
University of Central Florida STARS

Retrospective Theses and Dissertations

Summer 1978

A Case Study of a Solar Augmented Versus A Solar Assisted

Louis P. Braleski University of Central Florida, [email protected]

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STARS Citation Braleski, Louis P., "A Case Study of a Solar Augmented Heating System Versus A Solar Assisted Heat Pump" (1978). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 273. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/rtd/273 A CASE STUDY OF A SOLAR AUGPENTED HEATING SYSTEM VERSUS 'A SOLAR ASSISTED HEAT PUMP

LOUIS P. BRALESKI B.S,E.E., Florida Institute of Technology, 1974

RESEARCH REPORT Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements- for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering in the Graduate ~tudzes~rogram of Florida Technological University at Orlando, Florida

Summer Quarter 1978 ABSTRACT

The usage and applTcations of solar energy are numerous; however, it's still in its infancy. The subject matter discusses two applications of solar ...... ,. .<<'*'!$ energy, a "Solar Augmented Heating System" and a "Solar Assisted Heat Pump, tt The solar augmented system and the solar assisted system have the same components ; however, the way they are used is of primary concern. A solar system in parallel with a heat pump is called "Solar Augmented Heattng System" or in series with a heat pump is a "Solar Assisted Heat Pump. t I 2 A 2000 ft house was utilized as the basis of the design. The heating load was calculated from the construction materials. With this information the collector area, tank and heat pump sizes were determined. Once the syetem size and design was completed, TRNSYS, a "Transient Simulation Program" was used to simulate the two systems. A comparison was made of the two aystems for a 21 day period to determine which of the two systems is more advan- tageous to use. I wish to express my utmost appreciation to the people who have contributed to this paper; however, it would be impossible to acknowledge all of them at this time . A special thanks to Dr. Klee, my faculty advisor, who spent a great deal of time assisting me during model formulation. 1 would also like to thank my other committee members, Drs. Christian Bauer and Kwei K. Chang. A special thanks to Lyette Coggins for doing an excellent Cyping job. I would also like to thank my parents and es- pecially my wife, Jacqueline, for their encouragements while working for this advanced degree. iii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION, .. % .. % % .. .. , ., ., . . . IT, SOLAR HEATXNG SYSTEMS SIZING ANDDESEN ....q...q....w... XII. SYSTEM FORMULATION AND SIMULATION ...... IV. RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATXONS ...... % .

Results ...... , ...... Conclusions ...... - ...... Recommendations . . . m, ...... ,

APPENDIXA. . .. . *. ..%...... APPENDIX B ...... FOOTNOTES ......

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . m-m . 2-1.. Performance Data Sample for Type 20 Heat Pump ...... 3-1. Logfc for Solar Augmented Heating System ...... , . . .. 3-2. Logic for Solar Assisted HeatPump. . . . . :......


House Dimensions and Orientation Collector Perrforraance ...... Solar Augmented Heating System .. Solar Assistad Heat Pump . . . . System Block Dia ram for a Solar Augmented Beat f ng System . . . System Block Diagram for Solar Assisted Heat Puap . rn . . . . Heat Selection Logic for Solar Augmented Heating System . . . Heat Selectton Logic for Solar Assisted Heat Pump ...... Heat Pump Diagram ...... Room Occupants Heat Generation in Rj./hr . . . . -e...rn CHAPTER I


Energy is an everyday need in our society at pre- sent, as it will be in the future. Proven reserves of present day fuels are depleted at an ever increasing rate. With these facts in hand, new sources of energy must be developed to eventually'replace the fuels we use today. Solar energy is a viable replacement for home heating fuel. In this report two solar energy systems will be investigated: a "Solar Augmented Heating Systemw and a "Solar Assisted Heat Pump." The Solar Augmented Heating System and the Solar Assisted Heat Pump consist of the following major compo- nents : 1. SolarCollectors Storage Tank 3. A Load (in this case a house) 4. Pumps 5. Heat Exchange 6. -to-Air Heat Pump The components. of the system are the same; how- ever, the manner in which they are used is the prime concern of thts report. A solar system in parallel with a heat pump is called a "Solar Augmented Sy~tem.~In this system, heat- ing of a building can be done in the direct heating mode by diverting the water from the tank to the room. The direct heating mode can be employed as long as the tank temperature is IOOOF or above [3J. Once the temperature falls below 100'~ the flow stream is diverted to the heat pump. The heat pump in this system is used as an efficient auxiliary heating system providing more energy to the building than is required to run the heat pump

(e.g., for one BTU provided to the heat pump, two BTU's are input to the room). When the tank temperature drops to or below 45*~,the efficiency of the heat pump de- creases dramatically and strip heating is employed to heat up the building b]. Strip heating is the second source of auxiliary energy, the least efficient; there- fore, the more expensive form of auxiliary heating. A solar system in series with a heat pump is called a "Solar Assisted Heat Pump." This system requires the tank water to flow to the heat pump whenever the temperature of the tank is 45'~ or above. Below 45'~ strip heatbg once again is employed to heat the build- ing ., Tht.s repart will investfgate several areas such as the coefffc2ent of performance CCOP) of the heat pump, average tank temperature, and collector efficfency; however, the prtxnary concern will be which system uses the least auxiliary energy.. CHAPTER IS


The solar heating system was designed and sized for a house of 2000 ft2 , as shown in Figure 2-1. The following information is provided to indicate the methodology of system sizing8 however, only the cal- culations that are not immediately obvious will be provided. An important consideration in system sizing is the overall house dimensions. These dimensions are as follows: House volume r 1132.68 m3 Floor area: 185 m2 Area of south wall: 45.46 m2 Area of north wall: 45.46 m2 Area of east wall: 37.16 rn2 Area of west wall: 37.16 m2 Area of south roof: 131.41 m2 Area of north roof: 131.41 m2 Area of east roof wall: 37.16 m2

Area of west roof wall 8 37.16 m2 Window area: 12.18 m2 North

J 2000 ft2 Living Area 10 ft Ceilings West 45' Pitch to Roof 40'



K 50' ------a South

South North

Figure 2-1.. House Pi.mens.$=.ons.8nd Orientation The next requirement is to calculate the overall heat loss for the building. This will result in a system design that will meet the heating load of the house. The overall -heat loss is determined by the coefficient, U, of the structure's ceiling, floor, walls, and windows. The thermal resistances,

Re for the building materials are [3] : Ceilim. Materialg R Factors 1. Inside surface 2. Insulation batt (6 in.) 3. Gypsum board (0.5 in.) 4. Inside surface

The overall heat transfer coefficient = U

The requirement of the system model is in Sf units of

1.055 ki aw X aeu- hrx~OC, .09290304 m2 . hrx?Fx& 9 OP ItZ

-. 20.441 , Conversion factor hr-O~-rn u x A 190.0 Ki heat loss of ceiling hr OC Floor Material R Factors 1. Carpet and fibrous pad 2.08 2. Ply~ood 3. Insulation (3 in. batt) 4. Wood subfloor 5. Surface (still air) R Total

= 228. 53 El heat loss of floor hr-OC Wall Materials R Factors 1. Outside film 2. Face brick (4 in. ) 3. Cinder block (8 in. ) 4. Insulation batt (3 in. ) 5. Wall board (.5 in.) 6. Inside surface R Total

1 BTU u = l/RT = = .07 hr-f t2-~J? u x A = 221.72 heat loss for all walls hr0c Window Material R Factor Double glass

BTU U 1/~~1 0.69 = = -1.45 = hr-ft2-~~

U x A = 171.74 gj heat loss of windows hr0c Total building heat loss is 2 U x A.

The capacitance of the building furnishings is estimated based on a building having 40,000 KJ/'C with a volume of 960m3.

The minimum capacitance rate of the load for the house is based on the formula,

where, UA - the space heating load EL - the effectiveness of the space heating load heat exchanger. 2.57 - A value b'etween 1 and 3 will result in an optimal pe-rfomance-..

Cmin ' 2320 Ki Minimum capacitance rate of load hr-*C heat exchanger Having calculated the total heat loss for the building, it is now necessary to design a heating sys- tem that will meet the load and keep the room in a comfortable temperature range. The solar collectors must be designea properly in.order to meet the require- ments stated above. The procedure that follows is one method of collector design. Several considerations must be taken into account before design and sizing can be done properly. Location, outside design temperature and mean solar radiation are necessary. They are as follows: 1. Location - Albany, New York, 42' latitude 2. Outside design temperature - 1' F 3. Mean solar radiation - 873 BTU/~~'day The heat loss for the outer surfaces of the building were determined above. With this information the house heating load can be determined using the following formula, where , UA - Overall space heating load Ti - Room design temperature Ta - Outside design temperature

The heat loss from the floor to the basement , assuming the basement design temperature is 50' F and UA is 120 , will be determined in the same manner,

The house heating load is,

It is now possible to determine the collector area from the formula,

where, F = .6 fraction of the heating load to be provided by the collector. L = 25,470 BTU/&F x 24 JW x 30 day Energy provided per square foot of collector area

A typical collector efficiency of 35% is used to adjust the collector size in order to meet the heating demand. A = llOm2 adjusted collector size A~~~~=**35 Lemox solar collectors will be employed in the design and the mmufacturer8s specifications are as follows[2] : a = .94 absorptance

EP = .lO emittance

'I: = .96 transmittance = .90 transmittmce.absorptance product Figure 2-2 shows the collector efficiency of the Lennox collectors used in this design. This is speci- fied by the manufacturer where,

*in P Fluid temperature at collector inlet (OF) = Ambient temperature surrounding the Tanib collector ( OF)

r solar radiation Qinc Incident (%~~/hr-ft')

The. value 05 the. X coo~dix~te,

0 2 this results i;n a value. of F-hr-ft /BTU, Taking this value and locattng i-t on. the X-axts, then drawing a line wht.ch gntersectq that of the double glass collector and another which intersects the Y-axis will be the effi- ciency value of the collector, Since. the de.s$gn ts for a northern climate, care must be taken in choosing the type of fluid used in the collectors. Extremes in temperatures will result in damage to the collectors if proper precautions are not taken, One method is to evacuate the collectors when temperatures are near the freezing points. This may be done by using a sensor that will allow the fluid from the collectors to drain into a tank inside the structure, thus preventing damage to the collectors. An easier method is to use an ethelene-glycol-based anti- freeze in a 50: 50 ratio, by volume, which has a specific 0 heat of 0.85 BTU/~~-'For 3.36 kj/kg- C. This solution will prevent freezing and, in additton, raise the boiling 0 point to 113 C. However, a pressure relief valve is required for safety, The collector flowrate will be determined by using L the recommended f lowrate of ,02 gpm/ft of collector C43. M = 24 gpm . C~nversionto ST units,

The next requirement of the design is a method of energy storage for several days. This will be accom- plished by uslng a fluid storage tank. General practice 2 2 is to use between 1.5 gal/ft and 2.5 gal/ft of the fluid multiplied by the collector area L4J. 2 2 Tank = 2 galfft x 1184 ft

Tank = 2368 gal for energy storage Two forms of auxiliary. heat are used in the "Solar Augmented Heating System," a heat pump and strip heating. The heat pump is a Carrier 2-ton heating system with the performance data shown in Table 2-1. . 2.. PEW.OJU$ANCF DATA SWPLE FOR TYPE 20 HEAT PUMP @ata edapted from Caxrier Form 38 BQ-8P) 2-ton hea't pump' CCarrier 338Q002 and 406Q002) Heating Data: Condenser $nlet temperature = 20'~

. *W i,s total electric81 input to heat pmp including fans. When conditions are no longer favorable for solar heat- ing or for the heat pump, the system goes to the final backup conventional strip heathg . The flow diagram for the "Solar Augmented Heating Systemt' is depicted in Ftgure 2-3.. The flow diagram for the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump" is depicted in Figure 2-4. The "Solar Assisted Heat Pump" requires the same components as the "Solar Augmented Heating System,"' however, they differ in that no direct solar heating is required from the "Solar Aaststed Heat Pump.." All heating requirements will be met by the heat pump using solar heated water or the auxiliary heat strip when the tank water cannot pro- v2.de. the. necessary energy.



The system destggn will be formulated and simulated using TRNSYS - a "Transient Simulation Program. " TRNSYS is a FORTRAN based digital simulation using mathematical models of the components of the system. TRNSYS compo- nents have the capability of interconnecting in any manner required by the user, solving differential equa- tions and outputing desired results. Figure 3-1 repre- sents the components of the "Solar Augmented Heating System" and Figure 3-2 represents the components of the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump." The only difference in the two system diagrams is that the flow diverter, Unit 19, and the flow mixer, Unit 24 are not necessary in the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump" since it does not heat by direct solar means * The first module; Unit 5, TYPE 9, Data Reader, serves the purpose of reading data at the specified interval of one hour and making this data available to the other unita in the model, The data for this system 1.8 ambient temperature in 0 C and solar insolation in

The. Untt 8, TYPE 16, Radiatbn Processor has the purpose of performtng a continuous transformation of horizontal radtation. data to surface ar surfaces at user specifhd orPentati.ons 1 ; ~n2t1, TYPE 1, Flat Plate Collector; Unit 10, TYPE 18, Pitched Roof and Attic; and Unit 9, TYPE 17, Four Walls require this data. The radiation processor is in mode 1 for the Lui and Jordon correlation at 42' of latitude. The simulation begins at the 335th day of the year and ends the 356th day of the year. The Unit 1, TYPE 1, Flat Plate Collector trans- forms solar radiation into energy required to heat the fluid in the stratified storage tank, Specification data from Lennox solar collectors are inputed to the parameters of this module. Collector tilt is at 60'

to maximize solar collection of energy. Two glass .I,) covers are used to prevent a significant reradiation of the energy collected.. The Unit 3, TYPE 3, Pump controls fluid flow- rate through the collector. The pump requires a sensor to determine whether the fluid i.n the ecollector can contribute a significant heat gain ta the tank. This is accomplkshed by usfng an On/Off differential. con- troller, The pump switches on when, Hc?wever, %.t aw$.tches the pump off when,

This accomplishes two things; it prevents cycling and unwanted heat loss from the tank when the collector temperature is too low. The Unft 6, TYPE 13, Pressure Relief Valve is put in the system in order to simulate the real world as much as possible. The relief valve acts as a safety feature in that it discards the vapor in the collector loop if the fluid begins to boil. Energy is released whenever Ti (the inlet temperature to the relief valve) and TCOm (a com- parison temperature) are greater than the boiling point

Tmax . Since TCOm is the temperature of the inlet to the relief valve the component models a pipe relief valve. The Unit 26, TYPE 5, Heat Exchanger is modeled for the constant effectiveness mode. In this mode the maximum heat transfer is calculated based on the minimum fluid capacity rate and the cold side and hot side inlet temperatures [ . The heat exchanger effectiveness- was specified as .9. The hot side of the heat exchanger completes the collector loop while the cold side of the heat exchanger goes to the storage tank. The Un.i:.t. 27., TYPE 3, Pump controls the fluid flow- rate from the heat exchanger to the storage tank. The Unit 2, On[Off differentfa1 controller is the sensor for thts uni-t, fn addition to the flat plate collector pump. Thf s: en.sure.8 that when: the 'co.llector flowrate.is on, the heat axchanger. to. t-ank f lowrate: 'ts on, therefore:, trans- fe$tng ene.rgy to the. tank, The Unit 4, TWE 4, Stratified Fluid Storage Tank is a three segmented tank subject to thermal stratifica- tion, The inputs to the tank are from the heat exchanger and from the load. The flow may be to the house or the heat pump, if the model is the "Solar Augmented Heating System" as depicted in Figure 3-1. However, if the model is the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump," the flow is to the heat pump as depicted in Figure 3-2. The storage tank completes the loop for the cold side of the heat ex- . changer. The Unit 28, TYPE 3, Pump controls the fluid flowrate from the tank to the flow diverter. The Unit 14, Room Temperature Controller is the sensor which enables the pump. The controller functions as follows; T~oo~-c 18,33Oc, Pump On TROQM -* 21,2'~, Pump Off The Unit 19, TYPE 11, Flow Diverter is necessary only in the "Solar Augmented Heating System" as shown in FQure 3-1.. The flow diyertex hae one Z:nlet with two outlets dependtng on th.e. value (1 or 0) obtained from the Unit 13, Controller, The former diverts the flow to the house. Indt-cating dfrect solar heatlng and the later sends the flow to the heat pump, The Unit 13, Controller monitors the tank temperature and functions as follows,

> 40°c, Output is 1 T~~~ - . c 40°c, output is =TANK - o The Unit 24, TYPE 11, Flow Mixer is also neces- sary only in the "Solar Augmented Heating System." The flow mixer has two inputs and one output and employs the same Unit 13 controller as the flow diverter. This results in a flow loop through the heat pump or the house with the output of the flow mixer going to the storage tank. A necessity before proceeding further with the inodular descriptions is to address the logic required to implement the direct as well as the auxiliary heat- ing modes. Figure 3-3 depicts the heat selection logic for the "Solar Augmented Heating System," Table 3-1 has the binary code necessary to enable a particular mode depending on the type of energy available.. Figure 3-4 represents the log%cfor the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump," and Table 3-2 the binary code that will enable the heat pump or strtp heating,


Unit 13 Unit 16 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 17 Unit 32 Mode Controller Not Controller arsD Controller AND Tank Output Output Output Output Description ~em~erattre

0 No heat required 0 No heat required 0 Heat required - tank T -> 40'~ ===a;Y 0 Heat required - heat 8'~-< T <40°c Pump Heat required - strip T < ~OC heat


Unit 14 Unit 17 Unit 32 Mode Controller Controller Tank OU~DU~ Output Output Description Tem~erature

No heat required No heat required Heat required - heat pump T > 8'~ Heat required - strip heat T ( 8'~ The. Un&t lqZ, TDE 20, He.at. Rump all only be used in the. heating wde 'as depicted in Figure. 3-5, The heathg made. ts supp1ie.d by solar heated water.. Heat is passed through the coils to the , thus, a.cting ltke a heat exchanger, The refrigerant vapor is compressed and condensed to a tn. the indoor coils. This results in heat given up to the room, The cooled liquid 2s vaporized once agatn and returns to the evapo- rator ready to begin a new cycle, The heat pump in the "Solar Augmented Heating Systemt' is acting the part of an efficient auxiliary heater when the tank water is no longer able to heat the room directly. In the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump" system the heat pump is the primary source of energy for the house. The Unit 23, TYPE 15, Auxiliary Heater provides heat to the room when direct solar heating or the heat pump can no longer do so. Figure 3-4 depicts the logic necessary to enable auxiliary heating. The next module is the Unit 20, TYPE 14, Time Dependent Forcing kmctton which models the heat gain to the room as a function of the number of occupants in the room, Ftgure 3-6 depicts the occupants-eat trans- fer in Kj/hr 8s inputed to the Unit 11, TYPE 19, Room Model.

Figure 3-6. Room occupants heat generation in Kj /hr 31 All the modu1.e~necessary f~rheating the. house have been discussed and it i~ now possi.ble. to describe the house modules. The first house module to be examined is the Unit 9, TYPE 17, Walla, It utilizes the transfer function method of calculating conduction heat gains as developed in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. These calculations are algebraic and noniterative 1. The number of b and d coefficients that are necessary depends on the wall construction, For this model, 4b coefficients and 3d coefficients are required. The b coefficients are in BTU/hr-ft 2 0 F and the d coefficients are dimexision- less. These coefficients are found in Chapter 22 of the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals which list approximately 100 different wall coefficients [5] . The Unit 10, TYPE 18, Pitched Roof and Attsc has the heat transfer coefficient built into the module. These coefficients are also taken from the ASHRAE Hand- book of Fundamentals and depend on the geometric angles of the roof structure. A Unit 7, TYPE 15, Summation Module is used to sum the total heat gain through the ceiling and walls, The output of this module is input to the house.

The Unit 11, TYPE 19, Room and Basement is the I module which completes the structure.. This module has two modes of operation: one is energy rate control and the other fs temperature level control. These systems 32 have been desfgned far tempexature control, The room temperature that ts calculated ia a functton of all of the heat gain8 and losses from the room, as well as heat transferred to or from the room by heating cl]. This results in a more rea1tsti.c simulation of the load supply interaction.. Latent load contribution can be calculated externally to this module and input as a "non-distributedw heat gain E] . The auxiliary heat is, thus, inputed to the house. The heat gain from occupants in the house is time variant as described in the Unit 20, Forcing Functfon. Additional modules are utilized such as an integrator, printers, plotters, and a simulation sum- mary. There, description is not necessary for further clarification and understanding of the models. How- ever, they do facilitate and simplify the outputs of the computer program. CHAPTER IV


Results The simulation for the "Solar Augmented Heating System" and the "Solar Assisted Heat Pumpt' were each put into operation for a 504 hour period using the TRNSYS modules and environmental data. The environmental data consists of temperature and solar insolation for winter weather.. This results in an accurate simulation of the models. Appendix A contains a listing of the TRNSYS code for each of the two systems. In addltion, the simulation summaries and graphical data are outputed at regular tine intervals for reader :know- ledge. The plotted outputs for the "Solar Augmented Heating Systemu are five selected variables; tank tempera- ture from the top of the storage tank, room temperature, request for energy from the heat pump, request for strip heating, and request for direct solar heating. The plotted outputs for the "Solar Assisted Heat Pumpt' are four selected variables; tank temperature from the top of the tank, room temperature, request for energy from the heat pup, and repest for enezgy from the strtp heater, The followtng infarmqtton tndicates the unit in. operation. far the specified system.. "Solar Augmented Heattng System4' Plot te.d System Xn

* Value None Direct solar Heat pump Strip heating "Solar Assisted Heat Pumpt' Plotted System In Value O~era t ion None Heat pump Strip heating This results in a convenient way of knowing what type of heating unit is requested, the temperature of the room during the simulation, and the effect of solar radiation with respect to the tank temperature. Two types of plots are included for each model; one is at 15-minute intervals over a 48-hour period and the other is at 45-minute intervals for one week. This is done to facilitate reading of the graphs. The plotter is limited to 300 points during output. The simulation summaries are for every 24 hours and there ts a final simulation summary for the 504-hour period. The final simulation summary for the "Solar Augmented Heatgng Systemv tndicates that 36,8% of the energy supplied to the room is fr~mdfrect solar heating, 41,57% from the heat pump and 21.63% from strip heating. The "Solar Assisted Heat Pumptt for the 504-hour time interval ind$.c.cated 77,88% of the energy ts from &he heat pump and 22.12% is from strip heating, Average tank temperature from the top segment of the augmented system is 31.36O~and for the heat pump system the average tank 0 temperature is 37,7 C. The coefficrent of performance (COP) for each system is found to be 2.256 for the former and 2.251 for the latter. The collector efficiencies were also studied; however, the values for these effi- ciencies were not determined in the same manner as in Chapter 11. The outputs in Appendix A resulted from taking the total energy collected and dividing this by the total energy radiated on this same surface. These values are 33.13% for the augmented system and 32.55% for the heat pump system, There is a possible discre- pancy in calculattng the efficiency in this manner, since solar radiation is striking the collectors on days when radiation is minimal due to cloud cover, However, energy collected may not be significant to the system, The collector efficiency wL11 be calculated for this par- ticular day and may result in a lower efficiency than would otherwise be experienced. The last output from the summary indicates, the monetary value., the cost of the energy suppl$ed.. Th#,s- was done by convertbg the energy required to run the heat pump and the strip hwter %n.toktlowatt hours (Kwhs) and multiplyfng that value by 6 cents per Kwh.. The resul- tant costs for the augmented system are $81,63 for the heat pump and $42,.49 for the strlp heater; a total cost of $124.12. The ''Solar Assisted Heat Pump" final sum- mary indicates a cost of $117,30 for the heat pump and $33.32 for the strrp heater; a total cost of $150.62.

Conclusions The foremost conclusion to be drawn from this simulation is that the "Solar Augmented Heating System" is more economical than the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump." The solar augmented system results in a savings of $26.50 for the 21 day simulation. However, depending an environmental data, this value can increase or de- crease (i. em, an area which affords more solar Tnsola- tion will result in a greater savings). Tank tempera- ture in the first segment of the tank differs by 6.34'~ between the two systems indicating more energy is re- quired from the tank in the direct heating mode of the augmented system. This also results in more strip heating required; however, the energy provided in the direct mode more than offsets the additional cost of strip heating. An additional observation made from the 0 plotted output. i.8 that tank te~speratureqbetween. 40 C and 50'~ da not .heat up the room as quickly as tempera- tures above 50%. This indgcates tempexatures between 40°c and 50°c are marginal for using direct solar heat- ing. The COP of each system's heat pump is nearly identical, for each BTU input to the heat pump 2.25 are output to the. house. This. is primarily due to the type of heat pump employed in the simulation. A more effi- cient heat pump wtll have a higher COP; however, it will also have a higher purchase price.

Recamenda t ions The following recommendations have been made for the two systems: 1. Solar collectors with higher efficiencies should be investigated with the solar augmented system. In addition to this, the collector area of the solar assisted system should be reduced. Typically, tank temperatures of no more than 100~~are required for a solar assisted system. The collector area for this system provfdes tank temperatures in excess of this. 2. A more efficient heat pump should be used in place of the one in the "Solar Assisted Heat Pump" and a comparative study should once again be made. 3. A comparative study should be made for an air system with advantages and disadvantages of each system brought to light. APPENDIX A

1. ListTng of system modules 2. Map output 3. Simulation summaries for "Solar Augmented Heating Systemt' 4, Graphical output for "Solar Augmented Heating System," 0 - 168 hours 5. Graphical output for "Solar Augmented Heating System," 239.986 - 287.954 6. Simulation summaries for "Solar Assisted Heat Pump" 7. Graphical autput for t'Solar Assisted Heat Pump," 0 - 168 hours 8. Graphical output for t'Solar Assisted Heat Pump," 239,986 - 287.954

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c(d44d.=4#-4.I(444 . m13mmmmmmr"') mm~rc5mi3mmc"~m omm IC)m . .8.m..*.*..m.m~...*e@@e me...... rOI 03 * * r-n 4 *4f 4. *8 * e r9r* a****** ******* ******a 9r * * * * I rot r5 4r r4r rS 4 * 4 4 * * 8 8 * rO: * 16 4 *# *- * 8. * 9r 3 r5 * * * (t * rOr rOr * * * 3r * * 8 * 9 5 4 rp * 8 a e 4~ S 8 8 8 * * 55 rD: *a * 9 .dl 8 53 * *3" 8 *a' 9 *a' 8 8 8 8 a rS4 * * in * *r- 8 * 3 r3r * * I * * * * 8 * * a3 rgr * * 8 Q *= r3: 83 LLd * a!- r3r. 4i- LO1rS 9r 8 ilt W8 * rSr * 3 JW 10r *= * *iD 0 8 43' * rp09 8 80' 3 53 m * 3r @ * * gc *+ * ICr-4 m 8 *-=t rb *rC r51 * rp * * ZI. * 3 *a * * 8 S 8 11 * I "a * * 8 3 rCI Sd 5 3;;f +: * *2L 9t rsr a.W rOr 8~ * *- cm 8 3F- 3 4- ce * * * * N 8 3 Y 8 * x 6 rot *a 8 43 ry dt S !s * * iA * * 3 3 ?S *> * * > Q *fs: * rS Z 8 *< .-- 3 (Ld 8-4 * 8X L/) * *E 3 * *z a * rEr5 c+ *23) '3 * *3 XFU * Q rgt *VI >in s a*# CCIO rD: 32 3 * *z 'LO* 3r 3 9 * 3 * *u 3 * *- clr * at- * 8r r01 * e (t * < rDI *a * 8J 8 8 *z? 8 :z b* * * N * 3- m3 * 5-4 a.0 * *m a+ 8 3fi I+ 8 * ULLJ 3 9 Zd 4r * 19 * * u3 rOl 3 Z.ii * * 8 * d * * 0 ICI r5 * * r9r 4 .s 9r 4 * * * * rpl *****a* ***S*** ***tC+** * 8 r9r 8 * rQr * * * * 4 9 * * * t * 8 * 8 4 8 * rot * 4 * *%I 9 *3' *3\ * rb. * 8(3 4 * e 8 *- $ r5 8 r5 rot * 4 rgro tL4 Or *I- 113 r3t 8 UJ * * A ;9r ** 3.32 * tc' urn * *834 W 8* *3' m * *QLr4 * 4-4 * * rSI,* 311 0 9 9r Y- * 9'd + * *HI zu + 4-4 3in 9: 9i ;3u' * 8 -11 @ ax * 83 N * 9L 3 rg *. 4F a 15 8 *a 4 * 9rz. i-0 * 101X ++ 8 *3 ZLJ * r9rm >IV * 8

$f+tSS** * * * It: 8 rOl rb' rlt rf * 8 9r * rb 9 101 t * 33r 15 * 8 * rDr *r3r * * rot 8-4 8 $7 9 *I3r *4 *d *8 *m * rot* * * 8 83 LA * *b La * * 'A 1 9 * AU 8 **S 3a * tn 4 @ N * 9 * s-.. m * 8X * 9N # a. 9 8 * I 39 8 3 * JS*! +* *5 ew * 9 - ,301 * a- 03 * r9t IU * *x r= *3 CU rlr *lL * *** * *J $ dre $ 4r b-3 * trx ++ * $3 xsl * * sm gt IC: Qd 8 * w* * 3 9 * N * *- rCI * a (r 3t J * 8 :? &-, * 3-4 xc' * 8i/, r+ * * *LA * a WIC 8 * 1*n * 3 m * 8 a 5* m * 4**9**9 OUUU~~~~~~U~U~~~~~U#~~O%U~~~~~~)~#UOO~~)O*~.~U~U~U~U~~~~#U~~U~UUGUU~~~~UUUU*~~~~U I) SIM~JLATIONSUMMARY FOu TItdE = '3Ila'jJl TO 335.907 C) 0 0 4t HPCUST QACOSI 4# a 0e7L1C+00 0.0 I, a a

~~~U~U~~~~~~~UUU%~U$)OU~~O~)U~U~~~~Q~~~~)*~~~~~~~~**~UU~~~~~~~~**~UUU*~*~**~U~~~ o SIMULkTIOEv SUMMARY FUk TIHE = -335a907 !'0 359.064 9 0 0 it PEi{NP AVHTI COP COLEF F w * lmoUOE+o2 3.399€+01 2*215E+UO 3.236E~01 u +# 44 **u*u*~9*u00u*uuuO*OuO9O~tl19***~*t)O*uu4)**u**u*****~u*uu**&*uu~**~u***uu**u*u*#

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* *rQc *8 * * 8 ror 4 * It 8. 4 4 4 * * * * B 4 * * * * * 4 a 8 9 3 * 9 8 * It 3 * 2L 8 * 4 4: * * 8rn * 10r *a' * 4r r5 *u' 9 4 8 * * rQI * *m * 8 8 * 3 * rp * *;r, 8 8 * a 8 *m * r5 * *a' * 8 9 Q3\ .* *3 lL4 * 15: B *I- L3 ;fr *m * * 'sl 1 * *G 9 * JLd 8 *tn 4 *9 ON * 9t *I-r UQ t 8 * *3 IV rO: 3 * 3 8 * 411 5 9ru m a * * *c=: r5 *W * *e 33t *z rgt * rlt lei- * 8 @ * *&- * I = ;3 * * * C3 4 rOr * 8 a + t *Olt r4r *Ot rw * *& * C.0 3 * u * 3!- 3% * 8Z * S .w * 82E r5 *z Q *2 * *4r 3.N * *m 9: t 'A (I rOr 9 * 3 rctz * *'t * a0 8 ax 3 *-' r5 0 J3: 4 C-4 * *;E I-0 * 44 Q.= 8 3z t-+ 3 *J O+ rOr 3 xu * * UU rO: *(t? 3x * *z eN * 3 a 1cr * am * *,I tC lei 4Ct 17 8 a 3 8 * * (I- * m lol a+ (r *a 15: rS a * 92 rS * ICrw t ;$ 5 rQtL * *,t * 9r CcU * *# 3,s 8 8 r01 4 x+ * * a+ r5 * ZriJ * * Ud * rDt 4% 91 r3t CLT * 8 a0 * rQI T?- 4 * 3 91 * 4 8 * * 8 * * r3 * * -4 rQt* ****a** ******a

r3 f) m1 m nmmmmmrmmmmmmm mmmmmmn mmmm



The following information is provided as reader information for a better understanding of the mode simulation. Unit 1, TYPE 1 Flat Plate Collector

Parameters . 1. 2 ,. . : (Mode) 2 2. A = 110 (Collector area in m )

3. F' = -45 (Collector efficiency factor)

4. C~ = 3.56 (Fluid thermal capacitance for ethylene-glycol-based anti-freeze in a 50: 50 ratio by volume in Kj/Kg OC). The fluid thermal capacitance is 0.85 BTU/lb OF. Conversion to SI units follows:

= .94 (Collector plate absorptance) 6. N = 2 (Number of glass covers)

7. CP = .1 (Cirllector plate !emtttance) *be = 2.01 (LOSScoefficient for bottom and edge losses in kj/hr m2 OC) 9 . S = 60 (Collector tilt in degrees)

10. TU = .90 (Transmittance absorptance product) Initial values are first entries

1. Ti = 20 (Inlet fluid temperature in OC from pump) = 5378 (Collector fluid flow rate in kg/hr from pump) 24 GPM conversion follows:

3. Ta = (Ambient temperature in OC from data reader) 4. H~ = (Radiation on the collector surface in kj/hr m2 from data reader)

= 0 (Windspeed in m/sec)

(Outlet fluid temperature) (Collector fluid flowrate) (Rate of energy gain in kj/hr m2) (Collector loss coefficient) (Transmittance absorptance product) Unit: 2, TYPE 2 Pumr, Controller

Parameters 1. 5 (NSTK) - 10 .. 0 (Upper dead bond difference in OC) 3. AT2 = 3.0 (Lower dead bond difference in OC)

.Initial: waLues are first. :ent~iesi. :

= 20 (Upper input temperature in OC)

2. T2 = 20 (Lower input temperature in OC)

3. = 0 (Input control function from output of Yi this unit)

(.Output control function to input #3 of this unit and, to pump)

Unit 3, TYPE 3

hrmp Parameter

1. = 5378 (Haxlmum flowrate of pump in kg/hr) Inputs Initial values are first entries 1. Ti = 20 (Inlet fluid temperature from outlet of heat exchanger) . mi, = , 5378 -Clhlet mass. flowrate from outlet of exchanger )

9 0 (fnput control function from output of pump controller)

= (Outlet temperature to flat plate . collector) = *o (-Outlet mass f lowrate to flat plate collector)

Unit 4, TYPE 4 Stratif ie.d FFlid S'tor.age-Tank Par'ame'ter s 3 1. v = 8.96 (Tank volpe in m ) 2. H = 1.6 (Tank height in m) 3. = 4.19 (Specific heat of the fluid in kj/kgoc) C~f pf = 1045 (Fluid density in kg/m3) U = 1.5 (Loss coefficient between the tank and the environment in kj/hr-m2-'c)

Initial values are first entries =h - 20 (Temperature of fluid from heat source

% = 5378 (Mass flowrate from heat source in

T~ = 10 (Temperature of replacement fluid in OC) mL = 2300 mass f lowrate. from load i;n kg/hr) Ten, 20' (Temperature of envtronment in OC)

(Temperature to heat source) (Mass f lowrate to heat source) (Temperature to load) @ass flowrate to load)

Qenv (Rate of energy loss to environment) Qtank (Rate at whtch energy is removed to supply load) (Internal energy change of the tank)

Unit 5, TYPE 9 Data Reader Parameters 1. N = 504 (The number of values to be read)

A~ = 1 (The time interval at which data is provided in hours) (Output for which units are to beconverted) (Multiplication factor for that value) (Addition factor for that value)

1 Tmb 4 (Ambient temperature in % to required modules) 2 (-Solar insolation in kg/m ) Unit 6, TYPE 13 Pressure Relief Valve

Parameters 0 1. T 100 (Boiling point of fluid in C) max - = heat kj/kg 2. c~ 3.56 (Specific of fluid in OC)

1. Ti = 20 (Inlet fluid temperature from collector

2. q = 5378 (Inlet mass flowrate from collector in

3. T = 20 (Compartstm temperature from collector cmp

(Outlet temperature to heat exchanger in OC) (.Outlet mAss flowrate in kg/hr) (Rate of energy discarded in kj /hr)

Unit 8, TYPE 16 Ra'diation Data Processor

Par aine't'e'rs 1. 1 *!(Modefor Lu& and Jordan corr.elation) (The day of the year at the start of the simulation)

= 42 (Latitude in degrees) 2 i.. , 4871 CThe solar conetan.t in kj/hr m )

5 , P n 0 (Ground reflectance)

6. .. SHFT F. 0 (The shift in the solar time hour angle in degrees)

9 60 (Slope of south roof includes 15' for collector .tilt in degrees)

= 0 (Orientation of south roof in degrees) 45 (.Slope of north roof) 180 (Orientation of north roof) 90 (Slope of south wall) 0 (Orientation of south wall) 90 (Slope of east wall) 90 (Orientation of east wall) 90 (Slope of north wall) 180 (Orientation of north wall) 90 (Slope of west wall) -90 (Orientation of west wall)

Usable outputs specified

H~ (Instantaneous total radiation on the collector) 8. HT2 (Instantaneous total radiation on north roof) 9 . H~3 (Instantaneous total radfation on south wall) (Instantaneous total radiation on east wall) 10* Yr4 9 (.Instantaneous.total radiation on west wall)

Uni.t 26, TYPE 5 Heat' I3jr~hari~e.r

(Mode for constant effectiveness)

= -9 (Heat exchanger effectiveness)

= 3.56 (Specific heat of hot side fluid in kj /kg0c)

= 4.19 (Specific heat of cold side fluid in kj /kg%)

Initial values are first entries

= 20 (Hot side i*let temperature in OC) 5378 (Hot side mass flowrate in kg/hr)

= 20 (Code side inlet temperature in OC)

= 2300 (Cold side mass flowrate in kg/hr)

(Hot side outlet temperature to collec-

tor pump) (Hot side mass f lowrate to collector pump) (Cold side outlet temperature to storage tank) 104 (Total heat transfer rate across exchanger) (Heat exchange effectiveness)

Unit 27, TYPE 3


% - 2300 (Maximum flowrate of pump)

Inputs Initial values are first entries 1. T 20 (Inlet temperature from cold side of the i - heat exchanger) 2. = 2300 (Inlet mass flowrate from cold side of the heat exchanger) - 0 (Control function from Unit 2 controller)

(Outlet temperature to hot side of storage tank) (Outlet mass f lowrate to hot side of storage tank)


I. %ax = 2300 (Maximum flowrate of pump) Initial values are first entries 1. Ti. = 20 (Inlet temperature from storage tank) 2. mi = 2300 (Inlet mass flowrate from storage tank)

3. Y = 0 (Control function from Unit 14 controller)

(Outlet temperature to flow dfverter) (,Outlet mass flowrate to flow diverter)

Unit TYPE Flow Diverter

Parameter (Mode for flow diverter)

- 20 (Entering fluid temperature from pump

in OC)

= 2300 (Entering fluid flowrate from pump in kg/hr) = 1 (Control function from Unit 13 controller)

Outputs (Temperature at outlet 1 to heat pump) (Mass flowrate of outlet 1 to heat pump) 106 (Temperature at outlet 2 to load) (Mass flowrate at outlet 2 to load)

Unit 9, TYPE 17 Four Walls

Parameters 1. 2 (Mode for four walls)

2. a = .5 (Absorptance of surface to solar radiation) .8 (Infrared enittance of surface) 4 (Number of b coefficients) 3 (Number of d coefficients not including do) 2 45.46 (Area of south wall in rn ) 37.16 (Area of east wall in m2) 45.46 (Area of north wall in m2) 37.16 (Area of west wall in m2) .7 (Effective transmittance of window) 2 .(Number of glazings in window) .07 (Fraction of south wall that is window) .06 (Fractfon of east wall that is window) .09 (Fraction of north wall that is whdow) .06 (Fraction of west wall that is window) 0 (Fraction of south wall that is shaded)

-25 (Fraction of east window that is shaded) ..95 (Fraction of north window that is shaded) 19, FWS - , O (practg~n.of we& wzndow that is shaded) = .-0003 (Coefffctent of cusrent temperature

=. -1.50943 (Coefficfent of previous hour' s flux) - 0.65654

(Ambient temperature from data, reader) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area incident upon the south wall from solar radiation processor) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area incident upon the east wall from solar radiation processor) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area tnci-dent upon the north wall from solar radiation processor) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area incident upon the west wall from solar radiatton processor) - 0 (Wind speed) (Room temperature)

Outputs (Total heat transfer rate from surface) (The portion of Q~ contributed by conduc- through. the walls and windows) '(The portion of Q* contributed by solar gain through windows)

Unit 10, TYPE 18 Pitched Roof and Attic

Parameters 3.. N = 1 (.Collector on south surface) roof 2. 'ins = 2 (For 6" ceiling insulation)

3. a = .5 (Absorbance of non collector cover surf ace)

4. e = .8 (Emittance of nun collector covered surf ace)

= 131.41 (Area of south surface in m2 )

A = 37.16 (Area of east surface in mL) E. 7. AN = 131.41 (Areaof northsurfaceinm)2 8. A~ = 37.16 (Area of west surface in m 2 )

9. A~ = 185.8 (Area of ceiling in m 2 ) - 198,4 (Rate of attic in m3 /+) 11. uBE = 2.23 (Back and edge loss coefficient of collector in m3 /hr) = 45 (Slope of south surface in degrees) = 45 (Slope of north surface in degrees)

Inputs (Ambient temperature from data reader) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area incident upon the south roof surface- from radiation data processor) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area incident upon the east roof surface from radiation data processor) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area ine2dent upon the north roof surface from radiation data processor) (Rate of total solar radiation per unit area incident upon the west roof surface from radiation data processor) 6. W = 0 (Wind speed) 7. T~ = 0 (.Outlet temperature from collector Type 1 only) (Room temperature) (Total rate of heat gain through ceiling) 2. *shg, eff (Effective solar air temperature of roof surf ace)

Unit 7, TYPE 15


1. P1 = 3 (Summing operation code)

Inputs 1. X1 = & (Conduction through walls) 2. X2 - 9, (Conduction through ceiling)

Unit 11, TYPE 19- Room and Basement

Parameters (?+Io.defor temperature control) 3 = 1132.68 (Volume of room in m ) 3. RATE = 1 () 2 = 185.8m (Floor area)

5. IC = 2 (Medium construction weight) 6. CAPAC = 46450 (Capacitance of house in kj lot) Estimate based on a house having 40,000

? ' kj/O~with a volume of 960 mu.

1132*68 x 40,000 CAP = 960 = 47195 kjl0c

&nhi.en.t teqe-ratuke.from data rea-der) - 0 (Energy transfer into the room by conduct ion in. kj (hr)

0 (Energy tranerfer tnto the. room by . solar heat gaina 2n kj/hr) 6m Qlights = 200 (Energy.transfer into the room by 1igh.ting fixtures in kj/hr)

7. QPEPL = 0 (Energy transfer into the room by body heat from forcing function in kj/hr)

= 0 (Energy transfer into room by heat pump in kj/hr) = 0 (Energy transfer into room by auxi- liary heat in kj/hr)

(Load heat exchanger outlet tempera- ture to flow mixer) (Mass flowrate leaving load heat exchanger to flow mixer) (Algebraic sum of energy flows into room) (House temperature) (Rate of energy delivery by load heat exchanger) (.Instantaneous load contribution from ba semen. ) 9 4.19 (Speciftc heat of liqutd entering heat exchanger A in kj/kgoc)

=. 2300 mass f lowrate of lfquid entering heat exchanger A in kg/hr) , Using the manufacturerts specifications of 10 gal/min the conversion to SI unf ts is: liter '60min 1 k = 10 mxnex 3.785 x TX~ lk = 37.85 xliter 60 Inin x mln hr

(Constant room temperature for heating modes in 'c) 4. =ROOMC = 0 ,(Constant room temperature for

cooling modes in OC) 5. T = 8 (Minimum liquid source temperature minl for solar source heating operation in

T 1000 6. min2 = (Minhum air source temperature for ambient source heating operation

in OCI 7 . %AT= 10 (Number of equally spaced solar source heating data points) = 0 (Number of equally spaced ambient 8o AT AH^ source data points) = 0 (Number of equally spaced cooling data points) 10. LUHl = 8 (Logical unit number of solar source heating data file)

= 0 (Logical unit number of ambient source heating data file)

= 0 aogical unit number of cooling data file) = 1000 (Minimum ambient temperature when cooling ia allowed) 2320 for = (h x CP pprduct room air flow- .ing through heat exchangers C, D and E

in kj Jhr OC) EFF = .95 (Effhctiveness of heat exchanger C) 16. T = 1000 (Minimum liquid source temperature SET for direct heating from liquid source

in Oc)

= 0 (Cooling conaensor selection)

=. 18.33 (Maximum ambient air temperature

when heating is allowed in OC) Initial values are first entries 1. = 20 (Temperature of liquid entering heat Ti exchanger A in OC) 2. &i = 2300 (Mass flowrate of liquid entering heat exchanger A in. kg/hr) (emperature of ambient air frm data reader)

# 4- QH = -1 x lo6 (Demanding heat only)

5. IGAM = 0 (Master control integer O = OFF, 1 = ON)

(Temperature of liquid leaving heat exchanger A to flow =her) (Maes f lowrate of liquid leaving heat ex- changer A to flow mixer) (Work input in heating mode) (Energy absorbed from solar source in solar to air heating mode) (Energy delivered to load in solar to air heating mode) (Fraction of timestep that heat pump operated in solar to air heating mode) (~ractionof timestep that heat pump operated in ambient source heating mode) 11 6 (Fractfon of timestep that heat pump operated in coolhg mode) (Energy delivered to room in direct h~ti,ngmode) (Auxiliary energy delivered to room in heating mode)

Unit 24, TYPE 11 F1o.w Mixer

Parameter 1. 3 (Mode for flow mixer)

Inputs Inittal values are first entries = 20 (Temperature at inlet 1 in OC)

.- 2300 (Mass flowate at inlet 1 in kg/hr)

= 20 (Temperature at inlet 2 in OC) = 2300 (Mass flowrate at inlet 2 in kg/hr)

= 1 (Control function from Unit 13)

' outputs (Outlet temperature to tank) (putlet flowrate to tank) Unit 13, TYPE 2 Tempera'ture Controller

Paraieters 1. NSTIC - 5 (.The number of calls to the controller in a thestep after whkh yo ceases to change)

2. ATL = 5 cupper dead band difference in OC) 3. ATTp = 3 (.Lower dead band dif ferenbe in 'c)

'Input a Initial values are first entries

1. =I = 20 (Upper input temperature in OC) 2. *2 = 35 (Lower input temperature in OC)

3. Y = 1 (Control function)

(Output control f unctfon to flow diver ter and flow mixer)

Unit 14, TYPE 2 Room TempPeratureCon tr*o'ller


1. NSTK = 5 (The number of calls to the controller in

a timestep after which yo ceases to change) 2. AT1 = 5.6 (Upper dead band difference in *c) n 3 AT2 = 2.8 (.Lower dead band difference in "c) (Output control function)

Unit 16, TYPE 15 -Not

1 . P1 = 10 (Operation code for not logic)

(Value of input to be a not function)

Output 1. Y (The result of the operation)

Unit 15, TYPE 15 And-


1. P1 = 11 (Operator code for AND logic)

Input s (The value of the first input) (The value of the second input)

'Output (The result of the operations)

Output 1. Y (The result of the operations)

Unit 23, TYPE 15 Auxil'iar y Heat S tr'ip

1, P1 = 1 (Operation code for multiplication)

Inputs InLtial values are first entries

1. X1 = 0 (The value of the first input)

2. X2 = 200,000 (The value of the second input)

Output (The result of the operations)

Unit 20, TYPE 14

QPEOPLE in kj-/hr

Parameters Values are given in time and QpEOPLE in kj/hr (The output value of the function) Unft 21, TYPE 24 Quantity Tntegratbr

(Integrates up to ten quantities from any of the outputs)

Outputs COutputs up to ten quantities)

Unit TYPE Pr'inter


1 ~t = 1 (Time interval at which printing is to P occur ) 0 (Time 2 ton = at which printing is to start) 3. toff (Time at which printing is to stop) 4. 0 (Standard line printer)

Inputs (Up to ten quantities from any of theoutputs) Value name (Outputa up to ten quantities)

Ungt 31, TYPE 25

as Unit -22 except different quantfties are to be printed)

Units40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46; TYPE 28

Unit 28 was used in various ways to summarize findings . These gncluded : 1. Fractton of the heat supplied that was solar heat..

2., Fraction of the heat supplied that was heat

3. Average tank temperature. 4.. Coefficient of performance of heat pump. 5. Cost of heat pump and auxiliary heat and savings when uskng solar heat. 6, Collector efflsiency. A Solar Energy Laboratory, University of Wisconsin

' A Tr;a'IR#Ce$$t' Stiniil'att'ori Progyaixi TRNSYS madison, Wiscon-

s%n: mversfty of W~scons~n,. .+ iY/L))...,r --..

LHoneywell Corporation, Transportable Solar Laboratory Workshop, prepared for United States Energy Research and Deveiopment Administration (Minneapolis,

3~.~., Department of Commerce, Solar Heating and Cooling of Residen-t-ia'l'.Bu'fldin&s' D'es.%gri of 'Sys'tems, pre- pared by Solar Energy Applications Laboratory, Cororada State University (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1977).

'u. S. , Department of Commerce,. .Sola= Heating and C o 0'1ing o f Re.ss'i'deriCi'ag21''Bui'ld trigR s' S iz'z'ihjg ,' *Ins'ta l'la t ion and . * bperat ion ot Systeins , prepared by Solar Energy Applications Laboratory, Colorado State University (Washington,- D. C. : y.?--, . .' :.,AT ~overnment- Printing Off ice, 1977) -.--- -7 -- 5 American Society of Heating , and Engineers , Inc . ,' ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (New York: American Society of 'Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, 1974) . American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Condsttontng Engineers, Inc. ' ASW.Handbook of Fui.ld'&tierit'als. New York: American Society of Ileati-ng, Retri eration.and Air Conditioning Engineers, 197f. Daniel, David E. ''A Solar Cooling System Model Formulatfon Using TRNSYS.N Masters Thesis, Florida Technolog%cal University, Orlando, Florida, 1977. Honeywell Corporation,' Tr-arisporCabl'e' 'So-lar' Labdratory Worksho , prepared for the United States Energy desearc and Development Administrat ion, Minneapolis, 1977.

Kreider, Jon F. , and Kreith, Frank.. pr.a.c.t'ic.a . Solar He'at in and Cooling': " 1 DeSs'ignazd Economics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 75. of Wisconsin. TRNSYS. Madison:

U. S. Department of Commerce. Solar Heating and Coo 1ing: of Re's'Ldent'i&iX '~~51dings D e.s*ieiiof - Y .a stems, prepared by Solar Energy Applications %-La oratory, Colorado State University. washington, Dace: Government printing Office, 1977.

U. S. Department of Commerce. . Solar Heating and Cooling of Residential' '~u'lditigs'Si'iing, Installat'ibri a'n'd .Oper'atioti . 'of Systerns , pre- pared by Solar Energy Applications Laboratory, Colorado State University. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1977.