SONS of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION Richard Wallace, Quartermaster in Lochrey's Expedition, \Vestmoreland County, Orpnized April 30, 1889 Penna., Under Col
so OFFICIAL BULLET! • grandson of Abraham Knowlto11, Second Lieutenant Third Essex County Regt. Mass. Militia. OFFICIAL BULLETIN CONVERSE DETTMER WEST, Montclair, N. J. (28365). Great".grandson of 01' William Hamli,., private Fifth Regt. Conn. Line; great2-grand•on of Robert Culbertso1r, Colonel Penna. Militia; great!tgrandson of Ebene::er Parsons, pri THE NATIONAL SOCIETY vate Conn. Militia. 01' THI!: ROBERT HOLLAND WHEELER, Towson, Md. (27864). Great2-grandson of Ignatius Wheeler, Colonel Harford County Maryland Militia. ORLO CAHILL WHITAKER, Norfolk, Va. (Ill. 28294). Great"-grand,on of SONS _OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Richard Wallace, Quartermaster in Lochrey's Expedition, \Vestmoreland County, Orpnized April 30, 1889 Penna., under Col. George Rogers Clark, prisoner. President General £lmer M. Wentworth, Des Moines, Iowa. Incorporated by Act of Congreaa June 9, 1906 MORTIMER WHITEHEAD, Washington, D. C. (2118). Supplemental. Great•• grandson of Robert Dunn, Quartermaster Sergeant, Capt. John Walton's Com pany New Jersey Light Dragoons, Captain of Express Riders. Volume XI OCTOBER. 1916 Number 2 JAMES AUSTIN WILDER, Honolulu, Hawaii (28527). Great"-grandson of Sanutel Williams, Lieutenant Sixth Regt. Conn. Continentals. Published at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithsonian Insti tutlon), Washington, D. C., in June, October, December, and March. EARLE BOLLINGER WILLIAMS, Olympia, Wash. (28562). Great'-grandson of John Guild, patriot preacher in New Jersey. Entered as second-class matter, May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washmgton, )). C., under the Act of July r6, 1894. FREDERICK HENRY WILLIAMSON, Brooklyn, N. Y. (2826o). Great2-grand son of Mathias Milspaugh, Sergeant, Colonel Janson's New York Regt. and other service.
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