Interstate Map Co., Publisher

859-61 Bergen St.,

Newark, New Jersey

THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY INC., Distributors. &Wm^' he New if "RED BOOK

Information Street

& Subway Guide to NEW, YORK


Official Information of Streets, House Numbers, Trolley Lines, Elevated Routes, Churches, Hospitals, Clubs, Schools, Hotels, Banks, Offiice Buildings, Parks, Subways, Theatres, Etc



Alphabetical list .' 3 Numbered streets E. & W. 74 Numbered Avenues 74 sectional Map 109 . Subways and *'L" Roads... 187 Large Map, back cover GENERAL INFORMATION: Air Graft sta 119 Hospitals 147 Amus., Resorts 119 Motels 150 N. Y. C 161 Libraries 152 Armories 120 Markets 153 Art Galleries 120 Museums 154 Automobile Clubs.. 120 Navy, Army Sta.... 154 Aviation Clubs 119 \ewspapers 155 Banks 120 Newspapers for) 155 Baseball Parks 123 Ofllce Building-s... 156 Bath Houses 123 Parks 159 Bridges 124 Parks^ Squares 159 Buss Lines *. 180 Piers 170 Cemeteries 124 Points of Interest 177 Charities 146 Police Departm't.. 162 Childrens Aid Soc... 147 Population N.Y.C 161 Churches 124 Post omce 161 Bronx 131 Prep. Schools 135 " Foreign .... 130 Railroad Stations.. IG'* City Offices 131 Restaurants 164 Ciubs 13 3 Safe Dep't Vaults 122 Colleges 135 Savings Banks 122 Comfort stations..-. 135 Schools 166 Concert Halls 135 State onices 132 Courts 138 172 County Offices 134 Steamboat Lines.... 171 Oay Nurseries 138 Steamship Lines.. 173 Department Stores 139 Street Car Lines.... 182 i^esi^nated Local'.. 139 Subways 187 .Elevated Roads 189 Taxicab Rates 186 Exchanges 139 "^lelegraph Go's 165 Perries 139 1 elephone Go's 165 Fire Department.... 141 Theatres 169 Foreign Consuls 142 Traffic Regulat'ns 186 Foreign Quarters.... 143 Trust Go's 123 Freight Stations 162 U. S. Offices 165 Homes. Asylums... 143 YMGA & YWCA.... 186 Gymnasiums 186 YMHA & YWHA.... 186

PATRONS:- Write us of any infor- Tiation you think incorrect, or in-

: formation you don't find in our

•" "23 ..o-v^ NOV -9 J I New Street Guide of IIEW YORK CITY I and Bronx^-. --

Abbatt PI from 1301 Wilson ave 277 E. 139th st 1SU4 Seymour av i32.j Young ave 304 E. 140th st E. to Ea3tch'r av Adrain Ave. fr 329 E. 141st st tlbbott St. fr W. 225tli st N. 355 E. 142d st Aldrich st E. to to 22Sth st (3d 872 E 143d & 3d a Baldwin st (1st \V. of ) Alexand'p Ham- N of 2-12d st) ^gap PI. fpom ilton Sq. fr \bingdon Sq. stadium tii ave E. 143rd to 144th sth av, Bleecker Country Club rd sts at Am.sterdain & Huiison sts fSretix) & Hamilton' pi Academy St. fp AJbany St. fp Allaipe Ave. fr Harlem Uiver nr 1 24 Greenwich st Zerega av N. to Dyckman st vV to W. to 87 West st Lafayette av (1st 4G53 Itroadwa? 1 Greenwich st E of Havemeyer) ^dams St. fP'li) Washinston st Tremont av N.W. 1-3 West st Allen St. fpom to Albany Cpesc't lOG Division st N. ironx sub. 2 bl W. fr 3030 Kings- to 165 E. ()00 Tremont ave bridge ter W. & Houston st r.49 Van Nest rd i\. to Bailev ai 2nd ave L all Nos. r50 Morris pk av & W. 233d "st 1 Division st N.Y.W.&B.RR Van Cortl'dt pk sul 13 Canal -st L sta \dams PI. fr :'.000 Heath ave 37 Hester st 609 182d N. to :i030 Bailey ave 67 Grand st «- «t?

' >00 Cres<'ent av :^100 W. 231st st 87 Broome st -1200 E. l,S2d st Aiden PI. fpom 105 Delancey st Bg ;290 E. 183d st Webster av E. to 145 Rivlngtn L sta Id av L sta 2 Mks Park av (1st S. 171 Stanton st \dee Ave from of 179th) 207 E. Houston st 3000 Bronx Pk E Webster awe cars Allepton Ave fr to Pelhm Pk (6th Aldrich St. fr Bronx Pk E. to X of Pelh'm pky) Bronx Riv nr E. Pelham Park (;00 Bronx Pk (E) 242d st N. to 601 Bronx Pk (E) 651 Barker ave Bronx R. (1st W 651 Barker av* (375 Olinville ave of X.y.X.H. &H 700 Wh Pins sub 700 Wh Plnrtlcar Aldus St. fporr 725 Cruger ave 725 Cruger ave 1(X)0 South' n bid 751 Holland ave 751 HoHand ave N.E. to Whitlock 800 Barnes ave 775 Wallace ave 9t0 South'n bid car 900 Bronxwood a? 7 S(X) Barnes ave 971 Hoe st 975 W'msl)ridge -u S25 Matthews ave Alexandep Ave. 1000 Paulding ave 900 Bronxwood av fr 132d N. to 1050 Hone ave 925 Radcliff a»e 2662 3d ave 1351 Fish ave 975 Coldcn .ave 3rd ave L 1 bik E. 1 400 Seymour ave \ 1)00 Paulding ave 3 21 E. 133rd st 1425 Morgan ave (950 Hone ave ,143 E. ]34th st 1451 Fcnton ave 06O Boston rd 165 E. 135th st 1501 Eastchester rd D75 Lurtlng ave 191 E. 136th st Amethyst St fr 101 I.aronia ave 1 221 E. 13Tth st 651 Morris pk av 125 Yates ave '262 E. 13SU1 st '.\. Wii Fl. rd car NEW YORK-MANHATTAN A BRONX

Ampere Ave. fp 1041 W. 111th st 2220 VV. 170th st Middletown rd nr St. John's Cathedral 2234 VV. 171st st Eastchester blvd E 1061 VV. 112th st 2248 VV. 172nd st 'o Bay Shore ave 1U81 W. 113th st 2270 VV. 173rd st (Bronx) 1101 W. 114th st 2300 VV. 174th st l^msterdam Ave 1121 W. 115th st 2314 W. 175th st 116th st 2320 W. 176th st • fr W. 59th N. to 1141 W. 2352 VV. 177th st Fort George ave Columbia College 2384 VV. 178th st (continuation of 1161 W. 117th st 2402 W. 179th st 10th ave) 1181 W. 118th st 2414 VV. 180th st Amsterdam surface 1201 W. 119th st 2430 W 181st car car to 193d st; sub- 1221 VV. 120th st 2516 VV. 185th st 1241 W. 121st st way 1 block West Amundson Ave. 1 W. 59th St 1261 W. 122nd st fr 3701 Pratt av 60th St 1281 W. 123rd st 23 W. to City line 35 W. 61st St 1301 W. 124th st 3800 Pratt ave 55 W. 62nd st 1325 LaSalle st 3900 E. 233rd .. 75 W. 63rd st 1341 W. 125th st 4000 Strang ave 97 W. 64th st 1361 Moylan pi Ave. 121 W. 65th st 1381 Lawrence st Anderson fr Jerome av 141 W. 66th st 1385 W. 12Sth st & E to 154 W. 67th st 1407 W. 129th st 161st N. 221 Shakespeare ave 181 W. 68th st 1421 W. 130th st Jerome av sub 201 W. 69th st 1441 W. 131st si 900 W. 162d st 221 W. 70th st 1461 W. 132nd st 92(» 240 Broadway Sacred Heart Conv't 1000 VV. 164th st VV. 165th st 241 W. 71st st 1481 W. 133rd st 1060 VV. 166th st 261 W. 72nd st 1501 W. 134th st 1110 VV. 167th st 281 W. 73rd st 1521 W. 135th st 1170 301 W. 74th st 1.041 W. 136th st Andrews Ave. 321 W. 75th st 1561 W. 137th st fr 110 VV. 175th 341 W. 76th st 1581 W. 138th st N. to 120 W. 361 W. 77th st N. Y. City College Fordham rd 381 W. 7Sth st 1601 W. 139th st Sedgewick av car 401 W. 79th st 1621 W. 140tn st 1700 VV. 176th st 415 W. 80th st 1641 W. 141st st 18(K) VV Tremont a 441 W. 81st st 1661 W. 142nd st 1900 VV Burnside a 461 W. 82nd st 1681 Hamilton st 2050 VV. 180th 8t 481 W. 83rd st 1701 W. 144th st 2180 Hall of Fame 501 W. S4th st 1721 W 145th ear 2250 VV. 183d st 521 W. 85th st 1739 W. 146th st 2400 VV. Ford'ni rd 541 W. 86tb st 1753 W. 147th st Ann St. from 561 W. 87th st 1775 W. 148th st 222 Broadway E 581 W. 88th st 1795 W. 149th st to 57 Gold st 601 W. 89th st 1819 W. 150th st 1 B'way & Pk Bow 621 W. 90th st 1,S35 W. 151st st 19 Theatre Alley 641 W. 91st st 1855 W. 152nd st 29 Nassau st 661 W. 92nd st 1868 W. 153rd st 67 William st 681 W. 93rd st li)03 W. 154th st 90 Gold st 701 W. 94th st 1926 W 155th car Anthony Ave fr 721 W. 95th st 1940 W. 156th st E. 173d N. to 741 W. 96th st 1959 W. 156th st 181st & Gr'd bid 761 W. 97th st 1969 W. 157th st Webster ave car 781 W. 9Sth st 1981 W. 158th st 1670 E. 173d st 801 W. 99th st 2003 W. 159th st 1725 E. 174th st 821 W. 100th st 2021 W. 160th st 1785 Prospect pi 841 W. 101st st 2038 W. 161st st 1817 E. 175th st 861 W. 102nd st 2049 St. Nicholas 1849 E. 176th st 881 W. 103rd st 2053 VV. 162nd st 1857 Mt. Hope pi 901 W. 104th 2083 W. 163rd st 1900 E Tremont av 921 W. lOoth st 2101 W. 164th st 1936 Echo pi .941 W. 100th st 2119 VV. la^th st 1952 E. 178th st 961 W. 107th st 2139 W. 166th st 1985 E. 179th st 981 W. 108th st 2165 VV. 167th st 2001 Bush st 1001 W. 109th st 2178 VV. 16Sth st 2042 E Burnside a 1021 W. noth st 2192 VV. 169th st 2081 E. 180th st RED BOOK GUIDE

2122 E. ISlst St 724 Hoiianu avu 1 W. 16,3th st Grand blvd 900 Brouxwood a\ 19 W. 16t)th st Appleton Av fr 9r.() Boston rd 39 VV. 167th st Westchester crk N UHK) Puulding ave 57 VV. 168th st to 2800 Wilkin- 1.";."">1 Kish ave 79 VV. 169th st son ave Pel ham 1401 Seymour ave 101 VV. 170th st Bay sub to 1600 142.1 Morgan ave 111 VV. 171st st 1515 E Tremont av 1 iol Fenton ave 143 W. 172nd st 1567 Ericson ave 1."»


Baldwin St. fr J»47 Bainet pi Barry St, from E. 242d St N. 1901 Rhinelandr ... 1100 Oak Pt av along N.Y.N.H. & 1950 Bronxdale ave N to 860 Tiffany H. R.R. N.Y.West'n & 700 Leggett ave Bank St. from Boston R.R. Bartholdi St fr 83 Greenwich av Bronx & Pel- 3300 White PI. VV. to 439 West ham pkwy rd E. to Bronx- St (Hudson Riv) ?001 Adee ave wood ave 1 Greenwich ave ;5201 Burke ave White Plains subway 14 Waverly pi 3225 Oak dr 700 White Pl'ns rd 41 W. 4th St ;351 Bartholdi avt 726 Cruger ave 82 Bleecker st ) 400 Magenta ave 74.3 Holland ave 89 Hudson st l]451 Boston & Gun 776 Hickory ave 97 G'wich9th av L Hill roads Bartow 121 \\ashington st ^rOl Tildei> st Ave. fr 157 West st !525 E. 211th st Baychester av E. '.600 to Barbour St. fp E. 213th st Hutchinson ave Barn'd N to Bates ".()30 E. 214th st Basset Ave. fr Barclay St. fp 3660 E. 215th st Bruner & Pelham ';700 227 Broadway W E. 216th st pkwy E. alg New '1725 E. to 14S West st 217th si Haven R. B. (North River) 3750 E. 218th st 1501 N. Y. & N 1 Broadway 3800 E. 219th st H. RR. 3.S24 E. 25 Church st 220th st 1601 McDonald st 73 W. Broadway 3850 E. 221st st 1901 Edson ave 3900 E. 222nd st 75 Greenwich st Baychester ave i924 E. 223rd st 93 \Vashington st Bassford Av fp '.050 E. 224th st 106 West st 501 E. 182d N. •5974 E. 225th st Bapkep Ave. fr to E. 186th (8d 1000 E. 226th st Pelham pkwy N. st West of 3d av) '024 E. 227th st .' to 3434 Duncomb 2200 E. 182nd st i050 E. 228th st White Plains 2291 E. 183rd st rd ear HOO E. 229th st Lester 3rd ave L 3012 st 4124 E. 230th st Burke 2321 E. 184th st ave 1151 E. 231st st t201301 Rosewood 2332 E. 185th st st 4174 E. 232nd st 3401 Magenta st Bussing ave Batavia St. fp 3425 Duncomb Roosei'elt ave 200 E. 23.^fd st 78 st E to Bapkley Ave fp 224 E. 234th st 74 James st Roosevelt E. 177th st & 4250 E. 235th st 1 st New Eastern Jjlvd E to 4301 E. 236th st 6 Chambers st 1450 Shore dr & Bronxw'd a 23 James st 2S00 E Tremont av Barrett Ave. fr Bates St. fpom 2827 Quincy ave Castle Hill Part Poplar st (at Hart 2851 Calhoun ave along Pugsley Cr R.R.) E. to Bar- 2877 Reverve ave to Lafayette ave bour st 2950 Edison ave Bathgate Av Barretto St. fr fp ?.nOO Logan ave 501 Clarem't pky Edgewater rd N. 3050 HolljTvood ave N. to to Fox 500 East Thrggs N'krd st (HuntF Point) 191.st st 3227 Wilcox ave 3rd av L 1 bik 701 Lafayette ave E. '.2ol Clarence ave 1571 Clarem't SOI Garrison ave pky 3276 Dean ave 1619 E. 172nd st 901 Southern blvd Shore dr 1635 E. 173rd st Barrow St. fr Barnard St. fp 1675 E. 174th st 192 W. 4th st 1811 E. Haswell st N. to 17.5th st W to 283 West Eastchester rd st l.'^63 E. 176th st 6th ave Elevated 1901 E Trem't car Barnes Ave. fr 2 W. 4th st 1961 E. 178th st N.Y., Westchester 33 Bleecker st 2021 E. 179th st & Boston R.B. N. 59 Bedford st 2101 E 180th car '0 80»') E. 2;i6th 71 Commerce st 21.53 E. 181st st (4th E. of White 87 Hudson st 2231 E. 182nd st Plains rd) 109 Greenwich st 2293 E 183d L sta 1649 Baker ave 9th ave L 2321 E. 184th st 1700 Van Nest ave 121 Washington st 2341 E. 185th st 1800 Morris Pk av 133 West st 2401 E. 187th st NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

2481 E. 189th St Beach Ave. fr 89 Pearl st 2501 E. Fordh. car 260 Bronx R. av Beck St. from Battery PI. fp to 1800 Tremont 605 Prospect ave 1 B'way W. to 401 Patterson ave (at 152d) N. to 2 West St 500 Lacombe ave 963 Tiffany st 1 Broadway 600 Randall ave Pelham Bay subway 5 Greenwich st 700 Sound V'w av to Longwood ave 12 Washington st 1100 Watson ave 561 Prospect ave 17 West st 1208 Gleason ave 651 Ave S. John Baxter St. fr 1300 Westch'ter av 757 E. 156th st 164 Park Row N car 801 Longwood ave to 173 Grand st 1350 McGraw ave 885 Intervale ave 1 Park Row 1400 E. 177th st Becken St. fr 1408 Wood ave 24 Worth & Pk sts 357 Eastern blvd 1415 Tacoma st 45 Leonard st NAV. to Morris Pk 1461 Merrill st 64 Franklin st Bedford St. fr Bayard st 1500 Archer st 75 178 W. Houston 82 White st 1501 Mansion st st N.W. to 124 99 Walker st 1560 Guerlain st Christopher st 119 Canal st car 1570 E Trem't car 9th av L 2 bIks W 129 Hester st Beach St. from 1 W. Houston st 155 Grand st 251 W. Broadway 29 Downing st Bay St. (City W. to 236 West 33 Carmine st Island) from st (North Riv) 45 Leroy st 329 City Is av W 1 W. Broadway 63 Morton st Bayard St. fr West Side Subway 77 Commerce st 68 Division st W 13 St. John's la S3 Barrqw st to 75 Baxter st 17 Varick st 95 Grove st 1 Division st 43 Hudson st 115 Christopher st - Forsythe st 53 Col lister st Bedford Pk bid 15 Christie st 61 G'wich 9th av L (E. 200th) from 39 Bowery Sd a» L 69 Washington st 3030 Jerome ave 56 Elizabeth st 83 West st E. to Bronx Park 75 Mott st Beach St. (City 1 Jerome ave sob 91 Mulberry st Island) from 101 Villa ave 108 Baxter st 201 Grand blvd 500 City Is. av 231 Valentine ave Bayche^ter Ave E to L.I. Sound Pelham Bay Pk 261 Briggs ave fr 141 City Isl. ave 3()1 Bainbridge ave to 4725 Wh Pl- 171 Minniford ave rd 321 Perry ave ains Ave. 2200 Bassett ave Beaumont 351 Marion ave 2301 Stillwdl ave fr 701 Grote st 381 Decatur ave N. to E. 189th Webster av car 3200 E. 222nd st 401 3301 Givan ave 2261 Grote st Bedford Pk bid 3501 Boston rd 2291 E. 183rd st (W) fr 3030 3600 Needham ave 3d ave L 8 biks W. Jerome ave W. to E. 187th st 3900 E. 233rd st 2101 Goulden ave 4001 Strang ave 2435 E. 188th st Beech Ter. fr 4101 Edenwald Rve Beaver St. fr 340 Crimmins av 4201 Bissei ave 12 Broadway E. E. to 359 Beek- 4201 Bussing ave to 146 Pearl st man ave 4401 Nereid ave 1 Broadway St. Ann's ave car White Plains subway 15 New st Beekman Av fr Bay View Av fr 35 Broad st 613 E. 141st N.

Griswold av N. to i'h") William st to St. Mary's Pk Watt ave (Bronx) 77 Hanover st 323 E. 141st st


345 Oak ter 1601 St. Raym'd a N. to W 256th 361 Beech ter 1645 Maclay st West Side subway 371 St. Mary's st W. 236th st Bergen Ave. fr 3600 Beekman St. fr 3900 W. 239th st 4S6 Willis av & 33 Park Row E. 5000 W. 250th st 147th N. to 690 to 102 South St 5200 W. 252nd st Brook av & 153d Park W. 2^4th st 1 Row 492 E 147th and 5400 3 Theatre al Willis ave Blair Ave from 11 Nassau st 519 E. 148th st William L. I. Sound N. 37 st 539 E 149th subw. Gold st 59 & L sta Bheecker St. fr Cliff 89 st 595 Westch'r av car 318 Bowery st W 103 Pearl st N. to Bank 027 E, 152nd st & 82 117 Water st Bower>' 3d av L C71 E. 153rd st — Front st 140 6S9 Brook ave 12 Elizabeth st 152 South st 31 Mott st Beekman Pi. fr Bethune St. fr 43 JIulberry st 429 E 49th N. 597 Hudson st W 51 Laf'te $t subw to 434 E. 51st to 469 West st 58 Crosby st 1 Hudson st • 1 E. 49th st 63 Broadway car 39 E. 50th st 9 G'wich 9th av L 89 Mercer st 39 E. 51st st 45 Washington st 105 Greene st Belden St from 77 West st 121 Wooster st (City Isl.) fr Betts Ave from 131 Classons Pt rd at 20 City Is. av E 6th ave L Bell Ave. from Classons Pk N to 153 Thompson st Compton ave Pratt av N.W. to 169 Sullivan st City line Billar PI. (City 187 MacDougal st Belmont Ave fr Island) from 211 Minetta st Downing st 645 E. 175th N 171 CarroU N to 214 Hancock st to Fordham rd 116 Fordham st 219 Carmine st 1801 E. 175th st Birchhall St. fr 227 248 Leroy st 1872 E. 176th st Bronx Pk (E) S. Cornelia 1960 E. Trem't car E. to N.Y. West 255 st Morton st 2001 E. 179th st & Boston R.R. Jones 2060 Oakland pi White Plains rd car 277 st 286 Commerce st 2101 E. 180th ear Birmingham St 2131 E. ISlst st 293 Barrow st fr 84 Henry st E 3ii ave L 5 biks W. 313 Grove st to 139 Madison 2203 E 182d Grote 7th ave subway Bishop La. fr 2301 E. 183rd st 327 Christopher st 2371 Crest &186h 102 Warren st N 348 W. 10th st 2400 E. 187th st to 174 Chambers 365 Charles st 2450 E. lS8th st Bissel Ave. fr 383 Perry st 2479 E. 189th st 4524 Byron ave 401 W. 11th st 2515 E. Ford'm car NE. to City line 417 Bank st Street Belmont Black St. from Bloomfleld St. changed to Mt. Zerega av E 750 fr North side of Eden a? (E & W) to Westchester Cr Wash'gton Mkt. Benedict Av fr Blackrock Ave. 1330 Storrow st fr 1060 Virginia Blondell Ave fr E. to 1331 01m- av E. to West- Westchester av at stead aye chester Creek Westchester sq N 1900 Storrow st E. 177th Crstn ear to 1650 Poplar 2000 Pugsley aye 1920 Virginia ave 1100 We-stch'ter av Bennett Ave. fr 2000 Pugsley ave Pelham Bay subway W. 181st N & E 2100 Olmstead ave 1331 Fink ave to Broadway (1st 2200 Castle Hill av 1360 Ponton ave W. of B'way) 2207 Havemeyer av 1400 Roberts ave Benson St. fr 2250 E. 177th st 1424 Halperin ave 107 Leonard st 2400 Zerega ave 1440 St. Raym'd a .<. 100 feet Blackstone Ave 1500 Chesbrough av Benson St. fr fr Spuyten Duyvll Bogardus PI. fp Westchester sq N. pkwy & W 237th Hillside av (1st 1425 Tratman ave N. to W 246th: E of B'way nr 1500 Frisby ave also fr W 249tb IQSrd st) 10 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

Bogart Ave. fr !(tJU Teasdale pi 600 E. 222nd st N.Y.N.H. & ~ 974 E. 164th st 3660 Brunner ave R.B. N to Bronx 1020 E. 165th st 3700 FJy ave & Pelham pkwy 1058 Cauldwell ave 3731 Grace ave Boiler Ave. fr 1103 E. 166th st 3761 Edson ave Pelham Bay pkwy 1149 E. 167th st o800 Baychester ave Home st W. to Eden Ter, 1156 3S25 DeReimer av3 Bolton Ave. fr 1107 Jackson ave 3872 Boiler ave 1211 E. 168th st Br'dway & Dyck- 3900 Pratt ave McKinley sq man st N. to N.Y.W. & B. 1301 E. 169th st Spuytcn Duyv Crk ER. 1356 Union ave Bolton Ave. fr 3974 Harper ave 1373 Jefferson pi E. R. N. to 1890 4001 Secor avo 1375 Crotoua ave to Ludlow ave 4020 Steenwick ave 1437 Prospect av & Sound View car 4040 Rombouts ave 170th st Gildersleeve ave 407.5 Alerrit ave 200 1452 Bristow st Oliveren ave 4060 DeLavall ave 300 1492 Stebbins ave ave 4101 Provost ave 315 Sound V'w 1500 Wilkins ave Patterson ave 4124 Moell ave 401 1540 Charlotte st Lacombe ave 4150 Peartree ave 500 1560 E. 172nd st Randall ave 41 75 Heat hiote ave 600 1591 Suburban pi 4200 Ui^tchinson a? Bolton Rd from 1619 E. 173rd st Prescott i201 E. 233rd st av West 1662 Minford pi 4300 Huguenot ave and North 1750 E. 174ih st Bolton St from subway station Hutchinson R Lydlg ave N. to 1753 Southern blvd Bouck Ave. fr Bronx & Pel. pky 1800 Hoe ave 1275 Bronx & Bond St. from 1840 5:. 175th st Pelham pkwy N. 656 Broadway E. 1861 Vyse ave to Boston rd ' to 330 Bowery 1872 K. 176th st 2201 Pelham pkwy 1 Jones al 1900 Longfellow a\ 3001 Adee ave 12 Lafayette st 1930 W. Farms rd 3200 Burke ave 59 Bowery 3cl av L 1931 Lillian pi 3206 Gun Hill rd Bonner PI. fr Longfellow av Bowery, fr 13 1995 E Tremont av 946 Morris av bet Division st (Cha- 2041 E. 17Sth st E 163d and E tham sq) N. to 2071 E. 179th st 164th East 44 E. 4th st 2100 E. 180th st Boone Ave. fr 3d av L & Surf, car Bronx Pk (S) Freeman st N. to 1 Division st Bronx Pk (E) E. 176th Chatham L sta Bronx Park Sq 1358 W. Farms rd 2 Doyers st 2200 Pelham ave 1461 Jennin^ st 18 Pell st 2229 Thwaites pi 1660 E. 173rd st 29 Bayard st 2300 Astor fr 61 Canal st L sta Boscobel Av 2400 Waring ave Jerome ave 127 Grand st L sta at 00 Holland ave 167th N. to Uni- 151 B'oonie st 2501 Wallace ave versity av & 172d 173 Delancey L sta 2560 Barnes ave Jerome av sub 198 Spring st 1201 2(500 Matthews avp W. 169th st 213 Rivington st 1233 26.50 Allcrton ave E. 170th 230 Prince st 1358 & 2700 Bronxwood av Jessup sts 245 Stanton st Wh Plains rd Shakespeare a 279 E Hous'n L sta 2800 W'msbridge rd 1401 Nelson ave 303 1st st 2850 Radcliff ave 1501 Plimpton ave 318 Bleecker st 2900 Colden ave Wash'ton Bge 323 2nd st 2930 Paulding ave 328 Bond st Boscobel PI. fr 3000 Adee ave 345 E. 3rd st UnderclifF ave E. "050 Lurting ave 346 Great Jones st (at Wash, bdge) 3200 Burke ave 361 E. 4th st Boston Rd. fr .S301 Gun Hill rd 3350 3rd ave ?,'A2r> E. 211th st Bowling Green (163d) N.E. to 3401 Wil«nn nve at 1 Broadway, city line at Pel 3501 Eastchester Whiteh. & State ham Park 31125 Mickle ave Bowne St (City Boston rd car 3551 Treman ave Island) from 959 Third ave 3591 Gunther ave 450 City Is. ave RED BOOK GUIDE 11

Boyd" Ave. fp 2532 E Kingsbr car Singer BIdg. 1751 Ednwaldav 2(>46 E. 194th st 173 Maiden la N. to Barnes ave 2751 E. 196th st 170 CorUundt st 4100 E. 233d st 2821 E. 197th st 182 John st 4101 Edenwakl ave 2843 E. 19Sth st 193 Dey st 4201 Bussing ave 2921 E. 199th st 211 Fulton st sob 4801 Pittman ave 2951 Bedf. Pk blvd station 4360 Barnes ave 3001 E. 201st st St. Paul's Church E. st I Boynton Av fp 3025 202nd 214 Ann st Seward & Bronx Bpinsmade Ave Astor BIdg. River av N. to E. from East River 220 Park Row 173rd St (Throggs Neck) N 219 Vesey st :1204 Westchestr av to St Raym'd cem Woolworth BIdg.

,\ Bradfopd Av fp Bpistow St. fp 222 Barclay st 2001 Baisley ave Freeman & Steb- 239 Park pi N. to 2880 La bin N to Boston West Side subway Salle ave 180th sub sta 2 bl E Expr. station 1301 Freeman st Mail : 1224 Baisley are 238 st '1300 Waterbury ave 1371 Jennings st POST OFFICE I Bpadhupst Ave. 1400 E. 170th st 247 Murray st fr Edgecombe av Bpitton St. fr City Hall sta. at W. 142d N. Bronx Pk (E) E. B'way sub sta to W. 155th St to Wh Plains rd 260 Warren st Van Cort'd pk subw Bpoad St. fpom 273 Chambers st 1 W. 142nd St 25 WaU st S. to 291 Reade st 20 W. 143rd st 15 South st (E. 305 Duane st 38 W. 144th st River) 319 Thomas st 54 W. 145th st 1 Wall st 320 Pearl st S2 W. 146th St 10 Stock Exchange 335 Worth st 102 W. 147th st 25 Exchange pi 3-46 Catherine la 120 W. 148th St Curb Brokers 349 Leonard st 136 W. 149th st 59 Beaver st 365 Fraaklin st 170 W. 150th st Consolidated Exeh. 381 Whi'e st 192 W. 151st st 74 JIarketfield st 401 Walker st 206 W. 152nd st 81 S. WiUiam st 415 Lispenard st 224 W. 153rd st 93 Stone st 419 Canal st car 236 W. 154th st 96 Bridge st & Bdwy subw sta Bradley St. fp 101 Pearl st Transf. to Aldrich st E. to Fraunces' Tavern 433 Howard st Baldwin st (nr 105 Water st 461 Grand st car 243rd St) 113 Front st 489 Broome st 140 South st Brady Ave. fp 529 Spring st car Broadway Al. 2070 Bronx Pk E 569 Prince st & fr E. A: White Plains rd 159 26th Bdwy subway sta E, to Radcliff aje N to 165 E 27th 611 E & W Hous- Brandt PI. f7 Bpoadvt^ay fr 1 ton st car 1575 Nelson to Battery pi (Bowl- 643 Bleecker car University (near ing Green) N. to 660 Bond st 175th st) Harlem River and 683 W. 3rd st Bridge St. fp Yonkers line 684 Grt. Jones st B'way surface cars; 24 State st E to| 699 W & E 4th st Subway to 168th st Broad st 729 Waverly pi i Sta. & ab Dyckman Astor 1 State st 743 pi 1 Battery pi E. 8th 18 Whitehall st 757 st car Bowling Green subw B'wy sta 34 Broad st sub station & Park BpidgeSt (City Wanamaker's Store 12 Beaver st 771 E. 9th st Island) from 57 Exchange pi 789 E. 10th SI 691 City Is. av 73 Rector st 805 E. 11th st E. to Min- 681 90 Wail st s'b 5ta 823 E. 12th st niford ave Trinity Church 837 E. 13th st Briggs Ave. fp' 120 Thames st 851 E. 14th car 301 K Kings- 111 Pine st Union Sq subw sta bridge rd N. to Equitable Bids. S57 E. 17th r* E Mosholu pkwy 135 Cedar st 873 E. ISth L Webster ave ear 149 Liberty st 898 K. 19th st 12 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX RED BOOK GUIDE 13

4046 W. 170th St <;-!71 Mosholu ave E. 180th st 1 4055 W. 171st 6t 6531 VV. 259th st 40(J5 W. 172nd st 6571 VV. 260th st 4073 W. 173rd st — Forster pi 4(176 Wadswortb av 6641 VV. 261st st 4085 W. 174th 6t 6771 W. 262nd st 4{)!J6 VV. 175th Broadway Ten. 4156 W. 176th st fr 193d st (1st 4201 W. 178th st E. of Broadway) 4221 W. 179th st Bronx Blvd. fr 42:57 W. 180th st Bronx Pk to 700 4261 W. 181st st E. 242i)d st subway sta White Plains subw I42S0 W. lS2nd st 3200 Burke ave i4302 W. lS8rd Bt 33(M) Rosewood st 14344 W. 185th st 3400 Magenta st 1186th st subw sta 3409 Duncomb ave 14381 W. 187th st 3500 Gun Hill rd 14437 W. 100th st 3007 E. 213th st 191st st

667 E. 153rd st 539 Clark st 2001 E. 178th st 735 E. 156th st 533 Sullivan st 2061 E. 179th st 751 E. 157th st 56V Varick st 2101 E. ISOth st 871 3rd ave 575 Thompson st Buchanan PI fr E. 161st st Hudson si 887 589 2230 Jerome ave 3rd ave L $ta Brown PI. fr W to 2250 Aque- E. 163rd st 925 489 E. 132nd st duct ave (E) E. 164th st 986 N. to E. 138th 1 Jereme av subw. Webster car 1 bl W 80 E. 132nd st 27 Davifison ave 165th Park i014 & 110 E. 133rd st 50 Grand ave 1084 166th &Web 140 E. 134th st 75 Aqueduct av (E) 1170 E. 167th car 166 E. 135th st Buck St. from 1225 E. 168th st 190 E. 136th st 1720 Zerega ave 1301 E. 169th st 204 E. 137th st N. to Seddon st 1351 Kinderman pi Browns La. fr Buhre Ave. fp 1405 E. 170th st 152 Fordham st 1459 S. Paul's pi South E to Eastern blvd 1501 E. 171st st Brunner Ave fr W'stch'ter 1531 Clarem't pky car Barnes av S to E 2801 Appleton ave Broome St. fp 233d st & fr E 2825 MuJford ave 13 East st W to 231st S. to Bissel 2851 Mayflower ave 228 Hudson st 2201 Bassett av 2875 Pilgrim ave 1 East st 2601 Gun Hill rd 2900 Edison ave 5 Tompkins st 2801 Bartow ave cOOO Wtstchester av 19 aiangln st 2901 Arnow ave £031 Hobart ave 85 Goerck st 3000 Adee ave S160 Jarvis ave 49 Lewis st 3100 Hammrsley av 3101 Moban ave 55 Cannon st 3200 Burke ave 3131 Gaiusborg ave 83 Columbia st 3400 E. 222nd st 3150 Eastern blvd 93 Sheriff st 4000 E. 233rd st Bullard Ave. fp 109 Willet st 4300 Edenwald ave E. 233d st N t.n 125 Pitt st 4201 Busring ave city line (242d 145 Ridge st 4J!01 Pittman ave st) alg N.Y.N.n. 159 Attorney st 4401 Nereid ave & H. R.R. 181 Clinton st Brush Ave. fr Bunta La (CI.) 195 Suffolk st Waterbui-y ave S fr 266 Billar pi 211 Norfolk st alg VVestch'r Crk East 227 Essex st Bryant Ave. fr Burke Ave. fr 243 Ludlow st Edgewater rd N. 3201 Bronx blvd SS9 Orchard st to E. i82nd st E. to 3200 Easi- 275 AUen 2d av L 659 Hunts pt car ch ester rd 281 Elridge st 700 Spofford ave 600 Bronx Pk. E S09 Forsvthe st 800 Lafayette ave 651 Barker ave 323 Christie st Gilbert pi 675 Olimille ave 339 Bowery 3d av L 861 Seneca ave 700 Wh Plains car a59 Elizabeth st 940 Whitlock ave 719 Cruger ave 371 Mott st 1000 Aldus st 751 Hollaiia ave 385 Mulberry st 1070 E. 165th st 771 Wallace ave • Cleveland pi 1120 167th st & 800 Barnes ave 397 Center Mkt pi Westch'r car 824 Matthews ave 403 Centre st 1120 167th st 900 Broiixwood av 413 Laf'te st subw 1156 W. Farms rd 925 Radcliff ave 429 Crosby st 1201 Home st 975 Colden ave 441 Broadway car 1401 Freeman st ^001 Paulding ave 453 Mercer st 1461 Jennings st 1051 Honr aw 469 Greene st 1515 E. 172nd st 1074 Lurting ave 483 Wooster st 1601 E. 173rd st 1078 Boston rd 601 West Broadway 1875 E. 176th st 1100 Laconia ave 6th ave L 1921 Boston rd car 1124 Yates ave B37 Watts st 1961 E. Trem't av'


51 Herring ave Bussing Ave fr 2432 E. 188th st •00 Tenlineck ave 771 E. 233rd st 2475 E. 189th st 124 Pearsall ave to City line 2515 E. Fordh. ear 550 Thorp ave White Plains rd car Cambridge Ave ;74 Boretk ave 1<01 E. 234th st fr W 232d st N HOD Gun HUl rd & 1705 Bronxwood av to W 236th (1st Wilson ave 17H1 riguey ave W of Riverdale) IcO Fish ave 1751 Boyd ave Cameron PI. fr 00 Seymour ave 1775 Gunther ave 2170 Jerome ave •51 Fenton ave ISOJ Wickham ave to 2171 Morris a jOI F:astchester rd 1S19 Brunner ave Camp St. from •lOO Mickle ave ::901 Ely ave Baychester av N.E Grace ave \— N.Y.W. & B.R 1925 to Wilder st nr •01 E. 222nd st 1937 Edson ave 240th jrling Slip fr 2001 Baychester avt Canal St. from DeReimer ave 235 Pearl st E. 2025 191 E. Br'dway Wilder ave to 87 South st 2051 NW. to 283 West Murdock ave (East River) 2074 1 E. Broadway Hill ave Pearl st nOl 26 Rutgers st Water st 2124 Jlonticello av 34 Division st Front st Butler PI from 39 Ludlow st South st 1360 Zerega ave 57 Orchard st Herschell st jrnett PI. fr to 73 Allen 2nd av L 2402 Zerega ave 830 Garrison av Elridge st Butterick Ave. 89 E to 725 Tiffany 107 Foriiytbe st fr 100 Shore dr jrnside Ave. 125 Chrystie st N. to 2550 Men- (E) fr 2040 153 Bowery 3d ave dell st av E to ear & L sta Jerome Byron Ave. fr 2025 Valentine 195 Mott st 741 E. 233rd st ave & 179th st 203 Mulberry st N. to Bissel ave rnside av Crstn ear Baxter st White Plains subw 221 1 Jerome ave L 241 Centre st ^200 E. 233rd st 1 Walton ave 253 Laf'tte sub sta 4221 E. 234tn st 1 Morris ave 272 Cortlandt al 4251 E. 235tii st 1 Creston ave Brdway sub sta 4301 E. 236th st 3(31 1 Grand blvd Mercer st 4357 E. 237th st 313 1 Anthony ave Greene st 4-101 Neried ave 335 1 Ryer ave Church st 4501 E. 239th st 344 jrnside Ave. st' !524 Bissel ave 357 Wooster (W) fr 2051 C Street now 381 West Broad;vay ave ave L Jerome W & staff st 6th S. to 1900 Sedg- Cabot St. from 396 Laight st wick ave st 1080 Leggett av 399 Thompson 2 Jerome ave L Sullivan st S. to East River 417 6 Davison ave Calhoun Ave fr 426 Vestry st (t rSraud ave Varick sab sta 251 Shore dr N. 430 U University ave Hudson st to St. Raym'd cem 466 Andrews ave (Throggs Neck) 483 Watts st I>oring pi 500 Dewey ave 505 Renwick st jpr Ave. from 600 Schley ave 523 G'wh 9th av L Westchester av & 700 Randall ave 541 Washington st Ea.stern blvd N. 900 Lafayette ave 551 West st to Pelham pkwy i(V)0 Barkley ave Canal St. (W) jsh St. from 1100 Eastern blvd fr E. 135th N. 2024 Creston ave Campbell Dr. fr to E. 138th st E. to 2001 An Stadium ave E. & 138th sta 3d ave L thony (1st N. of N to Co'ntry Club Canal PI. from 179th) dr (Bronx) 221 E. 138th N. ome car 3 biks W Cambrelleng av to E. 144th (2d • ' 1 Grand blvd fr 182d & Grote W. of Morris av) Ijshnell Av fr st N. to Fordham 251 E 138th L sta E. Gun Hill (at 2299 E. 183rd st 341 E. 140tb s* E. 141st st : Brunner ave) N. 3rd av L 6 bIks W 365 E. to Hutchison 12251 Grote st Cannon PI. fr River '2401 lS7th & Ores. 3400 Giles pi N. i6 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX Hegney pi 2()0 7th ave to 3900 Orloff aT to fr 300 8th ave L tU ?t400 Giles pi Carrigan PI. 208th N. to 301 Central pk W Cannon St. fr W. Mosholu pkwys 315 Manhattan ar Grand st N. 540 Carroll PI. fr 400 Morn'gside dr to 439 E.Houston Amsterdam a« E. 173rd N. to E 5t)0 1 Grand st Tremont ay (1st 551 Bway sdb sta. 19 Broome st Riverside dr W. of Webster) 613 Delancey st 25 Webster ave car Catharine La fr 73 Rl.'ington st Lafayette si E. 174tli st 50 Stanton st 1725 105 1800 175th &Pros W. to 346 B'way 135 Grand st car Slip E. 176th st Catharine Houston st 1860 1154 E. Carroh St(C.I.) fr 115 Cherry st Carlisle PI. fr E. to East River fr 260 City Isl'd 751 E. 211th N. St. fp av E. & W. Catharine to 750 E. 213th Division st 8. 140 City Isl. ave 1 (2d E. of White Carter Ave. fr to 114 Cherry st Plains rd) 165th N. to 1 Division st fr E. Carlisle St McClellan (1st E 23 Henry st Greenwich st 112 Grand blvd) 43 IVIadison st but West of W. to 75 Morris ave car 61 Monroe st Greenwich st 1 10.51 E. 16.5th st 72 Oak st 7 Washington st Cassanova St f r 75 Hamilton st 17 West st Edge\ioter rd N Cauldwell Ave. Carmine S*. fr fr 651 E. 149th to Spofford ave , 1 6th av 157 West st 5()0 W. 110th st 901 Jennings at Central Cathedral Market Parkway N. to Crotona Pk PI. fr 172 Graml Centre St, fr 1415 Jennings st st N. 75 Park Row N, Minford pi I Central Pk (S) to 403 Broome 1501 E. 170th at fr 5th av to 8th Centre st cars 1601 Boston rd cai av (see 59th on 2 Park Row Charlton St. ff map) 12 Chambers st 29 MacDougal s| 23 Reade st W. to 322 West (W) fr 18:^9 34 Lafayette and st (Hudson Riv'l Broadway (at Co- Duane 1 MacDougal si lumbus Circle) N. 49 Pearl st 55 Varick st along Central Pk 73 Worth st 89 Hudson st 8th ave surface cars 91 Leonard st 118 GVch 9th av,4 1 B'way sub sta 111 Franklin st 119 Washington A 13 W. 61st st 131 White st 136 West st 21 W. 62nd st 147 Walker st Chatham Sq'Pd 31 W. 63rd st 1S2 Hester st Park Row, Bobj- 41 W. 64th st 203 Howard st ery & E. Br'dwa« 51 W. 65th st 225 Grand st Chatterton Ave. 61 W. 66th st 259 Broome st fr 1030 Virginia 71 W. 67th st Centre St (City av E. to West- 81 W. 6Sth st Island) from chester creek 91 W. 69th st 221 City Is ay W E 177th Crstn ear 301 W. 70th st . Chaffee Ave. fr 1920 Virginia ave Ill W. 71st st E. 177th st N to 2000 Pugsley ave 121 W. 72nd st Shore dr (Throgs 2100 Olmstead ave 131 W. 73 rd st Neck) 2200 Castle Hill ar 141 W. 74th st Chambers St. 2300 Havemeyer ar 151 W. 75th st fr 91 Park Row 2319 E. 177th st 161 W. 76th st W. to 184 West 2400 Zerega ave 171 W. 77th st st (North River) Cheesebrough Mus. of Nat. History Chambers st busses Ct fr 6 Bridge 181 W. 78th st 1 Park Row st to 7 Pearl st 191 W. 79th st 29 Centre st Cherokee PI. fp 2(»1 W. 80th st 71 Broadway E. 76th st N. to 211 W. 81st st 101 Church st E. 7Sth st; alsfc 221 W. 82nd st 138 West Broadway along John Jay Pk 231 W. 83rd st 6th ave L & West N to E 71st st 241 W. 841 b st Side expr subw sta Cherry St. fp W. 251 85th st 141 Hudson st 340 Pearl street 261 W. 86th car 175 Greenwich st i Brklyn Bridge E. E. thru Park 174 Bishops la ' to East st & E. B 271 W. 87th st 185 Washington st Madiston st bus 281 W. 88th st 03 ^Vest st 1 Pearl st and 291 W. 89th st Chapln Ave. fr Brooklyn Br'ge 301 W. 90th st Bronx blvd & E. 49 Roosevelt st 311 W. 91st st 219th N. to E. 70 New Chambert 321 W. 92nd st 233rd alg Bronx 81 James st 331 W. 93rd st River 101 Oliver st 341 W. 94th st 117 Catharine slip Charles La. fr 351 W. 95th st 169 Jlkt st & Slip 692 Washington 361 W. 9Gih st 192 Manhat'n Bdg J>7th st W to 410 West 371 W. st 217 Pike st & Slip 381 W. 98th st Charles St. fr 230 Pelham st 391 W. 99th st 41 Greenwich av 249 Rutg st & Slip 401 W. 100th st S.W. to 404 West 287 Jefferson st 411 W. 101st st 1 Greenwich ave 319 Clinton st 421 W. 102nd st 23 Waverly pi 55 Montgomery || 431 W. 103rd st 59 W. 4th st 373 Gouvemeur Ai 441 W. 104th st 81 Bleecker st 383 Scammel it BRONX i8 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & ot B wy) iClareniont Ave 430 Jackson st (1st W fr Claremoiit ave Corlears & E'st 1 Liberty st 482 to 512 River- Ciiesbrough Av 13 Cortlandt st W. side dr (between Wmsbridge rd 6th ave L sta fr Terminal 122d & 123rd) to Buhre av Hudson N E. West Side subway Chester St. fp Broadway subway Dey st Clapomont pk'y Eastchester rd N. 25 51 Fulton st fr 1570 Webster E. to Tieman av Vesey st av E. to Crotona at E. 222nd 71 81 Barclay st Park Chestnut St. fr 103 Park pi 400 Webster av car Oak St (at 10 6th ave L sta 480 Washington ave New Chambers) N L sta 119 Murray st 530 3rd av to 8 Madison st 135 Warren st Clapence Av fr fP Chestnut St. 153 Chambers st 1250 Shore dr N. Barnes ave 3350 167 Reade st to Waterbury ave Bronx- E to 3301 185 Duane st 600 Shore dr av (Bronx) wood 207 Thomas st 700 Randall ave Barnes ave 801 221 Worth st SOO Philip ave Chisholm St. fr 237 Leonard st 900 Lafayette ave 1255 Intervale av 252 Franklin st 1000 Burkley ave ' N. to 800 Jen 279 White st 1100 Layton ave nings st 299 Walker st Clapke PI. (E) 180th sub sta 2 bl E 319 Llspenard st fr 1291 Jerome 1295 Stebbins ave 328 Canal st av W. to Grand Freeman st N. of 1305 City Hall PI. f blTd (1st 1347 Jennings st 169th st) 25 Duane st J Chittenden Ave IJerome av subw to 498 Pearl st fr Northern ave 100 Walton ave City Island Ave N.W. to Riverside 150 Grand blvd fp Chittenden PI. (City Isl.) Clarke PI. (W) Main st thru 20 fr Chit' den av W. fr 1921 Jerome Beldeu st (C. I.)! Chpistophep St. gve W.^to Inwood 39 RocheUe st Clapke St. f Pom fr 7 Greenwich av 64 Horton st Breome st N S.W. to 388 West 538 120 Pilot st Spring st (North River) to 225 140 Reynolds st Eelvated 6th av L & Hud Tub 6th ave 220 Centre st 1 Greenwich ave 1 Broome st 240 Schofleld st Dorainick st 12 Gay st 19 260 Carroll st Wav'ly. & Grove 31 Si)ring st 31 280 Orchard st st Clapkson St. fP 59 W. 4th st 304 Fordham Varick st 91 Bleecker st 225 W •^28 Vickery la West st 122 Bedford st to 354 330 Bay st River) Hudson st (North 129 357 Tier st Gwcb 9th av L 1 Varick st 163 400 Ditmars st 18r \Vashing1;oa st 22 Hudson st 451 Bowne st 6th av L West st 53 G'wich 184 500 Beach st Weehawken st 61 Washington st 185 550 Cross st Chpystie St. fp l77 West st 604 Elizabeth st Clay Ave. fpom 44 Division st N st 642 Sutherland l(>4th at N.Y to 117 E. Hous E. Claflin Ave. fP R.R. N ton st (2d E. of & Harlem 111 Eames pi (nr 176th 3rd ave) ^^ 260 E Jerome av) N. to ave ear 1 Division st Webster Reservoir ave E. 165th st 7 Bkyard st li041 Eames pi E 166th st 41 Canal st 2670 1195 2700 W. 195th st 1153 E 167th ear ^ Hester st 196th st 168th st Grand jt car 2H00 W. 1225 E J03 E. 169th st 125 Broome st Clapemont Ave. 1278 E. 170th 8t 141 Delaacey $t fr 619 W. 116th 1396 Clarem't pkf 177 Blvlneton st N, to Tiemann pi E. 173nl st 205 Stanton st 1st W. of B'way 1677 E. 174th st E. Houston st We$t Side subway 1737 235 175th st fr 49 W. 119th rt 1781 E. Ctiurdi St. Cleveland PI fr 99 Ltberty st N. 182 I.aSaUe st 404 Canal st N. to 342 Caaid st 1 Tiemana pi RED BOOK GUIDE 19

to 62 Spring St N to 1400 West- 986 E. l(Mth st Cliff St. from chester ave 1021 E. 165th st 99 John St N. to Coddington Av 1251 E. 168th st 9 Hague st fr 3131 E. Tre- 1291 E. 169th st 1 John St mont av E to Pel- 1400 E. 170th st 31 Fulton St ham Pk near St. 1500 E. l',2nd st 89 Beckman st Raymond cemetery College Rd. fr 73 Ferry st 2801 E Tremont av 460 Waldo av E. 93 Frankfort st 2861 Mayflower av to Cayuga ave & 99 Hague st 291 1 Edison ave 252nd st Brenx (51 Gillespie Waldo ave " Clifford PI. fp 2! ave 4700 1700 Jerome ave ;-;n(M:» Crosby ave Collins PI. from E. to Walton ave .'iOol Hobart ave Eastchestr blvd E - (1st N of 174th) :;071 Hollywood ave to Kearney ave Clinton Ave. fr Coenties Al. fr (Bronx) Col lister E. 169th & Bos- 75 Pearl to 42 St. fr ton rd N. to Cro Stone st 53 Beach st N to tona Pk (N);also Coenties Slip 55 Laight st N. to E. 182d st fr 66 Pearl st S. Colonial Ave fp Boston rd car to 24 South st 3275 Westchester 1301 169th &Bos 1 Pearl st ave N. to Pelham 1363 Jefferson pi 7 Water st parkway 1401 E. 170th st 17 Front st 2100 E. in6th st

1439 Crotona Pk. 5 21 South st Columbia St. fp 17! to Crotona Pk, N Cold Spring Rd 520 Grand st N. isil E. 175th st along Harlem Riv to 423 E. Hous- IN 75 E. 176th st (at W. 218th) on st 11K)5 Fairmont pi Colden Ave. fr 1 Grand st car 1932 Elsmere pi N.Y.N.H. & H. S3 Broome st E 1961 Trem't ear R.R. & Bronx-dale 53 Delancey st T'.ISl E. 178th st a; N to 950 Gun 7i Rivington st I'OOl E. 179th st Hill rd 101 Stanton st 1'0(>5 Oakland pi White Plains rd car 140 E Houston st i':01 E. 180th car 1550 Sacket ave Columbus Ave. 2121 E. 181st st ISOO Morris Pk (continuation of 2179 E. st 182nd Wmsbridge rd 9th ave) fr 401 Clinton Ct. fr Boston rd W. 59th st N to 52 W. 8th 8t N. E Gun Hill rd W. 110th st [I Clinton PI. fp 3001 Adee ave 6th & 9th ave L 2170 Jerome ave V201 Burke ave Surface cars W. to Aqueduct '"01 Dunran ave 1 W. 59th L sta ave (E) Coles Lane fr 21 W. 60th st 1 Jerome ave car 301 E. Kings- 41 W. 61st st 25 Davidson ave bridge rd E. to 61 W. 62nd st 29 Grand ave 2549 Bainbridge 69 Broaduay Clinton St. fp avenue 70 W. 63rd st 295 E. Houston Colgate Ave. fr 91 W. 64th st st S.E. to to 286 1450 Lafayette 121 W. 65th st Jouth st (E. R.) av N. to Bronx 141 W 66th L sta 1 E. Houston st River ave 161 W. 67th st 31 Stanton st 1199 Westchester a 181 W. 68th st 71 Bivlngton st College Ave fr 201 W. 69th st 107 Delancey st E. 141st & Mor- 221 W. 70th st 137 Broome st ris ave N. to E. 241 W. 71st st Grand 161 rt ear 14Sth also 301 261 W 72d L sta Hester 189 st E. 163d st N. 281 W. 73rd st 195 Division st to Teller ave 305 W. 74th st 197 E. Br'dway car Webster & Morris ear 315 W. 75th st 207 Henry st 348 Morris ave 341 W. 76th st 213 Madison st ear 369 7. 142nd st 361 W. 77th st 231 Monroe st 385 E. 143rd st Mas. of Nat. History 251 Cherry st 411 E. 144th st 381 W. 78th st 271 Water st 440 E. 145th st 399 W. 79th st 287 South Belt ear 476 E. 146th st 419 W. 80th st Close Ave. fp 486 E. 148th st 439 W 81st L sta SOO Bronx River 928 E. 163rd st 461 W. S2nd st 20 NEW YORK-MANHATTAIM « BRONX

481 W. 83rd st 1429 E. 177th 400 W. 147th st 501 W. S4th St 1500 Mansion st 421 W. 148th st 521 W. 85th St 1549 E. Trem't car 447 W. 149th st 541 W 86th L sta Compton Av fr 459 W 150th st 561 W. S7th St Newman & Pater- 480 W. 151st st 581 W. 8Sth St son aves S. to 492 W. 152nd st 601 W. 89th St Classons Park Coogan Al. .fp 621 W. 90tii St Concord Ave fr 5680 Rivrdale av W. 91st St 641 E. 141st st nr to 200 ft. E. of 92nd st 661 W. Southern blvd N. Delofleld av Bronx 681 W 93d L sta to E. lB2nd Cooper Ave. fr 701 W. 94th st Westchester 321 141st &S. bid 2615 721 W. 95th st ave N. (Bronx) 355 E. 142nd st 741 W. 96th st Cooper 376 St. Mary's st Sq. E. 761 W. 97th st 414 St Jos. (144h 4th to E. 8th. 781 W. 98th st 447 Crane 145th 3rd & 4th aves SOI W 99th L sta 494 Dater (147th Cooper St. fr 821 W. lOOth st 550 E. 149th car Academy st one 841 W. 101st st 580 E. 150th st block W. of B'wy 861 W. 102nd st 621 E. 151st st N. to Isham st 881 W. 103rd nt '*'estchester ave car Copeland St. fr 901 W. 104th st Brush ave L station Congress St. fr E. to W. Houston Graff ave 921 W. 105th st 177 st S. to King Coppee 941 W. 106th st 15 St. fp PI. fr Zerega ave E. 961 W. 107th st Congress to Congress st West Westchester ave 981 W. 108th st Conner St. fr Corbin PI. fp 1001 W. 309th st Pratt ave E. to Ft. Wash, av W. 110th st E. J021 Hutchinson River L station Corlear Ave. fp Continental Av W. Columbus Cir. 230th N. to fr West- 250 W. 240th Broadway, 8th av 3235 chester ave N. to Van Corti'dt Pk sub & 59th st Pelham pkwy 30tK) W. 230th st Colyer's Row fp 2000 Westchester av 3100 W. 231st st 614 W. 143rd st 2100 Hobart ave & 3200 W. 232nd st S. feet 100 196th st 3400 W. 234th st Commerce Ave. 2125 E. 197th st Corlears St. fp fr Zerega av & N Convent Ave fr 587 Grand st S. E. to Westch'r av 401 W 127th at to 325 South st Commerce Ave. Morningside av N (East River) along Harlem R. to 450 W. 152d 1 Grand st car N. & S. fr Wash- & St Nicholas av 25 Cherry st ington Bridge Van Gortlandt Parl( 38 Water st Front st Belt Commerce St. Subway 2 bil(s W. — car fr 286 Bleecker 2 W. 127th st — South st st S.W. to 75 22 W. 12Sth st Cornelia St. fp Barrow st 36 W. 129th st 160 W. 4th W. 1 Bleecker st 52 W. 130th gt to 225 Bleecker f9 Bedford st 70 W. 131st st 6th av L to 8th st 41 BariOw st 116 W. 133rd st Cornell Ave. fr ^mmon wealth 136 W. 134th st Bror.x River E to Ave. from 300 152 W. 136th st Pugsley Creek Bronx liver av N 162 W. 137th st — White Plains rd to E. Trem't ave 1 ^4 W. 138th st — Sound View ave 709 Lafayette avc 200 W. 140^h st Copnell PI. fr 800 Sound View av 280 W. 141st st 2930 Dudley ave car 300 W. 142nd st E. to Harrington 1199 Gleason ave 322 W. 143rd st Corsa Ave. fr -^^-^ Westch'tr car 366 W. 145th car Burke av N.W. to _-, Tacoma ave (880 W. 146th st Oakley ave


€ortlan(lt St fr Crescent Av fr 1050 E. 165th st 171 Broadway W E. 183d & Ar- 1230 167tb, Jero'e to 111 West St thur av N.E. to 1290 InwooA. 169h (North River) 666 E. 187th st 1410 W. 170th st 1 Broadway 3d av L to 183d sta Crosby Ave. fr Arthur ave 21 Church st 600 & 2974 East'n blvd Greenwich st 18Sth st 51 to 3000 Westche- 73 Washington st 606 Adams pi ter ave Hughes ave 91 West st 609 1101 Eastern blvd Belmont ave Cortlandt Ai fr 651 & 1224 Baisley ave lS6th st 270 Canal st to 1301 Waterbury ave 070 Cambreling & 56 Franklin st 1351 LaSalle ave 187th st Coster St. fp 1401 Cc;ldington at Creston Ave. fr Edgewater rd N. 1600 Middletown rd E. Treraont av N to Hunts Pt ave 1617 Daniel st COO Randall ave to Minerva pi & Crosby PI. fp Jerome ave 700 Spofford ave Prescott ave N. Jerome sub 3 biks W Hunts Pt ave Crosby St. fp 1980 E. 178th st Cottage La. fr 28 Howard st 2001 E. 179th st N 175 W. 230th st to Bleecker 2020 Bush st 58 st N to Albany Cres- (1st 2050 E Burns'e car E of B'way) cent (Bronx) Subway bik 20S0 E. 180th st 1 East PI. fP 1 Howard st Cottage 2151 E. 181st st N. Grand E. 170th st 2233 E. 182nd st 21 st car to Crotona pk (S) Broome s' 2295 E. 183rd st 37 169th Prince 3d ave L to 2344 Field pi 103 st station Jersey st 2374 E. lS4th st 125 st E Co'ntry Club rd 2458 E. 189th st 139 & W Houstn fr Eastern blvd E 2443 E. Fordh. car 173 Bleecker st to Eastcbester Bay 2500 E. 190th st Cross St. iC.I.) (Bronx) 2580 E. 192nd & fr 550 City Isl'd Courtlandt Ave St. James Pk av E to L. I. S'd 170 Minniford ave tr 2775 3d ave 2657 E. 193rd st N. to E. 163d 2671 E Kingsbr car Croton St. fp 47!) 3d ave car 2715 E. 196th st Amsterdam av (at 520 E. 14Stb st 2800 E. 197th st W. 165th) N.W. 551 E. 149th subw 2580 E. 198th st to Audubon ave & L station Minerva pi 579 E. 150th st Crimmins Ave. (N) alg N. side 015 E. 151st st fr 591 E. 141st of Crotona Park sub 639 E. 152nd st N. to 590 St. 180th to 174thl 671 E. 153rd Bt Mary's st st sta 695 E. 154th st St. Ann's ave car 631 Arthur ave 719 E. 155th st 309 E. 141st st 701 Crotona ave 735 E. 356th st 327 Oak ter 733 GHnton ave 777 E. 157th st 341 Beach ter 761 Prospect ave 807 E. 15Sth st 359 St. Mary's st 1841 Marmion ave 839 E. 159th st Croes Ave. frJCptpna Park E. 160th st 857 Bronx R. ave N. E. 161st car ^P^^l^ ^n^'f® 884 to Bronx R. av •^pjj"^^""^ E. 162nd st Boston rd carll'^ ©07 ' & F l'77tli .st E. 163rd st ave «8 Sound View avi IfJ<^ l^9J\P^^ vranford Av fp ave 1240 Westch'ter avL[i'?0 J^V^^'^J'^f Charlotte st 4700 Wh Fins rd E. 177th st ^U>:10 1590 Suburban E. 241st st N. E. Cromwell Av fr pi to City line E. 150th iir Riv- Crotona Park too Wh Plains rd er av N. to Ma- (S) aig S. side 716 Bavchester av combs rd of Crotona Park 801 Barnes ave Jerome av subw Boston rd car 850 Wilder avt 550 E. 150th st 570 Fulton ave 850 Wilder ave 780 E. 157th st 620 Franklin ave 874 Murdock avn 890 E. IGlst st 650 Clinton ave Crawford Ave. Macombs Pk 654 Crotona ave fr E. 222d st N. 940 E. 162nd st Crotona Ave. fp E. to Eden ter 1000 E. 164tb st 1375 Boston rd 22 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

at Jefferson pi N 191 E. 136th st 751 156th & Leg- to E. Fordham rd Pelham Bay sub sta gett sts E. S. sub to 174th 251 E. 138th st 811 Longwood ave 1381 Boston rd & 323 E. 141st st 825 Stebbins ave Jefferson st 384 S. Mary's st 865 Rogers pi 1405 E. 170th St Cyrus PL from 890 Intervale ave 1429 Crotona pk, S 4700 Park ave E Dean Ave from ISOl Crotona pk, N to 3rd av (1st S Shore dr N. to 1875 E. 175th st of 189th st) 3276 Fairm't ave 1890 E. 176th st D Street now 800 Philip ave 1900 Fairmont pi Daniels st 900 Lafayette ave I960 E Trem't car Dahlgren St. fr 1000 Barkley ave 1980 E. 178th st Kyawa av N. to 1150 Fairmount ave 2001 E. 179th st Edgewater rd Decatur Ave fr 2061 Oakland pi Daly Ave. from 390 E. Fordham E. 180th car 21(X> E. 176th N. to rd N. to E 211th st 2130 E. 181st E. 182nd st 3d av L to 183d sta E. 182nd st 2171 1872 E. 176th st 2537 E. Fordh. ear Card. Grote 2287 & 1962 E. Trem't car 2581 E. 193rd st E. 183rd st 2301 1997 E. 178th st 2651 E. 194th st E. 187th st 2411 2060 E. 179th st 2701 E. 195th st E. 189th st 2485 2101 E. 180th car 2752 E. 197th st E Fordh. car 2501 2121 E. 181st st 2771 E. 198th st Crotona Pkway Daniel St. from 2801 Oliver pi fr Crotona pk & KviO Plym'th si 2857 E. 199th st Southern blvd N. N. to Crosby ave 2952 Bedf. pk bid Waldo av nr VV. Daniel St from 2979 E. 201st st to Bronx pk Dycknian st S to 3044 Mosholu pky to Minerva pi & Riverside dr 3131 E. 204th st 19S0 E. 178th st Dark St. foot 3180 E. 205th st E. Tremont a 1956 Pratt ave E. to 3250 E. 207th st Crotona PI. fr Dyre ave 3301 E. 209th st 543 St. Paul's pi Dash PI. from 3400 Gun Hill rd N. to E. 171st Waldo av nr W. DeKalb Ave. fr 8d av LtoCla'mt pk 242d N to Spuy- E. 210th N. to pi 1451 St. Paul's ten I>u.vvil pkwy E. 213th st Cruger Ave. fr Davis Ave. fr 1st B. of Jerome 1916 White Pins Shore dr N. to Delafleld Av fr rd to Gun Hill rd Lafayette ave 4400 Spytn Duyl White Plains subw Davis St. from pkwy N. to 450 1900 Sagoraore st 620 Sound View W. 263rd st Bmx 2000 Bronxdale ave ave E. subway to 242nd st 2200 Pelham pky N Davidson Av fr 4501 Spuyten Dyvl 2400 Boston rd 25 Featherbed la 4600 246th st and 2500 I^Iace ave N to 26 W Kings- Grosvenor ave 2700 Allerton ave bridge rd 4800 Iselin ave 2800 Arnow ave Jerome sub 1 bill E 5000 W. 250th st Wmsbridge rd 1900 177th & W. 5201 W. 252nd st Adee ave Tremont 5300 W. 253rd st Oak drive 2040 W. Burnside 5600 W. 256th st 3351 Bartholdi st 2149 W. 18l8t st 5750 Pot la 3400 Magenta st 2170 CUnton pi 5900 W. 259th st Gun HUl rd 2200 W. 182nd st 6000 W. 260th st Curtis St. from 2250 Buchanan pi 6100 W. 261st st 3524 Fenton ave 2270 W. 183rd st Delancey St. fp N.E. to Eastches- 23(X) Evelyn pi 173 Bowery East ter rd 2340 North st alg Wmsburg Bdg Cuyler'8 Ai. fr 2384 W. 184th st to East Biver 28 South st W. 2450 W. Fordh. rd 1 Bowery 8d a» L to 55 Water st 2500 W. 190ta st 17 Christie st CypreM Ave fr Dawson St. fr 35 Forsytbe st E. 132d N. to 716 Prospect ave 53 Eldridge st St. Mary's pk (at 155th) N to 71 Allen st 81 E. 132nd st 941 Intervale av 83 Orchard st 112 E. 133rd st subw to Prospect st 97 Ludlow st 138 Southern blvd 069 Prospect ave 115 Essex st RED BOOK GUIDE

129 Norfolk St Devoe Ter. fr Dominick St fp 145 Suffolk St 241S Webb av N. 19 Clarke W. to 165 CliDlon St to 118 W. 190th 262 Hudson st 181 Attorney st Sub. to Fordham sta 9th av L to Desbr't 195 Ridge st 2430 Webb ave 1 Clarke st 211 Pitt st Dewey Ave. fr 19 Varick st 225 Willet st Ft. Schuyler rd E 49 Hudson st 245 Sheriff st to Shore drive Dongan PI. fp 265 Columbia st (Tliroggs Neck) 4084 Bdwy E. to 281 Cannon st Dewitt PI along Arden st 801 Lewis st R.R. (nr E. Gun Doris St. from 319 Goerck st Hill rd) 2275 Westchester 327 Mangln st Dey St. from ave N. to 2200 337 Tompkins st 191 Broadway W Glebe ave East st 347 to 181 Greenwich Westchester ave car Delancey St. fr (North River) 1401 Westchester av 861 Morris Park 1 Broadway 1G00 Lyon ave av N one-half blk 25 Church st Dorsey St. fr Delanoy Ave fr 57 Greenwich st 1652 Zerega ave Gun Hill rd S. to — Globe sq N. to Seddon st Bronx & Pel pky Deyo St. from Weschester ave cars DeLavell Ave fr 3160 Fenton ave Dorothea PI. fr 3001 Hutchinson N.E. to Eastches- 2550 Marion ave ave to 4040 Bos- ter rd Doughty St. fr ton rd (Bronx) Digney Ave. fr 31 E. 158th st r.ion Hollers ave E 233rd & Eden- N to 30 E 161st 3550 Boston rd wald ave N. to Douglas Ave fr Demeyer St. fr 4330 Barne-. ave 670 W. 240th N N.Y.N.H. & H.R. 4100 E. 233rd st to W. 247th st R. N to Gun Hill 4201 Bus<;ing ave 4001 W. 240th st Depew PI. fr 4301 Pitman ave Dover St. from 119 E. 42d to E Ditmars Street 340 Pearl st S.E 45th along Grand (City Isl.) fr to 160 South st Central station Pearl 401 City Isl. av 1 st Depeyster PI f r 140 City Isla'd av 11 Water st 134 Water st S.E 200 King ave 25 Front st to 70 South st Division St. fr 4.^ South st (East River) 1 Bowery to 471 Downing St. fp 1 Water st Grand st 218 Bleecker st 15 Front st — Chatham sq S.W. to 206 Var- 41 South st 11 Bowery 8d av L ick st 9th av L Depot Sq. ad- 13 Catharine st to W. Houston tt joins Bronx Park 48 Christie st I Bleecker st sta N.Y.N.H. & 08 Bayard st 83 Bedford st U. B.R. Varick st 70 Forsythe st 67 DeReimer Ave. 83 Market st Doyers St. fr fr Pelham pkivy N — Manhat'n Edge 13 Chatham sq to 2024 Nereid av 88 Eldridge st to Pell st 1 blk. 1st E of B'ych'tr 106 Allen st Drake St. from 2201 Baswft ave 109 Pike st E. Riv to Seneca SI 00 Hamersley avs 128 Orchard st Dry Deck St. 3500 Bofcton rd 130 Rutgers st fr 425 E. 10th 4000 Strang ate 142 Canal tt ear to 788 E. 12th 4100 Edenwald an 152 Essex st Duane St. from 4200 Bussing ave 44 Rose st W to St. Vsbroeses 1,<^ Norfolk st 190 West st fr 205 Hudson st 184 Jefferson st 1 Bos« st W to 272 West 208 Suffolk st II wmiara st st (North BivK') 216 Hester st 14 New Chamben 1 Hudson st 207 CUnton st 17 Park Bow 19 G'wich 9tti IV L 238 Attorney st 27 Reade st 31 Washington st 247 Montgomery st 40 Centre st West st 37 250 Ridge st 42 Lafayette st Devoe Ave. fr 276 Pitt st 63 Elm st E. 174th st N 273 Gouvemeur st 101 Broadway ear to 180tb st 280 Grand it car 123 Trimble pi 24 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

125 Church st N.Y.W. & B.R 155 E. 87th st 153 W. Broadway 901 E. 233rd st 173 E. 8Sth st 165 Hudson st 4001 Dark ct 193 E. 89th st 171 Staple st 4041 City line 189 Greenwich st Eads St. from E. Houston St. 201 Washington st E. 177th st N.E. fr 606 Broadway 213 CaroUne al to Graff ave E. to East River 215 West st Eagle Ave. fr 1 Broadway subw Dudley Ave. fr 601 E. 149th to 17 Crosby st 1450 Tremont av E. 163rd st 25 Lafayette subw E. to Crosby ave 561 E. 149th car 39 Mulberry st Duncan St. fr 629 Westch'r av car 55 Mott st 3300 Bronxwood 729 E. 156th st 71 Elizabeth st ave E. to 3301 SOO E. 15Sth st 89 Bowery 3d av L Lacoi ia ave 825 E. 159th st il7 Christie st 900 Bronxwood av 891 E. 161st st 118 2nd ave 925 Radclifif ave 927 E. 162nd st 133 Forsythe st 974 Colden ave 163d st Crstn car 149 Elridge st 1001 Paulding ave Eames PI. from 165 Allen st lOSl Hone ave 2695 University 166 1st av 2d av t Dunscomb av f r pi W. to 2696 185 Orchard st Magenta st E to Webb av 1st N. 203 Ludlow st 3457 Slinville av of Kingsbridge rd 225 Essex st S400 Bronx blvd 101 University ave 230 Avenue A 3450 Barker ave 111 Cl'anin ave 245 Norfolk st 3451 E. 210th st 122 Webb ave 295 Clinton st 3494 E. Gun Hill East Bay Ave. 296 Avenue B Dunscomb PI. fr 400 Tiffany st 317 Attorney st Ridge st (E. 50th st) E. N.E. to Bronx R 333 Pitt st of 1st ave East St. from 357 358 Avenue C Dupont St. fr 755 Water st N. to Rivington 381 Willett st Leggett av E. to 373 st (alg East R.) 403 Sheriff st Oak Pt, ave 421 Columbia st Duryea Ave. fr 1 Grand st car 9 Broome slip 422 Avenue D 1481 E. 223rd N 30 Delancey st 444 Manhattan st to City line East Broadway 439 Cannon st 3900 E. 233d st Lewis st fr 22 Chatham sq 457 4000 Strange ave at Bowery N. E. 483 Goerck st Dutch St. from Mang'n st to 503 Grand st 509 John st st 49 N. to East Broadway car 522 Tompkins Fulton 110 st 1 Chatham sq & Eastburn Av fr Dwight PI. fr Bowery 229 E. M^. Eden MacDonough pi N 19 Catharine st av N. to E 175th E. to Ampere ave 77 Market st st & Grand & Midflletown rd 121 Pike st Webster ave car (Bronx) 159 Rutgere st 1676 E. 173rd st Dyckman St fr 163 Canal st car 1726 F. 174tb st Speedway W. to 191 Jefferson st 1788 E. 175th st Hds'n R & 207th 221 Clinton st Eastchester PI. Ferry to Engiewood 261 Alontgomery st fr Boston rd E. West Side Subway 2S7 GouTerneur st (nr Eastch'r Cr) 84 St. Nicholas av 302 Seammel st Eastchester Rd. 99 Nagle ave 311 Grand st ear from 1500 Wil- 215 Broadway East End Ave. lianisbridge rd N 21 e Riverside dr fr 53:) E. 7rnh to 3;o0 Laconia 267 Prescntt ave N to 548 E S9th IGOO Wmsbdge rd 284 B street 2d av L 3 biks W. ir>50 Jarret pi 30S C street 1 E. 79th st 1670 Blondell ave Dyre Ave from 15 E. 80th st 1690 Haswell st 2800 E. 222nd 35 E. Slst st 1730 Barnard st N. to City line 55 E. 82nd st ir-20 Iws st rnOl Hnllerf. avo 73 E. .S3rd st Barlow (RR) Loomis st .^601 Boston rd ) 93 E. 84th st 1852 .^701 Conner st 117 E. 85th st 2200 Bronx & Pel- ham pkwy 3801 Light st 1 135 E, 86th st r


2300 Astor ave 12S W. 141st st N. Y. W. & B. RR.

2-JOO Waring ave i 142 \V. 142nd st 500 E Gun Hill rd 2500 Mace ave 140 Bradhurst ave ton R.R. at Bass- 2700 AUerton ave 51 W. 145th st ett av NE. to Bis- Morris Pk avt- 345 W. 150th st sel ave 2900 Gun HIU rd W. 155th st N. Y. W. & B. RB. SOOl Adee ave W. 1581*^ st 2S01 Bui Low ave S0i3 Knapp st 459 W. 159tu st >901 Aniow ave 3101 Ilitmmrslfy av W. 160th si jOOO Adee ave S200 Burke ave W. 162nd st 3301 Gi\an ave 3300 Givan ave • W. 163rd st 3501 Boston rd 3400 Tillston ave W. 164th st C600 Need! 'am ave N. Y. W. & B. RR. 461 W. 165th st 3020 E. 233rd st 3414 Boston rd \N. 166th st 4000 Strang ave o524 Chester st W. 170th st 4100 Ednewald aye 3601 E. 221st st Edgehill Ave fr 4201 Bussina ave 3651 E. 222nd st 550 W. 227th N Edwards Av fp 3C74 E. 223rd st & E. to 520 W. 2751 Waterbury Eastern Blvd f 230th st ave NW. to 1450 E. 177th st E. Edgewater Rd. Apple ton ave (1st along St. Ray- (Hunts Pt) along W. of E Trem't) mond cem, & N. & East 1300 Waterbury ave along Pelham Pk Rivers 1400 Latting st E. 177th st 811 Seneca ave EfDngham Ave. ave 911 E. Tremont i;;01 Freeman st fr Zerega av N to Echoe PI. from 1510 W. Farms rd Lafayette av (2cl E. Tremont av & Edison Ave. fr E of Castle mU) blvd E to Grand Dewey ave & E. Eight Ave see Echo Park 177th st N. to Pag-e f blvd 201 Grand LaSalle ave & fr Elberon Ave fr ave 301 Anthony Middletown rd N. Morris Park avo Eden Ter from to Wilkinson ave N. to Bronx & Baychester av at Ft Schuyler rd car Pelham pkwy E. 233d to Bos- 501 Dewey ave Elder Ave. fP ton rd 601 Schley ave 1520 Seward a? Eden's Al. from 701 Randall ave N to 1.360 Bronx 36 Gold st E. SOO Philip ave River ave Edenwald Ave. 825 Scott pi 799 Lafayette ave at I'r E. 233rd st 845 Sullivan pi 1199 Westchester a Diqney av NE. to 900 Lafayette ave 1399 Bronx Riv a» City line 951 Somna pi Eldridge St. fP 1724 E. 233rd st 1000 Barkley ave 86 Division st N 1725 Digney ave 1031 Greene pi to 149 E Houst'a 17M Boyd ave 1060 Otis ave 1 Division st 1775 Gunther avo 1100 Eastern blvd 29 Canal st ISOl Wickham ave 1145 Haskin st 51 Hester st JS25 Brunor ave 1225 Baisley ave 89 Grand st irK)l Ely ave 1275 Paine st 115 Broome st 1924 Grace ave 1,'jOO Waterbury ave 141 Delancey st 1950 Edson ave ^350 LaSalle ave 189 Rivington st 2025 DeReimer avo 1400 Coddington av 221 Stanton st 2051 Wilder ave 1424 Harrington av 251 E. Houston st 2075 Murdock ave 1450 Dudley ave Eleventh Av see 2101 HiU ave 1524 Wellman ave T'age ? ''125 Monticello av 1550 Zulette ave Elizabeth St. fp Edgar St. from i.'^75 RoJhling ave 58 Bayard st N. .59 W. 136th 1601 Middleiown rd to 12 Bleeckei st N. to 155th st 1701 Roberts ave 3d av L 1 bik E. Edgecomb Ave. "!801 Buhre ave 1 Bayard st fr 329 W. 135th 1900 MfinLs Pk av 23 Canal st N. to 155th st 1937 Mildred pi 65 Hester st 26 W. 136th st Edson Ave. fr 101 Grand st 137th st Broome st 48 W. 1 951 Basset ave 129 76 W. 138th st N.Y. West, k Bos- 155 Kenmare st 100 W. 139ih st ton R.R. No. E. 173 Spring st 115 W. 140tb s^ to Barnes ave 213 Prince st )


275 E. Houston st Elwood St. fr Boston B. R. at 307 Bleecker st HiUside av W of Gun Hill av Elizabeth St. St. Nicholas ave Essex St. from (City l8l.) fp W. to Broadway 27 Canal st N to 596 Mlnniferd av Ely Ave. fpom 227 E. Houston E. to L.I. Sound N.Y.N.H. & H. 1 Canal st Elliot PI. from B.R. at Bassett 23 Hester st Grand st 1374 Jerome ave av to Bissel ave 51 Broome st E to Grand blvd 2500 Gun Hill rd 73 Ellis Ave. from 2801 Bartow ave 89 Delancey st RiTington st 1230 Virginia av 2900 Aruow ave 123 151 Stanton st E to Commerce av ^000 Adee ave Houston st Westchester ave car 3201 Burke ave 191 E. PI. 2000 Virginia ave 3301 Givan ave Essex Mkt. Ludlow st 2050 Pugslee ave 3380 E. 222nd st fr 66 Essex 2099 E. 177th st 350(i Boston rd E. to 63 2100 Olmstead ave 3901 Grenada ave Evans Ave. fr 2200 Castle Hill a 4001 E. 233rd st Hale av 8. to 2300 Havemeyer av 4101 Edenwald ave East River 2400 Zerega ave i201 Bussing ave Evelyn PI. fr Ellison Ave. fr 1301 Pittman ave 2301 Jerome av 2725 Waterb'y av Elton Ave. fr W. to Aqueduct ave (E) N. to Appleton av E. 153d & 3d av 1300 Waterbury ave N. to E. 163d st Jerome ave subway Jerome ave 1401 Lattery ave 665 E. 153d st 1 Ellsworth Ave. 694 E. 154th st 25 Davidson ave 723 E. 155th st 49 Grand ave fr 1200 Shore dr 746 E. 156th L sta Evergreen Ave. N to 3160 Watr- 1' block fr 1480 Lafa- bury ave E. 157th st yette ave N. to 600 Schley ave 777 801 E. 158th st 1300 Bronx R av 700 Randall ave 825 E. 159th st 1199 Westch'r ave 1100 Layton ave 857 B. 160th 9t Exchange Al. fr 1200 Baisley ave X93 E. 161st ear 27 Pro«('^av W. St. from Elm 903 E. 162nd & to 25 Trinity pi 14 Reade st N. Brook ave Exchange PI fr to 116 Worth st Embrie PI. fr 6 Hanover st W. 1 Reade st Bolton street to to 56 Broadv^ay 12 Republican al Bronx Park E. ]6 Hanover st 13 Duane st 41 William st 29 Pearl st Emerson Av fr 67 Broad st Lafayette st 20 Shore dr N. 33 New st to 2575 Lafa- 74 55 Worth st 76 Broadway from yette ave Elm PI. Exterior St. fr E. 187th N Emerson St. fr 331 E. 64th N. to E to E, Ford- Amsterdam av at 330 81st alg East R. ham rd W. 207th N. to St. fp Webster ave car Prescott ave Extepiop E. 135th st N. 2461 E. ISSth st Emmet St. fr alg Harlem River Elsmere PI. fp 493 E. Fordham Extpa PI. fPom 1932 Prospect av ave N (opp Wash- 1st st N. E. to 1931 Daly ington ave 12 av {1st S. of 3d av L 1 bik W. Faile St. (Hun- E. Tremont ave) Ericson PI. fr ts Pt) fr Edge- Southern blvd and 1470 Tremont av water rd N. to Tremont ave cars N. to Appleton av 1100 Westchester 751 Prospect ave 1.^00 Maitlaud ave 600 Randall ave 851 Marmion ave Esplanade along SOI Sou. & Crotona I N. Y. West and



670 Spofford ave Pelham pkwy N. Morris Park av ear 800 Lafayette & to 3824 Laconia Findlay Ave. fp Hunts Pt rd 2200 Pelham pkway 311 E. 164th N. 870 Seneca ave 2300 Astor ave to E. 170th st 920 Garrison ave 2400 Waring ave 964 E. 164th st 1001 Aldus St 2500 Moie ave 1020 E. 165th st 1070 IGoth St & 2700 Allerton ave 1100 E. 166th st Westch'ter av 29<»0 Arnow ave 1149 E. 167th ear (Fairfax Ave. fr oOOO Gun mil rd 1226 E. 168th st 3140 Layton ave 3050 Knapp st 1295 E. 169th st N. to 3141 Watr- 3101 Hammrsley av 1350 170th & Tel- bury ave 3160 Deyo st ler sts 1400 Layton ave 3200 Burke ave Fink Ave. from 1200 Baisley ave 3501 Boston rd 1048 E. 86th ear Fairfield Ave fr Hicks ave 67 Westchester sq G50 W 227th St 3600 Needham ave First Ave. see N to 3200 Spuy 8650 Oakley ave Page 75 ten Duj'vil pk\v7 Ferncliff PI. fr Fish Ave. from Fairmount Ave. Exterior st to E. 1350 Bronx and 15l6t st fr 3025 Eastern Pelham pkwy to Ferris Ave. fr blvd E. to Water- 1350 iicks ave biuy ave 177th & Eastern 2200 Pelham pkway blvd to 3000 Eastern blvd S. E. B 2300 Astor ave 3100 Kearney ave Ferris PI. from 2400 Waring ave 3141 Fairfax ave Commerce ave W. 2500 Mace ave to Westchester 3160 Ellsworth ave sq 2700 Allerton ave 3180 Thrgraortn av 1400 Commerce ave 28(X) Allerton ave 3200 Vincent ave 1432 Kirk st 3150 Gun Hill rd 3228 Wilcox ave 1457 WMteh'r ear 3151 Burke av- 32r)0 Clarence ave Ferry St. from Fletcher St. fp 327() Waterbury ave 88 Gold st E. to 206 Pearl st B. Fairmount PI. Pearl st to 77 South st 1 Gold st fr 1900 Crotona (East Hlver) Jacob av E. to South- 15 st 1 Pearl st ern blvd (1st N. 39 Cliff st 13 Water st of 176th) 57 Pearl st 23 Front st Southern blvd and Field PI. from Fletcher PI. fp Tremont cars 2346 Morris ave 2230 Washington 701 Crotona ave E. to 2350 Ryer ave E. to Bass- 71:! I Clinton ave 101 Morris ave ford ave. ''

ave N. 500 feet 191 Stanton st Simpson sts 3Stj Webster ave 221 E. Houston st 940 E. 163d cat Fordham PI. fp Fort Indepen- 1015 165th st & 261 W. Tremont dence St. fp Westch'ter ear ave (1st N. of 3141 Heath ave 1091 E. 167th st lS2d St) Bronx N. to Bailey pi at 1122 E. 16yth st Fordham St 100 23Sth st 1159 Home st (City Isl.) fr ?A\\ Bailey pi 1192 Intervale ave 311 City Is. ave Ft. Charles PI. Frankfort St fp E. & W. fr Jacobus pi nr 61 Park Row E. 140 City Island av W. 225th st to 327 Pearl st Fordham Road Ft. George Ave 1 Park Row Nassau (E) fr 2460 fr Amsterdam ave 3 st Jerome ave E. to & W. 190th N. 20 William st Rose Bronx Park to St. Nicholas av 36 st 47 Gold st 1 Jerome ave sub Ft. Geopge Tep 52 Vandewat-er st 50 Walton ave fr Ft. George av 03 Jacob st 55 188th St and N. to Dyckman st 81 Cliff st Morris ave Ft. Schuylep pd 121 Creston ave 89 Pearl st now Tremont ave 201 Grand blvd Franklin Av fr Ft. 251 Valentine ave Washington 3344 3d ave N. 300 Tiebout ave AVE. fr Broadway to Crotona Pk(S) 329 Bainbridge ave & W. 159th N. 3d av L to 166h sta to Broadway 330 Elm xi (at 1100 166th st & 331 Kingsbridge rd Sherman) 3rd ave West 361 Marion ave Side subway 1299 E. 169th st 395 Decatur ave 1 Bioadway 1146 E. 176th st 404 Webster ave 33 W. 160th st 1225 E. leSth st 440 3rd ave car 97 W. 163rd st 1.307 E. 170th st 480 Washington av 201 W. 168th st 1380 Jefferson pi 531 Bathgate ave 251 W. 170th st 1431 Crotona pk, S 550 Lorillard pi 267 W. 171st st Franklin St. fr 286 W. 172nd st 57S Hoffman st 64 Baxter st W. 300 W. 173rd st GOO Arthur ave to 214 West st 621 Hughes ave SS3 W. 177th st 1 Baxter st W. 178th st 651 Belmont ave 407 23 Centre st 661 Cambreleng ave 427 W. 179th st 58 Cortlandt al 730 Crotona ave 447 W. 180th st 70 Franklin pi W. st 800 South' n bl car 467 181st 99 Cluirch st Fordham Road Ft, Washington 127 West Broadway (W) fr 2460 PI. fpom W. 6th ave L sta Jerome ave N. to ISlst st N. to Subway station Harlem River 183ri? st 136 Varick st 1 Jerome ave sub FouPth Ave. see 167 Hudson st 25 Davidson ave Page 77 193 Greenwich st 49 Grand ave Fowler Ave. fr 9th ave L sta 99 University car 925 Pierce av N. 20~:i Washington st 119 Andrews ave to 924 Mill ave 215 West st 149 Loring pi 1600 Pierce ave Franklin PI. fp SedgAvick 199 ave 1200 Morris Pk ave 68 Franklin st N Landing rd 1901 Rhhielandr av to 59 White st, 229 Cedar ave 2000 Mill ave one block Forstep PI. fr Fox St. from Freeman St. fr Broadwy 6601 W 578 Prospect ave 1268 Cnion ave to Huxley ave (at 150th) N to (at E. lt)9th) Fopsythe St. fp Intervale nr E. E. to Westch'r a» 86 Division st N 169th st Bronx subw station to 133 E Houstn 5.3(j Prospect ave 801 Union ave - 1 Division st 631 Ave St. John 821 Prospect ave 29 Canal st 675 Leggett ave 830 Lyman pi' 61 Hester st 750 E. 156th st 855 Chisholra st 89 Grand st SOO Longwood' ave 871 Stebbins ave 109 Broome st 850 Intervale ave 901 Intervale ave 127 Delancey st 875 Tiffany st 906 Simpson st 183 Rivington st 907 Barritto and 920 Southern blvd RED BOOK GUIDE

941 Hoe ave 1401 E. 170th st st E. to 2251 958 Vyse ave 1421 St. Paul's pi Southern blvd 991 Bryant st 1511 E. 171st st 3d av L tv 188d $tc 996 Longfellow av 1551 Clarem't pky 700 Crotona ave 1()01 W. Farms rd 1701 E. 173d st 761 Prospect ave 1061 Boone ave 1725 E. 174th L Garden PI. fp 1075 Westchester a sta 1 bik 1st E. of White Freeman Al. fp 17t)5 E. 175th st Plains rd opp. 12 Rivington st Fuller St. from 240th st Fpisby Ave. fr 1748 Zerega ave 4550 Wakley pi 1500 Zcrega ave N.E. to Seddon 4598 E. 240th st N. to 2800 Tre- Fulton St. fr Garfield St. fp niont ave 95 South st W to N.Y. N.H. & H. Westchester ave car 130 West st R.R. N to 592 2400 Zerega ave 1 South st Morris Park are 2450 Kowland st 13 Front st W. Farms & White 2.1OI St. Peters ave 25 Water st Plains cars 2.")y7 Overing st ' 37 Pearl st laSl Baker st 2567 Benson ave 53 Cliff st 1651 Mead st 2t;00 Tremont ave 68 Ryders al 1701 Van Nest ave Front St. from 79 Gold st 1753 Morris Pk a» 51 Whitehall st 97 William st Garrett PI. fp N.E. to 133 Roo- West Side subw sta 3925 Harper ave sevelt st; also fr 112 Dutch st West 79 Montgomery E 129 Nassau st Garrison Av fp along East River 159 Broadway East Leggett ave aad 1 Whitehall st Side subw sta Cabot st E. t« 7 Moore st 187 Church st Bronx River 21 Broad st Hudson Terminal 724 Grinnell pi 41 Coenties slip £ roadway subway 750 E. 156th st 56 Cuylers al 225 Greenwich st 780 Longwood are 76 Old slip 235 Washington st Burnett pi — Jonee la 259 West st 870 Lafayette a»9 96 Gouverneur la Furman Ave fr 890 Tiffany st ] 20 Wall st 725 E. 236th st 940 Barretto st ];-;6 Pine st N to Baych'r av 1100 Hunts Pt av9 142 Depeyster st Wh PI & Webster car 1200 Faile st 156 Maiden la 4301 E. 236th st 1320 Bryant ave 161 Fletcher st 4357 E. 237th st 1340 Longfellew at ISl Burling slip 4401 Nereid ave Gary Ave. from 202 Fulton st 4501 E. 239th st Hale ave N. to 1:11 Beekman st 4601 E. 240th st Randall ave 2:17 Peck slip 4651 Bay?hester av Gates PI. from 2(il Dover st Gainsborg Ave. W. Mosholu pkwy 2',n. Roosevelt st fr 3115 Middle- (N) N to GuQ Nine blocks between town rd N. to Hill rd these numbers 3150 Morris pk av Gay St. from ;ii»l MuntgoniL'ry st ISOO Buhie ave 141 Waverly pi .';21 Gouverneur slip 1850 Morris Pk ave N. to 14 Chr'phr ".71 Jackson st Gale Pi. from Gaynor Ave. fr Fteley Ave. fr 3980 Orloff av N W. 206th N. to 1680 Lacombe av to Van Court landt Mosholu pkwy N to 1520 Bronx Gansevoort St. — W. 206th st^ Riv av & 177th fr 356 W. 4th W — W. 207th st 1025 Sound View a to 553 West st — W. 208th st Westchester a 1233 1 W. 13th st Gerard Ave. fp E. 177th st 1469 2 W. 4th st E. 138th st at Fulton Ave. fp 31 Hudson st Harlem River PT. 166th N. to E. 33 Little W. 12th to Jerome ave 175th st 36 Greenwich st 334 Cheever pi 1111 166th st & 37 9th ave 414 E. 144th st Franklin ave 69 Washington st 550 E. 149th sab 1155 E. 167th st 533 West st 2 blocks 122s E. 16Sth st Garden St. fr 586 E. 150th st 1295 E. 169th L Grote st nr Cam- 700 E. 153rd st sta 1 Uk breleng & 182d 780 E. lo7th st - -


830 E. 158th St 2000 Pugsley ave Gouverneur La 890 E. 161st car 2004 E. 177th st fr 48 South stV 1000 E. 164th St 2100 Olmsiead ave to 93 Water st 1050 E. 165th St 2200 Castle Hill a Gouverneur PI 1210 E. 167tb car 2300 Havemeyer av fr 3426 Park a 1264 E. 16Sth St Glebe Ave. fr E to 1139 Wash- 1290 Jerome ave & 2250 Westchester ington av 3d av ,. 169th St ave N. to Zerega Gouvern'r Slip Gerard St. alg 2100 Westch'ter av fr 391 South st E. 149th St bet. 2156 Lyon ave N. to 609 Water Bergen & Brook 21 07 Starling and Gouverneur St. German Place Doris sts fr 277 Division chaeged o Hegney 2300 Glover ave st S to 609 Water GifTord Ave. fr 2351 Parker ave 1 Division st 1150 Balcoin ave Glebe PI. from 9 E. Broadway E. to 1115 Swin- 1550 Jerome ave 19 Henry st ton St W. to 1551 Ma- 'd'6 Madison st Gilbert PI. fr corabs rd 49 Monroe st 850 Hunts Pt a? Globe Sq. from 65 Cheny st E. to 851 Faile IS D st to 196 75 Water st St (Hunts Pt) West st Goulden Ave. fr Gildersleeve Av Glover St. from W. 197th & Res- fr Bronx Kiver E 2300 Westchester ervoir ave N. to to Pugsley Creek ave N. to 1650 Mosholu pk-wys 1900 VVh Plains rd Castle Hill rd Governeur Ave. 2001 Uusson ave 1401 Westchester av fr 1901 Sedgwick 2021 Bette ave 1501 Lyon ave av N. to Van Giles PI. from 1557 Glebe ave Cortlandt Park 3110 Ft. Inde- l(KX) St Raym'd av Grace Ave. fr pendence av N. to 1620 Stearns st 1925 Bassett ave 3600 Sedgewick 1645 Castle Hill a (at R.R.) N. to 8000 Ft. Indepen- Goerck St. fr Blssel ave dence ave 574 Grand st N 2500 E Gn Hill rd 3300 Ft Indep'ce st to 4.e0 E. 3rd st 2801 Bartow ave 3400 Cannon pi 1 Grand st > 2C01 Arnow ave Gillespie Av fr 16 Rachel la 8000 Adee ave 2951 Waterh'y av 21 Broome st 3201 Burke ave to 2960 Middle 33 Delancey st 3301 Givan ave town ave 79 Rivington st ;-',501 Boston rd 1300 Waterbury ave 117 Stanton st 3901 Grenada pi 1350 LaSaUe ave 149 E. Houston st 4001 E. 233rd st 1400 Coddington av Gold St. from 4101 Bussing ave 1424 Harrington av 88 Maiden la N. J;'01 Pitman ave 1444 Dudley ave to 47 Fiankf' t st Graff Ave from 1500 Zulette ave 1 Maiden la Eastern blvd N to Middlctown rd 15 Piatt st Westchester Crk Gilroy PI. from 25 John st Graham St. fr W. 20Sih N. to 32 Ryders al 839 Morris Park Mosholu pkwTS 43 Fulton st ave N one-half bl Givans Ave. fr 51 Ann st Gun Hill rd N.E. 71 Beekman st (E. & W.) E. to Hutchinson av 77 Spruce st 20th N to E. Gleason Ave. fr 88 Ferry st 21st bet 3d & . st Metcalf ave E to 103 Frankfort 4th aves I Commerce st Goodridge Ave. Grand Ave. fr I Westchester ave car from 4701 Field 1620 Macombs rd ' • Rosedale ave stou rd N to 371 at Featherbed la 1750 Commonwlth W. 252nd st N. to 60 West 1786 St. Lawrence West Side subway Kingsbridge rd 1800 Beach ave 4901 Fielston av Jerome sub 2 biks E 1821 Taylor ave .nOOO W. 250th st 1700 W. 176th st fc38 Tberiot ave 5201 W. 252nd st 1950 W. Trem't a» jS>7 Wand ave Goodwin Ter fr ear 1879 Underbill ave 225 W. 230th st 2040 W. Burnside ! 1900 Wh Plains rd to 224 W. 231st ave car < 1920 Virginia ave West Side subway 2150 W. 181st st ! RED BOOK GUIDE 31

2170 Clinton pi 3220 Van Courtl'd 939 E. 163rd tt 2200 W. 182nd st Mosholu pkwy 984 E. 164tb si 2250 Buchanan pi Grand St. from 1042 E. IGStb st 2270 W. 183d st 78 Varick st E. 1098 E. 166th rt 2300 Evelyn pi to East River Gray St. from 2350 North st Surface ears McGraw av at T 2374 W. 184th st 1 Varick st 177 N to UniOD 2i42 W Fordh. car 15 Sullivan st port rd 2.".00 W. 190th st 33 Thompson st 1351 McGraw ave 2niK) W. 192n(i st 49 W. Broadway Great Jones St Grand Blvd. A 6th ave L fr 682 Broadwa: Concourse fr 69 Wooster st E. to 348 Bow'r. E. 161st st at 87 Greene st 1 Broadway Franz Sigel Park 105 Mercer st 11 Lafayette st to Mosholu pkwy 131 Crosby st 61 Bowery 3d aw L E side sbwy 2 biks w 151 Lafayette st Greene PI. fr Jitney Bosses from 163 Centre st 348 Tremont ave llOth & 5th ave 171 Baxter st E. to 1031 Edi- [H)0 E. 161st ear 174 Centre Mkt pi son ave It 10 E. 162nd st 189 Mulberry st Greene' St. fr 164th st 203 Mott st 331 Canal st N. KMO E. 165lh st 221 Elizabeth st to 44 E 8th (1st l(i;>8 E. 166th st 237 Bowery 3d ave W. of Broadway) 1210 E. 167th st L station 1 Canal st 12it0 E. 169th st 253 Chrystie st 31 Grand st 3350 Marcy pi 269 Forsythe st 53 Broome st 14(10 E. 170th st 287 Eldridge st 85 Spring st l"i(»0 E. 172n(i st 299 Allen st 2d av 115 Prince st 1(140 Mt. Eden at L station 151 W Houston st 1724 E. 174th st 319 Orchard st 181 Bleecker st IT.'iO Morris ave 3i>9 Ludlow st 219 W. 3rd st ISIO E. 176th st 355 Essex st 225 W. 4th st isTO Mt. Hope pi H73 Norfolk st 241 EWash'gton pi 1!)()0 Monroe ave :-!89 Suffolk st 253 Waverly pi II (>1 E Trem't car 407 Clinton st 265 E. 8th st lli2S Echo pi 423 Attorney st Greenwich Ave i;i42 E. 17Sth st Ridge st 441 fr 105 6th ave 2(Mn E. 179th st Pitt st 459 to 70 8th ave L'(i21 Bush st st 463 Division 1 6th ave L Burnside av jc'iO E 473 Scammel st 5 Christopher st ear E. Br' d way car 475 21 W. 10th st E. 180th sti4y6 Willett st ,2080 41 Charles st E. 181st sti502 Sheriff st 2150 57 Perry st Anthony ave • Columbia st |2186 :y2() 70 W. 11th st E. 182ud si 2230 7 Henry st 72 7th ave 2301 E. 183rd si st 540 Cannon 87 Bank st 2355 Field pi Jackson st 543 90 W. 12th st 2375 E. lS4th st Lewis st 550 118 W. 13th st 2426 E. lS7th st Goerck st 574 129 Horatio st 2460 E. 188th st Madison st 575 129 Jackson sq 2500 E Ferdh. car Corlears st 587 i;^C 8fh ave 2584 E. 192ik1 st 5; 10 Mangin st Greenwich St. 2657 E. 193rd st 606 Tompkins st 4 Battery pi N. >660 KingsbrdK rd 607 Monroe st to Gansevoort st 2715 E. 196th st Ejist st 625 av elevated >820 E. 197th st 9th Grandview PI Battery >850 E. 198th st 1 pi fr 161 E. 167th Morris >920 Minerva pi 41 jt st N. to 150 E Trinity ;»l J923 E. 199th st 51 168th st (1st W JOOO Bedf. Pk bid 116 Carlisle st of Grand blvd) Albany st $020 E. 201st st 129 Thames st J040 E. 202nd st Grant Ave. fr 135 Cedar st J120 E. 203rd st E. 161st N. to 141 E. 204th st E. 170th st 153 Liberty st E. 205th st Morris ave car 173 Cort'dtst L stf il70 206th st & 894 E. 161st car 181 Globe sq & Des St Geo. Cres't 906 E. 162nci st 184 W. Broadway ,


201 Fulton St Gross St (City G54 Wh Pins Mb ) 221 VeseT st Island) Irom 674 Olinville ave 229 Barclay L sta 538 City Isl av 693 Willet ave 253 Park pi E to L.I. Sound 724 Cruger ave 269 Murray st Grosvenor Ave. 743 Holland ave Warren st L sta Hickory ave 285 fr W. 246th N. 174 303 Chambers st to Iselin ave 800 Barnes ave Reade st Bronxwood av 315 4000 VV. 240th st 900 Duane st 1000 Paulding ave 325 5000 W. 250th st 355 Harrison st Grote St. from 1100 Laconia ave Fr'klinst sta 1151 Boston rd S71 L 182nd st at Bel- •^85 Givan av3 N. Moore st mont E to South- 1250 '.99 Beach st ern blvd 1300 Burke ave ave 115 Hubert st 3d av L to 183d sta 1,324 Young Hill 425 I.aight st 661 E. 182nd st Gun Road 439 Vestry st 681 Cambrelleng av (W) fr Jerome av Desbr alg 457 st L sta 691 Garden st W Van Cort- 471 Watts st 715 Beaumont ave landt Park 481 Canal st 731 Crotona ave Jfrome & Webs, car 517 Spring st 761 Prospect ave Gunther Ave fr 533 Van Dara st StillweU ave to Grove St. from 555 Charlton st Boston rd; also fr 486 Hudson st E 567 King st E. 233rd st N. to to 170 VVaverly 587 W Hou'n L sta Barnes ave 7th ave subway to 603 Clarlfson st White Plains subw Christopher st 617 Leroy st 2200 Stillwell ave 1 Hudson st 633 Morton st 2300 Jlace ave 17 Bedford st 643 Barrow st 2800 Bartow ave 44 Bleecker st 681 Chr'pher L sta ^300 Givan ave 75 W. 4th st and 697 W. 10th st 3400 Tillotson ave Sheridan sq 713 Charles st — Boston rd 82 Christopher st 733 Perry st 4001 E. 233rd st 98 Waverly pi 753 W. 11th st 4101 Edcnwald ave 771 Bank st Grover PI. fr 4200 Bussing ave Aleagher av E to 789 Bethune st 4300 Pitman ave Pennyfleld avenue 797 W. 12th st 4401 Barnes ave 809 Jane st Guerlain St. fr Hague St. from 829 Horatio st Beach av E. to 357 Pearl st W. 831 Gansevoort st Unionport rd to 99 Cliff st Grenada PI. fr E. Tremont ear Haight Ave. fr E. st N.E. 1800 Beach ave 231st 2550 E Trein't aV . Taylor ave to Baychester ave 1825 NAY. to Bronx & Greystone Ave. 1840 Theriot ave Pelham pkways fr 450 W. 234th 1876 Leland ave Morris Park ave car Plains rd at Riverdale av N Wh 1.500 E Tremont av 1910 Unionport rd ti) 450 W. 2421 1526 Poplar ave st ilso W. 245th Guion PI. from — N.Y.N.H. & H. st to W. 246th st 1426 st Lawr'ce 1,540 Sacket ave (5th W of Btt7) ave E 100 feet 1600 Pierce ave 3400 Riverdale ave Gun Hill Road 1700 Van Nest ave 3601 W. 236th st (E) fr 3500 Jer 1800 Morris Pk ave W. 23Sth st ome av E to Pel 1900 Rhinelandr av Grinnell PI. fr ham park Hale Ave. from 724 Garrison ave 1 Jerome av sub Westchester Creek E. to 725 Oak 301 Perry ave N to Dewey av E Point ave 3.^,1 Hull ave Half Moon PI. Griswold Av. fr .'',01 ppcatur ave fr 240th st N. Easttrn blvd neai 500 Webster car to Indep'nce ave Middletown rd E. 600 Newell st to Outlook av(Br) 624 Bronx blvd


Hall of Fame 413 W. 125th St, Haven Ave. fr Tep. fr 2171 Hancock St. fr W. 169th st (1 University av VV. 164 W. Houston of Ft. Wash'gtOG to Sedgwick ave st N. to 204 av) to W 181st Hall PI. from Bleecker st 53 W. 169th st IGoth N. to E. Hanover St. frj 80 W. 170th st 167th (2d E of 172nd st 59 Wall st S. to i,,i ,,, Prospect) l^,'l 175th st 123 Pearl st (at iWestchester car 2 bl Y- 177th st Hanover sq) ^'.Vi "/ 1041 E. 165tb St 178th st Hanover Sq're r;,,V, ,V.- 10S7 E. lG7th St 179th st Pearl, Stone & Hall PI. from "^-^09^ w"• 180th st WiUiam sts 207 E. 6th N to Havemeyer Ave E. 7th St Hanson Ave. fr fr Zerega ave at Halleck St. fr L. 1. Sound N. Lacoml)e ave N. Edgewater rd N. Harlem River to 2275 West-

/ to Lafayette ave Driveway fr chester ave (Hunts Point) W. 155th st N. Westchester -ave car iHalperJn Av fr to Dyckiiian st 830 Tiirnbull ave Wmsbridge rd E. Harlem Riv. ter 860 Hermany ave to Westch'tcr Crk fr Cedar ave nr 900 Story ave 2600 Wnisbridge rd 181st N. along 930 Quimby ave 2610 Blondell ave N.Y.C. R.B. 960 Houghton ave Ludlow ave Halsey St from 2100 Cedar ave 1000 1030 Chattertor av Miinn & Zerega Harper Ave. fr 1040 E. 177th st av E to Commerce Boston rd N.Y. 1060 Blackrock ave 2400 Zerega ave W. & Bost. R.R. 1100 Watson ave 2430 Herschell st Harriet PI. fr 1130 HavUand ave 2500 Seabury ave Eastern blva N. 1160 Powell ave Hamilton St fr to St Ray'd cem. 1200 Gleason ave 73 Catharine st Harrington Ave 1 230 Ellis ave X.E to Markti fr Trem't 65 3101 E 1260 Newbold ave ave Hamilton PI fr NE. to 1401 ip.oo Waterbuo' ave o55S Br'dway N. ..gillespie ave -,300 Westchester a 1;. to 1700 Am- "aviland Av fr sterdam ave •^S5^ M.ynoTef av!. V*'-^^"^^ ^' E to Van Cort'dt Pk sub ^911 a've' K Westch'ter Creek 1 Broadway Harrison Av fr and E 177th Crstn car W. 136th st W. 176th N. to 1920 Virginia ave 21 W. 138th st W. 181st E. of 2000 Pugsley ave 4.-. W. 139th st University ave 2100 Olmstead ave 70 W. 140th st Sedgwick ave car 2104 E. 177th st 81 W. 1800 W. Trem't av 141st st 2200 Castle Hill a W. Burnside a 111 142nd st 2040 W 2300 Havemeyer av L3o W. st 2080 W. ISOth st 143rd 2400 Zerega ave — W. 150th st Harrison St. fr Hawkstone St. lamilton Hudson st Ter. 81 W. fr 1560 WaltOQ fr W. to West Si 432 141st 206 ave E. to 1560 N to 416 W 144 (Hudson River) Grand blvd /an Cort'dt Pk Hudson st sub 1 Hawthorne St. 7 Staple st lammersley av fr Amsterdam at 25 G'wich 9th av L fr 1 300 Gun Hill & W. 204th N. 41 Washington st id to 3100 Hut- to Seaman ave chinson ave 63 West st Haynes Ave. fp 401 Seymour ave Harrod Ave. fr foot of Schley N. 5(11 Eastchester av Bronx River ave Heath Ave. fp !()(K! Edson ave N. to Bronx Riv Bailey ave and !02."i E. 222nd st av at 177th st 191st N. to Ft. iampden PI. Haskin St from fr Independence and W. 182d st N. E. Tremont: 1 3369 Kingsbridge ter to W. Fordh. rd I ave E. to Edison avi 2800 W Kingsbr r* St. Rayra'd Cem. lancock PI. fr! 2864 W '>'^9th st 258 Manhattan Haswell St. fr 2916 W. 230th st av (at St. Nich- "ilustchester rd E. :',001 .Albany Cres'fc Olas av) N.W. to to McAlpin ave 310I Summit pi NEW YORK-iVlANHATTAN & BRONX

Heathcote Ave. Hermany Av fr 4200 Bussing ave fr Given av N.W. White Plains rd -1-.01 Nereid avi to Boston rd to Westch'r Creek 4501 Bissel ave Hegney PI fr Classens Point car 4600 Cranford are 545 Westchester Wh Plains rd Hillside Ave fr ave N to E 158h 2100 Olmstead ave Br'dway & Nagle 610 Westch'rav car 2200 Castle Hill a ave >f. E. to St. 652 Kae st 2300 Ilavemeyer av Nicholas ave 740 E. 156th St 2400 Zerega ave Hobart Ave. fp Sd ave L sta 1 bik Herschell St fr 3031 Baislty ave 760 B. 157th St Seabury & Munn N. to E. 196th st 774 E. 108th St aves NE. to 2450 1224 Baisley ave Henderson PI. Westchester ave 1300 Waterbury ave fr 543 E. 86th 1300 Munn ave 1400 Coddington a? St N. 50 feet 1331 Halsey pi 1500 Zulctte ave Hendrick Ten. 1361 Butler pi 1900 Morris Pk ave fr Spuyten Duyvil Westchester av 2000 Wilkinson ave rd at N. Y. C. & Hester St. fr 2024 E. 194th st II. K. RR. N. 216 Division st 2075 E 195th st Hennessy PI. fp W to 196 Centre 2100 E. 196th st 171 W. Buruside 1 Division st Hoe Ave. from ave N. to 194 W 3 Clinton st E. 163d & Hunts 179th St (Bror.x) 15 Suffolk st Pt rd N. to Bos- 1901 W Burnside av 31 NorfoUv st ton rd Henry St. from 49 Essex st 1000 Aldus st 10 Oliver st N.E. 63 Ludlow st 1121 E. 167th st to 543 Grand st 79 Orchard st 1201 Home st E B'wy ear 1 bl W 95 Allen 2d av L 1301 Freeman subw 1 Oliver st 105 Ji^ldridge st sta 1 blk W. 19 Catharine st 119 i*orsythe st 1461 Jennings st 67 Market st 135 Christie st 1510 E. 172nd st 86 Birmingham st 149 Bowery 3d av L 1574 E. 173d st 109 Pike st 159 Elizabeth st Hoffman Av fr 147 Rutgers st 175 Mott st 184th (nr 3rd 179 Jefferson st 191 Mulberry st ave) N. to E. >03 Clinton st 207 Baxter st 191st st i49 Montgomery st 217 Centre st car 3(1 av L sta to 183d >75 Gouverneur st Hewitt PI. fr 2300 E. 184th st 287 Scammel st E. 156th N. to 2400 E. lS7th st .331 Jackson st Westchter av (1st 2431 E. 188th st E. 189th st 338 Grand st ear E. of Prospect) 2481 E Forth, car Henshaw St fr 751 E. 156th st 2540 290 Dyckman st 767 Macy pi Hoguet Ave. fr 5 to Riverside dr 812 Longwood ave Unionport rd at Henwood PI. fr 870 Westch'ter car Starling ave N, to Treniont ove 1764 Walton av Hickory St. fr Holland Ave fr to 1815 Morris 775 N. Oak dr 750 Baker ave N N. to Gun Hill rd to 720 E 215th Broadway, 6th av (Change to Wal- White Plains rd car 6 34th st lace av 1 blk N. 1651 Baker ave Hering Ave. fr of Oak dr) 1700 Van Nest avfc (3d E of White 1181 Sacket ave 1800 Morris pk av Plains rd) & N.Y. N.H. & H. 1847 Barnett pi 3300 N. Oak dr RR. to 1150 Gun 1881 Rhinelan(Jer a Hill rd 3350 Magenta st 2200 Bronx & Pel- Gun Hill rd 1550 Sacket ave 3400 E ham pkwy 1600 Pierce ave Hicks St. from 2300 Astor ave 1800 Morris Pk Wilson av at E. 240(i Waring ave 3001 Adee ave 215th st 2500 Mace ave 8201 Burke ave Hill Ave. from 2501 Boston rd Herkimer PI fr 1351 E 233rd N 2700 Allerton ave 31 E. 233d N. lo City line 2N00 Arnow ave to E. 235th st 3J>01 E. 233rd st 3000 Adee ave Jerame ave subw 4000 Strang ave 3200 Burke ave idOO E. 233rd st 4101 Edenwald ave 3225 S. Oak dr RED BOOK GUIDE Ave. fr 3300 N. Oak dr 1504 SacKet ave Howe Park 3351 Bartholdi st IhOl Pierce ave Castle Hill 3400 Magenta st ITCK) Van Nest ave N to Lafay'te av 3500 E Gun Hill rd IROO Morris Pk ave Hoyt St. from 3506 Tilden st I'.KH) Rhinelandr av Baychester av N. 3514 E. 211th st .SOOl Adce ave E. to Wilder ave st|;i2(il Burke ave nr 240th st ': 3551 E. 212th 3600 E. 213th si 1 Duncan ave Hioxie St. from 3680 E. 214th st Honeywell Ave. 20D0 Bissel av at Baychester ave N. 3650 E. 215th st fr 901 E. 177th av Hollers Ave. fr E. to E. 182nd to 850 Cranfd Boiler av at N.Y. (2d E. of South- Hubbel St. fr W. & B.RR. near ern blvd) 2441 Maclay ave 3876 Bostn rd to 1060 E Trem't car Hubert St. fr Hutchinson River 2005 E. 178th st 149 Hudson st to 2100 Hunter ave 2031 E. 17iHh st West st 2150.Varian ave ilOl E. 180th ear 1 Hudson st 2:^01 Secor ave 2131 E. 181st st 13 Collister st ::'_' 11 RniTibouts ave Hooker Ave. fr 21 G'wich 9th av \. L'jnl DeUvall ave L.I. Sound N. 33 Washington st 'S277 Merritt ivo Horatio St. fr 49 West st Holley St from 129 Greenwich av Hudson St. fr st N.E. E. 177th W. to Hudson R. 141 Chambers st ave to Graff 1 Greenwich ave N to 357 W 14tb Kollywood Ave. 15 8th ave car bik I 9th av L 1 W. fr 3051 Dewey av 20 W. 4th st W. Side sub exp sta N to Middlet'n rd 39 Hudson st 1 Chambers st TOO Randall ave 57 G'wch 9th av L 13 Reade st sol Philip ave 83 Washington st 31 Duane st '.)00 Lafayette ave 117 West st 52 Thomas st loOl Barkley ave Hornaday PI fr 69 Jay st lo:in Otis ave 2140 Crotona pky 74 Worth st 1200 Baisley ave to 2141 Honey- 89 Harrison st 13()0 Waterbinr ave well ave 96 Leonard st 1400 Coddlngton av 861 Mohegan ave 105 Franklin st lOOO Middletown rdlHorton St (City 121 N. Moore st Holt PI. from Isl.) from 64 137 Beach st Reserv'r Oval (E) City Isl. ave E. 151 Hubert st Home St. from & W. 165 Laight st 1156 Boston rd 140 City Isl. ave 182 Vestry st E. to Westchester Hosmer Ave fr 205 Desbrosses st Bronx subw to Free- 30 Shore dr N. 213 Watts st man st sta to 2650 Lafa- 219 Canal st ear 701 Boston rd car yette av (Throgs 246 Broome st 721 Jackson ave Neck) 282 Dominick st 751 Forest ave Houghton Ave. 303 Spring st ave 7S1 Tinton fr White Plains 323 Vandara st 811 Union ave rd to Westchester 341 Charlton st 851 Prospect ave 363 King st S71 Stebbins ave E 177th Crstn ear 387 W Honston ear and S91 Intervale 1900 ^Vh Plains rd 405 Clarkson st 169th st 2000 Pugsley ave 427 Leroy st •111 Fox st 2100 Olmstead ave 447 Jlorton st 931 Simpson st 2200 Cast:. Uill av 465 Barrow st 951 Southern blvd 2300 Havcmeyer av 488 Grove st : 971 Hoe ave Houston St. see 501 Christopher st ' 989 Vyse ave 521 W. 10th st E. & W. Houston i007 Bryant ave 535 Charles st 1020 W. Farms rd Howard St. fr Hudson Tubes sta 1070 Westchestr av 203 Centre st W 551 Perry st Hone Ave from to 8 Mercer st 569 W. 11th st 2501 Tremont av 1 Centre st ear 585 Bank st N. to 1050 Gun 11 Lafayette st 588 Abingdon sq Hill rd 30 Crosby st 597 Bethune st 1500 E. Tremont av|37 Broadway car 598 8tb ave N. Y. W. & B. RRJ55 Mercer st 611 W. 12th 8t Se NEW YORK-WANHATTAN & BRONX

62o Jaue st Husson Ave. fp 1 E. 14th st 637 Horatio st Bronx River av N 3 E. 15th st 641 Gansevoort st at Sound View av 25 E. 16th st 671 W. 13th st Hutchinson Av 47 E. 17th st 687 W. 14th car fr Basset ave N. 63 E. 18th st Huguenot Ave. to Boston rd 77 E. 19th st fr Dorsey st W. Hutton St fpom 85 E. 20th st to 2448 Boston E. 177th st N. Iselin Ave fpom rd (nr EastcLes E. to Graff ave 4800 Delafield av ter Creek) Huxley Ave. fp at W. 246th st Hughes Ave. fr Mosholu ave nr N. to W. 252nd 641 E. 177th to W. 259th st N. 5000 W. 250th st E, 191st st Independ'ce Av Isham St. fPom 1961 E. Trcm'l car fr Palisade av N. Amsterdam av & 1977 E. 17Sth st to W. 231st st W. 209th W. to 2001 E. 179th st Kappock st Emerson st 2100 E. 180th car 2700 W. 227th st Ittnep PI. fPom 2129 E. 181st st 3100 W. 231st st 1754 Webster av 2165 Oak Tree pi 3700 W. 237th st to Park ave 2230 E. 182nd st 3900 W. 239th st Ives St. fPom 2290 E. 183rd st 4G00 W. 246th st Eastchester rd to 3rd ave L 4 biks 5200 W. 252nd st N.Y.N. Westches- 2320 Crescent ave 5400 W. 254th st ter station 2371 E. 186th st Intepvale Av fr Jackson Ave fr 187th st 2400 E. Southern blvd nr Southern blvd at st 2451 E. ISSth Longwood N. to 138th st N. to 2481 E. 189th st Jennings st and 711 Westchester Fordh. car 2511 E VVilkins ave 251 E. 13Sth st E. 191st st Soti'n 2577 841 bid car 321 E. 141st st Hull Ave. from S71 Fox st 358 E. 142nd st E. INIosholu pkwy 896 Beck st 375 St. Mary's st Kelly (N) N to East 923 st 411 E. 144th st E. car 211th st 944 163d 441 E. 145th st Webster avs car !M5 Dawson st 405 E. 147th st 3030 E Mosh'u pky \)kW Westch'r car 551 E. 149th car E. 165th st 3125 E. 204th st 1022 580 E. 150th st E. 167th st 3185 E. 205th st 1102 603 Pontiac pi Kelly st 3243 E. 207th st 1142 624 E. 151st ^ E 169th car, 3291 E. 209 th st 1211 652 152d &West. S375 Gun HUl rd Tiffany and Chester av car E. 211th st Home sts 660 152d & West- 1255 Chisholm st Hunt Ave fponn chester ave 1292 Fox st 725 Baker av N 747 E. 156th st 1305 Freeman st to Bronxdale av 804 E. 158th st sub sta 1 Mk cjo Ti]. IPO*') rt Kuntep Ave. fr 1379 Wiikins and 871 e! 161st st N.Y. N.H. & H. Jennings ave 935 E. 163d car B.R. at Pelhani Inwood Ave. fp 1021 E. lG5th st Bay Park W 167th & Crom- 1100 E. 166th st Junter Av (C I) well ave N. to 1155 Home st Bowne to fr S Featherbed la 1186 Boston rd car Tier st Jerome ave subway Jackson St. fr Huntington Av 1250 Cromwell and 334 Henry st S. fr Shore dr N to 167th st to East River 2850 Eastern bid 1320 Clarke pi 1 Henry st Hunts Point Av 1400 W. 170th st 2 Grand st ear fr East River N. 1480 Macombs and 15 Madison st bus W. to E. 163d st 172nd st 31 Monroe st Hunts Point car 1 600 W Mt Eden a 45 Cherry st 700 Spofford ave Ipvine St. fpom 77 Front st «00 Lafayette a 1207 Seneca ave 91 South st Belt car Gilbert st N. to 1120 Gar- Jackson Square 870 Seneca ave rison ave bet. Greenwich st K IKH) Garrison ave Ipving PI. fpom Horatio & 8th sts 1 §40 Whitlock ave 119 E. 14th N. Jacob St. fpomif •— Southern blvd to 18 E. 20tb st 15 Ferry st N to ' '« r RED BOOK GUIDE 37 53 Frankfort st i Boston rd) N. E. 2445 E & W Ford- Jacobus PI. fp to W. Farms rd ham rd L sta W. 225th St N. Bronx sub to Free- 2600 E & W 19011 James St. from man st station 2620 E & W 192d 215 Park Row S. 741 Union ave 2636 E. 193rd st to 7G Cherry st 785 Prospect ave 2652 Kingsbrdg rd 1 Park Row S(JO Chisholm st L station 11 New Bowery st 821 Bristow st 2760 E. 196th st y,3 Madison st bus S41 Stebbins ave 2814 E. 198th st 71 Oak st S71 WJIkins ave 2900 MinerTa pi To Batavia st 891 Charlotte st 3016 E. 199th st Sri New Chambers 901 Minford pi 3030 Bedford Park 102 Cherry st 921 Southern blvd blvd L sta iJames Slip fr 941 Hoe ave 3112 E. 204th st Vyse 70 Cherry st E. 961 ave 3134 E. 205th st to East River 981 Bryant ave 3178 Van Corfd a Jane St. from Jerome Ave. fr Mosholu pkwy 115 Greenwich av Harlem River L station Macombs Bridge W to 501 West st 3400 E. 20Sth st N. 1 Greenwich ave to Van Cort 3500 W Gun Hill rd 2:t 8th ave landt Park 3550 E. 212th st Free ;:!4 W. 4th st transfer to Ele- 3560 E. 213th st 57 Hudson st vated road at 149h E. 233rd st st sta (Dividing »i:t G'wch 9th av L Jersey St. fr line of numbers on rt5 Washington st 125 Crosby st B East West 140 West st & sts) to 211 Mulberiy 940 E. 162nd st Jarrett PI. fp Jesup Ave. fp 1000 E. 164th st 1625 Eastchester Boscobel av at W 1050 E. lG5th st rd N. to Poplar 170th North to 1100 E. 166th st st (1st E. of Featherbed la 1150 McCleUan st Wmsbridge rd) Jerome ave subway 1160 Shakespeare a Jarvis Ave. fp 1370 Boscobel ana 12(X) Boscobel and .'1351 EcTitrn blvd 170th st 167th L sta X. to Westchester 1436 Jessup pi 1251 Cromwell ave !50l Eastern blvd 1520 Featherbed la 1265 Riv & 168th 1541 Hollywood ave 1267 W. 169th st Jesup St. fpom noO Middletown rd 1301 E &W Clarke Shakespeare av E Jay St. fpom to 1337 Macombs rd 1441 Jessup a 73 Hudson st W 1338 Marcy pi John St. fpom to Hudson River 1400 Elliot st 192 Broadway S. 1 Hudson st 1439 W. 170th st E. to 235 Pearl 5 Staple st L station 1 Broadway car ^" G'wlch 'Jth av L 1470 W. 171st st 27 Nassau st '..". Washington st 1501 W. 172i:d st 49 P"tph st i(» Caroline st 1579 E. & W. Mt. (>5 V;illiam st sub West st m Eden L sta 87 Gold st leiTerson PI. fp 1649 Featherbed la 99 Cliff st Franklin a\ 1?>K) 1650 E. 174th st 115 Pearl st K. to 1381 Bos- 1700 Clifford pi Johnson Ave fp ion rd E. 176th st 220O Sp>tn Duy- Id av L to 169h sta L station vil pkwy to Pali- '.'2') Franklin ave 1850 E & W 177h sade ave ;r.] Clinton ave 1949 E Trem't car Van CortI'dt pk sub leffepson St. fp 1970 E. 179th st 2330 Spuy Duyv rd 1 M Division st 2049 E & W Bi'rn- 2501 Kappock st S. to East River side ave ear 2701 W. '^^th st 1 Division st 2101 E & W 181st 3001 V 230th st 3 E. Broadway car Cameron pi 2150 ifones Al. fpom :i Henry st "155 Clinton st Shinbone al W to 3 Madison st bus 2169 E & W lS2d 41 Bleecker st 3 Monroe st 2245 Buchanan pi 15 Cherry st 297 E & W 183d Jones La. from 1 Water st L station 103Front to E.R. South st Evelyn pi Jones St. from - - «. , 2307 jlennings St. fr 12345 North st A80 W. 4th W.

Union ave (at 1 2373 F & W]84h to 281 Bleeker st 38 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

Jumel PI. from rd N. to Middle- Jerome Sedgwic1( & 455 W. 167th N town rd (Bronx) Kingsbridge can to Edgccomlje a Kepler Ave. fr 50 Grand avo 201 E. 233d N. 70 University ave sub to 168ih St sta to -dlSSO Van C't- 148 Webb ave tlumei Tep. fr land*. Pk E. 190 Sedgwick ave W. 160th E. of Webster ave car 200 Kingsbridge ter Amsterdam ave N. 4200 E. 234th st 221 Heath ave to E. 162nd st Kiersen PI. fr 225 Bailey ave Kane St. from Isham st N. to Kingsbridge ter East River N. to W. 213th st fr Heath av (be- Edgewater road Kinderman PI. low W Kingsbridge (HiiEts Point) fr 1358 Webster N to Ft. Indepen- Kappock St. fr av to 1359 Brook dence JVC- 515 Johnson ave King Ave (City 11650 Heath ave N. to Independ'ce Island) IToni 2680 W Kgsbrdgj rd Cortl'dt sub W. st Van pk Carroll st 225th 521 Johnson ave 2717 Niadham pi 261 Carroll st 551 Netherland ave oCrOO W. 230t-i st 291 Fordham st 601 Arlington ave 040 Albany eresc't 345 Tier st 609 Spuy Duyv pky 3100 Perot st 400 Ditmars st 101 Independence a 3100 Summit pi 489 Beach st 1 09 Palisade ave — Ft Indpdce av 600 Elizabeth 9t Katonah Ave fr Kings Col. PI. (".51 Sutherland >-t 801 E. 233d N. fr Gun Hill rd f.9Si Terrace Pt. st N to City line King St. from Kingsland Ave.i Webster ave ear fr Bronx 53 MacDougal st 1625 & 42(.K) E. 233rd st Pel ham pkwy N. W. to Hudson R. 4c00 E. 236th st to E. 1 MacDougal st 1250 222d Kearney Ave. fr 2800 GHn Hill rd 13 Congress st 3120 Waterl)'y av 2i>01 Arnow ave 55 Varick st 1140 Fairmount ave 3001 Adee ave 85 Hudson st 3 200 Baisley ave Hammrsley av 121 G'wch 9th av L 3100 Kelly St. from Burke ave 131 Washington st 3200 650 Prospect ave Givan ave 143 West st 3301 (at 152d) N to Kingsbrldge Avi 3401 Tilloston ave Intervale av (at 3430 Boston rd fr 251 W. 230th 169th st) 3524 Chester st N'. to 250 23Sth 661 Prospect ave E. 222nd st Van Cortl'dt pk sub 3550 671 Ave St. John Kinsella St. fr 3(K)0 W. 230th st 727 Leggett av & Matthews 3100 W. 231st st 1724 156th st av E. to 3200 W. 232nd st 1755 S02 Intervale ave Bronxdale ave 823 Longwood ave 3400 W. 2.34th st 236th st Kirk St. from 944 E. 163d car 3600 W. Seabury av N.E 970 Westch'r car Kingsbridge Rdi to Commerce av( 1022 E. 165th st (t) fr 2670 .Jer- St. fronr 1095 E. 167th st ome av E to 330 Knapp 1132 Intenale ave E. Fordham rd Gun Kill fd a Kenmare St. fr 2 Jerome av subw 3050 Fenton a?. E. to East Bowery at Delan- 48 Morris ave 3043 Chester rd cey st W. to La- 101 Creston ave fayette st 151 Grand blvd Knowlton PI fi 1 Bowery 3d av L 2ol Valentine ave W. 165th st N 29 Elizabeth st 251 E. 192nd st to 168th (IstW 57 Mott st 301 Briggs ave of Broadway) 85 Mulberry st 320 E. Fordh. car Knox PI. fron 118 Lafayette st Kingsbridge Rd W. Mosholu pkw Kennellw'rth PI (W) fr Jerome (N) N to Vai from Country Club av W. to Bailey Cortlandt Park


Kossuth Ave fr ,S5 White st 45 Amsterdam ave E .Aiosholu pky N lo;; Walker st 116 Broadway Lacombe Av fp 105 Canai st car & 134 Claremont ave BroHX Kiv av E. E. Side subway sta Latting St. fr Laconia Ave fr 131 Howard si Westchester Creek Bronx & PelLani 157 Grand st car to 1450 E Tre- 1.S7 Broome st pkwy to 1075 E mont ave 283rd St 22S Cleveland pi Laurie Ave. fr Spring sub Wh Plains sub & car 230 sta Westchester Creek .M(»00 Adee ave 267 Prince st N. K. to 1750 Jersey .•^•.:01 Boston rd 291 st .-Appleton ave E. Houston car 3.100 Gun HiU rd 309 Laurel Hill Ter 323 Bleeckr sub sta 3520 E. 211th St fr Wash'gton Bdg 330 Jones a" 8561 E. 212th st at 181st N. to 355 Bond st 3fi30 E. 213th St 188th (1st E. of 381 G-eat Jones st 3660 E. 214th st Amsterdam ave) 389 E. 4th st 8700 E. 215 th st Lawrence Ave. Astor pi E. 441 fr 3724 216th st 1 1092 Univers- 3725 E. 217th st Lafontalne Ave ity ave .N. to 3726 Oakley st fr 581 K Tremont W. 167th st i 3750 E. 21Sth st av N to Quarry rd 1110 University av Trein't 3800 E. 219th st 1961 E car 1400 Giaham sn 3S24 Fenton ave 2001 E. 178th st Lawrence St fr E. 3S50 E. 221st st 2045 179th st Morningside ave E. 3!>0C E. 222nd st 2100 180th st (at W. 126th) E. st 3950 E. 224th st 2131 181st N to 3220 B'way Oak nl 3948 Eastchester rd 2150 Tree Van Cort'dt Pk sub 3974 E. 225th st Laight St. from 1 Morningside av 4001 E. 226th st 396 Canal st W. 53 W. 127th st 4025 E. 227th st to Hudson River 81 Amsterdam ave 4051 E. 228th st 1 Canal st 123 Old Broadway 4101 E. 229th st 13 St. John's la 144 Broadway 4125 E. 230th st 19 Varick st Lawton Ave. fr 4151 E. 231st st 47 Hudson st Baxter Creek E. Collister 4175 E. 232nd st 55 st to L. I. Sound av 4200 E. 233rd st 67 G'wch 9th L Layton Ave fr Lafayette Ave. 79 Washington st 3000 Eastrn blvd fr Southern blvd 101 West st to Pelham Bay pk at Longwood E. Lakeview PI fr 3000 Eastern blvd Brdway to L. I. Sound 6275 W. 3100 Kearney ave 1100 WTiltlock ave to The Post rd 3181 Throgmrtn av 1290 Hunts Pt rd Lamport PI. fr 3200 Vincent ave Bronx Ri? av 625 Revere ave E 3276 Dean st 2800 Calhoun ave 28H1 Revere ave Lebanon St. fr 2877 Reverve ave Landing Rd fr Devoe ave (at 2900 E Tremont av 200 W. Fordham ISOth) E. to 2950 Edison ave rd to Harlem riv. Morris Park ave 3001 Logan ave Lang Ave. from Lee St. from 3050 Hollywood ave 1617 Appleton N 1650 Appleton K 3100 Thrgs N'k'bid La Salle Ave. Leggett Ave fr Vinrent 3200 ave fr 3161 E. Tre- 694 Dawson st Lafayette PI. f r mont ave E. to at 156th S. E. 1439 Prospect av 3251 East'n blvd to Truxton st W. 200 feet 2800 E Tremont av 900 DawsoB (156 Lafayette St fr 2850 Puritan ave 942 Kelly st 6 Reade st at 2861 Mayflower ave S>70 Beck st Centre N. to 20 2880 Bradford ave 1020 Fox st Astor pi 2910 Edison ave 1050 Scu'n bid ear Mynieipal BIdg. 2950 Gillespie ave Leiand Ave. fr 2 Reade & Centre 3001 Crosby ave 1860 Gildersleevs 6 Duane st 3051 Merry ave av | (at Bronx R. 25 Pearl st La Salle St. fr av) N. to 1800 45 Worth tab sta 430 W. 125th st Tremont ave 48 Catharine st W. to Claremont 485 Classon pt car 57 Leonard st av (For. 123th; 1099 Watson ave 65 Franklin st 1 W. 125th st 1201 Gleason ave 40 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX 1301 Westch'tr car 23 Bedford st 677 E. 56th st 1345 E. 177th st 101 Hudson st 705 E. 57th st 1381 Wood ave 129 G'wch 9th av L 723 E. 58th st 1451 Archer st 145 Washington st 763 59th sub sta 1525 Guerlain st 171 West st 771 E. 60th st 1599 E. Tremont Lester St. from 783 E. 61st st Lenox Ave. fp 3050 Barker av E 803 E. 62nd st 57 W. 110th st Lewis St. from 823 E. 63rd st 64th st N. to Harlem Riv 556 Grand st N 843 E. E. 65th st 1 110th st sub. to 426 E. 8th 863 Nicholas av E. 66th st 2 St. 1 Grand st car.. 883 st 901 E. 67th st 15 W. 111th 19 Broome st 29 W. 112th st 33 Delancey st 920 68th sub sta st 53 W. 113th 69 Rivington st 943 E. 69th st 114th st 69 VV. 99 Stanton st 969 E. 70th st 91 VV. 115th st 127 E Houston car 981 E. 71st st 119 116th sub, sta 153 E. 3rd st 1001 E. 72nd st 141 VV. 117th st 167 E. 4th st 1021 E. 74th st 118th st 157 VV. 180 E. 5th st 1074 E. 74th st 119th st 177 VV. 199 E. 6th st 1055 E. 75th st 197 VV. 120th st 211 E. 7th st 1079 E. 76th st st 217 VV. 121st 235 E. Sth st 1101 77th sub sta 122nd st 237 VV. Lexington Ave 1122 E, 78th st 257 VV. 123rd st fr 121 E. 21st 1142 E. 19th st 277 VV. 124th st st N. to E 133d 1162 E. 80th st 125th sub. sta 297 Lexington sub 1191 E. 81st st 315 W. 126th st 1 E. 21st st 1211 E. S2nd st 335 VV. 127th st 13 E. 22nd st 1223 E. 83rd st 353 VV. 128th st 17 E. 23rd car 1241 E. 84th st 377 W. 129th st 39 E. 24th st 1263 E. 85th st 397 VV. 130th st 59 E. 25th st 1283 E. 86th car 417 W. 131st st 79 E. 26th st & exp sub sta 132nd st 441 VV. 97 E. 27th st 1301 E. 87th st 457 VV. IRSrd Ht 115 E. 2Sth st 1822 E. 8Sth st 477 VV. 134th st 1,S5 E. 29th st 1341 E. 89th st 135th sub. sta 493 159 E. 30th st 1363 E. 90th st 136th st 517 VV. 177 E. 31st st 1365 E. 91st st 517 VV. 136th st 197 E. 32nd st 1401 E. 92nd st 537 VV. 137th st 217 E. 33rd st 1423 E. 93rd st 557 VV. 188th st 237 E. 34th car 1449 E. 94th st W. 139th st 575 251 E. 35th st 1474 E. 95th st 140th st 597 VV. 271 E. 36th st 1487 96th sub sta W. 141st st 617 293 E. 37th st 1501 E. 97th st 142nd st 637 VV. 311 K 38th st E. 100th st W. 1 l-!r:! st e57 83i E. 3uth st E. lOist st VV. 144th st 677 353 E. 40th st 1605 E. 102nd st 145th sub. sta 697 373 E. 41st st 1627 103d sub sta 717 VV. 146th st 389 E. 42d car 1634 E. 104th st '?37 VV. 147th st Lex. sub & expr sta 1659 E. lOoth st VV. 14Sth st 758 Grand Cent sta free 1680 E. 106th st VV. 149th st 778 transf to Queensboro 1 '<(»(» Iv 107 th st Leonard St. fr Tubes & Shuttle to 1722 E. 108tiJ st 95 Hudson st E. 1742 K. 109th st to 50 Baxter st 413 E. 43rd st 1762 llOh sub sta 1 Hudson st 435 E. 44th st 1778 E. 111th st 35 W. Br'dway car 449 E. 45th st 1502 E. 112th st 63 Church st 473 E. 46th st 1822 E. 113th st 89 Broadway car 491 E. 47th st 1S42 E. 114th st 107 Benson st 513 E. 4Sth st 1862 E. 115th st 121 Lafayette st 537 E. 49th st 1882 116th sub sta 137 Centre st car 559 E. 50th st 1902 E. 117th st 170 Baxter st 575 61st sub sta 1922 E. llSth s. Leroy St. from 595 E. 52nd st 1942 E. 119th st E. 120th I Bleecker st E. 53rd st , J 262 617 1962 W.to Hudson Kiv 039 E. 54th st 1982 E. 12121st st 1 Bleecker st 659 E. 55th st '2006 E. 12 nd st RED BOOK GUIDE 41

2026 E. 123rd st 3rd ave car Prospect ave station 2040 E. 124th St Lincoln PI. fr 851 Westchester a 20(58 E. 125th car 167 E. llSth N. 911 Hewitt pi & exp sub sta Lind Ave. now 931 Dawson st 2090 E. 12Gth St University ave 950 Kelly st 2106 E. 127th St Lisbon PI from 951 Beck st E. 12Sth St E. 205tli st E. Kill Fox st 2140 E. 129th St to Mosholu pkwy 10;;i Southern blvd 2160 E. 130th St (one block) jl()t)l Whitlock av8 E. 131st St Lispenard St. 1065 Lafayette ave Leyden St. fr fr 277 W. B'way 11101 Garrison ave Tunissen pi N. E to 413 B'way Loom is St. fr along Harlem Riv 1 W. Broadway Eastchester rd to to W. 225th St 6th ave L N. Y. W. & B. RR. Libby PI. from 29 Church st Lorillard PI. fr 1700 Appleton av 67 Broadway car 3d av & 184th N. E. Little W. 12th to Fordhara rd Pelhani Bay subway St. see INuiii- 3d av to 183d sta Liberty St. fr b^red sts 2341 3rd ave and 78 Maiden la W. Livingston Ave. 184th st to 102 West St fr 401 W. 245th 2401 E. 187th st 1 Maiden la st to Waldo ave 2440 E. 188th st E. 19 William st 4500 W. 245th st 2481 189th st 51 Nassau st 4 GOO W. 246ih st Loring PI f r W. 59 Liberty pi Livingston PI. Tremont av N. to 75 Broadway fr 327 E. 15th W. Fordham rd 88 Temple st N to 322 E 17th (2d W. of Uni- 99 Church st Locust Ave. fr versity ave) 110 Trinity pi E. 132d N. to Sedgwick ave ear 123 Greenwich st E. 141st st 1900 W Burnside a 139 Washington st Peiham subway 1950 W. 179th st 145 West st 301 E. 140th st 2186 HaU of Fame terrace Liberty PI. fr 319 E. 141st st 2251 W. 183rd st 59 Liberty st N. Logan Ave. fr to 20 Maiden la East River N. 'to Low Ave. from 198th & Jerome Library Ave. fr 3000 Otis ave av N to 206th Griswold av N. to 501 Dewey ave W Watt ave (Bronx) 600 Schley ave Lowell St. fr 1090 LongfeUow Liebig Ave. fr 700 Randall ave 801 Philip ave ave E. to 1091 5631 Mosholu av 901 Lafayette ave Whitlock ave N. to 420 W. 1000 Barkley ave 263rd st Lowerre PI. fr Longfellow Av 663 E. 226th N Light St. from fr Viele av North to 660 E. 230th 3800 Pratt ave to Boston rd (nr Wh Plains rd subway E. to 3801 Pro- 177th) 4001 E. 226th st vost ave 1070 E. 165th st 4025 E. 227th st 2101 Pratt ave 1084 Lowell st 4045 E. 228th st 2125 Harper ave 1121 Westch'tr car 5000 E. 229th st Secor ave 2201 1251 Home st 5025 B. 230th st N. y. W. & B. RR. 1301 Freeman and Lucerne St. fr Diiye ave 2221 W. Farms rd stadium ave E. to Kombouts ave 2241 1461 Jennings st Eastchester Bay Lillian PI. from 1520 E. 172nd st (Bronx) 1931 Boston rd \ 1877 E. 176th st Ludlow Ave. fr to 1012 E. Tre- 1916 Rodman pi Bronx River E. mont ave Longstreet Ave Classon Point car Lincoln Ave. fr fr L.I. Sound N. 1900 Wh Plains rd Harlem Riv & E. Longview Pi fr! 2000 Pugsley ave 132nd st N. to Grosevenor av N 2100 Olmstead ave E. ISStn to W. 252nd st 2200 Castle Hill a? 96 E. 133rd st Longwood Ave. 2400 E. 177th st 141 E. 134th st fr 840 Westches- 2450 Zerega ave 165 E. 135th st ter av S. E. to 181 E. 136th st Tiffany st 199 E. 137th & Bronx Subway to 42 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

Ludlow St. fr 89 Bleecker st car 27 E 143 Division st 113 Minetta la N. to 2U7 East 131 W. 3rd st Houston St 3 41 W. 4th st 1 Division st Washington pi 5 Canal st car VVaverly pi 31 Hester st Wash, sq (W) 59 Grand st car 170 MacDougal al 62 Essex Mkt pi 181 W. 8th st car 79 Broome st MacDougal Al. 95 Delancey st fr 170 MacDou 127 Rivington st gal st E. 161 Stanton st IVtace Ave from 190 E. Houston car Bronx Pk E. to Lurting Ave. fr Hutchinson River 2523 E. Tremont Wh Plains rd subway a?e N. to 1074 600 Bronx Pk (E) Gun HiU rd 651 Barker ave 1501 E Tremont av 700 Wh Plains rd 1530 Poplar ave 725 Cruger ave 1546 Sacket ave S(X) Holland av & 1601 Pierce ave Boston rd 1701 Van Nest ave 900 Bronxwood av 1801 Morris Pk ave 1050 Wmbridge rd lfK)l Bhinelandr av 1400 Seymour ave 8001 Adee ave 1425 Morgan ave 3051 Boston rd 1450 Fenton ave 8201 Burke ave 1600 Eastohester rd 3301 Duncan st Maclay Ave. fr Lydlg Ave. fr 1665 Parker ave Brenx Park E. to E. to Tremont av Neill ave Pelham subway Lyman PI. fr 2400 Zerega ave Seddon st 1257 Stebbins av 2450 2500 St. Peters av (at 169th) N to 2521 Montgom'y pi 830 Freeman st 2550 Overlng ave Subw sta 3 biks E. E Trem't ave 1344 E. 169th car Lyon Ave from Macombs PI fr 2804 Sth ave N. Castle HUl av E E. to Harlem Riv to 1451 Zerega 1 Sth ave Pelham subway 21 W. 150th st 2200 Castle Hill a 39 W. 151st st 2250 Glebe ave 55 W. 153rd st 2275 Doris ave Macombs Rd fr 2300 Glover ave Jerome ave (nr 2351 Parker ave 170th) N. to 2371 Zerega ave University ave Lyvere St. fr 1351 Jerome av sub Hoguet av at Pro- 1401 W. 170th st tectoray east fo 1470 Inwood and 1725 Castle Hill ITind sts MacDonough PI IfiOl Cromwell ave fr Country Club KiOO W Mt. Eden rd N. to Middle- l(i30 Featherbed la town rd (Bronx) 1700 176th & Nel- MacDougal St. son sts 219 Spring st N. Macy PI. from to W. Sth st 776 Prospect av 1 Spring st E to 767 Hewitt 13 Vandam st Madison Ave. 29 Charlton st fr 29 E. 23rd st 34 Prince st N. to E. 13Sth 41 King st 1 E. 23rd car 59 W. Houston car HE. 24th st RED BOOK GUIDE 43

i840 B. 94th St .J.Jo Cc:iinmel st 6*'i av & 9th av L 1359 E. 95th st 31>1 Jackiion st 1 block W. 1377 E. 96th St 414 Grand st car 1 W. 100th st 1399 E. 97th St Madison Square 19 W. 101st st E. 9Sth St 1421 llroadway ii 23d 33 W. 102nd st 1435 E. 99th St to 26lh sts Gl W. 103rd st 1451 E. 100th St Magenta Street 86 W. 104th st 1471 E. lUlst St foot Bronx Kiver 121 W. 105th st 10:iud St 1489 E. E. to Coldeu ave 141 W. 106th st E. 103rd St 1511 (1st S. of Gun 161 W. 107th st St 1531 E. 104th Hill rd) 181 W. 108th st 1555 E. 105th St 627 Bronx blvd 205 W. i09th st 1573 E. 106th St 651 Barker ave 235 W. 110th st 1589 E. 107th St 701 Olinville ave 251 W. 111th st 1618 E. lOSth St 851 \Vh Plains av 275 W. 112th st E. 109th St 1633 Magina! St. fr 309 W. 113th st E. llOlh bus 310 Moruingside av jl E. ISth st to 2b E. 111th St W. 115th st 1673 Market slip 354 E. 112th St 375 W. 116th ear i695 Magraw PI. fp 713 E. 113th St 395 W. 117th st W. 181st N. W. 733 E. 114th St 423 W. 118th st of Broadway 753 E. 115th St 447 W. 119th st Ave. fr [771 E. 116th ear Mahan 461 W. 120th st Middletown 783 E. 117th St 3079 503 W. 121st st rd N. to West- .815 E. 118th St 521 W. 122nd st chester ave 832 E. 119th 8t 525 St. Nicholas av ,839 E. 120th St 1601 Middletwn av Manhattan PI. St 1701 Roberts ave ,863"' E. 121st fr 10 Elm st W. E. 122nd St 1800 Buhre ave & S. to 34 Reade '911 E. 123rd st Maiden La. fr Manhattan S t. 931 E. 124th St 172 Broadway E changed to West ,958 E. 126th ear to South st 125th st fr Ams- 974 E. 126th st 1 Broadway car strdm av to 130th 993 E. 127th St 10 Liberty st st ferry 015 E. 128th St 27 Nassau st Manhattan St. 034 E. 129th st 6.T William stsubw fr 444 E. Hous- 057 E. 130th st 78 Liberty st ton st N. to 556 081 E. 131st st 87 Gold st E. 3rd st 101 E. 132nd st 105 Pearl st Manida St. fr 121 E. 133rd st 131 Water st Edgewater rd N. 135 E. 134th st 149 Front st to Garrison ave 150 E. 185th car 167 South st 700 Spofiford ave 181 E. 136th St Mail St. from 800 Lafayette ave 199 E. 137th St rear Post Office 879 Garrison ave Harlem Kiver Maitland Av fr Manor Ave. fr ladison PI. fr 1500 Erlcson pi Bronx River N to 1854 Barnes st E nr Appleton av E Bronx River ave ladison St. fr to Mayflower ave at 174th st Erlcson pi 428 Pearl st E. 2800 Mansion St. fr William pi to 575 Grand st 2SS5 Noble av E. to ave Madison st bus Mayflower 1499 Beach ave 1 Pearl st Mangin St. fr E. Tremont car 2 New Chambers 590 Grand st N. 1500 Noble ave 6 Chestnut st to 509 E Hou'tn 1600 Rosedale ave 15 Roosevelt st 1 Grand st 1650 Com'welth a» 27 New Bowery 15 Rachel la 1700 St Lawr'ce a J9 James st 17 Broome st 1750 Beach ave 55 Oliver st 31 Delancey st Mapes Ave. fr rS Catharine st 73 Rivlngton ?t 801 E. Tremont 23 Market st 101 Stanton st to E. 182nd Birmingham st 143 E. Houston st So bid car 1 bik E )7 Pike st 160 E. .Srd st 1961 E Tremont a )1 Rutgers st Manhattan Ave. 1981 E. 178th st 27 Jefferson st fr 21 W. 100th 2035 E 179th st )9 Clmton st st N. to 237 St. 2101 L 180th st Jl Gouverueur st Nicholas ave 2125 E. 181st st 44 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN A BRONX J Trem't car E. 194th Marcy PI. from 1959 E [2024 St I 1350 Jerome ave 1997 E. 17Sth st 2050 E. 195th 8t,

1 E. E. to Sheridan av 2025 179th st & 2075 196th 1 Jerome av car Southern blvd ,2100 E. 197th 101 Walton ave Marshall Av fr Pelham pky S 201 Grand hlvd Tremont av W. Mayor Ave. fr Marble Hill Av Martha Ave. fr Bruner av to Pel- ham pkwy (N) fr W. 225th N. 400 E. 235th N McAlpin Ave fr to Spuy Duyv Crk to city line (2nd marine St(City W of Webster) 1670 Eastchester Webster ave car rd E. Is.) from 10 1 4270 E. 235th st McClellan St fr City Isl. ave E. 1330 E. 238th st 1150 Jerome E. & W. Marvin PI. fr to 1150 Findlay Marion Ave. fr St. Raymond ave McDonald St tp 351 E. 184th N. N. (1st E. of St. Eastch'r rd E. to MoihoUi pkvry Peters) McGraw Ave fK Webster ave car Matilda Ave: fr 1360 Beach avi 2376 E. lS4ta st 642 236th st N E. to Unionp't rd' 2419 E. lS7th St ave to 648 E. 242d 1800 Beach ; E. 188th st 2464 White Plains rd car 1820 Taylor ave j 2525 E Kingsbridge E. 177th ear 4300 E. 236th st 1830 2550 Dorthea pi 1840 Theriot ave 4356 E. 237th st ' E. 183rd st 2601 4400 Nereid ave 1860 Leland ave 2625 E. 194th st Plains 4500 E. 239th st 1875 Wh r4 2676 E. 195th st 4600 E. 240th st 1900 Gray st E. 196th st i 2717 4700 Baychester av 1925 Storrow st 2765 E. 197th st Pugslee ave 4760 E. 242nQ st 2000 E. 19Sth st 2778 Matthews Ave. 2060 Unionportrt rdiird 2825 Oliver st fr 900 Baker av McLean Avee ij 2844 E. 199th st N. to Burke ave Vireo ave E.E, t(|; 2952 Bedf. Pk blvd 1650 Baker ave Webster ave 2990 E. 201st st 1700 Van Nest ave Webster ave car S003 Mosh'u pky S ] 1724 Kinsella ave 533 Webster ave ,i Market St. fr 1800 Morris pk car McOwen Av fp 61 Division st S. 1900 Rhinelauder Boston rd S. to E. to East River 1950 Bronxdale ave Tillotson (nrCity 1 Division st 2000 NeiU ave line) 7 E. Br'dway ear Mayflower Ave Mead St. from 21 Henry st fr 3305 E. Tre- 1650 Garfield B. 57 Monroe st mont ave N. to to 1662 Union- 65 Hamilton st 18(X) Pelham pky port rd 77 Cherry st 1201 E Tremont av E. Tremont car 91 Water st 1300 Waterbury ave Meagher Av fp 103 South st 1400 Coddington av East River N. to Marketfleld St. 1425 Harrington av Shore dr fr 74 Broad st 1451 Dudley ave Mechanic Al. fP S.W. to New st 1501 Maitland ave 58 Monroe st S. Marmion Av fr 1525 Wellman ave to 195 Cherry st 851 Crotona Pk 1541 Zulette ave Melrose Ave fr (N) to So'rn bid 1575 Roebling ave 3rd ave & 149th So. bid car 1 bik E 1600 Miodfetown rd N to E. 165th 1789 Crot'a pk N 1700 Westchester av Webster ave car 1805 E. 175th st 1702 Roberts ave 550 E. 149th srd 1871 E. 176th st 1800 Buhre ave av L & sub sta 1900 Fairmount pi 1900 Morris Pk av 574 E. 150th st 1931 Elsmere pi 2000 Wilkinson ave 610 E. 151st st




64-1 K. 152 nd st IVIJckle Ave. fri OM Bridge st 6(33 E. 153rd st 1575 Bronx and 700 Terrace st 687 l!:. 154111 st Pel ham pkwy to E Minetta La. fr 721 E. 155tti st 222d st & Need- 113 Mac Dougal st 741 E. 156th . ham ave st W to Gth ave 767 E. 157th st !2S00 Gun HUl rd Minetta PI. fr iSOl E. 158th st i.SfXm Adee ave 2 Minetta st 821 E. lo'Jth st ;:;2i)0 Burke ave Minetta St. fp ^57 E. KJOth st ;,H00 Givan ave 209 Bleecker st st 911 K. 162nd ';^4(M) Tillotson ave N' to Minetta la 1>34 E. 163rd st ;]JHO Boston rd Mitchell PI. (E. Melville St. fr ar)24 Chester st 49th) 1st av to 1799 E. Tromont (Vljddletown Rd Beekman pi ave N. to 542 fr 1592 Apple- Mohegan Av fr Mollis Park ave ton av (at West- 8(35 E. 175th N Tremont White e. & (htr) E. to 3451 to E. 176th & Plains cars Eastern blvd fr Southern blvd Trenit av b. 2801 Appleton ave 6 E. 178th to N.Y.N.H. &fl. l:851 Mayflower ave Bronx Park Van Nest ave 1699 2873 Pilgrim ave 1800 E. 175th st 1755 Morris Pk av 2900 Edison ave 1900 E Trem't car Mendeil St. fr 2931 Plymouth ave 20(51 E. 179th st E. 177th st E. oOOl Cro.sby ave 2100 E. 180th car to Graff ave .S030 Mary ave 2130 E. ISlst st Mercer St. fp B031 Uobart ave Monpoe Ave. fr 313 Canal st N. :'(H)1 Jarvis ave 519 E. Mt. Eden to 58 E. 8th (1 3079 Mahan ave av N. to E. Tre- hlk VV of B'way) 8098 Hollywood ave mont ave 1 Canal st 3111 Gainsburg ave Webster car 3 bl E 8 Howard st Migel PI. fpom 1641 E Mt Eden a? 35 Grand st 400 Logan av W. 1679 E. 173rd st 57 Broome st to E. Tremont av 1735 E. 174th st 99 Spring st 2922 Logan ave 1791 E. 175th st 139 Prince st Mildred PI. fP 1829 E. 176th st 174 \V. Houston st 1944 Pilgrim av E 1871 Mt. Hope pi 195 Bleecker st Miles Ave fPom E Tremont car 245 W. 3rd st Baxter Crk E to Monroe St. fp 257 W. 4th st Shore dr 57 Catharine st 275 E Wash'gtn pi Mill La. fPom E. to 607 Gran4 Waverly 293 pi 9 S. William to Madison bus 1 bl W E. 8th car 307 st 61 Stone st 37 Market st IWerriam Av fp Miller's PI. fr 70 Manhat'n Bdgl 1251 Osden ave 8 MacDougal st 79 Pike st to University avejMilligan PI. fP 98 Pelham st Merrill St. fp 139 Gth ave 125 Rutgers st 1452 Rospdalo av nil inerva PI. fp 143 Jefferson st E to 1477 Beach 2880 Jerome ave 149 Clinton st E. 177th Crstn tar E. to Grand bivd 185 Montgomery st 1559 Rosedale ave (1st N of 198h) 215 Gouverneur rt 1600 Com'wealth a Jerome ave sub 225 Scammel st 1650 Sc Lawr'ce av Minfopd PI. fp 275 Jackson st ave 1800 Beach 901 Jennings st 317 Corlears st Meppitt Ave. fp N. to Boston rd 320 Mangin st Hutchinson af N. 180th subw 1 bl E H35 Grand st ear Merry Ave. frjuio Jennings st Montepey Av fr 3051 LaSalle ave 1521 E. 172nd st 551 E. Tremont N to Middletown Minnifopd Ave. av N to E. ISlst 1559 Zuletto ave (City Isl.) fp Montgomepy av I5S7 Middletown rd Ditmars st N. E. fr VV. 174th N. to a? Metcalf Ave. fr to 170 Terrace st W. Tremont Bronx River ave 401 Ditmars st Montgomepy St N at E 177th st 451 Howne st fr 210 Division — Westchester ave ."01 FJeach st st S to Ea.

3o Madison st bus Jerome av 3ub 2 bIks 590 Garfeld st 49 Monroe st W above 170tn 624 Fillmore st 73 Cherry st 281 E. 139th st 645 Unionport st 79 Water st 308 E. 140th st 650 Amethyst st 89 Front st 329 E. 141st st 675 Victor st 100 South st 367 E. 142nd st 689 Wh Pins car Montrcello Ave. 381 E. 143rd st 725 Hunt ave fr 1375 E. 233d 401 E. 144tti st 745 Holland ave st NW. to City li 473 E. 146th st 775 Wallace ave White Plains subw 519 E. 148th st 787 Barnes ave 3901 E. 233r(l st 551 E. 149th st 812 Matthews ave 4001 Strar.g ave 583 E. 150th st 813 Rose st 4101 Edenwald ave 617 E. 151st st 853 Muliner ave 4201 Bussing ave 641 E. 152nd st 857 Graham ave 4250 Pittman ave 661 E. 153rd st 865 Delancey pi 4401 ^ereid ave 691 E. 154th st 900 Bronxdale ave 4501 Bissel ave 702 E. 155th st 955 Bogart ave 4601 Cranford ave 782 Park ave 000 Paulding ave Moore St. from 800 E. 158th st 1100 Lurting ave E. 160th st 32 Pearl st S. 860 ISOO Eastchester rd E. 161$t ear to 7 South st 880 2640 Blondell ave E. 162nd st 11 Water st 903 2800 Appleton ave E. 163rd st 29 Front st 935 2824 Mulford ave Bonner pi 34 South st 948 2850 Mayflower ave Morgan Ave. fr 963 E. 164th st 2874 Pilgrim ave 1211 E. 167th st 1425 Bronx and 2900 Edison ave E. 168th st Pelham pkwy N. 2920 Hobart ave 1290 E. 169th car White Plains subway 3100 Wcstchestr av 1401 E. 170th st 2201 Pelhm pky W 3150 Gainsborg ave 1501 E. 172nd st 2501 Mace ave Morris St. fr 1549 E Mt Eden av 2301 Astor ave 29 Broadway W 1661 E. 173rd st 2401 Warin" ave to 24 West st 1724 E. 174th st 2701 Allerton ave (Hudson River) 1800 Grand blvd 2800 Arnow ave 1 Broadway 1850 E. 176th st 2900 Gun Hill rd 6 Trinity pi 1872 Mt. Hope pi ynorningside Av 11 Greenwich st 1900 E. 177th st fr W. 114th 19 Washington st 351 1966 Tremont ear N to W. 127th 21 West st 2000 E. 179th st 6th & 9th av L 2 2040 E Burnside av Morrison Av fr All Nos. Bronx Riv av N. blocks E. 2151 E. 181st st 114th st 1 W. 2171 Cameron pi Morton St. fr W. 115th st 14 2231 E. 182n.l st 275 Bleecker st W. 116th st 20 2295 E. 183rd st W. to 369 West 117th st 32 W. 2338 Field pi 1 Bleecker st 118th st 40 W. 2384 E. 184th st 29 Bedford st .'12 W, 119th st 2461 E Fordh. av 67 Hudson st 5{> 120th st W. 2751 E. 196th st 83 G'wlch 9th av L 72 W. 121st st 96 W'athington st Morris PI. ^r 88 W. 122nd st — West st Park av 103 W. 123rd st 3674 E Morton PI. fr (1st S of 170h) 113 W. 124th st 1820 Univrsity av 3d av L to 169h sta 149 W. 126th st E. to 1821 Har- 175 W. 127th st Morris Pk. Ave rison ave fVlorningside Dr fr Van Nest or Mosholu Ave fr fr 110th N. to near 1201 177th W 254th nr Riv- W. 122i st to Pelh. Bay pk; erdale av N. & E. Subway 2 biks W 400 E. Trem't car to B'wy & 256th 1 W. 130th st 425 Wyatt st also through Van 47 W. 114th st Morris Park car Cortlandt Park 57 W. 115th st 401 178th st Mosholu Pkwy 87 W. llSth st 450 Lebanon st fr Van Cortlandt 100 W. 120th st 460 E. 180th st Pk to Bronx Pk Morris Ave fr 501 Adams st Mosholu Pkwy 2577 3d av (E. 525 Van Buren st E. (SOUTH) t38th) N. to 547 Melville st fr Jerome ave E. Jer'me av at 198 575 Taylor st So. Side of Drive RED BOOK GUIDE 4?

2 Jerome ave 1 Jerome ave L |4(K)1 Strang ave ICK) Van Cortl'dt E 51 Walton dve 14100 Kdenwald ave 13f) E. 2nGth St 101 Morris ave :4200 Kussing ave blvd 14 I E. 205th St 151 Grand 4400 Nereid ave 14^ Lisbon pi 201 Monroe ave 4500 Bissel ave -du E. 204th St 255 Anthony ave 4()0() Cranford ave 214 E. 203rd st Mt. IViorris Ave 4501 E. 242nd st 800 Bainbridge ave W. side of Mt. Murray St. fr 320 Perry st Morris Park 247 Broadway W 380 Decatur ave Mt. Morris PI. to 167 West st Mosholu Pkwy (W. 124th) N. (Hudson River) E. (NORTH) side of Park 1 Broadway Northside of drve- Moylan PI. fr 33 Church st way E. of Jerome 1336 Amstrdm av 65 W. Broadway 1 Jerome ave W to 3160 Brdwy 89 Greenwich st 25 Kossuth ave I Amsterdam av 97 Warhington st 121 Steuben ave 71 Broadway 111 West st 151 Vn C'tl'dt av E Mulberry St. fr Nagle Ave. fr 206th st 201 E. 184 Park Row N Broadway & Hill- Ave. from side ave iMott to 42 Bleecker st E. to E 138th at Har- 1 Park Row Amsterdam ave ^ R.B. to E. 205th lem II Worth st st 161st st Arden st 26 Park st 138 Park ave Thayer s 220 65 Bayard st 106 E. 138th st St. av 250 99 Canal st ear 169 Nicholas Cheever pi 329 127 Hester st Napier Ave. fr E. 144th st 399 155 Grand st ear 51 E. 233d N. Mott St. from 177 Broome st to 4310 Van Row N 215 Park 209 Spring st Cortlandt Park E to 32 Bleecker st 255 Prince st (3rd East of of Bow'y) (2dW 271 Jersey st Jierome ave) 1 Park Row 293 E. Houston ear Webster ave car 21 Park st 315 Bleecker st car 4200 E. 233rd st 38 Pell st Mulford Ave fr 42! 10 E. 236th st Bayard st 53 2825 Middletown Narragansett 83 Canal st car Ave. fr Morris rd to 2.S24 WU- pk lin Hester st av kinson ave & Eastchester 115 Grand st ear 1601 Middletwn rd Nassau St. fp 175 Broome st 1()25 Westchester av 15 Wall st N. to >0T Spring st 1700 Roberts ave 41 Park Row (1st 537 Prince st 1800 Buhre ave E. of Broadway) !(i3 E. Hoyston ear 1851 Laurie ave 1 Wall st 19 Bleecker st 1900 Morris Pk ave 13 Pine st Aott Haven can Mullner Ave. fr 23 Cedar st al fr Harlem Riv 37 Liberty st 847 Morris Pk av N. to 138th (2d 53 Maiden la N. to Bronx and W. of 3d ave) 67 Johfl st Pelham pkwy At. Eden Ave. 81 Fulton st 1801 Morris pk av (W.) from 1579 99 Ann st 1901 Rhinelander a Jerome ave W. to 1.33 Beekman st 1905 Bronxdale ave Macomljs rd 154 Park Row 2000 Brady ave 01 Monroe ave Tribune & World Bli St. fr 31 Topping ave Mulvey Mavy Ave. from E. 233rd st N. 00 Webster av ear W. 197th & Jer- It. Eden Ave. Mundy La from ome av .\. to W. ave (E) from 1580 2151 Pitman 206th st Jerome ave E. to N. to City line Needham Av fr 360 Nereid ave Webster ave E. 216th st NE. 1 Jerome av sub. Munn Ave. fr to Boston rd and n Grand blvd 2274 Westchester N Y Wstchter and 10 Morris ave av E. to Com- Boston RR. Jl Eastburn ave jpercc ave l.-^OO E. 216th st >1 Weeks ave Murdock Av fr 1401 Fish ave It. Hope PI. fr E. 233(i st N.W. 1451 Fcnton av. 1876 Jerome ave to City line 11501 Eastchester ti to 1871 Anthony 3901 E. 233rd st 11700 E. 222nd at 48 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX Bowery fr Seward Park N to 2000 Boston Id New Houston 392 Pearl st N. 247 E. Neill Ave. from Seward Pk to 231 Park Row — Wm 1950 Brnxdale av 18 Hester st pky 1 Pearl st NE. to Pelh. 43 Grand st car ave 2 Oak st 825 Matthews Broome st 5 Chestnut st 65 1000 Colden ave S3 Delancey st ave 17 Roosevelt st 1121 Tomlinson Kivington st 23 Madisn st busses 123 Neison Ave. tr Rivingtou 8t 43 James st 157 120 W. 164th N Stanton st 59 Oliver st 162 to Macombs rd car 64 Park Row 190 E. Houston (3d W of Jer'e) Norman Ave fP 1 bik W New St. from X)gi?en car 3951 Sedg^vick a? W. 164th St 3 Wall st S. to 1000 N. to Van Cort- 165th St Marketf'd st (Ist] TOGO W. Park I landt 166tn St E. of Broadway) 1100 W. Ave. W. 167th St 1 Wall st Northern 1160 177th W. 16Sth St 39 Exchange pi fr W. (3 1200 B'wy) 1300 W. 169th St 51 Beaver st Mks W. of 1340 W. 170th St Newbold Ave fr N to Ft Wash, av 1400 Boscobel ave Virginia ave E. Norton Ave fP av E. 1600 Featherbed la to Commerce ave Barrett 1660 W. 175th St Westchester ave car N. William St. 1677 Brandt pi 1920 Virginia ave fr 16 Brooklyn Nereid Ave. fp 1940 E. 177th st Bridge N to Park Bronx River E. & 2000 Pugsley ave Row N. to City line 2100 Olmstead { N. Moore St fr (1st N of 237h) 12200 Castle Hill a 234 West Broad- 550 Bullard ave 12300 Havemeyer av way W. to 224 600 Bronx blvd Newell Ave. fr West st (Hud R.) 624 Carpenter ave 500 Burke av N. 1 W. Broadway 650 Matilda ave to Gun Hill rd 6th ave L 670 Richardson st Newman Av fr 17 Varick st rti sub 700 Wh Pin Bronx Riv ave at 47 Hudson st ave av L 724 Furman Classon Pt. Pk. N 73 G'wch 9th ave st ROO Barnes to Compton ave 79 Washington 2000 Wilder ave 200 Gildrsleeve av 105 West st 2075 "\Iurdock ave 301 O'Brien ave Oak Dr. (N.) ave 2101 Hill 354 Compton ave fr Cruger ave E. av 2125 Monticello Newport Av fr to Bronxwood av ^^201 Seton ave sub Niagara ave S. White Plains rd rietherland Ave Newton Ave. fr 725 Cruger ave fr 550 Kappock 735 Holland ave 221 W. 254th st N. to 550 261st 781 Hickory ave N. to 220 260th! (nr 227th st) Barnes ave 5400 W. 254th st SOI Van CertI'dt pk sub 837 Bronxwood ave 5600 W. 256th st 2700 W. 227th st 5641 Faraday ave Oak Dp. (S.) . Spuyten Duyv 701 ]\Iosholu ave fr Cruger av E, 5000 W. 250th st 5900 W. 25nth si to Bronxwood av 5400 W. 254th st Nicholas PI fr White Plains rd sub New Chambers Cruger ave 109 Prescott ave S. 750 St. from PI. fr 770 Holland ave Park Row E. to Nindham 2701 Kingsbridge .82 Wallace ave 76 Cherry st 795 Chestnut st Row rd E. 1 Park Ninth Ave. sec 850 Bronxwood ave 7 Duane st Page 80 Oak St. from 13 Willian! st Noble Ave. fr 392 Pearl st N.E 35 Pearl st Bronx Riv av N to 68 Catharine 36 Rose st Bronx Riv a 1 Pearl st & New — Madison st to 177th st Bowery 50 Chestnut st nr E. V'w av 4 Chestnut st 51 New Bowery 900 Sound Ludlow nvp 12 New Chambers 53 Roosevelt st 1000 Ave from 16 Roosevelt st 63 Oak st Noell av NW 35 James st 69 Batavia st Hutch'son fr 47 Oliver st ,S7 .lames st Norfolk St. at 57 Catharine st 90 Cherry st 31 Hester st R£D BOOK GUIDE 49 Oakland PI. fr Middlctown rd 1170 E. "irrth St ave 2060 Belmont av (Bronx) ' 1200 Gleasou ave E. to 2061 Pros- Old Broadway 121G Ellis pect ave (1st S. fr W. 12.5th st N 12G0 Newbold ave Westehter car of 180th st) to 550 W. 1.33r(l 1300 So. bid ear 2 bl E Van Cort'dt Pk sub Pelham subway 601 Belmont ave 1 Manhattan st 1438 Unionport rd 701 Crotona ave 17 Lawrence st Starling ave 731 Clinton ave 21 W. 129th st Tremont ave St from 61 W. 130th st Oneida Ave. tr I Oakley 3721 Laconia ave 75 W. 131st st 101 E. 233di N. NE to 3615 East- 88 W. 132nd st to 4330 Van C't- Chester rd 100 w. 133rd st landt av (4th E. 1300 Laconia ave Old Slip from of Jerome ave) 1401 Fish ave Hanover square to Webster ave car 1421 E. 219th st East River 4200 E. 233rd st 1449 Pent on ave 1 Hanover square Orchard St. fr Oak Point Ave. 3 Pearl st 122 Division st fr 500 Cabot st 15 Water st N. to 185 East

N.E. to Bronx R. 25 Front st Houston i:t (Hunts Point) 47 South st 1 Division st Oak Ter. from Olinville Av fr 9 Canal »t car 340 Crimmins av Burke ave N. to 39 Hester st E. to 341 Beek- 640 E. 219th st 65 Grand st car man av (1st N. Wh Plains rd subw. 87 Broome st of 141st st) 3201 BurkT ave 105 Delancey st St. Ann's ave car 3301 Rosewood st 145 Rivington st Oak Tree PI. fr 3401 Magenta st 167 Stanton st 2144 Lafontaine 34 SO Duncomb ave 190 E. Houston car ave E. to 2151 3r00 E Gun Hill rd Orchard Street Hughes ave 3605 E. 213th st (City Isl.) fr sta st 3d av L to 18Sd 3705 E. 216th 275 City Isl. ave 551 Lafontaine ave 3763 E. 219th st E. & W. Arthur ave PI. from 601 Oliver 140 City Isl. ave 627 Hughes ave 2838 Marion av OrlofT Ave. fp O'Brien Ave fr E. to 2837 Web- W. 238th N. to Bronx Riv ave at ster ave Van Cortlandt pk Taylor ave E. to Webster ave car Osborne PI. fr Pugsley Creek 351 Marion ave W. Tremont av N 1920 Wh Plains rd 381 Decatur ave Odell St from to ISOth st (1st Oliver St. from E. of Sedgwick) 14(X) Unionport New Bowery 59 Osgood St. fr rd N.W. to Purdy S. to East River N. to 680 E. Westchester ave ear 1 New Bowery N. to 679 E. 1300 Unionport rd 16 Henry st ave 243rd st 1366 Starling 33 Madison it bas 4800 E. 242nd st 1525 Archer st 53 Oak st PI. 1551 St. Raym'd av 83 Cherry st Osman from Cranford are Ogden Ave. fr 93 Water st 816 to Vernon 805 Jerome avo Olmstead Av fr S. p'k- way (N) N. to University Pugsley's Crk at Ogden ave car Norton st N. to Otis Ave. from S50 Jerome ave 21

I Ohm Ave. from 1130 H&viland ave ave N.W. to»2550 Spencer dr N. tu 1160 Powell ave Tremont ave )


Westchester ave car Grand Cent, sta 1400 Westchester a 1425 Tratman ave 1500 Frisby ave 1521 Glebe ave '^ 1611 St Raym'd av 1631 Maclay ave 1700 Tremont ave Overlook Ter. fr W. 184th (2d W. of Broadway) Oxford Ave. fr W. 232d st N. to Johnson ave ' , (2d W of Biver- dale ave) 3200 W. 232nd st 3G00 W. 236th st Oxford PI. from 2205 Loring pi W Paine St. from 1214 Bradford av E. to Crosby ave 2900 Bradford ave 2930 Edison ave Palisade Av fr Johnson ave and Spuyten Duyv. rd (alg Harlem E. 2400 Johnson ave 2500 Independ'ce a 3(J00 W. 236th st 5400 W. 254th st W. 261st st Palisade PI. fr betw W. Tremont & Popham av Sedgwick ave car Palmer Ave. fr Pelham Bay Pk i Bassett ave to E

, den ave 2201 Bassett ave 2201 Waring ave Park Ave (con- tinuation of 4th ave) fr 63 E. 34th st N. to E. 135th st & H. R. East Side sub to 42d Mad. av car 1 bi W 1 E. 34th car Subway sta. 23 E. 35th st 39 E. 36th st 49 E. 37th st 67 E. 38th st 81 E. 39th st 301 E. 40th Auto

I Viaduct around RED BOOK GUIDE 61

o042 E. 156th st 41 Spruce st 1600 Pierce ave S072 E. 157th st 61 Frankfort st 1700 Van Nest a?e 3102 E, 15Sth st 74 Centre City H 'I 1800 Morris Pk ave 3124 E. 159th st 87 N. William st 1900 Khinelandr av 3150 E. 160th st 91 Chambers st 2000 Noell ave 3180 E. 161st ear Municipal BIdg. 2100 Lydig ave E. 162nd st B'way, Canarste and Bronx & Pel- & Teller ave Culver L sta bam pkwy 3275 E. 163d st 107 Duaue st 3000 Adee ave 3295 E. 164th st 109 New Chambers 3200 Burke ave & Clay ave 152 Pearl st 33022 E. 172nd st Park Ter. (W) 3900 222nd st E. 173rd st 3970 fr Ishani st N. to 3925 223rd st 4034 E. 174th st W. 218lh st (2d 3i>24 Corsa la Ittner pi 4063 W. of Broadway) 3950 E. 224th st 4121 E. 175th st Parker St from 8075 E. 225th st 4171 E. 176th st 2325 Westchester 4000 E. 226th st 4200 E. Trem't car ave N. to 1612 4100 E. 22Stn st 4250 E. 17Slh st Purdy st 4125 E. 230th st 4301 Alden pi 13;30 Munn ave 4151 E. 231st st 4305 E. 179th st 1400 Westch'r car 4175 E. 232nd st 4380 E. 180th car 1499 Lyon ave 4175 E. 233rd st 4400 E. 181st st 1551 Glebe ave 4490 E. 182ud st Payne St. from IGOO St. R^m'd a 4550 E. 183rd st Edgewater rd N. 1625 Stearns st 4521 E. 184th st to Lafayette ave 1634 Maclay ave 4541 B. lS5th st Payson Ave. fr 1700 Ca.stle Hill a 4 020 E. 186th st Upper Rtversitte Parkside PI. fr 4 4676 E. 187th st N. to 290 Dyck" 3200 Webster av 4754 E. 189th st man av W. S. sill ^orth paralleling & 3r(i ave same Pearl St. from Park St. from State -^ E. 207th st 17 st E. N, 23 Baxter st N.E Parkview PI. & W. to 318 to Mott st 21 Sep Dcvne ter Broadway 85 Baxter & W'tb Parsons Ave fr 1 State B'wy car 95 lluiberr? st 23 Whitehall 2250 Dewey ave st 115 Mutt st 32 Moore st to Philip arc Park P{. from 57 Broad st Parson's 239 Broadway W Row 75 Coenties al (Private to 158 West st st 233d 105 Hanover sq 1 Broadway subw & Broadway) 106 Old slip West Side subway Patchin PI. fr 10!) WilUam st Express station 111 W. lOth st 123 Hanover square 29 Church st Patterson Ave. 2d & 3d av L sts 6th ave L sta fr Bronx Riv. E. 135 Beaver st 63 VV. Broadway to Compton av at 151 Wall st 79 Greenwich st Newman ave 171 Pine st 93 Washington st 1801 Beach ave 181 Cedar st 105 West st 1819 Taylor ave 201 Maiden la Park Row from Paulding Av fr 206 Fletcher st 222 Broadway N. 2451 E. Tremont 225 Piatt st E. to Bowerj- (at ave N. to 1000 234 Burling slip Chatham sq) E. 233rd st 241 John st Pott Ofllcfl White Plains rd car 269 Fulton st 1 Ann st 1501 Trem't av ear 8d & 3d av L sU 83 Beekmao st 1515 Poolar st 287 Beekmao A 52 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

313 Ferry st nr 241st st E. to Johnson 312 Peck slip '-, 701) Wii I'l-dim rrl Pike St. from 340 Dover st -^ 8(11 Barnes ave 107 Division st 351 Frankfort st Pennyfield Ave. S. to 241 South (Brooklj'ti Bridge) fr Ft Schuyler pk 1 Division st 2d & Sd av L sta N. to 1100 Shore 5 E. Broadway car 869 Haglue st drive 19 Henry st 392 Oak st Perot St. from 35 Madison st buses 399 New Bowery 3100 Kingsbridge 55 Monroe st 403 Vandewateur st ter E. to Sedg- 69 Cherry st 412 New Chambers wick ave 79 Water st 421 Hose st Numbers 1 to 10 87 South st 426 Madisou st Perry Ave. fr Pilgrim Ave. fr • 449 William st 321 Bedford pk 2865 Middletown 461 Park Row blvd N. to E. rd to 1800 Pel- City Hall pi 211th st ham pkwy (S) Srd ave cars Webster ave car 1600 Middlet'n rd 505 Park st 2950 Bedf. Pk bid 1700 Roberts ave 507 Centre st 2990 E. 201st st 1700 Westchter car 520 Lafayette st 3010 E Mosb. pk S 3 800 Buhre ave 537 Elm st 3035 E Mosh. pk N UKX) Morris Pk ave 555 Broadway car 3182 E. 205th st 2000 Wilkinson ave Pearsall Ave fr 3211 E. 206th st 2024 E. 194th st 1225 Bronx and 3243 E. 207th st 2050 E. 195th st Pelham pkway N. 3263 Holt pi 2074 E. 196th st to 3350 Bostn rd 3306 E. 209th st 2100 E. 197th st 3001 Adee ave 3371 Reservoir pi Pillow PI. from 3200 Burke ave 3385 Gun Hill rd Shore dr E. to 3300 Givan & Gun Perry St. from Pennyfield ave Hill rd 35 Greenwich av Pilot St. (City Peartpee Av fr W. to Hudson R. Island) from Hutchinson av at 1 Greenwich ave 125 City Is av E Burke N. W. to 15 Waverly pi Pinkney Ave fr Boston rd 49 W. 4th st Hutchinson av N. Peck Slip from 85 Bleecker st Pine St. from Hudson st 318 Pearl st to 101 120 Broadway E. East Eiver (near 119 G'wch 9th av L to South st E. B. Brooklyn Bridge) 149 Washington st 7 Broadway 1 Pearl st 171 West st 15 Nassau st 17 Water st Philip Ave fr 49 William st 33 Front st 800 Ferris ave E. 79 Pearl st 45 South 8t to Shore dr 87 Water st Pelham Bridge 2900 E Tremont av 95 Front st Rd. N. fr City 2950 Edison ave 99 South st Isl. sta Hartford 3000 Logan ave Pinehurst Ave. RR. & Pelham pk 3150 Ellsworth ave fr W. 177th N. Pelham Pkway 3226 Wilcox ave to W. 18l8t (2d (N & S) fr Brnx Pierce Ave. fr W. of Broadway) Pk. to 1701 Bas- 1060 Br'xdale av Van Cort'dt Pk sub set ave k Tf. Y. E. to Sacket av & 1 W. 177th st N. a Rft. Eastchester rd 23 W. 178th st 1301 WlLson ave 900 Bronxdale ave 41 W. 179th st 1400 Seymour ave 950 Bogart ave 61 W. 180th st 1451 Fenton ave 974 RadclifF ave Pitman Ave. fr Pelham St. fr 1000 Colden ave E. 236th st and 96 Monroe st S. l(i25 Paulding ave Bronxweod ave to to 197 Cherry st :j(lf)0 Hone av? City line Pell St. from K'75 Lurting ave 170(^ BroiLXwood av 18 Bowery st W. 1101 Halght ave 1724 Digney ave to 33 Mott st 1125 Tnmlitison av 1750 Boyd ave 1 Bowery 1141 Ya'os ave 1774 Ounther ave 15 Dcyers st 1161 Herring ave 1800 Wickhara ave 35 Mott st 1181 Terabrock ave 1S23 Brumer ave Penfield St. fr 1225 Newport ive li]2i Grace ave 4750 ^Yh Plains Pierce St. from lt)50 Edson ave rd E to City line 2500 Kiippock sf 2001 Baychester av RED BOOK GUIDE 63

2]0(» Hill a¥e to Montgomery )3000 E. 233d st 2J24 Aionticello av (od W. ol Uiii- 1^000 Dark st Pitt St. from versity avj .l{.30 Strang ave 459 Grand st (at Sedgwick ave car Preble St from DiTision) N. to 1701 W. 176th st East River N. to 357 E. Houston INCK) Popham ave Edgewater road 1 Grand st Poplar St from (Hunts Point) 37 Broome st 1450 Brnxdale av Prentiss Ave fr 31 Ddancey st E. iUong R.R. to L.I. Sound N. to 67 Bivington st 1519 WiUiams- Shore dr 107 Stanton st bridge rd Prescott Av fr 131 E. Houston st E. Tremont car 261 Dyckman st PJatt St. Bronxdale ave from N. to Spuyten Pearl Lurting ave 225 st W, 2500 Duyvil Creek to 100 William 252S Haight ave President Av fp Pleasant fr 2550 Roselle ave Av W. 197th nr Je- 435 E. 107th N 2600 W'msbridge rd rome ave N. to W to 450 E. 124th Porter St from 206th st 1 E. 107th st East River N. to Prince St. 31 E. lOSth it Edgewater (Hunts fp 230 Bowery to 41 E. lOiith st Point) W 34 MacDougal st 51 E. 110th st Post Ave. from 1 Bowery 3d av L 63 E. 111th st Dyckman st E to 15 Elizabeth st 263 E. 114th st Amsterdam av & 31 Mott st 279 E. 115th st VV. 20Sth st 45 Mulberry st S03 E. 116th st 51 Academy st 59 Lafayette st 321 E. 117th st 93 W. 204th st 67 Crosby st 341 E. 118th st 131 W. 207th st 79 B'way ssbw sta 341 E. 119th st Post Rd. (The) 91 Mercrr st 381 E. 120th st fr Broadway at 107 Greene st 401 E. 121st st Spuyten Duyv pky E. 125 Wooster st 421 122nd st 4600 W. 246tll st E. 145 W. Broadway 443 123rd st

Leland ave | 1379 Bitter pi Putnam PI. fr 18G0 Underbill ave 1407 Jenniugs st Reservoir Oval N. 1880 1433 E. 170th st to 211th st Randolph PI. fp 1433 BostiHi rd car Quarry Rd. fr Kennelworth pi E 3439 Lafayette pi 3d av (atlSOth) to Stadium ave 1450 Crotona pk S N.E. to Arthur av (Brcinx) 1780 Crotona pk N 3d av L to 183d sta Rawlins Ave. fr 1801 E. 175th st 2016 181st Oak tr Eastern blvd E to 1877 E. 176th st Quimby Ave fr Stadium av Bronx 1905 Fairmount pi 930 Wh Plains rd Reade St. trom 1930 Elsmere pi E. to Westchester 25 Duane st W. 1961 E. Trem't car Creek to 186 West st 1981 E. 178th st Classon Point car (North River) 2043 E. 179th st 1900 Wh Plains rd 1 Duane st 2061 Oakland pi 2000 Pugsley ave Municipal BIdg 2100 fc. 180th car 2100 Olmstead ave 6 Centre st 2131 E. 181st st 2200 Castle Hill a 14 Elm st 2190 E. 182nd st 23()0 Hav«meyer av 34 Manhattan pi 2250 Garden st 2400 Zerega ave 51 Broadway cart 2260 Grote st Qumcy Ave. fr 85 Church st 2290 E. 183rd st East River N. to 113 W. Broadway st •2340 E. lS5th St. Raymond cem 6tii ave L E. 187th st 2400 9(X) Lafayette ave 127 Hudson st Prospect PI. fr 800 Philip ave 163 Greenwich st Clay ave E. to 1000 Barkley av 177 Washington st Anthony ave (1st Quincy Place 195 West st above 174th) now Quincy ave Rector St. fp Webster ave dar Rachel La. fr 73 Broadway W. fr to 57 West at Prospect PI. 16 Goerck st W (North River) 343 E 40th N. to 13 Mangin st to 348 E. 43rd 1 Broadway RadclifT Ave fr 2d av L 1 bik W. 12 Trinity pi Sacket av 1 E. 40th st 975i 17 Greenwich st N.Y. N.H. & ] 19 E. 41st st 27 Washington st RB. N. to Bronx 59 E. 42ud st 34 West st Pelham pkway; 67 E. 4:3rd st & Reed PI. from also N. to 925 Provost Ave fr Country Club rd N Mawneta st Boston rd N. to to Spencer dr Brx 1550 Sacket ave city line (near Reeds Mill I 1(500 Pierce ave W. & B. R.R.) 3406 Varian ave 1800 Morris Pk ave Pugsley Ave fp N to 2210 Hollrs 2000 Neill ave Bronx Riv av Reiss PI. from 20 3001 Adee ave Mc- Bronx Park E. to N. to 2000 Burke ave Graw ave 3^,01 Barker ave 3301 Duncan ave E. 177th st 1250 Boston rd Renwick St. fP Westchester a 1260 W'msbiSlge rd 505 Canal st W St. from Pupdy Magnet a st to 308 Spring si 2161 Westchester Radio Dr. from Republican At. to ave N. 2350 Griswold av E. to Elm & Reade sts E. Tremonf. ave Lucerne st (Brnx) Research Av. fr Westchestr av 1300 Griswold av N. to Starling ave Rae St. from 1501 Watt av (Bronx) Raym'd av st Ann's ave W. 1550 St. Ave. 1612 Parker ave to Hegney pi Reservoir E Tremont av Randall Ave. fr fr 50 W. Kings- N. W. Puritan Ave. fr Truxton & Leg- bridge rd (alg Jerome Ees- Tremont av gett ave E. te 3529 ervoir) to 2850 La- Bronx River; also N. Pl« Calle ave at St to L.I. Sound Reservoir Raymond eem. Randall ave car fr Reservoir Oval 1200 E Tremont a, 1340 Ix)ngfellow st (E) N. to Gun 1300 Waterbury ave 1350 Hunts Pt ave Hill rd (E. 1600 Bronx Ri? ave Wefcster ave ear Putnam Av »i A W.) from W. 1781 St Uwr-ce a» 280 Beser? Oral RED BOOK GUIDE 5S Reservoir Oval ave L Riverside Drive (E) along East 276 E. 139th st fr 325 W. 72nd side of Williams- 3S0 E. 142nd st st N. to Br'dway bridge Reservoir Ridge St. from & Dyckman st Holt pi 3300 249 Division st Subway 1 bU East Reservoir Oval N. to 341 East 1 W. 72ud st (W) along West Houston st 11 W. 73rd st side of Williams- 1 Division st 21 W. 74th st bridge Reservoir 11 Grand st car 25 W. 75th st Reservoir PI fr 37 Broome st 39 W. 76th st Beserv'r Oval (E) 55 DtUaucey st 49 W. 77th st North 95 Rivlngton st 59 W. 78th st W. 79th Revere Ave. fr 133 Stanton st 73 st 77 W. SOth st East River N. to 154 E. Houston car 85 W. 81st st St. Raym'ds cem. RItter PI. from 95 W. 82nd st 801 Philip ave 1288 Union ave 109 W. 83rd st 900 Lafayette ave E. to Pros- 12S7 119 W. 84th st 1000 Barkley ave pect ave 129 W. 85th st 1100 Eastern blvd Boston rd car 139 W. 8(jth st 801 Utiion ave Review PI. fr 147 W. 87th st W. 23Sth St N. River Ave. 162 W. ^8th st (1st E of B'way) E. 149th N Soldiers' & Sailors' Reynolds Av fr Jerome ave Monument L. I. Sound N. 168th st (2nd 170 W. 8!)th st Rhinelander Av E. of Macombs 180 W. 90th st Park) 185 W. 91st fr Bronx Pk E. st to Stillwell ave 550 E. 149th st 200 W. 92 nd st (nr Pelh. pkwy) 5S»J E. 150th st 210 W. 93rd st E. 220 W. 94th st 650 Unionport rd 680 151st st E. W. st 6G1 Amethyst st 700 153rd st 230 95th E. 682 Victor st 780 157th st 240 W. 96th st E. 694 Wh PI rd car S90 IGlst st 250 W. 97th st 707 Hunt ave 1000 E. KMth st 260 W. 9Sth st - 1211 E. st 270 W. 99th st — Holland ave lG7th - 2S0 W. 100th — Wallace ave Riverdale Ave. st — Barnes ave 290 W. 101st st — fr Spuyten Diiyvil - Matthews 296 W. 102nd st — ave rd & W. 231st - Muliiier 310 W. 103rd st — ave st N. to Yonkers 318 W. 104th st' 845 Brouxdale ave line 1140 Wmsbridge rd 330 W. 2()."th st Van CortI'df pk sub Rices Stadium 340 W. 106th st 3200 W. 232nd st & Playground 350 W. 107th st 3400 W. 234th st 300 W. 108th Eastcliester blvd & st 3410 Greystone ave 370 W. 109th Middletown rd st 3500 W. 235th st W. (Bronx) 380 110th st 3505 Fieldston rd (Cathedral Parkw'y) 3600 W. 236th st Richardson Ave 390 W. 111th 8t fr E. 3610 Cambridge av , 675 236th 400 W. 112th st oSOO W. 23Sth st st N. to 672 E. 410 W. 113th — Spuyten Duy- st 242pd st 420 W. 114th st vil parkway White Plains rd car 430 W 115th st 4500 W. 245th st 4301 E. 236th st 440 W. 116th st 4601 W. 246th st 4357 B. 237th s». 470 W. 119th st 4701 W. 247th st 4401 Nereid ave 480 W. 120th st 4901 W. 249th st 4501 E. 239th st 500 W. 122nd st 5001 W. 250th st 4601 E. 240th st 5201 W. 252nd st GRANT'S TOMB 4701 E. 241st St. 5300 W. 253rd st W. 124th st 4767 E. 242nd st 5401 W. 254th st W. 125th st Rider Ave from 5500 W. 255th st 550 W. 127th 8t 219 E. 135th N 5600 W. 256th st 515 Claremont pi to 222 E. 144th Googan's al 545 Tiemann p. (1st W of 3d av) 5900 W. 259th st 569 St. Clair pi 200 E. 136th st 6001 W. 260th st W. 129th st 224 E. 137th st 6100 W, 261st st Viadaet 261 E. I38th 3rd 6200 Wk,262Qd at 577 W. 135tti st 06 MEW vovtK'MmmA'wmifi^^ ^ bronx

587 W. ]36th St 251 Sheriff st Rcmbouts Av fl» 597 VV, 137th st 267 Columbia st 2241 Adee ave 3 607 W. 138th St 289 Cannon st E. to Hutchinson 620 W. 139th St 305 Lewis st 3501 Hollers ave 627 W. 140th St 321 Goerck st 8601 Boston rd 640 W. 141st St 337 Mangin st 3701 Conner st 644 W. 142n(l st 355 Tompkins st 3801 Light st tJ60 W. 143rd st Roberts Ave fr 3901 P. 233rd st 668 W. 144th st 1400 E. Tremont N Y. Westchtr 678 W. 145th st ave & W'mbridge & Boston RH. 690 W. 146th st rd E. 4028 City line 700 W. 147th st 2601 E. Tremont a? Roosevelt St fr 710 W. 14Sth st 2700 Blondel ave 187 Park Row tS 718 W. 149th st Robertson Pi fr 174 South st 150th st 730 W. Country Club rd N 33 Rose st 151st st 740 W. to Middletown rd 49 New Bowery 750 W. 152nd st (Bronx) 71 Oak st 761 W. 153rd st 91 Cherry st Robertson St. 780 W 155th ear 117 Water st fr 641 E. 242d 788 W. 156th st 131 Front st st N. to 650 E. 800 W. 157th st 135 South st 243rd st Audubon pi Roosevelt av fr 4800 E. 242nd st 810 W. 158th st E. Tremont (near 869 W. 160th st Robinson Av fr 177th) W. 200 900 W. 161st st East River N. to feet 910 W. 162nd st Lafayette ave Ropes Av from 165th st W. Rochambeau av Boston rd at citf st W. 170th fr Bainbridge ave line East W. 181st st N. to E. 212th Rose St. from . ave — Chittenden Rochelle Street 36 Frankfort A Dyckman st (City Isl.) fr N. to 415 Peail Riverview Ten. 39 City Isl. ave 1 Frankfort st fr 531 E. 58th E. & W. (Brooklyn Bridge) N to 530 E 59th Rockwood St. 57 Pearl st Riverside Ter. fr 1530 Waltfln Rosedale Av fr E. side of River- ave E. to 1530 Lafayette ave A side dr. W 177th Grand blvd Sound View av N N. to W. 181st Jerome ave subway to TremoBt av A Rivington St fr Rodman PI. fr 180th st 1914 Longfellow Sound View 213 Bowery to ft av E to W Farms Westeh'tr cat East River 1250 Pelham sabway 1 Bowery 3d a» L Roebling Av fr Appleton av 1350 Beacon ave — Freeman al 1574 1400 Tacoma st 17 Chrystie st E. to 1575 Edi- 1431 E. 177th 8t 35 Forsythe st son ave 1458 Merrill st 53 Eldridge st 2801 Appleton ave 1500 Mansion st 67 Allen 2d av L 2851 Mayflower ave 1543 Trem't av lar 83 Orchard st Rogers PI from Rose! I e St. fr 99 Ludlow Et 857 Dawson st N 1519 Silver st N 1<15 Essex st to 900 E. 165th to 2540 Poplar 129 Norfolk st (at HaU pi) 145 Suffolk st 180tb subw to In- Rosewood St fr 163 Clinton st tervale station Bronx River E to 179 Attorney st 900 Dawson st Cruger ave 193 Ridge st 940 163d & West- 659 Barker ave 235 Pitt st Chester ears White Plains rd ear 231 Willet st 1000 E. 165th st Rowe St. from

OUR NEW RED "BOOK" GUIDES ARE PUBLISHED IN ALl LARGE CITIES WITH IMPROVED REVISN MAPS. INTERSTATE MAP COMPAfiY NEWARK, NEW JER9€Y. •eOK GUIDE Seabury av 1360 329 E. 142nd s-t 1392 E. 174th st E. to Commerce 37L' E. 143rd and 1-IUO Beacon ave Rowland St. fr St. Mary's sts 1410 E. 177th 4 2451 Westchester 413 E. 144tli st Tacoma sts ave N. VV. to 441 E 145th st 1426 Guion pi 2452 St. Ray 467 K. 14Gth st 1460 .Merrill st mond ave 487 E. 147th st 1500 Mansion st 1400 Westch tr car r)21 E. 14bth st l.'tlU E Trem't car 1428 Tratraan ave n50 E. 149th car St. Luke's PI. Frisby ave E. 1500 eOl 150th st along N. side of 1519 Glebe ave 621 Westchester car Hudson Park on Futh PI. from (J55 Rac st Lcroy st 3S00 Layton ave 725 Carr st St. Mark's PI. N. to Fairm'nt av 741 E. 156th st Se» 8th st Rutgers Place 761 E. 157th st St. Mary's (Munroe st) Jef- 781 E. inSth st St. fr St. Ann's ferson to Clinton S20 E. 15yth st 372 av at E. 143rd Rutgers St. fr S64 161st L sta. E. to South'n bid 159 E. Broadway St. Clair PI. fr 570 St Ann's av car S. to 89 Cherry 3221 Brdway W. 590 Crimmins ave 1 E. B'way ear to Riverside dr 642 Beeknian ave 13 Henry st (Form. W. 129th) 670 Cypress ave 34 Madison st ear 690 Powers ave 55 Monroe st 35 W. 125th st 720 Jackson ave 59 Cherry st 5;-' Riverside dr 750 Concord ave Water st Sacket Ave. fr 115 780 Wales ave Front Bronxdale 129 st 1550 790 Soa'rn bid car 135 South st ave to 1820 East- St. Nicholas Av Rutherford PI. chester rd fr 100 W. 110th fr E. 17th 951 Bogart ave 220 st N.W. to W. S to E 15th 975 Radcliff ave 224 124th st & Man- E. Colden ave 1 17th st 1000 hattan ave E. 16th st 1205 Paulding ave 8 1 110th sub sta 1(>51 Hone ave Ryawa Ave. fr 15 W. 111th st East 1075 I/iirting ave River N. E. 35 W. 112th st to Bronx 1101 Haight ave River 54 W. 113th st (Hunts 1121 Tomlinson ave Point) 73 W. 114th st 1141 Wmsbridge rd Ryer Ave. from 85 W. 115th st Yates ave E. 17Sth (Echo 1161 87 7th ave Herring ave Pk) N. to E. 1181 121 W. H6th ear Sacrahong St. 187th st (2d E. 135 W. 117th st fr Edgewater rd of Grand blvd) 159 W. 118th st N. tc Bronx Riv Webster ave ear 174 W. 119th st (Hunts Point) 2028 Burnside av E 199 W. 120th st 2081 E. 180th st Sagamore St fr 215 8th ave 2150 E. ISlst st 1973 Unionp't rd 218 VV. 121st st 2230 E. 182nd st Saint George's 6th & 9th L 1 bk E 2290 E. 183rd st Crescent fr 237 W. 122nd st 2351 Field pi blvd N. Grand to 258 W. 123rd st 2374 E. 184th st Van Cortlandt av 276 W. 124th st Jerome ave Ryder's Al. fi» car 281 w. 124th st Grand blvd 68 Fulton st S. 151 301 VV. 125th st St. Ann's Av fr St. John's La fr 322 W. 126th st 841 E. 132nd N 13 Beach st N. 340 W. 127th ht to l.aic;hf sf to 16l3t & 3d av 9 o(>0 W. 128th st St. Ann's ave ear St. Joseph St. 380 W. 129th st 105 E. 132nd st now E. 144th st 402 W. 130th st 123 Sooth 'n bid car St. Lawrence VV. 133rd st 139 E. 134th 8t Ave. fr 2 80 486 W. 134th st 155 E. 135th st to 1780 E. Tre- W. 135th .st 195 E. 136th st mont ave W. 136th st 211 E. 137th st 567 Randall av? VV. 137th st 221 E. 138th st 1100 Watson ave -—- VV. 138th st 231 E. 139th st 1201 Gleason ave VV. 139th st 296 E. 140th st 1260 Westch'tr ear 602 W. 140lh st 811 E. X41st st Priham subway 622 W. 141st st 68 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX st 299 E. Bro'dway 701 W. 145th st] 1 VV. 127th st S. to 58 Water 723 W. 146tn st 41 W. 129th Br'dway car 741 W. 147th st St. Ouen St. fp 2 E. 7 Henry st 757 VV. 14St?i st| 4720 VVh Plains Monroe st 781 W. 149tli St rd NE. to 4551 35 801 W. 350th St VVidr av nr 241st 49 Cherry st 855 W. 153rd St 701 VVh Plains rd 140 Water st 881 W. 154th St 801 Barnes ave SchiefTelin Ave. 901 W. 155th St St. Paul Ave fr fr 226th & La* 921 W. 156th St 3251 Westchester conia ave N.E. to 815 W. 151st St ave N. to 1874 Eden ter 841 W. 152nJ St Pelhara pkwy (S) Schley Ave. fP Convent ave St. Paul PI. fr 2550 Foote av to 941 VV. 157th St 1418 Webster av Long Isl. Sound 961 W. 158th St E. to 1425 Ful- 2841 Calhoun ave 975 W. 159th St ton ave (1st N. 2861 Revere ave 983 W. 160th St of 170th) 2901 E Tremont aV 1004 Sylvan pi 3d av L to Clare- 2951 Edison ave —— Amsterdam av mont Park 3000 Logan ave W. 162nd st 401 Webster ave 3101 Thrgs N'k bid 1056 W. 163rd st 441 Park ave 3151 Ellsworth ave 1084 W. 164th st 480 Washington av 3200 Vincent ave 1301 W. 165th st ."31 3rd ave 3226 Wilcox ave Audubon st 551 Crotona pi Schofield Ave. 1124 W. 166th st 560 Fulton ave (City Isl.) fp W. 167th st 1140 St. Peter's Ave 240 City Isl.- ave 168th sub sta 1154 fr 2500 West E. & VV. Broadvpay Chester av N. to 140 City Isl. ave: sub to 192d W. Side 2472 Tremont av Schurz Ave. fr W. 169th st 1400 Westch'tr car East 177th st W. 1203 W. 170th st 1450 Tratman ave to Shore drive W. 172Dd st 1245 1500 Frisby ave (Throgs Neck) 173rd 1261 W. 1550 Glebe ave Schuyler PI. fP 1281 W. 174th st 1567 St. Raym'd a Arnow ave N. to 1301 W. 175th st 1640 Maclay ave Sands pi 1321 W. 176th st 1750 E Trem't car St. fr 1341 W. 177th st Schuyler Saint Raymond Seabury ave at 1364 W. 178th st Ave, fr Houget av Kirk st 1881 W. 179th st E. to Wilkinson PI. 1401 W. 180th st Scott from 2050 Houget ave Tremont 1421 W. 181st st 3631 E. 2075 Odell st Edison 1439 W. 182nd st av E. to 2100 Purdy st fr 1461 W. 183rd st Screvin Ave. 2200 Castle HHl av 1479 W. lS4t>i st 400 Barret av N 2300 Glover ave 1497 W. 185th st to Lafayette ave 2350 Parker ave 1521 W. 186th st Scribner Av fp 2400 Zerega ave 1541 W. lS7th st 1126 Balcom av 2467 Seddon st 1501 W. 188th st Seabury Av fr 2485 St. Peters av 1581 W. 189tb st Westchester Creek 2550 Overing st 1593 W. 190th st N. to Westch'r a 2550 Benson st 1609 W. 191st st Seabury PI. fP E Trem't car 1629 W 192nd st Charlotte st N. Wadsworth av Sampson Av fr to Boston rd (nr Ft. George av 325 Emerson ave 172nd st) St. Nicholas PI. E. to 177th st 1452 Charlotte st (Throgs Neck) fr 149th & St. Seaman Ave fP Tremont av Nicholas av N to 2900 E Randall av S. to ave 155th st 2922 Lngan East River Sands PI. from 1 W. 149th st Seaman Ave. fp Westch'tr av 23 W. 151st st 318 Bolton ave N. (2 E. to East'n blvd 41 VV. 152nd st blks W. of B'wy) Ave. fr 8t Nicholas Ter Saxon E. to Isbam st 3961 Sedgwick av fr 362 VV. 127th 1 Dyckman st N. to Van Cort- along St. Nich'las 19 Academy st landt park Pk to 260 Conv't 41 W. 204th st eth & 9th ave L Scammel St. fr 90 W. 207tb st RED BOOK GUIDE 59

Second Ave. see 4li(.)l liUSb ng av to E. IGSth st I'age 75 4401 Nercl-l ave 900 E. 161st st Secor Ave. fr Sexton PI. al'g 939 h. 163d st Hollcrj ave N. to H.K. (nr E. Gun 1091 E. 166th st City line Hill M) 2nd E of Grand blvd E. 12nih St 900 Wilson ave Shinbone Al. fr Seddon St.. fr Seventh Av. sec 11 Bieecker st 2461 St. Ray- Page 79 Shore Dr. from niond ave N. to Seward Ave. fr Pennyfleld ave .N. Tremont av Uionx River E. 24C0 along Long Isl'd 5601 St. Ray 111' (1 a Seymour Av. fp Sound & Pclham 1615 Dorsey st 1700 Narrgansett Bay Paik Maclay ave ave N. to Young lt;.)l Shrady PI. fr 1091 Fuller st ave nr 1424 Gun Kingsbridge rd 1711 Trem't av car Hill rd to Heatii ave Sedgwick Av. 22( K) Pelhara pky N Sigma PI. fr Jerome ave & JoOO Astor ave from Palisade E. 161st N. to l.'4(M) Waring ave ave N.E. Mosholu pkwy 2500 Mace ave to Independ'ce av Sedgwick ave car 27

60 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX South St. from 864 Tilt'auy st 91 Broadway car 59 Whitehall st 890 Barretto st 107 Greene st N.E. alK East R. 941 163rd Hunts 141 Wooster st Belt Line car (E) Point sta & shuttle 155 W. Broadway 1 Whitehall st 1000 Aldus st 6th ave L J Moore st Subw 165h to 174h 177 Thompson st 15 Broad st 1041 Westch'tr car 195 Sullivan st 24 Coeuties slip \\. Farms rri 223 Mr.cDougal st 28 Cuyler's al 121 E. IGTth st 228 Clarke st 40 Old sliD 1201 Home st 259 Varick st 49 Gouverneur la 1249 Freeman st 287 Hudson st 53 Jones al subw sta 30(> Kenwick st 60 Wall st 1301 Wilkins ave 315 G'wch 9th av L 69 Pine st 1460 Jennings st 333 Washington st 71 Depeyster st 1525 E. 172nJ st 351 West st E. 173rd st 76 Maiden la 1570 Spruce St. fr Fletcher st 1765 174th sub sta 78 150 Nassau st E Burling slip Boston rd ca. 88 to Gold st Fulton st Crotona Park 95 1 Nassau st Beekman st 1S83 E. 176th st 1()4 21 William st Peck slip 1!>01 Fairmont pi 152 41 (Jold st Dover st 1921 Elsmere pi 162 Spuyten Duyvil 176 Roosevelt st 1958 E Trem't car 189 James slip 2001 E. 178th st Parkway fr 195 Oliver st 20^ 179th st & 661 Kappock st 202 Catharine slip Mohegan ave (near W. 227th) 222 Market st 2101 E. 180th car N. & E. to W. 241 Pike's slip 2135 E. 181st st 244th st 260 Rutgers slip 2191 E. 182nd st Van CortI'dt Pk sob 271 Jefferson st 2251 Garden st 2700 W. 227th st 286 Clinton st 2283 Grote st 3000 W. 230th st 365 Montgomery st 07 E. 187th st 3200 W. 232 nd st 372 Gouverneur slip 2475 E Fordh. car 3600 W. 236th st 385 Jackson st ;. William St. 3700 Blackstone av Corlears st fr 13 William st Arlington ave East River W. to 83 Broad 800 Netherland av Southern Blvd. 1 William st 4301 Fieldston rd fr 133rd st N E 2 Beaver st 4400 Riverdale ave to Bronx Park 43 Broad st Spytn Dyvl rd Pelham Bay sob Spencer Dr fr Broadway 117 134th st & Griswold ave SE. Spuyten Duyvil Cypress st to Lucerne st Brx Road from N 163 E. 135th st fr Spencer Ave Y. C. & H. B. 180 E. 136th st Mosholu av N to R.R. N to W. 207 E. 137th st Yonkers line (2d 242nd st 235 Jackson ave of B'way) W Van CortI'dt Pk sub 245 13Sthsub sta Spencer PI. fr Johnson ave 261 E. 139th st 2700 155 E. 144th N st E. 140th st 2701 W. 227th 291 to 160 E. 150th Wales ave 3001 W. 230th st 345 (1st W of N. Y. E. 141st st 3110 Riverdale ave 347 Central R. R. 369 E. 142nd st 3201 W. 232nd st Ill E. 144th st st 391 St. Mary's st 4201 W. 242nd Spofford Av fr 143rd st subw sta Stable Ct. from 700 Tiffany st N 420 E. 144th st 376 Bowery W. E. to Bronx River 443 E. 145th st Sta^iium Ave fr Tinton ave (Hunts Point) 451 Potter pi & Lay- E. 147th and Spring St. fr 477 ton av N. to Mid- Union ave 188 Bowery W. dletown rd Bronx E 149th car, to 305 West st 536 — Rawlins ave Prospect st (Nortl' River) — Country Club rd Subway sta 1 Bowery 3d av L — Griswold ave Leggett ave 13 Elizabeth st 691 — Middletown rd 747 E. 156th st 29 Mott st 801 Longwood ave \1 Mulberry st Staff St. from sob station 03 Ufayeite sabw 308 Dyckman st 841 Intervale ave 79 Crosby st S. to Riverside dr )


Stanton St. fr 1100 E. 166th stj E. to 4037 Pratt 245 Bowory E to 1140 167th st & 1001 Ely ave East Piver Prospect ave 1925 Grove ave 1 Bowery 8d av L 1192 Home st 1951 Edson avo 23 Chrj-stie st 1253 169th car &|2000 Baychester av 39 Forsythe st Lyman st 2025 DeReimer ave 51) Kldridge st 1300 Chisholm st 2051 Wilder ave Allen 75 2d aw I 1316 Freeman st 2075 y.urdock 89t 87 Orchard st 1400 E. 170th st 2101 Hill ave 103 Ludlow st Steenwick Ave 2125 Jlofiticello ( 319 Essex st fr 2229 llutchin 2151 Seton aw Norfolk 137 st son ave at Ainow 2175 AiilUniisoii ay 149 Suffolk st ave to City line 2201 Duryea ave 165 Clinton st 3501 Hollers ave 2225 Bell ave 185 Attorney st 3600 Bo.scon rd Stuyvesant Al. 201 Ridge st Stephans Av fr fr 209 E 11th st 219 Pitt st Bronx 40 R. ave N to 206 E 12th 239 Willet st at Classon Pt. Pk Stuyvesant St. 255 Sheriff st 2(3 Bronx Riv ave fr 29 3rd av E. 271 Columbia st — Sound View av to 159 2nd ave SSI Cannon st Steuben Ave fr 2 3rd ave 301 Lewis st Mosholu pkwy (E 46 E. 10th st 321 Goerck st 208th st) N. to 339 Mangin st Suburban PI fr . Gun Hill rd (2nd 349 Tompkins st E. of Jerome av) 1591 Boston rd Staple St. from Stevens PI. fr N. to 1580 Cro- tona pk (E) 171 Duane st N. E. lS7th N to E to Harrison st ISSth (2nd W. Suffolk St. fr Stark PI. from of Webster ave 206 Division st Hale & Cary ave Stevenson PI fr N. to 267 East N. E. 3446 Sedgw'k av Houston st Starling Ave fr E. & N. to 3900 1 Division st Houget ave E. to Sedgwick ave 5 Hester st 2167 Glebe ave 1 Sedgewifk ave 35 Grand st cau* Pelham Bay sobway Stillwell Av fr 59 Broome st 2000 Olmstead ave 2000 Eastches- 75 Delanccy st 2050 Odell st ter rd N.E. 117 Rivington st 2100 Purdy st 1500 Wilkinson ave 147 Stanton st 2200 Castle Hill a Stone St. from 190 E. Houston ear 2250 Glebe ave 15 Whitehall st Sullivan PI. fr State St. from W. to Hanover sq 3601 Tremont ave 46 Whitehall st 1 Whitehall st E. to Edison ave to Battery pi 25 Broad st Peiham subway 1 Whitehall st 38 Coenties al Sullivan St. fr Pearl Hanover 21 st 64 sq 415 Canal st N. Bridge 25 st Story Ave irom to 47 W. 4th st — Battery pi Bronx Riv E. to 1 Canal st Station St from Westchester Creek 31 Grand st car 5560 Bdwy E. to Classon Point car 39 Watts st Put. Div. N. Y. 2100 Olmstead ave 53 Broome st C. RR. 2200 Castle Hill a 91 Spring st Stearns St. fr 2300 Havenieyer av 127 Prince st 1616 Glover st E "100 Zerepa ave 153 W Houston ear to 1625 Parker Storrow St. fr 199 Bleecker st Pelham Bay subway East 177th and 241 W. 3rd st Stebbins Av rr Westchester av N. W. 4th st to Unionport S05 Dawson st rd Summit Ave Strafford Av fr (at 163rd) N to fr W. 161st N. to 550 Bronx River 1503 Boston rd W. 166th st (at ave (1st E. of Pros- N. to 1460 MacCcmb pk) Bionx River pect ave) av at 6th & 9th ave L E. 174th st S45 Dawson st 900 W. 161st st Westch'ter 1199 Westchester a 900 sub 945 W. 162nd st E. 901 ISSrd car Strang Ave. fr 1001 W. lOlth st 981 E. l(>lth Ely ave at E. 1050 W. 165tli st 1020 E. 165th st 1000 233rd st N 62 NEW YORK-IVIANHATTAN & BRONX SummitHPI. fr 11701 Van Nest ave (at Bronx River

ave) N. to 1820 , "no Kingsbridge 1775 E. 177th st Lawr'ce av E. Tremont ave ter W. to 3120 1784 St Classons ptcr Bailey ave 1799 Morris Pk av 550 Gleason ave West Side Sub. to Teasdale PI. fr 1199 ave 231st station 960 Boston rd 1349 McGraw 177th st 3000 W. 238th st E. to 961 Trin- 1351 E. 1399 Wood ave Sutherland St. ity ave L to 161st sia 1499 Archer st City Isl.) fr 3d av 1 3rd ave 1559 Gueriain st 650 Jlinniford av 630 Cauldwell ave E. Tremont car E. to L.I. Sound Ave. fr« Third Ave. see Swinton Ave fr Teller E. 162d & Pari Page 76 Eastrn blvd 2775 av N. to Clare- Thirteenth Ave. Raym'd N. to St. mont Park Page 82 Cemetery Webster ave car Thomas St. fr Sycamore Ave. 929 E. 182Dd st 319 Broadway W fr 700 W. 247h & Park ave to 45 Hudson st N. to 700 W. 9S4 E. 163rd 1 Broadway cars 254th (1st E of 985 E. 164th st 32 Trimble pi Palisades) 1041 E. 165th st 49 Church st Sylvan Ave. fr lOSl E. 166th st 79 West Broadway W. 153rd N. to 1150 E. 167th st 97 Hudson st W. 262nd (2nd 1225 E. 16Sth st Thompson St fp Sylvan Ct from 1302 E. 169tb st 393 Canal st N. 170th st 161 E. 121st N. 1401 E. to 57 W. 4tli st tr W. of Broadway) Temple St. 1 Canal st 92 Liberty st S. Sylvan PI from 15 Grand st car . to 199 Cedar st Watts st 365 E. 120th N, S3 Tenbroeuk Ave. 53 Broome st ti 164 E. 121st fr 1201 Pierce av Spring st 3d av L to 125tli 79 N. to Pelham pk 115 Prince st Ter. fr Sylvan way (S) 159 W Houston car 2035 Amsterdam 1600 Pierce ate 197 Blceclcer si car av E to Jumel ter 1750 Morris Pk ave 283 W. 3rd st Van Cort'dt Pic sub Tenth Ave. seo 241 W. 4tii st Ave. fr Taber Page 81 Throgmorton Hale ave S. to Terrace Pt- St Lafa- East River Av. fr 551 (City isi.) from ytte av N to Wat- Tacoma St. fr 703 Miuniford av erbuiy ave 1424 Rosedale av Terrace PI. fr Pelham subway E to Beach ave 594 E;igle ave E. 1141 Fairmounv av Taylor Ave. fr to 591 Cauldwell 1150 Baisley ave Bronx River Terrace View 1250 Waterbury ave 240 225th av N. to 574 AVE. fr W Neck 228th Throgs Morris pk ave st N to W Blvd. from E St. fr 401 Patterson ave Thames N. to East- Broadway W River 500 Lacorabe ave 113 ern blvd (4th E. to 129 G'wich st 600 S'nd View car of E Tremont av) Beekman st 666 Seward ave 3 Schley ave 1 Broadway 6(X) JlOO Watson ave 700 Randall ave 1199 Gleason ave 21 Trinity pi Throop Ave. fP 1299 Westch'tr car 29 Greenwich st Thayer St. fr 1251 Bronx and 1349 McGraw ave N. Nagle av W. to Pelham pkway 1391 E. 177th st Broadway (1st S to 1250 Gun Hill 1399 Wood ave ave of Dyckman st) 3001 Adee 1450 Archer st Al. fr 3200 Burke ave 1559 Guerlain st Theatre to Thwaites PI fP 1599 E Trem't ear 19 Ann st N. fr Bronx Park (E) 1602 N.Y. N.H, Thierot Ave. E, to Wh Pin rd H. R.R. 1840 O'Brien av YOU PATRONS:- WRITE US OF ANY INFORMATION THINK INCORRECT, OR INFORMATION NOT TO GUIDE •E FOUNi IN OUR "RED BOOK" r

RED BOOK GUIDE 63 Tibbett Ave. tp oOl W. 230th E. to W. 240th; also VV. 224th N 541 to 250th St Van CortI'dt Pk sub 3000 W. 230th St 4401 W. 244th st 4001 W. 24(>th St Tiebout Ave fr E. 180th N. to

' E. Fordham rd Webster car all Nos. 2085 E. ISOth St 2150 E. 181st St 2227 E. 182nd st 2270 Fcrd st 2201 E. 18:;rd st 2305 E. 184th st 241 G E. 187th st '24(50 E. 188th st 2510 E Fordhm car Tiemann PI. fr 540 W. 125lh st \V to 550 Kivrsde dr (form W 127) 2 W. 125th W. S. 31 B'dvva^ sub sta 79 Riverside dr. Tieman Ave. fr ''i051Pelhara nkwy

. N. to E. 222nd st Tier St. (C. ri fr 351 City Isl. ave E. & W. Tiffany St. fr E. Rlv. N. to E. 160th & Homes Subw to Intervale sta 8CK) Lafayette ave 820 Garrison ave 850 Whitlock ave S70 Southern blvd 940 E. 163rd st 1000 Westch'tr ear 1020 E. 165th st 1112 E. 167th st 1360 E. 169tb st Tilden St from 717 Giin Hill rd E. to Paulding av White Plains subw • Boston rd 703 Gun Hill rd 825 Barnes ave 843 Bronxwood ave 96^auldJhg ave TiPlotson Av fr Fenton ave to E. 222nd st & fr Baychester av E. Times Sq. B'wy & 7th av & 42nd Timpson PI* f E. 147th st N. E. to Whitlock av 64 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN &. BRONX 149th car I860 Leland ave 940 E. 163d carl 540 E. 150lh st 1901 Wh Plains rd 965 Teasdale pi 577 E Unionport rd i*91 E. 164th stl 619 E. 151st st Wmaiead ave 1015 E. 165th st 657 E. 162nd st 155th st Pufdy St lOGl E. 166th st 705 E. 156th st 2401 Bronxdale ave Trinity PI. fr 751 E. 158th st & 2401 Castle Hill a 36 Morris st N. 801 Westch'ter car 2424 Lyvere ave to 98 Liberty sU E. 160th st 2460 Seddon st 1 Morris st 841 E. 161st st 2451 Paulding ave 61 Rector st 861 E. 163d ear 2472 St. Peter ave 97 Thames st 943 1020 E, 165th st 2503 Hone st 101 Cedar st 1091 E 166th st 2523 Lurtig ave 115 Liberty st 1159 Home st 2534 Montgom'y pi Truxton St. fr 1201 E. 168th st 2562 Overing st Riv East N & E 169th st & 2580 Benson st 1268 Tryon Ave. fr Freeman st 2601 Eastchest'r rd W Reservoir Ovl N Ritter pi 2636 St Kaym'd av 1288 Tudor PI. from Jennings pi 2754 Frisby ave 1820 1180 Walton ave Boston rd car ' Wmsbridge rd 2901 Westchestr av E. to Grand blvd Union PI from & square Tunissen PI. fr W. 167th st & Westch'tr Crk Harlem River (at Ogden av W. to oOOO Appleton and Leyden st) N. to University ave Balcom ave Terrace View ave Sedgwick ave ear 3031 Ericson pi Turnbul! Av fr Union Sq. (W) 2071 Dudley ave Wh Plains rd E. fr 64 E. 14th N 3101 Harrington & Turneur Av fr to 105 E. 17th Latting sts Zerega ave N. to 1 E. 14th st 3131 Coddington av Lafayette av (1st 39 E. 17th st 3161 LaSalle ave E of Castle H.) Union Sq. (E) av 3200 Waterbury Twelve Ave see fr 64 W. 14th av 3271 Puritan Page 82 to 26 W. 17th Mayflower ave fr 3305 Twiggs PI. 20 E. 15th st Balaley ave 3341 Longstreet ate E. 48 E. 16th st 3371 Haskin st to Shore dr Unionport Rd, 3391 Meyers st Tyndall Ave fr fr 2139 West- 3415 Eastern blvd Mosholu av 5661 chester ave N.W, 3415 Otis ave N to 400 W 263 Bronx Park E. Greene pi to 3481 Undercliff Ave. Westch'tr car 3511 Barkley ave 1351 frl350 Sedgwick Odell st 3571 Lafayette ave 1401 ave N. to 230 Trem't ear 3480 Burdett and 1583 E. W. 177th st 1651 Baker ave Schley ave car 1371 Sedgwick 1671 Mead st 3890 E. 177tb st bdg 1490 Wash'gtn 1686 Victor st Tremont Ave. 1725 W. 176th st 1699 Van Nest Sedgwick ear (W) fr Jerome av 1789 1757 Morris Pk W. to Sedgwick a Underclifr PI 1S70 Rhinel'der Sedgwick & Jerome fr Wash'gton bdg White Plains rd car ave cars & University ave University Ave st 79 W. 177th Underbill Ave. fr 950 Sedgwick 325 University ave fr 100 Bronx R. ave N. to Reser Trimble PI. fp ave N. to 1880 voir ave Duane st N Gleason ave ave car 123 University ~ to 20 Thomas st 401 Patterson ave E. Side sub 3 biks Trinity Ave. fr 450 Sound V'w av 1000 Sedgwick ave 690 E 147th N 500 Lacombe ave 1050 W. 165th st ave ave to E. 166th st 600 Randall 1093 Lawrence Seward ave W. 166th st 494 E. 147th st 700 1310 Ludlow ave Union pi 533 E. 149th ear 10(X) 1170 Watson ave W. 167th o. 600 Pontiac pi 1100 1190 W. 168th St 670 Westch'tr ear Union Ave. fr 1230 at 1300 W. 169th st 740 B. 156th st Southern blvd Bos- 1360 W. 170th st 801 E. 158th st 147th N. to 1-410 Merriara ave 834 E. 160th ton rd 1450 Ogden ave 877 E. 161st st 501 Southern blvd RED BOOK GUIDE 1460 Boscobel stc ave W to Brnx pk 601 Garfield st 468 Undercllff pi, 1601 Tremont car 619 Fillmore st Boscobel & W 1639 Van Nest ave 671 Unionport rd 172nd sts 1755 Morris Pk car 675 Victor st 580 Featherbed la Vance Ave. fr 703 Wh Pins car (700 Brandt pi Pelham Park N. 721 Hunt st 1799 W Trem't av, Van Coriears PI 753 Holland ave Macombs road fr W. 225th st 767 Wallace ave & 177th St N. to W. 227th 801 Barnes ave 1820 Morton pi Van Cortlandt 815 Matthews ate 1900 W Bumside a Park (E) alg 875 Bronxdale ate 181st Pauldine ave 1150 W. & Ave. (E) fr 3199 1000 ter W'msbridge rd H of Fame Jerome ave E. to 1141 2250 W. 183rd at Bainbrldge ave 1251 Eastchester rd rd 2400 W Fordh. East side of p'k Van Nest PI. B459 W. 188th st Jerome & E 233d (Charles st) W. W. 190th St >500 ( formerly Mount 4th to Bleecker >590 W. 192nd st Vernon ave) Van Wyck Ave. Klngsbdge 5650 W 1 Jerome av ear E. from Jer- ;670 Eanies pi (9 Villa ave ome ave (above W !700 W. 195th st 149 Grand blvd 198th) N to Bed- Strong st 231 Mosholu pky N ford Park blvd »800 W. 198th st 261 Bochambeau av Van Wyck Ave. Reservoir ave Bainbrldge ave W. from W. E. 233rd st Jnivorsity PI. 4200 198th & Jeroma 4290 E. 236th st fr 31 Waverly pi av N. to Bedford 4350 E. 239th st N. to 38 E 14th Park blvd 4440 E 241st st. {'way ear bik Ave. fr 1 E. City line Varian 19 E.Sth st Van Cortlandt 34 E. 9th st St. fr Ave. (S) fr 3850 Varick E. 10th st 41 Sedgwick ave N 130 Franklin st 75 E. 11th st to Van Cortlandt N. to 88 Carmine 93 E. 12th st Park (S) 1 Franklin st 113 E. 13th st Cortlandt 11 N. Moore st 125 E. 14th st Van Park (S) alg 23 Beach st /alentine Ave. 59 Laight st S. side of Park fr B. 177th & 71 Vestry st Van Dam St. f r Webster av N. to 73 Canal st car MacDotigal st VV E. 204th st 78 Grand st car to 529 Greenwich Vebster car 2 bl E 93 Watts st 1 MacDougal st I9fi4 E. 17Sth st 109 Broome st It 45 Varick st >016 B. 179th st 123 Dominick st 75 Hudson st >080 E. 180th st 135 Spring st 101 G'wch 9th av L 2150 E. 181st st 155 Van Dam st 2216 B. 182nd st Vanderbilt Ave 169 Charlton st 2290 E. lS3rd st fr 53 E. 42nd N 187 K-ing st 2370 E. 184th st to 52 E. 45th at 205 W Hwston car 2430 B. 187th st Grand Central sta 208 Downing st i« 2460 E. 188th st Subway exp & Local 225 Cwrkson st " 2501 E Fordh. ear Vandewater St. 230 Carmine st 2553 E K'gsbr. ear fr 46 Frankfort Vermilyea Ave. GOO E. 194th st st N.E. to 399 fr Dyckman st N >7r,o E. 19fith st Pearl st to W 211th (1st 2.S21 E. 197th st 1 Brooklyn Bridge blk E of B'v>ay> 2850 E. 19Sth st Van Nest Ave. Vernon Pk'y. fr 2922 E. 199th st E. Tre- Bayphester ave to 2950 Bedf'd pk bid fr 1200 mont ave & East 4700 Huxio st iOOO E. 201st st 180th st E. to Vesey St. from 5055 E. 1204th st Eastchester rd 229 Broadway W l/alles Ave. fr Morris Park ave car to 134 West st 256th st 261 W. 450 E. 180th st (Hudson River) N. to Far- 5750 501 Adams st 1 Broadway aday ave 525 Van Buren st 29 Church st t/an Buren St. 543 Melville st 66 W. Broadway fr 1171 Tremont 571 Taylor st 71 Greenwich st !


81 Washington stiVyse Ave. f POm 6e>y E. 152(1 st ' 55 Westchester i!^ St West P'ainis id at 691 'f, 108 West I Vestpy St. fp E. 167ih N, to Walkep Avenuu ^ E. lS2nd st 426 Canal st W. now E Tremont j t % 180th sub 2 bl W. to North River Walkep St. f 1127 W. Farms rd 1 Canal st Broadwai 251 W \\ st ' - st 1205 Home Varick E to Baxter ir 1405 Freeman st 25 Hudson st 1 W. Broadway 9th av L 1461 Jennings st 47 G'wich 29 Church st 1522 E. 172nd st 59 Washington st 51 Broadway car 1574 E. 173rd st 71 West st Cortland al 1883 Boston rd car 77 Vickepy Lane Lafayette st 1864 E. 176th st 93 fp Centre st car (City Isi.) 1961 E, Trem'nt av 107 Canal st 328 City Is av E 2001 E. 178th st 12S Victop St. fpom 2062 E. 179th st Walkley PI 673 Van Nest av 2100 E. 180th st 4550 Wh Plain (at Unionp't rd) 2121 E. 181st st rd E. to Garden N. 2 blocks Wadswopth Av Wall St. fpon Unionport rd 1701 fr 585 W. 173d 86 Broadway t Morris Pk av 1800 N. to St. Nich- South st (East B! fp Viele Ave. olas av (at 193d 1 Broadway 300 Tiftany st N B'way sub 1 bik E. 11 New st Bronx River E to 1 W. 173rd st 20 Nassau st Villa Ave. fPom 17 W. 174th st 23 Broad st Betlford Pk blvd 41 W. 175th st 53 William st N. to Van Cort- 67 W. 176th st 59 Hanover st 9th av L dandt av 87 W. 177th st 79 Pearl st Jerome ave subway 111 W. 178th st 91 Water st 2950 Bedf'd pk bid 121 W. 179th st 107 Front st 3120 E. 204th st 141 W. 180th st 115 South st 205th st 3150 E. 165 W. 181st st Wallace Ave fi Van Cortl'dt 3198 177 W. 182nd st 775 Baker ave Vincent Ave fp 191 W. lS3rd st 1 blk abeve N 1220 Shore dr N 223 W. 184th st Oak drWh Pin sal Waterbury and 185th st to 235 W. 1 653 Baker ave Baisley ave 255 W. 18Gth st TTOO Van Nest av 500 Shore dr 281 W. 187th £ 1800 Morris pk a 600 Schiey ave 299 W. ISSth st 1856 Barnett ave 700 Randall ave 331 W. 190th st 1900 Rhinelandr a 800 Philip ave 367 W, 191st st N.Y.W. & B 1100 Layton ave 381 W 192nd st Neill ave 1360 Baisley ave Wadsworth Tep 2500 Mace ave Vinyapd PI. fp fr 188th N. to 2502 Boston rd 845 E. 175th st Fairview ave (1st 2700 AUerton ave N. to 844 East E. of Broadway) 2001 Arnow ave 176th st Waldo Ave. fp 3000 Adee ave Vipeo AHe fPom 450 W. 236th st 3100 Burke ave 501 E. 233d N. N to 330 W 252d S. Oak dr to City line 3601 W. 23Gth st N. Oak dr Webster ave car 3801 W. 23Sth st (See Hickory st) 4200 E. 233rd st 3850 Dash pi Walnut Ave. fi 234th st 4250 E. Wales Ave. fp 132nd st N 4290 E. 236th st E. 141st and E. 141st st Vipginia Ave fp Southern blvd N. 250 E. ISSth st ' st 1925 Iloughtn av to •^(^tchester & 320 E. 141st N to H. J. Grant 155th st Walton Ave. fi Circle Pelham sub 330 E. 141st st & E. 138th nrHar 1060 Blackrock ave Southern blvd lem River N. t 1100 Watson ave 376 St. Mary's st East Fordham n 113C Haviland ave 41 1 E. 144th st (1st W of Gran, 1160 Povell ave E. a45th st blvd) 9th av Vi 1200 Gleason ave 445 E. 147th st Jerome sub 1 blk V Vpeeland Av fp 552 E. 149th car 256 E. 138th s Appleton av S alg 589 E. 150th st 336 Cheever pi Westchester Creek 624 E. 151st st 412 B. 144th RED BOOK GUIDE

460 E. 146th St 1039 E. l^th st|531 Charlton st n53 E. 149th St 1091 E. 166th st 545 King st r)S3 E. 150th St 1155 E. 167ih sti5Gl W Houston ear r.-^T E. 151st St 1225 E. 168th ear|583 Clarksou st ISO E. 157th St 1299 E. 169th st|595 Leroy st ^:;i E. 158th St 1401 E. 170th st 615 Morton st S.IO E. 151.»th St 1443 St. Paul's pi [631 Barrow st '.•i»0 E. 161st car 1507 t;. 171st si 647 Christopher tt li«'0 E. lG4th St 1575 tlarcra't plcv Hud Tubes sta li>'>0 E. 165th St 1617 E. lT2nd st , & W. 8th car ll'lO E. 167th 1(581 E. car ITdrd st 665 W. 10th st 1264 E. E. lG8th st 1735 174th St 683 Charies st 12!K) E. 1S09 E. ABinh St 175th st 692 Charles la 1S20 ClaPfe E. pi 1869 176th st 701 Perry st 1 1350 i.Iarcy pi E Trem't car 1915 717 W. 11th st ,il400 E. E. 178th st 170th St 1957 731 Bank st U500 E. E. st 172n(l st 20» 179th 753 Bethune st ' '1530 fiockwood st 101 E. 180th car 767 W. 12th st 1 1600 E Mt 2131 E. 181st 9t Eden a 787 Jane st '1750 E. 2195 E. lS2nd st 175th 9t 791 Horatio st 1850 E. 22S0 E. 183rd st 176th st 813 Ganaevoort st 11876 Mt. 2325 E. 184th st Hope pi 831 Little W 12th 1900 E. st 2351 E. 185th st 177lh 835 W. 13th st 1906 E Trem't car 407 3d av (187) 877 W. 14th $t ear 2000 E. 179th st 2435 E. 188th st Wash'g'n Mews 2050 E Burns, ear 24S1 E. 189th st fr 1 5th ave E. 2150 E. 181st st Washington PI to University 2170 Cameron pi pi (E. & W.) from Washington sq 2230 E. lS2nd st 715 Broadway W •et. Wooster and 2294 E. 183rd st to 85 Washington MacDougal sts. 2374 E. lS4th st W sq; also W. to 4th to Wav'ly 2451 E Fordh. ear pi Sheridan sa ^Washington ter I Ward Ave. fr 650 Bronx Ri?er Washington St1 from 50 6 W. st ave N. to 1540 fr 9 Battery pi 186tli S. E. 173rd st N to 432 W14th Van Cort'dt Pk sife 1199 Westchester a 9th ave L & 1 bIk Water St. from .Waring Ave. fr W. to aH numbers 43 Whitehall st 1 Battery pi N. E. to CoDlears Bronx Park E to Hutchinson Hirer 39 Morris st Hook Park Rector East Belt — White Plaias rd 95 st line ear Carlisle — Wmsbridge rd 121 st 100 feet — N.Y.w. & B. nn 145 Cedar st 1 Whitehall st Warren St. fr 151 Liberty st 7 Moore st 169 Cortlandt st 259 Broadway W 39 Coenties slip 179 Dey st 51 Cpylers al to 176 West st 191 Fulton st 73 Old slip (Hudsoti Ri?er) 205 Vesey st 93 Gouverneur la 1 Broadway car 221 Barclay st IIV Wall st 35 Church st 239 Park pi 67 W. Broadway 135 Pine st 255 Murray st 139 Depeyster st Q'wch 9th av , 97 L 269 Warren st 153 Maiden la )Il02 Bishops la 287 Chambers car 101 Fletcher st |l09 Washington st 299 Reade st 181 Burling slip '121 West st 305 Duane st Washington 207 Fulton st Av 319 Jay st 227 Beekman st fr E. 159th st 335 Harrison st 261 Peck stip 3rd & ave N. to 347 Franklin st 2S1 Dover st Pordham rd, Bnix SR3 N. Moore st 327 Roosevelt st 8d ave L 1 bik E. 79 Beach st ?>63 James st E. 825 159th & 95 Hubert st 375 Oliver st 3rd ave 411 Laight st 399 Cath'ne st lip 845 E. 160th st 425 Vestry st 433 Market st slip 875 E. s-t 161 st 439 Desbrosses st 475 Pike st slip 839 E. 163d st, 453 Watts st 519 Rutgers st slip Br'k & Elton 471 Canal st car 545 Jefferson st E. 987 164th st 491 Spring st 567 Clinton st 68 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN A BRONX

599 Montgomery st 361 Wyatt ave & Harlem B.B. N €10 Gouverneur slip 401 E. 178th st to City line 633 Scammel st Watt Ave. from Webster ave ear 685 Jackson st Stadium ave near 1039 E. 165th 8t Waterbury Ave Middletown rd E. & Park ave ff Westchester a? to Eastchestr Bay 1100 E. 166th st E. to Pelham Bay (Bronx) 1152 E. 167th ear 2200 Westch'tr ear Watts St. from 1225 E. 16Sth st 2300 Haveraeyer av 366 W. Broadway 1275 E. 169th st Kiuderman 2400 Zerega ave W. to North Kiv 1354 pi Westch'tr Crk 1 W. Broadway 1400 E. 170th st 2675 \reeland ave 6th ave L 1418 St. Paul's pi E. 171st st 2700 Balcom ave 19 Thompson st 1510 1540 Clarera't pky 2725 Ellison ave 43 Sullivan st 1540 E Mt Eden a 2751 Edwards ave 75 Varick st 1701 E. 173rd st 2801 E Treraont aT 103 Hudson st 1732 E. 174th st 2831 Puritan ave 111 Canal st ear 1756 Ittner pi 2861 Ma^lower ave 131 G'wch 9th av L 1810 E. 175th st 2901 Bradford ave 147 Washington st 1860 E. 176th st 2931 Edison ave 155 West st 1910 E. Trem't car 2951 Gillespie ave Waverly PI. tr 1965 E. 178th st Sl>91 Crosby ave 729 Broadway W 1986 Alden pi S031 Hobart ave & N. to 16 Bank 2021 E. 17»th st 8071 Hollywood ave 1 Broadway car 2069 E 180th ear 3300 Eastern blvd 5 Mercer at 2130 E. 181st st S400 Kearney ave 23 Greene st 2239 E. 182nd st 1,500 Fairfax ave 35 University pi 2255 Ford st S600 EUsworth ave 36 Wooster st 2291 E. 183rd st . Thrograortn av 43 5th ave 2327 E. 184th st Waterloo PI fr 98 MacDougal st 2400 E. 187th st E. 175th N. to 6th ave L 133 2458 E. 188th st E. 176th (2iid Gay s 141 2490 E. 189th st W of South'n bd) 157 Christopher st 2r>30 E Fordh. ear Southern blvd car 170 Grove st 2093 E. 193rd st fr W. 10th st Waters Ave. 183 2609 E. 194tli st Charles Appleton ave N 193 st 2795 E. 195th st Perry to MeAlpin av & 213 st 2761 E. 197th st tastchester rd 237 W. 11th st 2773 E. 198th st Bank st Watson Ave. fr 247 2801 Oliver st Bronx Biver E to Wayne Ave. fp 2857 E. 199th st Westchester Creek 160 E. 210tb N :875 Bedf. pk bid Classon Point & E to E. 211th st 3000 E. 201st st 177th st ear Webb Ave. fr — Mosholu pkwy 1680 Sound View a W. ISSth st (nr 3066 E. 202nd st Wh Plains rd Sedgwick av) N. 3090 E. 203rd st • Virginia ave to Reservoir ave 3110 E. 204th st Pugsley rd University ave ear 3181 E. 205th st 2100 Olmstead ave 2400 W. ISSth st 3200 Parkside pi 2200 E. 177th st 2430 Devoe ter 3400 Gun Hill rd 2204 Castle Hill a 2:"00 W. 190th st 4200 E. 233rd st 2300 Havemeyer av 2H50 W Kngsbridgi 4279 E. 235th st 2400 Zerega ave 2670 Eames pi Weehawken St ll/atson La. fr 2700 W. 195ih 6t fr 304 W. 10th 174th N. along 2800 W. 197 th sc to 185 Christ'r E. side tf Hart. Reservior ave Weeks Ave. fr i.8. to E. Tre- Webster Ave fr 261 E. Mt Eden mont ave E. 165th & N.Y. a? (Clarem't pk)


N. to E. 176th 395 W. 10th si 801 Union k B. Webster ave ear 404 Charles st & la 158th sts 1653 E Mt Eden a 415 Perry st 821 Eagle ave 1685 E. 173rd st 425 W. 11th 9t 840 Prospt st sub 1725 E. 174th st 439 Bank st sta & Longwd ISOl E. I75th st 485 Bethune st 860 E. 161st st Weiher Ct. fp 487 W. 12th st 880 Hewitt pi 1010 Washington 495 Jane st 881 Stebbins & E. 517 Horatio st ave E. to 3rd av 162d & 163d "(33 Gansevoort st (nr 165th st) 921 Rogers pi West Broadway 927 Intervale ave Wellman Av. fr fr 217 Greenwich subway sta 1525 Erlcson pi st (at Vesey st) E. to Gil- 961 Kelly st 1451 N. to 64 Wash- lespie ave 981 Tiffany st ington sq. 1025 E. 2801 Ericson pi 16oth st eth ave L & West 2S60 Mayflower ave 1027 Fox st Broadway ears •-I'll EkJison ave 1037 Simpson subw 1 Vesey West Burnside st station 2 Grpenwich st See Burnside 1041 W. Farms rd 3 5 Barclay st All 1051 Southern blvd West Numbered 25 Park pi sts, 1100 Hoe & See Page 74 51 Murray st 165th 1200 Faile st West St. fromi 75 Warren st 1230 Bryant ave 17 Battery place 89 Chambers L sta 1251 Longfellow along North River W. Side sub exp sta & E. 167th sts to W 12th st 90 Hudson st 1301 Whitlock sub West Belt line car 109 Reade st sta & Home st 1 Battery pi 123 Duane st 1321 Freeman st 22 Morris st 147 Thomas st Ldgewater rd 57 Rector st 159 Worth st Bronx River 75 Carlisle st 185 Leonard st 1441 Boynton ave 85 Albany st 203 Franklin L sta 1480 Evergreen ave 93 Cedar st 229 White st !505 Wheeler st 102 Liberty st 234 N. Moore st 1539 Elder sab sta 111 Cortlandt st 253 Walker st Sound Vw sub 125 Dey st 260 Beach st 130 Fulton 8t 280 York st 1760 Com' with ave 134 Vesey st 287 Canal st car 1780 St Lawrence 148 Barclay st 331 Grand st L sta 1800 Beach ave 158 Park st 361 Broome st 1823 Taylor ave 167 Murray st 401 Spring st 1540 Theirot st 176 Warren st 437 Prince st 1850 Leland ave 184 Chambrs buses 483 W. Houston st 1879 Wh Plains rd Bleeeker 185 Reade st 511 L sta Hugh J Grant Circle W. 3rd 190 Duane st ^61 st 1890 Virginia ave 197 Jay st 576 Washington sq 1900 177th sub sta (W. 206 Harrison st 4th st) 2000 Pugsley ave 214 Franklin st Westchester av 2100 Olmstead ave 224 N. Moore st fr 2S70 3rd av .'129 Unionport rd 234 Beach st N. E. to Pelham •149 Purdy st 242 Hubert st Bay park sub sta 2200 Waterbury av 255 I.aight st 431 ord av L sta 2213 Castle Hill av 263 Vestry st 434 Bergen ave 2251 Glebe ave 271 Desbrosses st 510 Brook ave 1.298 Kavemyr sub 275 Lispenard st 545 Hegney pi 22S5 Doris ave <% JM Wiitts st 570 St. Anne ave 2301 niover st ' L"^5 Canal $t car 640 Caldwell ave 2325 Parker ave ,';(I4 Spring st Lebanon Hospital 24(X) Zeregdsub sta ' H21 Charlton st 050 Trinity ave LjO Herscliell st 342 W Houston bus 66(> Jackson subwy 2451 Rowland st o51 Clarkson st station 2481 St. Peters ave 361 Leroy st 722 Wales ave 2529 Overing ave ;i69 Morton st 729 155th & For- UVstchcster sq sob ~ 3.'n3 BarrO'V st est sts 40 C Tre'ii't ave 386 Chrishopher st 760 E. 156th & 2550 Ferris pi Little W. 12th [ Tinton 560 Blondell ave 70 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

2600 l^ooper ave lUOO Southern bid, - B'way & Bowi'g Westch'tr Crk subway sta Green 8345 Apploton ave 1075 Hoe ave 9 Beaver st Pelham Bay sub sta 1114 E. 167th st 15 Stone st Westch'ter Es 1200 Vyse ave 31 Bridge st planade at 1220 Bryant ave 37 Pearl st Morris Pk station 12o0 Home st 43 IVater st N.Y. & B. R.R. 1300 Longfellow st 50 State st West End Ave. 1400 Freeyian st 51 Front & South 1430 Boone ave (11 til ave) from 1199 Westchester a 1460 Edge water av 565 W. 59th St White Plains 1490 Jennings st N. to 249 West Road fr Bronx B 1500 E. 172nd st 107th St ave N. to 693 1670 E. 173rd st Subway 1 block E. E. 243rd st 1760 E. 174th st 1 W. 59th St 20 Bronx Riv av 1860 E. 176th st 15 W. 60th St 100 Sound V'w av 1921 RodmaH pi 33 W. 61st St 200 Gildersleeve av 177th st subw sta 53 W. 62nd st 300 O'Brien ave \N. Houston St. 73 VV. 64th St 400 Patterson ave fr Broadway 103 W. 65th St 609 500 Lacombo i»e VV. to Hudson 125 W. 66th St R. 600 Randall ave 1 Broadway 153 W. 67th St 1101 Watson ave 17 Mercer st 173 W 68th St 1201 Gleason ave Greene 197 W 69th St 35 st 1300 Westchester a 61 Wooster st 215 W. 70th St 1320 177th subw 83 VT. Broadway 237 W. 71st St 1350 McGraw ave 6th ave 253 W. 72nd St L 1400 Wood ave 105 Thompson st 269 W. 73rd St 1500 Archer ave 133 Sullivan st 297 W. 74th St 3 560 Guerlain st 147 MacDougal 317 W. 75th St st 1600 E Trem't ear 164 Hancock st 335 W. 76th St 1648 Unionport rd 177 Congress st 357 W. 77th St l650 Baker ave 180 Bedford st S77 W. 78th St 1700 Van Nest ave 229 Varick st 391 W. 79th St 180th 9t subw sta 269 Hudson st 413 W. 80th St ISOO Morris pk ear 301 G'wch 9th av L 435 W. Slst St 1900 Rhinel'der ai Washington 457 W. 82nd St 327 st 1950 Cruger st 349 West st 471 W. 83rd St 1971 Sagamore ave 497 VV. 84th St Westervelt Ave White Plains subw 515 W. 85th St fr 1625 Bronx & to follow'g numbers 535 W. 86th St Pelham pkwy N. 2000 Bronxdale ave 555 VV. 87th St to E Gun Hill rd 2100 Bronx & Pelh 575 W. 88th St 2500 Mace ave pkwy sub sta 597 W. 89th St Whalen St. fr 2251 Thwaites pi 615 W. 90th st ()05 Huxley av E, 229s; Boston rd 637 VV. 91st St to Broadway 2400 Waring ave 657 W. 92 nd st Wheeler Ave fr 2501 Mace ave G77 VV. 93rd St 1510 Seward ave 2699 Allrt.nsub sta 699 W. 94th st N to 1330 Bronx 2S01 Britton ave 713 VV. 95th .st River ave 2899 Arnow ave 737 W. 96th st Classen Ft rd car 2951 Vilgus st 757 W. 97th St 799 Lafayette ave 3000 Adee ave 779 VV. 9Sth St 1099 Watson av 8051 Lester st 803 W. 99th St White St. fr 3200 Burke sab Sta 821 W. 100th st 229 W Broad<,ay 3300 Rosewood st 837 VV. 101st st E to 82 Baxter 3335 Bartholdi st 857 W. 102nd st 1 VV. Broadway 3400 Magenta st 877 W. 103rd st 6th ave L 3500 Gun Hillsiib t 897 W. 104th st 57 Franklin pi o530 E. 211th st 917 W. 105th st 67 Broadway car 3550 E. 212th st 935 W. lOGth st 75 Cortlandt al 3600 E. 213th st 955 VV. 107th st 95 Lafayette st 3(530 E. 214th st West Farms Pd 115 Centre st 3660 E. 215th fr Westchester a? Whitehall St frjNew Trolley & trans- N.K. to Boston rd 2 Broadway S tol fer station & E. Tremout ave Whitehall Ferry '3700 E. 216th st R^D BOOK GUIDE 71

8725 E. 217th st| 3401 Tillutson ave William Ave. 'iil'iO 218th8ub. sta 3437 Boston rd (City l8l.) fr 8800 E. 219th St 4001 E. 233rd st Centre st N. to 3824 E. 220th st 4101 Edonwald ave Tic- st 3850 E. 221st st JL'Ol Bussing ave 26('» Carroll st 8900 E. 222nd st 4i'^)^ Pittman ave William St. fr 3924 E. 228rd st 4-101 Nereid ave Hanover sq N. to 3930 E. 224th st Wiegand PI. fr 447 Pearl st 225thsub sta 3974 \V. 180th N. to 1 Stone st , , 4000 E. 22Gth st University ave 2 Pearl st ' 4024 E. 227th st Jerome sub-4 bks W 8 S. Williara st E. 22Sth st 4050 Wilcox Ave. fr 13 Beaver St 4100 E. 229th st 25 Exchange pi 1240 Shore dr N. 4124 E. 230th st 41 Wall st to Waterbury ave 4150 E. 231st st West Side tubw ita 500 Shore dr 4174 E. 232nd st 53 Pine st 600 Schley ave 4200 233rdsub sta 63 Cedar st 700 Randall ave 4224 E. 234th st 77 Liberty st 800 Philip ave 4250 E. 235th st 83 Maiden la SK)0 Lafayette ave 4300 E. 236th st 92 Piatt st 1001 Balsley ave 4356 E. 237th st 109 John st 1100 Lay ton ave 4400 Nereidsub sta 139 Fulton st Fairmount avt 4500 E. 239tn st 1 ] 41 West Side subw ita fr 4563 Baycbester av Wilder Ave. 155 Ann st 4579 E. 240th st 1301 233rd st to 169 Beekman st 4600 E. 240th st to City line 185 Spruce st 4653 241st sub sta Wh Pin sub to 241 203 Frankfort st 4700 Cranford ave 3900 E. 232nd st 207 Bklyn Bridge 4730 St. Ouen st 4000 Strang ave sub entr. & ft bridge 4770 I'enfield st 4100 Edenwald ave 235 Duane st 4801 E. 242nd st 4500 BLssel ave 244 New Chambers 4901 E. 243rd st 4550 Cranford ave 271 Pearl st Mt Vernon City line 4801 E. 242nd st William PI. fr Whitlock Av fr Wilgus St. fr 2821 Dudley av N Southern blvd & 2950 Bronx blvd to 2838 Maitl'nd E 142nd N.E. to E. to Wh Pins rd Williamsbridge Westchester av nr Wilkins Ave fr Road fr West- lG7th st Pelham 1301 Southern chester sq N. to sub all numbers Bay blvd N. to 1500 White Plains rd 320 Sou'rn bid car Boston rd Pelham Bay subway 500 E. 149th st E. Side sub to Free- l4l3 E. Trem't ear 700 I.eggett ave man st sta 1424 Halperin st 800 Longwood ave 1283 Freeman st 1444 St Raym'd st 810 Lafayette ave 1404 Jennings st 1480 Chesbrougb rd 890 Tiffany st 1450 E. 170th st 1500 Eastch'tcr rd 940 Barretto st 1478 Boston rd car 1527 Poplar st 990 Hunts Pt av 1541 Sacket ave 1080 Longfellow av Wilkinson Ave. 1600 Pierce ave Whittemore Av fr Seminole av E to Westch'ter ave 1700 Van Nest ave fr Balcom ave E. 1800 Morris Pk ave to Willet Ave. at E Tremont av 2000 Neill ave Gun Hill rd N to Whittiep St. fr 2501 Mace ave 658 E. 219th st Viele av N. to 2651 Paulding ave 3591 Gun Hill rd N.Y. N.H. & H. 2700 Allerton ave 3569 E. 213th st R.R. (Hunts pt) Boston rd E. 216th st nno Hunts Pt ave 3707 2000 Arnnw ave 3718 E. 219th st 850 Garrison av 3000 Adee ave Wickham Ave. Willet St. fr Willis Ave. fr fr 1731 Stillwell 473 Grand st N. E. 132d N to N. to 4498 Bar- to 3K1 E Hoiistn 149th & 3d av nes ave 1 Grand st car 122 E. 133rd st 2800 Bartow ave 19 Broome st 139 E. 1.34th st 3000 Adee ave 23 Delancey st 165 E. 13.5th st 3200 Burke ave 71 Rivington st 205 E. 136th st N.Y.W. & Bostn RR 100 Stanton st 221 E. 137th st 3301 Givan ave 135 E. Houston st 235 E. 138th st 72 NEW YORK-MANHAtTAN St BRONX

285 E. 189th st 995 W. 164th 8t 3000 Adee aev a07 E. 140th St 1060 W. 165th Bt Yonkers Av fp E. 141st St st 329 1110 W. 166th 720 W. 236th N 355 E. 142Dd st 1170 W. 167th st York St. from 393 E. 143rd st 1250 W. 168th st St. John's 413 E. 144th st Wooster St. fr la E. to 280 W. B'way 441 E. 14oth st 355 Canal st N. 473 E. 146th st to 50 W. 4th Bt Young Ave fr 494 E. 147th st 1 Canal st car Bronx k Pelbam 514 E 148th. 3rd 27 Grand st pkwy N to Gun av L, sub ears 55 Broome st HIU rd Willow Ave. fp 85 Spring st 2201 Pelhm pkwy N 132nd st N. to 121 Prince st 2301 Astor ave 1040 E. 13Sth 159 Houston st Yznaga Ave. fp 250 E. 138th st 195 Bleeker st Wilson Ferris av W. at Ave. fr 221 W. 3rd st Long Isl. Sound 1301 Neill av N. 245 W. 4th st (Throgs Neck) to Needham 1300 Worth St from Zerega Ave. fr 3001 Adee ave 74 Hudson st E. L. I. Sound N to 3200 Burke ave to 196 Park Row 1050 Castle Hill 3101 Gun HiU rd 1 Hudson st L. I. Sound N. Boston rd 3401 25 W. Broadway to Castle Hill av 3574 Hicks ave 59 Church st 1300 Waterbury av Winters StC. I. 89 Broadway 1360 Butler pi ff 200 C. I. av W 117 Lafayette st 1400 Westeh'str car Wissman Av fr Subway sta New Pelham Subway 2060 E 177th st 131 Centre st 1432 Tratmau ave to 870 Shore dr 161 Baxter st 1445 Lyon ave (Throgs Neck) 166 Park st 1500 Frisby ave E. 177th st 3077 173 Mulberry st 1550 Glebe ave Wood Ave. fr 201 Park Row 1600 St Raym'd av Beach av 1402 E Worthen St. fr 1650 Dorsey st to 1400 White , 780 Garrison av 1700 Maclay ave Plains rd 1101 Garrison ave 1725 Buck st Westchester ave & Wright Ave. fr 1750 Fuller st 177th st cars Pelhain Bay Park 1760 Lyvere st 1801 Beach ave 1825 Taylor ave Wyatt St. from Ziphers PI. fP 1845 Iheirot ave Devoe st E to Seaman ave (.1st 1863 Leland ave Morris Park ave N. of Dyckman) 1885 Wh Plains rd E. Tremont ave car Zulette Ave. fp Woodhull Ave. Wythe PI from 2927 E. Tremont fr 1550 Bronx & 151 E. 170th st ave to 1545 Jar- Pelhani pku-y N. N. to E. 172d st vis ave 2500 Mace ave East side subway 2750 E Trem't car Woodycrest Av Yates Ave. fr 2800 Mayflower ave fr S51 Jerome av 1161 Sacket ave 2911 Edison ave N. to W. 168th & N.Y. N.H. and 2931 Plymouth ave & Shakespeare av H.RR. N. to 1124 2961 Gillespie ave 851 W. 162nd st Gun Hill rd 3298 Crosby ave 900 Jerome av car 1550 Sackut ave 3000 Hobart ave 965 W. 163rd st 1600 Pierce are 3030 Jlerry ave


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For sale by All Dealers.

Interstate Map Co., 317 Market St. Newark, N. J. NUMBERED Streets & Avenues NEW Y0RK-IV5ANHATTAN & BRONX H^ 1st Ave fP 166 943 E. 52nd st 2119 E. 109th st to 361 E. 127th 963 E. 53rd st 2135 E. 110th st Surf ave cars, 2d av 979 E. 54th st E. 111th st L to 23rd St 1003 E. 55th st Thos. Jefferson pi E. 56th st 1 Houston st 1019 2165 E. 112th st E. st 11 E. 1st St 1037 57th E. 113th st E. 58th st 31 E. 2nd St 1063 2219 E. 114th st E. st 49 E. 3rd st 1079 59th 2237 E. 115th st E. 61 E. 4th st 1095 60th st 2257 E. 116th st E. 81 E. 5th st nil Gist st 2275 E. 117th st 97 E. 6th st 1131 E. 62nd ct 2293 E. llSth st 113 E. 7th st 1149 E. 63rd st 2323 E. 119th st 131 E. 8th st car 1167 E. 64th st 2339 E. 120th st 145 E. iUh st 1199 E. 65th st 2361 E. 121st st 161 E. 10th st 1219 E. 66th st 2385 E. 122nd st 177 E. 11th st 123S E. 67th st 2403 E. 123rd st 193 E. 12th st 1260 E. 68th st 2419 E. 124th st 217 E. 13th st 1279 E. 69th st 2437 E. 125th st 237 E. 14th car 1299 E. 70th st E. 126th st 257 E. 15th st 1321 E. 71st st 1st St. fr 3 05 279 E. 16th st 1345 E. 72nd st Bowery E to 294 295 E. 17th st 1359 B. 73rd st E. Houston st 311 E. ISth st 1375 E. 74th st 1 Bowery 3d av L 327 E. 19th st 1443 E. 75th st 10 Extra pi 343 E. 20th st 1459 E. 76th st 23 2nd ave 359 E. 2]st st 1475 E. 77th st 73 1st av 2d av L 375 E. 22nd st 1493 E. 78th st 129 Ave A and E. 391 E. 23rd car 1512 E. 79th st Houston st 2d av L 1 bik W. 1527 E. 80th st 2nd Ave. fp 118 409 E. 24th st 1549 E. 81st st E. Houston st N. 427 E. 25th st 1575 E. S2nd st to 300 E. 129th 443 E. 26th st 1593 E. 83rd sr. 1 E. Houston st 461 E. 27th st 1615 E. 84th st 17 E. 1st st 477 E. 2.Sth st 1631 E. 8oth st 37 E. 2nd st 493 E. 2r)th st 1651 E. 86th st 49 E. 3rd st 513 E. 30lh sr 1667 E. 87th st 57 E. 4th st 529 E. 31st st 1697 E. 88th st 85 E. 5th st 555 E. 32iici st 1717 E. S9th st 101 E. 6th st 575 E. 33rd st 1735 E. 90th st 117 E. 7th st 603 E. 34th car 1754 E. 91st st 131 E. 8th st 611 E. 35th st 1774 E. 92nd st Crosstown car 627 E. 36th st 1794 E. 93rd st 143 E. 9th st 643 E. 37th st 1814 E. 94th st 159 E. 10th st 663 E. 38th st 1S27 E. 95th st 160 Stuyvesant st 683 E. 39th st 1855 E. 96th st 171 E. nth st 699 E. 40th st 1875 E. 97th st ISO E. 12th st 717 E. 41st st 1895 E. 9.«tth st 207 B. 13th st 739 E. 42nd car 99th st 229 E. 14th car 761 E. 43rd st 100th 249 E. 15th st 784 E. 44th st 101st 300 E. 17th st 803 E. 45th st 102nd 309 E. 18th st 821 E. 46th st 103rd 327 E. 19th st 839 E. 47th st 104th 341 E. 20th st 859 E. 4Sth st 105th 361 E. 21st st 881 E. 49th st 106th 379 E. 22nd st 8S9 E. 50th st 107th 379 E 23d car -

, 905 E. 51st st 108th st 2d av L N fr 23d st i f



1289 E. 73rd st 2523 137th st & 4259 E. 178th st 1309 E. 75th St Lincoln ave 4311 E. 179th st 1329 E 76th Lsta 2551 lS8th L sta 4370 E. 180th car 1349 E. 77th st & Morris ave 4411 181st st & 1371 K 78h st 2377 E. 139th st Quarry rd 1389 E. 79th st 2608 E. 140th st 4421 E. 182nd st 1409 E. 80th st 2628 E. 141st st 4521 E 183d L sta 1433 E. 81st st 2654 142d st and 4547 E. 184th st 1451 E. 82nd it Alex, ave 4436 Lorillard pi 3469 E. 83rd st 2689 E 143d L sta 4591 Bathgate ave 1487 E 84th L sta 2713 E. 144th st & 185th st 1505 E. 85th st 2733 E. 145th st 4615 Bassford ave 1525 E. 86th car 2766 E. 146tli & & 186th st 1545 E. 87th st Cortlandt sts 4651 E. 187th st 1565 E. 88th st 2792 E. 147th st 4667 Cyrus pi E. lS8th st 1583 S. 89th L sta 2817 E. 14Sth st 4696 1599 K. 90th st 2835 149th & Wil- 4754 189th & Pk 1615 E. 91st st lis av L sta; L & 4788 Fpdhm L sta, 1043 E. 92nd st subway Free Trans- 3Pd St. (E) fr 1659 E. 93rd st fer sta; Webster & 347 Bowery E to 1677 E. 94th st Westchester aves, East River 1693 E. 95th st Boston. White Pint 1 Bowery 3d av L 1709 E. 96th st rd cars. etc. 31 2nd ave 1749 E. 97th st 2857 Melrose ave 103 1st av 2d av L 1765 E. 98th st 2882 Westchester a 151 Ave A 1781 E 99th Lsta 2879 E. 150th st 201 Ave B 2917 E. 151st st 275 Ave C 1799 E. 100th st 2939 E. 152d & 341 Ave D 1815 E. 101st st Elton sts 354 Manhattan st 1843 E. 102nd st 2967 E. 153rd st 381 Lewis st 1861 E. 103rd st 2995 E. 154th st -^& Gotrck st 1881 E. 104th st 3021 E. 155th st 3rd St. (W) fr 1897 E. 105th st 3047 E 156h Lsta 681 Broadway W. 1923 E. 106th L E. 157th st to 6th ave express station 3073 18 3101 E. 158th st 2 B'way 1939 E. 107th st 3123 159th st & 13 Mercer st 1965 E. lOSth Bt Wash'gton av 29 Greene st E. 109th st 1981 3151 Brook ave 43 Wooster st 2001 E 110th car 316.S St. Ann's av 57 W. Bdway, 6th 2027 E. 111th st 3193 E. 161st L ave L E. 112th st 2039 sta & car 77 Thompson st E. 113th st 2063 3217 E. 162nd st 99 Sullivan st 2099 E. 114th st 3251 E. 163rd st 113 MacDougal st 115th st 2103 E. 3258 Teasdale pi 144 6th ave E 116th car 2123 3287 E. l<h st 4th Av f p Astor & L station .{yoo Boston rd car pi N. to 63 E. E. 117th st 2143 3311 Weiler ct S4th st (cont. of E. 118th st 2161 3339 E. 165th st Bowry) 4th av car 2181 E. 119th st 3387 E 166h L sta 31 E. 8th st sub 2199 E. 120th st 3440 Fulton ave sta 8th st car 2217 E. 121st st 3455 E. 167th st 57 E. 9th st 2241 E. 122d st 3521 E. 168th st 73 E. 10th st 2261 E. 123d st .^593 169th L sta. 91 E. 11th st 2281 E. 121th st 3701 E. 170th st 111 E. 12th st 2297 E. 125th L 3789 St. Paul's pi 135 E. 13th st express station 3801 E. 171st st 147 E. 14th st car 2319 E. 126th st 3853 Clarem't pky Subw expr sta 2339 E. 127th st L station 171 E. 15th st 2359 E. 128th st 3921 E. 172nd st 216 E. 17th st 2379 E 129h L sta 3975 E. 173rd st 223 E. 18th st Transfer station 4031 E 174h L sta 233 E. 19th st sub 2396 E. 130th st 4111 E. 175th st station BRONX 4169 E. 175th st 251 E. 20th st 2412 Southern blvd 4169 E. 176th st 253 E. 21st st 2430 E 133d L sta 4215 E Tremont av 280 E. 22Dd st 2469 E. 135th st Tremont L sta and 297 E. 23d st car 2491 E. 136th st CrstD car-Boro Hall subway station RED BOOK GUIDE 7!

331 E. 24th St 9 W. 8th st 827 E. 341 E. 25th St 21 9th st 361 E. 26th St 33 loth st 3&5 E. 27th St 41 11th st 401 E. 28th St sab 51 1201 st station 61 13th st 419 E. 29th St 69 14th st ear 441 E. 30th St Union square 459 E. 31st St 73 15th st 477 E. 32nd st 85 16th st 497 E. 33rd st 97 17th st 517 E. 34th st car 109 ISth st subway station 119 19th st Cont'ed as Parl( av 185 20th st 4th St. (E) fr 149 21st st 702 Broadway E. 170 22nd st to E. River 186 23rd st car Flatiron Fifth 21 Lafayette st & av 49 Bowery Sd av L BIdgs. ; Madison sq 85 2nd ave 200 Broadway ear .189 1st av 2d av L 202 25th 8t 185 Ave A 218 26th st 245 Ave B 234 27th st 301 Ave C 249 28th st ear 363 Ave D 263 29th st car 395 Lewis st Dutch Ref'd. church 4th St. (W) fr Oldest church in N Y 699 Broadway W. 281 30th st 31st st to W. 13th st & 299 8th ave 315 32nd st 1 B'way Waldorf Hotel 11 Mercer st 331 33rd st 34th 31 Greene st 353 st cap 35th st 48 Wash'ton sq E. 371 381 36th st — Wash'ton sq S. 37th st 52 Wooster st 405 64 W. Broadway 421 38th st 39th st 57 Thompson st 439 106 Sullivan st Union League Clob 120 MacDougal st 457 40th st 151 6th ave L 477 41st st 162 Cornelia st N. Y. Public Library 180 Jones st 501 42nd st 192 Barrow & Sher- 511 43rd st idan sq. 529 44th st 210 Grove st 545 45th st 218 Christopher st 561 46th st 225 7th ave 575 47th st 249 Charles st 591 48th st 234 W. 10th st 609 49th st 263 Perry st 623 50th st 285 W. 11th st Union Club 301 Bank st 637 51st st 319 W. 12th st 653 52nd st 331 8th & Jane 671 53rd st 340 Horatio st 703 55th st 351 Gansevoort and 719 56th st 13th 737 57th st 5th Ave. from 751 58th st Washington sq N 775 59th st car to W. 143d st Central Park Plaza Division line of Netherlands and numbers for all East Savoy Hotels and West sts. 709 E. 61st st 5th av Basses lOe. 807 E. 62nd st 1 Wash. Mews 817 E. 63rd st 78 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX 37th st 299 W. 27th st 2174 E. 133d st 631 W. 38th L sta 315 W. 28th st 2192 E. 134th St 651 W W. 30th st Local sub sta 2218 E. 135tb ear 677 40th st 385 W. 29th st 2234 E. 136th st 699 W. 717 W. 41st st 357 W. 30th st 354 5th St. fr 25 737 W 42d car & 377 W. 31st st Cooper sq E. to L station 399 W. 32nd st E. River 750 W. 43rd st Penna. Hotel 203 Bowery 8d av L :77 W. 44th st 417 W. 33d st exp 241 2nd ave 797 W. 45th st Snk'y sta.-Penn sta. 400 1st av 2d av L 812 W. 46th st 439 W. 34th car 500 Ave A 829 W. 47th st 461 W. 35th st 600 Ave B 950 W. 48th st 479 W. 36th st 700 Ave C 870 W. 49th st 499 W. 37th gt 800 Ave D 886 W 50th L sta 519 W. 38th st 825 Lewis st 899 W. 51st st 535 W. 39th st 6th Ave. from 1 918 W. 52nd st 559 VV. 40th st farniine st near 938 W. 53rd st 579 W. 41st st Bleecker & W 3d 954 W. 54th st 599 W. 42nd car N tc Central Pk 978 W. 55th st Express subway sta; 6th av L 4th st to 994 W. 5Gth st Broadway cars 6»th, Hud tubes 9th 1014 w 57th L sta Shuttle to Grand ta 33rd sts 10^ W. 58th st Central sta & Qu'ns 2 Minetta st 1050 W. 59th car Times Square 16 W. 3rd st Central Park 619 W. 42rd st W. 4th st 44th st 36 6th St. (E) fr 649 W. V.'ashingt'n st 47th st 57 39 Cooper sq E. 705 W. 74 Waveriy ave W. 4Snh st to E. It. Dorks 719 8th car & 94 W. 200 Bowery 3d av L 737 W. 49th st L station W. 50th sub 213 Hall pi 759 Greenwich st 99 301 2nd ave station W. 9th Subw 51st st 112 401 1st av 2d av L 780 W. Tube station W. 52nd st r,01 Ave A 799 10th st 130 W. 601 Ave B 819 W. 53rd st i^UUigan pi 54th st 139 701 Ave C 839 W. 11th st 151 \S. 801 Ave D 861 W. 55th st W. 12th st 56th st 169 IfOl Lewis st 879 W. 187 W. 13th st 899 W. 57th st 7th St. PI. reap 207 W. 14th car. 917 W. 58th subw 119 Ave B L & Hud Tube sta 941 W. 59th car 225 W. 15th st 7th Ave. fp 7i Central Park W. 10th st Greenwich ave N 247 1800 W. 110th 17th st Central Pk (Si 267 \V. to 1S21 W. 111th W. 18th L & fr W. 110th st 279 1S35 W. 112th & Hud Tube sta N. to 155th i W LS51 W. 113th 301 W. 19th st Hiirlem River 1873 W. 114th W. 20th st Seventh ave cars S19 W. 115th st 837 W. 21st st 1 W. 11th st 1893 St Nichliis av W. 22nd st 2 Greenwich av S57 1931 W. lietfi car W. 23rd car, 19 W. 12th st 373 W. 117th st L & Hud Tube sta 39 W. 13th st 1955 W. llSth st 391 W. 24th st 53 W. 14tli car 1979 W. 119th st W. 25th st . & Exp sub sta 409 120th st l."ith st 1099 W. 427 '»V. 2Gth st 77 W. 2019 W. 121st st 444 W. 27th st 97 W. 16th st 2039 W. 122nd st 461 W. 28th car, 115 W. 17th st 2059 W. 123rd st & Hud Tube sta 1.33 W. 18th st- L W. 124th st W. 29th car Local sub sta 2079 «76 208!) W. 125th car 495 W. 30th st 151 W. inth st 2111 W. 126th st 520 W. 31st st 169 W. 20th st 21.39 W. 127'h !^-t \v 'VlwsX st 187 W. 21st st 531 W. 12Sth st —^ Broadway sub 207 W. 22nd st 161 21'2177 W. 129th st W. 33d L & Hud 223 W. 23rd car 21'97 W. 130th st Tube sta; W 34th Local sub sta 2215 W. 131st st cars 243 W. 24th st 22 st 132nd st 590 W. 35th st >2259 W. 133rd st 612 W. 36th st 281 W. 26rh si RED BOOK GUIDE Ta' so NEW YORK-MANHATTAN « BRONX

264 W. 26th St 79 W. 15th st 69 4th ave sobw 287 W. 27th St 95 W. 16th st 101 3rd ave L 311 W. 2Sth St 113 W. 17th st 130 Stuyvesant pi 329 W. 29th St 129 W. 18th st 201 2nd ave 349 W. 80tb St L 145 VV. 19th st 245 1st av 2d av L station 167 W. 20th st 293 Ave A 369 W. 31st St 183 W. 21st st 345 Ave B 387 W. 32nd st 199 VV. 22nd st 401 Ave C 396 W. 33rd st 219 W. 23rd car 423 Dry Dock st 429 W. 34th st ear 235 VV. 24th st 451 Ave D & L station 255 W. 25th st 10th Street W. VV. 26th st 449 W. 35th st 273 fr 32 5th ave E. 463 W. 36th st 295 VV. 27th st 1 block 481 W. 37th st 311 W. 28th car 1 5th ave W. 29th car 505 W. 38th i:t 327 71 6th ave L 521 W. 39th st HiB VV. 30th st Hudson & Manhattan 541 W. 40th st .S67 VV. 31st st Tubes & 9th ave L VV. st 557 W. 41st st 377 32nd 111 Patchin pi 579 W. 42d st ear 411 W. 33rd st 128 Greenwich ave W. 34th car & L station 427 152 VVaverly pi VV. 35th st 599 W. 43r(l st 449 181 7th ave VV. 36th st 619 W. 44th st 467 187 W. 4th st VV. 37th st 637 W. 45th st 483 215 Bleecker st 499 W. 38th st 659 W. 46th st 255 Hudson st W. 39th st 677 W. 47th st 519 266 Greenwh 9th L 533 VV. 40th st 699 W. 4Sth st 285 Washington st W. 41st st 715 W. 49th SI 555 .302 VVeehawken st 573 W. 42nd car 739 W. 50th L sta 309 West st car 591 W. 43rd st 757 VV. 51st st 11th Ave. from 777 W. 52nd st 307 W. 44th st VV. 134th & 10th >^01 W. 53rd st 631 VV. 45th st ave N. to 601 W. SI 7 W. 54th st 651 W. 46th st 59th st 841 W. 55th st 667 VV. 47th st 20 Little W. 12th 863 W. 56th st 711 VV. 48th st — 10th av & 13h S79 W. 57th st 735 W. 49th st — W. 14th st 908 W. 58th st 751 W. 50th st — W. 15th st 924 W. 59th st 769 VV. 51st st — VV. 16th st Clint as Columbus av 781 VV. 52nd st W. 17th st 813 VV. 53rd st 70 9th St(E)fp 2 1 «23 W. 54th st — W. 18th st 5th av E. to E.R. st S29 W. 55th st 90 W. 19th 1 5th ave 20th st 849 VV. 56th st 120 W. 25 University pi 21st st 863 VV. 57th st 142 W. 71 Broadway VV. st 889 W. 58th st 162 22nd 91 4th ave sub 23rd car 59th st 181 W. 3rd ave 913 W. 201 L 199 VV. 24th st also fr Academy 207 Stuvresant pi 215 VV. 25th st st N. to 218th st 303 2nd ave 239 W. 26th st 1st av av '>761 Academy st 401 2d L 250 W. 27th st S775 W. 202nd st 447 Ave A & Tomp 279 VV. 28th st ''.795 VV. 203rd st kins sq 299 VV. 29th st Ave 3815 VV. 204th st 601 B 315 VV. 30th st Ave 3835 VV. 205th st 701 C 335 VV. 31st st 801 Ave 3855 W. 206th st D 365 W. 32nd st W. 207th .st 9th Street (W) S875 375 W. 33rd st W. 208th st fr 22 5th ave W, 3895 393 W. 34th car 3915 VV. 209th st to 114 6th ave 415 W. 35th st W. 210th st 1 5tb ave 3955 435 W. 36th st 3995 W. 213th st 68 6th ave L 453 VV. 37th st 4035 VV. 215th st 10th Ave. from 478 W. 38th st W. 216'h st Little W 12th & 4055 493 W. 39th st 4085 VV. 218th st 11th ave N. to 509 VV. 40th st 500 W. 59th st 1 0th St E. fr :^r> 531 W. 41st st 10th ave cars 5th av E. to E.R. 551 W. 42nd ear 20 Little W. 12th 1 5th ave 569 VV. 43rd st 34 W. 13th st 23 University pi 587 W. 44th st 65 W. 14th car 59 Broadway 607 W. 45th st RED BOOK GUIDE :8t

11th St E IT 4 3 2328 W. 132nd st 1 5tti atfe"^ 5th av K. to E.R. 2344 W. 133rd st 100 6th ave L 41 University pi 22(>4 W. 134th st 2(K) 7ti) ave sudw 1 5th avp Riverside dr 129 Horatio st T3 Broadway 12th St E rr 53 253 areeaw'lj ave & 101 4th ave Subw 5th av east Jackson sq. 201 3rd ave L ave 1 5th ave . 300 8th 203 Stuyvesaiit al 29 University pi 308 W. 4th 301 2nd ave 55 Broiidway 400 9th ave L 401 1st av 2d av L 101 4th ave subw 500 10th ave 601 Ave A 201 3rd ave L 330 Gansevoort st 601 Ave B 301 2nd ave 437 Wasliington st (701 Ave C 401 1st av 2d av L 351 Hudson 728 Dry Doek st 501 Ave A 460 10th eve 801 Ave D 601 Ave B 14th At. (C) fr 11th Street W. 701 Ave C 69 5th ave E. fr 48 5th av W. 727 Dry Dock st 1 5th ave to 425 West st 800 Ave D 85 Union sq (W» 1 5th ave 12th Street W. 52 B'way sub sta 101 6th ave L fr 60 5th av 101 4th ave subw 204 Greenwich av & 1 5th ave Express station 7th - Mulb'y sq 100 6th ave L 119 Irving pi 214 Waverly pi 200 7th ave subw 201 3rd 3«e L sta 252 W. 4th st 235 Greenwich ave 301 2ud ave 28s Bleecker st 2.S3 W. 4th st 401 ISI ftv fidavL 302 Hudson st 306 8th ave 501 Ave A 316 Greenwich st 309 Hudson & Ab- 601 Ave R '^44 Washin{rt.on st ingdon sq 701 Ave C •'.74 West st 326 Greenwich st 801 Ave D 625 W. 46th st 374 Washington st 14th 0«peet W. 643 W. 47th st 400 West st' fr 82 5th ave W. 661 W. 48th st 12th St. (Little to 11th ave 681 W. 49th st 9th W) from 9 I 1 5th ave 699 W. 50th st av W. to 20 11th 1100 6tk Bve L & 719 W. 51st st 13th Ave. from Hud Tubes stas 73." W. 52nd st W. 22nd st N. to 200 7th ave jubw 755 W. 53rd st W. 29th st along ExpTMS station 773 W. 54th st Hudson River 300 8th ave 793 W. 55th st 140 W. 24th st 357 Hudson 821 W. 56th st 164 W. 24th st 400 9tli ave L sta 835 W. 57th st 220 W. 27th st 432 Wajiimigton st 841 W. 58th st 260 W. 29th- st 462 10th ave 859 W. 59th st 13th St E fr51 500 10th ave 12th Ave. from 5th av east 600 11th ave W. 29th N. to 1 5th ave 15th St E fr 98 W. 57th st along ;;5 I'niversity pi 5th av east Hudson river also 63 Broadway 1 5th ave 130th to 134th. 87 4th ave subw — Union sq (W) •280 W. 30th st 201 3rd ave L 360 W. 34th st 301 2n(l ave 101 4th ave subw 644 W. 41st st 401 1st av 2d av L 122 Irving pi 660 W. 49th st 501 Ave A 201 3rd ave L 680 W. 50th st 601 Ave B 228 Rutherford pi 700 W. 51st st 701 Ave C 325 Livington pi 780 W. 55th st 728 Dry Dock st 301 2nd ave L 800 W. 56th st 800 Ave D 401 1st ave 820 W. 57th st 13th Street W. 501 Ave A 2281 W. 130th st fr 70 5th ave W. 601 Ave B 2296 W. 131st st to 40 10th ave 701 Ave C ASK FOR "RED BOOK GUIDES" OF ALL LARGE CITIES INTERSTATE MAP CO., NEWARK, N. J. .AJ 82 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX 15th Street W. 301 2nd ave L sta 1 5th ave 96 5th ave W. 401 1st ave 100 6th ave L 7lh 1 5th ave 501 Ave A 200 ave subw i; 100 6th ave L 601 Ave B 300 8th ave 200 7th ave subw 701 Ave C 400 9th ave L SOO 8th ave 18th St (W) fr 500 10th ave 400 9th ave L 289 5th ave W. 558 nth .ve 500 10th ave 1 5th ave 22nd St. (E) fr 513 11th ave 100 6th ave L sta 172 Sth av east 16th St (E) fr 200 7th ave subw 1 5th ave 110 5th av east 214 Whites pi 7 Broadway ave 8th a-ve 101 4th ave subw ( 1 5th 300 — Union sq (W) 400 9th ave L sta 125 Lexington ave 52 Broadway 4P4 1 0th ave 201 3rd ave L 101 4th ave subw .530 11th ave 301 2nd are av 2d av 122 Irving pi 19th St. (E) fr 401 1st L Ave 201 3rd ave L 142 5th av east 501 A 2nd ave 801 1 .5th ave 22nd Street W 231 Rutherford pi 13 Broadway fr 170 5th av W, 319 Livingston pi 101 4th ave subw 1 5th ave 401 1st av 2(1 av L 127 Irving pi 100 6th ave L 501 Ave A 201 3rd ave L 200 7th ave subw 601 Ave B 301 2nd ave L 300 8th ave 701 Ave C 401 1st ave 400 ?th ave L 801 Ave D 501 Ave A 500 10th ave 16th St (W)fp 601 Ave B 564 11th ave 250 5th ave W 701 Ave C 23rd St. (E) fr 1 5th ave 19th Street W 185 5h ave B. 100 6th avfc L fr 140 5th av W. 1 5th ave 7th ave subw 200 1 5th ave 2 B'way sub sta. 8th ave 300 100 6th ave L 21 Madison ave 9th ave L 400 200 7th ave subw 101 4th ave subw 10th ave 500 300 8th ave station 11th ave 521 400 9th ave L 133 Lexington ave 17th St. (E) fr 500 10th ave 201 3rd ave L sta 118 5th av east .131 11th ave 301 2nd ave L sta 1 5th av B'way 20th St. (E) fr 401 1st ave 25 Broadway 152 5th av east 501 Ave A 101 4th ave subw 1 5th ave 23rd Street W. 123 Irving pi 21 Broadway 1 5th ave 201 3rd ave L 101 4th ave subw 100 6tli ave L & 226 Rutherford pi 107 Gramercy Park Hud Tubes stas r,28 Livingston pi 130 Irving pi 200 7th ave subw 301 2nd ave L 201 3rd ave L 300 8th ave 401 1st ave 301 2nd ave 400 9th ave L sta 501 Ave A 501 Ave A 500 10th ave 601 Ave B 20th Street 600 nth ave 701 Ave C W fr 152 5th av VV 24th St. (E) fr 801 Ave D 100 6th ave L Madison sq f^ast 17th St (W) fp 200 7th ave subw 1 Madison ave 269 5th ave W 300 Sth ave 101 4th ave subw 1 5th ave 400 9th ave L 140 Lexington ave 100 6th ave L 500 10th ave 201 3rd ave L 200 7th ave subw 5."iO nth ave .301 2nd ave L 300 8th ave 21st St. (E) fr 401 1st ave 9th 400 ave L 160 5th av east 501 Ave A 459 10th ave 1 5th ave 24th Street W. 526 11th ave 21 Broadway 1 5th av B'way 18th St. (E) fr 101 4th ave subw 100 6th ave L 130 .'jth ave E. 123 Lexington ave 200 7th ave subw 1 5th ave 201 3rd ave L 300 8th ave 20 B-oadway 301 2nd ave 400 9th ave L 101 4th ave subw 401 1st av 2d av L .500 10th ave station 501 Ave A 600 nth ave 122 irvinj; pi ' 21 St Street W 25th St. (E) fr .201 3rtl ave L sta fr 160 5th av W Madisffi sq East RED BOOK GUIDE 83

S6 Madison ave Hud Tubes stas 1133 Lexington ava 101 4th ave subw 200 7th ave subw 201 3rd ave L 134 Lexington ave station 301 2nd ave L 201 3rd ave L 300 Sth ave 401 1st ave 301 2nd ave L 400 9th ave L sta 32nd Street W. 401 1st ave 500 10th ave 1 Sth ave 25th Street W. 600 11th ave 51 Broadway 1 5th ave 2Sth St. (E) fr 100 6th ave L 6 Broadway 267 5th av east 200 7th ave sobC 100 6th ave L 1 5th ave 300 Sth ave 200 7th ave subw 25 Madison ave 400 9th ave L 300 8th ave 101 4th ave subw 500 10th ave 400 9th ave L 127 Lexington ave 600 nth ave Srd ave L 500 10th ave 201 33rd St. (E) fr 11th ave oOl 2nd ave L 600 335 Sth av east 401 1st ave 26th St. (E) fr 1 Sth ave 213 5th ave E. 29th Street W. 25 Madison ave 1 5th ave 1 5th ave 101 4th ave subw 27 Madison ave 28 Broadway station 101 4th ave subw 100 6th ave L 141 Lexington ave 335 Lexington ave 200 7th a\K subw 201 3rd ave L 201 Srd ave L 300 Sth ave 301 2hd ave L 301 2nd ave L 400 9th ave L 401 1st ave Bellevue Hosp 500 10th ave 33rd Street W. 401 1st ave GOO 11th ave 1 Sth ave 26th Street W. 30th St. (E) fr 57 Broadway 1 5th ave 281 5th ave E. 100 6th ave L & 8 Broadway 1 5th ave Hud Tubes stas 100 6th ave L 25 Madison ave 200 7th ave subw 200 7th ave subw 101 4th ave subw 300 8th ave 300 8th ave 130 Lexington ave 400 9th ave L 400 9th ave L 201 Srd ave L 500 10th ave 500 10th ave 301 2nd ave L 600 nth ave 600 11th ave 401 1st ave 34th St. (E) fr 30lh Street W. Sth ave 27th St. (E) fr 353 E. 1 5th ave 1 5th ave 233 5th av east 47 Broadway Madison av» 1 5th ave 35 200 7th ave subw 101 Park ave subw 20 Madison ave 100 6th ave L 130 Lexington ave 101 4th ave suby 300 8th ave Srd ave L rta |Ii]8;! Lexington ave 201 400 9th ave L sta 301 2nd ave L sta 1 201 3rd ave L 500 10th ave 1st ave 2nd ave 401 !i oOl L 600 11th ave .';44 1st ave 34th Street W. 31 St St. (E) fr 1 5th avp ^ 27th Street W. 303 5th av east Broadway subw 1 5th ave ave 1 5th McAlpin Hotel 1(K) 6th ave L 21 Madison ave Greeley square 1*1 H» 7th ave subw 101 4th ave subw 100 6th ave L sta ,- oOO 8th ave 1.S2 Lexington av:; 200 7th ave subw 400 9th ave L Srd 201 ave L Express sta & r.tH) lOth ave J 301 2nd ave L Penna R.R. sta COO 11th ave 401 1st ave 300 Sth ave 28th St. (E) fr 3-Jst Street W. 400 9th ave L sta 250 5th av east 1 5th ave 500 10th ave 1 5th ave 51 Broadway r.OO nth ave 22 Madison ave 100 6th ave L 35th St. (E) fr ,' 1 1)1 4th ave subw 200 7th ave subw 373 Sth ave W. station 300 8th ave i",o 1 Sth ave Lexington ave 9th ave L 400 16 Madison ave . IMI 3rd ave L sta .'SOO 10th ave 101 Park ave subw ;jnl 2nd ave L sta 600 11th ave 137 Lexington ave :,.i:\ 1st ave 32nd St. (E) fr 201 Srd ave L 28th Street W. 315 5th ave E 301 2nd ave L 1 5th ave 1 Sth ave 401 1st ave 20 Broadway 25 JIadison ave S5th Street 100 6th W. ave L & 101 4th ave subw 1 5th ave S4 NEW YORK-tMANHATTAN & BRONX n 6th 300 ave L 401 1st ave 149 Broadway su_„ Broadway 307 38th Street W. Times Sq. expr 7th ave subw 200 1 5th ave > sub sta 300 8th ave 6th 300 ave L sta boro tubes 4 20 9th 400 ave L 131 Broadway Broadway subw 500 10th ave 200 7th ave subw to Brooklyn 600 11th ave 300 Sth ave 200 7th ave subw 36th St. (E) fr 400 9th ave L 300 Sth ave 389 5th ave E. 500 10th ave 400 9th ave L sta 1 5th ave GOO 11th ave 500 10th ave 25 Madison ave 39th St. (E) fr 600 11th ave 101 Park ave subw 443 5th av east Weehawken Ferry 335 Lexington ave 1 5lh ave 43rd St. (E) fr 201 3ril ave L 25 Madison ave 516 5th av east 301 2nd ave L 101 Park ave subw 1 5th ave 401 1st ave 125 Lexington ave 25 Madison ave 36th Street W. 201 3rtl ave L 55 Vanderbilt ave 1 5th ave 301 2 lid ave L 125 Lexington ave 100 6th ave L 401 1st ave 201 3rd ave L 110 Broadway 39th Street W. 301 2nd a:ve L 200 7th ave subw 1 5th ave 400 1st ave 300 8th ave 100 6th ave L 43rd St (W) fr 400 9th ave L 134 Broadway 1 Sth ave 40th Street W. 200 7th ave subw 157 BroadTsay 1 5th ave 800 8th ave Long Acre square 100 6th ave L 400 Sth ave L 200 7th are 130 B'oadway 500 10th ave 300 Sth ave 200 7th ave subVK 600 11th ave 400 9th ave L 300 Sth ave 40lh St. (E) fr 500 10th ave 400 9th ave L 461 5th\v'eaVtilj*l^iJlIh ave 500 10th ave 1 5th 44th St. (E) fr 600 11th ave 25 Madison ave 530 Sth av east 41st St. (E) fr 301 Park ave subw 1 Sth ave 479 5th av east 125 Lexington ave 25 Madison ave 1 5th ave 201 .^rif aifi L 56 Vanderbilt ave 25 Madison ave 301 2nd ave L 325 Lexington ave 101 Park ave subw 401 1st ave 201 3rd ave L 325 Lexington ave 201 3rd ave L 301 2nd ave L 500 10th ave 301 2nd ave L 403 1st ave 600 11th ave 401 1st ave 44th Street W. 37th St. (E) fr 41st Street W. 1 Sth ave 411 5th av east 1 Sth ave 100 6th ave L 1 5th ave 100 6th ave L 200 7th av & B'wy 20 Jiadison ave 347 Broadway 300 Stli ave 101 Park ave subw 200 7th ave subw 400 9th ave L ~0r lOlh ave 201 3rd ave' l'^ 400 9th ave 600 11th ave 301 2nd ave L 500 10th ave 45th 8t (E) fr 400 1st ave GOO 13 th ave 547 Sth av east 37th Street W. 42nd St. (E) ft 1 Sth ave 1 5th ave 500 Sth av east 25 Madison ave 100 6th ave L 1 5th ave 56 Vanderbilt ave 121 Broadway 25 Madison ave 125 Lexington ae 200 7th ave subw 55 Vanderbilt ave 201 3rd ave L 300 Sth ave Grand Central Sta. 301 2nd ave L 400 9th ave L Queensb'o tubes 401 1st ave 500 30th ave free transfer 45th Street W. 600 11th ave 101 Park ave 1 Sth ave 38th St. (E) fr 125 Lexington ave 101 6th ave L 424 5th av east subw exp sta 201 7tli av & B'wy 1 Sth ave 201 3rd ave L sta 301 8th ave 25 Madison ave 301 2nd ave L sta 401 9th ave L 101 Park ave subw 401 1st ave 501 30th ave 125 Lexington ave 42nd Street W. 601 11th ave 201 3rd ave L 1 Sth ave 46th St. (E) fr 501 2nd ave L 100 6th ave L sta 562 Sth av east RED BOOK GUIDE

1 5th avc 208 Broadway •201 3rd ave L $ta 25 Madison ave 301 8th ave 301 2nd ave L 125 Lexington ave 401 9th ave L •101 1st ave 201 3rd avc L ."»01 10th ave 53rd Street W. 301 2nd ave L (iOl 11* ave 1 5th ave 401 1st ave 50th St. (E) fr 101 6th ave L 46th Street W. 626 oth av east 201 7th a;e 1 5th ave 1 5th ave 211 Broadway 101 6th ave L 25 Madison ave 301 Sth ave 165 7th ave 101 Park ave 401 9th ave L 201 Broadway 125 Lexington ave r.Ol lOth ave 301 8th ave 201 3rd ave L 601 nth ave 401 9th ave L oOl 2nd ave L $ta 54th St. (E) fr 501 10th ave 401 1st ave 689 Sth av east 601 11th ave 50th Street W. 1 Sth ave 47th St. (E) fr 1 5th ave 25 Madison ave 579 5th av east 101 6th ave L 101 Park ave 1 5th ave 201 7th ave 125 Lexington ave 25 Madison ave 20S B'way sub sta 201 3rd ave L sta 101 Park ave 801 8th ave 301 2nd ave L 125 Lexington ave 401 9th ave L 401 1st ave 201 3rd ave L $ta 501 10th ave 300 Broadway CiOl 11th ave aOl Ave A 301 2nd ave L. 100 6th ave L 51st St. CE) rr 54th Street W. 401 1st ave 638 5th av east 1 Sth ave 47th Street W. 1 5th ave 101 6th ave L Madison 1 5th ave 25 ave 201 7th ave Park 101 6th ave L 101 ave 225 Broadway 179 7th ave 125 Lexingtcn ave oOO 8th ave 211 Broadway subway statior 401 9th ave L sta 301 8th ave 201 3rd ave L ."1(»1 10th ave 2nd 401 9th ave L 301 ave L 601 nth ave 501 10th ave 401 1st ave 55th St. (E) fr 1601 11th are 51 St Street W. 705 Sth av east 1 5*h ave 1 ntl' ave St. fr 4Sth CE) 101 6th ave L sta 5 Madison ave 595 5th av east 201 7th ave 101 Park ave 1 5th ave 207 Broadway 125 Lexington ave 25 Madison ave 301 8th ave 201 3rd ave L Park ave 101 401 9th ave L 301 2nd ave L ]25 Lexington ave 501 10th ave 401 1st ave 3rd L 201 ave 601 11th ave 501 Ave A 301 2nd ave L 52nd St. (E) fr 55th Street W. 401 ]st ave 658 5th av east ith ave 48th Street W. 1 5th ave 101 6th ave L 1 5th ave 01 Ttl, ave 0th ave lOi L lOi Park ave 233 Broadway 171 7th ave 125 Lexington ave 301 8th ave 201 Broadway 201 3rd ave L 401 9th ave L 301 Sth ave 301 2nd ave L 501 10th ave 9th ave L 401 401 1st ave 601 nth ave 10th ave 501 52nd Street W. eeth St. (E) fr ; 601 11th ave 1 5th ave 731 sth av east 1 49th St. (E) fr 101 6th ave L 1 Sth ave 610 5th av east 201 7th ave 25 Madison ave 1 5th ave 209 Broadway 101 Park ave ' 25 Madison ave 301 8th ave 125 Le.rington ave 101 Park ave 401 9th ave L 201 3rd ave L .125 Lexington ave 501 10th ave 301 2nd ave L 201 3rd ave L 601 nth ave 401 1st ave 3(tl 2nd ave L 53rd St. (E) fr 501 Ave A 401 1st ave 673 5th av east 56th Street W. 49th Street W. 1 5th ave 1 Sth ave 1 Sth ave 25 Madison ave 101 6th ave L J 01 6th ave I 101 Park ave 201 7th ave 201 7th ave 125 Lexington ave 241 Broadway 86 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX 301 Sth ave 401 9th ave ^^^S^^LT^Uf^^^^StTCETf? L 789 5th av E 843 Sth av east 501 10th ave 1 Sth ave 601 1 Sth ave 11th ave 25 Madison ave 27 Madison ave 57th St. (E) fr 101 Park* ave 101 Park ave j) 739 5th av east 125 Lexington ave 125 Lexington ave 1 5th ave 201 3rd ave L 201 3rd ave L 25 Madison ave 301 2nd ave L 301 2nd ave L 101 Park ave 401 1st ave 401 1st ave 125 Lexington ave eoth street W. 501 Ave A 201 3rd ave L 1841 Brdway W. G4th St 801 2nd ave L sta (W) fr 1 Broadway 41 Central 401 1st ave P'k W 101 Columbus avi 501 Ave A 1 Central Park W 201 Amsterdam ave 53 Broadway 57th Street W. 301 West End ave 101 Columbus ave 1 5th ave 12th ave 201 Amsterdam ave 301 6th ave L j;

' 78th St (W) Ir 82nd St. (E) It 101 Columbus ave Manhattan sq W. 5th ave east 201 Amsterdam ave to Riverside dr 1 5th ave 240 Bpoadway - Central Pk W. 27 Madison ave 300 West End ave 101 Columbus ave 101 Park ave 359 Riverside dr 201 Amsterdam ave 125 Lexington ate 86th St. (E) rr 233 Broadway 201 3rd ave L sta 1050 5th av E. 300 ^Vest End ave 301 2nd ave L 1 5th ave 831J Riverside dr 401 1st ave 27 Madison ave 601 E. End ave 101 Park sve 79th St. (E) rr 82nd St (W> rr 125 Lexington ave 982 5th av east 221 Central pk W SBbw Expr sta 1 5th ave 1 Central Park W 201 3rd ave L 27 ^iadison ave 101 Columbus ave 301 2nd ave L sta 101 Park ave 201 Amsterdam ave 401 1st ave 125 Lexington ave 2J1 Bioalway 601 E. End ave 201 3rd a»e L 300 AVest End ave 86th St (W) IP 301 2nd ave L ;i31 Riverside dr 261 Central pkW 401 1st ave b3Pd St. (E) ir 1 Centr. Pk. W. 601 E. End ave 1020 5th av E. 101 Co]umbus ave 79th St (W) fr 1 5th ave 201 Amsterdam ave Central P'k W. & 27 Madison ave 240 Broadway Manhattan sq 101 Park ave 300 West End ave - Central Pk W. 125 Lexington aft 359 Riverside dr 101 Columbus ave 201 3rd ave L 87th St. (E) rr 201 Amsterdam ave 301 2nd ave L 1062 3lh av E. 236 Brdway sub sta 401 1st ave 1 5th ave 300 West End ave 601 E. End ave 27 Madison ave 335 Riverside dr 8SPd St (W) fr 101 Park ave 80th St. (E) Ir 231 Central pkW 125 Laiufigtuu ave 1002 5th av east 1 Centr. Pk. W. 201 8rd ave L 1 5th ave 101 Columbus ave 301 2nd ave L 27 Madison ave 201 Amsterdam ave 401 1st ave 101 Park ave 250 Broadway e7th St (W) fr 325 Lexington ave 300 West End ave 271 Central pkW 201 aid ave L o.lo uiveisiue dr 1 Centr. Pk. W. 301 2nd ave L sta S4th St. (E) fr 101 Columbus ave 401 1st ave 1040 5th ave S 201 Amsterdam ave 601 E. End ave 1 5th ave 251 B'vi/ay sub sta. 80th St (W) ir 27 Madison ave 300 West End ave Park ave Riverside dr Central P'k W. & 101 351 1.25 Lexington av« 88th St. fr Manhattan sq (E) 3rd ave L sta 1082 5th av east - Central P'k W. 201 2nd ave L 1 5th ave 101 Columbus ave 301 1st ave 27 Madison ave 201 Amsterdam ave 401 E. End av« 101 Park ave ^'2~ p-ivuay "J'lh st? 601 Q<1\\ St (In/) fr;125 Lf.\inj;ion ave 36U West End ave 241 Central pk W 201 3rd ave L 332 Riverside dr 1 Central Park W 301 2nd ave L 81st St. (E) ir 101 Columbus ave 401 1st ave 5th av east 201 AmstiTffem *ve 88th St (W) fr 1 5th ave ^25 Broadway 2S1 Central pkW 27 Madison ave 300 West End -ave 1 Central Park W 101 Park ave S.llt Riverside dr 101 Columbus ave 125 Lexington ave 85th St. (E) fr 201 Amsterdam ave 201 3rd ave L sta 1040 5th av B. 250 Iroadway 801 2nd ave L 1 5th ave 300 West End ave 401 1st ave 27 Madison ave 355 Riverside dr 601 E. End ave 101 Park ave 89th St. (E) rr 81st St (W) ir 125 Lexington ave 1080 5th av E. 211 Central pk W 201 3rd ave L X 5tii ave 1 Centr. Pk, W. 301 2nd ave L 27 MjKlison ave 101 Columbus ave 401 1st ave 101 Park ave 201 Amsteidam ave 601 E. End ave 125 Lexington ave 241 Broaaway 85th St (W) fr 201 3rd ave L sta 300 West End av* 251 Central pkW 301 2nd ave L 319 Riverside dr 1 Centr. Pk. W. 401 1st ave BOOK GUIDE 89

89th St (W) n 2J)1 9** «»« I- 27 Madison ave 291 Central pk W 3nd ave L 101 Park ave 1 Cetitr. Pk. W. 401 1st ave 125 Lcxiiifeton ave 101 Columbus ave S3rd St (W) fr 201 2rd ave L 201 Amsterdam ave 831 Central pk W 301 2nd ave L 250 Broadway 1 Ceutr. Pk. W. 401 1st ave 800 V\est Eud ave 101 Calumbus ave S7th St (W) fr 350 Riverside dr 201 Amsterdam ave 371 Central pkW 90th St. (E) tr 250 rroadway 1 Centr. Pk. W. 1100 5lh av east 300 West End ave 101 Columbus ave ave . 1 5th ave 32!^i Riverside dr >01 Amsterdam 27 Madison st 94th St. CEJ fr 240 Broadway 101 Park ave 1138 5th av east 300 West End ave 125 Lexington ave 1 5th ave 21 Riverside dr 201 3rd av( L sta 27 Maui»on ave SSth St. (E) fr 301 2nd ave L 101 Park ave 1179 5th av east 401 1st ave 12.'^ Lexington ate 1 5th ave 90th St (W) fr 201 3rd ave L 27 Madison ave 300 Central pk W 301 2nd ave L 101 Park ave 1 Cei'tral Park W 401 1st ave 125 Lexington ave 101 Columbue avo 94th 8t (W) fr 201 3rd ave L 201 Amsterdam ave .341 Cet.tralpkW 301 2nd ave L 215 Broadway 1 Central Park W 401 1st ave 300 West End ave 101 Columbus ave 98th St (W) fr 820 Riverside dr 201 Amsterdam ave 380 Central I* W 91 8t SL (E) fr 250 Broadway 1 Central ParkW 1095 5th av e?^t 300 West End ave 101 Columbus ave 1 5th STB 325 Riverside dr 201 Amsterdam ave 27 Madison ave 95th St. (E) fi 243 Broadway 101 Park ave 1139 5th av east 300 West End ave 125 Lexington ave 1 5th ave 321 Riverside dr 201 3rd ave L 27 Madison ave 99th St. (E) fr Park ave 301 2nd ave L 101 1179 5th av easti 401 1st ave 125 Lexington ave 1 5th ave 91st St (W) tr 201 3rd ave L 27 Madison ave 311 Central pkW 301 2nd ave L 101 Park ave 1 Centr. Pk. W 401 1st ave 125 Lexington ave fr 101 Columbus ave 96th St (W) 201 3rd ave L sta 201 Amsterdam ave 350 Central pk W 301 2nd ave L sta 250 Btoadway rjbw 1 Centr. Pk. W. 401 1st ave Columbus ave sfatitn 101 99th St (W) fr 201 Amsterdam ave 801 West End ave 390 Central pkW 250 Brwidway S22 Riverside dr 1 Centr. Pk. W. 301 West End ave 92nd St (E) fr 101 Columbus ave 348 Riverside dr 1119 5th av east 201 Amsterdam ave 96th St. (E) fr 1 5tfa ave 242 Broadway 1139 5th av east 27 Madison ave 300 West End ave 1 5th ave I 101 Park ave 325 Riverside dr 27 Madison ave fi 125 Lexington ave 101 Park ave 100th St (E) rr 201 8rd ave L 5th av 147 Lexington ave 1199 east 2nd ave L sta SOI sabway station 1 5th ave 401 1st ave Madison 201 3rd ave- L 27 ave Park 92ncl St (W) fr 301 2nd ave L 101 ave Lexington ave 321 Central pk W 401 1st ave 125 1 Cenral Park W 96th St (W) rr 201 3rd ave L sta 101 Columbus ave 361 Central pk W 301 2nd ave L sta 201 Amsterdam ave 1 Centr. Pk. W. 401 1st ave i 250 Bdwy subw sta 101 Columbus ave 100th 8t(W)fr i ' 301 West End ave 201 Amsterdam ave 401 Central pkW Riverside i: 330 dr 250 Broadway subw 1 Central Park W I S3rd St. (E) fr express station 51 Manhattan ave 1185 5th av east 301 West End ave 101 Columbus ave

!' Amsterdam ave : 1 5th av8 350 Riverside dr 201 iU ! 27 Madison ave 97th St. (E) fri23e Broadway east \^»st ( 101 Park ave 1159 5th av 300 End ave ll2o LniDgtoQ are 1 gia ave 328 Riverside dr 90 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX 101st St (E) IT, 51 Manhattan avd 101 Park ave Columbus ave Lexington ave 5th ave east , 101 125 5th avc 201 Amsterdam ave 201 3rd ave L 1 j ^ 27 Madison ave 234 B'way sub sta. 401 1st ave • 101 Park ave 300 West End ave iOSth St(W)lT 125 Lexington ave 327 Riverside dr 478 Central pkW 201 3rd ave L 105th St (EJIT 1 Central ParkW 301 2nd ave L 1239 5th av east 50 Manhattan av 401 1st ave 1 5th ave 101 Columbus ave 101sf SttW) II 27 Madison ave 201 Amsterdam ave 410 Central pk \V 101 Park ave 255 Broadway 1 Centr. Pk. W. 125 Lexington ave 301 Bwy & W. End 63 Manhattan ave 201 3rd ave L 335 Riverside dr 101 Columbus ave 301 2nd Sve L sta 109th St (E) fr 201 Amsterdam ave 401 1st ave 105th St(W)lT 1279 5th av east 230 Broadway 1 5th ave Centia Ipk 300 West End ave 450 W 27 Madison ave Centr. Pk. W. 335 Riverside dr 1 101 Park ave JIanhattan ave 102nd St(E) ir .51 125 Lexington ave Columbus 5th ave east 101 ave 201 3rd ave L Amsterdam 1 5th ave 201 ave 301 2nd ave L Broadway 27 Madison ave 230 401 1st ave 101 Park ave 300 West End ave 109th St(W)fr Riverside dr 125 Lexington ave .S2.^ 491 Central pk W ir 201 3rd ave L 106th St (E) 1 Centr. Pk. W. 5'h av east 801 2nd ave L 1259 50 Manhattan ave 401 1st ave 1 5th ave 101 Columbus ave Madison ave 102nd St(W)fr 27 200 Amsterdam ave 419 Central pkW 101 Park av 300 Bioadway Lexington ave 1 Central Park W 125 323 Riverside dr 3rd ave L sta 62 Manhattan av 201 110th St (E) IP 101 Columbus ave 301 2nd ave L 12S5 5th av east 201 Amsterdam ave 401 1st ave (Catt'cdral Pkwy 236 Broadway 106th St(W)rr fr Central Park) 300 West End ave 461 Central pk W 1 5th ave 336 Riverside dr 1 Central Park W 51 Madison ave n03rd St (E) IT 25 Manhattan ave 100 Park ave 1219 5th av east 101 Columbus ave 145 Lex av sub sta 1 5th ave 201 Amsterdam ave 200 3rd ave L 27 Madison ave 2.j0 Broad\\ay 300 2nd ave L 125 Lexington ave Straus Park 400 1st ave subway station 300 West End ave 500 Pleasant ave 201 3rd ave L 327 Riverside dr 110th St(VU) 301 2nd ave L 107th St (E) ir Cathedral pkwy 401 1st ave 1259 5th av east 111th St (E> rr 103rd St(W)rT> 1 5th ave 1321 5th av east 431 Central 'pk W 25 Madison ave 1 5th ave 1 Centr. P'k W. 101 Park ave 33 Madison ave 50 Manhattan ave 125 Lexington ave 100 Park ave 101 Cdumbus ave 201 3rd ave L 145 Lexington ave 201 Amsterdam ave 401 1st ave 200 3rd ave L 230 Broadway Manhattan st 300 2nd ave L sta 300 West End ave 107th St(W)lT 400 1st ave 327 Riverside dr 471 Central pkW 500 Pleasant ave 104th St (E) Ir 1 Centr. Pk. W. 111th st(W)rr 1239 5th av east 51 Manhattan av 1320 5th ave W. 1 5th ave 101 Columbus ave 1 5th ave 27 Madison ave 201 Amsterdam ave 101 Lenox ave 125 Lexington ave 251 Bioadway St Nicholas OT subway station Straus Park 200 7th ave 201 3rd ave L 300 West- End ave 300 8th ave L '^ 301 2nd ave L 325 Riverside dr 324 Manhattan ave 401 1st ave 108th St (E) IT Morningside av 104th StCWTTi 1279 5th av east 500 Amsterdam ave 441 Central pkW 1 5th ave 601 Broadway 1 Central Park W 27 Madison ave 390 Riverside dr RED BOOK GUIDr 91

112th St (E) fp ! 1 5th ave GOl Broadway 1341 5th av eart 37 Madison ave 119th St (E) rr 1 5th ave 100 Park ave 1431 5th av east 33 Madison ate 141 Lexington ave 1 5th ave 100 Park ave 200 3rd ave L 37 Madison ave 145 Lexington ave 300 2nd ave L 100 Park ave 200 3rd ave L 400 1st ave 141 Lexington ave 300 2nd ave L sta 500 Pleasant ave 200 3rd ave L 400 1st ave 115th st(W)rr 300 2nd ave L 500 Pleasant ave 5th av west 400 1st ave 12th St{W) fp 1 5th ave 500 Pleasant ave 1341 nth ave W 100 Lenox ave 119th St(W>rr 1 5th ave 151 St. Nicholas av 1480 5th ave W. 100 Lennox ave 200 7th ave I 5th ave St. Nicholas av o51 Manhattan ave 100 Lenox ave 200 7th ave Morniugside pk 200 7th ave 300 8tli ave L 500 Amsterdam ave 271 St. Nich's ave 321 Manhattan ave 300 8th ave L 300 8th ave L Morningside av^OO Broadway 351 Manhattan ave 500 Amsterdam ave IwivLTsido dr 371 Morningside av COl Broadway 116th St (E) Ir 400 Morningside dr 113th St (E) Ir 1145 5th av east 430 Amsterdam ave 1357 5th av east 1 5th ave 601 Broadway 1 5 th ave 37 Madison ave 615 Claremont 25 Madison ave 100 Park ave Riverside dr 100 Park ave 141 Lexington ave 121st St (E) tr 347 Lexington ave subway station II Mt Morris pk 200 3rd ave L 200 3rd ave L sta 1 5th ave 300 2nd ave L 300 2nd ave L 37 Madison ave 400 1st ave 400 1st ave 100 Park ave 500 Pleasant ave 500 Pleasant ave 141 Lexington ave 113th St(W)lr 116th St(W)rr 200 3rd ave L 300 2nd ave L sta 1358 5th ave VV. 1416 5th ave W. 400 1st ave 1 5th ave 1 5th ave 500 Pleasant ave 100 Lenox ave 90 Lenox avsnb sta 121st st(W)fr 130 St. Nicholas av 170 St. Nicholas av 10 Mt. Morris pk 200 7th ave 200 7th ave 1 Mt. P'k W. 300 8th ave L 01 8th av L & Exp 57 Lenox ave S30 Manhattan ave 321 Manhattan ave 200 7th ave Morningside av 70 .Morningside av 273 St. Nicholas av 500 Amsterdam ave 00 Morningside dr 300 8th ave L 600 Broadway Amsterdam ave 500 321 Manhattan ave Riverside dr 8th ave L sta 635 300 !00 Morningiide dr 601 B'way sub sta 1114th St (E) fp 500 Amsterdam ave Riverside dr 1377 5th av east 608 ',46 Broadway 1 5th ave 117th St (E) fr 122nd St (E) fr 25 MddisoH ave 1428 5th av east 1881 Madison av 100 Park ave 1 5th ave E. to East River 147 Lexington ave 37 Madison ave 45 Madison ave 200 3rd ave L 100 Park ave 100 Park ave 300 2nd ave L 141 Lexington ave 154 Lexington ave 400 1st ave 200 3rd ave L 201 ord ave 5()0 Pleasant ave 300 2nd ave L sta 301 2nd ave 114th St(W) fp 400 1st ave 401 1st ave 1378 5th ave W 500 Pleasant ave 501 Pleasant ave 1 5th ave 117th St(W)rr 122nd St(W)fP Km Lennox ave 1440 5th ave W 17 Mt. Morris- pk St. Nicholas av 1 5th ave (W) W. to River- 'JOO 7th ave . Lenox ave side dr '' 100 ::(tn 8th ave L 200 7th ave 1 Mt Morris pk W Jl Manhattan avu 211 St. Nicholas 101 Lenox ave Morningside av 300 8th ave L 201 7th ave Tidd Amsterdam ave 351 Manhattan ave 301 8th &- St. Nich f;0(l Broadway 317 Morningside av 337 Manhattan ave 115th St (E) ir 372 Morningside dr Morningside dr 1401 5th av east 443 Amsterdam ave 41G Morningside dr 82 NEW YORK-MANMATTAN & BRONX

501 Amsterdam aTC 124th St(W) fp & Moylau pi 601 Broadway m. Morris pk VV.|557 Old Broadway 620 Clarcniont ave bl Lenox ave 5^0 Tiemann pi 640 Riverside dr 100 7th ave goi Broadway 123rd St (E) rr 31o St. Mcliolas av 029 St. Clair pi 31 Mt. Morris Pt 300 8th ave L Ferry to Edgewater 1 m. P'k W. 350 Manhattan ave 126th St (E) fp 400 r^Ioruingside E. 41 Madison ave 2037 5th ave E. Amsterdam ave 100 Park ave 509 to East River • 151 Lexington ave 549 Broadway 1 5th ave ave 200 3rd L 125th St (El ] r 40 Madison ave 300 2nd ave L 2011 5th av east 300 Park ave ave 400 1st 1 5th ave 143 Lexington vae 123PQ St(W)lr 37 Madison ave 201 3rd ave Mt. Morris Pk W, 100 Park are 381 2nd ave 57 Lenox ave 141 Lexington ave 401 1st ave 100 7th ave subway station 501 Pleasant ave 315 St. Nich's ave 200 Srd ave L $ta 126th St(W)fp 2nd ave L 300 8tti ave L 300 sta 2040 5th ave W. ave 350 Manhattan ave 400 1st to 160 JMorning- 400 Moruingside E 125th st(W)ri sidc ave 509 Amsterdam ave 2020 5th ave W. 1 5th ave 549 Broadway 1 5th ave 100 Lenox ave 124th St (E) fp 100 Lenox av subw 201 7th ave Mt. Mo.Tis pkE 200 7th ave 801 8t'i ave 41 Madison ave SOO 8th ave L sta 327 St. Nicholas av 100 Park ave 353 St. Nich's ave 401 Mornuigsid3 at 151 Lexington ave 401 Morningside E Lawrence st 200 3rd ave L 125th St FormaUy 127th St (E) rr 300 2nd ave L Manhattan st 2056 5th av east 400 1st ave 430 LaSalle st 1 5th ave

PATRONS:- WRITE US OF ANY INFORMATION YOU THINK INCORRECT, OR INFORMATION NOT TO BE FOUND IN OUR "RED BOOK" GUIDE RED BOOK GUIDE 4 Madison ave :i01 7lh ave 134th St{W)ri 101 Park see .?01 8 th av8 L 2200 5th ave W 141 Lexington ave 501 Amsterdam ave 1 5 th ave 3rd ave 201 Hft I J^roadway 100 Lenox ave oOl 2nd ave 132nd St(E) n 200 7th ave 127th St(W)ri 2101 5th av east 300 8th ave L 5th av west also 82 Lincoln L 500 Amsterdam ave 1 5th ave 1 5th ave (500 Broadway 101 Lenox ave 41 JIadison ave 135th St (E) n- 201 7th ave 270 Lincoln ave 2221 5th av east 301 8th ave L 330 Alexander ave & fr 2468 Park 352 St Nicholas av 400 Willis ave av E. to Locust av -iOO Convent ave 488 Brown pi 1 5tli ave 500 Amsterdam ave 510 Brook ave 101 Canal st (W) 128th St (E) n 555 St. Ann's ave 203 Mntt Ilav. can 2073 5th av east ()71 Cypress ave 210 Rider ave 1 5th ave 781 Willow ave 257 3rd ave car 25 Madison ave 880 Walnut ave 271 Lincoln ave 101 Parli are 132nd St(W)rr 337 Alexander ave 143 Lexington ave 21G0 5th av west 401 Willis ave 201 old ave 1 5th ave 103 Brown pi I28th St(W)tr 10() Lenox ave 100 Brook ave 5th av west 200 7th ave 573 St Ann's av car 1 5th ave 300 8th ave L 671 Cypress ave >01 7th ave 500 Amsterdam ave 685 South' n bid car JOO 8th ave L 600 Broadway 749 Willow ave 10 St. Nlch's ave 133pd St (E) li 135th st(W)rr KU) Convent ave 2181 5th av E. & 2220 5th ave W 129th St (E) n fr 2412 3rd av nr 1 5th ave 2077 5th av east Harlem river E 100 Lenox ave sta 1 5th ave to Locust av 200 7th ave 39 Madison ave Sou. Bivd car 300 8th ave L sta 01 Parlf ave 251 8rd av L sta 401 St Nicholas av 32 Lexington ave 270 Lincoln av 500 Amsterdam ave 01 3rd av( L sta ?31 Alexander av (iOO Broadway 29th St(W)H 101 WiUis av oar 136th St (E) IP 5th av west 493 Brown pi 2241 5th av E. & 1 5th ave 511 Brook av fr Rider av (nr 3«l 01 Lenox ave 571 St. Ann's av av) E. to Locust 01 7th ave Southern blvd 1 5th ave 01 8th ave L 671 Cypress av 240 Rider ave 00 St. Nieh's etc 767 Willow av 257 3rd ave car 00 .Amsterdam ave 133rd st(W)rr 281 Lincoln ave 13 Old Broadway 2180 5th av W 331 Alexander ave 30th St (E) ir 1 5th ave 407 Willis ave 2116 5th av east 100 Lenox ave 479 Brown pi 1 5th ave 200 7th ave 507 Brook ave 19 Madison ave 300 8th ave L 577 St Ann's av car )1 Park ave .^00 Amsterdam ave 651 Cypress ave J2 Islington ave 600 Broadway 695 South'n bid car 30th St(W)lr 134th St (E) n 749 Willow ave 5th av west 2201 5th av E. & 799 Walnut ave 1 5th ave fr 2430 3rd av E 136th St(W)tr )1 Lenox ave sta 1 5th ave 2250 5th ave W H 7th ave 41 Madison ave 1 5th ave >1 8th sve L 253 3d ave car 100 Lenox ave sta »1 St. Nifh"s ave 277 Lincoln ave 200 7h ave 1 Amsterdam ave 335 Alexander ave 300 8th ave L sta Broadway 407 Willis ave 401 St. Nicholas av list St (E3 Ir 489 Brown pi 500 Amsterdam ave 2140 5th av east 510 Brook ave f^OO Broadway 1 5th ave 571 St. Ann's ave 635 Riverside dr 1 M:\dison ave 035 Suth'n bid car 137th St (E) rr tist st(W)rr 676 Cypress ave 2251 5th av E. & 5th av west 752 Willow ave fr Rider av (nr 3d 1 5th ave 881 Walnut ave 1 Lcaox ave '009 Loc;:st av 84 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

av) E. to Locust r»<)S Brotik ave ,.-,11) Hamilton pi 1 5th ave 71 St Ann's av ear 001 Broadway 41 Mudkiuii uve 071 Cypiiss ave |t-li!j Kivi-rsiJc dr 240 Rider ave 7lil Jackson ave 142nd St(E) fr 2G8 3rd ave ear 7c;5 South' n bid ear 300 Rider av E. 270 Lincoln ave SSO Walnut ave to St. Ann's ave: 832 Alexander ave 7th ave Canal pi 741 Concord ave 3(K) 8th ave L 1>40 Rider ave 7M Wales ave 500 Amsterdam ave 270 Morris ave 707 South'n bid car 600 B'way sub sta 2<.)0 Srd ave L rd 142nd St(W)ir 138th St (E) ir 330 Alexander a>e 240(> 5th av \f, 2271 5th av E. & Bronx Arcade 100 Lenox ave fr Harlem riv (nr 400 Willis ave 200 7th ave N.Y. Ac Harlem Brook ave 3(M) 8th ave L R.R.) E. to East 570 St Ann's av car ;;17 Biadhurst ave River (>70 Cypress ave 151 Convnt ave 1 5th ave 140th St(W)frr,(M) Anusterdam av« 4idf il>- 137 Mott ave 3(M) 8th ave L 143pd St (E) rr St. Nicholas av 201 Park ave 4{)0 471) E. 144th st 21(5 Canal st (W) 500 Amsterdam ave at Morris ave B. (.(H) i; roadway 221 Mott Hav, can to St. Ann's avo 243 Kider ave 14l8t St (E) rr 1200 Morris ave cai 261 Morris av car 20C><5 Park av E 2.S1 College ave 272 Lincoln & Srd to Locust ave 332 Srd ave L ri ave can 201 Park -^e 401 Willis ave 831 Alexati.Icr ave 241 Riile. ;.ve 404 Brook a\c Morris ave ear 363 Bronx Arcade 271 SL Franc riofc 401 Willis ave 273 College ave 143rd St(W)ir BnKik ave ."{11 Srd ave car 611 ll.irlera Ri\.r W. St Ann'iav car Alexander ave 571 331 Ion ".^nux ave ;ifi5 Bronx Arcade 671 Cypress ave 200 7th ace JfM'ksnn ave )()1 Willis ave 711 3(K) 8th ave L Soutti'n bid 501 Brook ave 738 w ;'ir. Biill.ur.^: av« Willow ave St Ann's av ear 700 571 450 Convent ave J»21 Walnut ave 577 Crinimiiis ave .-(il Ani..t.:.jim aW GVi Beekman ave 138th St(W)Ir (U)0 Broadway 2270 5th ave W 020 Cypress ave 021 Kivvr-,ide dr j i 5th avo t;si I'owcrs ave * 1 r^m Alex. Unit Q 9 KM) Lenox ave 721 Jackson ave 144th 8t (E) fr 200 7th ave 7»l Concord nve Kxterior st E t« 3(H) 8th ave L T'.io SoHth'n bid car St. Ann's ave 500 Amsterdum ave i4l8t St(W)rr Oernrd »ve 61 HI B'way sub sta 2:; JO 5th av W. 121 Walton 139th St (E) II 1(10 Lenox ave i:^0 Mott av. li7


' 3rd ave L rtJ 307 Bradhurst ave ;417 Bergen ave UiMis uve 400 St. NicLolai av .")U lirook uvu I Urook ave 4r)l Convent avo ;«541 Eagle ave Til") St. Ann'savc TiOO Amsterdam ave. 017 St. Ann's ave SOT Jackson avo .S31 Union ave >t>l Park ave NOT So. b!vd 01 :» Ri\crside dr 0!»l Trinity ave Tlil Jarksoii st 147th St (E) ft T21 Jaekson ave Tni Concord 'A 27! t2 3rd av K T51 Concord ave T81 Wales St to St. Ann's ave Tsi Wales ave 144th St(W)rr Southern blvd & GOO B'way sib Harlem River W Au.stin pi 7!i!( Tinton ave 100 Lenox ave 371 3rd ave L rd N-lT Prosptfct aie 200 Tth ave lOT Willis & B'gen 851 Southern Mvd 300 8th ave L ijOl^ Brook ave ^T1 Timpson pi 31 "» IJr.Kihiirst ave r)4T St. Ann's ave SOI Austin Dl 414 Hamilton ter 721 St. Ann's ave 149th St(W)rr 4r)0 Convent ave T.")! .lacK.^on ave Harlem River W. r>01 .Aiiistordam ave TSl Ciinc(rrd avo 200 Tth ave TOO Alex. Hm'tnsq S2S Southern blvd 3(K> 8th ave L 311 Bradhorst ave ; ()00 Broariway 800 Tiuipson i>l 400 St Nicholas av ! (VJ3 Hiv.r^ide dr 147th St(W)lr 450 Convent •545th St (E) fr Harlem River W. ave 5(K» Amsterdam ave E. MGth St E to 100 Lenox ave GOO B'way sub St. Ann's ave 200 Tth ave Riverside dr 292 E. 14Gth st ;'.00 8th ave L 311 Colk'i-e ave ;;(»!> Bradhurst ave 150th S». (E) fr Harlem River .'i51 3rd ave L sta. -100 St Nicholas av E. to 401 Willis ave ITiO Convent ave 3rd ave: also Brook HOT lirook ave "00 Amsterdam ave to St Ann's ".",.", av Si Jackson St. Ann's ave GOO Broadway av to PmKi)ect Till Ja(kson ave (.24 Uiveiside dr ave 101 Rider ave 7i I Concord ave 148th St (E) fr 121 Oerard ave i7Sl Wal'^s ave to 481 St. Ann's 1.".5 Walton ave il45th 2MS Park ave E St(W)rr nil Mott ave M:irlcm River \V. 2TT -Morris ave 181 Spencer pi 1 1 II College I 3T0 ave l.onox ave 201 Park ave .'"H Tth ave 403 Willis ave •20! t .Morris ave :.un 8th 415 Bergen ave ave L sta 35T CorUnadt at 517 Bradhurst r.01 Brook ave ave Htl Melrose ave Colnnial Park 148th St(W)rr! 113 3rd ave L rd !4() Ednccomhi' av 2574 Tth ;iv W 511 Brook ave St av 100 Nicholas av 200 Tth 519 St. Ann's ave 171 Convent ave 300 8th ave L T31 Jackson ave <00 t Am'^fcrdam ave 30! Hrailliurst ave T51 Concord ave ;00 B'way sub 400 St. .Nicholas av TSl Wales ave lili) Riverside dr 450 C.inu-iit SOI Tinton ave 4eth st (E) fr 500 Amsterdam ave S31 Union ave 4G6 Exterior st 000 Broadway S4T Prospect ave E. to 467 St. 033 Riverside dr 150th St(W)rr Ann's ave 149th St (E) fr Harlem River W 21 Gerard ave Harlem River E. 2(M) Tth ave Walton 41 ave to East River 2! '4 .Macomhs pi Mott ave 53 101 Riv & Exterior St. Nicholas pi ;01 Park ave 121 Oeranl ave Kd^reciimbe av 71 Morris ave 145 Walton ave 300 8th ave L 192 E. 14r)th st 101 Mott ave 30T Bradh'irst ave "»1 College ave IM Spencer pi 400 St. Nicholaaav i9 Cortlandt av 20T Park ave 450 Convent ave 3rd i)l an L rd 3 MorrLs ave 500 Amsterdam ave n Willis ave 355 Cortlandt av 600 B'way sab 11 B-ook ave Sd ave L & Sobway O.'iO Riverside d' *eth st(W)rr free transfer 16l8t St (E) rr Harlem River W 401 3(1, Willis 4 Harlem River to X) Lenox ave Melrn?;c nvos 3rd ave; al.so fr K) 7th ave Westchester av. West Jarkson av E to K) 8th ave L Farms, Bost. rd cars Pnwpect ave 96r^^l«|W YORK-MANHATTAN A BRONX av 3d 451 YA\m\ ave 12f <5<*ii^rd ave 4;vi Elton & 131 Walton ave ave L 485 3rd ave L 5ul I'.rook ave 162 A'oU avi- .-,01 l;';;.ii & Brook 221 Park avc 153pd St(W)ri 513 Hegnt-y pi Ann's av* 271 Morris ave Hark-m River W. 573 St. KuRle ave 351 Van Courtl'd a 2(M) 7th ave \A)\ i\h\ CauldwcU ave 401 Mflrose ave • — .Mironibs pi O'.U Trinity ave 421 3rd ave L rd •.\()() 8th ave L 723 Jackson ave 725 Jackson avc I'.ttV Bnniliu.-'-l i»T.' Forest ave 741 Concord ave 400 St .Nicholas av 750 Westch'r ear 780 Wales avc .jOO Amstenlam ave TJJK 7S3 Tinlon ave ISOl Tinton ave fjOO Broailway S33 Union ave S21 Union avc iTfM) Iliu-nide ilr S51 Prospect ave 841 Prospect ave 154th St (E) fr iK)l iieuiil pi 131sfc 6t(W)rr 20;i<) I'ark av K| 031 I>egg 4; U'son Kivcr W. to 201 t.j :3rd avcj Harlem «j51 Kelly st 1 Park ave 20a 7tfi ave | I 'J<>1 Beck si 274 Macorabs pi 1 Morris ave car 1 1011 Fox St 8th ave L sta :',o7 Cortlandt av 300 lof.l WhiUock ,r Melroje av» & :-JlO Rradhursf ave 401 luNl So'rn bid car Nicholas pi Webster av earj :{% St. : 156th St(W)lr Niciiolus av 451 Elton ave an 400 S«. Harkni Biv.^r W ave 3rd ave L 436 Convc'il (H) 8th ave L ~00 .Vmst'Tdam ave 154th St(W)rr 400 St. NJch"lj; .iv TiOO Rroadway Harlem Riv.r W ,;r,,^ Kivorsid. ({iverside :!r fiHS 200 7th ave .-(),) Amsterdam ave 152nd St (E) fr 2:;4 -Marorahs pi <;(xi Broadway ave L Park ave Yl. to 300 8th -,57th St (E) fr Bradhurst avc Brook av; also fr ril2 \ Exterior st K to 6(50 Westchester 400 St. Nich(»lasaT| Walton av; also ave E. to Pros- :\\0 Amsteidam av.^ , f^ 3(^74 park av pect ave t,00 Broadway r. to 761 St. 27r»" ^forris ave -QO Riverside dr ^nn's ave 321 Park ave 1B5th St (E) fr Franz Si«ol Pk 351 Cortlandt av 3016 Park av K. |281 Park avo 401 Melrose ave to 3rd ave & fr 355 Court landt ave 431 3nJ avo L rt 728 Westchester 101 Melrose ave A 4,i0 Bergen ave av E. to 707 Webster av car* 449 Bf«ok k West- Prospect avc 451 Elton ave chester :71 Mor. k Pk av9 4Sl 8rd ave L r4 721 Jackson aDd|3r,-, fonrtlandt avc -.11 Brk i He«nef Westchester 401 Melrose ave 4 157th St(W)rr 750 Concord ave Webster av ears nighhridge Pk W 7S0 Wales ave 451 Elton ave and ;,oo 8ih avc 79«> Tinton ave 3rd ave L 40 1 Edgecombe av» S30 Unioji ave 751 Westch'r av ear,4,',(i st Ni.hoUs a» .S40 Prospect ave 801 Tinton ave 501 Amsterdam avt 1B2nd St(W)rr S33 Union ave 1601 B'way sob stl HarUm River W 155th St(W)rr!»,0O .Vn.lulM.n pi 200 7th ave Harlem River W. i58th St (E) rn 3(H) 8th ave L — Marombs pi .Macombs pk E to ;;il Brwlhip>t ave ;;00 8th ave L sta WW Westchester 400 St. NichoLis ,)l .",15 Bradluir.s' -xv — Fjtterior st 420 St Nicholas hv Coionia' ParK 81 River ave 4 10 Convent avc 400 Edgecombe avc 121 Gerard ave i ."lOO Am.storlam a».^ 453 St Nicholas av N.Y iH.R R. ^X) Broaduay .5(X» Amsterdam ave 271 Morris ave ear^ 6:i3 Rivcrsid.' dr 6O0 Broadway 2.01 Park ave laiidt al# 153rd 8t (E) fr RiviTdl.' Ir .T;5 Court Mdrosc avo V. 157lh st K 1(1 156th St (E) fr 401 ave Brook av,> i1 Mott av E. 451 Elton »»e '>41 Park ave to Worthen st M\*\ Srd L _ Hegney 271 MofTli ave ear '1 Pk & Morris .^51 Brk 4 351 Cortlandt av 355 Cni.rtlrindt av 5t;s St. Ann\ all 4(n Wmimt, ave & 407 Melroie av & f.l 1 K-ig'c av.- Wvleter av can Webst. av cars 651 Cauldwell .ive ,

RED BOOK GINOE •7 Jereme car A Lj Southern blTd Triuily avc I 1 6".ll Craiid blvd ave 08 Kiver uu' 171 Tlil Jackson ave Kranz tTlijcl pk 1201 Slu-ridan 7,-. I Forest ave ! blvd 21.5 Sbtrman avc Tiiiloii ave , Urand TSI GranGrant avcave W»stch'r av tar 2rA2r.l Grant aveavt 231 7;»4 Mwris av ear Vfikth StrW^lriJTl Horrls ave ear 2.1 ego ave ! 301 Co HiJhbridK* rk \V n..7 i'-rk ave 351 Teller ave 401 Edgecombe ave ,,.,1 I'ourtlandt Melrose ave & 3('.'.i Park ave Nicbdla.s :iv Kil 4'.>1 Si. 371 Courtl'dt ave Amsterdam ave Webster av ears 501 401 MelrtUB av ear B'way syb 4."j1 Elton ave mi Wa.sJjington av 451 Brook ave pi 4!>5 fil^ Audnlxm \Vash. Eltn ")(>() Brook ave 481 & . Uivcrside dr L r^ ."(71 Ann's av W 542 Srd ave 159th St (E) rr St, i.ve W,{) Eag; ave Malt av E to CI I i:.vtk' sr)(» (mI Cauldwell ave G50 Cauldwell ave Sheridan st; also ave Trinity a\P G80 Trinity 3130 Park av E. r.;>3 721 Jackson ave 721 Jackson ave to Eagle ave ave Forest avc 751 ave 751 301 TiHtoB ave 7S1 Tinton ave Courtlandt ave 7sl Sit'} Union ave 813 Union ave Melrose ave & M5 401 Prospect ave 851 Prosjiect ave Webster av can 835 Westch'r av car ,s;)0 Westch'r car ave 1 451 Elton St(W)i;r 021 Kogers pi |-^;iwlsh.3lavLl6l8t 1)35 Intervale avo .101 Ouden ave W. 501 Brook ave 050 Kelly St to Hudson river 5G.S St. Ann's ave Tiffany st 150 Ogden avc «K)0 1B9th St(W)rr Fox st Siinimit ave 001 Hichliridce Pk W 1010 Simpson st 401^Ec.go«^mri\ve!n01 AmsJ^dam Jjre So'rn bid ear Breadway sudw KK'.O 475 St Nicholas avit-Ol 163Pd St(W)lr Ft. Wash', ave 566 Ani-strrdani ave (lis 070 Womlycrest Riverside dr Broadway to Riverside ] av W 001 162nd St(E) fr 160th 8t (E) fr drive Jcr«Bie ave E. to Morris av E 80 Woixlycrest avc 844 3rd ave: also E. to Washington av 105 Ogden avc to Westchester av from 850 -,01 Amsterdm av k also Morris a« ear ave E. _Sl Nicholas Cauldwell 330 Sherman avc St. to 839 Westches- 601 Broadway ;;50 Grant ave ter ave Ft. Wash', avo ;;27 Teller ave ei8 Morris avt ear dr 271 Park ave Riverside ate XM 313 Park Courtlandt ave 164th 8t (E) fr Courtlandt ave :'.(>4 S51 Melrost ave & Jerome E to Trin- ivi A 401 M«lro$e : also 401 Webster av cart ity aves Webster a* ears 451 Elton ave Prospect to Stcb- Elton ave 457 Brook & Wash. bins avc Washington av 401 472 3n> av L 110 Grand blvd Cauldwell av« :,10 651 S51 Prospect ave 251 Grant ave Trinity ave ave 691 'SOO Weftch'rav ear 2S7 College Jackson ave Flndlay ave 721 162nd,^..u «v»",..St(W)rr 311 751 Forest ave Teller ave .f40 Anderson ave|3ni Tinton ave Pk aT3 781 to Riverside dr fSO Clay & I'nion ave W S15 no Andorson ave 421 Brook avc Prospect ave av 835 Wcidycrest ave 481 Washington KH7 Westch'r av car S 160th suvjorr Highhridge Pk W Cajildwell^ave Jlini Fvdgecorabe ave 1;;:; S£u^e 401 400 Edgecombe ave G75 Trinil^ St. Nicholas av rrospeci ave_ 475 i"iv jumeiiiimpl ter 8.)! Air.stcrdam ave 4.,0 . ave 500 Ansterdm av & stebblnB Broadway 5fK 601 Nicholas 164th St. (W) St. Anderson 600 Broadway fr 1001 *^''KveS^l/'1 ave W. rr tV>(> 16"l8t^St (<> Jt^^S'dr*" fiO Anderson avc 80 Woodycrest avc l(^) Ogden ave Edgecombe avo gel Park E. t« 420 161st St Crosstown' 98 NEW YORK-IWANHATTAN A BRONX 500 Amsterdam aveive |54!J Fulton ave I 36 Anderson ave r-IO St. r;icholas«v 551 3rd ave L sta I 281 Morris av ear 815 Union ave St. Nichol:.> 829 Prospect ave 300 College ave Audubon si| ; . 321 Findlay ave 166th St. (W) 601 Broadway 351 Teller ave fr 1091 Anderson 168th St (E) fr 391 Clay ave ave W. Jerome av E. to 401 Webster av car 41 Anderson ave Sherman ave; also 481 Wash'gton av 80 Woodycrest ave fr Morris ave E. 515 3rd ave L rd 120 Nelson ave to Prospect ave 571 Boston rd car 151 Odgen ave 1 Jerome ave sub 671 CauldweU ave 170 Summit ave 150 Grand blvd 691 Trinity ave ISO University ive 2.S1 Morris ave 721 Jackson ave 451 Edgecombe ave 361 Teller ave 751 Forest ave 0*1 Amsterdam ave 3S1 Clay ave 791 Tinton ave 551 Audulon ave 401 Webster av car 811 Union ave Broadway 421 Brook ave 851 Prospect a«e 167th St (E) fr 441 Park ave 875 Stebbins ave Jerome ave E. to 491 Washington av 885 Hall pi Boston rd; also 501 3rd ave L 890 Rogers pi fr Union ave E. 571 Fulton ave 917 Intervale ave to 1478 W Farms 605 Franklin ave 941 Kelly st 167th Crosstown car <2l Boston rd car 965 Tiffany st 1 Jerome ave sub 75(» Forest ave 1007 Fox st 150 Grand blvd 781 Tinton ave 1017 Westch'tr car 271 Morris av car 801 Union ave 1035 Longfellow av 311 College ave S29 Prospect ave lesth St. (W) 341 Findlay ave 168th St(W)fr Teller ave 1051 Jerome ave 361 1271 Boscob-l av 381 Clay ave VT to Riverside dr W. to Haven ave 401 Melrose ave & -- 1 Jerome ave sub Bo^coopI ave Web. av cars 41 Anderson ave 70 Shakespeare av 425 Brook a\e 81 Woodycrest ave NO Woodycrest ave 441 Park ave 321 Kelson ave 12<< Nelson ave 481 Wash'gton av 150 Ogden ave 150 Ouden ave 504 3rd ave L 171 Summit ave University nve 531 Fulton ave " SPdgwifk ave 501 Amsterdam ave 5S1 Franklin ave 200 University ave 551 Audubon ave 594 Boston rd car St. Nicholas 450 Kdnccoiiibf avt' 564 av 815 Union ave -— 501 Amsterdam ave Audubon S(| S3 9 Prospect ave B'way 540 St. Nicholas av 601 subw sta Ml Stebbins ave €01 Broadway Ft. Wash', ave N()7 Intervale ave leeth 169th St (E) fp St(E) fr 868 Hall pi Jerome av E to Walton ave E. to .S91 Kelly st E 167th & Simp- Prospect ave 915 Tiffany st son sts Walton ave 131 931 Fox st 169th Crosstown car 151 Grand blvd 941 Simpson st 1 Jerome ave sub Carroll Ka pi 983 Hoe st 21 Gerard ave IKl Sheridan ave 957 So'rn bid sub 101 Walton ave 201 Sherman ave 1(»01 Vyse & West 146 Grand blvd 211 Grant ave Farms rd 271 Morris ave 281 Morris av car 1021 Bryant ave 301 College ave 351 College ave 1039 Westch'tr car 351 Findlay ave 861 Teller ave 167th StCW)rr 369 Teller ave 8S1 Clay ave 1149 Jerome ave iSl Clay ave 400 Bmok ave & Sbakcsix-aif ave 401 Webster av car Webster ave ear W. to Ft. Wash- 421 Brook ave 421 Park ave ington ave 441 Park ave Washington 481 av 1 Jerome ave 491 Washington af & Shakespeare ave 501 am ave L ita RED BOOK GUIDE 99

I 681 Fulton ave 601 St. Nicholas av also fr 1620 - • — Franklin ave eiO Broadway Boston rd E. to ' 756 Clinton ave G7U Ft. Wash', avi' 1700 W. Farnu 761 Boston rd car 171st St (E) fr 101 Grand blvd > Tinton a?e 1500 Jerome av 201 Morris ave Union ave E. to Claremont 229 Eastburn avf

: 811 Freeman ave Pk; also fr Web 261 Weeks ave

: 851 Prospect ave ster av E. to Cro- 301 Monroe ave

; 869 Lyman pi tona pk 331 Topping ave I 881 Stebbins ave 1 Jerome ave L 355 Clay & An-

I 901 Intervale. Tif- 199 Grand blvd thony aves fany avs & Home Claremont pk 361 Carter ave 825 Fox St 401 Webster av car 401 Webster av car 941 Simpson and 410 Brook ave 441 Park ave 167th sts 442 Park ave 485 Wash'gton av lesth St(W)fr 481 Washington av 501 Bathgate ave 1265 Jerome ave i^Ol 3rd ave L 531 3rd av L rd W. to Haven ave 544 Crotona pi 546 Fulton ave 79 Shakespeare av 550 Fulton ave 801 Crotona pk E 115 Nelson ave 171st St. (W) 901 Boston rd car 141 Plimpton ave fr 1401 Ogden av 919 Sou'n bid car 151 Ogden ave West 1030 W. Farms rd -— llerriara ave 3 00 Ogden ave 173rd St(W)fr 201 University ave Mciriam ave 2280 Amsterdam Sedgwick ave Sedgwick ave 245 200 av W to Haven av Amsterdam av6) Conimerce 501 501 Amsterdam ave Audubon ave f.OO Amsterdam ave 550 600 St. Nicholas a? Audubon sq 551 Audubon avj 630 Broadway 601 Broadway 601 St. Nicholas ai 700 Ft. Wa.sh'. ave • Ft. Wash', ave Broadway Haven ave 170th St (E) fr 172nd St (E) fr Jerome av E. to 1500 Jerome ave 174th St (E) fr Jerome Charlotte st E. to Claremont 1650 ava E to Crotona pk: 1 Jerome ave L Pk: also fr 3922 also E. to 150 Graur blvd Park av E. to 1760 Boston rd 281 Morris ave Crotona Pk from E. to 177th st 301 College ave 1560 Boston rd 1 Jerome av car • Claremont Pk E. to Beach st 401 Webster av car 1 Jerome av car 100 Walton ave 421 Brook ave 201 Grand blvd 110 Grand blvd 441 Park ave 441 Park ave 159 Morris ave 481 Washington av 4S1 Wash'gton av 203 Eastburn ave 531 3rd ave L rd 501 Bathgate ave 221 Weeks ave 576 Fulton ave 529 3d ave L rd 255 Monroe ave 591 Cottage pi Crotona Pk 270 Topping ave 621 Franklin ave 799 Boston ri car 300 Clay ave 651 Clinton ave S.'-vl Seabury pi 330 Anthony ave 798 Boston rd & 901 Minniford pi 390 Carter ave Prospect ave 921 South'ru blvd 401 Webster av car 821 Bristow st 1030 W Farms rd 440 Park ave 841 Stebbins ave 172nd St(W)fr 480 Wash'gton a? 871 Wilkins ave 1500 Jerome ave 501 Bathgate ave 895 Charlotte st W. & fr 2260 515 3d ave L sta 170th St(W)fr Aroserdam ave W 525 Fulton ave 1401 Jerome ave 1 Jerome ave Crotona Park W. to Haven ave 121 NelsoD ave 900 Boston rd car 1 Jerome ave L 141 Plinrton ave 920 Southern blvd 20 Inwood ave lOO Shakespeare av subway sta 50 Cromwell ave 501 Amsterdam ave 1050 W Farms nj 60 Bospobel ave 551 Audubon ave ''40 Roieijale a^c 90 Shakespeare av 600 SI. Nicholas av 1760 Com'nwlth aT 100 Nelson ave f20 Broadway 1780 St Lawr'ce av 141 Plimpton ave 700 Ft. Wash', ave 1S02 E. 177th st 160 Ogden ave Haven ave 174th St(W)fP 200 University ave 1&40 Grand blvd 1661 Grand ave 501 Amsterdam ave 173pd St (E) fr W. to 158© Un-

551 Audubcn ave ' E. to Crotona pk dercUff ave and tMNEW^ORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

41 Grand ave 1850 Jerome ave Wyatt 50 lAIacombs rd St E to Bronx River N.Y.W. 80 Nelson ave & R 1 Jerome ave sub R.R. 121 University ave 34 Townsend ave 1201 Morris pk ave — Unilercliff 101 Walton ave N. Y. N. 501 Amsterdam ave H. & I'Si) Morris ave H. R.R. 551 Audubon ave Brand 148 blvd Bronx P'k 601 St. Nicholas av ave 3 60 Weeks ave 1731 Eosedale 611) Wadswcrt!! ave ave 201 Monroe ave 1761 Com'nlth 701 W. Side subw ave ?!! I'SiSt. Lawr'ceac — Ft. Wash', ave «01Mlf.^1Anthony ave 1801 Beach ave 350 E Trem't at 175th St (E) fr 1821 Taylor ave 391 Clay ave 1750 Jerome arc 1841 Thieriot ave 401 Webster av E to Anthony av; car 1>^60 LeliHid are 441 Park ave «bo fr Carter av 1878 Wh Plains rd E. to 481 Wash'gton av 1840 Bos- 1800 Grant cir. H.J ton 501 Bathgate ave rd 1901 Westchestr av 521 Srd av L rd 1 Jerome ave sub 1950 Newbold ave 631 Arthur ave 101 Walton ave 2001 Pngsloy ave & 661 Belmont ave I 141 Grand blvd Ellis ave .01 Crotona ave 151 Eastburn ave 2050 Gleason ave 731 Clinton ave 201 Weeks ave 2100 eimstead ave 761 Prospect ave 231 Monroe ave 2151' Haviland ave 841 Marmion ave 261 Topping ave 2200 Castle Hill av 881 Waterloo ave 301 Clay ave 2262 Blackrock st 901 Soo'rn bid car 315 Anthony ave 2300 Havemeyer av 906 Trafalgar pi o81 Carter ave 2314 Chatterton 921 Daly ave av 401 Webster av ear 2371 Ludlow and 961 Bostofl rd sub 439 Park ave 2^00 Zcrega ave 981 Bryant ave 481 Washington av 2600 Forrls ave Bathgate 1001 Longfellow av 501 ave 29Q() Calhoun ave 531 Srd ave 1051 Boone ave L —^ Westch'r Crk 551 Fulton 1060 W. Fanna rd ave 3024 E Tremont av 631 Arthur ave 176th St(W)rr 4000 Sampson eve 661 Belmont 1751 Jerome ave ave 4100 Miles ave 701 Crotona ave W. also fr 2334 4130 Pennyfleld ave 731 Clinton ave Amsterdam ave W 4200 Lawton ave 761 Prospect ave 1 Jerome ave -——Shore dr 841 Marmion are 21 Davidbon 177th St(W)fp 861 Waterloo pi 41 Grand ave 1901 Jero!ne ave 901 Soirth'n bid ear — Harrison ave W. to W. Tremont 921 Boston rd sobw 84 Macombs rd av; also fr 99 University ave 235 S 175th Amsterd;>.m av St(W)iT 121 Andrews ave \V. 1680 Grand 1 Jerome ave sub ave 141 Montgomery av W. to 17 Davidson ave 1500 Un- 199 Sedgwick ave dereliff W. av & fr 501 Amsterdam 45 -,7^'"Tremont .iv 2320 ave rM f Amsterdam 551 Audubon ave K:"i? '^^ 40 Grand ^'"i't5!^^'" ave 601 St. NictolasavIS ^^"^''^1 50 Alacombs id ^^- '"NicholasT av 650 Wadswoifh ave ^^ SO Nelson ave 701 Broadway 700 Broadway 501 Amsterdam 650 Wadsworth ave 801 Ft. Wash, ave ave n51 Audubon ave 750 Ft. Wash', ave —• PinehuTst ave 600 St. Nicholas 819 Plnehurst av Northern ave ave 651 Wpdsworth 827 Northern av« Haven ave ave 70«J B'rdway & Ft. 177th Haven ave Washington St (E) rr Riverside dr ' W. Farms Haven ave rd & 178th St (E) fp Tremont ave E. Creston av E t(

'^\^;°~S :^nVRlTrUsnDF any information YOU THINK INCORRECT, OR INFORMATION NOT TO BE FOUND IN OUR "RED BOOK" GUIDE RED BOOK GUIDE 101 Morris Pk ave 851 Marmion ave ISOtfi St(W)fp 1 Jerome ave L 871 Mohegan ave 2100 Davidson av 151 Creston ave 901 Honeywell av West to 2000-Os- 201 Grand blvd \i21 Daly av? boine pi also ff 231 Anthony ave 951 Vyse st 2462 Amst«rdaM 277 Ryer ave 1001 Bryant ave av W to Haven a« 851 Valentine avel lOSl Bronx st 26 Davidso^ ays 401 ^Yebster ave 1101 Devoe ave 50 Giand ave 441 Park ave 1151 Bronx Pk av 67 Hirrison ave 481 Wash'gton av 179th St(W)li Acqueduct av K 501 Bathgate ave 2041 LhiivLTsity 99 University ave 521 Third ave av W also from 119 .^ndrews ave 551 Monterey ave 2442 Amsterdam 169 Loring pi 581 Lafontaine av W. to 290 Haven 199 Osborne pi 601 Arthur ave 81 University sve ;;00 Amsterdam ave 631 Iliighes ave 121 Andiews ave 508 Audubon ave 701 Crotona ave 171 LSiing pi GOO St. Nicholas ar 731 Clinton ave Hennessy d1 651 Wadswoith ave 761 Prospect ave 189 Osborne pi VOO Broadway 801 Mapes ave 201 Sedgwick ave 800 Ft. Wash', ave 851 Marniion ave. 221 Cedar ave 181st St (E) fr 861 Southern blvd 501 Amsterdam ave Jerome ave E. to 871 Mohegan ave 551 Audubon ave Bronx Park 901 Honeywell av 601 St. Nicholas av 1 Jerome av ear 821 Daly ave 701 Broadway 201 Grand blvd 961 Vyse ave SOI Ft. Wash', ave 210 Anthony ave 1001 Bryant ave 831 Pinehurst ave 251 Ryer ave 1031 Boston rd 8G0 Haven ave 301 Valentine ave 1151 Bronx Pk. av 180th St (E) rr 351 Tiebout ave 1187 Morris Pk av Creston ave E to 401 Webster av car 178th 8t{W)rr West Farms rd 441 Park ave 1900 Sedgwick av 180th Crosstn car 481 Wash'gton av W. to 289 Haven 151 Creston ave 501 Bathgate ave 200 Sedgwick ave 201 Grand blvd 531 3d ave L & 501 Amsterdam ave 221 Anthony ave Quarry rd 550 Audubon ave 251 Byer ave 551 Monterey ave 601 St. Nicholas av 301 Valentine ave 575 Lifontaine av 651 Wadsworth ave 331 Tiebout ave 601 Arthur ave 700 Broadway 401 Webster av car 641 Hughes ave 8(K) Ft. Wash', ave 441 Park ave 661 Belmont ave 821 Pinchurst ave 481 Wash'gton av 701 Crotona ave 835 Northern ave 501 Bathgate ave 731 Clinton ave 851 Haven ave 531 3d ave L rd 761 Prospect ave ave 801 Mapes ave , 179th St (E) fi 561 Monterey South' n bl ear ! 2000 Jerome ave 577 Lafontaine av 831 E. to 1925 An- 601 Arthur ave 861 Mohegan ave thony ave: also 651 Hughes ave 901 Honeywell av fr Valentine ave 661 Belmont ave 921 Daly ave E. to Bronx Pk 701 Crotona ave 961 Vyse ave 51 Walton ave 731 Clinton ave 1001 Bryant ave 101 Morris ave 761 Prospect ave 1021 Boston rd SBb ' 151 Creston ave 801 Mapes ave station 201 Grand blvd 831 Soa'n bid ear 181st St(W)fr 299 Anthony ave 861 Mohegan ave 2150 Jerome ave 351 Valentine av 901 Honeywell av to 2100 Univer- 441 Park ave 921 Daly ave sity av also 2430 481 Wash'gton av 961 Vyse ave Amsterdam av W 50l Bathgate ave 1()01 Bryant ave to Riverside dr 551 Monterey ave 1030 Boston rd sob 1 Jerome ave 575 Lafontaine av station 25 Davidson ave 601 Arthur ave 1060 Bronx st f»7 Grand ave 641 Hughes ave Bronx River 85 Acqueduct av E 661 Belmont ave 1101 Devoe ave 66 Harrison ave 70l Crotona ave l'<51 Bronx Pk. av 501 Amsterdam avo 731 Clinton ave 1201 Morris Pk. av ~,P.R Audubon ave 761 Prospect ave Van Nest ave 601 St. Nicholas »"

; 801 Mapes ave 1300 E Tremont av 651 Wadswortb av% r 102 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX 701 B'way subw staj731 Crotona ave 635 Wadsworth ave 801 Ft. Wash', ave 761 Prospect 701 Broadway subw :'.•> ave South';? bidI car h32 PineliurstPinehmst 001 -fssth St (E) f 850 Northern ave 183rd St(W)i 4596 Park av to Haven ave 2277 Jerome ave 4601 3d av; also Riverside dr W. to2240Sedg fr 2372 Arthur wick also 182nd StCE) fi 24S4 ave E. to 647 2240 Jerome ave Amsterdam av W Crescent ave E. to Boston rd 1 Jerome ave sub 3d av L to 183d sta & Bronx Park 25 Davidson ave 441 Park ave 1 Jerome ave sub 49 Grand ave 481 Washington av 201 Grand blvd 79 Acqueduct av E 601 Arthur ave 401 Webster av car 83 University ave 621 Hughes ave 441 Park ave 201 Andrews ave 632 Belmont ave & 481 Washington av 120 Loriu'i pi Crescent ave 495 Bassford ave 501 Amsterdam ave 186th St. (W) 531 Bathgate ave 553 Audubon ave fr 2532 Amster- 3d ave L 601 St. Nicholas av dam ave W. 590 Quarry rd f'i51 Wadsworth ave 500 Amsterdam ave subw 600 Arthur ave 701 Broadway 512 Washington ter 609 Adams pi Ft. Wash' ave 541 Ardubon ave 621 Hughes ave 184th St (E) fr 601 St. Nicholas av 661 Belmont ave 2374 Jerome ave C5] Wadsworth ave 680 Grote st E to 4550 3d av 187th St(E) fr Vll Crotona ave 1 Jerome av sub 2426 Grand blvd 780 Clinton ave 51 Walton ave E. to Bronx Park 761 Prospect ave 3 01 Morris ave 201 Grand olvd 800 Mapes ave 351 Creston ave 301 Valfentine ave 820 South'n bid car 201 Grand blvd 331 Tiebout ave 182nd St(W)li •01 Valentine ave 361 Marion ave 2200 Jerome ave 331 Tiebout ave 401 Webster av car W. to AcQueduct 841 Marion ave 441 Park ave av E also 2450 401 Webster av car 501 Washington av Amsterdam ave W 441 Park ave 3rd ave "L" 1 Jerome ave sub 481 Washington av 531 Bathgate ave 27 Davids'on avo 501 Bassford ave 551 Lorillard pi 51 Gran J ave 531 Bathgate ave 571 Hoffman st 78 Acqueduct av 545 3rd ave L 601 Arthur ave 500 Amsterdam a'( 184th St(W)fi 621 Hughes ave 550 Aud':bon avo 2374 Jerome ave 651 Belmont ave 600 St. Nicholas av W. also fr 2500 661 Crescent ave 651 Wadsworth ave Amsterdam ave \A' 6S1 Cainbreleog av 700 Broadway subw 1 Jerome ave 701 Beaumont ave 183Pd St (E) fr 25 Davidson ave 731 Crotona ave 2240 Jerome ave 51 Grand ave 751 Prospect ave Southern blvd E. to Southern — Acqueduct ave 761 blvd & Bronx Pk 500 Amsterdam ave 187th St(W)fr 1 Jerome ave sub 550 Audubon ave 2250 Amsterdam 101 Jlorris are ()43 Wadsworth ave 501 Amsterdam ave 151 Creston ave 7(10 Broadway subw 541 Audubon ave 201 Grand blvd 185th St (E) fr 651 Wadswarth ave 220 Ryer ave 4600 Park av E. 701 Broadway 301 Valentine ave to 4566 3d ave 1S8th St (E) fr 341 Tlebout ave fr 2350 Prospect Morris av & E, 401 Webster av car ave to South'n bl Fordham rd to 441 Park ave 3d av L to 183d sta Beaumont ave 481 Washington av 447 Park ave 150 E Fordham rd 501 Bassford ave 481 Washington av car 521 Bathgate ave ',i)\ Bassford ave 180 Crescent ave 549 3d ave L rd 761 Prospect ave 01 Grand blvd 589 Arthur ave 7S9 Southern blvd 224 Valentine ave 601 Adams pi 185th St(W)rr >>:-U Elm ol 637 Hughes ave 251 4 Amsterdam 361 Marion ave 661 Belmont ave 501 Amsternam ave ^01 Webster av car 681 Cambreleng ave 550 Audul)on ave 441 Park ave 701 Beaumont ave 001 St. Nicholas av 465 3d ave L rd RED BOOK GUIDE 103

ter 491 Washington av , 129 Devoe Webster ave 531 Bathgate ave 149 Uebb ave 101 Creston ave 551 Lorillard pi 501 Amsterdam ave 230 Valentine ave 581 Roilman st 550 Audubon ave 260 Briggs ave 001 Arthur ave ,Ul S. Nicholas av 301 Bainbridge av 621 Hughes ave (>ol Wadsworlh ave 341 Marion ave 651 Belmont ave 701 Broadway subw St. James P'k 681 Cambreleng av 191st St (E) fr 381 Decatur ave 698 Beaumont ave 2500 Morris ave 3! I Webster av car ISath St(W)fr E. to 2530 Cres- 2851 Mayflower ave 2475 Grand ave ton av also 2510 2921 Hobart ave Sedgwick ave also Bathgate ave to 195th St (E) fr 2570 Amsterdam 2527 Hughes ave 2670 Marion av to Sedgwick ave; Jerome av sub & 3d E. to 2694 Web- also to 2570 Am- ave L ster ave sterdam ave 530 Bathgate ave 341 Marion ave 51 Grand ave 570 Hoffman ave 381 Decatur ave 500 University ave 618 Hughes ave 400 Webster car 200 Webb ave 191st St(W)rr 2851 Mayflower ave Devoe Park 520 Audubon ave i921 Hobart ave Sedgwick car W. to 355 Wads- 195th St W. fp 500 Amsterdam ave wortL ave 2900 Jerome ave 546 Audubon ave ave 50 Audubon W. to 2801 Sed- St. Nicholas av 000 ,;q(> gt Nicholas av gewick ave 651 Wadsworth avei(j;|Q wadsworth ave 196th St(E) fr 189th St (E) fr 1S2nd St(E) ir 2750 Jerome ave 2458 Webster av 2584 Creston av E. to 2694 Web- E. to Bronx Park E. to Valentine ster ave 401 Webster av car av & E. Kings- 1 Jerome av sub 441 Park 3d av L bridge rd 51 Morris ave 481 Washington av Webster ave car 529 Bathgate ave 192nd St(W)ir 101 Creston ave 201 Grand blvd 551 LorUlard pi 2591 Jerome ave 231 Valentine ave 571 Hoffman st W. ; also f r 5410 Arthur ave Amsterdam av W. 261 Briggs ave 1 601 Bainbridge av 621 Hughes ave 1 Jermoe ave sub oOl Marion ave Belmont ave Davidson ave 341 I 651 26 Webster av car 681 Cambreleng ave Grand ave 401 5C Mayflower ave 699 Beaumont ave University ave 2851 100 Hobart ave 189th St(W)fr "50 Audubon ave 2921 196th St. fp 2600 Amsterdam GOO St. Nicholas av W. Jerome ave to Wadsworth Wadsworth ave 2950 ; W. (,10 Ajnsterdam ave 193Pd St (E) Ir W to Reservoir av ( 501 ' ave Jerome ave St (E) fr I 550 Audubon 2640 1S7th 601 St. Nicholas av E. to Grand blvd 2820 Creston ave I 621 Wadsworth ave also from 2601 E. to 2751 Web- 701 Broadway subw Bainbridge E. to ster ave 190th St (E) fr 2593 Webster ave 201 Grand blvd 2500 Jerome ave 1 Jerome ave sub 231 Valentine ave E. to 2501 Cres- 51 Morris ave 261 Briggs ave ton ave 100 Creston ave SOI Bainbridge av 1 Jerome ave sub Grand blvd 321 Pond pi 51 Morris ave 301 Bainbridge ave 351 Marion ave 101 Creston ave 341 IMarion ave J 81 Decatur ave 190th St(W)fr 3S1 Decatur ave 401 Webster av car 2500 Jerome ave 387 Webster av car 2851 Mayflower ave '>921 Hobart ave W to 2501 Webb 1f«3Pd StfW)rr fp also fr Amsterdam 2650 Jerome ave 197th St. W. Jerome ave ave West W.; also fr 560 3000 1 Jerome ave sub Audubon ave W. W to Sedgew'kav 25 Davidson ave 194th St (E) fr 49 Grand ave 2650 Valentine 99 University ave av E. to 2625 '

104 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN A BRONX f98th St(EU:-| 3775 lOth etc SiUBth Sl(W):r 2773 Jerome ave 203rd St (E) Hi Harlem River W. K. to 2.S21 Web '-^ 3^"> I'^'i -i^f 3040 Grahd blvd' . ave ster ave B. to 250 E Mo- 1^01 Dili 1 Jerome ave car l*^,^ shohi i.kw>-; also -^^^'-i^ /^^ ,„ 101 CT^ston ave Webst ave to, 206th St (E) I 2

2922 Jerome ave 204th St (E) rr W to lU'servoir av E. to 2sr.U Wtb- 3116 Jerome ave also fr Harlem R. ster ave E. to 200 E Mo- W. to Seaman ar 1 Jerome ave car sholi: pkwy & fr (Manhattan) 201 Grand hlvd 3070 Bainbridge 1 Jerome ave 231 Valnitine ave av K. to Bronx pk 20 Lowe are 261 Briggs ave 1 Jerome ave 40 Navy ave 2S1) Bainbridge ave 101 Villa ave 60 Army ave blvd 341 Marion ave 201 Grand Mt President are Valentine ave 351 Decatur ave 241 100 fculden ave Mosholu pkwy 400 Webster av car 271 207th 8t (E) rr av« 199th St(W) fp 201 Bainbriilce 3200 Ba:nt)ndge 301 Perry ave 3015 Jerome ave ave E to 3241 .",31 Hull ave W. to (Joulden av Parkside pi Decatur ave Jerome avt snb 361 Webster ave ear 401 Webster ave 200th St(E) Sherman ave (•>40 Cooper ave 10th & Academy t^HO Vrrmilyoa ave I208th 8t (E) fr 202nd St(E) fr '>'> Broadway -Mi^O Jerome ave 3000 Grand blvd|6N4 CooDcr ave K to Bainbridge E to 3000 Briggs 205th St (E) rr'208th 8t(W)ir av; also Webster HI.50 Jemme avp; :'.64f. Gaynor ave to Goulden at av to Bronx Park K tn :il87 Web- 1 W. Jerome i Webster av >ter ave 1<^ Gaynor ave cars Jerome sebway Oilrry pi 201 Grand blvd in5 Grand blvd rarrlgan pi 241 Valentine ave 201» E Mosholu pky a'sn fr Harlem R.

277 Briggs ave :!31 Hull ave I W to .*>;U5 10th 401 WrhshT ave Webster av ear 401 9th an> 417 NVC k HR rr 300 rvcatur ave A'A^ 10th avp 202nd St(W)fr ParMde pi ;209th St (E) fP Harlem R. W. to' Wrt,ster ave 3301 Perry av E RED BOOK GUIDE

to Parkalde f\ pi 2 Jeruiiie ave IIMJ Broriv-woiHi a? •801 Percy ate 20^y, DoKalbi/urwdiu aveurc 1(KM)ni^Nj rauidinKPauiilini- ave ^ 831 Hull St 4». Baiul.ridge ave 217th St(W)rr BC'i r»'catur a^e GIHJ Broia blvd Park ter W. £7.') (•»-40 Paikside pi Olinvillc ave Park trr K, •S09th St(W)fr fiOO WiUett ave 218th St (E) rr » ILirlrm U. W. to 7(X) Wh Pin rtl car 3730 Wh PUina '1 3!il^> 10th a?e 730 Holland ave rJ K. to 1401 |210th 8t (E) rr 7r»0 Carlisle pi Oakley :< 34(M1 L 2asth MK> Karnes ave , & TOO Wh PI rd car M DeKalb ave K. to 'MO Panidlug ave NOO Barne. ave M Resenoir Ofal W. 213th St(W)fp iK»0 Broti.\uoot) a? J 60 IKKiilb aTe Harlem R. W. lu UMK) Paulding are 77 KossutL a?e Ataman ave 218th St(W)fp T ' steul)eG are 401 9th ave 9th sve West i; ichambeau av "tUl 10th ave 4rR» Ulh av,' " I'.ainbrjuge ave Broadw ay 219th St fE) ir 210th St (.W) 214th St (E) fr 3.S00 Carpenter Harlem R. W. to 3r)2.") White Pins ave E. to 1419 3'jrjr> ave I lOth rd K to Bost. rd Oakley si 211U1 St (E) f" G!'!) Wh Pin rd car 6(M) Carp.'nter ave 36(X> Bdiiibriilge 72H Holland ave 040 Olinville ave ave to Webster av S(i;i Barnes ave «;t)0 Willell ave & fr Bronx blvd l)(M) Bronxwood ave Tt.H) Wh Pin rd car to Olirville and KM 10 I'juldiiig 3v.> S(M> Barnes ave White Plains rd 214th St(W)li IMH) Bri)i!SW()od at *" Barnes ave Harlem River W. 1(MM! Paulding ave Kainbrldge are to Seaman ave 2i9th St(W)fp I'utfiam pi 401 9th ave 9lu av W. to Sea- ,.., Hull ave r.Ol KKh ave man i\^.' I'oQk) Decatur ave —-- Broadway 4fM) 9th ave |100 Webster ave 215th St. (E) 500 10th ave on Bronx blvd 3<;o0 White Pins Broadway iiliuville ave rd E ! 220th St (E) fr Wh Pin nJ ear 700 Wh Plaln Ciapin ave HK) Dames ave and !MK> Bronxwood av 020 Bronx blvd

, Tilden st ,l(HKi Paulding ave TOO Carpenter ave 1211th St(W)rr 215th St(W)fp SOO Wh Pin rd ear 9(K» Barm's avo 1 Harlem River W. Harlem R. W. to 4980 Brdway Seaman ave \{M)() PaiildiiLK ave 101 th ave 401 f>th ave 110

£. to Bainbridge 1X01 Neediiani av • 01 Hruadway ave & fr White fiOO Bronx blvd ,22l8t St (E) rr Plains rd E. to VAO Oliuville ave 3sr»0 Carpenter

Boston rd GOO Willett ave ! ave E. to Ea«t- 2 Jerome ave 700 Wh PI rd earl chester rd

20 DeKalb ave 800 BariTPs ave 1 n20 Carpenter ave 40 K( ichambeau av IKK) Bronxwood av 70«i Wh Pin rd ear 60 Bainbridge ave 1(KX> Paulding avc Kf»0 Barnes ave 700 Wh Pin rd ear IKX) Laconia ave VMM) i;n)n\wi)od af 730 Holland ave 216th St(W)fr 1'>0.) P ulding ave "lath St(W)fr Har'.em R. W t.. 1100 Uconla ave Harlem R. W. to S.-aman ave 222nd St(E) rr 500<) Broadway 401 9th avc '< Bronx River at tOl 9th ave ."01 lOfli ave Webster avo E to i Wl 10th are ,217th St (E) rr, Peiham Bay Pk 213th St (E) rr 372S Wh Plains: Chapin are 3G00 Jerome ave rd E. to iao7l C>00 Bronx blvd

E. to Bainbridge Oaklev st I r>20 Carp»Hiter ave av & fr Bronx R. TfH) Wh Pin rd ear TOO Wh Pin rd ett

£ to Boeton rd SOO Barnes ave ' SOO Bamei ave 106 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX

N. Y. W RK. 227th St(W)rr:r.l Bailey ave 900 Brotixwood av Exterior st W. to 201 Broadway ]I(MH> Paulding ave Adrain ave 2r>l Klngxbrldge a? 11(K» Luconia are Exterior gt 281 Ccrlear ave 1L'

3924 Carpenter Bronx River E to I \>'. to Broadway; av E to Laconla Laronia eve also Spuyt. Duy- ave 020 Carpenter ave Chapin vll rci W to 3100 700 Wh Pin rd car 000 Bronx blvd Palisade ave 800 Barnes ave (')20 Can>ent€r ave 140 Railey ave

9(X> Bronxwood av (;00 Lowerre pi 170 Albany Cresc'nt ' 100(1 Paulding ave )0 Wh Pin rd ear 2(KJ Broadway llOU Lacoiiia ave y(MJ Barnes ave lo-j.- Gowiwin ter <)00 Bronxwood ave -.-,0 224th St (E) ri Kingsbridg; avo 1(>00 I'auldiiiR av(> __ coHear ave Bronx River Y. to 228th St(W)rrr)()0 Duyv. Boston rd Spuy. nj 3G31 Kingsbridge ter; Bronx blvd 232nd St (E) IT also Heath to Bai-, 600 Carpenter ave 4174 Bronx bird ley ave 700 Wh Pin rd car L to 331.") Ely a? r.2r>i) Brdway W. 600 Bronx blvJ 801 Barni's ave 101 Broadway rtOO av 020 CanxMifor ave Rmnxwoml Marble Hill 151 700 Wh Pin rd car 10(,K» Paulding ave ave 17.5 Adrain S(MI Barnc> ave St (E) rr 'Jth ave 225th 400 (K)!» Bn)iixw(v)d aV Carpenter 3974 229th St. E. fP KMX) Paulding ave av K. to 3r.l Ely Bronx River E. to n,M) Uonia are nr Boston rd I.aronia ave 232nd St(W)rr fi21 Carponter ave 000 Bronx blvd 5570 Brdway W Pin rd car 700 Wh (v20 Carpenter ave to 32(X) Biver- ave MM) Barnes U.S1 Lowerre pi dale av & John- (MH' Rronxwood av 7(K) White Pins rd son ave W. to loon Paulding ave S(X) Rarnes ave Spuy. Duyvil rd ave IKK) Lacnnla f)(K) Bronxwood av o(>o 3n)adway 2£5th St(W) fr 1000 Paulding av.' o-o Klngsbriire SW Bailey ave W. to 229th St(W)ri-S0 Corl.ar ave niSO Broadway 2S51 Sodgwirk av 233Pd St (E) fr subway West Side W to Kingsbridgf Jerome ave E tO 226th St (E) rr ter; also Heain to 31301 Boston rd Bronx River E to Bailey ave 1 Mt. Vernon at 4000 I>:i('onia av Sedgwlrk ave 32 Herkimer pi r>0(l Chapin ave 220 Heath ave 51 Napier ave f)20 Bronx lilvd Railey ave iqI Oneida ave (inn Carpenter ave 230th St. E. fr 201 K.pler ave 700 I/ I^oonlft avj fiOl Vinn ave 1»(K) Rarncs ave 000 Carpenter ave| {\0\ Webstr av eiP ' r27th St (E) fr 700 VMiile Pins rd mX Chapin ave 4024 Carpenter SOO Blirnes ave 625 Carpenter avB rtl i:ve F. to 402."! I'OO Bronx wootl av OiX) Wh Pin car I.acnnla ave looO Paulding avf 7~iO Rvron ave 020 Carpenter ave 230th St(W)rr; .^27 Rushing ave 000 Uwerre pi .'<00(i Klngsl.ridgv' It03 Bronxwood a» 70() Wh PI rJ car ter W. to Inde-j 923 Ed.nwa'd ave K(M) Rarni'S ave pendenre ave iKKH) P.iuMin.- and 1>(M) Rronxwood av no KlnRsbrldge av Ountb-r aves 1000 Paulding ave 120 Heath ave 1035 WirkS.am ate RED BOOK GUIDE 107

1051 Bruner ave 400 S|)uyten Duyvil ; 7(H) White I'lns rd 1100 Laconia stc Hiverdale 500 ave I 72.'> Furman ave 1150 Ely ave 235th St (E) rr 751 Byron ave I IISO Grove ave 4270 Mt Vernon 8(K» Barnes ave 12(K) Kd^on ave av E. to 4270 237th 8t(W)rr V2'2'} Bnychester av Webster av & fr Y. C RR. W. to Ijril DoRamer ave 4258 Carpenter I 5s20 Brdway al- 1.•{(»(' Wilder ave av to BronxHood I

1 fr Spuyten Duyvil loli5 Mnrdock ave 2 -Mt. Vernon av ' pky to Yonkers av i;5.M Hill ave 14 Herkimer ave 170 Putnam avo i;'7n Mi'i.ticello av 50 Napier ave 1401 Sc'toii ave 100 (Jneida ave 238th St (E) rr 1425 Amundson av.' 200 Kepler ave 4;ao Van Coit- 1451 Durjva ave & o(M) Katonah ave landt pk. E. to Pratt ave 4(X) ilartba ave 4331 Vin'o ave 1475 Harj^r ave 500 Vireo ave Jerome ave car 1'25 Si'car ave 550 Webster av car 100 Onieda ave Kepler ave 550 Dye'- ave (521 Carpenter ave 200 Jo74 Rombouts ave (SO!) Wh Pin rd car 3(MI Katonah ave 751 Byron ave 400 Martha ave \. Y. West- 1 ch'tr k Bestn 801 Barnes ave 238th St(W)rr KiOl Merritt ave S50 Bronxwood ave 3S00 Katonah ave E to 1701 Brons- r.5(» Webster av car| Wood ave (500 Builard ave 4(K) Martha ave i 450 Bullard ave 201 E. 233d St 013 Bronx blvd , blvd 301 Katonah ave (521 Carpenter ave 500 Bronx [ lU'.j Carpenter ave 501 Vireo ave 075 Matilda ave i Matilda ava 551 Webster av ear 675 Riehards ave 651 675 Rirhard-son are Bronx River GOO Wh Pin rd car,, 600 Wh Pin rd car 600 Billiard ave 725 Furman ave 'i Furman ave 612 Bronx blvd 750 Byron ave 751 8fK) Byron ave 621 Cari)enter ave SOO Barnes ave | Barnes ave 703 Wh Pin rd car !HK) Bronx\ux.(l avi- 850 750 Byron ave 236th St(W)lr 239th St(W)rr

803 Barnes ave I 3(J0l Bailey ave N. Y. C. RR W.

S2;t Bussing ave I W. to Hudson R. to Broadway; also 234th St(W)rr 237th St. E. fr Netlierland ave 3401 Bailey ave Van Corllandt pk 170 Putnam ave W. to 3400 Riv- E to ]«i(M.) Brnx- 210 Broadway crJale ave wood ave 480 (Jreyslone ave 140 Bailey ave GOO Billiard ave 550 Netherland ave 250 KiuRsbridge ave 613 Bronx blvd (jOO Arlington ave 2S() Corlear ave 621 Carpenter ave 620 Blackstone ave 300 Tibbett ave 66


108 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN & BRONX 240th St. E. fr tU pkwy W. 259th StTW)rr Van Cortliindt pk 2n1 Tibbett ave f)5;U Brdway W. K. to 4GO0 Fur- 24Bth St(W)rr to 5000 Nether- ma u ave l-i.lC \V:iido av" land ave Billiard f»50 ave W l<. -irjUU Field 200 Broadway C(HJ Bronx blvd ^tOll ave 220 Ncwt.m a\e 02<) Carpenter avi- 246th St(W)ri 250 Huxley ave Matilda ave <{50 fiUf)! Br'dwy (at 300 Sp«ncer ave f(74 Rirhji(t;c!i av Van Cortldt pk) o50 F^eldston ave TtKI While PhH rd 40(,) T>-uflall ave \V. to Sycanwre 71.") Fnrruan live 20() Broadway 420 l.iebi^ ave Delaficld 240th St(W)ri 22(» Post rd 450 ave 5.S71 Br d \V 500 Riverdale ate way ••••'• Biverdale ave „, , „ . I W. to Spuytcn '247th StriA/^tr 260th St(W):i- (;571 Br'dway W Dasii pi to Grey to G( M Kj River- av W fo Htidsn stone av & from R dale avr r.(M) Riverdale Van Independence ave •Co ^,A .. Corti'dt pk snb to Sy:amore ave 248th St r 201 Broaciway ( W ) r L»( )i Broadway Spyten Dyvl rd 47.(0 Indopcnd'iv i,'_>n Newton ave ave W. to Hiid- 241 8t St (E) ri 251 Huxley ave son Rivir 4;-ilHI Van Cort 'j^JOl Spencer ave GoO IndcpendVe a.v Liiidt uk. E. & fr ;-{r»l Fieldytone rd Bronx Kiv F. to 249th St(W)rr401 Tjndall ave 4(m;J \Vh Pins rd W. to 4900 Syc 1421 Liebig ave Wh Pin rd car more ave 451 Delaflvld ave 400 Martha ave 50(.- Riverdale ave ;26l8t 8t(W) fr Bronx River 250th St(W)rt <>ndall ave 120 Mibig 242nd St(E) Ir .itrt) Kivt-rdaie av? ave 4.50 Delafleld ave Van fortlandt i)k 000 Arlington av" 500 Riverdale (E) .\E. to City Indepcnd'co av- ave .">;;() Nithi'rland line & fr Bronx 251 8t St(W)!r hvc .'*»'' H. K. to City lino 0201 Br-iiwaj- N 'i-JL^'".''!!'.";'';;': |-62nd 500 Baldwin st to The lost rd 8t(W)rr r>r»0 Bui lard are 200 Broa-hvav 0771 Brdway W. 575 Bronx blvd 252nd Sl(W)frL^ndall ()19 Beach ave 6251 Br'dway W -01 Broad^vay 020 Carpenter ave to Cayugaau avcl;?^*! ^V?T" "^'\ Matilda ave also fr n-Hldo W. J'jPlJ'iO'' /'l 054 b,^„ . i\.)\) Uiilianison ave to Syc.unurc av. 2e3rd St(W)rp Spencer 701 Wb Pin rd ear 253rd 8t(W)rr T^-^OO a» W. 501 Barms ave f^{21 Br'dwav w| to (>3«)0 Riv- erdale nve 551 Wilder av.-- to 5;-!01 Rivmlai' S75 Murdcck ave 200 Rnmdx'.iy .3r»0 S|)enccr ave 242nd St(W)rr :;5i Fi.'i,tjt,„, Hash pi nr Hr»(» 254th St(W)ri Spytn Dyvll pkwy 0351 Br'dway W NEW GUIDES W to Ficldston av to 54(X) Dela- fleld ave 243Pd St (E) fr & W. to Philadelphia 4S.'i4 Rohertso'i Hudson Hlv.-r St E to Bariics av 255th St(W)rr Bnllimore 050 houertson st r.r.Ol Firldstn :\\ C^M) OsKood st W. to 5500 Riv- Cleveland 7(,K) Wb Plains rd cr.l.i 750 Barnes ave 266th St(W)ri Montreal 244th St(W)rr 0421 Brdway W 4400 Caj-ugH ave to 50(M.» Inde- Boston W. to Waldo ave pendenc"e ave k. Spujtcn Duy- 200 Broadway FUTl-5. }||..^,,

Red Book^

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ftikyyiikiijLiu \^:\^yH fete fil fl^. i,y General Information

AMUSEMENT RESORTS & BEACHES BEAR MOUNTAIN (Iiitersiate Park)— IJuutiiii;. ( aiiipiiig and

Bciutiful KivtT and .Mimiitjiin Sct'iiery , I'ark auto biii

(; Brighton subway

) CLASON PT. AMUS. PARK, Clason Point. Bronx COLUMBIA PARK (Hudson Blvd., Jersey City)— Dancing & Various Amu-sements-reaclied via Hudson Tubes to Summit av & Jitney B4is. Fare 20 cents. CONEY ISLAND— Luna Park, Steeplechase. Variety Amuse- ments, Private & Municapal bathing. Dancing, Theatres. Broadway Brighton & Fourth Ave Subways, Fare 5 cents Iron Steamboat from Battery. Fare 26 cents. LONG ISLAND RESORTS—Long Beach, College Point, Far- Uuckaway, South Hampton. Palchogue, Muntauk, L. I. R.R. MIDLAND & SOUTH BEACHES (Staten Ls)—Bathing k Various Amusements reached via Ferr>' to St. George & Trolley. Fare 20 cents. NORTH BEACH — Bathing & Amusements reached *Ia Qaeen«. boro Tunnel & Trollies. Fare 10 cents t, PALISADE PARK (Top of Palis.ides)—Opposite KUlth st KiTry, Various Amusements. Bathing Pool, (.N'ight & Day) reached via 130th, 42nd & Hoboken Ferries and Trolley PLAYGROUNDS (Piers), East Rim, ft of .Market st. L. 3rd. K 41 h. K. SiTd & E. 112th. North River, Unmw st, W.

.".(Mh .'^l & W. lU'.tth st SIGTH SEEING CARS, Fn.m :yUh & -llind and Broadway ROCKAWAY BEACH— Bathing, Dancing, Amusements, Theatres, n-ached via Long island R. R. from 7th av. & 33d it :uul Iron Steamboat from Battery. (L. I. R. R.— Exc) , Vaiioas Amunsements, Dancing reached Tia Bronx Park subway to 177th st station AIR-CRAFT STATIONS

Booking Office (.\rea Corp) Waldorf Hotel. Landing Station, Hudson Biver at 83rd st. (Riverside Buss A W.St Side .Subway.) central Park L. I., Landing field 1000 x 2r)00 with hangars Garden City L. 1., (Milehell Field) 1 half mHe square (Cur- tis and Roosevelt Fiel.-ls also here. AVIATION

Fare Min. M'lefl Fare Min. MiiM Ubany in.OO 12.". 14.". Montreal 20 fM) 2r.(» r.OO Wlantic Cityl.'>()0 '.»0 10.", Washington 2o.(W» 2."() .''.00 loston 1.5.(M) 2fM) 230Sight Seeing NYC ir..(H) ;U)ra Ihicaoo ..51. SO 420 l.OOOCIoud Flying r,:>.00 Meveland 28.00 250 G(X>'

Aero Cfub, 11 E. :^Sfh st Aeronaotreaf Llbr, 200 Mad'n Mronautical Soc. 20 W. 30thAviatian Firld, .Minnn),, L L Aircraft Mfg. Assc .'.01 Dth a* Aviators Ligbthoese, toUe«e P» Air Pifot Bur., 200 Mad'a avc :

120 NEW YORK-MANHATTAN A BRONX ARMORIES (HEADQUARTERS) Arsenal, 7th av k 3otb. lit Battalion Signal Corps Army BIdg.. \\{) Whitehall st.l Park av. 4 .'>,4lh. Div. Natl. Guard, Municipal Math. Gna Troop Cavalry BldK. \?^\\) Madison a». 1st Brigade. ?,A\\\ & Park bt. 'jth Inf., 64:i Park av. lit Field Hospital, 5G VV. 66. 12th Inf.. H'O W. 62d. 3d Amlmlance Co.. ")<; W. 66. (;9th Inf., (;.S LexinKton. 8th Coast Artillery, Jerome amst Inf., Park & 34th. &. Kingsbridge rd BRONX 22d Regt. Engineers, Ft. Wash. 2nd Field Artillery. FYanklia av. i: 16Sth. ay & 166th st 1st Field Artillery. 198S Bway 8th Coast Def. Cora., Park av Squadron A, Cavalry, 1339 & 04th. Madis«n av. Set Brooklyn Gaide for additional Armoriei ART GALLERIES

American. « E 23d at Kraoshaar, 260 5tb m Anderson, .".Oth & Park av. Keppel & Co.. 4 K 39th it Arlington, 274 Madison •? Montross, 500 5th »t Bourgeois, 668 5th av Mileh. 108 W 57th it Daniel, 2 W 47th st Oshima. 14 W 40th st Fine Art Society, 215 W 57tb^Reinhart, 56') 5th av Folsom, 396 5th av .Satinover, 3 W 56th it Getz, E. G., 14 E 45th «t .Whitney, Mrs. H. P.. 8 W |t»^ Goupil & Co.. 58 W 4Sth it AUTOMOBILE CLUBS Automobile Club of America. nead(]uartersl>4th and Broadwa} American Automobile Association, 5(tl 5th are National Automobile C. C 46th and Madison are Motor Parkway, (Long Island) (no speed limit, 40 miles loof) Fee $1. Motnrcyrle 50c Automobile License, G6th st W of Broadway BANKS

Amalgamated Labor, 14th st Brs., 434 B'way; .5th av A 33d: E. .57th; 7th ai< & 4th avc I 205 Amer. Exch. Nat'l. 12S B'way. & .30th: B'wny & ISth sf Amer. Union, 10 K. 22nd st| B'way & 10.5th: B'way & Atlantic Natl., 257 Broadway 144th: 67th & W. 125th: Bk. of America. 44 Wall st nower>' & (irand: I.ex av &

Br:- 40th -;f & MadNnn avc SC.th: I.^-nox & 116th st; Bk of Manhattan Co., 40 Wall 70 8th av; B'way & Howard; Br. 31 ri'iiri 0.. B'wy & 30th; B'wy & 61si Bk of New York, 48 Wall it Chase National, 57 Broadway Bk of U. S.. .".th av i, :iL>d .st Bn:- 23d & 4th ar; .36th & Mad k 116th; 77 Delancej 7th: 3'20 Brd»T; 565 Mwy;'

02S Fn-

Biqriow State. I.", RnHil --t Clearing House, 77 Cedar Bdway Central, 2!T74 Bdway Coal & Iron Nat. 143 Liberty . 220 W. 42

-{CMimonw««lth, 190 Bowery;; Le^irer't Bkni Ho., 55 At B First av; ! 77th St & 155th'Lineoln NaU., CA) E. 42n*l si 8t k Third ave. Manhattan Co., -10 Wall st ^;C*iuldtd ClMrini Ht. 60 Broad Metr'plis Br, 31 Unioa sq W !Coiitinental of N. Y., 20 Bru:i

I AidDbon, 160th & Broadway Bn:- 7th a? & 5Sth; iol Broadway, r)25 B'way MadLsoii av; B'»ay k 86th; Cotumbot Cir. R'way & 55th C80 Columbus; 3rd & 116fh Oyekman, 207tb &, Post ave 1st av & lU3rd; Amiterdani East Side. 370 Grand st av & Manhattan st; 14th ft 86th St.. 126 E. 86th stj 2nd ave Eleventh Ward, 147 Ave DMeehanies I Metals. 20 Nassau Fifth A»e., 142 Fifth ave Brs:- 2ad av & 14th; 2001 42nd St.. 303 W. 42d st! 1st av; 500 W. 125th st & Fo«rth Ave., 4th av & 29th 60th & Madison av Filton, 37 Fulton st 'Mercantile of Amers.. 44 Pine Central, st I Grand 7 E. 42nd Merchants Ex. Nat., 257 Bwar

i Harlem, 125tb & Lenox av Motual Bank, 49 W 33d it Hudson Biv, 262 Cdumbus Nat. Bk of Coiaree, 31 Nassaa

I LoxinBton. 60th k Lex'n av natj. city, 55 Wall st Mt. Morris, Park av & 125h Brs; 42d .st k Madiion av, Park st, I Av.. Park at & 52d iy,y^ Broadway ^^^' ^^^*' * 33d Nafl. Bptchers & Drovers. 683 I t^"."o-. 72d St, 72d k Lex'gton av, Uroa.luav I sts ' I^.T'^'J- ^^? t ^k^J^^ Natl, of Nassai, 5 Beekman it 28th St., 12 W. 28th st National Park, 214 Bdway *i Union Sq., 34 Lnion square Nemeth State. 15;«7 2iul ave University, Broadway 2902 Nemeth State. U) E 22nd st Wuhington, 2o3 Broadway t New NetheHand. 41 W 34th it Washington Hihti., Amster-^ I National City Bk., 55 Wall st

1 dam & l-13rd st f" Brs:- 42nd k MadL^m ave; B'way; .'«() B.werj-; ^ Tl^Yi ^^•'^.^\^^l*^o"/H li:W 181st St.. St NicU' ISlst! : & .>stli st 4 5th av Eut River Natl.. 680 Bdway in."y. Clearing Ho.. 77 Tedar .Federal Reserve. st 19 .Nasiau n. Y. Cointy Natl., 7d 8th a? "i'ederal Reserve, 120 Bway No. Amer., 54 (anal iFKth Av of N. Y.. 530 5th a? pacifle. 470 Broadway .Fifth Natl., Lex. av & 23d j Branches. Madison av k 2Sth iFlnt Natl, of N. Y., 2 Wall it gi; Madi.son av k 57th st; l-oirth Atlantic, 53 Slate 7th k 49th: 122 Hudson -st i-oorth St., Bullitt bldg Peoples ComI N. Y., 150 Del'cy k !arfleld Natl., 200 5th av iProgress, .{19 7th ave !i lotham Nat'l.. I.SI9 BroadwaylPublic Nat'l.. Delano" k Ludl'w

: ireenwieh, 4(»2 Hudson Brs:- Branches, B'way k 2:5th st: i 15131 Brdway; 220 7th av; Madison ar k 116th it; ii: 97 Wanrn Seaboard, 59 Broad, Branches:- k Unover Natl., Pine A Nassaa I 45th & Mad av: 115 B'way .;::larriman Natl., r>27 5th avo Security, 1 K. 14th st f Br:- 2 W. 44th st (Standard. ,55 Avenue A \. nptn ft Traderi. 247 Bdway State Bk.. 376 (.irand; 1400 ijf noustrial, :\srt 4th ave .liii av; 1(M» l-:s,se.\; 27r» 5th tinternatl Arceptaoce, :U Pit Terminal Exch. 7th av k ;i0th «; nternatl. Bkg. Corp., 60 Wall Textile So.. .50 Union square rving Natl., Woolworth bldg Union Bk. of 0. S.. 95;i 3rd Brs., 92 W. B'way; 60 h Union Lib. State. 162 E 2;ird 42d; 81 Fultn; 75-t B'way United States, .5th av k 32nd

32nd st & 5th ave ', Brs:- 77 Ivlanccyst; 56 E. and Bk. of N. Y.. 220 B'way, lltith st ebanon, 59 Washington st Yorkville, 1511 3d a»


BANKS (Foreign)

Amer. For. Bk'g Corp 53 I5ilw7 ;;g Wall st Anglo. Sou. Amer Bk. 4!) Bdwy Italian Disc't & Tr. Co., 390 Blanco Di Napoll. 524 Bdway B'way;Br., 2242 1st are Bk of British N. Am., (;} Wali London & Brazil Bk, ^^^^ Wall Bk of Europe. 1429 1st a? London & River Plate, 51 Wall Bk of Montreal, M Wall st Merchants of Canada, 3,S Wall Bk of New So. Wales, Agency. Natl, of S. Africa, 44 Beari-r G8 Wall St Natl of Haiti, (](» Wall st Bk of Novia Scotia. ,'52 Wall Mercantile of India, 04 Wall Bk of W. Africa. lOO Hcawr Natl, of Nicaragua, 44 Pine st ; Canadian Bk of Commerce, 1(V Philippine, :i7 B'way Exchange pi Royal of Canada, 68 Wm. st. Charter Bank of India, Avst., :>tandard Bk of So. Africa. Lti. China, 44 B.-av^r st OS Wall st Colonial Bk of London, 22 Wm Union Bk. of Can., 49 Wall st Credit Lyonaiie, 52 William Yokahoma Specie Bk. Lti, 120 Fidelity Bk, Madison av & 75tb Broadway Honk Kong & Shanghai Bank. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Astor, 501 Fifth ave Guaranty, .522 5th 8fe Atlantic, 49 Wall st Hanover. 5 Nassau st Bankers, 4 Wall st Harriman, 527 r,th ave Bowery, 124 Bowery Hudson, 1411 Broadway Broadway, 23d at & 4th ave Irving. WDoIworth Building Bronx, 429 E. Tremont a»e Knickerbocker, 00 Broadway; Central Union, 5th a» & r><)th 35^ Fifth ave; 151 W, Br:- Midison a» & 42nri st 125th; 3d av & 148th; Corn Exchange, 253 Broadway Lincoln, 02 E. 42nd st Brs:- 7 E. 42nd; 202 fol- Madison, 204 5th av; Branch, unibas av; Park av & 125th 2n79 Broadway 13 Williams st Maiden Lane, 170 Broadvay Empire, 120 Bwy; .'iSO 5th av Mechanics & Metals, 25 B'way Empire City, IGO Fifth av Mercantile, 115 Broadway Equitable, 37 Wall st; Mad- Metropolis, 31 I'nion sijuare ison av & 45th: 222 B'way Murray Hill, .^ W. 40th .'Jt Fifth Ave., 250 Fifth are Natl. City Safe Oep., Madison Franklin. Madison & 40th st & I2nil st Empire, 295 5th ave Natl Park 214 Broadway Equitable, 220 Broadway Brr- Parish, 7

American. 115 W. 42nd st .Emigrant I nditrl Sa*, .".1 Chmbj Asin. Sav. Bk.. .50 W J.-.tli M Emp. City Sav's, 231 W 125tli Bank for Savings, 280 4th av Excelsior Saving, 221 W 57t!i Bdway Saving. 5 Park pi Excelsoir Savings, 79 W 23J Bowery of N. Y., 124 Bowery Franklin Savings. 050 8th av Br:- 110 K. 42iid st Greenwich Sav'i, 240 0th av st Br:- :;(;::i nr.a.iuay Central, UMi E. 14lh | \ Citizen Savings, .58 Bowery Harlem Sav's, 121 F 125th it Comnwith Sav's, 2007 Am aHrving Savings, 115 ("hamhcrg st Italian Sav's, Spring st Dollar. 27M2 :'.n! avr 01 Dry o'ock Sav's, 341 Bowery Maiden Lane Sav's. 170 Bway East River Sav's. 295 Bdway Manhattan, 044 Broadway R£^ BOOK GUIDE 123

Metropolitan Sav's, 1 3(1 av .Union Dime Sav, 6th st & 40tb N. Y. Savings, 81 8tb av lUoion Sq Sav'i, 20 Unioa sq No. River Sav'i, 31 W 34tli sUU. S. Sav'i, GOO Madi«)n at North Side, '6260 Urd iHf '(Veit Side Sav'i, llu Otli av. TRUST COMPANIES Amer., 135 Broadway Bt4:- 200 OrM; Ma 60th & 5th; 42d & av, 2077 Broadway Madi^au ave Italian Disc't & Tr., 399 Bwy Co4iimbla, 358 5th ave Br:- 2242 1st ave Brs:- 3rd & 148lh; 151 W. Manufactrs., 13'.< Brdway 125th: 27J» Park; tlO Bwuy Br:- 8tb av & 34th st Commercial, 1451 Broa(tvaf Mfrs. & Merch'ts, 1S19 B'way Cofooration Co.. 37 Wall it Mercantile, .Mad. av Bordii bld< Credk Discount, 432 4tli ave Mercantile Tr & Dep, of Balti- Credit Finance, 507 5lh ave more, 57 Broidway Efflpire, 120 Bway. 580 5th a* Metropolitan, GO Wall st Equitable, 37 Wall st Branch, 716 FKth ave Bi-:- 220 Broadway New York, 100 B.-oadway Equitable of N. Y., Madisoa &. Real Estate Tratt Co. 149 Bwy 45111 st Title Guarantee & Tr Co, 176 Farmers Loan & Tnit Co., 20 Broadway; Branch, 137 W. William st & 475 5th ave 125lh st Fidelity iNteniat'l, Chamber ^ Transatlantic, 67 William st; Hudson Brs:- 110 WUllani Union Trust Co., SO Broadway 17 Battery pi U. S. Mortage & Trust Co., 55 Finance the, 20 Exchange pi Cedar; Brs:, y4() Madition av First Peoples, 5 C'oiunibus Cir 2101 B'way; 277 W. 125th Faltofl, st; MadLson av & 75th st Guaranty of N. Y., 140 Brdway fB S Trust Co. ef N Y. 45 WaU BRONX BANKS Bk of Naples. 333 E 149th .st 14!Hh, Tr«mont & Arthur av Bk of U. S., Freeman st & a 37r) K. Fordliam rd Boulevard iCosmopolitan, S03 Prosport a? Bronx Boro., 1777 Popham st Dollar Savings, 2S(>s 3rd ave Br., \y\) Plains av & 21SthNo. Side Savings, .TJ.SO ,3rd a? Bronx National, 309 K. ]4!>tli Public Bk.. Br Clarem't pkwy Bronx Savings, Park &. TrenKuiiState Bk. Br, W'tchter & 158 Columbia Trust Co., Br. 14Sth Twenty-third Ward, 137th and od av, 1(H>0 Southeru blvd ' 3nl av, Br. 2>i03 3d av & Commonwealth, 15.5th st& :itdi tXM) Bobton rd Com Exchange, Br'dies, 375 E) BASEBALL PARKS American & National Leagues, Polo Grounds, 8tb a? k 155th, prices 25c to $2.

RiitRrrs pi 243 E. 109th st jI»fJiers. 10c. ; twtb-

. Ave A & 23d st River Baths I ers furnish owf Cannine st BaUery Park suitj; accomodalf 85 I 347 W. 41st 8t 'E. 5tli st 1 8,000. 124 MISCELLANEOUS BRIDGES Brooklyn, 1^ miles long, entrsDce opp. City Bftll, 135 «ft high. Cost |22,5(K).000 Central, Harlem Klver at Jerome City Island, I'elham Bay Park to City Island Eastern Boulevard, Westchester Creek at L'nlonport Hell Gate, cotmecte PenosylTatiia k N.T.N.H. k fl.Rit. miles long; over Hell Gate. Cost $27,000,000 High Bridge, ITCrth &. Harlem Biver, 18r> feet high. Kingsbridge, Acrots Spuyten DuiTil Creek Lenox Ave. R. R., Harlem River at E. 14*Jtb st Madison Ave., Harlem River at 138th st Manhattan Bridge, Greatest suspension bridge in world; built I'.MH-ll: 6,S55 ft. long; cost 26 million dollars. Mlddleton Rd., \Vestche.ster Creek at Westchester Mott Haven Canal, Canal at ISilth st New Haven R. R., Hutchinson River at Pelham Bay Park New Haven R. R., Bronx River at West Farms Pelham Bay, Hutchinson River at Pelham Bay Park Pennsylvania R. R., Connects Queens Boro. via Randall's Isl'd Pitiiam Railroad, Harlem River at Sedgwick ave Ooeensboro, 1 Vj mile long, ent 59tb st, cost $18,000,000 Second Ave. R. R., Harlem River at Second ave (Trains only) Third Ave. Harlem River at 8rd ave Tremont Ave., Bronx River (West Farms) University Heights, Harlem River at lS4th (Fordham Hghts) Washington Bridge, ISlst st k Harlem River WiHiamibnri, 1% mUe long, cost $25,000,000 CEMETERIES

CITY OF NEW YORK CEMETERY—Harts Isl Ferry, ft 116UJ YORK CITY MARBLE—2n(l st bet. 1st k 2nd ave PELHAM—City Island, Bronx. POTTER'S FIELD—Harts Island. Via Ferry ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD—Broadway k Fulton st ST. RAYMOND'S— (Throgs Neck)—Near Tremont av TRINITY CHURCH CEM.—154th st k Broadway TRINITY CHURCHYARD-— Broadway k WaU st WOODLAWN -JiWrd &. Webster av, Woodlawn Height* See Brooklyn & (Queens Guides for other Cemeteries CHURCHES

BAPTIST Immanuel. (Ger) 411 K. Tfuh Abyttlnlan, (eol) 242 W 40th Judion (Mem), r>r. Wash sq n Baptist Temole, 151) W lJi2d Madison Ave, 30 E 31st st Broadway, rnr I0«»h & K'way Mariners Temple, Hcnr>- comer Calvary. 123 W .^.7th st oijv.r st Calvary Br. 2:'.!l W. f>t Day Star, (col) .^.12 W l.'^7thMt Morris, .''.th av nr 127th st First. (Ger.) .334 K lUfh st Mt. Olivet, (eol) IfU W. 53d First. (Hung) 22.") K. SOth .st North. 2:{2 W 11th st ^v^ P.irk ave First, (Ital) 1 ir-rn- >;r Park . tU^d & Flr<;t. (Swed) 13') F 5.'th st St. Paul (col). 3,'i2 W 35th first. Bdway & W 79th st Second Ave. Iti4 '2d av First (Ger.), of Harlm, 220 B Second (Ger), 107 W 43d st llRth st Sixteenth St. 2,'>5 W 10th st First Mariners'. 3 Henry st Union, (col) li'M W. 63rd st W. <>« th st Ft Wnihlnoton. 121 Wa'!swtb ""'»>. 70 Hirioa 21M E 1^3d » Wadsworth Ave., \Vudsworth av Hope. ^ B'road'way" * lf>Oth st RED BOOK GUIDE

Washington Hgti. 420 W 145tlLSt. Nicholas. lii7 W. ifjih st 2l«n, 2148 5th ave St. Nieholai Rm. Oath. 15-21 E. 07 ih st CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC TransfigBratlon, 233 E. 17tb C«ntrtl. 417 W 58ih rt JEWISH Harlem (Ger.), 202 W 114Ui Adath Israel. 203 E Broadway CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST Agidath Chevra Anshe Marlia Orosh, 71 Columbia gt FIrjt, 1 w. 9<5ih St Ahavath Achiai Aothe UiBgarn. Second, 10 W. OSth st 74 Columbia Third, 111 5Sth st Ahavath Chesed Shaar Hash- Fo«rth, 178th k Ft. Wash'gtn omayim, e-W Lexington av Fifth, E. 43rd st 9 Anshe Rzesiaa Cong, 75 WiUett Seventh, 510 W. 112th st B H Hag Ansho Jesbiirin, 4V>'i Elfht, E. st 103 77tb E. 14r.th st Twolvetb. W. 43rd st 34 Beth Hanedrash Hagodd Oet< pardim. 13 W 113th st COLORED CHURCHES iBeth Israel. 3.S7 E 77th st 173 W 63d gt IBohemlan Amer Israel Cong., St^ James',„ (Pre*) 150 W 13' •' 314 E 72d st St James (Pres) 359 W 51itChevra Agodath Aehlm MIsdai St Cyprian's Chapel (Epli.):.^'-ovon KX) Clinton st St Marks (M. E.) 231 W r^3d Chevra Bnal. 4. Sheriff st Chevra Bnai Zigehak Anshe CONGREGATIONAL Lu"""**' -^^ RWlngton K ^''" '"' Bdway Tabernacle, 56th & Bwyj^^'/^k 8 AveT" 'Chevra ' Eldus L Ylsroel Anshe ?tm!I"^Mi":Vi,i^'iMemorial, /i' Chrystleirhr.c». Camp 141 UBzerleh 41'» F ftth l«an«el (Swed) 308 W 139th che^Jra'^'cemiPas'^ ^'Jhasodim

(Cong.) E. 11th Welsh. 208 chevra Kadisha Talmed Torah, 129 E 82d st DISCIPLES OF CHRIST I Chevra Medrash Anshe Makover Central, 140 W 81st st of Pol.. 205 Henry st I Manhattan & Bronx .Chevra Naehalas ZJvi LInas

Russian, 147 2nd ave I Hazedek Bnai Menashc. ^yi

I E 4th st EVANGELISTICAL ASSN. Chevra Tikvoi Zion. 11.50 rTninn Chemath Plinsk Armenian (Evag) 207 E. 30ih Adam M. Cong Din^geUl^ein Mem'l (^er). 429 ^^l^ AdithSsrael. 1593 Wash First Ch of Ev Aun, 424 wCongadath Israel. 124 Monroe 55th st Cong Adath Jacob Anshe Sla- St Paul's. IC-^^ E. 111th st bodke. 105 Henry st Swedish. (Evan) See linraanuelCong Adereth El. 137 E 29th Cong Agudath Achim. 177 W 140th st FRIENDS I Cong Agudatti Achim Ansbe Fifteenth, E. 15th and East Loyer, o;{4 5th a? Rutherford pi Cong Agudath Achim Syd Lo- Twentieth St, 144 E 20th st »en. -iC, Clinton st Cong Aqodith Israel, 1 W 113 GREEK CATHOLIC cong Ahawath Aebim, 171 W Annunieation. 308 W. 54th st 140th st Ch of Holy Virgin Mary, 327 Cong Ahawath Israel. lOOtb k E. 1 Hh st Amstcnlam av Holy Orthodox Eastern Churches Cong Ahawath Shiome. 314 E Resurrection, 121 E. 7th st 4th st Russ. Nat. Ho., 231 E. 17th Cong Anshe Birs Chen Chasam St Elephtherios, 359 W. 24th Sopher. 10 Clinton st St George Rntheniari, 24 E. Cong Anihe Emeth, 146 W 131 7th st Cnnn An^ho la«tn(f, jfyj Kf*"! St Mary the Virgin (Syrian) Cong Anshe Grodno & Sapitkin. Greek Mclchile). 401 Henryl S9 EldrMge st 1SB MISCELLANEOUS

Cong Anihe Mielltz. 374 E 4th FiPit Hingarian Cong Oliib Cong Anshe SUbwllie. 20 W Zedek, JO W nr.th st 11 nil St First Hungarian Ohab Zedek, Cong Anshe Smargon, .10 Markt 174 Norfolk s' Cong Atreth Israel. .12.*? E 82(JFir»t Kamenetz Podolika. 50 W Cong Bias David Anihei Raeofl, Attorney st 22.") Clinton st Firrt Odessa. 104 Forsythe gt Cong Beth Aaron Anthe Kod-First Romania Amer Cong yenoff, 145 Madison st Shaari Shoflioyln Cong Beth David, (i(» E 104th First Warschauer, «W Riv'g'ton Cong Beth Hakresse An«h« Leb'Free Snyagogue, 15.1 Clintoo odowe, 247 Division st HebrtvK Tabernade, 224 W li{0 Cong Beth Hamedrwh Hagodel, Isaiah Temple, 211 W O.jth st 112 E lonth Bt Jedniczer Cong, 2.")(> E Hoiwtoa Cong Beth Hamidrasch BntHKaminetzer Padolsky Templ«, 54 Israel, 237 E 77th st Attorney st Cong Beth Israel, 2r>4 W :i,^,thKe« «»« a»'^ 14 ^l Cong Sons of Israel (H»rlem) ^. ^V- _^. , Christ, 4(M) K 10th st 1()'> W IKlth Mission. K. 77th st Cong ' Tifferath Achim Anshe !;«»> 4ir.» 14.)lh st Dinaburg. 100 Hinry st Dfaf Mission. W. ± Eighty-sixth St Temple, 117; Co'ivem ave K scth st Epiphany. 72 K 128lb st Emonath Israel, .101 W 29lh Grace, 12.'^ VV Jlst st First Gallcian, 85 Attorney st Gustavers Adolphus, (Swedish) Flest Glogower Varbraderungs,, 151 E 122nd st 320 E Uouaton st Harlem, (Swed) 74 W. 12Glh ,


Harlem. (Fin) 72 E. 128^1 Metropolitan, 112 W i:i3dgt Holy Trinity, 334 K. 2'.nh st Rush Mem., 138th & Lex »f Noiy Trinity, 65th & Cen pk w Union A M E, lUO W 131st st Immanuel, sstli si & l^^xKinal Immigrant Mis$., 20S E. (51st! MORAVIAN Jewish Mission, 250 E. 101st Th if d (eol). 224 W C3» st Lettish Mission, 422 W. 44111, Fourth, 124 W. l^Gili si & 323 E. Gth st Lutheran Imf. Bu.. 20 E 17tbJ NEW CHURCH Messiah. 4S70 Bway iSwedenbrigian, 114 E. 35tb st Polish. 30S W. 4Gth st

Redeemer. 244 W. 44th st I PENTECOSTAL St. James', Mad av ror E 73. Aye B 139 ghurch of God. .334 E. 14th st Trinity. 1()4 W lOOth st .,,.,.) ^ ., ._ -7, y c,.,^, Washington Heights, W. loSmchrVf-strlngers.' 30U &. 57th stnrHA^y Divine inspiration. 226 W. Zion, 341 E 84th st »Slh st METHODIST EPISCOPAL Reformed Churches Manhattan

'"""^ " Bnn'n"'='Mem"."'lJi\ I floi'^'%,'^^r''' ''^ fte- ,?'w":h-S «^ i^^f^Sh German Evang., Avo B & 5th W- <51>th st Ch AM NaSns 2d ?v '^^'»*' "'"• -^D ^'--Sunshine Mem.. 550 W. 40th c!rnell mLoS." 231 Duane. 21*4 Hudson st si i: Fdit Wasliinfitnti av»' Eighteenth St, .307 tV' 18th Collegiate Sch'l, W 177th Eleventh St 545 E Uth st 241 collegiate. (Bethany Memorial) ffi. (Ger) 48 St irk-s pi 400 E. <;7lli St Five Points Miss., Gi» MadLson Grace. 131 W 164th st f?„%^V"^^.?a u- 5nh «» Hadley Rescue Miss. 203 Bowry ^"«'^»*'' \^"^} ^^]}}\M$J^ Miss. E 20tl, Jefferson pk (Ital) 407 E lUEmmanuel 241 "^A" *> 3..tl. John Street. !". Jonn st «!"•. 2 JV- Madison Av. Mad av & 6OU1 McAuley Mis$., .JK, Neater st Met'p'I'n Temple, 7th av A 14 Metro. Tabern'le B wy & lOllh Park Ave. Park av * 80th "«*«"« Soc- 7 Ouymst _ People's Home, ,545 E 11th st Swedish Bethcsda 140 E ;iOlh Union Theological Sem., Clare- St Andrew's, 120 W 76th .st St. James'. Mad av & E 126th. niant ave & 12(itli st St. Marks. (Col) 231 W. n.-.d Waldensian. 405 W. 41st st St. Paul's. W End av & 86th St. Stephens, 22Sth nr B'way PRESBYTERIAN Saviour. Church of thtsLtxini:- Adams Mem., 2(i7 F, 30th st tnri (ivp Ascension (Ital). .140 E lOf^tH Second (Ger), 346 W 40th .stBethany, 42't K. i; '.701 .si Sixty-first St, 225 K 61st st BethJehem Chap, 106 Bleecker l«ijth Swedish, Lex av & E .52d .st Bohemian Breth. 5^0 E Trinity. 31 S E. 124ih st Brick. .5th av & 37th st 114th Union. 48th. w of Bdway Broadway. Broadway & S7lh st Wash'n Hgts. .\ra.str av & 1.53d Central, Madison av & Washington Sq., 1.30 W. 4th,Chelsea. 357 W 24th st West Side. 461 W. 44fh st Chinese Church. 225 B. 31st METH. EPISCOPAL. African Christ. 344 W. 36th st E Bethel A. M. E.. 52 W 132dCh of the Conven't. 310 42J E..ianuel Chapel, 236 W. 62d East Harlem, 233 E 116th st fdB MISCELLANEOUS taaniel Chapel, 735~E. 6tb Christ 71st k Broadway Faith, 34rose, 236 E 111th it St. James. (Col) 59 W. 137th St Andrews, 5th av ft 127th St HtaMaa A«. 141st ft Nlcb.St Ann's (deaf mates) 511 w Sea & Land Miss.. 61 Henry 148th st Second. Central i'k W. ft 96th St Aeg'tioe's Chp. 105 E HstD Sv'th Ch Jesus Ch't. 138 Br-meSt Barnabas. .306 Mulberry Spring Street, 246 Spring st St. Barthlmw's. 51st & Parli Wtd.sh. 505 W. l,-)5th st St Chrysosfm'i Chpl, 7th av The First of Magyor, 233 E, & 39th 116th st !St. Comeliis', 423 W. 4«tb University Hghts., University av St CornoilM Cfl. Govmr'f Iil ii 181st st St Edw the Martyr. 12 E 109 Waidensian. 405 W. 41tb st St. Elizabeth Chap., 2 W 106h Welsh. .50 W. 1.55th st St George's. Stuyvesant sq Clements, West End. 105th ft Am.sterdamS<- 432 W 46th st St. Ignatius. West Park. 86th ft Amstrdm W Knd av ft 87th St James", W. 23rd St., 'n4 W '>3r(l st 71st ft Madison av St. John the Evang., 222 W.

PRESBYTERIAM REFORMED '' H"' '^t Second. 30S W lL'2d st St. Luke's, fonv. av &W 141st Third. 238 W 2.".a St Luke's Chap. 483 Hudson St. Luke's. Hosp. Chap.. Cath. PRESBLTERIAN UNITED "«'"'• Amsfdani av ft llSh Charles St, 41 flt.irles st St. Margarets, 940 K 1.56th Fint, 16 \\ 108th st St Mark's, 10th ft 2d av Seventh, 29 7th ;iv St. Mark's Chap.. 10th ft Av A Wash'n Hqhts. ]72d ft AudiibnSt. Marks in the Boowerie, 231 w. 44th St., i;;i w. iith st i: I1;h ^; st Mary the Virgin. 139 W 46 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL St Mary's. 101 Uurrnrp All Angels, W sist ft W End St Matthew's. 28 W 84th st All Saints, 2S(". Henry st *^t. Matthew's Chapel. \V Sith All Souls. Sf NIrholiis ft nithSt Michael's, 225 W 99t!i st

Ascension, .36 .5th av St. Paul's Chapel. Broadway ft Ascension Mem., 251 W 43d Ftilt-m >;( Beloved Disciple. .59 E 89th St Pail's Chip, 29 Vesev st Calvary. av Ith ft 2lKt st 8t Philip's. 212 W lX4th st Cathedral St. the of John Dl-st Stephen's. 1"'2 W 69'h sf vine. Amst.r.),.m av k 1120'St Syprian's Chapel, 17.'^ v: Chap of the Comf'ter, 8 Tloratl* 63^ ct Chap Good Shep'd. Blackwl's Ii|t ThtMii'. 5Ui a? * W 53d RED BOOK GUIDE 129

St Thomas' Chap, 228 E 60th Nativity, U5-48 2d a? San Salvatore, ;:561 Bioomc st Notre Dame, 4U MominKsldo Seamen's Church Institute, ;5i;{ Our Lady of Angels, 228 E. W. Honson st li:{tli st Swedish Chap. 121 E 127th Our Lady of Esperanza. 1.5GUi Transfiguration, 1 E 2'.»th st & Uivtrside dr Trinity, Broadway, 0})p Wall "^OBr Lady of Good Coontel. Trinity Chapel, l.". W 25th st 2:52 K '.M)tli st Zion & St Timothy, XM W 57 Our Lady of Grace (Grk Alb'M) 14 Stanton st REFORMED EPISCOPAL Our Lady of Guard(House. 229 First, Madison av & E iloth st W. 14th st *Our Lady of Loretto (ftal). REFORMED CHURCH on:{ h:iiziihiih -it ^^'' '""** "' «-00rde$, 4«)5 W n ,n ^ nr. . Ty 142 Avenue B. (Ger) fiO Av B our Lady of Perpetual Help,

;•>•> |.- Bethany Mem, 1st av & twth ^)]^^ ^t Colleg'te, Nth ch cpl. Eltn li:i tour" Lady of Mt. ^«'^'""'Carmel. 447•*-»< .•?4tb Colleg'te, 34th. :i07 W k ll^th st Collegiate (St Nich) 1 W 4SthoHr Lady of Pompeii, -^10-212 Collegiate (Mrbl) 5th av & 29 Bltvrkcr st Collegiate, wend W End Ac 77 Our Lady of Rosary, 7 State Collegiate, mid ch -''!»! 112 Our Lady of the Seap. of Mt. EIroendorf Chap 121st laE carmel. 2<.tth >t nr 2nd ave ' Lady of Sorrows, Pitt G?ac 7th''i; i%l i'^"^^*0.r m

Knox Mem, 405 W 41st st *c""7'H;,rt' J Im« lau w ^ *"*^* ^ Madison Av, E 57th & Mad aT*^";, ' Ust st.^ Manor Chap. .350 W 26th st Ref Ch^;^"^Har^ Lenox '' 267 ' ^ *f* & ^t^/^f Verm.ly. Chap, W 54th 416 ll,^^];^:'^,^^^^^,,'' REFORMED CATHOLIC l^t Ambroie. 535 W 54lh at St Andrew, Duane st Christ ^'^1 w -"»7th

ROMAN CATHOLIC *St Ann 114 E 12th st *St Anfy •f Padia, SuItd «•. .. , X *r.^ . o w .• 153 All Saints, 120tk & Madison st Benedict the Meer (mI). Annonieation, Conv t & 131st ^', \y .-,.,] ^t ArchdlMue (Cardinal Farley), st'Be"rnard,"334 W 14th st 4re Madison av *Sl Boniface. 2d av & 47th *Ase«nsion, 107th k Bdway «r. r ...j ioi Avenue B :SlL'.Td'''."L«i^BJIvT7lS*s! C^'Vf cVn'oa'S?^V^.53 cfL'liJrhVn ^xXt S,l*St Cath of Sienna. 420 E 69 ri^oii:!! Lrch»:;B \f ^c^;',- ^ Epihany, 2nd ave ulvTs 373 ,_^^.^ ^^ Guardian Angel 511 W 23d*st Clare's, 434 W 36th «t Cross. st ^Ho y .j.W W 42d <; c,jn,ent., ^^)^ y; 4()tj, ,t *Sffi N!!!!r"Am'..i?r?.^^?'<{S*St Columba, 3.39 W 2.-^th st Cyril & Methodus (Croat), MMw^^mT \ii^.K^iQ RniiSst --', Holy Name, (Miss) 319 Bowry ,,r -,„h ct

*Holy Trinity, 207 W 82d '« rii;.h.M... i qt.*, a n-n:.. ""• ""!Jii"""!4™ •""".si'F';i;u'i'f";»u.., m » Incarnation, 175th st ^.r ^^^l?^ ^', W. v . , , m, io.i. Francis Xavler, W 16th St. Ni.rholas & Audubon „v.*S 44 Gabriel. .U() K 3, th st Mary Help of Christians. 43i;s George, E

*St Jean Baptist "(fr),(fr), 76th*Transflgoration. 23-25 Mott k bxiiig'.cii a\e *Hai a parochial lehool. St Joachim (Ital). 24 Rosvlt SEVENTH DAY AOVENTISTS *St John, Evang, aSth & 1st Conlerence off, ;i2 Union sq St. John the Bap. 211 \V :;(iih English, 14r»th ii Convention St John the Martyr. 252 K 72dEngli4h. HV.nh k B(Kton rd St. John the Neponk, (Slovalix Finnish, :',45 W 84ih st 'A'tU K 57th St German, 7('>9 Courtlantit av *St Joseph, fil 6th av German, 433 E 77th st *St Joseph, W 12oth & Mrngsd Harlem (eol). 184 W 135th St. Joseph's, 57 Washingion st Hunflarlan, 334 E 8Glh st *St. Jos. (Ger), 4 If. H. .s7tli -St. Jos. (Ital), r.4 Cathcrinr SPIRITUALIST St Leo, 9-11 E 28th st « Matthewi, 253 W 13l8t st

St. Lucy's, .3.36 K. 10-lth st \ St Maiaehy. 241-245 W 49th UNIV€RALIST the Evangelist, St Mark 61-C3^. „. . „ ^ ,^ „ . , Divine Patern'ty, Central W 138th st Ch 7(5th st St. Mary's, 225 E. 13th st Parlf W. & St Mary, Hranfl & Ridge sts ' *St Mary Magdalen (Ger.), UNITARIAN

Ail Souls, av 2nth st Q» '""MlnLl^' oi'- u. p-**, o» 4th & St Matthew, 21;) W firth st «, ojj r^. ***"^ ^"'*' '^^^ i-athinriuralh.rirjil vKv,7nku-i? *St Michael, 424 W 34th st St Monica, 405 E 71)th Bt MISCELLANEOUSvicrri i Aucniic *St Nicholas (Ger), 12.^. Jnd St Patrick's, Mott, MuUierry DeWitt Mem, 280 Rlvlngton & Prjiu-e Edgehill Ch, Spuyt. Dnvv. p'^y St Patrick's Cathedral, 50th Ethical Culture Soe, Cent Pk & 5th av W & (;4th st St Paul's, 115-21 E 117th First (7 Day Bp) 4th & Tplins St Paul the Apostle, Colum First Ch of Div. Science. Ho- iMis av k r.Oth ^t ld .\stor St Peter, lS-'20 Barclay Five Points Miss.. 13 Worth St Raphael. 504-5()fi W 41st Gospel Tabernacle, r>cs av & GUh Waldesian, 4(i5 W. 41st st CHURCHES (FOREIGN)

(Services conducted in native language) BOHEMIAN av k W 23d r- Bohemian John Hit (Preby), Evangelical iVuv) 12rt W 16th 247 E 6l8t Et Oo St Espit (P. E.). 45 E Chinese (Ist PresbF), 225 I 27th st 31st st Notre Dane de Lourdet (B.C.) Evangelical. (Cong) 2t»7E.30h 114th k Morning Side sv M. E. Miu.. 42 Mott st Latter Day Saints. ;W W 126th HUNGARIAN

CHINESE 14th St (Prrsby) 244 E 14th Chinese Bap. Miss. 13 Dorerc First Magyar iPrcshy) 233 E FRENCH 16th 8t Vincent de Paul (B. C), 7tb Hungarian Ref.. .340 E. C9th RED BOOK GUIDE 131


iTALTAN ', U. C. ) , ;i25~EL ~57Ui 8t~ Calvary Chapel (P. E.) 346 E First Slovak-Bohcm., (Bapt.) 23«1 St 64-2 K. G.'Jrd st San SaUator (P. E.) 359 Broome si SPANISH First Italian (Bap) 1 Henry Ovr Lady of Guadelupe (B.C.) Italian Mission, (Pres) ;HK» 22'.* W iJih st W. G'.tth bt Spanish Evang iPresby) Mad.

Most Precious Blood (K.C) 113 sii. Pres Ch. liaxter st W. Ann's (R.C.) 308 E 110th SWEDISH Bethesda, (Cong) lliS E HOth JAPANESE — Japan Missuin, Bethesda (Cone) 110 B 50tb 330 E iiTtb st First Swed. (Bap). 141 E "wth Gustavus Adolphiu (Lutb) 151 POLISH K lIL'd Lex. M. E. Miss., 104th & Col. av Meth. Epis, 52cl i- a» St. Stanislaus (B. C.) 107 i; 7ih st SYRIAN—St. Jot Maronlle (B.

C. ) 4G Woiihlngton st RUSSIAN—St Nich'ls Cathedral ((Jredi Catli) 10 E OTth st WELSH Congregational. I'oS E. 11th st SLOVAK—St. John of N»(jo«uk Presbyterian. .Vt."> U l.l.nth st BRONX CHURCHES

.'".:',2 st BAPTTST , E. MGt!, Alexander Av. .Mex av & 141stiBeth Elohim. S12 Faik- st Ascension. 20.") E 160th st Beth Haniidrash Hagadol—827 Crcston Av, Crcstoii & ISSth st' Forost av Eagle Ave.. W.'>v>\ st & Kiifile Beth Hamidrash Hagadol Adau Ebenezer (Prim). 1216 Intervle Jeshurun—Idl K. 145th Emmanuel, WRt Pins rd nr 216 Beth Israel, 38^1 Park ave First Union. .5i»r> Cuurtlaiult avjchevra Bechurim Anshe Ungarn, Fordham, (Ital) E. ISTth &s n^i Pra-jpert av Lorilliinl Pi iConc'rse Centre of Israel, 2323 Prospect av Grace, Ritter pi & Qrawl Cnnco(ir-;o north Bronx 210th st VVhiU' & ^^3^3^ jacob— ITf.th k Wasb- Plains rd 1 inctnn av ^^^"^ Nest Hebrew Cong.. ^*rvnroi"";vp"""'°"' ^iFir? van Garfield st TflLrnaHP Ir7 V 1 '"^mh ^t 1712 Synagogue (Br.) -1^^^ ThiS,""G;r)'7l27 Ftilton ai'^ree Tremont, Tremnt av iir Echo pk «L ^J' ''^^,''\%0 Pro.nret Trinity. 224th nr Barnes av S'„<^ of zi»^il4l rnVon":;' CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST iH""*^ ^ Ta"n.d Torah. 1019 Sixth. 1930 Anthony ave 'j^JXlOl" Morris ave Hal.vl-166th Morri. CONGREGATIONAL \^'\^^ & BMrtord Pk, Balnbridge k 201st^. i^', Kehilath,^ Israel—Icraftl—llG.11G'' JacwonJacluon Claremont Pk. Teller av & 1G7 ^v Morrisania. Forest av & IGGth Khal Adath Jeshurumi..i,„,„-, Homeur,mp North N Y, 143d nr Willis av — PIlgriB, "t^, '^^ (form. Christ) 175th ..,^^ ^o,o o. k & Grand blvd iMIgdal Zion Cong.. 1342 Steb- ave Trlnlty, Wash'n av & 176th bin.^ . „ ^, , „ iMontefiore. Hewitt k Mary pi DISCIPLES JOF CHRIST New Synogogue, Oil E. 169lb av Second Ch., 595 E. 169th st iNusaeh Hoare, 1449 Wasti'. Orach Chaim—801 Frooraan st JEWISH People's Temple, 177*h rt and WashinRU.n ave Adatn Israel—o.-^l E. 169th 1 Boulevanl Beth Abraham Talmud Torah, Shaarai Zion, 9i)3 S. 138 BHISCELLANEOUS

1 a^^ Shaaron Torah, 'J tTTwa^lTT MORAVIAN Shenezach Israel, KM'.t ^^o^l)t Second, Wilkins av & Jennings Sinai — l(i;;(l & StH)biii', :iv Sons of Israel. 777 K. 17sih PRESBYTERIAN Temple Israel of Bronx, IWJ Beck Mem. '.so i: ISOth st W. Karincrs rd Bedford Pk, HaiiibiJge & 200tb TilTereth Israel, 24S1 Valenlirm Bethany, r'O S K. i:'.7lh st Tiferes Israel — lo;]8 Prospect Czecho-Slovak. HbS'J E. 165tb Featherbed Lane, Featherbed la LUTHERAN & Iniv.rsiiy av Bethany. pi HcSl' Teasdale First. 7.'i4 E 3B5th st Concordia, 142ii st & Hn.uk a\ Holy Trin., ir.:;rd & Morris av Emmanuel, Brown pi & 137th Home St., Iluiiif st & W. Farms Fordham Ualton av l'4;Jl' Hunts Point. 7(K) Coster st Good Shephard, 207 & Bdway Morrisania, 12it.-, Wash'gton av Grace. Valentine av & I'.jOth _ Rjverdale. Riverdale ave nr W. Holy Cmftr, Woodyc t av & 16i> •'-,'>nd >t ^if^^^^LSou"th;hester, Soundvlew ave i Immanuell!!lLMul';'^r'«;ii'^n^(Scan), V>'se 1410 uhit.- Pliin>i aw sT"iohMS-;' ru-%^nUonT''^»"^ Neck."l4lS E Tr^mont • Tremont. It i\k, c!r !-;« 4H^^°" ]7S;ii i Concourse

'" ''"J University ave It M,«hL'~tH7if I? l^flth .t ^"'"^ It p!!^.', .?;-.^7v^h^,^^^''^Van Nest. Morris pk & Barnes Hts. If- f.n -.' r-^^n1,'^nn ".'^TwhWoodlawn 240th & Marth. St. Paul $, LaFontaine & 17Sh yu-w)j,»ojL icr.u « *«>»««>" K'-'^h ProspectPrr«™vt St Paul's. 7<»6 E ir)6th st & St Peter's. 437 E 140th st PRnTF<;T4NT FPi«;rnPAi St. Petnis. E. 21'.nh st between .;"° J.";* V- , av ? i oi , White Plains av & Barn-s av*5«'««<«^^^"/h Rln & 181st Atonement Chap.. Beach St Stephen'!, 1001 Union av ave ^^^^^he^^" St Thoinis, 175th & Topping av.. 7. _,.., Swedish, 437 E. 140th st rJ^Jl'^p-^?^ ^''5,'**^5» Trinity (Dan.). 1177 Hoe av Qh^AhAi^ "^ S .^S*"f ""'^ <^«^ ^^^^ ^* Trinity, Cor. W'tch'ter & Gleb« ^^•'i."*'*^' ' Richarrlson ave METHODIST EPISCOPAL Grace, Vyse av nr Tremont ava Bethel, (irand Concr'.se & 177th Grace, City Is (City Isl) Boston Rd. Boston rd & 172d Holy Faith. G'tS K. 166th st Butler Mem.. 719 E 223rd st Holy Nativity, 204Ui k Bnlxlge Centenary. Washn av & 166th Holy Spirit, Westchester av and Centenary, 1074 Washington av 167th st Crawford Mem., Whit* Plains av Mediator, Kingsbdg av & 231st &. 2lSth st St. Albans, 97'.> Ogden ave Elton Av (Ger.). 15Sth & EltonSt Ann'i, St Ann's nr 140th Fordham, .Marion av & Fordham St David Chap. 384 E 160th Fordham (Ital.), lS7th -st &St. Edmunds. 206 E. Tnmont Lorrilard pi St. George's. «U51 E. 21i)lh st Morris Hghts, 1788 Sedgw'k avSt Jamej. .Icrome av & St James Mott Av. Mott av L l.jOtb St Margaret'i. 040 E 150tb st Mt Hope. 177th & Tremont avSt Martha's, niint av & Barneti Norwegian. 1078 Kelly st St Mary's, Alex av nr 142d Prospect Av, :\Iacy pi & ProspctSt Paul's. Washn & St Paul's Tremont (Ger). 1S41 Bathgate St. Peter's, 2244 Westrh't-T av Tremont. 178th & Wash av St Simeon's, 165th & Sheridan Trinity. City Island St. Stephen's. 4302 Martha av Wak40 Tremont av Anderson Mem. 67.". E 183(1 st Wlllii Ave. Willis av k 141st Ch of the Comftr, '270 E 162d Woodlawn. 241st & Kafonah a Fordham Manor. KingsbriJge nJ Woodyerest, 166tb st A Woody- Creston ave crest ave {Melrose (Ger). 1.'i6th 4 Elton MUslon Mott Haven. 3d a.- & E 146th Salvation Army, 157th st and Union. OK.ien av k 169th Court landt ave West Farms. Prospt av k Fslrmt RED BOOK GUIDE 133

Zion, Stebblns av & ChlsholmiSt. Francis of Rome, "4231) St Paul's, «}12 H 141st Kicii.inl.iMi uv ROMAN CATHOLIC !st Jerome, Al-x av & 138th Holy Family. 1U71 Castle Hill St John Chryjoitom, lOTth k Holy Spi.ii, Hu^ll^i(Ie & Aqiuir Ilui' av Immaculate Con (Germn), [i^j St. John's. 'JlJlst & F\infil)ilg<3 E l.jUili St St Joseph, Bathgate & 176tb Immac. Concep. (Ital) 21t)t St Luke's, 13Sth nr St Ann's i Hnllaiid avi- 1st Margaret, Hnlale & 260th Our Lady of Mercy, 2502 .Mar'n'St Martin of Toitn, 182 * Our Lady of Mt Carmel, 187th Crote & Belmont av St Mary. 'Jirith & While Plna Our Lady of Pity, 151st near St Marys Star of the Sea. .Morri City Island Lady of Sol'ce, White Pins St. Nicholas of Tolentine, And- rd Si Van Nest av dreus av & Fordham rd Oar Lady of Victory, 17l8t st Stt Peter & Paul, St Ann's af & Webster av k 15<.)tb st Oir Saviour. 183d & Wash av St. Philip Nerl. 3031 Gr. Con- Sacred Heart, Sbakesp're av & course & 2(>2nd st & 169th St St Pius, 416-418 E 145th st St Adalbert. 420 E 156th st it. Raymond, Trenif.it & Ctle St Aniela Meriei, Morris av & Hill lG3d st 1st Rita of Caieia, 145th & St Anthony, Richardson av and College av • 23!Hh st St Roch, 732 E 150th st St Anwlm, 152d & Tlnton avSt. Simon Stock, lS7th st and ;St Anthony, Com'wth & .Mansn Valentine ave 8t Anthony of Padua, 8*28 EiSt Tbonat Aquinas. 1005 Daly - ' " 166th st 1st Valentine (Pol). 812~ E 2:U [St. Augustine's, 11S3 Fr'kln av Anthanatiat, 882 Tiffany UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Barnabas, 24ist & .MarthalE. 187th St., E. lS7th st & Brendan. 207th k Perry av Tiebout ave CITY OFHCES

U. 9t Education, 59tb k Park Ave. M, of Health, 5<)5 Pearl st Ci6r Hall, City Hall Park, B'way, Chambers & Park Row Detective Headquarters, Clinton & Delancey sta. Hall of Records, Chambers & Centre sts. Menieipal Bidg., Chambers & Centn' sts & Park Row Tombs, (City Prison k Bridge of Sighs), Franklin k Centre Child's Welfare. 147 Worth st Licenses, 57 Centre st College of N. Y., 139thst andJLodging Ho., 432 H 25th st Convent ave Despossed families can apply Dtek Dept. Pler "A" No. BIv.l here Employment Div.. 129 Worth st, Police Dept., 240 Centre st

Free Shelter, Unemployed men, I Phone Spr'g 3t00 507 W. 20th, Seamen's, So.'Morflue, 21)th st k 1st ava Ferry, and ,">9 Amity st Bklnl For all Boruoghs of N. T.

iHenter Coll., (isth & Park av I Jail, 70 Ludlow st BRONX

Bergen. Tremont k Authur aveslCourt Hoase, leist st is 3d at •or. Hall-Municipal Bldg.. Tre-|Park B'd.. Claremont Pk Bront mont ave k 3rd ave Pub. Baths, (^ton av k 156tti CITY HALL

Art Commlssienen City Hall Prei. Bd of Alderain. City H'll City Hall Governors Room, City Hall 184 MISCELLANEOUS


Accounts Comm. of, 12th floorParole Comm., 25th Floor

Alderman B'd. of, lind floor | MttLs f.tiy Thurs. Id 00 am Ambulance Service lOth Floorflant & Structures iMh Floor Armory B'd. of, 2'2uii floor jPlumben Examing Board Assessors B'd. of, Mh floor [nh FIiht Banking Comm., Mh floor |Pre$. Mhtn Boro., 20th Floor Bd. of Elections, 18th Floor probation Bu., ynl fl^ur B'd. of Estimate & Apportion- pubue Markets, 23rd Floor racnt, l:;th floor. .Mtrts al.publjc Welfare, lOih floor' City Hill; Fris. 10:30 a.ir Bronx Br., E. 59th st , 124 Bd of Standard & AppeaU ikrgen Hklg. Kill Fl.Kir Purchase B'd. of. lOih floor City Chamberlain, 8th Floor iReal Estate, 7th Floor City Clerk 2n(i Floor Reference Library, 5th floor

City Record, 8th Floor I Revision of Assessment! 7th Fl Civil Service ('..m., 14th FloorStreet Cleaning, 12th Floor Comm. of Acc'ts.. I2th floor Istrcet Opening Bu.. 15th no< r Com. of Estimate & Appraisal Tax Reciever, 2n(l fionr 17ili Flofir jTaxes & Assessments gth Floor Board Com. of Sinking Fund 7th' Fl'Teachers' Retirement Comptroller, Tith Hoor 13th Floor j Dept. of Correction 24th Fl'rTenement Hoose Dept. 19th Fl Dept. of Finance, 5fh floor Volunteer Life Saving Corps.... Fire Dept., 11th Fliwr .•^rd Floor Industrial Bu., IfHh floor Water Supply, 22nd Floor Inebriety Board, 24th Floor Water Supply, Gas & Electricity Law Dept., 16th Floor 23rd Floor Medical Examiner, 2nd Floor Weights & Measures, 3rd floor Park Board, 10th Fk)or STATE OFFICES

Athletic Comm., 2!tl R'uay Hospital Comm., Hall of Rec'ds Banking Dcpt., 51 ("h.imlK^rs st Insurance. 105 BroadwaF BIrnd Comm., ILill of Kwords Motor Vehkle Bu., 65tb and Bridge & Tunnels Comn., IIhU! (Olumb'is of Records Moving Pkture Comm., 220 W Bronx Pkwy Comn. 2vS01 M'd-| 42nd xt ison &fe iPort of N. Y.. 25 State .st Charities B'd., 2S7 4th ave iPnblic Ser. Comm.. 30 murch Comm. Mental Dcftttives, ia5,Public W'ks.. I'i.r t5 E. River K 22u(l sf RaclR? Comm.. 18 E. 41st st Comptroller, Wotjlnorth Bldc- Sorvcyor, Ilvr ('. !1 Hivor Dept. of Labor. 124 E. 2Mth .tax Dept., Wwduorth building st Farms & Markets. IK) West st I Bronx, 571 E. l(;ist Fish & Game, 42d k B'way [Transit Comm., 49 Lafayette av (Tim.s Bldg) h^^ardens Post of N. Y., Hall of

Health Dept., 25 W. 45th st I It-eords

COUNTY OFFICES Clerk, County Court HoiLse jAdministrator, Hall of Reeorda Court House, Centre & Frakl'u Bronx 'JsoR 3rd ave Bronx 3rd ave & 101st st Icom. of Records, Hall of Rec'd Centre Franklin Bronx 3rd ave & Ifilst tt Attorney, & \ Bronx, Tremont & Arthnr av Register, Hall of Rerords Com. of Jurors. Hall of Record Bronx 1032 Arthur ave Pronx, 1918 Arthur ave Sheriff. Hull of Recorda Tombs, Fraiiklin L Centre sts 1 Bronx 1932 3rd Afe RED BOOK GUIDE CLUBS Aero. 297 Madison av Criterion. 683 5tb st Aeronautical Sec, 12<) W 80th Delta Kappa Eptilon, 30 W. Aldine, 200 5th av 4-Uh st Alpha Delta Phi, 136 W 44th Delta Phi, 612 W. 116th st Alpha Kappi P&l, lo.i Wavtrly Delta Tau Delta, 2r.<) Madison American, 603 5tb av Downtown Attn, 60 Pine st Amer. Auto Assn., i:;7 'ith .i\ Drug & Chemie'l, 100 Willlan

Amer. Banicers Assn, r> Nassau Electrical Eiigineerj, li'.i W ,VJb American Geographical Society, Explorers oiTi Anistenlam ave Broaeiway A: l.j6th st Fifth Ave Assn, rt42 'jih av Amer. Kennell, 1 Liberty st Fencers, H \V. 4rith st American Numismatic Society, Fordham, 2.100 Gr'd Concourse Broadway & loGth st Ft. Washington, 523 W 173d Amer. Society of Civil Engin- frairs lOG W. 4sth st eers, 220 W. 57th st Francaite, 200 5th av Amer. Society of Mechanical Elks, 110 W 43d st Engineers. 29 W. 3'Jth st Engineert. 32 W 40tb it Andiron, i;j2 W. 72nd st Gamut, t;7 W. 46th st Annunciation Athletic, 555 Green Room, 1,S9 W 47th it W. 12;nh st Greeters, The. 304 W 58th it Arion. 22G W. 72nd st Grolier. 29 E 32d st Arkwright. 320 Broadway Hardware, 25.". Broadway Army and Navy. 107 W 4.3d Harlem Republican, 2:UY 124b Arts & Crafts, lilt K. lOtli st Harmonic, 10 E 60th it Authors. 7th av at ."(Uh st Harvard, 27 W 44th it Automobile Club of Amer., 247 Hispanic Society of America. W. 54th st Broadway 15(;tti ^t I i Bankeri, Equitable bidg Holy Cross Lyceum. 321 W 43(] Bar Ass., 42 W. 44th st Home Club, 11 E 45th it Baseball, 200 5th av Hotel Men's Assn., :\:H .")th av Bronx, 1263 Franklin are Hudson River Yacht, foot W. Bronx Catholic, 1216 Wasb- 92n(I st iiititon avL' Ibcrno Americano, 20<') W 72d Brook, 7 E 40tb st India Hoase, Hanover sq Brown University, 44 W 44th International Sporting 49th & Bryn Mawr, 137 E. 40th st irvinEton ave

Cathedral. 144 E. 50th st i^T.oUn,?^ «n7 -fh n? Catholic, Central Pk So. 120 ^^''^';''r vnn.Si ill Holl Century. W 43d st " 7 I'lX i^q" w 44th rt Cercle Francais de THarmonio. .•-^'"'"- ^-?- ^,z1,i„" Lawyers. 11.) Broadway l-.s W •>"nd st 57th rrt Chemists -.^""f 41st st LotW. 110 W

Machinery. Church it CItl V, W Mthrt 50 ^^m*'-,'; eiS'AtMetYc,^^?/.54th st Manhattan^"J^V"' Chess.,f a^h „av City College, .S02 Madison av SM Manhattan Single Tax. 4< W. City HIttory, 105 W 40tb it City Lunch, 16r» Broadway «'-^"' s' City Midday. 25 Broad st Masonic. 46 W 24th st Civic Forum. 1.1 W. 44th st. Mendelttohn, 113 W 40th it Clergy. 200 .'»th av Merchants. :',4t; Broadway Colonial Dames. 2 W. 47th st Merchants Astn. 108 Leonard ts Colony. 564 Park a-v Meridian, 90 West st Columbia Union, 43d & 5tb av Metropolitan, 1 F. 60th it Columbia Yacht, ft W 96lh st Metropolintan Riding. 5 W 6flh ;ontlnental A. C. 17-20 Centr.Mosieians of N.Y., 62 W 45th Pk Park West i National Arts, 15 Dram'py " Cornell. 65 Park a? 'Nafl. Democratic, 617 5th at Pk, Coimoj, 323 W. 7th st Netherland. 3 Gramerry W 136 MISCELLANEOUS

New Bid, ;v.) E. Sink st iSt. Nieholai, 7 W 44tb Rt New Era, li74 Kast Broadway {SalnagDndi, 14 W 12tb st New York, 20 W. 40th it Screen, 117 W. 4r,lh st Newspaper Club, i:{(i W lllrul Shipmasters Assn., 8 Bridge st N. Y. Atbletie, 58 W 59th it Society of Naval Architects & Y. :;!th N. Bridge Whist, 4 Coluin- , Marine Engineers, Ijlt W l)us Cinle Squadron A, Til K. l).4nl st N.Y. Numismatic, Park iiv Flotel Squash, :j(» E. 42nd st N. Y. Railroad. !».") Liberty it Stock Exchange Lwncheon, 13 N. Y. Turn Verein, IHL* 11 oSb Wall st N. Y. Yacht, 37 W 44th st Strsllen, 67 Madison a» Nippon (Jap'se) 161 W 93d itudcnts, T_'!t I..\iuntoii av,^ Ohio Society, Wildurf-Astoria Studio of N. Y., :;.". K. H'Jd st Old Colony, Biltniore Hotel Teehnolojy, 17 Gramercy Pk f Old Guard, ^J!) W. .'51st 9t iTennii. 212 W 4l8t st Osceola 1.•{.I K. 78th st Tough. 243 W. 14th st Clob. Owl 44S W. .list st Traffic, Waldorf Hotel Paint, Oil Varnish. & 100^ Turf I. Field. 18 E 41st st ^^'•liyni ''t st ! Twelfth Night, 47 W. 44th Phi Gamma Phi, W'lworth hldg; underwriter*. 16 Liberty it Phi Gamma Delta. .'4 W 44tb Union, 1 E 51st st Physicians. 346 W 57th st Union Leagae, 1 E 39th it Players, 16 Gramercy Park Unity. Hock & l.">6th sts Press CI Ob. 21 Spruce it Univenity, 1 W 54th it Princeton, .'iltth st &. Park ate Univenity (Fa.) 233 Bdway Pro Club, (•;". W. llHtli st Vatel, l(n» W. 47th st Progress, 280 Central Pk. W. Vigilant, 1 W. 12l3t st Racquet. 27 W 43d it West Side, 270 W. S4th st Railroad, .30 Church st Whist Clob, The, 13 W. 36th

Reform. J» S William st Whitehall, 17 Battery pi Republican. 27 W 43d it White Rats, 220 W. 46th st Republican, tj;") W, 40th st Williams, 201 Madison a»e Riding. 7 E 58th it Wool, 260 W Broadway Rocky Mointain, 65 W 44tfcXavier, 20.'> W. 14th st Rotary Club, Hotel Imperial lYale, 170 VanderhiU at Robber, 17 Battery pl York. ')2 E. 54th st Rubenstein, Waldorf-Astoria Uptown, 14th Floor 42nd st .M.-vll>on afe St. Anthony, 17 W. Sfith st | & St. George Athletic, 207 E IGh CLUBS (COUNTRY) Ardiley. Ardslcy on Hud. Lakewoo*. l.akewood. N. J. Bay Shore, (field) Bay Sh L I Meadow Brk., Westbury. L. I. Flushing, FliishlnR, L. I. Piping Rock, I^inist Val. L. I. Greenwich, Greenwich, Conn. Sleepy Hollow, Taro'town, N.Y. Inwood, Inwood N. Y. C. R. R. Tuxedo, Tuiedo, N. T. Knowiwood. White Plains. N.I. Wcstchcster-Biitmore, Kyc N. Y. GOLF CLUBS

Bayiide, Baysldc, L. I. Malba Field. Malha. T-. T. Crescent Athletic, Bay Ridge Mosholu. Van Cortlandt Park Field & Marine, Dyker Park [Oakland, Biiysidf. L I. Floihing, Kliishlng. L. I. Ocean Country, Far Bkwy, L.I.

Forest Park, Glendale, L. I. ! Richmond County, Dongan Hills , Baj-slde. L. 1. iSt. Albans. St. Alhaixs, L. I, Fox Hills, Clifton. Richmond Van Cortlandt Park, Van Cort- Inwood Country, Far Rkwy, L.I.' lamlt Park, Bronx Jamaica Country, Jamaica, L.I. Westchester. Westchester. N. Y. CLUBS (WOMEN) Barnard, 883 7th at Stidio, 3S4 Park ave City. Vanderbilt Hotel Three Arts, 3»0 W. 8.")th st Colony, 62nd & Park ave. UnlveraJty. 106 E S2d it Pan * Briih. 132 E 19th it Womens Cosmopolitan, 133 E- Professional Womans Leagie, 10th st

i 1 JO W. 6Sth st WomeD'i Ualv.. 106 E 52d il Repiblican. G-S E '.Mni kI RED BOOK GUIDE 137 COLLEGES

(|Adelphia, Brooklyn Hclidul of Kdiication 13 Barnard, llMtth ic Broadway (jruduiitf School of BusineaB Bellevue Medical. 338 E 26th Adiuinislratioii, IKJ Trinity Clason Pt. Military Academy, tk-ho-)! of Kctailing

1 Clason I'oiiit, 13 Bronx Mwiical Coll., 1st & E 2Gtb iColumbia (Law), llGth & Bwy Veterinary CoUf,;e Columbia Univ. IKUh ^ Huav SuninuT School M. of City of N. Y.. Amtim Wiiman's l,;i\v, :V2 Wav.'ily ' av & 13Sth 8t I Y. Homeopathic Med., B < ICtilege of Mount St. Vincent, 03d 8t 2t.il St St, Rlverdalc Y. Medical, 17 W 43d st Cooper Union. 4th av & 8th Physiciani & Surgeons, 435 W st Cornell «n!»enlty Med., lit „ •''•»'|' av & 28th St Pwt Graduate Medical, 301 E Fordham Uni»., (Prep. Sch), -Oih st 3rd av & rjlst st Pratt Irwtitute, Brooklyn Horace Mann Sc, 246th nr B'wy Rivtrdale Country School, 2.T2(1 normal, (ilUh st & Lexincton av st & Ficldston rd N. Y. Collago tf Dintlttry, St. Francis Xavier Academy, 205 E 23d 9t 701 Carroll st. Brooklyn IM. Y. Univerjity, 181st st & St. Francis Xavier'i (Cath), University ave 6th ave and IHth st ' College of Arts & Science, Sacred Heart Academy, Unlver-

• sity av W.ishington bridgo 1 College of Engineering nr

I Wa.shington Sq. Washgtn sq. Talmud Torah Tiphereth iers., of Commerce, Accounts E. Brnadway 1 Sch. 14f) ft I and Finance Teachers, 525 W 120tta pi 120th tt ! Wall Division. 90 Trinity Union Theo., Bway k

I School of Law Ursuline Academy, Bet 165tb Graduate School & 166th nr Concourse PREPARATORY SCHOOLS

Odw of Sacred Heart, 533BHckley, 120 E. 74th i Madison ave* ICIark, 801 W. 72nd v Birilard (Y.M.C.A.), 610 Lex- Collegi^e, 211 W. 77th x ington ave Colnnbia Gram., 5 W. 03rd K Barnard, W. 244th x UeLaSalle Inst., 108 Central Barnard, 423 W. 148th* Park S i Berkeley- Irving, sm W. 83d x Owight, 72 Park ave x Brown Sch. of Totorlng, 241 * Boys x GUIs W. 75ih COMFORT STATIONS iblngdon square Helancey & Sheriff jPubllc Llbr'y (rear) JattCTy Park Greeley square iThird av & 1 29tb it :ity Hall Park Hanover square IWlUls ave Bridge 'ISiatbam square Long Acre square Subway k L stat'M IVcM k Fulton 8ts Park av & 125th st I CONCERT HALLS Aeolian Hall, 2T-S6 W 42d Hotel Biltmore. 43d k MtdlaoD Carnegie Hall, 7th av & r)7th Hotel Commodore, 42d & Lei'tn Carnegie Lyceum Hall, 7tb av Mad. Sq Garden, 27th &Mad.af Snnd Cent. Palace, 47tb A Waldorf Hotel. 33d & ."itb av Lexington av Town Hall, 43d K. of B'w&y

ASK FOR "RED BOOK GUIDES' OF ALL LARGE CITIES 138 MISCELLANEOUS COURTS MUNICIPAL COURTS DISTRICT COURTS. lit 110 While SI. DIST. MANHATTAN 2nd 1U5 Gth Ave. 8rd 2nd Ave. & 1st St. 1 140 Grand st 4th 155 E. loTth St 2 2«>4-t)G Madison st 5th 121st St. & Sylvan PI. 3 314 W. 54 th st 6th lG2n(l St. & Brook Ave. 4 207 H. :)2il st 7th 314 W. 54th St. 5 35() Anthony Little Missionary, 03 St. Marks j Madonna, Cherry st bethany, 102 E (57th k( 373 \ Dethlehem, 249 B. 30lh st M.Mihattan, Old B'w'y & 131st 1 15th st 1 ErightsiJe, S9 Lamont st Nazareth. 214 W. IVitn^orial. 1\H] Bli'.cki'r Bronx, ;,39 E 1 l2nd st Lady's Inst., Park av Bryson, l."1 Avciuic B Our 4091 Loretto, Elii- Chelsea, 3 16 NY. 27th st Cor Lady of 299 ' alHth Daughters of Israel, '220 E ;,...5th, _ . ,. „ _„. Night ^"^"^f^'o."-, Day & (free) 1GS5 Top .'•'n^I^', „i Prospect riill, 2 Prospect pi ping,,!,,,, avf,,v,. St. Agnes, 7 Chelsea Cast Side, 197 E Broadway St. Ignatius, 240 E. S4th FIridge. 227 Elridgc st St Josephs, 4»)9 W. r7th T^inch, 3." IS E. 69th st St. Margaret, 231 Alexander a? Grace Ch.. 94 4th ave San Jose. 4:V2 W. 2(Hh st Halrey, '227 E 59th st St Vincent Ferfer, '200 E 71st Harlem, .3S! W. 115th st Silver Cross. 249 E. 117th Hebrew, '262 n<>nry st Sinbeam, 1147 1st are Hebrew. I(r7th st CI E. Sinnyside. 221 E 104th Holy Family. 252 K. 11th Virginia. r».32 E. 5th st Hope. .33 W 1.33rd Wayside, 216 E 20th infanforiBm. rAM) V. 77th West Side, 206 W 40th Jewell, '20 MarDoUKal kwish. Washlngtoa ate 1097 i Keating. 431 E 12Ui RED BOOK GUIDE DEPARTMENT STORES

Altman'i, 34th & 5th av Lord & Taylor. 5th a? k SQUx Arnold Constable, 40tb & 5tb Macy's, 34th & Uruadway Best & Co.. ;;:itli ic mii av IWcCreery & Co.. 5ih av & 34th Btoojnlngdale, GOth & 3d av Saks, .'ilth & Broadway FrartViin Simons,5ih iir & 38th Stern Bros. 4l.'d & 6tL at Giddings, 5th av & 4mb Stewart & Co, 5tb av & 37Ui Gimbells, 33d & Broadway Wannamaker's, 8tb & Bdway Hearn, l^th st nr 0th av DESIGNATED LOCALITIES

Automobile Row, along Bdway 50th to 7-".th sts Chinatown, Pell Mott & Doyers st at Chatham iq Down Town, below Canal st to East Side, east of Bower>', below Ist st Financial, boJow Wall st lo Biitti-iy Park Greenwich Village. West of 6th av, N. of W. Houitoa Harlem. llOth to 135th sts, e & w 5th av Little Church Around the Corner. 5 E. 20th st Little Italy (Paradise Park) Leonard & Mullx'rry sts, form- erly known as Mulberry Bend, 5 Points, etc. Tenderloin, (Not rv cognized) formally bounded by 23rd to 501 h sts, West of Broadway Millionaires Row, 5tb ave, 5(»th to 110th sts Newspaper Row, Park Row, opp City Hall Shopping Distr., 34th & Bway to 5tti &. fr 34tb to 57th Washington Heights, north of 155th st White Lights Dist., along Bdway 34th to 59th EXCHANGES

Building Material, 233 B'way Iron & Steel Board of Trade. Clearing House, Cedar nr Bway L'3:'> Brnai'way Coffee, 113 Pearl st Jewellers Board of Trade, 1". Consolidated Exch., Deaver &i Maiden la RrcKid (free) Knt. Beaver Maritime, 7S Broad st Cotton, Beaver & William Mercantile, G Harrison st Crockery Bd of Tr., 120 51i av Metal Exch, 111 Broadway Curb Market, Trinity pi mar Produce Exch. Wblfehall st op Hector st (150 different Custom House (free) sitjn lanpiages) Real Estate. 14 Ves.<;ey Fire Ins. Exch., 123 William Stock Exchange. Broad & Wall, Fruit Exchange. 202 Franklin open 10 to 3, pass required Furniture Exch., 4S() Lex'gtonWool Exchange, W. Broadway Hardware Exch., 253 Br'dway FERRIES (See Map)

AstoHa (L. !. City), fmni 02nd st to Fulton ave. Lv every 30 minutes fr 11 p.m. to 30 a.m.; then every 15 vAa- uti>s to 11 p.m. Fare 3 cents. Blaekwell's hi. from ft E. 2Gth, E. 53d & E. 70th lU Brooklyn, from Smith st opp. Wliitehall st to foot of 3!>th st (Bklyn). Lv N. Y. every 3<> minutes fr C 00 am to 9 3i) p.m. Fare 5 rents. Brooklyn, from Wall .st to Montague st. Operation discontinued Brooklyn, from Whitehall st to Hamilton aye. Lv every 30 minutes fr midnight to ,5 a.m.; then every 10 to 15 min- ute.^ to midnight. Fare 7 c«nts. BrooklyD, from Whitehall st to Atlantic ave. Lr etery 1.1 minutes fr 5 a.m. to 9 30 p.m. Fare 7 cents. )


Brooklyn, from Fulton st to Fulion st. Lv every 12 mlnir.. fr 7 00 a.m. lo / p.m. tare 7 ii'Uls •Brooklyi;, fruni Houston st to Grand st. (discontinued) Brooklyn, from Koasevolt st to foot of Brdway. (discontiii.

Brooklyn, from E. 23rd st to foot of Brdway. (discontiii. ) Brooklyn, from Grand ht to Broadway. Lv every 80 minuti-s from ir» a.m. to lU 15 p.m.; then every hour to 6 15 a.m. Fare 3 cents. College Point, from Clason Pt., foot Soundview ave. Lv eviry 40 minutes fr 7 00 am. to 11 00 p.m. Fare 5 cents. Edgewater, from \V. i:iOth (125lh.) Lv about every 15 iffin. On Sundays & Holiday.^, evt-ry 7'^ minutes. Fare 5 cenis. Dyekman $t fr. ft of DycJjman st to Fort Lee. N. J. Ellis Island, from Bargi' officu foot of Whitehall st. Lv 7 25 8 40, 'J 45. 10 45. 11 45, a.m.; then hourly unti 3 45 p.m. Pass from Commissioner of Immigration. Greenpoint, from E. 23rd st to Greenpoint ave. Lv every 20 miuutei: fr «j 00 a.m. to 10 00 p.m.; then evcr>' 30 min- utes to G 00 a.m. Fare 5 cents. Governor't Island (Battery), ft Whitehall st Harts Island, from E. 2»>th .st (E. K). Lv 10 00 a.m. except Sundays & Holidays. Also from foot Fordham st City Island, for use of Department Employes only, every br. from 9 00 a.m. to 5 00 p.m. No visiting on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays. Passes obtained from Dept. of Cor- re<'tion. Rodm 2532 Municipal Building. Noboken, from Barclay st to fool of .Newark & Ferry sts. Lv fr midnight every 15 minutes to 7 15 a.m.; then every 7Vj to 12 minutes to 7 00 p.m.; then every 15 minutes to 10 00 p.m.; then every ,30 mln. to 6 00 a.m. Fare .04 Uoboken, from Christopher st to Newark & Ferry sts. Lv every 10 to 1,5 minutes to midnight. Fare 4 cents. Hoboken, from W. 23rd st to Newark & Ferry sts. Lv every 10 to 15 minutes to 9 00 p.m.; then every 30 minutes to 6 30 a.m. Fare 4 cents. Hoboken, from W. 23rd st to 14th st. Lv every 10 to 12 minutes to 9 00 p.m.; then every 20 minutes to 12 15 a.m. First boat 5 20 a.m. Fare 4 cents. Jersey City, from Liberty st to Communlpaw (C. R. R. of N. J.). Lv about every 10 to 20 minutes. Fare 3 cenU. Jersey City, from Cortlandt st to Exchange pi, foot of Mont- gomery st (Penna. R.R. sta) Lv about every 10 minutes Jersey City, from Chambers st to P.-ivonla ave (Erie R.R. sta.)

Lv about every 15 minutes to 10 30 pm. ; then every 30 minutes all night. Fare 3 cenl.s. Jersey City, from Pcsbros-ses st to Pavonia av (Erie R.R. sta.) Lv about every 10 to 15 minutes to 10 .30 p.m.; then ev- ery .30 minutes t^9 7 .30 a.m. Fare 4 cents. Jersey City, from W. 23rd st to Pavonia ave (Erie RR. sta.)

Lv about every 15 minutes to 10 30 pm. ; then every 30 minutes ail night. Fare 3 cent.t. Jersey City, from W. 23rd st (C. R R. of N. J. sta ) Com- miinip.Tw I,v about everj- 15 ralnufes. Time IS minutes. Liberty Statie— (Bedloe Is.) fr Battery Park Pier. Long Island City, from E. 34th st to Borden ave. Lv every 12 minutes to 10 12 p.m. ;8undays every 20 minutes to 9 ."".O p m. Fare .^ ci'ilts. Worth Brother Island, from E 1.32nd st. Lv 7 15 a.m.; then

hourly to 11 .35 u m ; thm 1 15. 2 15. 3 45, 4 .30, 5 15. 15. 7 1.'. S 45. 10 44. 11 41 pm. 12 3<> niglit. T'nder juris

ivcnpt on Sundays & Holidays. Koats 1» E. 12ntti st evury lialf hour from 7 ;-$(• u.in. to 12 3U niKlii. IrucKs* Rikers Island, from K. 20th st. Bdiit k at 10 CM) a.m. ex- cept Sundays & Holidays. No Tisilors Saturdays, Sundays ur Hiijidays; passes obtained from Dept. of Correction, Mun-

l>;il ituilding. St. George (), from Whitehall st to St. George. Boats Iv Weekdays eveiy 20 minutes to 7 00 p.m; then every 20 minutes to midniRlit. Sundays & Holidays same. Fare ."> cents. Time 20 minutes. Ward's Island, from foot E. 116th st FIRE DEPARTMENT 2

142 miSCCLLANEOUS llNCie Co. (1), 42 Grt Jones 113 W. 33rd st Fire Boats l 41 Murray st Zophar Mills No. 1, St. George,2 84 W. 3rd st S I. 3 240 W. 30th st Floating Engine, Battery Park4 111 E. "joth st Floatini Eng. ft E. Grand stH 307 W. 121st st Hewitt, ft Main st, Brooklyn 6 276 E. 156th st Fire Boat, foot K. {>9th st 7 133 Norfolk st Duane, foot W. SOth st Wlllett, fooo Gansevoort st Water Towers Lawrence, 132d & Harlem RIt 87-.Sl> Lafayette st Search Light Engines 2 lOS E. 13th st Salvage Corps 3 113 W. 33rd st 1 243 Lafayette si BRONX

Engine Companies 60—352 E. 137th st 17—341 E. 143rd st 61—1518 Williamshrldge rd 19—SHO Forest av 62—3431 White IMaine av 27—tr)3 E. 17(5th st 63—1103 White Plains av 29—020 E. 138th st 64—1214 Castle Hill av 31 —1213 Intervale a» 68—lOSO Ogden av 32—js<> E. 166th 8t 70— 1(;<» Scofldd (C. Is.) 38—I'OH^i Jerome av 71—3134-36 Park av 37—2!t;{0 Briggs av 73—655 Prospect av 38—2223 Belmont av 75—22S5 Jerome ave 41—330 E. 150th st 79—202^ Briggs av fj_17Sl Monroe st 81—3025 Bailey are 3—Sedgwick & Biiroside ave «•>— 1-J15 Intervale av 4.'j—1)25 E. Tremont ave 8:i—CIS E. i:',Sth st 4(5—151 E. 176th st 88—2225 Belinnnt av 48—2504 Webster av 90—IS II White I'luios av 50—191 E. 166th st 9i— 125;> Morris av 52—Riverdale av 94—1226-28 Seneca av HOOK AND LADDER COMPANIES 30—243 E. 23:>1 st 4(>—:;02T nailry av 41_l,S.i3 Wbite Plains av 47—1220 Castle Hill av 42—657 Prospect av 48—1226-28 Seueca av 44—1261 Morris av 49—1079 Nelson av FOREIGN COUNSULATES

Argentine Rep. 17 Batfefy pi Shipping. 25 South st Austria, 24 State s* Gretce, 11 St Luke-; pi Belgium, 25 Madison ave Cuantemala, 50 Urnad st Boliva, 233 Broadway Haiti. 123 Lilwrly st Brazil, State st 17 I Honduras, 233 Broadway Chile, 2S(> Broadway j Hungary, 25 Broadway China, 13 Astor pi Italy. 2(' E 22nd st Colombia, 17 Battery pi Japan, 1(;5 Hronlway Costa Rica, 17 Battery pi Jugo-Slavia, 4 43 W. 22nd st Cuba, 44 Whitcliull st Lettonia (Latvia). G Beekmat Czecho-Slovakia. 31 K. 17th st-Liberia, .326 W. 19th st Denmark, 16-8 Bridge st Mexico, 7 Oey st Dominican, 17 Battery pi Monaco, 2 Hector st Eeuatler, 17 Battery pi Netherlands, 44 Beaver rt Finland, 5 Stale .st Nicaragua. 17 Stat? st France, 9 E. 40th st; PassportI Norway, 115 Broad st office, foot of W 15th st Pamama, 17 Slate st Germany, H Bwy Room 9(W iParaguay. 2:i3 Broadwajr Grtat BritaiN, 44 VRiltdiall it Persia. 40 W. 57tb st RED BOOK GUID« 143

|Per«, 42 Broadway Siam, is Bioadway Poland, 953 3rtl avc Spain, 158 VV. 14th st Portugal, 17 Battcr>' pi Sweden, 70 K. 4Gt;i st Rou mania, 183-1 Broadway Switzerland. 101 5ib are RhJsia, 241) W. 34tli st Turkey, 158 W. 14th st Salvador, Broadway Uruguay, Battery pi ; 42 17 jSefbia, See Jugo-Sla?ia Venezuela, 80 South st FOREIGN CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE

null, 37 Liberty st Italian, 203 Broadway Argentine, 64 Broad st. Belgian. 50 IVarl st British, 2D5 Broadway Spanish, 127 Water st Pliillipine, 45th & Lexington Franco-American, 175 5th are Ri$sian, 233 Broadway Mexician, VVoolworth Building Rissia Inf. Bur. 233 Bdway Norwegian, 17 Slate st. Portuguese, 233 Broadway Roumanian, 233 Bradway French 35 South st Swedish, Troduce Exchange FOREIGN QUARTERS IN NEW YORK

CHINATOWN—W. of Park Row at Chatham Sq. Mott & Doycrs GREEK & SYRIA —Greenwich & Washington st West of Bdway iHEBREW— Eust of Baxter st. North from Chatham Sq. and N.

. from 110th street (Ilarlt'm) lUDIA— E. Canal. Allen. Forsythe, Ludlow st. Comprises every

I Nationally of Europe. jIUSSIAN— (East Side) Fr. East Broadway at Chatham Sq. FREIGHT STATIONS (See Railroads) HOMES AND ASYLUMS

ll«e Hoose (Crippled Children), City Lslaud rd lUtiance Home, 258 W. 44th st Inthuny Home, 110 E. 20ih st krmitage House. 317 E. 1^3rd st Vii'n. for Befriending Children & Young Girls. 120 2nd av \u'a. for the Relief of Respectable Aged Infirm Indigent F«*^ males of the City of York, Am»tirdam uve New SOI f^ Uyluni of St Vincent de Paul, \V. 30ih si 215 ',J4 iaptist Home for the Aged, East 68th st 110 ,^ll teth Abraliam (Incuraliles), Allertoii av &. Bronx blvd . ^f^ iig Sisters Home. 121 E. 14«jih si lOBrne Work Shop for the Blind, ;iH8 E. 35th st toys Conservation Bur. The, iK» Hway irace Memorial Newsboys Home, 244 William iranch Mrs. Maude, !)t)5 Crand Concourse asa Maria. 251 W. 14th st atholic Home Bur. for Dependent Children. 4th av & 22Qd hapin Alice Adoption Nursery, 21(mi Lexington ave haritv Organization Society, Centrsl Odice. 105 E. 22d st hildren's Aid Society. 105 E,i3t 22nd st hildrens Clinic, (Oept. of Health), 341 Pleasant ave hinatown Settlement for Girls, 10 .Moll st Nristian Workers Home, 7 Oram. Park hristliehes Kellnerheim, 427 E. 51st st hrystie St. Settlement. 186 Chrystie st hireh of God Missionary, 2142 Grand are lara de Hirseh Home. (Working Girls). 225 East 63d ll ommunity Hoose of Chapel of Comforter. 34i) W. 14th st ong B Nai Jeihorum Commonily House, 580 West End aw arrach Hone for Crippled ChHdren, 118 West 104tfa it atghtert of Jacoki 167th st & Teller arc. 144 MISCELLANEOUS

Dwcopesf Home, IITH MadLson u»« Dispensary tor Animals, A. S. P. C. A., Ave A ft 24th st Dobbs House, r.lL' K STth si Dominican Convent ef Our Lady of the Rosary, 329 E. 63d Dominican Sreters Heme for Working Girls, -joT E. 71sl st East Side House Settlement, 7(;th A; k u. Elizabeth Home for Girls, 307 East 12th st Ex-Patients Tubercular Home of Denver Colo, tf21 B'way Finnish Womens Corporate Home, 241 Lenux ave Five Points House of Industry, 4r»4 >J. 2;5rd st

Five Points Mission, r.'.t Mailison avi- Floating Hospital of St. Johns Guild; office, 103 Park are Florence Crittenton League, 427 West 21st st Frte Home for Girls, .ns E. .Moslmlu pkuay French Evangelical Home for Young Women, 341 W. 30th st FrienuMy Home Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 45U W. 140lh st Girl's Home, 217 E. ()2n(l si Grace Dispensary, 414 East 14lb st Great Palestinian Orphan Asylum the, 199 Henrj st Haarlem House, .il E. IKJth st Half Orphan Asylum, 110 Manhattan Hannah Lavanburg Home, 319 E. 17th st Harlem Home of the Daughters of Israel, .'^2 E. 119th st Hebrew Convalescent Home, 'S.'l W 127th si Hebrew Home for the Aged. 114 E. l(ir»th st Hebrew National Orphan Home, 52 St. Marks pi HetM-ew National Orphan House, 1 2nd ave Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Amsterdam av & 137tb st Hebrew Orphan Asylum Friendly Home, .'>4r) W. 159lh st Hebrew Sheltering Orphan Asylum, Pleasantville, N. Y.; office, 470 West 145th st Hebrew Sheltering & Immigrant Aid Society. 425 Lafayette Henry St. Settieroeats, Main settlement, 2(k5 Henry si Branches:— 27 Barrow; .SOI Henr>-: Lincoln Ho., 202 W iVM East Side, 234 7. 79lh; Upper W. Side, 1,33C Amsterdam; Bronx. U16 Brook ave; 33 Charles; 73 Market; 2:^2 B. 79lh; 324 E. ISth; 441 W. 28; 2021 Arthur; '2:i7 E. 104th; i;i3t> Amsterdam; 311 E. 110th; ,S2o 2dn; av; 525 W. 47th; Neighborhood PUyhoBSe, 406 Grand; Supply. 27 Oouveneur Home for Aged & Infirm Hebrews, 121 West 105th et Home of the Daughters of Jacob. E 107th st & Teller ave Home for Homeless Boys. 441 E. 123rd st Hone for Old Men aftd Aged Coiples. 1060 Amsterdam ave Home for the Aged. (Little Sisters of the Poor), 213 Eaat 70th 8t; 149 West 10(>th st; lS3d st k Belmont tv. Hopper Isaac T. Home. 110 2nd avo Hotp. & House of Rest for Consimptlves. Invood; ofT. .'>9 E 59th House of Refuge. Kan lalls Isl.. ferry, ft 120th 4 ft 125tb. E.B. Ho«se of the Good Shepherd, foot East 90tb st House of the Holy Family. l,".»i 2nd ave House of Rest for Consumptives, Bolten rd k Inwood Hungarian Workers Home. 350 E. Slsf si Huguenot Home, 237 West 24th rt Immigrant Girls Home. 273 W. 11th st Indepent Ladies Aid Convalese't Ho for Children, 30 W 120th Institution of Mrrcv. 107.% Madison ave Isabella Helmath (Home far Afed) l<>Oth k AmsUrdam ave Israel Orphan Asylum. 1!S0 Second tt Italian Benevolent Institute, 017 East K3rd st Italian Emigrant House, Wat(T st Jeane D Are Home, "J.'.S W 24ih st Jfwhh Home for Aged I. Infirm. 44 7th Jewish Home for Conv,i!escents, 1S3 2nd ave Judson Neighborhood House, 17<) Sullivan Junior League of Hebrew Orphan Asylun, 19 Charle: RED BOOK GUIDE 1«y

Leake & Watts Orphan Houser:iC2 Ureeiie Leo House for Immigranti, G State st Letchworth Village, 7 Wall ";t for Loeb Mem. Home Convarets, Eastview, N.Y. ; off 356 2d«V Margaret Louisa, of the Young Womens Chr. Attn.. 14 £ 16lfe Mid-European Emigrant Home, r.)7 K. 4ih st Mflbank Memorial House, U \V. Idih si Montefiore Home & Hospital, Gun Hill nl & Buinbrklge 9*9 Mount Loretto, S. I.; Mission, 375 Lafa^-etto st Newsboys Lodging House, L'44 Willium New York Ass'n. for Improving Condition of Poor, 105G22d Childrens Hosp. & Sch, Kandalis Island; offlofl^ r>7 Kast Ijruh st New York City Home for the Aged & Infirm. Blackwelli Id., foot K.ist 70th st and 42G First ave N. Y. Deaconess Assn., n7rt .MadLson aw N. Y. Foundling Assn. S6th st. & Lexington ave N. Y. Home for Homelesss Boys, 340 Mailisun ave N. Y. House & School of Industry, 120 W. 10th st N. Y. Infant Asylum, Itil W. Cist s, N. Y. Institution for Deaf & Dumb, 163d & Ftt Wash'gton W N. Y. Institution for Blind, Ninth av & 34th st N. Y. Juvenile Asylum, Dobbs Ferry; ofllce, 103 Park aTO N. Y. Orphan Asylum, Hastings; office, 105 E. 22nd st N. Y. Protectory, UfTicv. 415 Broome; Male Dept.. E. Tremont Friiiili'. riiioiiport nl (Hronx) N. Y. Society for Relief of Ruptured & Crippled, 321 E. 42d Northern Dispensary, Waverly pi & Christoiher st Northwestern Dispensary, 403 West 3Gth st Old Ladies Home, s'.il .\irsti-nlam ave Orphan Home for Girls in Jerusalem, 103 H iin,- Orphans Home & Asylum of Prot. Epis Ch., Convent a? & 135tb Polish National Home, 2:*. St. iMarks pi Presbyterian Home for Aged Women, 49 East 73rd st Pullman Porter's, 2S0 E 10()th st Rcgina Angelorum. HC, K. lOGth st Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, Sedgwick av & Kingsbrldge nl Dfflce, 24 Kast 52nd st liosemary Home Ladies Christian Union, 24 W. 12ih st Roumanian Home, 14t( 7th ave Russian Peoples Home of Soe. Nauka, 315 E. 10th st Sailon Home. .507 West st Sailors Snug Harbor, Staten Island. N. Y. Office, 61 B'wif Sacred Hrart Orphan Asylum, Ft. WashinRton av & 100th St. Andrews Convalescent Hosp. for Women, 237 E. 17tll ll St. Bartholomew's Clinic, 215 E. 4'2d st. St. Barnabas House, 304 Mulberry st St. Elizabeth's Home for Convalescent Women. 375 LafV. Vlnme. Spp. Val.. N. Y. St. Franels Home for the Agetf, 609 Fifth st St. Johns Guild. 103 Park ave St. Johns Settlement, 3(57 Pleasant ave St. Joseph Bus Girls Home. 47 E. Slst st St. Josephs Home for Destitute Childrvn, Peekskill. N. Tw St. Josephs Home for the Aged. 209 W. 15th st offlce. 12 West 129th st St. Joseph's Asyl. Blind Girls, Richmond BorouRh. St. Josephs Patronage for Working Girls, .523 W. 142nd st St. Lukes Home for Aged Women, 2014 B'way St. Mary's Free Hosp. (Children), 407 W. 34th st. St. Marys Home, (Girls). 143 W. 14th st St. Mary's Home Our Lady Hungary, 231 E. 72Dd st St Michaels Home. 1

St. Rose's Free Home for Inc Cancer, 71 Jackson St. Stephen's Settlement House. i;i4 K. 2'Jtti st St. Zita. Homt, 14:; U. Uiij .-,1 Samaritan Home for the Aged, 414 W. 22d st Seaside Home Crippled Children, Hotel Ausuuia Serbian Home, -U;i \V. lil'ml st Sheltering Arms Home for Children, 504 W. 129tb 8l Shfrlter for Respectable Girls, 212 E. -HMh st Sister Catherine's Home, 212 E. 4Cth st Slovak Community House, 241 K. 75th st Socialist Worliers House Inc. 222 K. 71st st Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 297 Foarth M Stuyvesant Neighborhood House, Stuyvesaiit & tJtb Swedish LHtheran Immigrant Home, 5 Water st Sutton Place House Inc., 442 E. r/.nh st Switier Margaret & Sarar Inst. & Home, 27 Christopher Trinity Dispensary, 2(/.> Fulton st. TabercHlMii Infirmary, Blackwells Isl; office foot E. 7(Hta it and 426 First ave Valeria Home Inc. The, 7 E. 42nd st Washington Hghts. Orphan Asylum, S41 St. Nicholas afe Washington Square Home, (Friendless Qirls), 9 W. 8tb it Welcome House Settlement, yi'i K. 17th st West Side Community House, 12S W. 95th st White Rose Home, 2()2 W. 40th st Wilkes Oispen. for Children. 435 Oth at. Young Miss Virginia C, 17 Beekman pi ZIon War Orphanage, 48 W. 115th st BRONX

Anerican Female Guardian See. ft Home f«r till FrilNliM, WcKxlycrest & Jerome uvi^ Catholic iDftltute for the Blind, 222d st & East«be8t«r rd Colored Orphan Asylum, 259tb st k Rlverdale av. Brooz Convalescents Home, Hunter's Island Home for Aged (Little Sisters of Poor) —Belmoat a? / lS:'.rd Home for Blind—firand bhd & KinRsbridge rd Home for Hebrew Infants, Ringsbrldge rd k UnlTerstty a? Home for IncuraMei. Third ave & 1S2<1 st Home for the Friendless 'XW Woodyrrest a? Hoose of Calvary (Incur. Cancer) Featbert)ed la & Macombs rd House of Holy Comforter—Grand tjhd & I'.XUli Messiah Home for Children, Andrews & W. Tremont ares N. Y. Oath. Protectory—Tremont av Ac Unionport rd Peabody Home for Aged Women—2tKV4 Boston rd Sevilla Home for Childrep — I .ifavettr av, nr .Matilda st Soe. for Prevention of Cruelty to Children—355 E. 137tli St. Joseph's, lS2iid st \ lMi:ont iive St Josephs Hosp. for Consumptives, E. 143d st &. Brook av St Josephs Institute (Deaf Mutes) Eastern Blvd. Bronx Trinity Chapel Home (.\Red Women). Bussing av t 233d st Wlblti Home for Ship Builden, Sedgwick av & 188tii st CHARITY ORGANIZATIONS fieneral Offlee, 105 E. 22nd Harl.n. 71 E. 12."»lh Social Serv. ExCh., 105 E 22d Hudson, 1}»74 Brd«ay Districts;— Kips Bay. 151 B. 4nth Chelsea. X^O W. 24th l/iwell. 224 W. .34th Clinton, 312 W. .54th Riverside. 118 Uwrenw Corlears. 1S)2 Bowery Yorkviile, 255 K. 71st QreeDwlcb. 59 Mortoa RED BOOK GUIDE 141

CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETIES neral Office, 105 E. 22nd ^Iones Mem. S«h., 1407 E 73itl Louise Home, 442 W. 23rd Kips Bay Boys Ho., ,S25 2d M fe. B Sch., r>33 K. leth Employment Bur., S^Tt 2n

4 to the Sick, 29 W. 11th ner. Womens, 637 Madlsmi are sflciated Out-Patient Clinics, 15 W. 43rd idubon Sanitarium, 8 St. Nicholas pi cor. 150th fli ibies' Hotff., 135 E. 55th st Country branoiL, N. JL •kraan St., 117 Beekmuii st llevue Hosp. Med. Col.. 1st av & 26th st th David Hospital, 1822 Lexington ate th Israel Hosp., JoffiTson and Cherrj'. ly Camp Vanderbilt Clinic, Amsterdam ar k 60th xwind Maternity (free) 127 E. 103rd st de-A-Wee Home for Animals, 410 East 38th st ingdale Clinic of St. Michael's, 22.". W. OOfh st Mmlr.gdale Ho»p. for Insane. \Vb Plains, N.T.; off 8 WIM oth Mem. Hosp.. :^1(> h. 15th st oad St. Hospital. 129 Broad st rke Relief Foundation, .S25 E. 57th st. ntral Park West Hosp.. 203 Central Park West Rtral Isllp State Hotpital. 30 East 42nd st ly Dispensary, 220 E. GOth ty Hospital, Welfare Island. Office, ft. E. 70th. Visittai daj-s, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 2-4 p.m.; Sun., 11 to 4. liege of Dental Surgery. 302 W. .35th st. iimtius Hosp., 457 W. l(«rd st linbii Hospital & Dispensary, 226 East 20tfa it unity Health Centre, 356 E. 116th st itmunity, 21 \V. 101st st men Clinic the, 467 1st ave ippled & Disabled Men Inst, for, 245 E. 23rd st 9 & Cat, 128 W. 53rd fth Ave.. 5th ave bet. 106th & 107th sts Wting Hosp., ft. of E. 20th, Office 103 Park a»8 iwer Hosp., E. Boulevard &. 63rd neh Benev. Soc. Hosp., 4.'S0-456 W. 34th. rment Center Hosp., 498 7th ave leral Mem. Hosp., Central Park (W.) & 106th Bt il. Misgah. Ladach Hosp. of Jerusalem, 107 Norfdk id Samaritan Disp., Briwnie, c. Essex. iverneur Hosp., foot of Gouvcrneur st cor Water st ice Chapel Hosp., 414 E. 14th hnemann Hosp., Park av., bet. 67th and GStb ttM. riem Dispensary (Free), 108 E. 128th. Hem Eye, Ear & Throat, Lex. av. & 127th st 'lem Hosp. & Dispensary, I>enox av. & 1.36th st. Moriah Hosp.. l.';s E. 2d. Is Maternity Clinic, rj7 K. 106th (pital for Deformities & Joint Diseases, 1919 MmUiqd 9 if. for Cootagious Eye Disease, 347 E. 116tb 148 MISCELLANEOUS

Hospital & House of Rest fur Consumptives, lioltuu nl luar llycKiiiaii Hosp. for Joint Diseases, 41 t:. lli.lnl Hosp. & Institutional Bur. of Consultation, 2S*.) 4tb ave House of Annunciation (or Crippled & Incurable Children, 0(40 BriPiiiiway Hudson St. Emergency Hosp., niidson & Jay. Italian Hospital, foot of East ^3rd st Jewish Maternity Hosp., 'JTO-LTL* K. Bway.

Jewish Memorial Hosp., 120T«) Olli ave 4 Kings Park State Hosp., Long Island; office, 30 E. 42c] st Knapp Mem. Eye Hosp., .MK) W. r»Ttli st. Knickerbocker Hospital, 503 West 131st st Laura Franklin Free Hosp. (Children;, 19 East 111th stj Lutheran Hospital, Convent av & 144tb st Lencx Hill Kcip. l\.\\: um- & 77Ui Lenox Hill Hosp. & Training Seh., lOSG Lexington are Lexington Hosp., (i'.il l-txiiiKl.-n ave Lincoln Hosp. & Home, Concord ave & 141st Lloyd's Sanitarium, S St. .Niiholas pi Lying-in-Hosp., 17th & 2nd ave Marine, Oflice New Barge, McClory Maternity, lMm Eflpr-nmb ave Mhtn. Eye. Ear & T|,ro?.t, I'lO F.. 04th st. Mhtn. Matorrily and Pispen., :r_>7 K. 60th. Manhattan State Hosp., Wards Isl.; ft E 116th or 30 E 42d Medical Cener for Treatment & Prev. of Disease, 2:il W. 51st Memorial Hosp., 2 W. 100th Metropolitan Hosp., Welfare Island, foot E. 70th st

Metropolitan Throat Hosp., :;."il W. :;4ni >t i >•<-. Minturn Hosp.. (Scarlet Fever & Diphtheria), ft £. 16tb Misericordia Hosp., 'I'M K. S(Uh. \ Moroue, First ave & 20th st Mount Sinai Hosp., Fifth & Madison aves, & lOOtb 5t Nat'l. Jewish Hosp. for Consumptives, 350 2nd ave Nat'l. Jewish Hosp. of Denver, :{.")(; 'Jnd ave J Neurological Hosp., Blrirkwells Isl.; ofUr*. foot E. 70th st ^ ' N. Y. Bacteriological Institute, 301 W. 23d (Pasteur Inst.) N. Y. Dispensary, :;»:',(; Siiri- u - N. Y. Eye & Ear Infirmary, 218 2 k Lung Ho$.. 'Jll* E. .')7th. New York Veterinary Hospital. 120 West 25th st N. Y. Womens League for Animals, y,7A) I.afayett« Northeastern Dispen.. •.'•_*•_' E .")Olh (free). Northern Dispensary. ]{\r, Wavorly pi. Northwestern Dispensary, 0th av and 30th. Pasteur Institute, 34S West 22nd st Proplcj Hospital, •'(i:; IM av. Philanthropln Hospital. l>076 Fifth ave Pol>clinic Hu:p;tal & Free Dispen.. Free. 341-351 W. 50tb ) RED BOOK GUIDE 149

St. ((»i"'ii 1> a.m. I'- ., p.m. Presbyterian Hospital, 37 E. list St. & Park are Public Health Service, Kii;i;sbri(iRe rd & Sedi{\\iik; 07 IIudsOB Reconstruction Hosp., ;;!).) t\'ntral Park W. Riverside Hosp., No. Brother lal., off foot E. 132d st Rockeffller Inst., K. (mU ic Av A. Roosevelt Hosp., 58tb k 5'Jtb, at Uib are St. Ann Maternity, l.Ut K. C.Dth si. St. Andrews Convlscnt Hosp., 2o7 E. 17tb St. Bartholomews, i!17 K. 42n(l st St. Elizabeths Hosp., 4ir. W. 51st st. St Francis Hosp., Hidok ave & E. 14:2iui St. Luke's Hosp., (Prot. Epis.), llStb & Amsterdam ava St. John's Hosp., old ave & (JUtb bt. Mark's Hosp., 177 2(1 av. St. Marys 405 West 34th Street St. Vincent's Hosp., lltli to 12th & 7th av. salvation Army, .'ili; K. 15th Scarlet Fever & Oiptheria Ft. E. 16tb Street Second Ave. Hosp., OC 2n(1 avc Second Medical Div. Bellevue Hosp., 1st ave & 2nth Seaside Hospital, .New Dorp, S. I. Office 103 Park ave sloane Maternity Hospital, Amsterdam av & 59th st Stern A. R. The, 305 West End ave Sydenham Hosp., 'AV.\ K. llOth st. Tonsil Hosp. The, 1.5:? K. 02nd Tuberculosis Hosp. Admission Bur., 124 E. 59lh Union Hosp., L:45t; VaUntinc hm' I). S. Immigrant Hosp., Ellis Island. U. S. Dispensary, Barge Offirr, So. Fem'. U.S. Marine Hosp., Stapleton, S. I.; office foot Whitehall st U. S. Public Health Service Hosp., Sodnwiik & Kingshridge rd Vanderbilt Clinic (Allied uith College of Phys's & Surgeons), OOth A: Amsterdam av. Van Cortlandt Private Hosp., (Jun Hill rd & Bainbridgc ave Veterans Hosp., Kingshridge rd & Si'dgwick av^" Washington Square Hospital, 31 Washington sq, W. Washington Heights Hoj().. 554 W. Kr.th. West Side Dispensary, 328 W. 42nd st Willard Parker Eme.y'y Hnsn.. ft. E. lOth. Womans Hospital, Amsterdam av & Cathedral pkwy (llOtb) BRONX HOSPITALS

Bronx Eye & Ear Infirmary—1.50 E 141st st Bronx Maternity, 1072 Grand Conrourse Fordham Hospital — *^i. -hrn hlv.l and Crotnna av Free Home for Young Girls, 31S E. Hospital & Dispensary, 12S5 Piilton ave (l(K)th st) Lebanon Hosp., WVsidiester & Canldwell Lincoln, 14st st & Connml ave Maternity Clinic. 1.~.20 Washington ave Melrose Veterinary, 4.5:? K. 142nd st Montefiore Home & Hosp. for Chronic OiseatM, Quo Hill rd (E. 210th st) near Jerome ave Riverside, North Broth'-rs Island St. Francis. 142nd st & Brook ave Sf. Joseph's (Comsumptives), 143rd st ft Brook ave

Seton, Spuytcn Dnyvil (Tubercular) (Men , women & children) Union, 2450 ValtMitlne ave


No. Rate Name Location rmt. Epn. /»bert 11th at i Inivmlty pi 450 1-00 Alexandria .250 W. 103rd st 250 3.00 Algonquin M W. 44th st !.'.-»(> 2.r>0 Allerton Sta| .39th rt. A Leilngtoi} a? 400 1.50 Ambassador 51sl Ac I'ark avt- 3(M( 'S.W Ansonia ^way. & 73rd st 1.600 3.00 Argonne ^ 159 W. 47th st 300 150 Arlington „ IS W. 25ih st 140 2-00 Aitor Bway. k 44th st 1,000 300 Belleclairt Bway. & 77th st 320 250 Belmont Park av. & 42nd st 700 3.50 Berkley Amsterdam a? & 74th st 300 2.50 Beresfofd 81st rt k Cen. Pk. W. 250 2.50 Blltmore Madison av k 43rd st 1,000 4.00 Breslin Bway. k 2yth st 500 3.00 Bway. k 8«Uh st 51*0 1-00 Brevoort (French) Fifth a? k Sth st 120 150 Bristol 122 W. 49th st 480 2.00 Broadway Central Bwav. & :',rd st (KM) l.»M) Broadway „.Jway. k 44th st 650 2.50 Brotwll 3 E. L'7th st 250 2.00 Buckingham Fifth av. & HOth st 2r>0 150 Chatham VanderbUt it 48th to 49th sts 400 4.00 Chelsea 222 W. 23rd st 500 2.00 Collingwood 45 W. :C)th st '.'.".O l..^>0 Coramodora, New 42d * Lexington a? 2,000 3- 50 CommonweaJth 7th av ic .54th 21HO 1 00 2.50 Marie Antoinette _ Bway. ft fi7th st 500 250 Marlborough Bway. ft 3(Uh

lanterey i)4th & Jiway. 500 100 Mirray Hill Park av & 40rti st 600 2.00 Navirre Seventh uv i: ;i.Sili st .Sru) l.HO Netherland Fifth av & 59th st 400 2.00 Park Ave Park av & 32d .st 4;;o 1.50

I Piiasylvania (New) Seventh av & 32nd st 2,200 3.50

I PItti. Fifth av & 5yth 81 UOO 4.00 Priice George ^ 14 E. 28lh st 900 2.00 I Fifth av : Reuiuance 512 ;^r>U 2.50 Ritz-Carlton Mad. av & 46th st 425 6.00 I RiM. Falton 228 W. list st. 300 3.00 St. Andrew ^ Bway. & 72d st 200 150 St. Lcrenz 127 E. 72d st L'OO 2.00 i St, Regis Jifth av & 55th st 340 3.50 I Su Remo Cent. Pk. W. & 74th »i(»0 150 Smi Fifth av & 59th st 500 3.50 S«IIU Madison av & 29th st 475 2.00 Stynour 44 W. 4r)th st liHO 1.50 ShtfMD Sfian Bway. & list st 500 2.00 Sbmy'i Fifth av & 44ih st 150 4.00 S«aerMt 150 W. 47th st 225 1.50 Thnta 125th st & 7th av 300 1.50 TIBM Sflnara 206 W. 43rd st 100 2.50 Union Square Union Sq. & 15th l.SO 1.50 Vudertllt Park av & 34th st 600 3.50 WaWod Astoria Fifth av & 34th st 1,000 3.50 Wilton 104 W. 70th st 210 2.00 Wifcrtef 40 W. 45th st 160 3.00 Wuton New, Mad. av & 49th st 200 .3.(X) WoJeott 4 W. 3l8t st 300 2.50 Weodstock. 127 W. 43rd st 365 3.50 Woodward Bway. & 55th st 400 2.00 Ylft 7th av & 36th st 200 2.5«

AKrioM. 17-19 W. 32ndst, Loeerrw, 201 W. 79th st. AbiDidOD, Hotel, Abingdon S(i. Markwell, 222 W. 49th st. Aieaiar. 43 W. 42nd st. Martellles 103rd k Bdway. Alkeraarie 205 W. 54th st. Maryland, 1(V4 W. 49th st ABorlet. (Spanish) 102 E IShMassao, 58 E 59th st AMinoa. 102 W. 80th st. New Mills, 7th av & 36th st Arrow Head Inn, 177th k Ha- Newton, t)4th & Broadway WD ave Normandle, o8th & Bway AtMoD, 93rd & Madison av. Palace, 132 W. 45th st. Bensford, 81st k C'tral Pk W. Park Side, 31 W. 47th st. Berkeley, 5th av & 9th st. Patterson, 58 W. 47th st. Boo Ray, 92nd k Madlsn ave. Pontehartrain, 308 W. 58tii Caledonia, 2S W. 26th st Remington, 129 W. 46th it. Claaan (men), 43rd & Sth avRiehmond, 70 W. 46th st. Clarendon, 55 K. 58th st Manhatan Sq., ,54 W. 77th st CUadening, i>u2 W, 103rd st Royalton, 52 W. 72nd st. Coioaial Columb. av k 81st st. St. George, Bway & 12th t. Dakota, Cen. Pk. W at72nd st. St. Hubert 120 W. .")7th st. De France, 142 W. 49th st. St Jamei, lOit W. 45th st. tsiex, r>()th & Madison av St. Loyit, .34 E. 32nd st. Gruoble, 7th av & 5«?th st St. Margaret, 129 W. 47th it. Groiwnor, 5th av & 10th st. San Raefel, (ri W 45th st Hawthorne. 70 W. 49th st ichulyer Armi 207 W. 98tb Hotel Oes Artistes, 1 W. k7thSenton, .35 K. 27th .st

1 Laclede, lo-j e. l.-)th st Southern, (ISO Park Ave. tafayitte, 1 j>th & University pi Stanley, 124 W. 47th st. Laogdon, 1 .^,th av & 56th st Stratford, 11 E. 32nd st Laagwell. I 123 W. 44th st Thorndyke, 210 W. .58th it. Lairolton, 147 W. 55th st. Touralne I 9 E. .39th st. >-o«| Acre. 157 W. 47th st. Univeriity, 106 W. 47th ft. 152 MISCELLANEOUS

Van Reniselaer, 13 E. 11th stWentworth. f.O W. 4Cth st. Warrinflton, If.l Madison ave. Westover, 210 W. 44tli st. Wellington, 55tb & 7th aw. Willard, 2o2 W. 76th st. LIBRARIES

New York Public Library, Stli av and 42(1 st 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Branches tame. BRANCHES 1000 St. Nlrh's a» 7.S 741! lOUi ave I Vanhattan st 33 E. Broadway I 192 R. Broadway 121 K. r.gth st BRONX 67th st E. 140th st 61 Rivington st ! 328 E. 321

i 7.".;t st 388 E. Houston .st' 15>0 Am.sterdani av K. ir.oth 66 Loroy st 1465 .Wemie A 78 W. 168th st 222 E. 79th st '610 E. 169th st 444 Amsterdam av 1S66 \Va.sh'gtoii a» ' 112 K. 9Hth st I 910 Morris ave 206 W. 100th st 3041 KiriRst.dge st 203 W. 11.nth st 3r)2 City Isl, avo 9 W. 124th st 1743 Wallace av 224 E. 125th st 77 Wh Plains rd 103 W. 135th 3t 2647 Balubridge af RED BOOK GUIDE 153

Hudson Guild Library, ADO W. 27th. Huntington Free Library. Westchester a?e. Bronx Institute of Musical Art, lliO Clareniont av.

Italian Free Library, ;;'J."» Urouiiif. Library of the Engineering Socs. (Free), 29 W. 39th. Opeo a.m. to 10 ;i.iii. ex. Sun. Libreria Economica, (Italian) 21o Spring st Loan Librariei for Ships, 76 Wall st; 507 Weit it Masonic, .'.ii W. iMtli. ((pi'ii 2 to 1().:!() p.m. Mercantile Lib. Aun. of N. Y., Astor pi 8.30 a.m. to G p.m MeihoiJist. l.")(l ,"tli .n Optn <) to ~, p.m. Metropol'tan Museum of Art, Central Pk. 82(1 and 7th av. Oppn 10 a.m. to ."> p.m. Naval Historic Society Library, 33 West 42nd st N. Y. An.i-Vivisection Soc, 4r.() 4th ave New York Academy of Medicine Library, 17 West 43rd n N. Y. Botanical Garden, Hronx Park N. Y. Collcce (City of U. Y.), i:{Oth & St Nicholas af.

StlKin.is >V t.Mrhfrs. S.:!0 to 4. N. Y. Genealogical & Biographical Soc, 226 W. 58th st. N. Y. Historical Soc, 170 Central Pk (W) 9 a.m. to 6 p.ni N. Y Homeopathic Medical College and Flower Hospital, 63(1

,imI .\v .\. New York Law Institute Library, 120 Broadway N. Y. Port Society. Branch, 164 11th ave N. Y Produce Exchange, Bway. & Beaver. N. Y. Society, 9 University pi N. Y. Univ. Gen. Library, Univ. Heights. Law. WasbingtOO

sf|. 0|ien (lail.v, '.» to ."> p.m. Players' Library, 10 dramercy Park Railroad Br. Y. M. C. A., ;!09 Park ave Rand School Library of Social Science. 7 E. 15tb it Reform Club, !» So. William. Riverdaie, icivi-rduio, .\. V. Russell Sage Foundation Libr., 130 G. 22d. Free. 8-45 a.m. to (\ p.m., week days; Sat., 12 noon. Mon., TiMB^ Thui.. 10 p.m. Union Settlement Library, 241 E. 104th. Union Theological Sem., Bway. & 120tb it Opeo 9 %M»

to lit i> t-i University Building, Wa.shington Square Union Settlement, 241 E. 104th Vedanto Soc, 117 W. 72nd Woman's, '.» K. Sth. Open a.m. to 4 p.m. Y. M. G. A., See Page IMi MARKETS

Ganievjort. (farmers) Washetn Fifth-ninth St., r.9th to nOth Oansevoort, West & Little & l^t av to Qii'nshoro Jir'dge w 12th Ft. Lee (130th ferry). 130tb Jelfenon, nth av, Greenwich av & Hudson river & w 10th Fulton (fish), Fulton & South Washington, Washgtn. West & Fulton, South & Fnlton sti Fulton sts Harlem River Bdge, 3rd aT t West Washington. West k 13th 120th st Harlem. E 102d & Ist st FREE MARKETS Manhattan, foot W 34th tt Oelancey St., Under Williams Manhattan Bridge. Divisloo U hurp Bildgp, bet. Bidge and Madlsor sts Columbia sts Peoples, 149th & CortJandt t 154 MISCELLANEOUS MUSEUMS

American M»seum of Natural History—W. 77tli & Central Park West. Reached by »jlti or "Jih L to Slst, subway t9 TOtli; Sth av or Columbus ave surface cars. Open 9 ani.

to 5 p. m. ; Sundays, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesdays & Satur- day evenings, lower part of building. 7 to 10. Adm. froe American Museum of Safety, 201 Madison ave. Opep daily

except Sunday. <( a.m. tn ."i p.m. .\dmiiisioii free. American Numismatic Society—Broadway and mcth. Coins and medals. Open daily 1(» a.m to ;") p.m; Sun., 1 to H p.m Columbia College. Free Natural History—116th st & Broadway Dyckman Museum—I2n4th i B'way, Hi.slorial relics. Open 10 a.m. to ."i p m. Sun. & .Mun. 1 to 5 p.m. Hispanic Society—156th St. and Broadway, art and historical objects of Spanish Countries as well as maintaining a library repre.sentative of that nationality. We.st Side Sub to ITiTth Open, y a.m. to 5 p.m., except month of Aug. &. Holiday.s Libran,- Is closed Sun. ic Mon. Jimel Mansion—160th and Edgecombe are. Open daily. 9 a.m. to n p.m. Free. Revolutionary relics. INetropolitan Museum of Art^-5th ave & E. 82nd st. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. summer; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. winter; Saturday evenings to 10 p.m.; Sundays, 1 to 6 p.m. Monday and Friday. 2r)C. Reached by 5th ave busses or Madison ave cars to 82nd .st. Finest in America. National Acaiimy of Detlin—109th st and Amsterdam aveni •wjj -js qion 01 ^«*qns spiS 1».\\ 97.SI °l P^panojj New Yortt Historical See l«ty—Central Paris W & 76th. Ubrari 70,000 volumes Egyptian antiquities. Sculpture, modem pai- ntings by renowned masters. Free. Poe Cottage—Pne Park. Kingsbridge rd & Grand blvd, Bronx. Van Cortlandt House—Broadway and 242nd st, Bronx. Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Sundays, 2 to '* p.m. Free except Thursdays. 2r)C. Reached by West Side subway to 242nd St. Museum of Colonial relics. Washington Hdqts. (Jumel Mansion) —lOOih & 162nd ixt. Edgecomb av & Jumel ter. Open, dally & Sun., 9 am tn 5 p.m. (free). Reached by West Side .subway to ir)7th st

sta . fith av "L" tn l.'.'ith, Ttth av bus No. 3. Used as a museum of Rcvoluntary relics.


Bensonhurst Naval Reserve Bkn Station. Bay 17th street . (Staten Isl.) fort Hamilton. (Bkn) 4th avr fern- fr. White Hall sta. sut)W!iy & Trolley Governor's Island. (N. Y. Bay) Fort Jay, novernnr's Maud ferr>- fr. Battery Fort Schuyler. (Bronx) on L. I Pelham Bay Park Naval Reserve Sound ft Tremont ave Camp (Bronx) N. IT. & 11. It (Queeas) Rnckaway Naval Militia Training Field ft

Point trolley fr Far Rork'way^ of 52nd t Brooklyn Fort T»tten, (Queens) Whit'stel



American (Mor'g) Colurahus C.Sun & Herald, 2S0 Broadway Call. (Socialist) 112 4th :ivo World, n:; Park Row

Commercial, (Fin'cl) 20 VeseyTelegram, ( KveninR) 280 Rwaf

Globe, (EwninR) Dcy si Telegraph, (Sport ) S'J(i Stli at Journal (Evening) Columlnis C Times, (Morn'g)22!> W. 2:ir(l illustrated News, 2~> Pirk pi Tribune, (Mnrn'g) 154 Nassao Mail, (Kvening 21 City Hall plWall st Journal, 44 Broad st Post (Kvening) 20 Vosuy St. News, IST K. Rroadway Journal of Com. 32 Broadway Journal, 77 Bowery

Newspapers in Foreign Languages HUNGARIAN ARABIC Amerikai Magyar Nepszara. 24 Al Hoda, 81 West st L'nion Sii. ARMENIAN Elore, 83 1st av; Gotchnag, 2(jr) Lexington ave ITALIAN BOHEMIAN Bolletino della Sera Ufi, Worth HIas Lidu, 432 E. 71st Arajdo Italiano, 434 Lafayette Listy, 13iX» 2iul ave Progresso Italo-Amer., 42 Elm CHINESE Giornale Italiano, 434 Lafay' lieJorm News, 17G Park Row La Follia di N. Y., 22(5 Lafay* Repoblis News. lOS Park Row JAPANESE CROATIAN Amer. Comm. Wkly., 414 Sth harodni List, 209 W. 33rd Times, 35 »')th ave Jugo-Slovenski Svijet, 351 W. LITHUANIAN 52n(l st VIenybe Lietuvnjko, 124 Grand DANISH (Brklyn) Noriyset, 132 Nassau Tevyne, 307 W. 30th FINNISH NORWEGIAN New Yorkin Uutiset, 740 40thNordisk Tidende, 4423 3rd af (Rro^.klyn) (Brklyn) Finska Amerikanaren, 1116 0- POLISH

cean ave ( Hklvn) Telegr'm Codkjenny, 00 E 10th FRENCH Nowy Swiat, 24 Union Sq. Courier drs Etats-Mnis, 195 Kurger Narodowy, 209 W. 33d Fulton st RUSSIAN GERMAN Novoye Russkoy* Slovo, 31 7th StaaU-Zeitong, 22 N. William SERVIAN Ev'g. Herold, 22 N. William Srposki Dnevnik, 417 Lafayette Staats Zeitung, 182 WUUam st SLOVAK GREEK Slovak v. Amerike. 1482 B'wy Atlantis, 117 W. 3l!:t New Slovenlc Dennlk, 435 86th hat'l. Herald. 140 W.2 6th SLOVENIC HEBRFW Glas Naroda. s2 fortlandt IV!orn. Journal, 77 Bnwery SPANISH Daily News, 187 E. Brdway La Prensa, 245 Canal Forward. 175 E Brdway SWEDISH Cay Warheit. 183 E. Brdway Nordstjernan. 108 Park Ram Die Zeit, 153 E. Brdway Arbetaren. 45 Rose OFFICE BUILDINGS (Principal)

A*M, 47 Pine rt Aw. Serety C«., 100 Bdwaf Adams Exp.. 61 Broadway Amer. Surety, (Annerl R'wayl AMilan Hall. 27-35 W 42d Pine ^ Ahrens. 70 Lafayette st Amer. Woolen. 221-27 4th 4 Jbemarle, 1107 Broddway Armlon, 7fh aT & 37th st Amer Exch Natl Bk. «5 Cedar Anderson, 12 to 16 John ll American Exortti, 65 B'way. »^ndrewi. 27 Pine st ^m. Press Awn, 225 W 39th Architects, 101 Park tm 156 MISCELLANEOUS

Arena, 3S-40 West 32nd st Cambridge7~334 Fifth ave Argui. 17 Wtst 42nd st Cameron, IS.'j Maiiison avc Armeny, 1)0 Nassau st Canadian Pae. 44th & Madison Armltage, 87-S;» Pearl st Candler, 22(l \V. 42nd st Armory, .'iri.'; Fourth ave Carlisle, I'J K. 24th st Army, 39 Whitehall st Carnegie Hail, ssi St'vtnth a? Art Color. 209 W 38th at Casualty Co., 70 Wlllianu it Ashland, 315 Fourth ave Centennial. 116 Broad st Astor, K) Wall st Central, 10 Broadway Astor, 8 E 34th st Central. 141 to 141» Liberty Astor Court, 2(i W. 34th st Central, 2r» W. 42nd st Atlantic, 49 Wall it Central. 2') W. 45th st Astor Ho. BIdg., 217 Broadway Central Syndicate, .320 B'way Astor Trust, 5th ave & 42d st Central Trust Co., 54 Wall st Atlantic, 49 Wall st Century, 1 W 34th rt Bancroft, 3 W. 29th st Century, 74 Broadway Bankers Trust, 14 Wall st Centurian, 11 si.' Kroadway Bankers Trurt 501 5th ave. Chemists. .^lO W 41st st Bankers Trust, Madison ave andCheseborough. 17 State st n7th st Church Missions. 281 4th av Bank of America. 40 Wall st City Investing Co.. 105 Bdway Bank of New York. 4S Wall st Clarendon, lil.'i Fourth ave Bank of the Metropolis. 31 Cockroft. 71 Nassau st Union Square. West Coffee Exch.. fifi Beaver st Barclay, 2'.)!) Broadway Columbia. Hth av k 34th st Bartholdi, 2 E. 2.3rd st Columbia. 29 Broadway Battery, 17 Battery pi Columbia Bank. .")07 Fifth av Battery Park. 21 State st Columbia Trust. (\() Frondway Barrett. Rector & West sfs Commercial, 300 Broadway Baudouine, 11 si Broadway Commercial Cable. 20 Broad Beard, 122 Liberty st Commercial Engnrs, 35 W 39th Beaver, 84 to 90 Beaver st Commercial Union, .58 William Beaver St. Arcade, 25 Beaver Commercial Trust. 1451 b way Beckman, 101 Itwkman st Coo'tablr. Ill Fifth ave Bennett. 93 to 99 Nassau st Continental. 44 Ce


tamet, 05 Madison uvc Irving. ] Hudson st inpira, 71 BroadwaF Internat'nal Mercantitle Marine biitable, 120 Broadway B'way i: Battorj' pl Eagineering, 114 Liberty st Jewelers, 9-13 Maiden la Evening Post, 20 Vesey st Jewelers Court. 51 Maiden la Everett, 45 Union sq, N. Johnston, 1170 Broadway Ixeh. Court, 52-50 Broadway Johnston, 30 Broad st Fahys, 54 Maiden Lane Journey, 45 Lispenard st Ftrnert Loan & Trart, 22 Wm Kean-Van Cortlandt, 30 Pine Farragut, i;> Madi.son ave Kecne 7 W. 45tli st. Federal, 93 Wall st Kemble. 15-25 Whitehall (t FMel'y & Cailty Co.. 97 Cedar Kennedy. 289 4th av Fifth Ave.. 200 5th av Kensington. 73 5th a» First Nat'l. Bank, 2 Wall st Kerr Steamship 3S-40 s Wm st FIsii. B'way, Sth av & 57th st Knabe. 4:;7 Fifth ave Fitzgerald. 14S2 Hroadway Kniekerboelier. 79 Sth av Forty-Seeond, 30 E 42d st Knickerbocker. B'way & 42d st Faster. 2S(» Mailb''s), 5th ave Maclntyre. 874 Broadway & 44th st Madison Ave.. 25 Madbon av Haggin. 377 Broadway Madison av. 43rd & Mad'n av Haiyhi, i,~iti Lro.iiiu.iy ft'.iJi'-oii Siiiimf, l.» il. Z<>'-h Hanover Fire Ins. Co, 34 Pine Mail I Express. 203 Bdway Hanover Square. 1,30 Pearl st Maillnckrodt, 90 Williams st Hanover Bank. 5 Nas-sau st Manhattan & Merchants Natl. Hartford. 41 Union srj w Bank, 40 Wall st Navemeyer, 2fi Cortland st IManhattan Life. 06 Broadway Hays. 21 Maidpn Lane IManhattan, Madison av & 42d *«aly, 88-90 Gold st MaricP, 159 MndLson ave Heekscher. 57th st & 5th ave iManufaetaren. 387-93 4th m Hegeman. 200 Broadway Manhattan. 96 5th av Herald Sq., 141-45 W 86th at** "bridge. 47 W. 34fh st. Hess. 354 Fourth ave Maritime, 8 Bridge st. Hill. 469 10th aT Maritime Exch.. 78-.S0 Broad iHilliard. .", .John st Market & Fulton Nat'l. Banl IHame Life Int., S.^T Bdway ' 81 Fulton st Motel Ambassador. Park ave & Marlln-Roekwell 46th & Mad'o ' . 51st -52nd sts Masonle. 6th av & 23d st Hoyt. 44 Pine st Mattlage. 97 Warren st Hudson. 32 Broadway MeClara, 2.'51-5 4th av Hudson Terminal. 30-50 Church Merehanti. 2 Stone st Hadson, 80 .'Jth av Mercantile, 44 E. 23rd st •"Ptn A Traderi, .59-61 Pearl Mercantile Library, 13 ^stor d1 IBS MISCELLANEOUS ttiiodfft Book. 150 Otb ar Robertson -cole. t Metropolitan Life. 1 Madison Rogers, lOG Wall st Kcirujjuiuan t.vuucX), .Maa;:>on Koinschild, );> l.conaM st Royal Ini. Co., WiUlw 1 Jk mui ^l 137 lilli. IG Broad tt Ko>al Int.. 86 WUliams it Mohawk, l.'>8 Flflb avc St. Cloud, 38 E. IJlsi st Honolitii, 35 W 34th tt St. James. MM Uroadway Montauk. VJ Liberty st St. Paul, lilit) Broadway Morris, «>.S Broad st Sampson, H3 Wall 8t Morton, 11(5 Nassau st Schermerhorn. 00 Broadwaf Municipal, (.I'liicr & Chamliers Scott & Bowne, 409 Feari it Minro, 17 Vandewater rt Scribner, i:;r.i i sth av,- Munion St'nibnip, \>all & Pi art Seaboard Natl, Broad & Bcavc Mirray Hill, 8-14 W 38th itSeabory, ny Maiden Lane Intual Life, 32 Nassau tt Seaich, 42 K. 32nd st Hyers, }'.« .MaiJeii l.aiie Seligman, 3 South William Nassau-Beekman, 140 ."^'a-ssau Seymour, r.(t3 Fifth ave Nat.onal Ass'n, W. 4.".rd st Sheldon, t;^ Nitssaii st

Nat I. Bank of Commerce. 31 Shoe & Leather, 271 Braadwai du 31 Siebreeht, 42."i Fifth ave National City Bank, oo Wall Silk Exchange, 4S7 Broadwaj Needle Craft, 2Mh & 7th uTi^ Silvertmithi. 15 Maiden la Neptune, li3 K. 2

N. Ri*er Ini, Co., 07 Williams springier, .". Inion sq w New York Life, 34«) Broadway standard Artade, 50 Bdwaf NY. Mercantile E.\eh, 6 Harsn standard Oil, 2G Broadway Orient. SI -S3 Wall st Starr. .")7(> Fifth ave Park Row, 15 Park Bow Stevens. 3 .Maiden la Passa»ant, 440 Fourth ave Stewart. 2S(» Broadway Peavy, 13-19 University rt Stock Qaotatlon Tel., 26 P.nn Term., 7th av & .",lsi st stokes, 3;^.") 4th ave av Pirshing S(j , 42n(l & I'ark Stuyvesant, 1(H) Fifth a?e Peter Cooper, .395 4th av sun Building, ino Nassau H: Physlcians-Dentitts, 40 E 41it Sydenham. OU) MadlsoD are Pi ori.il, :;>i!i i 7th ave Taber, 79 Wall rt Pierrepont, 103 5th av Taylor. 39 ("ortlandt rt Pierson, (M Nas.sau rt Telephone, 14 to 22 Cortlandt Pinaud, 90 r>tb av Telephone & Telegraph, 195 ri.iiou, lUniwi & Front sts Broadway Plaza, 619 Madison av Temple Court, 3 to Beekman Pi>co"n. •_>•_>•) Koirth ave j Terminal, 103 Park av (ace

Pott Building. 20 Vesey rt I Hudson Terminal) Pott. KM 8 KxrhanRC pi Terminal. 43 W 33d rt Postal Life. .35 Nassau rt Terry & Trench. 141 MadlaOB Postal Lite. .111 Fifth ave Textile. Hdih & 31.st & Slst ai Postal Telegraph. 2.'»3 B'dway Thamet. 27 Thames st Potter. a8 Park B i S BrMway Tontinr-Taber, 7S to 88 Wall' Produce Exch. Annex. 9 Stone Town Hall. W. 43d E. of B'wy Prfrtrsjional. l(i K H.st st Townsend. 1123 Broadway fillt/tr, 65 Park Bow Traders Exth.. 80 Plna it Pullman. 17 Madison av Trantlt. 7 E 42d rt Pitman, 2-0 W 4.''>th it Tribune. I."i4 Na-ssau st Putnan, 1403 Bro.i.Iway Trinity. Ill Bma.tw.iv Ralelih. t^r^H Brn;\.'«,iv Trinity Coert, 72 Trinity « •llaMN, 32 TTnion sq a Underwood. 28 Vesev st Mm4. IffT Williams st Underwriters. 125 WlUlaffltSi •t««nt Realty. "•»: ,v A -J^th Union, 33 Union sq w llilBtl«it^jr, 238 William rt Union Carbon. 26 E. 42nd rt. RED BOOK GUIDE 159

union Trust Co., SO Broadway Watson, 25G-liG2 Churefc st United Charities, liST 4lh a? Welles, IS Hroadway United Engineers, '_•;» W ;39th Wemple, 83 Nassau st y. S. Express, 2 Hector st Wessells, n Corilaiult st U. S. Realty, 115 Broadway iWest Street, DU West st U. S. Trust Co., 4.J Wail st iWhitehall, 17 Battery pi Vanderbilt, l.'ii: Na^isaii st (Whiie House, 4rt{'> Fourth a»e Vanderbilt Concourse, 4.jth st|WI!ion, 1270 Broadway kV Vanik'rhilt ave Winchester-Ljggett, Madisou av Van Noitrand. 25 WilUam st & 42n'i st Victoria, 230 Fifth ave Windsor Arcade. 5G9 Fifth a» Vincent, 302 Broadway Woodbridge, too William st Wahnetah, 401 Fourth ave Wool Exchange. 200 W B'way Waldorf, 2 W. 33rd st Woolworth, 233 Broadway Wallace, HO Pine st World BIdg.. t;i I\irk Bow Wall St Exeh, 43 Exchange pi World Tower, 110 W 40th rt Ward Line, 00 Wall st Wurlitzer. ll(;-]22 W 42d st Washington, 1 Broadway Wyllys, 02 Williams st Washingtoa Life, 141 Bdmr Yale-Towne. 9 E 40ttaft PARKS

BATTTERY PARK—ft of Broadway (contains Acquarium) BRONX PARK (719 Acres)— Free every day e.xcept .Mon- day and Thursday. Contains llie ZooloKii.'al I'ark and Botanical (iardens, Loriliard .MaiLsion. historical relics, falls, and various other Interesting features. Subway BRONX & —Couij>;.Cing Bronx & relham Parks. 400 feet wide. BRONX RIVER PARKWAY—New Boulevard north along Bronx River valley from Bronx Park. CENTRAL PARK—59th to 110th. 5th a? to Central Park west. S43 acres (18") lakes & reservoirs). 400 acres woodland. 200 miles drives and walJis GRAND CONCOURSE—Finest boulevard in the country. FT. WASHINGTON—200th st and Hudson river. HALL OF FAME PARK—New York University. Bronx HIGH BRIDGE— l;V)th at Wash. Bridge. 75 acres. MOSHOLU PARKWAY—ConnectinB Van Courtlandt and Brir'x Park. r.(M» feet wide. MORNINGSIDE PARK—110th to 123d sta, contains Fort Laight an original block house of War of 1812. PELHAM BAY PARK (l.lilG Acres)-Beautiful scenes and tine bathinR a;id picnic crnunds. Indian gra?e- yard. Split Rock, etc. (Naval Camp) POE PARK—The famous poet, ICdgar Allen Poe. occu- pied the cottage in this Park and wrote many of his poems here about 18-17. rtlVERSIDE—Along Hudson river, 59th to 130th, 14' acres. (Grant's Tomb—Riverside Busses) VAN COURTLANDT (1,132 Acres)—Contains Colonial Gardens and Mansion. Free except Thursday. Golf links, ball grounds, tennis courts, etc. West Side Sobw PARKS AND SQUARES

Abingdon Sfl., 8th ave. Eud- Chelsea, 9th ave to 10th ave son & W. 12th sts Christopher St., Chr. & W 4th Annunciation. Amsterdam ave,' W. 27th to 2Sth sts 134th to 135th .sts City Hall, B'way & Park Row Beach St., Beach st & W B'way Claremont, 170th & Mt. Eden Bloem'Qdale Sq.. 108th & B'wy Cleveland Sq., Bowery & (anal Bowling Green, foot of Broad- Colonial, Bradhurst & Edge- way, at Custon House combe avs; 145th to 155tb Bryant Sq.. 6th ave & W. 40th Colimbat. Mulberry & Baxter Canal St., Canal A West .sts Cooper Sq.. 3rd ave & 7th st Carl Schurz, E. 84th to 89th Corlears Hook, Corlears. Jack- 160 MISCELLANEOUS

~80n. Cherry & South sts avs. 2'.M to 26th stfl Crotona, E. Trem't Arthur av, Manhattan Sq., Central Pk W. Fulton St ii liTil aiC \ Colunib. av, 7Tth to 81st Dante, M'uay ^ (j-'Ud st McKinley Sq., lUttth ^ Rustou Devoe. W Fordh. rd & W 18.Sth Mitchell Sq., 100 ic U'way DtWitt Clinton, 11th av. Hud- Mt. Morris, Mad' n A: Mt Morris son Kiv A: W. n^d to 54th avs, 120tti to 124th sts Duane St., Duane A Hudson Mulry Sq., W. 11th & Grein- Eeho, Burnside k K Trem't avs widi ;i\i' Empire, Hway ic \V. «'»3rd st Ottendorfer Sq., Duane & Centre Ft Washington, Wash. Hghts. Paradise, Worth & Baxter sis Fox Sq.. W. Farms & Wesch'ter Park Ave. Park. '.UXh to 4(iili Franklin Sq., lOOth & B'way sts A; .">irtti to ;n>th sts Franz Sigel, 161st & Walton Pershing Sq.. 42nd & Park ave Givan Sq., E Gun Hill & East- Plaza (5th av), r>5Uh & ~>\h av Chester ave , ISlst & Rlvor Globe Sq.. 178 Greenwich to sid,- dr 122 West st (form. Dey st) Riverside Dri. Extension, 13jth Graham Sq, Lawrence nr lf)7th„ t" !/•"'".>> -^'"^ ^„^ ^„^ "O""" Grand St., Grand st & W B'wy **om%. W 160th to 162d Grant Circle. 177th & W'tch'tr^ sts ik Ednecomhe rd Greeley Sq., 32d & Broadway R«if'"«'<' 12r>th & .Amsterdam Hamilton Fish, Stanton, Ea.st Rutgers, ft Rutgers st. F^astiide Houston, Pitt & Sheriff sts ?>»". ^'! a* &_K- "i^nd st ^t. Gabriel, 3oth to SGth sts Hancock Sq.. St. Nicholas av & 2nd ave W. ]2;ird & ^restOD Hanover Sq., Pearl & Beaver st||- i«"l*.»; Jf,™"!/ f Harlem La. 7th av & Macomb |- ???„ ' ^^/"^.A "%„ '%?j:tv'- '-'''' -"''str„r"^fi3Su,'t^i4Ts-t HeJii'sT. 34th & Broadway ^;^ Ij' JV^.^'/j-y^ Hpdson. Huds. Clarkson ^Y^yll^'icr^t^l^oA^cZ Isham, nr.iadwny & \N. 212th gtrayj,^ 1,,,;^, ^ Broadway Jackson Sq., Sth av. Horatio gtiiyvesant Sq., Rulherf'd pi & st Greenwich ave & y l"tth to 17th sis Jeanette, Coentles si at Front yh,. Jrtferson.lst av & E.lllth Joan of Arc Pk., 01st River- & jompkins Sq.. Avs A, B. & 7th Mile dr III Idtli sis John Jay, Ave st A & E 74th ypjon sq., Bwy, E 14th to 17h Joh( J. Murphy, 17th ta 18th University, S^dgw av & E 181st sts. Avf C to E. River Verdi Sq., 73rd st, Amsterdam Kilpatrick Sq., 7th &. St. Nicks av.' to H»ay Kuyter. S. approach to .3d ave Wakefield Sq 2'_*1sf & Bronxw'd Brion Bennett, IMth \- Broadway Cherry, ( htrry & Market Carl Sehurz. sCth i E River Clark. 174ih & Ft. Wash ave Central, 5th & 8th 8ve.s OeWitt Clinton. .53d & 11th a?

Chelsea. 27th & 10th ave 17th St , 17th & E River Colonial. 1.50th & Bmdhur?t nv Hamilton Fish. Houston & Pitt Cnlombiis, Baxter & Worth Highbridge, 1 70th & Amsterdam Corlear's Hook. Corliur's and Hudson, Clarkson k Hudson av — ,


Jaekion Sq., Horatio & stfTaT'wrWth "SL, lOlb & 11th ars Jasper Oval, 137ih ic (Juuveut (Buys ic Girls) Reservoir, 174th & AmsterduiniYorkville, Uil.-.t tK't. 2d & 3d Riverside, «)GUi & Kivtrside dr62nd St., l.'32nd &, Amoterdam Riverside Oval, 77th &. Rivrs'di-Five Points, Baxter & Wortii Ryan, 4i:!id &. 2iul ave Oueensboro, foot of E. 59th St. Gabriel's, 35th & 2n.I ave Jeannette, Coeiitics Slip St. Nicholas, 13:-!d i St. Nich Water Gate. 134ih & Convent Seward, (anal & Jefftrsoi! Ft. Wash., 177th ft. of Wash. Thos. Jefferson, 114th & Fleas-iHamilton, Houston & Pitt (in- ant ave door gymnasium boys - girls) Tompkins Sq., 10th & Ave. A '

POPULATION . 6REATER NEW YORK (1920) 5,026,048 BROOKLYN (Est. 1922) 2.259,(>00 MANHATTAN (Est. 1922) 2.310.8 BRONX (Est. 1922) 1,002.5(.M) QUEENS (Est. 1922) 5^55.2(m RtCHMONO (Est. 1922) 147,1H»

Total 6,273,700 SURBURBAN POJPULATION 3,000.000 AREA Borodgh Acres QUEENS 144.675 MANHATTAN 14.05« BROOKLYN 98.106 BRONX 21.680 RICHMOND 36.300 POSTOFFICE

Downtown—Broadway and Park Row. Railroad, 45th st & Lexington ave Uptown—Pennsylvania R. R., Sth ave and 31st st. Deliveries—7 :45, 9:20, 10:40 a.m.; 12:15. 1:15. 2:15, o.iKt. 4:15 p.m. .Market section, 6:30 a.m. Savings Bank at all stations except Pelham, Pelham Manor, Morris Heights, and City Island.

Carrier Station.s. A—Prince & Greene sts College Sta.—305 W 140th st B— t.". Suffolk !ir Grand st Foreign— Motion & West sts C—13th st & 9th ay Grand Central— 110 K 45th st —Hh ave & 1.3th st Hamilt'n Grange—521 W 146h F—151 E 34th st Inwood—3St')U 10th av nr 207 G—221 W r.lst st Madison Sq.—126 E. 23rd st H—ISO W 102d st Pelham Br. —5th av bet. 2wl 1—232 W 116th st i 3nl sts, Pelham i—:\m W 125th st Pelham Manor Br.—Esplanade

K—2(12 E 88th st i bet. Railroadpl & Clay ave

L I.txiiiRton av & 126th st I Pelh.un Manor l>(),s,s .Amsterdam M— ave Jimes Sq.—3Sth .st bet. 7th-S N—G9th & Broadway Varick-Varick st bet. Beach 0—112 W 18th 8t & Laisht sis P—Custon House RIdg. Wall St.—60 Wall rt S—Lafayette and Howard Washington Bridge—ISOtb i W—160 W &3d st Amsterdam »v. Y—205 E. 67th st bet. 2d 3d Tompkins Sq.—Av B & 12th st City Hall—Broadway & Pk Rw 162 MISCELLANEOUS BRONX Stations liilT. & Summit ars "T"—oOO K. 16oth St Klnsibridie—5233 Broadway "X"—:',7r> K. 138th St Tremont— 1«J31 Wash, av City liland—;>,Lnj City Is. af Wwtehester — 1471 Williams-

Fordham—LTill) Webster at | hridRc rd Fox St.— Fox. bet. 1«J7 & 109 Willia«i«bridge — 3455 WhlK Hign Bridge—W. Iftoth, bet.' Plains av POLICE DEPARTMENT UEMBERSHIP (1922) 10.59ft Headquarters—Centre & Broome Stg. Police Precincts. I37 221> W. 123d st 1 Old Slip l38 246 W. 135ti st 4 16-20 Beach st 139 177 E. ie4th st 5 9 Oak st ]40 1854 Amsterdam at 6 17 Elizabeth st ,42 177th & Haven av 13 118 Clinton st |43 148 E. 126th st

14 135 Charles st I Women's 434 W. 37th st 15 321-323 5th st ITrame Diviiion. Qlty Hall 16 253 Mercer st Traffic Divisisn, 36 E. 9th st 21 327 E. 22d st iTrafflc Divitn. 13.S W. 30th st 23 138 W. 30th st 'Harbor A. Pier A 25 KM) E. .35th st IHarlwr B, Bandall's Island 26 345 W. 47th st 28 150 W. 68th st Detective Headqiartert:— 240

2J> 163 E. 51st st 1 Centre; 417 Lexington ave; E. 67th st 31 153 1 321i> E. 116tfa; 342 W. 32 134 W. 100th st 123rd; 402 E. 158th, BRONX BRONX POLICE PRECS. 51 1415 Williarasbridge rtl 45 257 .\Kxantl.r av ['tli 301C) Wibster av 4(; 3rd u» A: lOOth .st |.">4 2S1 City I.sland av 47 10N<> Simpson st ,."»G 22Uth & White Plains av 49 1925 Halbnate pi 157 KinRsbridKe ten ft Perot 50 lG7lb st k Sedgwick av 1 st, Kingsbridge RAILROADS & STATIONS Railway Joint Ticket Offlces Phone Hryant twOd 31 W. 32nd st., nr B'way 64 Broadway, nr Wall st 114 W. 42«d St.. nr Br^dway 67 Chambers St.. nr Br'dway' 4 Ceert St.. (Brooklyn) ATLANTIC AVE. TERMINAL, (Brooklyn) L. I. R. R., reaches via siili»av,>- and ItMioklvn flcvati-d roads. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R..Penna. R. R. .st».,7th av & 33rd

General Office. 295 B'way. Freight, Pier 21. E R. ; Piers, 7

& 22, .\. K. : .Dm, IJth av . CENTRAL RAILROAD (Jmey City) Forri..^ Liberty st

and W. 2:M st; Cent. R.R. of N.J. , Phila. I Reading R.R. Information Pass., ft of Liberty. Ticket Offices, 64 B'way; .57 Chatnbrrs: :n W .32nd & 114 W. 42nd. Com. Agent. 143 Liberty. Freight Stations. Piers. 46, 104: .39, N. R. »ho 3rd !iv & i:;;{rd .sf ERIE RAILROAD. (Jeney City) via Hudson Tiil)e fr 33d «

(uptown) it Hudson Term. ( downtown l. Chambers & W.

23d st ferries; Erie (all div. ) ; New York Sisq. & Wetteiv Executive & General Office. .'.O Cluinh. Dairy Agent, fwit (/ rh.nmb.rs Freight & Passenger Offices, 71 W. 23rd st; Park av k /:{.5lh; W. 2Stb & 11th; Produce Exchange;

Pier 7. K K . foot of W. IbuL'iton st. GRAND CENTRAL. 42nd st & Park ave (12.'th st sU. stop for tmtnO New York Central Hidson River Lines; New York, New Havpn & Hartford R.R. East Side Sub. Erp sta. HUDSON TERMINAL. Church st, from Cortlaodt to Fulton ;


tta (Entrances on Church, Cortlandt, Dey and Fulton sts) LACKAWANNA (Hoboken, N. J.), ferries Barclay. Chrlstophel t W. 23d, HudsoT Tub* trains from 33d st (uptownl- t Hudson Terminal (downtown). Gtaeral & Executive Office, UO West st. Information & Pass- •nger Office, 110 W. 42nd st. Freight Agents, 3U2 B'way; Produce Kxch'ge. Freigtit Stations, Piers, 13. 41 & <;>; m. B. & Pier 2rt, E. B. LEHIGH VALLEY R. R., Penna. R. R. sta., 7th ay t 33d st GUMral Office, 143 Liberty. Information Bur., Penna. station fassenger Agent, 110 W. 4.ind st. Freight Stations, 143 Ilud.son Piers, Liberty: Terminal; S & 34 N. R. ; 44 K. R.; 66 N. R.; foot of W. 27th; oot of 124th & 149th & Harlem River. LING ISLAND R. R.. Penna. B. R. station. 7th av k 33d st Freight Station, Pier 22, foot of James Slip. N. Y. CENTRAL R. R., Grand Central Term, 42nd & Park hv Gl>«ral Passenger Office, Grand Central Term. Ticket Offices, 64 B'way; f)? Chambers; 31 W. 32ud; 110 W. 42nd st Grand Central Terminal & 12r)th St. station. Lost Prop- trty, Grand Central Term. Mail Service, Pier 72, N. R. Freight Traffic, Gr'd Central Term. Foreign Freiglit, Pro- duce Exphange. Freight Stations, Barclay st; Piers, 16, 17

N. R.; Piers, S3 N R. ; 4 E. R. ; 34 E. R. ; St Johns P'k Laight &. Varick; 11th av & 33rd; 11th av & 60th; 12th 8T & 132nd; Webster & lOSth; Locast a? & 141 E. R.; Webster & Brook aves. East Side subway to 42nd st. N. Y., N. H. & H., 132d st & Port MorrLs, Casanova, Hunters Point & Boston rd.. West Farms & Van N(st. I. Y. WESTCH'R & BOST R.R. via 3d av elevated to 1321 Ticket Offices, .",7 Ch.imbers; 64 B'way; 31 W. 32nd & 1 W. 42nd. Freight Stations, Piers, 70, 37 E. R. & Pier 14, X. R. N. Y. ONTARIO & WESTERN R. R., Grand Central Term., 42nd st & Park ave. Ticket Offices, 64 B'way; .^^7 Chambers; 31 W. 32nd & 114

W. 42nd St. Freight Offices, N. Pier 23 N. R. ; 11th a? k 33(1; N. R, & 42nd. foot of 42d & Pier.s, 4 & 34 E. B N. Y. RAILWAYS CO., 10.') B'way .Lost Prop,. 820 Sth ave N. W. SUSQUEHANNA & WEST. R. R., .'lO Church. See Erie PENNSYLVANIA, 7th & Sth aves. 31st to 33rd sts, Jersey City Exchange pi many local trains depart from here Pennsylvania Railroad (main lii.e); Seaboard Air line, At- lantic Coast line. Southern R. R., Chesapeake & Ohio R. R., Long Island R. R. (all div.), Baltimore & Ohio R. R., Le- high Valley R.R. leave and arrive at this tem^.lnal. Hudson T«be trains connect at Jersey City and Manhattan Transfer for all Penna. trains, also from 33rd st station. West Side Subway express station. City Ticket Otflces, M B'way; 31 W. 32nd; 57 Chambers & 114 W 42iiil. Pullman Reser., Penna. sta. & 26:;! r>th av Oiv. Passenger Agency, 203 Htb av. Freight Stations, Piers. 1.4, o. 27, 2S & 20 N. R. & Produce Exchange. Lighterage & Grain Dept., 8 B'way & Pier 22 E. R. Freight Tracer. 2.'>3 B'way. PHILA. & READING R. R., Same as Central R. R. of N. J. STATEN ISLAND RAPID TRANSIT, font of Whitehall st ONTARIO & WESTERN R. R., (Weehawken, N. J.) Fcnies Cortlandt and W. 42nd sts. Ceneral Office, Grand Central Term. City Offices, 114 W. 42nd; foot of Cortlandt st; 64 B'way; f)7 Chambers; 31 W. 32nd St. Freight Stations, W. 42nd; Pier S3 N. R.;

Franklin st; Pier 4 E. R. ; & Pro


*Boardwalk, 4sth &. Bway Maxim'i. 110 W. 38th st Boulevard Cafe, 41st nr B'waj Mont Marte, 50th k Broadwaf Cafe Au Caprice, 60th k B'uy Moulin Rouge. Bdway k 4Nth Cafe De Paris, 4Sth k Bway Pabst, lijrdti :,i Claremont. 126th k Riverside *Palai$ Royal, 48th & Bwny.

Gallagl\«r$, 711 7th afe ^Plantation, .lOth k B'» , *Go$$ler's, H»4ih k Columb. av Reiienweber'i, ijSth k Broadway *Healey'i Golden Glades. 6Gth Parisian, 56th & 8th av k B'way UPTOWN Alpt, 58th k 6th av Gr'nwitch Vill. Mill. 47 W 3d An Petit Traiion, .s<)2 7th av Healeys, 28 E. 42nd street Bal Tabarin, l(;4t! B'way iHofbraa 80th &t Broadway Bertolotti, 8;J W. 3rd st. Jacks, 761 6th a? Broadway. 44th st & B'way Jansen's, ;i()th k broadway Browns, 1424 R'way Lorber's. 1420 Broadway Bustanoby's. 0th av k 40th st Luchow's. 4th a\ & E 14th st Cafe De$ Beaux Arts, 40th & 6h Murray's, 228 W. 42n(l st Castle Cave, 273 7th a? Pre-Catelan, 39th. nr Broadway Cavanagh's. 2ti() \V 23d Rogers, 45th k 6th av Chateau Alter*, 8«th & Lex'n. Samovar of Green Village. Ms w. >• Delmonico, 5th av & 44th gt I W 4th & 125 47:1. Durand, l(i7 W 43r(l st Sherry's, 5th av, 44th st Fifth Ave.. 200 5th av Sunken Galleries, i)5th k P— Flat Iron Rest, 23d & Broadway DOWNTOWN

Cafe Savarin, 120 B'way Stewart's. 26 Park rl Fraunces Tavern. 101 Broad st Whyte's. 145 Fulton it Haan. 2! to Kmadway Woolworth Rathskeller, Wool- Old Dutch Tavern. 15 .John st worth building Robin's Nest, 54 Bruad st FRENCH Bonnet. 1.56 W. 44th st LaParlsiene, 650 8th sf.nr 39th Brevoot. 8th st & 5th av Lion D' Or. .59 W. 24th st Carlos. 25 W. 24th Mouquin's. 4.54 6ih avc Chevalier, 133 W. 45th st Maisen Jeaune. 220 W. 8th it Gaston's, 125 W. 45th st Maison, 5 E. 45th st Green Witch. 41t K loth st Roma. .50th & 6th a? Lafayette, 9th & University pi Riiox. 107 W. 48th it taloy. 22S-30 W. 30th st CHINESE

ChlnesR Delmonico. 24 Pell it Port Arthur. 9 Mott st Chinese Garden, 113 W. 43d Shanghai. 16th & Broadway Far East Tea Garden. Col. Circle Syy Jan Low. 16 Mott it Grand rhina. 21o W. 42nd st Tokio. 143 W. 45th st Oriental. 3 Fell st Tuxedo, 2 Doyers st ITALIAN

Angelo's, 165 Pearl st Gonfarone. 8th & Maodou«al iti Barranca. Broad st GofTantl. 270 7th av ^ Calaizzi. 39 W 2lth st Little Roma. 44 Reaver st Carlos. 25 W 2lth ^t Napolitana. Mott k Kenmare Enrico 4 Pagller's. 66 W. 11th Roveni. 2;> W 27th st Frascatl. 246 W 44lh st Zieea 116 W. 49th st.

ENGLISH CHOP iFarrlih, John k William sts Browne's. 40th & Broadway |Ke«n's, 70 W. 36lh k 107 W.

English. 25 W. 42d st ) 44th street |

RED BOOK GUIDE Ye Old Chop House, 118 Cedar ARMENIAN—Balkan. 88 Lex- Ye Old Taverne, 1G3 Duane st iiiKtim uv N. Y, 12;t h LMti HUNGARIAN — Bartb. 32 W. ROAD HOUSES l>8th st; Little Hungary, 263 Chalet, Qin'ins plaza, L. I. C. E. noiLSton st Shanley's, IVUiain nl, Bronx JAPANESE—Asaki, 48 W 39th Sioane's Tav., 18th av & Ocn ROMANIA. :>,{)\ W. ;{7th st SPANISH AND MEXICAN RUSSIAN INN. -,7 W 37th Chonera, 1G4 Pt-url st SPANISH— r>()th st & 7th ave Farelito. 110 \\. ti4in si. rURKISH — Constantinople, 17 Hermlda & Palos, 100 Pearl st E. 2-ltb st TELEGRAPH & CABLE OFFICES

All America, 7 Cortlandt st Independent Wireless Tel., 35 Branches; nOU illh avu; 2(» Water st Spruce: 1,3(> Franklin; 231 Intercity Radio, 71 Wall st nth ave. SI) Broad Marconi Internatl. Marine., 13 Amer. Dist. Tel. (Distribution); Park Kow Dcpt., 2!l Park pi Marconi Tel. Cable, Woolworth Amer. Radiogram, 30.") Bnlway: HuiUlini;; Branches; <.).33 Buy Anglo-Amer. Tel., Prodtire cxch .•".(»() ,"»th av; ;4 Broad Central & So. Amer. Tel., S'JN. Y. Mess. Serv., 22 Bridge Bioad Pan-Amer. Wireless Telegraph

Commercial Cable, 20 Broad ' & Telephone, 23S Brdway Branches: 2 Benvir; {',{', W. Postal Tel. Cable, 2r)3 B'way 37th; S3 (iold; 442 Broome Radio Communicat'n, 2,")3 Bwy 044 Brdway .Ship Owners Radio, 80 Wash'. Direct U. S. Cable, 31 Beaver Tropical Radio Tel., 17 Batt'y Directive Radio, l.'i Park Rowlunited Distr. Mess.. City Hall Exchange Dist. Messenger Co..|u. S. Haiti Tel. & Cable, 2.') a Trinity pi H'nail French Tel. Cable, 2.") Broad IWestern Union Telegraph Co.. Branches; 44."v Broome; r)3' 19.") Broadway Park Row; 7t Hudson; 0.") Central Cable, 40 Broad ."ilh; 281 '(th; .303 W. .i8th Commerical News, 24 Walkr German Atl'tic Cable, 20 Broad: Employment, 33 Park pi Gold & Stock Tel., 3S Broad TELEPHONE COMPANIES

1;") General Offices. Dey st ; Brdway; 413 Grand; 23 K. Directory Adv. Dept, 12(;i Bwy 2()lh; 72 E. 42nd; [) E. Emploj^ment, 1158 Broadway .->!»th; 1.14 W. 72 nd; 100 Plant Dept.. 227 E. .30th W. 12.~jth; .373 E. 145 tth; j Public Phone Dept., 24 Walker 4r>3 E. Treraont; 110<5 Ho« Contracts & Collection Offices— 104 Broil; 1.") Pey; 13(1 UNITED STATES OFFICES Appraiser's Office — (',41 Washington st Army Headquarters— ;v.) Whitehall st Assay Office. U. S. Mint—23 Pine st Barge Office— Foot of Whitehall st Board of Engineers—39 Whitehall st Bureau of Chemistry— Food & Drug Insp'n Lab.. 641 Wash'ton Circuit Court of Appeals— Post Offlce Building Civil Service Examiners— Post Office Building Collector of Customs—Custom HoM.se Commissioners— Post Office Building. Park Row Commissioner of Immigration— Ellis Island Custom House—Bowling Green, foot of Broadway Dept. of Agriculture—Bureau of Animal Industry, Boom 215, Custom House — — —

166 MISCELLANEOUS Dairy Division—Franldin & Wa&binKton sti Dept. of Commerce B«rtau—Cuetom House. Bowling Green District Attorney—Post OflltT Building Eastern District, U S. Court— Brooklyn, Post Office Buildinf Food & Drug lnsp«etior»^I)epartment of Agriculture. Government Desnatcb Agency 2 Bettor st Harbor Line Boar* :iU Whitehall st Hydrographie Oflic*—SO Broad st Internal Revenv6—Ciitom House, 2nd District. —Ist, 2nd. 3rd, 4tL, r>th, Gth, Mh, l)th, 15th and parts of 14tb and IC.th Wards. 3rd District—««ce 201 E. 16tl« st—7th, 10th. lltii, 12iM, 13lh, 17lh, 18th, 19th, liOth. 21st, 22nd and part ef 14lh and 10th Wards of Manhattan Life-Saving Service Storehouse—507 Hudson st Marshall's Office— Post Office Building Measures Department—Custom House Meat Inspectors—Barge Office, Battery Part National Bank Examiner—Custom House Naval Board— Post Office Building Naval Office of Customs— Cu.siom House Paymaster, U. S. A.— 3!) Whitehall st Pension Examining Surgeons—Offices, 250 9th rt and 154 MaiOonouRh st, Brooklyn Purchasing Agent, Panama Canal —Office, 24 State st Purchasing Agc»t, Govt. Philppines & Porto Rico—17 Battery- Revenue-Cutter Service— P.argc Office Second Civil Service District—Custom House Secret Service Division of U. S. Treasury Dept. —Custom hou.. Shipping Commissioner— Barge Office, foot of Whitehall st Southern District, U. S. Court—Post Office Building Steamboat Inspection Bureag— (Under Dept. of Commerce) Sub-Treasury— Wall and Nassau sts Supervisor of the Harbor :i{^ Whitehall st Surveyor's Office—Custom House, Bowling Green Indian Warehouse—Office, 119 Wooster st Naturalization Examiner—Poet Office Coast & Geodetic Survey Office—Custom House Weather Bureau—Whitehall Building, 17 Battery pi. Sub- SCHOOLS

See Catholic Churches for Parocia! Schools Athletic Boys & Girls. 157 E n7th .st Building Bureau. Minirlpal Ruil'M-.g Bureau of Attendance. 154 E. GSth (District Offices) 1 PS. 75, 25 .Vorfolk st 5 PS. ir.5.225 W. lO^ith 2 PR. 4R. 124 W. 2Sth OPS r^7.113 E ^7\h .S P S 17 I^xington ave 17 PR. Mn offi. 154 K. CS-}, Central Kitchen. PS 0^ R. Tomnkiiis & D'-lanrov Qppo i»ory for Supps.. .34 '4 E. 12th; 434 E. Olst Director of Art. PS IS. 121 E. .^Ist DirPO'or of Sewing, Music & Cookinq. 1.57 E. 57th Director of Speech Improvrmcnt, 157 E n7th

Educational Board of, Piirk avp & .^Ofh <;t Inspector of Industrial & Placfm'nt Work for Physically Hand- icapped Children. I'S 30 2.';0 E. .^.vth iPsppctor of Ungraded Cla-Jes, 17 Lexington ave Lecture Bnreai'. 1 '.7 F r'"th Office of Director of Phywcal Training. 157 E fiTth Office of Director of Vocational Sch. Aetlvts.. 237 E 37th Office of Nature-Garden Work. 124 W .30th School Lunches. PS IS 1?1 F 51 f« Store House. :>.1 Vestrv st Garage. 434 E. 9l8t rt Trade Extension Rms., 120 K 22nd RED BOOK GUIDE ie? Crippled Children, 350 E NSth 22 Stanton & Sheriff Heno 157 '>fi Muilieiry & Bayad Eist Side Continuation, •<4 ctiiy- 128ih W. of Madison tie & ilisur ">-, 4ih k 5th nr 1st ave* Manhattan Trade (Girls), 12J) 27 2CWJ E. 42nd st* E. l'2iul lofi 257 W. 40th st* Model, N. Y. 119 nr 7th avc 'm, Wash, Alb st* R. Y. Trainif (Teaehers), 7th'30 230 E. SSth st* ave & liyth Monroe & Got* frotatio.jary, 187 Broome 357 W. 35th st* Snyer ExperiaenUI Jnr. High 118 W. 2Nth st* Sch., [)4 Lawrence 106 Broome at* »«eat'nal(B»ys), uth & ISWh 160 Chrystii st* 710 E. 9th st* lUGH SCHOOLS. 113 E. 87th st* DiWItt Clinton, 899 lUth ate Dominick k Broome sts* annexes 125th& 126th nr 2o- Hester & Norfollc Waih. Irving, 40 Irving pi 63 3rd & 4th nr 1st av* fieo. Wash., Bdwy & Academy 64 9th & lUth nr Av B* Haaren, 11 Hubert' " st ,66 SSth st nr 1st av* ' Textile, 124 W. 30th st 67 120 W. 46th st* 68 116 W. 128th st* PUBLIC SCHOOLS 60 125 W. 54th st* 70 75th & 76th nr 3rd av* * Has Klndpfgarden 71 ISS E. 7th st 1 116 Hpnrv st* (Bnys( 72 Ia-x av 104 -105th 2 116 Henry st 73 209 E. 46th st* 3 Hudson & firoTP* 74 220 E. (vird st* 4 203 RiTincton st* 75 25 Norfollc st 5 EdRocomb ave 140-141* 76 I>ex av & 68th* 6 Madison are & 85th* 77 Is't av 85th & 86th st* 7 Chrystrie & Hester* 78 Pleasant av k ll9th sf st* 8 20 King 79 3S 1st st 9 S2nd & W End ave* Vil 119th st W of 7th avc 10 St. Nicholas & 117th st S2 1st av & 70th st* 11 314 17th .st* W &3 109th & 110th nr 3rd 12 .Madison & Jarlvson* S4 430 W. .50th st* 13 E Hous & Es.seT 185 1st ave & lITfh st* 14 225 E. 27th st* 8(5 I.CX ave & !>6th st* !•> 4th & 5th nr Ave D* 77th & Amsterdam av* 16 208 W. 13th st* Rivingtnn k I/S Ann«. 334 E. 104th st 114 43 Oak St* il(j!) Au.hition av &. 169th st* ll.j 586 W. 177th St* 170 111th nr Lenox av IIG 32nd & :i3rd nr 2d av*171 103(1 & Kmb nr 5th 117 170 E. 77th St* 1172 Kisth-109th a of 2d* 119 133d & 134th nr Sth* Il74 Attor nr Kiv 120 1,S7 Broome st (Pr. S)'l77 -M.irki.'t & Monroe sts* 121 227 E. 102nd st* Il79 140 W. 102nd st* 126 536 E. 12th st 1S3 6()tli-67lh iir 1st av* 127 51^5 W. 37th st* 184 116th E. of Lenox* 130 143 Baxter st* 186 521 W. 145th st* 131 272 E. 2nd st 188 Hous, Lewis & E. 3d sts 132 lS2nd & Wadsworth av*190 82nd nr 1st av* 134 68 Pearl st* 192 Amsterdam av & 136*h*

135 1st ave & 51st* I BRONX No. Location (31 Mott av & 144th 1 College av & 145th st '32 183d & Beaumont av An- 2 3rd av nr 170th st nex Boston rd) 3 157th E. of Courtlandt f{3 Jerome av & 184th 4 Fulton av & 173rd st 134 Amethyst & Morris pk at 5 2436 Wehstr av nr 188th 35 163rd & MoirLs av G Tnmnnt. Br>ant &Vyse av36 Ca.stle Hill av & Unionp't 7 KiiiRsltridge av & 232d st37 145th nr Willis av (Annexed at 2r»Oth st) 38 Tliird av & 1.57th 8 Mosholu pky & Balnbridge3!> L(ingw()(Ki av & Kelly st 9 481 E. 138th st 40 Prospect av &. Bitter pi 10 Eagle av & 163rd st 41 OHiiville av & Magenta (Annexes—Wash, av and 43 Oaremont Pkwy k Wash, 166th: Br'k av & 159th) av (Annex. Wash, av & 11 Ogd.-n av & KV.Kh st St. Paul pi) 12 1473 Willi.iiiiljurij rd 43 Broun pi & 135th 13 216th & Willett av 44 Prospect av & 17()th 14 Eastern blvd, Throgs Neck 45 189th & Hoffman st 15 Dyre av, Eastrhe.ster 46 19«;th st & Briggs av 16 Carpenter av & 240th 47 Haivlolph & Beach av 17 City Island 48 SiwilTnrd av k Coster ^l 18 Curtlandt nv nr 14Sth 49 2»51st St. Riverdale 19 2.34th & Keplar av .50 172nd ft Vyse av 20 Fox & 167th sts 51 15sih ft Trinity av 21 225th nr White Plains av52 Kelly ft Av St. John (An- 349 E 140th st nex. 687 Tinton av) 23 164th & Tlnton av 53 168th ft Teller av 24 Spiivten Duyvll ,54 Intervale av ft F'reeman 25 14!ith st & Union av 55 St. Paul's pi ft Wash. 26 Andrews & Burnslde ,~»(i 207th ft Hull av 27 St. Anns av & 148th .57 180th st & Belmont av 2.« Tremont av & Mt Hope pi .58 176fh ft Washington av 29 Cypress av & 13.5th .59 ls2nd .st ft Bathgate av 141sf k Hro.,k ave C,l Crutoiia Pk F ft Ch.irl.iltp RED BOOK GUIDE 169 REGRISTRATION OF PUPILS Manhattan 290,522 31,676 Riciimond 18,850 1,742 Brooklyn 316.618 33,068 Queens 74,466 9,474 Bronx 115,943 9.977 Total of Teachers; 23. 590 THEATRES (See Brooklyn Guide for other Theatres) Anbassador, VMi W of B'way jKlaw, 4r)th W. of Brdwy 'Knick'bocker. Appollo, W 42Dd It . 38th_ k Br'dwy Aitor, 4r)th & Broadway Liberty. \V.42d nr Broadway Belaieo, 115 W. 44th Little. The, 238 W. 44lh Btlaont, 48tb st E.of Brdwy Longacre, 220 W. 48th st Bijoi, 45tb & Broadway Lyceum, 149 W. 45tti it Booth. 222 W. 4r.th Lyric, 213 W. 42d Branhall, 138 E 27tb it Majestic, 1495 St. Nich. a» Broadhortt, 44th & W. B'way Manhattan Opera, 315 W. 34tb Bronx Opera. 436 G- 149tb Maxine Elliott, lo;> W. .-'.iith Casino. oOth & Broadway Metropolitan Opera, 39th k Bdy Ctntral, 47tb k Broadway Miller. 43rd E. of Broadway Century, (jOth & Central pk VV MoTO$M, 45th, W of Broadway Cohan, 14,so B'way & 43rd st Music Box, 239 W. 45th st Comedy. 110 W. 41st st National, 41st W. of B'way Coft. 136 W. 48th st Neighborhood, 4m Grand Daly's. (Wird st New Amiterdam. 214 W. 42d Dresden. W. 42nd st Nora Bayet, W.44tb st Earl Carroll, 7th av & 50th st Playhouse, 137 W 48th st Eltinge. 2:?6 W. 42d Plymouth, 45th st & W. B'way Enpire, 40th ft Broadway Princess, 104 W. 39th Forty- Eighth St.. 157 W. 4ttb Provincetown, 113 McDougal Forty-Fourth St.. 216 W. 4 « h Punch & Judy, 49th E.of Bdwy Forty-Ninth, 237 W. 40th st Republic. 2(K) W. 42d Frazee, 254 W. 42Dd it. Ritz. 223 W. 48th st Fulton, 206 W. 4Gth Selwyn, W.42d nr Broadway Gaiety. H'.ih & lirnadway Shubert. 22". W. 44th st Garriek. 35th st E. of B'dway Shubert-Reveria, {»7tii & B'way Globe, Broadway & 46tb Sixty-Third St., 6.3d E. of Bwy Grand Opera, 8th av k 23d Standard, 90th st k B'dway Greenwich Village 4th & 7th av Thirty-Ninth St.. 119 W. 39tb Harris, 22(; W. 42nd st Times Square. 221 W 42nil st Hippodrome, Cth av & 43d Vanderbilt. W.48th nr Bdway Hudson, 139 W. 44th Winter Garden, 50th k Brdwy Jolson's 49th St., 7th nv k r,<) VAUDEVILLE MOVING PICTURES .Royal, Bergen & Westchester aT« Cameo. 42nd E. of Brdwy 'Valentine av & Fnrdham rd Capitol, 51st ft Broadway ,81st St., irway & Slst st Circle, The, Broadway & 60th' PROCTOR'S Criterion, 44th & Broadway Bway & 28th, 143 W 23rd st Greeley Sq., 6th a? ft 30th st ,154 E 58th, 112 E 12.5th st Tremont, i:. 17Mh & W.twter LOEWS Mt. Morris, l_16th £t .5fh & av |fi,h av & 3(ith, 168 E. 87th Hew York, 4.jth & Broadway Upkh & WVhst avs, Av B & 5th Plaza, 59th ft Madison [233 W. 125th, 7th & ]24th RIvoli. 48th ft Broadway 4047 B'way, 085 Pmspert av Rlalto, 42d ft 7th av Suffolk & nol'ncey. 132 \vn6 Strand. 1,'',79 Hroadway (47th) lo.'.O S. Blvd. B'way & 6()th Seventh Ave. 7th av ft 124th i.ox & 42d. B'wav & .}5th st KEITH 102 E S6th, 268 W. ]2.'th Alhambra. 7th av ft 12«th 260 W. 42nd, 2.306 B'way Colonial. Broadway ft 62d 160th ft Bway, 47th ft Bway Hamilton. B'way & 146th st WILLIAM FOX Hariem Opera House. 20; W. Amst & ]4rtth. I..X av a: 107 12.5th st Trem'nt ftPark, 114 E. 14th JflTerson. 214 E 14th st B'way 4 16.-th. IrVR pi A14th Palace. 47th ft Broadway Japanese Gardns. Bway ft 97tb Riverside, 96th & Broadway Nemo, 2834 B'way MISCELLANEOUS BURLESQUE FRENCH THEATRE Colombia. 47th & 7th av Theatre Dn Vleox Colombler. Nirtig & Seamon, 253 W 125b (jlh are near 35lh 3t. Miner, 3rd ave k ]4ry YIDDISH Maiori, (Vaudrllle) 235 Bower; People'i. 201 Bowery Theatre Italiano, 237 Bowery •^d Av Theatre. 2d st k 2d af Thomaihefiky 2nd are & Hsto MIDNIGHT SHOWS Yiddish. 7 Ining pi Zlegfleld't Frolie, atop New Yiddish Art. 27th & Madison Amsterdam (Midtiigbi) BRONX

Belmont, Tremont & Arthur avsFortlham, Valentine a? ft Ford- Boulevard, 1(130 S. Boulevard ham rd Bronx Opera, 43G E. 14<.itb st Metropolit, 142Dd st & 3rd a? Bronx Plaza, lN7th st & Wash- Miner's, 150th st & Melrose a» iiigton iivc National, Westchester &. Bergeo Burland, 9S5 Prospect are 'Prospect, s.")3 Prospect ave Crescent, 1175 Boston rd Royal, Westchester -4 Bergen avs Crortona, Tremont & Park aves U. S., 2711 Webster ave Elsmere, CrotOD* Pkwy & Els- Valentine, 237 B. Fordham rd mere pi Victory, 156ib st ft 3rd av PIERS HUE No. Location RED BOOK GUIDE m EAST RIVER No. Street 4 Broad st 6-6-7 Coenties si 8 Cuylere Alley 9-10 Old Slip 11 Oouvemeur la. 12 Wall st 13 Wall st 14 Maiden lane 15-16 Burling slip 17 Fulton st 18 Beekman st 19-20 Peck slip 21 Dover st 22 James slip 26-27 Catherine st 28 Dover & Roose- Telt (new) 28 Catherine & 172 MISCELLANEOUS

Daily, T) p.m. for Newport and Fall River. Fare $5.66 METROPOLITAN S. S. LINE—Pier IS. North KUer, foot Cf Murray. Daily at Ti p.m. for Boston. NEW BEDFORD LINE—Foot Clarkson, Pier 40. 5 p.m. PROVIDENCE LINE— I'icr l.j (new) Nortii River, foot Barclay. Passenger service burnmer; freight all year.

L. I. SOUND BOATS BRIDGEPORT LINE—Pier 28, East River, ft of Catharine Weeitdays, 3. 00 p.m., for Bridgeport. CHELSEA LINE—Brooklyn Bridge Pier, foot RooseTelt s' Hon., Wed., Fri., at ~) p.m. for New London. C. N. DAVIS LINE—New Pier 45, East R., foot Jackson For New Kochelle, Mamaroneck, 11 a.m., except Mondays. HARTFORD LINE— Pier 20. E. Riv & Peck Slip; excep Sundays, 5 p.m., for Hartford &. Conn. River. Fare V2.'C MONTAUK S. B. CO.— (Slimmer >. New Pier 8, East R.. Tues., Thurs., and Sat., Snelter Isl., Greenport, Sag Hartjor «nd Block Island. R. 1. NEW HAVEN LINE—Pier 28 Kast River ft Catharine st. Week days for .New Haven. 2. 00 p.m. Fare $1.62 NEW LONDON LINE—Pier 40, North Riv., foot Clarkson, 5:30 p.m.; ft E. 22nd, G p.m., for New London k Norwich. NORTHPORT S. B. CO. Ltd.— Pier 30, East River, Tues., Thurs. and Sat., at 11 a.m. NORWALK STEAMBOAT LINE—Pier 27. East Riv.. foot Catharine. Daily, 3 p.m., for So. Norwalk and Norwalk, Conn. FreiRht only. PORT CHESTER TRANS. CO.—Pier 30, East River, foot Market st. 12 noon. Mon., Wed. & Sat.. Freight. COASTWISE LINES BAYONNE LINE—Lv Pier 50 N. R. Freight daily excep' Sundays. RED BANK LINE—Lv Pier 34 ft. Franklin st 8.30 a. m, 245 p. m. CENTRAL VERMONT RY. CO—From New Pier 29, E. K ally. R.((i\inK Bklyn, Jay st. Offices at piers k 82 Wall >i Daily for New England. PATTEN LINE—T.ansevoort Market Pier, 8 50 a. m. to 2 p. m.; Battery, •» 20 a. m. to 2 30 p. m Dally, ex- cept Sunday. f(ir Long Branch, N. J. Sun. & Holidays from Battery iit S .SO and i» ;*,(> a. m. RALEIGH LINE—Foot Franklin st. 2 p.m.; Sat 1 p.m. STAMFORD LINE—Pier 30. East R.. foot Market. Excepl Sunday. 2 vm.. for Stamford. Piissengers and freight. STARIN NEW HAVEN LINE— (Freight). Pier 13. Nor

N. Y. & N. J. STtAMBOAT CO.—Pirr .32. E. Riv Dal , except Sunday i lldlidav.s 2 p.m.. fur P.ith Amhoy & K.yp i U.S. GOVT. BOAT—Ft. Whitehall. Frequent trips dally to Oovernor's Island. Ft. Rlocnm leaves Pier 3. ft. of .'iSth. So. Bklyn.. at 10 fMl a. m.. Tues.. Thurs. k Sat Boats to Fort Hamilton (Sandy Hook) twlrf dally; also from Barge office to fJiiveinor's Island. STATUE OF LIBERTY BEDLOE ISL.—Boat.s from Batt>r\' Park hourly. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Round trip 2.')C. Free; hght. .305 ft; sUtue, 151 ft RED BOOK GUIDE 173

1 STEAMSHIP LINES > ADMIRAL LINE (PACIFIC S. S. CO.)—Pier 3S. Atlantic Bub, Bklyn. Office, 17 StaU', Mhtn. For Los Angehs, Saa ftindsco &, Seattli- via Panama Canal. AMER. & AUSTRALIAN S. S. LINE—2G Beaver. Weekly fjr Australia, New Zealand via Panama Canal or Cape of Good Hope. AIIER.-AFRICAN LINE—26 Beaver. Sailings for South A East Africa monthly. AiER.-BALTIC LINE—Pier 63, N. R. ft 23rd st. Office, OfDce, 23 S. William. For Danzig, Libau & Kiga. AiER.-INDIAN S. S. • INE—26 Beaver st. Monthly foi IWJterranean, Persian Gun ports. Gulf of Aden, India and Bed Sea ports. AMERICAN LINE—Pier (G, N. R. ft. of 22nd. Office, 1 B*wir. For Plymouth, Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. TMflean Flag. AMER.-MANCHURIAN S. S. LINE—Office. 26 Beaver st. For Aden. Straits Sittlcmfnts. Philippines, China & Japan. AMER.-MEDITERANEAN-LEVANT LINE—Office. 26 Beaver Fbr ports in the Mtditcrraiiean, Levant &. Black Sea. AICHOR LINE—Pier 04. N. R., ft. of W. 24th, Office, 25 B'way. For (ilasgow & Mediterranean ports. ATLANTIC FRUIT CO.—Pier 2(5. E. R., & ft. of Smith BMyn. Office, 17 Battery pi. Weekly & semi-monthly to Cd», Jamaica & Santo Domingo. BARBER LINES—Piers. 36, 37 & 38. Atlantic Basin Bkln dBpe. 17 Battery pi. For China. Japan &. Philippines via Hbma Canal, 3 sailings a month, to Java & liast India iBUily, to Argentine & Uruguay, every 10 days, to Hamburg A Bremen fortnightly, to So. Africa every 3 weeks. Agents for Union Clan Line to South & East Africa to Australia stQing monthly. BELGIAN LINE (LLOYD ROYAL BELGE)—1.31 Broadway Pier 13, N. R. For Antwerp. Harve & Kouen. Semi-monthly BOOTH S. S. CO. (LOT.)—17 Battery pi, ft. 33rd, Bklyn. Monthly for Para, Maranham, Ceara. Parnahyba, Brazil and Iquitos, Pent, I^laccio, Pernambuco. Cabedello & Natal. Two monthly to Baiiia. Victoria, Rio de Janerio, Santos, Paranagua Sao Francisco do Sul, Florianopolis, Rio Grande do Sul, Pdota.

. ii avp. Sails Tues., Tlnirs. & Sat. at 12 noon for Charles- ton k .lacksonvllle. Fla. Semi-monthly Santo. Santo Domingo COMMONWEALfH DOMlNiiiN (LDT.) —Pier 10, Robert StOffs. Hklyn. For Melbourne, Sidney, Brisbane and Auckland COMPANIA TRANSTALANTICA (Spanish Royal Mail Line) Pier 8. K. R For Havana, Ver Cruz, Cadiz, Barcelona and S:ani«h ports monthly. COSMOPOLITAN SHIPPING CO.—Pier 2. Hoboken Office, H'«.iv. F.ir Harve, Bordeax, Dunkirk, St. Nazaire, Rot- ir»( and Liverjiool. COSULICH LINE (Societa Trisetina di Nav)—17 Battery "Iw 7. Bush Term.. Bklyn. For Naples, Palermo, Patras Dubronik, Fiume. Trieste and Venice, Wed. & Sat. '


CUMARO LINE—Piers. 53, 54, 56 and 71. W. 14lh st Omo.', Cunard Bldg., 25 B'way. Sailings from N. Y., Bust. n. Philiuldpliia. Baltimore, I'urtland and Canadian porti for Liverpool, London, Bristol, Southampton, Plymouth ChcrlMjrg Hane, Antwerp, Botterdani, Hamburg and Danzig. Service to .Mediterranean and l.*vant ixtrls. Bl GIORGIO & CO.—Pier 7, E. R. Office. j5 Broadway. Weekly to Cuha and Jamaica. ELDER STEEL S. S. CO.—Office. 50 Broad. For United Kingdom & Kiiropean iH)rts. ELWELL LINES—Pier. ft. of 31st Bklyn. Office. -1 Stite Somi-monlhly for .Mediterranean ports.

EXPORT S. S. CORP.—Pier ft. of Kent. Bklyn. Offic . 27,1 Bway. Semi-monthly to Greek, Turki-sh & Black Sea purt< FABRE LINES—Pier ft. of 31st, Bklyn. Office. 17 Stito' Weekly for Azores, Lisbon, Barcelona. Algiers, Palermo, N.ipl-'s and .Nice. FRENCH LINE—Passenger Pier 57, ft. of 1.5th. \. R. Freight Pier, 84 ft. of W. 44th st. Office, 19 State .t. Weekly for Jlarve. PUNCH EDYE CO.—Office 25 B'way. For So. African i'>rs FURNESS LINE—34 Whitehall. Pier 95. N. R. W !. and Saturdays for Bermuda. CANS STEAMSHIP CO.—Erie Basin, Bklyn. Office, 12 B'way. For Spanish and Portuguese ports. GRACE LINE—10 Hanover sq. From Pier 33, AtLintic Terminal., Bklyn. Hi- weekly for west coast of So. Ameriri GREEN STAR S. S. CORP.—Pier 6. Tompklnsvllle. Stat.ii Island. Office, 121) B'way. For Mediterranean, Far Eastern and South .\miM-ican ports. Offl HOLLAND-AMER. LINE—Ft. 5th, Hoboken, N. J. , 24 State st. For Rotterdam via Plymouth and Boulogni'. HOUSTON LINE—Office, 16 Beaver. Pier 3. Erie IM ::i Bklyn. Every 2 weeks to Montevideo, Buenus Ayres, l.i Plata. Rosario; also to Sn. & East African ports. ISTHMIAN S. S. LINES—.39 Cortlandt. Pier ft. of 2Mtli. Bklyn via Panama Canal, to San Diego. Los Angelen. .s,ni Francisco. Portland. Seattle, Vancouver; also to Hawaiian 1>. KERR S. S. CO.— Pier ft. !')7th, Bklyn. Office 17 Batter^' pi, Mlitn. To Dan/ig and Hamburg. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE—Piers. 7 & 8. Bklyn. and 14 i^^

15. Hoboken. Office. 42 B'way. For Brazil, Uruguay ai; i Argentine; a\so to Manchester, England, every 2 weeks. LA VELOCE ITALIAN LINE—Pier 97. ft. W. 57th sf. Office. 1 Slate. From New York to Naples and Genoa. LEYLAMD LINE—Office. 1 B'way. From Boston to Liver- pool and New Orleans to Liverpool. Bklyn. Offic LLOYD BRAZI LEI RO— Pier .5, Bush Docks. , 44 Whitehall. For Brazilian ports. LLOYD-SABAUDO—Pier 95, N. R.. ft. W. 55th. Office, 84 Whitehall. To Naples. Genoa and Palermo. MALLORY LINE—Pier 3S. N. B. Offices. Pier 36 N. R. and ISO ~y^h av. N. Y. For Galveston. MCALLISTER BROS. S. S. LINE—Office. 21 State st MORGAN LINE—See Southern Pacific Co. MUNSON S. S. LINE—Piers. 9 & 10 B. R. Office. «7 Wall. For Cuban i)orts efery week, Mexico bi-weokyy. South American pa.isengcr serrlce from Pier 3. Hoboken. Brazil, UnigUiijr and Argentine frequent sailings. N. Y. & ARGENTINE S. S. CO.—Pier B. Erie Basin, Bklyn Office, .50 B'way. Monthly to Rio de Janeiro, Santas. Monte- fldeo, Buenf.s Ayres iind La Plata. N. Y. 4 CUBA MAIL S. S. CO.—Piers. 13 & 14th, E Rl Office, ft. of Wall .st. Sailings; Sat. to H»»an«, Cuba; Thurs.. to natanii. Coba. Progresso, Vera Crua and TiBipic«, Uexico. AaerlMB Fla|. RED BOOK GUIDE 175

N. Y. & PORTO RICO S. S. CO.—Pier 35 AUantlc Basin, Bklyn. Office, 25 B'way. S;it. 12 noon for I'orlo Kican pts N. Y. & SO. AMER. LINE— IVom Pier B. Jersey City. Office. 39 Cortlandt. Senice via Pannma Canal to Chile, Peru and South American countries. N. Y. & W. INDIA LIME—See Quebec S. S. Co. N. Y., CANAL & GREAT LAKES CORP.—Office. 27 Pearl NORTH & SOUTH LINE—Pier A, i:rii- Bxsin, Brooklyn. Office, 15 Moore. Monthly for Kio de Janeiro Santos, Buenes Ayres, Argentina & Kosorio. S. American ports. Araer. Flag. NGRWEGIAN-AMER. LINE— Ft. of 30th. Bklyn. Office, S-lO BridKe. N. Y. Sailings for Bergen Stavanger, Kris- tlansand & Kristiania. Passenger &. Freight. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. LOT.—Blue funnel line. THE CHINA MUTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LOT.— Pier 3, Bush Term., ft. of 47th, Bklyn. Office. 25 B'way. Salings via Suez Canal to Aden, Singapore, Manila, Hong Kong, &, Hankow. Twice monthly via Panama Canal to KoJ)e. Yokohama & Shanghai. OCEAN S. S. CO. (SAVANNAH LINE)—Pier 35. N. R.. foot of Spring. Office, at pier. ORIENTAL NAVIGATION CO.—Pier 4G. Bklyn. & Pier 19. Clirton, S. I. Office. 3!» B'way. For Brazil, River Plate, Canstantlnople & Black Sea ports. OTTOMAN AMERICA LINE—Office, 42 B'way. Monthly for .Naples, Constantinople, Varna, Constanza & Odessa. PANAMA PACIFIC LINE—Pier 61. N. B. Offlc^. 1 B'way For San Francisco & lyos Angeles. PANAMA R. R.. S. S. LINE—Pier 67. ft of W 27th. N R Office. 24 State. For Cristabol, Canal Zone. Amer. Flag.

PHELPS LINE—Pier 7 . ft. of 41st. Bklyn. Office, 17 Battery pi. For Naples, Patras, Trieste, Venice & FJume. PERUVIAN S. S. CO.—Office. 32 B'way. Sailings for Cristobal. Canal-Zone, for Colombia & Peru.

PHOENIX LINE (ELLERMAN'S)—Pier , 7th st., Hoboken. For Antwerp. POLISH NAVIGATION CO.—Pier 86. N. R. Office. 1819 B'way. For Antwerp & Danzig. Amer. & Polish flags. POTTER TRANSPORTATION CO.—Office, 11 Broadway. PRINCE LINE—Pier 4. Bush Docks, ft. of 45th. Bklyn. For Brazil, the River Plate, S. African ports. Also regular sailing-s between N. Y. & Strait Settlements, Manila, China & Japan, thru Panama Canal & otherwise. QUEBEC S. S. CO.—Pier 47, N. R. Office, 34 Whitehall Every 2 weeks for West Indies. RED CROSS LINE—Pier ft. of Java. Greenpolnt. Bklyn. Office. 17 Battery pi. Weekly sailings for Halifax, N. S. and St. John's, N. F. during summer; every IS days In winter. RED "D" LINE—Pier 11. Bklyn. Office. 82 Wall st. Every other Wed. for Mayaguez, La Guayra, Curacao and Mar- caibo; every other Wed. for San Juan, Curacoa, La Guayra and Porto Cabello. Amer. Flag. RED STAR LINE—Pier 61. N. R. Office, 1 B'way. For Plymouth, Cherbourg and Antwerp. Amer. & British flags. ROOSEVELT S. S. Cb.—Office, 44 Beaver st. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PKT. CO.—Fr . N. River, (off 26 B'way) ft Christopher st. For Southampton, Cher- bourg, Hambiu-g, Bermuda. We^t Indes, W. Coast & 8. America ROYAL NETHERLANDS WEST INDIA MAIL—Pier 8. ft. 39th. Bklyn. Office, 25 B'way. For Haytl, Curacoa. Vene- luda. Trinidad and Paramaribo. RUSSIAN AMER. LINE—Offtre. 55 B'way. S. 0. STRAY S. S. CO.—Pier 4. Bklyn OtfUx, 11 B'waf Every 3 weeks to Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Baltirf and Russian ports. Also to Brazil and Argentine. SAVANNAH S. S. LINE—See Ocean 8. 8. Co. 176 MISCELLANEOUS

SCANDINAVIAN-AMER. LINE— Kt 17lh, Hoboken, N. J. Pass, oflice, 27 Whitihiill. Fri-ight office, 8 Bridge. For Christ iarisauil, Christiana & Copenhagen. SEABOARD & GULF S. S. CO.—Pier 32, E. R. For Atlantic co;i,st p' 10 days for Scanfllhavian & Finnish ports. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.—.\tlantir » s Lines; Morgan Line. Tier -IS, N. K. For .New Orleans tc GalTcslon. Offlcxs ICo B'way & Pier 4li, K. H. STEAMER SQUANTUM—Battery, hourly from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. for Liberty Lslantt. STEELE S. S. LINE—r>0 Broad, N. Y. C. Sailings from New Orleans to Manchester, Bremen, Harre, Dunkirk, Bor- deaux, St. .Nazaire & Far Fast. From GaUeston to Liverpool. SUSQUEHANNA S. S. CO.—Pier 31>. Bklyn. Oflice, 2 Stone. Kverv 10 davs for Dani.sh, Scandinavian L Baltic ports SWEDISH-AMERICAN LINE—Pier U't ft. of W. 65th. For Gothanburg, ic Swf.len. Onicc, 21-4 State st. TRANSATLANTICA ITALIANA—5 State & Pier 25, N. R. For Naples k (Jiiioa every 10 day.s. TRANSOCENICA S. S. CO.—Piers 9fi & 07, N. R Offlce, 17 Battery ]jl. Tor Genoa, Naples, Palermo St Messina. TRINIDAD LINE—Pier 24. Bklyn. Offlce. 34 Whitehall. Every fortnight, for Grenada, Trinidad & Demerara, making connections for Tobago, Cludad, Bollva & upper Orinoco River Points.

UNITED AMER. LINES—Piers. SO, N. R ; 7. N. R ; 0. Bush Terml., Bklyn.; 21 Staten Is. Offlce. 31) B'way. Week- ly for Hamburg. Monthly for Mediterranean & Letant, Duldi ti East Indies. Fr. to Pacific coast, U. S. ever>- 10 days UNITED FRUIT CO.—Office, 17 Battery pL Between N. Y and Havana, Cuba; Kingston, Jamaica, Cristobal, C. '/; Cartagena, Pto, Colombia & Santa Marta, Colom^bia. Pi". Limon. Costa Rica, Belize, British Honluras; Telaand, Tni\ illo, lionduras; Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. Between .New Or-

leans, Havana, Cuba; Cristobal, C. Z. ; Bocas del Toro. Pan ama; Pto, Barrios, Guatemala; Tela, Honduras; Belb.e. Brit ish Honduras. Connections can be made at Cristobal fir all West coa.sts, ports of Central & South America. U. S. AND A. LINES INC.—Pier, Army Base. Bklyn Offlce. 8-10 Bridge. For Australian & New Zealand port> Also So. Africa, So. America & Asiatic ports. U. S. AND BRAZAL LINES—Pier ft. 29th, BrooklvTi Offlce, 39 Cortlandl. Every 10 days for Bahia. Rio de Jane i Rio Grai.de do Sul & Brazilian ports.

U. S. LINE—Pier 74 N. R.. & Piers, 1 & 3. Holmk. i Offlce, 45 B'way. For Plymouth, London, Cherlwirg, l'.( ,- logui", Bremen & Panzig. Pa'^s. & freight. American Flaj. WARD LINE—See N.w York & Cuba S. S. Co. WEST COAST LINE—Pi.r 45, ft. of Conover, Brooklyn. Offlce. 25 Broad. Mont hi v for Chile & Peru. WEST INDIA STEAMSHIP CO.-rOfflcc, 26 Bearer. For Mexico, Cuba. West 1 rides & So. America. WHITE STAR LINE—PI is .5f( & (U>. N. R. Office. 1 BVny F'lf 1,'v'^rpool, Cberbmirg, Sniitb;inipton, Medlternnean ports & K^'(^I't. WILLIAMS S. S. CO.—Pier 45. N. R. Offlce. 1^ Moor, FJvery 15 days for Los Angeles, San Francisco, rortlami Seattle & Tacoina via Panama Canal.

Ptsfpn IM. Offl . WINCHESTER LINES—Hock, Stapleton. , Produce Exch. Bi-monthly for Hull, Newcastle & Bristol RED BOOK GUIDE 177 POINTS OF INTEREST AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY—Columbus af &, Central Pk West at 77th st. Open week-days 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays 1 to 5 p.m. Free admi.'^sion. AQUARIUM — In Battery Park, vfas formerly the site of Fort Clinton and later became the famous Castle Garden; first used OS an amusement hall and later as the landing place for immigrants. Castle Garden became the home of th« Aquarium in 1893. Collection of fish, mammals, moliusk^ etc., forms a wonderfully beautiful exhibit of many thou- sand specimens. Open dally. Free. ARSENAL—Central Park. 64th st & 5th ave. Erected in l.Sol under direction of Lieut. Governor Hamilton Fish. BARNARD'S CLOISTERS— Fort Wa-sliinnton ave at iSlst st FamuiLs coll.'ctiun of Gothic staiuar)-, mona-sllc remnants and abbey columns brought ijiecc by piece from France by Gi'orgo Gri'v Barnard, eminent sculptor. BARTHOLDI'S STATUE OF LIBERTY— Bedloe's Ts. Presented to the United States by the French jmiple. Over ',M)0 feet high. Lighting of Liberty torch takes place with the flash of "sunset gun." Boats hourly from Battery. Bound trip 25c BELLEVUE HOSPITAL— First av & 2(jth st. Largest and beat known hospital in the city. Established 1S26. The city morgue is located here. Open day and night. BLACKWELL ISLAND— (East River) City prison, Metropolitan Hospital, Hume for aged. (Ferry ft E. 70th street BOWLING GREEN—At the foot of Broadway. Oldi-st park Id the city. Here stood the statue of King George III, which, during the War of the Revolution was destroyed and made Into bullets. The rail fence enclosing it was originally imported from England. BROOKLYN BRIDGE-Completed In 1SS3. Length 6,537 ft. 135 feet above water. (See Bridges, page 103.) BRONX PARK—N. Y. Zoological Ganien and Botanical Gar- dens. East & West subways to ISOth Bt sta & 3d a? El- evated rd. Open 10 a.m. to one-half hour before sunset. Admission free excepting Monday and Thursday, when the charees are: adults, 2~>e.: children, 15c. CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOHN THE DIVINE (Prot. Epls.) — Morningside Heights. Finest church edifice in America. Cornerstone was laid In 1892. 6th or 9th av L to 110th CENTRAL PARK—59th st norih to 110th st, & Fifth -;? west of Eighth ave. Beautiful drives and walks. CHAMBER OF COMMMERCE—65 Liberty St. Portraits of eminent citizens. Incorporated in 1770. Oldest commer- cial corporation in the United States. Free admission. CHINATOWN—Mott & Doyer sts. Bayard to Chatham sq and vicinity. Here are Joss houses, theatres, restaurants and shops. Evening trip by Sightseeing Motor Bus from 42d st. CHURCH OF ST. MARK—2d ave & 10th st. Tomb of Peter Stunrsant a"d others in chtirchvard. CITY HALL (Governor*! Room)— City Hall Pk. Built 1S03 to 1S12. Priceless relics and paintings. Open to public. COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK—Amsterdam a» k 14nth St. 7.(X10 students In attendance. Stadium here. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY—Broadway & 116th to 120th sta. Foremost institution of higher learning In New York. Founded in 17."4. Visitors permitted. W. S. sob. toll6th CONEY ISLAND (BROOKLYN)—Worid's greatest playground Broadwav-R'-idhton & West End & Sea Beach lines. COOPER UNION—Donated by Peter Cooper as a free readnf room and library for the poor. Free college, day & evenlnf schools. (East Side Subway) CUSTOM HOUSE—Just South of Bonllng Green. Modern 178 MISCELLANEOUS

French Renaissance style and cost $7,000,000 to build. It stands on the site of Fort Amsterdam, built by the Dutch In 1626. In 17'J0, Government House, for the ac- comodation of Washington's administration, was crertcd here. On each side of the main entrance to the Custom House are Imposing groups of statuary by the American sculptor, FYench. The dome Is the largest of solid masonry In tile world. ELLIS ISLAND—Imlgration rtation free ferry from Barge office Battir>- Park Pier. EQUITABLE— World's Largest Building. Located at 120 Bdway More than 20iMX) People occupy the offices dally — Some years ago the greatest attrac- tion In New York. Now it attracts little attention. FRAUNCES' TAVERN—Corner of Broad & Pearl sU. Dates back to the days of Washington and Alexander Hamilton. Favorite meeting place of their day and here In the "long room" Washington made his Farewell Address X) his officers after the close of the War. Recently restored by the Sons of the Ri'volution. It has a museum of interesting relics. FULTON MARKET—Fulton st & East River. Largest -hole- sale sea food market in the world. GHETTO (East Side) —Among the crowded tenement districts of the , from Manhattan bridge and Boworj- may be seen Pushcarts and Sidewalk Merchants In eveo' street. Ever>- nationality of the world can be found here and a perfect babel of toncues because of so many languagf.- GOVERNORS ROOM— (City Hall) See City Hall. —Broadway at Tenth st. Built In lS4r> The garden north of the ch;irch contains an urn, excavated in Rome, dating from the time of Nero. GRAND CENTRAL STATION—i2nd st 1 »A blocks E. of .'Hi ave. (Jreatest railroad terminal in the world; handles aboii; l.'-!0,nnO DPnple daily. GRANT'S TOMB—Rirpn;ldp Drive & 12.3d st. Open daily. 10 a.m. to r> p.m. Dedicated ISJtT. Here lie the bodies of Cit'neral and Mrs. Grant. At the side of the tomb is tn <)e seen the cingko tree, planted by LI Hung Chang in 1807. Reached bv Fifth ave (Route 4 or 5) Bus. GREAT WHITE WAY—Dazzling electric lights never fail to arouse the tourist's interest and curiosity. It is the bril- liant lighted path of gay and pleasure-.seeklng .New York. HALL OF FAME—Campus New York rniverslty, Bronx, cw.- taining bronze tablets commemorating great and famous Americans. Gift of Mrs. Helen Gould Shepherd. 6th and Ofh ave Elevated Rnads and Esst Side suhway. HAMILTON GRANGE—Convent av near 141st st. Home of Alexander Hamilton when shot In duel by Aaron Burr. Take Broadway Subway to 1 inth st. HISPANIC SOCIETY—At ].'56th st & Broadway. Library. art nnd bistoriral olijecb*. West Side subway. HISTORIC CLAREMONT— Riverside Dr.. America's Famous Road Hoti.sp. One of the old New York landmarks built iK'fore 1776. Home of Theodosia Burr Alston. lS0.3-»). Home of Joseph Bonaparte, brother of Napoleon, ISl.'i-in. JOHN ST. CHURCH—44 .lohn st. New York oldest Methodist church, built ^7t».'^ Contains clock given by Chs. We.sley VAN CORTLANDT MANSION— Tn Van Cortlandt P'k. Colonial Museum Fr<^'^ PX' ent Tbiirsdav P m •'LITTLE CHURCH AROUND THE CORNER"— (Church of th.- Transfieurstion) — E. 20th st near Fifth av Fminded l.*54S MAINE MONUMENT— ."iOth k Rmadwav. Erected to the heroes of the Battleship Maine. (Weit Side Sibwty) METROPOLITAN LIFE INS. BUILDING— No. 1 Madison tfe ror. 23rd st. Occupples 1 block: tower 700 feet: .'2 stories elertric clocks 26*^ ft. In diameter; minute hsnd 17 feet. RED BOOK GUIDE 179

BETROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART—5th av & 82d st (Cen- tral Park). Ancient treasure and historic relics. Free. Open 1(1 am to Tj pm. Sundays 1 to fi pm. Admission on Mon. & Fri., U.V. nth av bus & E. Side subw to 8t5th. iPRRIS-JUMEL MANSION—lOOth st nr Amsterdam ave. Built in 11V)S. Tlie most historic house in New \.ork City. In charge of the Daughters of the American BeTO- lution. Contains a miLseuni of Revolutionarj' relics. Open dally 5) a.m. to ."> p.m. West Side sul)way to 157th st. ATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN—Amsterdam aT & lOUtb St. Fduniled in IS'JC). Open Sun. Free. W. Side suDw IIAVY YARD— (Brooklyn) Free permits to visitors. Via Flush- ing & Cniham avos cars over B.ooklyn Bridge. N. Y. HISTORICAL SOCIETY—Central Park West at 7Gth St. Open i» a.m. to (5 p.m. excepting holidays. Closed in Au- gust. JSth avf .surface cars to TiUh st. . Y. PUBLIC LIBRARY—5th ave & 42d st. Art gaUery occupies upper floor. Open week-days II a.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays 1 to 10 pm. (See Page 152 for branches) NIGHT COURTS—Women, 125 6th av; Men, 151 E. 57th St. Human side of night life depictetl in the greatest city. OBELISK (Cleopatra's Needle) —Erected near Cairo, Egypt, in the l(!th century B. C. Presented to the United SUtes by the KheS0. .\11 subways to Rector st. 0. S. ASSAY OFFICE—Jiwt east of the Sub-Treasury is the oldert 'uuiiding in Wall st. Here every operation Is carried on that is done at the Mint except the actual stamping of ^the money. Very interesting for visitors. Open 2 to 4 p.m. il %. SUB-TREASURY—Broad & Wall sts. On the site of 180 MISCELLANEOUS

the old Dutch City Hall, which contained a Debtor's Prison, and later the Federal Buildings, from the balcony of which was read the Declaration of Independence, in 1776. J. Q. A. Ward's colossal statue occupies a conspicuous position an the broad entrance steps from which Gen. Washington made hLs Inauguration address. Open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. WALL STREET—Famous historically as the site of the world'g greatest financial institutions. In the early days of the history of New York, a wall (from whence It derives its name), ran along this street and marked the northern boundary of the city. .Vt the time of the Revolution it was a fashionable residential section. As the city extended northward, business slowly crept into Wall street until it attaiiifi! its pre>ont importance. WASHINGTON ARCH— .'jth av & Washington Sq. Erected 1S,S3 (World's Tallest BIdg.)—Opposite the Post Office, on Broadway, of glistening terra cotta, 00 stories; a total height of 792 ft. Admission to tower, 50c. Busses MUNICIPAL BUS LINES AVENUE C. —Lv Desbrosses Ferr>- (East) via Watts st. Greenwich st, Charlton st. Prince st. Bowery, Stanton st, PiU st, Ave C, to 10th St. (West) via 4th st, 1st ate, Houston St. Washington st, Watts st to Desbrosses Ferry. Central Park Line— (Sat., Sun. & Holidays) Lt o'Jth & r.th ave via East Dr thru Park return via West Dr. Fare 5 cents City Island Line— (via Pelham Bay Park) Lv Pelham Park subway sta via Pelham Bridge rd. City Island rd to City Island ave. Return same. Fare 10 cents. Eevery 5 to 10 minutes from 6 a.m. to 2 30 am. Time IS minutes. City Island Line (via W. Farms) Lv W. Farms rd & 177th via Eastern blvd, Pelham Bridge rd to ft. of City Island at Return same. Every 5 to 10 minutes from 6 a. m to 2 30 a.m. Time 40 minutes. Delaneey & Spring St. Line—Lv Delancey & E. River via De- lancey. Bowery. Spring. W. Broadway, Watts to Desbrosses st ferry. Return same. Fare 5 cents. Every 3 to 5 min- utes. Time 22 minutes. Oyckman St. Line—Lv 207th st subway .«rta. via 207th, 10th ave. Nagle ave, to Dyckman st ferry. Fare 5 cents. Runs every ." minutes fr .SO am. to 12 night. Time IS mln. Fort Schuyler Line—Lv (South) Westchester av & East' i Blvd via Laj-ton av to Clarence av, Schely av, E. Tremont av, (Ft. Schuyler rd) to Ft. Schuyler Reservation. Return (N) Ft. Schuyler Reservation via E. Tremont av, (Ft Schuyler rd), Ea.stern Blvd to Pelham Bay Park Grand Concourse Line^Lv .')th av k llOfh via .'ith av, 120th st, Mt. Morris P'k. W. 124th. .'tth ave, l.SGth. Madison ave Bridgel 13Sth, Motf ave. Grand Concourse to Mosholu pkwy. Return .same. Fare ." cents. Every 4 minutes from 6 a.m. to 12 night. Time 3S minutes. RoBte No. (2)—Lv l.-).3rd st & Mott av. via 153rd Court- landt av, 150th st to Melrose av. Return via Melrose av

and 151st st. . Route No. (3) Ft. Lee Ferry & Br»nx Line—Lv 130th st Ferry, B'way, 12!)th st. 12nth st, 5th av. 1.3Sth st(M'n- hattan) Madison av Bridge, 13'^th st. Mntt av. Grand Con- course & Boulevard (Bronx). Return same Jerome Ave. Line—Lv 157th & B'way via 1.5.5th. Macorabs Dam Bridge. Sedgwick &. Jerome av, 2.'i.3rd st, Katonah av to City Lino (2 list). R.'turn same Madison & Chambers St. Line—Lv (West) via Ea.st st. Grand 6t, Madison st. New Chaml)er3 st to Ferry (East) Cham- RED BOOK GUIDE 181

bers St, New Cliaiiihers si, Madison st. Grand st.. Tonii)kitu st, Uflancty st, Pelham Bay-City Island Line—Lv Eastern Blvd & «Vestchestor av via ("ity Is. rd, City Is.av to Boldt-n Point. Kcturn same Penna. & Grand Central Stations—Lv Grand Central stations every 10 minutes via 42ini st, Madison ave, 33rd st to Penna. station. Return via 32nd st, MadLson ave, 40th st. Park ave to Grand Central station. Fare 5 cents. Prospect Ave. Line— Lv IVMh st & Prospect av via Prospect av, Crotona Park So., Crotona av, IS'Jth st. Southern blvd to Pelham :iv. K'tiirn same Washington Heights Line—Lv l.'.Hth st Viaduct, via li55th. Edgecombe av, ITlst st, Auiluhon av, 182nd st, B'way. Sherman av, Uycknian st. Keturii same Welt Farms-City Island Line—Lv 177th st & Boston rd via E. Tremont av, Silver st, Eastchester rd, Eastern Blvd, City Island rd. City Island av to Belden Point. Return same 66th St. Crosstown Line—Lv Goth & Ave. A via G.lth st. 5th ave thru Transverse rd (Central Park) to Central P'k W. at OGth st, CGth st, Amsterdam av, G7lh st, W. End ar to GGth St. Return same 79th St. Line—Lv (East) B'way via 70th st, Columbui? ave, Slst st. Central P'k W. thru Transverse rd. Central Park (7i)th st) to E. River. (West) 7!Hh st thru Transverse rd. Central Park Central P'k \V., 81st st. Columbus ave,

79th, B'way, SOth . \V. End Ave, 7J>th to B'way. Fare 5c 86th St. Line—Lv <»2nd st via Av. A, SGth st, 5th av, 85th Transverse rd thru Central Park. SGth st, B'way, 87th st. West End ave to R'way & SGth st Return same 96th St. Line—Lv Ave. A via «J2nd st, 1st av. J)6th st. 5th ave. 97th .st thru Central Park. 97th st & Sth av (Cent- ral Park W.) 9()th st. B'way, 97th st, W. End av, to 96th st & B'way. Return same 110th St. Crosstown Line—Lv 110th st & 1st av via llOth st along Cathe^lral Paikwav to B'wav Return same FIFTH AVENUE BUS ROUTES 1—Fifth Ave.. From Wasliinuton sq along ,"(th ave to 110th St. Time 31 to 39 minutes. 2— Fifth & Seventh Aves.. From Washington sq to 125th st & 7th ave via ."ith ave, 110th & 7fh ave. Every 3 to 10 minutes to 12 03 night. Time .3G to 45 minutes. 3— Fifth & St. Nicholas Aves., From 5th ave & 25th st to 181st st & St. .Nicholas ave via 5th ave, 110th st, Man- hattan ave & St. Nicholas ave. Every 3 to 10 minutes to 12 OG night. 4— Fifth Ave., 110th St. & Riverside Dr., From Penna. sta- tion to lG8th st & Broadway via 32nd .st, 5th ave. 110th •St. Riverside dr. 13.5th st & Broadway. Every 5 to 10 minutes to 12 05 nigiit. Time 4S to 5S minutes. 5—Fifth Ave., 57th St. & Riverside Dr., From Wa.shlngton sq to IR-Sth st & Broadway via .5th ave. .57th st. Broad- way, 72nd St. ?ilverside dr. 135th st & Broadway. Every 10 to 12 minutes to 12 00 night. Time 52 to 66 min. 6—72nd St. (Crosstown), From 1st ave to Central Park W. via E. 72nd st. 5th ave. 57th st. Broadway & W. 72nd st Every 12 to 15 minutes from 8 00 a.m. to 6 00 p.m. Time 21 minutes. 7—WashlnjjtM Heights & Harlem. From Ft. GeorKC (lOSr* st & St. Nicholas ave) to 125th st & 7th ave via St. Nich- <)las ave. Broad.vav. ir>7th st. Edgeeomb rd, 155th st. Ma- combs Dam Viaduct. 1.53rd st & 7th ave. Lv 125th st weekways every 7 to 20 minutes to 12 00 night. 6— Fifth Ave^ 67th St.. Riverside & Broadway. From Penna. «ta. to 157t* st & Broadway via 32nd .st. .5th ave. .57th st, Broadway. 72nd .st. Riverside dr. 135th st & Broadway Every 5 to 10 minutes from 7 44 a.m. to 5 47 P.m. Sua- .


days cTery to 10 minutes from 6 42 a.ni. to 11 21 pra. 9—Central Park & W. 72nd St, From Washington sq to W. 7lind St &. Central Park W. via 5-. Returns via Chambers st ferry, Chambers, Ntw Chambers, MadLson, Grand, Tompkins, Delancey to E. Rinr. Fare 5 cents. Every 3 to 5 minutes. Time 20 minut.-"^ Yorkville Line—Fr Ave A & 92nd via Ave A. 86th, 5th ave. 85th, Central P'lc., Sfith, Broadway. 87th, West End ave. Broadway to 8Gth. Return same. Fare 5 cents. Ev^ry 3 to 5 minutes. Time 24 minutes. 96th St. Line—Fr Ave A & 92nd st via 1st ave. 9r)th. ."th ave. 97th. Central Park. Central P'k W., 97th, gfilh. I?«y. 97lh, West End ave to 96th & Broadway. Return same. Fare 5 cents. Every 5 to 8 minutes fr 6 a.m. to 12 night Time 18 minutes. Street Car Lines MANHATTAN AVENUE B.— (North) (fr P. 0.) via Park Row, E. Broad- way, Clinton st. Ave B, 14th. 1st av to 34th. Bet same. AVENUE B. —Fr E. 59th & 1st av via 1st av, E 14th, Ave B, 2nd av, Ave A, V&ivx, Rutgers, E. B'way, Parif Hi .v %o loop terminal at Post OtTke. Return da Park Bow. Ch.i' ham sq., E. Broadway, Clinton, Ave B, 14lh, 1st av to .""('.fh BAILEY AVENUE—Fr F.irdham rd & Webster a? via Forl- ham rd, Sedgwick av. BaUey av. W. 230th to BBroadw.iy. Return sume. BROADWAY—Fr Broadway & 181st tU B'way, St. Nidi olas av, .Xmsterdam av, W. 125th, B'way, 7th av 42nd U) 3rd av Heturn same.

BROADWAY & AMSTERDAM AVE.—Fr Broadway & R i stoii, via Broadway, 7th ave, 53rd, 9th ave. Columbus .ivv, Broaiiway. Amstenlam ave to ll25th. Returns same. BROADWAY BRANCH LINE (D)—Leaves 130th Trri, Maiihatlan. Broadway, 42nd, 1st ave to E. 34th st ferry. Return same BROADWAY & 59th ST.—Fr South Ferry. Tia Whltehal. Broadu ... 7th a'c t ."Itth. RefiinK same. BR0ADWAY-42nd ST.—Fr 34th st Ferry (East Riuri via 34th, 1st av, 42nd st, N. on 7lh av, 53rd, Sth a--. Broadway to Manhattan st & Ft. Lee Ferry. Returns sam..

BROADWAY-KINGSBRIOGE— !-'r K. 12."»th & E. River \:i Ew & W. 125th. Am.stordam av. St. Nicholas av, B'way to \\ 22nth St. Return same. BR0ADWAY-145hh ST.—Fr W. 145th & Lenox av, \i,i 145th, Am.'ilenlam av. St. Nicholas av, B'way to W. ls]-i During suinni'T this Ihic is operated to Van Cortlandt r.,r;, BROOKLYN BRIDGE SHUTTLE— (Bridge only) Fare .">< CANAL & GRAND ST. (Eait)-Fr Wa.shlngton & N. rth Moore st via Moore, Greenwich. Bench, W. Broadway, I.i - penarT Church, Canal, E. Broadway. Grand to Grand tt Ferry. Returns same. COLUMBUS-LENOX AVE.— !•> Columbus av, k W. VuAh via Columt)us av W. lO'.Uh. Manhattan av, W. 116th. Lenox 8v to W. 1 inth Return same. EAST BELT LINE— Fr 59th st & 1st ave to So. Ferry, Tfa 1st ave. 14th st. Avenue D. Nth st, LewLi 81. E. Hou- iton st, Mangin st, Grand tt, Corlears st, Monroe st. Jack- RED BOOK GUIDE 183

son St. fYoDt St, Montgomery st. South st. Front St. White- ball St; f> miles; cari to midnight. EIGHTH AVE.—Fr South Fi-rry- via Whitehall, Batt«r>' pi. Greenwich, Trinity pi. Church, Barclay, West Broadway, Canal, Hudson, Abingdon sg, 8th ave & Central Park W., to Harlem River; also to 159th. Kelurns same. Cars also from Cortlandt st ferr>-. EIGHTH ST. CROSSTOWN (to Brooklyn)—Fr Christopher

st ferry via Christopher , Greenwich ave, 8th & St. Marks pi. Avenue, A, I':ssex, Delancey aver Williamsburg bridge to Plaza (Wmsburg. ) Returns via Williamsburg bridge, Clinton. Avenue B. 2nd, Avenue A, iKh, Stuyvesant, Astor pi. 8th. Greenwich ave, W. 10th, Washington to Christopher st ferry. This line also to E. 10th st ferrj-. FIFTY-NINTH ST. CROSSTOWN—Fr r)4th & 10th ave via 10th ;ivc. .",!)tli st to 1st ave; 2 miles; all night cars. FIFTY-THIRD ST.—Fr Broadway & 120th st via 125th. Amsterdam B'way, !)th av, a3rd st to 7lh av. Return same. FIRST AVE.—Fr Broadway via Astor pi, Stuyvesant pi, 2nd ave, 5!)th st, 1st ave to 120th st. Return same. FIRST AVE.—Fr 5yth st via 7tli ave, Greenwich ave, (Mh ave. 8th st. Avenue A, E. Houston, Essex, Williamsburg brid- ge to Plaza. Return same. FORTY-SECOND ST. CROSSTOWN—Fr East River via 42nd st, West to 42nd st ferry. R<'Iurii same. FORTY-SECOND ST. & QUEENSBORO BRIDGE—Fr W. 23d st ferry via 14lh, Avenue A. Essex, Delancey, Williamsburg bridge to Plaza. Return same. FOURTEENTH ST. CROSSTOWN—Fr W. 23rd st ferry via 14th st. Avenue A, Essex to Delancey st. Return same. FOURTH AVE. & MADISON AVE.—Fr Post Omre, via Park Row. Centre. Grand, Bowery, 4th ave, Park ave, Tremont, E. 42nd st, Madison ave to 135th st. Return same. Also fr Broadway & Astor pi via 4th ave. Bowery, Williamsburg bridge to Plaza. Brooklyn. Return same. GRAND ST.-BROOKLYN—Fr Desbrosses st ferry at N. River via Desbrosses, Washington, Vestry, Sullivan, Canal, Grand. Oiinton. Delancey, Williamsburg bridge to the Williamsburg Bridge Plaza (Brooklyn). Return via Willlnni-sburg Bridge, Delancey, Essex, Grand, Sullivan, Canal, Vestry, Greenwich, Desbrosses to terminal at Desbrosses st ferrj-. JEROME AVE.— (Yonkers) Fr Woodlawn station Jerome ave subwav to Yonkers ave. Yonkers. Return same. LEXINGTON AVE.—Fr South Ferry via WhitehaU, B'way. 23rd. Lexington ave, 116th, Lenox ave to 146th. Some cars to l."Oth & Lenox. Returns same. MANHATTAN BRIDGE— l-r Canal & Bowery via bridge to FlatbiLsli avi' entr, & Fulton st, Brooklyn. Fare 3 cents. METROPOLITAN CROSSTOWN—Fr Grand st Ferry, t1» E. Delancey, Bowery. Spring, West Broadway, Broome. Sul- livan. Watts. W. to Desbrosses st Ferry. Returns same. NINTH AVE.—Fr Amsterdam av & llC.th .st via Amsterdam ave. Broadway. Columbus ave, 9th ave, Gansevoort, Wash'gton to Cortlandt. Return via Greenwich instead of Wa-shington & Gansevnort. ONE HUNDRED-FORTY-FIFTH ST. CROSSTOWN—Fr Br'd- way to Lenox ave. ONE HUNDRED-SIXTEENTH ST. CROSSTOWN—Fr 106th st & Amsterdam ave via lOfilh. Columbus ave 109th, Man- hattan ave. llfith st to East RIv.t. Return same. ONE HUNDRED-TENTH ST. CROSSTOWN—Fr Hancock pi and 125th st via St. Nicholas ave, llCnh st to 3rd ave. Return same. ONE HUNDRED-TWENTY-EIGHT ST. SHUTTLE—Fr 128th 6t & 3rd ave via :^rd. Bridge. 3ri ave to 138th. R^'t. same ONE HUNDRED-TWENTY-FIFTH ST. CROSSTOWN—From )


E, Kiver via llirith, Maiih.itian st to 130tl) st ferry. POST OFFICE & BROOKLYN (North)—Fr Park Row (P. 0.) via Park Uow, Bowery. Grand, Clinton. Willlams- sythf. K. Umi-tfii. L'imI av N to 12!«th. Kciurii same. QUEENSBORO BRIDGE SHUTTLE— (Bridge only) Fare 3c SECOND AVE.— Fr I?niadv\ay via Worlh. Bowery. Grand, Forsyilie. E. Houston. Cliristie, lirid ave, N. to 12Uth st. Beturn banu-. SECOND AVE. (ASTORIA LINE)—Fr Broadway ria Astor pi, Stuyvesant pi, "Jnd ave, SOUi to U2nd st Ferry. Ret. same SIXTH AVE. FERRY LINE—Fr iHsbrosses st Feny via West, Watts. Varick. I'armlin'. 6th ave to 4th si. SIXTH & AMSTERDAM AVES.—Fr Whiihall Ferry via. UTiitPliall, Battery pi, Greenwich. Trinity pi. Church, Barclay W. Broadway, 4th st, Cih ave to Glith & Gth ave. Ret. same SPRING & DELANCEY STS.—Fr B'wav & Snring via Spring Bowery. Delancey to l.twis. Return same TENTH AVE. BRANCH—Fr 130th st ferry via W. 125th. Broadway. Amsterdam ave.lOth ave, 42Dd to West Shore ferrj- Returnn same. THIRD & AMSTERDAM AVES.—Fr Post Office via Park Row, Bowery & ;ird ave to loKth st, W. on 125th, Amsterdam ave to Fort (Jeorge. Return same. THIRTY- FOURTH ST. CROSSTOWN—Fr 34th st Ferry via 34th St. 10th ave, 42nd to W. 42nd Ferry. Return same. TWENTY-THIRD ST. CROSSTOWN—To 34th st Ferry via 23d St. 2d av. E. 34th. R-turn same; also to 23rd st Ferry WEST BELT LINE—Fr 54th st & 10th ave to So. Ferry via 10th ave, West st. Battery pi & Whitehall st; returns same; all night can. WESTCHESTER AVE.—Fr 3rd are k E LSSth via 3rd av, Westchester av, K. Tremont ave to Westch'tr sq. Beturn sami' WHITE PLAINS AVE.—Fr 3rd ave & 13Sth st via 3rd. Melrose ave. W.'bster ave. E. Gun Hill rd, White Plains rd to City line. Return sam»' WILLMMSBURG BRIDGE SHUTTLE— (Btfg only) Fare 3c. BRONX (See Bronx Map for all Routes. BOSTON RD. LINE—Knun 3rd ave & E. 138th ria 3rd av Boston rd. to E. TreiiMint ave. Return same. BRONX & VAN CORTLANDT PARK—Fr Boston rd £• E. 177th via Boston rd. E. ISOth. Southern blvd. E. FordhaiP rd, Kinpshridc" rd. W. 22."[n, Brdway, to 2(»2nd. Return same CLASON POINT (Summer only)-Fr 145th & .3rd ave to Oason Pt via 3rd av. Westchester av. Soundvlew ave. FORDHAM & WOODLAWN LINE—Fr 13Sth & 3rd ave N. to Citv line (Bmxt 3d av. WVhster. S mi. Rettirn same. FORDHAM BD. CROSSTOWN—Fr Southern hlvd via Ford- ham rd, lS4th, University Heights Bridge to 207th aod Broadway (Mhtn). 2"a miles. Return same. FORT SCHUYLER—Fr E. Tremnnt & Westchester ave Tla E. Trnii'.nt ave to Eastern dlvd Return .same JEROME AVE. LINE—Fr 15.1th viaduct & Sth av (Mhtn) to Yonkors via 15."th st viaduct, Central bridge. Jerome ave & Central av Yonkers. S miles. Return same JEROME AVE. & FORDHAM RD. LINE—Fr Broadway &. 207fh st (Mhtn) via Iniversity Heights bridge, lH4th. Fordham rd. .Jerome av. Central av to Yonkers. (> miles. KINGSBRIDGE LINE—Fr Fordham rd & .3rd ave to Bailey a» at 230th st via Fordham rd. Sedgwick & Ballev avs. 2 ml. MACOMB'S DAM RD. LINE—Fr 154th ic MaComb's Dam rd (Mhtn) to lC>lst &. 3rd ave (Bronx), via Central Bridge. Jerome ave & Kilst st Return same. MORRIS AVE. LINE—Fr 1.3.^th & 3rd are via 3rd arc & Morris ave to lti7th st. 2 miles. Beturn same. RED BOOK GUIDE 186

MORRIS PARK AVE.—Kr '^rd avc & E. ISStTi rla 3rd at Boston rd, E. Trcmont av, Morris Pk ave to Bear Swamp rd Beturn sanic. MT. VERNON LINE—See West Mt. Vernon Line. OGOEN AVE.—Fr IDolh & Amsttnlani avu via W. 155th, Central Bridge, Ogden ave, Washington Bridge, 181st st to Broadway. Keiurn same. ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEITH ST. CROSSTOWN (Trem't Av) ^Fr Westchester Creek & 177th to B"way &. IMst (Mhtn) Tla 177th st, Boston rd, ISOth, Webster ave, Treniont ave. University ave. Washington Bridge. All night ears. G miles. 3 cents extra for tran.sfer to subway. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-NINTH ST. CROSSTOWN-From Southern blvd & 149th st via 14Uth, Lenox ave Bridge. 2 miles; to 14r)th & Broadway. All night cars. Return same. ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FIRST & ONE HUNDRED SIXTY- THIRD STS. CROSSTOWN—Fr Amsterdam ave i IT^th st (Mnhtn) to Hunts Point via l(>lst & l(33rd. All night cars ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVENTH ST. CROSSTOWN—From Westchester ave sta .N.Y.N.H.& H to Brdway & ISlst (.MhUV Tia Westrhester ave, lC7th, Simpson st, 169th, Franklin ave, 168th. Webster ave. 167th, Boscobel ave, Washington bridge * 181st St. ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-FIFTH & ONE HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT STS. CROSSTOWN—Fr 8th ave via 135th. Gerard iyt. Madison ave, ]8Sth st to Port .Morris. 2'^ miles. PELHAM BAY PARK LINE—Fr Westchester aT ft E Trem't ST (WeKtchester sq) to Pelbaro Bay pk via Westchester af. RANDALL AVE. LINE—Fr 149th st & Southern blvd. tIa Uggett ave, Randall ave. 1^ miles. Last car 12:46 a.B. ST. ANNS AVE.—Fr E. 133rd sta 3rd a? elevated, via Southern blvd, St. Anns av, to E. 161st. Return same. SEDGWICK AVE.—Fr W. 177th, via Cedar av, W. 179th, W. Burnside av to Jerome av. Return same. SOUTHERN BLVD. LINE—Fr 133rd st (3rd av elevated) sta. via Southern blvd to E. Fordham rd. Return same. TREMONT AVE.—Fr E. Tremont & Westchester s ml. WESCHESTER & TREMONT AVENUE LINE—Fr ferome 4 Burnside ave, via Tremont av to Westchester ave. 4 milei WEST MT. VERNON LINE—Fr Webster av ft 198th to N.Y.N.H. &H.R.R. at West Mt. Vernon, Webster av. Gun Hill rd & White Plains rd (Wakefield). 8% mUes. WILLIAMSBRIDGE-MT. VERNON LINE—Fr E. Tremont av ft Boston rd via E. Tremont ave, Morris Pk. ave, White Plains rd to E. Cun Hill rd. Return same. WILLIS AVE & BEDFORD PARK LINE—Fr W. 130th i» Ferry (Mhtn). to Webster av & McLean av via W. l'J.")th. Ist ave, Willis ave. Bridge, Willis av, Fordham rd, ft Webster ave. Return same.

ASK FOR "RED BOOK GUIDES" OF ALL LARGE CITIES 186 MISCELLANEOUS ' TAXICAB RATES For not more tlian two passengers % mile or fraction, |u.3u; .succeeding: V4 mile or frac- tion, ^u.lu. Kor iliree oi- more passengers, Vj mile or fraction. !?u.4U; succeeUing \i mile or fraction, $u.iu TRAFFIC REGULATIONS PASSENGER VEHICLES E.flhth Av. Abingdon SQ to 5'Jli Canal St., LaiayeUe lo Buwery IKJlli stj Lafayette SL. Uuaiie to Aslor cl Ninth Av & Columbus av, 14tb Fourth St., Lalayelte lo \V t5'\vj Tenth Ave & Amsterdam Ave, Lexington Av., Ii3d st to 125lli Mth lo 12."iili sis Vanderbilt Av, 4:id to 45ih sts Park Row, Duuno si to DItIsIod

Fourth Ave. (Park av), Aslor bowery. Grand st to r»ib .st

]}\ tu IL'oth St Centre St., Pi-arl st to Broome Madison Av, 23d to 125th sts W. Broadway, Vesey to 3rd sts Fifth Ave, Waverly pi lo 12.jth Hudson St., L'bamoers to 14th Br'dway, Chambers st lo 12.jth Note:—For receiving or deliv- .No trucks allowed on slret-is senger streets; provided, how- TRUCKS AND BUSINESS ever, that such truck must VEHICLES enter and leave same at First Av, liousion st to 125th the nearest intersectiuiS st. Second Av, Houston st to 12olh ering merchandise or iran.^- Third Av, nth to 125lh sis acting other business. drivt.rs Sixth Av, 3rd to 5Uth sts of trucks may use any I'as-

Y. M. C. A. AND Y. W. C. A.

Y. M. C. A. , Ballard Sch Emolyrat. GID I.i\- 23rd St. Br., 215 W. 23rd st Bronx Br., 32'J E. ITOih st. Army Br., 2 W. 45lh st Lroi.x Bu. Sch., 4i;> E Ti.m't Bowery Branch, S E. 3rd st. Central Office, HIU Lex'n a?e. Beys Wk. Downt'n, 15 Biodd iCentral Club, 132 E. 45th st. Bronx Union 470 E. 161st st Club Rooms, 115 Fulton st. Colored Men's, 135 W. 135th. Colored Women. J7'.> W. 13Tth East Side Br. 153 E. ^(illl si.iH"ench, 124 W. Itjth stret Employment Dept., h L. ;;rd jHarlem Boarding, 74 W 124th Frtiic^i Br., 101) W. 5Uh si Intematl. Inst., li;t E. 21 >i Harlem Br., 5 W. 125ih st. (Laura Spellman Hall (307 H"'^[' ^ !-« ^ Cafeteria. Railroad Br. ft. W. 72nd st. L.,^ r^ , Street United Y.M C.A. Schls. Corrcs- IpJ"}^"" pendente Courses, 375 Lex --^ ^^- 3Gth Street •»19 E. Tremont hv 111.",! (in .ivj Victory Army Navy. State' **•'!•*;. & OS . ,.. T* . Violet Hut. NY. InlT. Univ Ht8,CI"l». ^L^xington & ;>2nd st Washn. Hgt$. *' i5.Sl W. 155th »t:?I:r'";.;r-r\^^^' ,'l,'^ West Side Br. (l-lmploy & AuU>{: ;L "J- J,^ Vm Sm ',™*™ "* School) 31S W. 57th St. j*^'""- "Y/'V H^'^/f Y. W. C. A. Office. :n w' 110th st Bd. of Directors, 134 K 44fh Bronx. 1026 Prospect a» GYMNASIUMS Downtown Inst The. 42 B'v^ay Hudson Term., rA) Church EquitaWe, 120 B'way McGovern's, 5 W. 66th st EAST SIDE SUBWAY (l.R.T.) Lexington-Jerome Ave. Express Stations exp Stations Min Stations Min (Brooklyn) mm i & Bostn & W't'n rr av Atlantic JEROME AVE BR. ! 180th st 48 Nevins st 1 llioTil STKEET , Ch for 7th av sub 138th St. WHITE PLNS DIV. Hoyt st Mott Haven.. 83 177th st — Borough, Hall.... 4 H9th St 34 IMUth stKast ....49 (.Manhattan) Ch for 7th av sub Bronx Pk East.. 51 Bowling Green.. £ & Lex av- 180th iPeUiam Pkway.. 53 SOUTH FEKKY 161st st 35 Allerlon ave 55 Bowling Green.. 8 167th st 37 Burke ave 56 wall st S Ch for 6ih & 9th L Gun IIUl rd 57 FBlton st 10 170th st 38 K. liiyih st 59 Brooklyn Bridge 12 Mt. Eden ave... 40 i:. 2'2r,\h st GO Worth st 176fh st 41 E. 2yi;i.l st 61 Canal st N. Y. Univ. sta 4b |E. 23Sth st 62 Spring st 183rd st 44 E. 241st st 64 Bkeker st Fordham rd 46' Asior |)1 Kingsbridge rd.. 481 PELHAM BAY PK. ' 14th st 16 Bedford Pk blvd 50,12."T1I STUKET st ISth Mosholu Pkway.. 52;i3sth st, .•!d av 32 2.'ird st Woodlawn 64 Brook ave 34 28th st Cypress ave 35 o3rd st WESTCHESTER BR. E. 143rd Grand Central 20 13Slli, Mott IIuvcii E. 149th st ?7 Change for Times & -Mott ave 'M. LonKwood ave.... 39 Cueensboro Tunnel Change for Jerome Hunt's Point av 40 51st & 7th av subway Whitlock ave.... 42 59th 149th st, ;« av 37 mder ave 43 esth Ch for 3rd av "L" Sound View ave 44 77th Juckson ave 3!t St. Lawrence av 46 86th Prospect ave.... 4(1 177th st 47' DGth St. Intervale ave.... 41 Castle Hill ave.. 48 l(»8rd st Simpson st 42 Zerega ave 49 110th st Freeman st 44 Westchester sq.. 50 IKUh st 174th st 4r. Middletown rd.. 52 125th st 30 177th st 47 Bubre ave 53 Ch for H'ts Pt loeaj Ch for Bronx Park Pelham Bay Fk 54 Ch for Wh Pin sub

WEST SIDE SUBWAY (I.R.T.) Seventh Ave.-Broadway Express Stations expr Stations Min Stations Min

ISth st I st Brooklyn min 1 137th 37 Atlantic ave - 23rd st 145th st 39

Nevins st li28th st | 157th st 40 Hoyt st 3 Pennsylvania sta 20 |16Sth st 42 Borough Hall Ch for Hudsn Tubes 181st st 1 43 Clark st Times square.... 22 1 191st st 45 Bklyn Hghts.. Ch for Grand C'tral Dyckman st 47 (Manhattan) 5(tth st 207th st 4S Wall & Wm. sts 10 r)9th st 215th st 50 Fulton st lllr.fith st 225th st 52 Park pi 12 72nd st 231st st 5:i Chambers st 14 79th st 238th st 55 South Ferry loe 86th st 242nd st 56 Rector st 91st st Trolleys to Yonkers Cortlandt st 96th st 29 Chambers st Ch for Lenox & Brx LENOX Franklin st 96th Canal st WESTERN DIVIS'N 110th Hoaston st 103rd st 31 116th Christopher st.... 110th st 32 125th (Slier. Sq.) llOth st 33 14th st 18 125th .st 35 .88 MISCELLANEOUS

Stations Mln Stations jihn Stations SiTti WESTCHESTER BR. Interviik- ave.... 4G Peilum I'kway.. .'.8 larnh St lis Simpson st 47 Ailerlon ave tlO Ch for 145th st & Fieenmn st 4J) Burki- ave tJl Lenox av 17-lih St. ... 50 Gun Hill rd t)2 Won ave 41 ITTtb St. .~ 52 K 2rjth st 64 Ch for Jerome and lM)th St. ... 5(i K. 22rjth st t>.> Lexington subway E. 2,"i;ird st 6«i 14lnti st, ;i(l av 42 WHITE PLNS DIV. K. 238th st 67 Ch for 3rd av "L" ITTih st 52 E. 241st st 6U Jackson ave.... 44 K. l,SULh St.... 54 trolleys to Mt Vrnon Prospect ave 45 Bronx Pk (E).. 5t;

QUEEN8BORO TUBES (I. R. T.) Stations Mln Stations Min Stations Min GRAND L'E.NTRAL Lowiry st I'A Times sq Shuttle Bliss st 14 ASTORIA BRANCH N. Y. Central lines Lincoln ave ISjQu'nsboro Plaza 10 (N.Y.N.H. & H rr) Woodside 17'Beebe ave 12 Fre« trnsfr to ssbws Trnsfr for L. I. RR.i Washington ave 13 Jackson ave Fisk ave Broadway 5 IS | 14 Buntrs Point a? 6 Broadway ItiiGrand ave 15 nth st 8 25th st 20lHoyt ave 16 du'nsboro Plaza 10 Elmhurst ave.... 22|Dilmars ave 17 CORONA BRANCH Junction ave.... 23 Bawson st 12 Alburtis ave 241

EASTERN PARKWAY (1. R. T.) Stations Min Stations Min' Stations Min Atlantic ave .Nosirand ave.... 9 Rockaway ave.... 17 (L. I. BB.) Kingston ave.... 10 Junius st IS Bergen st 2 Utica ave 12 Pennsylvania av 10 Frospt Pk Plaza 4 Suiter ave 14 Van Siclen ave.. 2h Br'klyn Museum 5 Saratoga ave 15JNew Lots ave.... 22 Franklin ave.... 7

N08TRAND AVENUE EXT. (I. R. T.) Stations Mini Stations Min{ Stations Min Atlantic ave Franklin ave 7 Church ave 13 Bergen st 2 President st Beverly rd 15 Prospt Pk Plaza 4, Sterling st IQiNewklrk ave 17 Br'hlyn Museum S'Winthrop st 12'Flalbush ave.... IS

HUDSON TUBES HUDSON TERM. & NEWARK Hoboken (Uck RR) 2 Stations Min Miles SIXTH AVE. AND SSrd ST. to Hudson Terminal - - HOBOKEN AND SUMMIT AVE. (Fulton & Cortlandt sts) Stations Min Miles Exchange pi. J. C... 3 1 33rd st (Herald sq) - - (P. R. R. sta) (Ch for B'way (B.R.T) sub)

I Grove st 6 IW 2Sth SI k 6th av.... 1 h* (Ch for Uptown trains) 23rd SI & 6lh av.... 2 % Summit ave 9 3 19th st k 6th av.... 3 % Manhattan Transfer 16 7Va 14th st &. 6th av.... 4 1 (Ch for P.R.R. trains) 9th st & 6th av 5 IM Harrison (4fh Rt».... IS 8 Chrl.stopher st 6 lla Park pl (Newark) 20 Hoboken (Uck RR) 1 5 2^^ HUDSON TERM. & HOBOKEN Krle R. B. station.. 1.1 2% Hudson Terminal - - Grove st 17 3 ^change pl, J. C... 3 1 ((^hange for Newark) Erie R. R. station.. 6 IMi Summit ave 20 4 RED BOOK GUIDE 189 Broadway- B.R.T.-Sub way

NOTE: Express stations and minutes indicated in bold t^pe. SEA BEACH SUBWAY EXPRESS Stations Min Stations Min Stations Min

New York . *DeKalb av...... 16 INth a» :\2 Tines sq (42nd) zPacific st 18 L'Uili at 34 84th & B'way.. 2 z-x36th st 22 22nd av 35 union sq (14th) 4 259th st 25 King's Highway.. 3t> •Canal st 8,8ih a? 2t;'Ave U 38 Brooklyn station Ft. Uarailtn yky 2'.ll80th st 40

Myrtk ii Gold st 14 1 xiNew Utrecht av 31>Stillwell av C.I. 43

Change to Brighton trains. iChange Fourth ave trains xCliange West Knd trains. •Change to trains via Wmsburg bridge to Canarsle, Hidge- wood. East New York, Jamaica, etc. Sea Beach trains are express to 5!)th st and local beyond. WEST END SUBWAY EXPRESS Stations Mini Stations Min Stations Min Times sq(42nd) zPacific st 18 71st st 31

234th & B'way . 2 236ih st 22 7Sth st 33 Ch for Uudsn Tubes 9th av 24,lSih av 35 Union sq(14th) 3 Ch for Culvr "L" j20th av 37 •Canal st 8 Ft. Hamlltn pky 25 Bay pkwy 39 Brooklj-n station r»(Uh st 26 25th av 41 Myrtle & Gold st 14 r.nth st 2S Bay 50th st 43 •^DeKalb av 16 x62nd st 29|Stillwell ai C. 146

Change to Brighton trains. xCbange to Sea Beach trains. aChange to Fourth ave ii Sea Beacli trains. •Change to trains via Wmsburg bridge, to Canarsie, Ridge- wood, East New York, Jamaica, etc. West End trains are express to 36th and local beyond. Extra trains 7.11 to 8.39 am and 4.52 to 6.01 pm via West End line thru Montague st tunnel to City Hall are also operated. BRIGHTON SUBWAY Stations Min Stations Min Stations Min 57th st exp Bector si exp 18 Cortelyou rd exp 41 49th st 1 Whitehall St.. Newkirk av....29 42 *Times sq 2 So. Ferry.. 20 Ave H 44 34th st 1 4 Court st(Boro Ave J 46 Hall Bkln) 24 Elm av 48 Ch for HudsD Tubes Lawrence st.... Kino's H'way33 50 28th st 5 Being built Ave U 52 23rd st 7 DeKalb av .15 27 Neck rd 54 Union sq 4 9 Atlantic av... S'head Bay. 36 55 8th st 11 LI. RR stal8 29 Brighton Bch 39 57 Prince st 13 7th av 29 Ocean pkwy....42 58 st Canal 8 15 rPropsect pk 23 35 W. 8th st 60 City Hall IG Paiksidc av... 37 Stillwell av... Cortlandt st.. 17 Church av 26 3M Coney 1$. .45 63 Ch for Hudsn Tubes Beverley rd.... 40! 14 '/a miles Change to Foarth ave, West End & Sea Beach trains, zrhange to Briglitun-Franklin & Fulton st Elevated trains. During rush hours Brighton locals operate via Manhattan bridge & e.xpre.ss tracks in .Manhattan to Times sq; Brighton expresses operate via Montague st tunnel &. local tracks in Manhattan to .57th st, from 7 pm to midnight daily (e.xcept Sun. & Holidays). Brighton trains operate via .Manhattan bridge & express trains to 57th st. (See Fourth ave line) 180 MISCELLANEOUS FOURTH AVE. SUBWAY Stations Min Stations Mm Stations Min Quieusboro I'laza lot Sth $i Hi U'way I'j t'OeKalb av 36 (Long Is. City).. Prince st lil zPaeifle-4th av!.' 37 Lex. ar & tJOlh 11*08081 st USUnion st .iS 5th aT & GUlh 8,Cliy Uall Ii5 9lh st 40 57th i 7th a» 9 Cortlandt st 2b Prosptct a? 41 49ih & 7th avlolCh for Hodsn Tubes li.'ith st 4:^ Times sq(42d).. 11 Ue.tor st 27 286th st 46 'M\h st 4: B' way 12 Whitehall sl(So. 145th St. 47 34th st & Bway 12 Firrj) 28i53rd st 49 Ch for Hudsn Tubes ('nurt st (Boro. x69th sf 51 LINUi st & B'way 13, Uall) Bklyn.. 34|Bay Ridge at 52 2.Sd st(.Mad sq) 16 Lawrence st 35 77th st 53 Union sq-14th 17^ (Being built 66th st 55 Change to Brighton, Sea Beach and West End expresses. zCHaiige to West End & Sc-i Beach expresses. xt'liauge to Sea Beach expriises. •Change to trains via Winshirg bridge to Canarsle, Bidge- wood, Eiist Nuw York, Jamaica, etc.

. ELEVATED ROADS (NEW YORK) SECOND AVE. ELEVATED So. Ferry to lli!»ih. Stations Min, Stations Min Stations Mini Mb st 11 SOlh st 25 So. Ferry 14iy st 12 86th st 26 Hanover sq l| I'.tlh st i;*, 92nd st 27 Fulton st 3! 2;;r(i st 14 n9th st 29 li-raiiklin sq 4! 34ih si IC lO.^'.th st 30 Cha.ham sq 5 Ch for 34th st ferry mth st .31 Ch for 3r* a* "L" 42nd st 17 117th st 32 Canal st 6| 50th st I'J 121st st ;^ Grand st 7 57th si 20 126tb st 34 Kivington st S «J."th st 22 129th st 35 1st st 9 72nd st 2:; Ch for 3rd av "L" THIRD AVE. ELEVATED Stations Min Stations Min Stations Min City Hall 0' "iIKh si 14 15 lG6th st .31

Canal st 2 S4lh st 17 lOgth st ;i;t Grand st 3 "^Oth st IS Clermont pkway .34 Houston st 4 99th st l!i 174th st „.. 35 9th st 5 106.h st 2C Tremont av 37 14ih st 1U)!h .st 21 ISOth st .38 18th st 7jl25.h st 22 l.'^3rd st ;ff) 23rd st 8p20th .st 2.". Forrtham rd 41 2Stb st 9jCh for 2nd av "L" Bronx Park 43 .34th st jO'l?.:>.rd ,st 24 200th st 44 Ch for 34th st ferry l.'isih st 2." 204th st 45 42nd st 11 U.'.rd st 20 210th st 47 Ch for Grand Centrl ]4'.>th .vt 27 Gun Hill rd 4s 47th st 12 Change for Lex. av Ch for Wh Pins line 53rd st l."> & 7lh av subway SIXTH AVE. ELEVATED Stations Mini Stations Min' Stations Min st .3.'?rd st So. Ferry 1 Grand S 17 Battery pi 1 Blocker st 10 .3Sth st IS Rector st 2 Sth st 12 43nd st 19

Cortlandt st 3 1 14th st 1'A 50th st 20 Park pi 4 1 sth st 14 5.'?rd st 22 Chambers .st fi 2;^rd st 15 50th st „.. 24 Frankin st 7 2Sih st 16 Sc« 9th nn **L" — RED BOOK GUIDE 191 NINTH AVE. ELEVATED NOTE: express dur- Stations Min Stations ' Min

Ing rush hours I .AUti st — 145th st 29 Stations Min![>'Jih st — l.llst st .-{0 go. Ferry O' Ch for 6 av elevated 155th st 31 Battery pi l' 6th av Elevated Si'tMwiik av 32 Bector st 2i runs over 9ih av Aiider.soii av 3^1 Cartlandt st 3 tracks to Woodlawn 107th st 35 CI for Hudsn Terml 66th st n: Ch for Jerome sub Bwclay st._ 4 '<2nd st _ i7()t(, st 37 st Warren st 6 Hist — ! Mt. Kdeu av.... 38 Franklin st - SGth St. 176th St 40 Desbrosses st.... 6 i)3rd St. Burnside av Houston st - DDth St. N. Y. Univ.... 42 Christopher St.. 9 I(l4th St. 183rd St 43 Ch for Hudsn Tubes 110th St. Fordham rd 44 14th st 11 116th st 24 Kingst)rid|{e rd.. 4 Siitphin rd 54 FrankUn av 16 .Norwood av .37 leOth st 55 Nostrand av 17 Crescent st 38 16Sth st 56

NOTE: Extra trains to and from Chambers. 5-45 to 8.30 am and 4.45 to 6.45 pm via Williamsburg bridge. •Change to Bay Ridge and Culver trains. zChange to M.vrtle ave trains. xChange to Broadway k Canarsie trains. 192 MISCELLANEOUS MYRTLE AWE. ELEVATED Stations Min Stations Min Stations Min Park Row Grand av 13 Central av 22 Sands st.^ 6 Franklin av 14 Knickerbockr av 24 Adams st 8 Nostrand av 15 VVyckoff av 25 *Bridge st 9 Tompkins av 16 Seneca av 27 Navy st 10 Sumner av 17 Forest av 29 Vanderbilt av.... 11 xBroadway IH Fresh Pond rd.. 30 zWashington av 12 Evergreen av...... 20 Metropolitan av 31 NOTE: Extra trains to and from Chambers st, 6.00 to 8.35 am and 4.26 to 7.00 pm via Williamsburg bridge. *Change to Bay Ridge and Culver trains, ^Change to Lexington ave trains. xChange to Broadway and Canarsie trains. FULTON ST. ELEVATED Stations



1 :,
