26 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: (203)744‐5777 Fax: (203)744‐3740 Website: www.stmarybethel.org Email: stmaryoffi
[email protected] Visit us on Facebook: StMaryChurchBethel PARISH OFFICE HOURS: The Parish Office phones are open Mon.‐Thurs. from 9am‐2pm and Fri. from 9am‐12 noon. If you need to speak to someone in person, please call (203)744‐5777 in ad‐ vance to make an appointment and masks are required. You can email us for ques‐ ons and Parish business. St. Mary Catholic Church Fourth Sunday of Easter FATHER COREY’S EPISTLE † All Chrisans are called to be saints. Saints are persons begin a cause on his own iniave, in which case he is the in heaven (officially canonized or not), who lived heroical- peoner.) ly virtuous lives, offered their life for others, or were mar- Posio – a comprehensive summary of all documenta- tyred for the faith, and who are worthy of imitaon. on; in this context, there are two: the one summarizing In official Church procedures there are three steps to the invesgaon of a candidate's life and heroic virtues or sainthood: a candidate becomes "Venerable," then offering of life, or martyrdom and a second for any al- "Blessed" and then "Saint." Venerable is the tle given to leged miracles. The Posio is prepared during the Roman a deceased person recognized formally by the pope as phase by the postulator with the assistance of someone having lived a heroically virtuous life or offered their from the Congregaon for the Causes of Saints. life. To be beafied and recognized as a Blessed, one mir- Postulator -- person appointed to guide and oversee the acle acquired through the candidate's intercession is re- cause.