Super Geopolitics

Julian Barr [email protected] Popular Geopolitics

While Geopolitics has a major impact on our daily lives in both major and subtle ways, we normally don't follow geopolitics on a daily basis.

Folks rely on the help of news media and their government representation to inform them what's going on in the world and how that affects them.

But we also gather information and knowledge through fictional representation of Geopolitics. Superheroes

Superheroes in comic books have always been part of popular geopolitics, as they have been an easily accessible media and usually use a good vs. evil narrative, which is exactly how countries want to be seen.

Comic books then easily allow for nationalism to be portrayed in this narrative using god-like figures as representation of countries in conflicts

And it's very important note that for most of comic book history this media was focused on men and young boys. in Comics

Dittmer uses Captain America has his primary example.

Captain America aka Steve Rogers, is a blonde American man who starts off weak and skinny to become a buff super soldier for the US in WW2.

And in comic books he his always been involved in major US wars... Captain America in Comics Captain America in Film

Dittmer is focused on comics, but Captain America, and the one you all are more familiar with is the movie version, and in many ways the character continues to portray geopolitics.

The modern movie version was still a buff white man, played by Chris Evans, and he starts by fighting Nazis.

The modern movie version shifted away using him as soldier for the US but rather as a hero for Earth and he was also a enemy of a corrupt US Government.

But he still represents America! Captain America in Film Captain America Parody

In film/television we also have parody versions of Captain America, that for many people reflect our geopolitical realities.

One example is Homelander, from , who is a combination of Captain America and .

He is “” who works for a corporation. Captain America Parody

He is part of a team and they all work for the corporation making movies but also work with police to “stop crime.”

However, he while fighting crime murders others. And in the show Homelander’s plot is to make his team part of the US Military.

He also start dating another hero who is a literal Nazi, also parallels modern US politics. New Captain America

Overall comic book and movie Captain America are changing for the better. Thank you!

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