M2389 - MCGREGOR PRINT.Indd Xvi 23/9/10 14:03:00 Table of Statutes Xvii
Table of statutes AUSTRALIA BARBADOS Commonwealth Charities Act 1989 170, 183, 184, 185, 254, 257 Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) 195 CANADA Export Expansion Grants Act 1978 (Cth) 260 Income Tax Act (1985) 26, 28, Extension of Charitable Purpose 30, 31, 259 Act 2004 (Cth) 2, 9, 38, 80, 126, 183–4, 185, 191, 192, 204, 254, 257 CHINA Family Law Act 1974 (Cth) 256 Enterprise Income Tax Law Fringe Benefi ts Tax Assessment 135 Act 1986 (Cth) 187 Public Welfare Donations Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 Law 130–31 (Cth) 41, 187, 191, 259 Trust Law of the People’s Tax Laws Amendment (2005 Republic of China 130, Measures No. 3) Act 135 2005 38 Trade Practices Act 1974 Subordinate legislation (Cth) 256 Provisional Regulations on State Non-enterprise Institutions 1998 131 Legal Profession Act 2007 Regulations on Foundations (Qld) 259 2004 131 Succession Act 1981 (Qld) Regulations on Social 256 Organisations 1998 131 xvi Myles McGregor-Lowndes and Kerry O’Halloran - 9781849807975 Downloaded from Elgar Online at 09/24/2021 10:50:33AM via free access M2389 - MCGREGOR PRINT.indd xvi 23/9/10 14:03:00 Table of statutes xvii IRELAND Income Tax Act 2004 35, 46, 259 Income Tax Act 2007 35, 46 Charities Act 2009 75, 76–94, 95, Maori Land Act 1993 33 96, 97, 98, 100, 119, 126, 138, 140, 159, 184, 185, 186, 197 s. 2 90, 91, 98 UNITED KINGDOM s. 3 76–7, 93, 95 s.3(1) 77–81 Act for the Relief of the Poor s.3(10) 80 1601 184 s.3(11) 80–85 Charitable Trusts Act 1853 13 Charities Acts 1961–73 76, 79, Charitable Uses Act 1601 see 96 Statute of Charitable Uses Finance Act 1998 160 1601 Finance Act 2001 160, 161 Charities Act (Northern Ireland) Freedom of Information Act 1964 14 1997 81, 92, 100 Charities Act (Northern Ireland) Gaming and Lotteries Act 2008 16, 43, 44, 83, 95, 96, 1956 99 118, 121, 126, 183, 184, 185, Irish Nationality and Citizenship 186, 192, 254, 257 Act 2004 97 Charities Act 1960 13, 48, 121 Radio and Television Act Charities Act 2006 (Eng&W) 16, 1988 90 17, 19, 21, 24–5, 31, 43, 44, 48, Statute of Pious Uses 1634 (10 52, 53, 54, 71, 81, 95, 96, 97, Car.
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