Combining MHD and kinetic modelling of solar flares Mykola Gordovskyy∗, Philippa Browning Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Rui F. Pinto Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plan´etologie, Universit´ede Toulouse, OMP/CNRS, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France Abstract Solar flares are explosive events in the solar corona, representing fast conver- sion of magnetic energy into thermal and kinetic energy, and hence radiation, due to magnetic reconnection. Modelling is essential for understanding and predicting these events. However, self-consistent modelling is extremely diffi- cult due to the vast spatial and temporal scale separation between processes involving thermal plasma (normally considered using magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) approach) and non-thermal plasma (requiring a kinetic approach). In this mini-review we consider different approaches aimed at bridging the gap between fluid and kinetic modelling of solar flares. Two types of approaches are discussed: combined MHD/test-particle (MHDTP) models, which can be used for modelling the flaring corona with relatively small numbers of energetic particles, and hybrid fluid-kinetic methods, which can be used for modelling stronger events with higher numbers of energetic particles. Two specific examples are discussed in more detail: MHDTP models of magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in kink-unstable twisted coronal loops, and a novel reduced-kinetic model of particle transport. arXiv:1809.05751v2 [astro-ph.SR] 26 Sep 2018 Keywords: Solar flares, Magnetic reconnection, Particle acceleration, Computational modelling ∗Corresponding author Email address:
[email protected] (Mykola Gordovskyy) 1. Introduction Solar flares are the most powerful non-stationary phenomena in the Solar System, releasing up to 1025 J within 10-100 s.