THOUGHT LEADERSHIP January 2018 Price : Rs. 500/- (Excluding postage) © THE INSTITUTE OF COMPANY SECRETARIES OF INDIA Disclaimer : Although due care and diligence have been taken in preparation of this Publication, the Institute shall not be responsible for any loss or damage, resulting from any action taken on the basis of the contents of this Publication. Any one wishing to act on the basis of the material contained herein should do so after cross checking with the original source. We acknowledge the opinions, beliefs, viewpoints, pictures, images and data expressed by various authors, websites, persons, organizations and forum participants, whose opinions, beliefs, viewpoints and relevant data has been used and referred to, for the preparation of this title. Published by : THE INSTITUTE OF COMPANY SECRETARIES OF INDIA ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road New Delhi - 110 003 Phone : 45341000, Fax : 24626727 E-mail :
[email protected]; Website : Printed at : Chandu Press/ 200/January 2018 (ii) Preface “Thought leaders are the informed opinion leaders and the go-to people in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas” In the contemporary era of globalized nation, cutting edge technologies, emerging economies, inclusive growth, sustainable development, progressive entrepreneurship and enlighted services to the world at large, a set of varied opportunities is open for the states to register equitable and evenly distributed welfare to its populace. With boon, goes the bane; so is equally applicable to this world of opportunities. Along with multi-sectoral opportunities, challenges are also posed in the way of successful realization of wide-ranging growth and development of as a whole.