General Information Packet

City Council Report

Agenda Date: 1/17/2019, Item No. 1 Arena Renovation Public Outreach

This report provides the City Council a summary of the results of community outreach conducted on the proposed Arena renovations.

Summary Based on City Council direction, the Communications Office worked with the Community and Economic Development Department to implement a public outreach process on the proposed Arena renovations. The process involved two main elements - five public meetings held throughout the City, and the creation of an extensive website on the proposed renovations published on

Approximately 300 people attended the five public education meetings and provided 102 comments in total. Most attendees were in favor of the proposed Arena renovation as an economic driver for downtown and part of maintaining a vibrant city. Those opposed were concerned about the use of public funds and some indicated that funds should be used for other city needs. Other main areas of interest at the public meetings included commenters who asked if the City could pursue hockey in , questions about if the Suns could pay more of the renovation costs, and how renovation costs were being paid.

Additionally, the Arena website and related social media outreach generated a notable amount of community response. The website opened on Thursday, Dec. 20, 2018, and in 26 days, it generated 2,231 visits from interested individuals. Visitors to the website also reviewed the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section 4,143 times, with the top viewed FAQ being:

1. “What about hockey?” 2. “Why is the city paying more than the Suns?” 3. “Why not tear it down and start over?” 4. “Will the Arena be closed during renovations?”

There were 71 e-mailed comments sent to the Communications Office via a “comment option” on the website, and two phone calls, with the majority in favor of the proposed Arena renovation.

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Staff used popular social media platforms to promote the public education meetings. There were 30 posts on the City’s Twitter account generating impressions of being seen approximately 405,763 times. Staff posted 19 messages on the city’s Facebook page reaching an audience of 33,745. In addition, all five of the public meetings were broadcast on PHXTV and posted on the city’s YouTube channel, generating a total of 847 views.

A summary of public meeting comments, phone calls and e-mailed comments is included in this attachment, sorted by date (Attachment A). There were 102 comments in support, 39 comments in opposition and 34 general comments or questions. Comments were current as of Monday, Jan. 14. There was also a comment in support submitted to the court reporter at the public meetings, which is also attached (Attachment B).

The meetings and renovation discussion were also extensively covered by news media, generating 103 stories in various broadcast and print news and sports outlets. Most of the pieces came from coverage that was picked up both locally and nationally. All totaled, media analytics estimate the stories appeared in publications with a potential audience of more than 26 million readers per month during the public information campaign.

This report will also be published on

Concurrence/Previous Council Action Items 29 and 30 were continued from the Dec. 12, 2018 City Council Formal Meeting to provide for the public input process.

Responsible Department This item is submitted by City Manager Ed Zuercher and the Communications Office.

Page 2 of 2 Attachment A




1. Molly Weiss submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the venue is a general‐use sports and entertainment venue, which supports many overflow convention center events, and without the arena downtown would become a ghost town.

2. Fred Linsenmeyer submitted a comment in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, however he noted that he had changed his position when he learned that a tourist tax would be paying for the renovations, and not city of Phoenix taxpayers.

3. Franklin Olivieri submitted a comment requesting a ballot on the general election to have the public vote on the Arena renovation.

4. Alicia Shields submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation because they moved downtown in part because of the sports environment.

5. Chad Lester submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation to keep the Suns here.

6. Anthony Woss submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation as he wants the Suns to stay, as well as other events.

7. Jessica Hipskind submitted a comment card in full support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation.

8. Wesley Harris submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating he is against city support of private enterprises.

9. Chris Camacho submitted a comment card in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that as the CEO of the Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) he is supportive of the Arena renovation as it serves as an important anchor in our downtown.

10. Candice Fremouw submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for the Arena renovation, stating that the city of Phoenix cannot afford the liability of not getting it done sooner rather than later.

11. Jeremiah Rojo submitted a comment asking if other professional teams that also utilize the Arena contribute to the renovations to help with the cost.

2 12. Dianne Barker submitted a comment asking if the city has spoken with the Diamondbacks / Maricopa Stadium District about building a unified multi‐purpose sports complex.

13. Karl Gentles submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that it is an important entertainment and cultural center for 30 years.

14. Brent Kleinman submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation and would like to see the lease extended.

15. Patrick Seifter submitted a comment in opposition to the renovation and wanted the money to go for other uses.

16. Silverio Ontiveros submitted a comment card stating he would like the city to require the Suns to have more full‐time jobs and pay a living wage to all employees and contracted workers.

17. Doug Liebman submitted a comment asking for a taxpayer funded study on the Arena renovation to be made public.

18. David Siebenthal submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation.

19. Jade Duran Richardson submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation and stated she does not approve of her tax dollars going to the Arena when our schools and homeless are ignored.

20. David Berg submitted a comment, asking what will happen to the current practice court area and what the purpose is for the square footage.

21. Darrel Christenson submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, to ensure greater ADA accessibility and compliance with federal laws.

22. Mike Robinson submitted a comment in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, and that the Suns should be paying for renovations.

23. Mark Goldstein submitted a comment suggesting an alternate funding structure for the Arena renovation, stating that he represents a firm that could provide full financing of the city’s obligations.

24. Boaz Witbeck submitted a comment in opposition of the Arena renovation as an example of corporate welfare.


25. R. Kyle Foxcroft submitted a comment, asking how the practice facility location will be chosen, and if an effort will be made revitalize the surrounding area.

26. Chris Coffman submitted a comment in support of the Suns, as a supportive community partner, including their donations in support of nonprofit causes.

27. Andrew Marwick submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Suns can afford the renovations, and that the funds would be better spent on public safety and public transit.

28. Marcel Mason submitted a comment, asking if there are statistics/data available to report on the city’s expenses to host the All‐Star game, and its return‐on‐investment.

29. Channel Powe submitted a comment in favor of the proposed agreement, stating that she changed her opinion after gathering information at the public meeting, and that buildings need to be updated. She also requested that the city hold additional outreach sessions on the renovation in the community.

30. Paul G. Rowe submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for the Arena renovation, stating that the role of city government is to provide essential services to its constituents, not subsidize privately owned sports entities.

31. Steve Betts submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for the Arena renovation, as it is a simple landlord/tenant agreement, and that this would be necessary to secure an anchor tenant in private development.

32. Mike Dwyer submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that he believes the city needs to divest itself from the building as there is no reason for the city to own it, and that the funds could be used for other purposes.

33. Shana Tompa submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that through partnerships with the Suns the community has been improved.

34. Jeremy Wilhide submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Hotel Palomar and their 200 employees benefit from it, and that it generates increased tax revenue.

35. Bill Keffeler submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation with the clarification that was provided at the meeting, and that economic vibrancy supports community needs.

36. Cyndy Gaughan submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for the renovation, stating that the Arena is a city‐owned Arena, and its current use is an important


economic driver.

37. Sara Dimmel submitted a comment in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, asking why the city doesn’t allow the Suns to call the building obsolete, allow a mediator and make a better renovation agreement.

38. Lori Kingery submitted a comment, asking what the criteria are for using the obsolescence clause and how the $230 million renovation cost was decided.

39. Ionel Repta submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, asking for the city to be more forthcoming about how the renovations would be paid for, including bond financing, and that the Suns should pay for the renovation rather than incurring future debts.

40. Bramley Paulin submitted a comment requesting examples of other viable options that are less expensive than the proposed renovation, examples of taxpayers paying more than $200 million for a similar facility, and the $170 million of accrual being forgiven in the agreement.

41. Devney Preuss submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the Arena is an anchor tenant and having a renovated, multipurpose venue will continue to contribute to the vibrancy of downtown, benefitting the entire city.

42. Richard de Uriarte submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the Arena is a cultural amenity, like a museum, zoo or library, and is part of a quality of life that makes up a good city.

43. Steven Malina submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the city is obligated to upkeep the assets it owns.

44. Nathan Grimh submitted a comment stating the last 20 years have improved downtown and brought major events.

45. Darcy Marwick submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the city should not be providing corporate welfare, and that Phoenix should sell the Arena to the Suns, and use profits for other needs.


46. Teresa Bowles submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the city needs to work with the Suns and do the upgrade and to make clear that the renovation will not require new taxes.


47. Nancy Hudak submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Suns have provided support for their nonprofit organization for single mothers, and she would want to see that partnership continue.

48. Jake Montemayor submitted a comment card in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that it is a 50/50 deal and it will crush downtown if it’s not done.

49. Franklyn Olivieri submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Arena needs the renovation and the city should be proud to own it and get it done.

50. Marge Lindsay submitted a comment card in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the presentation has made the case clear for why the renovation should be done, and that the city needs to stand behind its obligations.

51. Candice Fremouw submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the tourism tax should be used for this city‐owned asset.

52. Wes Harris submitted a comment card in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating there is not enough information about repairs that are required.

53. Bill Meskan submitted a comment in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating peace and serenity is paid for through property tax for police/fire, public works, and education, not for entertainment.

54. David Pollack submitted a comment, asking why the organizations with are not handling the costs for the Arena, and that he wants the team to stay here, but is unsure of the needs for renovation.

55. Tim Montemayor submitted a comment, stating that there has been misinformation about the Arena renovation deal.

56. Jeff Bertsch submitted a comment, stating that the Diamondbacks paid for their own facility renovations, and the Suns should have the same deal, or the city should sell the Suns the Arena and use the tourism tax for other purposes.

57. Arlene Smyrk submitted a comment, asking what would happen if the Suns left the Arena.

58. Catrina Kahler submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Sports Facilities Fund should be used for its intended purpose and renovate the Arena, and that the Arena contributes to a strong downtown.


59. Garrick McFaddin submitted a comment, asking why the Arena was not built in compliance with the ADA, and asked if there will there be a clawback provision if Suns management sells the team, and if ticket prices will increase because of the renovation.

60. Steven Malina submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the deal is a slam dunk, and we should focus on doing what is right for the city.

61. Carolon Schuster submitted a comment, stating the team is bad and that they need to spend money on the players.

62. Bramley Paulin submitted a comment, stating that the city should put the Arena out to the market in an RFP, and had questions about the sales tax and rent revenue.


63. Chris Coffman submitted a comment, stating that the Suns make a difference in the community, and have helped 250 mothers graduate from college through their support.

64. Will Holton submitted a comment, stating that infrastructure needs to be a priority, and that the arts and sports are important, but so are our lives.

65. Mike DeBenedetto submitted a comment stating that the Arena roofing, other than the dome, does not need to be replaced and it is still under warranty.

66. Louie Snyder submitted a comment in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating money should go to additional police officers and for road repair.

67. Bramley Paulin submitted a comment, asking about the confidentiality agreement and feasibility study.

68. Mike Dwyer submitted a comment, stating that there has been partial information provided, and that businesses would still get revenue without the Arena.

69. Karl Gentles submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the city had foresight to plan for the renovations.

70. Charles Lotzan submitted a comment card in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the city needs world‐class events and amenities.

71. Geoffrey Waldrom submitted a comment in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, asking why citizens should pay for an Arena for private enterprise for an owner that is a billionaire.


72. Josh Stine submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Suns and Suns Charities have contributed more than $1 million in grants, scholarships and other contributions.


73. Robby Joan submitted a comment, asking what capital expenses have been collected for over the past 30 years for upcoming repairs, and how much money this comes to.

74. Layla of Helping Hands for Single Moms submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the provided a variety of kinds of support for their organization.

75. Ken Baker submitted a comment, asking if the Arena is being renovated to bring it up to current code, and if the new agreement included a 30‐year term.

76. An anonymous comment submitted asked if a Sports Facilities Fund was started in 1989 for renovations, why is a tourism tax needed to fund the renovations now.

77. Don Dassinger submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that he does not want to pay taxes for things that do not support the wellbeing of society.

78. Steven Malina submitted a comment in support of the Arena renovation, stating that continuing the momentum downtown needs to continue.

79. Karl Gentles submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the money needs to be spent and that it was planned.

80. Tim Montemayor submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that recent polling indicates people are in favor of the renovation if they are educated about the deal.

81. Franklyn Olivieri submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that many jobs and local businesses depend on it.

82. Diane Haller submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating downtown has seen dynamic growth over the last 30 years with the Suns as the anchor tenant.

83. Luis Enriques submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Arena created growth downtown and hope for residents, and that the Suns are part of the community.


84. R. D. Cruz submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Suns should pay for their own renovations, as it is not a dire need and it has met its potential up to now.

85. Fernanda Munoz submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation as the Phoenix Suns charities benefited her via their contribution to charities, allowing her to graduate as a nurse.

86. Kim Gustafson submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for the Arena renovation, as it is fiscally responsible.

87. Bill Mager submitted a comment, asking how much money tourism taxes provide each year, and to change the renovation to $150M Suns and $80M from the city.

88. Chris McCormack submitted a comment, asking for the Suns and Suns Partnership annual revenue amount.

89. Channel Powe submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovations, stating that she was happy to hear the resident comments and that the funding was coming from the tourism tax, and make community investments with General Fund revenue.

90. Darla Gonzalez submitted a comment in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovations, stating that the agreement is corporate welfare, and using public funding for a private entertainment arena provides no return on investment.

91. Michael Zajas submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovations, stating that we all have benefitted from this agreement, and investment in capital is the best way to move forward.

92. Carol Poore Ph.D. submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that it is a public treasure and asset, and that all great assets need maintenance.

93. Shawna Tampa submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Phoenix Suns have played a pivotal role in supporting nonprofit organizations for disadvantaged youth.


94. Steve Betts submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that this is the city’s building, and there are many reasons why to invest in it, using tourism tax dollars.


95. Franklin Olivieri submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that he hopes the city maintains ownership.

96. Chris Anderson submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that he would not have made investments in downtown if the Arena had not been there.

97. Cyndy Gaughan submitted a comment in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation using existing hotel and rental car taxes, as this benefits all of Phoenix.

98. Carol Quintana submitted a comment asking for explanation of the time involved in the renovation.

99. Christopher Demarest submitted a comment stating that the Suns need to pay more up front, and the city should use tax revenue on other things, like police funding. to discuss shared expense for city and the Suns.

100. Jason Castle submitted a comment card in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation and asked for what the Suns contribute to the community.

101. Rosa of Osborn Block Watch submitted a comment, stating that the Suns need to contribute to smaller organizations in the community, including those in Maryvale, and that many people cannot afford to attend Phoenix Suns games.

102. Michael Gidwani submitted a comment asking if the city would consider renewable energy for the building, and if the City Council would have to determine how to recover tourism taxes in 2037 and beyond.


1. On 12/14/18, Joseph Locantore submitted a comment requesting a special election on the proposed Arena renovation, and stating that the the city should buy out and set aside profits for seniors, veterans assistance and homelessness.

2. On 12/14/18, Stan Howard submitted a comment in opposition, stating Robert Sarver does not deserve that support from Phoenix citizens, and the players, fans and taxpayers deserve better.

3. On 12/15/18, John O. Zeller commented in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that if team members can be paid salaries, and owner/managers can benefit to the degree reported, they can invest their own money, since the benefit to the city does not outweigh the costs.


4. On 12/20/18 Garrick McFadden submitted a comment stating the Arena information website is great, and asked how much money a new Arena would add to the value of the Suns, and if a clawback provision can inserted into the agreement if the Suns are sold in twenty years.

5. On 12/20/18, B.J. Humphreys submitted a comment stating he wants hockey and the public portion should be recovered from the events held there.

6. On 12/20/18, David Rice submitted a comment stating that he wants hockey to return to the Arena.

7. On 12/23/18, Angel Juarez submitted an online petition in support of investing in Arena (TSRA), stating that five people signed on so far.

8. On 12/24/18, Angel Juarez again shared that he added 10 people to the petition in support of the city paying for the renovation.

9. On 12/27/18, Amy Ahrensdorf commented in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that taxpayer money is being spent to renovate the Suns’ stadium and that she feels the Suns can afford it themselves and she can think of far more humanitarian projects to contribute to.

10. On 12/27/18, Rob Ahrensdorf commented in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the players make millions and other businesses fund their own improvements, and many people can’t even afford to attend games.

11. On 12/27/18, David Fisher submitted a comment stating that he wants the Coyotes downtown, or for the city to build a new Arena for the Suns and Coyotes.

12. On 12/28/18, Daniel Wilson commented in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that he disapproves of public subsidies for a private sports stadium, and the stadium does not generate any significant economic growth.

13. On 12/30/18, Jay Franzen commented in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the cost to the city is not a worthwhile return and the Suns are more than capable for the upkeep.

14. On 12/30/18, Ryan William Bentz commented in opposition to the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that it is for the sole benefit of private corporations such as the Phoenix Suns, Rattlers, or , and that an Arena that doesn’t bring positive economic benefit to the city.

15. On 1/2/19, Michael Schmidt commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating he was concerned with the potential loss of our growing and thriving downtown.


16. On 1/2/19, Heather Christman commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the Arena is a disgrace at the moment to the city as it is desperately in need of maintenance and upgrading and the funding was set aside for this purpose.

17. On 1/2/19, Allison Otu commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating she sees the ripple effects of economic activity the events held at the Arena have on our community.

18. On 1/2/19, Ken Seivert commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating he saw the stadium needs work and he would hate to lose the team, and his family spends significant money there.

19. On 1/2/19, Steven Child commented in opposition of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that taxpayer money should not be used to fund the Suns Arena, and that the Suns could pay for it themselves.

20. On 1/2/19, Imad Attar commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Arena is in disrepair, and that renovations will bring a new sense of pride and excitement for the team and downtown Phoenix.

21. On 1/2/19, Anas Karaboulad commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that renovations won’t just benefit the Suns and Suns fans, they will also benefit the community overall.

22. On 1/2/19, Adam Goodman commented in support of the city’s investment to repair and upgrade the Arena, stating that the arena is a cornerstone of downtown Phoenix and an economic engine that generates opportunities for prosperity.

23. On 1/2/19, Marge Lindsay commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating she believes the Phoenix Suns have gone beyond any legal responsibility with monies they have put into this tenant relationship over the past 30 years.

24. On 1/3/19, Debbie DiCarlo commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the Phoenix Suns gave great support to the Cancer Support Community of Arizona, including a $100,000 grant given to them by the Suns.

25. On 1/4/19, a resident called to ask how much time they would have to speak at the upcoming public meetings.

26. On 1/4/19, Alma Atassi commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Suns are pitching in even though it is used by so many other groups, and does seem somewhat outdated.


27. On 1/4/19, Brian Petrauschke commented in support of the proposed Arena renovations, stating the Sports Facilities Funds should be used to facilitate the renovation and extend the useful life of the city‐owned downtown Arena.

28. On 1/4/19, Hashem Lababidi commented in support of renovating the Arena, stating that while the Arena has definitely been successful in hosting a wide range of events enjoyed by the community, it has not been entirely successful in keeping its facilities up to date.

29. On 1/4/19, Dom Macchiaroli commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the Suns are an essential part of downtown.

30. On 1/4/19, Hamza Hussain commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating the Arena does need these repairs and should move forward with this plan, and to do the right thing for Phoenix by improving its properties and infrastructure.

31. On 1/4/19, Chris Thurman commented in support, stating the renovation of the Arena is vital to our downtown health.

32. On 1/4/19, Steven Shwarz commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovation, stating that the Suns being located downtown is vital to the future economic success of downtown and Phoenix as a whole.

33. On 1/4/19, Steven Betts commented in support of the Arena renovation, stating that the voters of Phoenix decided to build the Arena to benefit the city, downtown, and provide for use by our basketball team and a multitude of other events.

34. On 1/4/19, Tom Glissmeyer commented in support, stating that the Arena should be renovated into something amazing that will drive events to downtown.

35. On 1/4/19, Tasneem Al‐Sabbry commented in support of the Arena renovation, stating the Arena is old and needs it.

36. On 1/4/19, Malik Abuwandi commented in support of the Arena renovations, as it’s been 27 years and the bathrooms need fixing especially.

37. On 1/4/19, Souheib M. commented in support of the renovations because the Arena is falling apart.

38. On 1/4/19, Jordan Low commented that he wants the Suns to share the Arena with hockey.

39. On 1/4/19, Jason Klepfisz commented in support of the Arena renovations for its positive economic impact on the city.


40. On 1/4/19, Duran Samuels commented in opposition of the proposed Arena renovation unless the Suns partner with the Coyotes.

41. On 1/5/19, Fred Marchesi commented in support of the Arena renovation, stating that when he attends a concert, he doesn’t think he’s in the but the Phoenix Arena, and he enjoys the location and ease to attend via the light rail or parking next door.

42. On 1/5/19, Troy Hurley commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating the facility is clearly dated, and repairs and renovations are needed, and those of us that go to Suns games and other events at this venue know the kind of disrepair some parts of it are in.

43. On 1/5/19, Margarita Hummel commented in support stating that the Arena definitely needs upgrading, and the upgrades should be done as soon as possible.

44. On 1/5/19, Kim Baldwin commented in support of the proposed Arena renovations, stating Phoenix owns the building and Phoenix will lose revenues in the downtown area without it.

45. On 1/5/19, Jim Stewart commented in support of the Arena renovations, as it is an important asset and he looks forward to hosting his younger family and their friends there.

46. On 1/6/19, Daniel Clark commented in opposition of the renovations, stating the renovation offered to the Suns is too generous and should be declined, and the Suns can more than afford to make the necessary upgrades to the Arena.

47. On 1/7/19, Rodger Vincent commented in support of the Arena renovation, stating he believes this project will keep the Suns in Phoenix; keep the Suns downtown where most people have easy access; create jobs in the Phoenix downtown area; and keep Phoenix as a major city for tourism.

48. On 1/7/19, Tab Baker commented in support of the proposed renovation, stating he believes it is important to the city of Phoenix to have a world class Arena to host not only basketball but the many other events that take place in this facility on a yearly basis, and that the proposed renovations are necessary to maintain the building and allow it to host all of these events.

49. On 1/7/19, Cheryl Patterson commented in support, stating the property is owned by the city and is nearly 30 years old, noting the city should have been reserving funds for repairs, renovations and upgrades since it was built.

50. On 1/7/19, Maya Rubinova called in opposition of the Arena renovation.

51. On 1/7/19, Pamela Fitzgerald commented in opposition of the Arena renovation, stating she doesn’t want to lose professional basketball and the Phoenix Suns, but does not believe the taxpayers should have to pay for it.


52. On 1/7/19, Dennis Sexauer commented in support of the Arena renovation, stating the city of Phoenix and surrounding communities, and the residents of Maricopa County have benefited from the Arena since its opening in 1992, and that as the owner of the facility, it is incumbent on the city to maintain and restore the Arena to a level comparable to major event venues throughout the southwest.

53. On 1/7/19, C.J. Rogers commented in support of the proposed agreement for Arena renovations stating as a Suns fan and someone who takes his family to many events at Talking Stick, this venue is essential for Phoenix and the Valley in general, and this venue is iconic to the growing downtown Phoenix market and is a must stay facility for entertainment events for many for years to come.

54. On 1/7/19, Sandi commented in support of the proposed Arena renovations, stating there is so much new development and growth to downtown Phoenix that it would be a shame to let the city‐owned building degrade and become an eyesore in our community.

55. On 1/8/19, Mohamed Yousif commented in support of the Arena renovations, stating that even though the overwhelming majority of comments at the second public meetings was positive, the media continues to report otherwise, noting the Arena represents us all and should be cared for to the fullest extent.

56. 1/8/19, Steven Malina commented is support of the Arena renovations, stating that Phoenix benefits by having its asset renovated at a fraction to the cost of the city, noting the Suns are paying for cosmetic items that will also benefit the city, including the new practice facility and years added to the lease.

57. On 1/8/19, Qays Mohamed commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating he recognizes the importance of a high‐quality entertainment facility, and the Arena is not currently up to national standards and needs the proposed renovations.

58. On 1/8/19, Marge Lindsay commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating a renovated and improved Arena will be a tremendous boost and economic generator for downtown Phoenix, and that many residents thought there would be a new tax.

59. On 1/8/19, Ross Bergstedt commented in support of the Arena renovation, stating the Suns have contributed a fair amount, and that the Arena be restored its former glory.

60. On 1/8/19, Greg Holman commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating the Arena is a public building that needs widening of the concourse area for public safety in case of evacuation.


61. On 1/8/19, John Hamel commented in opposition of the proposed Arena renovation, stating that he doesn’t believe so much is failing at the same time and the city has higher priorities than an Arena with limited capabilities.

62. On 1/8/19, Anne Mueller commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating the city should fulfill their obligation as a landlord by using tax dollars set aside for this very purpose.

63. On 1/9/19, Corissa Anderson commented in support, stating Talking Stick Resort Arena is no longer competitive with the Arenas in other cities and to stay viable, it needs to be both fixed and enhanced, noting that as the nation's 5th‐largest city, the Arena is a centerpiece of a vibrant downtown.

64. On 1/9/19, Scott Drucker commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating the public will not be subjected to new taxes, and the Suns are investing in a stadium they don’t own, and that they have a loyal following and downtown businesses rely on Arena events.

65. On 1/9/19, Adam Goodman commented in support of the Arena renovations, stating the vibrancy of downtown is largely due to the city strategy including the Arena, ASU and the light rail.

66. On 1/9/19, Karl Gentles commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating the Arena is an important part of cultural, social and professional life, and the $150 million was anticipated and prefunded by tourists, and whether the Suns are there or not, we have to repair the building.

67. On 1/9/19, Kelly Chipman commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation agreement.

68. On 1/9/19, Mahmeer Halepota commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating that any building will require periodic maintenance, and he does not want to lose the Arena.

69. On 1/9/19, Lori Colburn commented in opposition of the proposed Arena renovation, stating the city should not be in the sports or hotel business and the city is giving a handout to the Suns.

70. On 1/10/19, Robert Schmitz commented in support of the proposed Arena renovation, stating he was shocked that a metropolitan area the size of Phoenix would need a debate on renovating the aging Arena due to its multi‐use and economic impact.

71. On 1/10/19, Mel Smith commented on the proposed Arena renovation, asking if there is a reserve fund established to provide for anticipated maintenance, and where the income comes from, and how is it accounted for, noting that it isn’t fair to expect only the Suns and not other functions to support the entire remodel, and he doesn’t have a preference as to whether the Suns stay or leave.


72. On 1/11/19, Chris Adams commented on the proposed Arena renovation, stating that he flew in from Denver for the community meeting and found it very informative, and that he is very interested in pursuing the Arena renovation and new practice facility projects with his business.

73. On 1/14/19, John K commented in opposition to the proposed Arena renovation, stating the sports teams should pay for it, and that tax money would be better spent on education and fixing Phoenix infrastructure, and paying for Police or Fire


Attachment B




January 9, 2019

South Mountain Community Center

Prepared By: Kimberly Portik, RMR, CRR Certified Reporter Certificate No. 50149 CANYON STATE REPORTING RRF Number R1031 2415 East Camelback Road Suite 700 Phoenix, Arizona 85016 2

1 MR. GENTLES: My name is Karl Gentles. I'm

2 the executive director of Back to School Clothing Drive,

3 an Arizona nonprofit that's been around for 51 years. We

4 serve Title I public elementary schools, 25,000 kids each

5 and every year.

6 So the City of Phoenix and the Suns have

7 been immense supporters to us, and we are here to support

8 them as well. Look, I live in District 1, that's 30 miles

9 north of here, and I work in downtown. But I should note

10 that my son went to school right next door here for

11 elementary school and for middle school, so heavily

12 invested in this neighborhood as well.

13 Now, while the arena is not in my district,

14 it is an important part of my family's social, cultural,

15 and professional life. About 30 years ago they decided to

16 build an arena to benefit our city, the downtown, and for

17 use by our basketball team and a multitude of other

18 events. They knew at the time it would cost money to

19 renovate the building, just like any commercial building

20 or our own personal house. This is just on a larger

21 scale.

22 A $150 million renovation cost to the City

23 Council is considered -- was anticipated and prefunded by

24 tourist dollars and not by us, and so we need to spend the

25 money. It's been planned and we are here to do that

Canyon State Reporting 602.277.8882 3

1 hopefully today.

2 On top of this, the Phoenix Suns are

3 spending $80 million in enhancements to our building and

4 they will be responsible for any cost overruns as well as

5 build a new practice facility. And, look, my wife and I

6 own rental properties. I wish I had that deal, where the

7 tenant and the renter were paying half of my cost. That

8 would be fantastic. Usually it's about a hundred bucks

9 that they pay.

10 So anyway, I'm pleased to know that the net

11 revenues also and the direct sales go directly to the

12 city's general fund to support the police, fire, streets,

13 et cetera, and is not either -- is not an either/or

14 proposition. So I really do appreciate that.

15 And as an aside, by the way, some of that

16 general fund might be used to keep centers like this one

17 open and the one by my house open for working people that

18 want to work out before and come to the facility before

19 they go to work. So that's another way that that money

20 could be used.

21 The direct and indirect costs to nonprofits

22 are as immense as you heard. We serve 25,000 kids. The

23 city has been immensely supportive over those years, and

24 the majority of those 25,000 kids are City of Phoenix

25 kids. And so that's why we are here standing in support

Canyon State Reporting 602.277.8882 4

1 of this.

2 MS. L'ECUYER: Down to about 30 seconds.

3 MR. GENTLES: Finally, let me make this

4 analogy: When you go to a restaurant and you enjoy the

5 food, enjoy all the drinks, and you spend three hours, in

6 this case it's 30 minutes, you don't just stand up and

7 walk away and not pay the bill. And that's the same thing

8 here; it is the same concept.

9 So with that, I thank you. I support

10 the city, I support the Suns, and I appreciate their

11 support work of our organization.

12 * * * * * * * *














Canyon State Reporting 602.277.8882