12 bus time schedule & line map

12 Newport - - Freshwater Bay - View In Website Mode

The 12 bus line (Newport - Brighstone - Freshwater Bay - Totland) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 8:25 AM - 5:40 PM (2) Newport: 7:20 AM - 4:45 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 12 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 12 bus arriving.

Direction: Alum Bay 12 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Alum Bay Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:30 AM - 5:40 PM

Monday 8:25 AM - 5:40 PM St James' Street, Newport 52 Pyle Street, Newport Tuesday 8:25 AM - 5:40 PM

Drill Hall Road, Newport Wednesday 8:25 AM - 5:40 PM

Simeon Monument, Newport Thursday 8:25 AM - 5:40 PM Friday 8:25 AM - 5:40 PM Lukely Terrace, Newport Saturday 9:30 AM - 5:40 PM Cedar Hill,

High Street, Carisbrooke 52 High Street, Newport 12 bus Info The Waverley, Carisbrooke Direction: Alum Bay 2 Clatterford Road, Newport Civil Parish Stops: 54 Trip Duration: 56 min Clatterford Shute, Clatterford Line Summary: St James' Street, Newport, Drill Hall Road, Newport, Simeon Monument, Newport, Lukely Barn Farm, Carisbrooke Terrace, Newport, Cedar Hill, Carisbrooke, High Street, Carisbrooke, The Waverley, Carisbrooke, Plaish Lane, Bowcombe Clatterford Shute, Clatterford, Bowcombe Barn Farm, Carisbrooke, Plaish Lane, Bowcombe, Plaish Lane, Newport Civil Parish Bowcombe Farm, Bowcombe, Bowcombe Cottages, Bowcombe Farm, Bowcombe Bowcombe, Idlecombe Farm, Bowcombe, Rainsgrove Cottages, Bowcombe, Rowborough Farm, Bowcombe, Cheverton Farm, Bowcombe, Bowcombe Cottages, Bowcombe North Of , Shorwell, Northcourt, Shorwell, Crown Inn, Shorwell, Westcourt, Shorwell, Yard's Idlecombe Farm, Bowcombe Hollow, , Short Lane, , Limerstone Farm, Limerstone, Brighstone Cemetery, Limerstone, Rainsgrove Cottages, Bowcombe Three Bishops, Brighstone, Moortown Lane, Brighstone, Galley Lane, Brighstone, Grammars Hill, Rowborough Farm, Bowcombe Moortown, Brighstone Grange, Moortown, Manor, Mottistone, Mottistone Estate, Cheverton Farm, Bowcombe Mottistone, Sun Inn, , Brook Triangle, Hulverstone, Badger Lane, Brook, Brook Chine, North Of Shorwell, Shorwell Brook, Hanover Point, Compton Bay, Compton Farm, Compton Bay, Southdown Road, Freshwater Bay, Northcourt, Shorwell Freshwater Bay, St Agnes Church, Freshwater Bay, New Barn Lane, Shorwell Civil Parish Guyers Road, Freshwater Bay, Parish Hall, Freshwater, Co-Op, Freshwater, School Green Road, Crown Inn, Shorwell Freshwater, Royal Standard, Freshwater, Fire Walkers Lane, Shorwell Civil Parish Station, Freshwater, The Avenue, Freshwater, Coastguard Cottages, Totland, War Memorial, Westcourt, Shorwell Totland, Church Hill, Totland, Christ Church, Totland, Headon Rise, Alum Bay, Golf House, Alum Bay, Yard's Hollow, Yafford Needles Landmark Attraction, Alum Bay

Short Lane, Limerstone

Limerstone Farm, Limerstone Limerstone Road, Brighstone Civil Parish

Brighstone Cemetery, Limerstone

Three Bishops, Brighstone St. Mary's Court, Brighstone Civil Parish

Moortown Lane, Brighstone

Galley Lane, Brighstone Lodge Close, Brighstone Civil Parish

Grammars Hill, Moortown

Brighstone Grange, Moortown Brighstone Road, Brighstone Civil Parish

Mottistone Manor, Mottistone Hoxall Lane, Brighstone Civil Parish

Mottistone Estate, Mottistone

Sun Inn, Hulverstone B3399, Brighstone Civil Parish

Brook Triangle, Hulverstone

Badger Lane, Brook Sheep Lane, Brighstone Civil Parish

Brook Chine, Brook

Hanover Point, Compton Bay

Compton Farm, Compton Bay

Southdown Road, Freshwater Bay

Freshwater Bay

St Agnes Church, Freshwater Bay 2 Gate Lane, Freshwater Civil Parish

Guyers Road, Freshwater Bay

Parish Hall, Freshwater 11 Camp Road, Freshwater Civil Parish Co-Op, Freshwater 2 Stroud Road, Freshwater Civil Parish

School Green Road, Freshwater Parkers Hill, Freshwater Civil Parish

Royal Standard, Freshwater 9 School Green Road, Freshwater Civil Parish

Fire Station, Freshwater

The Avenue, Freshwater

Coastguard Cottages, Totland 1-4 The Broadway, Totland Civil Parish

War Memorial, Totland 1-4 The Broadway, Totland Civil Parish

Church Hill, Totland

Christ Church, Totland

Headon Rise, Alum Bay

Golf House, Alum Bay

Needles Landmark Attraction, Alum Bay Alum Bay New Road, Totland Civil Parish Direction: Newport 12 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Newport Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:25 AM - 4:45 PM

Monday 7:20 AM - 4:45 PM Needles Landmark Attraction, Alum Bay Alum Bay New Road, Totland Civil Parish Tuesday 7:20 AM - 4:45 PM

Golf House, Alum Bay Wednesday 7:20 AM - 4:45 PM

Headon Rise, Alum Bay Thursday 7:20 AM - 4:45 PM Friday 7:20 AM - 4:45 PM Christ Church, Totland Saturday 9:25 AM - 4:45 PM War Memorial, Totland 1-4 The Broadway, Totland Civil Parish

Coastguard Cottages, Totland 1-4 The Broadway, Totland Civil Parish 12 bus Info Direction: Newport The Avenue, Freshwater Stops: 54 Trip Duration: 62 min Memorial Hall, Freshwater Line Summary: Needles Landmark Attraction, Alum Richmond Grange, Freshwater Civil Parish Bay, Golf House, Alum Bay, Headon Rise, Alum Bay, Christ Church, Totland, War Memorial, Totland, Royal Standard, Freshwater Coastguard Cottages, Totland, The Avenue, 2 Longhalves, Freshwater Civil Parish Freshwater, Memorial Hall, Freshwater, Royal Standard, Freshwater, School Green Road, School Green Road, Freshwater Freshwater, Co-Op, Freshwater, Parish Hall, Parkers Hill, Freshwater Civil Parish Freshwater, Guyers Road, Freshwater Bay, St Agnes Church, Freshwater Bay, Freshwater Bay, Co-Op, Freshwater Southdown Road, Freshwater Bay, Compton Farm, 147 School Green Road, Freshwater Civil Parish Compton Bay, Hanover Point, Compton Bay, Brook Chine, Brook, Badger Lane, Brook, Brook Triangle, Parish Hall, Freshwater Hulverstone, Sun Inn, Hulverstone, Mottistone 11 Camp Road, Freshwater Civil Parish Estate, Mottistone, Mottistone Manor, Mottistone, Brighstone Grange, Moortown, Grammars Hill, Guyers Road, Freshwater Bay Moortown, Grammars Common Footpath, Moortown, Galley Lane, Brighstone, Moortown Lane, St Agnes Church, Freshwater Bay Brighstone, Three Bishops, Brighstone, Brighstone Gate Lane, Freshwater Civil Parish Cemetery, Limerstone, Limerstone Farm, Limerstone, Short Lane, Limerstone, Yard's Hollow, Yafford, Freshwater Bay Westcourt, Shorwell, Crown Inn, Shorwell, Kings Manor Road, Freshwater Civil Parish Northcourt, Shorwell, North Of Shorwell, Shorwell, Cheverton Farm, Bowcombe, Rowborough Farm, Southdown Road, Freshwater Bay Bowcombe, Rainsgrove Cottages, Bowcombe, Idlecombe Farm, Bowcombe, Bowcombe Cottages, Compton Farm, Compton Bay Bowcombe, Bowcombe Farm, Bowcombe, Plaish Lane, Bowcombe, Bowcombe Barn Farm, Hanover Point, Compton Bay Carisbrooke, Clatterford Shute, Clatterford, The Waverley, Carisbrooke, High Street, Carisbrooke, Cedar Hill, Carisbrooke, Lukely Terrace, Newport, Brook Chine, Brook Simeon Monument, Newport, Top Of Town, Newport, St James' Street, Newport Badger Lane, Brook Sheep Lane, Brighstone Civil Parish

Brook Triangle, Hulverstone Sun Inn, Hulverstone B3399, Brighstone Civil Parish

Mottistone Estate, Mottistone

Mottistone Manor, Mottistone

Brighstone Grange, Moortown Brighstone Road, Brighstone Civil Parish

Grammars Hill, Moortown

Grammars Common Footpath, Moortown

Galley Lane, Brighstone

Moortown Lane, Brighstone

Three Bishops, Brighstone St. Mary's Court, Brighstone Civil Parish

Brighstone Cemetery, Limerstone

Limerstone Farm, Limerstone Limerstone Road, Brighstone Civil Parish

Short Lane, Limerstone

Yard's Hollow, Yafford B3399, Shorwell Civil Parish

Westcourt, Shorwell

Crown Inn, Shorwell Walkers Lane, Shorwell Civil Parish

Northcourt, Shorwell New Barn Lane, Shorwell Civil Parish

North Of Shorwell, Shorwell

Cheverton Farm, Bowcombe

Rowborough Farm, Bowcombe

Rainsgrove Cottages, Bowcombe

Idlecombe Farm, Bowcombe

Bowcombe Cottages, Bowcombe

Bowcombe Farm, Bowcombe

Plaish Lane, Bowcombe Plaish Lane, Newport Civil Parish

Bowcombe Barn Farm, Carisbrooke

Clatterford Shute, Clatterford The Waverley, Carisbrooke 2 Clatterford Road, Newport Civil Parish

High Street, Carisbrooke 52 High Street, Newport

Cedar Hill, Carisbrooke

Lukely Terrace, Newport

Simeon Monument, Newport

Top Of Town, Newport

St James' Street, Newport 52 Pyle Street, Newport 12 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved