AND HEATON NORRlS, WITH , , 'l'IYIOT DALE AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. ------POPULATION. 1821. 1831. Increase. Stockport (Cheshit·e) •••••.••. township 21,726 26,469 3,743 HeatQn NoiTis (). chapelry 6,968 11,238 4,280 The entire parish ofSTOCKPORT (in- cluding the township of its name, 44,208 66,610 22,402 ~md exclusive of Heaton N orris) ~ contained ...... •• ...... ~~------~-~--~------Market Day at STOCKPORT Friday.-Fairs, March 4th, 24th and 25th, May 1st and October 23rd, for cattle.

. . . 000 ° POST OFFICE, St. Peter's square, STOCKPORT, Edward Holme, Post 11/aster.-Letters from LoNDON, BIRMINGHAM, BRISTOL, &c. arrive every morning at half-past eight and evening at tl1e same hour, 811d are despatched every morning at five and evening at nine.-Letters from DERBY, LEICESTER, MANSFIELD, SHEFFIELD, RoTHERAM, CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH and arrive every afternoon at three, and are despatched every morning at a quarter before ten.-Letters from MANCHESTER, LIVERPOOL, &c. arrive every morning·at half-past eight and half-past nine and evening at half-past eight, and are despatched every afternoon at threet evemng at five and night at nine.-Letters from MARPLE, NEw MILLS and HAYFIELD arrive (by horsf' post) every evening at six, and are despatched every moruing at a quarter befo1·e ten.-Letters from CoMPSTALL BRIDGE ar• ive (by foot 11ost) every morning (Sunday excepted) at ten, and a1·e despatched every afternoon at half-past two. The box doses half an hour previous to the despatch of the mails. The names are in SToCKPORT when the toron is not mentioned.-The letters H. N. aignifg HEATON NoRRIS, and P. PORTWOOD. Adams Robert, vict. Queen Victoria, lane Armfield Joseph, vict. Grapes, 23 Great Underbank Adamson J'()hn, grocer and tea dealer, 51 Lower Hill- Armitage John, grocer and rorn dealer, 2 Heatou lane gate and 18 Market place and 79 Great Portwood street Adamson Peter, boot maker, New Bridge lane Armitage Mary Ann, dress maker, York st. Pmtwood Adcroft Samuel, tinman & brazier, 99 Higher Hillgate Armstl"Ong Isaac, shoe maker, 17 Great Portwood st Adshead John, farmer, Stockport Great moor Aruold David, shoe maker, George st Adsbead Thomas, bee•· I"etailer, 137 Chel'lter gate Arnold Thomas, ca1rie•·, Wellington road South Ainsworth James, plumber & glazier, Heaton lane, H.N. Ar•·andale Jame~, pork butcher, Higher Hillgate Ainsworth John, slater, Priest st ArrowsmithJohn,butcher&shopkeeper,LancashirehiH Ainswortb Samuel, farmer, Ashe William, shopkeeper, London place Ainsworth Thomas, beer retaile1·, Higher Hillgate Ashe William Alsop, portrait, decorath·e & sign painter, Albison Samuel, wheelwl"ight, and vict. Magnet, Wellington road North .Albiston Charles, dmg~st & grocer, Heatonlane, H. N. Ashley George, agent to the Water Works Co. King st Alcock Abraham, cashier, Wellington road North AsHTON CANAL CoMPANY, carriers, Lancashire hill, Alcock George, poulterer & game dealer, 86 Church gate Heaton Nonis-Ralph Keeling, wharfinger AlderleyWm. timber merchant, Wellington road North Ashton James, physician, 25 St. Peter's gate Allcock Richard, tailor, Lancashire hill. Heaton Non·is Asbton John, rope & cotton band manufacturer, Hope Allcock William, shoe maker, Heap Riding st street, Heaton Norris Alien & Hunt, timber merchants and builders, Heaton Ashton Thomas, manager, Wellington road North lane, Heaton Norris Ashton William, painter&gilder, Wellington road South Allen John, vict. Stag &r Pheasant, Edward st Ash ton William Henry, attorney, Vemon street; house Alien Joseph, builder, house Water st, Heaton Norris 25 St. Peter's gate [Heaton Norris Alien Mary, mller cove1·er, Lancashire hill. Heaton N. Ashurst Charles, vict. Freemasoos' Arms, Heaton lane, ALLIANCE FIRE AssuRANCE OFFICE, Hallst-Thomas Ashwo1·th Thomas, agent to Lord Vernon, Barlow field Smith, agent Astley Miss Elizabeth, Spriug gardens Allmey John, stocking manufacturer and hosier, 12 A thorn Thos. plumber & glazier & gas fitter,Chester gate Lower Hillgate [West Atkin lsaac, auctioneer, &c. Churchgate .Allsop Ruth Blackwell, milliner&dress maker, Queen st Atkinson Frederick, tailor, Brinksway Alsop John, hail· dresser, U uion ya1·d, Great U nderbank Atkinson Hannah, milliner & dress maker, Brinksway Alsop Joseph, corn and flour deale1·, l .Market place Atl\iuson James, tailor and draper, Brinksway Alsop Mary Ann, straw hat maker, 195 Chester gate Atkinson John, saddler, Wellington mad Nm1h Alsop Thomas, shopkeeper, Heaton lane, Heaton Nonis ATLAS FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE OFFICE, 30 St. Anderson John, shopkeeper, New Bridge lane Peter's gate-William Downall, agent Andrew James, brewer, house Che11ter gate Ault John & Thos. stone masons, Wellington road South Andrew John, brewer, house Sheepwash Axon Charles; cotton spinner and manufacturer, Hea- .Andrew Jobn & Sons, ale and porter brewers, Sheep- ton mills; house Norris bank [mills wash, Chester gate Axon Edward & William, cotton manufacturers, Park Andrew Mr. Samuel, Hall st Axon James, painter and plasterer, Lord st Andrew Samuel, cotton spinner, 1 ouse King st Axon M•·· Joseph, Greek st [road Andrew William, manufacturer, house Hall st Axon William, cotton manufacturer, house Wellington Andrew William, brewer, b. Green lane, Heaton Norris BaddeleyThos. attomey.10 Little U nderban k; h. Edgeley An son J onathan, bookseller& stationer,M iddle Hillgate Baggley Elizabeth, grindery dealer, Lower Hillgate Antrobus Edward, bookkeeper, Lanca.~hire hill, H. N. Bagshaw Ann, milliner & dress maker, 14 St. Peter's gate Antrobus John, \"ict. Duke of Wellit~gton, Lancashire Bagshaw Daniel Carr, shopkeeper, Heaton lane, H. N. hill, Heaton Nor ris Bagshaw Hannah, butcher, 88 Higher Hillgate Appleby John, grocer and tea dealer, 201 Chester gate Bagshaw Nathaniel, shuttle maker, 46 Middle Hillgate Appletou William, druggist, St. Peter's gate Bagshaw William, butcher, 46 .Middle Hillgate Ardern Eli, shopkeeper, 152 Higher Hillgate Bailey Charles, t"andle-wick manufacturer, Mottram Ardern Lawrence, hosier and haberdasher, 3 Park st street ; house Gorsey brow and 101 Lower Hill street Bailey Charles, beer retailer, Caroline st. Edgeley ARGUS LIFE AssuRAI'lCE OFFICE, Wellington road Bailey George, shoe maker, Brinksway [st North-William Fernyhougb, agent Bailey John, joiner & builder, Chester gate; h. Howard 143