Agenda Item No: 4 North Chichester County Local Committee

22nd July 2008 – At a meeting of the Committee held at 5 pm. at Primary School.

Present: Miss Nola Hendon ( Chairman) and Lt Col Tex Pemberton OBE.

Apologies for absence were received from Mr Chris Duncton

In attendance: Steve Johnson ( Area Highways Manager), Mike Wilson ( Head of Special Projects, Children & Young People’s Services), David Crockford ( Highways & Transport), Rick West and Shelagh Clark ( Democratic Services).

Chairman’s Welcome

33. The Chairman welcomed the public and members of parish councils to the meeting and also County Council officers from the Fire and Rescue Service, Children & Young People’s Services and Highways & Transport. Apologies for absence had been received from , Fittleworth and Duncton Parish Councils.

Declaration of Interests

34. None

Urgent Matters

35. None


36. Resolved – that the minutes of the meeting held on 20th May 2008 be approved as a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising from Minutes

37. Reference Minute 6 on the Review of Schools in the Rother Valley, Mike Wilson reminded the meeting that there had been two strands – the age of transfer change and the proposed academy.

38. He informed that the Statutory Notice for the Age of Transfer had been published on 26th June 2008. The Notice was for all primary education to go up to year 6 and then to transfer just once, to an 11 – 18 . Mike informed that this was very much a reflection of the responses received, including those from the head teachers. The notice would expire on 6th August 2008 and background documents could be accessed through the Grid for Learning (WSGfL) - projects/school-organisation---school-place-planning/3--planning-rother-valley- schools-for-the-future/

38. Mike Wilson informed that the Statutory Notice for the proposed Academy had been published on 19th June 2008 and expired 30th July. He again referred the members of the public to the WSGfL website for the background information. He advised that the Cabinet Member would make their decision in September 2008, the Secretary of State in October and, if approved, leadership and governance for an Academy would start in January 2009. if approved, staff would then transfer to this new body and the pupils would transfer in September 2009. He informed that another Statutory Notice would need to be issued if it remained as Midhurst and did not become an Academy.

39. In response to a question on when would governors be appointed, he informed that this would be in the first half of the Autumn term and that the Council would wish the local community to be represented; these appointments would be subject to the decision on the Academy.

40. Reference Minute 16 on the Village Shops Programme, Rick West recapped that this programme had been introduced at the last meeting and informed that the CLC had written to 14 existing village shops inviting them to apply plus a community shop that would like to come into being. He gave examples of what the grant could be for used for – equipment, to develop a Marketing Plan, a Web Site, local advertising plan or staff training which would improve or develop the business. Rick informed that shops had until 1st October to respond and one application had been received so far.


41. An information report, (attached to the confirmed minutes), was presented to the CLC Committee by David Crockford, Passenger Transport Planner in the Policy Team of the Highways and Transport Unit.

42. At the meeting he explained why it had become necessary to modify the bus service and described the consultation that had taken place. He introduced the seven new routes (attached to the confirmed minutes) and informed that the service had gone from a two vehicle demand response service to one vehicle on fixed routes with backup from Tandem and the Midhurst Community Bus who would be more than happy to assist where they could. DoRiS was registered to act as a ‘hail and ride’ service everywhere except on ‘A’ roads.

43. David informed that the next steps would be to send the timetables out to both those with whom there had been consultation and also to the parish councils in order to go in the parish magazines. He informed that it was intended to shape and remould the timetables as a result of their feedback.

44. In response to questions from the public at the meeting, David informed that the contact number at his unit concerning DoRiS was 01243 753530 and that the new timetables began 4th August. Copies of the new routes, an index of places served and a copy of the Midhurst Community Bus bus times were brought to the meeting.

45. Col Pemberton expanded on the history of DoRiS’ source of funding and why it had not sustained itself.

46. Following this agenda item some members of the public consulted with David Crockford and gave their views and feedback on the new DoRiS timetables.

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service’s consultation on plans to introduce local emergency response standards.

47. Fire Officers Mark Swanton and Neil Stocker gave a presentation on the above – attached to the approved minutes. At the start of the presentation the meeting was informed that this was the first time that the Fire and Rescue Service had gone to open consultation to local communities.

48. The presentation concerned the emergency response standards proposal. The historical background was provided, information was given that it has become a requirement to attend incidents rather than fires and also that fire authorities had been tasked to develop local response standards based on evidence led analysis. The project to establish the response standards had included incident task analysis, critical and secondary incident proposals, fire risk maps, emergency response standards and benchmarking performance.

49. At the end of the presentation the fire officers invited views from the CLC and the public, to be given either at the meeting or via the County Council website. The consultation period would run from 27 May to 22 August. All present at the meeting had received a copy of the consultation document.

50. The following queries or comments were received from the Committee and the public present. The Fire and Rescue Service (FRS)’s responses were as given in italics.

• A query on whether the proposed standards would have an impact on the locations of those fire stations which were currently relevant to cross border activity. The FRS informed that there would be no need to move current stations and that the current exercise would be an informed way of seeing if the FRS needed to create any new stations. The FRS spoke about the good provision at Midhurst where all the crew were retained. The FRS also explained about the cross county agreements between Surrey and West Sussex to provide 24 hour cover.

• Comment on a good presentation and query on how many fire engines were at Petworth. Two plus a land rover.

• Query on whether there was an age limit for retained fire fighters. None but one would need to pass the national fitness test.

• Query about risk from flooding although the area was overall considered to be a low risk one. The FRS informed that if there was life involved then it became high risk. It informed that although the FRS had no statutory responsibility for flooding, West Sussex FRS was well equipped to deal with flooding, possessing boats that were based at The Witterings and Storrington. There were also small rescue rafts and the boat at Storrington had wheelchair access. In addition there was a facility at Horley, which was part of the national team for search and rescue. The FRS would attend immediately to assess and obtain the relevant equipment.

• Giving the example of Ebernoe, there was an enquiry about how the FRS would deal with a fire incident where there was no place to connect the hose. The FRS response was that there was a system of hydrants across the country that would supply 1800 litres of water and last for 18 minutes.

In addition bulk fluid carriers with 18,000 litres were based at Burgess Hill and Littlehampton and there was also another vehicle that could lay a hose. The FRS was also looking at a compressed air foam system, which had a high concentration of bubbles with a minimum of water. In the light of climate change, this was being experimented with.

• Query about the FRS’s role apropos the Gatwick’s airport authority, an air accident and aviation fuel. The FRS informed that there was a predetermined attendance at Goodwood, Gatwick and Shoreham and that the FRS also worked with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Informed that FRS is part of the Sussex Resilience Forum.

51. The FRS concluded their presentation by advising that any comments on the consultation or any request from a group to receive a talk should be made to Joanna Heath at the FRS on 01243 753706.

52. The Chairman thanked the FRS for the presentation and informed the meeting that the West Sussex County Council Public Protection Select Committee had been requested to consider and comment on the proposals and questions within the FRS’s Integrated Risk Management Plan.

Community Initiative Funding

53. The Committee had before it a report (copy appended to the signed minutes) which contained two grant applications.

Resolved – That the following applications and amounts be approved: Ref 641/NC, Graffham Recreation Ground, £1,000 Ref 698/NC, Fernhurst Parochial Church Council, £2,000

Parish Initiative Funding

54. The Committee had before it a report (copy appended to the signed minutes) which contained one grant application.

Resolved – That the following application and amount be approved – Ref AP620/NC/PIF Harting Parish Council £250.

Appointment of Local Education Authority School Governor

55. Resolved – That the following be re-appointed as a Local Authority Governor for a four year period from 4th April 2008.

Mrs J Kitchener Loxwood Primary School for a four year term from 1st September 2008.

Ofsted Reports

56. The Chairman congratulated the staff, children, governors and pupils of the following schools on their excellent Ofsted reports. These were Bury CE Primary School, Grade 1 - Outstanding, Herbert Shiner, Grade 2 – Good, Petworth Primary School, Grade 1 – Outstanding and Stedham Primary School, Grade 2 – Good.

57. The Chairman said that this was a particularly high note on which Herbert Shiner would be ending its current structure and she commented positively on the expertise of the staff who would be moving across from Herbert Shiner School to the Midhurst Intermediate School site.

“talk with us” ( Community Voices )

58. Steve Johnson provided the following update on these works or schemes:

Petworth - The final scheme details for the lorry diversion route were expected 22nd July. The scheme would be subject to a safety audit and there would be a meeting with the contractors May Gurney on 28th July to discuss scheme costs and start date. It was anticipated that it would start in late September / October but it was necessary to co-ordinate WSCC works with the planned gas works in Petworth town centre.

Fernhurst – Installation of a new controlled puffin crossing at Vann Road. The progress on site had been good and the civil engineering works would be completed after 25th/28th July 08. The electrical contractor would be on site week 28th July to 1st August erecting the poles and the switch on was planned to take place during the second week in August. The works would be halted during Goodwood week

Fernhurst – Church Road Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), One Way Traffic Movement. The draft scheme had been prepared and informal consultations had taken place. There had been no objections and the proposal would now proceed to an advert being placed in the Midhurst & Petworth Observer.

Petworth – 30 mph speed limit extension at Midhurst Road on the A272. The scheme had been delayed at present because phase 1 ( county boundary to Buck Barn crossroads ) had over run.

Midhurst – dropped kerbs adjacent to Spring Meadows on New Road. This was programmed for 1st to 14th October and would be located in the vicinity of the Fire Station and the footpath to South Pond.

Wisborough Green – drainage works from Homelea to Wisborough Green. This had started 7th July for four weeks and was on target to be completed by the first week in August.

59. The following issues were raised by members of the public:

• The theft of the vehicle activated speeding sign at the base of Cocking Hill. Lt Col Pemberton informed that 7 similar signs had been stolen across the County and officers were looking at options for replacing these signs and to make them less attractive to thieves. The stolen signs were all powered by solar energy and their replacements may have to be connected to the mains electricity supply.

• Heavy flooding on the approach to the A27 roundabout near Chichester. Steve Johnson (SJ) described the seven locations around the A27and Chichester where there were problems of persistent flooding and also the problems with the soak away system found in most of Chichester; he informed that West Sussex County Council would be working with the Highways Agency when the latter began to look at a number of sites –

Whyke Road to Bognor Road, Oving road lights and Portfield. He informed that any new solutions would be likely to be soak away also.

• Delay on the A272 route improvement scheme. SJ advised that phase 2 of this scheme this would not proceed until Phase 1 had been implemented between A24 and the County boundary with East Sussex.

• A suggestion to widen the pavement when the dropped kerbs were going in at New Road, Midhurst, so as to become part of the Midhurst- Bepton cycle route. SJ informed that there were no plans to widen the footpath linking New road to South Pond (Jubilee footpath).

• Complaints regarding grass cutting in rural areas. Col Pemberton explained the frequency (three) and pattern of grass verge cutting that should occur and asked people to contact Tracey Webb, the Highways Manager at the Western Area Office, if this is not happening.

Dates of future meetings.

60. The Committee agreed that the next meeting would be on Tuesday 21st October 2008 at Petworth Primary School Hall at 7 pm.

Future meetings, all commencing at 7 pm, were agreed as follows:

6th January 2009 10th March 2009


The meeting closed at 6.15 pm.