CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFYNYDD COUNCIL Minutes of the Virtual Meeting held Monday 21st September, 2020 for 7.00pm

1. CHAIRMAN: Cllr. L. Williams

2. PRESENT: Cllrs. R. Edwards, D. Hughes, J. Jones, J. M. Barber & C. Thomas

3. APOLOGIES: Cllrs. A. Partridge, A. Roberts & C.W.J Rhodes

4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - Members Code of Conduct Cllr. Joan Jones – Agenda Item 11 – Planning ref: 061684

5. MINUTES OF THE MEETING – 16th March 2020 The Minutes were adopted as a true and correct record. Proposed: Cllr. D. Hughes Seconded: Cllr. J. Jones 5a. Matters arising from the Minutes No matters raised.

6. LCC VACANCIES – Co-option Councillor vacancies for the Cefn-y-Bedd ward/ & Llanfynydd ward. LCC has gone through the process of advertising the vacancies in which no request for an election was called. Mr Stephen Owen had attended a previous meeting expressing his interest in the Cefn-y-Bedd vacancy and had given a brief introduction about himself. Mrs Joan Jones sent LCC a letter expressing an interest. The Chair welcomed them both to the meeting and explained the procedure, as this is a virtual meeting Mr S. Owen and Mrs J. Jones were happy to leave the meeting temporarily and go into it the waiting room whilst members considered their applications.

It was proposed by Cllr. R. Edwards that Mrs Joan Jones represent the Ffrith & Llanfynydd Ward. Seconded: Cllr. C. Thomas All in favour – Motion carried

It was proposed by Cllr. D. Hughes that Mr Stephen Owen represent the Cefn-y-Bedd Ward Seconded: Cllr. J. Jones All in favour – Motion carried

Mr Owen and Mrs Jones were welcomed onto Llanfynydd C.C by the Chair and Members.

The Clerk to send out the ‘Declaration of Acceptance of Office’ for both to sign.

7. PCSO RYAN THOMAS (New PCSO) Update & Report Incident update (from 01/08/2020 to Present) Anti-Social Behaviour Issues/Crime Trends: 1 x Property – Mountain Bike – Report that a mountain bike has been left on Hope Mountain Country Park, at the kissing gate near the car park. It will have to be left for 28 days and notify FCC.

Pontybodkin playing field – A report from a member that young people have been gathering in the ‘Pod’ causing a disturbance during the evenings. A report will be sent to the PSCO to monitor the area.

Page 430 8. ACCOUNTS – YEAR END 31ST MARCH 2020 Sign off Annual Return and Internal Audit. The Internal Audit report was read to members and follow up recommendations for 2019/20 was also discussed. PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2019-20 The Clerk presented the Annual Income and Expenditure accounts of the Council for the end of financial year 01.04.19 to 31.03.2020. Local Council in – Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2020 Section 1 Accounting Statements – Prepared by the RFO Section 2 Annual Governance Statement (Part 1) The following questions were put to members and answered accordingly:- 1. Properly sets its budget and manages its money and prepares and approves its accounting statements as prescribed by law. Agreed – Yes 2. Made proper arrangements and accepted responsibility for safeguarding the public money and resources in its Charge. Agreed – Yes 3. Has only done things that it has the power to do and has conformed to codes of practice and standards in the way it has done so. Agreed – Yes 4. Has given all persons interested the opportunity to inspect and to ask questions about the body’s accounts as set out in the notice of audit. Agreed – Yes 5. Considered the financial and other risks it faces in the operation of the body and has dealt with them properly. Agreed – Yes 6. Arranged for a competent person, independent of the financial controls and procedures, to give an objective view on whether these meet the needs of the body. Agreed – Yes 7. Disclosed everything it should have about its business during the year including events taking place after the year-end if relevant. Agreed – Yes 8. Considered and taken appropriate action to address issues/weaknesses brought to its attention by both the internal and external auditors. Agreed – Yes 9. Trust funds N/A Governance Statement (Part 2) 1. We have prepared and approved minutes for all meetings held by the Council (Including its committees) that accurately record the business transacted and the decisions made by the Council or committee. Agreed - Yes 2. We have ensured that the Council’s minutes (including those of its committees) are available for public inspection and have been published electronically. Agreed – Yes

To sign off Accounts:- Proposed: Cllr. D. Hughes Seconded: Cllr. R. Edwards. All in favour The Council approval and certification was signed by the RFO (Clerk) and the Chair Cllr. L. Williams.

9. FFRITH PLAYING FIELD Update of Installation of Zip Wire and Play Equipment. All is going well on site. The Chair also commented the children in the village have requested a ‘Skate Park’, at the consultation the children wanted the Zip Line. The cost to provide a Skatepark could not be justified by LCC. It has been discussed in previous meetings the possibility of a track around the park which would give disabled access and allow children to ride their bikes. It was also discussed the planting of wild flowers in the park, unfortunately a meeting did not go ahead due to Covid-19. The Council in the near future to discuss the above.

Cymau Playing Field A site visit was held with Mr Richard Roberts to discuss improvements to the site and upgrade a couple of the play items. A Tarmac path was also discussed this would be self-funded.

Page 431 10. LLANFYNYDD PLAYING FIELD To discuss updates received and a request if LCC would consider contributing or meet the full cost of cutting the field – quotes will be provided at the meeting. An Extraordinary Meeting to be called to meet on site – to be confirmed during the meeting. Update • The hedges have been cut • Two padlocks have been put on the gate – the site still comes under Education. • County Cllr. C. Thomas has asked Mr Neil Cockerton to tidy up the field – he has agreed to do this request. Cllr. Mrs Joan Jones had a quote of £200 to cut the field; the area would be intended for recreation with minimal cuts to keep tidy. At this stage LCC will not be required to consider contributing to the cost of cutting the field. Cllr. Joan Jones asked if the field could be open to the public, whilst the field is under debate it is not appropriate at this time. Cllr. Joan Jones stated the Business Plan is under construction, everything has been very slow due to the Pandemic, meetings have not taken place with FLVC for guidance. The proposal of the footpath and tidying up of trees, costing’s are required. It was also commented the concern of putting the footbridge into the asset transfer and the maintenance involved. Mr Neil Cockerton is looking into this but would prefer to get rid of as a whole. County Cllr. C. Thomas agreed to pick up the Tree issue and County Cllr. D. Hughes to look into the footpath and Footbridge. Cllr. C. Thomas commented it is important to retain green spaces and for Biodiversity in which members agreed. It would be good if LCC considered taking over the Asset Transfer, Cllr. D. Hughes would ask FCC for their view

It was agreed for a site visit for all Councillors’s to look at the site. Dates put forward: Wednesday 23 September or Thursday 24 September. The Clerk to email all Councillors this evening for the preferred date, Cllr. B. Rhodes will be contacted by telephone. Re-Agenda for the October meeting for further discussion

11. IMPROVEMENTS AT HOLLYBUSH JUNCTION, CEFN-Y-BEDD County Councillor D. Hughes gave the following update:- FCC has been successful in securing WG funding for route improvement work on this road (A514) The proposals are to transform the existing Junction into traffic signalled Junction. It is proposed to close off the slip road, relocate the existing bus stop to Rd and, if possible, allow for a couple of parking spaces. A detailed designed will be drawn up for formal consultation with residents and other interested parties. The detailed design should be completed in October.

Abermorddu Lights: The censor lights have come up when re-surfacing work was done – The sequence of the traffic lights is not working properly. Cllr. C. Thomas has contacted Darell Jones to investigate the problem.

12. PLANNING Ref: 061684 – Proposal: Creation of new garage with first floor office and en-suite shower, alternatively Granny Flat. (The above application comes under the ward of C.C but sits on the boundary of Llanfynydd) Cllr. Joan Jones did not speak on this application. The garage looks more of a dwelling for the use as a granny flat, an annex associated with the main house. Cllr. C. Thomas has logged the matter with enforcement. The garage has been built and a dormer put on. Enforcement will look at plans that have been submitted, may not have applied for a dormer. It was also raised the concern of vehicles reversing onto the highway and lack of visibility. The application should be for retrospective planning.

Page 432 Ref: 061615 Ffrith- Extension to existing agricultural building and retention of hardstanding/turning area. Location: Land opposite 1 Carmel Villas, Road, Ffrith. Wrexham. Cllr. D. Hughes had put his comments to planning. The Chair also put his observations to planning and raised concern regarding the apron, which needs to go. A lot of materials are going on site.

Planning Applications Determined Ref: 061252 Proposal: NMA construction of 2 dwellings At: Land rear of Greystones, Ffrwd Road, Cefn-y-Bedd Decision: Approved Ref: 061003 Proposal: Erection of extension to existing dwelling At: Hilltops, Llanfynydd Decision: Approved

Town and Country Planning Act, 1980 (as amended) – Section 78 Appeal Planning Ref: 061130 Appeal Reference Number: APP/A6835/D/20/3258539 Appellant’s Name: Mr S. Pritchard Proposal: Conservatory extension to building Location: Cheshire View, Appeal Start Date: 15/09/2020 The appeal follows the REFUSAL of planning permission by County Council Any representations to be made within 4 weeks of the appeal start date.

13. TO RECEIVE PUBLIC QUESTIONS Which have been submitted to the Clerk in advance of the meeting. 1. Trees near the Viaduct Ffrith to the back of the Council houses require cutting back. The Clerk stated that Network Rail are responsible for the trees, they will be contacted to carry out the work. 2. Play park – Wyndham Drive – It has been noted the concern of dog owners allowing their dogs to run free and foul in the play area. Cllr. D. Hughes is looking into the complaint.

14. CORRESPONDENCE To acknowledge and note correspondence received. None received.

15. COMMUNITY COUNCILLLOR’S REPORTS 1. A new digital speed camera has been installed in Pontybodkin. Cllr. C. Thomas is also trying to get a speed- activated sign further up the road towards Treuddyn. It was noted a speed activated sign showing a ‘Smiley Face’ gives a more community spirit that you are keeping to the correct speed. An activated sign could be looked at for Ffrith and Cymau if LCC could fund. Cllr. C. Thomas will look into the prices. 2. During these unprecedented times Cllr. R. Edwards stated that community spirit continues in Cefn-y-Bedd. 3. Cllr. R. Edwards would like to see the PCSO visit our local schools. The amount of drug taking and laughing gas capsules being taken is a growing worry. 4. Cllr. R. Edwards sits on Abermorddu Governing Body. The staff have had an extremely busy Summer. Massive risk assessments had to be done in preparation for children returning to school in September since lock down in March. Staggered times had been put in place for the return. Apparently it was chaos during drop off and pick up times, it has now improved, social distancing is in place.

It was noted the goodwill gestures that everyone did during lockdown – to thank the Communities for helping everyone who have been self-isolating etc. Page 433 16. REMEMBRANCE SERVICE To review the current social distancing and consider whether LCC will be able to hold a Remembrance Service. It is a very difficult decision to make at the moment. It was mentioned that people could come out of their houses at 11am to show their respect. It may be possible to hold an outdoor service depending on WG guidelines. The Clerk will order the Wreaths and approach the Vicar to discuss the possibility of a service outside. Due to information changing on a daily basis and following WG guidelines it has not been confirmed that a Remembrance Service will go ahead this will be discussed further and confirmed at the October meeting. To re-agenda for the October meeting.

17. STREET LIGHTING No faults reported.

18. MONTHLY ACTION PLAN Matters raised with FCC Streetscene The monthly Action Plan was discussed and updated. 1. Potholes – To report a pothole near No. 13 Wyndham Drive (in Petite Close) 2. Ffrith – Parking area in Cegidog Avenue – Requires cleaning and lines re-painting. 3. Pontybodkin – Hedge infront of Dingle View – To confirm who is responsible for cutting back. 4. Ffrith & Cymau / Cutting of play areas – Should be on a 3 weekly rota – Cllr. C Thomas to follow up.

19. INVOICES FOR PAYMENT Cheque Number 1306 Owl Accountancy Services £143.00 1307 FCC Matchfunding Contribution upgrade of Frith play area. £11,710.00 1308 Mr M. Fisher Community Caretaker March Inv. £324.32 1309 Clerk’s salaries April & May (399.16 x 2 ) £798.32 1310 Council’s Insurance renewal- Came & Company £785.25 1311 Sion Jones – Welsh Translation LCC Website £53.79 1312 Mr M, Fisher Community Caretaker April Inv. £665.00 1313 FCC Street Lighting energy & Maintenance £834.94 1314 MPH Construction – Repair to Memorial Wall, Ffrith £2868.32 1315 JDH Business Internal Audit 2019/2020 £201.60 1316 FCC Street Lighting energy April, May & June 2020 £588.88 1317 Mr M. Fisher Community Caretaker May Inv. £560.22 1318 Canda Copying Ltd (photocopier) £77.86 1319 Clerk’s salary June £399.16 1320 FCC Street Light repair – Alundale Cefn-y-Bedd £277.40 1321 Clerk’s salary July £399.16 1322 Mr M. Fisher Community Caretaker June Inv. £518.37 1323 Clerk’s salary August £399.16 1324 Wrexham/Bidston Railusers Association membership £25.00 1325 Mr M. Fisher Community Caretaker July Inv. £626.50 1326 Humphreys Signs Ltd (defibrillator signage) £344.40 1327 Canda Copying Ltd (photocopier) £79.30 1328 Mac 3 (Backing up Computer) £52.00 1329 Colony of Ants ( Hosting of LCC Website) £240.00

20. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Cllr. D. Hughes updated members on the following: 1. Nant-y-Ffrith –Pot holes have been done, the cattle grids are in the process of being repaired. Re-surfacing work is also programmed. Page 434 2. Still chasing potholes to be done with the help of Cllr. C. Thomas. 3. Homelessness – Help is being giving to mitigate circumstances. A recovery plan is being discussed re: second surge of Covid-19 4. The County is working hard to keep everything going, and is happy to answer questions. A question was asked: What proportion of staff from FCC is out and about? No site visits with planners is happening at the moment, 94% are in work or working from home doing different work.

Rangers should be back full time. Social workers should be full time. It was raised that Social workers are working remotely and not doing visits which is a concern for those who rely/need the support. Cllr. C. Thomas will raise the issue with County.

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