The History of the Lowell Institute, It Has Been Unusually .Fortunate in the Management of Affairs in Its Relations with the Public
JOHN LOWELL, JR. The Founder of the Lowell Institute From the only portrait extant, painted in ECypt at the time of the execulioll ofthe will endowing the Institute [ Clll. '0 ~yGoogle The History of The Lowell Institute HARRIETTE KNIGHT SMITH Lamson, Wolffe and Company Boston, New York and London MDCCCXCVIII [ Clll. '0 ~yGoogle j Copyright, 1898, By Lamson, W oJJfe and Company. All rights rmr"'ed. Norwood Prest J. S. Cushi1lg fS c..-BerwicA f!I Smith Norwood Mast. U. S. A. Contents Pqe Author's Preface ix The Lowell Institute • A List of Lecturers and the Subjects of their Lectures in the Lowell Institute, 1839- 1898 +9 Index 95 A List of Publications corresponding to, and mainly the direct result of, Courses of Lect- ures delivered before the Lowell Institute. 106 v THE Author and Publishers gratefully recognize their obligations to representative New Englanders. for numerous courtesies received during the writing of this history; but especially to Augustus Lowell. Esq•• Benjamin E. Cotting, M.D•• and Professor William T. Sedgwick, for confinnation and approval of their united labors. vi List of Illustrations and Portraits John Lowell, Jr., the Founder of the Lowell Institute FrontiJpitee Oppolite Pap The Odeon, eomer Federal and Franklin Streets, Boston 7 John Amory Lowell, Esq. IS Professor Jeffiies Wyman 18 Dr. B. E. Cotting zo Marlboro Hotd,· showing Passageway to the Marlboro Chapel • :z 5 The Lowell Drawing-School Room in Marl- boro Chapel z8 Dr. Josiah Parsons Cooke 33 Professor Louis Agassiz 39 Rogers Building, Massachusetts Institute of Technology +3 Huntington Hall, Rogers Building • +5 Plan of Huntington Hall +8 Preface OME years since, in the course of S other professional work, it became necessary for me to make intelligent men tion of the Lowell Institute in connection with Professor Henry Drummond's pres ence in America, as its lecturer, - at which time I discovered with surprise that this noble endowment had no written his tory.
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