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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-15-1913 Santa Fe New Mexican, 10-15-1913 New Mexican Printing company

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passengers that the Carmania would mania could not lind us. I told the DENIES PETITION TO MRS. MACKAY FILES A PARTY MOTIVES STR H: ROYAL WEDDING SURVIVORS GIVE reach us in an hour and that quieted CELEBRATED IN CRISIS EEMS them. ! i "The Carmania sent us a message AMEND ARTICLES REPLY IN COURT ; IN CURRENCY BILL LONDON TODAY to steer southwest by west to meet an ADDITIONAL her. but we had to steer before tile London, Oct. 1.". Prince Arthur of in wind to the flames forward. The A i sen of Duke m keep SULZER LOSES POiNT WHEN COURT OF DENIES ALLEGATIONS GF MRS. BLAKE SO DECLARES PROF. SELIGMAN OF Comuuight, the of Hum captain fought the flames hard and governor general of Canada, wittin an hour or two thought we had IMPEACHMENT DECIDES THAT ARTICLE THAT SHE ALIENATED THE AFFECTIONS COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AT CONFERENCE was today married to Princess Alex- them under control. I went to take eld- DETAILS up FOUR IS BROAD NGUGH TO ADMIT OF DR. BLAKE, AND SAYS SEPARATION CN CURRENCY REFORM MAY RUSH andria Victoria, Duchess of Fife, MEXICO an observation and fix our position. est daughter of the widowed Princess As I came down the wireless opera- PECK TESTIMONY. OF BLAKES CAME YEARS PRIOR TO BILL THROUGH REGARDLESS. Royal Louise. The ceremony took tor shouted the Carinatiia had that MRS. ACQUAINTANCE WITH place in the ancient chapel of St. GROSSER KURFUERST ARRIVES IN MAWS EVERYBODY AWAITING been were - KUERTAS sighted. N. Y 15. New N". Oct. 13 Jimcs palace, where both bap- "The flames beneath the deck seem- Albany, Oct. The high THEM. Voile, rpie NEW YORK WITH 105 SURVIVORS of bill now SH ed to be fire in court impeachment decided today UllassOwen currency before NEXT MINISTER under control, but the - tha :!,m c witnessed that article 4 was broad enough to was characterized as dan- OF THE ILLFATED V0LTURN0 the forecastle was gaining fast. The digress, ii euro-- CALLS MEETING cover the Peck testimony in the trial Xew Vnrk. N. Y.. Oct. 1",. Mrs. at today's session of the na- - rLTi:iuun, uul nut since ine Of DIPLOMATS second officer and several sailors nfltlon of King had there been T of Win. Sulzer. The court decided Clarence H. leader tional conference on reform. George SECOND OFFICER TELLS OF 18 li fl..lir if tlioi-- met Mackay, suffrage currency IN MEXICO CITY TO CONSIDER , that it was to K. !l a 8a,,,e""K of royalties and .,' n flip emnlre .',, unnecessary amend the and wife of the read of the Postal Professor R. A. Seligman. of ,,,! article or to ask the. to - in table personages. HORROR STRICKEN HOURS. had been burned and he was assembly Telegraph-Cabl- .omuan.v. broke her liimbiu University: Frank A. Vander- KUERTA S ASSUMING DICTATOR badly draw a new one. No mention wan Besides King Queen Mary, half blinded. silence tnrinv reirardiner the million lit, nresirtetit of the National Cilv George, 'n,ade of In ! Queen .Mother Alexandria, the King "I ordered the stewards to bring tl,e Morgunthau testimony ,iciB1. suit filed against her by Cather-- bank, of New York, and Prof. Joseph SHIP. the ot the court, which was and Queen of Norway and other food to the passengers and it was opinion ine K for alleged alienation of Fiank Johnson, dean of the New York royal MORE HARROWING SCENES read Cnllen. ule, relatives of the the congrega- done. Grosser Kurfuerst by Judge jibe affections of her husband, Dr. University school of commerce, led the couple, Then the tion of This cleared the decks for consid-- ! A. a assault the session of the consisted the diplomatic corps, MAY MEAN ARE GIVEN BY OFFICER by wireless asked if we needed her Joseph Blake suregon. at morning WITHDRAWAL - - the British cabinet, members of the hell) and Captain Inch, thinking he eralion of the motion of counsel for Through her personal counsel, Ar- conference held at Columbia univer- households and a few distill- - had the flames beneath answered that the defense to strike out articles one, thur C. Train. Mrs. Mackay denies all sit" royal OF SFAINS RECOGNITION two and six of the in form- - Professor said the kuished civilians. Oct. 15. 80 he did not need any more help. The impeachment 0 Blake's allegation a Seligman that New York, Between and re-- A futile to reach Carmania was nearby. Her captain charges on the ground that they ; a, answerit. hied in the supremo court great successful banking systems of attempt King !0 on the Volturno were - and was made Oct. 13 -- The passengers asked what he could do and Captain lated to offenses committed before ar.d characterizes Mrs. Blake ns one Europe were not framed by politic- George Queen Mary by Washington, I). C, took office. court 1)11 1 1)V - militant Miss Margaret Mexican situation was trapped In compartment number one Inch requested him to scout around the governor The .vli.t lino ti "tf.hlnilc HtBnnitimi nml inns. the loillt efforts Of bailk- suffragette, today regarded ses- - men on that had off. She immediately went into executive affee-!er- s and Tor reason eriiut as veio " by officials here as toward a by the first explosion the vessel for the boats put ur.governable temper" and "no and theorists, that ' nidjesma drifting ... - tlw.. wav fn the wedrlinrr nf Prinrf Ar- - . . east and re- sion again for this purpose and there ' i' ...... u - and either perish- circled about, ten miles tion or for her husband, who at urrmany, ranee anil Kiigiana were ' crisis, with.....the United States await- morning ...... Thursday a final thur of and the Duchess of turned without finding them. appeared possibility that the it is she threatened generation ahead of this county in Connaught next niove. The com- - ed at once or were burned alive. This verdict on the or innocence of time, alleged, File. The woman broke "None of us had thought about the guilt to kill. these matters. young manding feature was the action of the news was brought to port today with the be readied before - the line of a eighty or ninety steerage passengers governor might Since 10O5 Mrs. Macks y avers, Mrs. 'We cannot refrain from expiess- through police, waving minister in Mexico call- - the of the Grosser ar-- ,. Spanish City docking steamship 1 not j but she was seized and in No. compartment. We had adjournment, tonight. Blake has had no affection for the lug regret," said Professor Seligman, petition, R mMtIn)? f ,he"diploma,ic Kurfuerst 105 survivors of ' corp8 bearing to do so, we were bo The decision of court not to - "'sted. disaster. had time busy the doctor. "that in this country alone the ques- t() dii.cuss Tiuf,rta's assumption of a the the Are. I don't know how send the not It came from the of Waldron fighting testimony "On the contrary," the answer con tion should be approached from nrari unt iMr in tnt'Kliin Administration lips of were in their to for a new article j ALLEGED MURDER Vol- many them places the assembly tinnes she has sought, to his the point of view of (he interests of "DU (officials and attached Disselman, third officer of the - injure diplomatists when the first occurred, but caused Governor Sul- j IS ARRESTED ON BORDER one of the rescued. explosion gloom among (good name by constantly spreading the whole country, but from the point !deep significance to that . turno, I fear most of them were there. zer's who had looked on the The Grosser Kurfuerst docked In that friends, among his patients, relatives and o? view of one political party, we This development attracted great, were cut off by the flames. We action as favorable to their Calexlco, Calif., Oct. 15 Haid All Hoboken this afternoon. Committees They proposed friends, false and unjust rumors and have not been able to rise above attention because of the Spanish min- can imagine what happened to side of the case. j Khan, a Hindu, wanted in Stege, of the Red Cross and Jewish organi- only 'accusations against him regarding his party. ister's friendship for Henry Lane Wil- as none of us were able to get The court's decision was reached Calif., in connection with the murder zations and friends and relatives of them, with other women and his "1 must voice, in the name of the son, the former ambassador of the. a debate which yes Intimacy of a whose into that compartment again. after long began v.- - ..a t.i ...n..i..T nr.,1 - nf Pnlitlpnl Science,- mv- verv- Rosa Domingo, waitress, the dead and living awaited her com- , liegieui. UL iiio mm uni uuuetmwiioi.itnttn..n ii!iilpnw - - United States to Mexico, and because "When it seemed that the flames terday afternoon and rmitiimoit - body was found in San Francisco bay, Ten automobiles and an ambu- has declared to said p?.-- pronounced disappointment that in the minister never has sup- ing. had died down somewhat the captain until after three o'clock this after- constantly with chains, was arrested Spanish lance were on hand to bring the un- i, n.n. rinintiff enmu nf tlie fundamental features of weighted the of the United States. tried to go Into the sailors' forecastle. noon. Here Sheriff Meadows of this ported policy fortunates to places of temporary ref- and hated her said Husband thin bill no attempt has been made to today by President Wilson discussed the sit- - He found the bodies of four sailors, "Gentlemen," Presiding Judge Cnl- despised J he sheriff said the Hindu uge in Manhattan. and tried to ruin him: and thi--t dur-- i fellow the teachings of sound theory. cnty. utitlon with and sev- burned to death in the hallway. They len said as soon as newspapermen ...... i liurt onn fucui.fl Secretary Bryan In broken English, Disselman, a the 1905 and me nut sins in a glaring way against eral senators and later the re- had been trapped by the fire. were admitted into the senate cham- ing year repeatedly of the Crime. foreign quiet mannered man of about 35 thereafter, the said plaintiff, some of the fundamental principles oi Story lations committee of the senate had a "The came then and ber, "the court announces that the she, San Oct. l.". A years, told of his experience during Seydlitz up threatened to kill her said husband, 'science." Francisco,." body behind closed doors. It was lowered a boat. I saw it pull off from application to amend the articles of found In the- hay near Siege, on the meeting the 18 hours he was aboard the fire "IJv reason of the facts in a and the come half way to us and Imneachment has been denied and the alleged Contra Costa was identified a regular meeting day, however, swept vessel. The cause of the fire ship, the May Railroad Bill. shore, the session of the senators was not then turn around and go back. I did court has decided that article 4 is the preceding paragraph, plaintiff he established as an explosion of a i i I.. ,1 .11 tvinni lnll1.1 Inm tli a J). ('., Oct. 15. "I came called No could live broad to consiaeranon ia mm ai. an uuicb!. mcmiumu Washington, hum-wh- o by developments. In not blame them. boat enough permit y... 'poniiu Portuguese girl of drum containing chemicals or oil of of the Peck Instance as a basis or a nas oeen esiran&ea irom uer in nre rresmeui, viiun iu mu mc in such a sea. The captain the complaint ' had worked as a .1. .1 m ' ' ex- - the forward of the vessel. ,.,.!, ift.Wr Ancivnv. train over the obstructionists . , part wireless, said he would l,,,l,rt,l freight with c, after a talk with tho president, "I to Seydlitz by Her intimacy ,,',! was just going the bridge," he was too T.M...... I,...... 1 I.. .. nipssed the view that even had the have to wait as the swell ' .,..,.1.' f..,.f...... "when the first oc- ator Tillmnn as he left the. ' . his said, explosion heavy. huvo had for her.H today", United Stales recognized Huerta, curred. The Volturno trembled as if same. THE DAY IN CONGRESS Mrs further While. House. Senators Hughes and . ,M. '.' .. ... of the role of dictator "The Carmania's said the Mackay alleges that; ' assumption had been struck a shell. - - she by heavy The Carmania so far as I knew, did Dr. Blake has not lived with the plain- Marline, of New Jersey, also brought j' would, in bis opinion have been suf- be- slept. Hits of the girl's clo'hmp; w Almost immediately other drums the White House advices pros-jlcn- cause a withdrawal ot not lower a boat while she was near Senate. itiff as his wife since the year 1904, that I'ound in tho ashes of the fireplace o! "dent for gan to explode with a rapid fire of to time when first for action were once - us. in prior the he pects speedy growing recognition, exienueu, ihil uipiu- that sounded like cannon-- 1 Not session; meets Thursday. explosions "When the saloon and the first class knew or had any acquaintance with PnUlieatlnn of tlm nictiire l.roueht matists pointed out that such an effect ading. Banking committee continued hear 'quarters caught fire we broke the for the defendant, but on the contrary, TIIIC7MTU M IMP DC a number of clues from who might be substantially accomplished Inch was on the I ings on currency bill. illlfc-im- persons "Captain bridge. ward windows and the fire out lio ovnirlnH tho TlluinltIT !1S milfh I on by withdrawing an ambassador. Plans heard him shout out. to man the life put Foreign relations conim tt l,a itliniiL'ht tbev bad seen the Hindu there. One after another the eleven as possible and by mutual consent the MADE TO QUIT (railway Irains and he was traced to for keeping an American naval forco boats. The passengers came running cussed the Mexican situatio 1. almost ships that stood round us came in said plaintiff and her husband have Calexlco. in Mexican waters commanded In panic to the dock6. The sailors House. BV STRIKERS ot sight and offered help. But nobody a all times since the year 1H04 lived Had not been for an unuruallv eoual attention, especially in view sprang to the davits. A gale was Mel at noon. it so could help us In that gale. We had a! separately and apart and since the; low tide the murder might no, have the strained Bituation following howling and the seas were sweeping After an unsuccessful fight - to our owp battle. t ,,f the";wetonin have main- Trinidad, Colo,, Oct. 15. Twnuty ilieen bil.-- . was closely Huerta's announcement that ux. fight 1 discovered for the ' in great tollers around The pass- U ft , 1 A Q tt n'1nnl. in t Ua rfAinrtnn wmmiaiK 0.i,mi.i. the force of Mc with chains. his government's permission for the crrwded the rails so the u- - j mtp heavily weighted engers that fire broke out in No. 2 com- - asitea ror an agreement ior jii!t or tne ania re coai of American would in fierce n,entg. ilouglilin mine presence warships sailors hail difficulty lowering the Journment three days at a time, but j of partment. We tried to chop through Mrs. Mackay says she did not meet company three miles south here, JULIAN HAWTHORNE OUT OF not be renewed this month and the boats. M: mtime the small drums was blocked by Leader in- deck to at it. but could Republican 1 were from to work announcement ex- the iron get Or. Blake until n0!, long after the prevented going PEN; GOES TO NEW YORK. of this government's and cases of chemicals were Mann. e not. Finally, the hatchways fell in breach had come between him and his jtliia morning by a crowd of thirty-fiv- tention to maintain tills end without ploding by the dozen every minute. .,..-,.- , ...... and then we poked hose and steam 1KH's. - laws of Mexico No one could last five wife, and she prays therefore that iiu.v Atlanta. Ga., Oct. 15. Julian Haw- conflicting with the by thought the ship water FOUR MEMBERS i entrance of the and pipes through them and poured (NAME ... ooofnot W he dismissed. The the property thorue, who, with Dr. W. .1. Morton changing the details of ships. minutes. ues-- i on tlie nre. men was up by jeers peni-- It was made that the Washing-tentiar- y "Flames swept up from No. 1 com- laptain rniLirrnic wumuoiun summons was released from tlie federal plain He to me and said: 'I Oct. 13. I'resi-don- 't M iki to i in ii urti n. They have 50 perate. turned Washington, I). C, Blake's suit was made public only yes- uii eais here today after serving a ton government was determined to partment forward and leaped feet now.' not returned to work. think she'll last long jdent Wilson and Secrelatry t:arrion Tt sets forth that she was liv- yet little more than six months for violat-- ; have a naval representative ready for from the forecastle. The gale fanned terday, A sher- pnrty of deputies from the lit-'- , the blaze. "He was groaning when he told me (today selected the following Filipinos ing with and being supported by Dr. ing the postal laws, will engage in any eventuality and some observers eves were almost out. to be members ot the com iff's otlice reached the scene before in New he on next towards a cul- "A boat was lowered and made this. His They Philippine Blake until four years ago. Mrs. 2'1 erary work York, said, thought the step C. de the ltnri ilisnersed and if would - were so badly burned that he could mission: Victorio Mapa. .laimo wick-- 1 the eve of his departure today. Both mination of the situation might he away. It seemed as it cap- Mackay, she charges, "wilfully arreMed m)d a,. ow ,., , t size" minute. We lost it time not read and I read the wireless mes Veyra, Vicente fllustre, Vicente Sing-so- and alienated his af men bought tickets to New York. forced over that point. every edly maliciously county jail, charged with picketing after time in the of the sea. sages to him. I had to force him to fections" and still alienates them. Mrs. Publication of President Wilson's trough and carrying concealed weapons. One was the davits before eat. All he wanted was to save the .Mapa will be secretary of finance GEORGE STOVAL MAY GO latest note to Huerta atracted wide Another against Blake's suit for separation against 'l)lmt W11S flred .,. tne an.Psla were it could be lowered. The passengers. He had lost hope of sav- and justice. A vice governor, secre is in the courts. TO K. C. FEDERAL L for its and forceful- - carpenters doctor pending made by uiulersheriff Zeeke Martin. brevity filled women and the Bhip. tary of tlie interior and secretary of The Mexican boat, with men, ing who fired over the head of a striker, ness. governments reply off. Each boat fire broke out In No. 2 commerce and police, all Americans, was awaited with keenest interest. children, put required "When the THREE EPISCOPAL BISHOPS who it is said, was in tlie act of draw St. Ixiuls, Ocl. 15. George Stovall. In remain to be selected. , - a complement of sailors to man it and the smoke rolled In black clouds HAND IN RESIGNATIONS. It.ur l.iu Ji posed manager of the St. Louis Am-- Meanwhile all the agencies of the gov- as it left us with few- The shut the The of personnel of ob- - In situation each got away the bunkers. engineers The McLoughliii mine employs ericans, said today that unles", he eminent concerned the to boats. doors. stokers could the commission to give the natives a in communi- - er men lower the remaining water tight, The New Vork, N. Y., Oct. 15. The from 25 to 50 men. .1. E. McLoughliii tains his unconditional release from were constant and close "I lower the third officer's in the smoke and the coal in tne committee winch is helped not work majority house of bishops of the Protestant manager and one of the chief .me local team oy tomorrow, u wm.cruon. the water a off1 flames. So the the house In their general boat. When it struck supply was cut by upper legislature, convention is a brother-in-la- of Govern berjn negotiating with the Kansas The instructions delivered by Mb Episcopal today accepted owners, sea and several of died down. We used our the first in President Wilson's has! author!-offere- d heavy hit swept engine fires step the resignation of three of its mem- or E. M. Amnions. City Federal league club, which Charge O'Sliaugnessy to the chief off- wire- of ultimate for atti-f- t the women overboard. The last ounce of steam to keep the policy independence bers. Kev. Lemuel Wells, him the position of manager. ties at Mexico city defining the steam the The Right icer was swept overboard, too, but he less plant going. When the islands. miHHinnnrv hishon of Snnkane and the AMERICAN BALLOON is understood that the Kansas1 Hide of the United States toward held on and climbed back. I saw him was all gone, we the wireless go- , Federal have offered Sto- - Huerta's of kept '! Right Rev. Wm. Crane Gray, mission-- HAS NARROW ESCAPE iCity league assumption dictatorship take out an oar to steer the boat a hand The i 'hree-yea- r contract at a as follows: ing by generator. ship make ready to jump for the boats, arv of southern Florida, retired $11,500 ;were from the It was in in after 2:30 bishop jU a $10,--! is away ship. danger was left darkness shortly Captain Inch was still on the bridge, Ion' Oct. 15.-- The Am-pea- with bonus of $.,,00.1 to "The president, shocked at the to the account of age. The Right Rev.: Bridlington, Eng., of breaking pieces against o'clock. The passengers made ready. erican balloon one of theluOO to be paid when he sign", Hie lawlessness of the methods employed moment. He used the Willi,,,,,, k'nlrtt missionary Goodyear, Volturno at any "There was no steam to keep "Some of the passengers jumped !conteMants in the international race 'contract Jby General Huerta and as a sincere the oar to advantage and the boat and the flames rose b8hop of CuK np acUve 8cryiw friend of Mexico Is distressed pumps going high into the water "when the boats came - vice- - i nennen deeply 9 ;i- tlie church to become capital tor tne .lames .onion drifted away. er. It grew darker and hotter. At close and were up. Some were BOILERS ON LARGEST LINER :at the situation which Jias arisen. He low- picked chancellor of the of the "antic cup, in which representatives "The fourth officer's boat was o'clock that night flames were shoot- not of the life University finds it impossible to regard otherwise picked up. One boats Term. The house of eight nations started from Pans HAVE TO BE REBUILT. ered. About 25 passengers were In ing out of the saloon and lighting the was It South at Shawnee, than as an act of bad faith toward pulled away and put away. dis-'i- an adventurous jour-!..- t We let It down clear of the 'devoted the to further i Sunday, had in it. ship dark water. The passengers were,wa8 j,e grSf tnaj. came (0 us morning 15 the United States Huerta's course i i jj0aj f . romaintno- aessions of ne.v. The balloon, with the pilots. Hamburg, Oct. The Hamburg and I saw It far away about ten crowding tne rails att. it. lOOKeu as u :a llttIe bont New dissolving the congress and arresting marked York.' i.iTl i . .i.- - Ralnh A. D. Preston and Ralph H American line today admitted in spite minutes afterward. That was the the end had come. The orosser Kur- - " the deputies. 'The second boat was from the Gros- Upson, on board, landed near Flam of earlier denials that the boilers of last time that boat was ever seen, so fuerst lowered a boat, then the Kroon- - r "It is not only a violation of consti- ser ivurruersi. i ioiu tne passengers Head on the North with-- j unsatis- - far as I know, lowered one. came as near borough sea, the lmperator have proved tutional but all land They not to unless the boat was near the dan-- guarantees destroys an- - jump in 200 of the edge of and that re building .. c .1 r..t - "I ran to the starboard and saw as dared but not near enough for OF SWINDLER IS yards factory complete :,.:.... m u nee aim inu ecu-nlnn. they and they heeded my commands. But TRIAL which f.'" i: ex- - iJUHSluiliij other boat full of We did not a jgerous Bompton Cliffs. necessary in order to reduce the a people. u8 to throw them line. Had they most DELAYED; WITNESS MISSING - tion Thg preRident bet,vpg that of them were scared and refused sheer into the sea. coal consumption and to lower that, however, as the captain come nearer they would have been to jcessive eloetion heM at ,his time under the jump. ci ease the of the vessel. said that the sea was too high and shattered against the ship. Captain Oct. 15. An or- - speed conditions as now existing would "Finally, the women who begged me Portland, Oregon, SERVE EVERY STRIKER will . . that a boat could not live in it. I Inch tried to Bhoot a line to one of the The builders, by their contract, VB ,h ,.,.., .Ith to save them, slid down the rope directing the trial judge in ORDER whh turned around and saw the carpen- the boats with a rocket. The rocket andjder WITH RESTRAINING have to pay approximately $1,500,000 ,aw BUrrmlnd8 the ballot and that the were taken into a boat. More pas-- ; case of R. B. C. Von Klein, alias Jack is mte. - ter's boat floating 100 yards or so shot up, leaving the line behind. A as for every day the vessel resllit therefore could not be regard- sengers slid down the roues. One of Lewis, held a 'marrying swnmier, Mich., Oct. 15. The UtiOO away. It was bottom up. set off all our rockets. Almost he Calumet, pd ns the will of the peo- - spark the boats from the Grosser Kurfuerst j to show cause October 21, why conn- - representing "Then I went to boat No. 5, as the same there was a terrific ideputy sheriffs in the Houghtr STORM ALONG the minute of Voltur- - indictment Von Klein FURIOUS pie. we almost touched the side the against should!, miners' strike zon today - captain said might try to lower explosion on the bridge. All our am- was co,)or THE CAPE COD COAST., "The president would not feel justi- no. It was soon filled with passen-!"o- t be dismissed, issuea loaay started to serve wiih that. Meantime the explosions were munition had gone up. every striker fled in accepting the results of such eerR who slid down tho rnnes when bv the state supreme court. The writ or-- dying down. I found that boat No. 5 "Half a dozen the supreme court's restraining Mass.. Oct. 15. an election or In recognizing the pres- - passengers jumped - - Highland Light, had been the "u c " uer a large so already whipped by gale to swim for the boats. i.apuuiir.jT.tiin Tnh;' ,. ,. t n.i hurl tieen rontiniieri renentedlv. against. ... picketing, The storm that has lashed the Cape ident chosen." bow-ha- o 1 fnao" ' 111 the davits and that its Q nhnnr-- .,"r" ".,.." ,i..." " ...... OI STTlKerB Hie increas--. minister to Mexico against t,..,oH in mQ 'If for 111 Cod coast since night The Spanish has ,, .u and without without any e" scr- - Monday been smashed. I don't know why. he said 'take it and rope touching water, snowing naving ,0onntv district refused to accept ed in The wind held north-- ' called a conference today ot the your life,' jump.' into the mane n tne fury today. but I lowered the empty boat. It got stepped boat. piosecuuon. iyice and arrests may he made. There flew fifty an hour. Fur- - tire in the Mexican The captain ordered all the passen- Vo" K'ein s lrlaI bas beeu and miles diplomatic corps away clear of the ship. It was a "That life boat crew had a terrific delayed was some peaceful picketing this was to discuss Huerta's decree of pity gers to fasten on the life belts. They ,ne of Ethel New- - ther damage to shipping report- capital to b' disappearance, InorninK Bt the Mohawk g that it was broken. did so and became quieter. struggle pull awav without going Allupez ed and two lives were lost here this dictatorship and the situation gener-mornin- "The captain then gave the order to Of the half dozen who alii foul of our screw. The second and when a broke away ally. Advices to that effect reached jumped, I'"'. JZ;mlnes' . barge fight the fire. I went on the bridge. had lines about them and we pulled tmro Doats of the Grosser Kurfuerst " '" from her tug. Nine tugs which left the state department early today - months A detective has '"en He coupled the hose to the pumps and them to we saw were out nearly five hours. The cap- ago. gEES ENDORSEMENT OF here with 27 coal laden Mon- - from O'Shaughnessy. back the ship when p(rJTfor in la. barges Charge btretcUed two lines of It. tain of the Grosser Kurfuerst searching her Davenport, WLS0N (N NEELY'S ELECTION A Called Into Conference they could not make the boats. thought Chi- day, came back into the bay. four O'Shaughnessy 1,ome of her Parents, and in - i "We had been working the wire- "When the rockets all went up at that the last boat was lost, as it was j'np masted schooner was reported in dis- Mexico City, Oct. 15. Nelson less for an hour. Finally we once shook us, nearly six hours before it came back caR- - Washington. I). C, Oct. 15. Repre- tress near Pollock Rip. 'O'Shaughnessy. American charge nearly and the last explosion " got word that the Carmania was coin- the captain of the Kroonland, think- to the ship. sentative Doremus of Michigan, chair- Bistolfi Coming Prof. Joe Bistolfi d'affaires, was requested by telephone ing full speed to help us. I ran to the ing that it meant the end, lowered all "Next morning the captain of the FIND MORE ENTOMBED iman of the Democratic congressional and his orchestra are again to appear to call at the Mexican foreign office passengers who were huddled aft. the boats. The fire spread amidships. Grosser Kurfuerst put two boats out MINERS ALIVE IN COLLIERY, 'campaign committee, in a Rtiti.ment in Santa Fe according to an announce- - late last night, immediately after the Some of them were praying, some "Two women threw their arms again. The sea was quieter, and they Cadiff. Wales. Oct. 15. Rescuing ;today interpreted the election "f M ment made today. Music lovers of conclusion of the cabinet meeting laughing. I shouted to them that the around my neck, weeping, begging me took off the remaining passengers parties searching for the 400 miners !M. Neely, Democrat, to congees, from the city are not unaware of the merit Which had discussed the two recent so- - Carmania was coming. Most of them to save them. I promised to do what without much trouble." still entomliprt in the Universal col- - West Virginia, as "a .tpvnl entioi 0f this little band of musicians who communications trom the imitett on n Wil fell their knees. The panic among I could. I told them to watch the Survivors of the Volturno aboard llery got into touch shortly after noon ment cf the policies of Preside jbave appeared here several times in States government. These communi- them then ended. boats from the other ships and when the Grosser Kurfuerst were all men, with a party of 29 men shut in one of eon and the Democratic party.'' the past. They will show at the Elks cations, it is reported, contained a "I went back to - - the bridge. The they came close to us to jump for steerage passengers, crew and a lone the galleries by a fall of coal. They theater Thursday,' Friday and Satur- warning against the Mexican govern- captain told me that the main mast them. They leaned over the rail, look-.fir- cabin passenger. The Kurfuerst's sienalled that, another group of fifteen DAVID LAMAR'S $3,000 BOND .day nights of this week. While a pro- - ment permitting harm to come to tne in musi-- Gen- - was danger of falling. I got a ed down at the dark water and were j doctor said that none of the rescued of their comrades had been closed in IS DECLARED FORFEITED j gram will be used, the talented Mexican deputies imprisoned by couple of tackles and made the main afraid. When I tried to help them, had been ill and that all seemed to further along the galleries but they cian is always more than willing toieral Huerta and referred also to tne firm so the 1 mast that aerials could they hugged a stanchion and would fhave recovered from their experience. probably were dead. New York, Oct. IS David .a !!!! respond to calls for special selections, unconstitutional situation brought not down and our il i in- a dissolution of go destroy wireless. not jump. They were all, with one exception,! Altogether about 500 of the 931 men the Wall siteet manip i' r ler and when piece is called for, there about by the forcible "Then the steering geer on the "All our lights were out then. The paupers and without baggage, but they were rescued yesterday and today's dictment for iinporsontti:..' coiu'nfs-iiir- will be no hustling around for the the chamber of deputies, blew with a loud h to went, to the bridge up explosion. searchlights of the eleven ships were allowed to land by order of the discovery of further parties of living and others, failed i itri.chv music, but ten chances one, the The American charge We to drift. The - dist-tie- s will office and remained there began carpenters around us and the glare of the fire immigration authorities at Washing-o- n men gave rise to hopes for the fatall- fore Judge Hunt in the federal musicians play it upon demand foreign fixed a hand up steerage gear. We the water were all we had to ton and were taken care of by various would not be so numerous as at rict court today for pleading and his and without the score in front of didn't want to drift for the Car- - on fear guide us. I gave the order for all to institutions here. first supposed. (bend of $3,000 was declared forfeited them. Popular prices will be charged, j (Continued Page Four.) J. iJ PAGE TWO SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913;.

l MOTHER! THE CHILD Francis C. Wilson Orator IrS B IS COSTIVE, BILIOUS. , Thomas .1. Sanford IMPOSING ARE Master of Ceremonies Dcn't Hesitate! A Laxative is Neces-- Marvin G. Yates Guard of Temple EGG PRODUCERS sary If Tongue Is Coated, Breath Coronado Council of Kadosh No. 1. Green Bone cwt. Bad or Stomach Sour. Philosophical and Chivalric degrees, Cut and Meat, $3.50 per CEREMONIES lflth to 30th. Shells, $2.50 " " First In Give "California Syrup of Figs" at Oyster .... " once a teaspoonful today often saves The following are the officers of the Meat Scraps, .05 lb. a sick child tomorrow. Council of Kadosh: Ground Charcoal, . . . $ .03 " " If little one is half-sick- , '....$ your AT REUNION and Stock FoodComposed Iff f QC f isn't resting, and acting Poultry eating ol Corn, Bran, Oats and Alfalfa, I pCI msturally look, Mother! see if tongue New Cranberries! in coated. This is a sure sign that It's $L. GORMLEY'S GENERAL STORE liltle stomach, liver and bowels are WORK OF CONFERRING DEGREES BE- clogged with waste. When cross, irri- AT THE! table, feverish, stomach sour, breath GINS THIS MORNING bad or stomach-ache- , has diarrhoea, THIRTEENTH GATHERING OF SCOT--i sore throat, full of cold, give a of "California Syrup of Figs," TISH RITE MASONS AT THEIR and in a few hours all the constipated HANDSOME CATHEDRAL. j poison, undigested food and sour bile WINTER GFtQGERY CO, f.ently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, child HIGH PRAISE FOR ALL again. Charles M. Stauffer, Mothers can rest easy after giving 40. this IN CHARGE OF WORK raoiTm harmless "fruit laxative," because Charles M. Stauffer, Commander; it never fails to one's cleanse the little Kmmett J. DeArcy, First Lieutenant bowels liver and and sweeten the j Sec-jen- d IjTlGETl (Yramander; Harry S. Bowman, love The thirteenth reunion of the Scot- stomach and they dearly its pleas- Lieutenant Commander; Llew-- J ant taste. tish Rite Masons was formally opened Full directions for babies, ( C. N THESE DAYS OF MODERN METH this with ceremon- liyn Hall, Chancellor; Robert L. children of all ages and for grown ups morning imposing ies ('f.oper, Orator; Frederick . Muller, a printed on each bottle. at the Scottish Rite cathedral, ODS, Electricity plays most impo- w hich looked beautiful 'In the noner; Marvin G. Yates, Recorder; Ileware of dazzling I rtant The would counterfeit B. CAPITAL COAL YARD fig syrups. sunlight of a Sanla Fe ideal day. Hiram Cartwright, Treasurer; part. grandfather Ask for a bot- Cere- 85 your druggist By 9 o'clock everything was in read- Cl aries K. Lober, Master of be amazed radiance of the mod- - PHONE MAIN. tle of "California at the Syrup of Figs;" then iness for the organization of the monies; George H. Kinkel, Lieutenant see Sen- all To is made by the "California class though a number of members of of the Guard; George A. Riddle, ern home and why this light? wps&ks. Fig Syrup company." Don't be fooled! the class (lid not arrive until noon. At tinel. make the home more homelike to make Weed 10 m. The 19th and 20th, Coal a. the of Pontiff, regular meeting the degrees, SWASTIKA LUMP FACTORY WOOD coordinate bodies was held and at Master of the Symbolic Lodge, will be the home the most pleasant spot on earth LUMP SAWED WOOD DEMING LOSES A 10:30 a. m. the work of the communicated. CERRILLOS conferring for father, mother and children. Good light STEAM COAL CORD WOOD GOOD MINISTER fourth degree was begun, Edmund C. Noachite or Prussion Knight. Abbott venerable master. The Twenty-firs-t will be is on Is much to be ANTHRACITE COAL, ALL SIZES. being degrees that easy the eyes very 1 A conferred by the following degree Tlnmiiip- I Cint . Throughout the day degrees will be desired. Montezuma T- - & S. F. Railroad team: Avenue, near A., Depot was at the service of conferred, the fourteenth being given sprunk evening C. Abbott the Methodist church lo,"bUl- Edmund First Sunday Lieutenant Commander evening, when Rev. Henrv M. Bruce The beautiful spacious stage, tin S. Bowman. .. .Count Reinfred who has been pastor for the Harry past .lEmes A. Rolls Adolf the Saxon Ihree years marie the statement that Emmett J. NEW MEXICO MILITARY INSTITUTE he had decided to go to the coast con- DeArcy Warden of the North ference and to accept a pastorate in J Harold F. I NEW MEXICO. the vicinity of Long Beach. Rev. Coggeshall ROSWELL, ot soutn Bruce visited the coast last year and warden tne Charles M. Stauffer Orator 'The West Point of (he Southwest. preached several sermons while there. POWER Glenn A. Recorder The result was the coast people want- Gray Melvin Fiscal Ranked as "Distinguished ed him to come, and he decided to ac- T. Dunlavy the offer Harry H. Dorman Warder! IS QUITE SO CONVEN Institution " by the U S. cept made by the bishop at Los Angeles, providing the bishop of Prince of Llbanus, 22 Degree. IENT as to touch the button and War Department. New Mexico would release him from Conferred by Albuquerque Located In the beautiful Pecoa his own conference. This was your stove is ready to cook your about N Valley.3,700feetaboveselevel, brought by correspondence, Iron ready to use, your toasted tuusblne every day. Open air and no one knew that the pastor was work throughout the entire ses- going to California until he announced SAMUEL G. CARTWRIGHT, for the hurried breakfast, your vacu- sion. Conditions for ready physical it from the pulpit. The Rev. O. T. Director of Work. um cleaner for the your washer and mental development are of ready fray, IDEAL such as cannot be found Finch, pastor the Baptist church cool came over to ready to cleanse, fan ready to the heat- elsewhere In America. Four- pay a friendly visit to splendid scenery and above all the his teen officers and Instructors, all brother preacher of the Methodist, smoothness with which the work was ed rooms. Electricity will do every thing graduates from standard East- faith and brought his entire congrega carried out elicited many compliments for you. We furnish It at reasonable rates, ern Ten tion with lnm colleges. buildings, which crowded the for all those who had anything to dj and Estimates and full infor- modern In every respect. building to its capacity. Upon the an- with the ceremonies. Special praite day nfght' nouncement of Regents : the Methodist preach- is due Samuel G. Cartwright, and mation cheeerfully given. er was E. A. CAHOON, President. that it his purpose to go to Cal- Charles F. Kanen, who has spared no - J. E. RHEA, t ifornia, the Baptist pastor proposed pains to provide the proper stage set- J. P. WHITE, Treasurer. that the large audience join in sing- & LIGHT CO. JOHN W. POK, Secretary. ing "Blest be the Tie that Binds" and SANTA FE WATER W. A. FINLAY. that every person in the audience Alonzo B. McMillen. come r For particulars and Illustrated cata-ogu- forward and give the retiring B. Chief address, pastor the hand of fellowship. As Alonzo McMillen. .Venerable Rev. Bruce is very popular iu the city Edward A. Mann Senior Warden COL. JAS. W. WILLSON, Supt. practically every individual in the John Venable Junior Warden congregation, both young and old, em- Charles E. Lowber braced the opportunity to shake his i Master of Ceremonies hfnd. He will leave for Albuquerque Peter Cameron ..Expert CORRICK LIVERY BARN to attend the New Mexico conference James F. Bickers ...Assistant Expert tuesday evening, and will go from Morton L. Schutt Orator NOBBIEST OUTFITS IN THE CITY there to his new field of labor on the The 23 degree, Chief of the Tab- DENVER & RIO GRANDE RAILROAD CO. coast in the course a of very few days. ernacle; the 24th degree, Prince of and Saddlers a MISSOURI-PACIF- The Deming charge much re- Buggies Specialty. IC RAILWAY CO. very the Tabernacle; the 25th degree, grets the necessity of bidding adieu CHARLES F. KANEN, of the Brazen and ST. IRON MOUNTAIN & SOUTHERN CO. to Knight Serpent, Best THE LOUIS, the pastor and his most estimable Stage Director. Hacks and Baggage Transfer. Prompt Attention and the family, and will endeavor to secure luc UCjjiCCT, riJIllc ui xvxrivy will WESTERN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. be communicated by Brother Wheelon. of Satisfaction Quaranteed. ) for the next conference year one of and the ting cleverly manipulate many Knight Commander of Temple, 27th. the best ministers In the conference. lights which gave such a fine effect. The Methodists Conferred by Las Vegas brethren. are just completing a Tomorrow's Program. 104 DON (JASPER ST. Telephone 9 W SHORTEST LINE TO very handsome new parsonage, and The program of the reunion tomor- the first preacher to occupy it will be row is as follows: DTNVER, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO, considered very lucky. At 10 a. m., conferring of historical Charles YV. A. Downer, of Denver, and religious degrees. Knight of the Where Connections are Made B. Townsend of Direct Detroit, and T. E. East, 5th degree, Council at Jerusal- masters of Toledo are over looking em. The degree team Is comprised FOR ALL AND SOUTHERN the Mimbres this week. Mr. EASTERN POINTS valley of the following: MULLIGAN & RISING, Masters has already made quite ex- TRAVELERS TO THE EAST tensive investments. A syndicate of English capitalists FUNERAL DIRECTORS ss is in 66-6- will find every want anticipated in the modern high-cla- correspondence with the cham- License Nomhers, Day or Night Phone, 110 Main. service provided by the car routes to St. ber of commerce regarding the se- through sleeping of a Next Door to Postoffice. Louis over the Missouri-Pacific-Iro- n Mountain. curing large acreage for coloniza- tion purposes. They are figuring on a tract of at least 50,000 acres, and it M. Kinkel. To Salt Lake City and Pacific Coast will be their purpose to put it under George intensive cultivation. THROUGH Points Denver '& Rio Grande-Wester- n LINE Lee O. Lester has returned George H. Kinkel. . .Venerable Master Pacific Rail wav-Th-e Roval just from an tour Louis- James A. Sub Master FOR TICKETS 1PY0UR F HEIGHT Gorge-Feath- er extensive through Rutledge River Route, acknowledged to be the Scenic Alabama James F. Anton Preceptor One PAR EXCELLENCE of all iana, Mississippi, and the America. eastern portion of Texas, and reports Robert J. Taupert Draper a large number of people who have Guy N. Cary First Lieutenant FROM SANTA FE been either suffering from drouth or Francis M. Lyons .. Second Lieutenant FOR INFORMATION AS TO ETC., CALL ON S. R. RATES, flood who will come to the Mimbres John Hammitt. Frank L. Myers To El Paso, Bisbee, Douglass and all points in valley where they have neither. Captain of the Guard John S. R. Hammitt New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico and to the Pacific Dr. R. C. Hoffman, M. A. Nordhaus George H. Hunker Hospitaller WM. M. SCOTT. T. F. & P. A.. Ruler NEW MEXICO CENTRAL to Torrance thence. and Willard E. Holt have been select- Worshipful The 28th degree. Knight of the Sun, Coast, via San M. ed to check the automobiles in James H, Wroth. .. .Venerable Priest 244 Francisco Street, Santa Fe.'N. racing and the 29th degree, Scottish Knight j x A. Scribe the El contest Novem- Alpheus Keen ...Venerable of St. win be communicaiea Charles E. Andrew, ber The cars will not stop in Linney by Brother Wheelon. Master of Ceremonies Deming except that they find it Dance at Night. East James A. The Rutledge At 8:30 p. m. tomorow a dance will of the Guard Captain bo given at the banquet hall of the TERRIBLE FATE OF Nathan Jaffa Zarababal Scottish Rite Cathedral for Scottish MR. JOHNSON, Rite Masons and ladles and visiting Best or Masons who are in the city. Admis. Portland, Ore., Oct. 15. 'Are these sion by card only. eggs fresh?" asked Fred Johnson as jhe balanced himself before a large Route West box of hen fruit. His foot slipped, iand he fell forward. The eggs were FOREST NOTES. not. He threatens prosecution. Squirrels collect much of the seed For Rates and Full Information, Address Work for the New 1 used for the forest ser- Mexican, it planting by G. F. & El Texas. working for you, for Santa Fe and vice. EUGENE FOX, P. Atf.f Paso, the new state. A growing scarcity of willow, gen State of Ohio, city ot Toledo, Lucas erally used for wooden shoes in Eu- ss. rope, is leading to an adoption of county, Nathan Jaffa. Frank J. Cheney males oath that he poplar. Is senior - of the firm of F. J. partne.- Court of & business in the King Cyrus. Torrey pine, a distinct California Cheney Co., doing Nathan Jaffa Zarababal T7 CLSlM&Uc of Toledf and State species, has been found in only two City bounty C. Hall ano nat said firm will Llewellyn King Cyrus isolated localities in the southern part NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO. aforesaid, pay Cbarles A. Wheelon ' the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL Satrap of the state. .Local lor Frank E. AndrewB. Master of Agents LARS for each and case ot Ca Cavalry One hundred acres on the Florida every Thomas J. Sanford tarrh that cannot be cured by the use national forest will be sown to mari Master of 3Jiot-wrmcK- e of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. Infantry time pine seed this fall. Maritime l Robert L. .. of Palace FRANK J. CHENEY. Cooper. .Master pine is the source of the French tur- Norman L. of Finance 'Elastic" Bookcase Sworn to before me and subscribed King ..Master pentine Industry. Edward J. Eames. Master of Chancery San Francisco its in my presence, this 6th day of De- recently received and Desk combined. LSw W JSC V O. Jr. Ton-gas- s cember, A. D. 18 8C. Wesley Connor, first cargo of lumber from the Captain of the Guard national forest, Alaska. The A Dnk Uril with few ot ft- (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, Book Unite a doired. L 'i1 -'- " The following degrees are com shipment consisted of 1,500,000 feet mny "Q f Notary Public. The only perfsct combination (P-fl"- wi H municated: of Sitka spruce. " Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- dik and boofaaaeevtt nude. II Prince of Jerusalem, 16th degree; Three native species of larch fur- ffiffilffi Imjf ally and acts directly upon the blood Knight of the East and West, 17th nish timber in the United States. One and mucous surfaces of the tfocwaaHoinowyott .rl"iib3;&L system. grows in New England and the Lake its advantagts and postl- - Send for testimonials, free. In the Afternoon. states, another in the Pacific north bilitfes. Gil write or nbaar L F J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Knight Rose Croix, 18th Degree. west, and the third In the high moun t abort it. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. John W Mayes Wise Master tains ot the northern Rockies. Eu Tak6 Halls Family Pills for con- - Harry S. Bowman... .Senior Warden ropean larch has been planted exten stication. Edward K. Paul Junior .Warden sively in the prairie states. PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN.

OUR GREAT ' lie easiest. OFFICIAL. m. $400,000,000 our inveterate has menu! as trustee, Numa C. Frengerlon us iace io a "ita j h Colombia, enemy, of their claims the easiest all in her own Inactive Cause was appointed by order of the court T.vnch. all against territory. Weak, Kidneys The trial court round PANAMA CANAL TO FACE The San Juan river runs into trustee in place of Numa lteymond. George Lynch. the Tensions and the 1903, as a fact that the said Lynch, Riley I'aeific through Colombian territory. Thereafter, during year A RIVAL - three I did in to The Carri- Much Trouble f, ....,., ...!, et.,,1 Hie r.rnau num. till Kevmond fact assign Atrato river runs into the bean an Atlantic sea also plaint in the nature of a bill in equity ilporce Lyncil ineir ci.uins through brothers and upon eoniiicuii!, the of Colombia. Both these for an by the Lynch t territory praying accounting found that Herbn-- Quick Discusses the Likeli- Anil from supreme trustees and the of a iovi,i,.nep the trial court,io tlmv nm appointment made uncondi- - hood of British Capital Floating receiver for the trust estate to take this assignment was P0 vh)f.t; ,OK(.tllHI. ut one pojnt that instrument1 a Deal to Wed Again the Atlantic Ouimet could drive u possession and dispose of the same !tionally. The typewritten prancis easily a and the Pacific a ,,., , COURT under of said trust deed in evidence contained condition; by Slitting R0f ,,., 0Me stream t0 the provisions j Chasm of Our the direction and order of written with a pen below, after signa-- Through Territory otnor m tw (Irivps and under ill the Inveterate the the court. hire of the parties. Judgment Enemy, Republic Four hundred of excavation - of Colombia. yards nnum district court was against Nunia Itey- would these two streams and nnminup iniinrn m in - George Lynch alleged in his cross join the luriMuru riKnutu vunn in nr- lnontl iroin which appeal is Jiy II HUBERT Qf'ICK. :cnt would need to be onlv 70 feet that he is also interested as -- deep Sown complaint ied. of the court below af of On Good LIN- Judgment iii' .( Author Board the a ) fol. ves "tril, PEALED CASES FROM DONA. a creditor of the estate by assign- Ship:or Bay modern firmed. Earth ' of the Air Lanes," ments from other creditors, in addi- "Virginia :B,S There are sandbars at the COUNTIES-DISTRI- vs. kfcCH? COLN AND SAN JUAN CT (!.... t,. liiu indirout i u I'nol ,1 llfi IV State of New Mexico, appellee, Hie). mouths of both rivers. But the Atrato from Lincoln We nil the Lohman and Heymond Pedro Analla, appellant, have been assuming is navigated for several hundred COURT SUSTAINED IN beneficiary. time that when we finished file Pana- - i,. u.w.d rnlv in llielr Ciinncitv ns iCHlllly. miles, and the San Juan with its af Martin l.nlimun nnd Numa Thin iu n pun vict ion uDoii an Indict- ma canal, we'll have a monopoly. fluents has three hundred miles ot TWO CASES. ir,UI Hut shall we' Let's see. dredg-that!jn- Heymond. being in court only as n!ent by the district court of Lincoln navigation. Sand bars are easy and all and bladder disorders to The in-- The London Standard hints Afurli olH Ih borne hv both these Backache, rheumatism, kidney trustees, undertook, nevertheless, j cunty for larceny of a horse. are caused from weak inactive kidneys, which fail to filter out answer the in their dictnu-nt- . contained two counts, the' streams hut probably no more than LONG STANDING CASE the poisons, and keep the blood pure. The only way to ndividual capacity, and to litigate llrBt 0f which alleged ownership of the is carried by the Mississippi. The Mis- positively and permanently cure such troubles is to remove their individual controversies with iH.m. bv Esequiel Sandoval, while the sissippi silt is controlled by jellies. the cause. The reason why Foley Kidney Pills are the best FROM DONA ANA DECIDED Lynch in this suit. The suit was tried second count states the owner of the The Atrato route is long about 'iliO medicine for and bladder troubles is because are upon the issues made by the horse to be "Pablo Fresquez, the le- miles from ocean to ocean. It runs kidney they the an- - the most made of those and restorative There were three handed of George Lynch, cnllv annoinled qualified and acting through pestilential swamps wholly healing, strengthening opinions the ' a in To most vessels im- swer of plaintiff Murtiu Lohman, ,al'.(lian of Esequiel Sandoval, the world. take it, ingredients that nature needs to build up and renew these down by the state supreme court to- , reply of defendant George Lynch, and and as sucn hub m-- would have to go out of their way from from Dona Lin- . minor, guaruiau portant and vital organs. See that you get Foley Kidney Pills day, respectively Ana, the answer of defendant Numa of !:!0fl to 1000 miles. Hut there's plenty for and in coln and San Juan counties. In two care, custody, control and possesion your kidney bladder troubles. They are tonic action, It is also stipulated in the case San-- , !of water for it and it can be built ot me the property of the said Ksequiel quick to give good results, and contain no harmful drugs. ot tneni tne juugment w tllllt n,,. of OcorRR Ljiii'h to the without locks, in reply dnval." Appellant complained of the; PHARMACY. court is affirmed, and the other the auswer of njart Lolunan shall be CAPITAL refusal of the court to give requested If looks like competition. appellee wins on one contention and as a ropiv of Edward C. Wade de- - treatpd defendant was duly The British paper gleefully urges is overruled in the other. The - -- ninninliinnt with Georce instruction. The for a term that the Monroe doctrine will not for- - tailed statements follow: ! convicted and sentenced of; improved that the heaviest rain can- Lynch, to the answer of Numa Key-- bid Colombia's canals HOTEL ARRIVALS. et vs. not less than three nor more than four making through not the surface and grade. Aminda Lohman, al, appellees, mond. The vital question upon the - destroy and to pay a fine of $500. De- (her own territory. Certainly not. The The metal used has to be of Numa. tievmiind. annellant. from Dona is whether Numa Heymond as- years proved appeal fendnnt more canals the merrier. De Vargas. thus a per- Ana county. to Lynch, his claim as apepals. excellent quality, insuring signed George af- And as a matter of fact, the Atrato R. V. Statement. !a the estate in ques- - of the court below Winchester, Albuciuerque. manent washway. creditor against Judgment j route is so feasible that we may ex filmed. j .). B. Reynolds, Jr., Albuquerque. Work on the Mora road north of On December 6th, 892. the tion. pect it to be constructed so as to taka .1. B. HERBERT QUICK. Fish, Albuquerque. the city was started this morning Lynch and his two On or about December 13, 1106, Syllabus. care of some of the extra traffic. George a P. R. Beeman, Albuquerque. with S. F. Memler in charge. The brothers, since deceased, executed Nunia lteymond, John H. Riley and 1. Where appellant relies upon C. Denver. for as to of an J. Dawe, preliminary work will consist of grad- their deed of trust for the benefit of Martin Lohman, the consideration failure of proof ownership the British DEVELOP WATER POWER C. A. Paso. is Pearson and son, great Beers, El ing the road properly, after which creditors to the plaintiff, Martin Loh of their mutual promises and for the alleged stolen animal it incumbent ON NATIONAL FOREST. - financiers, are about to raise money Earl Patterson, Las Graces. be on surface. The express consideration of one dollar in upon him to present a complete tran- gravel will put the man, aim the ueienuant, ivuma ney for Colombia to build a competing A water power has been, Harry Goforth, Santa Rita. one of Numa hand paid, agreed together orally to of all the. evidence adduced in permit just commissioners expects to build mond, as trustees, Reymond seril,t cai al. the secretary of agricul- Harry Wattocks, Minibres. Martin Loh- - release anu inn leiease the. court. to do so the granted by the best roadways in the county. having left the country, (or assign) trial Failing I an ture to the Truckee River General Rea Clotfalter, this to Lynch their court will that the It, sounds interesting have Hurley. Mayor R. J. Taupert of the commis- man, trustee, had instituted suit (or assign) George appellate presume Electric a California cor Lee P. claim the trust estate of to verdict lldea that the Pearsons have been company, Gooding, Hurley. sion this morning stated that the bad against Numa Reymond, trustee, and against facts necessary support the which of - ' poration, under this company Thomas K. K. Ellis, Santa Rita. creditors as defendants, Lynch Brothers. In pursurance were disclosed by evidence not incor- ' place on the Watrous road had been the including as the firm a will power on the Eldorado Arthur G. Santa Rita. William this oral agreement (or assignment) in bill Llnlted stt('s given develop Pegler, J. D. Hand and George Lynch and Lynch, ' porated the of exceptions. Cali- partly repaired by and delivered to eye m refusing to recogme that national forest, to serve various George W. Burt, Silver City. that of this work would surviving members of the firm of they executed George 2. Nothing is to be presumed In aid Roswell. completion " fornia towns and cities. Clark Dilley and wife, next 30 of an affidavit In support of a motion .'" ",' ",. occur within the days It, is also remembered that the In the company R. P. Bean, Roswell. for a and it is incumbent developing power continuance, Pearsons came over to the United states it to construct R. S. Bean, Roswell. the for a contin- - that expects HANNA WILL ATTEND upon party applying States a few ago and gave seven reservoirs, five for water stor William Mann, Kansas City. LEAVES CAREER JUDGE nance to snow me oi mic yeara maienainy Wall street a up one and two for the flow. A. W. Bikker, Denver. CAPITAL he claims the absent wit- flurry by turning age equalizing efIT - OPERA SUPREME 60UN6IL facts which to be a rail-win- on J. A. Ortiz and wife, Denver. IN GRAND day with what seemed Two of the storage reservoirs are ness will substantiate. nnnsnliilHtion which would give Rubicon river. the use of p. A. Geis, Espanoln. TO GO ON FARM upper By ?,. In the absence of a showing fjthpn) a routo from gnn Francisco to a tunnel, approximately a mile and a j. W. Corn, Tuctimcari. next week. Richard H. Hanna, associate jus- meets in Washington abuse of the discretion vested in the :. Morgan. Rockefeller,; half long, the flow of the upper Rubl-- c. E. Payers, Tuctimcari. court- meet Mrs. Hanna Eaton, Pa., Oct. 15. After a court, well Judge Hanna will trial judge by Section 12, Chapter ITit Harriman and the rest of the big river and the waters stored in J. O. Janes, Santa Rosa. tice of the state supreme will :, ship of only an hour. Miss Pearl Isabel in Omaha and she accompany Sessions Laws 1905, the appellate ( k awav from two reservoirs will be A. B. in Masonic circles, leaves ,llis )Uertv these brought McMillen, Albuquerque. Schley, niece of the late Ad- known him to Washington. will not review the action ot went where M. pretty court tfi jthem and the Pearsons home into the Gerle creek drainage E. Hickey, Albuquerque. Fe tomorrow to attend Mr. a re- e miral Winfield Scott Schley and Henry Stnta night Hanna carires with him court in returning to the jury box sadder and poorer, the waters will be further stored. R. Craig, Albuquerque. - George E Bracken, a young Bucks county the biennial session ot the supreme port of progress of this jurisdiction ot names of veniremen, drawn to com- love the United Prom this the water will be T. M. DuBois, Corona. ,I)o ))u, peamm8 storage farmer, came to Easton and were mar- council of the Ancient and Accepted which lie is the head and it shows the the 'states? neither loves or by ditches and natural Alfred Clark, Oneida. plete panel. Well, money conveyed ried the Rev.. Henry M. Gesner, Scottish Rite Masons of the Southern progress made by the 4. can not avail himself iit t0 .hat streambeds to Pilot creek, upon which John R. Rochester. N. V by splendid Appellant Ilatp ml, i( safl, aslimne Sibley, of the B'irst Presbyterian of the United States. Rite in New Mexico. errors the trial court in to two mentioned iu W. L. and wife, Ros- - pastor Thisjtish of alleged by )he jPavson9 incline hate rathetjthe power plants Cottingham Church. to instruc-jtua- n the are to be located. The wa- - well. giving, or refusing give, iove, permit, Miss who is a graduate of no objec-- ( will finally be discharged into the John Shaw and wife, Roswell. Schcley, tions where he interposed And how about Colombia? iter college in Ypsilanti, Mich., and Denver, to action of Ihe court and and wiili some Rubicon river. Mrs. Farquar, Roswell. tion the Well, Colombia feels, Colo., will abandon a grand opera failed to save, exceptions. reason, that, she was robbed when j At each of the two plants there will Rolliu Ritter, Black Rock. to feet. career, for which she is studying, J. M. Palmer, appellant, vs. Frank Uoosevelt took the Canal zone awaj he a head of approximately 1,300 Henry L. Fenton, BJackRock. to make an live with her farmer husband on his R Allen from San Juan ; iM,r bv setting up the republic ol The company expects A G. Jaffa, City. ' appellee, will e estate. and the zone fromitial installation which develop S. G--. Hanna, Jr., San Marclai. Panama, getting "You call it an if i niofl mnil tn slrike Tinwevor. the Pearsons may about 16.000 horsepower, which will W. T. may elopement no. nom!, Porter, . said the bride after the ...... ' .j r,i., i...... '.i .. i,i., t,.,io ,a mobablv be doubled as the market Nathan Jaffa and wife, Roswell you wish," flie Olll Or eXCepilUllo Hum m.., ....ra u. unvtuu ura, r.i "Mr. Bracken and I were an for the product increases. Eleanor Jaffa. Roswell. ceremony. this case on two grounds. (1) Reeause 'She would feel herself avenger introduced at Falls three five the themselves. B. B. Tularosa. Niagara nnnellnnt failed to ?Ive appellee commissioned by gods Kronenberg, 'With she admitted of nnnlv - llf lists with a SUFFRAGETTE DRAWS 18 Roswell. years ago. me," f liio intention she could enter the W. A.. Dunn, love at j.., Icanal the MONTHS FOR BURNING SCHOOL - "it was a case of which which would with Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Shelton, Albu- Mushinglv, ing to the judge of the court in compete first sight. Mr. Bracken obtained my the case was tried to sign and settle (one for which Uncle Sam has paid, querque. My-ra- address and sent me several post- and (2) will $400,000,000. Cambridge, Eng.. Oct. 13. Miss H. R. McICee, Las Vegas. the bill of exceptions, fhatjor pay but we had no correspondence. not Has she any chance of doing it if Pratt, a militant suffragette O. D. Gaphart, Raton. cards, the said bill of exceptions wis I went to Pipersville to visit on old cmnoit and sealed bv the judge of thelthe Pearsons find the money for her school teacher of Norwich, was C. E. Lowber, Albuquerque. - Mrs. A. M. Kllng, and cause was tried. Yes, she has. The route of the Pan- here today to eighteen months F. L. Thomas, Albuquerque. schoolmate, ,,rt in which said while I was strolling along filed motion canal is the snortesi route iroin yvnm Bei muue iui 0eiimB i m it Edward Sackett, Albuquerque. yesterday Appellee likewise toiama e prob-- j house in this 17. The the country road, I saw Mr. Bracken. strike of errors of appel-jth- Atlantic to the Pacific, and public city May J. A. Riehl, Albuquerque. assignment d "We were delighted and surprised. the best, but it isn't the only one, fire caused great damage to the Sidney Abraham, Albuquerque. lant from the files because appellant ably He invited me to inspect his hand- to serve the same upon counsel and it isn't by any manner of means versify laboratories. William Wurm, Gallup. him. some estate, and I accompanied , F. L. Andrews, Gallup. of for appellee. This afternoon he called, and inside 1 Charles L. Day, Gallup. Motion to strike out, bill of excep-- a few minutes rushed headlong into W. M. Bickel, Gallup. lions to strike out assign-- ; a I him, and we granted; NOBLEMAN FIGHTING FEAR William L. Walton, Albuquerque proposal. accepted ment of errors denied. FRENCH tcok a car and came to Easton V trolley E. F. Bufkin, Alamogordo. j and were married at once." Syllabus. James G. Fitch, Socorro. 1. A bill of exceptions will be had set her L. P. Pressler, Magdalena. Although she said she from the transcript on appeal, in music stricken TO ESTABLISH INDUSTRY. Montezuma. heart on pursuing her study motion therefor, when no notice a career In upon N. A. Hardeman, St. Louis. and fit herself for grand has been given the adverse party of resolved to take set-- F. W. Fisher, Albuquerque. opera, Mrs. Bracken the time and place of its proposed Ambrosio Sanchez and sou, Albu- - up her life on the farm. tlement and signing as required by to me is RICHARD h HANNA, querque. "Henry's wedding present Section 26, Chapter 57. S. L. 1D07. Deputy of the Council for New Mexico. E, J. Hairston, M. D., Las Cruces. one of the thoroughbred race horses, Supreme 2. A bill of exceptions, in a case R. H. Bostwick and wife, Pagosa which he is an expert in developing. tried by a jury, must be settled nnd Colo. on race horses. In ;Springs, I am a perfect fiend signed by the judge of the court A. C. Heard and wife, Carlsbad. At college, riding was my principal which the case was tried, and where J. N. Livingston, Caflsbad. hobby, and now my wish to own a SEE THE BRIDE'S PRETTY LIPS! the record fails to show that such Frank Miser, Carlsbad. racer is gratified." bill of exceptions was signed by the T. N. M. Geo. Littlefield, King, Mrs. Bracken Is a daughter of Lest PEOPLE. it will be stricken from the Bud Wilkinson and Roswell. QUAINT CUSTOMS OF THE WORLD'S QUEER judge wife, er A. a contractor, of upon motion. Roswell. Schley, wealthy flies, Henry Russell, Detroit, Mich. She notified her par- 3. Where the assignment ot errors Sim Eaves and wife, Lovington. ents of the telegraph. Mr. I? Into brief, audi Bud wedding by copied appellant's Milton, Lovington. Bracken came to America from Scot brief is served appellee's C. E. the upon Sams, Lovington. land seven ago and brought a service of a copy of A. M. years counsel, separate Ellis, Lovington. stock farm in Bucks county. said of errors Is not --JP Geo. large the assignment Blake, Lovington. He he will take his bride on a 1 J. T. Garrett, Lovington. Bays necessary. ' wedding trip to Europe in a month or Mfe Ed Alt, Lovington. so. It is understood that he is weal- Robt. McDonald, - - Lovington. He gave his age as 32 and his UP BRIDE Tom White, thy. G(US in Lovington. bride as 25. PLEASE PARENTS: Frank Young, Roswell. TO Wiwfiw Jim Johnson, Roswell. DATE CHURCH. - Geo. A. Pomeroy, Rockford, 111. UP TO Atlanta, Ga Oct. 13. One hour af- Max Herzstein, Albuquerque. ter Robert A. a prominent ' 15. Instead of Harper, E. W. Dewel, Alamosa. Pasadena, Cal., Oct. business man of Atlanta and the I'ni- - young J. H. Burkhead, Alamosa. a sermon on Sunday night, I.Miss Bertha Dikenson, a society bud, will hereafter i R. C. Pittman, Albuquerque, versalist church here the surrend-- 1 trav-e- were married, bridegroom Ralph Nisbett, Albuquerque. show motion pictures comedies, ered his bride forever at the request dramas tr church A. Richardson, Denver. pictures and of her parents. Mrs. C. B. Hayward, City. goers. a few persons knew that Har-- Miss Only Hayward, City. per and Miss Dickenson had bee mar- Jesse L. Nusbaum, City. ried until the came out in Venceslao OoflVr. story Jaramillo, El Rito. divorce, when the parents of the bride iv. R, P. Bean, Roswell. asked for the annulment of the mar- L. W. Sears, Roswell. coffee bean on the of incompatibil De Boissaillant, the French nobleman, examining a spawning Joe Roswell. A roasted riage ground Wilcox, in the "spawning bed" in his mushroom cave. In the cask is a W. B. ity. McCombs, Roswell. is as as a testified In order to enable of insect exterminator. H. F. Robinson porous sponge; Harper and wife, Albuquer- his bride of an hour to secure a di Oct. 13. In a con- - "of the edible mushroom to the que. it can't keep in its aroma, vorce. said that he and Miss! Fruitvale, Calif., t:at, A. F. Tucumcari. Harper cave 510 feet, i which contains muscarine Codington, Dickenson loved each other devoted-ll- ictete covering square E. L. El Paso. ex- ' a French known commer- end two Hazelton, or keep out odors, if . and some months ago were secret-ll- y nobleman, phalin, deadly poisons, B. F. El Paso. as "A. the mushroom-man,- " with the fact that the wild Hazelton, wedded. Miss 'Dickenson's parents cially Matrat, coupled Geo. W. Sears, Albuquerque. to air. it is universal pre- mushroom frequently grows in low posed Leaving some way learned of the wedding fighting fear, Mrs. Anna D. Fossett, City. ;in to estab- and at once summoned judice and cheap competition ground, absorbing typhoid, Albert Soell, to be as Mmmediately an tuberculosis and cholera Albuquerque. whole, ground to a conference. lish industry. malaria, J. E. the pair is has the to fear Johnson, Chicago. said that at the conference Oryptogamia the mushroom germs, taught people T. R. Dreefus, New York. used, doesn't keep it Harper most under all mushrooms. It has the in- with the bride's he learned cultivated successfully hurt parents It with dif-- which conv inced him that he ground. is raised great dustry. fresh. things - in- CULVERTS ARRIVE FOR ; tuts m- The sale of wild mushrooms is and Miss Dickenson ought not to have nculty in country because oi SAN MIGUEL COUNTY ROADS. cul discriminate unauthorized. Peo- - The modern scientific married. sect pests. That's why attempted and The car load of Iron in has not corrugated loved each other devotedly, tivation sheds and the open pic do always realize the risk, culverts that was ordered the "We cent by as used with Schil- he "but I was convinced that it failed. There must be "5 per The mushroom grows from spawn, road commislon several weeks ago way, said, of two to mature v na fnr her hanniness to eive her UP moisture in the air and a degree jit takes about months has arrived and win be in the out placed Best, is to granu- to surrender her temperature that does not vary-ab- and yields three crops a year. stock of for ling's and so I consented supplies road building, j in cement to six hundred most outlandish customs in the world, perhaps, are found one hour after we were married." degrees. Only built "My cave yields five says the Las Vegas Optic. The cul- late it after The queerest, caves can this result be obtained. concluded Matrat. promptly the of the Congo region in Central Africa. The lady In iriin inp- tho testimony of Harper, pounds per crop." verts are of various sizes and will be among people great 1 because tribe. The women of this tribe think that iFitw oHHressmtr "the iurors. The mushroom industry does not "Rut make not much money need on the highways all over the and it in the picture is a bride of the Sara :t.,o sell roasing preserve of and while this is a somewhat commended tho young man for his tnrive because consumption increases the wild mushrooms cheap county. this deformation of the lips is a sign beauty, ones extended lips. ti,nt he did the wise slowly on account of fear. People are cents a pound. Cultivated The service rendered these cul- arouia-tigh- t cans. exaggerated case, most of them have the by when Into the holes ti,ir,iv in leave iii hrirte before further afraid of poison. Only the epicure cents. But the wild mushroom weighs verts has been found invaluable The effect is produced by piercing the lips young. The by b j eats mushrooms. twice as much as the cultivated. Mb, b and cans; small wooden which are increased in size as the lips become entanglements. the commission. With the use ot this are placed diBks, - The granted the divorce. I "The close resemblance," says Ma- rrice fools the public." style of culvert any road can be so 40c a lb and moneyback. gradually more and more distended. jury PAGE FOUR SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913.

CRISIS SEEMS VERY NEAR IN MEXICO LOAFING AROUND THE WORLD ON (Continued from page one). some time but afterward declined to FUNDS FROM "CHARITY" JOB. talk of what had occurred. It is as extremely probable regarded !T(J gee Life on Windjammers. Tramo Steamers and Among Savages of that the .Mexican government win Many Lands in Their Search for Bugs. inuke no reply to the Washington PICTURES FROM THE SECOND WORLD SERIES GAME. memorandum. At any rate the United States embassy here is not looking for one to be returned immediately, was apparently the intention yesterday. It is regarded as very likely, in view o" the influence brought to bear through the American embassy to cause the withholding of the com- municationwhich Foreign Minister Voheno worked over night to prepare i!iid which, judged by the language at- tributed to him respecting the Ameri- can memorandum, was to have been ry much to the point that Mexico ow will make no reply. The Mexican press today accepted foreign Minister Moheno's statement at his words had been badly inter- - tted when lie was said to have re ft rred to the intemperate cnaracier oi i:.3 Washington memorandum, and the ' to the i wspapers sought minimize immki of ( v. iiange of notes as being little One of the daily HI importance. larger ' pv.pers entirely omitted reference to 'Bilk II Ifel: the United States. tf Sends Two Battleships. Merlin, Oct. 15. The German for- eicn office is following new develop- ments in Mexico very closely, at the i same time adhering to its attitude of allowing the United States govern- - ment an absolutely free hand in set-- ; tling its policy without extraneous ad-- ! - ' vice. ""TTiF . .'"-'-- , - r'w 1 ' The German protected cruiser 'vct Vineta in addition to the Hertha, was ordered today to proceed to American waters owing to the disturbances in Mexico. Rebels Win at Guaymas. Nogales, Ariz., Oct. 15. After two days of desultory lighting, constitu- tionalist troops Investing Guaymas have driven the federal from Empalme and jose de Guaymas, suburbs. The Dr. Fred Baker and his wife, Dr. Charlotte Baker, on board the R. P. - mm .. B . the that takesthem on the first of their round- wipnmmif . battle continued today, the insurgents Rithet, windjammer leg assaulting the defenses of Guaymas jthe-worl- d bug collecting trip. RUXNIXG DOYVX WILTSE; IX THE THIRD 1XXIXG OP THE SECOXD GAME. W1LTSE RUXXlXCr FOR THE CRIPPLED SXODGRASS, AVHO proper from three sides. "The will two HAS REACHED THIRD OX M.VTHEWSO.VS LOXG SIXGLE, WAS RUX DOWX RY CATCHER AFTER PLAXK HAD PULLED DOWX HER (Special Correspondence). trip take years," said LAPP, The insurgent commanders ordered Dr. two - San Francisco, Oct. 15. Fred the doctors. "We will loaf ZOG S ROUNDER LAPP OVERTOOK WILTSE NEAR THIRD "BASE, JUST AS THE- SLID FOR THE BAG. the attack when learned that just they Baker and his wife, Dr. Charlotte ,T. along, traveling on when had sent a force to the windjammers General Ojeda Baker, 59 and 58, respectively, are we can." of Mazatlan. - relief loafing around the world on wind- Dr. Fred Baker was one of the orig- - This information came today from jammers and tramp steamers in order inators of the Scripps Institute for a reliable and disinterested source to collect bugs. Biographical Research, a department The insurgent junta was advised to- The first leg of their journey fromiof the University of California, form-Sa- n day that the constitutionalist army of Francisco to Honolulu will be erly the Marine Biological Association Sinaloa had taken Rosario and sur- taken on board the windjammer R. P. jot San Diego. For three years he was rounded Mazatlan, cutting off that Rithet. president. The doctors are two of the city's water Bupply. "Twenty years ago," said Mrs. Dr most eminent "bugologists" in the Carranza at Cananea. Baker, "I set the broken leg of a team- country. Cananea, Sonora, Mex., Oct. 15. ster. He paid me with a lot consider- They will go far off the beaten path General Venustlano Carranza, leader ed worthless. We sold that lot re- of tourists in South Sea Islands, Phili- of the constitutionalist revolution left cently, with a few added realty hold- - ppines, Japan, China, India and South here today for Hermosillo after a two ings, for $11,000. Xbw, we are making Africa, completing their journey by on of to San day's stay during which the city gave this trip the money." way the Panama canal Diego. itself up to continuous celebration. ' On U. S. 18 officers f A Maas Soil. be the first of its kind ever served in left with his staff of for Cananea, Sonora, Mex., Oct. 15. A the United States. Laredo, Texas, where he intends to $lpils' report persisted here today that the General Maas was taken from his into Mexico. war department order permitting the special train here and made to ap- Secretary of State Bryan is said to federal general, Joaquin Maas, at pear before U. S. Commissioner Ed- have asked the war department to Piedras Xegras, to pass through wards. Maas was released under permit Maas' passage of American American territory to Nuevo Laredo, $5,000 bond. Late this afternoon he Mexico, came directly from a. request !(' of Secretary of State Bryan on the war KILLING THE GIANTS ; IX THE "TIL-LIE- FOURTH IXNING OF WEDNESDVTS GME " The excited 1 1 I SHAFER, WHO REACHED FIRST OX BAKER'S LOW THROW TO M department. permission THE AMERICAN INXES, ATTEMPTED Tu STEAL comment the SJlll. SECOND, BUT WAS THROWN OUT BY LAPP'S PERFECT THROW TO EDDIE COLLINS widespread throughout Texas border country, because consti- tutionalists who formerly occupied Piedras Xegras reported they were EFFECTiUE CROSS BUCK. unable to get permission. GREAT FOOTBALL LEADERS OF General Maas left Eagle Pass this iL BY " HURRY UP" YOST. forenoon en route to Laredo. To avoid demonstrations on the American side, General Maas ordered a special train ANCIENT RIVALS. to move his party at the international railway bridge. Maas Is Arested. Mexi- The ambition of each of these San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 15. can federal General Joaquin Maas en youngsters is to down the other in route across American territory from the; annual struggle which will wind Piedras Xegras to Xuevo Laredo, was arrested by United States authorities up jthe football season between their j here today. He was in a special train. YOU BUSINESS MEN respective elevens. Both teams mayj Maas, traveling under permission IF 1 i I from the war department, was arrest- ,T ed on a warrant based on a complaint only realized the business-buildin- g power of first-cla- ss sworn to by Willard L. Simpson, who is known here at present simply as a stationery, you would choose your own Bond Paper and "contractor. from Mexico." The selection to a subordinate complaint charged Maas with setting not intrust its a from the . In this play, a cross buck between center and guard, the center man In on foot military expedition Mexican consti- if wanted to make business the tandem takes the ball, the quarter turning around to the and com- United States against And, you your stationery right tutionalists. The warrant is said to pletely out of the line of the man carrying the ball, as he passes it. The 100 fo efficient, you would specify left end shifts to the right wing; the first man in the tandem plunges straight ahead between tackle and end, the last man in the tandem taking the course shown in the diagram and the right tackle breaking through, as illustrated. In this and in all of the plays the backfield men Bhould be arranged to obtain the greatest benefit. If the play is a line plunge, the best plunger should carry the ball; if an end run the fleetest runner should be Elks' Theatre given the ball. COUPON- Wednesday, October 15 l this subject as the guest of the family and wholesome comedy. The way in (Fac-Simi- Water-Mark- ) of Robert T. P. Storer, captain of the which the vigorous young man accom- Harvard varsity football team. The plishes his purpose affords an exam- THE PLAY FOR ALL WOMEN The De Luxe Business Paper prince expressed the intention of in- ple to those youths who have the love troducing "milder forms" of the game of their girls but not their fiancees' WHO ARE MARRIED OR find COUPON into his country, as well as basket parents. And the way in which Grace because by comparison you would that ball and baseball. believes in EXPECT TO BE Tyler the ability of her BOND is far the Bond in quality-chara- cter liancee is an inspiration to all those beyond average Paper I women WILLIAM A. Ltd. THE INFLUENCE young whose heart resolves BRADY, impressiveness, and all that makes stationery are being daily assailed by the coun-- i PRESEXTS ter resolves of mothers. . OF WOMAN SHOWN really productive. IN READY MONEY WESTERN GOLFERS ARE JuS specify COUPON BOND today, And see the ELIMINATED IN TOURNEY. It is generally admitted that no READY difference. Let us show you samples. success has ever been achieved Wilmington, Del., Oct. 15 The west great was eliminated in a man without some woman's aid today the second NEW MEXICAN PRIN TING COMPANY, AGEN"ft. by round of irmtch rlnv for the and And in the writ- ph' SANTA FE, N. M. inspiration. yet national golf chamDionshin on theiH ing of the stories of the lives of the course of the Wilmington great woman factor is not always giv- Country MONEY club. The Capt. Ketcham of Yale. Capt. Storer of Harvard. en the credit doubtless due to that day's round leaves two I English, one Irish and five eastern vie-n- ever influence. But every JAMES MONTGOMERY. defeated in the earlier butYale or Harvard as the defeat or o present still in By te games, woman is more of the rec- players the competition. Miss AND RETAIL defeat rankles or no over its ancient rival. day getting Muriel WHOLESALE victory thrillstory deserves. In Dodd, the present English and The King and Queen of Eng- ognition she the comedy Canadian James champion defeated Miss land saw the play twice during "Ready Money" Montgomery Violet of British has written and which William A. Pooley, Columbia, its eight months' run at the New FOOTBALL INJURIES ARE does not blame the modern code or five up and three to Miss Pool- - Brady, Ltd., will present at the Elks' play. Theater in London, and pro- MORE NUMEROUS NOWADAYS, j rtethod of for all the but ey, considered one Dlav- - play injuries, theater the real of the best nounced it the finest love story says that the in tonight importance ers in was counted on to Potatoes and 5alt. changes have, part, of the "one woman" and her influ- Canada, they had ever yet seen on the Flour Hay, Grain, 111., Oct. 15. The weekly defeated their very purpose because make Miss Dodd work for a Chicago, ence is shown. There is Steph- victory, stage. For INTERNATIONAL STOCK F000. list of football injuries is as are for the of aptly but she succumbed to the wonderful- Sol Agnti appalling they responsible losing en Baird, the young man of the come- compared to records of casualties in the skill with which old time players ly consistent play of the British & in bulk and dy, who has done little with the years ILFALFA SEED. All kinds- of flowers, gardeo field seeds package! of ten ago, to avoided A COMEDY LOVE combats years according injury. of his life to be proud of. Then there of and ROMANCE an authority on the gridiron game, is Stephen's fiancee, Grace Tyler and FULL OF LALGIIS AND THRILLS exclusive house in Santa Fe writing today In the Chicago Daily FOOTBALL TOO BRUTAL SAYS her mother, the latter declaring that For The only grain new quick results, a News. Despite the rules, many PRINCE OF ZUZULAND. her daughter will not be permitted to of which were designed to eliminate Boston, Mass., Oct. 15. "American unless he little "WANT." ' marry Stephen changes. Prices, 75c, $1.00 and $1 50 Toughness and lessen chance of Injury, college football is altogether too bru- And so Stephen does change and the Phone the new game makes the old look like tal," said Prince Madikane Q. Cele activity of Stephen being lover all New Mexican Want Ads work while Seats On Sale at look's Pharmacy. p..,,.. ' a parlor pastime, lie says. The critic of Zululand, who has been studying the time by Grace, makes a pretty you sleep. LEO HERSCH 45 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. PAGE F

3 O 1EANC0N PLAYED PERSONALS RAG pet's Tailor Hade soils mm r nr tnimtii nmi nnnnn nn BANK TRUST CO. flUULr urn UNITED STATES 8 TIME ON ORGAN Ovsrcoais iUMM buuuabu. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS: .V m Telephone tne Postal Tele- - S In Prices from $10 un to $30 General Business. graph company If you do not get We show over 1500 Does a Banking HUNDREDS OF MUSIC LOVERS WERE you samples. NOTICE and one be do- - Ol'K WINDOWS your paper will The largest line in the city. We llvered to you at once. X j iikii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii'',,',,ll,,,,,l,ll,,l,,lll,,,,,,,,,'i'ii'iiiiimiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinfc AMUSED AT INNOVATION -I- MPROMPTU guarantee a perfect fit and you can find no better at CONCERT FURNISHED VOCAL AND workmanship any Your Patronage Solicited price. You will pay more else- - For October Prices Jinx Herzstein, the Duke City Bales- INSTRUMENTAL MUSICAL TREAT. Special 3ltltllMIH IIIIIIHIIfllllMMIIUMIUMIinillllllllHIMMIIIIIIIHIllllltinliiiMHIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIir where, but remember our expenses man, is at the .Montezuma. are small; this makes our low The Kev. Leonidas V. N. B. LAUGHLIN, President. jW. E. GRIFFIN, Cashier. Smith left prices possible. WE SAVE YOU MONEY ! this morning for Estancia. All music lovers were invited and B. Eighteen years' experience in J. LAMY, Miss - by the way turned out, Julia Jaffa is expected to ar- Judging they the tailoring business. Let us take rive here tonight from Las Veens. l;.st night for the "impromptu con-- ' your measure. O8MCeWXK8a390M9 j , A. the at the Scottish Kite Cathedral, j Hardeman, well known St. 210 SAN FRANCISCO ST., MHOM- 180 Louis salesman, is at the Montezuma, 'nil music lovers were there. LINDHAROT, CUSTOM TAILORING, ' E3SS1S3E329! ; Attorney W. A. Dunn, of Roswell, Tll(! concert was declared delight-- ; 125 Palace Ave. 'arrived in the oil v last night and is at 'fill, showing a wide range of home till-- the De. Vargas. rut, and some from out of town. " """ ,1, J. A. of Santa Attorney if. Crist returned last Jeancon, formerly Fe, MAKE AN ATTRACT- - from a to Tucumcari on and now living ut Colorado Springs, bars. It combines the of 1 1 1 evening trip pleasure Q1FT. See our m business. hud the honor of opening and closing! with tile of cycl-th- e FILIGREE JEWELRY display X tfi 3 legal motoring economy j 5S Cuif Fred Valdez arrived in the city last program with organ selections injing. Buttons, T FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms for light housekeepinn, Colleae St.. 5t:-- Pine I mmli1 r,f finlri nnrt All evening from three weeks' outing vhich lie showed brilliant technique) Get the Best in Drugs and Chem-an- nrLptc. ptr Tnmiinip $18.00 per month. spent at Cerrillos. genuine, musical understanding. icals and Ihe truest in satisfaction by I articles have been made at our store, and tourists are invited 1 I FOR RENT 5 room unfurnished house, bath, range, electric lights, Col. K. E. Twitcliell left last even- - And as Paderewski recently saw fit having all your drug store wants filled I to look at the skilled workmen who turn out t hese beautifu month. o T $20.00 per Ing for Las Vegas hut expects to play "rag time" at a gathering of at Zook's Pharmacy, Inc., succeeding J pieces of jewelry. FOR RENT 6 room unfurnished house, bath, range, electric lights turn here in a few days. 'musicians and music lovers, so Mr. Fi.clu r Drug Co. month. Mr--...... C3 P MnCTiiiimiii .,,, in... loel L.innnn not,,, u ,1..d1i if cvnnnnnt. t $35.00 per v...... mou .,clt... ..v.,,,.... Lookina... uo...Land-Mark- ....s he cunt- H. C. YOiNTZ, JEWELER, SAN FKAVCISCO STSttT. from Denver where she had ed music to i J FOR SALE 300 acres good land near Roswell on the Pecos river, jnight tho program, playing miUee on laud marks of ihe An-li- land well fenced, artesian well flows 350 gallons per minute, ibeen visiting for several weeks. "Swanee Ripples" which were receiv- - ecological Snciotv of Ww Ah'i-- linn Fritz Muller returned last ed with of smiles au . small house, 8 acres of alfalfa and 20 acres under cultivation, night "ripples" by ; 1(8elr ,a8k ttu,i.mj,.atin8 Ihe! from !i to Las Cruces on busi-- ,...,,-,- , . all can be irrigated. Pries $11,000. trip amused throng. ,,,, If .,, ,,,., n,. ,.,,-i,- ii'tan v.uiiii'irru iui nil! oldie lailU .AU'Ollg 1110 VOCH1 SOIOS YUH Olie II ,, u following places: First !om Miss Dora who Ifif.rman by Fischer, y,,.,,.,, settlement in New Mexico, t. or a 01 - f I lenient nigmower, capnan. who lias lyric soprano voice goou )u;i- fml Church built in New MeAico, THE STAR BARN Ahrn-- ; O. C. WATSON & CO. has been here as interpreter in the illy; an alio solo by Miss Kdna church bunt, in Santa Fe The VV. - - federal court and returned who scored a success: A. WILLIAMS. PROPRIETOR. (C. A. BISHOP, PROP.) grand jury, humson, two(.j(y y.,u 0- yallia ., Important home today. solos by Mrs. R. V. Winchester, of Al- - ,',. (,"L.- - u,.h ' t,, LIVERY Cook-Smith- , who made a hit with GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, LOANS, SURETY BONDS. Mrs. Jean Reman a biiqurrque, quite Original Fort .Marcy, The First Hank who "The Last Rose, of Summer." There noted artist lias gained fame as vi Saul a Fe, The Ancient Hull King, Re- a vns a solo Miss Jessie P. Car- - and Lines. Entire Stable Phone, 189 J. sculptress, is in Santa Fe for ihe also by Historic Rooms, Historic Houses. His- Hack Baggage winter from White Plains. N. V. roll, who has a voice of unusual sweet-- ! toric Historic Hut tletielils. can - Camps, stocked. Best Rigs you get. 1 19 San Francisco St., : : Santa Fe. New Mexico- - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Selignian and:"PSS- Llewellyn Hall gave a bass so- son Otis left this morning in their lection which aroused enthusiasm. SADDLE PONIES. TWO AND FOUR HORSE OUTFITS. PROMPT SERVICE. auto for Roswell, where Otis will be In place of the baritone solo by Mr. MERCHANTS MEET: T h Phone 139. 310 San Francisco St. tl ' placed in the New .Mexico military Prmsbee there was a duet by Miss DISCUSS PLANS til institute. Abraiiamson and Mrs. Winchester.! "Rose of My Heart," which was re-- 1 Filadelfo I!aca, assistant superinten-Iden- t The Santa Fe Merchants associa- of returned ceived with delight. The Scottish Rite public instruction, lion held a most enthusiastic meeting last, night from Mora county, where choir, composed of well known Santa from lust night and it was largely attended. lie attended the educational day ex- he singers, sang the Sextette 3HENRY The president expressed the hope that KRICKe ercises at Roy, the fair there. Lucia in a brilliant manner. during Ti, r ..!.,: n., lnoi-- inerclianlH wi 10111. liecause DISTRIBUTOR OF Nathan Jaffa, former territorial sec-- ) ,' Mmo win, me now L. A. HUGHES, C. L. POLLAKD, R. J.CRICHTON, concert was peculiarly happy as many members aie goiut, and candidate fori ,, . , , ., ntary Republican mm m,lkn ,i, SK,.i,, tin llmH ,., LEMP'S KEG and BOTTLE BEER President. Treasurer. congress, arrived in the last .Mrtau in wie vuy iiiiii. aim Secretary. Manager 4 city night a desire to bear the etas. IN BOTTLES jfiom Roswell to attend the Masonic expresed great BUDWEISER organ in their Cathedral. j Two new members were admitted Manufacturer of all kinds of Soda Waters made from Pure Distilled j reunion. He is by Mrs. accompanied to the associatiosn: A. C. Thomas, Jaffa and Miss Eleanor Jaffa. They water. Agent for Manitou Spring Mineral Water. j the Itio Grande Live are at the De representing registered Vargas. ! 35 New Mex. SANTA i Stock company, and Chas. Kesof, gen-- TELEPHONE J Santa Fe, Robert F. one most LOCAL ITEMS Massie, of the eral merchandise, on Galisteo street. prominent insurance men of Canada, It is honed at the next meeting more Lumber and Co. will, arrive next to visit Gnagey and Ervien for mission fix-- Transfer early week of Ihe merchants will show their in-- : his brother, Dr. .1. A. Massie, and his tures and electric portables. terest by present and they will sisters, the Misses at their The Woman's Auxiliary of the being (INCORPORATED) Massie, know the good that is done. MAZDA LAMPS home here. He will remain in the beard of missions and Uuild of the. being The committee on s have several He has been tour-lin- Episcopal church will meet at :i:;iti p. Icily days. asked for a time to examine the the Pacific coast and is on his n. Friday, October at the resi-- , longer THE LOWEST PRICED. THE HIGHEST QUALITY. NOTE THE GREAT REDUCTION. HEADQUARTERS FOR n, of the Raton '5,7r way home. deuce of Mrs. H. H. Dorman. bylaws association,; which the state secretary sent them 20 Watt Lamp, old price, 40c. NEW PRICE, 35c. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. ,T. Rexall Cold Tablets break up a cold LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Waterstrat. to look over and this committee,, II. 25 " " " " 40c. " " j do most 35c. who are the over night and it efficiently ' touring west, arrived here S bowman, Frank Andrews and K. " " last for a visit end permanently. You need no other 40 45c. 35c. evening with Mrs. will Bubmit a set of s for Waterstrat's guarantee. Zook's Pharmacy, Inc., Jloule, " 60c. " " Build- father, Ernest Taschek, the government of the association at 60 45c. Shingles, Cement, Plaster, Roofing and and William. Mrs. Kliceepriinp Fischer rTlr Co. " brother, Water tilt! next 100 " " " " $1.00 " 80c. strat was Miss Edna Hotels Filled The large number of meeting. of formerly H. C. Yontz deserves a vote of htanks ing Materials Every Description. who is well in Masons and other visitors in the city 2W Special Price in Case Lots. Taschek, known Santa foi a of his store for i.t- - , 'liiis mnrifi lintpl moms Kr.m'Of' ThP arranging part venue- - I'm- SPARKS ELECTRIC Sena F ,, , T..., clerk of the He Vareas this afternoon the meeting, also Akers Wagner CO., B,a,2a2c3e AGENTS FAMOUS DAWSON COAL s to over the par- - mture company for sending in chairs the Mis. FrnesV Taschek is stilti vising making plans give 101 8 10 a delc-atio- n and S. Lowitzki for sending dishes in St. Iouls, where she attended the to sereve the lunch, which was enjoy-- ' wedding of her daughter. She leaves! The Pioneer Bread is strictly pure j GENERAL TRANSFER BUSINESS AND STORAGE con- - ed by all present. St. Louis soon for Wichita, Kan., and mal l"1,ipr the ''"Proved u- Trinidad, Colo., and is expectd home!1""""- - Biuc - a"u about November 1st. iu'X"K B!"T 1 FjC3rYour Business Solicited. The Art, Music and Literary de- - enver & Rio Grande R.R. "9J Uie following registered at the .tlnPllt of the Woman's Museum of New Mexico on .Monday ,,,,,1. ,,.m ,,, ,, , .,.,,,, A IllCilsiD'c xior c(if- - and of this week: L. - Phone I00 and 35 W. Foot of iMontezuma Ave. Tuesday (Thursday) in club rooms. The Amer- Harnisworth, Christ Church, JVc will lea vi' just ms iMigiaim; .iohm ivmcme, i oiiimugiil ,,,.,, ,.v ,,,,,., Hi..,,uinl, Club, London, F. H. Wal-ther- , much in the pot England; For Rent Two furnished rooms in grounds San Francisco, Mrs. A. H. Ca.; Rank Garnett and Kate M. Parkell, Estan- Capital City building. Heat, as a measure of Schi- Rite R. Scottish and bath. cia; Mrs. Lucy Cowgill, Mountain-air- ; light Joseph Hayward. Dance The dance W. I. McLublin, Fulton, Mo.; Dr. Tomorrow Night lling's Rest, lint not half to be at 8:110 tomorrow at and Mrs. James R. Davis, Wagon given night, Masonic is Masons Mound; Dr. F. M. Stahl, Sheridan, the Cathedral for iis much flavor find aroma Masonic Reunion ,and their ladies. Admission will be Wyo. ; Harry Goforth, Santa Rita; Lee HO in the Gooding, Hurley. N. M. ; Mr. and Mrs. calu' a,B ,IK," cup. ' to D. N. Y. ,hat impossible invite any l2tli-22d,l9I- J. William Holdredge, Medina, i 1 1 i N. or daugh-tb- e Ask for S c li n Santa Fe, AL, October James G. Fitch, former president of but Masons and their wives g's

New Mexico Bar and I Association, jters. Best if you want the test For the above occasion the D. & R. G. R. R. will protect rate of who is a thirty-thir- degree Mason, j Cream and Milk for Sale Have ONE FARE AND ONE-FIFT- for the round from the following The Tests of from Socorro to take in some of the best dairy trip Plumbing Equipment part cently bought ohtainalile coffee. N M., Colo., Colo., j d stations: Farmington, Aztec, Durango, Antonito, 1. Does it satisfy youf The appearance and good taste of the Masonic reunion. Mr. Fitch is cows in the state, and have extra N. M., and all intermediate stations. the fixtures should be in full accord with the other furnishings of at the De Vargas. jity and quantity of sweet cream and Order it this time, and you Espanola, directly your home. milk for sale. C. L. Pollard, 'phone will next. 2. Would it receive the approving glance of your friends Subscribe for the Santa F flie lit J. SELLING DATES: and guests? The bathroom is an index of your regard for appear- Mexican, the paper that boosts all California Wants Him James Lo- ances but more than that of for cleanliness. From to Aztec, N. M., Oct. II, 14, 16, 20. your regard the time and works for the upbuild pez, the well known Santa Fe base- Farmington 3. Is it free from N. 15, annoyances InK our Slat'-- . ball pitcher has signed to pitch ball From points Durango to Osier, M., Oct. 15, 17,21. of all no no no of daw I kinds; odors, leaks, for the team 16. 18, 22. fixtures Oakland, California, KAUNE From Antonito to Espanola, N. M., Oct. 14, inconveniently placed? next season. Mr. Lopez's friends are 8 If cannot say Yes to these IS. you much at news and are take the matter with us pleased this gCT" Return limit, October 27th. questions up will and we wil1 furnish estimates on satis- hoping that Mr. Lopez one day Where Governs the Price nation-wid- Quality factory, creditable, convenient fixtures enjoy fame. of 'Standard" make installed with The Supreme Moment! Critical ill- - and Price the Quality ' WM. M. T. F. & P. thorough honest workmanship. ntss requ'res medicine that is pure SCOTT, A., end of full strength. Let us supp'y j 244 San Francisco St., Santa Fe, N. M. SANTA FE! COMPETITION f Or 't'1"' drug Btore needs; then you'll feel . (safe when a Eupreme moment comrs r' is to or on HARDWARE AND SUPPLY cheapness you yours. You can depend CAKES AND! -- Zook's "1 r for inferior but u. Pharmacy, Inc., succeeding 't tailoring, Fischer Drug Co. COMPANY. customers who order from Many Motors Here It is pleasing to TO note the large number of automobiles 'StMldartT "Ven" Uratory us season after season be ! (MC now In the city. Many of them have CRACKERS) time-teste- uv in d in 21 For lieve the rule arrived the hours Cash past bringing that the best is always the Masons who will take part in the cere And we will show you how much you can save. Espe- monies now being held at the Scottish most economical Our cracker counter is an in- cially should you do this with your rived today from Chaves and Eddy teresting place. The large and from all the wea of crackers and wafers If have our famous county, reports variety you ther conditions are favorable to motor- we carry Would astonish most Hay, Grain Flour tailors ing just now. What is so nice as show Guaranteed Chicago For Fine Kosher and Deli anybody. Give us a trial and let us you. Sausage a box of delicious wa- catessen Meats try the Modern Mar dainty, Pure, Clean and Wholesome. Ed. V.Price ket. Frank Maurer, proprietor. fers? Some kind of a cracker Always Stop at the Ancient City's Pride, Advertising Santa Fe The School should be on the table at every THE SANTA FE HAY AND GRAIN CO. of American this fore SCO. Archaeology meal should be in every lunch Oalisleo Sis. noon sent a set of to M. O'CONNELL, - - and Water large photgraphs box. And the very kind you Mgr., t: MODERN AND the State Normal School at Greeley, Phone, Main 250. wen.--- tailor - should have are here. your where will tie exhibited un- j They ALWAYS IJiMflDATE Col., they KaaVnaBBnaanBxE. new Au- til New Year. The Archaeological have the quality that always tumn and school is making up sets of these pho LARGE LOBBY tographs for display in colleges and the and INSURE WITH HAYWARD AND REST CONTENT. AND VERANDAS Winter libraries throughout country :::: they will likely prove of the greatest "BOSS PATENT FLOOR" clothes to value to New Mexico. COMFORTABLE advertising PORCH INSURE WITH HAYWARD AND SWINGS order you and ROCKERS will make BE SURE. CHASE & SANBORN'S COFFEE Did You Know That Service and Cuisine Takes to the Bike After trying the the Best in the City a profitable horse and buggy, automobiles, mules V. BUTTER For a small we issue a House- Ample facilities for large investment. and walking. John Conway, county PRIMROSE premium Policy covering your and small banquets. school superintendent, has decided to hold possessions against Burglary and Loss through Sneak to a The ft Come and trust his locomotion bicycle. Thieves and Servants. We also issue policies protecting your see HOTEL DE VARGAS "super" was seen speeding up Pal- open Mercantile Stock, Contents of Safe, etc. ace avenue to his office today. His KAUNE AMERICAN PLAN MCCUNTOCK & WRIGHT friends say that the next machine ho H, S. S CO.: JOSEPH 13. MANAGER. SPECIAL RATES will try will be an aeroplane. A "bike" HAYWARD, Room With Bath, $3.00 Up. Rooms 8 N. M. CATRON BLOCK seen in front of the of- and 9, Capital City Bank Building, Santa Fe, Room $2.25 Up. BY THE WEEK standing post Prices Without Bath. fice suit Mr. for it has Where ar Bst! SANTA FE'S EXCLUSIVE MEN'S STORE might Conway r.-- z IF IT'S REAL ESTATE." HAYWARD HAS IT. a stering wheel instead of handle For S Qua lit v l fAGE sir SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913.

THE SWITZERLAND OF AMERICA. w . Santa Fe New Mexican WMi PJ. 1VT. CONFIDENCE Entered as Second Class Matter at the Santa Pe Postoftle RANCH, The Santa Fe New Mexican Published Dally m The New Mexican Review English Weekly IN THE FIRST NATIONAL II, El Nnevo Mexicano Spanish Weekly ii BANK OF SANTA FE The New Mexican Printing Co., Publishers Is Based On the Fact That It Is THE OLDEST BANK IN NEW MEXICO, President Bronson M. Cutting o having had over forty-tw- years of uninterrupted advancement and success. M. General Charles Stauffer Manager This means that its methods must be sound and along the lines that J. Wight Oiddings Editor further the welfare of its patrons. It means that this bank is thoroughly known throughout Santa Fe county. Fishing in its prime. The Pecos River the best trout It means that it has gained experience that is of inestimable value to SUBSCRIPTION RATES making its service to the people, broad and efficient. All these from over forty-tw- o Dally, per year, by mall 15.00 Dally, par quarter, ay mill SMI stream in the Southwest. The Valley Ranch offers the qualifications, resulting years of success, mall S2.5I Dally, per by oarrttf IMS together with Capital, Surplus and Stockholders' Liability of over $400,-00- Dally, tli monthi, by quarto, ns best;-accommodatio- combine in all funds 11.00 Weekly, lx months I JO affording assurance that entrusted to this institu- Weekly, par year.... and best location for fishing. tion are safe and secure. 8 Booklet Free on Request THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SANTA FE THE VALLEY RANCH, VALLEY RANCH, NEW MEXICO. it All of Today's News Today" CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND PROFITS, 245,000.01). OUR ARTIST. port of the parents, but not theirs ;hombre: "You say this dog is yours?" PRECISE alone. It is a takes a thing that grip (thereupon the accused replied by on everyone for it is an anchor for the . "No, it Is not ni ne, It be- - future and I always have felt that the saying: 1 to its PHONES: teachers are worthy of all the backing lon8s mother." Las d uces they can get from a community as (Citizen. BUSINESS OFFICE 286 EDITORIAL ROOMS 31 they are doing a work that compels "Beer, Beer!" sacrifice and there is no profession ,. rt.,a n. t. nHvo.BO ioea that is more exalted. I hope the ef- - j you can deliver the goods. This week FUN CURE fcrts in the present case will be very THE the W. The Friedniann tuberculosis cure lias about run its course ami is now successful and that the object aimed lady campaigners of the C. T. generally conceded to have been a nionuinentatl failure. at to get a piano for the high school, U. came around and hung some of It was an elaborate form of cure and cut a wide swath in the scientific will be backed by all the citizens of their doctrine in onr office window. So The Montezuma Hotel Santa Fe. well But on the doctrine investigations and won a few to its support. far, enough. SANTA NEW MEXICO. Another Asset. was printed in red letters, the FE, The Phoenix, Arizona, Democrat, gives an interesting account of another great What kind of a would legend, "Beer! Beer!" And say, we cure that is now being tried in that section and the reading of it sounds good country you think it was if you were told that the could have sold a barrel. But as the THE TRAVELING MAN'S HOME and pleasant and feasible. "STICKING nice, big, red to ladies left no supply of goods with is no an effective and raspberries began It is the 'Tun Cure," and this joke, but satisfactory him A come in June and lasted until the which to back up the ad. we lost a Cuisint and Table Service Unexcelled. Rooms en suit with afflicted with this that has become rop method of dealing with those malady " present time and that the last ones score of prospective customers. The baths. Electric a in and which seems so difficult to control. W?IA.K private light, Steam Heat, such scourge this country were just being picked? disappointed ones are now sore at us Mrs. Collins has the plan of having those who come to her Central Location. inaugurated Well, that is the kind of a country for not living up to our ad, and we sanitarium or recreation camp, as she calls it, get in the spirit ot me anu we and the kind of a town that you are figure that are losers in the deal Rooms. and she wants them to understand that Ihe one object of life while iB Large Sample THOS. DORAN, activity, ving In, those of you who are liv-- from both angles, but as the Lord Prorpietor. there is to have a good time. said to have little use for a we jing in old Santa Fe. quitter, The are told to eat all they can and they are fed six times a day will stay by the doctrine regardless of girls THE BYSTANDER Last night Mrs. T. 7. Winter uud they are for it, too. Between meals they read and play games and 7 consequences. Farmington ready AS into the offices of the hills are made to believe that are there for a good SEES IT. brought weary go out into the and they editor a little box and when It was time and to have all the fun they can. .opened an aroma came forth that was The and the chickens and the milk and the eggs they consume are squabs the most delicious I have ever known. ATE HOT CAKES ! of their own production entirely and they grow to enjoy it. and grow strong The. Onion. n beat the kind that the noveists ANNOUNCEMENT I read rather an INSURANCE on it. They find pure joy in creative work. interesting thing lell about whe they degcribe the AND ROBBED TILL feel the other in to the The new recruits are told to loaf and have a gay time until they day regard onion. 8weet BCent that float8 QUt on ,he alr We have all learned from the of MR. HARVEY OATMAN, like doing something and it is not usually long before they want atclvity. days '.,, the heroille is annroac.hine and Wilmington, Del., Oct. 15. Enter- no no childhood that the festive onion was of FIRE, LIFE, About this run cure institution there are doleful faces and long which the hero so loves. It was sweet- - ing the restaurant of .1. M. Webb, at Proprietor the for a cold or a drawn sighs and none dragging about with misery written in every line of good rather, Daa lor . ,i,an ,i. nrinri. that are told of in Tenth and Tatnall streets, and eat- MONTEZUMA BILLIARD PARLORS, cold. 1 do not know we are PLATE GLASS countenance. Here is one secret, as it is a fact that cannot be controverted, just why connection with the olden gods who ing his breakfast, a strange youth, not condi- that a certain Has Engaged at a Great Expense, that mind and the thoughts have a good deal to do with the physical always Baying remedy hovered about Olympus and did such more than 20 years old, covered A- The Best That Can be tion and that cheer is a tonic. is good for a disease when aB a mat- wondrous and concocted such lbert of French and Miss Bought! things Carter, street, MARCUS CATTON, AT ANY PRICE This fun cure may not be the nostrum for the cure of this disease, hut it ter of fact we take it because it is wondrous drinks and eats. You know Frances Wilson, of 1129 West Seventh to at all Son of the Famous may be a medium of great help, and may bring many to a happier condition death the trouble. But events, yourself that a box of red raspberries. street, with a gun, and compelled Car- Take no chances on either and. indeed, to restored health. the onion is good for the person who that are just at the right stage of ter to turn over the contents of the has a cold and is bad for the cold "BILLY" CATTON, when a small amount will give To lose one's grip in any case and in any trouble is the beginning ot the as'rjpeneRs, can give out a pretty choice cash register, amounting to about $11. i;. knocks the life out of the Mrs." who will manage his billiard par- you the protection that you end, and it pays to keep up the cheerful spirit. The hypochondriac is a fail- germs 0dor and the ones that Winter Then he backed out the door and dis tt-a- t make the cold or are lors and instruct tnose desiring to need, and when you do use in- ure in any department of life. responsible! brought in were just at that, stage, appeared. for the cold or do whatever is neces- - learn the game. All new tables, surance the as is 0 , 1)ave 8pol;en onc? or twce abou, the the took a get best, it to Entering cafe, youth new cues, and a quiet, gentlemanly snry keep the cold going. ,he npp,pg and the other fruits that seat. at. the lunch counter and the cheapest, and WHY THEY ordered lounging room f r those who cater DON'T COME? I suppose the bugs do not care for are grown in and around Santa Fe, hot cakes. He ate, and as to ALWAYS SEE to of a it does seem so peo- the pastime. When one stops think it, what pity that many the odor of the onion, or something of but the small fruits have received soon as the other customers had left, are in the cities while the west is inviting all who want kind onion but ple great starving, that or the just naturally scant thought on the part of most he covered Carter with a pistol and EVERVONE WELCOME I oc- ele-io- M. to come and occupy the wide stretching acres that are only waiting for puts a crimp in them through the f us. Perhaps we thought they ordered him to throw up his hands. FRANK JONES, to of where cupancy and tillage to bring them the stage productiveness they ments of strength it has. It is said would not do especially well here, Carter complied, and he was then di- Office United States Bank Build inr can give sustenance and lire to a starved physical being and an uplift to a by authority which tells of the use of (anyway, but here we find another of rected to hand over the money in the starved soul. the onion for cold cure that it is not our neglected assets and rea.lize that cash register, which he did. Mmnuni M1 'we who has purchased the Insur If this could be understood and those who are in want In Ihe cities would a vegetable as we have always been can grow as luxurious raspberries An insurance agent entered about In ance Business of the L. A. come to this glorious country, out of the dust and the heat and the crush- led to believe, but is a spice and that as can be grown anywhere the this time, but the hold-u- man com- - I La Salle Hotel Agency. lines, ing worry of the city .life, and get the free and invigorating air and catch the other spices are or great value country ana mat we can grow tnem nianded him not to move. Miss Wil-i- Harvey Strong the spirit of the west and give the starved little children of the city a the effect on the human' system for an unusual period and they wil!jSOn entered from the rear, and ho goodcompanies.good protection same same chance to live and grow, we would find some of Ihe vexing problems of and that they too, kill germs. keep that beauty and the j threatened to kill her If she moved. CHARLEY the future, and what it is going to do for and to the coming generation, easily I can remember how the use of.flavor t,lat nas made 1hem sucn a jOetting the money, the youth backed GANN, Prop'r I favorite for the table. 'So solved. spices was considered as a thing to'PPu,a'' jrom tile restaurant, swinging his pis-g- ,,tre ls another asset, and another to m In that play of sterling merit seen here oiirmg the past season, called very lightly on and that the tol from one the other of the three European Plan. u,aw to sec-- this is out in a striking manner and the hope and Ihe spices in mince pie were among the;1!""5 "ue"u lms occupants, threatening to kill the Meals At All Hours. I WOODY'S STAGE LINE "Kindling," brought tion, me with which looked forward to Wyoming and the elements that, caused nichtmares and iui growing ui smaii iruus jtirst one who moved. When he step Rooms in Connec- - 1 happiness "Maggie" one ot tlle lilles Ula We can Elegant was evidence what it is to the heart of a woman to be away from the things. Now we are told that the usejifi Pa.vs. ped into Tenth street, he started to Prom te" t,,ose who come lPre one tion. Steam Heat, p and turmoil or the toil and to be in the open ana broad nf sniees is eond for what ails us and m0,e heat grinding city of in this attractive Electric Lights and Baths. BARRANCA TO TAOS where she and her children will have a chance to grow. It is that we need not be at all wary InthinK. advantage and shouted for help, and three ped country 01U clty' estrians chased the to be hoped the recent movement. "Forward to the Land," will be a success, the use of them, and the science of the! youth up Shipley RATES: 50c and 75c PER DAY. Meets Both North South soul out of or a of street to where lost him. and that the How of immigration will bring many a tired the present day, section it, now) they 24 1 San Francisco Street. M Bounds Trains. the wide fields where soul, heart and body will have a are good for the digestion, Near S. W. Corner j fetid city and into says spices f)(VONG THE EDITORS Plaza, Leaves Barranca on the arrival ut chance to expand. and we were once warned against the as we were the north bound train and arrive! The bred child of the parents who can offer nothing but the struggle use of them against the! it city be-- Spoiled It. an education cut off, would find very devil himself and were led to l Taos at 7 p. m. against poverty, with the opportunity for The Rio Grande was dry all sum-jme- successful live- liove that pepper and cinnamon and Ten miles shorter than in the west that opportunity for growth and an opening for and reached flood stage just in any other and cloves should be used in 1 Good covered lihood which would be entirely lost to him if left within the confines of the ginger time to spoil the duck hunting Hills-'bor- New Pack way. hacks and good the most way. teams. city, without the chances to see beyond its limits and without a show to sparing Free Press. Dig Where Fare $5.00 round trio. Teams expand and without any outlook on the big world, except that which is con- run regaraies or mes oiner epicen fgi worthy furnished commercial men to take In fined between the high walls that bound his horizon. pnd the manner in which they have The man wno iB yon. frIend ou,y the Gold Is, the surrounding town. Wire Emkuiii. It is a pitiful thing to think of, the being born and living out an ex- been regarded in the past, the good so ong aa h'e can llge you or so ong station. '.itr istence without a know ledge of what lies in the beyond, which is really and faithful onion has always held ltsjas you do ininKS t0 piease him, was CANNED colds Mr. so full of opporlunily and so pregnant with happiness. own and is a protector against :never worthy of your friendship to d Manufacturer! un-;gj-n o : a murderer of germs and an with I.akewood Progress, The miner Investi- failing and strong friend. It ia the The Owl. carefully Thoughtful ! surface conditions before WHEN kind that stays with us. The owl Is considered the wisest of GOODS gates there are some at which even New Yorkers are he wastes money sinking a JOHUES I'ndoubtedly things School Entertainment. birds partly because he thoughtfully curious to know what their limit of shaft. capable of feeling shame. Aren't you Naturally everybody Is interested in nates witn one wno never upbraids eudurance is? those which are for the benefl . him tor not coming home till morn- - Then he concentrates his man had in our things When Charles E. Hughes, the ablest public they have of the schools and now that the man- - ing Albuquerque Herald. whole effort on the spot where INSURANCE to the clutch of time, was spending his last ounce free strangling privilege agement of the school is preparing to Both Do It. the rock seems the richest. he led a sortie and Tt In so that the state might breathe; when, time after time, a series of entertainments for is said that religion will make a I If gold is there, he gets it. few give Rolling asked for volunteers, don't you remember what a pitiable responded the benefit of this institution it iman love his enemy. But an upstate as if public Mr. Manufacturer, there is no Fire, Life, lAccldent1 how the mass of the citizenship remained dull, apathetic, seemingly they the effect of the S HMMIUIIIMIIHI is to be hoped that all will lend a hand (Country paper spoils r iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiiiiii of surface in- statement better way finding Plate Glass, Etc. Etc1 didn't care? to help it along. The course that has by declaring it has Been dications for And now Pnnr stick he is. a lathe to resemble s Tomatoes, Corn, marketing your Snl7pr? that painted been arranged is a high grade one and whiskey do the same thing. Socorro ? r wares in his between bluffs for the public and Chieftain. iif r htan through newspapjf steal, wobbling about perplexity entertainments will be given that are rcas, wax Deans, channels. REAL ESTATE to low as he has sunk the office which He private appeals the bosses for mercy; sufficiently varied to meet the tastes j Concealed It. Etc., in. are too so don't for a minute overlook that not Sulzer, not now already Newspapers only glad Hughes lately lifted up. of all. The first one is in the nature Tlley say that Uncle Russell to tell what conditions are fatwad the J you even Murphy or the Mephistophelian Barnes or their backers, of a and will, without doubt SaKe was careless with his money. City Property, Farms , i novelty in their communities. Kyans and llclmonts, who pull the wires to which they, puppets-like- dance, attract n. attendance. The em Ite wonderful how completely Uncle KANSAS lame And If are Is Ranches, Orchards are chieflv to blame, for they but follow the bent of their several natures. ., onmwi,nf the.iRuss concealed this failing from they right there on me uroaa ,.,,0,0f AND no quicker way to reach the Land Qrants, Etc The blame, friends and brethren, rests squarely B""luf,,B sciPt,tiftc order an! yet will be of the:P,1Dllc observation while he was of Mr. Middle Class New York Citizen, tn town or country; ne wuu . ounnBer ciocKmau. UTAH actual buying public than Smug, character that will j TOMATOES to everyone enjoy In the news- to to facts and vote his ticket according tradition, j wi" He7 through adverising continues shut his eyes it will an into one of ( All it and give insight Solid Pack, not Bonds counting it an honor to stand pat. He it is, and he alone, who makes the recent in the world Jack Frost win BOon e here and papers. Surety a ma developments Ihe "Puree of Tcmatoe" uossible for Kvan to have two votes in the United States senate, of invention that will a better !we "e watching his advent with a Your words go right to the state. Wlw L- bring considerable jority at Albany and walled in cities at strategic points up -i u i,n interest win ne Dnug 15c spot You are "digging where com- - 10c, the assassin of j ,a needle and thread with him and allows privilege to pick judges like Werner, workingmen's gucfc thl gxst flnd &Q nQt sew 12c, gold is." Of All Kinds. j the sllt Time- - - Who while the steal and follows eminent decoys , p skirt? aIone- can CAN. The Bureau of pensation. sleeps grafters jugt how existence was . PER Advertising, like eeeee to the slaughter, jq,tnblished. American Newspaper Publish- Telephone 194 W Room U some this soumoleiit person will wake up. We wonder jald. ers World Build- Some day, day, About the school there hovers an In New Association, It Is Doubtful. Corn, 10, 2y2 & 20c will LAUGHLIN BUILDING, when. 1 ing, New York, be glad to terest that is found In no other Instl-- Tt o is beginning to hp snanentorl with manufac- tution in all the world and whether . any W(, H.rv Th!1I1, orl to SANTA FE - NBWMEXICO have children In the school or Shin; Beans and Wax Beans, turer seeking learn special THEN BAKER STRUCK OUT people cidents in his life would h f,,rntt0n business a run not each one cannot from 5 conditions in any par- The mighty Baker swung his bat and knocked a home run; home get away jDy now and Eveyn never nave Deeome Extas, 12J4 & 15c with with as ticular part of the country. which made him once more famous. Then, next day, at a critical time, the fascination connected it it a tang0 star and reputea autnor of a j j is the medium which the next 3 two on bases, he struck out. through doubtful book. Things work out THE FIRST LOT OF LEESE & LOFTUS Home runs are thrilling but few and far between. A batting average is generation is to get a hnowieuge oEql,eerly at times In this world,, how- - means 01 better. In the end tt wins more games. v.nat is aneaa in nie ana oy ;ever much many may believe the will G. Richmond, a resident of fine when are to a start in the HEINZ MINCE MEAT Does your ambition run toward smashing home runB? They're which they get straight and narrow path to be the inglewood, Cal., will answer any in ESPANOLA LIVERY don't the Success in life depends strange and eventful journey. ibest in the run. Rock you can make them. But despise singles. long Island HERE I quiries about Foley's Honey and Tar sel- is ever IS on singles. The ability to deliver a modest rap time after time, missing There something fascinating Tribune, Compound. He says further "Foley's GOOD on about and the TEAMS dom, is the kind ot ability which makes the procession keep moving. and compelling youth yvho Owned It? Get in while the is Honey and Tar has greatly woman no thrill getting Compound Team play, team play, not the glory ot individual acnievement, witn its man or the who feels a case that was quite interesting good. You know where benefited me for bronchial trouble and AT ALL TIMES hi the of and yes-wh- o corresponding hazards of striking out, is what wins ball games, battles, any presence the boys girls ,came up before the justice court cough, after I used other remedies the broad field form of success in which men have to work together. are just entering tetrday in re a paisano who would not that failed. It is more like a food than Teams to the Cliff Dwell-ing- s Team and not too much emphasis upon the error column. of endeavor, and in watching their pay a license for his dog, claiming Modern Co. a medicine." Do not accept a sub- play -- at Reasonable Prices progress and their efforts, has some that the dog never left his premises. Grocery stitute. The . Capital Pharmacy. Now that the world's series games are over we can give some attention thing lacking in his or her make-up- He lost out and was fined $10 and Phone Livery, Espanola, N. M. the tariff and some of the other things that seemed to It is the universal interest in the j costs, besides having to take out the "TheQualityShop" Work for New the effects of DUAUD the Mexican, tt u and the before the called "play j youth of our day that brings to the, license. Lytton Taylor acting for the for for be interesting the people politicians umpire 5 working yon, Santa Fe and New Mexican Want Ads always of the schools the best sup-- 1 town, the asked the ball," and Baker and Collins got into tne game. support during procedings Tvruuirmrinivnnnnnnnnn n nnninf ttaa new state. bring: results. Try tt PAGE SEVEN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913. SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN.


KKXT-lioo- ms. KI4 Grant ave, On Rheumatism MEETING THAT ONE REASON WHY THE IS PUBLIC KOI I ItK.VT Three or six room il Ap- IS UNINFORMED ON THE MONEY CUES-- 1 house, furnish' or unfurnished. MisQ Kites KHiin ply 1. S, Unviizki, H2U San Francisco. Makes Short Vfork of Cleaning Out Your Entire TIONWHEN THE TAUGHT AGAINST -. to THE SYSTEM THEY WERE LET OUT. SANTA FE, N. M.f W'AN'i'KI)- Middle aged couple System Aches and Pains Go Fast. work. AY ifi' to in small camp; husband to not as wait hman and do (Staff Correspondence to the Daily October 15th to 25th chores. Aiwricnini only need apply. New Mexican.) j For further informal inn address T. S--, One and One-Fift- Fare Washington, D. C, Oct. 15. "The for cure New Mexican. fact t hat cur colleges and universities the Round Trip from have been, and, in large measure are Protect Your Baby all points in New Mexico acter must file nhjoction with this or before October 1!H3. dominated and controlled by the to Fe and Return. office, on 15, - ianta 'money power,- the. 'system, ' 'big busi- - FRANCISCO DELOADO, ' out cold save a cold ness,' or whatever name you please tc Keep draughts baby many DATES OF SALE: Register. give it. is, to my mind, not open to her-- ; and sickness. In S. S. You a Twist on Rheumatism That Settles October 12tli to 22nd. S. Get It. ions question," said George H. Shibley PROFESSIONAL CARDS testi-- Many a rheumatic sufferer has been to them neutral and scatters those peculiar today, discussing his recent j the drug store for a bottle of S. S. 8. and formations In the nerve centers that mony before the senate banking and RETUkN LIMIT: been handed claimed to be cause such and often Smokeless ATTORNEYS AT LAW. something mystifying baffling currtnlcv committee ' "Just as good." Truly, to ask for bread rheumatic pains. October 1913. and be a stone is still in J1r- lias been for 27th, given practice. And best of all this remarkable remedy Shibley testifying EDWARD P. DAVIE8, If you are troubled with rheumatism in is welcome to the weakest stomach. If several days on the pending currency any form be sure to use S. B. S. and note All the cold fall and winter months a Perfection U.S. LL'TZ, Ajft., SANTA FE.N.JM. City Attorney. you have drugged yourself until your j in an(J somewhat startled the com- - during Its wonderful influence. stomach is nearly paralyzed, you will be Smokeless Oil Heater the house warm. Capital City Bank Building, S. S. S. has the peculiar action of soak- astonished to find S. s! S. no ml"et wltl his dlrect charge that the keeps that gives ' Rooms ing through the intestines directly into sensation but goes right to work. This ia chief reason why the public is un in-- be from room to room wherever the blood. In live minutes its influence is a It can carried you go. San la Ke, New Mexico. because it is pure vegetable infusion, is forme( 0I1 the money question is be- at work in every artery, vein and tiny taken into your blood a3 Warms bathroom or in next to no time. naturally just C0"eBe are gag-lung- up parlor FRATERNAL capillary. Every membrane, every organ pure air is inhaled naturally into your ' a,lse lhe professors SOCIETIES of the body, every emunctory becomes in and bound with respect to this This model Perfection burns nine hours on a Chai. F. Easley, . Chas. H. Easley, to blood Im- ged year's single effect a filter strain the of Mr. MASONIC. EASLEY & EA3LFY, The of S. Get a bottle of S. 0. S. today, and ask question. Shibley is the director of oil. to and rewick in a moment. No purities. stimulating properties gallon Easy clean, j Attorne-- t aw, kid- for s. a. a. of of Political Montezuma Ujrtge 8. S. compel the skin, liver, bowels, the American Bureau flame-spread- er smoke automatic-lockin- g fiat font insures No. 1, A F. & A. M in the Courts and iefor neys, bladder to all work to the one end You may depend upon it that the store Research in Washington, and he has Practice of out every every that sells what you ask for is a good comniuni Land casting irritating, you devoted 10 years of his life to public steady heat always. Regular Department, atom of poison; it dislodges by place to trade. Write to the Swift cation flrit Monday Land and title: examined. Irrigation all accumulations in the joints. Specific Co., 204 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Co., service without pay. lie is an expert grant! of each month at N. Katun causes acid accretions to disulve, renders 1 fur their Buck on lilieuuiuUam. on the and his organ- THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY Santa Ke, M., branch Gillce, money question, in Maionlc Hall m has to al- (Incorporated Colorado) cla, N. 14. ization given profound study 7:30. lied of government, Denver Pueblo Albuquerque question popular Boise Salt Lake E. R. PAUL. W. M. economic and is Cheyenne Butte City G. W. PRICHARD, and other political lOHAS. E. LINNEY. sues. - Secretary. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law- . NEWS OF THE STATE Courta Mr. slated that whiie our jrssssM- Practices in all the DiBtrict Shibley 'and case universities are more liberal In- cer-- Santu Fe Chapter No gives special attention to '"" " on ' 1, R. A. M. before the State Supreme Court, Cow. tain lines than they were, yet the , ."7, Regula? Hunter Shot longer and the steadiness of the the and ",MT.nAMip"ji Santa N. M. money question particularly they policy process $20,000 convocation second Office: Laughlin Bldg., Fe, Some careless hunter last week shot llame during all of this time shows are;'8 whlcblp) " still almost hermetically wjlefl;' i.,,,,,.. I IS Monday of each month a fine cow with a! the of is curseu ai. in HAMAftPs FflK wwwXX registered Gurnsey that volume gaB very a scientific presentation of the nig ine present nine win iiiwmw w at Masonic Hall al DR. W. HUME BROWN, 22 caliber the bullet against of rifle, lodging In, strong. facts. many of our institutions learning 7:30 p. m. Dentist. the cow's udder. The animal and it is because of the seedH thus Oct. 15. A the belonged We do not know anything about oil was calle.'- to Pittsburg. I'enn., suit, J. A. MASSIE. Ova, Spitz Jewelry Stor to .1. M. Allen and was "My attention forcibly our men was: highly prized development, but those who do know our pianted that many of young like of which never before ARTHUR REUGMAN. H. P. Roomi 2 and 3. Too much care cannot be this dangerous control of colleges by him. confidently believe that when the wa- and women fail to understand the; brought in the Courts of Western Secretary. Pnone Red 6. in is by my own experience," continued social exercised shooting where stock ter in this well is off. and the great economic, political and Pennsylvania, was filed by pretty1 8 a. m. to 9. pumped Shibley, discussing his charge made Office Hourt I around. Endee Enterprise. oil begins to flow, that it will be the problems of the present day in their ,;mma C. Hufeli, 21 years old, against before the committee. "I was myself Santa Ke Commanflery j And by Appointment best oil well in the South- true perspective. ll)r .Charles K. Reif, a prominent sur producing misled in my own economic studies in No. 1, K. T. Regular Took Flour, Left Cheese. west. AVe are all that it will igeon, for $20,nu0 damages. J hoping the University of Chicago by the conclave fourth Mon While Dr. Woodman was out in the be so. j In Or. For results, a biased character of the teaching, and her bill Miss llafeli charges day in each month ai quick field last Friday, some party entered Mr. co- an which DeVore deserves the hearty after firsthand investigation of the THE WEATHER IReif performed operation Masonic Hall at 7:30 little "WANT." his house, built a fire and prepared a future. m. operation aB well as the thanks of all I have, come to the conclusion lias ruined her p. meal. Four had facts, O. V persons evidently 11(1 . she! Wl'Si.LY CONNER, JR E. to right thinking people for his heavy that college teaching in economic and Prnni 41 in v;s vest erd !i v 's tern The young woman declares thai It will not pay you waste your been eating. Two pounds of cheese as a vv, E. Recorder. out forms and his which social sciences is while in was f!2 j may become insane consequence. GRIFFIN, time writing your legal was left on the table, that Dr. knows outlay untiring labors, the biased; 'perature; the humidity per on a it and to further statements!, when you can get thorn already print- not from whence it came, and a sack h?v e,en ea"ied greater part finance, is grossly misleading jcent. It was a clear and pleasant day. According Volumes of evidence S a. stood at made in her bill Miss Hateii, wnne Per- ed at the New Mexican Printing of flour is from the PaUtry "me uuun 6 uiD,a.jio6ra unscientific. m. today the mercury Santa Fe Lodge of missing in In this well. Lake to these i4;.it from a pain in her stomach that the Dr. knows not whither it has trying t0 brinS could be produced prove jn ther cities it was as follows: suffering fection No. 1, 14th de- Company. wood the! W- went to Dr. Reif, who, Mown. Progress. statements. The documents in Amarillo, Rismarck, 24: l!oise,;lst February, gree. Ancient and Ac Questa Gazette. AVork Mexican. It is case of President E. B. Andrews alone !,(); Cheyenne, 2S; Dodge City, 02; jshe says, told her that an operation cepted Scottish Rile ol for the Niw Gun cure for her ailment, for for Santa Fe and Accident on Road. Accidental Discharge. would suffice. President Andrews was jrj,lrang0i 34. Flagstaff. 32; (irand was the only Free Masonry meets ot working you, - in of the cause of the Our community was again shocked officially requested to 'forbear1 to 'pro- junction, 42; Helena, 2(1; Kansas City, ignorance the third Monday of each month at the new state. Friday morning as the work train not f the news the accidental shoot- mulgate' his views favoring the free '54; Lander, 3ft; I,os Angeles, r,S;lain knowing anything 7:30 o'clock in the evening in the New came south, going to the repair work by the of an as of because these views jModena. 3fi; (ill: Phoenix, :conscqunces of such operation Cathedral. Scottish Rite in progress south of Carlsbad, it met ing of Robert Osborn, the well known coinage silver, Oklahoma, Visiting to views gener-:r,S- ; 3.S; Hie surgeon suggested. Miss Hafeli to the section crew north about a blacksmith, which occurred AVednes-da- were so contrary the Portland, 44; Pueblo. Rapid Masons are cordially invited attend. going univer-jcity- , she consented to have one per-sit- mile from Artesia. The men slammed afternoon at the Moseley ranch ally held by the friends of the 3G; Roseburg, 38: Roswell, 52: says E. C. ABBOTT, 32", on and down to about eighteen miles west of Carlsbad. that the university had already Salt Lake, 3d; San Francisco, 52;formed. Venerable Master the brakes jumped she take the handcar from the tracks but Tim funfa aa crnthorert frnm tlln toe. lost gifts and legacies which would Spokane, 30; Tonopah, 32: Wllliston, Had she known, she declares, CHA9. A. WHEELON, Secy. WEBSTER'S - come or have been 20. never would have the oper- it was going so fast that two Mexicans tinmnv nt the innnest are fniinwa- otherwise have Winemueca, permitted without would her have NEW were run over and injured before it The deceased in company with S. D. ""red to it, and that change Local Data. iation, neither parents B, P. O. E. fail to receive to be could be stopped. The train struck Hill and R. D. Fuller had been on a it would in the future Highest temperature this date last allowed it performed, Santa Fe LodgeNo which is re-- the empty handcar and demolished it. short hunting trio and were as far as the penuniary support ar, fil ; lowest, 31. Kxtreme this date! 4C0, B. P. O. E. It was at first that one of the ranch on home. quisite,' and so on. Dr. Andrews re-'4- years' record, highest. 73, in 178; HATER OF WOMEN holds Its regular thought Moseley their way - MERR.'AM WEBSTER on account of the result- sec- THE the men had his back broken, but on At about 1:30 p. m., Wednesday, Mr. signed, but 'icwi'St. 30, in J03. MAKES QUEER WILL. essior. on the New dic- j The Only unabridged examination it was found that his in- Hill proposed that while the others ing outcry, the trustees were forced Forecast. ond and fourth mem- their but Dr 15. is the tionary in many years. juries were not severe. Other were preparing lunch, he would go to to recede from position, San)a Fe all(j vicinity: General-- Medford. Ore.. Oct. Here Wednesday cf eacb and essence to-- in the 1 1 Contains the pith bers of the crew were only slightly a little body of water near by and see Andrews left the following year. y c.olujy and unsettled weather j remarkable clause contained month. VI ins - of an authoritative Pecos News. if he could not shoot some ducks. Up- R. now- will of AVm. 1. a bachelor brothers are Invit- library. hurt. Valley "Prot. John Commons, arnigut and Thursday. Hartley, Covers every field of knowl- on his return he found that Messrs. AA'isconsin State University, was; For xew Alexico: Tonight and ifarmer. ed and welcome. a tomb-ti- er edge. An Encyclopedia in About Mesilla Melons. Fuller and Osborn had already eaten driven from Syracuse University, unsettled and generally "I direct that an elegant EDWARD P. DAVIES, book. - single "The drought in the east this year," their lunch and were preparing to Chancellor Day, because his ant'- jeloudy. Cooler in southeast, portion si one or monument be placed on my Exalted Ruler, the Mr. to of of which C. WIL-SO- The Only Dictionary with says J. W. Hollingswoith, "proved to load the wagon. Hill hurriedly monopoly attitude was offensiva to (tonight. (grave, be made granite H. ate his lunch and after the 'a'1 shall show New Divided Page. be a knocker for the valley canteloupe bedding Standard Oil influences, and because Conditions. the lettering plainly Secretary Words. 2700 had been on the hack, re- .7. and or 400,000 Pages. growers. You see a dry season in placed top h. bad voted for Wm. Bryan. The influence of the nigh area and distinctly, lasting quality Cost is I ' 6000 Illustrations. nearly to enable marked: "Here my gun, almost r i 1st (and on the tomhsone or monument here is just what is needed 'In nncu-o- in mioatlntiR hv senators irh ig tli over Santa re Gamp half a million dollars. it." A had been fastened 111 old bachelor us to grow a big canteloupe crop; forgot strap I named two or 'the the entire is!,aU be engraved 13514, M. W. A most fas- - on the committee. Dakotas, overspreads Let us tell ycu about thij were ill the mar on the back of the hack seat, to So on the brink of the Jordan. rmiRenuentlv. thev three cases of black-listin- and pro west It ,.,,...1, ,l.n,,,rl,n,,f standing meets second Tues remarkable single volume. I live ten around the stock of the gun, the n...... 10 cross me ami on ket this year with both feet. for men who dared the northwest. preparing river, day each month, so J a kind fessional disgrace !!..,.! t ' Write for sample and we this j muzzle being pushed through other side of ric - liU'sKJftF fl at Dona Ana shipped in nnu tne ' . clal meeting third - - - f slot of some sort so the to teach what thev believed ourivaney plateau region. inet"-- . z P"Cts,furipjr- venr 43 car loads of canteloimes from gun Cali- - or 0,u niaias, eacn caiiMiif, her at Fire on colleges. There are abundant other barometer is lowest over lower Tuesday lf our ranch. But we got. into New would carry crosswise me back hands a bunch of roses, and beckon motroHnno Pvpaldent Henrv AA'ada fornia and Arizona, but the storm man's Hall. Visit j.Mamo tain a and conse-- ! or tne uacK seat, 'nK to him to cross, and on which York on glutted market, onHcniv rii;npil from North-iare- is not well defined. Conditions Ing neighbors welcome. paper and as some In plac-ou-r Dn.ii tombstone monument shall be en ' v fluently had to take short prices Having little difficulty in 190.1. favor nd unsettled or A. G. WHITTIER, Consul. we wii! Os-n- western University June, generally cloudy -- were and could the gun, Mr. Hill asked Mr. - the following 0 v& ondfteo goods perishable ing R. D. Sheppard, also a trus- weather tonight and Thursday and nor graved epitapn: A. E. P. ROBINSON, Clerk. was on oppo-marke- Treasurer old bach-- ; be held to wait for a stronger born, who standing the reslg-jmuc- h in an independent, good looking tee. stated in reference to this change temperature. VVaQ .V Pocket Considerable preparations site side of the hack from where he who In his younger days pre- F. W. FARMER 'yS$yr''&t nation: T will not deny that Mr, elor, f V; are made to put more land un-- (Hill) was, to help push the gun in ferred a single life rather than Homestead No. being ' speech a der cultivation in the Mesilla valley place. Mr. Fuller, who was standing Rogers' BABY married and have a boss in Central Music hall .vas ASH CAN IS get petticoat 2879, Brother next I should say that the acre-- j at the rear of the hack, said: "Bob, year ago over him the rest of his life year. members of the board of ruling hood of Ameri- under cultivation will be increas- - I wouldn't do that for a thousand criticized by THE PRIZE WINNER and an endless age took iround that as perhaps through can Yoemen. ed at least 2,000 acres." Las Cruces dollars." Mr. Osborn replied: "It's trustees who ths " he should not Meets second I not loaded. Is it head of the university New Oct. 5. Hinch- - C.M.rri.C Citizen. loaded, Daddy?" York, Sadie and fourth Mon-day- s hC ZCn M's j voice that were antagonistic 1 PnBh -- .Spring-Hel- Mr. Hill answering in the negative, opinions man, a babe tound by a policeman kJ&t Mnni).g to the board of managers. Co (Too of the AA'ednesday evening a large number Mr. Osborne gave the gun a twist and mouths ago in an ash can, has taken month at the hammer on E. Will, and M fl , the of Lakewood people went out to the it is supposed caught "President Thomas t iz th. Rronx bav con with Fireman's Hall. well to - a with which the was of the Kansas r.rcak your fast De Vore witness a demonstra- rope bedding fcur other professors ,test at ,he Battery n Armory. H. Foreman. R. L. Baca, and the same instant one - tion of burning gas. tied, at State Agricultural college, including T1)e copper who fmmd tne abandon- a clH'erinR' Cor. Sec. David Gonzales. barrel of the was the AV. and Frank Parsons, , ,. . . . fragrant, fup The (Progress force, with fourteen gun discharged, Edw. Bemis d ,h ,. daya old load the neck of the unfortu ! of the because went on a large float wagon, entering were forced out college igen t her to an aayium. Tiater she was of Best Cof- Santa Fe Lodge others, nate man, the vein were Schilling's Watson the onion severing jugular their views on public questions Dy Sarah Hinchman, of No. 2, of engineered by Cook, Instant death he throw- a(;0p(ed jjrs. Knights of the Pecos There were and causing offensive to the Standpat Republicans Washington Avenue, the Bronx, a fee awl tlie day is well meets king valley. his hands and falling to the or Pythias other float filled to their capa- ing up who had regained control tne state ;widow who had ost Il(,r ony cnid. Second and wagons without a groan or quiver of a every as well as hacks, buggies and ground in 1899. To make this raid possiDie, In the armory contest there were started. Fourth of city, muscle. were first remov Friday in all about seventy-fiv- e two leading regents more than 150 babies, but Sadie was the month at 8 horsemen, In aroma-tigh- t cans, cleanly Mr. Hill had removed one shell from ed from the board by the governor. declared the to be the most people from Lakewood alone. Arriving by judges - o'clock p. m. the and his attention at- Dr. E. A. of 10c a lb money- I at the well the crowd was largely aug- gun being The dismissal of Ross, jperfect of the contestants and their granulated, in K. A. & S. F. R'Y tracted else he evident- was in Meeting T., mented by people from Dayton and by something Leland Standford University, verdict was soon reached. back. of P. Hall over to remove the other shell. committee of the the surrounding country. ly forgot vestigated by a Kaune's store. TIME TABLE AA'hen full extent of the accident association. In The demonstration of gas the American Economic All burning Mr. Hill and Mr. Fuller this committee stated visiting was something wonderful. The gas was realized, their report, are most To Effective 1st, 191 J. the in the hack and the Dr. Ross' dismis- Knights January was piped about fifty feet out and placed body their conviction that means Schilling's Invited. named it into the was to the views Moneyback cordially twenty feet up, and a strong first brought city, sal due professor's H. F. C. C. Leave Santa Fe 8:10 a. m. to con- produced Mr. with and mu STEPHENS, white the flame ex- Fuller remaining the camp on silver, coolie immigration nect with No. 3 westbound and and steady light, were sent out RE1NGARDT, K. of R. and S. like or ten outfit until conveyances nicipal owenrship Mrs. Standford and means the re- No. 10 eastbound. tending something eight from when he also came In. Best; it grocer feet. There was also a smaller pipe Carlsbad, to them. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA Carlsbad Current. D. Scudder of Wellesley Returning, arrive Santa Ft 12:10 p. laid to the front of the engine house "Miss Vida j No. 259. holds its regular to dur Lodge m. and elevated some eight or ten feet college went Lawrence, Mass., customer's on the first Thursday of each and made turns a dissatisfied meeting to Albu- which lighted up that department of ing the recent strike there month at Fireman's hall at 7:30 p. m No. 3 carries passengers For results, a of the workers. A and to Pacific the work. AA'e understand that the quick a speech in favor Visiting brothers are Invited and wel querque, locally, gas had been burning all day perhaps little "WANT." leading Boston newspaper editorially come. Coast points. on ac- as as he can. called for her resignation that money quick BENITO ALARID, President. Leave Santa Fe 3:30 p. m. to con- count. DAVID GONZALES, Secretary. nect with No. 1 westbound, and In America has "Higher education No. 2, eastbound, connecting at been and is now controlled In three then? "Cut-off- " '7T.-7.wi- What ODD FELLOWS, Albuquerque with nmu tti spongy feet collects the Invisible the and own- happens m SmSZ them over ways. First, by building No. 2. I. O. O. F. train for Clovls and Vecoe Val- S igerms cf disease spread or our toon ana poisons as wiin typnoia. ership by private capitalists groups Santa Fe Lodgt ley points. ot their own schools, colleges and uni meets Zl. She isn't dissatisfied; regular!; arrive Santa Fe 6:05 p. as In the case of the 'liber at 8 o'clock Returning, versities, very Thursday evening m. with Its bill Injects Into ality of the vanderbilts, Armours, In Odd Fellows Hull. Visiting broth The Mosquito Telns MALARIA. Standfords, Rockefellers and others. en always welcome. Leave Santa Fe 6:20 p. m. to con- be g Second, these wealthy people also 'as- can't nect with No. 7 westbeund 'r-ryln- WfE ARE all exposed to such dangers onr only armor is good red sist' the swarm of struggling little NOTICE FCR PUBLICATION. El Paso sleeper, list No. bloodl Let stomach be of good digestion, your liver active which dot the land, which in U. S 4 eastbound. your diseaae-bearin- colleges is? Department or the Interior, and your lungs full of good air and you don't surrender to any of the g the Who pure corrects a turn do well to refain from biting Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M., Sept. arrive Santa Fe 1:35 p. germs. The best known tonic and alterative, that torpid liver, our Returning, and helps digestion so that good blood is manufactured and the system nourished, is hand that feeds them. Third, 9, 1913. m. state college and universities have j Notice is given that Harold The has lost noth- hereby Leave Santa Fe 8:50 p. m. to con- been controlled In the Interest of Nobody. grocer Brook, of Buckman, N. M, who, on jll. nect with No. 8 eastbound, and race's flolden Medical Discovery wealth through its machine Sept. 9, 1913, made Additional Home-istea-d No. 9 of state j westbound. This famons medicine has been sold by medicine dealers in its liquid form for rule control governments, and she has lost Entry, act April 28, 1904, No. that's ! over forty yean, giving great satisfaction. If you prefer you can now obtain Dr. whereby 'safe men,' that is, men In ing; nothing, 1019453, for N 2 SB 4 NE Sec-- arrive Santa Fe 11:30 Medical also in 50c size Returning, Pierce's Golden Discovery tablets of your druggist at $1.00, with, or afraid to attack tion 13, 19 N., 6 a. m. or mail send 60 one-ce- stamps, R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.Y., for trial box. sympathy Township Range E, by and educat- ix. M. P. Act June 11, 1906, finoa-Hnn- fullyand answered In the People's Medical private wealth, professors Meridian, TAft properly how look I nf viaer by B.V. Pierce, M. D. All the knowledge a younl ed In 'safe' institutions, are placed in we at it. List Jemez National Forest, - Call "Central" forTrain maa or woman, wife or daughter should have, is contained in this big- Hone Doctor Book own views notice all bound In one-ee-nt charge to inculcate their hereby gives that persons containing-100- pages with engravings cloth, sent free to anions coding SI Best of atamps to prepay cost of wrapping-an- postage. as 'scientific' and scout all contrary Schillings' was your first definition moneyback. rolaiming the land adversely or desir- Reports. opinions as 'unscientific' and 'unsafe.' A. Schilling & Company San Francisco ing to show it to be mineral In char OCTOBER 1913. PAGE EIGHT SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. WEDNESDAY, 15,

$154,690. The board held that this that there is a vast difference between OFFICIAL. d land was unimproved coal land and deposit of commercial coal and a WALL STREET. Line coal of low ''ade that for yar-valu- Elegant its value at $12.00 an acre full'Psit :ious reasons IN THE LATEST SHAPES . or $4.00 an acre for assessment '" notJbe, New York, Oct. 15. The stock RAISE IN TAXABLE This raised the full value:1' ls fulther contested that the only Wh purposes. ,an market was again under the influence In Veiour, Felt, Beaver. Ar .rKftl teet of lalld 88 coal )Wr lie- - this Plush, o! the 7o7,s72 acres to y,114.550. Ut' P"iensive tests by a diamond of conflicting conditions today but the Silk, Satin, Moire Hats Grocery, and Market. ducting the full value returned by 1he'w"ld Velvet, Bakery - drill. undertone of with a most beautiful VALUATION 0 owners, this made a raise in full valua- gave promise betterment together I while uncer- in Ribbons. Auto Delivery Every Hour! Auto Delivery Every Hour tion of $7.7".0,t7fl. or a raise in taxable! The owners of the 7.".7,.S72 acres of Opening prices, reflecting line of novelties showed a of - values of $2.."S;!,IM3. Adding this raise 'fid returned as grazing land by the tainty preponderance ittanttcHIIM7 PnnrvJ nnd Ostrich Peath- These were soon effaced, but in taxable value to the values at owners, and raised to unimproved coal gains. are shown at end of the ses- ers, Etc., EVERYTHING -j- THE STATE which Hie land was returned land by the board are as follows, r then at the morning r originally movement lift- the owners of these cording to the Colfax county rolls: sion a general buying ! taxation, well above the THERE IS TO EAT g; acres and more are asked to! The Yankee Fuel company; the ed the level preceding MISS A. MUGLER r.T 700,000 were the strongest of RFdAPITIIIATiflN FOLLOWING WORK taxes on a valuation of $1,038,18::, Wootten Land and Fuel company; W. day. Coppers ilay the active group, deriving their stim- Vr.rr , instead of Str.USMO. the figures fixed H. Bartletl: Cherokee & Pittsburg SOUTHEAST CORNER PLAZA. r rnn m, - an advance Our Service Ur dIAIil DUfthU Ur tUlMUifl- and Mining company; Maxwell ulus from London, where Try AUTO DELIVERY hv ihe Colfax counly assessor, jfoal Gains of tnll-an- in the metal was reported. Timi Piinuid mnnncr nr nurn - iJ,.a r ti, i.0,.,i d Grant company: Northeastern selling movement was inauguarated Mexico-Colorad- o one to three points were made have of Coal company; New figures government geologists ,, ... ..,, ,fj?., w n noon by Amalgamated, Steel jfst before the close with especial S.UU .UUU IN VALU coal of u"' 1 giving the value of the lands common, and American weakness in Canadian Pacific, Can, Phone e No AttttU in j' uei company; tuag t nnyon rue.! com- preferred D R E ITinU ICoIfax county as over $230,000,000, People's Gas, Union Pacif- ReadlngBaltimore & Ohio and other NoAN WSPhoa I IN liJIJ UVtK Will, set pany; St. Louis, Rocky Mountain and Telephone, comparison with which the figures ic and New Haven, Can, Harvester active shares. The decline wiped out - Pacific company. ;by the state board of equalization ap- and Canadian Pacific were relative a large part of the gains recorded - The other raise was made Iniinr vprv mibl juut rpnRnnahle. How- principal heavy. earlier in the day. COLFAX COUNTY IS lever, in with what has al- - jin Chaves county, where the assessor's firm. ' . comparison - Bonds were wn va nrn 11 nn in thin rnimtv....t lit1 figures of $6,611,079 are raised to $7,- of stocks sold by the ANVIL WINS CASTLETON GIVEN BIGGEST RAISE 18 It is 7;::!,700, with increases totalling but !rale stupenduous. freely pre bear faction carried the morning rise CUP AT LEXINGTON. dieted that the taxes on this valuation $2,667. further, with Union Pacific in keen Oct. 15. The Cas-tleto- will never be collected without a lonii! The detailed by counties Lexington, K, figures demand. A better feeling was aroused cup for 2.07 class trotters, i A raise of in the total fight, the contention being made $10,277,147 legal by the check to the recent liquidation, value $3,000, two in three: of the state for assessed valuation there being an entire absence of pres- Anvil won, Cheney, second: Robert over 1012 is net result of the jlf'l;! the sure to sell, even on rallies. Milrod, third; Shawboy fourth. Time work stale of the assessors and the The market closed heavy. Another 2:061-4- . The Clarendon board of according to 2 E Garden, equalization, S figures made public this morning at a to o PHONE 12 SANTA FE, N. M. the office of the traveling auditor. The hoard its work about a 0 s, completed 3 35 week ago. but it was not. until today that the corrections were ail made on the tax rolls and the totals again - V. a tc hit's figured up. Bernalillo I 5,; S71,74!i;$ 6,251,2S(C$ 201,133 $ 6,050,147 . The tax valuation of Xew Mexico Chaves 6.611.070 1,125,2ns; 7,736,307! 2,667! 7,733,700 for 10K!, according to the corrected Colfax ... 6.271, 620; 3,359,1 S3! 9,630,803 47,333! 9,583,470 figures is $!l 1,73 1,601. It is figured Curry ... 2,54::. 14:;; 22n,222j 2,763,365! 72.902) 2,690,163 ion a basis of one-thir- of full value, illona Ana 5,453,07!! Sl.CCOj 5,50i,747 36,34S; 5,468,399 (The totals are taken from the assess- - Eddy ... 3,85:1.000! 195,672j 4,04S,,762 4,04S,762 jment rolls of the various counties be-- j Grant ... 6.600,463! S5.277I 6.694,7401 295,1 52 0,399,5SS Torn the stale board of equalization Guadalupe 2,S06,41Si 108,763! 3.003,1 81 j 35,3691 2,969,812 'had passed on them was $.S l,0SI!,"ilH Lincoln .. 2,1R9,0fiS! 71,394j 2,260,162! 2,433j 2,258,029 it'or 101.'!.' The 1012 assessment after Luna 3,291,117!' 142,0071 3,436,124j 111,600 3,321,524 (the appeals had all been decided by McKinley 2,502,596' 2S4,903 2,787,5S9j 75,417! 2,712,172, the state board was $"2,4.57,434. Mora .... 2,02S,13Sj' 221,141 2,249.279 10,712) 2,238,554 The total raises by the state board Otero . . . 2.672,4011 43,735! 2.716,136 126,S66 2,589,270 ;of equalization amounted to $9,2:!:!,t7M, Quay .... 2.5Sfl,637j in,S24j 2,701,461! IS, 23 2 2,683,229 while the reductions made by the Rio Arriba 1.607,5091 100,961. l,804,470j 59,003) 1,743,467 i beard totalled $l,585,5(, or a net raise .Roosevelt 1.026, 100 2O.S,406 2,134,506! 500 2,131,006 RESOLVED 'on the taxable valuation of the Btate Sandoval 1,:i:i1,90i 124,t54 1,456.058' 4,526) 1,451,532 !of $7.B48,OS:S, jSan .Juan l,r,5.",17S 210,014 1.774,4X7) 197,S59 1,576,628 Yqv cant cJet i Considered by counties, Colfax sus-lsa- Miguel 4.S47,lloi 601,301 5,538,4111 72,05S 5,466,352 ELY tains the greatest increase withiSunta Fe 2.001,0:!;: 217.1641 3,148.1071 37,400) 3,110,797 ! ! ! MON Chaves second. Sierra county's assess-- ; Luna IN.OSO1 2f.S10j 1,649,7901 50f. 1.619,290 That Burning Question any I jment was tampered with the least, Socorro ;i,27:!,:JS:l 177.100! ::,450,4S3i 50,21 5 3,400,268 How can heat and cook 'aster, better, cheaper? THAIS Beacham-Mignard- 1 to Cook with but comparatively small raises j'j'aos . .... 1.000.527 49,23Nj 1,1 55,7651 21,686) 1,134.079 Let demonstrate you their Stoves, being made also in OJero, Dona Ana Torrance, 55,035! 2,61S,592j 14,640 2,603,952 South Bend Malleable Ranges and Oak Heaters; they are not bet- Tb DEAL a va- VITH jand Torrance counties, Union . . 2,61,303! 132,5C2j 2.773,955 2M03 2,714.552 ter than the best, but better than the rest. They have gerat i as The Colfax county assessment Valencia 3,S20,470! 20S.71 II 4,029,1811 58,622 3,970,559 riety of models at almost any price. ,,.1. " ; the assessor totalled $(!, is The differ- irmr returned by Totals $84,086,5.1 S;59,23:!,673$93,',!20,l9i:$1,5S5,590!$91,73l,60l Don't think that old range "good enough for you." 1271.620. The state board increased ence in fuel alone in six months will pay for a new one. ithis S3, decreases Is mall by $3,359,1 and made In Charge of Talban Bank. ipositors will be paid in full and turned Besides, remember there a great difference between "the f the final tax- order defective material and and totalling $47,333, making Charles B. Dennis, of Clovis, has; over to the national bank. It had guarantee covering workmanship" of $9,5S3,-147- of WE WANT THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNITY TO COME IN AND able valuation the county been in of the about $11,000 in deposits at ils last, their "guarantee perfect satisfaction." Always dependable. more more than placed charge savings DO BUSINESS WITH US ON".Y BECAUSE IT MEANS DOLLARS TO or than $1,800,000 bank of Talban which was closed report, and was capitalized at $15,000. has the THEM. BUYING AT A STORE WHERE YOU PAY MORE FOR THE SAME Chaves county, which second! the stato bank examiner,; The Reliable Hardware Store. assessed valuation. yesterday by QUALITY OR GET POORER HARDWARE FOR THE SAME PRICE THAN highest and will have pending a clos-- ! HARRY LEWIS IS STILL Most of the raise in Colfax county charge WE WILL GIVE YOU IS LETTING YOUR DOLLARS TAKE WINGS AND ing of its affairs. IN SERIOUS CONDITION. FLY AWAY. HUNT AROUND ALL YOU WILL, BUT YOU MUST COME lis borne by the undeveloped coal land. TO OUR STORE TO FIND THE BEST KINDS OF HARDWARE AT THE iEleven big holders of unimproved coal Bank Will Oct. 15. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Hand returned a total of 757.S72 acres Liquidate. Philadelphia, Pa., Harris !as grazing land, assessed at 60 cents The Savings Bank of Melrose Lewis, the middleweight pugilist, is acre, full value $1.S0 an acre. Aslday started voluntarily to .liquidate. still in a serious condition at the hos-- this these acres a I There is a national bank at Melrose pital where he was taken Monday WOOD -- DAVIS HARDWARE grazing land gave COMPANY. one-an- d town was not after his with Joe Borrell j full valuo of $1,361,070, and at the large enough night fight two It said. The de- - of this PHONE 14. "IF IT'S HARDWARE WE HAVE IT." PHONE 14. third of full value a taxable value of for banks, is city.


out after that new you start WILL SEE THE NEWEST start in the direc- WHEN Sir, right YOU OF STYLEDOM, and this town's tion. Start toward the Clothing best exhibit of Big Values. Those women House that has a well-establish- ed reputa- who are always fully abreast of the times or a tion for selling ONLY THE BEST OF ittle aheadwill want to come to this Store now CLOTHES. Such a resolution cannot fail and see this fascinating exhibit of the favored Season's Fashion has decreed to bring you directly here. styles, for the many noticeable changes this season, and there's If know the sort of suit you you exactly an unusually enticing note about all the new MODELS want, you'll find the CHOICEST ideas that particular women are sure to admire in all the correct styles. If you don't know, when they see them, and delight in wearing. then we shall be pleased to assist you with of this Store is now the best of service in fitting you perfectly Every Department ready with a delightful showing of new things. with just the sort of Suit you ought to wear. "THE HUB" NATHAN SALMON SALION SANTA FE, N. M.

if7 vL37 mi BI YORE