Biological Evaluaiton/Assessment and Effects Analysis Format

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Biological Evaluaiton/Assessment and Effects Analysis Format United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service UPPER BRIGGS RESTORATION PROJECT BOTANICAL REPORTS Table of Contents Biological Evaluation for TES Plants, Lichen, and Fungi Page 2 Botanical Specialist Report for Strategic and Survey and Manage Species Page 53 Invasive Plant Risk Assessment Page 72 Re-Vegetation Plan Page 95 Botanical Reports, Invasive Risk Assessment, Revegetation Plan Rogue River-Siskiyou NF UPPER BRIGGS RESTORATION PROJECT Biological Evaluation for Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Plants, Lichen, and Fungi Wild Rivers Ranger District, Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest, Josephine County, Oregon PREPARED BY: /s/ Stuart Osbrack DATE: January 12, 2017 Stuart Osbrack District Botanist 2 Botanical Reports, Invasive Risk Assessment, Revegetation Plan Rogue River-Siskiyou NF SUMMARY OF FINDINGS There are occurrences of four different Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest sensitive plant species within the Upper Briggs Restoration Project footprint. They include one occurrence Iliamna lactibracteata (California globe-mallow), one occurrence of Pyrola dentata (toothed wintergreen), seven occurrences of Cypripedium fasciculatum (clustered lady’s-slippers) and numerous occurrences of the sensitive plant species Sophora leachiana (western sophora) within the proposed project footprint. All occurrences found during floristic surveys conducted for the proposed project or were previously known and documented. Design features have been created for all Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest (RRSNF) sensitive plant species within the proposed Upper Briggs Restoration Project area to ensure that all occurrences do not receive negative impacts from the proposed project implementation. However, some occurrences could receive long-term benefits from the proposed project implementation. Strategic and Survey and Manage species found within the project area will be discussed in a separate specialist report. Invasive plants and noxious weeds will be discussed in the Invasive Plant Risk Assessment. Based on the description of the proposed action and the evaluation contained herein, I have determined the following: There would be no effect to Fritillaria gentneri (Gentner’s fritillaria), Arabis macdonaldiana (Maccdonald’s rock cress), or Lomatium cookii (Cook’s lomatium), or any other plant species listed as threatened, endangered, proposed for listing, or candidates under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA), administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) from the proposed Upper Briggs Restoration Project. This determination is based on the absence of suitable habitat within the project area and the absence of individuals known or expected to occur within the project area. There would be no impact to the following Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest sensitive species; this determination is based on the absence of suitable habitat within the project area and the absence of individuals known or expected to occur within the project area: Vascular Plants Arabis modesta (Rogue canyon rockcress), Arctostaphylos hispidula (hairy manzanita), Arnica viscosa (Shasta arnica), Asplenium septentrionale (grass fern), Bensoniella oregana (bensonia), Boechera horizontalis (Crater Lake rockcress), Botrychium pumicola (pumice grapefern), Calochortus howellii (Howell’s mariposa- lily), Camassia howellii (Howell’s camas), Carex capitata (capitates sedge), Carex comosa (bristly sedge), Carex diandra (lesser panicled sedge), Carex klamathensis.(Klamath sedge), Carex lasiocarpa var. americana (slender sedge), Carex nervina (Sierra nerved sedge), Castilleja schizotricha (split-hair paintbrush), Cheillanthes intertexta (coastal lip-fern), Chlorogalum angustifolium (narrow-leaved 3 Botanical Reports, Invasive Risk Assessment, Revegetation Plan Rogue River-Siskiyou NF amole), Collomia mazama (Mt. Mazama Collomia), Corydalis aquae-gelidae (cold- water corydalis), Cryptantha milo-bakeri (Milo baker's cryptantha), Cyperus acuminatus (short-pointed cyperus), Delphinium nudicale (red larkspur), Dicentra pauciflora (few-flowered bleeding heart), Diplacus bolanderi (Bolander's monkeyflower), Diplacus congdonii (Congdon's monkeyflower), Draba howellii (Howell’s whitlow-grass), Epilobium oreganum (Oregon willow-herb), Epilobium siskiyouense (Siskiyou willow-herb), Erigeron cervinus (Siskiyou daisy), Erigeron petrophilus (Cliff daisy), Erigonum lobbii (Lobb’s buckwheat), Erythronium howellii (Howell’s adder-tongue), Eschscholzia caespitosa (gold poppy), Frasera umpquaensis (Umpqua Swertia) Gentiana newberryi (Newberry’s gentian), Gentiana plurisetosa (elegant gentian), Gentiana setigera (Waldo gentian), Hackelia bella, (beautiful stickseed), Hastingsia Bracteosa var. atropurpurea (purple rush-lily), Hastingsia Bracteosa var. bracteosa (large-flowered rush-lily), Hesperocyparis bakeri (Baker's cypress),Hiericium horridum (shaggy hawkweed), Horkelia hendersonii (Henderson’s horkelia), Horkelia tridentata ssp. tridentata (three-toothed horkelia), Lewisia leeana (Lee’s lewisia), Limnanthes alba ssp. gracilis (slender meadow foam), Limnanthes floccosa ssp. bellingeriana (Bellinger’s meadow foam), Lomatium engelmanii (Engelman’s desert-parsley), Lupinus aridus var. ashlandensis (Mt. Ashland lupine), Lupinus tracyi (Tracy’s lupine), Ophioglossum pusillum (adders-tongue), Perideridia erythrorhiza (red-rooted yampah), Phacelia leonis (Siskiyou Phacelia), Pilularia americana (American pillwort), Pinus albicaulus (Whitebark Pine), Plagiobothyrs figuratus ssp. corallicarpus (coral seeded allocarya), Plagiobothrys greenei (greene’s popcorn flower), Poa rhizomata (timber bluegrass), Polystichum californicum (California sword-fern), Prosartes parvifolia (Siskiyou fairy bells), Rafinesquia californica (California chicory), Rhamnus ilicifolia (redberry), Rhynchospora alba (white-beaked rush), Ribes divaricatum var. pubiflorum (straggly gooseberry), Romanzoffia thompsonii (Thompson’s mistmaiden), Rorippa columbiae (Columbia cress), Saxifragopsis fragarioides, joint- leaved saxifrage), Scheuchzeria palustris var. americana (sheuchzeria), Schoenoplectus subterminalis (water clubrush), Scirpus pendulus (drooping bulrush), Scoliopus bigelovii (California fetid adderstongue), Sedum moranii (Rogue River stonecrop), Sidalcea malviflora ssp. patula (coast checker bloom), Silene hookeri ssp. bolanderi (Bolander’s catchfly), Streptanthus glandulosus (common jewelflower), Streptanthus howellii (Howell’s streptanthus), Tauschia howellii (Howell’s tauschia), Tetrapteron graciliflorum (slender-flowered evening-primrose), Trillium kurabayashii (Sisikiyou trillium), Utricularia minor (lesser bladderwort), Viola primulifolia ssp. occidentalis (western bog violet), Wolffia columbiana (Columbia water-meal), Zigadenus fontanus (small-flowered death camas) Bryophytes Anastrophyllum minutum, Andreaea schofieldian, Bryum calobryoides, Calypogeia sphagnicola, Cephaloziella spinigera, Cryptomitrium tenerum, Encalyptra brevicollis, Encalyptra brevipes, Harpanthus flotovianus, Kurzia makinoana, Lophozia gillmanii, Orthodontium gracile, Orthodontium pellucens, Psuedocalliergon trifarium, Racomitrium depressum, Rivulariella gemmipara, Schistidium cinclidodonteum, Tortula mucronifolia (moss) 4 Botanical Reports, Invasive Risk Assessment, Revegetation Plan Rogue River-Siskiyou NF Lichens Bryoria subcana , Leptogium cyanescens, Lobaria linita, Ramalina pollinaria, Fungi Albatrellus avellaneus, Dermocybe humboldtensis, Gastroboletus vividus, Gastrolactarius camphoratus, Gymnomyces fragrans, Ramaria amyloidea , Ramaria rubella forma blanda, Rhizopogon chamaleontinus, Stagnicola perplexa, The proposed Upper Briggs Restoration Project may impact individuals or habitat, but will not likely contribute to a trend toward federal listing or loss of viability to the population or species has been determined for the following Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest sensitive species Vascular Plants Adiantum jordanii (California Maiden-hair), Allium peninsulare (peninsular onion), Cheilanthes covillei (Coville’s lip-fern), Cryptantha simulans (pine woods cryptantha), Ericameria arborescens (goldenfleece), Keckelia lemmonii (bush beardtongue), Lotus stipularis (stipuled trefoil), Pellea andromedifolia (coffee fern), Pellea mucronata ssp. californica (birds-foot fern), Rhamnus ilicifolia (redberry), Solanum parishii (Parish’s horse-nettle) Bryophytes Entosthodon fascicularis, Porella bolanderi, Fungi Chamonixia caespitosa, Phaeocollybia californica, Pseudorhizina californica, Rhizopogon ellipsosporus, Rhizopogon exiguous No individuals or populations are known from the project footprint and none were located during project surveys. This determination is based on the presence of suitable habitat within the project footprint. These species may be affected during project implementation if undetected individuals or populations are present within the project area where suitable habitat occurs. The proposed Upper Briggs Restoration Project may impact individuals or habitat, but will not likely contribute to a trend toward federal listing or loss of viability to the population or species for Cypripedium fasciculatum (clustered lady’s- slippers). This species is known from 7 locations in the project footprint. There are occurrences in units 3, 21, 22, 23A, 24, 63, 508, and 509. Design features have been created to eliminate any direct effects to these populations. However, this species may be negatively impacted during project implementation if undetected individuals or populations are present
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