ATTA News January 2015 teachers-association/newsletters Editor: Colin Fong, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney
[email protected] ATTA website law/australasian-tax-teachers-association Contents 1 Presidential column 1 2 ATTA Conference 2015 1 3 ATTA Annual General Meeting agenda 3 4 Notice of Meeting: Annual General Meeting 4 5 TTPI Australian Visiting Fellow Awards program 4 6 Arrivals, departures and honours 4 7 United Kingdom developments 4 8 IBFD Frans Vanistendael Award for International Tax Law 8 9 Master of Laws in international tax law scholarship 8 10 Call for papers 9 11 Tax, accounting, economics and law related meetings 13 12 ATTA members in the media 15 13 Recent publications 15 14 Quotable quotes 16 1 Presidential column Welcome back to everyone after the Christmas break. I hope that you are all rested in preparation for the new academic year. The new year starts with a bang for ATTA as we head to Adelaide for the annual conference next week. The programme details are now available (see details later in this newsletter) and, as usual, it looks like being an interesting start to the year. We will also be bringing the proposed constitutional amendments to the AGM for a vote of the membership, so please review the details that have been published in the ATTA news so that we can finalise the amendments next week. If you are unable to attend and would like your views to be taken into account, proxy forms have been circulated.