Lodge Calendar: Sarasota Lodge No. 147 ~ July 2017 ~ F. & A. M. 2160 Main Street, Sarasota, FL 34236 th Profit Tue 4 Observing National Holiday - 941-953-2792 Thank you all who have and are Non Permit #204 currently serving Organization TRESTLEBOARD U.S. Postage Paid Postage U.S. FL MANASOTA, th Living Past Masters Tue 11 7:30pm Stated Communication July 2017 Education: Br Carlos Velazquez Joseph H. Gould* 1958 6:45pm Dinner William G. Wolf* 1971 Russell B. Glendinning* 1980 Sat 15th 12pm-3pm Ice Cream Social Joe R. Hembree 1981 James W. Walker 1984 Tue 18th 7:00pm Degree Practice Donald J Stilley** 1985 Walter R. McCracken III 1986 Sat 22nd 9am-1pm Open Books Terry L. Winkel 1987 Sarasota No. 147 Steven D. McMahon 1989 Norris C. Baxter 1990 Tue 25th 7:30pm Stated Communication Jan K. Galbreth 1991 Education: Jerry DeBusk 1993 W:. Andrew Gluchov Owen B. Blount, Sr. 1994 6:45pm Dinner Charles T. Hutton* 1995 Edward L. Jordan* 1998 nd Thu 27 6:45pm MM Association Gerald E. Goacher*** 2001 7:30pm District School of Stephen A. Yarbrough 2002 Instruction – Venice 301 Gilbert Fernandez 2004 Frank S. Albinson*** 2005 Sat 29th 12pm-2pm Grand Master Visit BBQ Worshipful Master Senior Warden John D. Powell 2006 Fundraiser Marcos Romero Jeffrey Lawrence William S. Paterson 2007 Shrine (600 N. Beneva Rd.) 204 Magellan Dr P.O. Box 542 Norman Cyphers*** 2008 Sarasota, FL 34243 Sarasota, FL 34230 James Godshall 2009 Official DDGM Visit Schedule - District 23 941-320-7721 941-315-5300 Andrew Wormington 2010 th
[email protected] [email protected] Thu 6 7:30pm – Punta Gorda No.