2018 Puget Sound Commercial Salmon Regulations State of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Mailing Address: P.O. Box 43200, Olympia, WA 98504-3200 • (360) 902-2200 • TDD (360) 902-2207 Main Office Location: Natural Resources Building, 1111 Washington Street SE, Olympia, WA The 2018 season structure for the Puget Sound commercial salmon season was developed during the North of Falcon (NOF) salmon season setting process, which is coupled with the March and April Pacific Fisheries Management Council meetings (PFMC) public meetings. The following commercial salmon fishery regulations are a result of discussions involving state, tribal and federal fisheries management agencies; representatives of the commercial and recreational industries; and other interested parties. This pamphlet summarizes the agreed-to schedules and rules for non-treaty Puget Sound commercial salmon fisheries in 2018. Major management highlights for the 2018 season include: Puget Sound Salmon Management and Catch Reporting Areas In June 2018, the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife filed a notice of proposed rules that updates current Puget Sound Salmon Management and Catch Reporting Area Boundaries (WAC 220-301-030) and Puget Sound Salmon – Closed Areas (WAC 220-354-080). The purpose of this rule making is to clarify the fishing area boundaries and to update point locations with the addition of latitude and longitude coordinates. This rule is being proposed through the expedited rule-making process. This process eliminates the requirement for the agency to hold a public hearing and prepare a small business economic impact statement or provide responses to the criteria for a significant legislative rule. If you object to the use of the expedited rule-making process, you must express your objection in writing and send that to: Scott Bird, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, PO Box 43200, Olympia WA, 98504; Phone: (360) 902-2403; Email:
[email protected]; objections in writing must be received by August 21, 2018.