who do A YEAR.such f-C li.l,- .1. * 00 becoming $1000 by euchwiiig^stamp*ao pnv i.lft™ C...,tt.*WlW.W4 > 4 I.L nr* wl o I,: v* hntl Stock, $7,526,7000 » -r ESTABIXSI2»X :RT pcr»f Syrin^Ffi •Japitsl can ; #14100 A Prof. J AMK? Box No SUICV. .the -T. * not, the defect be remedied. lioHNE, 4461, pOMMf^lONFRS * ■' easily 1000 A YEAR.New York Pont Other. The twen mw.1 th fl ", porker J **•' l’< l*-UMl and >up;xnters t<* Dr. Mo*lliat*t iiilii ineircuiation, j employ u.nil ing ap|* by T*;. >4Sr •<»«.., .4 I..1' .... ELLSW ORTH, ME. inhuming 00 Heal it at first and then let V fitted to sex. staii*aiiu of Proliute f.>r tlie uf Hancurk t •• e» b> io their I rent ua t'- xnu. veais, saJ citfs 611,204 gradually it #11100 either lift- inima- (’uanty ,i rt. pM**r-*ion, $1000 A Y’KAK.terial. It is an article of amine the ctainia usuai|*- ■ relieve t:.-»r eontcivnet **f tJi# simmer for s few and it >**> ••. ■ slowly minutes, A and can be in late of ^-.itcl ■ M-- or. .4 tm $100u YEAR.lion, uuiuufaeiw***! the JNirry, «l<-oe.Me.l, re,*ri *i—.ir-‘nj, dm-, ■],», J;, X. Ii. t -send tin ui wi ultl uo well to lo 41 " -I '.J Satunr, neglecting hutur, »in 11,1< 0,1 will be as clear as if strained. $1000 A'-ntVdwelling, secure by copyright. An h* ceby gire nolle# that si vty days are aliow>«f t-i •dvmtici.K.,,»itk Ij just Proprietor. d«i eo now. or iutoimatmu where may to i $llMU A YKAlLAgeut is wauled hi town in the L uion credkor* u> tvring in and :1c .r rbtiui*. tnd that •« give tLcy from other Banks.1,02*.327 87 every prove P(>TE f \ munt duo •hai1 attervl that as «!*• us# -.f R.COXCERT und 00 science 10-dra *ervic- the Ill h I dw'n BILL. SHOW’ i 0,631,900 —For true WtRul in «n All ns I »ve eiilf ibis issued practical purposes, Surry af-»r»*s.\id WevSu *duy the tluiteeuth .lay £SS HiLLs. PROGRAMMES, ( IR( p»*rA4 tvbu unsett’rd ACCLnnta 00 of June next at V o’clock In the lore;.** m. Ju*l SHSttsr^s hi are tu call scuic as of bills on band,2,882,220 is a of one's own Prii <. 6 Lars, bill rauaesitd and sttlla th* ,V«u’t unsigned thorough kuowledgo U8T Recelvei by Eipim, a new I AC <1..—I'ovi heads, rj„ IS 8. (JfiUOOD. ho i* n< w ui aide to Attend to saioi.ol hurinc* a Medieiues and prof* business. And farmer who knows J" lot of Fancy articles. Also UbWI x \YiR>r, CEJPTS, W EDDE\G A.\D ut cl the illaf c, am u ill tor the prrti nt d» eot no Apples, Oranges, with many other articles BluehiM, April 28, ISM. 3w u now to til Sly ESS < of Miss ""beat of how to make the most profit with the J J. his time ti t!i t UeaiiBhie setlltr _Up.,n tlic marriage u to the want* of the and the ft;iiiT*ioNsroptio> ttry tbjtct—the lupted community, "“*• HJ.AXKS OE mei’t tain c» an editor that her path least amount of labor and is tru- reason of the c*". !'-"*» Atfm : ALL ui:t». Virginia, hoped capital, year. llOOK, JOB. CARD AND FANCY of fn * hTfr TKACY that she never M~9 XJD Curv£!ZL A v DRL0RML8, jrr wt K1XDS, 4 (\, be tbieeny and might ly scitntific. 18* C G.PECK. *A1NTSK« ikta L«u*uc.pnoa, N.w ¥wr» ftM-tf!©*. c OME OAE! COME ALL might ,naytl;*,M«iwni ||H ty \EA TL Y AXD PROM PEL YEX vr.’.’.i'GJ 1 er has' and ter ASA M'AII ^TEB by TED i f Short xo rre-e rn#*«r»ii tf r. ms :i*f