1129 B1 Hanging of the Greens
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Third Scripture Reading........................................... Isaiah 53:1‐6 THE OFFERING ~We Gather to Worship God ~ Offertory Anthem Lost in the Night Kyle Haugen The Foretelling of Our Savior CHIMES The Holly and the Ivy Instrumental * THE DOXOLOGY PRELUDE Of the Father's Love Begotten Kerrick Hymnal [purple] No. 95 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Placing of the Holly and the Ivy praise him, all creatures here below; WELCOME praise him above, ye heavenly host; Fourth Scripture Reading.........................................Isaiah 60: 2‐3 Please sign the fellowship pad and then pass it to your neighbor. praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Lighting the Advent Wreath * PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING We light this candle of Hope as a symbol of Christ our Hope. May the light sent from God shine in the darkness to show us the way of salvation. O come, O come, Emmanuel. ~ We are Sent into the World ~ ~ We Listen for God’s Word ~ [purple] * CLOSING THE LITANY OF THE GREENS (Leader/People) Hymnal No. 218, v. 4 It Came Upon a Midnight Clear Hymnal [purple] No. 209 Blessed Be the God of Israel How shall we prepare this house for the coming of Jesus, the King? With branches of cedar, the tree of royalty. Gospel Reading.........................................................Luke 1: 39‐45 * BENEDICTION How shall we prepare this house for the coming of the Eternal Christ? Message: “Great Expectations” With garlands of pine and fir, POSTLUDE The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came Page Pastor Laura‐Allen Kerlin whose leaves are ever living, ever green. * Indicates congregation standing How shall we prepare this house for the coming of our Savior? With wreaths of holly and ivy, symbolizing Jesus’ suffering, ~ We Respond to God’s Love ~ death and resurrection. HYMN OF RESPONSE How shall we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Son of God? Hymnal [purple] No. 206 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light By hearing again the words of the prophets who foretold During the singing of this hymn, all children are invited to come forward to the saving work of God. hang a Chrismon on the tree. Parents with young children are invited to Poinsettias For God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world come assist. After you’ve hung your Chrismon, all children should return to “In Memory” and “In Honor” but that the world through him might be saved. their seats with their parents. There will be no Children’s worship today. Beginning TODAY you are invited to complete the envelope in the pew rack to place a Glory to God in the highest. Glory to God! * AFFIRMATION OF FAITH: Apostles’ Creed poinsettia in the Sanctuary "in memory" or "in honor" Hymnal [purple] No. 881 ~ unison of a loved one. The cost is $10 each. Place your envelope in the offering plate or bring it to the church First Scripture Reading...........................................Jeremiah 23:5‐6 I believe in God the Father Almighty, office. Deadline for orders is December 9. The Lord Promises to Send the People a Righteous King Maker of heaven and earth; For questions you may contact Joyce Arnold at And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: Processional Hymn [email protected] or the church office at 864‐288‐ Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, 8217. Hymnal [purple] No. 203 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed Born of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Placing of the Cedar Branch Was crucified, dead, and buried; The third day he arose from the dead; Second Scripture Reading........................................Isaiah 9:2, 6‐7 He ascended into heaven, And sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; The Prophet Declares that a Child will be Born From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Hymnal [purple] No. 240, v. 3 Hark! the Herald Angels Sing I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, Hanging of the Wreaths the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Thank You is ! I want to thank everyone who so graciously helped me recover from my Sunday, November 29 Saturday, December 5 accident. I have been so touched by your love and support. I have had the 7:30 am Men’s Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:00 am Leadership Training (Sanct.) privilege of meeting many of you for the first time. My new friendships I will (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 109) treasure forever. I have been truly blessed to have such a loving and giving 8:30 am Worship Service Sunday, December 6 8:30 am Nursery (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 106 & 107) 7:30 am Men’s Sunday Morning Bible Study church family. Also, many thanks to Pastor Michael, Pastor Laura‐Allen, and 8:45 am Adult S/S (CLC Rm. 207) (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 109) Pastor Nick for visiting me in rehabilitation and bringing so much 9:55 am Worship Service 8:30 am Worship Service encouragement and joy to my days. 9:55 am Sunday School: Adult, Children, & Youth 8:30 am Nursery (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 106 & 107) (Ed. & CLC Bldgs.) 8:45 am Adult S/S (CLC Rm. 207) May God bless you all, and I wish you a happy and safe holiday season. 11:10 am Sunday School: Adult, Children, & Youth 9:00 am Blood Drive (CLC DR) (CLC Bldg. and Ed. Bldg. Rm. 108) 9:55 am Worship Service Advent 11:10 am Children’s Worship (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 104) 9:55 am Sunday School: Adult, Children, & Youth Sincerely, 11:15 am Worship Service (Ed. & CLC Bldgs.) 3:00 pm Advent Family Craft Day! (Ed. Bldg.) 11:10 am Sunday School: Adult, Children, & Youth 5:00 pm Alleluia Ringers (Sanct.) (CLC Bldg. and Ed. Bldg. Rm. 108) Joyce Arnold 6:00 pm Disciple I (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 113) 11:15 am Worship Service 6:00 pm Disciple IV (Ed. Bldg.) 5:00 pm Alleluia Ringers (Sanct.) 6:15 pm Celebration Ringers (Sanct.) 5:45 am elevate Student Ministry (CLC Bldg.) United Methodist Triune Mercy Center 8:00 pm Men’s Basketball (CLC Gym) 6:00 pm Disciple I (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 113) 6:00 pm Disciple IV (Ed. Bldg.) Every FIFTH SUNDAY, Advent has the privilege to serve a hot meal at Triune Monday, November 30 6:15 pm Celebration Ringers (Sanct.) Mercy Center located at 222 Rutherford Street, Greenville. In the month 9:15 am Women on the Journey (CLC Student Ctr.) 8:00 pm Men’s Basketball (CLC Gym) leading up to the FIFTH SUNDAY, we collect FIVE items that Triune Mercy 6:00 pm Basketball Practice (CLC Gym) 6:00 pm Divorce Care (Ed. Bldg. Rm. 112) Church Center needs. November FIFTH SUNDAY collection items are: Worship Attendance Tuesday, December 1 November 22: 787 Canned Hams 6:00 pm Basketball Practice (CLC Gym) Stuffing Mix Serving Today @ 8:30 Wednesday, December 2 Cans of Turkey Gravy 9:30 am Moms of Littles (Student Ministry Ctr.) Acolyte: Brooke Whitehill Boxes of Macaroni & Cheese 6:00 pm Crescendo Practice (Sanct.) Crossbearer: Kalani Vaughn Peanut Butter 6:00 pm Shine Children’s Choirs (Ed. Bldg.) Liturgist: Greg Vaughn 6:00 pm Youth Disciple Bible Study Ushers: John Ferrell, Bill Maxwell Please place your donation in the bin (marked Triune) in the narthex by noon (CLC Student Ctr.) Don Plemons, Bob Smith 6:30 pm St. Nicholas Night! (Sanct.) today. 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal (Music Suite) Serving Today @ 11:15 8:00 pm Basketball Practice (CLC Gym) Also, Advent will provide the evening meal at Triune today. The Advent Acolyte: TBA confirmation class along with their adult mentors will be in charge of serving at Thursday, December 3 Crossbearer: Brayden Lostetter Triune. We meet at 4:30 at Triune and finish around 6:15. We need 17 dozen 6:00 am Brothers (CLC Kitch., DR) Liturgist: Rowdy Barefoot 9:15 am Ladies Bible Study (CLC Student Ctr.) Ushers: Larry Cannon, Walt Johnson ready to serve rolls and 17 dozen cookies/brownies. All food donations must be 6:00 pm Free Spirit Christmas Gathering Jim Tindal, Jay Tindal at the Christian Life Center (CLC) kitchen no later than today at 3:30. If you (CLC DR, Kitch.) would like to donate food items, please contact Phyllis or Jim Cashion at 7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study (CLC Student Ctr.) Trustee of the Week: Pat Barton Offering Stewards: Dave Mitchem, Mary Williams [email protected] or 864‐630‐5506. You may also sign up on the Advent Friday, December 4 website, advent‐umc.org/about/announcements. 6:00 pm Basketball (CLC Gym) First Sunday Of Advent SantaHatchie We are so glad you are here and hope you experience the warmth of Guests Want to make a difference in the community? Want to share the love of Christ Hanging of the Greens both our congregation and God’s love. There are greeters and ushers in with our neighbors? SantaHatchie is for you! We will gather for worship and team selection on the evening of Sunday, December 20, working most of the the entry way of the sanctuary who will gladly answer your questions or day on December 21 and 22. Each day we will begin our time with breakfast, guide you around our campus. If this is your first time worshiping with elcome ending with dinner and a short worship time. SantaHatchie is open to anyone in us, please stop by the Guest Station under the “sign to pick up a gift middle school and older (middle school students are asked to have parent serve bag.