First of fall I would like to thank the Management at T&T Motors Ltd for giving me the opportunity to do my two-month project training in their esteemed organization. I am highly obliged to Mr. ADITYA NAYAR (DEPUTY MANAGER) for granting me to undertake my training at New Delhi branch.

I express my thanks to all Sales Managers under whose able guidance and direction, I was able to give shape to my training. Their constant review and excellent suggestions throughout the project are highly commendable.

My heartfelt thanks go to all the executives who helped me gain knowledge about the actual working and the processes involved in various departments.

I would also like to thank Mr. VIVEK AHUJA for his guidance during the project and helping me out in the preparation of my report. PREFACE

Project work is something that every Management student should carry out seriously at any organization irrespective of their topic they choose to do. This is a part of complete management study and carrying out such a project work is required by the examination and evaluation Department of Amity University necessary for the partial fulfillment of B.B.A. course. Carrying and completing such a project work is not an easy task. One must be careful before gathering the data required otherwise the very essence of the project will get lost in the midway and the real and correct idea will remain unexposed before the reader. I took my project in Marketing on Customer Satisfaction of from T&T Motors, New Delhi. I had tried to compile the clear picture regarding the level of brand awareness, measure to increase and retain the brand awareness, and the advertising and the promotional tools effective for enhancing the awareness level of the potential customers. The project has played a significant role in my life in gaining knowledge in marketing field. ABSTRACT

This project intends to give the complete profile of the automobile company Mercedes Benz and customer satisfaction of the customers towards the brand. It consists of the research carried out in the geographic area of New Delhi. The name Mercedes Benz needs no introduction for the car enthusiastic people. Ever since its foundation this name has been associated with the world class brand of cars, trucks and buses. The two founding fathers, one is Mr. Karl Benz who first founded this company in 1871 and the two others Mr. Gottlieb Daimler and Mr. Wilhelm May Bach, who founded the division of Mercedes Benz called as Daimler AG in 1890.The headquarters of the Mercedes Benz is located at Baden- Wurttemberg and in . Currently this company produces a wide range of advanced luxury cars, trucks and buses in its manufacturing facilities, based all over the world besides Germany INTRODUCTION

Customer Satisfaction is the buzzword used by the business people for the success of organization in the present days. Due to the increases of heavy competition in every product –line it become difficult for the companies to retain the customers for longer time. So retain the customer for longer time the marketer has to do only one things i.e. customer satisfaction .If customer is fully satisfied by the product it not only rub the organization successfully but also fetch many benefits for the company . They are less process sensitive and they remain customer for a longer period. They buy addition products overtimes as the company introduce related produce related products or improved, so customer satisfactions is gaining a lot of importance in the present day. Every company is conducting survey on customer satisfaction level on their products .To make the products up to the satisfaction level of customers. This project is also done to know the customers satisfaction level towards Mercedes- Benz. The impact of automobile industry on the rest of the economy has been so pervasive and momentous that is characterized as second industrial. It played a vital role in helping the nation to produce higher value good and services and in the enhancing their skills and impose tremendous demand for automobile. The decrease in the interest rate and easy available of cars loans from 2 to 3 years, lot of car manufacturers company facing cut throat competition in the fields of technology and price, So to gain the market share it is important for the institutes to satisfy its customers and to retain the reputation and its image. Customer Satisfaction Strategies Followed By Mercedes The different strategies followed by Mercedes consists of Customer relationship management, strategy to providing better facility to the owner, and strategy to provide better after sales service to customer. Customer Relationship Management CRM as a tool was used to create positive word-of-mouth, to monitor customer experiences and generate referrals. A series of CRM activities were implemented with regular direct communication, events and customer satisfaction surveys, Events, Festive offers, Rewards Program, etc. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY

The study has been under taken to analyze the customer satisfaction towards Mercedes- Benz in New Delhi with a special reference to the T&T motors, the other objectives are:  To gather information about customer satisfaction toward Mercedes-Benz in the geographic region of New Delhi.

 To know the customer perception about features, maintenance cost and looks of cars of Mercedes-Benz.

 To know the customer satisfaction about the safety and comfort provided by the cars of Mercedes-Benz.

 To provide suggestions, in improving the customer satisfaction and the company sales and profitability.

 To know the customer satisfaction towards the after sales services offers by Mercedes-Benz. INTRODUCTION TO THE INDUSTRY

The history of the automobile begins as early as 1769, with the creation of steam- powered automobiles capable of human transport. In 1806, the first cars powered by internal combustion running on fuel gas appeared, which led to the introduction in 1885 of the ubiquitous modern gasoline- or petrol-fueled internal combustion . Cars powered by electricity briefly appeared at the turn of the 20th century but largely disappeared from commonality until the turn of the 21st century, when interest in low- and zero-emissions transportation was reignited. As such, the early history of the automobile can be divided into a number of eras based on the prevalent method of automotive propulsion during that time. Later periods were defined by trends in exterior styling and size and utility preferences.

Eras of invention

Pioneer inventors

German engineer Karl Benz, the inventor of numerous car-related technologies, is generally regarded as the inventor of the modern automobile. The four-stroke petrol (gasoline) internal combustion engine that constitutes the most prevalent form of modern automotive propulsion is a creation of German inventor Nikolaus Otto. The similar four- stroke diesel engine was also invented by a German, Rudolf Diesel. The hydrogen fuel cell, one of the technologies hailed as a replacement for gasoline as an energy source for cars, was discovered in principle by yet another German, Christian Friedrich Schönbein, in 1838. The battery electric car owes its beginnings to Hungarian Ányos Jedlik, one of the inventors of the electric motor, and Gaston Planté, who invented the lead-acid battery in 1859.

Early automobiles

Steam automobiles

Cugnot's steam wagon, the second (1771) version Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam-powered vehicle around 1672, designed as a toy for the Chinese Emperor, it being of small scale and unable to carry a driver or passenger but, quite possibly, the first working steam- powered vehicle ('auto-mobile').

A replica of Richard Trevithick's 1801 road locomotive 'Puffing Devil'

Steam-powered self-propelled vehicles are thought to have been devised in the late-18th century. Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot demonstrated his fardier à vapeur, an experimental steam-driven artillery tractor, in 1770 and 1771. Cugnot's design proved to be impractical and his invention was not developed in his native France, the centre of innovation passing to Great Britain. By 1784, William Murdoch had built a working model of a steam carriage in Redruth, and in 1801 Richard Trevithick was running a full-sized vehicle on the road in Camborne. Such vehicles were in vogue for a time, and over the next decades such innovations as hand brakes, multi-speed transmissions, and better developed. Some were commercially successful in providing mass transit, until a backlash against these large speedy vehicles resulted in passing a law, the Locomotive Act, in 1865 requiring self-propelled vehicles on public roads in the United Kingdom be preceded by a man on foot waving a red flag and blowing a horn. This effectively killed road auto development in the UK for most of the rest of the 19th century. as inventors and engineers shifted their efforts to improvements in railway locomotives. The law was not repealed until 1896, although the need for the red flag was removed in 1878.

In Russia in the 1780s, Ivan Kulibin started working on a human-pedalled carriage with a steam engine. He finished working on it in 1791. Some of its features included a , brake, gearbox, and bearing, which are also the features of a modern automobile. His design had three roadwheels. Unfortunately, as with many of his inventions, the government failed to see the potential market and it was not developed further. The first automobile patent in the United States was granted to Oliver Evans in 1789. In 1805, Evans demonstrated his first successful self-propelled vehicle, which not only was the first automobile in the USA, but was also the first amphibious vehicle, as his steam- powered vehicle was able to travel on roadwheels on land, and via a paddle wheel in the water.

Among other efforts, in 1815, a professor at Prague Polytechnich, Josef Bozek, built an oil-fired steam car and Walter Hancock, builder and operator of London steam buses, in 1838 built a four-seat steam phaeton.

Electric automobiles

In 1828, Ányos Jedlik, a Hungarian who invented an early type of electric motor, created a tiny model car powered by his new motor. In 1834, Vermont blacksmith Thomas Davenport, the inventor of the first American DC electrical motor, installed his motor in a small model car, which he operated on a short circular electrified track. In 1835, Professor Sibrandus Stratingh of Groningen, the Netherlands and his assistant Christopher Becker created a small-scale electrical car, powered by non-rechargeable primary cells. In 1838, Scotsman Robert Davidson built an electric locomotive that attained a speed of 4 miles per hour (6 km/h). In England, a patent was granted in 1840 for the use of rail tracks as conductors of electric current, and similar American patents were issued to Lilley and Colten in 1847. Between 1832 and 1839 (the exact year is uncertain), Robert Anderson of Scotland invented the first crude electric carriage, powered by non-rechargeable primary cells.

Internal combustion engines

1885-built Benz Patent Motorwagen, the first car to go into production with an internal combustion engine 1870, Vienna, Austria: world's first gasoline-run vehicle, the 'first Marcus car'

The second Marcus car of 1888 (Technical Museum Vienna)

Early attempts at making and using internal combustion engines were hampered by the lack of suitable fuels, particularly liquids, and the earliest engines used gas mixtures.

Early experimenters using gases included, in 1806, Swiss engineer François Isaac de Rivaz who built an internal combustion engine powered by a hydrogen and oxygen mixture, and in 1826, Englishman Samuel Brown who tested his hydrogen-fuelled internal combustion engine by using it to propel a vehicle up Shooter's Hill in south-east London. Belgian-born Etienne Lenoir's Hippomobile with a hydrogen-gas-fuelled one- internal combustion engine made a test drive from Paris to Joinville-le-Pont in 1860, covering some nine kilometres in about three hours. A later version was propelled by coal gas. A Delamare-Deboutteville vehicle was patented and trialled in 1884.

About 1870, in Vienna, Austria (then the Austro-Hungarian Empire), inventor Siegfried Marcus put a liquid-fuelled internal combustion engine on a simple handcart which made him the first man to propel a vehicle by means of gasoline. Today, this car is known as "the first Marcus car". In 1883, Marcus secured a German patent for a low-voltage of the magneto type; this was his only automotive patent. This design was used for all further engines, and the four-seat "second Marcus car" of 1888/89. This ignition, in conjunction with the "rotating-brush ", made the second car's design very innovative. It is generally acknowledged that the first really practical automobiles with petrol/gasoline-powered internal combustion engines were completed almost simultaneously by several German inventors working independently: Karl Benz built his first automobile in 1885 in Mannheim. Benz was granted a patent for his automobile on 29 January 1886, and began the first production of automobiles in 1888, after Bertha Benz, his wife, had proved - with the first long-distance trip in August 1888, from Mannheim to Pforzheim and back - that the horseless coach was absolutely suitable for daily use. Since 2008 a Bertha Benz Memorial Route commemorates this event.

Soon after, Gottlieb Daimler and in Stuttgart in 1889 designed a vehicle from scratch to be an automobile, rather than a horse-drawn carriage fitted with an engine. They also are usually credited with invention of the first motorcycle in 1886, but Italy's Enrico Bernardi of the University of Padua, in 1882, patented a 0.024 horsepower (17.9 W) 122 cc (7.4 cu in) one-cylinder petrol motor, fitting it into his son's tricycle, making it at least a candidate for the first automobile, and first motorcycle; Bernardi enlarged the tricycle in 1892 to carry two adults.

One of the first four-wheeled petrol-driven automobiles in Britain was built in Birmingham in 1895 by Frederick William Lanchester, who also patented the disc brake; and the first electric starter was installed on an Arnold, an adaptation of the Benz Velo, built between 1895 and 1898.

In all the turmoil, many early pioneers are nearly forgotten. In 1891, John William Lambert built a three-wheeler in Ohio City, Ohio, which was destroyed in a fire the same year, while Henry Nadig constructed a four-wheeler in Allentown, Pennsylvania. It is likely they were not the only ones.

Veteran era

The French 1898 Renault Voiturette

The first production of automobiles was by Karl Benz in 1888 in Germany and, under licence from Benz, in France by Emile Roger. There were numerous others, including tricycle builders Rudolf Egg, Edward Butler, and Léon Bollée. Bollée, using a 650 cc (40 cu in) engine of his own design, enabled his driver, Jamin, to average 45 kilometres per hour (28.0 mph) in the 1897 Paris-Tourville rally. By 1900, mass production of automobiles had begun in France and the United States. The first company formed exclusively to build automobiles was Panhard et Levassor in France, which also introduced the first four-cylinder engine. Formed in 1889, Panhard was quickly followed by Peugeot two years later. By the start of the 20th century, the automobile industry was beginning to take off in western Europe, especially in France, where 30,204 were produced in 1903, representing 48.8% of world automobile production that year.

The first automobile in Japan, a French Panhard-Levassor, in 1898

1903 World's Work Article

In the United States, brothers Charles and Frank Duryea founded the Duryea Motor Wagon Company in 1893, becoming the first American automobile manufacturing company. However, it was Ransom E. Olds and his Olds Motor Vehicle Company (later known as Oldsmobile) who would dominate this era of automobile production. Its large scale production line was running in 1902. Within a year, Cadillac (formed from the Henry Ford Company), Winton, and Ford were producing cars in the thousands.

Within a few years, a dizzying assortment of technologies were being produced by hundreds of producers all over the western world. Steam, electricity and petrol/gasoline- powered automobiles competed for decades, with petrol/gasoline internal combustion engines achieving dominance in the 1910s. Dual- and even quad-engine cars were designed, and ranged to more than a dozen litres. Many modern advances, including gas/electric hybrids, multi-valve engines, overhead , and four-wheel drive, were attempted, and discarded at this time. In 1898, Louis Renault had a De Dion-Bouton modified, with fixed drive shaft and ring and pinion gear, making "perhaps the first hot rod in history" and bringing Renault and his brothers into the car industry. Innovation was rapid and rampant, with no clear standards for basic vehicle architectures, body styles, construction materials, or controls. Many veteran cars use a tiller, rather than a wheel for steering, for example, and most operated at a single speed. was dominant over the drive shaft, and closed bodies were extremely rare. Drum brakes were introduced by Renault in 1902. The next year, Dutch designer Jacobus Spijker built the first four-wheel drive racing car; it never competed and it would be 1965 and the Jensen FF before four wheel drive was used on a production car.

Innovation was not limited to the vehicles themselves, either. Increasing numbers of cars propelled the growth of the petroleum industry, as well as the development of technology to produce gasoline (replacing kerosene and coal oil) and of improvements in heat- tolerant mineral oil lubricants (replacing vegetable and animal oils).

There were social effects, also. Music would be made about cars, such as "In My Merry Oldsmobile" (a tradition that continues) while, in 1896, William Jennings Bryan would be the first presidential candidate to campaign in a car (a donated Mueller), in Decatur, Illinois. Three years later, Jacob German would start a tradition for New York City cabdrivers when he sped down Lexington Avenue, at the "reckless" speed of 12 mph (19 km/h). Also in 1899, Akron, Ohio, adopted the first self-propelled paddy wagon.

In My Merry Oldsmobile songbook featuring an Oldsmobile Curved Dash automobile (produced 1901-1907) and period driving clothing

By 1900, it was possible to talk about a national automotive industry in many countries, including Belgium (home to Vincke, which copied Benz; Germain, a pseudo-Panhard; and Linon and Nagant, both based on the Gobron-Brillié), Switzerland (led by Fritz Henriod, Rudolf Egg, Saurer, Johann Weber, and Lorenz Popp), Vagnfabrik AB in Sweden, Hammel (by A. F. Hammel and H. U. Johansen at Copenhagen, in Denmark, beginning around 1886), Irgens (starting in Bergen, Norway, in 1883, but without success), Italy (where FIAT started in 1899), and as far afield as Australia (where Pioneer set up shop in 1898, with an already archaic paraffin-fuelled centre-pivot-steered wagon). Meanwhile, the export trade had begun to be global, with Koch exporting cars and trucks from Paris to Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, and the Dutch East Indies.

On 5 November 1895, George B. Selden was granted a United States patent for a two- stroke automobile engine (U.S. Patent 549,160). This patent did more to hinder than encourage development of autos in the USA. Selden licensed his patent to most major American auto makers, collecting a fee on every car they produced. The Studebaker brothers, having become the world's leading manufacturers of horse-drawn vehicles, made a transition to electric automobiles in 1902, and gasoline engines in 1904, but also continued to build horse-drawn vehicles until 1919. In 1908, the first South American automobile was built in Peru, the Grieve.

Throughout the veteran car era, however, automobiles were seen as more of a novelty than a genuinely useful device. Breakdowns were frequent, fuel was difficult to obtain, roads suitable for travelling were scarce, and rapid innovation meant that a year-old car was nearly worthless. Major breakthroughs in proving the usefulness of the automobile came with the historic long-distance drive of Bertha Benz in 1888, when she travelled more than 80 kilometres (50 mi) from Mannheim to Pforzheim, to make people aware of the potential of the vehicles her husband, Karl Benz, manufactured, and after Horatio Nelson Jackson's successful trans-continental drive across the United States in 1903.

Brass or Edwardian era

T-model Ford car parked outside Geelong Library at its launch in Australia in 1915

Named for the widespread use of brass in the United States, the Brass (or Edwardian) Era lasted from roughly 1905 through to the beginning of World War I in 1914. 1905 was a signal year in the development of the automobile, marking the point when the majority of sales shifted from the hobbyist and enthusiast to the average user.

Within the 15 years that make up this era, the various experimental designs and alternate power systems would be marginalised. Although the modern touring car had been invented earlier, it was not until Panhard et Levassor's Système Panhard was widely licensed and adopted that recognisable and standardised automobiles were created. This system specified front-engined, rear-wheel drive internal combustion engined cars with a sliding gear . Traditional coach-style vehicles were rapidly abandoned, and buckboard runabouts lost favour with the introduction of tonneaus and other less- expensive touring bodies.

Throughout this era, development of automotive technology was rapid, due in part to hundreds of small manufacturers competing to gain the world's attention. Key developments included the electric ignition system (by dynamotor on the Arnold in 1898, though Robert Bosch, 1903, tends to get the credit), independent suspension (actually conceived by Bollée in 1873), and four-wheel brakes (by the Arrol-Johnston Company of Scotland in 1909). Leaf springs were widely used for suspension, though many other systems were still in use, with angle steel taking over from armored wood as the frame material of choice. Transmissions and throttle controls were widely adopted, allowing a variety of cruising speeds, though vehicles generally still had discrete speed settings, rather than the infinitely variable system familiar in cars of later eras. Safety glass also made its debut, patented by John Wood in England in 1905. (It would not become standard equipment until 1926, on a Rickenbacker.)

Between 1907 and 1912 in the United States, the high-wheel motor buggy (resembling the horse buggy of before 1900) was in its heyday, with over seventy-five makers including Holsman (Chicago), IHC (Chicago), and Sears (which sold via catalog); the high-wheeler would be killed by the Model T. In 1912, Hupp (in the U.S., supplied by Hale & Irwin) and BSA (in the UK) pioneered the use of all-steel bodies, joined in 1914 by Dodge (who produced Model T bodies). While it would be another two decades before all-steel bodies would be standard, the change would mean improved supplies of superior-quality wood for furniture makers.

Some examples of cars of the period included

• 1908–1927 Ford Model T — the most widely produced and available car of the era. It used a planetary transmission, and had a pedal-based control system. • 1910 Mercer Raceabout — regarded as one of the first sports cars, the Raceabout expressed the exuberance of the driving public, as did the similarly-conceived American Underslung and Hispano-Suiza Alphonso. • 1910–1920 Bugatti Type 13 — a notable racing and touring model with advanced engineering and design. Similar models were the Types 15, 17, 22, and 23.

Vintage era

1926 Austin 7 Box saloon

Lineup of Ford Model As

The vintage era lasted from the end of World War I (1919), through the Wall Street Crash at the end of 1929. During this period, the front-engined car came to dominate, with closed bodies and standardised controls becoming the norm. In 1919, 90% of cars sold were open; by 1929, 90% were closed. Development of the internal combustion engine continued at a rapid pace, with multi-valve and overhead engines produced at the high end, and V8, V12, and even V16 engines conceived for the ultra- rich. Also in 1919, hydraulic brakes were invented by Malcolm Loughead (co-founder of Lockheed); they were adopted by Duesenberg for their 1921 Model A. Three years later, Hermann Rieseler of Vulcan Motor invented the first automatic transmission, which had two-speed planetary gearbox, torque converter, and lockup ; it never entered production.(Its like would only become an available option in 1940.) Just at the end of the vintage era, tempered glass (now standard equipment in side windows) was invented in France. Exemplary vintage vehicles:

• 1922–1939 Austin 7 — the Austin Seven was one of the most widely copied vehicles ever, serving as a template for cars around the world, from BMW to Nissan. • 1924–1929 Bugatti Type 35 — the Type 35 was one of the most successful racing cars of all time, with over 1,000 victories in five years. • 1922–1931 Lancia Lambda — very advanced car for the time, first car to feature a load-bearing monocoque-type body and independent front suspension. • 1925–1928 Hanomag 2 / 10 PS — early example of envelope styling, without separate fenders (wings) and running boards. • 1927–1931 Ford Model A (1927-1931) — after keeping the brass era Model T in production for too long, Ford broke from the past by restarting its model series with the 1927 Model A. More than 4 million were produced, making it the best- selling model of the era. • 1930 Cadillac V-16 — developed at the height of the vintage era, the V16- powered Cadillac would join Bugatti's Royale as the most legendary ultra-luxury cars of the era.

Pre-WWII era

Citroën Traction Avant

The pre-war part of the classic era began with the Great Depression in 1930, and ended with the recovery after World War II, commonly placed at 1948. It was in this period that integrated fenders and fully-closed bodies began to dominate sales, with the new saloon/sedan body style even incorporating a trunk or boot at the rear for storage. The old open-top runabouts, phaetons, and touring cars were phased out by the end of the classic era as wings, running boards, and headlights were gradually integrated with the body of the car.

By the 1930s, most of the mechanical technology used in today's automobiles had been invented, although some things were later "re-invented", and credited to someone else. For example, front-wheel drive was re-introduced by André Citroën with the launch of the Traction Avant in 1934, though it had appeared several years earlier in road cars made by Alvis and Cord, and in racing cars by Miller (and may have appeared as early as 1897). In the same vein, independent suspension was originally conceived by Amédée Bollée in 1873, but not put in production until appearing on the low-volume Mercedes- Benz 380 in 1933, which prodded American makers to use it more widely. In 1930, the number of auto manufacturers declined sharply as the industry consolidated and matured, thanks in part to the effects of the Great Depression.

Exemplary pre-war automobiles:

• 1932–1939 Alvis Speed 20 and Speed 25 — the first cars with all-synchromesh gearbox. • 1932–1948 Ford V-8 — introduction of the powerful flathead V8 in mainstream vehicles, setting new performance and efficiency standards. • 1934–1940 Bugatti Type 57 — a singular refined automobile for the wealthy. • 1934–1956 Citroën Traction Avant — the first mass-produced front-wheel drive car, built with monocoque chassis. • 1936–1955 MG T series — sports cars with youth appeal at an affordable price. • 1938–2003 Volkswagen Beetle — a design for efficiency and low price, which progressed over 60 years with minimal basic change. • 1936–1939 Rolls-Royce Phantom III — V12 engined pinnacle of pre-war engineering, with technological advances not seen in most other manufacturers until the 1960s. Superior performance and quality.

Post-war era

1953 Morris Minor Series II

Jaguar E-type coupe 1985 Mini

Automobile design finally emerged from the shadow of World War II in 1949, the year that in the United States saw the introduction of high-compression V8 engines and modern bodies from General Motors' Oldsmobile and Cadillac brands. The unibody/strut-suspended 1951 Ford Consul joined the 1948 Morris Minor and 1949 Rover P4 in waking up the automobile market in the United Kingdom. In Italy, Enzo Ferrari was beginning his 250 series, just as Lancia introduced the revolutionary V6- powered Aurelia.

Throughout the 1950s, engine power and vehicle speeds rose, designs became more integrated and artful, and cars spread across the world. Alec Issigonis' Mini and Fiat's 500 diminutive cars swept Europe, while the similar kei car class put Japan on wheels for the first time. The legendary Volkswagen Beetle survived Hitler's Germany to shake up the small-car market in the Americas. Ultra luxury, exemplified in America by the Cadillac Eldorado Brougham, reappeared after a long absence, and grand tourers (GT), like the Ferrari Americas, swept across Europe.

The market changed somewhat in the 1960s, as Detroit began to worry about foreign competition, the European makers adopted ever-higher technology, and Japan appeared as a serious car-producing nation. General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford tried radical small cars, like the GM A-bodies, but had little success. Captive imports and badge engineering swept through the US and UK as amalgamated groups like the British Motor Corporation consolidated the market. BMC's revolutionary space-saving Mini, which first appeared in 1959, captured large sales worldwide. Minis were marketed under the Austin and Morris names, until Mini became a marque in its own right in 1969. The trend for corporate consolidation reached Italy as niche makers like Maserati, Ferrari, and Lancia were acquired by larger companies. By the end of the decade, the number of automobile marques had been greatly reduced.

In America, performance became a prime focus of marketing, exemplified by pony cars and muscle cars. In 1964 the popular Ford Mustang appeared. In 1967, Chevrolet released the Camaro to compete with the Mustang. But everything changed in the 1970s as the 1973 oil crisis, automobile emissions control rules, Japanese and European imports, and stagnant innovation wreaked havoc on the American industry. Though somewhat ironically, full-size sedans staged a major comeback in the years between the energy crisis, with makes such as Cadillac and Lincoln staging their best sales years ever in the late 70s. Small performance cars from BMW, Toyota, and Nissan took the place of big-engined cars from America and Italy.

On the technology front, the biggest developments of the era were the widespread use of independent suspensions, wider application of fuel injection, and an increasing focus on safety in the design of automobiles. The hottest technologies of the 1960s were NSU's "Wankel engine", the gas turbine, and the turbocharger. Of these, only the last, pioneered by General Motors but popularised by BMW and Saab, was to see widespread use. Mazda had much success with its "Rotary" engine which, however, acquired a reputation as a polluting gas-guzzler. Other Wankel licensees, including Mercedes-Benz and General Motors, never put their designs into production after the 1973 oil crisis. (Mazda's hydrogen-fuelled successor was later to demonstrate potential as an "ultimate eco-car".) Rover and Chrysler both produced experimental gas turbine cars to no effect.

A so-called yank tank in Havana, Cuba

Cuba is famous for retaining its pre-1959 cars, known as yank tanks or maquinas, which have been kept since the Cuban revolution when the influx of new cars slowed because of a US trade embargo.

Exemplary post-war cars:

• 1948–1971 Morris Minor — a popular, and typical post-war car exported around the world. • 1959–2000 Mini — this quintessential small car lasted for four decades, and is one of the most famous cars of all time. • 1961–1975 Jaguar E-type — the E-type saved Jaguar on the track and in the showroom, and was a standard for design and innovation in the 1960s. • 1964–present Ford Mustang — the pony car that became one of the best-selling and most-collected cars of the era. • 1969 Datsun 240Z — one of the first Japanese sports cars to be a smash hit with the North American public, it paved the way for future decades of Japanese strength in the automotive industry. It was affordable, well built, and had great success both on the track and in the showroom. Modern era

The wedge profile of the 1967 NSU Ro 80 was often copied in subsequent decades

The modern era is normally defined as the 25 years preceding the current year. However, there are some technical and design aspects that differentiate modern cars from antiques. Without considering the future of the car, the modern era has been one of increasing standardisation, platform sharing, and computer-aided design.

Some particularly notable advances in modern times are the widespread of front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive, the adoption of the diesel engine, and the ubiquity of fuel injection. While all of these advances were first attempted in earlier eras, they so dominate the market today that it is easy to overlook their significance. Nearly all modern passenger cars are front-wheel drive monocoque/unibody designs, with transversely-mounted engines, but this design was considered radical as late as the 1960s.

Body styles have changed as well in the modern era. Three types, the hatchback, minivan, and sport utility vehicle, dominate today's market,[citation needed] yet are relatively recent concepts. All originally emphasised practicality, but have mutated into today's high-powered luxury crossover SUV and sports wagon. The rise of pickup trucks in the United States, and SUVs worldwide has changed the face of motoring, with these "trucks" coming to command more than half of the world automobile market.

The modern era has also seen rapidly rising fuel efficiency and engine output. Once the automobile emissions concerns of the 1970s were conquered with computerised engine management systems, power began to rise rapidly. In the 1980s, a powerful sports car might have produced 200 horsepower (150 kW) – just 20 years later, average passenger cars have engines that powerful, and some performance models offer three times as much power. Exemplary modern cars:

• 1966–present Toyota Corolla — a simple small Japanese saloon/sedan that has come to be the best-selling car of all time. • 1967 NSU Ro 80 — the basic wedge profile of this design was much emulated in subsequent decades.[26] • 1970–present Range Rover — the first take on the combination of luxury and four-wheel drive utility, the original 'SUV'. Such was the popularity of the original Range Rover Classic that a new model was not brought out until 1994.[27] • 1973–present Mercedes-Benz S-Class — electronic Anti-lock Braking System, supplemental restraint airbags, seat belt pretensioners, and electronic traction control systems all made their debut on the S-Class. These features would later become standard throughout the car industry. • 1975–present BMW 3 Series — the 3 Series has been on Car and Driver magazine's annual Ten Best list 17 times, making it the longest running entry in the list. • 1977–present Honda Accord saloon/sedan — this Japanese sedan became the most popular car in the United States in the 1990s, pushing the Ford Taurus aside, and setting the stage for today's upscale Asian sedans. • 1981–1989 Dodge Aries and Plymouth Reliant — the "K-cars" that saved Chrysler as a major manufacturer. These models were some of the first successful American front-wheel drive, fuel-efficient compact cars. • 1983–present Chrysler minivans — the two-box minivan design nearly pushed the station wagon out of the market, and presaged today's crossover SUVs. • 1986–present Ford Taurus — this mid-sized front-wheel drive sedan with modern computer-assisted design dominated the American market in the late 1980s, and created a design revolution in North America. INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY

Mercedes-Benz is a German manufacturer of luxury automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks. It is currently a division of the parent company, Daimler AG (formerly DaimlerChrysler AG), after previously being owned by Daimler-Benz. Mercedes-Benz has its origins in Karl Benz's creation of the first petrol-powered car, the Benz Patent Motorwagen, patented in January 1886, and by Gottlieb Daimler and engineer Wilhelm Maybach's conversion of a stagecoach by the addition of a petrol engine later that year. The Mercedes automobile was first marketed in 1901 by Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft. The first Mercedes-Benz brand name vehicles were produced in 1926, following the merger of Karl Benz's and Gottlieb Daimler's companies into the Daimler-Benz company. Mercedes-Benz has introduced many technological and safety innovations that have become common in other vehicles several years later. Mercedes-Benz is one of the most well-known and established automotive brands in the world, and is also the world's oldest automotive brand still in existence today. History

Business alliances


In 1958, Mercedes-Benz entered into a distribution agreement with the Studebaker- Packard Corporation of South Bend, Indiana (USA), makers of Studebaker and Packard brand automobiles. Under the deal, Studebaker would allow Mercedes-Benz access to its dealer network in the U.S., handle shipments of vehicles to the dealers, and in return, receive compensation for each car sold. Studebaker also was permitted to use the German automaker's name in its advertisements, which stressed Studebaker's quality over quantity.

When Studebaker entered into informal discussions with Franco-American automaker Facel Vega about offering Facel Vega Excellence model in the United States, Mercedes- Benz objected to the proposal. Studebaker, which needed Mercedes-Benz distribution payments to help stem heavy losses, dropped further action on the plan.

Mercedes-Benz maintained an office within the Studebaker works in South Bend from 1958 to 1963, when Studebaker's U.S. operations ceased. Many U.S Studebaker dealers converted to Mercedes-Benz dealerships at that time. When Studebaker closed its Canadian operation and left the automobile business in 1966, remaining Studebaker dealers had the option to convert their dealerships to Mercedes-Benz dealership agreements. Subsidiaries

Mercedes-Benz AMG became a majority owned division of Mercedes-Benz in 1998. The company was integrated into DaimlerChrysler in 1999, and became Mercedes-Benz AMG beginning on 1 January 1999.

Quality rankings

Since its inception, Mercedes-Benz had maintained a reputation for its quality and durability. Objective measures looking at passenger vehicles - such as J.D. Power surveys, demonstrated a downturn in reputation in this criteria in the late 1990s and early 2000s. By mid-2005, Mercedes temporarily returned to the industry average for initial quality, a measure of problems after the first 90 days of ownership, according to J.D. Power. In J.D. Power's Initial Quality Study for the first quarter of 2007, Mercedes showed dramatic improvement by climbing from 25th to 5th place, surpassing quality leader Toyota, and earning several awards for its models. For 2008, Mercedes-Benz's initial quality rating improved by yet another mark, now in fourth place. On top of this accolade, it also received the Platinum Plant Quality Award for its Mercedes’ Sindelfingen, Germany assembly plant. As of 2009, Consumer Reports of the United States has changed their reliability ratings for several Mercedes-Benz vehicles to "average", and are recommending the E-Class and the S-Class.

Corporate average fuel economy

In the United States, Mercedes-Benz was assessed a record US$30.66 million for their decision to not meet the federal corporate average fuel economy standard in 2009. Certain Mercedes-Benz cars including the S550, and all AMG models sold in the United States also face an additional gas guzzler tax.

In 2008, Mercedes had the worst CO2 average of all major European manufacturers, ranking 14th out of 14 manufacturers. Mercedes was also the worst manufacturer in 2007 and 2006 in terms of average CO2 levels, with 181 g and 188 g of CO2 emitted per km, respectively. Production

Besides its native Germany, Mercedes-Benz vehicles are also manufactured or assembled in:

• Argentina (buses, trucks and the Sprinter van. The first Mercedes-Benz factory outside of Germany) • Austria (G-Class) • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Brazil (buses, trucks, C-class passenger cars (export only), established in 1956) • Canada • Egypt: Egyptian German Automotive Company • Ghana (buses, trucks, taxis) • Hungary (construction of a new plant in the country announced on 18 June 2008, for the next generation A- and B-Class) • India • Indonesia • Iran • Malaysia • Mexico • Nigeria (buses, trucks, utility motors and the van Sprinter) • Spain (Irun) • South Africa • South Korea (Mercedes-Benz Musso and MB100 models manufactured by SsangYong Motor Company) • Thailand (assembly of C, E and S class vehicles by the Thonburi Group) • Turkey • United Kingdom (The SLR sports car is built at the McLaren Technology Centre in Woking).Brackley, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom Mercedes Grand Prix Factory • USA The Mercedes-Benz M-Class Sport Utility, the R-Class Sport Tourer, and the full-sized GL-Class Luxury Sport Utility Vehicle are all built at the Mercedes- Benz production facility near Tuscaloosa, Alabama. • Vietnam Models

Current model range

Mercedes-Benz has a full range of passenger, light commercial and heavy commercial equipment. Production is on a global basis. The Smart marque of city cars has also been part of the Mercedes-Benz Group since 1994.

Passenger cars

Pope Benedict XVI in a Mercedes-Benz Popemobile in São Paulo, Brazil

The following passenger vehicles were in production in 2009:

• A-Class - subcompact • B-Class - people carrier • C-Class - sedan (saloon), sports coupé (CLC), and estate • CL-Class - coupé • CLS-Class - 4 door coupe • E-Class - sedan (saloon), coupé, convertible, and estate • G-Class - 4WD cross-country vehicle • GL-Class - SUV • GLK-Class - SUV • M-Class - SUV • R-Class - crossover minivan • S-Class - sedan (saloon) • SL-Class - roadster • SLK-Class - roadster • SLR - hardtop supercar


Mercedes-Benz is one of the world's largest manufacturers of trucks. Buses and vans

Mercedes-Benz Vario

Mercedes-Benz also produces buses, mainly for Europe and Asia. Mercedes-Benz produces a range of vans. The first factory to be built outside Germany after WWII was in Argentina. It originally built trucks, many of which were modified independently to buses, popularly named Colectivo. Today, it builds buses, trucks and the Sprinter van.

Significant models produced

• 1928: SSK racing car • 1930: 770 "Grosser Mercedes" state and ceremonial car • 1934: 500 K • 1936: 260 D World's first diesel production car • 1936: 170 • 1938: W195 Speed Record-breaker • 1951: Mercedes-Benz 300, knownly as "Adenauer Mercedes" • 1953: "Ponton" models • 1954: 300SL "Gullwing" • 1959: "Fintail" models • 1960: 220SE Cabriolet • 1963: 600 "Grand Mercedes" • 1963: 230SL "Pagoda" • 1965: Mercedes-Benz S-Class • 1966: 300SEL 6.3 • 1968: W114 "new generation" compact cars • 1969: C111 experimental vehicle • 1972: Mercedes-Benz W107 350SL • 1974: 450SEL 6.9 • 1974: 240D • 1976: 300D • 1979: 500SEL and G-Class • 1983: 190E 2.3-16 • 1986: First 'E-Class' • 1991: 600SEL • 1993: First 'C-Class' • 1995: First 'Joint Mercedes-Benz & AMG' (C43 AMG) • 1995: Mercedes-Benz SL73 AMG, 7.3 V12 (biggest engine ever put in a Mercedes-Benz) • 1996: Mercedes-Benz Renntech E7.4RS • 1996: Mercedes-Benz CLK • 1997: Mercedes-Benz SLK • 1997: Mercedes-Benz M-Class • 2004: Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren • 2004: Mercedes-Benz CLS • 2007: E320, GL320 Bluetec, ML320 Bluetec, R320 Bluetec • 2010: Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG

McLaren cars

A silver SLR McLaren on display at the 2006 European Motor Show in Brussels

Mercedes-Benz has also produced a limited-production sports car with McLaren Cars, an extension of the collaboration by which Mercedes engines are used by the Team McLaren-Mercedes Formula One racing team, which is part owned by Mercedes. The 2003 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren has a carbon fibre body with a 5.4 litre V8 supercharged engine. This is the same cylinder block as featured in SL55 AMG and the CLS55 AMG, though modified to give 460 kilowatts (625 PS; 617 bhp) and 780 newton metres (575 ft·lbf) of torque. The SLR has a maximum speed of 337 kilometres per hour (209.4 mph) and costs approximately US$500,000. Due to European pedestrian- protection regulations, McLaren decided to cease production of the SLR in 2009.

Car nomenclature

In 1994 (starting with the 1994 models), the traditional nomenclature of Mercedes-Benz vehicles changed. Since the early days of the company, the name would be in the form of (for example) 500E where the engine displacement made up the first three numbers and the last letter(s) represented the type of engine and/or chassis; for example: E for fuel injection (German: Einspritzung), D for Diesel, L for long-, etcetera.

In 1994, this was altered so that the prefix reflected the model or Class, German: Klasse, in Mercedes-Benz terminology, and a number for the engine displacement. The suffix was retained in some cases, for example L for long wheelbase, and CDI for Diesel (CDI = Common-rail Direct Injection). Thus, the 500E in the example above became the E500 ("E-Klasse", 5 litres displacement). It should also be noted that while in the past the model number generally accurately reflected the actual engine displacement, this is currently not always the case — for example the E200 CDI and E220 CDI actually both have a 2.2 litre displacement, and the C240 actually has a 2.6 litre engine.

Electric vehicles

At the 2007 Frankfurt motor show, Mercedes-Benz showed seven hybrid models, including the F700 concept car - which combined hybrid drive with the innovative DiesOtto engine. On the other hand, Mercedes-Benz says it will have a demonstration fleet of practical, if small, electric vehicles on the road in two to three years, from 2008. Mercedes-Benz S 400 BlueHYBRID[ will be launched in 2009, and will be the first production automotive hybrid in the world to use a lithium-ion battery. In 2009, the S400 hybrid saloon is scheduled to go on sale.

Mercedes-Benz BlueZERO cars were introduced in the 2009 North American International Auto Show. Mercedes has showed in 2009 the Vision S500 PHEV petrol concept vehicle with a 19 miles (31 km) all-electric range and CO2 emissions of 74 grams/km in the New European Driving Cycle.[38]

Mercedes-Benz and Smart are preparing for the widespread uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) in the UK by beginning the installation of recharging points across their dealer networks. So far 20 Elektrobay recharging units, produced in the UK by Brighton-based Elektromotive, have been installed at seven locations as part of a pilot project, and further expansion of the initiative is planned later 2010.


Mercedes-Benz Accessories GmbH introduced 3 new bicycles in 2005, named Automatic Bike from upwards of USD$2699, Fitness Bike from upwards of USD$3999, Mountain Bike from upwards of USD$5399 (As were the Retail Prices recorded from immediate release date). The bikes are sold in Australia, Germany, and Russia.

List of bicycles:

• Mercedes-Benz Automatic Bike • Mercedes-Benz Carbon Bike • Mercedes-Benz Fitness Bike • Mercedes-Benz Hybrid Bike • Mercedes-Benz Mountain Bike • Mercedes-Benz Street Bike Motorsport

The two companies which were merged to form the Mercedes-Benz brand in 1926 had both already enjoyed success in the new sport of A DMG Mercedes Simplex 1906 in the Deutsches motor racing throughout their Museum separate histories - both had entries in the very first automobile race Paris to Rouen 1894. This has continued, and throughout its long history, the company has been involved in a range of motorsport activities, including sports car racing and rallying. On several occasions Mercedes-Benz has withdrawn completely from motorsport for a significant period, notably in the late 1930s, and after 1957 Mercedes-Benz 300Sc Cabriolet the 1955 Le Mans disaster, where a Mercedes-Benz 300SLR collided with another car and killed more than 80 spectators. Although there was some activity in the intervening years, it was not until 1987 that Mercedes-Benz returned to front line competition, returning to Le Mans, Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft (DTM), and Formula One with Sauber.

The 1990s saw Mercedes-Benz 1959 Mercedes-Benz W120 Model 180 purchase British engine builder Ilmor (now Mercedes-Benz High Performance Engines), and campaign IndyCars under the USAC/CART rules, eventually winning the 1994 Indianapolis 500 and 1994 CART IndyCar World Series Championship with Al Unser, Jr. at the wheel. The 1990s also saw the return of Mercedes-Benz to GT racing, and the Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR, both of which took the company to new heights by dominating the FIA's GT1 class.

Mercedes-Benz is currently active in three forms of motorsport, Formula Three, DTM and Formula One. Formula 1

Mercedes-Benz took part in the world championship in 1954 and 1955, but despite being successful with two championship titles for Juan-Manuel Fangio, the company left the sport after just two seasons.

Mercedes-Benz returned as an engine supplier in the 1990s and part-owned Team McLaren for some years, to which it has supplied engines engineered by Ilmor[43] since 1995. This partnership brought success, including drivers championships for Mika Häkkinen in 1998 and 1999, and for Lewis Hamilton in 2008, as well as a constructors championship in 1998. The collaboration with McLaren has been extended into the production of roadgoing cars such as the Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.

In 2007 McLaren and Mercedes was fined a record $100 Million for stealing confidential Ferrari technical data.

In 2009, Ross Brawn's newly conceived Formula One team, Brawn GP used Mercedes engines to help win the constructor's championship, and Jenson Button to become champion in the F1 drivers' championship. At the end of the season, Mercedes-Benz sold back its 40% stake in McLaren to the McLaren Group and bought 70% of the Brawn GP team jointly with an Abu Dubai based investment consortium. Brawn GP was renamed Mercedes GP for the 2010 season and is, from this season on, a works team for Mercedes-Benz. Tuners

Several companies have become car tuners (or modifiers) of Mercedes Benz, in order to increase performance and/or luxury to a given model.

In house

AMG is Mercedes-Benz's in-house performance-tuning division, specialising in high- performance versions of most Mercedes-Benz cars. AMG engines are all hand-built,and each completed engine receives a tag with the signature of the engineer who built it. AMG has been wholly owned by Mercedes-Benz since 1999.[46] On the 2009 IAA in Frankfurt, Germany, Mercedes officially introduced the SLS AMG, a revival of the 300SL Gullwing, and the first car to be developed by AMG.

Aftermarket tuners

There are numerous independent tuners: • Brabus • Carlsson • Kicherer • Kleemann • Lorinser • Renntech • MKB • Fluid MotorUnion Noted employees

• Béla Barényi - car safety pioneer and original designer of the Volkswagen Beetle concept • Nicholas Dreystadt - Cadillac manager • Juan Manuel Fangio - considered by many to be the best F1 driver in history [48] • Wilhelm Maybach - automotive pioneer • Stirling Moss - F1 driver • Ferdinand Piëch - Volkswagen and Porsche manager • Ferdinand Porsche - founder of Porsche • Rudolf Uhlenhaut - designer of the Mercedes-Benz 300SL • Bruno Sacco - automotive designer • Mika Hakkinen - F1 driver, World Champion 1998-1999 • Lewis Hamilton - F1 driver, World Champion 2008 • Jenson Button - F1 driver World Champion 2009 • Michael Schumacher - F1 driver world champion (with other teams) 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 • Adolf Eichmann - Nazi Criminal (worked in Argentine division after WWII)


Numerous technological innovations have been introduced on Mercedes-Benz automobiles throughout the many years of their production, including:

• The internal combustion engined automobile was developed independently by Benz and Daimler & Maybach in 1886 • Daimler invented the honeycomb radiator of the type still used on all water- cooled vehicles today • Daimler invented the float carburetor which was used until replaced by fuel injection • The "drop chassis" - the car originally designated the "Mercedes" by Daimler was also the first car with a modern configuration, having the carriage lowered and set between the front and rear wheels, with a front engine and powered rear wheels. All earlier cars were "horseless carriages", which had high centres of gravity and various engine/drive-train configurations • The first passenger road car to have brakes on all four wheels (1924) • The "safety cage" or "safety cell" construction with front and rear crumple zones was first developed by Mercedes-Benz in 1951. This is considered by many as the most important innovation in automobile construction from a safety standpoint. • In 1959, Mercedes-Benz patented a device that prevents drive wheels from spinning by intervening at the engine, transmission, or brakes. In 1987, Mercedes- Benz applied its patent by introducing a traction control system that worked under both braking and acceleration • Traction control and airbags in the European market, were Mercedes-Benz innovations. These technologies were introduced in 1986, and 1980 respectively • Mercedes-Benz was the first to introduce pre-tensioners to seat belts on the 1981 S-Class. In the event of a crash, a pre-tensioner will tighten the belt instantaneously, removing any 'slack' in the belt, which prevents the occupant from jerking forward in a crash. • In September 2003, Mercedes-Benz introduced the world's first seven-speed automatic transmission called '7G-Tronic' • Electronic Stability Programme (ESP), brake assist, and many other types of safety equipment were all developed, tested, and implemented into passenger cars —first—by Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes-Benz has not made a large fuss about its innovations, and has even licensed them for use by competitors — in the name of improving automobile and passenger safety. As a result, crumple zones and anti- lock brakes (ABS) are now standard on all modern vehicles.

Mercedes M156 engine

• The most powerful naturally aspirated eight cylinder engine in the world is the Mercedes-AMG, 6208 cc M156 V8 engine. The V8 engine is badged '63 AMG', and replaced the '55 AMG' M113 engine in most models. The M156 engine produces up to 391 kW (532 PS; 524 bhp), and although some models using this engine do have this output (such as the S63 and CL63 AMGs), specific output varies slightly across other models in the range. • The (W211) E320 CDI which has a variable geometry turbocharger (VTG) 3.0 litre V6 common rail diesel engine (producing 224-horsepower), set three world endurance records. It covered 100,000 miles (160,000 km) in a record time, with an average speed of 224.823 kilometers per hour (139.70 mph). Three identical cars did the endurance run (one set above record) and the other two cars set world records for time taken to cover 100,000 kilometers (62,137 mi) and 50,000 miles (80,000 km) respectively. After all three cars had completed the run, their combined distance was 300,000 miles (480,000 km) (all records were FIA approved). • Mercedes-Benz pioneered a system called Pre-Safe to detect an imminent crash - and prepares the car's safety systems to respond optimally. It also calculates the optimal braking force required to avoid an accident in emergency situations, and makes it immediately available for when the driver depresses the brake pedal. Occupants are also prepared by tightening the seat belt, closing the sunroof and windows, and moving the seats into the optimal position.

Half a century of vehicle safety innovation helped win Mercedes-Benz the Safety Award at the 2007 What Car? Awards

Robot cars

In the 1980s, Mercedes built the world's first robot car, together with the team of Professor Ernst Dickmanns at Bundeswehr Universität München. Partially encouraged by Dickmanns' success, in 1987 the European Union's EUREKA programme initiated the Prometheus Project on autonomous vehicles, funded to the tune of nearly 800 million Euros. A culmination point was achieved in 1995, when Dickmanns' re-engineered autonomous S-Class Mercedes took a long trip from Munich in Bavaria to Copenhagen in Denmark, and back. On highways, the robot achieved speeds exceeding 175 kilometres per hour (109 mph) (permissible in some areas of the German Autobahn). The car's abilities has heavily influenced robot car research and funding decisions worldwide.


Year Milestones

November 1994 Mercedes-Benz India is set up as a joint venture between Daimler-Benz and Telco for production and sales of Mercedes-Benz passenger vehicles.

March 1995 Mercedes-Benz E -Class (W 124) launched in India being one of the most successful models worldwide.

September 1996 Mercedes-Benz India commences setting up its dealer network in India. March 1997 First Mercedes-Benz Authorised Dealership is inaugurated.

August 1997 First Mercedes-Benz Authorised Service Station is inaugurated.

January 1998 Mercedes-Benz E -Class (W 210) with twin eyes launched with E 200 and E 230 Petrol versions and E 250 Diesel version.

June 1999 Mercedes-Benz India Ltd. is awarded Top Exporter Award from Pune by Joint Director of Foreign Trade, Pune and the Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the year1997-98.

July 1999 Mercedes-Benz India is awarded Regional Highest Exporters' Trophy in Motor Vehicle Category by Engineering Export Promotion Council for the year 1997-98.

January 2000 Mercedes-Benz E -Class (W 210) Top-of-the-line E 240 Petrol version and the new E 220 CDI Diesel version launched in India.

May 2000 Mercedes-Benz India bags the Quality Award for the Year 1999 for 'Best Mercedes-Benz Production Plant' outside Germany for the 2nd consecutive year.

September 2000 Mercedes-Benz S -Class - S320 L automatic, the 'Mercedes-Benz among the Mercedes-Benzes' launched.

February 2001 Mercedes-Benz India successfully implements the 'Mercedes-Benz Production System'.

April 2001 Mercedes-Benz C -Class - C 180 Petrol version and C 200 CDI Diesel version, 'Technological trailblazers' in its segment launched in India.

June 2001 Mercedes-Benz India bags the Quality Award for 'Best Mercedes-Benz Production Plant' Outside Germany for the 3rd consecutive year.

August 2001 Mercedes-Benz India announces its CBU Programme to serve discerning customers in niche segment.

September 2001 Mercedes-Benz India becomes a 100% subsidiary of DaimlerChrysler AG.

November 2001 The name of the company is rechristened DaimlerChrysler India Private Limited.

January 2002 The new Mercedes C-200 CDI awarded the prestigious Automotive Technology of the Year by India's leading auto magazine, Overdrive magazine and Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers.

February 2002 The new Mercedes C-200 CDI awarded the coveted Most Technologically Advanced Car of the Year' by India's leading auto magazine, AutoCar and business TV channel, CNBC TV.

March 2002 DaimlerChrysler India launches a wide choice of imported Mercedes cars e.g. M-Class, CLK-Class, SLK-Class and C-Class Sports Coupe for discerning customers in the niche segment.

April 2002 DaimlerChrysler India announces first of its kind comprehensive one year 'DaimlerChrysler India Mechatronics Programme'.

May 2002 DaimlerChrysler India celebrates the successful 1st anniversary of over 1000 proud owners of the Mercedes C- Class.

September 2002 DaimlerChrysler India factory is awarded top 5-stars rating for Safety, Health and Environment. October 2002 The new Mercedes-Benz E -Class - E 240 Petrol version which 'points the way to the automotive future' launched in India.

January 2003 The new Mercedes E-240 wins the coveted 'Autotech Product of the Year' from Overdrive magazine & SIAM.

February 2003 The new Mercedes E-240 wins the coveted Best Driver's Car of the Year and Most Technologically Advanced Car of the Year awards by AutoCar Magazine & CNBC TV.

March 2003 The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class, E-220 Diesel version introduced successfully in the Indian market.

March 2003 The new E-Class - E 220 The new S-Class, S-350 L petrol version introduced successfully in the Indian market.

April 2003 The 10000th Mercedes-Benz vehicle rolls off the DaimlerChrysler India production plant.

June 2003 DaimlerChrysler India strengthens and expands its dealer network of 15 Mercedes-Benz Showrooms; 18 Mercedes-Benz Service Workshops and 7 additional Mercedes-Benz Service Centres across India.

July 2003 The new C-Class, C-200 Kompressor with the new four cylinder super-charged petrol engine for superb performance successfully introduced.

August 2003 DaimlerChrysler India launches the Bio-diesel project in India in collaboration with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India and Hohenheim University, Germany.

January 2004 DaimlerChrysler India showcases its 'Technological and Innovational Leadership Worldwide' at the 7th Auto Expo, New Delhi.

January 2004 DaimlerChrysler India launches the Maybach-'A New Standard in the High-end Luxury Class' at the 7th Auto Expo, New Delhi.

January 2004 The new Mercedes-Benz C-220 CDI -Technological Trailblazer in its market segment launched at the 7th Auto Expo, New Delhi.

January 2004 The new Mercedes SL-Class wins the coveted 'Most Technologically Advanced Car of the Year' award and the 'Best Designed Car of the Year' awards from AutoCar Magazine and CNBC TV.

February 2004 The new Mercedes E-Class, E-200 Kompressor that 'Points the way to the Automotive Future' introduced in India.

March 2004 Mercedes-Benz India bags the Quality Award for the fourth time for 'Best Mercedes-Benz Production Plant' outside Germany and within the Group.

May 2004 Mercedes-Benz C-Class is successfully tested with bio-diesel fuel across India as part of the project with CSIR and Hohenheim University.

May 2004 The new Mercedes-Benz E-Class, E 270 CDI diesel variant launched in India.

July 2004 The new-look Mercedes-Benz C-Class, 'Technological Trailblazer in its segment' introduced in India.

August 2004 DaimlerChrysler India strengthens and expands its dealer network of 15 Mercedes-Benz Showrooms; 18 Mercedes-Benz Service Workshops and 10 additional Mercedes-Benz Service Centers.

October 2004 DaimlerChrysler India receives the prestigious award for outstanding contribution towards the promotion of Indo- German Economic Relations from the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce. November 2004 DaimlerChrysler India celebrates 10th anniversary in India. Technology Workshop featuring the F500 mind presented for DC India employees and the media.

March 2005 DaimlerChrysler announces Star Extend a new retail finance initiative developed in conjunction with ICICI bank.

April 2005 DaimlerChrysler India becomes first automobile manufacturer in India to have completed ISO 9001 : 2000 certification. It also becomes the first market within the DaimlerChrysler group in Asia to receive this certification.

August 2005 DaimlerChrysler India announces successful completion of Phase-1 of Jatropha Biodiesel Project. This included all-India trials as also Himalayan expedition on Biodiesel cars across Khardung La, the highest motorable road in the world.

October 2005 Jatropha Biodiesel project and DC India project team is nominated for DaimlerChrysler Environmental Leadership Awards for extraordinary contribution to sustainable development and mobility.

October 2005 DaimlerChrysler completes phase-1 of its road safety program for children: Mercedes-Benz Mobile Kids. The project has already reached 1000 children from 3 Pune schools and is expected to reach many more children from Pune and across other cities.

November 2005 Jatropha Biodiesel project bags the prestigious Environmental Leadership Awards from DaimlerChrysler AG for Extraordinary efforts for the environment / extraordinary environmental responsibility.

January 2006 DaimlerChrysler introduced new engines in the E-Class: the E 280 and the E 280CDI.

February 2006 DaimlerChrysler introduced the new S-Class and the new M-Class. The S-Class debut was parallel to the US market introduction and highlights the commitment to offer most recent products to Indian customers in the least possible time.

August 2007 DaimlerChrysler India and ICICI bank launch 'Star Choice', a retail finance scheme for Mercedes-Benz cars.

November 2007 DaimlerChrysler India successfully completes Mercedes-Benz: The India Trail- a pan-India drive with complete portfolio of Mercedes-diesels.

December 2007 DaimlerChrysler India hosted the world finals of Mondialogo Engineering Awards- an initiative that promotes intercultural dialogue and understanding.


MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - C 200 Kompressor Automatic Brakes Front Ventilated Discs Rear Self Adjusting Drums

Dimension & weight Front Track 1541 mm Fuel Tank Capacity 66 ltr Gross Vehicle Weight 1990 kg Ground Clearance - Kerb Weight 1505 kg Overall Height 1447 mm Overall Length 4596 mm Overall Width 1770 mm Rear Track 1544 mm Wheelbase -

Engine Bore X Stroke 82.0 X 85.0 mm Compression Ratio 8.5:1 Displacement 1796 cc No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 4 Cylinders 4 Valves Type 4 Cylinders Inline

Performance Max. Power 131 kw (178 hp) @ 5600 rpm Max. Torque 240 nm @ 4500 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 10.84 m Type Rack & Pinion power steering, steering damper

Suspension Three-link axle, McPherson struts, anti-dive Front device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabiliser with adaptive damping system Multi-link independent suspension, anti-squat and Rear anti-lift device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabiliser

Transmission Transmission Type 6-speed manual

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 205 / 55 R 16 Wheel Size 7J X 16H2 ET31

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - C 200 Kompressor Manual Brakes Front Ventilated Discs Rear Self Adjusting Drums

Dimension & weight Front Track 1541 mm Fuel Tank Capacity 66 ltr Gross Vehicle Weight 1975 kg Ground Clearance - Kerb Weight 1490 kg Overall Height 1447 mm Overall Length 4596 mm Overall Width 1770 mm Rear Track 1544 mm Wheelbase -

Engine Bore X Stroke 82.0 X 85.0 mm Compression Ratio 8.5:1 Displacement 1796 cc No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 4 Cylinders 4 Valves Type 4 Cylinders Inline

Performance Max. Power 131 kw (178 hp) @ 5600 rpm Max. Torque 240 nm @ 4500 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius . Type Rack & Pinion power steering, steering damper

Suspension Three-link axle, McPherson struts, anti-dive Front device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabilser with adaptive damping system Multi-link independent suspension, anti-squat and Rear anti-lift device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabiliser

Transmission Transmission Type 6-speed manual

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 205 / 55 R 16 Wheel Size 7J X 16H2 ET31

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - C 220 CDI Automatic Brakes Front Ventilated Discs Rear Self Adjusting Drums

Dimension & weight Front Track 1541 mm Fuel Tank Capacity 66 ltr Gross Vehicle Weight 2090 kg Ground Clearance - Kerb Weight 1575 kg Overall Height 1447 mm Overall Length 4596 mm Overall Width 1770 mm Rear Track 1544 mm Wheelbase -

Engine Bore X Stroke 88.0 X 88.3 mm Compression Ratio 16.8:1 Displacement 2148 cc No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 4 Cylinders 4 Valves Type 4 Cylinders Inline

Performance Max. Power 125 kw (171 hp) @ 3700 rpm Max. Torque 410 nm @ 2000 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 10.84 m Type Rack & Pinion power steering, steering damper

Suspension Three-link axle, McPherson struts, anti-dive Front device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabilser with adaptive damping system Multi-link independent suspension, anti-squat and Rear anti-lift device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabiliser

Transmission Transmission Type Automatic

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 205 / 55 R 16 Wheel Size 7J X 16H2 ET31

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - C 220 CDI Manual Brakes Front Ventilated Discs Rear Self Adjusting Drums

Dimension & weight Front Track 1541 mm Fuel Tank Capacity 66 ltr Gross Vehicle Weight 2070 kg Ground Clearance - Kerb Weight 1570 kg Overall Height 1447 mm Overall Length 4596 mm Overall Width 1770 mm Rear Track 1544 mm Wheelbase -

Engine Bore X Stroke 88.0 X 88.3 mm Compression Ratio 16.8:1 Displacement 2148 cc No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 4 Cylinders 4 Valves Type 4 Cylinders Inline

Performance Max. Power 125 kw (171 hp) @ 3700 rpm Max. Torque 410 nm @ 2000 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 10.84 m Type Rack & Pinion power steering, steering damper

Suspension Three-link axle, McPherson struts, anti-dive Front device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabilser with adaptive damping system Multi-link independent suspension, anti-squat and Rear anti-lift device, coil springs, gas-filled dampers, stabiliser

Transmission Transmission Type Automatic

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 205 / 55 R 16 Wheel Size 7J X 16H2 ET31

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - CLS 350 Brakes Sensotronic Brake Control (electro-hydraulic brake), Type 4 brake discs ventilated, front discs perforated, ABS with Brake Assist (BAS)

Dimension & weight Boot space 505 (Litre) Front Track 1593 (mm) Fuel Tank capacity 80 / 10 (Litre) Gross Vehicle Weight 2195 (kg) Ground Clearance 118 (mm) Kerb weight 1730 (kg) Overall Height 1403 (mm) Overall Length 4910 (mm) Overall Width 1873 (mm) Rear track 1603 (mm) Wheelbase 2854 (mm)

Engine Bore x stroke 92.9 x 86.0 (mm) Compression ratio 10.7:1 Displacement 3498 (cc) No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 6 cylinder, In-line, 4 valve per cylinder (24 valve)

Performance Max. Power 200 kW / 272 bhp @ 6000 rpm Max. Torque 350 Nm @ 2400 - 5000 rpm

Steering Type Speed Sensitive Power Steering

Suspension 4-link suspension, Integral support frame, anti-dive Front control. Semi-active air-suspension with ADS II, automatic level control and stabilizer MB-Multi-Link independent rear suspension, anti- Rear squat / anti-lift, Semi- active air-suspension with ADS II, automatic level control and stabilizer

Transmission Fuel Preparation Electronically controlled petrol injection (HFM) Transmission type 7 - speed automatic transmission

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 245 / 45 R 17 wide-base tyres Wheels 8.5 J x 17" light-alloy wheels

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - CLS 500 Brakes Sensotronic Brake Control (electrohydraulic brake), Type 4 brake discs ventilated, front discs perforated, ABS with Brake Assist (BAS)

Dimension & weight Boot space 505 (Litre) Front Track 1515 (mm) Fuel Tank capacity 83 / 10 (Litre) Gross Vehicle Weight 2870 (kg) Ground Clearance 206 (mm) Kerb weight 2170 (kg) Overall Height 1820 (mm) Overall Length 4638 (mm) Overall Width 1873 (mm) Rear track 1515 (mm) Wheelbase 2820 (mm)

Engine Bore x stroke 97 (mm) x 84.0 (mm) Compression ratio 10.0:1 Displacement 4966 (cc) No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 8 cylinder, In-line, 3 valve per cylinder (24 valve)

Performance Max. Power 225 kW / 304 bhp @ 5600 rpm Max. Torque 460 Nm @ 2700 - 4250 rpm

Steering Type Speed Sensitive Power Steering

Suspension 4-link suspension, Integral support anti-dive control. Front Semi-active air-suspension with ADS II, automatic level control and stabilizer MB-Multi-Link independent rear suspension, anti- Rear squat / anti-lift, Semi-active air-suspension with ADS II, automatic level control and stabilizer

Transmission Fuel Preparation Electronically controlled petrol injection (HFM) Transmission type 7 - speed automatic transmission

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 245 / 40 R18 alloy Wheels 8.5 J x 18"

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - CLS 500 Brakes Sensotronic Brake Control (electrohydraulic brake), Type 4 brake discs ventilated, front discs perforated, ABS with Brake Assist (BAS)

Dimension & weight Boot space 505 (Litre) Front Track 1515 (mm) Fuel Tank capacity 83 / 10 (Litre) Gross Vehicle Weight 2870 (kg) Ground Clearance 206 (mm) Kerb weight 2170 (kg) Overall Height 1820 (mm) Overall Length 4638 (mm) Overall Width 1873 (mm) Rear track 1515 (mm) Wheelbase 2820 (mm)

Engine Bore x stroke 97 (mm) x 84.0 (mm) Compression ratio 10.0:1 Displacement 4966 (cc) No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 8 cylinder, In-line, 3 valve per cylinder (24 valve)

Performance Max. Power 225 kW / 304 bhp @ 5600 rpm Max. Torque 460 Nm @ 2700 - 4250 rpm

Steering Type Speed Sensitive Power Steering

Suspension 4-link suspension, Integral support anti-dive control. Front Semi-active air-suspension with ADS II, automatic level control and stabilizer MB-Multi-Link independent rear suspension, anti- Rear squat / anti-lift, Semi-active air-suspension with ADS II, automatic level control and stabilizer

Transmission Fuel Preparation Electronically controlled petrol injection (HFM) Transmission type 7 - speed automatic transmission

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 245 / 40 R18 alloy Wheels 8.5 J x 18"

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - ML 350 Brakes 13.0" solid internally ventilated, 4 channel Antilock Front / Rear braking system, Brake Assist senses Type Dual circuit power assisted 4 wheel disc

Dimension & weight Front Track 1627 (mm) Fuel Tank capacity 95 / 13 (Litre) Gross Vehicle Weight 2830 (kg) Ground Clearance 210 (mm) Kerb weight 2095 (kg) Overall Height 1773 (mm) Overall Length 4788 (mm) Overall Width 1910 (mm) Rear track 1629 (mm) Wheelbase 2915 (mm) Engine Bore x stroke 86.11 (mm) x 92.96 (mm) Compression ratio 10.7:1 Displacement 3498 (cc) No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 6 cylinder, In-line, 4 valve per cylinder (24 valve) Type 3.5 L, DOHC, V-6

Performance Max. Power 268 bhp @ 6000 rpm Max. Torque 258 lb-ft @ 2400-5000 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 11.6 (m) Rack and pinion with integrated hydraulic damper, Type Power assisted

Suspension Independent double wishbone with high-strength Front forged aluminum alloy upper arms and cast iron lower arms, Antidive geometry, Stabilizer bar Independent 4 arm multilink, High strength forged Rear aluminum alloy upper arms, Geometry for antisquat and alignment control, Stabilizer bar

Transmission Integrated sequential multipoint fuel injection and Fuel Preparation phased ignition 7 - speed automatic transmission, Direct Select Transmission type Shifter

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 235 / 65 R17 104H Wheels 7.5 J x 17"

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - ML 500 Brakes 13.8" / 13.0" solid internally ventilated, 4 channel Front / Rear Antilock braking system, Brake Assist senses Type Dual circuit power assisted 4 wheel disc

Dimension & weight Front Track 1627 (mm) Fuel Tank capacity 95 / 13 (Litre) Ground Clearance 210 (mm) Kerb weight 2150 (kg) Overall Height 1815 (mm) Overall Length 4788 (mm) Overall Width 1910 (mm) Rear track 1629 (mm) Wheelbase 2915 (mm) Engine Bore x stroke 84.07 (mm) x 96.77 (mm) Compression ratio 10.0:1 Displacement 4966 (cc) No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 8 cylinder, In-line, 3 valve per cylinder (24 valve) Type 5.0 L, SOHC, V-8

Performance Max. Power 302 bhp @ 5600 rpm Max. Torque 339 lb-ft @ 2700-4250 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 11.6 (m) Rack and pinion with integrated hydraulic damper, Type Power assisted

Suspension Independent double wishbone with, Front coil Front springs over gas-pressurized monotube shock absorbers Stabilizer bar Independent 4 arm multilink, Separate rear coil Rear springs and gas-pressurized monotube shock absorbers, Stabilizer bar High-strength forged aluminum alloy upper arms and System cast iron lower arms, Antidive geometry


Integrated sequential multipoint fuel injection and Fuel Preparation phased twin-spark ignition 7 - speed automatic transmission, Direct Select Transmission type Shifter

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 255 / 55 R18 105H Wheels 8.0 J x 18", 5-spoke design

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - S 320 CDI Brakes Front Ventilated Discs Rear Self Adjusting Drums

Dimension & weight Front Track - Fuel Tank Capacity 90 ltr Gross Vehicle Weight 1925 kg Ground Clearance - Kerb Weight - Overall Height 1473 mm Overall Length 5209 mm Overall Width 1872 mm Rear Track - Wheelbase 3165 mm Engine Bore X Stroke 83.0 X 92.0 Compression Ratio 17.7:1 Displacement 2987 cc No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 6 cylinders 8 Valves Type -

Performance Max. Power 210 hp @ 4000 rpm Max. Torque 490 nm @ 1800 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 12.2 m Type multi-function steering wheel

Suspension AIRMATIC (air suspension with Adaptive Damping Front System and all-round level control) AIRMATIC (air suspension with Adaptive Damping Rear System and all-round level control)

Transmission Transmission Type -

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 235/55 R 17 Wheel Size -

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - S 350 Brakes Front Ventilated Discs Rear Self Adjusting Drums

Dimension & weight Front Track - Fuel Tank Capacity 90 ltr Gross Vehicle Weight 1925 kg Ground Clearance - Kerb Weight - Overall Height 1473 mm Overall Length 5209 mm Overall Width 1872 mm Rear Track - Wheelbase 3165 mm Engine Bore X Stroke 92.9 X 86 Compression Ratio 10.7:1 Displacement 3498 cc No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 6 cylinders 4 Valves Type 6 Cylinders V-Configuration

Performance Max. Power 272 hp @ 6300 rpm Max. Torque 345 nm @ 4500 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 12.2 m Type Speed-sensitive power steering

Suspension AIRMATIC (air suspension with Adaptive Damping Front System and all-round level control) AIRMATIC (air suspension with Adaptive Damping Rear System and all-round level control)

Transmission Transmission Type -

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 235/55 R 17 Wheel Size 8.0J x 17

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - SLK 200k Brakes Dual-circuit system, 4 brake discs, front discs Type ventilated, ABS with Brake Assist (BAS)

Dimension & weight Boot space 300 (Litre) Front Track 1530 (mm) Fuel Tank capacity 70 / 8 (Litre) Gross Vehicle Weight 1705 (kg) Ground Clearance 120 (mm) Kerb weight 1390 (kg) Overall Height 1297 (mm) Overall Length 4082 (mm) Overall Width 1777 (mm) Rear track 1541 (mm) Wheelbase 2430 (mm) Engine Bore x stroke 82.0 x 85.0 (mm) Compression ratio 9.5:1 Displacement 1796 (cc) No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 4 cylinder, In-line, 4 valve per cylinder

Performance Max. Power 120 kW / 163 bhp @ 5500 rpm Max. Torque 240 Nm @ 3000 rpm

Steering Min. Turning Radius 10.51 (m) Type Rack & Pinion power steering

Suspension McPherson three-link axle with anti-dive control. Front Dual Wishbone Front suspension, Coil Springs, gas pressure shock absorbers, Stabilizers MB-Multi-Link independent rear suspension, anti- Rear squat / anti-lift. Coil springs, gas pressure shock absorbers & stabilizer.

Transmission Fuel Preparation 3.5 Ltr.,Electronically controlled petrol injection Transmission type 5 - speed automatic transmission

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 205 / 55 R 16 V Wheels 7 J X 16 H2

MERCEDES-BENZ INDIA. - SLK 350 Brakes Dual-circuit system, 4 brake discs, front discs Type ventilated, ABS with Brake Assist (BAS)

Dimension & weight Boot space 300 (Litre) Front Track 1530 (mm) Fuel Tank capacity 70 / 8 (Litre) Gross Vehicle Weight 1780 (kg) Ground Clearance 120 (mm) Kerb weight 1465 (kg) Overall Height 1297 (mm) Overall Length 4082 (mm) Overall Width 1777 (mm) Rear track 1541 (mm) Wheelbase 2430 (mm) Engine Bore x stroke 92.9 x 86 (mm) Compression ratio 10.7 : 1 Displacement 3498 (cc) No. cylinders / arrangement / Valves 6 cylinder, In-line, 4 valve per cylinder (24V)

Performance Max. Power 200 kW / 272 bhp @ 6000 rpm Max. Torque 350 Nm @ 2400 - 5000 rpm

Steering Type Rack & Pinion power steering

Suspension Mc Pherson three-link axle with anti-dive control. Front Dual Wishbone Front suspension, anti-dive, Coil Springs, gas pressure shock absorbers, stabilizers MB-Multi-Link independent rear suspension, anti- Rear squat/anti-lift. Coil springs, gas pressure shock absorbers and stabilizer.

Transmission Fuel Preparation Electronically controlled petrol injection Transmission type 7 - speed automatic transmission

Tyres & Wheels Tyres 225 / 45 R17 W (Front), 245 / 40 R17 W (Rear) Wheels 7.5 J x 17 H2 (Front), 8.5 J x 17 H2 (Rear)


Research Methodology

A research process consists of stages or steps that guide the project from its conception through the final analysis, recommendations and ultimate actions. The research process provides a systematic, planned approach to the research project and ensures that all aspects of the research project are consistent with each other.

Research studies evolve through a series of steps, each representing the answer to a key question. INTRODUCTION This chapter aims to understand the research methodology establishing a framework of evaluation and revaluation of primary and secondary research. The techniques and concepts used during primary research in order to arrive at findings; which are also dealt with and lead to a logical deduction towards the analysis and results. RESEARCH DESIGN I propose to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and implication of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be selected, which I feel remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be further taken up in the next stage of exploratory research. This stage shall help me to restrict and select only the important question and issue, which inhabit growth and segmentation in the industry. The various tasks that I have undertaken in the research design process are :

 Defining the information need

 Design the exploratory, descriptive and causal research.

RESEARCH PROCESS The research process has four distinct yet interrelated steps for research analysis It has a logical and hierarchical ordering:  Determination of information research problem.  Development of appropriate research design.  Execution of research design.  Communication of results. Each step is viewed as a separate process that includes a combination of task , step and specific procedure. The steps undertake are logical, objective, systematic, reliable, valid, impersonal and ongoing. EXPLORATORY RESEARCH The method I used for exploratory research was

 Primary Data

 Secondary data

PRIMARY DATA New data gathered to help solve the problem at hand. As compared to secondary data which is previously gathered data. An example is information gathered by a questionnaire. Qualitative or quantitative data that are newly collected in the course of research, Consists of original information that comes from people and includes information gathered from surveys, focus groups, independent observations and test results. Data gathered by the researcher in the act of conducting research. This is contrasted to secondary data, which entails the use of data gathered by someone other than the researcher information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observation or experimentation. Primary data is basically collected by getting questionnaire filled by the respondents. SECONDARY DATA

Information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose. Sources include census reports, trade publications, and subscription services. There are two types of secondary data: internal and external secondary data. Information compiled inside or outside the organization for some purpose other than the current investigation Researching information, which has already been published? Market information compiled for purposes other than the current research effort; it can be internal data, such as existing sales-tracking information, or it can be research conducted by someone else, such as a market research company or the U.S. government. Secondary source of data used consists of books and websites My proposal is to first conduct a intensive secondary research to understand the full impact and implication of the industry, to review and critique the industry norms and reports, on which certain issues shall be selected, which I feel remain unanswered or liable to change, this shall be further taken up in the next stage of exploratory research.

DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH STEPS in the descriptive research: Statement of the problem

 Identification of information needed to solve the problem

 Selection or development of instruments for gathering the information  Identification of target population and determination of sampling Plan.

 Design of procedure for information collection

 Collection of information

 Analysis of information

 Generalizations and/or predictions


Data collection took place with the help of filling of questionnaires. The questionnaire method has come to the more widely used and economical means of data collection. The common factor in all varieties of the questionnaire method is this reliance on verbal responses to questions, written or oral. I found it essential to make sure the questionnaire was easy to read and understand to all spectrums of people in the sample. It was also important as researcher to respect the samples time and energy hence the questionnaire was designed in such a way, that its administration would not exceed 4-5 mins. These questionnaires were personally administered.

The first hand information was collected by making the people fill the questionnaires. The primary data collected by directly interacting with the people. The respondents were contacted at shopping malls, markets, places that were near to showrooms of the consumer durable products etc. The data was collected by interacting with 200 respondents who filled the questionnaires and gave me the required necessary information. The respondents consisted of housewives, students, businessmen, professionals etc. the required information was collected by directly interacting with these respondents.

DETERMINATION THE SAMPLE PLAN AND SAMPLE SIZE TARGET POPULATION It is a description of the characteristics of that group of people from whom a course is intended. It attempts to describe them as they are rather than as the describer would like them to be. Also called the audience the audience to be served by our project includes key demographic information (i.e.; age, sex etc.).The specific population intended as beneficiaries of a program. This will be either all or a subset of potential users, such as adolescents, women, rural residents, or the residents of a particular geographic area. Topic areas: Governance, Accountability and Evaluation, Operations Management and Leadership. A population to be reached through some action or intervention; may refer to groups with specific demographic or geographic characteristics. The group of people you are trying to reach with a particular strategy or activity. The target population is the population I want to make conclude an ideal situation; the sampling frames to matches the target population. A specific resource set that is the object or target of investigation. The audience defined in age, background, ability, and preferences, among other things, for which a given course of instruction is intended. I have selected the sample trough Simple random Sampling


This involves figuring out how many samples one need.

The numbers of samples you need are affected by the following factors:

• Project goals

• How you plan to analyze your data

• How variable your data are or are likely to be

• How precisely you want to measure change or trend • The number of years over which you want to detect a trend

• How many times a year you will sample each point

• How much money and manpower you have


I have targeted 100 people in the age group above 20 years for the purpose of the research. The target population influences the sample size. The target population represents the Delhi regions. . The people were from different professional backgrounds. The details of our sample are explained in chapter named primary research where the divisions are explained in demographics section. ERRORS IN THE STUDY Interviewer error There is interviewer bias in the questionnaire method. Open-ended questions can be biased by the interviewer’s views or probing, as interviewers are guiding the respondent while the questionnaire is being filled out. The attitudes the interviewer revels to the respondent during the interview can greatly affect their level of interest and willingness to answer openly. As interviewers, probing and clarifications maximize respondent understanding and yield complete answers, these advantages are offset by the problems of prestige seeking, social desirability and courtesy biases. Questionnaire error The questionnaire designing has to careful so that only required data is concisely reveled and there is no redundant data generated. The questions have to be worded carefully so that the questions are not loaded and does not lead to a bias in the respondents mind

Respondent error The respondents selected to be interviewed were not always available and willing to co operate also in most cases the respondents were found to not have the knowledge, opinion, attitudes or facts required additionally uninformed response errors and response styles also led to survey error. Sampling error We have taken the sample size of 150, which cannot determine the buying behavior of the total population. The sample has been drawn from only National Capital Region.

Research Design Research design is a conceptual structure within which research was conducted. A research design is the detailed blueprint used to guide a research study towards its objective. It is a series of advanced decision taken together comprising a master plan or a model for conducting the research in consonance with the research objectives. Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximum information with the minimum effort, time and money.

Scope and the Limitation of the study

 The scope of study is limited to the respondents are selected from in and around New Delhi


 The project is carried out for the period of 8 weeks only.

 Measurement of customer satisfaction is complex subjects, which uses non- objectives method, which is not reliable.  The sample unit was also 100 respondents.

 However, Mercedes-Benz showrooms are located in other places i.e. locally and even in the neighboring states. Only opinion of respondents of New Delhi was consider for finding out the opinions of respondents. DATA ANALYSIS &INTERPRETATION


Customer's current cars

120 100 100


60 100 35 30 40 25 20 10 35 30 10 25 0 C Class E Class M Class S Class Total

No. of Respondents 35 30 10 25 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 35 30 10 25 100


Best Features

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 28 22 24 26 20 22 24 26 28 0 Mercedes Style/design Comfort Service Total brand

No. of Respondents 22 24 26 28 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 22 24 26 28 100 DATA FIGURE 3.0:

Colours Prefered

120 100 100


60 100 35 40 30 20 15 20 35 30 20 15 0 Black White Silver Red Total

No. of Respondents 35 20 30 15 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 35 20 30 15 100


Source of Information

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 21 21 19 17 22 20 21 21 19 17 22 0 From Advertiseme Sale’s A uto Car experts Total f riends , nts pers ons magaz ines

No. of Respondents 21 21 19 17 22 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 21 21 19 17 22 100 DATA FIGURE 5.0:

Service Centre Preference

120 100 100 75 80

60 100 40 75 25 20 25 0 At authorized service At a local w orkshop near Total centre my home

No. of Respondents 75 25 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 75 25 100


Financial Source

120 100 100

80 70

60 100 40 30 70 20 30 0 In house finance Out house finance Total

No. of Respondents 30 70 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 30 70 100 DATA FIGURE 7.0:

Source of Media

120 100 100


60 100 35 40 30 20 15 20 35 30 15 20 0 Televisions Magazines New s papers F.M/Radio Total

No. of Respondents 35 15 30 20 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 35 15 30 20 100


Best Offers

120 100 100 80

60 35 100 40 30 20 15 20 35 20 30 15 0 Special Extending the Finance Free insurance Total discount on service period availability w ith

No. of Respondents 20 30 15 35 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 20 30 15 35 100 DATA FIGURE 9.0

Customer's Expectation

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 0 Information Information Assistance Understanding Total about new about service regarding customer

No. of Respondents 25 25 25 25 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 25 25 25 25 100


Attributes Prefered

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 22 25 18 20 15 20 18 20 22 15 25 0 Discounts & All of the Price Quality Comfort Total Services above

No. of Respondents 18 20 22 15 25 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 18 20 22 15 25 100 DATA FIGURE 11.0:

Customer's previous cars

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 28 22 25 13 20 12 22 28 25 12 13 0 BMW Mercedes Toyota Volksw agen Audi Total

No. of Respondents 22 28 25 12 13 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 22 28 25 12 13 100


Fuel Efficiency

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 28 25 22 20 12 8 29 27 24 12 8 0 Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Total satisfied dissatisfied

No. of Respondents 29 27 24 12 8 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 28 25 22 12 8 100 DATA FIGURE 13.0

Safety and Comfort

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 30 25 20 15 20 10 30 25 20 15 10 0 Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Total satisfied dissatisfied

No. of Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 30 25 20 15 10 100



120 100 100 80

60 100 40 30 25 20 15 20 10 30 25 20 15 10 0 Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Total satisfied dissatisfied

No. of Respondents 30 25 20 15 10 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 30 25 20 15 10 100 DATA FIGURE 15.0:

Space Available

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 26 25 22 16 20 11 26 25 22 16 11 0 Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Total satisfied dissatisfied

No. of Respondents 26 25 22 16 11 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 26 25 22 16 11 100


Maintainence Cost

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 28 25 22 20 12 8 29 27 24 12 8 0 Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Total satisfied dissatisfied

No. of Respondents 29 27 24 12 8 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 28 25 22 12 8 100 DATA FIGURE 17.0:

Post sale and Additional services

120 100 100 80

60 100 40 28 25 22 20 12 8 29 27 24 12 8 0 Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Total satisfied dissatisfied

No. of Respondents 29 27 24 12 8 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 28 25 22 12 8 100



120 100 100 80

60 100 40 28 25 22 20 12 8 29 27 24 12 8 0 Highly Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Total satisfied dissatisfied

No. of Respondents 29 27 24 12 8 100 INTERPRETATION:Percentage(%) 28 25 22 12 8 100 RECOMMENDATIONS & SUGGESTIONS

Mercedes-Benz has to implement good customer relationship management strategy that enhances customer satisfaction level.

The company can for the undertake R&D to improve the existing feature which field help increase in the customer satisfaction.

The company should promote about the entire feature offered by it.

As majority of the customer give opinion that they are satisfied is the factor, services and design of the product, the company should not only maintain the existing standard but also enhance them.

Suggestions given by customers:

• Please try to increase the number of Service centers. • Keep Service Stations at main locations of the city, where many customers feel it easy to go to service centers. • There is no proper response from the service men at service station. Please recruit efficient service men in the service centers. • The service men in the service centers are unable to understand the problems told by us, and they are not resolving the cars problems. • Provide information on service and mileage regularly. • Please provide information about new cars along with their price lists at least once in 6 months. • Advertisements through televisions can influence many categories of people. So try to concentrate on this segment. We don’t see or find much of the Mercedes advertisements on T.V • Try to provide financial facility at 0% interest. • Customer should be educated about the maintenance of the vehicle. i.e. maintenance tips should be provided. • Mileage of the cars is not up to the expectations. CONCLUSION

Accomplishing this project on customer satisfaction was an excellent and knowledge gaining experience for me. Despite small sample size for questionnaire this project helped me to know the view of customer and common people towards the customer satisfaction of Mercedes-benz.

Brands are now a central feature of consumer marketing, they are important in building long-term relationships with the consumer, irrespective of the type of market. Their importance is now also being recognized in other markets including service and industrial. Investing in a brand builds consumer confidence and loyalty and allows for brand stretching. It requires a consistent and long-term strategy. Only a few brands have emerged as truly global.

In conclusion I would say that the brand Mercedes-benz is quite known to peoples. Mercedes-benz has built its customer satisfaction among a relatively large number of people in an around New Delhi. The customers are aware largely of the product with the help of Television and the product still has a way to increase its advertising channels to reach the relatively large number of people. Most of the customers are satisfied with the features and services of Mercedes-benz but there is always a scope of improvement in every field. ANNEXURES& QUESTIONNAIRE:

Name: Contact no. Address: E-Mail address:

1. Which of the following Mercedes car you own? a) C class b) E class c) M class d) S class

2. What do you like most about your Mercedes car? a) Style/design b) Comfort c) Mercedes brand d) Service

3. How did you come to know about this car before purchasing? a) From friends, relatives (buzz) b) Advertisements c) Car experts d) Sale’s persons visit e) Auto magazines

4. Which colour do you prefer the most for your car? a) Black b) White c) Silver d) Red

5. Where do you get your car serviced regularly? a) At authorized service centre b) At a local workshop near my home

6. Which type of finance do you prefer? a) In house finance b) Out house finance

7. To which media do you get expose regularly? a) Televisions b) Magazines c) News papers d) F.M/Radio

8. What kinds of offers do you like or expect from the dealer? a) Free insurance b) Special discount on sale of cars c) Extending the service period d) Finance availability with 0% interest

9. What more do you expect from your dealer? a) Information about new cars b) Information about service and mileage c) Assistance regarding loans and insurance d) Understanding customer needs

10. What brand(s) did you own before buying this car? a) Volkswagen b) Toyota c) BMW d) Audi e) Mercedes

11. What are the attributes of the brand that you prefer as a customer? a) Price b) Quality c) Comfort d) Discounts & Services e) All the above

12. Are you satisfied with the fuel consumption of your Mercedes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

13. Are you satisfied with the Safety and Comfort of your Mercedes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

14. Are you satisfied with the Design of your Mercedes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied 15. Are you satisfied with space available in your Mercedes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

16. Are you satisfied with the maintenance cost of your Mercedes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

17. What is your satisfaction level with the post-sale & additional services offered by Mercedes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

18. What is your satisfaction level with the features offered by Mercedes? a) Highly satisfied b) Satisfied c) Neutral d) Dissatisfied e) Highly dissatisfied

Please leave your suggestions:

Thanks for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire and for providing valuable information which will be used for my project work, market research studies and reports. We do not share or sell your name, address or any other data with any outside company for any purpose. BIBLIOGRAPHY


      


 Brochures & Manuals.  Top Gear  Overdrive  Business Today


 Marketing Research - G.C Beri  Marketing Management- Philip Kotler  Marketing Management- V.S Ramaswamy & S. Namakumari