Hanging of the Greens
HANGING OF THE GREENS November 29, 2020 Greeting, Announcements and Opening Prayer As we enter the Holy Season of Advent, we prepare ourselves for the coming of our Messiah. Advent means “Coming.” We celebrate these days of Advent in expectation and preparation for Christ’s arrival. The Advent season is a time of reflection, but its mood is joyful. Advent makes innkeepers out of all of us, asking each of us to make room for the arrival of Christ the King. Let us, today, prepare Him room in our hearts, our lives, and our homes! Hymn: Come, Thou Long–Expected Jesus 196 1. Come, thou hope of all the earth thou now thy gracious long-expected Jesus, art; dear desire of every kingdom bring. born to set thy people free; nation, By thine own eternal spirit from our fears and sins joy of every longing heart. rule in all our hearts alone; release us, 2. Born thy people to by thine all let us find our rest in thee. deliver, sufficient merit, Israel’s strength and born a child and yet a King, raise us to consolation, born to reign in us forever, thy glorious throne https://youtu.be/aKEUlJRQVbA?t=209 Call to Worship Leader: We turn to you, O God, in the midst of our lives, In the midst of the Holiday rush. People: We gather together to remember your mighty works of old. Leader: We lay our hopes and fears before you, in joyful anticipation of the future you are bringing into being. People: We come to open our hearts to your presence in this Advent season, that we might celebrate the birth of your son and sing with uplifted hearts, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill to all.” Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7 The prophet Isaiah shares these words of hope again to us today: Isaiah 9:2: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great Light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned… Isaiah 9:6-7: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.
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