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University of Central

The Student Voice Since 1903 EPT 171 2013 Register to vote: Gain a voice way that the American voting pro- Theater, located in the Liberal Arts she will be discussing her journey As stated on the ADP website, Brooks Nickell cess,wo rks. building on UCO's campus, the in community involvement and Munson developed her passion for "We're giving information on ADP will be presenting a question her decision to run for a seat as an public service at an early age and Staff Writer what it is to vote. We have a binder and answer session with Ms. Cyndi Oklahoma State Representative for began applying her enthusiasm for full of stuff that students can look Munson. House District 85. public service, serving in student To kick off Constitution Week, government at Eisenhower High the American Democracy Project School and UCO's student govern- (ADP) at -the University of Central ment where she developed leader- Oklahoma began a voter registra- ship skills to be an active member tion drive yesterday, Sept. 16, that of the community will continue on until Sept. 20. On Sept. 19, 2013, there will be Students were stopped by those a Faculty Lunch and Learn, dur- working at these Voter registration ing which ADP, with the booths and asked if they were reg- Times, will discuss how to use the istered to vote yet or if they needed Times in the classroom. to update their voter information, Alongside these events, ADP says such as their current address. that locations across campus will Matt Janey, a senior strategic invite students to let their voice be communications student at UCO, heard through the "Not Voiceless" was a student working one of the Freedom of Speech Boards, where many booths Monday and spoke students are encouraged to share as to why it was important for stu- what the constitution and free dents to be registered voters. speech mean to them. "It's important to have a say in UCO's American Democracy Project is hosting Constitution Week in an effort to get students to reg- For more information on any of what goes on in our country," Janey ister to vote. Photo by Quang Pho, The Vista. the events encompassing constitu- said. tion week you can email ADP at Those working the booths were at," Amanda Johnson, also a UCO Munson is a UCO alumni and Munson currently holds the title [email protected] . also reaching out to international student working with ADP,' said. former vice president of UCOSA, of Community Programs Manager students to help educate on the Today, at 2 p.m. in the Pegasus and according to ADP's website for Girl Scouts Western Oklahoma. UCO NAMED MILITARY FRIENDLY SCHOOL Olanrewaju Suleiman cadets," he said. "We are one of many active UCO military mem- over 200 hosts with student ca- bers to fully join when he gradu- Sta ff Writer dets." ates. Teifke agrees that UCO is a mili- "Right now I'm in college, but I The University of Central Okla- tary friendly school. know I won't be in college forever," homa has been awarded as a mili- "The cadets do great here," he he said. "When I graduate I want tary friendly school for the second said. "Many of them go into the , to be a second lieutenant in the year in a row. military when they graduate. We Armed Forces." The honor is given to the top 20 produce officers for the Army and While he is a full-time student, percent of universities with active Army Reserves." Bray is also in the National Guard military and veteran students. It is The majority of the military and is grateful for the support that given to distinguished schools that members and veterans at Central he gets from the Central faculty and embrace military students and en- utilize the on campus resources. staff.0 courage them to be successful in all "The school is great about sup- "The faculty and staff are so sup- aspects of college life. port and the students know it," Tei- portive, they're awesome really," he The Central Veterans Higher fke said. said. "I can understand why UCO Education Resources Office, also John Bray, a freshman history was picked as a military friendly known as VetHERO, has resources major, is currently a cadet in UCO's school." for student veterans and military ROTC program. The Military Friendly Schools list members. "I wanted to join because they is compiled by Victory Media Inc., John Bray, a freshman history major, is currently in UCO's ROTC Lieutenant Colonel Michael Tei- help pay for college," he said. "Since one of the main media outlets for program. Photo by OlanreWaju Suleiman, The Vista. fke is a professor of Military Sci- I've been here, it's been more than military and civilian life. itaryfriendlyschools.com. The list veteran or military life can be found ence, as well as the Military Science that. I really feel as if I'm growing "It's a great honor, and I'm glad can also be seen in the military and by visiting vethero.uco.edu , email- Department Chair. as a person." UCO was recognized," Teifke said. veteran magazine, G.I. Jobs. ing [email protected] , or by call- "The ROTC program fosters a Bray plans on being one of the For a full list of schools, visit mil- More information on Central's ing 405-974-3686. healthy environment for student Melton Gallery to kick off performance series bits from the "Great American Song- last five hundred years of European Tyler Talley book" and other sources. Five theatre and American art, according to the arts department majors that received gallery's official website. The col- departmental scholarships will each lection was a gift from Howard and Sta ff Writer perform a brief monologue. Merle Melton, and was brought to The Melton Gallery will kick off Faculty members from the School the College of Fine Arts and Design the first event of the Melton Gal- of Music's Center Historical Perfor- by Suzanne Silvester. lery Performance Series at 4 p.m. on mance are scheduled to perform Morris added that the series serves Sep. 19 in the UCO Arts and Design various classical pieces on historical as an evolution for the Melton Gal- Building. instruments and the Department of lery. "It was shut down for two years, Staff Writer for the College of Fine Dance will perform a quartet, cho- and reopened last October after a Arts and Design Angela Morris stated reographed by dance lecturer Hui complete face-lift," Morris said. the inaugural event will be a "college Cha Poos. Morris concluded by saying all showcase," and will feature works UCO Galleries and Collections UCO students interested in becom-

The UCO Me/ton Gallery will host the first of its Performance Series events on Sept. 19 at 4 p.m. in the UCOArts and Design Building. Photo by Quang Pho, The Vista. from multiple departments within Coordinator Zina Gelona said in a ing members o,f the gallery, can join the College of Fine Arts and Design. press release written by Morris, that after a $5 donation. With member- The exhibit displayed at the event the series will open the gallery to an ship comes first priority entrance to will be "Route 44 - A Journey" which entirely new audience. all events hosted at the gallery, and will serve as retrospective, featur- "Using the gallery for performanc- other perks. ing paintings from design professor es not only provides an artistic venue All of the performances in the se- Larry Hefner. The premiere night with great acoustics, it also brings ries will take place from 4-6 p.m. on will also include four 15-minute people into the gallery that might Thursdays throughout the school slots that will showcase each of the not normally attend the exhibits we year, and will be free and open to the departments. host," Gelona said. public. For more information about UCO Meltbn Gallery will host performances beginning Sept. 19, the Melton Gallery Performance Se- Morris said that some of the en- The gallery also hosts the legacy 2013 at 4:00 p.m. The gallery will hold art and music. Photos by tertainment at the event will include collection which contains more than ries, visit www.uco.edu/cfadimelton- Quang Pho, The Vista. musical theatre majors performing 60 paintings and drawings from the gallery.

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100 North University Drive Edmond, OK 73034 1.405)074-5540 vistaliCo@g111(1H,C(MI QUOTES iirvir

The Vista is published as a newspaper and public forum by LVO students, semiweekly during the academic year except Do you think Miss AmeTica contestants should have to covey up the it- twtoos exam and holiday periods, and only on Wednesdays during the summer, at the University of Central Oklahoma, "lhe issue heft' we competing? price is free for the first copy and S I for each additional copy obtained. „ EDITORIALS Opinion columns, editorial cartoons, reviews and commentaries represent the views of the writer or artist and not necessarily the views of The Vista Editorial Board, the Department.of Mass Communication. 1.3C0 or the Board of keQents of Oklahoma Colleges. The Vista is not an official medium of expression lor the Regents or UCO,

LETTERS The Vista encourages letters to the editor. Letters should ad- dress issues and ideas, not personalities. LetterS must he typed, double-spaced. ‘vith a maximum 01- 250 words, and must include the author's printed name. title, major, classification and phone number. Letters are subject to editing for libel. clarity and space, or to eliminate statements of questionable taste. The Vista reserves the right not to publish submitted letters.

Address letters to: Editor, The Visti. 100 N. University Dr., Edmond, OK 7303.1- 5209, or deliver in person to the editor in tlw Communications Build- Mg. Room 131. Letters can he entailed to ristaucoagmaiLcom.

ADVERTISE WITH TOE yISTA : "No, tattoos are a way of ex- "I don't think so, it's part "No, because it shows their The Vista is published semiweekly aring the fill pressing themselves. If you of their individuality. It's character. It's a reflection and spring semesters and once weekly during the can't be real in a competition kind of like an accessory summer. In all issues, The Vista has opportunities for of their personality." both classified, online and print ads: you shouldn't be in it." that describes her."

Email your questions to [email protected]. for rates.


Management Editorial Sarah Ncese, Effit,:q-fa-01P-1 B /ZIOIZS Nt":/ie 11, Si ;IC n e [Rh:hordx. NifinaZnf1:a!in j0.01 WailaCe, Stevie Armst wmg, Alex Cifuentes, s14(

Cody Joh SpOrt5•r01" Tyler- Tolley; sylf WrOc- Olanrelvajit Suleiman, Graphic Design Colorc - Lincoln. skiff \vino- michad mcmittian Austin Litterell, Rerortcr

Circulation Photography KeVi11 Ch Dyer, Cvri Sheng Ling, Adviser Qucing Pho Duc'Phttcmgg, PhIltograpiter Mr Teddy Burch

• "7.: ,n7 -•••' "It's a part of them, they "No, because that makes "No, it's their body, they can shouldn't have to cover it them who they are." do what they want with it." up."

I n the ThursdaY,..:Se0t6tfibery to the following names and titles were reed

,atl os -Arc% /7;7' Kory AtcusO /r/ t ., '; me,.4 What is going on at the library computer lab?

Letter to the Editor

Hello, my name is Sarah and I'm a junior nursing student. i've been coming to the library computer lab since 2010 and even though that computer lab is the worst one at UCO (old computers, can't print from the internet, scanners don't work, misspelled signs — BTW, it's so shameful that a state university like UCO isn't able to write signs using proper english) it's pretty much the only one that is open until late. This semester they came up with a new rule, students with- out their TJCO IDs cannot come in and the lab monitor has to sign them in manually. Not only does that generate lines but it also makes the lab monitor-unable to leave their desk to help the students, and all of that translates into worse service. I still cannot believe a university the size of UCO has no means of upgrading the computers on that 'computer lab or automatizing the signing in process (like they do at the gym), which BTW is somewhat Y444,0g04 5.::4 stupid. Here's my rant, every time I come to the computer lab I'm asked to show my ID, which I promptly do. Now that I got the new one that happens to also be my credit card I feel uncom- fortable to handle it to the lab monitor. So mind you that I come to that computer lab almost every day, I know most of the lab assistants and they obviously know me. So, late at night I'm in this line to get in, I talk to the guy who signs people in and tell him that I got the new ID and etc., I tell him my ID number, he says that unfortunately he can't let got no response. When I came hack the other day, I spoke to Cartoon by Matthew Gossom me in without seeing my ID card. I ask why (as he knows me) another lab monitor and she said they are all tired of these new labs??? and he says that he may get fired for doing so as this new rule crazy rules but that they can't do anything about them. . They can't spell the signs' right but they for sure can enforce is being enforced and he has already being reprimanded by his Long story short, they wouldn't let me in that night. those draconian rules. I spoke with my friends and classmates and they all feel the boss for not following the procedure before. I cannot believe . Sincerely, the idiocy in what he's saying as he sees me every day! I don't 'same way. Sarah want to show him my credit card especially because they write Why is that computer lab the only one that is different from down a lot of info! the other ones? Why can't UCO standardize the computer lab He told me to write a complaint to his boss, which I did but procedures? Ls someone actually in charge of those computer

• 0 Opinion They say college is an expe- know you have a real friend are many students walking them, as you love yourself. rience where you will make when you just ate six donuts around campus who haven't Then, the friendship will take friends that stay with you for and instead of them criticizing . quite made that . connection off and grow. • the rest' of your life. Whether you about it, you notice that with someone. Perhaps they True friends are there you are a new freshman or a they ate a dozen and a half have, but misfortunate events when you're down, when fifth year senior, true friend- donut holes. No one is perfect . caused the friendship to dis- you're up, when your life is ship remains the same. and we all make stupid deci-H solve or crumble. ugly and when it's beautiful. In my opinion, 'a true sions. A real friend would nev- Forming lifelong But. remember what Ralph friend is someone you can er judge you on those choices, . friendships, whether in your Emerson said, "The only way " count on. You can call them but instead, made thoSe same college career or not, is a two- to have a friend i.s to be one." for a simple favor, like to feed stupid decisions with you. way street. You can't expect • your dog when you're caught Most 'importantly, to someone to be there for you, at work, or you could call me anyway, you should be to be loyal, to not judge you, Sincerely, Stevie. U them at two in the morning 100 percent comfortable with or to be comforting when you to talk when life becomes too a true friend. You should be don't reciprocate those attri- hard. to handle alone. able to say your true thoughts, butes back.

A true friend is some- . look homeless, and raid their College is a time of Two-Way Street one who is loyal. When you fridge without. them thinking learning, loving and growing. trust a friend with the raw- anything of it. • Yes, learn in the classroom of ness of your life, you shouldn't Hopefully, you're pic- course, but take the tinge to have to worry about it being turing the person that portrays learn who you are as an indi- By Stevie Armstrong shared with outside parties. these characteristics. If yOu vidual. Once you can do that, I also believe a true have not yet found that true. allow yourself to share it with friend never judges you. You friend, you're hot alone. There'. that true friend. You will love S xt1 al Langua a nistit 'indent Con n 'MO which is different from a summary in the Rachel Brocklehurst sense that it is targeting the scope of research and begging. the qUestion of, why does the Contributing Writer topic at hand matter. The second, workshop will he held Oct. 29 ,4;!••• • • The Language Society along with the Eng- at 7 p.m. in L.A. 119. This workshop will be • •t' ish Society will be hosting the sixth annual about presenting the abstract and is helpful

_anguage. and Linguistics Student Conference for teaching majors, business majors, or any 16. Corey Hamilton, originally from Ed- other major that will require presenting in mond, Okla., is in secon(l year as a Gradu- front of a crowd of other students. UCO English Department Graduate Teachinci A,sistani• Coi- ey ate Teaching Assistant for . le Department of The conference will be held Nov. 16 from 8 Dyer, The Vista. English, at UCO. He dopes to be a professor a.m. to 6 p.m. on the third floor of the Nigh. Di. English Comp. and Rhet( lc classes. Ham- The workshops help as a two-part system, as.. Hamilton said, "The PowerPoint, along the reimbursements.. ilton is the President of the Language Society in to get students out of their comfort zone. with multiple ways of presentthg the works, The deans have been supportive of both on campus. The abstract will consist of 150 words' and allows the audience to be engaged and it's the workshops and conferences, all the way The Language Society works with the Eng- there is no such thing as a rejected abstract. more interactive. It will be the first time for a from Dean Washington to Dean Stewart. lish Department in ,hosting two workshops, Before final submission, the student may send lot of the presenters at the conference." Hamilton said, "My favorite part of the con- leading up to a conference. The conference is in a rough draft to be reviewed and sent back It helps that the workshops and conferenc- ferences is the process of providing the oppor- specifically called the Language and' Linguis- with feedback. The conference will be a re- es are internationally open, especially from tunity for students to go through the process tic Student Conference because, as Hamilton laxed environment with three to four students last year's attendance being 82 people. They of presenting their piece. in public. Only they said, "we're trying to make . the conference who are accepted for the conference,-a profes- are expecting more this year. are they able to say 1 .did it.'" more student involved this year." sor moderating it, students sitting in as peers One does not have to be an English major The Language Society has had guest speak- The English Society is the oldest society at listening and a Q&A at the end. Co-adviser to attend the workshops. As long as the indi- ers within the past five ye:Ars. The ncv,- motto UCO and this is currently the sixth or seventh for the English Society Dr.. Timothy Petete vidual is a student, they can be from any uni- that just came out this year is, students engag- year for the Language Society. will be in charge of designing a PowerPoint versity, from Korea to Italy. There is a $50.00 ing, transforming and empowering' students.. The first workshop, held on Sept. 5, helped or other ways to present research, other than fee for students presenting, but after the con- That truly is the goal of both the Language...as the students learn how to write an abstract reading a paper to the audience. ference, the dean of L.A. will give a form for well as English' Societies. UC o host third annual se ual s w e. eltrA,,

all Week from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the answered in a safe and nonjudgmental Kanesha Brown clock tower near Brbricho Lake. "It's a lit- environment," said Criswell. Criswell eral bed in the middle of Campus," said also mentioned that a Video recording of j2,151a, Criswell. 'When explaining the activities the event will later be available for stu- of the event, Criswell said, "We like for dents to watch or those who were unable Contributing Writer • - students to sign the sheets of the bed. to attend. with their own personal views about sex, She also stated that these events will be Large bed beside Broncho Lake at last years Sexual sexuality sexual health so we get a sat: open to the community, as well. Health Awareness Week, Sept. 24, 2072. Photo by Aliki Coming soon this fall, is the third an- • For Sexual Health Awareness Week, Dyer, The Vista. nual Sexual Health Awareness Week, dent's perspective," hosted by the University of .Central She explained that students can learn UCO has partnered up with UCQWell- Oklahoma (UCO) and UCO's Wellness inFOrmation on healthy relationships, re- ness Center, UCO Healthy Campus, Center. The week takes place on ,Sept. ceive safer sex materials and othe'r educa- Planned Parenthood, UCO Peer Health 23-27. "Let's Talk About Sex" is this tional resources. Leaders, Teen emPowerl, UCO year's motto. • This year, Sex in the Dark will be held nity/Public Health Club, Oklahoma State The Big Bed and Sex in the Dark will in 'Constitution Hall in the Nigh Univer- DepartMent of Health and: OCO Student be the two main events occurring. "We sity Center on Sept. 26 at 8 p.m. to 9:30 Alliance for Equality. FREAKY give out a lot of resources and materi- p.m. This event will feature a panel of In the . past; Criswell expressed that als letting students know where they health professionals, als6 known as the they have "received appreciation and can go on campus and off campus for "sexperts." positive feedback from the 'students for health resources," said UCO WellneSs The health professionals will be an- presenting events and material that. is fun FAST health promotion coordinator Brittney swering questions from students through and infOrmational. Criswell said, We're Criswell. an anonymous text message system. "It's hoping that a lot of students will be able The Big Bed event will be occurring a great Corm to get questions asked and to come.•' DE[IIERY!® •

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716 NW 23rd St., Oklahoma City, OK 7310" 1111LINE 405-521-9204 @JIMMYJOHNS.COM 4 Scan for an insider look at the plasma donation process To scan and view content, you must download a QR code reader from your App store. FREAKY FAST *Applicable for eligible, qualified new donors. Fees vary by weight. New donors must bring photo ID, proof of address and Social Security nurntler. UCO students write on the sheet of a large bed beside . n.. DELIVERY! cho Lake, Sept. 24, 2012. Photos by Aliki Dyer; The 1../Ista. CSL Plasniz 02011JIMMEJOHNIFRANCHISE,LLC ALLRIGHTSRESERVED. CSLPlasma.com Good for You. art'at 4,, Wt. 4 NEWS SEPT 17 2013 Six Facts You Should Know About Apple iOS 7

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2) New Photo Organization: 79) Multitasking Features: 4) Automatic App Updates: "Now there are faster, easier, and "Multitasking has always been more delightful ways to scroll down "Apps Near Me — a new feature of a smart way to switch between the App Store in iOS 7 — shows you memory lane. Introducing Years, apps. Now it's even smarter. Be- Collections, and Moments — smart a collection of popular apps rel- cause iOS 7 learns when you like groupings of your photos and vid- evant to your current location. And eos based on time and place. Tap to use your apps and can update with the soon-to-come Kids catego- Years and all your shots fill the your content before you launch ry, you'll be able to browse and buy screen. Each year holds Collec- them. So if you tend to check the best apps for children based on tions, like your trip to San Francisco. your favorite social app at 9:00 age. iOS 7 also keeps your apps up And in that Collection are distinct a.m. every day, your feed will be to date automatically, so you don't Moments — photos from Union ready and waiting for you. That's have to' bother. Another bonus of au- Square, videos from AT&T Park. So multitasking in iOS 7. It knows tomatic updates: no more little red badge begging for your attention." you can find a shot from whenever, what you want to do before you wherever, in no time." . do." From apple.com

UCO's 'The Goat, or Who is Sylvia' to open this week

UCO students rehearse for 'The Goat, of Who is Sylvia,' which opens Sept. 19. Photo by. Natalie Cartwright.

A LEVELLAND PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS A. theatrical experiences." hearse it," said Nystul. "The

VIII/Wa....orrirm, • Natalie Cartwright The Goat, or Who is Syl- emotional content of the show via' has been categorized as is so high that for the actors d comedic drama and widely and for the directors, you sort . ik Contributing Writer RAW HIDE FEST agreed upon as "more than of need a break from it be- The University of Central just a play about bestiality" by cause we're going deep." Oklahoma Theatre Arts De- critics. The play has been seen The play is approximately partment presents the award as an attempt to expose the 65 minutes long and the script winning play, 'The Goat, or audience's own morality and is no different from the Broad- Who is Sylvia' in Mitchell Hall question their views on rela- way play. Due to its content, Sept. 19-22. tionships and society bread the play is for mature audi- Written by Edward Albee, ideals. ences. The Goat, or Who is Sylvia' "It's an emotional , roller- "They're laughing and won the 2002 Tony Award for coaster," said Nystul. they're crying at rehearsals," Best Play and was nominated Kaitlin Burton stars as Mar- Nystul said. "If you can get for the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for tin's wife, Stevie, and Style Biv- somebody to laugh and cry Drama. ens plays Martin's son, while in 65 minutes, as an audience Martin, played by Guy Tracie Lister plays Martin's member, that's pretty good." Mitchell, has fallen in love best friend, Ross. `The Goat, or Who is Syl- with a goat. When the love af- Nystul feels that the per- via' shows at 7:30 p.m. Sept. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28 A XX13 fair surfaces, Martin's life and formance given by this cast of 19-21 and 2 p.m. Sept. 22 in the lives of his family are shat,. young UCO students is excep- Mitchell Hall Theatre, on cam- tered. tional. p US . RAPS PWF, H - tHifr. This play follows the fam- "They're giving incredible Tickets are now free to UCO ily in crisis and the events that performances, "Nystul said, students with a valid I.D., $14 A STILLWATER OKLAHOMA transpire through such an un- "performances that would ri- for adults and $10 for senior TICKETS: $20 GA - $50 VIP I www.TumbleweedOK.com familiar act of infidelity val tony award winning per- citizens. Tickets can be pur- "I believe the play is about formers." chased by calling the Mitch- unconditional love," said The- The four-man cast began ell Hall Theater Box Office at atre Arts professor and direc- production in the summer and 405-974-3375 or by visiting L LAND IrpFERERRE-AAN tor of this production Daisy has been rehearsing no less www.click4tix.conVuco. ODuC iroN5 IN3SS311He13M Nystul, M.EA. "When I saw it, than four days a week. Nystul said, "Come see it. It it was one of my most favored "We didn't want to over re- will be the ride of your life."

O • 0 0 0 0 0

SEPT 17 2013 NEWS 111 2014 Crowned -

Wayne Parry had won the pageant. She brushed attention was given to , those aside. , the Army sergeant who "I have to rise above that," she said. "I was believed to have been the first Miss always viewed myself as first and fore- America contestant to openly display ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — Mo- most American." tattOos.,..She has the Serenity Prayer on ments after winning the 2014 Miss Her grandmother told The Associated her rib cage, and a smaller military in- America crown, de- Press that she cried when she saw the signia on the back of one shoulder. scribed how delighted she is that the news on television. Vail won a nationwide "America's nearly century-old pageant sees beauty I am very, very, happy for the girl. Choice" vote to advance as a semi-final- and talent of all kinds. It was her dream and it was fulfilled," ist, but failed to make it into the Top 10. The 24-year-old is the 89-year-old V. 'Koteshwaramma said by In a Twitter message Sunday before first contestant of Indian heritage to be- phone from her home in the city of Vi- 'the finals began, Vail wrote: "Win or not come Miss America; her talent routine jaywada, in the southern Indian state of tonight, I have accomplished what I set was a fusion dance. Andhra Pradesh. out to do. I have empowered women. I "I'm so happy this organization has She said there are numerous doctors have opened eyes." embraced diversity," she said in her in the family, both in the U.S. and , Jones made it into the top 5 wearing first press conference after winning the and that if her granddaughter wants to a bedazzled knee 'brace. She tore knee crown iri Atlantic City, NJ.'s Boardwalk become one "I am sure she will do. it." ligaments Thursday while rehearsing Hall. "I'm thankful there are children Davuluri had, planned to go to the her baton-twirling routine, which she watching at home who can finally relate scene of a devastating boardwalk fire in executed flawlessly Sunday night. to a new Miss .America." the New Jersey communities of Seaside The pageant had pitted 53 contestants Her pageant platform was "celebrat- Park and Seaside Heights Monday af- — one from each state, plus the District ing diversity through cultural compe- ternoon. But pageant officials canceled of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. tency" that visit after learning that Gov. Chris Virgin Islands — in swimsuit, evening The native of Syracuse, N.Y. wants to Christie was making cabinet officials gown, talent and interview competi- be a doctor, and is applying to medi- available at that same time to business tions. cal school, with the help of a $50,000 owners victimized by the fire. Sam Haskell, CEO of the Miss Amer- scholarship she won as part of the pag- Davuluri will visit at an unscheduled ica Organization, said he was thrilled it eant title: future date, pageant officials said early all played out in Atlantic City after a six- She is the second consecutive Miss Monday. year stint in Las Vegas. New York to win the Miss America She will still make the traditional "This is where we belong," he told crown, succeeding , who frolic in the Atlantic City surf Monday The Associated Press. ,"This is the home was selected in January when the pag- morning. of Miss America, and this is where we're

eant was still held in Las Vegas. The - Her first runner-up was Miss Califor- going to stay" Miss New York Nina Davuluri walks down the runway Miss Ameiica Organization will corn- nia, . Other top 5 finalists The pageant started in Atlantic City after winning the Miss America 2014 pageant, Sunday, pensate Hagan for her shortened reign. included Miss Minnesota, Rebecca Yeh; in .1921 as a way to extend the summer Sept. 15, 2073, in Atlantic City, N.J. (AP Photo/Mel Ev- Davuluri's victory led to, some nega- Miss Florida, Myrrhanda Jories, and tourism season for an extra weekend. ans) tive comments on Twitter from users Miss Oklahoma, Kelsey Griswold. upset that someone of Indian heritage In the run-up to the pageant, much

411••••••••••061/0101400010001..30e. ANION1111•111.111110•111••••••••• A Look Around the Nation

People hold their hands to their heads as they are escorted out of the building where a deadly shooting rampage occurred at the Washington A heavy flow of water pours out of a parking lot on E. Elkhorn Ave. overwhelming a culvert Navy Yard in Washington, Monday, Sept. 16, 2073. One shooter was killed, heading under the roadway. As a steady rain continues to fall, the town of Estes Park, Colo., but police said they were looking for two other possible gunmen wearing begins Sunday Sept. 75, 2073 to clean up the flooded downtown streets and stores that are military-style uniforms. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) popular for visitors. (AP Photo/ The Denver Post, Kathryn Scott Osier)

war Clear & Convincing Evidence were featured in the videos of victims that after laying out with his French and British emerged shortly after the attack. counterparts a two-pronged approach in Syr- The Aug. 21 chemical attack unfolded as ia. They called for enforceable U.N. bench- the U.N. inspection team was in Syria to in- marks for eradicating the chemical weapons vestigate earlier reported attacks. After days program and an international conference bol- of delays, the 'inspectors were allowed access stering the moderate opposition. to victims, doctors and others in the Damas- Kerry was pressing for support for the am- cus suburbs. bitious agreement that averted threatened Chief weapons inspector Ake Sellstrom U.S. military strikes. It calls for an inventory handed over the report to the secretary-gen- of Syria's chemical weapons program within eral on Sunday amid a flurry of diplomatic one week, with all components of the pro- activity aimed at getting Syria to put its just- gram out of the country or destroyed by mid- acknowledged stockpile of chemical weapons 2014. and chemical precursors under international France and the U.S. insisted that a military control for destruction. response to the Aug. 21 attack remained on In the report, Sellstrom said the team was the table, and were pressing for a U.N. resolu- issuing the findings on the Ghouta attacks tion reflecting that in coming days. "without prejudice" 'to its continuing inves- "If Assad fails to comply ... we are all tigation and final report on the alleged use of agreed, and that includes Russia, that there French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, left, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, chemical weapons in three other areas. The will be consequences," Kerry said. , right, and British Foreign Secretary William Hague, second right, pose for the media prior to a meeting on Syria at the Ouai d'Orsay in Paris, Monday, Sept. 16, 2013. (AP letter said it hoped to produce that report as But Russia's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, Photo/Francois Mori, Pool) soon as possible. said ongoing attempts to threaten the use of Under an Aug. 13 agreement between the force against Syria would provoke the oppo- sition and disrupt a chance for negotiations. Edith M. Lederer U.N. and the Syrian government, Sellstrom's team was scheduled to investigate an alleged Meanwhile, invitations were going out chemical weapons attack on March 19 on the Monday to top members of the Syrian Na- Associated Press village of Khan al Assal outside Aleppo and tional Coalition — the main umbrella op- UNITED NATIONS (AP) — U.N. inspec- chemical and medical samples we have col- alleged attacks on two other sites which were position group — for an international con- tors said in a report Monday there is "clear lected provide clear and convincing evidence kept secret for security reasons. ference in New York timed to coincide with and convincing evidence" that chemical that surface-to-surface rockets containing the The letter for the first time identified the next week's U.N. General Assembly meeting, weapons were used on a relatively large scale nerve agent sarin were used ... in the Ghouta two sites still to be investigated as Sheik Maq- French officials said. in an attack' last month in Syria that killed area of Damascus" on Aug. 21. sood and Saraqueb. Bolstering the Western-backed SNC is just hundreds of people. "The conclusion is that chemical weapons It also thanked the four laboratories des- as crucial to Syria's future as Assad's agree- The findings represent the first official con- have been used in the ongoing conflict be- ignated by the Office for the Prohibition of ment to give up chemical arms, said French firmation by scientific experts that chemical tween the parties in the Syrian Arab Republic, Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to examine the Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. weapons were used in the Syrian conflict, but also against civilians, including children, on a samples from Syria, disclosing their locations "He must understand that there is no mili- the first page of the report, seen by The As- relatively large scale," the inspectors said in for the first time — in Finland, Germany, tary victory, no possible .military victory for sociated Press, left the key question of who their report to Ban. Sweden and Switzerland. him," Fabius said. He acknowledged that launched the attack unanswered. "This result leaves us with the deepest con- In Geneva, the chairman of a U.N. war broad popular support for the rebels has been The report came as the chairman of a U.N. cern," the inspectors said. crimes panel, Paulo Sergio Pinheiro, said his hampered by fears that Islamic militants are war crimes panel said it is investigating 14 The inspectors were mandated to report on panel has not pinpointed the chemical used now playing a major role in the 2 1/2-year- suspected chemical attacks in Syria, dramati- whether chemical weapons were used and if in the 14 suspected chemical attacks it said old uprising that has left more than .100,000 cally escalating the stakes after diplomatic so which ones — not on who was respon- Monday it was investigating. dead. breakthroughs that saw the Syrian govern- sible. Pinheiro also said the panel believes Assad's Those who blame Assad for the chemical ment agree to dismantle its chemical weapons The rebels and their Western and Arab government has been responsible for war attack and supported military strikes say it is program. supporters blame President Bashar Assad's crimes and crimes against humanity, while up to Assad to uphold his end of any deal. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was sched- regime for the attack in the rebel-controlled rebel groups have perpetrated war crimes but In Geneva, Pinheiro said the "vast major- uled to present the U.N. inspectors' report area of Ghouta. The Assad regime insists that not crimes against humanity "because there is ity" of casualties in Syria's civil war came from to the U.N. Security Council later Monday the attack was carried Out by rebels. The U.N. not a clear chain of command." conventional weapons like guns and mortars. morning. report mentions the Ghouta areas of Ein Tar- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry ended a The inspectors said "the environmental, ma, Moadamiyeh and Zamalka, all of which weeklong diplomacy tour in Paris on Monday fo EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT CONT. Help Wanted Help Wanted HANDY STUDENT. Lawn maintenance, painting, general maintenance Comet Cleaners is hiring for full time and part time positions. Apply in per- and repairs. P/T near UCO. 641-0712. ' son: 1401 S. Kelly Ave. Any questions, call: 359-5958

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Help Wanted Ever wonder how Humphrey Bogart got his signature lisp? Bogart joined the Part-time cartbarn staff at River Oaks Golf Club. Reliable worker with trans- US Navy after being kicked out of Phillips Academy Boarding School. He portation. Contact AJ at (405) 771-5800. was wounded during the shelling of the Leviathan, resulting in partial facial paralysis. Help Wanted Student to clean vacant apartments, small office and private home. P/T near TASER is an acronym for Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle. UCO. Call Connie: 641-0712.

64. Boosts 65.20-20, e.g. 66. Dukes 67. High school formal dance 68.Convene 69. Aegean vacation locale

Down . 1. BoOr's lack 2. vera 3. Tissue joining two parts of an organ 4. Bad way to go? 5. Astern 6. Brush off 7. Shoestring. 8. "A jealous mistress": Emerson 9. Unmarried girl 10. Not sanctioned by law 11."Mi chiamano Mimi," e.g. 12. Medical advice, often 13. Pigeon's home 18. Look into again, as a cold case 19. Drunk, in slang 24. " any drop to drink": Coleridge 25. Atlanta-based airline 26. Masters 27. "You kidding!" (contraction) 28. Andean animal 29. Change, as a clock 30. Agreeing (with) 31. Except 32. Swelling 35. Noise and confusion 38. Strict adherence to the law 40. Tropical American plants with lancelike leaves 43. Beat 45. Cap 48. Modus operandi 50. Autobiography 52. About 7 53. "That's a 1: Across 22. Enlarge 44. Doozie 54. "Aquarius" musical 23. Soon, to a bard 46. "China Beach" setting 55. Taro's edible root 1. Indian semi-classical vocal. music 25. Drop 47. Scenery and props in a play 56. On the safe side, at sea 6. Brickbat 26. Horse's fast gait 49. Photo equipment 58. line (major axis of an elliptical 10. Bust maker 29. Outlaw 51. nitrate orbit) 14. Co( 33. www.yahoo.com , e.g. (acronym) 52. #1 spot 59. Remaining after all deductions (var. 15: Legal prefix 34. Riot 53. Young offspring of a dog spelling) 16. Sundae topper, perhaps 36. No longer in 56. " Ng" (They Might Be Giants 60. " quam videri" (North Caro- 17. Person who interprets constitutional 37. "Get !" song) lina's motto) law strictly 39. Foul 57. Challenge for a barber 62. "The Three Faces of 20. Makeup, e.g. 41. Brain area 61. Instruments with parabolic antennae 63. Ozone enemy (abbrev.) 21. "... he drove out of sight" 42. Not fulfilled (2 wds)


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IMMR1111111/111111111111111 , Volleyball continues on Women's Golf Bronchos in Cont

8-0 undefeated streak • ST. PAUL, Minn. (Sept. 15) — All six ling out a redshirt'year in 2012-13 fol- . • Central Oklahoma playerS are among lowing a transfer from Redlands Com- the top-10 individuals and the Bron- winning kill by junior Juliette Smith. munity College, leads the tournament Cody Johnson ▪ chos own a commanding lead after Central Oklahoma then turned around and with a one-over 73. • first-round play in the season-opening had a tough fought match against South- Holiday Inn Invitational here Sunday. Taylor .Neidy is tied for third after an Sports Editor eastern Oklahoma State University. The Savage Storm took the undefeated lady opening 75, while Lindsey Bensch (76) The Central Oklahoma Volleyball team • UCO fired a 301 at the par-72 Tartan Bronchos to four sets before Central Okla- is tied for fifth, Aly Seng (77) tied for rolled on this weekend at the Tiger/Savage June 'riga homa took away the win. Park Golf Club, good for an 18-shot eighth and (79) tied for Storm classic in Ada and Durant, Okla. The • lead over Augustana. Delaware State The lady Bronchos took an early lead in the 10th.. Katie Bensch also. had a 75 play- lady Bronchos remained undefeated and is third in the 15-team tournament at first set, but SOSU quickly rallied to a 15- ing as an individual medalist. are now 8-0 for the season, after taking four ▪ .324, with tournament host Concordia- 11 lead. Central Oklahoma did not back more..wins home this weekend. • St. Paul and Upper 'Iowa tied for fourth down and tied, the set at 18-18. The lady "We came out and played well," head "We just need to keep working hard at get- at 325. coach Michael Bond said. "It was . a Bronchos took away the first set 25-21. in ting better every time we take the court," the second set, the Savage Storm pulled a great way to get.the season started, but head coach Edgar Miraku said in an inter- . flip score on the lady Bronchos with a 21- Final-round play begins at 9 a.m. Mon- we need to make sure we stay focused view with Bronchosports. ▪ day 25 win. and come back just as strong tomor- They took on East Central University and The third set found Central Oklahoma row." Northwestern Oklahoma State University coming from behind 'again and finally ty- Junior Bethany • Darrough, playing her on Friday and then Southern Nazarene • first round with ing the score at 21-21. The junior Juliette - the Bronchos after sit- Story by: Bronchosports.al University and Southeastern Oklahoma Sthith broke the tie, though, and allowed State University on Saturday Central the lady Bronchos to take the win with a Holiday Inn Invitational Oklahoma took the lead in the fifth set 4-1 25-23 final score. Blue-Red against Eastern Central.. They then pulled Dates: Sep 15 - Sep 16 UCO once again came from behind in the ahead to 12-5 lead after sophomore Barbara 0 fourth set with a six straight points rally to Jackson had back-to-back kills. The. Tigers Tc•AnVIN4Y0t‘.&-aetil take the lead 19-18. The final score of the then pulled within 13-11. But sophomore weekend was a kill by freshman Allison Central Oklahoma 301 Tyler Gromann and freshman Allison • Barr Barr, leaving the final set:at 25-22. 1 Bethany Darrough (1) 73 73 made a match-winning block to clinch the .761..o7427977.: "It was another good weekend for us and Taylor Neidy (3) 75 75 win for the . Bronchos. I'm really pleased with the way we're play- Against Northwestern Oklahoma State Lindsey Bensch (5) 76.. 76 ; ing," Miraku said in an interview with Central Oklahoma took the advantage win- Bronchosports. AIy Seng (2) 77 77 ning the first two sets. In the third set, the The Lady Bronchos will make their first June Tigert (4) 79 79 NWOSU put up a big fight, but tying Cen- home game debut for this season on Tues- • • • -74n - tral Oklahoma 19-19. But the sophomore day versus the Pittsburg State University Jackson quickly put the match away with Gorillas in Hamilton Field House at 7 p.m., back-to-back kills. hoping to remain undefeated and tie the The lady Bronchos returned to the court school record of starting a season 9-0. The Saturday with their match against SNU. last time UCO Women's Volleyball went They had a hard time with their first set, undefeated 9-0 to start the season, was in winning 26-24, but prevailed in the second 1994. set 25-17 and the final set 25-20. The likely hood of a win is in favor of In the first and only close set of the match, the lady Bronchos with a 209-81 record the lady Bronchos pulled ahead 14-6, but in Hamilton Field House. The Gorillas the SNU rallied back to tie the score at 24- opened their season with five losses:before 24. Barbara Jackson came through for UCO winning three in a row to have a 3-5 record again with another kill, followed by a set- this season. @alittere11729

7,z;:'-v,-.-7;7 • ; -



:•••••.•• .: • • • •

' 0 0 0 SPORTS SEPT 17 2013 Tao UCO football takes a hard loss in Wantland Stadium

Austin Litterell 34-3 by halftime. las added another touchdown their third downs. They were 9-15 the game. The Gorillas in the fourth, making it a for the night. The Bronchos con- The Bronchos had another strong scored, once 65-24 final. verted less than half of their third game, offensively. Joshua Birming- Sports Reporter again, on their Third down conversions downs. So many conversions did ham, who went for his tenth hun- opening pos- were a key factor in not help the defense, as they were dred-yard game of his career, once It was a tough night for Bron- session of the this game. Pitts- on the field longer. The Bronchos again led the team. Birmingham cho football as they fell to the 16th second half, burgh state will have to be better on thirds on rushed for 152 yards on just 17 ranked Pittsburgh State Gorillas, making it 41- converted both sides of the ball if they hope to carries in the game. Adrian Nel- Saturday night in Wantland Sta- 3. The highlight 60 per- have success. son passed for 194 yards on 19-33 dium. The Gorillas were strong on of the game came from cent Pittsburg State's offense and their passing. The Bronchos finished both sides of the ball and came out star running back Joshua of playmakers were just too much with 431 yards of total offense. of Wantland with a 65-24 victory Birmingham, who answered for the defense, as they racked up UCO fell to 0 and 2 on the season over the Bronchos. with a 73-yard touchdown a total of 599 yards. Three and the same record in MIAA Play The Gorillas got off to a quick run. The lead was pushed to hundred and sixty- o n e on the season, while Pittsburgh start with a five-play, 70-yard drive 51-10 by the end of the• third ,quar- of those yards came ' on the State went to 2 and 0 on the season on their opening possession and ter. ground for the Gorillas. Quar- and the same in MIAA play, as well. jumped out to an early 20-0 lead Birmingham add- terback Tony Abenoja, last The Bronchos will now have a early into the second quarter. UCO ed another touch- week's MIAA offensive player week to refocus and bounce back finally got on the board in the sec- down run in the of the week, was impressive from their loss. They will host Em- ond quarter with a Seth Hiddink fourth quarter from once again. Abenoja ,was 19- poria State next week at Wantland field goal to cut the lead to 17, but 16 yards out, but it 24 for 211 yards passing and Stadium at 6 p.m. Pitt State would extend that lead to was too late. The Goril- had 55 yards on eight carries in

Senior quarterback Arian Nelson, No. 18 runs the ball against Pittsburg State _ On Saturday Sept. 14, 2013. Photo by Cheerleaders run through the spirit line-up before the game against Cyn Sheng Ling, The Vista. Pittsburg State on Saturday Sept. 14, 2013. Photo by Cyn Sheng Ling, The Vista. Soccef Defense Leads the Way in 1-0 Shutout of Texas ing the game, as they found themselves fend- Dallas Baptist last Thursday, this win was a ing off an aggressive counterattack by the pio- needed boost of momentum for the Bron- neers, spearheaded by Alisa Velasquez's and chos , who now start a four game road trip pressuring the Bronchos defense after every to open up conference play That game saw save. a back and forth battle finally go" the Patri- The second half was tense after the ots' way, after a shot by Kimberly Linder was Bronchos scored what would be the game blocked and then taken back by the Patri- winning goal, as they then had to defend ots to score on a breakaway twenty seconds themselves from a total of eight corner kicks later. That loss, a rare one at home, ended a in the second half. When asked about how he seven game winning streak for UCO at Tom thought his team played, TWU head coach Thompson field. Babak Abouzar said, "The last 35 minutes of Sunday's win stoped a three game slide by the game was the best I have seen us play and the Bronchos, improving to 2-3 on the sea- it was fun to watch. If we play like that from son. They will play their next four games on the get go, I think we are a tough team to the road, starting with Friday's Mid-America stop. Intercollegiate Athletics Association opener at The lady Bronchos huddle up and chant before the game Sunday, Sept 15, 2013 Coming off of a tough 2-1 loss to Missouri Southern. against Texas Women's University. Photo by Cyn Sheng Ling, The Vista. The first half set the tone for the Rick Lemon whole match, with physical defensive play. leading the way and not very many shots on net for either side. This resulted in a 0-0-tie Contributing Writer heading into halftime with both sides having The Bronchos defense held Texas three shots on net. Women's at bay through an anxious second The tie wouldn't last long, though, half to record the 1-0 win Sunday. Freshman as Kate Foran was able to slip the defense Emily Thornburgh recorded her first start in 3:39 into the second half to chip home an the net for UCO and was rewarded with her easy shot on goal. That turned out to be the • ,, ,,, • • • first shutout. only real quality chance by the Bronchos dur- Junior Emily Hahn kicks the ball during the game Sunday, Sept 15, 2013 against Texas Women's University. Photo by Cyn Sheng Ling, The Vista. • a..., —.77 7- - r. • , . 1 • I • study :Oro ad in

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