Briefing Book 2010 Institute of Technology

Briefing Book Massachusett s Insti tute of Technology 17 February, 2010

Researched and writt en by a variety of MIT faculty and staff , in parti cular the members of the Offi ce of the Provost/Insti tuti onal Research, Offi ce of the President, Of- fi ce of Sponsored Research, Student Financial Services, and the MIT Washington Offi ce.

Executi ve Editors Claude R. Canizares, Vice President for Research [email protected] William B. Bonvillian, Director, MIT Washington Offi ce [email protected]

Editors Audrey Resutek [email protected] Lydia Snover, to whom all questi ons should be directed [email protected] 2 Acknowledgements and Contributors Many thanks to the following individuals who provided informati on, contributed data, or wrote secti ons of this book.

Scott Barge Anne Marie Michel Suzanne Berger Daniel G. Nocera Margaret Bruzelius O’Neil Outar Stephen E. Carson Charlene M. Placido Daniel Delgado Brendon Puff er Stephen D. Dowdy Penny J. Rosser Michael J. Faber Jennifer Schmitt Gregory Farley Timothy Manning Swager Greg Frost Amy Tarr Patrick E. Gillooly Bernhardt L. Trout Rachel Glennerster Jack Turner Danielle Guichard-Ashbrook Ingrid Vargas Gregory Harris Heather G. Williams Ronald E. Hasselti ne Nancy Y.J. Wong Elizabeth M. Hicks Shirley Wong April Julich Perez Danielle Khoury Robin Lemp David L. Lewis John H. Lienhard Rebecca Marshall-Howarth

3 Massachusett s Insti tute of Technology 77 Massachusett s Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Telephone Number 617-253-1000 Cable Address MIT CAM Fax Number 617-253-8000 URL htt p://

MIT Washington Offi ce The MIT Washington Offi ce was established in 1991 as part of the President’s Offi ce.

Staff Director William B. Bonvillian [email protected]

Assistant Director Alison Fox [email protected]

Senior Legislati ve Assistant Abby Benson

Address MIT Washington Offi ce 820 First Street, NE, Suite 410 Washington, DC 20002

Telephone Number 202-789-1828

Fax 202-789-1830

Website htt p://

4 MIT Senior Leadership

Chairman, MIT Corporati on Associate Provost for Faculty Equity Dana M. Mead Wesley L. Harris

President Associate Provost for Faculty Equity Susan Hockfi eld Barbara H. Liskov

Provost Director, Libraries L. Rafael Reif Ann Wolpert

Chancellor Vice Chancellor and Dean for Graduate Educati on Phillip L. Clay Steven Lerman

Executi ve Vice President and Treasurer Dean for Undergraduate Educati on Theresa Stone Daniel Hasti ngs

Vice President for Research and Associate Provost Dean for Student Life Claude R. Canizares Chris Colombo

Dean, School of Architecture and Planning Vice President for Insti tute Aff airs and Corporati on Adèle Naudé Santos Secretary Kirk Kolenbrander Dean, School of Engineering Subra Suresh Vice President for Resource Development Jeff rey Newton Dean, School of Humaniti es, Arts, and Social Sciences Deborah K. Fitzgerald Vice President & General Counsel R. Gregory Morgan Dean, School of Science Marc A. Kastner Vice President for Finance Israel Ruiz Dean, Sloan School of Management David C. Schmitt lein Vice President for Human Resources Alison Alden Associate Provost Marti n Schmidt Director, Lincoln Laboratory Eric D. Evans Associate Provost Philip S. Khoury Director, SMART Centre Rohan Abeyaratne

5 6 Contents

Secti on 1: MIT Facts and History 9 Advanced Electronics Technology 59 People 11 Tacti cal Systems 60 Students 11 Homeland Protecti on 61 Degrees 12 Lincoln Laboratory Staff 62 Faculty, Staff , and Trustees 12 Test Faciliti es and Field Sites 63 Alumni 13 Secti on 4: MIT and Industry 65 Postdoctoral Appointments 14 Fostering Innovati on 66 Awards and Honors of Current Faculty 15 Licensing Inventi ons 66 and Staff Benefi ts to the Nati onal Economy 67 Fields of Study 16 Selected Current Campus Projects 68 Major Research Laboratories, Centers, 17 Research Funded by Industry 69 and Programs Service to Industry 70 Academic and Research Affi liati ons 19 Strategic Partnerships 72 Educati on Highlights 22 Secti on 5: Global Engagement 75 Research Highlights 25 Internati onal Collaborati on 76 Secti on 2: Campus Research 31 Internati onal Scholars 82 Federal Research Support 34 Internati onal Students 83 Department of Defense 36 Internati onal Entrepreneurs 87 Department of Health and Human Services 38 Internati onal Alumni 88 Department of Energy 40 Faculty Country of Origin 89 Nati onal Science Foundati on 42 Internati onal Study Opportuniti es 90 NASA 44 Internati onal Research 92 Other Federal Agencies 46 Secti on 6: Undergraduate Financial Aid 95 Non-Profi t Insti tuti ons 48 Principles of MIT Undergraduate Aid 96 Secti on 3: Lincoln Laboratory 51 Who Pays for an MIT Undergraduate 97 Economic Impact 54 Educati on Air and Missile Defense Technology 55 Forms of Undergraduate Financial Aid 98 Communicati ons and Informati on 56 Sources of Undergraduate Finacial Aid 99 Technology Secti on 7: Service to Local, Nati onal, 103 Intelligence, Surveillance, and 57 and World Communiti es Reconnaissance Systems and Technology Key Programs 105 Space Control 58 Selected Recent Projects 107

7 8 1 MIT Facts and History


People 11 Students 11 Degrees 12 Faculty, Staff , and Trustees 12 Alumni 13 Postdoctoral Appointments 14 Awards and Honors of Current Faculty 15 and Staff Fields of Study 16 Major Research Laboratories, Centers, 17 and Programs Academic and Research Affi liati ons 19 Educati on Highlights 22 Research Highlights 25

9 MIT Facts and History The Massachusett s Insti tute of Technology is one University research is one of the mainsprings of of the world’s preeminent research universiti es, growth in an economy that is increasingly defi ned dedicated to advancing knowledge and educati ng by technology. A study released in February of 2009 students in science, technology, and other areas of by the Kauff man Foundati on revealed that MIT scholarship that will best serve the nati on and the graduates had founded 25,800 acti ve companies. world. It is known for rigorous academic programs, These fi rms employed about 3.3 million people, and cutti ng-edge research, a diverse campus community, generated annual world sales of $2 trillion, or the and its longstanding commitment to working with equivalent of the eleventh-largest economy in the the public and private sectors to bring new knowl- world. edge to bear on the world’s great challenges. MIT has forged educati onal and research collabora- , the Insti tute’s founding pres- ti ons with universiti es, governments, and compa- ident, believed that educati on should be both broad nies throughout the nati on and world, and draws and useful, enabling students to parti cipate in “the its faculty and students from every corner of the humane culture of the community,” and to discover globe. The result is a vigorous mix of people, ideas, and apply knowledge for the benefi t of society. His and programs dedicated to enhancing the world’s emphasis on “learning by doing,” on combining well-being. liberal and professional educati on, and on the value of useful knowledge conti nues to be at the heart of MIT’s educati onal mission.

MIT’s commitment to innovati on has led to a host of scienti fi c breakthroughs and technological ad- vances. Achievements of the Insti tute’s faculty and graduates have included the fi rst chemical synthe- sis of penicillin and vitamin A, the development of inerti al guidance systems, modern technologies for arti fi cial limbs, and the magneti c core memory that enabled the development of digital comput- ers. Exciti ng areas of research and educati on today include neuroscience and the study of the brain and mind, bioengineering, energy, the environment and sustainable development, informati on sciences and technology, new media, fi nancial technology, and entrepreneurship.

10 MIT Facts and History

People Students Total MIT-affi liated people in 50,000+ The Insti tute’s student body of 10,384 is highly di- Massachusett s verse. Students come from all 50 states, the District Employees 14,000 of Columbia, three territories and dependencies, Cambridge Campus 11,512 and 118 foreign countries. U.S. minority groups Lincoln Laboratory 2,800 consti tute 48 percent of undergraduates and 18 Students 10,299 percent of graduate students. The Insti tute’s 2,747 Alumni in Masssachusett s Aprx. 20,000 internati onal students make up 9 percent of the, undergraduate and 38 percent of the graduate Economic Informati on populati on. For more informati on about Interna- ti onal Students at MIT, see pages 82-85. Total MIT Expenditures in FY 2009 $2.2 billion Student Profi le 2009-2010 Federal Research Expenditures Undergraduate 4,232 Cambridge campus (MIT FY 2009) $718 million Graduate 6,152 Lincoln Laboratory* (MIT FY 2009) $678 million Total 10,384 SMART* (MIT FY 2009) $14 million Total (MIT FY 2009) $1.41 billion Undergraduate 45 percent female 55 percent male *Totals do not include research performed by Cam- Graduate pus Laboratories for Lincoln Lab and Singapore-MIT 31 percent female 69 percent male Alliance for Research and Technology (“SMART”) In Fall 2009, 40 percent of MIT’s fi rst-year students Payroll, including Lincoln Laboratory $837 million (who submitt ed their class standing) were fi rst in (FY 2009) their high school class; 89 percent ranked in the top 5 percent. Technology Licensing Offi ce The Technology Licensing Offi ce (TLO) manages the Members of U.S. Minority Groups: 3,130 patenti ng and licensing process for MIT, Lincoln Laboratory, and the Whitehead Insti tute. The TLO Undergraduate* Graduate* aims to benefi t the public by moving results of MIT African American 358 129 research into societal use via technology licensing. Asian American 1,086 695 Hispanic American 557 234 Stati sti cs for FY 2009 Nati ve American 42 29 Total Number of Inventi ons Disclosures 501 Total 2,043(48%) 1,087 (18%) Number of U.S. New Uti lity Patent Applicati ons 131 Filed *These fi gures may not precisely refl ect the popu- Number of U.S. Patents Issued 153 lati on because they are self-reported, and not all Number of Licenses and Opti ons granted 67 students choose to provide this informati on. (not including trademarks and end-use soft ware) Number of Opti ons Granted 18 (not including opti ons as part of research agreements) Number of Soft ware End-Use Licenses granted 23 Number of Companies Started 21 (venture capitalized and/or with a minimum of $500K of other funding)

11 Degrees Faculty, Staff , and Trustees In 2008-2009, MIT awarded 3,227 degrees: Faculty/Staff 2009-2010 Faculty 1,025 607 Doctoral degrees Other academic and instructi onal staff 860 1,463 Master’s degrees Research staff and research scienti sts 2,791 11 Professional Engineer degrees (includes postdoctoral positi ons) 1,146 Bachelor of Science degrees Administrati ve staff 2,294 Support staff 1,549 45 percent of MIT Ph.D. graduates remain in Service staff 819 Massachusett s. Medical 110 Affi liated faculty, scienti sts, and scholars 1,025 Nearly half of 2008-09 graduates from MIT Ph.D. Total campus faculty and staff 10,473 programs planned to stay in Massachusett s aft er completi ng their studies, according to the annual In additi on, approximately 590 graduate students Doctoral Student Exit Survey. Conducted by the Of- serve as teaching assistants or instructors, and 2,390 fi ce of the Provost/Insti tuti onal Research, the survey graduate students serve as research assistants. found that 45 percent of respondents intended to remain in the Bay State. This compares to roughly MIT Lincoln Laboratory employs about 3,000 6 percent of those earning degrees who indicated people, primarily at Hanscom Air Force Base in they att ended high school in Massachusett s — a Lexington, Massachusett s. rough gauge of who among degree recipients were nati ve to the state. Faculty Profi le 64 percent hold the rank of Full Professor 21 percent hold the rank of Associate Professor 15 percent hold the rank of Assistant Professor 77 percent of faculty are tenured

Professors 653 Associate professors 216 Assistant professors 156 Total 1,025

12 MIT Facts and History

Alumni 64 percent of the faculty are in Science and Engi- MIT’s 122,000 alumni are connected to the Insti - neering fi elds. tute through graduati ng-class events, departmental organizati ons, and over 48 clubs in the United States School Faculty and 41 abroad. More than 9,500 volunteers off er Architecture and Planning 84 their ti me, fi nancial support, and service on com- Engineering 370 mitt ees and on the MIT Corporati on, the Insti tute’s Humaniti es, Arts, and Social Sciences 164 Board of Trustees. MIT graduates hold leadership Science 281 positi ons in industries and organizati ons around the Sloan School of Management 106 world. An esti mated 20,000 alumni reside in Massa- Whitaker College 7 chusett s, and about 85 percent of MIT’s alumni live All others 13 in the United States.

Gender Faculty Percent Male 812 79 Female 213 21

Minority Group Representati on 6 percent are members of an underrepresented minority.*

American Indian or Alaskan Nati ve 1 female 2 males Black or African American 9 females 25 males Hispanic 3 females 25 males Asian 31 females 96 males

*Some faculty members identi fy as part of multi ple groups.

13 Postdoctoral Appointments Ethnicity of Internati onal Students In 2009, MIT hosted over 1,000 postdoctoral associ- Total URM Asian ates and fellows. These individuals work with faculty 2% 4% in academic departments, laboratories, and centers.

As of October 31, 2008 White American Indian or Alaskan Nati ve 2 20% Black or African American 2 Hispanic or Lati no 12 International Unknown US Total URM 16 59% 15% Asian 48 White 224 Unknown U.S. 175 Internati onal 677 Total 1,140 Gender of Internati onal Students Female 311 Male 829 Female Country of Citi zenship Count Percent of Total 27% 86 12.7 66 9.7 Korea 62 9.2 Male Canada 50 7.4 73% Germany 41 6.1 Italy 33 4.9 Israel 26 3.8 Japan 24 3.5 Spain 24 3.5 France 23 3.4 All Others 242 35.7 Total 677 Country of Citi zenship of Internati onal Students 5 to 9 Years Four Years 4% 4% Three years 7% China 13% Years at MIT India All Postdocs All Others 10% Two Years Less than one 36% 17% 41% Korea 9%

One year Canada 27% 7% France Italy 3% 5% Spain Germany Japan 4% Israel 6% 3% 4%

14 MIT Facts and History

Awards and Honors of Current Faculty and Staff Award Discipline Count Nobel Prize Chemistry 1 Nobel Prize Medicine/Physiology 3 Nobel Prize Physics 3

Award Agency Award/Honor Count Abdus Salam Internati onal Centre for Theoreti cal Dirac Medal 4 Physics American Academy of Arts and Sciences American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow 142 American Associati on for the Advancement of Science American Associati on for the Advancement of 92 Science Fellow American Economic Associati on John Bates Clark Medal 3 American Philosophical Society American Philosophical Society Member 17 American Physical Society American Physical Society Fellow 71 Associati on for Computi ng Machinery A. M. Turing Award 3 Council for Internati onal Exchange of Scholars (CIES) Fulbright Scholars Program 6 Expo ‘90 Foundati on Internati onal Cosmos Prize 1 Gairdner Foundati on Gairdner Internati onal Award 7 German City of Stutt gart Hegel Prize 1 Howard Hughes Medical Insti tute (HHMI) HHMI Investi gator 17 Howard Hughes Medical Insti tute (HHMI) HHMI Alumni Investi gator 2 Howard Hughes Medical Insti tute (HHMI) HHMI Early Career Scienti st 3 Howard Hughes Medical Insti tute (HHMI) HHMI Professor 2 IEEE John von Neumann Medal 2 Internati onal Mathemati cal Union (IMU) Rolf Nevanlinna Prize 2 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundati on MacArthur Fellow 21 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundati on Guggenheim Fellow 80 Materials Research Society MRS Medal 1 Millennium Prize Foundati on Millennium Technology Prize 2 Nati onal Academies Insti tute of Medicine Member 30 Nati onal Academies Nati onal Academy of Engineering Member 62 Nati onal Academies Nati onal Academy of Sciences Member 78 Nati onal Academies Nati onal Associate 8 Nati onal Book Foundati on Nati onal Book Award 1 Nati onal Science & Technology Medals Foundati on Nati onal Medal of Science 8 Nati onal Science & Technology Medals Foundati on Nati onal Medal of Technology 1 Nati onal Science Foundati on Alan T. Waterman Award 2 Norwegian Academy of Science and Lett ers Abel Prize 1 Pulitzer Board Pulitzer Prize 4 Science and Technology Foundati on of Japan Japan Prize 1 Semiconductor Industry Associati on (SIA) University Researcher Award 2

15 Fields of Study MIT supports a large variety of fi elds of study, from Sloan School of Management science and engineering to the arts. MIT’s fi ve aca- Management Science demic schools are organized into departments and Finance other degree-granti ng programs. In additi on, several Informati on Technology programs, laboratories, and centers cross traditi onal Marketi ng Science boundaries and encourage creati ve thought and Operati ons Research research. School of Science School of Architecture and Planning Biology Architecture Brain and Cogniti ve Sciences Program in Media Arts and Sciences Chemistry Center for Real Estate Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Urban Studies and Planning Mathemati cs Physics School of Engineering Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs Interdisciplinary Educati onal Programs Biological Engineering Computati onal and Systems Biology Chemical Engineering Computati on for Design and Opti mizati on Civil and Environmental Engineering Energy Studies, Minor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Engineering Systems Division Technology Materials Science and Engineering Leaders for Global Operati ons Mechanical Engineering Operati ons Research Nuclear Science and Engineering Program in Polymer Science and Technology MIT-Woods Hole Joint Program in Oceanography School of Humaniti es, Arts, and Social Sciences and Applied Ocean Science and Engineering Anthropology Women’s Studies Comparati ve Media Studies Economics Foreign Languages and Literatures History Linguisti cs and Philosophy Literature Music and Theatre Arts Politi cal Science Science, Technology, and Society Writi ng and Humanisti c Studies

16 MIT Facts and History

Major Research Laboratories, Centers, and Programs In additi on to teaching and conducti ng research Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial within their departments, MIT faculty, students, and Development staff work in MIT’s interdisciplinary laboratories. htt p:// These include the following. centers_programs/ctpid.php Center for Transportati on and Logisti cs Center for Advanced Visual Studies htt p:// htt p:// centers_programs/ctl.php Center for Biomedical Engineering Clinical Research Center htt p:// htt p:// Center for Biomedical Innovati on Computer Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence htt p:// Laboratory Center for Collecti ve Intelligence htt p:// htt p:// The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Center for Computati onal Research in Economics Transformati ve Values and Management Science htt p:// htt p:// Deshpande Center for Technological Innovati on computati onal.php htt p:// Center for Digital Business Division of Comparati ve Medicine htt p:// htt p:// Center for Educati onal Computi ng Initi ati ves Francis Bitt er Magnet Laboratory htt p:// htt p:// ml/ Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Haystack Observatory Research htt p:// htt p:// Insti tute for Soldier Nanotechnologies Center for Environmental Health Sciences htt p:// htt p:// Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Center for Future Civic Media Change htt p:// htt p:// Center for Global Change Science David H. Koch Insti tute for Integrati ve Cancer htt p:// Research Center for Gynepathology Research htt p:// htt p:// Knight Science Journalism Fellows Program Center for Innovati on in Product Design htt p:// htt p:// Laboratory for Financial Engineering Center for Internati onal Studies htt p:// htt p:// Laboratory for Informati on and Decision Systems Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and htt p:// Ethnology Laboratory for Manufacturing and Producti vity htt p://htt p:// htt p:// Center for Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory for Nuclear Science htt p:// htt p:// Center for Real Estate htt p://

17 Major Research Laboratories, Centers, and Programs (conti nued) Lean Advancement Initi ati ve Research Laboratory of Electronics htt p:// htt p:// Legatum Center for Development and Sea Grant College Program Entrepreneurship htt p:// htt p:// Singapore-MIT Alliance Lemelson-MIT Program htt p:// htt p:// Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Materials Processing Center Technology (SMART) Centre htt p:// htt p:// McGovern Insti tute for Brain Research Spectroscopy Laboratory htt p:// htt p:// Media Laboratory System Design and Management Program htt p:// htt p:// Microsystems Technology Laboratory Technology and Development Program htt p:// htt p:// MIT Center for Digital Business Whitaker College of Health Sciences and htt p:// Technology MIT Energy Initi ati ve htt p:// htt p:// Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Program MIT Entrepreneurship Center htt p:// htt p:// MIT Kavli Insti tute for Astrophysics and Space Research MIT Lincoln Laboratory htt p:// MIT operates Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, Massachusett s as an off -campus Federally Funded MIT Mind Machine Project Research and Development Center focused on tech- htt p:// nologies for nati onal security. MIT-Portugal Program htt p:// Nuclear Reactor Laboratory htt p:// Offi ce of Professional Educati on Programs htt p:// Operati ons Research Center htt p:// Picower Insti tute for Learning and Memory htt p:// Plasma Science and Fusion Center htt p:// Producti vity from Informati on Technology Initi ati ve htt p:// t/

18 MIT Facts and History

Academic and Research Affi liati ons

Alliance for Global Sustainability Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Established in 1995, the Alliance for Global Sustain- Founded as MIT’s Instrumentati on Laboratory, Drap- ability (AGS) is an internati onal partnership among er Laboratory became an independently operated, MIT, the Swiss Federal Insti tute of Technology, the nonprofi t research and educati onal organizati on in University of Tokyo, and the Chalmers University of 1973. MIT and Draper Laboratory sti ll collaborate Technology in Sweden. See page 77 for more infor- in areas such as guidance, navigati on, and control; mati on. computer and computati onal sciences; data and signal processing; material sciences; integrated cir- Broad Insti tute of MIT and Harvard cuitry; informati on systems; and underwater vehicle The Broad Insti tute of MIT and Harvard was technologies. launched in 2004 with the visionary philanthropic investment of Eli and Edythe Broad, who joined Global Enterprise for Micro-Mechanics and with leaders at Harvard and its affi liated hospitals, Molecular Medicine MIT, and the Whitehead Insti tute to pioneer a Known by its acronym, GEM4, this enterprise brings “new model” of collaborati ve science that would together engineers and life scienti sts from around transform medicine. A unique scienti fi c community the world to apply the advances of engineering, of diverse talents but singular purpose, the Broad science, and nanotechnology to global medical chal- Insti tute brings together world-class faculty, profes- lenges. See page 90 for more informati on. sional staff , and students from throughout the MIT and Harvard communiti es and beyond, empowering them to work together to identi fy and overcome the Howard Hughes Medical Insti tute most criti cal obstacles to realizing the full promise Howard Hughes Medical Insti tute (HHMI) is a scien- of genomic medicine. See htt p://www.broadinsti - ti fi c and philanthropic organizati on that conducts tute biomedical research in collaborati on with univer- siti es, academic medical centers, hospitals, and other research insti tuti ons throughout the country. Cambridge MIT Insti tute Sixteen HHMI investi gators hold MIT Faculty ap- The Cambridge-MIT Insti tute (CMI) is a collabora- pointments. ti on between the University of Cambridge and MIT. Funded by Briti sh government and industry, CMI’s mission is to enhance competi ti veness, producti vity, and entrepreneurship in the United Kingdom. See page 88 for more informati on.

Cross-Registrati on at Other Insti tuti ons MIT has cross-registrati on arrangements with sev- eral area schools, enabling qualifi ed MIT students to take courses at Harvard University, Boston Univer- sity’s African Studies Program, Brandeis University’s Florence Heller Graduate School for Advanced Stud- ies in Social Welfare, Massachusett s College of Art, The School of the Museum of Fine Arts, and Tuft s University’s School of Dental Medicine. MIT also has junior year abroad and domesti c year away pro- grams where students may study at another insti tu- ti on in the U.S. or abroad.

19 Academic and Research Affi liati ons (conti nued) Idaho Nati onal Laboratory the planning, design, and implementati on of trans- Created in 2005 by the U.S. Department of Energy, portati on, energy, manufacturing, and bioengineer- the Idaho Nati onal Laboratory (INL) includes the ing systems in Portugal. visionary proposal for the Nati onal University Con- sorti um (NUC) – fi ve leading research universiti es MIT-Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti tuti on from around the nati on whose nuclear research and Joint Program in Oceanography and engineering experti se are of criti cal importance to Applied Ocean Science and Engineering the future of the nati on’s nuclear industry. MIT will initi ally lead the NUC team, whose goal is collabora- MIT and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Insti tuti on ti ve, coordinated nuclear research and educati on, jointly off er Doctor of Science and Doctor of Phi- accomplished in conjuncti on with the Center for Ad- losophy degrees in chemical oceanography, marine vanced Energy Studies (CAES). The NUC partners will geology, marine geophysics, physical oceanography, establish the university-based Academic Centers of applied ocean science and engineering, and bio- Excellence (ACE) to collaborate with CAES research logical oceanography. They also off er Master’s and programs and the collocated research centers of professional degrees in some disciplines. CAES. The NUC consists of MIT, Oregon State Uni- versity, North Carolina State University, Ohio State Naval Constructi on and Engineering (Course 2N) University, and University of New Mexico. The graduate program in Naval Constructi on and Engineering at MIT is intended for acti ve duty of- fi cers in the U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, and foreign Magellan Project navies that have been designated for specializa- The Magellan Project is a fi ve-university partnership ti on in the design, constructi on, and repair of naval to construct and operate two 6.5 meter opti cal tele- ships. The curriculum prepares Navy, Coast Guard, scopes at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. and foreign offi cers for careers in ship design and The telescopes allow researchers to observe planets constructi on, and is sponsored by Commander, orbiti ng stars in solar systems beyond our own and Naval Sea Systems Command. to explore the fi rst galaxies that formed near the edge of the observable universe. Collaborati ng with The Ragon Insti tute MIT in the Magellan Project are the Carnegie Insti - The Ragon Insti tute, offi cially established in Febru- tute of Washington, Harvard University, the Univer- ary 2009 and supported by the Phillip T. and Susan sity of Arizona, and the University of Michigan. M. Ragon Foundati on, seeks to establish a model of scienti fi c collaborati on that links the clinical, trans- MIT-Portugal Program lati onal and basic science experti se at MGH, MIT, MIT and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Tech- Harvard, and the Broad Insti tute to tackle the great- nology and Higher Educati on have announced plans est global health challenges related to infecti ous to enter into a long-term collaborati on to signifi - disease research. See htt p://www.ragoninsti tute. cantly expand research and educati on in engineer- org/index.html ing and management across many of Portugal’s top universiti es. The wide-ranging initi ati ve will be the broadest of its kind ever undertaken by the govern- ment of Portugal, and will include the parti cipati on of more than 40 MIT faculty from all fi ve schools at the Insti tute. The MIT-Portugal Program will under- take research and educati on in several focus areas, and will give MIT an opportunity to gain insight into

20 MIT Facts and History

siti es are the University of California at Berkeley, ROTC (Reserve Offi cer Training Corps) Programs Harvard University, the University of California at San Francisco, and Prairie View A&M University. Military training has existed at MIT since students SynBERC’s foundati onal research will be moti vated fi rst arrived in 1865. In 1917, MIT established the by pressing biotechnology applicati ons. nati on’s fi rst Army ROTC unit. Today, MIT’s Air Force, Army, and Navy ROTC programs also serve students from Harvard and Tuft s Universiti es; the Wellesley-MIT Exchange Program Air Force and Army programs also include Wellesley Through this cross-registrati on program, students College students. These programs enable students may enroll in any courses at the other school, to become commissioned military offi cers upon expanding the educati onal opportuniti es for par- graduati on and may provide scholarships. More ti cipati ng students. Through the Wellesley College than 12,000 offi cers have been commissioned from Educati on Department, students also earn Massa- MIT, and more than 150 have achieved the rank of chusett s certi fi cates to teach at the elementary and general or admiral. secondary level.

Singapore-MIT Alliance Whitehead Insti tute for Biomedical Research The Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) is an innovati ve An independent basic research and teaching insti tu- engineering educati on and research collaborati on of ti on affi liated with MIT, the Whitehead Insti tute three premier academic insti tuti ons: MIT, Nati onal conducts research in developmental biology and the University of Singapore, and the Nanyang Techno- emerging fi eld of molecular medicine. Faculty at the logical University. SMA promotes global educati on Whitehead Insti tute teach at MIT, and MIT graduate and research in engineering and the life sciences students conduct research and receive training in through distance educati on. Off ering graduate Whitehead Insti tute Laboratories. degrees in fi ve engineering disciplines and one life science discipline, SMA is the largest interacti ve distance educati on collaborati on in the world. More than 50 MIT faculty members and 50 from Singa- pore universiti es parti cipate in SMA’s programs.

Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Tech- nology (SMART) Centre is MIT’s fi rst such research center of its kind outside of Cambridge, Mass., and is MIT’s largest internati onal research endeavor ever. See page 88 for more informati on.

Syntheti c Biology Engineering Research Center Five MIT researchers are among the pioneers behind a new research center in syntheti c biology. The Syntheti c Biology Engineering Research Center (SynBERC) was established in 2006, and is managed via the California Insti tute for Qualitati ve Biomedical Research. In additi on to MIT, parti cipati ng univer-

21 Educati on Highlights

MIT has long maintained that professional com- 1977 MIT organizes the Program in Science, Tech- petence is best fostered by coupling teaching with nology, and Society to explore and teach courses on research and by focusing educati on on practi cal the social context and consequences of science and problems. This hands-on approach has made MIT a technology – one of the fi rst programs of its kind in consistent leader in outside surveys of the nati on’s the U.S. best colleges. MIT was the fi rst university in the country to off er curriculums in architecture (1865), 1981 MIT launches , a $70 million electrical engineering (1882), sanitary engineering program to explore the use of computers in educa- (1889), naval architecture and marine engineering ti on. Digital Equipment Corporati on and IBM each (1895), aeronauti cal engineering (1914), meteorol- contribute $25 million in computer equipment. ogy (1928), nuclear physics (1935), and arti fi cial 1981 The MIT Sloan School of Management launch- intelligence (1960s). More than 4,000 MIT graduates es its Management of Technology program, the are professors at colleges and universiti es around world’s fi rst Master’s program to focus on the stra- the world. MIT faculty have writt en some of the tegic management of technology and innovati on. best-selling textbooks of all ti me, such as Econom- ics by Paul A. Samuelson and Calculus and Analyti c 1983-1990 MIT language and computer science Geometry by George Thomas. The following are faculty join in the Athena Language Learning Project some notable MIT teaching milestones since 1969, to develop interacti ve videos that immerse students when humans, including MIT alumnus Buzz Aldrin, in the language and character of other cultures. The fi rst landed on the moon. work pioneers a new generati on of language learn- ing tools. 1969 MIT launches the Undergraduate Research Opportuniti es Program (UROP), the fi rst of its kind. 1984 MIT establishes the Media Laboratory, bring- The program, which enables undergraduates to ing together pioneering educati onal programs in work directly with faculty on professional research, computer music, fi lm, graphics, holography, lasers, subsequently is copied in universiti es throughout and other media technologies. the world. About 2,800 MIT students parti cipate in UROP annually. 1991 MIT establishes the MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program, named in honor of the late Margaret A. 1970 The Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences MacVicar, to recognize outstanding contributi ons and Technology is established to focus advances in to teaching. MacVicar, a professor of physics, had science and technology on human health and to conceived of, designed, and launched UROP (see train physicians with a strong base in engineering 1969, above). and science. 1992 MIT launches the Laboratory for Advanced 1971 MIT holds its fi rst Independent Acti viti es Technology in the Humaniti es to extend its pioneer- Period (IAP), a January program that emphasizes ing work in computer- and video-assisted language creati vity and fl exibility in teaching and learning. learning to other disciplines. Its fi rst venture was a Almost 800 acti viti es are off ered annually, includ- text and performance multi -media archive for stud- ing design contests, laboratory projects, workshops, ies of Shakespeare’s plays. fi eld trips, and courses in practi cal skills.

22 MIT Facts and History

1993 In recogniti on of the increasing importance of 2001 To provide a model for sharing of knowledge molecular and cell biology, MIT becomes the fi rst to benefi t all humankind, MIT launches Open- college in the nati on to add biology to its under- CourseWare, a program that makes materials for graduate requirement. nearly all of its courses freely available on the web.

1995 MIT’s Politi cal Science Department establishes 2001 MIT establishes WebLab, a microelectronics the Washington Summer Internship Program to teaching laboratory that allows students to interact provide undergraduates the opportunity to apply remotely on the Web with transistors and other their scienti fi c and technical training to public policy microelectronics devices anywhere and at any ti me. issues. 2001 MIT’s Earth System Initi ati ve launches 1998 MIT teams up with Singapore’s two leading Terrascope, a freshman course where students work research universiti es to create a global model for in teams to solve complex problems in earth scienc- long-distance engineering educati on and research. es. Bringing together physics, mathemati cs, chemis- The fi rst truly global collaborati on in graduate en- try, biology, management, and communicati ons, the gineering educati on and research, this large-scale course has enabled students to devise strategies for experiment today is a model for distance educati on. preserving tropical rainforests, understand the costs and the benefi ts of oil drilling in the Arcti c Nati onal 1999 The University of Cambridge and MIT establish Wildlife Refuge, and plan a mission to Mars. the Cambridge-MIT Insti tute, whose programs in- clude student and faculty exchanges, an integrated 2002 To give engineering students the opportunity research program, professional practi ce educati on, to develop the skills they’ll need to be leaders in and a nati onal competi ti veness network in Britain. the workplace, MIT introduces the Undergraduate Practi ce Opportuniti es Program (UPOP). The pro- 1999 MIT establishes the Society of Presidenti al Fel- gram involves a corporate training workshop, job lows to honor the most outstanding students world- seminars taught by alumni, and a 10-week summer wide entering the Insti tute’s graduate programs. internship. With gift s provided by lead donors, presidenti al fellows are awarded fellowships that fund fi rst year 2003 MIT Libraries introduce DSpace, a digital tuiti on and living expenses. repository that gathers, stores, and preserves the in- tellectual output of MIT’s faculty and research staff , 2000 MIT Faculty approve the Communicati on and makes it freely available to research insti tuti ons Requirement (CR), which went into eff ect for the worldwide. Within a year of its launch, DSpace ma- Class of 2005. The CR integrates substanti al instruc- terial had been downloaded more than 8,000 ti mes, ti on and practi ce in writi ng and speaking into all and more than 100 organizati ons had adopted the four years and across all parts of MIT’s undergradu- system for their own use. ate program. Students parti cipate regularly in acti vi- ti es designed to develop both general and technical 2003 MIT’s Computati onal and Systems Biology communicati on skills. program (CSBi), an Insti tute-wide program linking biology, engineering, and computer science in a 2001 Studio Physics is introduced to teach freshman systems biology approach to the study of cell-to-cell physics. Incorporati ng a highly collaborati ve, hands- signaling, ti ssue formati on, and cancer, begins ac- on environment that uses networked laptops and cepti ng students for a new Ph.D. program that will desktop experiments, the new curriculum lets stu- give them the tools for treati ng biological enti ti es as dents work directly with complicated and unfamiliar complex living systems. concepts as their professors introduce them.

23 Educati on Highlights (conti nued) 2005 Combining courses from engineering, mathe- mati cs, and management, MIT launches its Master’s program in Computati on for Design and Opti miza- ti on, one of the fi rst curriculums in the country to focus on the computati onal modeling and design of complex engineered systems. The program prepares engineers for the challenges of making systems ranging from computati onal biology to airline sched- uling to telecommunicati ons design and operati ons run with maximum eff ecti veness and effi ciency.

2006 MIT creates the Campaign for Students, a fundraising eff ort dedicated to enhancing the edu- cati onal experience at MIT through creati ng schol- arships and fellowships, and supporti ng multi disci- plinary educati on and student life.

2007 MIT makes material from virtually all MIT courses available online for free on OpenCourse- Ware (OCW). The publicati on marks the beginning of a worldwide movement toward open educati on that now involves more than 160 universiti es and 5,000 courses.

2009 MIT launches the Bernard M. Gordon-MIT En- gineering Leadership Program. Through interacti on with industry leaders, faculty, and fellow students, the program aims to help undergraduate engineer- ing students develop the skills, tools and character they will need as future engineering leaders.

2009 MIT introduces a minor in Energy Studies, open to all undergraduates. The new minor, un- like most energy concentrati ons available at other insti tuti ons, and unlike any other concentrati on at MIT, is designed to be inherently cross-disciplinary, encompassing all of MIT’s fi ve schools. It can be combined with any major subject. The minor aims to allow the student to develop experti se and depth in their major discipline, but then complement that with the breadth of understanding off ered by the energy minor.

24 MIT Facts and History

Research Highlights

The following are selected research achievements of 1976 Har Gobind Khorana and his research team MIT faculty over the last four decades. complete chemical synthesis of the fi rst human- manufactured gene fully functi onal in a living cell. 1969 Ioannis V. Yannas begins work on developing The culminati on of 12 years’ work, it establishes the arti fi cial skin – a material used successfully to treat foundati on for the biotechnology industry. Khorana burn victi ms. won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine for other geneti cs work. 1970 David Balti more reports the discovery of reverse transcriptase, an enzyme that catalyzes the 1977 Phillip Sharp discovers the split gene struc- conversion of RNA to DNA. The advance, which led ture of higher organisms, changing the view of how to a Nobel Prize for Balti more in 1975, provided a genes arose during evoluti on. For this work, Sharp new means for studying the structure and functi on shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medi- of genes. cine.

1973 Jerome Friedman and Henry Kendall, with 1977 Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adle- Stanford colleague Richard Taylor, complete a series man invent the fi rst workable public key crypto- of experiments confi rming the theory that protons graphic system. The new code, which is based on and neutrons are made up of minute parti cles called the use of very large prime numbers, allows secret quarks. The three received the 1990 Nobel Prize in communicati on between any pair of users. Sti ll un- Physics for their work. broken, the code is in widespread use today.

1974 Samuel C.C. Ting, Ulrich Becker, and Min 1979 Robert Weinberg reports isolati ng and iden- Chen discover the “J” parti cle. The discovery, which ti fying the fi rst human oncogene – an altered gene earned Ting the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics, points that causes the uncontrolled cell growth that leads to the existence of one of the six postulated types of to cancer. quarks. 1981 Alan Guth publishes the fi rst sati sfactory 1975-1977 Barbara Liskov and her students design model of the universe’s development in the fi rst 10- the CLU programming language, an object-oriented 32 seconds aft er the Big Bang. language that helped form the underpinnings for languages like Java and C++. As a result of this work 1982 Alan Davison discovers a new class of techne- and other accomplishments, Liskov later wins the ti um compounds that leads to the development of Turing Award, considered the Nobel Prize in com- the fi rst diagnosti c techneti um drug for imaging the puti ng. human heart.

1975-1982 Joel Moses develops the fi rst extensive 1985 Susumu Tonegawa describes the structure of computerized program (MACSYMA) able to ma- the gene for the receptors – “anchor molecules” – nipulate algebraic quanti ti es and perform symbolic on the white blood cells called T lymphocytes, the integrati on and diff erenti ati on. immune system’s master cells. In 1987, Tonegawa receives the Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine for similar work on the immune system’s B cells.

25 Research Highlights (conti nued) 1986 H. Robert Horvitz identi fi es the fi rst two genes 1993 Alexander Rich and post-doctoral fellow Shu- found to be responsible for the process of cell guang Zhang report the discovery of a small protein death, which is criti cal both for normal body de- fragment that spontaneously forms into mem- velopment and for protecti on against autoimmune branes. This research will lead to advances in drug diseases, cancer, and other disorders. Going on to development, biomedical research, and the under- make many more pioneering discoveries about the standing of Alzheimer’s and other diseases. geneti cs of cell death, Horvitz shares the 2002 No- bel Prize in Physiology/Medicine for his work. 1994 MIT engineers develop a robot that can “learn” exercises from a physical therapist, guide 1988 Sallie Chisholm and associates report the dis- a pati ent through them, and – for the fi rst ti me – covery of a form of ocean plankton that may be the record biomedical data on the pati ent’s conditi on most abundant single species on earth. and progress.

1990 Julius Rebek, Jr. and associates create the fi rst 1995 Scienti sts at the Whitehead Insti tute for self-replicati ng syntheti c molecule. Biomedical Research and MIT create a map of the human genome and begin the fi nal phase of the Hu- 1990 Building on the discovery of the metathesis man Genome Project. This powerful map contains – the process of cutti ng carbon-carbon double more than 15,000 disti nct markers and covers virtu- bonds in half and constructi ng new ones – Richard ally all of the human genome. Schrock devises a catalyst that greatly speeds up the reacti on, consumes less energy, and produces 1996 A group of scienti sts at MIT’s Center for Learn- less waste. A process based on his discovery is now ing and Memory, headed by Matt hew Wilson and in widespread use for effi cient and more environ- Nobel laureate Susumu Tonegawa, demonstrate mentally friendly producti on of important pharma- with new geneti c and multi ple-cell monitoring ceuti cals, fuels, syntheti c fi bers, and many other technologies how animals form memory about new products. Schrock shares the 2005 Nobel Prize in environments. Chemistry for his breakthrough. 1997 MIT physicists create the fi rst atom laser, a 1991 Cleveland heart doctors begin clinical trials device which is analogous to an opti cal laser but of a laser catheter system for microsurgery on the emits atoms instead of light. The resulti ng beam arteries that is largely the work of Michael Feld and can be focused to a pinpoint or made to travel long his MIT associates. distances with minimal spreading.

1993 H. Robert Horvitz, together with scienti sts at 1998 MIT biologists led by Leonard Guarente iden- Massachusett s General Hospital, discover an asso- ti fy a mechanism of aging in yeast cells that sug- ciati on between a gene mutati on and the inherited gests researchers may one day be able to intervene form of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s in, and possibly inhibit, the aging process in certain disease). human cells.

1993 David Housman joins colleagues at other insti - tuti ons in announcing a successful end to the long search for the geneti c defect linked with Hunti ng- ton’s disease.

26 MIT Facts and History

1998 An interdisciplinary team of MIT researchers, 2000 Researchers from the MIT Sloan School of led by Yoel Fink and Edwin L. Thomas, invent the Management launch the Social and Economic Explo- “perfect mirror,” which off ers radical new ways of rati ons of Informati on Technology (SeeIT) Project, directi ng and manipulati ng light. Potenti al appli- the fi rst empirical study of the eff ects of Informati on cati ons range from a fl exible light guide that can Technology (IT) on organizati onal and work prac- illuminate specifi c internal organs during surgery to ti ces. Examining IT’s relati onship to changes in these new devices for opti cal communicati ons. models, SeeIT is providing practi cal data for under- standing and evaluati ng IT’s business and economic 1999 Michael Cima, Robert Langer, and graduate eff ects, which will enable us taking full advantage of student John Santi ni report the fi rst microchip that its opportuniti es and bett er control its risks. can store and release chemicals on demand. Among its potenti al applicati ons is a “pharmacy” that could 2001 In a step toward creati ng energy from sunlight be swallowed or implanted under the skin and pro- as plants do, Daniel Nocera and a team of research- grammed to deliver precise drug dosages at specifi c ers invent a compound that, with the help of a cata- ti mes. lyst and energy from light, produces hydrogen.

1999 Alexander Rich leads a team of researchers in 2002 MIT researchers create the fi rst acrobati c the discovery that left -handed DNA (also known as roboti c bird – a small, highly agile helicopter for Z-DNA) is criti cal for the creati on of important brain military use in mountain and urban combat. chemicals. Having fi rst produced Z-DNA syntheti cally in 1979, Rich succeeded in identi fying it in nature 2002-2005 Scienti sts at MIT, the Whitehead In- in 1981. He also discovered its fi rst biological role sti tute for Biomedical Research, and the Broad and received the Nati onal Medal of Science for this Insti tute complete the genomes of the mouse, the pioneering work in 1995. dog, and four strains of phytoplankton, photosyn- theti c organisms that are criti cal for the regulati on 2000 Scienti sts at the Whitehead/MIT Center for of atmospheric carbon dioxide. They also identi fy Genome Research and their collaborators announce the genes required to create a zebrafi sh embryo. In the completi on of the . Pro- collaborati on with scienti sts from other insti tuti ons, viding about a third of all the sequences assembled, they map the genomes of chimpanzees, humans’ the Center was the single largest contributor to this closest geneti c relati ve, and the smallest known internati onal enterprise. vertebrate, the puff er fi sh.

2000 Researchers develop a device that uses ultra- 2003 MIT scienti sts cool a sodium gas to the lowest sound to extract a number of important molecules temperature ever recorded – a half-a-billionth of a noninvasively and painlessly through the skin. They degree above absolute zero. Studying these ultra- expect that the fi rst applicati on will be a portable low temperature gases will provide valuable insights device for noninvasive glucose monitoring for dia- into the basic physics of matt er; and by facilitati ng beti cs. the development of bett er atomic clocks and sen- sors for gravity and rotati on, they also could lead to vast improvements in precision measurements.

27 Research Highlights (conti nued) 2004 MIT’s Levitated Dipole Experiment (LDX), a 2006 MIT launches the MIT Energy Initi ati ve (MITei) collaborati on among scienti sts at MIT and Colum- to address world energy problems. Led by Ernest J. bia, generates a strong dipole magneti c fi eld that Moniz and Robert C. Armstrong, MITei coordinates enables them to experiment with plasma fusion, energy research, educati on, campus energy man- the source of energy that powers the sun and stars, agement, and outreach acti viti es across the Insti - with the goal of producing it on Earth. Because the tute. hydrogen that fuels plasma fusion is practi cally limit- less and the energy it produces is clean and doesn’t 2007 , of the Whitehead Insti tute contribute to global warming, fusion power will be of Biomedical Research, conducts the fi rst proof-of- of enormous benefi t to humankind and to earth principle experiment of the therapeuti c potenti al of systems in general. induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), using iPS cells reprogrammed from mouse skin cells to cure a 2004 A team led by neuroscienti st Mark Bear illumi- mouse model of human sickle-cell anemia. Jaenisch nates the molecular mechanisms underlying Fragile would then use a similar approach to treat a model X Syndrome, and shows that it might be possible to of Parkinson’s disease in rats. develop drugs that treat the symptoms of this lead- ing known inherited cause of mental retartdati on, 2007 Marin Soljacic and his colleagues develop a whose eff ects range from mild learning disabiliti es new form of wireless power transmission they call to severe auti sm. WITricity. It is based on a strongly coupled magneti c resonance and can be used to transfer power over 2004 Shuguang Zhang of MIT’s Center for Biomedi- distances of a few meters with high effi ciency. The cal Engineering, Marc A. Baldo, assistant professor technique could be used commercially to wirelessly of electric engineering and computer science, and power laptops, cell phones, and other devices. recent graduate Patrick Kiley, fi rst fi gure out how to stabilize spinach proteins – which, like all plants, 2007 David H. Koch ’62, SM ’63 gives MIT $100 mil- produce energy when exposed to light – so they can lion to create the David H. Koch Insti tute for Integra- survive without water and salt. Then, they devise a ti ve Cancer Research. The Insti tute, scheduled to way to att ach them to a piece of glass coated with a open in 2010, will bring together molecular geneti - thin layer of gold. The resulti ng spinach-based solar cists, cell biologists, and engineers in a unique multi - cell, the world’s fi rst solid-state photosyntheti c solar disciplinary approach toward cancer research. cell, has the potenti al to power laptops and cell phones with sunlight. 2007 Tim Jamison, Professor of Chemistry, discov- ers that cascades of epoxide-opening reacti ons 2005 MIT physicists, led by Nobel laureate Wolfgang that were long thought to be impossible can very Kett erle, create a new type of matt er, a gas of atoms rapidly assemble the Red Tide marine toxins when that shows high-temperature superfl uidity. they are induced by water. Such processes may be emulati ng how these toxins are made in nature and 2005 Vladimir Bulovic, professor of electrical en- may lead to a bett er understanding of what causes gineering and computer science, and Tim Swager, devastati ng Red Tide phenomena. These methods professor of chemistry, develop lasing sensors based also open up an environmentally green synthesis on a semiconducti ng polymer that is able to detect of new classes of complex highly biologically acti ve the presence of TNT vapor subparts per billion con- compounds. centrati ons.

28 MIT Facts and History

2007 MIT mathemati cians form part of a group of 2009 Researchers at MIT’s Picower Insti tute for 18 mathemati cians from the U.S. and Europe that Learning and Memory show for the fi rst ti me that maps one of the the most complicated structures multi ple, interacti ng geneti c risk factors may infl u- ever studied: the excepti onal Lie group E8. The ence the severity of auti sm symptoms. The fi nding “answer” to the calculati on, if writt en, would cover could lead to therapies and diagnosti c tools that an area the size of Manhatt an. The resulti ng atlas target the interacti ng genes. has applicati ons in the fi elds of string theory and geometry. 2009 Professor Gerbrand Ceder and graduate stu- dent Byoungwoo Kang develop a new way to manu- 2008 Mriganka Sur’s laboratory discovers that facture the material used in lithium ion batt eries astrocytes, star-shaped cells in the brain that are as that allows ultrafast charging and discharging. The numerous as neurons, form the basis for functi oning new method creates a surface structure that allows brain imaging. Using ultra high-resoluti on imaging lithium ions to move rapidly around the outside of in the intact brain, they demonstrate that astrocytes the batt ery. Batt eries built using the new method regulate blood fl ow to acti ve brain regions by linking could take seconds, rather than the now standard neurons to brain capillaries. hours, to charge.

2008 A team led by Marc A. Baldo designs a so- 2009 As neuroscience progresses rapidly toward an lar concentrator that focuses light at the edges of understanding of basic mechanisms of neural and a solar power cell. The technology can increase synapse functi on, MIT neuroscienti sts are discover- the effi ciency of solar panels by up to 50 percent, ing the mechanisms underlying brain discorders substanti ally reducing the cost of generati ng solar and diseases. Li-Huei Tsai’s laboratory describes electricity. mechanisms that underlie Alzheimer’s Disease, and propose that inhibiti on of histone deacetylases is 2008 Daniel Nocera creates a chemical catalyst that therapeuti c for degenerati ve discorders of learn- hurdles one of the obstacles to widespread use of ing and memory. Her laboratory also discovers solar power — the diffi culty of storing energy from the mechanisms of acti on of the gene Disrupted- the sun. The catalyst, which is cheap and easy to in-Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1), and demonstrates make, uses the energy from sunlight to separate why drugs such as lithium are eff ecti ve in certain the hydrogen and oxygen molecules in water. The instances of schizophrenia. This research opens up hydrogen can then be burned, or used to power an pathways to discovering novel classes of drugs for electric fuel cell. devastati ng neuropsychiatric conditi ons.

2009 A team of MIT researchers led by Angela Belcher reports that it was able to geneti cally en- gineer viruses to produce both the positi vely and negati vely charged ends of a lithium ion batt ery. The batt ery has the same energy capacity as those being considered for use in hybrid cars, but is produced using a cheaper, less environmentally hazardous process. MIT President Susan Hockfi eld presents a prototype batt ery to President Barack Obama at a press briefi ng at the White House.

29 30 2 Campus Research


Federal Research Support 34 Campus Research Sponsors 36 Department of Defense 36 Department of Health and Human 38 Services Department of Energy 40 Nati onal Science Foundati on 42 NASA 44 Other Federal Agencies 46 Non-Profi t Organizati ons 48

31 MIT has historically viewed teaching and research tories and centers — addresses research policy and as inseparable parts of its academic mission. administrati on issues. The Resource Development Therefore, the Insti tute recognizes its obligati on Offi ce also works with faculty to generate proposals to encourage faculty to pursue research acti viti es for foundati on or other private support. that hold the greatest promise for intellectual ad- vancement. MIT maintains one of the most vigor- The Insti tute sees profound merit in a policy of open ous programs of research of any university, and research and free interchange of informati on among conducts basic and applied research principally at scholars. At the same ti me, MIT is committ ed to two Massachusett s locati ons, the MIT campus in acti ng responsibly and ethically in all its research Cambridge and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, a Federally- acti viti es. As a result, MIT has policies related to the Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) suitability of research projects, research conduct, in Lexington. sources of support, use of human subjects, spon- sored programs, relati ons with intelligence agencies, MIT pioneered the federal/university research the acquisiti on of art and arti facts, the dispositi on relati onship, starti ng in World War II. Initi ally called of equipment, and collaborati ons with research- upon by the federal government to serve the na- oriented industrial organizati ons. These policies are ti onal war eff ort, that relati onship has conti nued spelled out on the Policies and Procedures website into the present day, helping MIT fulfi ll its original and on the Offi ce of Sponsored Programs Website. mission of serving the nati on and the world. htt p:// htt p:// All federal research on campus is awarded competi - ti vely, based on the scienti fi c and technical merit of The bar graphs for campus research expenditures the proposals. In FY 2009, there were 2,324 acti ve on the opposite page show the amount MIT ex- awards and 573 members of research consorti ums. pended by fi scal years (July 1 — June 30). The red line represents an adjustment for infl ati on, using Research acti viti es range from individual projects the Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers to large-scale, collaborati ve, and someti mes in- (CPI-U) as the defl ator with the most recent fi scal ternati onal endeavors. Peer-reviewed research year as the base. accomplishments form a basis for reviewing the qualifi cati ons of prospecti ve faculty appointees and for evaluati ons related to promoti on and tenure decisions.

The Insti tute provides the faculty with the infra- structure and support necessary to conduct re- search, much of it through contracts, grants, and other arrangements with government, industry, and foundati ons. The Offi ce of Sponsored Programs provides central support related to the administra- ti on of sponsored research programs, and it assists faculty, other principal investi gators, and their local administrators in managing and identi fying resourc- es for individual sponsored projects. In additi on, a Research Council — which is chaired by the vice president for research and associate provost and composed of the heads of all major research labora-

32 Campus Research

MIT Campus Research Expenditures FY 2005-2009 $800 $700 $600 $196 These fi gures do not include ex- $159 $134 $500 $120 $123 penditures for MIT Lincoln Labo- $400 ratory. Informati on for Lincoln Laboratory begins on page 51. Millions $300 $522 $464 $464 $484 $200 $448 $100 $0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Federal Non Federal Constant Dollars 2009 = 100

Research Expenditures 2009 % of Total

Department of Defense $97,528,094 14% Federal research expenditures include all Department of Energy $65,773,294 9% primary contracts and grants, including sub- Health & Human Services $255,895,734 36% awards from other organizati ons where the NASA $27,358,036 4% federal government is the original funding NSF $61,385,770 9% Other Federal $14,558,505 2% source. Industry $99,219,127 14% Non Profits $60,538,156 8% State Local Foreign Govt $27,144,634 4% Internal $8,801,950 1% Grand Total $718,203,299 100%

Federal 73% Non Federal 27% MIT Campus Research Expenditures FY 2005-2009

$800 Internal $700 State Local Foreign Govt $600 Non Profits $500 Industry $400 Other Federal $300 NSF Millions

$200 NASA Health & Human Services $100 Department of Energy $0 Department of Defense 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

33 Federal Research Support Research Expenditures by Primary Sponsor FY 2009

State Local Foreign Govt 4% Internal 1%

Non Profits Department of Defense 8% 14% Industry 14% Department of Energy 9%

Other Federal 2% Health & Human Services 36% NSF Units with Research Greater than $10 Million 8% in Research Expenditures NASA The Broad Insti tute 4% Computer Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence Laboratory Research Laboratory of Electronics Plasma Science and Fusion Center Koch Insti tute for Integrati ve Cancer Research Mechanical Engineering Chemical Engineering Laboratory for Nuclear Science Chemistry Biology MIT Energy Initi ati ve Kavli Insti tute for Astrophysics and Space Research Media Laboratory Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs Picower Insti tute for Learning and Memory Biological Engineering Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Insti tute for Soldier Nanotechnologies Microsystems Technology Laboratories Harvard/MIT Division of Health Science and Technology Materials Science and Engineering

34 Campus Research

Although proud of its existi ng safeguards, MIT has In a related move, the provost, in consultati on with recommitt ed itself to examine issues of integrity the chair of the faculty, appointed another ad hoc with added vigilance. In recent years, the complex- faculty committ ee, the Committ ee on Technology ity of the research enterprise has increased, parti cu- Transfer in the 21st Century. This group is explor- larly in the areas involving commercial sponsorship, ing ways in which MIT’s policies, procedures, and technology transfer, and internati onal engagement. practi ces can enhance and accelerate technology Given this evoluti on, MIT has initi ated a number of transfer to contribute to the economy and welfare comprehensive reviews of its principles, policies, of the nati on and the world. In additi on to reviewing and procedures with the goal of preserving the industrial partnerships and the principles on which highest standards of conduct among all those in its they rest, the group will learn from practi ces at peer community. insti tuti ons. Then it will recommend appropriate changes to MIT’s policies and procedures to enable In fall 2008, the provost, in consultati on with the the formati on of benefi cial, strategic partnerships chair of the faculty, appointed an ad hoc faculty with industry while preserving MIT’s fundamental Committ ee on Managing Potenti al Confl icts of values and principles. Interest in Research. The role of the committ ee is threefold: (1) to review the types of individual and In recogniti on of the connecti on between the two insti tuti onal relati onships that have the potenti al to studies, the Committ ee on Managing Potenti al give rise to actual or perceived confl icts of interest; Confl icts of Interest and the Committ ee on Technol- (2) to assess applicable laws and regulati ons; and (3) ogy Transfer in the 21st Century are coordinati ng to examine the Insti tute’s writt en and practi ced poli- with each other. Reports are expected from both cies and procedures related to confl icts of interest groups in 2009-10. More informati on can be found and compare them to those of other higher edu- at htt p:// ees.html. cati onal insti tuti ons. This committ ee is expected to recommend changes that will strengthen and clarify the Insti tute’s policies and procedures; review mechanisms for monitoring and reporti ng confl icts of interest; and recommend programs for ongo- ing educati on and informati on exchange regarding research integrity and confl ict of interest.

35 Department of Defense Selected Current Projects

Cyborg Moths Nature Gives a Lesson in Armor Design Scienti sts from Microsystems Technology Laborato- Sea shells provide extraordinary protecti on – sti ff , ries and the Research Laboratory of Electronics are strong and yet lightweight – for the small soft - developing the technology to guide the fl ight of the bodied creatures like sea snails that live in perilous giant hawkmoth, Manduca sexta. A neurosti mula- environments. Now teams of Insti tute for Soldier tor implanted in the moth’s abdomen simulates the Nanotechnologies researchers, directed by Chris- moth’s abdominal nerve cord, altering the directi on ti ne Orti z of the department of Materials Sciences of its fl ight. In additi on to creati ng the fi rst guided and Engineering and by Mary Boyce of Mechanical live insect, the project aims to also create technolo- Engineering, are unraveling the source of nacre – gies that will impact human health, roboti c devices, the shell’s mother-of-pearl inner lining. Composed and military interventi on. Led by professors Joel of ceramic calcium carbonate and a fl exible biopoly- Voldman, Anantha Chandrakasan, Jeff rey Lang, and mer — two relati vely weak materials — nacre gets Marti n Schmidt, the project is funded by the De- its strength as millions of ceramic plates, each a fense Advanced Research Projects Agency. few nanometers in size, are stacked and then glued together with thin biopolymer layers. The teams Improving the Detecti on of Explosives are studying the nanoscale behavior of the adhe- sion forces that bind these elements together with MIT Scienti sts have developed a new semiconduct- such resilience. Understanding nature’s nanoscale ing polymer that is able to detect the presence of structural principles will help engineers design bet- TNT vapor even at the concentrati on of parts per ter body armor for soldiers, police offi cers, rescue billion. The polymer’s molecules emit light when workers, and other people in dangerous situati ons. exposed to ultraviolet light. If TNT vapor is present, It will also shed light on the problem of creati ng however, it binds to the molecules and exti nguishes durable composites that can withstand high forces the emission. In comparison with most commer- in water. The work is supported by the US Army cially-available systems which can sense only TNT Research Offi ce. parti cles, this new technology off ers a much more powerful defense against threats like improvised explosive devises or explosives hidden in cargo. The new polymer is the work of Timothy Swager of the Department of Chemistry, Vladimir Bulovic of Elec- trical Engineering and Computer Science, and their team of researchers at MIT’s Insti tute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN). They are working now on similar molecules that can sense other explosives, minute amounts of nerve agents, or nitrous oxide levels in human breath, an indicator of physiologi- cal conditi on. ISN is a university-affi liated research center funded by the US Army Research Offi ce.

36 Campus Research

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

Department of % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Defense change Research Expenditures $86,096,029 $89,552,070 $90,570,607 $87,369,845 $97,528,094 12%

Constant $ $96,410,972 $96,602,266 $95,238,018 $88,589,619 $97,528,094 10%


$100.00 $97.53 $89.55 $90.57 $80.00 $86.10 $87.37

$60.00 Millions



$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Department of Defense Constant $

Leading Departments, Laboratories and Centers Receiving Support in the Most Current Year

Research Laboratory of Electronics In the 2008-2009 Academic Year, 336 graduate stu- Computer Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence dents held research assistantships and 93 held fel- Laboratory lowships funded at least in part by the Department Insti tute for Soldier Nanotechnologies of Defense: of these, 292 research assistantships Mechanical Engineering and 3 fellowships were fully funded by DOD. Aeronati cs and Astronauti cs Media Laboratory Materials Science and Engineering Haystack Observatory Chemistry

Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

37 Department of Health and Human Services Selected Current Projects and Nobel laureate Phillip Sharp, is exploring the Restoring Sight use of nanomaterials to deliver short interfering Researchers at MIT are working on a reti nal im- RNAs (siRNAs) to the genes associated with lethal plant that could one day help blind people regain a cancers. siRNAs are ti ny sequences for RNA that, useful level of vision. A team led by John Wyatt , a when introduced into a cell, silence the targeted professor of electrical engineering, and comprised gene. Although potenti ally very powerful cancer- of scienti sts, engineers, and ophthalmologists from fi ghti ng tools, siRNAs remain diffi cult to dispatch to Massachusett s Eye and Ear Infi rmary, the Boston tumor cells. With its goal of mastering the technol- VA Medical Center, , and MIT, is ogy of siRNA delivery, this project has the potenti al designing an implant for people who have lost their to open up a broad range of new cancer therapies. sight from reti niti s pigmentosa or age-related macu- lar degenerati on. The reti nal prosthesis would take What’s Controlling the Gene over the functi on of lost reti nal cells by electrically With more and more success in determining the sti mulati ng nerve cells that normally carry visual genomes of everything from yeast to humans, scien- input from the reti na to the brain. The team hopes ti sts now are able to turn their att enti on to fi nding to start testi ng a prototype in blind pati ents within out how the geneti c sequences work. Key to this un- the next three years. The research is funded by the derstanding are the gene regulators, the molecules Nati onal Insti tutes of Health, The VA Center for In- that bind to a DNA region and switch the gene on novati ve Visual Rehabilitati on, the Nati onal Science or off . Many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and Foundati on, the Catalyst Foundati on and the MOSIS cancer, are associated with mutated gene regula- microship fabricati on service. See htt p:// tors. Given the vastness of the genome, however, edu/newsoffi ce/2009/microchip-blind-092309.html and the gene regulators’ fl eeti ng acti vity, these crucial mechanisms have been hard to fi nd. Now Nanotechnology Comes to Cancer Research a group of researchers at MIT and the Whitehead Nanotechnology has demonstrated great promise in Insti tute for Biomedical Research has developed a cancer research and treatment, from the fabricati on method for scanning an enti re genome and quickly of nanoparti cles to delivering drugs and imaging identi fying the regulators’ precise landing sites. As agents to the implantati on of ti ny sensors for early a result, they can now begin to understand how detecti on and monitoring. With a Nati onal Cancer genes and their regulators interact. Richard Young of Insti tute grant establishing the MIT-Harvard Center the Department of Biology, David Giff ord of Electri- of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, an interdis- cal Engineering and Computer Science, and Ernest ciplinary team of MIT and Harvard researchers has Fraenkel of the Whitehead Insti tute and the Com- launched a number of projects to rapidly advance puter Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence Laboratory the applicati on of these technologies. One proj- are leading this eff ort. Young and Giff ord also have ect, led by MIT chemical and biomedical engineer appointments at the Broad Insti tute. Their work is Robert Langer, who is internati onally recognized supported by the Nati onal Insti tutes of Health. for advancements in drug delivery systems, and Omid Farokhzad of Harvard Medical School, focuses on using nanoparti cle “homing devices” that will transport ti me-released anti -cancer drugs directly to prostate cancer cells. The technology also has the advantage of avoiding the toxic side eff ects of cur- rent cancer therapies, which att ack healthy as well as diseased cells. Another project, led by biologist

38 Campus Research

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

Health and Human 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 % change Services Research Expenditures $180,682,329 $195,572,516 $201,557,366 $226,306,663 $255,895,734 13% Constant $ $202,329,412 $210,969,419 $211,944,302 $229,466,140 $255,895,734 12%


$250.00 $255.90

$226.31 $200.00 $195.57 $201.56 $180.68 $150.00

$100.00 Millions


$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Health and Human Services Constant $

Leading Departments, Laboratories and Centers In the 2008-2009 Academic Year, 336 graduate stu- Receiving Support in the Most Current Year dents held research assistantships and 93 held fel- lowships funded at least in part by the Department Research Laboratory of Electronics of Defense: of these, 292 research assistantships Computer Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence and 3 fellowships were fully funded by DOD. Laboratory Insti tute for Soldier Nanotechnologies The following MIT faculty and alumni have received Mechanical Engineering the NIH Pioneer Award: Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs Media Laboratory Current Faculty: Leona Sampson, 2009; Aviv Regev, Materials Science and Engineering 2008; Alice Ting, 2008; Alex von Oudenaarden, Haystack Observatory 2008; Emery Brown, 2007; Arup Chakrabarty, 2006. Chemistry Former Faculty: James Sherley, 2006

Alumni: Joshua M. Epstein, 2008; Krishna V. Shenoy, 2009 Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

39 Department of Energy Selected Current Projects

The Second Wireless Revoluti on by designing an experiment that will enable them to The solid state amplifi ers that the nati on’s roughly observe dark matt er parti cles as they interact with 200,000 wireless base stati ons now use to commu- ordinary matt er. They are constructi ng a chamber nicate with cell phones and other electronic devices fi lled with a dilute gas whose atoms will act as tar- are costly. Generati ng excessive heat, they require gets for dark matt er parti cles. When one hits a gas bulky cooling equipment and also need large backup atom, the atom recoils and bumps into another one, batt eries. Chiping Chen and a team of research- causing them to lose electrons. The chamber will ers in MIT’s Plasma Science and Fusion Center are convert these electrons into visible light detectable developing an alternati ve – the fi rst radio frequency by a video camera, which then will provide an actual (RF) power amplifi er, which combines vacuum image of the dark matt er interacti on. The project tube technology with an ellipti cal or “ribbon,” is supported by the Department of Energy and the electron beam, another recent MIT breakthrough. Kavli Insti tute for Astrophysics and Space Research. Much more effi cient for RF amplifi cati on than the one-dimensional electron beam that conventi onal vacuum electron devices emit, the device requires less energy than both the vacuum tubes and the solid-state transistors which replaced them in many applicati ons. These amplifi ers are smaller, generate less heat, require smaller backup batt eries, and cost thousands of dollars less than solid-state amplifi ers. With the potenti al to reduce the cost of delivering voice and data from the current 50 cents to 5 cents per megabyte, they could save consumers hundreds of billions of dollars over the next 20 years. The technology has a range of applicati ons, extending from communicati ons (telephone, broadband, and satellite) to defense and scienti fi c research. The work is funded by the Department of Energy, the Air Force Offi ce of Scienti fi c Research, and the MIT Deshpande Center for Technological Innovati on.

Looking for the Stuff of the Universe Although physicists understand a lot about the pro- tons, neurons, and electrons that make up conven- ti onal atomic matt er, these parti cles in fact consti - tute only about 4 percent of the universe’s total mass and energy. The compositi on of the other 96 percent is a mystery: 73 percent is the “dark energy” that accounts for the accelerated expansion of the universe, and 23 percent is “dark matt er,” measured from its gravitati on pull on ordinary matt er. Now, researchers from MIT’s Department of Physics and Laboratory of Nuclear Science and the Department of Physics are helping to solve part of this mystery

40 Campus Research

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

% Department of Energy 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 change Research Expenditures $69,927,352 $67,264,569 $64,898,790 $65,610,631 $65,773,294 0%

Constant $ $78,305,167 $72,560,129 $68,243,245 $66,526,624 $65,773,294 -1%



$70.00 $69.93 $67.26 $60.00 $64.90 $65.61 $65.77

$50.00 Millions $40.00




$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Department of Energy Constant $

Leading Departments, Laboratories and Centers Receiving Support in the Most Current Year In the 2008-2009 Academic Year, 157 graduate stu- Plasma Science and Fusion Center dents held research assistantships and 14 held fel- Laboratory for Nuclear Science lowships funded at least in part by the Department Nuclear Science and Engineering of Energy; of these, 151 research assistantships and Chemistry 12 fellowships were fully funded by DOE. Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Chemical Engineering Earth System Initi ati ve Mechanical Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Materials Processing Center

Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

41 Nati onal Science Foundati on Selected Current Projects

Solar-Power Breakthrough Developing the Next Generati on of Batt eries Professor Daniel G. Nocera, The Henry Dreyfus Pro- MIT researchers are researching innovati ve ap- fessor of Energy at the Massachusett s Insti tute of proaches to batt ery constructi on. A team of MIT Technology, has duplicated the solar fuels process of researchers led by Angela Belcher was able to ge- photosynthesis with the creati on of a new catalyst neti cally engineer viruses to produce both the posi- that is structurally and functi onally the same as that ti vely and negati vely charged ends of a lithium ion found in a leaf. In doing so he provides a cheap and batt ery. The batt ery has the same energy capacity highly manufacturable method to store solar energy as those being considered for use in hybrid cars, but so that it may be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a is produced using a cheaper, less environmentally week by the individual. Biochemistry pioneer James hazardous process. MIT President Susan Hockfi eld Barber of London’s Imperial College, who deter- presented a prototype batt ery to President Barack mined the structure of the photosyntheti c mem- Obama at a press briefi ng at the White House. brane in 2004, stated “this is a major discovery with Professor Gerbrand Ceder and graduate student enormous implicati ons for the future prosperity of Byoungwoo Kang have developed a new way to mankind.” The discovery provides a carbon-neutral manufacture the material used in lithium ion bat- source by enabling the large scale deployment of teries that allows ultrafast charging and discharg- solar energy at the personal level. ing. The new method creates a surface structure that allows lithium ions to move rapidly around Nocera’s cobalt-oxygen evolving catalyst (Co-OEC) the outside of the batt ery. Batt eries built using the can use solar light as an input (via a photovoltaic new method could take seconds, rather than the cell or directly) to split water into hydrogen and oxy- now standard hours, to charge. Angela Belcher’s gen.The Co-OEC is unique because it operates safely research is funded by the Nati onal Science Founda- with high acti vity under benign conditi ons (room ti on through the Materials Research Science and temperature and pH 7); is comprised of inexpensive, Engineering Centers program, as well as the Army earth-abundant materials and is easy to manufac- Research Offi ce Insti tute of collaborati ve Technolo- ture and engineer; is self-healing; is functi onal in gies. Gerbrand Ceder’s research is funded by the natural, waste, and sea waters; can form on diverse Nati onal Science Foundati on through the Materials conducti ng surfaces of varying geometry and can Research Science and Engineering Centers program, be easily interfaced with a variety of light-absorbing and by the Department of Energy through the Bat- and charge-separati ng materials, and; may be teries for Advanced Transportati on Program. acti vated by solar-derived electricity or directly by sunlight mediated by a semiconductor. In additi on, because Co-OEC is fully functi onal in waste and natural water streams, Nocera’s discovery also sets a path to providing clean drinking water to the poor populati ons worldwide.

For his discovery and for his leadership positi on in championing personalized energy, Nocera was named one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Infl uen- ti al People in the World. In garnering this recogni- ti on, Time Magazine stated, “He’s developed a new method for making hydrogen fuel from water, taking his cue from sunlight. His discovery makes it conceivable that by midcentury we could sati sfy our global energy needs.”

42 Campus Research

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

National Science % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Foundation change Research Expenditures $66,767,888 $65,162,840 $65,057,176 $64,972,918 $61,385,770 -6%

Constant $ $74,767,176 $70,292,937 $68,409,793 $65,880,007 $61,385,770 -7%



$66.77 $60.00 $65.16 $65.06 $64.97 $61.39



Millions $30.00



$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

National Science Foundation Constant $

Leading Departments, Laboratories and Centers Receiving Support in the Most Current Year

Computer Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence In the 2008-2009 Academic Year, 278 graduate Laboratory students held research assistantships, 168 held fel- Kavli Insti tute for Astrophysics and Space Research lowships and 13 held traineeships funded at least in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science part by the Nati onal Science Foundati on; of these, Research Laboratory of Electronics 256 research assistantships, 167 fellowships, and 13 Haystack Observatory traineeships were fully funded by NSF. Chemistry Earth System Initi ati ve The Nati onal Science Foundati on has awarded the Center for Material Science and Engineering Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award Chemical Engineering to 106 current MIT faculty and staff members. Mathemati cs

Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

43 NASA Selected Current Projects

Mapping the Moon provements in imaging and spectroscopic sensiti vity. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter made its way MIT’s own researchers conti nue to use Chandra to to the moon following a fl awless lift off in June 2009 probe the violent universe and also parti cipate in from Cape Canaveral Air Force Stati on aboard an the Chandra X-ray Center, which operates the obser- Atlas V rocket. The mission will perform high-reso- vatory from Cambridge, Massachusett s. luti on mapping of the moon with seven sensors in preparati on for future roboti c and human explora- Weather, Climate Change, and Searching for Life on ti on. MIT has ti es to three of the instruments on the Mars craft . Professor Maria Zuber, head of the Depart- Currently operati ng in Mars’ orbit on the Mars Glob- ment of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, al Surveyor spacecraft is a joint MIT-NASA instru- is the co-leader of investi gati ons to perform high- ment that is mapping changes in the seasonal frost resoluti on topographic mapping and the fi rst op- cap of Mars. On the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter erati onal opti cal tracking of a planetary spacecraft . spacecraft an MIT-led investi gati on is collecti ng data Members of MIT Kavli Insti tute for Astrophysics and to study the internal structure, CO2 cycle, and at- Space Research are also parti cipati ng in an experi- mospheric density of Mars. A joint study by MIT and ment to characterize the lunar radiati on environ- Harvard Medical School is designing a prototype of ment. See htt p:// ce/2009/ a device to att empt to detect Earth-like life on Mars launch-0619.html for the original MIT news arti cle or other space environments. The device is being about the launch. designed to fl y on a future planetary lander or rover.

Probing the Violent Universe The Chandra X-ray observatory, launched in July 1999, is one of NASA’s major astronomical satel- lites. X-rays mark the most energeti c phenomena in the universe including black holes, highly acti ve stars, supernovae and their remnants, quasars, and the ten million degree gas that permeates clusters of galaxies. Chandra carries by far the best X-ray telescope ever built, one capable of making images at X-ray wavelengths that are comparable to those made by the best ground-based opti cal telescopes in visible light. MIT’s Kavli Insti tute for Astrophysics and Space Research (formerly the Center for Space Research) built two of the four scienti fi c instruments that record the radiati on focused by the telescope. A great majority of the observati ons performed with Chandra use one or both of these instruments, which were developed over more than a decade using technological advances made both on cam- pus and at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. The specialized, X-ray sensiti ve Charge Coupled Devices (CCDs) and the periodic, submicron structures at the cores of these instruments remain unique in the world. They provide astronomers with orders of magnitude im-

44 Campus Reseach

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

% NASA 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 change Research Expenditures $32,170,434 $31,229,214 $27,888,708 $25,479,571 $27,358,036 7%

Constant $ $36,024,691 $33,687,807 $29,325,907 $25,835,292 $27,358,036 6%



$32.17 $30.00 $31.23

$25.00 $27.89 $27.36 $25.48 $20.00 Millions $15.00



$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

NASA Constant $

Leading Departments, Laboratories and Centers Receiving Support in the Most Current Year

Kavli Insti tute for Astrophysics and Space Research In the 2008-2009 Academic Year, 61 graduate Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences students held research assistantships and and 3 Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs held fellowships funded at least in part by NASA; of Haystack Observatory these, 54 research assistantships and 3 fellowships Center for Global Change Science were fully funded by NASA. Earth System Initi ati ve

Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

45 Other Federal Agencies Selected Current Projects

Keeping the Noise Down …While Keeping Down the Polluti on and the Cost The demand for air travel is predicted to double Under the leadership of Aeronauti cs and Astronau- over the next 20 years. Yet, with key airports operat- ti cs Professor John-Paul Clarke, a team of research- ing at full capacity, aircraft noise in these mostly ers has developed a new landing procedure that urban areas is a major barrier to service growth. Is reduces noise, cuts polluti on, and shortens fl ight there any way to design an airplane whose noise is ti me. In traditi onal approaches, planes begin their impercepti ble outside the boundaries of the airport descent many miles from the runway, spending and no longer so detrimental to people living, work- substanti al ti me at relati vely low alti tudes. Further- ing, or going to school close to the fl ight paths? This more, the planes move down in steps, which require is the challenge researchers from MIT, the University noisy engine thrusts every ti me they level out. The of Cambridge, and many parts of the civil aerospace new system, which uses sophisti cated avionics that and aviati on industry are addressing in the Silent enable pilots on their fi nal approach to guide their Aircraft Initi ati ve, launched in 2003 by the Cam- planes directly to the correct radio beam, keeps a bridge-MIT Insti tute (CMI). Exploring the design of plane at cruise alti tude unti l it is relati vely close to the three major aircraft noise sources – the engines, the airport. At this point, the plane makes an even, the undercarriage, and the airframe, researchers are conti nuous descent to the runway, appreciably exploring such opti ons as putti ng the engines above reducing noise, burning less fuel and emitti ng fewer the aircraft , so the body itself shields the ground fumes. Because the aircraft maintains higher speeds from noise; embedding them in long, muffl ed ducts; and takes a more direct path to the runway, the and designing an advanced engine located inside system also reduced fl ight ti me. The team demon- the airframe. They also are addressing technologies strated the approach’s eff ecti veness in a two-week that will improve the integrati on of the airframe test at Louisville Regional Airport; and it now is con- and the propulsion system. In additi on, the team is ducti ng research to adapt and test the procedure assessing the economic implicati ons of silent aircraft for airports with heavier traffi c volume and greater for both airlines and regional economics. The work aircraft diversity. The Louisville test was funded by is funded by the NASA Langley Research Center and Congress, with additi onal support from UPS, Boe- CMI. ing, regional traffi c control centers, MIT, the Federal Aviati on Administrati on, and NASA. In 2003, MIT was designated an Air Transportati on Center of Excellence for Aircraft Noise and Aviati on Emission Miti gati on, created by the FAA. Clarke is the center’s director.

46 Campus Research

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

Other Federal % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Agencies change Research Expenditures $11,954,303 $15,569,962 $14,430,956 $14,169,322 $14,558,505 3%

Constant $ $13,386,517 $16,795,744 $15,174,632 $14,367,140 $14,558,505 1%


$16.00 $15.57 $14.00 $14.56 $14.43 $14.17 $12.00 $11.95 $10.00

$8.00 Millions




$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Other Federal Agencies Constant $

Other Federal Agencies includes: Department of Transportati on, Department of Commerce, Department of the Interior, Department of Educati on, Department of Agriculture, Nuclear Reactor Commission, Environmen- tal Protecti on Agency, etc. Leading Departments, Laboratories and Centers In the 2008-2009 Academic Year, 35 graduate Receiving Support in the Most Current Year students heldp research assistantships and 20 held fellowships funded at least in part by the Other Fed- Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs eral Agencies; of these, 34 research assistantships Sea Grant College Program and 12 fellowships were fully funded. Center for Transportati on and Logisti cs The Broad Insti tute Computer Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence Laboratory Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

47 Non-Profi t Organizati ons Selected Current Projects

Treati ng Parkinson’s Disease with Stem Cells Simons Initi ati ve on Auti sm and the Brain A team including MIT researchers has demonstrated Disorders of learning and development aff ect up to for the fi rst ti me that arti fi cially created stem cells 5 in 100 individuals in the United States. A subset af- can be used to treat symptoms of Parkinson’s dis- fected by Auti sm Spectrum Disorders (ASD) includes ease in rats. Researchers at the Whitehead Insti tute approximately one in every 150 children. Recent of Biomedical Research found that nerve cells de- advances in neuroscience, including neurogenet- rived from skin cells reprogrammed to behave like ics, systems neuroscience, and cogniti ve neurosci- embryonic stem cells can be successfully integrated ence, have the promise of signifi cantly advancing in animal brains and improve symptoms of a neuro- our understanding of the causes of ASD and other degenerati ve conditi on similar to Parkinson’s. The pervasive developmental disorders, and help in work could lead to successful treatments for human their treatment. To be eff ecti ve, however, a research pati ents of Parkinson’s, the degenerati ve neurologi- eff ort requires close interacti on between neurosci- cal disorder. However, the researchers pointed out enti sts, cogniti ve scienti sts, and clinicians. that hurdles associated with reprogramming cells In 2005, the Simons Foundati on awarded a 5-year must fi rst be cleared. The research was supported grant to fund auti sm research in 6 BCS labs at MIT by the Ellison Medical Foundati on and the Nati onal under the Simons Auti sm Project. The projects aim Insti tutes of Health. htt p:// to use advanced research tools and methods to de- fi ce/2008/parkinson-0407.html velop accurate diagnosis and treatment for children with ASD and related developmental disorders, and Marine Microbiology Initi ati ve for developing animal models of ASD. In 2009, the Simons Foundati on established a three-year grant Marine microbes are extraordinarily sensiti ve bio- to improve the infrastructure for auti sm research sensors; they rapidly alter their protein expression at MIT. This gift promotes innovati ve, collabora- in response to minute changes in environmental ti ve, and interdisciplinary research that bridges labs conditi ons such as light, temperature, chemicals, and methods and that is targeted toward a deeper or pressure. The same sensiti vity that makes them understanding of auti sm. This grant includes several valuable environmental indicators also renders components: funding for postdoctoral fellows and them diffi cult to study in their natural state. Re- seed research grants, and funds for a colloquium searchers in MIT’s departments of civil and envi- series. ronmental engineering, and biological engineering are using a new method to studying these marine With the help of the SFARI, MIT’s auti sm research microbe communiti es by examining small RNA eff ort has grown into the Simons Initi ati ve on (sRNA), the snippets of geneti c material that control Auti sm and the Brain. Many MIT researchers are gene expression. The discovery of sRNA in a natural members of the Auti sm Consorti um, a collaborati on setti ng may make it possible to study on a broad between 75 clinicians and researchers across 13 scale how microbial communiti es living in diff er- Boston-area insti tuti ons to seek the causes and de- ent ocean environments respond to environmental velop therapies for auti sm. htt p://auti sti muli. The research is being led by Professors Edward DeLong and Sallie Chisholm, and is funded by the Gordon and Bett y Moore Foundati on Marine Microbiology Initi ati ve. The research is also sup- ported by the Nati onal Science Foundati on and the Department of Energy. htt p:// fi ce/2009/smallRNA-0514.html

48 Campus Research

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

% Non Profit Institutions 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 change Research Expenditures $19,743,695 $24,833,139 $32,198,679 $47,694,400 $60,538,156 27%

Constant $ $22,109,136 $26,788,186 $33,857,986 $48,360,264 $60,538,156 25%


$60.00 $60.54

$50.00 $47.69 $40.00

$30.00 Millions $32.20

$20.00 $24.83 $19.74 $10.00

$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Non Profit Institutions Constant $

Leading Departments, Laboratories and Centers Receiving Support in the Most Current Year

Technology and Development Program Earth System Initi ati ve Mechanical Engineering MIT Energy Initi ati ve Laboratory for Manufacturing Sciences McGovern Insti tute for Brain Research Research Laboratory of Electronics Chemical Engineering

Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

49 50 3 Lincoln Laboratory


Economic Impact 54 Air and Missile Defense Technology 55 Communicati ons and Informati on 56 Technology Intelligence, Surveillance, 57 and Reconnaissance Technology Space Control 58 Advanced Electronics Technology 59 Tacti cal Systems 60 Homeland Protecti on 61 Lincoln Laboratory Staff 62 Test Faciliti es and Field Sites 63

51 Lincoln Laboratory MIT Lincoln Laboratory is a federally funded Two of the Laboratory’s principal technical research and development center (FFRDC) operated objecti ves are (1) the development of components by the Massachusett s Insti tute of Technology under and systems for experiments, engineering contract with the Department of Defense (DOD). measurements, and tests under fi eld operati ng The Laboratory’s core competencies are in sensors, conditi ons and (2) the disseminati on of informati on informati on extracti on (signal processing and to the government, academia, and industry. embedded computi ng), communicati ons, integrated Program acti viti es extend from fundamental sensing, and decision support, all supported by a investi gati ons through the design process, and strong program in advanced electronics technology. fi nally to fi eld demonstrati ons of prototype systems. Emphasis is placed on transiti oning systems and Since its establishment in 1951, MIT Lincoln technology to industry. Laboratory’s mission has been to apply technology to problems of nati onal security. The Laboratory’s MIT Lincoln Laboratory also emphasizes meeti ng technology development is focused on its the government’s FFRDC goals of maintaining primary mission areas—space control; air and long-term competency, retaining high-quality staff , missile defense technology; communicati ons providing independent perspecti ve on criti cal issues, and informati on technology; intelligence, sustaining strategic sponsor relati onships, and surveillance, and reconnaissance systems and developing technology for both long-term interests technology; advanced electronics; tacti cal systems; and short-term, high-priority needs. and homeland protecti on. In additi on, Lincoln Laboratory undertakes government-sponsored, nondefense projects in areas such as air traffi c control and weather surveillance.

FY 2009 Funding By Sponsor

Total FY 2009 funding = $749.0 M

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

52 Lincoln Laboratory

Total Funding


700 $749 $675.7 600 $625.7 $628.8 $595.5 500


300 Funding in $M



0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Non-DOD Programs FY05 to FY09 in millions 100

90 $89.9 80


60 $65.1 $62 50


Funding in $M $39.4 30 $34.7



0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

53 Lincoln Laboratory’s Economic Impact The Laboratory has generated and supported a range of nati onal business and industrial acti viti es. The charts that follow show the Laboratory’s eco- nomic impact by business category and state.

October 1, 2008 to August 20, 2009 (In $millions) Type Amount Large Business 188.5 Small Business 155.4 Educati on (not MIT) 2.1 Other (Gov./Foreign) 5.0 Total 351.0

October 1, 2008 to August 20, 2009 (In $millions) Top Seven States Massachusett s 156.1 California 49.3 Virginia 32.2 Texas 14.7 Ohio 11.7 New Hampshire 11.6 Colorado 10.5

Other New England States (In $millions) Rhode Island 6.0 Connecti cut 2.8 Maine 0.2 Vermont 0.1

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

54 Lincoln Laboratory

Air and Missile Defense Technology

In the Air and Missile Defense Technology mission, Lincoln Laboratory conti nues to have a signifi cant Lincoln Laboratory works with government, indus- role in characterizing the capabiliti es and limitati ons try, and other laboratories to develop integrated of deployed ballisti c missile defense components systems for defense against ballisti c missiles, cruise and in helping to develop, refi ne, and verify tacti cs, missiles, and air vehicles in tacti cal, strategic, and techniques, and procedures to opti mize perfor- homeland defense applicati ons. Acti viti es include mance. The Laboratory is also acti vely engaged the investi gati on of system architectures, develop- in the analysis, development, testi ng, and imple- ment of advanced sensor and decision support mentati on of new capabiliti es. Areas of parti cular technologies, development of fl ight-test hardware, focus are system-wide tracking and discriminati on, extensive fi eld measurements and data analysis, and system-level testi ng, and advanced counter-coun- the verifi cati on and assessment of deployed system termeasures techniques. capabiliti es. The program includes a focused evalu- ati on of the survivability of U.S. air vehicles against air defense systems. A strong emphasis is placed on the rapid prototyping of sensor and system concepts and algorithms, and the transfer of the resulti ng technologies to government contractors responsible for the development of operati onal systems.

Air and Missile Defense Technology DOD Funding, FY05 to FY09 in millions 160


120 $136.9 $128 $124.9 100 $121.8 $118.1


60 Funding in $M in Funding 40


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

55 Communicati ons and Informati on Technology In the Communicati ons and Informati on Technology Future directi ons include evolving core program- mission, the Laboratory works to enhance the mati c thrusts, such as satellite communicati ons and capabiliti es of current and future U.S. global defense on-the-move communicati ons, and expanding the communicati ons networks (space, air, land, and sea) focus on net-centric operati ons and cybersecurity. in the transport and knowledge domains. Emphasis is placed on developing architectures; identi fying, prototyping, and demonstrati ng components, subsystems, and systems; and then transferring this technology to industry for use in operati onal systems. Current eff orts span all network layers (from physical to applicati on), with primary focuses on satellite communicati ons, aircraft and vehicle radios and antennas, tacti cal networking, language processing, net-centric operati ons, and cyber operati ons.

Communications and Information Technology DOD Funding, FY05 to FY09 in millions


140 $142.6 120 $120.9 100 $112.9 $110.4 80 $87.4 60 Funding in $M



0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

56 Lincoln Laboratory

Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Systems and Technology The Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Future directi ons are expanded eff orts in signals (ISR) Systems and Technology mission conducts intelligence and multi -intelligence data exploitati on, research and development into advanced sensing as well as laser-based sensing for explosives and concepts, signal and image processing, high- chemical signatures. Future goals are to strengthen performance computi ng, networked sensor tracking and exploitati on experti se and programs, architectures, and decision sciences. This work and to develop an end-to-end ISR test bed. is focused on providing improved surface and undersea surveillance capabiliti es for problems of nati onal interest. The Laboratory’s ISR program encompasses airborne imaging and moving target detecti on radar, RF geolocati on systems, electro- opti c imaging, and laser radar. Successful concepts oft en develop into experimental prototype ISR systems, someti mes on surrogate platf orms, that demonstrate new capability in operati onally relevant environments.

ISR Systems and Technology DOD Funding, FY05 to FY09 in millions


70 $71.3



$45.8 40

30 Funding in $M



0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 The ISR Systems and Technology mission area was insti tuted in 2008.

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

57 Space Control The Space Control mission develops technology that Long-range objecti ves are the development of tech- enables the nati on’s space surveillance system to nology for systems that support the nati on’s space meet the challenges of space situati onal awareness. control needs, that enable environmental monitor- Lincoln Laboratory works with systems to detect, ing, and that provide special-purpose surveillance. track, and identi fy man-made satellites; performs Work on programs that support homeland security satellite mission and payload assessment; and in- systems and that provide specialized sensing, data vesti gates technology to improve monitoring of the exploitati on, and decision support for intelligence space environment, including space weather and at- eff orts is anti cipated. mospheric and ionospheric eff ects. The technology emphasis is the applicati on of new components and algorithms to enable sensors with greatly enhanced capabiliti es and to support the development of net- centric processing systems for the nati on’s Space Surveillance Network.

Space Control DOD Funding, FY05 to FY09 140

120 $121.4

$108.2 100 $104.4 $105.4 $96.9 80

60 Funding in $M



0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

58 Lincoln Laboratory

Advanced Electronics Technology Research and development in Advanced Electronics Work will conti nue in the integrati on of advanced Technology (AET) focus on the inventi on of new de- electronic devices into Department of Defense sys- vices, the practi cal realizati on of those devices, and tems; a growing emphasis will be on microsystems their integrati on into subsystems. Although many assembly and packaging. of these devices conti nue to be based on solid-state electronic or electro-opti cal technologies, recent work is highly multi disciplinary, and current devices increasingly exploit biotechnology and innovati ve chemistry. The broad scope of AET work includes the development of unique high-performance de- tectors and focal planes, 3-D integrated circuits, bio- logical and chemical agent sensors, diode lasers and photonic devices using compound semiconductors and silicon-based technologies, microelectrome- chanical devices, RF components, and unique lasers including high-power fi ber and cryogenic lasers.

Advanced Electronics Technology DOD Funding, FY05 to FY09 in millions


50 $51.7 $49.8 $48.0 40 $40.6 30 $32.4

Funding in $M 20


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

59 Tacti cal Systems In the Tacti cal Systems mission, Lincoln Laboratory Future goals are enhancing capabiliti es for counter- focuses on helping the U.S. military understand measure systems, evaluati ng upgrades for surveil- the operati onal uti lity and limitati ons of advanced lance and target acquisiti on radars, and expanding technologies. Acti viti es focus on a combinati on of the test bed that supports counterterrorism applica- systems analysis to assess technology impact in ti ons. operati onally relevant scenarios, rapid development and instrumentati on of prototype U.S. and threat systems, and detailed, realisti c instrumented test- ing. The Tacti cal Systems area is characterized by a very ti ght coupling between the Laboratory’s eff orts and the DOD sponsors involved in these eff orts. This ti ght coupling ensures that the analysis which is done and the systems which are developed are relevant and benefi cial to the military.

Tactical Systems DOD Funding, FY05 to FY09 in millions




60 $67.4

$57.9 $55.4 $50.4 40 Funding in $M in Funding


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

60 Lincoln Laboratory

Homeland Protecti on The Homeland Protecti on mission is supporti ng the Future focuses will be on air security for the home- nati on’s homeland security by developing technol- land; an integrated air, land, and mariti me surveil- ogy and systems to help prevent terrorist att acks lance architecture; conti nued investi gati ons into within the United States, to reduce the vulnerability sensors for detecti ng and identi fying biological and of the United States to terrorism, and to minimize chemical agents; and the use of sensors for border the damage and assist in the recovery from terror- security. ist att acks. Current sponsors for this mission area include the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and other federal, state, and local enti ti es. Eff orts include architecture stud- ies for the defense of civilians and faciliti es against potenti al biological att acks, development of the Enhanced Regional Situati on Awareness system for air defense of the Nati onal Capital Region, develop- ment of cybersecurity technology for criti cal home- land infrastructure protecti on, and the evaluati on of technologies for border and mariti me security.

Homeland Protection DOD Funding, FY05 to FY09 in millions


30 $30.6


20 $19.7

15 Funding in $M 10


0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 The Homeland Protecti on mission area was insti tuted in 2008.

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

61 Lincoln Laboratory Staff Approximately 1,500 technical staff are involved in Lincoln Laboratory recruits at more than 60 of the research programs. Two-thirds of the technical staff nati on’s top technical universiti es, with 65 percent have advanced degrees, with 42% holding doctor- to 75 percent of new hires coming directly from uni- ates. Professional development opportuniti es and versiti es. Lincoln Laboratory augments its campus challenging cross-disciplinary projects are respon- recruiti ng by developing long-term relati onships sible for the Laboratory’s ability to retain highly with research faculty and promoti ng fellowship and qualifi ed, creati ve staff . summer internship programs.

Technical Staff Profi le

Degrees Held by Lincoln Laboratory Technical Staff

All data is for the Lincoln Laboratory fi scal year, which runs concurrent with the U.S. Government fi scal year, Oct. 1 to Sept. 30.

62 Lincoln Laboratory

Test Faciliti es and Field Sites Hanscom Field Flight and Antenna Test Facility The Laboratory operates the main hangar on the Hanscom Air Force Base fl ight line. This 93,000-sq-ft building accommodates the Laboratory Flight Test Facility and complex of state-of-the-art antenna test chambers. The Flight Facility houses several Lincoln Laboratory-operated aircraft used for rapid proto- typing of airborne sensors and communicati ons.

Hanscom Field Flight and Antenna Test Facility

Millstone Hill Field Site, Westf ord, MA MIT operates radio astronomy and atmospheric research faciliti es at Millstone Hill, an MIT-owned, 1,100-acre research facility in Westf ord, Massachu- sett s. Lincoln Laboratory occupies a subset of the faciliti es whose primary acti viti es involve tracking and identi fi cati on of space objects.

Millstone Hill Field Site, Westf ord, Massachu- sett s Reagan Test Site, Kwajalein, Marshall Islands Lincoln Laboratory serves as the scienti fi c advisor to the Reagan Test Site at the U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll installati on located about 2,500 miles WSW of Ha- waii. Twenty staff members work at this site, serving two- to three-year tours of duty. The site’s radars and opti cal and telemetry sensors support ballisti c missile defense testi ng and space surveillance. The radar systems provide test faciliti es for radar tech- nology development and for the development of ballisti c missile defense techniques.

Reagan Test Site, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Other Sites Islands Pacifi c Missile Range Facility, Kauai, Hawaii Experimental Test Site, Socorro, New Mexico

63 64 4 MIT and Industry


Fostering Innovati on 66 Licensing Inventi ons 66 Benefi ts to the Nati onal Economy 67 Selected Current Projects 68 Research Funded by Industry 69 Service to Industry 70 Strategic Partnerships 72

65 MIT and Industry

Fostering Innovati on Licensing Inventi ons Dedicated from its founding to addressing practi cal In FY 2009, MIT fi led 131 new U.S. uti lity patent ap- problems, MIT has a long traditi on of collaborati on plicati ons, and was issued 153 U.S. patents. There with industry. Creati ng jobs, companies, and even were 501 inventi on disclosures, 85 licenses and new industries, these partnerships are a vital engine opti ons granted, 17 trademark licenses granted, and in the country’s innovati on system – the alliance 23 soft ware end-use licenses granted. In each of the of industry, universiti es, government, and labor past fi ve years, we have had over 100 U.S. patents that develops new knowledge and technologies, issued to us and we have signed 60-100 opti on and educates a highly-skilled work force to apply them, license agreements. A small percentage of inven- and produces the next generati on of researchers ti ons are suitable for start-ups as they open enti rely to conti nue the process of discovery and develop- new fi elds or introduce new approaches. MIT has ment. The system turns out a conti nuous stream of long been famous as a source of start-up technol- new products and services, which in turn advance ogy, and 21 new companies were formed around our economy and improve our lives. MIT licenses in 2009. While university technology li- censing obviously has a signifi cant economic impact MIT’s interacti ons with industry bring real-world in terms of bringing new technologies to market, technology and management issues into our re- creati ng companies and jobs, and increasing tax search laboratories and our teaching. They keep revenues, many of these products do not achieve the faculty and students current, grounded, and signifi cant sales unti l three to fi ve years aft er the forward-looking. Maintaining strong, producti ve license is signed. industrial alliances is an Insti tute priority.

Sponsored Research MIT is a leader in conducti ng research sponsored by industry. More than 400 corporati ons supported research projects on the MIT campus in FY 2009, with expenditures exceeding $99 million. Compa- nies oft en join together in these collaborati ons to support multi -disciplinary research programs in a wide range of fi elds.

66 MIT and Industry

Benefi ts to the Nati onal Economy

In 2009, the Kauff man Foundati on of Entrepreneur- The study also noted that “an important subset of ship released a study on MIT’s Entrepreneurial im- the MIT alumni companies is in soft ware, electron- pact on the nati on’s economy. The study found that ics (including instruments, semiconductors, and MIT graduates, faculty, and staff had established computers), and biotech. These fi rms are the cutti ng 25,800 currently acti ve companies, which in 2006 edge of what we think of as high technology and, employed at least 3.3 million people and generated correspondingly, are more likely to be planning fu- $2 trillion in world revenue. If MIT-related com- ture expansion than companies in other industries. panies formed a nati on, in 2006 they would have They export a higher percentage of their products, ranked as the world’s 17th largest economy. hold more patents, and spend more of their rev- enues on research and development.” The fi ve states benefi ti ng most from MIT-related jobs were Massachusett s, with just under 1,000,000 The study also found that MIT acts as a magnet for jobs; California, with 526,000 jobs; New York, with foreign entrepreneurs. It reported that 30 percent 231,000 jobs; Texas, with 184,00 jobs; and Virginia, of foreign students who att end MIT found compa- with 136,000 jobs. nies at some point in their lives. It stated that “half of those companies created by ‘imported’ entrepre- Nearly 60 percent of companies founded by MIT neurs, 2,340 fi rms, are headquartered in the United alumni are located outside the Northeast. These States, generati ng their principal revenue ($16 companies have a large presence in the San Francis- billion) and employment (101,500 people) benefi ts co Bay area (Silicon Valley), Southern California, the here.” Washington-Balti more-Philadelphia belt, the Pacifi c Northwest, the Chicago area, southern Florida, Dallas and Houston, and the industrial citi es of Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

67 Industry Selected Current Projects

Micro-Ants by acti vati ng waves called “solitons.” Proposing a Researchers at MIT, in collaborati on with research- model that explains how these waves work, Xi Lin, a ers at Boston University and in Germany, have cre- postdoctoral associate in Yip’s lab, has developed an ated a new system that uses microscopic magneti c understanding which will permit engineers to design beads suspended in liquid to move objects inside lighter, much more fl exible polymers. Able to trans- microfl uidic chips. The beads, which are made of mit the wave much more quickly, they can make the polymers with specks of magneti c material sus- robot muscles move 1,000 ti mes faster than those pended in them, have been dubbed “micro-ants” of humans. This work was supported by Honda R&D for their ability to transport objects much larger Co. Ltd., and DARPA. than themselves. When they are placed in a rotat- ing magneti c fi eld the beads spontaneously form Sharper Image short chains and spin, creati ng a current that can Researchers in MIT’s Computer Science and Arti fi cial transport surrounding parti cles as much as 100 Intelligence Laboratory have developed a technique ti mes larger than the beads. The new method could for taking some of the blur out of snapshots. Rob provide a simpler, less-expensive alternati ve to Fergus, a postdoctoral associate in the lab, and com- current microfl uidic devices, a technology involv- puter science professor William Freedom, presented ing the precise control of ti ny amounts of liquids the method at the recent Siggraph 2006 conference fl owing through microscopic channels on a chip in in Boston. When pictures are taken with lightweight, order to carry out chemical or biological analysis digital cameras, oft en the hands holding the camera of ti ny samples. The work may also help scienti st shake, blurring the resulti ng images. Using soft ware bett er understand the human body. The micro-ants to remove the blur is the goal of scienti sts, but functi on similarly to cilia, which are ti ny hair-like it’s diffi cult without knowing how the camera was fi laments that line organs like the trachea and the moving. Knowing that objects tend to have stati sti - intesti nes. Like the micro-ants, cilia work in unison cally disti ncti ve patt erns of light and dark with sharp to create currents that sweep along cells, nutrients, changes at the edges, Fergus developed soft ware and other parti cles. The work was led by Professor which measures the light-to-dark gradients in a pho- Alfredo Alexander-Katz and was funded by a grant to and compares them with preprogrammed values from DuPont and grants from the German Govern- to esti mate how the camera moved, and then ment. htt p:// ce/2009/micro- reconstructs the image. The process takes 10 to 15 ants.html minutes, and although the resulti ng images are not perfect, the method has provided serviceable ver- Closing in on Bionic Speed sions of photos that were previously unusable. Robots have the potenti al to go where it is too hot, too cold, too remote, too small, or too dangerous for people to perform any number of tasks, from repairing water leaks to sti tching blood vessels together. Now MIT researchers, led by Sidney Yip, professor of nuclear engineering and materials science and engineering, have proposed a theory that might eliminate an obstacle to achieving these goals – the limited speed and control of the “arti fi - cial muscles” that make these robots move. Today, engineers construct roboti c muscles from polymers that carry an electronic current, which are triggered

68 MIT and Industry

Research Sponsored by Industry

MIT Campus Research Expenditures Fiscal Years 2005-2009

% Industry 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 change Research Expenditures $65,107,845 $72,743,321 $79,725,395 $82,194,185 $99,219,127 21%

Constant $ $72,908,248 $78,470,209 $83,833,915 $83,341,701 $99,219,127 19%


$100.00 $99.22

$80.00 $79.73 $82.19 $72.74 $60.00 $65.11



$0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Industry Constant $ Leading Departments, Laboratories, and Centers Receiving Support in the Most Current Year

MIT Energy Initi ati ve The Broad Insti tute Computer Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence Laboratory Chemical Engineering Media Laboratory Mechanical Energy Sloan School of Management Koch Insti tute for Integrati ve Cancer Research Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs Biological Engineering

Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

69 Service to Industry Deshpande Center for Technological Innovati on MIT Center for Biomedical Innovati on The Deshpande Center for Technological Innovati on An Insti tute-wide collaborati on of faculty from the nurtures marketable inventi ons by engaging indus- MIT Schools of Engineering, Management, and Sci- try to spark inventi ons that solve existi ng needs, and ence, the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences by funding proof-of-concept explorati ons with Igni- & Technology, and their counterparts from govern- ti on Grants. The Center fuels market-driven innova- ment and industry, the MIT Center for Biomedical ti on by funding research with Innovati on Grants, Innovati on addresses the challenges of translati ng getti ng the business community involved at an early advances in the life sciences more effi ciently and stage to help shape the directi on of research, and safely, from the laboratory to the public. The center by educati ng the research community about com- provides a “safe harbor” in which major players mercializati on. It also implements innovati on in the across the biomedical spectrum – from medical re- marketplace by catalyzing collaborati ons, directi ng searchers to federal regulators, payers, and experts researchers to appropriate business and entrepre- in fi nance and marketi ng – can bett er appreciate neurial resources, and serving as a liaison between each other’s concerns and communicate and col- MIT and the local business community. laborate more eff ecti vely.

The Industrial Performance Center MIT Internati onal Science and Technology The Industrial Performance Center supports in- Initi ati ves terdisciplinary research and educati on aimed at The MIT Internati onal Science and Technology Initi a- understanding and improving industrial producti v- ti ves program (MISTI) enlarges students’ opportuni- ity, innovati on, and competi ti veness. Faculty and ti es for internati onal learning through on-campus students from all fi ve MIT schools parti cipate in its resources and internships in foreign companies programs. Since its founding in 1992, the Center and laboratories; supports faculty collaborati ons has conducted research at more than 1,000 fi rms in with researchers abroad; and works with corpora- major manufacturing and service industries in both ti ons, government, and nonprofi t organizati ons advanced and emerging economies. to promote internati onal industry, educati on, and research. About 150 students parti cipate annually Leaders for Global Operati ons in MISTI internships, preparing for their stay abroad Leaders for Global Operati ons (LFGO) is an edu- with integrated courses in foreign languages and cati onal and research program that the MIT Sloan cultures. MISTI programs are organized by region. School of Management and the School of Engi- The fi rst one established, MIT Japan, today is the neering conduct in partnership with more than 25 largest center of applied Japanese studies for scien- global manufacturing and operati ons companies. ti sts and engineers in that country. Other programs The program educates new leaders in manufactur- are in China, France, Germany, India, and Italy. ing and operati ons, and advances the understand- MISTI also supports conferences and workshops ing of manufacturing and operati ons principles. that promote internati onal learning and research at LFGO views these two functi ons in the broadest MIT, and provides training for corporati ons. sense, from product concept through delivery. Its 24-month program leads to two Master of Science degrees – one in engineering and the other in man- agement. Students work with faculty in both schools and take part in acti viti es that include six-month internships at partner companies.

70 MIT and Industry

MIT Sloan Fellows Program in Innovati on and Professional Insti tute Global Leadership Founded in 1949, MIT’s Professional Insti tute (PI) The MIT Sloan Fellows Program in Innovati on and brings more than 600 technical, scienti fi c, busi- Global Leadership is a 12-month, full-ti me program ness, and government professionals from around for high-potenti al mid-career managers with strong the world to campus each year for two- to- fi ve-day technical and entrepreneurial backgrounds. Inte- courses that allow them to develop working knowl- grati ng management, technology, innovati on, and edge in rapidly evolving technologies, industries, global outreach, the program provides students and organizati onal structures. PI’s more than 40 with a rigorous academic curriculum, frequent courses, which can involve lectures, discussions, interacti on with internati onal business and govern- readings, interacti ve problem solving, and labora- ment leaders, and an exchange of global perspec- tory work, cover a broad range of topics, such as hy- ti ves that enables them to develop their capaciti es drologic modeling, bioinformati cs, nanostructured as global innovators. The program att racts people fl uids, supply chain network opti mizati on, scienti fi c from all over the world from a wide variety of for- marketi ng, and high-speed videography. Recent PI profi t and nonprofi t industries organizati ons, and parti cipants include employees from Amgen, Archer functi onal areas. Students can earn an M.B.A., an Daniels Midland, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, M.S. in management, or an M.S. in the management Kimberly-Clark Corporati on, Nagoya City University, of technology. San Mateo County Transit District, Delft University of Technology, and the Department of Defense. Offi ce of Corporate Relati ons System Design and Management MIT’s Offi ce of Corporate Relati ons promotes creati ve collaborati on among MIT, industry, and System Design and Management (SDM) educates government. Its Industrial Liaison Program enables engineering professionals in the processes of member fi rms to draw upon MIT experti se to inform engineering and designing complex products and their own technology strategies, and at the same systems, and gives them the management skills they ti me helps faculty members stay abreast of the lat- need to exercise these capaciti es across organiza- est industrial developments. ti ons. Sponsored by the School of Engineering and the Sloan School of Management, the program of- fers a joint Master’s degree from both schools. Stu- Professional Educati on Programs dents can pursue these degrees either on campus To meet industries’ need to bring large groups of or through a hybrid on-campus/off -campus curricu- employees up to speed in new or evolving areas lum that uses video conferencing and web-based of knowledge, in 2002 the MIT School of Engineer- instructi on. This fl exibility has made it possible for ing established its Professional Educati on Programs people like a captain in the U.S. Army commanding a (PEP). An extension of MIT’s Professional Insti tute division in Iraq, a captain in the Hellenic Air Force, or (see following entry), PEP off ers Internet-based a General Electric aerospace engineer in Cincinnati courses that employees can parti cipate in at their to take advantage of SDM’s technical, engineering, home insti tuti ons without traveling to Cambridge. and management breadth. More than 50 companies MIT faculty also work with corporati ons to design and organizati ons from a wide range of fi elds have customized curriculums that meet their specifi c sponsored students in this program. needs, including those that integrate management with technological advances.

71 Strategic Partnerships In 1994, MIT began to build new kinds of research Ford Motor Company partnerships, creati ng longer-term alliances with Since it was launched in 1997, the Ford-MIT Al- major corporati ons that would allow these com- liance has joined MIT and Ford researchers on a panies to work with MIT to develop programs and wide range of educati on and research projects strategies that address areas of rapid change. In that emphasize environment and design. Built on a return for their research and teaching support, the long history of working together, the alliance grew corporati ons share ownership of patentable inven- from a recogniti on that changes brought about by ti ons and improvements developed from the part- globalizati on and the impact of advanced informa- nership. In a number of these alliances, funds are ti on technologies require new models of university/ earmarked for specifi c educati on projects. industry collaborati on. The more than 80 research projects supported by the Ford-MIT Alliance in- Dupont clude climate and environmental research, the Established in 2000 and extended in 2005, the development of cleaner engine and fuel technolo- DuPont MIT Alliance (DMA) brings together each gies, computer-aided design, and automobile voice insti tuti on’s strengths in materials, chemical, and recogniti on systems, such as the one MIT and Ford biological sciences to develop new materials for researchers are working on to allow drivers to direct bioelectronics, biosensors, biomimeti c materials, their autos’ navigati on systems by speaking, rather alternati ve energy sources, and other high value than by entering the informati on with keystrokes. substances. DuPont also works with MIT’s Sloan School of Management to defi ne new business Hewlett -Packard Company models for these emerging technologies. Among With the ulti mate goal of expanding the perfor- DMA’s accomplishments is a device for the ti ssue- mance and fl exibility of the commercial, educati on- like culturing of liver cells that provides a medium al, and personal services that digital informati on sys- for testi ng the material similar to the toxicity of new tems provide, Hewlett -Packard and MIT established pharmaceuti cals. Another is the development of a an alliance in 2000 to investi gate new architectures, material similar to the water-repellent surfaces of devices, and user interfaces, and to develop new lotus leaves, which has potenti al for applicati ons like ways to create and handle digital informati on. The self-cleaning fabrics, water-repellent windshields, HP/MIT Alliance has helped launch Dspace, the MIT and plumbing that resists the growth of harmful Libraries’ pathbreaking digital archive which opens bacteria. To date, MIT and DuPont scienti sts have up the intellectual output of MIT faculty and re- applied for more than 40 patents based on their search staff to researchers around the world. It also research. In its second stage, DMA has moved into supports the MIT Ultra-Wideband group, which is nanocomposites, nanoelectronic materials, alterna- advancing UWB communicati on, and the MIT Cen- ti ve energy technologies, and next-generati on safety ter for Wireless Networking, which explores ways to and protecti on materials. expand the capabiliti es of wireless appliances and the networks and server architectures that they use.

72 MIT and Industry

Microsoft Corporati on Project Oxygen Alliance Called iCampus, the Microsoft /MIT collaborati on A partnership among the MIT Computer Science supports projects among Microsoft researchers and and Arti fi cial Intelligence Laboratory and six corpo- MIT students, faculty, and staff that advance IT-en- rati ons – the Acer Group, Delta Electronics, Hewlett - abled teaching models and learning tools for higher Packard, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone, Nokia, educati on. Established in 1999, iCampus has funded and Philips – Project Oxygen’s goal is to make com- dozens of faculty and student projects. Among its putati on and communicati on resources as abundant products are a new course in introductory physics; and as easy to use as oxygen. Working also with sup- a Web-accessible microelectronics teaching labora- port from the Defense Advanced Research Projects tory; and a new tool for environmental researchers Agency, the project seeks to free people from com- in the fi eld – an electronic notebook that makes it puter jargon, keyboards, mice, and other specialized possible to streamline data collecti on and improve devices they rely on now for access to computati on its accuracy. This breakthrough was the product of a and communicati on. The researchers are creati ng, student-designed course set up with iCampus fund- for example, speech and vision technologies that ing specifi cally for developing a soft ware applica- enable humans to communicate as naturally with ti on that would enable environmental scienti sts to computers as they do with people. They are devel- dispense with paper notebooks, gather data elec- oping centralized networks and robust soft ware/ tronically, integrate it with environmental and GPS hardware architectures that can adapt to mobile sensors, and carry out computati ons in the fi eld. uses, currently available resources, and varying The tool also lets them transmit data wirelessly to operati ng conditi ons. Researchers also are at work a remote server, where not only are their records devising security and privacy mechanisms that safe- invulnerable to the hazards of wind, water, and guard personal informati on and resources. other factors that make data collecti on in the fi eld precarious; they also are readily available to other Quanta Computi ng researchers. In today’s computi ng environment, people using personal service technologies must navigate among Pirelli Labs an array of devices – from cell phones to comput- Working on the MIT campus and in Pirelli Labora- ers to personal digital assistants. In 2005, MIT and tories near Milan, Italy, scienti sts from both orga- Quanta Computi ng established Project TParty to nizati ons are collaborati ng on a new generati on address this complexity. Engineers from Quanta are of nanotechnology integrated opti cal systems. By collaborati ng with researchers from MIT’s Computer miniaturizing the components and using all of the Science and Arti fi cial Intelligence Laboratory to de- wavelengths available in a fi ber opti c cable to maxi- sign new platf orms for computi ng and communica- mize the amount of data transmitt ed on each fi ber, ti on, reengineer and extend the underlying technical this technology will both dramati cally reduce manu- infrastructures, create new interfaces, and explore facturing and delivery costs and make it possible to new ways of imaging, accessing, and integrati ng in- provide enormous broadband capacity to consum- formati on. Their goal is to design new products that ers. The collaborati on’s ulti mate goal is to provide will make the personal use of computer technolo- residenti al subscribers highest-quality broadband gies much easier and more producti ve. telecommunicati on services and much lower cost.

73 74 5 Global Engagement


Internati onal Collaborati on 76 Internati onal Scholars 82 Internati onal Students 83 Internati onal Entrepreneurs 87 Internati onal Alumni 88 Faculty Country of Origin 89 Internati onal Study Opportuniti es 90 Internati onal Research 92

75 Global Engagement The expanding global connecti ons of the 21st cen- from SUTD, MIT, and partner insti tuti ons to collabo- tury provide MIT with increasing opportuniti es to rate in the design of devices, systems, and services engage in projects and collaborati ons outside the that address the needs of Singapore and the world. United States. As President Susan Hockfi eld noted In doing so, the IDC will seek to address design chal- in a speech delivered to the Confederati on of Indian lenges facing the world today — including sustain- Industries in Mumbai, India in November 2007, able built environments, engineering for the devel- oping world, and Informati on and Communicati on It has never been more clear that the future of Technology-enabled devices for bett er living. innovati on will be told in many, many diff erent lan- guages. In a world with so much talent, no one has Singapore-MIT Alliance a monopoly on good ideas. As researchers, if we are The Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA) is an innovati ve driven to fi nd the most gift ed collaborators and the engineering educati on and research collabora- most intriguing ideas, we must be prepared to look ti on among the Nati onal University of Singapore far beyond our own backyards. And as educators, if (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and we fail to help our students learn to live and work the Massachusett s Insti tute of Technology (MIT). with their peers around the world, then we have Founded in November 1998 to promote global failed them altogether. engineering educati on and research, SMA brings together the resources of three premiere academic MIT strives to encourage the free fl ow of people and insti tuti ons — MIT, Nati onal University of Singapore, ideas through engaging in internati onal research and Nanyang Technological University — while pro- collaborati ons, providing internati onal study and viding students with unlimited access to excepti onal research opportuniti es for its students, and by host- faculty experti se and superior research faciliti es. ing internati onal students and scholars. The follow- htt p:// ing are some of MIT’s many internati onal research collaborati ons: Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology (SMART) Centre Established in 2007, the SMART Centre is MIT’s fi rst MIT-Singapore research centre outside of Cambridge, MA and its Singapore University of Technology and Design largest internati onal research endeavor. The Centre In January, 2010, MIT and The Singapore University is also the fi rst enti ty in the Campus for Research of Technology and Design (SUTD) signed an agree- Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE) ment formalizing a detailed collaborati on between currently being developed by Singapore’s Nati onal the two insti tuti ons. The partnership is MIT’s most Research Foundati on. signifi cant educati onal collaborati on to date, and includes both educati on and research components. The SMART Centre will: identi fy and carry out The alliance will give MIT new opportuniti es to research on criti cal problems of societal signifi - push the boundaries of design research through cance and develop innovati ve soluti ons through its cooperati on on teaching, curriculum development, interdisciplinary research groups (IRGs); become a and faculty recruitment and development. MIT magnet for att racti ng and anchoring global research will also assist in designing programs to encourage talent to Singapore; develop robust partnerships innovati on and entrepreneurship. A key feature of with local universiti es and insti tuti ons in Singapore; the research component of the agreement is the es- engage in graduate educati on by co-advising local tablishment of an Internati onal Design Centre (IDC). doctoral students and post-doctoral associates; and Situated at the heart of SUTD, with a mirror facility help insti ll a culture of translati onal research, entre- at MIT, the IDC is intended to become the world’s preneurship and technology transfer through the premier hub for technologically intensive design. SMART Innovati on Centre. The IDC will be a focal point for faculty and students

76 Global Engagement

MIT Energy Initi ati ve (MITEI) MITEI, established in September 2006, is an In- MIT researchers and their collaborators from South sti tute-wide initi ati ve designed to help transform Africa and England have demonstrated that it is the global energy system to meet the needs of the possible to create elegant, energy-effi cient buildings future and to help build a bridge to that future by with litt le energy consumpti on and essenti ally no improving today’s energy systems. MITEI strives to energy-intensive materials. htt p:// address the technical and policy challenges of the tei/research/spotlights/innovati ve-buildings.html coming decades, such as meeti ng the world’s grow- ing demand for energy; minimizing related impacts MIT researchers are working with Chiquita Brands on the environment; and reducing the potenti al Internati onal Inc. to help gauge the carbon footprint geopoliti cal tensions associated with increased of the supply chain that transports bananas by truck competi ti on for energy. and ship from Central America to the United States. To solve these problems, MITEI pairs the Insti tute’s The case study will lead to a Web-based tool that world-class research teams with varied enti ti es will help other companies calculate and potenti ally across the global research spectrum. For example, reduce the energy consumpti on of products moved the Initi ati ve is launching a new multi -disciplinary by land, water, and/or air. htt p:// program addressing the energy challenges of the tei/research/spotlights/bananas.html developing world. It has also formed internati onal alliances with research insti tuti ons in key regions of For the past three years, the European Union has the world. One of these alliances is the Low Carbon been operati ng the world’s largest emissions trading Energy University Alliance (LCEUA), which is a part- system and the fi rst system to limit and to trade nership among MIT, Tsinghua University, and the carbon dioxide emissions.htt p:// University of Cambridge. MITEI is also a resource research/spotlights/Europe-carbon.html for policy makers and the public, providing unbiased analysis and serving as an honest broker for indus- try and government. htt p:// The following are exam- ples of MITEI’s global systems research:

77 MIT-India Initi ati ve Launched in 2007, the MIT-India Initi ati ve seeks to corporate, and nonprofi t setti ngs for MIT students. lead the Insti tute into a dramati c new phase in its Among parti cipati ng organizati ons are the ICICI historic relati onship with India. The primary mission Bank, Hikal Pharmaceuti cals, and Dr. Reddy’s Labo- of the MIT-India Initi ati ve is to foster collaborati on ratories. MIT students have also worked in labs at IIT between the faculty and students at MIT, and fac- Madras, IIT Bombay, the Nati onal Centre for Biologi- ulty and students at academic and research insti tu- cal Sciences, and the Indian Insti tute of Informati on ti ons in India. Among its specifi c goals are enabling Technology, Bangalore. The program similarly helps the creati on of long-term projects involving groups MIT faculty arrange research partnerships with from both MIT and Indian insti tuti ons; and promot- Indian counterparts. htt p:// /mit- ing inclusive growth, sustainable development, edu- india/ cati onal leadership, entrepreneurship, new models of governance, and advanced, results-focused THSTI research in India. htt p:// The Translati onal Health Science and Technology Insti tute (THSTI), in Faridabad, India is modeled The following are some of the many elements that aft er the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences the Initi ati ve encompasses: and Technology, and will include physicians, engi- neers and scienti sts working together to generate The Abdul Lati f Jameel Poverty Acti on Lab (J-PAL) discoveries and inventi ons that are translated to The Abdul Lati f Jameel Poverty Acti on Lab, based in advance health in the region and around the world. the MIT Department of Economics, pioneered the MIT is working with THSTI to recruit and mentor use of controlled trials as a means of gauging the the founding faculty of THSTI. The faculty positi ons eff ecti veness of anti -poverty strategies. There are have been approved and will be formally posted in more JPAL projects in India than in any other coun- Summer 2010. htt p://thsti .org/ try. Topics under study include health, educati on, indoor air polluti on, government corrupti on, and MIT Urban Laboratory the opti mal use of micro-credit. Indian organizati ons The MIT Urban Laboratory (UrbLab) is a collabora- collaborati ng in the Lab’s work include government ti ve eff ort between MIT and the southern Indian agencies, non-profi t organizati ons, and leading cor- town of Erode. UrbLab responds to the challenges porati ons. htt p://www.povertyacti associated with India’s rapid growth, increasing in- dustrializati on, and urbanizati on. The project builds J-PAL South Asia at the Insti tute for Financial on a long history of cooperati on between India and Management and Research (IMFR) MIT, including a relati onship with the Insti tute for Fi- J-PAL South Asia at IFMR is a regional offi ce of the nancial Management and Research in Chennai, and Jameel Poverty Acti on Lab at MIT, which is a focal planning offi cials in Southern India. As a result of point for development and poverty research based MIT’s eff orts, the Indian government has taken steps on randomized trials. Based at the Insti tute for to bett er integrate physical planning and economic Financial Management and Research, a leading busi- planning at the local level. Future collaborati ons ness school in Chennai, India, IFMR also houses the will be aimed at environmental and urban renewal. Centre for Microfi nance and the Centre for Develop- htt p:// olio/erode/ ment Finance. Both are key partners of J-PAL South Asia. htt p://povertyacti

MISTI India Program The MIT-India Program, part of the MIT Interna- ti onal Science and Technology Initi ati ves (MISTI), arranges summer internships in Indian research,

78 Global Engagement

MIT-Greater China Initi ati ve MIT and China have a long history of collaborati on. MIT China Educati onal Technology Initi ati ve (CETI) In 1908, Tsok Kai Tse and Ching Yu Wen became the The goal of MIT-CETI is to promote cultural ex- fi rst Chinese students to earn degrees from MIT. The change between American and Chinese students MIT- Greater China Initi ati ve is a bold, multi disci- by exploring science and technology. Each summer plinary eff ort that facilitates the internati onal fl ow since 1996, CETI has sent between 15 and 21 MIT of ideas and resources. htt p:// a- students to high schools in the citi es and towns ti ves/china/ of Anxian, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Guilin, Kunming, Mianyang, Nanjing, Shanghai, and Xi’an. There are currently approximately 100 research Teaching in teams of three, some of the past CETI initi ati ves and acti viti es between MIT and China, parti cipants have taught curriculums on web design, including the following: programming, roboti cs, electrical engineering, civil engineering, English, biology, aerospace engineering Tsinghua-MIT-Cambridge Alliance (TMCA) and more. htt p:// /www/ Founded in 2009, the TMCA is a research collabo- rati on focused on low carbon energy, including: MISTI China Program clean-coal technology and carbon-capture and Launched in 1994, the MIT Internati onal Science sequestrati on; energy-effi cient buildings, urban and Technology Initi ati ve (MISTI) has sent over 500 design, and sustainable transportati on systems; students to internships in companies, research biomass energy; and nuclear energy. The Alliance insti tutes, and universiti es in China, Hong Kong, and will provide seed funding for early stage research Taiwan. The Chinese host insti tuti ons are eager to projects on low carbon energy soluti ons; support take MIT students because of their excellent techni- development of the MIT Emissions Predicti on and cal skills and the language and cultural training they Policy Analysis (EPPA) model for integrated assess- receive through Foreign Languages and Literatures ment of the Chinese energy economy in response and the MISTI-China program. Recently, MISTI to carbon dioxide emission miti gati on (with close parti cipants have been placed in a number of suc- collaborati on from Tsinghua in providing the neces- cessful research and development centers in China, sary inputs for the model); fund studies of policy including Google Beijing,, the Motorola and energy sector decision-making in China, the China Soft ware Center, and Hewlett -Packard Beijing. U.S. and the U.K.; fund visits by faculty, students and htt p:// /mit-china/ research scienti sts parti cipati ng in Alliance work to other parti es and to explore mechanisms for joint training programs; and support a major annual con- ference and workshops.

79 OpenCourseWare (OCW) Launched in 2002, OpenCourseWare makes materi- in demonstrati ng these ideas through examples. als for MIT’s courses freely available on the Web. At MIT, most of the ti me is spent on clarifying the Materials from more than 1,970 MIT courses — in- ideas, and very few examples are given during the cluding lecture notes, multi media simulati ons, prob- lectures.” lem sets and soluti ons, past exams, reading lists, and selecti ons of video lectures — are now posted Zaria, Nigeria on the OCW Website. OCW records an average of Kunle Adejumo is fi nishing up his fourth year of over 40,000 visits a day, with nearly a million unique engineering studies at Ahmadu Bello University in visitors every month. Zaria, Nigeria. Though the university boasts a large and well-maintained physical infrastructure, its In- About half of OCW usage originates outside of ternet access — like that of almost all Nigerian uni- North America. OCW materials are used extensively versiti es — is extremely limited. When Adejumo was in China (110,000 visits per month), India (100,000 fi rst introduced to MIT’s OpenCourseWare through visits per month) and the Middle East (77,000 visits a CD-ROM in the university computer lab he had per month). OCW materials have been translated only 20 minutes to look through the material. “For into Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Persian and Thai. example, last semester, I had a course in metallurgi- OCW also distributes and maintains mirror copies cal engineering,” off ers Adejumo. “For one of the of the site at universiti es in bandwidth-constrained lectures, having to do with ion making, I didn’t have regions, primarily Sub-Saharan Africa. To date, the notes, and I couldn’t fi nd the informati on I needed, OCW staff has distributed more than 200 such mir- so I went to OCW. I was able to download a course rors. outline on this, and also some review questi ons. I actually took these to the university and gave them MIT is pursuing two missions with OCW — sharing to the lecturer to answer. He was able to answer its educati onal materials freely and openly, and, by these questi ons, and helped me gain a deeper creati ng a model other universiti es can follow and understanding of the material.” To improve access advance, promoti ng a universally available store- to OCW for other Nigerian students, Adejumo hopes house for human knowledge. About 43 percent of to work with a local radio stati on to broadcast OCW OCW’s visitors identi fy themselves as self-learners, course material, as well as publicize the site. 42 percent as students enrolled in academic pro- grams, and 9 percent as educators. The following Saint Lucia are examples of ways educators, students, and self- Robert Croghan, an entrepreneur in Saint Lucia, has learners in the internati onal community use OCW spent the past several years looking for a way to content: harness geothermal energy created by a dormant volcano underneath the island to create an alterna- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ti ve energy source for the region. Croghan is now A secondary school mathemati cs teacher in Kuala developing a high-voltage grid that would deliver Lumpur, Malaysia, Kian Wah Liew introduces his energy to several islands through an undersea cable. students to a range of complex concepts, such as Crogan used OCW to research the topic of geother- matrices, determinants, and diff erenti al equati ons. mal heat sources. “When I saw OpenCourseWare,” “I someti mes use the lectures in the classroom. I Croghan concludes, “it went right to the very core let the students watch a lecture — for example, the of what I believe: if we hoard informati on, we can’t 18.03 Diff erenti al Equati ons video — accompanied have progress. We get stagnant, and it gets accumu- by my own explanati ons,” Liew says. Having access lated in the hands of a few. And if that happens, we to the lectures has impacted his own teaching style, miss all sorts of incredible developments and op- Liew says. “The Western style spends more ti me on portuniti es.” ‘ideas’ than ‘examples.’ Here, we spend 20 per- htt p:// cent of the ti me introducing ideas and 80 percent index.htm

80 Global Engagement

Other Global Initi ati ves MIT Portugal Program Alliance for Global Sustainability The MIT Portugal Program is a large-scale interna- Established in 1995, the Alliance for Global Sustain- ti onal collaborati on involving MIT and government, ability (AGS) is an internati onal partnership among academia, and industry in Portugal to develop edu- MIT, the Swiss Federal Insti tute of Technology, the cati on and research programs related to engineering University of Tokyo, and the Chalmers University of systems. The high-level partnership represents a Technology in Sweden. AGS brings together scien- strategic commitment by the Portuguese govern- ti sts, engineers, and social scienti sts from govern- ment to science, technology, and higher educati on ment, industry, and other organizati ons to address that leverages MIT’s experience in these important the environmental issues that aff ect social and areas in order to strengthen the country’s knowl- economic progress. With research focused on six edge base through an investment in human capital sectors — energy, mobility, water, urban systems, and insti tuti on building. htt p://www.mitportugal. cleaner technologies, and climate change — AGS org/ advances the understanding of complex global problems and develops policies and practi ces that Global Supply Chain and Logisti cs Excellence are urgently needed to solve them. htt p://globalsus- (SCALE) Network The Center for Transportati on and Logisti cs created the Global SCALE Network to increase the develop- ment and adopti on of new innovati ons in supply chain management across the world. The SCALE Network consists of independent yet collaborati ng centers dedicated to shaping the future of educa- ti on and research in transportati on, logisti cs and supply chain management. Currently there are two internati onal centers in the network located in Eu- rope and South America. The network plans to con- ti nue opening centers in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere.

The guiding priciple behind the Global SCALE Net- work is that innovati on occurs all over the globe. Lessons learned in manufacturing products for emerging markets in South America can be applied to companies serving established regions during an economic downturn. Similarly, sophisti cated supply chain risk contracts that are most commonly used between retailers and large manufacturers in the United States can be used in Africa to improve the fl ow of malaria vaccines.

81 Internati onal Scholars The Internati onal Scholars Offi ce (ISchO) facilitates the visas for internati onal researchers and faculty, who come to MIT for a variety of purposes. The Top Ten Countries 2007-2008 ISchO advises on immigrati on matt ers, issues visa Country Number of Scholars documents, and provides guidance, workshops, and China 234 print and web-based informati on on a wide range of South Korea 149 issues relevant to the internati onal scholar popula- Japan 143 ti on. India 123 Canada 115 ISchO served 1,944 internati onal scholars (visiti ng Germany 104 researchers, professors, and lecturers) affi liated Italy 86 with MIT from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. This France 71 is a 11.2 percent increase from the previous year. Israel 66 During this ti me period, 78 percent of internati onal United Kingdom 61 scholars were male, and 22 percent were female. The Insti tute of Internati onal Educati on ranked MIT 12th nati onally with regard to the numbers of inter- nati onal scholars at U.S. insti tuti ons.

Foreign nati onal scholars came to MIT from 75 countries, with the highest numbers coming from the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Middle East North America Korea, India, Japan, Germany, Canada, Italy, Spain, 5% 8% Oceania France, and Israel. Scholars from these top 10 coun- 2% tries consti tuted 72 percent of MIT’s internati onal Africa scholar populati on. This distributi on of countries 1% and percentages closely mirrors that of the enti re Asia Central/South internati onal scholar populati on in the U.S. This dis- 42% America and tributi on of countries and numbers closely mirrors the Caribbean that of the populati on of all internati onal scholars 3% in the United States. As a conti nuing trend, the number of scholars from the combined countries of Asia exceeded the number of scholars from Europe. Europe htt p:// 39%

Internati onal Scholars by Geographic Region

82 Global Engagement

Internati onal Students MIT has welcomed internati onal students essen- Changes in immigrati on law in 1965 opened up ti ally since its incepti on. The fi rst student from the doors to a steadily increasing pool of interna- Canada came to MIT in 1866, the second year MIT ti onal talent. As world events and politi cal decisions off ered classes. This student was followed by a impact immigrati on, so MIT’s internati onal student steady stream of students from around the globe populati on fl uctuates in response to a changing throughout the nineteenth century. By 1900, some internati onal environment. World wars decrease 50 foreign-born students had traveled to Massachu- the internati onal student populati on, while peace- sett s for study; however, the number increased dra- ti me pressures, such as changing immigrati on laws, mati cally aft er World War II when an infl ux of these the demise of the iron curtain, the Vietnam War students began att ending the Insti tute. The rapid protests, and the Asian fi nancial crisis cause their rise of internati onal students from East Asia, led by respecti ve ebbs and surges. students from China, changed the demographics of this group beginning in the 1950s.

Africa, Australia, Asia Middle East 3% 2% Europe 3% Americas and Asia Africa, Australia, Carribean 13% Middle East 4% 3% Europe 6%

U.S. Citizens and U.S. Citizens and Americas and Permanent Permanent Carribean Residents Residents 4% 88% 74%

Total Student Populati on Total Student Populati on Country of Residence Country of Residence 1959 2009

83 Internati onal Students (conti nued) The United States has been the desti nati on of sources, and 70 percent of all internati onal stu- choice for internati onal students and scholars for dents’ primary funding comes from sources outside the past 50 years. The number of foreign students the United States. (see www.opendoors.iienetwork. has risen steadily since the 1970s, and, according to org). the 2009 Open Doors Report published by the Insti - tute of Internati onal Educati on, there were 671,616 Of the 75 MIT-affi liated Nobel Prize winners (includ- internati onal students enrolled in U.S. colleges dur- ing faculty, researchers, alumni, and staff ), about ing the 2008-2009 academic year. The same report one-third were foreign born. Internati onal faculty found that these internati onal students contributed recruited through internati onal searches for tenure- $17.8 billion to the U.S. economy in tuiti on and fees, track positi ons remain in the U.S. to teach the next and living expenses. According to the Open Doors generati on of American cancer researchers, physi- report, 65 percent of internati onal students receive cists, biomedical engineers, business leaders, and the majority of their funds from personal and family computer scienti sts.

Total Number of International Students at MIT (1900-2009)

Americas and Caribbean Europe Africa, Australia, Middle East Asia







0 1900 1909 1918 1927 1936 1945 1954 1963 1972 1981 1990 1999 2008

Year 1909 1919 1929 1939 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999 2009

Asia 16 54 47 56 59 194 410 578 871 951 1,353 Africa, Australia, 5 1 15 19 30 92 159 303 244 180 324 Middle East Europe 10 29 30 60 98 191 321 391 496 648 616 Americas and 41 39 92 95 139 279 304 343 362 477 409 Caribbean Total 72 123 184 230 326 756 1194 1615 1973 2,256 2,702

84 Global Engagement

Asia Americas and 26% Caribbean 15% Americas and Caribbean Asia 37% Europe 50% 23%

Africa, Australia, Middle East Europe 12% 25% Africa, Australia, Middle East 12%

Internati onal Students’ Internati onal Students’ Region of Residence Country of Residence 1959 2009

Internati onal Undergraduates Enrolled Internati onal Graduate Students Enrolled Fall 2009 - Top 10 Countries Fall 2009 - Top 10 Countries Home Country Number of Students Home Country Number of Students China 31 China 329 India 31 South Korea 252 Canada 24 India 237 South Korea 18 Canada 189 Kenya 12 Singapore 74 10 Taiwan 74 Taiwan 9 Japan 71 Brazil 9 Germany 70 Mexico 8 France 69 Bulgaria 8 Mexico 51

85 Internati onal Students (conti nued) Many internati onal students remain in the U.S. aft er graduati on. The graph below shows the post-graduati on plans of internati onal students graduati ng in 2009, as reported in a survey administered by MIT. Overall, 67 percent of internati onal students plan to remain in the U.S. aft er graduati on.

The majority of internati onal students at MIT have F-1 Visa status. The majority of internati onal non-student scholars at MIT were sponsored on MIT’s J-1 exchange visitor program.

Currently MIT undergraduate freshman admissions policy has a target for internati onal students of 8 percent of the the total student populati on.

Percentage of 2009 International Student Graduates Remaining in U.S. by Degree and Post-Graduation Plans 100.0%





50.0% 93.3% 90.0% 40.0% 75.0% 66.1% 30.0% 53.2% 20.0%


0.0% 93.3% 75.0% 90.0% 53.2% 66.1%

Grad Study Working Grad Study Working Working Bachelor’s Degree Master’s Degree Ph.D.

86 Global Engagement

Internati onal Entrepreneurs A 2009 Kauff man Foundati on report on the Entre- the largest number of MIT alumni companies, but preneurial Impact of MIT found the following: signifi cant numbers of companies are also in the South, the Midwest, the Pacifi c Northwest, and in “As a result of MIT’s presence, Massachusett s is ‘im- Europe. About 30 percent of MIT’s foreign students porti ng’ company founders. More than 38 percent form companies, of which at least half are located of the soft ware, biotech, and electronics companies in the United States. Those esti mated 2,340 current founded by MIT graduates are located in Massa- fi rms located in the United States but formed by chusett s, while less than 10 percent of arriving MIT MIT foreign-student alumni employ 101,500 people. freshmen are from the state. Not only do MIT alum- In other words, talented foreign-born students at- ni, drawn from all over the world, remain heavily in tending MIT play an increasingly important role in Massachusett s, but their entrepreneurial off shoots creati ng U.S. companies, making MIT a magnet for benefi t the state and the country signifi cantly. worldwide talent that signifi cantly benefi ts the U.S. Greater Boston, in parti cular, as well as northern economy.” California and the Northeast, broadly, are homes to

Locati on of Companies Founded by Internati onal MIT Alumni

Esti mated Number of Companies Founded by Asia Internati onal MIT Alumni 9% Locati on Total Latin United States 2,340 America Europe 790 12% Lati n America 495 Asia 342 United States Europe 59% 20%

87 Internati onal Alumni MIT alumni and scholars have made extraordinary gressive campaign to fi ght corrupti on. She imple- contributi ons in their home countries, the United mented a series of economic and social reforms, States, and the world. The following are some ex- including a zero-tolerance policy for corrupti on; amples: internati onal and local governmental contract bid- ding; privati zing state-owned refi neries; and the Kofi Annan, M.S. Management 1972 Extracti ve Industry Transparency Initi ati ve, which Kofi Annan, the seventh Secretary-General of the aims to bring openness to the oil sector. Under her United Nati ons and recipient of the Nobel Peace leadership, the country has tripled its reserves from Prize, was born in Kumasi, Ghana, and att ended $7 billion to $20 billion; the annual GDP grew at 6 the University of Science and Technology in Ku- percent; and infl ati on is down from 23 percent to masi before completi ng his undergraduate studies 9.5 percent. Okonjo-Iweala started her career at the at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota. He World Bank, where she was the fi rst woman ever to undertook graduate studies in economics at the achieve the positi ons of vice president and corpo- Insti tut universitaire des haute etudes internati onals rate secretary. htt p:// o- in Geneva, and earned his M.S. in Management as lio/ngozi_okonjo-iweala/ a Sloan Fellow at MIT. Annan worked for the World Health Organizati on and the Ghana Tourist Develop- Youssef Boutros-Ghali ment Company, but has spent most of his career Ph.D. Economics 1981 at the United Nati ons. In 2001 Kofi Annan and the Youssef Boutros-Ghali is Egypt’s Minister of Finance United Nati ons received the Nobel Peace Prize for and the Chair of the Internati onal Monetary and “their contributi ons to a bett er organized and more Finance Committ ee, which sets the Internati onal peaceful world.” Monetary Fund’s politi cal directi on and overall poli- cy prioriti es. A fi rm advocate of trade liberalizati on, Tony Tan, Singapore, S.M. Physics 1964 as Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Trade from 2001-2004 he parti cipated in the Seatt le, Doha, and Cancun Following his degrees from MIT and his Ph.D. from ministerial meeti ngs of the World Trade Organiza- the University of Adelaide in applied mathemat- ti on, and played an important role in launching the ics, Tan taught mathemati cs at the University of Doha round. Through the joint body created by the Singapore. Tan was elected to the Parliament of U.S.-Egypt Trade and Investment Framework Agree- Singapore in 1979, and has served in numerous ment, Boutros-Ghali was acti ve in advancing the leadership positi ons in the Singapore govern- negoti ati ons on the free trade agreement between ment. In December 1991, Tan stepped down from Egypt and the United States. As Minister of Finance, the Cabinet to return to the private sector as the he is credited with implementi ng a series of reforms Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporati on’s Chairman that helped modernize and reinvigorate the Egyp- and Chief Executi ve Offi cer. He rejoined the Cabinet ti an economy and deepen its global integrati on. His in 1995 as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for tax reform program was hailed as one of the most Defense. In August 2003, Tan became Deputy Prime successful reforms among developing countries, Minister and Co-ordinati ng Minister for Security and which earned Egypt the positi on of top reformer Defense. among developing countries in 2007 by the World Bank. htt p:// Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigeria, M.C.P. 1978 Ph.D. Planning 1981 Currently the Managing Director of World Bank, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala was the fi rst woman to hold the positi on of Finance Minister in Nigeria. During her term from 2003 to 2006 she launched an ag-

88 Global Engagement

Internati onal Alumni, conti nued Benjamin Netanyahu, S.B. Architecture 1975 I. M. Pei, S.B. Architecture 1940 S.M. Management 1976 Ieoh Ming Pei, infl uenti al modernist architect and Current Prime Minister of Israel and formerly Israel’s founder of the fi rm Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, was ambassador to the United Nati ons, Benjamin Netan- born in China in 1917. He completed his Bachelor of yahu was born in 1948 in Tel Aviv, Israel and grew Architecture degree at MIT in 1940. Pei has de- up in Jerusalem. He served as Israel’s ambassador signed more than 60 buildings, including the John to the United Nati ons from 1984 to 1988, during Fitzgerald Kennedy Library in Boston, Massachu- which ti me he led the eff ort to declassify the United sett s, the Grand Louvre in Paris, France, the Miho Nati ons’ archive on crimes committ ed by Nazi Ger- Museum in Shiga, Japan, the Bank of China Tower in many. Netanyahu, a member of the Likud party, was Hong Kong, and the Gateway Towers in Singapore. Israel’s Prime Minister from 1996 unti l 1999. During his term as Prime Minister, Netanyahu implemented policy that combined fi ghti ng terror with advance- ment of the peace process. Its cornerstone was the conclusion of well-measured agreements with the Palesti nians that insisted on reciprocity. During his three-year term the number of terror att acks drasti - cally decreased. htt p://

Origin of MIT Faculty

Faculty Country of Origin Country of Origin of Internati onally Born Faculty

India 9% United Kingdom 8%

Canada Foreign Born All others 7% 40% 37% United States China 60% 6%

Germany Spain 5% 3% Greece South Korea 5% Russia 3% France Italy 3% Poland Israel 4% 4% 3% 3%

89 Internati onal Study Opportuniti es Just as with other aspects of an MIT educati on, D-LAB and the Public Service Center there is a broad range of global acti viti es for stu- D-Lab and the Public Service Center help students dents to choose from. These run the gamut from undertake hands-on public service projects in devel- traditi onal study-abroad programs to innovati ve oping countries. htt p:// short term projects, but most are infused with the htt p:// Insti tute’s philosophy of mens et manus. In the spring of 2009, 32 percent of students graduati ng G-LAB with a Bachelor’s Degree, and 41 percent of stu- dents graduati ng with a Master’s Degree reported The fl agship internati onal internship course off ered having educati onal experiences abroad. at the Sloan School of Management, G-Lab is a mix of classroom learning matched with a global intern- The following are examples of programs that pro- ship in an emerging market. vide students with experiences abroad: htt p://acti

Cambridge-MIT Exchange SMART Centre The Cambridge-MIT Exchange (CMI) is a collabora- The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Tech- ti on between the University of Cambridge and MIT nology (SMART) Centre gives undergraduates the that allows MIT juniors to study at the University opportunity to spend the summer collaborati ng on of Cambridge in England. Now in its eighth year of research projects with faculty and students in Singa- operati on, 14 MIT departments and 10 Cambridge pore. htt p:// departments parti cipate in the exchange. Funded by Briti sh government and industry, CMI’s mission is to enhance competi ti veness, producti vity, and Study-Abroad Programs entrepreneurship in the United Kingdom. CMI sup- MIT manages a variety of programs that provide stu- ports student and faculty exchanges, educati onal dents with educati onal experiences abroad. There innovati on, and research partnerships between MIT are semester-long programs, such as MIT-Madrid, as and Cambridge faculty, parti cularly in the area of well as shorter programs available during the winter knowledge exchange among universiti es, govern- Independent Acti vity Period, such as IAP-Madrid ment, and industry. CMI also works with other U.K. and IAP-Germany. htt p:// universiti es to share best practi ces and innovati ve approaches to educati on. htt p:// ue/

Departmental Exchanges Several academic departments — Aeronauti cs/As- tronauti cs, Architecture, and Materials Science and Engineering — have launched small departmental exchanges involving one to three students, most of whom are undergraduates. Partner insti tuti ons include Imperial College London, Delft University of Technology, the University of Hong Kong, and Oxford University. htt p://

90 Global Engagement

MISTI – The MIT Internati onal Science and internati onalizati on programs that mainly involve Technology Initi ati ves study abroad, MISTI matches individual students MISTI connects MIT students and faculty with with work or research opportuniti es in their own research and innovati on around the world. MIT’s fi elds. htt p:// / largest internati onal program, MISTI is a pioneer in applied internati onal studies. Working closely with Here are a few examples from the more than 3,000 a network of premier corporati ons, universiti es and students MISTI has placed since it began by sending research insti tutes, MISTI matches more than 400 a handful of interns to Japan at the end of the 80s: MIT students with internships and research abroad each year. Aft er several semesters of cultural and Chemical Engineering student Nathalia Rodriguez language preparati on on campus, MISTI students worked on gene therapy for muscular dystrophy at plunge into rigorous, practi cal work experience in Genpole, a French biotech cluster. industry and in academic labs and offi ces. MISTI also organizes the MISTI Global Seed Funds, which en- Matt hew Zedler, a Mechanical Engineering gradu- courage MIT students to work on faculty-led inter- ate, examined Chinese auto growth and energy at nati onal research and projects. MISTI programs are Cambridge Energy Research Associates in Beijing. available in the following locati ons: Africa, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Physics major Jason Bryslawskyj designed supercon- and Spain. ducti ng magneti c bearings for electric motors at Sie- mens in German. He wrote two patents at Siemens. MISTI’s approach to internati onal educati on builds on MIT’s disti ncti ve traditi ons of combining class- Ammar Ammar, an EECS undergrad, designed and room learning and hands-on experience in Under- tested a Google/YouTube project at Google Israel. graduate Research Opportuniti es (UROPs), coop- erati ve programs with industry, practi ce schools, and internships. In contrast to other universiti es’

MISTI Annual Internship Placements



200 Number of Interns


0 1983- 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year

91 Campus Research Sponsored by Internati onal Organizati ons Current Selected Projects

Center for Clean Water and Clean Energy at MIT In order to accomplish this goal of conti nuous phar- and KFUPM maceuti cal processing, the Center is developing new A group of Mechanical Engineering faculty have technologies across a diverse range of areas, includ- entered into a seven-year research and educati onal ing chemical reacti ons, reactors, separati ons ap- collaborati on with King Fahd University of Petro- proaches, fi nal fi nishing steps, and process modeling leum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Dhahran, Saudi Ara- and control. In additi on to pursing these research bia, leading to the creati on of the Center for Clean acti viti es, the team is working on developing a full, Water and Clean Energy at MIT and KFUPM within end-to-end conti nuous bench scale pharmaceuti - the department. The Center’s research focuses on cal plant at MIT. This bench scale plant will be a water desalinati on and purifi cati on and on low- modular research tool, in which various approaches carbon energy producti on from both solar energy to conti nuous manufacturing will be evaluated, in and fossil fuels. Additi onal research acti viti es involve additi on to the various technologies that will be design and manufacturing, with a focus on technol- developed by the Center. The plant will produce a ogies related to water and energy producti on. This Novarti s drug, and in additi on to yielding important collaborati on began in fall 2008; and, during the research results, it will be an excellent educati onal fi rst year, a diverse group of approximately 20 MIT tool for our students. htt p:// faculty parti cipated in the Center along with 35 MIT research/labs_centers_programs/novarti s.php graduate students and 10 MIT postdocs. The Center will grow further in years two and three. Funds from Reinventi ng the Wheel the Center will support major space renovati ons in A new bicycle wheel designed by MIT researchers the Department over the coming years. In addi- can boost a rider’s power while tracking the rider’s ti on, the Center includes a program to bring Saudi friends, fi tness, smog, and traffi c. The wheel, called Arabian women to MIT for research and educati onal the Copenhagen Wheel, stores energy every ti me acti viti es. The Center is directed by Professor John the rider brakes, which can then be used to assist H. Lienhard V and co-directed by Professor Kamal the rider in going up a hill or add a burst of speed in Youcef-Toumi. htt p:// traffi c. In additi on to storing power, the Copenhagen labs_centers_programs/kfupm.php Wheel uses a series of sensors and a Bluetooth con- necti on to the rider’s iPhone to collect data about Novarti s-MIT Center for Conti nuous Manufacturing the bicycle’s speed, directi on and distance traveled, The Novarti s-MIT Center for Conti nuous Manufac- as well as picking up data on air polluti on, and even turing is a $65 million center fully funded by No- the proximity of the rider’s friends. The resulti ng varti s with the aim of transforming pharmaceuti cal data can both help the individual rider – for example manufacturing. Currently, pharmaceuti cal manu- by providing feedback on fi tness goals – and help facturing is performed in batch mode, in which the city (if the user opts to share the informati on) each step of a manufacturing process is physically by building a database of air quality, popular biking separated from the other steps. The contents from routes, and areas of traffi c congesti on. The Copen- a given process unit must be removed aft er comple- hagen Wheel was developed by Associate Professor ti on of the operati on, placed in a transportati on Carlo Ratti , and was funded by the city of Copen- vessel, and moved to the next process unit, through hagen, the Italian company Ducati , and the Italian perhaps 20 steps. Each ti me the equipment must environment ministry. htt p:// be cleaned and potenti al variati on in batches must fi ce/2009/ratti -copenhagen-1216.html be watched vigilantly. On the other hand, conti nu- ous processing, in which materials fl ow uninter- rupted through the process, off ers the potenti al for leaner processing, higher quality, more fl exibility, and in the end, cost savings.

92 Global Engagement

Campus Research Sponsored by Internati onal Organizati ons Fiscal Years 2005-2009

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

International Foundations or $6,942,618 $8,912,665 $9,381,407 $11,169,696 $17,375,071 Non-Profit Institutions

Multinational Companies $10,419,850 $14,790,103 $17,162,386 $27,146,950 $34,526,226

Foreign Science Agencies $16,450,950 $13,844,352 $12,133,685 $17,444,906 $26,299,968

Total International $33,813,418 $37,547,120 $38,677,478 $55,761,552 $78,201,265

Constant $ $37,864,516 $40,503,105 $40,670,660 $56,540,042 $78,201,265







Millions $30



$0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

International foundations or non-profit institutions Multinational companies Foreign science agencies Constant $

Constant $ calculated using the CPI-U weighted for the fi scal year with 2009 = 100

93 94 6 Undergraduate Financial Aid


Principles of MIT Undergraduate Aid 96 Who Pays for an MIT Undergraduate 97 Educati on Forms of Undergraduate Financial Aid 98 Sources of Undergraduate Financial Aid 99

95 Undergraduate Financial Aid Principles of MIT Undergraduate As a result of these guiding principles, the Insti tute Financial Aid conti nues to assume an increasingly higher percent- age of net undergraduate tuiti on and fees, which To ensure that MIT remains accessible to all quali- reduces the cost to the student, as exhibited by the fi ed students regardless of their fi nancial resources, chart below. MIT is committ ed to three guiding fi nancial aid principles:

Need-blind admissions: MIT recruits and enrolls the most talented and promising students without regard to their fi nancial circumstances.

Need-based fi nancial aid: MIT awards aid only for fi nancial need. It does not award undergraduate scholarships for academic or athleti c achievements or for other non-fi nancial criteria.

Meeti ng full need: MIT guarantees that each stu- dent’s demonstrated fi nancial need is fully met.

Net Undergraduate Tuition and Fees as a Percentage of Total Tuition and Fees*

75% 72% 71% 71% 70% 70% 69%

65% 65% 64%

61% 60% 60% 58%

55% 55% 55%


50% 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

*Net tuiti on and fees calculated as gross undergraduate tuiti on and fees re- ceived, minus MIT undergraduate scholarships.

96 Undergraduate Financial Aid

Who Pays for an MIT Undergraduate Educati on MIT believes that parents and students have pri- Additi onally, for students who received MIT schol- mary responsibility, to the extent that they are able, arships the family share is heavily based on family for paying the costs of an undergraduate educati on. income with needier families paying a signifi cantly In 2008–2009, the annual price of an MIT educati on smaller share of the price. totaled $50,500 per student—$36,390 for tuiti on and fees, $10,860 for room and board, an esti mated $2,850 for books, supplies, and personal expenses, and a per-student average of $400 for travel.

With 4,138 undergraduates enrolled, the collec- ti ve price for undergraduates was $209.5 million. Of this amount, families paid $104.8 million, or 50 percent, and fi nancial aid covered the remaining 50 percent. Over the past eight years families pay less of the price to att end MIT and fi nancial aid covers more. Since MIT subsidizes the cost of educati ng undergraduates through its tuiti on pricing and con- ti nues to be the largest source of fi nancial aid to its undergraduates, the Insti tute is the primary source for paying for an MIT undergraduate educati on, and families the secondary source.

Average 2008-2009 Financial Aid Packages and Share of Price by Family Income

Family income1 of Number of MIT Average Family Financial MIT scholarship scholarship financial aid share of aid share recipients recipients package price2 of price $0-24,999 348 $49,553 2% 98% $25,000-49,999 406 $47,390 5% 95% $50,000-74,999 348 $45,038 11% 89% $75,000-99,999 404 $39,127 21% 79% $100,000-124,999 343 $32,633 34% 66% $125,000-149,999 282 $26,601 46% 54% $150,000-174,999 177 $24,397 51% 49% $175,000-199,999 77 $21,180 58% 42% $200,000 and up 69 $20,827 58% 42% Totals 2,454 $38,323 23% 77%

1 Median family income for the 2008-2009 MIT scholarship recipients is $95,048. 2 Family share of price is computed as the diff erence between each stu- dent’s expense budget and their fi nancial aid package; it may diff er from the calculated family contributi on.

97 Forms of Undergraduate Financial Aid The primary form of fi nancial aid to MIT under- Over the last academic year, approximately 31 per- graduates is scholarships or grants — terms that cent of undergraduates borrowed $9,698,315 in stu- are used interchangeably — and the share of dent loans from all sources. The average loan was undergraduate fi nancial aid in the form of scholar- $7,679. Student employment from on-campus jobs ships is steadily rising with MIT’s eff orts to reduce and Federal Work Study Program positi ons (which student self-help (i.e. loan and job expectati ons). include both on- and off -campus work) totaled Since 2004-2005 the share of undergraduate aid in $7,770,544, with 64 percent of undergraduates the form of scholarships rose from 80 to 83 percent working and earning an average of $2,930 each. while the share in the form of student loans fell from 13 to 9 percent and term-ti me work increased from 7 to 8 percent.

From students’ perspecti ves, grants are the sole form of aid that unambiguously increases the fi nancial accessibility of college, since they do not require repayment and do not increase the stu- dents’ indebtedness. The preponderance of grant aid at MIT sets the Insti tute apart from the nati onal trend toward student loans as the primary form of undergraduate fi nancial aid.

Types of Financial Aid for MIT Undergraduates 2008-2009 Term-time employment $7,770,544

Student loans $9,698,315

Total: $104,980,279

Scholarships and grants $87,511,420

98 Undergraduate Financial Aid

Sources of Undergraduate Financial Aid In 2008-2009, MIT provided 76 percent of under- MIT is a lender under the Federal Perkins Loan Pro- graduate fi nancial aid. The federal government gram, which provides subsidized student loans; and provided 13 percent, and the remaining 11 percent takes part in the Federal Direct Loan Program, which came from state and private resources. MIT also off ers both subsidized and unsubsidized loans. It diff ers here from the nati onal trend of relying on the also parti cipates in the Federal Work-Study Pro- federal government as the largest source of fi nancial gram, which provides student jobs, including paid aid. community service positi ons. All of these programs are partnerships between the government and par- MIT Financial Aid ti cipati ng insti tuti ons, where insti tuti ons match the federal contributi ons with their own funds. MIT has Ninety-two percent of the fi nancial aid that MIT parti cipated in these programs since their incepti on provides comes in the form of grants. In 2008-2009, and values their role in making an MIT educati on approximately 59 percent of MIT undergraduates re- accessible to all qualifi ed students. ceived an MIT grant, averaging $29,891 each. These grants come primarily from MIT’s endowed funds, In additi on, MIT undergraduates receive federal aid gift s from alumni and friends, and general Insti tute for their parti cipati on in the Air Force, Army, and funds. Navy ROTC. This aid is not based on need. Federal Financial Aid Private and State Financial Aid The US Department of Educati on is the second- Private sources of fi nancial aid — including chari- largest source of fi nancial aid to MIT undergradu- table and civic organizati ons, corporati ons, founda- ates. MIT parti cipates in the Federal Pell Grant, the ti ons, banks, and other fi nancial insti tuti ons — are Federal Supplemental Educati onal Opportunity the third-largest source of fi nancial aid to MIT Grant, the Academic Competi ti veness Grant and the undergraduates. This aid includes private grants and Nati onal Science and Mathemati cs Access to Retain alternati ve student loans (so called to disti nguish Talent Grant Programs, all of which provide need- them from federal loans). based aid. Approximately 15 percent of MIT under- graduates receive Pell Grants. Acknowledging the Students receive private scholarships in recogniti on decline in federal funding for student fi nancial aid, of their academic accomplishments, athleti c or mu- MIT now matches Federal Pell Grants for all eligible sical skills, career interests, and many other criteria. students att ending the Insti tute starti ng in Septem- Alternati ve loans ordinarily are unsubsidized and are ber 2006, eff ecti vely doubling Pell Grant funds for based on the cost of educati on, less other fi nancial eligible students. awards, without any additi onal considerati on for fi nancial need. MIT undergraduates also receive Robert C. Byrd Scholarships, the federally funded, state-adminis- Several states, in additi on to Massachusett s, allow tered grants which recognize excepti onally able high their residents to receive a state grant while at- school seniors. tending MIT. They include Connecti cut, Delaware, Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island Forty-one percent of the federal aid that MIT under- and Vermont. Most state grants are need-based. No graduates receive is in the form of loans. In 2008- state loan or employment programs are available to 2009, approximately 27 percent of MIT undergradu- MIT undergraduates. ates received federal loans, which averaged $5,291 each.

99 Sources of Financial Aid for MIT Undergraduates: 2008-2009

$10,827,270 10% $269,429 0% $14,040,084 Total: $104,980,279 14% MIT Financial Aid Federal Financial Aid State Financial Aid Private Financial Aid

$79,843,496 76%

The following chart summarizes the sources and types of fi nancial aid MIT undergraduates received in 2008-2009.

Type Scholarship Student Loan Student Employment Total* Source Students Amount Students Amount Students Amount Students Amount Institutional 2,454 $73,352,577 118 $330,037 2,245 $6,160,882 3,441 $79,843,496 Federal 1,015 $6,620,654 1,098 $5,809,768 560 $1,609,662 2,077 $14,040,084 State 122 $269,429 N/A N/A N/A N/A 122 $269,429 Private 1,203 $7,268,760 174 $3,558,510 N/A N/A 1,321 $10,827,270 Total* 2,912 $87,511,420 1,263 $9,698,315 2,652 $7,770,544 3,737 $104,980,279 *The total column and row are unduplicated numbers of students.

100 Undergraduate Financial Aid

101 102 7 Service to Local, Nati onal, and World Communiti es


Key Programs 100 Selected Recent Projects 103

103 Service to Local, Nati onal, and World Communiti es Founded with the mission of advancing knowledge While MIT faculty, students, and staff regularly to serve the nati on and the world, MIT has been engage in conventi onal projects that range from strongly committ ed to public service from its start. raising money for hurricane victi ms, renovati ng old Members of the MIT community helped build the housing, or restoring local nature reserves, MIT’s Boston Public Library in the late 19th century and scienti fi c and technological orientati on gives its pub- dam the Charles River early in the 20th century. lic service outreach a parti cular emphasis. Many of Research and development during World War II its public service programs are specifi cally devoted included radar systems; submarine and aircraft to inventi ng new technologies and applying new detecti on systems; a long-range navigati on scheme knowledge that will advance social well-being. based on radar principles; the SCR-584 radar for directi ng anti -aircraft fi re; the Ground Controlled Approach System for landing aircraft in low visibility; and the Draper Gun Sight which positi ons a gun at the proper lead angle to fi re at moving targets.

In 1985, Eric Chivian, a physician in MIT’s medical department and a founder of Internati onal Physi- cians for the Preventi on of Nuclear War, shared a Nobel Peace Price for the group’s service to human- ity. More recently, Amy Smith, an MIT alumna and mechanical engineering instructor in MIT’s Edgerton Center, won a MacArthur “genius grant” for her commitment to inventi ng simple technologies to solve problems in the world’s poorest places, such as low cost water-purifi cati on systems, or a simple and effi cient technology for grinding grain. A recent Washington Monthly arti cle ranking the public service commitment of the nati on’s colleges and universiti es named MIT fi rst in the country.

104 Service to Local, Nati onal, and World Communiti es

Key Programs

Abdul Lati f Jameel Poverty Acti on Lab (J-PAL) Service Learning Founded in 2003 by faculty in MIT’s Department of In 2001, MIT’s Public Service Center and Edgerton Economics, the Abdul Lati f Jameel Poverty Acti on Center began working with faculty to design service- Lab’s (J-PAL) goal is to reduce poverty by ensuring learning courses that enable students to contribute that policy is based on scienti fi c evidence. The lab to society as they learn. At the program’s beginning, runs randomized evaluati ons of poverty programs MIT off ered three such courses, with 35 students in over 30 countries, builds capacity of others to run enrolled. Five years later, the Insti tute was off ering these evaluati ons (including graduate students at 19 courses to more than 200 students. Students MIT), and works to disseminate results and promote have used these classes to develop a voice-acti vated the scale-up of eff ecti ve policies. Working on issues toy that helps speech therapists working with chil- as diverse as boosti ng girls’ att endance at school, dren, a technology for converti ng sawdust, a com- improving the output of farmers in Sub-Saharan mon waste product in some developing countries, Africa, or overcoming racial bias in employment in into cooking fuel, and a tree mover that eases the the U.S., the lab’s objecti ve is to provide policy mak- job of public service forestry volunteers who plant ers with clear scienti fi c results that will enable them trees in urban areas. to improve the eff ecti veness of programs designed to combat poverty. The J-PAL has a target that 100 Internati onal Development Initi ati ve million lives will be reached through the scale-up of With a focus on inventi on, wide-spread dissemina- programs found to be eff ecti ve through its research ti on, and technology transfer, MIT’s Internati onal by 2013. Development Initi ati ve works with impoverished communiti es around the world to help them de- OpenCourseWare velop and deploy appropriate soluti ons that enable Launched in 2002, OpenCourseWare (OCW) makes them to improve their ability to provide for their materials for MIT’s courses freely available on the basic needs and develop their economies. Its pro- Web. Materials from more than 1,970 MIT courses grams let MIT students travel developing countries, – including lecture notes, multi media simulati ons, work with partner organizati ons to identi fy needs problem sets and soluti ons, past exams, reading and the challenges in meeti ng them, and develop lists, and selecti ons of video lectures – are now soluti ons. They include the following: posted on the OCW Website. OCW records an aver- age of over 40,000 visits a day, with nearly a million unique visitors every month.

About 43 percent of OCW’s visitors identi fy them- selves as self-learners, 42 percent as students enrolled in an academic program, and 9 percent as educators who use the material to develop curricu- lum, enhance their understanding, advise students, and support their research. MIT is pursuing two missions with OCW – sharing its educati onal materi- als freely and openly, and, by creati ng a model other universiti es can follow and advance, promoti ng a universally available storehouse for human knowl- edge. MIT helped to create the OCW Consorti um, an associati on of more than 200 universiti es world- wide that now share materials from an esti mated 13,000 courses.“

105 Key Programs (conti nued) D-Lab Internati onal Development Grants A year-long series of classes and fi eld trips, D-Lab These grants support internati onal development enables students to learn about the technical, projects that involve MIT students. Faculty, stu- social, and cultural aspects of development work dents, and other MIT community members can use in selected countries, then provides them with the them to cover materials, travel, and other expenses opportunity for fi eld work and implementati on. in projects that serve communiti es in developing Among D-Lab’s achievements are a low-cost, low- regions. maintenance device that allows health care workers in Uganda, who lack access to conventi onal – and expensive – electrically-powered equipment, to test for microorganisms in local water supplies and determine which chemicals will kill them; a technol- ogy developed for Haiti that makes cooking fuel out of sugar cane waste, thus helping the island nati on preserve its forests and prevent health problems caused by inhaling wood smoke (D-Lab students are now adapti ng this technology for paddy straw to use in India); and an automated fl ash-fl ood warning system developed with engineers in Honduras.

IDEAS Competi ti on The IDEAS Competi ti on encourages teams of stu- dents to develop innovati ve soluti ons that address community needs. With a grant that covers the cost of materials and mentoring from faculty, staff , and industry professionals, competi ng teams of students work through a needs analysis, the products devel- opment process, and group organizati on. Winners receive cash grants that provide seed money for launching their projects.

Internati onal Fellowships These fellowships provide sti pends that enable students to work full-ti me on capacity-building com- munity projects all over the world. Projects can be initi ated by students or by community organizati ons or donors.

106 Service to Local, Nati onal, and World Communiti es

Selected Recent Projects

Cell Phone Applicati ons in Developing Countries Bicilavadora – The Human-Powered Washing With more than 4 billion users worldwide, cell Machine phones have become one of the world’s most In areas without electricity, laundry is ti me consum- readily available technologies. MIT students are ing and washing clothes in lakes and streams creates using these common devices to bring life-changing polluti on. The bicilavadora, winner of the 2004-2005 technology to developing countries. Students from MIT IDEAS Competi ti on, is a pedal-powered washing MIT Media Lab’s NextLab program have created an machine designed for use in the developing world. opensource medical diagnosis applicati on called MIT students and staff created the machine as an Mobile Care, or Moca. The applicati on gives resi- inexpensive soluti on that uses bicycle parts and dents of underdeveloped rural areas easy access empty barrels. The bicilavadora can be assembled to diagnosti c medical care. Zaca, also a NextLab locally, and the washing mechanism can be taken project, aims to economically empower farmers apart and stored fl at for transportati on. In 2009, in the Mexican state of Zacatecas. The applicati on students tested a prototype in an orphanage out- connects farmers to a peer-to-peer network to help side Lima, Peru. them obtain fair pricing for their crops. Yet another NextLab project, Celedu, short for cellular educa- Monitoring Drug-Resistant TB with PDAs ti on, is teaching children in rural Indian villages to read using cell phone-based games and quizzes. Treatment of drug-resistant Tuberculosis is a two- Adnan Shahid, a fellow at the Legatum Center for year process that involves close monitoring of treat- Development and Entrepreneurship, is developing ment schedules. In areas without electronic records, a cell phone recycling program in Pakistan. Another this process generates huge amounts of paperwork. Legatum fellow, Ravi Inukonda, is developing a Joaquin Blaya, a Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and program to bring mobile services, such as updates Technology Ph.D. student, worked with MIT faculty on water and power shutdowns and current market and experts at Brigham and Women’s hospital to rates for produce, to rural phone users in India. create a personal digital assistant (PDA) applicati on to track these treatment schedules. The program’s goal was to improve doctors’ access to ti mely and Legatum Center for Development and accurate test results. When it was launched in Lima, Entrepreneurship Peru, the applicati on reduced the average ti me it The Legatum Center for Development and Entrepre- took test results to reach doctors from 23 days to 8 neurship operates on the premise that economic days. The program has since been implemented in progress and good government grow from the bot- all fi ve of Lima’s districts. tom up. Founded in 2007, and led by Iqbal Z. Quadir, the founder of GrameenPhone and Emergence BioEnergy, the Center supports individual entre- preneurship in low-income countries. The Center provides seed grants for MIT students who intend to launch enterprises in these areas. In the summer of 2009, the Center awarded grants to eight student teams. One team, IDC India, plans to manufacture wheelchairs to help handicapped people in Mumbai, India, start their own businesses. Another team, Creaciones Norteñas del Peru: Scaling Up, plans to help women and their families achieve fi nancial stability by expanding a Peruvian women’s knitti ng cooperati ve, Creaciones Nortenas.

107 Selected Recent Projects (conti nued) Portable Pedal-Powered Corn Processor Post-Katrina Environmental Issues In Tanzania and other parts of Africa, processing Members of the Department of Urban Studies and the corn harvest is a labor-intensive process that Planning (DUSP) parti cipated in a variety of proj- can last as long as two weeks. A bicycle-powered ects in response to the devastati on of New Orleans machine, adapted by MIT undergraduate Jodie Wu, by Hurricane Katrina. Included among them was can make this process up to 30 ti mes faster. Wu the spring 2006 “The Katrina Practi cum” taught in designed the bicycle add-on as a D-Lab: Design class New Orleans by DUSP faculty members. The class project, creati ng a machine that was both aff ord- researched aff ordable housing, community develop- able and portable. Previous models had required ment, and post-disaster environmental issues on complete conversion of a bicycle, making the bike behalf of two community development corporati ons unrideable. Wu refi ned the corn sheller so it could in New Orleans. The MIT practi cum group focused be att ached to the chain of a regular bicycle and on the historic Treme neighborhood, someti mes then later removed. Wu then spent a summer visit- identi fi ed as the oldest African-American neighbor- ing villages in Tanzania introducing the device. hood in the United States.

MIT Public Service Center Lake Pontchartrain Ecosystem Created to moti vate, facilitate, and celebrate the The Department of Civil and Environmental Engi- ethic and acti viti es of public service at MIT, the neering has parti cipated in several Katrina-related Public Service Center supports more than 15 service projects. Instructors and students from the Aquati c programs. Many of these programs focus on con- Chemistry and Biology Lab traveled to New Orleans necti ng MIT students with the local community. to focus on the impacts of dewatering operati ons on CityDays, which is part of freshman orientati on, the Lake Pontchartrain ecosystem. The project also places MIT students with community agencies for a saw collaborati on with professors from Louisiana day to complete service projects, including painti ng, State University who were examining the occur- cleaning, working with children, and working in food rence and distributi on of pathogens in the sedi- distributi on. Every spring, MIT hosts the MIT/Cam- ments. bridge Science Expo, an event that gives 7th and 8th grade students from Cambridge public schools Inexpensive Glasses: Sight for the Poor the opportunity to meet student volunteers from As many as 1.4 billion people around the world MIT. The Public Service Center also co-sponsors the need correcti ve lenses but can’t aff ord them. Not ReachOut: Teach a Child to Read program, which only is their quality of life signifi cantly reduced, but connects tutors with local children who are identi - their producti vity also slows, they are more prone fi ed as needing help with reading. to accidents, and, in some cases, they can’t func- ti on. As an alternati ve to far more expensive glass molding machines currently in use, MIT Media Lab graduate student Saul Griffi th invented a portable machine with a programmable mold that in about 10 minutes forms a low-cost acrylic lens in the exact shape required. Griffi th also has a patent pending for a low-cost prescripti on testi ng device that will make vision evaluati on much more accessible.

108 Service to Local, Nati onal, and World Communiti es

Clean Water for Developing Countries Gasoline Storage Tank Leak Detecti on According to UNICEF, 1.7 billion people lack access Developed by Andrew Heafi tz, a graduate student in to clean drinking water. Waterborne diseases are a Mechanical Engineering, and Carl Dietrich, a gradu- major cause of illness and death across much of the ate student in Aeronauti cs and Astronauti cs, this developing world. In alone, 44,000 children new low-cost technology enables owners of gasoline under the age of fi ve die annually from such diseas- tanks in developing countries to conti nually test the es. In 1999, Susan Murcott , a research engineer in water in the tanks’ monitor wells, thus reducing the the Department of Civil and Environmental Engi- risks of environmental and health damage caused neering, launched the Nepal Water Project, a Mas- when the tanks leak. If the system detects gasoline ter’s program whose goal is to develop quick, cheap, in the well, a window in the well cover changes from and relati vely simple systems that Nepal’s rural poor green to red; and because they no longer have to can use to clean their water. In collaborati on with unbolt the cover, tank owners can check wells for the Environment and Public Health Organizati on in contaminati on much more frequently. The new sys- Katmandu and the Rural Water Supply and Sanita- tem replaces the need for both unaff ordable elec- ti on Support Programme in Butwal, Tommy Ngai, tronic detecti on equipment and the tedious process one of Murcott ’s students, developed an arsenic- of testi ng water manually. A simple practi cal, and biosand fi lter (ABF) constructed of a round plasti c inherently safe mechanical system, the technology is bin, layers of sand, brick chips, gravel, and iron nails. parti cularly useful for a very cost-sensiti ve industry. The system removes both arsenic and pathogens that can lead to dehydrati on, malnutriti on, stunted growth in children, and someti mes death. In 2004, Passive Incubator for Premature Infants with an award from the World Bank, Ngai, his MIT Every year, 4 million infants die within the fi rst 28 team, and their Nepali partners, installed ABFs in days of life. Of this number, 3.9 million live in the 25 Nepalese villages and established a center to developing world. Complicati ons of prematurity — forward research and provide villagers with training most frequently heat loss and dehydrati on — cause in the ABF technology. 24 percent of these deaths. Electric incubators can minimize this problem, but in the developing world Water-chemistry variati on among countries makes the lack of electricity in most rural regions and the it diffi cult to fi nd one technology that will suit all ar- frequent loss of power in urban areas render this eas, so Murcott and her students have been devel- technology worthless. Using phase-change material oping a collecti on of water-treatment systems that that once heated, for example by wood or coal fi re, are low-cost, easy to maintain, and match the tar- maintains its temperature for 24 hours, and devising geted country’s needs and resources. The program ways to use indigenous raw materials for an outer has now expanded to include water and wastewater shell, a team of MIT students are designing a low- research in Bolivia, Brazil, Haiti , and Nicaragua. cost incubator that will operate without electricity. The students now are reviewing their design with Médecins Sans Fronti ères in Sri Lanka, and once they have built a working model, they will meet with Sri Lankans to implement fi eld tests.

109 Selected Recent Projects (conti nued) iMath – Keeping Kids Interested in School tem to ensure users’ privacy. The Cambridge Salva- Invented by MIT undergraduate John Velasco while ti on Army has been using the system since 2003. visiti ng his own middle school in San Diego as a vol- unteer, iMath is an interacti ve Internet-based cur- riculum that, with its mentoring component, helps eighth graders understand and apply math concepts and expand their technical skills, while moti vati ng and inspiring them to pursue their educati on. When he returned to MIT, Velasco implemented his new program in the Cambridge public schools. iMath now involves 70 eighth graders and MIT under- graduates, graduate students, and alumni – with teachers and parents reporti ng a dramati c change in students’ atti tudes toward math and learning in general. In 2005 Velasco received the presti gious nati onal Howard R. Swearer Student Humanitarian Award, presented annually to fi ve students across the country for outstanding commitment to com- munity service.

Understanding How to Serve the Homeless Lack of data is one of the major barriers to com- bati ng the root causes of homelessness. Because groups undertaking research on questi ons con- cerning the links between homelessness and poor health or educati on have litt le hard data, their re- sults and proposed soluti ons are oft en questi oned. Furthermore, with no good way to collect data, organizati ons that serve the homeless have no way to evaluate their clients’ needs and monitor the ef- fecti veness of their services. The Salvati on Army of Cambridge, Massachusett s, came to a group of MIT students on MIT Graduate Student Volunteer Day and asked if they could help with this problem. The students designed a system that, instead of asking clients who came to the shelter for services to sign in with paper and pencil, enabled them to register with a bar-coded card. Now able to collect data accurately and reliably, the shelter can study how to best use its resources to meet its clients’ needs. To encourage use of the card, the Salvati on Army worked with community partners to provide ben- efi ts such as meal discounts and free use of public transportati on. The students also designed the sys-

110 Service to Local, Nati onal, and World Communiti es